Modena Cars Ferrari Events

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experience an unforgettable


Chers clients et amis, Nous avons le plaisir de vous communiquer le programme Modena Cars Clients 2012. Vous y retrouverez nos sorties sur circuit. Pour les circuits lointains, un transport sera organisé depuis Genève pour vos véhicules. Les frais de participation à ces journées sont calculés sur un nombre de 16 à 18 voitures maximum ! Compris : Circuit + Service sécurité en Exclusivité, Assistance mécanique, Traiteur, Open-Bar, Repas de Midi. Options : Transports voiture/5 voitures par camion, Pilote/Instructeur coaching personnalisé Pour compléter les activités que nous vous proposons, vous retrouverez également le Programme "Corse Clienti" et "Ferrari Factory Tour". Au plaisir de vous accueillir sur l’une de nos opérations. Gino FORGIONE CEO Modena Cars


Modena Cars SA Chemin des Aulx 21 1228 Plan-les-Ouates, Switzerland 022 757 87 87







Paul Ricard

Lundi, 26


CHF 2’600.-­

CHF 1’200.-

CHF 1200+frais/jour


Jeudi, 19


CHF 800.-­


CHF 1’200+frais


Jeudi, 26


CHF 2’600.-­

CHF 1’800.-

CHF 1’200+frais

Paul Ricard

Lundi, 4


CHF 2’600.-­

CHF 1’200.-

CHF 1’200+frais


Mardi, 12


CHF 800.-­


CHF 1’200+frais

Magny Cour

Mardi, 3


CHF 2’200.-

CHF 1’000.-

CHF 1’200+frais

Bresse (journée femmes)

Mercredi, 29


CHF 800.-


CHF 1’200+frais


Jeu & Ven, 6 & 7


CHF 2’600.-­

CHF 1’800.-

CHF 1’200+frais


Vendredi, 5


CHF 2’600.-

CHF 1’200.-

CHF 1’200+frais


Jeudi, 11


CHF 800.-


CHF 1’200+frais


Ven & Sam, 2 & 3


CHF 2’600.-

CHF 3’000.-

CHF 1’200+frais

Plus d'infos sur nos programmes et service réservation : Verena FRÖELICH Marketing Manager - T. 022 757 87 87 -


100% exc 6

citement 7


Pilota Ferrari 2011

Corsi di Guida Pilota Ferrari Pilota Ferrari Driving Courses


CONTENUTI / contents

1. Benvenuti a FiorAno / Welcome to Fiorano pagine / pages 4-5


2. partecipare ai corsi / Taking part in the courses pagine / pages 6-7


3. corso sport / sports driving course pagine / pages 8-11


4. corso avanzato / advanced course pagine / pages 12-15 5. corso evoluzione / evolution course pagine / pages 16-19 6. CORSO challenge / CHALLENGE COURSE pagine / pages 20-23



1. Benvenuti a FiorAno Benvenuti ai corsi di guida Pilota Ferrari

La Pista di Fiorano rappresenta uno dei luoghi simbolo di Ferrari. Voluta da Enzo Ferrari nelle immediate vicinanze dello stabilimento di Maranello, la pista è stata realizzata nel 1972 e ha attualmente una lunghezza di 2976,41 metri. Il suo principale utilizzo è lo sviluppo delle vetture stradali e da competizione, nelle loro rispettive fasi di sviluppo, con i piloti e i collaudatori della Scuderia Ferrari e del dipartimento Granturismo come utenti più importanti. Dalla sua apertura, avere la possibilità di verificare e sentire dal vivo gli sviluppi tecnici si è spesso mostrato un vantaggio determinante nel raggiungere risultati eccellenti. Le specifiche caratteristiche tecniche e le sue numerose configurazioni fanno della Pista di Fiorano uno scenario perfetto per tenere corsi di guida prestazionali, che vedono protagonisti le vetture e i clienti della Ferrari. Giornate dedicate a questo tipo di attività consentono ai partecipanti di calarsi integralmente in questa speciale atmosfera, con accesso riservato alle strutture.


1. Welcome to Fiorano Welcome to the Pilota Ferrari driving courses

The Fiorano racetrack is one of the most iconic places for all enthusiasts of Ferrari. The circuit was built in 1972 as near as possible to Ferrari’s Maranello factory, following the express wishes of Enzo Ferrari himself. The track is currently 2976.41 metres long. The track’s main purpose is to assist to the various stages of development of Ferrari’s GT and racing cars cars. Its main users are therefore the racing drivers and development testers of the Ferrari team and Granturismo development department. Ever since the track was first opened, the opportunity it provides to verify and test new technical developments practically and under realistic conditions has given Ferrari a key advantage in achieving its excellent results. The unique technical characteristics and several configurations of the Fiorano circuit make it the perfect location for high performance driving courses for Ferrari cars and customers. Days entirely dedicated to this type of activity allow participants of the Pilota Ferrari driving course to immerse themselves fully in this unique environment and to enjoy VIP access to trackside facilities.


2. Partecipare ai corsi Un percorso di crescita progressivo su più livelli

Vetture con prestazioni estreme, gare automobilistiche e lo sviluppo di piloti fanno parte dell’essenza della Ferrari. Prendere parte ai corsi di guida Pilota Ferrari significa perciò essere formati dalle persone più competenti a farlo. I piloti-istruttori della Ferrari, professionisti dalla lunga esperienza al volante delle auto della Ferrari, sono in grado di accompagnare l’allievo dal corso Sport a quelli più evoluti. La dinamica di questa progressione d’insegnamento è didatticamente integrata e permette di seguire corsi successivi fino a raggiungere un livello “racing”, con la possibilità di proseguire nella serie Ferrari Challenge. Allo stesso tempo l’insegnamento è totalmente personalizzato, per fare in modo che l’allievo arrivi a sfruttare al massimo le formidabili prestazioni delle vetture Ferrari. Di fondamentale importanza quindi la selezione e la preparazione dei modelli messi a disposizione dall’organizzazione a Fiorano. Un parco auto costituito da tredici 458 Italia e cinque 458 Challenge permette di mettere nelle condizioni ideali i protagonisti dei corsi, trasformando questo programma in un’esperienza unica.


2. Taking part in the courseS A path with multiple levels of gradual growth

Extreme performance cars, motor racing and driver development are what Ferrari is all about. Taking part in a Pilota Ferrari driving course enables you to learn from the people best equipped to teach you. Ferrari’s drivers-instructors are all professionals with years of Ferrari driving experience behind them and are skilled in accompanying “beginners” from the Sport course to the most advanced level. The didactically integrated learning path of Pilota Ferrari sports driving courses lets you progress through a succession of levels right up to “racing” level. At this point, if you wish, you can enter the Ferrari Challenge series. At the same time, teaching is totally personal, so that students can be sure of learning how to make full use of the amazing performance that Ferrari cars offer. The selection and preparation of the Ferrari cars made available for students to drive on the Fiorano track is also of fundamental importance. The current fleet consists of thirteen 458 Italias and five 458 Challenges. These models have been specially chosen to provide course participants with the best possible learning opportunity, as well as the ultimate driving experience.


3. CORSO SPORT Da Guidatore a Pilota: il primo passo verso la guida sportiva

ll corso Pilota Ferrari offre un progetto completo e progressivo finalizzato al massimo apprendimento delle tecniche di guida sportiva. Nei due giorni di corso viene sviluppato un coinvolgente programma specifico, caratterizzato da una metodologia didattica esclusiva e personalizzata, su vetture Ferrari, in pista e negli esercizi di controllo vettura. 24/28 clienti divisi in 4 gruppi di 6/7 partecipanti ciascuno, sono dinamicamente coinvolti nella acquisizione della piÚ efficace posizione di guida in abitacolo, nella gestione progressiva dei comandi della vettura, nella precisione di impostazione delle traiettorie in curva, nelle tecniche di frenata ed accelerazione, completando la didattica con coinvolgenti esercizi di controllo della vettura anche in sovrasterzo di potenza. Un’opportunità eccellente anche per conoscere le effettive prestazioni dei modelli Ferrari grazie al programma che permette di provare i vari set up elettronici di controllo della vettura. A completamento della formazione pratica, il programma include alcuni momenti di teoria in aula per approfondire la tecnica di guida e l’analisi del comportamento della vettura.




3. Sports Driving Course In the driving seat: the first step towards competitive driving

The Ferrari Sports Driving Course offers a complete, progressive programme of instruction focused on giving participants a comprehensive understanding of sport driving techniques. The course consists of a specific and exciting two-day training program based on an exclusive, personal teaching method and using Ferrari cars for track work and vehicle control exercises. Twenty-four to twenty-eight customers are divided into four groups of six or seven participants each and receive instruction on the most efficient driving position in the cockpit, progressive accelerator and brake control, establishing precise driving lines through bends and braking and acceleration techniques. Teaching leads up to thrilling car control exercises that include conditions of power oversteer. The course provides a great opportunity for getting to grips with the fantastic performance of various Ferrari models thanks to a program that covers different vehicle control electronic setups. The practical instruction is completed by several theory sessions aimed at giving a more in-depth insight into the driving techniques and helping drivers analyse vehicle behaviour.


4. CORSO AVANZATO L’approfondimento della guida veloce e del controllo vettura

Per quei clienti che hanno già partecipato al Corso Sport, apprendendo le tecnichefondamentali di pilotaggio, la Ferrari offre la possibilità di effettuare uno stage di approfondimento. Il Corso Avanzato prevede 16/20 partecipanti, suddivisi in 4 gruppi da 4/5 persone ciascuno. Per i partecipanti è previsto un uso intensivo e specialistico delle vetture Ferrari, nozioni avanzate di guida veloce e di controllo vettura, il tutto nella massima continuità di esercizio e nella consueta sicurezza. L’approfondimento offerto dal Corso Avanzato coinvolge anche alcune sessioni di teoria e prevede una didattica altamente personalizzata secondo le attitudini tecniche e stili di guida di ogni partecipante, grazie all’utilizzo continuativo del sistema di acquisizione dati in vettura (telemetria). A partire da questo livello di corso i partecipanti acquisiscono la consapevolezza delle proprie performance alla guida, cimentandosi anche in prove dinamiche di abilità, che verranno sviluppate maggiormente nel successivo Corso Evoluzione.




