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Photo’s uncovered Why do we use anchoring text? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-26322003 The pictures that I will focus on is the picture of the two men shaking hands, the man and woman in the

top right hand corner. And the photo of the police car parked outside a house. The denotations of the men shaking hands, they’re shaking hands. And wearing suits. And they seem to be happy with themselves. The connotations for the picture can be that, they just completed a business proposal. This can be inferred to the fact that the way they are dressed i.e. the suits. It could also be the joining of two different political parties. This is again shown by the way they are presented, with the suits there wearing. By the anchoring headline in this newspaper, the picture is actually about two political leader settling their feud. This then shows the angle the newspaper is coming from. The picture of the man and the woman in the right hand corner denotations are, a man and woman that looks to be happy posing together. The small picture of an infant’s hands seems to link with the main picture, of the man and women. The connotations

of the picture is they look to be a couple of some sort. Either through marriage or by just statues. The picture of the infant’s hands links to the couple as it seems that they are celebrating a both of, what can be assumed to be their child. The anchoring headline for this picture then reinforces the facts that Kieran and his partner are together. And that they just celebrating the birth of their child. The third picture of the police car parked outside a house denotations are, it’s closed off by police tape. And no one is outside. The connotations of the picture is that the house is linked to the crime, the police car reinforces the fact that a crime has be committed. The police tape that has been tapped outside the house shows that it’s not open to the public view and could, be dangerous to the members of public. The anchoring headlines shows that it’s a crime scene, but the noun “hell” is used to emphasize how brutal the murder was. This then explains why the police tape was used. The headlines also tell you about the victim that was involved in the murder.

Photo’s that are used in adverts https://naotw-pd.s3.amazonaws.com/drinkanddrive_ aotw.jpg The way that photography is being used in marketing is in this adverts is that denotations are a man being punched by a fist. There is a tattoo on the man’s cheek that’s being punched, and a tattoo of the arm of the fist that’s punching the man. The connotations of the advert is that the man being punched by the fist can represent a fight. The truck on the fists arm can represent the force the man is being punched with. This could suggest he’s being punched so hard it’s like being hit with a truck. We can also tell he’s being hit with a large amount of force by the spit that’s is shown to be coming out of his mouth. The car on the man’s cheek can represent the little amount of force the man is putting into the fist as they collide. This can connote that his face is weaker than the face as the car is smaller and is not exhorting as much force as the truck. The image of the advert shows the force people will face in a car crash. As we can see from the image people in a car crash experience an intense amount of force, as we can see spit flying out the man’s mouth. It shows the danger that people put themselves in when they choose to drink and drive. And the picture shows that the force of the car crash is like getting punched in the face by a truck. This image helps to sell the message of not drinking and driving because it shows you the dangers, and makes you more aware of the danger you put yourself in when you drink and drive.

Why do we use anchoring text? The front covers pictures denotations are, a man pointing into the distance. He looks to be angry, and looks like he’ speaking to someone. The connotations of the picture would be that, the man could be telling a motivational speech to an audience. He could be talking to someone in an aggressive manor due to the expression on his face. The anchoring headline shows that the picture for the article is about, the Brexit deal being off with the US and shows that Donald Trump is not happy with the terms and conditions made to the country, as you can see from the image with his facial expression showing anger. But not only that, the fact that the headline has an exclamation marked at the end. To show his reinforce his anger and frustration. https:// www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiE2PeOmK7eAhUizoUKHf3kC_kQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. zeppy.io%2Fdiscover%2Fgb%2Fnewspapers-the-sun&psig=AOvVaw2SmSaKDI5dD7KSvfr7bcQK&ust=1540989646781622

Photo’s that are used in adverts

Photo’s used in CD covers


https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiMiunl7_neAhWBzoUKHd7VDl8QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.covermytunes. com%2Fcd-cover%2FGoodbye_feat_Nicki_Minaj_Willy_William_Single-1429671589.html&psig=AOvVaw0Hn-saKvqNNZFS9b_kB3NI&ust=1543590044936100 The way that this CD cover increases sales is that, it draws attention to itself. By the way it’s presented. For example, the bright yellow used in the background is very eye catching, this is good because it makes it stand out from other CD’s. This is good because it catches people’s eyes and draws them to the CD. And can interest them to by the product. The text “JASON DERULO” is in black which also stand out from the yellow background. This is useful because it makes you able to find this CD if you were looking for it, but also the fact that it stands out from the background and in all in capitals shows that it wants to be noticed. You can tell this from the facts that the whole title was written in capitals. Also ‘GOODBYE’ Is written in black this makes it sand out, but nit only that its written in capitals so it stands out and catches peoples eyes. But the facts that it says ‘goodbye’ makes it seem like this album cover maybe be important, because it can make people feel likes its his last one. Therefore, encouraging consumers to buy the album, and therefore increases the sales. Also the way they have edited the album cover to make Jason Derulo look yellow and pink can interest people, this is because the contrast of colours and the, way it has been edited can intrigue people, and makes the album an eye catcher.

