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the future of


Volume 11, Issue 5

February 9, 2018 INSIDE: Past Senior Gifts... Page 8 The Future of Internet... Pages 10 & 11 The Oscars...Page 17

Scouted for College...Page 19


News Volume 11, Issue 5

state of the


Looking back at highs and lows of first year of Trump presidency


Alex Fulton | Co-Editor

Anna Schulze | Reporter

Jan. 23, 2017

2016 saw one of the largest political turn arounds in history, going from previous President Barack Obama to current President Donald Trump. On top of this, the election campaign was one of the most controversial in history as the potential candidates competed. One of President Trump’s first acts as president was a travel ban, which temporarily halted travel to and from six Muslim countries for 90 days. He then attempted to ease the burden on small business with the “two-out, one-in” approach though no impact has yet been seen. He undid a bill put in place by Obama that regulated coal mining waste in order to protect waterways, and a bill that required developers which desired to use smaller water sources to receive Clean Water Act permits.

The United States withdraws from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. According to President Trump, the decision leads to bilateral trade negotiations to promote industry, raise salaries and protect workers.

Jan. 24, 2017 Trump furthers efforts to build the Dakota Access Pipeline. For 30 years, North Dakota’s Lake Oahe was protected under an easement. The 1,170 mile pipeline aims to promote energy production.

Jan. 27, 2017 Through an executive order, President Trump prevents those living in Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen from entering the United States for a 90 day period.

June 1, 2017 President Trump declares the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which aims to reduce global warming. In 2015, the United States joined 195 other nations in signing the agreement.

Sept. 5, 2017 Attorney General Jeff Sessions announces the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), an Obamaera policy which protected immigrants who came to the United States as children. The program provided renewable two year term legal status, work authorization and participation in social security, among other benefits.

March 6, 2017

Sept. 24, 2017

After courts ruled his travel ban unconstitutional, President Trump passes a second travel ban. This order removed Iraq from the target countries and stated refugees are prevented from entering for 120 days.

Earlier in July, the State Department asked countries around the world to meet standards to obtain a visa or face travel preventions. After working with 47 countries the list was narrowed down to seven countries (Iran, Syria, Somalia, Libya, North Korea, Chad and Venezuela) from entering the United States.

April 7, 2017 Amid Syria’s six-year civil war, President Trump launches 59 missiles on a Syrian government airbase after a chemical weapon attack kills multiple civilians.

May 4, 2017 In an effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, the House of Representatives passes President Trump’s American Health Care Act, which eliminates coverage subsidies and medicaid expansion.

the VIEWPOINTS Anna Schulze | Reporter Alex Fulton | Co-Editor

1 2

Dec. 22, 2017 In alignment with promises he made during his presidential campaign, President Trump signs a $1.5 trillion tax cut and reform bill to reduce the amount of taxes put on the middle class.


“I feel like since Trump’s inauguration, people have become more polarized and mobilized than before. You have more people taking extreme stances in terms of social or political issues, and people speaking in favor or against him more than in recent years. It is good to have more discussion about issues that affect our lives, but it is scary to see the rise of things like white supremacy since he became president.” Elizabeth Keiser 12

“Personally I don’t notice any direct change in respect to my life, but in respect economically he’s a good president, through all the internal and external deals he has made. Socially however, I do not think he is a good president. I think the American people for however divided we are, are able to come together on our dislike for Trumps comments and remarks.” Daniel Cherry 11 “I’m kind of disappointed in what has happened in America. Everyone dislikes the government, since [Trump] became president. He’s making all these racist comments against people from different countries and immigration. The immigration act kind of helps, but at the same time it doesn’t. It keeps families apart, but our population is going down and we don’t have to help as many people since they’re no longer a part of our country. The benefits aren’t as great, because we don’t have as large of a support system.” Tatum Jund, 10

Features February 9, 2018


BY THE Facts reveal campus water routes, sanitation process NUMBERS Abigail Hill | Asst. Editor

Alex Fulton | Co-Editor

Everyone gets water from the school fountains at some point. Recently, questions arose about what goes into our drinking water and how it gets to the school. The City of Pflugerville provided the information below in regards to where the water comes from and what process it goes through to get here.

Every public water source has to use either a chloramine or chlorine disinfectant. The water treatment plant for Hendrickson uses chloramine.

The city maintains water pressure through the water tower located directly behind Hendrickson.

1. The primary source of water for 2. The water is then pumped over the campus water is Lake Pfluger- to the water treatment plant on ville. Weiss Lane by Lake Pflugerville.

Lake Pflugerville 5. Several branches then veer off from the main pipeline. Hendrickson’s main line comes from FM 685.

6. Filled by a pipeline, Lake Pflugerville collects water from the Colorado River.


4. From there, the water transfers 3. Through a microfiltration prointo the water lines around the cess the water is transferred into city. The primary line is located a ground storage tank. underneath Pflugerville Parkway.

7. This same line provides for nearby neighborhoods, such as Blackhawk.



News Volume 11, Issue 5


Color guard prepares for winter performances Maria Torres | Reporter

As the band begins their concert season, the color guard prepares for the 2018 Texas Color Guard Circuit (TCGC). Both varsity and JV teams’ performances were showcased on Feb. 3 at Georgetown High School in the TCGC competition, with JV placing first and varsity placing second, and will be performing again on Feb. 10 at East View High School. “It was a really good experience, I’m a freshman, [so] it was [my] first time in TCGC,” freshman Izabella Mocrief said. For two years in a row, both the Open (varsity) and the A (JV) guard has placed as State Champions in their division, as well as the Open guard placing 9th in the

nation at the Winter Guard International (WGI) World Championships. In their third year of success, the young performers focus on the upcoming competitions they’ll face against other schools all across the state. “I’m kind of proud of it and I’m also kind of nervous,” senior color guard captain Vanessa Cantu said. “Going to Nationals last year gave us some pressure, especially [because] of our season last year.” The percussionists also prepare for their third year competing in the TCGC competition. Their first TCGC competition was on Jan. 27 at Bowie High School.

Cheer team exceeds expectations at Nationals Kaitlin Mackey | Asst Editor

Hawk Cheer placed first as Regionals, and advanced to NCA’s High School National Championship (NCA) on Jan 19-20. On Jan 27-28, Hawk Cheer traveled to Dallas to compete at the Kay Bailey Convention. The team placed fourth overall. “When we first came off the mat after finishing the routine, so many of us were laughing and crying tears of joy because we knew how well we did,” senior and cheer captain Jade Olson said. “There were so many emotions that most of us were saying we didn’t care what we placed because we were just ecstatic that we got zero deductions. However, when it came down to awards we were obviously hoping for first. It turns out, if the judges

didn’t split the divisions into small and large, we would’ve been first place. That was exciting but also kind of upsetting that they didn’t split the divisions like they did all of the previous years.” After football season ended, the team immediately started preparing themselves for competition season. They would practice after school daily, working on tumbling and choreography. “I feel like we definitely set a new name for Hawk Cheer and left a standard for what we want Hawk Cheer to be like in the future,” Olson said. “Having zero deductions was something that hasn’t been done in a long time so we’re super happy that we did that.”