4. Advanced Course Further instruction of fast driving and vehicle control

For customers who have already completed the Ferrari Sports Driving Course and grasped the basic techniques it covers, Ferrari offers this second, more advanced programme of instruction. The Advanced Course admits 16 to 20 participants, divided into four groups of four to five each. Participants get the opportunity to do plenty of intensive, specialist Ferrari driving and learn about advanced fast driving and vehicle control. As always, the emphasis is on continual practice and safety. The Advanced Course also involves several theory sessions that can be individually tailored to suit the technical aptitude and driving style of each participant, thanks to a special in-car data acquisition system (telemetry). Starting from this level of course, participants learn to analyse their own performance behind the wheel through dynamic skill trials of the sort that are taught even more intensively in the follow-on Evolution Course.


5. CORSO EVOLUZIONE Il primato della tecnica, l’emozione della pista: l’esaltazione della performance sportiva Suddivisi in 4 gruppi di 4 partecipanti ciascuno i Clienti possono vivere l’esperienza della loro partecipazione al Corso Evoluzione, integrando le tecniche di guida di una Ferrari stradale con le sensazioni uniche ed entusiasmanti che si possono provare al volante di vetture racing 458 Challenge. Tecniche ed emozioni sono valorizzate da analisi telemetriche approfondite, basate anche sull’uso di vetture e pneumatici da competizione; il tutto corredato da didattica estremamente personalizzata e votata al miglioramento dettagliato della tecnica e della prestazione personale di guida di ogni singolo allievo, sempre grazie all’ausilio intensivo dei sistemi di acquisizione dati. L’obiettivo principale è infatti la naturale “evoluzione” del Corso Pilota Ferrari: sviluppo dei contenuti di sportività per la guida di tutti i giorni attraverso un’attività di pista ad alto livello, dove misurare le performance delle Ferrari stradali, le performance racing della 458 Challenge ed anche i propri limiti personali attraverso prove dinamiche di abilità.




5. EVOLUTION COURSE Technical excellence and on-track thrills: the emotion of sports performance The Evolution Course divides participants into four groups of four and offers them the opportunity to develop their on-road Ferrari driving skills and sample the thrill of driving a 458 Challenge race car. Driving techniques and excitement levels are enhanced by time trials, the use of competition cars and tyres and in-depth telemetric analysis. A close, personal rapport between participants and instructors helps improve the techniques and performance of each participant. The Evolution course makes an intensive use of data acquisition systems. As its name suggests, the Evolution Course is a natural “evolution� in Ferrari driving courses. By means of dynamic skill trials, the course helps drivers adapt sports driving techniques to day-to-day situations in advanced track sessions during which they learn the performances of road-going Ferraris, those of the 458 Challenge race car and, of course, their own personal driving limits.


6. CORSO CHALLENGE La massima espressione di guida nello spirito di un “vero Pilota Ferrari”

Il progetto Pilota Ferrari viene completato dal Corso Challenge, la massima espressione dei corsi di guida sportiva dedicati alla clientela, che rappresenta la naturale evoluzione dei concetti di sportività sviluppati con i programmi dei 3 livelli precedenti. È stato progettato per offrire al cliente un servizio altamente professionale e tecnicamente evoluto, che avvicini i partecipanti al mondo agonistico della Marca. Quindi, agli approfondimenti mirati ad un perfezionamento delle prestazioni di guida valutate anche sul tempo sul giro e sulla continuità di rendimento, si aggiungono tutti gli insegnamenti utili per arrivare a gareggiare nel Challenge Ferrari in modo professionale, sicuro e competitivo. Il programma dinamico è basato su sessioni di guida in pista ispirate al modello 458 Challenge, con valutazioni cronometriche e telemetriche, che permettano ai partecipanti di acquisire i concetti agonistici di base, quali le tecniche di partenza e di sorpasso, le procedure delle varie fasi in cui si articola la gara, i metodi di set-up della vettura, nonché gli aspetti regolamentari. Il Corso Challenge potrà essere completato, infine, con il test di abilitazione alla conduzione in gara di vetture oltre 2.000cc, richiesta dalla Federazione Nazionale per gareggiare nel Challenge Ferrari. Un’esperienza, quindi, estremamente coinvolgente e professionale per diventare “veri Piloti Ferrari”.




6. CHALLENGE COURSE The highest expression of driving in the spirit of a “real Ferrari racing driver”

The Pilota Ferrari project is completed by the Challenge Course, the ultimate expression of sports driving courses for Ferrari customers. This course takes the skills learned in the previous three courses to their logical and ultimate conclusion. Ferrari has created the Challenge Course especially to provide highly professional and technically advanced instruction to bring customers even closer to the world of Ferrari racing. The Challenge Course provides in-depth instruction aimed at perfecting driver’s technique and maintaining constant performance over timed track sessions and also gives participants all the information needed to take part in the Ferrari Challenge professionally, safely and competitively. The dynamically structured course programme is based exclusively on track driving sessions in an 458 Challenge. Chronometry and telemetry systems are used to help participants gain familiarity with basic racing techniques like starting and overtaking, as well as the procedures followed at different stages of a race, car setup methods and race rules. At the end of the Challenge Course, participants can also undergo the test for driving cars of over 2000cc required by the National Federation to compete in Ferrari Challenge races. The Challenge Course therefore offers an exciting and professional experience and develops you as a “real Ferrari race driver”.


7. Pilota ferrari around the world La guida sportiva fa il giro del mondo Al volante di una Ferrari si prova una speciale emozione, da affrontare però con sicurezza e consapevolezza. Per questo, dopo oltre quindici anni di grandi consensi per i Corsi Pilota Ferrari, l’Azienda ha deciso di organizzare Pilota Ferrari Around the World, un programma di corsi di guida sportiva che costituirà la prima e fondamentale esperienza di un programma che può portare fino alla preparazione alle gare. Il servizio si rivolge ai mercati e ai dealer che vogliono offrire ai propri Clienti un servizio raffinato e completo. Grazie al programma Pilota Ferrari Around the World i Clienti della Marca potranno apprendere la corretta tecnica di guida e provare le effettive prestazioni dei propri modelli Ferrari, nel contesto coinvolgente di un circuito ufficiale. Un programma predisposto in modo professionale per raggiungere i migliori risultati di soddisfazione dei partecipanti, ma anche personalizzabile alle specificità e richieste del Mercato e della relativa clientela, grazie alla flessibilità organizzativa garantita dall’esperienza e continuità di attività world wide del programma Pilota Ferrari, la scuola ufficiale Ferrari con sede a Maranello. Il tutto con la garanzia di un supporto tecnico e didattico altamente specializzato di piloti-istruttori, professionisti ed esperti, che fanno parte del team Pilota Ferrari, particolarmente preparato sugli aspetti tecnici e relazionali con la clientela Ferrari, integrato da uno staff completo e professionale incaricato di gestire l’accoglienza dei clienti ed il controllo meticoloso delle vetture personali utilizzate in pista. Il Pilota Ferrari Around the World è un corso di guida propedeutico al programma di attività Pilota Ferrari.




7. Pilota Ferrari Around the World Circuit driving in every part of the globe Sitting behind the wheel of a Ferrari is a special feeling. It is, however, one which should be accompanied by safety and knowledge. For this reason, after successfully running Pilota Ferrari Courses for more than fifteen years, Ferrari has decided to organise Pilota Ferrari Around the World, a programme of circuit driving courses that provides the essential first step in personal development, potentially leading to race preparation. This initiative is aimed at markets and dealers who want to offer their clients a complete and advanced service. Through the Pilota Ferrari Around the World programme, Ferrari customers will be able to learn proper driving techniques and experience for themselves the performance of Ferrari cars in the gripping context of an official racing circuit. The programme is professionally organised to enable participants to achieve the highest possible degree of satisfaction, but can be customised, if required, to meet the needs of individual markets and customers, thanks to the organisational flexibility guaranteed by the vast experience and continuity of Pilota Ferrari Around the World, run by the official Ferrari school based in Maranello. All this comes with the guarantee of highly specialised technical and teaching support from the racing drivers-instructors, professionals and experts who make up the Pilota Ferrari team and who are specially trained to deal with the technical and personal issues of Ferrari customers, backed up by a complete and professional staff responsible for welcoming customers and meticulously checking the personal cars used on the track. Pilota Ferrari Around the World is a preparatory driving course for the Pilota Ferrari activity program.


8. PILOTA FERRARI Personal trainer A tu per tu con l’istruttore I Clienti Pilota Ferrari potranno perfezionare tecnicamente il proprio stile e la qualità di guida con il programma Personal Trainer, appositamente ideato per migliorare le performance al volante dei modelli Ferrari e apprendere le tecniche di guida più avanzate. I piloti-istruttori Ferrari saranno a disposizione dei Clienti per stage intensivi e totalmente personalizzabili di guida sportiva, presso l’Autodromo di Varano de’ Melegari in provincia di Parma, sede dei prestigiosi Corsi Challenge, la massima espressione agonistica del programma Pilota Ferrari. Per seguire le esigenze dei Clienti internazionali, è possibile anche scegliere la lingua del personal trainer tra Inglese, Italiano, Francese, Tedesco, Spagnolo e Portoghese. I Clienti saranno seguiti anche da uno staff organizzativo e tecnico della massima professionalità, incaricato di gestire le vetture Pilota Ferrari messe a disposizione del Corso, con cui affrontare le sessioni di guida in pista, nonché gli esercizi di controllo vettura, nelle varie configurazioni di set-up del Manettino. Si tratta di un servizio di altissimo livello professionale e qualitativo che rappresenta l’occasione per personalizzare e perfezionare il proprio stile di guida, in base al programma didattico stabilito preventivamente insieme al pilota-istruttore designato o richiesto, per seguire nel modo migliore necessità e desideri specifici del Cliente, avvalendosi delle tecnologie più efficaci del settore: sistema di acquisizione dati-telemetria, videoregistrazione on-board, impianto di pioggia artificiale, resine a bassa aderenza, etc. Un momento quindi di grande coinvolgimento ed intensità didattica e dinamica, da vivere in base alle proprie propensioni ed interessi, con la riservatezza garantita dal format esclusivo del programma Personal Trainer.