This adverts use photography and language. The denotations are a woman, in a hijab. The background is black and she’s staring in the distance, or the person looking at the advert. She has a bruise on what looks to be like her right eye. And a message in the middle of the advert. Which reads “Somethings can’t be covered” and “fight woman’s abuse together.” The connotations of the advert is that the bruise can represent a fight that the woman has been involved in. Or can be a scar from being burnt with fire, or a hot substance. The hijab can represent her hidden identity, because we don’t know much about her as a person. It can also show her being silenced about constant abuse. This is because we can’t see her mouth because of the hijab. And can mean its silence her and stopping her form speaking out, about her abuse. The black background can represent the darkness around her, and how it surrounds her. It can represent an outside prison for her. And how she can’t see a way out her situation. The text in the middle makes the advert more serious. As it shows the viewer that the advert has a deep meaning, and that some women deal with this on a day to day bases. This image helps to sell the advert because it shows the harsh reality, that some women have to deal with in to their day to day lives. And how even though they want to hide it sometimes they can’t. It pulls on the heart string of the public and makes it hard not listen to and help support the cause. The photo is being used in a way to gain attention. Its gain attention from how real it is. And how some people can relate to that, experience in their lives. It’s used a beacon to other around that didn’t know that things, like this can happen in the century.

Photo’s that tell a story https://www.magnumphotos.com/arts-culture/society-arts-culture/hiroji-kubota-contradictions-modern-japan/attachment/nyc153075/ This picture tells a story about the past and the present. Even though we can clearly see that time has moved on, from the types of ships that are shown in the background of the picture. Some traditions of the past has stayed the same. We can see that through the type of clothes the 6 people are wearing. Those clothes that they are worn by the 6 females are called Kimono’s. These where first worn in 794. The photo was taken in 2002. So this is a clear indication that some traditions live on, even though the world around them constantly changes. The picture also shows the value of family, and how it’s important to others. The picture shows that it doesn’t matter where you are in the world, if you surrounded by loved ones you will still be happy. The way it also tells a story of war. And how the innocent people are in the middle of the fire when it breaks out. The ship representing the war and the 6 people, representing the innocent. And it how it can change the lives of so many. Form their happiness to the way they live. The photo can also tell a story in the way how it shows the calm before the storm. Because as you can see in the picture, everything from the people to the waves that are shown on the sea are calm and relaxed. And the war ship doesn’t be shown too active YET. But it could use for war and it can represent the coming storm for the country, and its people in the coming future.

Photo’s that tell a story

https://www.magnumphotos.com/events/event/ bruno-barbeys-passages-in-frankfurt/attachment/ par467866-6/ This picture tells a story on the destruction that mankind has created. From this picture you can see a fire in the background, which may have been caused by mankind. And how its slowly destroying the earth we need to look after, and it not only effect the ground and the surrounding that’s around us. It also effects the wildlife that lives in those areas. Not only do we lose the food that grows in those areas, we lose wildlife that makes our earth so diverse. And they also lose their homes. The photo can also tell a story in a different way. The fire can represent the slow demise of the human race slowly catching up to us, with things like global warming. And how we can see no end to it, as the smoke covers our vision. And the camel’s ca represent the human race slowly trying to run away from the problems they have created.

Charity photo’s that tell a story https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwibiMGg2bPeAhUEyYUKHQPHDekQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Funsplash. com%2Fsearch%2Fphotos%2Fcharity&psig=AOvVaw0og6BWXLOAX4kPVmNPNIFv&ust=1541178949095274 This charity photo tells a story on the fight for diversity, and how we are all the same no matter the colour of our skin. In the picture it shows difference races of people putting their hands on top of each other, this show how we as human beings must work together to make the world a better place. But it also shows how racism should no longer be tolerated, because as we see in the photo different races are coming together as one no matter their skin. And how we should no longer see colour but we should see people. It also tell a story on how we must strive to equality no matter our race or colour. Because in the photo the people are putting their hands together in a circle. And no one left out. And how as human beings we mustn’t put other races above another, because we are all the same and equal.

