Copyright, todos os direitos reservados. Nenhuma parte desta publicação podera ser reproduzida ou transmitida de qualquer modo ou por qualquer outro meio, eletrônico ou mecânico, incluindo fotocopia, gravação ou qualquer outro tipo de sistema de armazenamento e transmissão de informação, sem previa autorização, por escrito, de Carlos Ney da Silva Sousa, Diretor Presidente da V.E.M IDIOMAS
Author’s Acknowledgments I would like to thank everybody who helped me develop this material. First of all God, second of all my family and third of all but not less important my students who allowed me to teach them using this material and helping me with the perfection of it.
Carlos Ney
w w w. v e m i d i o m a s . c o m . b r
w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / v e m i d i o m a s
Lesson One Affirmative
I am
I am not
Am I ?
You are not
Are You ?
He is not
Is He ?
She is not
Is She ?
It is not
Is It ?
We are not
Are We ?
You are not
Are You ?
They are not
Are They ?
You are He is She is It is We are You are They are
I’ m n o t Yo u a r e n ’t H e is n ’t S h e is n ’t It is n ’t We a r e n ’t Yo u a r e n ’t T h e y a r e n ’t Q
Short answers Am I John ?
Is she Joane?
Is it a table?
Are they doctors?
Yes, I am
Yes, She is
Yes, it is
Yes, They are
No, I am not
No, She is not
No, it is not
No,They are not
Conversation 4
- Hello, my name is Robert Smith, what is your name? - My name is Rachael, where are you from? - I’m from UK and you? - I’m from US - Where do you live in US? - I live in Washington DC, and you in UK? - I live in London - Hey, when will you visit me in London? - Well, maybe I will visit you in December And you, when will you visit me in Washington? - I guess I will visit you in July - Okay, nice to meet you - Nice to meet you too. - Bye - Bye bye
WHO are you? (Quem é você?) WHY do you study English? (Porque você estuda inglês?) WHEN is your birthday? (Quando é o seu aniversário?) WHERE do you live? (Onde você mora?) WHAT is your name? (Qual é o seu nome?)
WHICH car do you prefer, imported car or nacional car? (Qual carro você prefere, importado ou nacional?)
Now, build a dialogue using these words: what, where, when, who, China, Canada. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Translate the sentences below into English.
A - Eu sou.
E - isto / esta é.
B - Você é.
F - Nos somos.
C - Ele é.
G - Vocês são.
D - Ela é.
H – Eles / Elas são.
Change the sentences into interrogative.
1- I am
5- It is
2- You are
6- We are
3- He is
7- You are
4- She is
8- They are
Change the sentences into negative.
1- I am _________________________________________________________ 2- You are _________________________________________________________ 3- He is _________________________________________________________ 4- She is ________________________________________________________
5- It is ________________________________________________________ 6- We are ________________________________________________________ 7- You are ________________________________________________________ 8- They are ________________________________________________________
Lesson Two
op models are beautiful, intelligent, tall, thin, blond or brunette, outgoing,
happy, rich and nice. My mother-in-law is old, short, boring, shy, fat, stupid,
ugly and poor. My dog is strong, big, smart, and my bird is weak, small and clumsy. Additional words: handsome, funny, timid, young and attentive.
Answer the questions.
1- Do you know any blond person? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Is your boyfriend ugly? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Describe a famous person. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Do you consider yourself handsome or beautiful? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Is Bill Gates poor? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Translate the sentences below into English.
Change the sentences into negative form.
1- Minha mãe é bonita.
1-My mother-in-law is beautiful.
2- Meu pai é alto.
2- Top models are thin, blond, and happy.
3- Modelos são ricas, bonitas, altas e inteligentes.
3- My bird is strong, clumsy, big and smart.
4- Minha sogra é chata, feia, burra e baixa.
4- I am handsome, young, funny and attentive.
Change the sentences into interrogative form.
Translate the sentences into English.
1-My mother-in-law is beautiful.
Meus amigos são inteligentes, felizes e divertidos.
2- My teacher is handsome.
