A) The universal symbol is the cross because it represents, Christianity. The sky can represent God. The anchoring text tells the consumer what the editor wants the photo to be about. They want you to think about the ‘unity’ this is because Christianity is a religion that thrives on relationships. That are forged by us. And ‘gathering’ this is because in Christianity Christians gather together to worship God. And by the anchoring text it shows the consumer, what Christianity is about. One of the denotations of this picture can be the cross. And the connotation can be death this is because the cross can symbolise death because they, can be seen places on grave stones for the desisted. The lighting used in this photo is low key lighting and high key lighting. The low key lighting can connote the fact that, there’s a darkness within death. The high key lighting can connote the fact that God can be seen as a symbol of light in the darkness. For those people that are suffering in darkness. The use of mise-en-scene on this photo would be the use of the cross, which would be a prop. This is important because it solidifies the message of Christianity that the photo, is trying to portray. The colour that is used in this photo would be predominantly blue. The colour blue is usually associated with wisdom, faith, truth, heaven and even depth. These things that are associated with the colour blue are perfect for the message, the photo is trying to portray. The angle of this shot is a low angle to this portrays God to be powerful and strong. The rule if thirds in this image would be the cross. This is because the producer would want to draw attention to the iconic symbol which is the cross. https:// www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjAi7Cm-4PfAhUDzhoKHeEaCi4QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=%2Furl%3Fsa%3Di%26source%3Dimages%26cd%3D%26cad%3Drja%26uact%3D8%26ved%3D2ahUKEwjAi7Cm-4PfAhUDzhoKHeEaCi4QjRx6BAgBEAU%26url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%
C) With this newspaper front cover it looks like the paper is about a person, eating a sandwich. However, with the anchoring text the consumer will know the front page is about how Ed Miliband ruining Britain. The moving object and person in this video would be Ed Miliband and the sandwich. This was taken to show metaphorically how Ed Miliband is eating, away at Britain instead of helping it. The intended audience for this photo would be everyone that lives in Britain, as his decision effect everyone who lives in the country. The money shot for this newspaper front cover, would be catching Ed Miliband eating his sandwich. This is because it was used to mock him and his decisions he’s made. The denotations of this newspaper front cover would be a person eating a sandwich. However, the connotations for this photo would be the sandwich can represent the country and the person can represent the politics eating away at the country. https://s-i.huffpost.com/gen/2917400/thumbs/o-MILIBAND-THE-SUN-570.jpg
B) The use of mis-en-scene in the photo would be the: Costume which is the suit • The city setting • And figure expression is serious The costume which is the suit creates a feeling of professionalism. Because the model looks sophisticated. The city setting shows that the advert is meant for men that like wearing suit, this is because the city is usually associated with business. The model figure expression is serious. This goes with the mood of the advert which is, about serious smart businessmen. The exterior location of this photo is urban. This goes with the working calls businessman that they are trying portray, this is because most of these type of people would be seen in the urban city. They have used high key lighting. This is to show the model off in the suits he’s wearing. The intended audience would be working men or for people that regularly wear suits. The money shot of this advert would be the pose the models in, this is because this pose shows of his manliness. Also it shows the suits of in a professional but stylish way. This helps sells the image to consumers, on how the model could be them. The angle that the shot was taken would be low angle this is to make the model look powerful. And sell the dream to the consumer they can look powerful too if they dress like that, with their clothes. The Photoshop would be the location behind the model. To make the photo look like it was taken in the city. The composition of this photo would be the model is position in the middle of the photo, this is to show that he’s important. http://www.jamesnader.com/images/fashion/skyfall/skyfall editorial by fashion photographer james nader skyfallen.jpg
E) The semiotics of this photo is that the women in the centre of the photo. This could mean that she’s meant to be the centre of attention. The photographer wants you to focus on her features. But also wonder why she’s cover her face. which creates mystery for the photo. The texture in the photo is shown through her skin. In the photo you can see her freckles, and her rough skin. The representation of the women is not clear. For example, the scarf covers her face. so it creates a sense of wonder. However, she could be represented as someone who’s innocent. This is because her eyes are the only thing you can see. And they look like there filled with wonder and hope. She can also be represented as a terrorist. This is because people of terror usually cover their face with a scarf like that. For identity reasons. She could represent the mystery in human beings. As we can’t judge bokos by their covers, as there is more than meets the eye for every person. The interior shot is stylised. This is because the lighting is focused on the woman’s face. This will then draw the audience’s attention to her face, and the details of her face. such as her freckles. https://lightorialist.com/portraits-inside-eyes-sane-ciullo/