8. PILOTA FERRARI PERSONAL TRAINER Face to face with an instructor

Pilota Ferrari customers will be able to perfect their technical style and quality of driving with the Personal Trainer programme, which is specially designed to improve their performance at the wheel of their Ferraris and teach them more advanced driving techniques. The Ferrari drivers-instructors will be at the customers’ disposal for intensive and totally personalised sports driving training courses at the Varano de’ Melegari racetrack in the Italian province of Parma, the home of the prestigious Challenge Races, which are the utmost competitive expression of the Pilota Ferrari programme. In order to meet the needs of international customers, the language spoken by the personal trainer can be chosen from English, Italian, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. An organisational and technical staff of outstanding professional competence will also follow the customers. They are in charge of managing the Pilota Ferrari cars made available for the course, for the driving sessions on the track and car control exercises in the various set-up configurations of the Manettino. This is a first-rate service in terms of professionalism and quality that presents the perfect opportunity for personalising and perfecting one’s driving style based on the teaching programme set up ahead of time together with the appointed or requested driver-instructor. The customer’s specific requirements or wishes are followed in the best possible way, using the most effective technologies the industry has to offer: data acquisition-telemetry system, on-board videotaping, artificial rain system, low-grip resins, etc.It is therefore a moment of tremendous participation and educational and dynamic intensity, to be experienced based on one’s inclinations and interests, with confidentiality guaranteed by the exclusive Personal Trainer programme format.



Il programma Pilota Ferrari Limited Edition nasce come progetto esclusivo dedicato a che desidera mettere alla prova la propria tecnica e stile di guida su alcuni dei circuiti automobilistici più noti e prestigiosi al mondo, come il circuito del Mugello. Progettato negli anni ‘70 e poi profondamente rinnovato, il circuito del Mugello è uno dei più suggestivi, moderni e sicuri tracciati del panorama internazionale. La pista si distende per oltre cinquemila metri, con uno sviluppo estremamente tecnico e di grande appeal per i veri appassionati della guida che potranno vivere un’esperienza appagante alla ricerca del limite delle performance dei modelli messi a disposizione dal Corso Pilota Ferrari. Il programma dinamico del Corso prevede una successione di sessioni di guida in pista che permetterà ai partecipanti di conoscere i segreti del tracciato e di perfezionare la propria tecnica con il supporto didattico continuo dei piloti-istruttori del programma Pilota Ferrari. La progressione e personalizzazione didattica sarà garantita dall’utilizzo intensivo della telemetria che permetterà ai partecipanti di paragonare le proprie performance a quelle di prestigiosi piloti professionisti. Il programma sarà inoltre completato da contest di abilità di guida, sia in pista con l’uso dei sistemi di acquisizione dati, sia nell’ambito di esercizi dinamici di controllo vettura.





The idea behind the Pilota Ferrari Limited Edition is to allow Pilota Ferrari customers to put their techniques and driving skills to the test on some of the most famous racetracks in the world. The Mugello circuit is marked by a fabulous and unique racetrack, so it is ideal for experiencing the incredible thrills that only a Ferrari can offer on the track. The Mugello racetrack was designed in the 1970s and subsequently modernised. It is one of the most attractive, modern and safe courses at an international level. The track is over five thousand metres long in the midst of woods and greenery. Its configuration is extremely technical and appealing for all true driving enthusiasts who can take the models made available by Pilota Ferrari for the event to the limit. The practical programme includes a number of driving sessions which will allow the participants to learn the secrets of the track and perfect their techniques with the continuous support of a team of instructors from the Pilota Ferrari programme. Participants will enjoy personalised instruction and improve their skills with the help of telemetry which is used to compare their performance with that of expert professional drivers. In addition, the programme will conclude with a driving competition which is carried out on the track using data acquisition systems and through practical car handling exercises..


Per ulteriori informazioni sul corso Pilota Ferrari è possibile contattare: For further information about Pilota Ferrari course, please contact:


Ferrari spa – Corse Clienti Via Abetone Inferiore, 4 I – 41053 Maranello (MO) Tel. +39 0536 241.158 – Fax +39 0536 949.820 e-mail: –

Corso Pilota 2012 Informations and Programmes

Pilota Ferrari - Sport Course The course The “Pilota Ferrari - Sport Course” is a sports driving course, reserved for Ferrari customers. The course is held at Ferrari’s own Fiorano Circuit. The course is an intensive, tried and tested programme of professional and didactically effective instruction. Sports driving techniques are learned through track activities and include car control exercises on a low grip skid surface to help you get an accurate feel for the true performance of your Ferrari car. A copy of the outline programme is attached. Practical instruction is supplemented by theory lectures.

Insurance For accidents occurring as a result of motoring activity on the track, the course insurance coverage includes: - Up to a maximum of 516,456.00 Euros in case of death or permanent disability; - 51.65* Euros per day for temporary disability; - 15,493.71* Euros for reimbursement of healthcare costs arising from the accident.

Course dates The courses last two days and take place on the following dates: 10-11 April, 2-3 May, 24-25 May, 11-12 June, 11-12 July, 30-31 July, 10-11 September, 25-26 October and 14-15 November. Participants must arrive at the Hotel the evening before the start of the course.

What to wear We recommend casual sportswear for track activities (it is particularly important to choose footwear that is suitable for driving.) Racing suits can be worn at the discretion of the participants but are not strictly necessary. There is no specific dress code for dinner on either of the nights.

Participants Between 24 and 28 participants are admitted to each course and are divided into four groups of 6 or 7 participants each. Participants will receive their instruction from a staff of 11 drivers-instructors.

Driving your own car on the track at the end of the course For safety reasons, we strongly suggest that all customers wishing to take their Ferrari cars out on the track at the end of the course have their vehicles checked beforehand by their regular dealer.

* maximum amount

Instructors and cars The dedicated drivers instruction team is made up of highly qualified, expert drivers with professional training in high performance car driving. All drivers-instructors are internationally experienced and drive professionally themselves. A fleet of thirteen 458 Italias will be available for the 2012 Pilota Ferrari Sports Driving Course. Participants are also welcome to take their own Ferraris around the track at Fiorano at the end of the course.

Fee The course fee is 6,783.00 Euros (VAT excluded). This includes two days at the track, two evening meals, two nights’ accommodation at the Hotel UNA ****S in Modena, meals at the track, transfers between Hotel and track, and personalised Corso Pilota Ferrari gifts. Each participant may be accompanied by one or more companions who will be given the opportunity to take part in a special guest programme. The fee per companion is 1,467.00 Euros (VAT excluded) and includes the following activites: cooking lesson, city of Modena tour, SPA treatment. Please note that children under the age of 16 are not allowed access to the track. Registering In 2012 registration may be made only on the site: For further information, contact:



Outline course programme (programme and times may vary)

Day 1 (evening before course commences) 18:00 Arrival at the Hotel and check-in for course 19:00 Course briefing 20:00 Cocktail and dinner Day 2 8:30 After breakfast, departure by bus for the Fiorano circuit 8:45 Welcome by staff and driving theory lecture 9:15 Establishing the correct driving position 10:15 Sports driving: – Track lines – Braking technique – Acceleration on bends Car control: – Counter-steering technique 12:45 Theory briefing and group photo 13:00 Lunch at the track 14:00 Sports driving (continued): – Track lines – Braking technique – Acceleration on bends Car control: – Counter-steering technique 16:30 Track driving session: putting into practice the driving concepts learned during the day 17:15 Return to Hotel 20.30 Evening meal Day 3 8:30 After breakfast, departure by bus for the Fiorano circuit 8:45 Driving theory lecture 9:15 Sports driving: – Track driving with telemetry: personal instruction – Track driving with pace car – Driving on track with telemetry: performance development Car control: – “Flat out” drive: a skill-based driving competition 13:00 Lunch at the track 14:00 Sports driving (continued): – Driving on track with telemetry: personal instruction – Track driving with pace car – Driving on track with telemetry: performance development Car control: – “Flat out” drive: a skill-based driving competition 15:15 Final track driving session 16:30 Hot laps with drivers-instructors at the wheel 16:45 Track driving session in client’s own cars 17:15 Closing ceremony, departure from the track


Pilota Ferrari - Advanced Course The course The Pilota Ferrari – Advanced Course is a sports driving course reserved for Ferrari customers who have already completed the Sports Driving Course. It takes place at the Fiorano Circuit near the Ferrari complex in Maranello, in the Italian province of Modena. The Advanced Course further develops the techniques and content taught in the first course. Participants will learn to drive Ferrari cars to their maximum ability and will acquire advanced skills in fast driving and vehicle control, thanks to more personal instruction and an excellent participant/ instructor ratio. The various specialist activities covered (see the attached outline programme) include track sessions with onboard data acquisition systems and telemetry analysis, track driving with a pace car, vehicle control under limit conditions and a final skill-based competition with driver rankings. Course instruction is tailored to suit the technical abilities and driving style of each individual participant, and the layout of certain points of the basic circuit may even be changed accordingly. Course dates The courses last two days and take place on the following dates: 16-17 May, 25-26 June, 19-20 July, 1-2 September,18-19 October and 5-6 November. Participants must arrive at the Hotel the evening before the start of the course.

Participants Between 16 and 20 participants are admitted to each course, and are divided into four groups of 4 or 5 participants each, with a staff of 11 drivers-instructors.

Instructors and cars The Pilota Ferrari Advanced Course is delivered by a select group of professional drivers who have all competed internationally and who have taught for several years on Pilota Ferrari courses. A fleet of thirteen 458 Italia Ferraris will be made available to participants in 2012. Participants are also welcome to take their own Ferraris around the track at Fiorano at the end of the course.