Meu cachorro é fraco, pequeno e desastrado.
3- My dog is small.
Modelos não são feias, baixas, pobres e infelizes.
4- My father is old.
Meu pai é inteligente, bonito e divertido.
5- My bird is ugly.
Ela é morena, alta, simpática e magra.
9 Horizontal 3. 4. 7. 8.
extrovertido bonita feito jovem
Vertical 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
engraรงado chato velho grande alto pobre
Lesson Three
very morning, a big fat man eats breakfast at the bakery, He
eats, bread, butter, cookies, cheese, ham, cereal, cake, pie and fruits.
At noon he has rice, beans, lasagna, barbecue, fish, steak, pasta, pork, ice cream and pudding for lunch. At night he eats eggs, salad, meat, chicken, soup, turkey, French fries and pizza for dinner.
According to the text, answer the questions.
1- What does the fat man eat for breakfast?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- What does the fat man have for lunch?
3- What does the fat man have for dinner?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- What do you eat for breakfast?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- What do you eat for lunch and dinner?
Translate the sentences below.
1- In the morning, I have bread, ham, toast, butter, jam and cheese for breakfast.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Does she eat fruit, cake, pie and cookies for breakfast?
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- In the morning, I have breakfast, at noon, I have lunch and at night I have dinner.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- At noon, I have rice, beans, steak, chicken, pork and pudding for lunch.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- At night, I have pizza, eggs, meat, soup, turkey and French fries for dinner.
Translate the sentences into English.
1- Ele come no café da manhã pão, queijo, presunto, bolo e torta? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2- Elas não comem no almoço peixe, galinha, arroz, feijão e salada. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3-Vocês comem no jantar ovos, sopa, pizza, batatas fritas e carne? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Eu não como no café da manhã pão, presunto, queijo e bolo. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Nos comemos no almoço carne de porco, galinha, bife, arroz e feijão. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Translate the sentences below into Portuguese.
1- No, I don’t eat pizza, turkey, French fries, beans and rice for breakfast. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- No, we don’t eat bread, cheese, ham, cake, pie and cookies for lunch. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- No, they don’t eat pork, steak, salad, barbecue, cereal and butter for dinner. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- No, she doesn’t eat pork, fish and chicken for dinner. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- No, he doesn’t eat French fries, butter, ham and pie for lunch. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Change the sentences below into interrogative form.
1- No, I don’t eat pizza, turkey, French fries, beans and rice for breakfast. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- No, we don’t eat bread, cheese, ham, cake, pie and cookies for lunch. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- No, they don’t eat pork, steak, salad, barbecue, cereal and butter for dinner. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- No, she doesn’t eat pork, fish and chicken for dinner. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- No, he doesn’t eat French fries, butter, ham and pie for lunch. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6- In the morning, I have breakfast. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ur planet is 75 % water, human beings need to drink at least 2 liters of water every day, plants need water too. A camel can drink 112 liters of water in 10 minutes and stay without drinking water for weeks. People usually drink in the morning milk, juice, coffee, chocolate and tea. Some people prefer
Lesson Four
to eat grape, orange, strawberry, apple, passion fruit, melon, watermelon and guava. Adults like drinking champagne, beer, wine and soda at night. And you, what do you like to drink?
1 12
Answer the questions.
1- What is the percentage of water in our planet?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- How many liters of water we must drink every day?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- How many liters of water can a camel drink?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- What do adults like drinking at night?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- What is your favorite juice flavor?
Translate the sentences below.
1- I drink at least 2 liters of water every day. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- I prefer drinking apple juice in the morning. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Our planet is 75 % water. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- She doesn’t drink orange juice and soda for lunch. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6- What do you like to drink for dinner ? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Change the sentences into negative form.
1- He has bread, cheese, butter, ham, toast and cake for breakfast. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Your friend eats eggs, rice, beans, turkey, chicken, steak and fish for lunch. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- A human being needs to drink at least 2 liters of water every day. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Carol and Joane drink 2 liters of strawberry juice at night, 1 liter of passion fruit juice and water every day. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- A camel can drink 112 liters of water in 10 minutes. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Change the sentences into interrogative form.