Junior class hosts bake sale to fundraise for prom Camryn Sadlier | Reporter

On the week of Valentine’s Day from Feb. 12-18, the Junior Class Officers will host a bake sale on Mainstreet to fund raise for the 2019 prom. “I’m looking forward to the baking and everyone has a sweet tooth, so I’m really excited,” Vice President Anisa Luangaphay said. The table will be open from 8:30-9:00 before school and 4:15-4:45 after school and will include an assortment of sweets, such as cookies, brownies and nut-free treats. “I’m actually really thrilled because

the bake sale and the talent show aren’t the only things we have planned,” Luangaphay said. There will also be a Chipotle spirit night scheduled for Feb. 13th. “The spirit nights we have are on a monthly to bi-monthly schedule and are vital to our fundraising,” Luangaphay said. “They’re continuous throughout the year and are between our bigger fundraisers so it would mean a lot to the officers and I if y’all would come out and support our class.”

Club offers to help those outside the community Carolina Yanez | Reporter

Lauren Lebakken | Photographer

Winter Percussion places 2nd at the TCGC Georgetown competition on Feb. 3rd. Leading up to the competion, sophomore percussionist Rebekah Simsick said the group spent hours perfecting their performance, which paid off when placing 2nd. “Performing in front of the judges is exhilerating, but there are a ot of nerves involved knowing your personal performance can effect the overall group,” Simsick said. The percussionist feels glad to be a part of her group and looks forward to the years ahead. “It feels good to be pursuing my passion along with such a wonderful group this season,” Simsick said.

In order to provide humanitarian assistance to children in developing countries, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) club works with the organization to advocate for international policy change, educate others about the issues impacting children abroad, and fundraise for charities. The club meets on the first Thursday of the month in Amanda Gass’s room (E109) after school to discuss current issues. “Every month we target a different problem, and in addition to fundraising, we can also advocate ourselves,” club President and junior Sydney Stogel said.

“It gives members the information and resources to create change, which makes UNICEF a great club to be a part of.” Club presidents welcome new members to join and bond together by learning more about the world around them and striving to work together to help others in foreign nations. “I’ve learned a lot about how even the little things like shopping from different brands can make a difference,” Stogel said. “The club gives a unique outlet to help people not just in the community, but outside as well.”

Swimmers advance to Regionals On Jan 26, the swim team had a District 11-6A Swim meet. Regional Swim meet qualifiers include: 200 Freestyle: Konner Faust, 4th Place - with a time of 1:58.84 500 Freestyle: Konner Faust, 3rd Place Medal - with time of 5:15.55 50 Freestyle: Rachel Simonds, 6th Place - with a time of 25.29 100 Backstroke: Rachel Simonds, 2nd Place Medal - with time of 58.58 200 Medley Relay - 2nd Place Medal - with a time of 1:53.51 Rachel Simonds, Camryn Sadlier, Konner Faust, Madison Oppliger 200 Freestyle Relay - 6th Place - with a time of 1:48.12 Rebecca Tobias, Camryn Sadlier, Samantha McCarty, Carlea Wyman 400 Freestyle Relay - 6th Place - with a time of 3:48.63 Carlea Wyman, Madison Oppliger, Rachel Simonds, Konner Faust

News February 9, 2018




CX team members advance to UIL State Meet On Jan. 31, juniors Trey Gutierrez and Dylan Scott won the Cross-Examination (CX) District Meet and became District Champions, giving Hendrickson its 9th District title. Gutierrez and Scott will participate in the UIL State CX meet taking place over spring break. This will be the second time the boys go to the CX State meet. Trey Gutierrez (left) and Dylan Scott (right) pose for a picture with their medals after winning their District Meet.

Winter season proving successful for debate team Kaitlin Mackey | Asst. Editor

At the American Legion Oratorical Contest, junior Sydney Stogel placed first at both local and area. This achievement caused Stogel to advance to the regional competition. At the Winston Churchill TOC Qualifying tournament, juniors Rene Otero and Jenna Dammen earned bids to the Extemp Tournament of Champions. In addition, Otero received a bid to the Congress

Freshmen Konner Faust gets a pep talk from coac Justin Oderkirk before her race at the District swim meet on Jan. 26.

Academic UIL Team competes in Burnet Invitational Hawk UIL Academic team members competed on Jan. 20 in the Burnet UIL Invitational meet. Although there were

new coaches and event entry conflicts, the team earned 4th Place Academic Sweepstakes out of a total of 25 teams.

Individual results include: Accounting: 4th Place - Alex Weitzman Calculator: 3rd Place Team 3rd Place - Blake Nisely Computer Applications: 4th Place - Hunter Damstrom Number Sense: 3rd Place Team 6th Place - Tomi Bello Current Issues & Events: 3rd Place - Cristian Curren Social Studies: 4th Place Team 6th Place - Sebastian Carzola

Journalism: 1st Place Team Editorial Writing: 6th Place - Ileana Perez Feature Writing 1st Place - Ileana Perez 3rd Place - Megan Fletcher Headline Writing 1st Place - Megan Fletcher 2nd Place - McKenzie Quiroz 6th Place - Ileana Perez News Writing 5th Place - Megan Fletcher

Tournament of Champions. Results for other individuals include: Public Forum-Octofinals-Sydney Stogel and Jazmine Gonzalez. Domestic ExtempQuarterfinals- Eliana Galan and Sofia Valdespino. Foreign Extemp-SemifinalsSanjitha Yedavalli. Congressional Debate-Finals-Jenna Dammen.

TAME participates in local Math & Science Meet TAME participated in the Austin Area Math & Science Competition on Jan. 27th at the University of Texas.

Seventeen HHS students participated the following placed in competition:

Math Test Samuel Perales, 12 4th place Allison Thompson, 9 6th place Mark Abdallah, 11 6th place Hunter Jensen, 12 6th place

Design Challenge Award Lianadra Niyah, 12 1st place Vivianne Schaffer, 12 2nd place Hunter Jensen, 12 3rd place Samuel Perales, 12 Judges Choice

Science Samuel Perales, 12 3rd place Allison Thompson, 9 6th place Vivianne Schaffer, 12 6th place


Opinions Volume 11, Issue 5

your TURN

Staff Editorial

Repeal leads to changes for citizens, schools A few months ago, Burger King released an ad informing customers about Net Neutrality through the use Whoppers or as they called it, “Whopper neutrality.” A customer could order a Whopper at a regular price, but if a customer after them paid more money for the burger, their order was made first. The politically motivated ad, as silly as it seemed, brought up vital points for the future of the internet. Paying $20 extra to receive a Whopper before everyone else is one thing. The burger doesn’t really benefit a person for anything other than personal gain. But in a time where the internet acts as a gateway to attainable knowledge, making people pay extra for better internet content is full of greed on behalf of the government as information shouldn’t ever come at a price. Despite an overwhelming number of citizens sharing their opposition to the repeal, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) still went against the wishes of the public, potentially depriving the public of knowledge they have every right to have access to. Even though changes of the repeal won’t be immediate, FCC changed the future of the internet not

Why do you think it’s only for citizens, but schools as well. important to know what is going One of the most important components of the internet in schools is its ability to provide immediate on in our government today? access to large amounts of resources. Teachers are able to show educational videos, simulation, materials and images. Because of Net Neutrality, there were no restrictions to educational information and there’s was no additional price fee. But now, carriers have choice to prioritized paid content over freely available connect, putting schools at risk. Through the repeal of Net Neutrality, only those school who can afford to pay extra money will have access to better internet content, leaving the poorer schools stripped of information, furthering the divided class system in America to where the rich are educated and the poor are not. It would seem natural in the current polarized political climate to attack one party and support the other for their stance on the repeal. However, the issue of Net Neutrality can’t fully identify as a partisan issue because ultimately, at the core of the debate of Net Neutrality, despite party affiliation, is a debate of human rights.