Fee The course fee is 9,012.00 Euros (VAT excluded). This includes two days at the track, two evening meals, lunches at the track, two nights’ accommodation at the Hotel UNA ****S in Modena, transfers between Hotel and track and personalised Corso Pilota Ferrari gifts. Each participant may be accompanied by one or more companions who will be given the opportunity to take part in a special guest programme. The fee per companion is 1,467.00 Euros (VAT excluded) and includes the following activites: cooking lesson, city of Modena tour, SPA treatment. Please note that children under the age of 16 are not allowed access to the track. Registering In 2012 registration may be made only on the site: For further information, contact:


Outline course programme (programme and times may vary)

Insurance For accidents occurring as a result of motoring activity on the track, the course insurance coverage includes: - Up to a maximum of 516,456.00 Euros in case of death or permanent disability; - 51.65* Euros per day for temporary disability; - 15,493.71* Euros for reimbursement of healthcare costs arising from the accident. * maximum amount

What to wear We recommend casual sportswear for track activities (it is particularly important to choose footwear that is suitable for driving.) Racing suits can be worn at the discretion of the participants but are not strictly necessary. There is no specific dress code for dinner on either of the nights.

Driving your own car on the track at the end of the course For safety reasons, we strongly suggest that all customers wishing to take their Ferrari cars out on the track at the end of the course have their vehicles checked beforehand by their regular dealer.


Day 1 (evening before course commences) 18:00 Arrival at the Hotel 19:00 Course briefing 20:00 Cocktail and dinner Day 2 8:30 After breakfast, departure by bus for the Fiorano circuit 8:45 Welcome by staff and driving theory lecture 9:15 Initial sports driving session on the track 10:30 Advanced sports driving: track sessions to perfect driving technique, covering: – Pace-car procedure – Telemetry analysis – Performance development – Driving different models Vehicle control: – Power switchbacks 13:00 Group photo and lunch at the track 14:00 Advanced sports driving (continued): track sessions to perfect driving technique, covering: – Pace-car procedure – Telemetry analysis – Performance development Vehicle control: – Power switchbacks 16:30 Track driving session: putting into practice the driving concepts learned during the day 17:15 Return to Hotel 20:30 Evening meal Day 3 8:30 After breakfast, departure by bus for the Fiorano Circuit 8:45 Driving theory lecture 9:00 Advanced sports driving: high performance track driving sessions covering: – Pace car procedure – Telemetry analysis and personal demonstrations – Track driving skill competition Vehicle control: - Timed skill test 13:00 Lunch at the track 14:00 Advanced sports driving: - Technical briefing - Track driving skill competition with telemetry rankings - Hot laps challenge with drivers-instructors at the wheel 16:30 Track driving session in client’s own cars 17:00 Closing ceremony, departure from the track


Pilota Ferrari - Evolution Course The course The Pilota Ferrari – Evolution Course is a sports/racing course specially developed by Ferrari. Because of the advanced technical content on which the driving sessions are based, the Evolution Course is only open to drivers who have already completed the Pilota Ferrari – Advanced Course. Previous participation in a Pilota Ferrari – Advanced Course is a prerequisite to registration since all participants will need to have the same level of theoretical knowledge and practical skill to cope with the two highly intensive days of the Evolution Course. The course is held at Ferrari’s Fiorano Circuit. What makes the Evolution Course completely unique and exclusive is that the instruction is so finely tailored and personalised (with 12 instructors for only 16 participants) during both the theory and the practice sessions. The course programme covers a series of practical exercises in 458 Italias: continuous telemetry analysis of track times with and without a pace car (in greater detail than on the Advanced Course), finding the car’s limits in cornering and optimising overall driving performance with the aid of chronometric analysis. Over both days of the course, these exercises culminate in participants’ using the 458 in Challenge Championship set-up. The programme leads up to a series of track time trials with final rankings based on participant’s skills. Course dates The courses last two days and take place on the following dates: 23-24 July, 15-16 September.

Insurance For accidents occurring as a result of motoring activity on the track, the course insurance coverage includes: - Up to a maximum of 516,456.00 Euros in case of death or permanent disability; - 51.65* Euros per day for temporary disability; - 15,493.71* Euros for reimbursement of healthcare costs arising from the accident. * maximum amount

What to wear For track driving activities complete suit according to F.I.A. norms, shoes and gloves are provided complimentary while helmet with hans device is provided in use. There is no specific dress code for dinner.

Driving your own car on the track at the end of the course For safety reasons, we strongly suggest that all customers wishing to take their Ferrari cars out on the track at the end of the course have their vehicles checked beforehand by their regular dealer.

Participants 16 participants are admitted to each course and divided into four groups of four.

Instructors and cars The course is delivered by 12 drivers-instructors (three for each group of four participants), all currently professional drivers and specialists in teaching sports and competition driving techniques. A fleet of thirteen 458 Italias and five 458 Challenges will be used.

Fee The course fee is 14,262.00 Euros (VAT excluded) per participant. This includes two days at the track, two evening meals, two nights’ accommodation at the Hotel UNA ****S in Modena, lunches at the track, transfers between Hotel and track and personalised Corso Pilota Ferrari gifts. Each participant may be accompanied by one or more companions who will be given the opportunity to take part in a special guest programme. The fee per companion is 1,467.00 Euros (VAT excluded) and includes the following activites: cooking lesson, city of Modena tour, SPA treatment. Please note that children under the age of 16 are not allowed access to the track.

Registration In 2012 registration may be made only on the site: For further information, contact:



Outline course programme

Road Map

(programme and times may vary)

Day 1 (evening before course commences) 18:00 Arrival at the Hotel and check-in for course 19:00 Course briefing 20:00 Cocktail and dinner Day 2 8:30 After breakfast, departure by bus for the Fiorano circuit 8:45 Welcome by staff and driving theory lecture 9:15 Initial evolved track driving session 10:00 Evolution driving course: – Intensive track driving sessions, also covering pace-car procedure – Telemetry analysis of personal performance – Demonstration session in a 458 Challenge Car control: – Figure-of-eight circuit 13:00 Lunch at the track and group photo 14:00 Evolution sports driving course (continued): – Intensive track driving sessions, also covering pace-car procedure – Telemetry analysis of improved personal performance – Track driving sessions in a 458 Challenge Car control: – Figure-of-eight circuit 17:00 Return to Hotel 20:30 Evening meal Day 3 8:30 After breakfast, departure by bus for the Fiorano circuit 8:45 Technical briefing 9:00 Evolution driving course: track driving sessions covering: – Lap performance analysis – Telemetry performance analysis – Track driving sessions in a 458 Challenge Car control: - Timed skill test: driving contest 13:00 Lunch at the track 14:00 Evolution driving course: - Technical briefing - Driving skill competition with chronometric and telemetry analysis 16:30 Track driving session in client’s own cars 17:00 Closing ceremony, departure from the track

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Hotel UNA Via Luigi Settembrini 10 - 41126 Baggiovara (Modena) Tel. +39 059 5139595 - Fax +39 059 5139577 - E-mail: Arriving by car If you are coming by car, leave the A1 motorway at the Modena Nord exit. Turn right at the first roundabout and follow directions for Sassuolo. At the 27th exit, follow the indications: “New Civil Hospital”, then turn right at the first roundabout and you will find the UNA Hotel.

Arriving by air Bologna’s “G. Marconi” airport is only 45 km from the Hotel and within easy reach. Clients can book a taxi service to and from the airport.

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Pilota Ferrari - Challenge Course The course The Challenge course is the toughest of all Pilota Ferrari courses, and takes the sports driving concepts developed in the three previous levels to their natural conclusion. It is designed to offer customers a superbly professional and technically evolved service. The theory and practice acquired in a Pilota Ferrari – Evolution Course are prerequisites for all aspiring Challenge Course participants. The course programme involves intensive use of the 458 Challenge to ensure progressive improvement of driving techniques and performance. The dynamically structured course programme is based on timed driving sessions on the track. Participants are therefore given an opportunity to become familiar with basic racing techniques like starting and overtaking, as well as the procedures for the various stages of a race, car setup methods and race rules. At the end of the course, participants can also sit the test for driving cars of over 2000 cc required by the National Federation to compete in Ferrari Challenge races. The course therefore offers an exciting and professional experience and develops you as a “real” Ferrari driver.

Registration In 2012 registration may be made only on the site: For further information, contact:

Insurance For accidents occurring as a result of motoring activity on the track, the course insurance coverage includes: - Up to a maximum of 516,456.00 Euros in case of death or permanent disability; - 51.65* Euros per day for temporary disability; - 15,493.71* Euros for reimbursement of healthcare costs arising from the accident. * maximum amount

Course dates The courses last two days and take place at the Varano de’ Melegari track (Parma) on the following dates: 16-17April, 30-31 May, 14-15 June, 9-10 July, 22-23 October.

What to wear At the track participants are required to wear the racing suit, shoes and gloves provided at the Evolution Course. Helmets will also be provided complimentary by the organisation.

Participants A maximum of 10 participants are admitted to each course. All participants must have already completed the Evolution Course.

Instructors and cars Instruction will be provided by 6 drivers-instructors with extensive race driving course experience. Participants will have the use of five 458 Challenges.