1- In the morning She drinks milk, coffee, chocolate, tea, and grape juice for breakfast. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- At noon He drinks orange juice, guava juice and water for lunch. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- A camel drinks 112 liters of water every day. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Adults like to drink wine and beer at night. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- People usually drink milk, coffee, tea, chocolate and orange juice for breakfast. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Translate the sentences below into English.
1- Eles não bebem leite, café, chá e suco de goiaba pela manhã. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- O que você gosta de beber no almoço? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- O que ele gosta de beber no jantar? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- O que ela gosta de beber no café da manhã todos os dias? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Pessoas geralmente gostam de beber leite, café e suco no café da manhã. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Horizontal Vertical 3. suco 4. refrigerante 6. sem 7. pode 8. melancia 9. uva
1. 2. 4. 5.
nosso precisar morango maçã
Lesson Five
t home my family loves watching TV all day
nal wo rds: fiction, comed wester y, father loves watching soccer, volleyball, basketball n, thril ler(susp drama ense), and Olympic games. My little brother loves watching , horror game movie, show, cartoons and sitcoms. My mother only likes watching t a lk remote show, the news and a good DVD. contro l, c hannel, TV pr ogram My sister loves watching game shows, talk , turn turn o on , ff, tur shows and surf on the Internet. n u p , turn down, volume , please. 1 Change the sentences into negative form. long. My grandmother loves watching soap opera, my
1- My mother only likes watching the news and soap opera every day. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- My little brother loves watching cartoons and sitcoms in the morning. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Your sister loves surfing on the Internet at night. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Your grandmother prefers watching soap opera at night. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- On weekends, I watch comedy and drama movies. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Answer the questions.
1- Who likes watching soap opera? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Who watches soccer, volleyball, basketball and Olympic games? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Who watches cartoons and sitcoms? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Who likes watching the news ? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Who likes surfing on the internet? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Change the sentences into Portuguese.
1- I prefer watching science fiction movies in the morning. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- She prefers watching thriller movies and horror movies at night. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- He doesn’t like watching western movies. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- My little brother watches cartoons all day long. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5- Please, turn on the TV, the news is starting.
Change the sentences into interrogative form.
1- Your mother-in-law watches soap opera all day long. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- My mother prefers to watch the news at night.
3- Your sister surfs on the Internet all day long. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- My little brother watches cartoons and soccer in the morning. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- I need the remote control to turn up the volume.
Translate the sentences into English.
1- Desligue a TV, eu não quero assistir filme a noite. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Por favor, ligue a TV e aumente o volume.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Minha avó, não quer assistir novela a noite. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Meu irmãozinho ama assistir desenhos animados e seriados o dia inteiro. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5- Eles não gostam de assistir novela e futebol a noite.
Change the sentences below into affirmative form.
1- Do you watch TV in the morning and in the afternoon? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Do you want the remote to turn down the volume? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Does your mother-in-law watch cartoons all day long? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- I don’t like watching science fiction movies and comedy with my family. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- The soap opera isn’t starting, please change the channel and turn up the volume. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
raig is running a lot to achieve his goals. In the morning, he goes to
the gym, he works out, after, he walks to his job, he
works hard. At noon he goes home to take his two children to school, he takes them by car, and they sing and sometimes they fight each other on the way to school, they kiss him on the cheek when they leave the car, and he goes back to his job. In the afternoon, he goes to school to take his two children back home, they start singing and fighting on the way back to the house again. When his two children go to sleep, he feels like he is in heaven then he studies English, Spanish and does his homework before he goes to sleep.
According to the text, answer the questions.
1- How many children does Craig have?
nal wor ds:
Downto wn, hospital, superm mall, grocery arket, sto French. re,
____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Where does Craig work out ?
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- How Does Craig take his two children to school? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- What happens when his two children are sleeping. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- What is Craig studying? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Translate the sentences into English.