The Hawk, the official student newspaper of Hendrickson High School, is an open forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions.

Hendrickson High School 19201 Colorado Sand Drive Pflugerville, TX 78660 http://www.pfisd.net/HHS (512) 594-1100 Student Population: 2750 Staff: 269

Advisor: Kari Riemer Principal: Daniel Garcia


Opinions expressed reflect the beliefs of the student author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the entire Hawk Staff, the Hawk Adviser, the Hendrickson Faculty and Staff, or the Principal. Letters to the editor are welcomed, and may be dropped off in E211 Corrections will be printed when brought to the attention of the staff.

The Hawk is printed monthly at Granite Printing in Taylor, Texas. 1,500 copies are printed each run, and are distributed to the student body through Talon and newsstands throughout the building.

Editorial Staff Co-Editors: Alex Fulton & Ileana Perez Copy Editor: Megan Fletcher Assistant Editors: Holly Hambleton, Abigail Hill, McKenna Lucas, Kaitlin Mackey

Brisa Espinoza Virginia Gaffney Taylor Hawthorne Taylor Hedlund


Paul Le McKenzie Quiroz Camryn Sadlier Anna Schulze

Samuel Perales | Cartoonist

Maria Torres Zachary Valdez Kyla White Carolina Yanez

“I think it’s important to know what’s going on in our government, because a lot of what is taking place directly affects us, and will continue to even more as we grow. We are all going out into the world a lot sooner than we think and these policies will continue to further effect our daily lives, especially with things we use every day such as the internet.” - Dominic Sanchez, 11 “Using the internet for social media or news is a part of almost every person’s life. So repealing net neutrality is the same as making us pay for oxygen.” - Alex Castillo, 12

“It’s important to stay informed because even though most of us are not able to vote yet, we will be able to soon. It’s important to know what’s going on so when we are old enough we can make well informed decisions.” - Adrianna Santhavi, 10

“I think repealing net neutrality is important because kids these days spend too much time on their phones and game consoles instead of reading books. I’d suggest hanging out with the likes of Mark Twain or William Shakespeare rather than Logan Paul.” - Phoenix Critney, 12 Associations

the future of

Interscholastic Press League, Texas Association of Journalism Educators, Journalism Educators Association, Columbia Scholastic Press League


Honors ILPC Bronze Star, 2014 & 2015, 2017 Columbia Scholastic Press League, Gold Medalist 2016 Silver Crown, 2017 Crown Finalist, 2018

Design by Ileana Perez

Volume 11, Issue 5

February 9, 2018 INSIDE: Past Senior Gifts... Page 8 The Future of Internet... Pages 10 & 11 The Oscars...Page 17

Scouted for College...Page 19

HIT or

Opinions February 9, 2018


Excessive PDA uncomfortable for bystanders Every morning, instead of making our way through the hall unscathed, we must witness at least five couples showing excessive PDA. While Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, that doesn’t mean PDA is off the hook. Couples hug and kiss in just about every place imaginable, including the back hallways that many students use to get to their classes quicker. Although it’s healthy to be confident enough to show affection in public, some people simply don’t want to see couples kissing on the way to class. This distraction from the learning environment is a miss.

New schedule causes change in lunches After winter break, administrators implemented a new lunch schedule which got rid of one of the four lunches while combining two, causing the now second lunch to overcrowd. Instead of A lunch students going to lunch right after 1st period, they now have 30 minutes in class before eating. Administrators should’ve put 45 minute lunches in place, which were promised last year, instead of having A lunch go straight to class. The new schedule only made lunches worse, making this a miss.


my STORY Editor reflects on impact of children’s book Megan Fletcher | Copy Editor

My mom tells me stories of my love of books and reading even when I couldn’t talk. She tells me about how I used to pick up a book (usually Winnie the Pooh) and walk backwards into her lap for her to read every word. And read every word she did: apparently I had memorized the stories and flipped back the pages when my mom tried to skip a few sentences in an effort to finally go to bed. I loved the feeling of a book in my hands from the time I wore diapers. But of all these books, even Winnie the Pooh, only one actually stuck with me. For a child fascinated with dinosaurs, it was surprising that that one book was The Story of Ferdinand, a tale about a gentle bull. Set in rural Spain, near Madrid, Ferdinand the bull sits by himself, away from the rest of the rowdy group, under his favorite cork tree to smell the surrounding flowers. Eventually, he grew up to be just as mammoth and powerful as the other, more violent, bulls, and he was carted off to the famous Madrid bull fights. But when the matador took Ferdinand out into the ring, he wouldn’t fight. No one could get him to. After hours of coercing, they had to bring him back to his beloved cork tree to sit and smell the flowers. At the time of publication, Ferdinand made it to the world stage. According to the Washington Post,

B-day lead causes confusion for all The cancelled school day on Jan. 16 caused a lot of confusion and chaos. The day we missed was supposed to be an A day. Instead of making the Jan. 17 an A day, the school block schedule didn’t change, making Jan 17 a B day. Making B day classes ahead of A day classes which is confusing for both students and teachers. This kind of confusion is a miss.

Weather Day leads to cancelled holiday On Jan 16, schools throughout Texas were either cancelled or delayed due to inclement weather. The cancellation of schools in Pflugerville ISD caused us to have to come to school on Feb 19 which was originally supposed to be a student holiday (Presidents’ Day). However other districts such as Round Rock ISD are keeping Presidents’ Day as a holiday and just adding an additional day at the end of the year. Our school having to come to school on a day that was a student holiday, makes students lose a day off until Spring Break, which makes this weather day a miss. Harrison Lloyd | Cartoonist

author Munro Leaf published the chilren’s book at the dawn of the Spanish Civil War in 1936. The book sparked protest among both sides of the war, and even a comment from Hitler and then-First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Soon, the children’s book was on the international bestselling list, although it wasn’t until 1938. While Leaf repeatedly insisted the book was supposed to merely “amuse children,” in reality it did much more. I recently saw the new film adaptation to the book, also called Ferdinand, and while it was an animated children’s movie and it added to the plot for length, it brought tears to my eyes multiple times when I realized the story, once again fills a place in children’s hearts that the book did almost 90 years ago: be gentle. March to the beat of your own drum. And, quite literally, stop and smell the roses once in a while. Perhaps these themes will once again have an effect on politics at home and abroad, albeit unintentionally. For me and so many others, Ferdinand taught me the importance of individuality and being comfortable with yourself. In a school full of talk, stress and competition, this book reminds me to stay gentle, no matter who’s watching.


Features Volume 11, Issue 5

Leaving a Legacy

Past senior classes honor alma mater over last decade

McKenna Lucas | Asst. Editor Holly Hambleton | Asst. Editor

Every year, the graduating senior class donates a gift to the school. The purpose of this tradition is to emphasize how students can help the school even after they graduate. With the gifts ranging from donations to murals, the senior class can choose anything they think will benefit the campus. With ten years already completed of the gift giving, the class officers of the class of 2018 will have to begin considering how they will leave a legacy.