Photos used in CD covers The way the CD cover increases sales is that it attracts attention from consumers. By the contrast of colours of the white, black and red. For example, the white allows the red and black to stand out. This then draws attention to The Notorious B.I.G face as it has both white black and red, surrounding or inside the face. This then increases sales because it’s different and the colours helps to draw attention. As they complement each other and help to make each other stand out. Also the fact that the Notorious B.I.G face and clothes have writing on it can be another example of the reason why it helps to boost sales. This is because it’s small but noticeable because it’s done it white in dark areas, and done in black in white areas. It will interest consumers on what is says, and therefore attract people and will help encourage the, to buy it. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwicg8-Zx73eAhXJy4UKHcroALQQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=%2Furl%3Fsa%3Di%26source%3Dimages%26cd%3D%26cad%3Drja%26uact%3D8%26ved%3D2ahUKEwicg8-Zx73eAhXJy4UKHcroALQQjRx6BAgBEAU%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%2

Charity photo’s that tell a story Rx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fblog. mercia-group.co.uk%2Fchoosing-your-charitable-structure%2F&psig=AOvVaw0og6BWXLOAX4kPVmNPNIFv&ust=1541178949095274 This Charity photo can tell a story on how wildlife is sacred, you can tell this by the way it is shown in the picture. The plant is shown to have a spotlight on it. This emphasise the fact that wildlife is precious. Also the fact that the hands the around the plant look like its shielding the plant, shows that it’s precious. Because it shows as people we must protect the wildlife we have, as we rely on it to breathe and it and so much more. The charity photo can also tell a story on how wildlife is dying out. This is shown through the darkness that surrounds the plant, and how we are getting rid of more plant that we actually plant back. And it may get to the stage where there would be only one plant left in earth if we don’t change now. The charity photo can also tell another story, for example the plant can symbolize hope in humans. And the hands around it can show how we as human beings can still hope in the darkest of times. As it is shown in by the darkness surrounding the hands and the plant

how Photo’s increase sales!!! Photography in this IKEA helps to enforce the fact that IKEA does great furniture, but not only that it’s up to date and good quality. The also help to sell an aspiration. For example, the picture with a lamp in it. It helps to create a feeling a living room. This then attracts people to buy different IKEA products, this is because they want to create the same feeling the pictures showed them. But just in their actual home. This will help with promotions because it makes people more likely to buy their products. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwicg8-Zx73eAhXJy4UKHcroALQQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=%2Furl%3Fsa%3Di%26source%3Dimag

how Photo’s increase sales!!! Photography in promotional adverts such as the interactive screen. It is promoted in a way that makes you want to buy it as is advertised in a home. This creates a feeling to a consumer of comfort, therefore it welcomes them to buy the item. It also makes them want to buy it because it’s made to look family friendly. This is important because their target audience is to families, this then explains where they choose to advertise the product. So this then promotes the product in the correct way. But then opens the market for a larger range of people this is because many consumer have homes, and they advertise the product and practical for their home. Also the way they promote is by the text. For example thy use adjectives like ‘powerful’, which makes the product sound good. This then creates a feeling to buy the product. Also advertising it in a home can also create a dream on how, the product can fit in your day to day life. And this is good because it will need to fit into people’s lifestyles. This is good to do because consumers would want that from a product, that will be inside the home.

How does billboards advertise products https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwitxeXmv-XeAhVoL8AKHRM6DPkQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2F10steps. sg%2Finspirations%2Fartworks%2F50-extraordinary-and-attractive-billboards%2F&psig=AOvVaw320iJwVaSLq27BdAf6PRii&ust=1542890103845028 This billboard was made to promote/ advertise Tylenol for headaches. The denotations for this image is, a white male who looks to be in pain. And he as a wrecking ball in the middle of his head. And also there’s a red background. The connotations for the billboard is the ball signifies the splitting headache people, face when they have headaches. It shows the consumer that headaches can get so bad it’s, almost like getting hit with a wrecking ball but it’s inside your head. The man in distress shows the pain that people feel when enduring their headache, the image therefore emphasises this constant pain in the head. The red background shows how important it is to make sure, you get help for your headache. This is because red can signify warning or alerts. The red background can also emphasises the pain the man is feeling, this is because red can show signify pain. The white text that shows “TYLENOL” and, then the slogan “Get back to normal.” Is in white this is done because since it’s a billboard the, writing would need to stand out from the background. This make sure consumers that are in cars can read what the ad is for, while driving.

