Brochure - Smart Technology V.S. Spatial Design

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創造人性化智慧家庭的卓越科技 A humanized smart home solution created by a state-of-the-art technology


krc 每 一 步 都 是 從 人 性 思 維 出 發, 讓 雲 端 科 技 走 入 生 活, 不再高不可攀。 krc’s every human oriented thinking simply allows cloud computing to be part of daily life.

krc 以一百分的用心打造每個「端」,讓每個端成就智慧雲。 With 100% compassion to design each cloud device, each of them becomes the bridge to access the SmartCloud of krc.


krc 與你悠遊空間設計 共同引領品味科技、深植智慧家居

Experiencing the fun of spatial design with distinct essence of krc smart living technology






Define the new pattern for smart living

時尚點綴.展現智慧人性化科技豪宅體驗 Experiencing the smart home automation with human-oriented fashion enrichment.









Study room 8

無極限 の 雲端應用 Infinite cloud applications


miniwing, the smartest device acts as central control system for home automation

miniwing 迷妳雲 智慧家庭雲中心

智慧環控系統,應用物聯網技術, 動 動 手 指 , 燈 光 、 冷 氣 、 電 扇、 窗簾…皆可輕鬆控制!

雲產品增加任你搜之海量高清網路影音服務 cloud application enables users to search the massive data of multimedia services


電視 . 中控 TV, Central Control System

客廳 . 玄關 Living room & main entrance

Smart home cloud computing center A smart home automation system applies internet of things technology. Lighting, air-conditioner, fan, shades, and many other appliances are all controllable by miniwing.

一朵迷妳輕雲.結合 電 視 就 能 成 為 環 控 中 心 With miniwing and its smart cloud services, TV becomes t he hom e a ut om a t io n c ent ra l c o nt ro l syst em


妝點室內燈光,品味從細節開始 Starting the stylish living with a small detail such as lighting decoration 與家中燈光最玩美的時尚結合 A splendor combination for both lighting and style living

輕觸. 優雅也是一種超美感 要 素 A n e le g a nt s of t t o u c h is a lso a n a rt ist ic element

Smart lighting control switch

(One to Three Switches)

2 optional colors: modest black and elegant white. Excellent fit for interior decoration. Smart scenario setting. Energy saving scheme, manage the power consumption in the household.


客廳 . 玄關 Living room & main entrance

躺著, 也能“遙”控的偷懶設計 R e mo te l y c ont r olla b le

UniLite 優能燈控 智慧燈控開關 (1 切 /2 切 /3 切 )

黑內斂,白優雅,極致搭配內外皆宜 智慧情境,隨心情變幻家中氣氛 節能設計,精確管理家中耗電


節能新主張,“豪”綠色的品格生活 With new energy saving concept, a distinct style of luxurious smart living 一次打造綠色家居 の 節能、環保、輕鬆、方便 Easily make a green household at once with power saving and environmental protection

UniSaver 優能插座 智能檢測排插 (110V,220V 皆適用 )

即插即控,還能遠端“遙”控! 智慧節能設計,精確管理家中耗電 手機 app 應用程式,隨心操控


客廳 . 臥室 玄關 Living room & bedroom Living room & main entrance

Smart self-detect socket (switching power for both 110V/220V)

Plug n “control”. Smart energy saving, manage the power consumption in the household. APPs on mobile devices, always control on demand.

壁式插座. 牆面浮貼設計 擴充式插座 , 電 器 節 能 皆 適 用 Ex t e nd e d p o w er so c k et , su it a b le f or a ll k ind o f a p p lia nc es


W a ll p o w er so c k et w ith a su rfa c e mo u nt ed p la t e d es i gn

八 窗 玲 瓏 , 輕 控 室內通徹明亮 An unique style for easy maneuvering the interior shading 慵懶 v .s. 優雅,獨樹一格風采自現

輕觸. 從細節體現科 技 美 感 Ex p erienc ing t he st a t e-o f-t he-a rt t ec hno lo gy w it h a s o ft t o u c h c o nt ro l


客廳 . 臥室 玄關 Living room & bedroom Living room & main entrance

窗簾幕簾控制器 Remote Curtain Control

場景情境設定,單間變化多樣情 定時控制,依您的喜好體貼運作 遠端操控,聰明慵懶自成一格

Changing the room’s atmosphere with scenario setting. Customized schedule setting. Remote controllable, a comfy style for smart living.


風 度 , 營 造 低 調 卻倍感舒壓的恬靜 Creating a quiet atmosphere with easy relaxation 溫度輕遙控,心情也跟著笑了

冷氣空調控制系統 Air Conditioning Control

遙控空間溫度,輕調風的溫度 定時情境設定,自行營造減壓環境 用電行為分析,節電效果看得到 Adjustment for temperature and fan speed. Scheduled scenario setting to create a relaxing atmosphere. Energy saving scheme and power consumption analysis.


客廳 . 書房 玄關 臥室 Living room & main entrance Bedroom and reading room

低調.卻足以影響心 的 步 調 Automatic thermostatic design


生 活 藝 術 , 魔 力 再現 純 裝 飾 亦 顯 奢 華 的環控魔球 Magical fascination in art of living - Stylish Magic Ball 掌玩遙控,擺放藝術與環控的創新結晶 A palm size smart remote control for home automation

智能 V.S. 生活,即成 奢 華 藝 術 C om b ina t ion of lu x ury a nd a rt - S ma rt Energy v s. Life


客廳 . 臥室 玄關 Living room & main entrance Living room & bedroom

Magic Ball 環控魔球 空調、燈光、保全…隨心調控 自動化定時設定,智能學習你的習慣 節電管理,聰明監管用電行為

Control on demand on air-conditioner, lighting, surveillance, and etc. Schedule setting and smart self-learning the user behavior. Energy saving management, smart monitoring the user’s behavior and power consumption.