Fees The course fee is 13,860.00 Euros (VAT excluded) per participant. This includes two days at the track (including half day of theory), transfers, cocktail, two evening meals, two night’s accommodation at the Grand Hotel de la Ville ***** in Parma, lunch at the track and personalised gifts. Each participant may be accompanied by one or more companions who will be given the opportunity to take part in a special guest programme. The fee per companion is 1,100.00 Euros (VAT excluded) and includes the following activites: cooking lesson, city of Parma tour, SPA treatment. On request, participants may also take the test for the CSAI licence to race cars of over 2000 cc. There is an additional cost of 600.00 Euros (VAT excluded) for this test. Italian customers who already hold an Italian International C Class licence will be entitled to enter the Ferrari Challenge once they obtain the CSAI licence. By taking and passing the CSAI test for cars over 2000 cc, customers from other countries in the European Union and Italian customers who do not already hold the Italian International C Class licence will automatically qualify for one and may obtain their licence at an additional cost of 400.00 Euros (VAT excluded). Customers from countries outside the European Union who pass the CSAI test for cars over 2000 cc may obtain an Italian International C Class licence only provided the Automobile Club or body responsible for race driver licensing in their own country is willing to provide the CSAI with a declaration recognising the validity of the Italian licence. The additional cost for such customers remains 400.00 Euros (VAT excluded). All customers intending to take the test must present a medical certificate demonstrating their fitness for motor racing. Certificates can be obtained by undergoing a medical examination at any authorised Italian Sports Medicine centre. – 12 –

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Road Map

Outline Course Programme (programme and times may vary)

Day 1 (evening before course commences) 18:00 Arrival at the Hotel and check-in for course 19:00 Course briefing 20:00 Cocktails and dinner Day 2 8:45 9:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 20:30 Day 3 8:45 9:00 11:30 13:00 14:00 15:30 17:30

Beginning of the introductory technical briefing at the Hotel after breakfast Specialised theory sessions: – 1st theory session: competition driving techniques – 2nd theory session: techniques for setting up the car – 3rd theory session: racing regulations Lunch at the track Specialist track driving session start: – driving sessions with instructor to perfect racing car driving techniques – analysis of lap telemetry and timing in a 458 Challenge delivered to suit the needs and abilities of each individual participant End of practical session and return to Hotel Evening meal

After breakfast, departure for the Varano de’ Melegari circuit Specialist track driving session start: specialist track driving sessions in a 458 Challenge: analysis of progress and continuity of performance: – using telemetry – using chronometry with gradually longer track sessions Simulation of overtaking on the track Lunch at the track and group photo Circuit race driving: – simulation of racing start – simulation of timed trials with only participants at the wheel Final track session with overall session timing (if desired, issue of CSAI licence to drive cars over 2,000 cc) Closing ceremony, departure from the track

Grand Hotel de la Ville Largo P. Calamandrei, 11 - 43100 Parma, Italy Tel: +39.0521 0304 - Fax: +39.0521 030303 - E-mail: From Milan: Take the A1 motorway in the direction of Bologna. Take the A15 Parma-La Spezia motorway. From Bologna: Take the A1 motorway in the direction of Milan. From all directions: Leave the motorway at the “Fornovo” toll booth. Once through the barrier, turn left and follow signs towards Varano de’ Melegari. Follow this road for approximately 7 kilometres. On the right you will see the entrance that leads to the Hotel. Arriving By Air From Parma Parma’s “G. Verdi” airport is only 40 kilometres from the Hotel and within easy reach. Leave the A15 Parma-La Spezia at “Fornovo” exit, turn left and follow directions for “Varano de’ Melegari”. Follow this road for approximately 7 kilometres. On the right you will see the entrance that leads to the Hotel. Arriving By Air From Bologna Bologna’s “G.Marconi” airport is 130 kilometres from the Hotel. Take the A1 motorway in the direction of Milan, after Parma (8,5 kilometres), take the A15 Parma-La Spezia motorway. Leave the motorway at “Fornovo” toll booth and follow directions for Varano de’ Melegari. Follow this road for approximately 7 kilometres. On the right you will see the entrance that leads to the Hotel.

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Pilota Ferrari - Limited Edition Driving Course The course “Limited Edition” is the sports driving course for Ferrari customers only that is distinguished by the extreme exclusiveness of its programme and the prestige of its location. The Mugello Circuit can in fact be considered an extraordinary and unique racetrack capable of offering the course a superior technical level owing to its peculiar fast and demanding track configuration that winds through the splendid setting of the Tuscan hills. Due to the training of the Pilota Ferrari instructors that use the technological support of video acquisition devices and on-board telemetry, the course programme is structured to allow the participants to improve their driving style by progressively increasing performance. The driving experience is completed with several skills tested both on the track and in an equipped dynamic area that reward driving technique associated with speed in the strictest sense of the word.

Enrolment In 2012 registration may be made only on the site: For further info, contact:

Insurance For accidents occurring as a result of motoring activity on the track, the course insurance coverage includes: - Up to maximum coverage of 516,456.00 Euros in the event of death or permanent disability; - 51.65* Euros per day for temporary disability; - 15,493.71* Euros for reimbursement of healthcare costs arising from the accident. * maximum amount

Date of the course The course lasts two days and takes place on the Mugello racetrack (Firenze) on 4-5 June.

Participants Twenty-four participants are admitted, divided into four groups of six each. Course enrolment is open to all Ferrari customers.

Instructors and cars Participants will receive their instruction from a staff of 11 drivers-instructors. The “Limited Edition” course makes use of the fleet of Pilota Ferrari cars, made up of thirteen 458 Italias.

Clothing We recommend sportswear for track activities (it is particularly important to choose footwear that is suitable for driving.) Racing suits can be worn at the discretion of the participants but are not strictly necessary. There is no dress code for dinner.

Driving your own car on the track at the end of the course For safety reasons, we strongly suggest that all customers wishing to take their Ferrari cars out on the track at the end of the course have their vehicles checked beforehand by their regular dealer so that they are in optimum performance conditions.

Fees The course fee is 14,000.00 Euros (VAT excluded). This includes two days at the track, two evening meals, lunches at the track, two nights’ accommodation at the Four Seasons Hotel ***** in Firenze, Hotel-track transfers and personalised Pilota Ferrari Course gifts. Each participant may be accompanied by one or more companions who will be given the opportunity to take part in a specific programme. The fee per companion is 1,600.00 Euros (VAT excluded) and includes the following activites: cooking lesson, city of Firenze tour, SPA Treatment.

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Outline Course Programme

Road Map

(programme and times may vary)

Day 1 (evening before course commences) 18:00 Arrival at the Hotel and check-in for course 19:00 Course briefing 20:00 Cocktails and dinner at the Hotel restaurant Day 2 8:00 8:45 9:15 10:10 12:30 13:30 16:00 17:15 20:30

After breakfast, departure for the Mugello Circuit by bus Welcome by staff and driving theory lecture Initial track driving session Beginning of the specific sports driving course: Racing lines, Telemetry analysis On-board video analysis Car control: Power oversteer Lunch at the track and group photo Specific sports driving course (continued): Racing lines, Telemetry analysis On-board video analysis Car control: Power oversteer Track driving session: summary of the dynamic concepts developed during the day Return to Hotel Evening meal at Enoteca Pinchiorri, Firenze

Day 3 8:00 8:45 9:15 12:45 13:45 15:00 16:30 17:00 17:15

After breakfast, departure for the Mugello Circuit by bus Driving theory lecture Beginning of the specific sports driving course: perfecting driving sessions on the track with: telemetry analysis and progression of performance (driving skill contests on the track) Car control: Timed skill test Lunch at the track Specific sports driving course (continued): perfecting driving sessions on the track with: pace-car procedure, telemetry analysis progression of performance (skill-based track driving competition with data acquisition system-based rankings) Car control: Timed skill test Final track driving session Hot laps with drivers-instructors behind the wheel Track driving session in customers’ own Ferraris Closing ceremony, departure from the track

– 18 –

Four Seasons Hotel Borgo Pinti, 99 – 50121 Firenze, Italy Tel: (+39) 055 2626231 - Fax: (+39) 055 2626507 - E-mail: Arriving By Air From Firenze: Follow the signs to the city centre onto Viale Guidoni. Go straight on Viale Guidoni to Via Forlanini, where you will turn right. Continue on Via Forlanini to a roundabout. At the roundabout, turn left onto Viale Redi. Follow directions to Fortezza da Basso. Drive around the castle (Fortezza da Basso) and take Viale Strozzi. Go straight on Viale Strozzi to Viale Spartaco Lavagnini. Turn right and continue on Viale Spartaco Lavagnini, turning right first onto Piazza della Libertà, then right onto Viale Giacomo Matteotti. Go straight on Viale Giacomo Matteotti until you reach Via Alfieri. Turn right onto Via Alfieri and continue to Via Giuseppe Giusti. Turn right again onto Via Giuseppe Giusti and continue to Borgo Pinti. Turn right onto Borgo Pinti, and after a few metres you will see Four Seasons Hotel Firenze on your left. Arriving By Air From Pisa: Follow the signs to the FI/PI/LI freeway (Firenze-Pisa-Livorno). Take the FI/PI/LI freeway towards Firenze. Exit the freeway at the Firenze exit. As soon as you exit from the freeway, follow directions for Viale Talenti and city centre. Go straight on Viale Talenti until you reach Piazza Pompeo Batoni. Turn right onto Via Palazzo dei Diavoli and go straight until you reach Via Bronzino. Turn left onto Via Bronzino and drive until you arrive in Piazza Taddeo Gaddi. Turn left and cross the Arno River, taking Ponte alla Vittoria bridge. After the bridge, go straight onto Viale Fratelli Rosselli until you go over an underpass and arrive on Viale Strozzi. Go straight on Viale Strozzi to Viale Spartaco Lavagnini. Turn right and continue on Viale Spartaco Lavagnini, turning right first onto Piazza della Libertà, then right onto Viale Giacomo Matteotti. Go straight on Viale Giacomo Matteotti until you reach Via Alfieri. Turn right onto Via Alfieri and continue to Via Giuseppe Giusti. Turn right again onto Via Giuseppe Giusti and continue to Borgo Pinti. Turn right onto Borgo Pinti, and after a few metres you will see Four Seasons Hotel Firenze on your left. – 19 –

Ferrari Factory Tour 2012


1. FERRARI FACTORY TOUR pagine / pages 4-28 1.1. Benvenuti a Maranello / Welcome to Maranello

2. FERRARI GUEST PROGRAMME pagine / pages 28-29 2.1. Il programma / The Programme

1.2. La Ferrari / Ferrari 1.3. Museo Ferrari / The Ferrari museum 1.4. I percorsi di visita / Visitor routes 1.5. Le Guide / The Guides

Informazioni generali e modalità di prenotazione / General informations and Booking Information

Informazioni generali e modalità di prenotazione / General informations and Booking Information


1. FERRARI FACTORY TOUR 1.1. Benvenuti a Maranello

Maranello è un paese del nord Italia, situato nei pressi di Bologna e ospita la Ferrari fin dagli anni ‘40. Gli edifici dello stabilimento occupano una superficie di oltre 250.000 metri quadrati. Qui la passione, l’innovazione e la tecnologia si incontrano per dare vita alle vetture GT e Formula 1. Dalla sede principale della Scuderia Ferrari in via Trento Trieste a Modena, Enzo Ferrari scelse di trasferirsi a Maranello, poiché come scrisse nelle sue memorie, possedeva un “fazzoletto di terreno nelle immediate vicinanze del luogo dove si trova oggi la fabbrica”. Il 3 dicembre 1942, gli venne accordato il permesso di realizzare un piccolo stabilimento a Maranello per la produzione di strumenti per macchinari. Dallo storico portone di via Abetone Inferiore nel 1947 uscì la prima Ferrari, la 125 S. L’obiettivo di Enzo Ferrari era di progettare una fabbrica innovativa, creando un ambiente ben organizzato, in grado di stimolare e motivare costantemente le persone che lavorano al suo interno. Lo stesso Luca di Montezemolo, presidente della Ferrari dal 1991, spiega “Siamo molto soddisfatti di quello che abbiamo realizzato perché è frutto di passione, determinazione e unità di intenti, e perché alla base ci sono capacità di innovazione e una grande attenzione verso il prodotto, l’ambiente di lavoro, e le persone.”