D) The denotations in this photo would be four men linking arms in a photo. Another one is many people behind the four men, walking behind them. Also there are signs being raised. And the last denotation would black and white. The photo can connote for example. The four men linking arms can suggest unity, for black people. It can also connote the fact that they wont be broken as a race, in this hard time of racism that they face in this moment. The signs in the photo can connote the fact that they want to raise awareness about something. The fact that the photo is on black and white can connote the fact, that black and white people can live together. And work together as the wo colours are working together to create the photo. But it also can connote the fact that people in that period are thinking about stuff in black and white. But not understanding the full context about how we are one as people. The money shot of this photo would be to capture Martin Luther King linking arms during the march. This would be used to promote the freedom fight campaign and be used to spread awareness about it. The universal symbol of this photo would be Martin Luther King. As he represents peace. And represents people who where struggling to deal with racism in America. But also the inking of hands can be used as a universal symbol. This is because the repress peace and unity. In this portrait the intended audience would be for the people that are struggling for equality, and show to stand up to it. The exterior location is uncontrollable for this photo. This is because anything could off have happened. For example, violence could have broken out. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjeuIfPy5XfAhXizIUKHQATAUUQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dw.com%2Fen%2F50years-after-martin-luther-king-jrs-death-a-dream-of-equal-opportunity-unfulfilled%2Fa-432306
A part 2) in this photo the symbolic image can be the cow, this is because in Hinduism its portrayed in that way. Religion was another example that was another universal symbol in the first picture is assessed, however the first one was for Catholics. The colour in this photo where edited to be made bright. This would make things such as the mans clothing stand out. This photo is a example of a exterior location shot. This is because the conditions of the photo for example was uncontrollable. The exterior location is rural as there is very little if any city life. This could have been taken to show what life is like in other parts of the world. There is a shot of a moving people. This would be the cow and the man walking the cow. The intended audience could be other photographers that want to use this photo for inspiration for their photos. The money shot for this picture would to get the person walking his cows, while the clouds start to gather in the sky. This is because it would make it look realistic as the man is doing what he would normally do. But also to get the uncontrollable conditions of the weather. http://121clicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/monsoon_photos_08.jpg
Part B part two) in this photo the use of mis en scene would be: • Costume: the family clothes the family is wearing • The outdoor setting • The figure of expression is happy. The exterior location would be rural as there is no city life. The shot is controlled. For example, they would have positioned the family to allow the photo to get good lighting. the photo has been edited to be clear and in a good quality. This would be a example of a long exposure photo. As it was made lighter that it originally was. The intended audience would be for families looking to take a family photo unlike the other photo I assessed for mis en scene, which was taken to promote the brand for the company. And would be used to promote the photographer’s skills. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ab/8a/c4/ab8ac4746342cffbe220935d6a156165.jpg
Part C part two) In this photo the anchoring text is used to tell the audience that Nelson Mandela is dead. The universal symbol would be the fist up. This was used in the black power movement and Black Panther movement. To show black power. The denotation would be Nelson Mandela. The connotation would be the apart ide in South Africa. And racism. Nelson Mandela would be a universal symbol as he was the president of South Africa. But also was a anti-apartheid leader. The intended audience would be the world. But also the for the followers of Nelson Mandela. Just like my other anchoring text photo this one has a theme of politics. However, this one focuses on a death of a political leader. Lighting was used in this photo to highlight his face, you can tell this as his face is a lighter shade of brown. The interior shot is controlled, its probably been taken in a studio. That’s why it looks so professional. https://i.pinimg.com/236x /2a/44/40/2a44406848708622de2399d9162147c9--news-breaking-nelson-mandela.jpg
Part D Part two) the denotations of this picture is, a white elderly male. With a white woman in the background and numerous children. The connotations of this picture would be the children represent the young generation. And it shows how they struggle through life emotionally. The whole photo can represent slavery, and how black people struggled and oppressed. As children are seen to be helpless and the white people are older. And seen to have more power. The old mans expression on his face can connote that he feels sorry for the young children. And wishes that he could do more to help them. The exterior location is rural, as there is no city life to be seen in the photo. The intended audience would be for charity organisations to promote the situation in that country. Or people that want to help or not know about situation like this that’s going on around the world. Unlike the other photo I took from magnum that was about the oppression of black people in America. This photo is about suffering in another part of the world. But the link between them is that their in black and white, and also they are about the suffering of black people .https://www.magnumphotos.com/ photographer/eli-reed/
Part E Part two) the rule of thirds in this photo would be the children playing in the photo. This is because the photographer wanted them to be centre of attention. The money shot would be the children playing and one of the children being in the air. To show the natural and create a realism of the photo. The shot shows the children move as the play. This shows the children having fun. The exterior location is rural as there is no city life in the photo. They photo is uncontrollable as the photographer couldn’t predict the dust flying around as they play unlike the photo I used for E this photo is more light hearted unlike its counter part. And its in colour. There is two people in this picture unlike its counter part, where there’s only one person .http://121clicks.com/inspirations/25-most-interesting-photo-galleries-in-121-clicks-a-roundup Karleef Paul-Soleyn