2008 Paid for the painting of the city Water Tower


Designed and installed the Metal Hawk Sign on front of building


Contracted the building of the stadium Hawk Nation Arch


Created AP Scholar Fund

Donation to Campus fund


2009 Installed a Trophy Case honoring graduated Hendrickson students in the military

2014 Donation to AP Scholarships

2015 Projectors and screens in main hallway Donation to Attitude is a Choice Scholarship Donation to AP Scholarships Donation to No Hungry Hawks




Installed the Hawk Statue at the Tennis Courts

Repainted the Water Tower with Hendrickson “H”

2016 Donation To Alex’s Lemonade Stand Salter Memorial Plaque Donation to No Hungry Hawks Donation to Campus Fund


2017 Front Office Mural Donation to AP Scholarships Donation to Jacey Smather’s Memorial HEB gift cards for Social Services Donation to The Locker Donation to Wozniak Memorial Scholarship Donation to Senior Celebration Ice Machine for Teacher lounge Donation to Campus Fund


Features December 15, 2017

Caught Up In the Cloud

Poll provides insight on repeal knowledge, opinions Megan Fletcher | Copy Editor


n order to better understand the impact of the recent repeal of Net Neutrality on students, a poll was conducted asking various questions about their knowledge. The information displayed below is based off of 195 responses.

how strong is your opinion on net neutrality? *based on a scale of 1-5

What is your grade level?

% 34.4

Junior % 34.4

% 37.9

Senior % 24.1 % 12.8

% 9.2

% 5.6 1: I don’t care at all

5: This is the most important issue to me

freshman % 19.5 Sophomore % 22.1

What is your opinion on the ffcs decision on net neutrality? Do you know about net neutrality and the Fccs decision?

Other % 15.9

*based on a scale of 1-5 % 39

Other % 9.7

% 32.8 against % 68.2 % 13.3 % 6.7 1: I’ve never heard of Net Neutrality

For: I believe the vote to deregulate the internet will help the economy

% 8.2

For % 6.2

against: I believe the vote will hurt my freedom of speech Other: I am not well informed enough to have an opinion Other: I have a mix of the for and against positions

5: I’ve read the FCC’s Bill


Features Volume 11, Issue 5

the future of

IntERnEt Junior visits home country, describes lifestyle with scarce internet availability Carolina Yanez | Reporter


ver winter break, junior Yainara Diaz travels to Cuba to spend time with family she doesn’t get to see often. Having no access to internet connections allows Diaz to explore Havana, eat at little markets and enjoy time at the beach. However, visiting her distant family comes at the expense of not having the ability to keep in touch with those in the U.S. and no internet access to go on social media. “I felt fine without internet because I spent more time with family and I wasn’t really worried about being on social media, but I would have preferred to have internet and have the ability to show my cousins stuff I post on social media,” Diaz said. “I loved that I spent so much time with my family because I don’t get to see them or talk to them as often, but I missed talking to my friends back home. However, I only go to Cuba about every couple of years.” Diaz struggles when traveling to Cuba, due to its lack of effort to develop and adjust to modern day society. She believes once a restriction is placed, it opens up new ideas for other restrictions to be made.

“A Cuban/tourist visa has to be re- it, it’s very poor connection and really newed every time I go or every couple of slow. When I go I never get internet acyears,” Diaz said. “You can’t get in with cess. Since Cuba is communist, they only just a passport, you have to have both. show what occurs within the country. The country would be Cuba is a commumore up to date if they nist country and has affected me be“Internet is not very knew what happened around the world and cause it makes it a accessible unless you allowed more devellot more difficult to go, and everything have the necessary opment. If Cuba had the resources like about the country amount of money and better computers in is different. There’s schools, they would little to no developtime.” ment because they receive higher education.” don’t have the necCubans don’t have essary resources the money to buy like internet, newer luxury items, and items, or having acinstead have them cess to things outbrought from America by family, if they side the country.” Cuba’s communist government affects have any living within the states. Indevelopment status, knowledge and lit- stead of calling one another, people in eracy within its society. Cuba find it easier to reach each other by “There’s been no change in govern- walking or taking the bus and showing up ment or education.,” Diaz said. “Internet to one’s house. is not very accessible unless you have “Cuban societal development is still the necessary amount of money and time. behind, being a third world country,” You have to buy a card that gives you Diaz said. “A lot of technology from the access to internet but once you receive 20th century is used today, especially

Yainara Diaz, 11

What is your Opinion on net neutrality? Abigail Hill | Asst. Editor

like cars. A lot of Cubans get phones from family in the U.S. who bring it to them, because it’s really expensive to buy them in Cuba. My family sees American society as luxurious and having an easier life because we have more privileges than them.” Her parents immigrated to the United States in order for her and her family to receive better opportunities, but some aren’t so lucky to leave. Her success depends on the resources provided for her like internet accessibility. “My parents always wanted a better life for me and they got lucky,” Diaz said. “The system only picks certain people who are able to leave and my parents earned it and we left when I was two years old. If I still lived there I’d imagine it to be very difficult, because there’s not a lot of education opportunities and I’d have to find a job that wouldn’t pay as much. Having no internet takes a toll on Cuba’s youth and education leaving them to resort to crime and poverty. Americans can use internet for everything like schoolwork, connecting with people, work, and social media and it’s really important to not restrict it.”

“I don’t even know why they’re attempting to repeal it. I mean it’s going to do so much damage because artists, like myself, who are on the internet and rely on commissions for a living, they’ll be forced to pay more for their websites and it’ll destroy their income.”

Hannah Jenuski, 10

q &a

Holly Hambleton | Asst. Editor

Audio Visual Production teachers Belva Sheport (BS) and Ashley Sullivan (AS) discuss their thoughts over the effects of the Net Neutrality repeal.

If Net Neutrality gets revoked, how would it affect Hendrickson? as: I honestly think that these things are so slow moving that if anything were to change, it wouldn’t be very quick. The way our school system is set up with our guidelines with internet usage, it’s already pretty censored. [Revoking net neutrality] might not have any effect on our school at all. bs: Our own school district censors information so much, I have to go home to get lesson plans I want to use. If we have to start paying for internet usage, our school will be affected. I don’t know how we would pay for the sites we need, which is the whole problem. We don’t know how deeply we will be affected if net neutrality gets revoked.

With low income schools, would they be even more affected? as: Depending on how much of a technology department low-income schools have, the removal of net neutrality could hurt them a lot. If they don’t even have a technology department like we do, that filters content for us, then the government will force filter them. bs: Low-income schools wouldn’t be able to afford to pay for information either. They will be the first ones out. The availability of information will become separated by level of income even more. It’s just all about money and government control. They want control of our lives even more than they have now.

What is The fCC?

Features February 9, 2018


How would the curriculum be affected? bs: In my classes, we use the internet all the time. It would push us into old-school teaching. A lot of times I will find a tutorial on YouTube that I have students watch so they can each go at their own pace. For example, they can watch a color correcting video and some kids will get it really fast and move on while others have to go back and rewatch certain parts, which is fine but without that teaching would be way less personalized. I would have to teach as fast as the slowest learner, which would not benefit everyone.

How much do public schools benefit from net neutrality? bs: I think of it as a way for the government to control what we see and what we read. What happens to freedom of press and freedom of speech? All these things are threatened. Even now, news sites only give you one sided information. If congress ends up making us pay, we will all see the effects.