1. FERRARI FACTORY TOUR 1.1 Welcome to Maranello

Maranello is a small town near Bologna in Northern Italy and has been home to Ferrari since the 1940s. The 45 buildings in the Ferrari complex cover over 250,000 square metres in total and more than 3,000 people work in them each day. Passion, innovation and technology all combine here to create Ferrari’s GT and Formula 1 cars. On December 3rd 1942, planning permission was granted for a small building in Maranello that would house a tooling machine production workshop. Enzo Ferrari decided to move from the Scuderia Ferrari’s headquarters on Via Trento Trieste in Modena to Maranello because, as he recounts in his memories, “there was a little handkerchief of land just beside to the spot on which the factory stands today”. Ferrari wanted to design an innovative factory that would provide a well-organised, sustainable environment to stimulate and motivate the people working in it each day. “We are very satisfied with what we’ve achieved,” explained Luca di Montezemolo, “because it is the fruit of passion, determination and a united effort, and because it is underpinned by our ability to innovate and our focus on product, working environment and people.”



L’intero processo produttivo delle vetture di F1 e GT si svolge all’interno della “Cittadella Ferrari”, con l’unica eccezione del reparto “Carrozzeria Scaglietti”, dove vengono create le scocche e i telai, che si trova a Modena. All’inizio degli anni ‘90 la Ferrari ha lanciato Formula Uomo, il progetto di rinnovamento degli insediamenti produttivi, che si basa sul concetto della persona come fulcro attorno al quale ruotano le attività in azienda. Il rinnovamento ha visto la collaborazione dei grandi nomi dell’architettura internazionale, da Renzo Piano a Massimiliano Fuksas, Jean Nouvel, Marco Visconti e Luigi Sturchio. Luminosità, climatizzazione, basso impatto ambientale, aree verdi, tecnologie avanzate e servizi dedicati ai dipendenti sono le caratteristiche principali di questa realtà. La Ferrari ha creato le migliori condizioni di lavoro possibili, aggiudicandosi anche il riconoscimento di Best Place to Work in Europa in tempi recenti. LEGHE LEGGERE Qui nascono i motori e i telai Ferrari, un impianto fra i più avanzati al mondo, dove si lavora in due squadre: una dedicata alle fusioni speciali (per i prototipi e per il mondo dello sport) e una alle fusioni industriali (per il settore delle Granturismo). LAVORAZIONI MECCANICHE MOTORI Inaugurato nel 2001 e realizzato da Marco Visconti, il padiglione Lavorazioni Meccaniche Motori copre una superficie di 15.000 metri quadrati e si compone di 15 aree di lavoro dove vengono realizzate le componenti dei motori Ferrari a 8 e 12 cilindri, e Maserati 8 cilindri. Ogni zona è dedicata a una specifica attività e contiene postazioni di lavoro con macchine utensili, uffici, sala metrologica e due aree verdi.



The whole production process involved in building Ferrari’s F1 and GT cars plays out on the Ferrari Campus. The only exception to this is the Carrozzeria Scaglietti division which is in Modena. In the early 1990s, Ferrari launched its Formula Uomo programme which put people at the very centre of company life and activities and led to the renovation of the production facilities. Leading architects of the likes of Renzo Piano, Massimiliano Fuksas, Jean Nouvel, Marco Visconti and Luigi Sturchio were called in to design the new buildings. Formula Uomo focuses on creating bright, climate-controlled, low environmental impact working areas. Advanced technologies, the creation of green areas and a plethora of employee-centred services are other features. Formula Uomo has seen Ferrari create optimal working environments that have won it the Best Place to Work in Europe award recently. LIGHT ALLOYS This is where the Ferrari engines and chassis are made. It is one of the most advanced facilities of its kind anywhere in the world and is home to two teams of workers: one devoted to specialist castings (for prototypes and racing) and the other industrial castings (for the GT sector). NEW MECHANICAL MACHINING Officially opened in 2001, the Marco Visconti-designed Mechanical Machining Pavilion covers 15,000 square metres and is split into 15 different working areas in which the components of the Ferrari 8- and 12-cylinder and Maserati 8-cylinder engines are made. Each area is devoted to a specific activity and is fitted out with machine tool-equipped work stations. There are also offices, a metrology lab, and two green areas.



ASSEMBLAGGIO MOTORI L’area Assemblaggio Motori è dotata di due linee parallele per i modelli Ferrari 8 e 12 cilindri e Maserati 8 cilindri. Nel corso di un ciclo completo di assemblaggio, i tecnici svolgono il proprio lavoro presso postazioni specifiche, mentre i motori e le componenti che si muovono lungo il percorso. Al termine della linea d’assemblaggio, l’intero motore viene sottoposto a una verifica prima di essere spedito al banco di prova. CARROZZERIA SCAGLIETTI Lo stabilimento Scaglietti di Modena è parte integrante della Ferrari dal 1977. Qui vennero realizzate alcune delle più importanti vetture GT e sport della Ferrari. Oggi vi vengono effettuate le operazioni di lastratura, ferratura e revisione per le vetture Granturismo. NUOVA VERNICIATURA La nuova Area Verniciatura di Ferrari e Maserati è tra le più sofisticate al mondo. Il processo di Verniciatura, pilotato da un’unica centrale operativa, utilizza vernici ad acqua, e comprende la copertura “dunk tank” a 360° con fluido protettivo.



ENGINE ASSEMBLY The Engine Assembly Area contains two parallel assembly lines for our 8- and 12-cylinder units. Ferrari and Maserati 8-cylinder engines are assembled in this area at a rate of 60 per day. The technicians work at their own specific work stations with the engines and components moving down the line from one to another. At the end of the assembly line, the whole engine will be given a thorough check before being sent to the test cells. CARROZZERIA SCAGLIETTI The Carrozzeria Scaglietti facility in Modena has been owned by Ferrari since 1977 and has produced some of the most beautiful Ferrari sports and GT cars ever built. This is where the GT bodyshell production, door and boot fitting, and surface reviews take place. NEW PAINT TECHNOLOGIES AREA The New Ferrari and Maserati Paint Technologies Area is one of the most advanced in the world. The painting process is controlled from a single operations centre. Water-based paints are used and there is also dunk tank which gives 360째 coverage with a protective fluid.



NUOVE LINEE DI MONTAGGIO VETTURA L’edificio Nuove Linee di Montaggio, realizzato da Jean Nouvel, coniuga eccellenza tecnologica e altissima artigianalità. Si divide su due livelli dove vengono assemblate rispettivamente le vetture 8 e 12 cilindri. CENTRO SVILUPPO PRODOTTO Il Centro Sviluppo Prodotto è stato progettato da Massimiliano Fuksas, che ha realizzato un ambiente funzionale all’ispirazione di ingegneri e tecnici, sapendo che a loro spetta il compito di “progettare” le Ferrari del futuro. RISTORANTE AZIENDALE Il Ristorante Aziendale il Podio è stato disegnato da Marco Visconti. Inaugurato nel 2008 ha una struttura che si distacca formalmente dal rigore geometrico delle costruzioni circostanti, ma che risponde ad avanzati criteri di risparmio energetico. Situato al centro dell’alberato viale Enzo Ferrari, include un’agorà coperta che rappresenta un luogo di incontro e socializzazione, ed è circondato da giardini e panchine di cui possono usufruire i dipendenti per i momenti di pausa.



NEW CAR ASSEMBLY LINES Jean Nouvel’s New Car Assembly Lines building melds technological excellence and meticulous craftsmanship. It is split into two levels on which the 8- and 12-cylinder cars are assembled. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT CENTRE The Product Development Centre comes from the pen of Massimiliano Fuksas, who has designed a working environment for our engineers and technicians that will be a source of inspiration to them in designing the Ferraris of the future. COMPANY RESTAURANT Il Podio is the new company restaurant. Designed by Marco Visconti, it opened in 1998 and, architecturally speaking, hails a major departure from the geometrical precision of the buildings that surround it. This is, however, a very low energy facility and lies at the heart of the leafy, tree-lined Viale Enzo Ferrari. It includes a covered “agora” area where employees can meet and socialise, and is also surrounded by gardens and benches for workers to enjoy during their breaks.



LA GESTIONE SPORTIVA L’edificio centrale della Gestione Sportiva ospita tutti i reparti di Formula 1, inclusa la Direzione. La struttura ospita anche la Logistica, il Controllo di Gestione, le Risorse Umane, l’Ufficio Acquisti e il reparto Sistemi Informativi. Sempre nello stesso edificio si trovano il Reparto Telai e il Reparto Motori, insieme agli uffici tecnici e di pianificazione. Qui vengono assemblate le monoposto, prima di essere avviate e poi trasferite sulla pista per i test.



