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Volume 8 Issue 7





Photo Creds: Mitchell Cassaza From left to right: 12th, Mileek Davis, 11th Gabby Sanchez, 10th Kylie Ruffino, 12th, Maddie Study, 12th, Michael Cherry



Past trends resurface to modern era 50’s showcas e d the Baby Boomers The vintage and classic look.

Throughout this decade you can see women expressing themselves through winged

eyeliner to match their curly hair and red lip, while the men styled in suit and ties with slick hair to pull the outfit all together. “Everything

from button downs to high waisted pants, they’re all in style,” Maddie Study said. “I just hope it stays that way.”

“I really enjoyed their color schemes and their makeup, their bright eyes, and their long lashes,” senior Michael Dabney said. “It was very dra-

matic and fun. Women were coming more into themselves and it was more of a liberating time. Now it’s more of an art form instead of trying to be

accepted and look pretty. So that’s what I enjoyed coming back from the 60’s because you can have fun and be playful.”

When entering the decade of the 70’s, acceptance is no longer key. It focused more on freedom and equality and could be seen through fashion. The “hippie” and

“groovy” look included flower crowns, disco jeans, sequent patterns, and go-go boots. “I liked the 70’s because it had a very bohemian and free styled type of fashion which

makes this decade stand out from the rest,” fashion design teacher Kristen Sutphen said. “Although I don’t agree with bell bottoms, I did like their long wavy and straight hair.”

When rolling into this decade it’s all about the “neon” look. Neon belts, legwarmers, crop tops, and more. It was certainly a highlighted

decade. “It was all over the top and ridiculous,” sophomore Jessica Lipp said. “You can just put together anything and that would be the next trend.

It’s just great because you can wear acid washed jeans and a neon tutu with a stripped shirt and still be considered high in fashion.”

In the 90’s you start to take a U-turn into the “grunge and rocker” look; no more vibrant colors to blind those around. With more of a punk rock attitude, it influenced others to match the style of their

music. An average person can be seen wearing combat boots, biker jackets, windbreakers, and chokers. Whatever matched the concerts matched the fashion trend. “A lot of good Rock music started

then like, Nirvana and Pearl Jam and then Hip-Hop became really popular,” principal Devin Padavil said. “Both of those music preferences were influenced in the style and dress for that decade.”

Groovy Times

Disco Mania

Rock N’ Roll

Dark Grunge


12 Life, Style, & Arts



A poll was taken out of 100 students based on which decade they favored the most based on popular clothing trends.





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