How would it affect your classes? as: Some of my video game design students were really up in arms about net neutrality. We watched the hearing in class, and they felt very strongly about it and they were very concerned about how this decision was going to affect their lives. I just told them how these processes are always slow and will have changes made.

How would it affect public schools and what would change? bs: It will affect schools because we wouldn’t be able to look up information and get it immediately anymore. We wouldn’t have access to everything. There’s no way the district could afford to open up everything.

Us vs Portugal

Virginia Gaffney | Reporter

The Federal Communications Commission is a private committee overseen by congress tasked with regulating mass media communications such as radio, television, satellite, cable and the internet. According to the Commission’s website, their goals include encouraging competitive growth of communication systems and supporting the economy through the technological revolution The FCC passed the Net Neutrality law in 2010, requiring internet service providers (ISPs) to comply with non-discrimination laws, and preventing censorship.

“I feel like net neutrality should be accessible to everyone because internet service providers are trying to completely communize the way that we use the internet which is entirely not fair. It’s sort of like a final frontier for everyone, so to take that away would be border line communism.”

Brendan Wilkinson, 12

While Europe does have Net Neutrality laws, they do not prohibit ISPs from offering incentive packages - and neither do the United States’s laws. In Portugal, ISP Meo offers a social media package that allows unlimited data for certain social media apps, including Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. This package is at an additional cost to the customer, and offers uncapped data when the customer is using the specific apps in the package. Similarly, in the US, AT&T users get unlimited home internet, when they are also a DirecTV subscriber, and T-Mobile offers unlimited Spotify and Apple Music data.

“Everyone on Twitter was talking about how net neutrality is going to be ended, and how bad it’s going to be. The companies that control phone services can see where you are at and control how fast or slow your phone is. Net neutrality wasn’t everything, they can’t really control social media outlets, we’ll never really reach a point where everything is free.”

Jennifer Sam, 11


Feature Volume 11, Issue 5

Pay Per View

Streaming service fees will rise after net neutrality repeal McKenzie Quiroz | Reporter

Popularity of Streaming Services

McKenna Lucas | Asst. Editor

The possible repeal of net neutrality has a variety of possible outcomes for streaming services. The most commonly believed outcome is that if an internet service provider charges a streaming service more for a “fast lane” -- faster internet -- then the streaming services will more than likely increase their subscription fee to compensate for the extra charge. Another possible outcome is that internet providers could “package” streaming services or apps. Consumers could buy

an extra $10 package or pay a monthly “social-network fee” to use popular streaming services or apps. Certain packages -- depending on the price or the collection of different services consumers would get -- allows the internet service provider to determine how the consumer population receives apps or streaming services. Since the loss of net neutrality in Spain and Portugal, the internet for those countries is slowly being packaged.

Cable TV




Hulu Amazon Prime

78 126


13 0





Number of Survey Respondents

Teens express concern for streaming services’ future Kyla White | Reporter

Lily Blust, 10

“I think net neutrality is a really excellent policy because it keeps internet companies from creating monopolies and controlling the market, it also allows easier access to information for people of all social and economic levels. In this day in age the internet has become a necessity and net neutrality ensures that no one is denied that right. Although I don’t think the repeal of net neutrality will cause an immediate effect, it will eventually lead to smaller companies being pushed out of the market and a decrease competition.”

Bryce Hann, 11

“When I heard about [the FCC’s] decision, I thought that most small online businesses would get destroyed and it would be harder for them to make a living. We would be charged for apps and websites that we use constantly on a daily basis. The internet wouldn’t be seen as a resource for students and most people anymore.” Moness Ziari, 9

“When the FCC struck down the net neutrality rule, it had various implications for streaming services. Repealing net neutrality will mean internet service providers can decrease competition, meaning services such as Netflix can push other entertainment products out of the market. Netflix can also increase their prices, and if you pay a lower rate you may not have access to as much content or the service will be slower. This means that in order to get the best quality you have to pay more money, which leads to less people gaining access to these entertainment products, which I think is a bad thing.”

“I felt very angry and really frustrated with their decision to repeal it because net neutrality protects our basic right to stream things on the internet like Netflix, YouTube and Hulu.”

Jose Ramirez, 12


Features February 9, 2018

Staying in Tune

Guitar player connects with peers through his music

Abigail Hill | Asst. Editor

When senior John Hamilton was a little kid, he has always wanted to play his music in front of other people, and now he has the opportunity to. Hamilton taught himself how to play a variety

Abigail Hill | Photographer

of instruments including the piano, ukulele, and guitar, which he claims has furthered his desire to play in front of others. “Since I was little, I’ve always wanted to perform in front of people and let others hear my songs and attract people to my music who are interested in what I do,” Hamilton said. From practicing at home, Hamilton first got the idea to play at school from his history teacher, where he then played in front of the classroom every day with his acoustic guitar, which led to him playing at other places around the school like the cafeteria and the library. “From doing this, I’ve learned how to play in front of people and how to socialize if they ask me questions,” Hamilton said. “It just makes me happy that they’re being entertained and enjoying what I’m doing.” Along with playing at school, Hamilton will be performing at the talent show on Feb. 8 playing the ukulele. “Lately I have been playing the ukulele because I am practicing for the talent show,” Hamilton said. “Most of the songs I know are played on the acoustic [guitar], but I want to transition those songs to the ukulele that are not supposed to be on the ukulele.”

Hamilton claims that since playing at school he has grown not only as an artist, but also as a person. “When I play my instruments and students look at me and see me play, I feel like they are enjoying their time and taking it easy,” Hamilton said. “When people walk by I sometimes think, ‘Hey, I think that person is really enjoying my song.’” Getting inspiration from his grandfather, Hamilton believes that he is the only musically gifted person in his family. “My grandfather is my role model because he used to play the guitar, but he can’t anymore because he has arthritis,” Hamilton said. “I’ve now been playing the guitar for seven years.” After Thanksgiving of his junior year, Hamilton started playing at the library and cafeteria and since then, he strives to make students feel welcome. “If a person is new here, I want them to feel comfortable and make them feel like they fit in,” Hamilton said. “The first year I got here, I felt so alienated and I was scared to talk to people, I just did my work, went to lunch, and ended the school day. Now that I play publicly, I have learned how to open up to others.”

Songwriting Club fosters creativity and belonging Maria Torres | Reporter

The Songwriting Club represents young music enthusiasts who pursue careers as musicians, singers, and songwriters, etc. Creative writing teacher John Hughes is the sponsor of the Songwriting Club. As young performers come in, many soon influence join and express themselves as musicians and singers. “Generally, students would bring in their own songs and we work on them,” Hughes said. “We have in the past collaborated and made a couple of songs last year the students performed at the talent show.” Senior Phoenix Critney is a guitar player in the songwriting club. After two years since joining, Critney is one of the few students in the club. “It just seem like something fun to do,” Critney said. “When I joined I hadn’t ever played another instrument but Mr. Hughes encouraged me to try an instrument.”




Mr. Hughes room E212


Thursdays after school


Features Volume 11, Issue 5

Save the Date

Valentine’s Day date ideas around local area inspire teens Brisa Espinoza | Reporter

Anna Schulze | Reporter

Camryn Sadlier | Reporter

Carolina Yanez | Reporter

Do you love or hate Valentine’s Day?

Flip A Coin:

Don’t know where to go? Flip a coin and if it lands on heads, turn right, and if it lands on tails turn left. Keep going until you and you significant other reach a fun spot.