GES RACING DIVISION The central GES building houses all of the Formula 1 departments, including management. Others include Logistics, Management Control, Human Resources, Purchasing Office and Information Systems. The Chassis and Engine departments are also there too along with the technical and planning offices. This is where the single-seaters are assembled and started, before being sent to the track for testing.



LA GALLERIA DEL VENTO Costruita nel 1997, la Galleria del Vento di Renzo Piano è cronologicamente la prima tessera del programma “Formula Uomo”. Il suo elemento nodale è il condotto tubolare lungo 80 metri in cui, generato da una turbina, soffia un flusso d’aria di alta qualità, in termini di turbolenza, angolarità e uniformità. Qui avvengono le simulazioni destinate a testare e migliorare le prestazioni aerodinamiche delle vetture. LA NUOVA LOGISTICA La Logistica ha il compito di fornire tutto quello di cui ha bisogno la Scuderia Ferrari per competere nei Gran Premi di Formula 1 e si trova tra il circuito di Fiorano e la base della Gestione Sportiva. La forma compatta e metallica dell’edificio, che somiglia ad un dirigibile, è stata progettata per servire questa attività febbrile del reparto Logistica, e si declina in fruibilità degli spazi, comfort dell’ambiente di lavoro e flessibilità organizzativa.



THE WIND TUNNEL Built in 1997, Renzo Piano’s Wind Tunnel was the first piece of the Formula Uomo jigsaw to fall into place. Its key feature is the 80-metre long tubular air duct in which high quality air flows are generated by a turbine. This is where simulations are performed to test cars’ aerodynamic efficiency. NEW LOGISTICS AREA The New Logistics building provides the Scuderia Ferrari with everything it requires to compete in its Formula 1 grands prix and is located between the Fiorano Circuit and the GES building. The building looks for all the world like a compact metal dirigible and was designed to cater to the absolutely blistering pace of the work carried out there. Efficient space design, comfortable working environments and organisational flexibility are its key features.



PISTA DI FIORANO È stata realizzata nel 1972 in un’area adiacente allo stabilimento. Il tracciato originale, tuttora percorribile, misura 2948,5 metri, mentre nel 1996 è stata introdotta una variante per renderlo più veloce ed adatto alle moderne monoposto, che ha allungato di 27,91 metri la lunghezza totale portandola a 2976,41 metri.



FIORANO CIRCUIT Built in 1972 on a piece of land adjacent to the factory, the original track at Fiorano was 2,948.5 metres in length and can still be used today. In 1996, however, a chicane was added to make it faster and more suited to modern single-seaters. This extended it by 27.91 metres, giving a total of 2,976.41 metres.


1. FERRARI FACTORY TOUR 1.3 Museo Ferrari

Vero e proprio custode del mito, il Museo Ferrari di Maranello è visitato ogni anno da oltre 250.000 appassionati provenienti da tutto il mondo. Il Museo è strutturato in aree tematiche, ognuna in grado di soddisfare le aspettative sia dell’appassionato di competizioni automobilistiche sia del competente conoscitore di auto storiche: la Formula 1, le vetture Sport e Sport-Prototipo, il mondo Granturismo. Inoltre, ai ragazzi in visita con la scuola o con la famiglia è dedicato il nuovo laboratorio didattico Red Campus: uno spazio interattivo dove approfondire, attraverso esercitazioni e simulazioni, gli ambiti tematici di innovazione tecnologica, lavoro di squadra, stile e design - che rendono la Ferrari un modello di eccellenza.




1. FERRARI FACTORY TOUR 1.3. Ferrari Museum

The Ferrari Museum in Maranello is the official custodian of the Ferrari legend and attracts over 250,000 enthusiasts per year from all over the world. The Museum is divided into three themed sections, designed to fulfil and surpass the expectations of motor racing fans and well-informed historic car enthusiasts alike. The sections are: Formula 1, Sports Cars and Sport Prototypes, and the GT World. Children visiting either with a school party or their families will enjoy the new Red Campus educational laboratory: an interactive space where, through exercises and simulations, kids learn more about the superb technological innovation, team work, styling and design that make Ferrari a model of excellence. Ferrari has created especially for them.


1. FERRARI FACTORY TOUR 1.4 I percorsi di visita

La visita alla Cittadella rappresenta un elemento distintivo ed importante di Ferrari. Gli ospiti hanno la possibilità di scoprire la fabbrica e vedere il lavoro quotidiano in modo dinamico. Il percorso di visita include le seguenti aree della Gestione Industriale*: • • • • • •

Nuova Meccanica Asssemblaggio Motori Verniciatura (solo esternamente) Centro Sviluppo Prodotto (solo esternamente) Galleria del Vento (solo esternamente) Nuove Linee di Montaggio Vettura

• • • • •

Gestione Sportiva Montaggio Veicolo Corse Clienti – F1 Clienti e FXX Museo Ferrari Ferrari Store

* Il percorso sopra citato è da considerarsi come indicativo e può variare in funzione delle attività lavorative.


1. FERRARI FACTORY TOUR 1.4. Visitor Routes

Visits to the Ferrari Campus are a very important and distinctive part of the Prancing Horse philosophy, and provide guests with the opportunity to both explore the factory and see our day-to-day work unfolding at first-hand. Factory visits really do allow guests to fully immerse themselves in the Ferrari experience. The visitors’ route includes the following areas of the GT Division*: • • • • • •

New Mechanical Machining Area Engine Assembly Paint Technologies (outside only) Product Development Centre (outside only) Wind Tunnel (outside only) New Car Assembly Lines

• • • • •

GES Racing Division Car Assembly Corse Clienti – F1 Clienti and FXX Ferrari Museum Ferrari Store

* The abovementioned route is for guidance purposes only and may be changed to suit Ferrari’s working schedule.



Gli ospiti sono accompagnati in visita da guide professionali. Sono a disposizione apparecchi audioguida per consentire agli ospiti di ascoltare messaggi relativi alle aree visitate. La visita agli stabilimenti può essere organizzata nelle seguenti lingue: • Italiano • Inglese • Francese • Tedesco • Spagnolo • Cinese • Giapponese



Guests are accompanied throughout their visit by professional guides. Audio guide sets are also available to allow visitors to listen to information relating to the various areas covered in the tour. Visits to the buildings can be organised in the following languages: • Italian • English • French • German • Spanish • Chinese • Japanese


Ferrari Gran Tour

Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello 6 -10 Septembre 2012

1er jour: Ascona Jeudi 6 septembre 2012

Jeudi 6 septembre 2012 Après-midi Réunion des participant au Park Hôtel Delta 5*, en Ascona. Un paradis avec une vue extraordinaire des montagnes du Tessin. Les clients Ferrari découvrent les contrastes naturels dans un des plus grands hôtels 5 étoiles en Tessin dans la jolie ville de Ascona en Suisse. • L’hôtel met à votre disposition une zone réservée avec gardien pour votre Ferrari • Enregistrement et temps libre pour les clients. • A partir de 14.00 H le comptoir d’enregistrement est à votre disposition. Si nécessaire les enregistrements peuvent être gérés avant l’ouverture du comptoir sur demande. Les clients Ferrari peuvent se détendre dans la station thermale de l’hôtel qui offre sauna, bain de vapeur, piscine extérieure et couverte, jacuzzi et solarium. Les champs de tennis et de golf sont aussi à disposition sur demande. • 19.00 H: Réunion officielle des équipages. • Transfert en navette au restaurant pour le dîner 20:30 H: cocktail de bienvenue et dîner au bord du lac en Ascona au Restaurant Beach Lounge. Nuitée à l’hôtel Park Hotel Delta 5* (Ascona, Suisse).

Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012


2ème jour: Ascona Stresa Pollenzo Vendredi 7 septembre 2012

Vendredi 7 septembre 2012 Matin • Petit déjeuner et libération de la chambre. 09.30 H: Départ vers l’Italie • 10.30 H: étape à Stresa pour goûter un café sur les plages du Lac Majeur. Trajet vers le Montferrat dans le Piémont du sud pour le déjeuner 13.00 H: Déjeuner au Restaurant Garden chez Monferrato Resort à Cereseto, avec une vue splendide sur la vallée. Après-midi L’itinéraire se déplie dans la zone des Langhe, célèbre dans le monde entier pour ses vins, au cours de l’après-midi promenade en voiture dans les villages de Monforte d’Alba, Barolo et La Morra. • Le trajet sur les routes les plus belles de la zone des Langhe conduit à la destination de Pollenzo pour l’enregistrement dans l’hôtel qui héberge la première Université des Sciences Gastronomiques au monde. Albergo dell’Agenzia, inspiré par la philosophie de Slow Food, est une étape à ne pas manquer pour tous ceux qui recherchent les plaisirs du palais dans un endroit imprévu et charmant. L’hôtel, un bel édifice en style néo-gothique, est bâti dans une des résidences d’été du Roi Carlo Alberto de Savoie. • L’hôtel met à votre disposition une zone réservée avec gardien pour votre Ferrari. Soir 20.00 H: Apéritif et dîner chez le Restaurant Guido (1 étoile Michelin) dans la charmante Pollenzo. Nuitée à l’hôtel Albergo dell’Agenzia dans l’Université de Sciences Gastronomiques (Pollenzo). Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012


2ème jour: Ascona Stresa Pollenzo Vendredi 7 septembre 2012

Park Hotel Delta 5* Ascona Pause-café en Stresa

Départ de Ascona Park Hotel Delta 5* Via Delta, 137-141 Ascona - Suisse Tél.: +41 (0)91 785 7785 Pause-café en Stresa Grand Hotel Bristol Corso Umberto I, 73 Stresa VB Tél.: +39 0323 32601

Déjeuner à Cereseto

Albergo dell’Agenzia dans l’Université de Sciences Gastronomiques

Déjeuner dans le Monferrat Ristorante Garden Monferrato Resort Fraz. Cascine Franchi Cereseto AL Tél.: +39 0142 940127 Arrivée à Pollenzo Albergo dell’Agenzia dans l’Université de Sciences Gastronomiques 4* Via Fossano, 21 Pollenzo - Bra CN Tél.: +39 0172 458600 km parcourus le matin: 170 km parcourus l’après-midi: 115

Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012


3ème jour: Pollenzo Rapallo Viareggio Samedi 8 septembre 2012

Samedi 8 septembre 2012 Matin • Petit déjeuner et libération de la chambre. 09.30 H: Vous conduirez vos Ferraris sur en trajet vers la mer Ligurienne Promenade en voiture sur les plus belles routes du Piémont du point de vue du plaisir de conduire et des panoramas ; le trajet traverse plusieurs pays renommés tels que Novello, Dogliani, Belvedere Langhe et Montezemolo. • 10.30 H: étape à Carcare pour une pause-café avec des produits locaux typiques. Promenade en Ferrari vers Rapallo, sur la mer Ligurienne • Déjeuner à Rapallo - la police italienne escortera les clients Ferrari durant l’entrée dans la zone au bord de la mer. 13.00 H: Apéritif et déjeuner à Rapallo au Restaurant Lord Byron avec une splendide vue de la mer.

Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012


3ème jour: Pollenzo Rapallo Viareggio Samedi 8 septembre 2012

Samedi 8 septembre 2012 Après-midi 15.00 H: Déplacement de la Ligurie à Viareggio, dans la zone côtière de la Versilia en Toscanie • 16.30 H: Arrivée à Viareggio et enregistrement au Grand Hôtel Principe di Piemonte 4*. L’hôtel, bâti au début des années 20 du XIXème siècle, a subi une restructuration durant deux ans qui l’a ramené à sa splendeur originale, il a été réouvert en 2004. • 20.00 H: Transport en navette au restaurant à Pietrasanta. Soir 20.30 H: Dîner à Pietrasanta à La Capannina di Franceschi, un des locaux plus glamour d’Italie. Après avoir dîné nos clients pourrons profiter de l’amusante soirée dans les tables réservés pour eux. Nuitée au Grand Hôtel Principe di Piemonte 4* (Viareggio).

Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012


3ème jour: Pollenzo Rapallo Viareggio Samedi 8 septembre 2012

Départ de Pollenzo Albergo dell’Agenzia dans l’Université de Sciences Gastronomiques 4* Via Fossano, 21 Pollenzo - Bra CN Tél.: +39 0172 458600

Albergo dell’Agenzia dans l’Université de Sciences Gastronomiques

Grand Hotel Principe di Piemonte Viareggio Pause-café à Carcare

Déjeuner à Rapallo

Pause-café à Carcare Villa degli Aceri Largo Don Minzoni, 2 Carcare SV Tél.: +39 019 517026 Déjeuner à Rapallo Ristorante Lord Byron Excelsior Palace Hotel Via San Michele di Pagana, 8 Rapallo GE Tél.: +39 0185 230666 Arrivée à Viareggio Grand Hotel Principe di Piemonte 4* Piazza Puccini, 1 Viareggio LU Tél.: +39 0584 4011 km parcourus le matin: 180 km parcourus l’après-midi: 120

Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012


4ème jour: Viareggio Maranello Dimanche 9 septembre 2012

Dimanche 9 septembre 2012 Matin • Petit déjeuner et libération de la chambre. 08.30 H: La route se déployant sur les Appenins vous fera cadeau de la joie de conduire sur des étonnantes rues de campagne et de montagne. • 10.30 H: étape à Abetone à l’hôtel Abetone e Piramidi pour une pause-café. La deuxième partie du trajet - toujours sur les Apppenins, ce qui garantira un sûr plaisir de conduire - procédera en direction de Maranello. • 12.30 H: Arrivée au circuit de Florano à l’heure du déjeuner, vous aurez la possibilité de conduire vos voitures Ferrari tout le long de l’après-midi. Les bagages seront transférés avec une navette du circuit à Una Hôtel directement. 13.00 H - 14.00 H: Buffet au circuit de Florano. 14.00 H: possibilité de suivre le Grand Prix de Monza sur écran géant.

Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012


4ème jour: Viareggio Maranello Dimanche 9 septembre 2012

Dimanche 9 septembre 2012 Après-midi • 14.00 H - 17.00 H: Ouverture du circuit de Florano où vous pourrez conduire vos voitures Ferrari sur le circuit automobile*. Rentrée à l’hôtel après avoir conduit vos Ferraris sur le circuit automobile. L’hôtel met à votre disposition une zone réservée pour votre Ferrari avec surveillance nocturne. Programme facultatif pour les accompagnateurs (14.30 H -16.30 H) Navette à votre disposition pour aller visiter l’Acetaia San Donnino (producteur de vinaigre balsamique selon les méthodes traditionnelles) , qui se trouve immédiatement en dehors de Modena. Le projet du villa de cette vinaigrerie, présenté en nom du lieutenant Claudio San Donnino le 14 mars 1910, devint plus tard un des exemples les plus exquis de l’Art Nouveau de l’ÉmilieRomagne. Cette résidence, avec les fresques et ses décorations, représentantes des allégories voluptueuses et décadentistes réalisées par Aroldo Bonzaghi (1887-1918) crée une atmosphère magique. Le propriétaire vous invite pour une visite et une dégustation privée. Visite à la vinaigrerie artisanal et dégustation de vinaigre balsamique. • Enregistrement à l’hôtel Una Modena 4* à Baggiovara, près de Modena. Soir • 20.00 H: RDV dans le hall de l’hôtel et transfert en navette au restaurant. • 20.30 H: Dîner au Restaurant Montana. • Retour à l’hôtel en navette après dîner. Nuitée à l’hôtel Una Modena 4* (Baggiovara, province de Modena). *L’emploi du casque est obligatoire pour conduire vos Ferraris sur le circuit automobile. Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012


4ème jour: Viareggio Maranello Dimanche 9 septembre 2012


Pause-café à Abetone

Grand Hotel Principe di Piemonte Viareggio

Départ de Viareggio Grand Hotel Principe di Piemonte 4* Piazza Puccini, 1 Viareggio LU Tél.: +39 0584 4011 Pause-café à Abetone Albergo Abetone & Piramidi Via Brennero, 456 Abetone PT Tél.: +39 0573 60005 Arrivée à Maranello (Modena) Hotel Una 4* Via Luigi Settembrini, 10 Baggiovara MO Tél.: + 39 059 5139595 modena/hotel_modena.htm Circuit de Florano Via Gilles Villeneuve, 23 Fiorano Modenese MO Tél.: + 39 0536 833111

km parcourus le matin: 160 Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012

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5ème jour: Maranello Lundi 10 septembre 2012

Lundi 10 septembre 2012 Matin • Petit déjeuner et libération de la chambre. 10.00 H: Départ en Ferrari pour rejoindre l’usine Ferrari • Zone de garage réservée pour vos Ferrari devant la galerie Galleria Ferrari. • 10.30 H - 12.30 H: Visite de l’usine Ferrari. 13.00 H: déjeuner à Maranello au Restaurant Il Cavallino. Après-midi • Après avoir déjeuné, rentrée a votre domicile.

Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012

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Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona – Langhe – Versilia – Maranello 6 -10 Septembre 2012

2ème jour Vendredi 7 septembre 2012 Ascona Stresa Cereseto Pollenzo 3ème jour Samedi 8 septembre 2012 Pollenzo Carcare Rapallo Viareggio 4ème jour Dimanche 9 septembre 2012 Viareggio Abetone Maranello

km parcourus: 745 Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012

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Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona – Langhe – Versilia – Maranello 6 -10 Septembre 2012

TARIFS • Tarif par équipage: € 3.850 TVA incluse (1 Ferrari, 2 personnes copartageantes une chambre double) • Tarif par équipage avec 2 chambres doubles à usage individuel: € 4.850 TVA incluse (1 Ferrari, 2 personnes, 2 chambres doubles à usage individuel) • Tarif par équipage individuel: € 3.450 TVA incluse (1 Ferrari, 1 participant, 1 chambre double à usage individuel) SERVICES INCLUS • Séjours dans les hôtels • Repas • Garage réservés pour la nuit • Matériel pour les participants: - Adhésifs - Itinéraire de voyage - Laissez-passer

Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012

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Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona – Langhe – Versilia – Maranello 6 -10 Septembre 2012



Jeudi 6 septembre

Vendredi 7 septembre

Samedi 8 septembre

Dimanche 9 septembre


Park Hotel Delta 5* (Ascona)

Albergo dell’Agenzia 4* (Pollenzo)

Grand Hotel Principe di Piemonte 4* (Viareggio)

UNA Hotel 4* (Baggiovara, Modena)


Pause-Café au Grand Pause-Café à Villa degli Pause-Café le matin Hôtel Bristol le matin à Aceri le matin à Carcare à l’hôtel Abetone e Stresa Piramidi, à Abetone


Apéritif et déjeuner au Apéritif et déjeuner à Buffet au Restaurant Garden du Rapallo au restaurant Florano Monferrato Resort, à Lord Byron Cesereto


de Déjeuner au Restaurant Il Cavallino à Maranello


Dîner au restaurant Beach Loung en Ascona

Apéritif et dîner au Dîner et après-dîner à La Dîner au restaurant restaurant Guide ( Capannina di Franceschi Montana à Maranello 1 étoile Michelin ) à à Pietrasanta Pollenzo.


Zone de garage réservée et surveillée

Zone de garage réservée Zone de garage réservée Zone de garage réservée et surveillée et surveillée et surveillée

Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012

Lundi 10 septembre

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Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona – Langhe – Versilia – Maranello informations et réservations:

Informations et Réservations: RT SERVICE GmbH Antonienstrasse, 1 80802 Munchen (Deutschland) Personne de contact: M Marco Vidano / Mme Antonella Nobile Tél.: +39 011 6165219 Mob.: +39 340 6637560 e-mail: RT Service vous offre un service de conciergerie complet, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour n’importe quelle exigence avant ou après le tour, ou pour toute requête spéciale pendant le Grand Tour Ferrari.

Ferrari Gran Tour | Ascona - Langhe - Versilia - Maranello | 6 - 10 Septembre 2012

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