How are portraits used to intrest poeple?

This is a portrait is used to interest people. This is because of the way it’s presented, and what’s in the portrait itself. The denotations for this is a female. With three hands on various parts of her body. Her eyes are rolled into her head. Her mouth is open, and the picture is in black and white. The arms can connote the problems in her life, and how they are pulling her apart. This can be seen as physically or mentally. Her mouth being open can connote her being in pain. Almost as if she’s trying to speak but the pain won’t allow her. The black and white can connote the old values of the past generations, are effecting the new generation. The black and white representing the older generation, the girl representing the modern generation. And the hands representing their morals which confuses and rips them apart. The eyes that are rolled into her head can represent how she’s no longer human/sane, as it gives of a demonic vibe. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjMguiZxeXeAhVQ_SoKHXIPDNQQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Funsplash. com%2Fcollections%2F2255323%2Finteresting-portraits&psig=AOvVaw166onskjzBlZ6ChbXA-

How are photos used in weddings??

This photo is used to advertise the royal family’s family. And to give them a large amount of publicity. The denotations of this photo is there are 7 females and 5 males. The females are wearing white, meanwhile the men are wearing black. They are also smiling. They are in a large living room/ social area. The white and black can represent harmony. This is because white and black together can represent stability, just like the yin and yang sign. The white that the females are wearing can represent new life, and new beginning. But also their innocence as people. The fact that the picture is taken in a social area makes the family themselves feel welcoming, and together. All of them are smiling which connote the facts that they are happy about the wedding occasion. But also it can connote the fact that there are happy to be together as a new united family. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS0kYYNNhYFZ1Ni2ClcIfaktt7cmLEcxsZYB5GkPh78JTCUKxtW

https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjgpPHo7fTeAhVRJBoKHQixB-cQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww. impressiveinteriordesign.com%2Fikea-living-room-design-ideas%2F&psig=AOvVaw2ZQ77UxF5ELu7GYmiHTGY3&ust=1543417884999841

How are photos used to adverts??

This picture would be use to promote IKEA products. This is because it shows how from there chair to their curtains, they can make you house feel welcoming. This the sells a dream to the consumer and makes them, want to purchase their item’s. But it also shows them how to use their items in a minimalistic way. It shows how consumers can that can’t afford to buy a lot of their products, can still buy less but make it feel effective. And this then encourage people that can buy a lot of IKEA products to still purchase some of them. But arrange them in way that gives the room the want purpose. This photo can also connote that simpler is better. And you don’t always have to over crowd a room with things, for it to have a powerful effect.

How do hoardings promote things? This hoarding would be use to advertise education. The hoarding connotes this from the different type of school equipment. It also can connote how education can be used as a wall to defend us. You can suggest this because the way the school equipment is together almost like a wall/ barrier. And the house it’s guarding has people in it that can represent our generation. And from the photo its looks like the wall is keeping them safe. The diversity in the school equipment can represent the diversity there needs to be in the educational system. They are all different shapes and sizes and colours. And that can connote people themselves and their races. And how we should stand together in unity. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi80omo5vTeAhVGQBoKHYOXBcgQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.alamy. com%2Fstock-photo%2Fgiant-pencils.html&psig=AOvVaw1JnTgwi3f7c78Twel9IYGx&ust=1543415861916668

How is portraiture used to intrest people? This photo is used to advertise portraiture. The denotations of this photo is a white child. Looking through glass with rain drops on it. The photo is also in black and white. The conations of this photo can be the fact that the child that can represent youth in general, will face a storm. The storm can represent troubles they will face in society or even racism. The fact that it’s a child can represent the young generation’s innocence, but also how we don’t know anything actually just like a child. The fact that he is looking through a space in the glass that is not blurred. Can connote how we as people don’t see the full picture, and are actually blinded by the smoke/ steam that is around us. And only see a small glance of the full picture. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiN6ZLi8fTeAhUHtRoKHapFB6oQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww. pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F51847697583582 8927%2F&psig=AOvVaw08_JW6wjfXYl3x-

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