Ice Skate with a Date:

Ice skating can be the perfect way to sweep a date off their feet. They will be falling into your arms in no time. There are a few rinks in Austin, such as the Chaparral Ice, that are affordable and relatively close. Standard admission (to the Chaparral) is $9.00 and skate rental is $5.00.Ice Skate with a Date:

Dinner Date:

A date with a loved one doesn’t have to be extravagant. A simple home-cooked dinner can be cozier and more personal than going out. Enjoy this time with a special someone and relax.

Mural Photo Tour:

Go to the mural park down in Austin and have a fun photo shoot. The Graffiti Park at Castle Hill is open from 6-12 a.m. seven days a week. There is also the HOPE Outdoor Gallery, with unique and incredible art thoughout the gallery.

Picnic in the Park:

Grab a blanket, a picnic basket, and enjoy the outdoors. There are so many choices in this area. From Zilker Park to Lake Pflugerville to Stoney Creek Park, the choices are endless.

“I think that there is too high of an expectation for couples on Valentine’s Day. I feel as if some of it is forced and that nowadays if you don’t have a Valentine date then it is pointless.”

-Loren Walton, 10

“I don’t love or hate Valentine’s Day, I’m indifferent about it. I don’t love valentine’s day because it has never been really involved in my life. Even when it is involved I never do anything major I like to keep it personal. But I also don’t hate it because Valentine’s Day makes some people really happy and people deserve to be happy.” -Ohen Cano, 9

“I love Valentine’s Day because it’s a nice way to show your appreciation and love to people. No matter what they’re relation is to you, it’s a cute gesture.” -Makayla Chamberlain, 10

“I love Valentine’s Day, It’s cool to celebrate the people you love and care for. I celebrated it last year with my boyfriend and I liked showing him that he means a lot to me.” -Loren Matthews, 11

Features February 9, 2018


Stocking Up

Immersive stock market simulation provides insight Megan Fletcher | Copy Editor

At the end of last semester, government and economics teacher Tom Lucas signed his then-AP government class up for MarketWatch, a stock market simulation game, in order to prepare them for this semester’s AP macroeconomics class. Each player is given $100,000 in virtual money to start their investments in real companies, such as the Walt Disney Corporation and Apple. Lucas plays the game as well – any student beating him in investment returns receives extra credit. The game runs until May. “I [like] it because it’s kind of forced me to look into things like the stock market like terminology and patterns,” senior Serena Tran said. “I feel like the majority of us enjoy it because we feel like we’re immersed in something that most people don’t understand. But it’s really all fun and games, [it’s] really competitive.” Even though Lucas’ game was created

for the senior class, it didn’t stop junior Tilo Garcia from creating his own MarketWatch game.

The game does a good job of helping you understand the market by trial and error, letting you get a feel for how it would be without having to risk thousands of dollars.”

- Tilo Garcia, 11 “I wanted to see how I would do if I played the real stocks and [I didn’t want] Lucas’ game [to] continue to get flooded with people not in his actual [classes],” Garcia said.

While Garcia does have interest in the stock market, he doesn’t want to pursue investment banking as a career. “I’ve always had my eye on computer programming,” Garcia said. “It’s nice to know that I have some knowledge of the market if I ever invest in it personally.” So far, 26 people have joined Garcia’s game on the website. “I [originally] expected three or four of my friends to actually join,” Garcia said. “I’m really glad people spread the word and we got as many [people] as we did.” Even though MarketWatch is just a simulation, Garcia feels it makes a good model of the real stock market. “I suspect that it is a lot more complicated to become involved with the real markets,” Garcia said. “The game does a good job of helping you understand the market by trial and error, letting you get a feel for how it would be without having to risk thousands of dollars.”

Abigail Hill| Photographer

Junior Tilo Garcia plays the MarketWatch simulation game online. “I wanted to see how I would do if I played the real stocks,” Garcia said.

Disney-Fox merger sheds light on extent of The Walt Disney Company’s assets McKenna Lucas | Asst. Editor

Disney bought 20th Century Fox for $52.4 billion two months ago -- the second biggest Hollywood merger since America Online bought Times Warner in 2001. Disney, the $92 billion industry centered around children’s entertainment, is arguably growing into a modern day monopoly, rivaling Amazon and Google. In addition to the assets shown in the graphic below, the Walt Disney Company also has a joint venture agreement (partial ownership) in A&E, ESPN, and the History Channel with the Hearst Corporation.

Disney bought Maker Studios, a Youtube network , for 674 million dollars in 2014. Disney bought ABC in 1995 for 19 billion dollars.

When Disney bought Lucasfilm and therefore the Star Wars franchise for 46 billion dollars in 2012, it took the movie world by storm. It was a large step in the path toward all-encompassing status the children’s entertainment company has now.

Pixar, one of Disney’s earlier aquisitions, cost 7.4 billion dollars in 2006, gaining Toy Story, Monsters, Inc., and Finding Nemo.

20th Century Fox, Disney’s most recent aquisition in 2017, cost a monumental 66 billion dollars. The purchase included the X-Men franchise , The Simpons, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Disney aquired Marvel Entertainment in 2009 for about four billion dollars.


Entertainment Volume 11, Issue 5

Seeing the Big Picture

2018 top Oscar category nominations reviewed in depth The Post Alex Fulton | Co-Editor


Fitting with this award season’s theme of female empowerment, The Post tells the true story of Katharine Graham’s (Meryl Streep) rise as the leader of the then local newspaper, the Washington Post, during a time of 1970s social reform. With stolen Pentagon Papers, a document outlining the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War, the New York Times publishes a story exposing the government corruption. Ben Bradlee (Tom Hanks) then becomes determined to uncover more of the issue by publishing another article, but first must receive permission from Graham. Hanks truly captured the drive a local newspaper journalist must possess in order to gain the national reputation they so righteously seek after throughout The Post. In addition, Streep’s acting alone separates this film from other Best Picture contenders, she captures the personality of a real historical figure which is no easy feat, but somehow makes it look easy. Rated PG-13


Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri Abigail Hill | Asst. Editor


In the comedic yet emotional film Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri, Frances McDormand delivers a groundbreaking performance as Mildred Hayes whose hard-headed and stubborn personality causes restlessness in a small town in Missouri. After the unsolved murder case of Hayes’s daughter, she puts up three controversial signs in hopes to send a message across town about the duty of a policeman. But when worse comes to worst, the battle for justice leaves the audience questioning their morals and on the edge of their seats. This two hour film keeps the viewers anticipating each coming moment. The well-directed and stellar performances make this movie worth watching and a strong contender for Best Picture. Rated R

Lady Bird

Holly Hambleton | Asst. Editor

In the coming-of-age film, Lady Bird, Christine “Lady Bird” McPherson (Saoirse Ronan) a senior in high school, draws viewers in to her incredibly real and heartfelt story about trying to find her way in life while also navigating college applications, love and friendships. Integral to the movie is the motherdaughter relationship portrayed by Ronan and Laurie Metcalf, who are in constant disagreement due to their characters’ strong-willed attitudes and highly opinionated viewpoints. Director Greta Gerwig has gained recognition for her rising success as a female in a male-dominated field and has won numerous awards such as a Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy. Many coming-of-age stories lean on artificial stereotypes of teenagers, but Lady Bird brings something genuine to the screen with refreshing honesty and sentimentality, appearing like a memory that almost everyone can remember in their own life. Topics of tense familial relationships, a parental struggle to keep their family financially afloat and almost every teenager’s misadventures in determining their future, makes the film equally heartbreaking and beautiful. Rated R

Get Out

Paul Le | Reporter

Get Out follows African American Chris Washington, portrayed by Daniel Kaluuya, as he and his white girlfriend, Rose Armitage, played by Allison Williams, visits her family for the weekend. Upon arrival, Chris is welcomed with open arms only to find out later that the Armitage family is scheming against him. Now caught in their corrupt plans, Chris is forced to fight for his life to escape the Armitage residence. Director Jordan Peele’s creative direction as well as Toby Oliver’s cinematography, complimented by unsettling sound queues, makes Get Out a worthy nominee for Best Picture. Rated R



The journalism classes were surveyed on which nominees would take home various categories on the big night. Here are the results from that survey.