質 感 可 控 , 建 構 自動化智能家居 For whole family to attain the high quality of smart living with easy controllable maneuver on a 5” touch panel 5 吋的細膩,全家人看得到也觸得到

5 吋質 感 . 自 動 化 科 技 家 人 同 享 A p o rt a b le 5 ” t o u c h c o nt ro lla b le syst em ena b le e nt ire fa mily t o enjo y t he fu n o f sma rt liv ing.


餐廳 客廳 . 臥室 玄關 Dining room & bedroom Living room & main entrance

5 吋壁式環境觸控 5” Wall Mount with Touch Screen 壁式面板設計,便利生活家人同享 居家明亮、溫度、保全,互動于指尖 網路電話對講功能,兼具通訊科技 可攜式設計,把玩掌中視如平板 Wall mountable design shares the convenience for entire family. With few finger gestures, user can interact with the control of lighting, temperature, and surveillance of the house. Integration of VoIP, a gadget for intercommunication technology. Portable as any tablet, just get anything done on the palm.


全方 位 保 全 監 控 系統

Comprehensive security surveillance system 2 4 h r s 看管宅邸及財產安全,讓您看得到、聽得到、還能操控的保 全 科 技 24 hours surveillance technology allows user to watch, listen, and control the sites







網雲攝影機 MagiCam

門窗磁簧感應器 Reed Sensor for Window and Door 2


煙霧探測器 Smart Smoke Detector

雲端門禁管理系統 Smart Door Access Clouding System



一氧化碳偵測器 Carbon Monoxide Detector

紅外線動作感應器 Smart PIR Sensor 23

客廳 . 玄關 Living room & main entrance


智慧手機、Unicorn 皆可監控安全狀態 Security status can be monitored on both of smart phone and Unicorn at all time


保全監控系統.火警意外監控系統 Security Surveillance System Fire / Accident Surveillance System

居 家有 保 障 , 安全最用心,打造你家專屬的「維安小組」! Customize the surveillance function according to your demand!


1 2 3


察覺潛在危機的秘密武器,煙霧偵測、有毒氣體偵測,隨時幫您控管 家 庭 安全!


有 如 隱 形 防 護 罩 , 全 時 監 看 環 境 , 讓 您 在 家 安 心 , 出外放心。


門窗感應搭配通報系統,小偷潛入立即發出警報,屋主遠地也能 立即知道。

Danger Alert: Detect harmful smoke and secure household safety at all time. Sensor Detection: Away from home full time monitoring. Gate Keeper: Detect and inform (locally / remotely) all break-in from windows and doors. 24

Unicorn 悠 你 控 ~ 王者風範,自信登場! Unicorn, a leading edge smart remote controller

掌 控品味生活,享受慵懶人生。擁有他,你就是家中王者,自信掌握一 切 ! Embrace every stylish living on hand and confidently possess the smart living with the Unicorn

Unicorn 悠你控 智慧遙控器

紅外線學習功能,一機多用 ZNET 環控,自由操控 額溫感應,居家照護最立即 攝影 + 多螢分享,立即投放大螢幕 指紋辨識,保護個人隱私


客廳 . 玄關 Living room & main entrance

Smart Cloud Remote Control Universal remote controller build-in with IR database learning krc ZNET home automation network Forehead thermometer, handy tools for household health-care Multi-screen sharing and camera function Finger-print identification, functions customization and privacy protection

內建 krc Cloud Apps - 娛樂.環控.保全.應用程式 Build-in with krc Cloud APPs: Entertainment, Home Automation, Home Security, and Applications


享 樂 無 界 , 跨 平 台的音樂饗宴 Wireless enjoy the high quality music from any devices 釋放你的手機音樂,自由擁抱高音質的享受

雲端音樂庫,喜愛歌曲直接放送 智慧手機和平板電腦皆可擴充使用 手機音樂無線分享,還可播放廣播 Music on demand with music clouding system. Compatible with all handheld mobile devices (smart phone / pads). Wireless sharing the audio and play the online broadcast.

雲端.你的音樂庫 喇叭.智慧手機和平板的高級音響 Clouding your music database, Instantly transform your smart phone, pad, and cloud speakers into a high quality sound system.


玄關 客廳 . 臥室 Livingroom room&&main bedroom Living entrance

3D 無線環繞音響 5.1 聲道 3D 重低音家庭劇院

3D wireless surround sound system 5.1 home theater system with high quality 3D Bass output

雲端喇叭 2.1 聲道 3D 重低音輸出音質

Cloud Speaker

2.1 stereo with high quality 3D Bass output


2 4h rs 系 統 維 運 ,生活便利居家好安心! 24 hours full time services for daily life convenience

專業的售後服務團隊 到府安裝、系統維護,讓您無後顧之憂! Professional post-sale services, including on-site installation and system maintenance.



krc cloud

雲 端 服 務

早 期 雲 端 為 一 個 網 路 資 料 中 心; 今 日,krc 雲 端 技 術 主 動 幫 用 戶 運 算、 分 析 與 提 供 服 務 , 藉 由 智 慧 裝 置 與 使 用 者 進 行 零 距 離 互動,展現 krc c loud 的魅力!


krc Cloud Service Unlike the traditional web database application, krc cloud technology provides seamless interaction with users. According to the interactions, krc cloud services automatically analyze users’ behavior and provide them further information to satisfy users’ desires.


空 間 無 界,應用無限 Cross-domain applicable with variety of applications

設 計 場域 隨 你 的 想 像 力 盡 情發揮 Choose a market domain and krc will customize application services









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