Best Director: “Dunkirk,” Christopher Best Actress: Margot Robbie, Best Supporting Actress: Allison Janney, “I, Tonya” “I, Tonya Nolan Best Actor: Daniel Kaluuya, “Get Out” Best Picture: Get Out

Best Supporting Actor: Woody Harrelson, “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”

Best Animated Feature: “Coco,” Lee Unkrich, Darla K.Anderson

Entertainment February 9, 2018






Kyla White | Reporter

Dunkirk, is based off of the historic events that occurred in World War II on the beaches of Dunkirk, France. In May 1940, Germany advanced the beaches attacking the French and their allies from fighter planes. The ending was an emotional scene because Farrier, who was played by Tom Hardy, knew he wasn’t going back home but he still used every last bit of his fuel to shoot down the enemy and provide safe boarding for the remaining soldiers. portrayed

on screen. The way the timeline switched back and forth from different perspectives throughout the whole movie, all at the same time giving different perspectives of different people during the battle was a way to keep the watcher interested in every character. It keeps the audience wondering what would happen to them and how things would turn out in the end. Rated PG-13

Call Me By Your Name Brisa Espinoza | Reporter

Darkest Hour

Elio Perlman (Timothee Chalamet) is on vacation with his family when a student of his father, Oliver (Armie Hammer) joins the vacation for his internship. During the summer vacation, Elio and Oliver start to develop feelings for each other. Call Me By Your Name has everything a moviegoer would want to see in a film. It has nice emotional and romantic twists that shock watchers every step of the way. The film has an interesting story line and a beautiful artistic standpoint throughout. Rated R

Amidst World War II, Britain’s prime minister is forced to resign and his last choice in successor, Winston Churchill (Gary Oldman), is the only option left. Forced to make tough decisions that defy a parliament who opposes him, this underdog soon brings the fighting spirt and light to the British people in histories darkest hour. This film brings emotion and depth to the trying times, and showed the courage it took to defeat the Germans. While some consider this film to be the “boring” version of the events playing out in Dunkirk, the political bureaucracy aspect of the war is an interesting perspective typically not explored in these type of historical war movies. Even if Darkest Hour doesn’t win Best Picture nonetheless Oldman deserves the Best Actor award for his brilliant portrayal of Churchill and his struggle to bring hope to the British parliament. Rated PG-13

The Shape of Water

Kaitlin Mackey | Asst. Editor

The Shape of Water, a film by Guillermo del Toro, takes the audience through mute janitor Elisa’s (Sally Hawkins) daily routine until she is assigned to clean a laboratory where a sea creature (Doug Jones) lives. The Shape of Water contains adventure, romance, and horror all in one film. The film received a total of 13 Oscar nominations, making The Shape of Water not only the most nominated film this year, but also making it one nomination away from reaching the record of most nominations for a film (record reached by La La Land and Titanic).The Shape of Water deserves these nominations not only because the plot was full of surprises, but also because the effects behind making the movie were impressive. Rated R

Phantom Thread

Anna Schulze | Reporter

Alex Fulton | Co-Editor

60-year-old Daniel Day Lewis’ acts in his final role for Phantom Thread, playing Reynolds Woodcock, who with his sister, Cyril (Lesley Manville), own the House of Woodcock, a fashion company that dominates 1950s London. Bachelor Reynolds finds himself involved with practically any woman that comes his way, until Alma (Vicky Krieps) enters his life and convinces him there is more to life than perfectly tailored dresses. The only thing separating Phantom

Thread from similar films is its beautiful costuming and score that makes audiences anxious as to when this dreadful movie will finally be over. Paying respect to Lewis’ legacy as being the actor with the second highest number of wins in any Oscar acting categories is understandable. However, Phantom Thread’s nomination prevented more impactful films, such as Wonder Woman and I, Tonya, from being represented in the Best Picture category. Rated R


Academy Baby Driver


Brisa Espinoza | Reporter

Getaway driver Baby, (Ansel Elgort) depends on his music to drive after suffering hearing loss due to a car accident. After meeting Deborah (Lily James), he is determined to leave his job to run away with her. The movie showcased emotion, love and adrenaline rushing moments constantly throughout. Because of Baby Driver’s whirlwind of emotion and action thrilling scenes, it should have been nominated for Best Picture: it had the perfect amount of love, hate and suspense. Every scene has something that catches the watcher’s attention and keeps eyes glued to the screen. Rated R

Wonder Woman Ileana Perez | Co-Editor Directed by Patty Jenkins, Wonder Woman shares the origin story of Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) and her first journey to the outside world with pilot Steve Trevor (Chris Pine). As the highest grossing live-action film directed by a woman, it would seem fitting that Wonder Woman would receive an Oscar nomination for Best Director, Best Actress, or even Best Picture, but the film didn’t receive a single nomination by The Academy. However, this snub doesn’t take away from Gadot’s phenomenal portrayal of an iconic character and the film’s important message. Rated PG-13

I, Tonya McKenna Lucas | Asst. Editor Loosely based around ex- Olympic figure skater Tonya Harding (Margot Robbie) the film I, Tonya focuses on the infamous scandal revolving around a hitman, hired by Harding’s ex-husband Jeff Gillooly (Sebastian Stan), injuring rival skater Nancy Kerrigan. The film emphasizes Harding’s toxic relationships with Gillooly and her mother (Allison Janney), arguably leading to the demise of her marriage, familial relations and skating career. The Oscar nominations for Best Picture should have included I, Tonya, because the movie gave viewers a different perception of Harding--one that included Harding’s side of the story. Rated R



Sports Volume 11, Issue 5

McKenzie Quiroz | Photographer

Q & A

Yainara Diaz | Photographer

Taylor Hawthorne | Reporter

Why is your number What pushes you to play harder? important to you? Brooke Lopez:

I wear number 24 because all of my family members wore that number when they played the sport. I feel close to my family when I wear this number, especially because I play for them and try my hardest to make them proud. I’m, in a way, continuing the legacy my family has created with this number and that makes me proud.

Sarah Malinowski:

I think being the team to beat puts a target on our backs, but that is what motivates us to work hard for our wins. Being one of the best teams in the district makes other teams come at us with all they have and that pushes us to be the best we can and compete to our best ability in every game. Us being the team to beat makes wins so much sweeter and helps us improve each game.

Macy Burnham | Photographer

Why do you play basketball? Jared Barber:

I play basketball because it gives me such a rush. There are so many ways to get past your defender, it is just so cool how complex the game can be even though it looks like we just dribble the ball up and down the court. I chose basketball because it teaches me team work and gives me life lessons which have benefited me in the most significant ways. And, of course basketball is a blast to play.

Basketball MaKayla Ward: My favorite team to play is Pflugerville, because they are our rivals and we always play our best players against them. We always have the biggest crowd when we play them and they are always so loud. It Is great to have so much answer Jered Barber: My jersey number, school spirit during that game considering they are our rivals. Jaden Williams: My favorite doesn’t really signify anything im- The game also determines who runs the ‘Ville, which makes the moment is just being able to play with questions 33, portant. However, I did choose a number game a lot more intense. the boys and having the opportunity to higher than my favorite basketball playcompete on varsity as a freshman. I have about er, Blake Griffin, number 32. I admire the learned a lot from my teammates and way he plays and how he carries himself lifelong friends who push me to do ongoing as an athlete. My number reminds me ev- Jaden Williams: We really just practice almost every made my best. Just hanging out with them is the ery time I step on the court to be humble day of the week and try to get better each day to reach our goal. best time and we have such a good time season and carry myself as well as Blake Griffin I do feel pressure sometimes, but we can’t worry about that, we together.” does.

just have to go out and play our game and come out with the W every night..

Sports February 9, 2018

Balancing Act


Athletes share difficulties, benefits of participating in multiple sports Brisa Espinoza | Reporter

Taylor Hawthorne | Reporter

Freshman Leilah Toran has volleyball practices in the morning and games in the afternoon, often interfering with gymnastics practices. Rushing from volleyball to gymnastics almost every day to make practice on time, even though being late is inevitable. Volleyball playoffs caused Toran to miss the original basketball try out date and left her to try out at a later with the other girls who play multiple sports. Now with basketball season starting up, she goes from basketball games to track practice while still being late to gymnastics practice. Multiple sport athletes experience increased workloads and strenuous schedules, while trying to balance out their time as efficiently as possible. “It’s very hard trying to juggle multiple sports,” Toran said. “Each sport requires you to practice and also to perform or play. You must be dedicated, I don’t really know how I juggle multiple sports; I believe I’ve just adapted to the demands over the years.” Some sports are in season during the same time and with being a multiple sport athlete, sports can conflict with each other. For some athletes, making all of their practices are difficult due to the conflicting schedules. “Each sport I play seems to conflict which each other at some point,” senior Bryana Hunter said. “I pick the sport which I am most needed in or the more important game. Sometimes that requires me to miss games and practices for the other sports I play.” Playing multiple sports can take up a lot of time, considering the athlete has practices and games after and before school. However, for some athletes, being in multiple sports motivates them to get things

done. “Being in multiple sports actually helps me because you have to pass to play, which makes me get my work done and make sure I get a good grade on it,” freshman Xavier Lucio said. “In a way, the desire to play so many sports help keep me focused on my school work and helps me prioritize my time.” Athletes put their bodies through a lot of stress due to two to three of the sports they play being in season. Being able to stay in shape for the whole year and maintain good health causes the athletes to be motivated. “Each sport requires a different level of mental preparation and focus,” Toran said. “Being able to stay in shape throughout all seasons takes a lot of dedication, but for the most part, the physical aspects are the same for most sports.” Coaches can also see conflict when they have an athlete who participates in multiple sports. The athletes maintain communication with their coaches when schedules intersect to help their teammates and coaches out. “Some coaches are more flexible than others, but for the most part they talk and plan out what they are going to do with us,” Hunter said. “It really helps having coaches who communicate with us, it makes my stress levels decrease by a lot.” Despite the work load which comes with playing a sport all year, many athletes find the stress worth it due to the memories they make during the season. “I love that with every sport, I make a bunch of friends,” Lucio said. “We make so many memories and I become super close with people who I consider some of my best friends now. I wouldn’t want to trade playing multiple sports for anything.” Senior Bryana Hunter plays in the varsity girls’ basketball game against Cedar Ridge on Dec. 2. “I pick the sport which I am most needed in or the more important game,” Hunter said. “Sometimes that requires me to miss games and practices for the other sports I play.”

McKenzie Quiroz | Photographer

McKenzie Quiroz | Photographer


Varsity basketball player Zoe Nelson reflects on receiving her first college letter from the University of Texas at Austin as a freshman.

How did you get into basketball? I started playing basketball when I was five. The moment I started playing I fell in love with the sport. Since that first time playing basketball, I haven’t stopped doing what I love.

What were your thoughts when you first got a letter from a college scout? I kept thinking to myself that my dream school reached out to me. I’ve always dreamt of going to UT and for them to reach out to me as only a freshman must mean that I’m doing something right.

How did others react to your letter from the college? My team was the first people to find out about the letter since they were with me when I had gotten the letter. They were all really excited and happy for me. When I told my family, they were all proud of me.

How did you feel when you were offered a spot on the varsity basketball team? I was thankful for being offered the positon to play on the team and thankful to God for allowing me the chance to play. Once I was told, I was ready to start playing my first high school basketball season on varsity.

Were you expecting to be put on varsity? I was. Coach Sierra had made it clear to me that she wanted me playing for her before the season started.

Do you think you’re underestimated being a freshman on varsity? Yes, all the time. But they can underestimate me all they want. On the court, I’m always going to show them up and prove them wrong. I will play my best and just let my skills flow out of me.

Would you like to continue playing basketball after high school? Playing basketball in college has been my mindset since the fifth grade, going far in a game that I love and getting an education while doing so. Nothing could change my thoughts on playing basketball in college.


Humans of HHS Volume 11, Issue 5

Future Speaks to Past

Youth describes significance of historical month, influential individuals Carolina Yanez | Reporter

While the United States recognizes February as Black History Month, many choose to emphasize the importance of learning about African-American history, and remember the accomplishments many historical African-Americans achieved.

“We need to bring awareness to all the people who are black and made a lot of stuff happen in America, especially those who brought light to inequality. It’s important to me being black, to see the people who paved the way for me to make a difference in America. It’s important for all people to recognize what black people have done for America.”

Jada Phoenix, 11

“It’s important because it helps us learn and reflect on the past and better understand what happened and to make sure it doesn’t happen again. It shows me that some AfricanAmericans stood up for what they believed in and had the ability to get us rights. I look up to [Dr.] Martin Luther King, Jr. because he rallied a bunch of people together for a cause that was important to him and a lot of other people. It’s good to learn about history so we don’t repeat it.”

“Throughout America’s history, black people have been institutionalized and used to build it up and it’s important to recognize the people that helped make it what it is today. A lot of my older family members knew what America was like during segregation. Harriet Tubman is [the] most influential to me because she helped so many slaves escape from their plantations and escape to the North. Without black people there wouldn’t be an America.”

Jeremiah Gorman, 9

Kai Cotton, 12

“People back then didn’t have the freedom we have now, and it inspires me as an African-American to work a little harder and get ahead, they worked so hard to get us where we are today. Frederick Douglass was an all-around great person and one of the leading causes in the civil rights movement, and I look up to his work and personality. It took us a long time to get to where we are now in the present and it deserves to be recognized.”

Eric Bell, 10

“I’m really proud of my heritage and to learn who came before me and what they did to contribute to our society. It’s good for people to be exposed to our history and our culture.”

Marcus Fisher, 11

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.