1- Craig vai para a academia, malha e caminha para o trabalho. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Ele leva seus dois filhos para a escola todos os dias. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3- Eles vĂŁo para a escola de carro todos os dias. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4- Craig volta para o trabalho a tarde. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5- Seus filhos vĂŁo dormir todas as noites. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Change the sentences into negative form.
1- He is learning English and Spanish. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- At night he can study and do his homework. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3- They kiss him and he comes back to his job. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- At noon he goes home to take his two children to school. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5- Craig is trying really hard to achieve his goals.
Change the sentences into interrogative form.
1- Craig studies hard every day to learn English and Spanish. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- His two children fight each other every day. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Craig works downtown from Monday to Friday. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- His two children love to go to school by car every day. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Craig loves to walk to his job in the morning.
Translate the sentences into Portuguese and after into affirmative form.
1- My two children don’t like to go to school by car every day.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Craig doesn’t go to the gym to work out in the morning.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Craig doesn’t have a beautiful child at home.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- My mother doesn’t need to take her two dogs to the pet shop.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- I don’t need go to the supermarket by car.
Translate the sentences into English .
1- Ela tem que levar a criança dela para a escola. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Robert vai para a academia dele. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Ele não precisa levar o cachorro dele para a academia. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- As vezes, ele não precisa ir para a praia de carro. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Você quer ir para o hospital com seu irmão?
Horizontal 4. sentir 6. dever de casa 8. depois 10. novamente Vertical 1. 2. 3. 5. 7. 9.
antes dormir caminhar as vezes caminho levar
ating isn’t easy, you must be patient. Boys and girls are
very complicated, couples argue all the time, some of them even fight, if you are in a relationship, you must
Lesson Seven
pay attention, you must respect each other not to suffer too much! It is necessary a good comprehension, much talk, you need to check what you are doing with your boyfriend / girlfriend, you need to have dreams together, if you are romantic, you are in the right direction. If you want to be sure about your relationship, you need to pray to God and ask him for help and for guidance. If you want
to have a good time, go out, dance, go to the movies, to a party, to church, go to the mall, and never forget, when you are dating someone, it’s a preparation for a future marriage.
Answer the sentences.
1- Are you dating ? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend ? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Do you pray to God at night ? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Are you single or married? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Do you go out with your boyfriend or girlfriend ? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Translate the sentences into English.
1- Você quer namorar comigo? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2- Estamos namorando há 2 dias. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3- Eu e minha namorada temos um encontro a noite. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4- Minha mãe sempre discute com meu pai. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5- Minha namorada não quer ir para o cinema comigo. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6- Seu irmão está em um relacionamento?
Change the sentences into negative form.
1- My mother prays every day. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- I want to date you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- My girlfriend and I go to the mall every day. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Please, pay attention, the teacher wants to talk to you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- On weekends, my family goes to the beach. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6- I always have good time with my girlfriend.
Change the sentences into interrogative form.
1- It is necessary a good comprehension. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- You must respect your grandmother. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- I like to dream about beautiful girls all night long. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- We like to study English and Spanish together. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- My girlfriend likes to suffer.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6- I have a date tomorrow. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Translate the sentences into English.
1- Você quer namorar comigo todos os dias? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Eles querem falar com você de manhã. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Minha amiga sempre discute com o namorado dela. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Você quer ir para o shopping com o namorado dele? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Nos não saímos com o seu irmão. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6- Ele quer namorar a amiga dele. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
live in Brazil, but I have many friends from different
countries, some of them are from Europe and others from Central America, South America, North America and Asia.
Lesson Eight
I really do love New York, because of the statue of liberty, from Portugal, olive oil, from Japan sushi, from Canada, receptive people, from China, yakissoba, from Spain, bullfight, from England, big Ben, from Germany, beer, from Greece beautiful islands, from Italy, delicious pizza, from France good perfumes. If you want to study English abroad, you need to study very hard, always come to your English course, and never be absent a single day.
Answer the sentences.
1- Where is Germany? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Where is Japan? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Where is United States? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Where is Mexico? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Where is Brazil?
Translate the sentences into English.
1- Eu tenho muitos amigos de diferentes países. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Minha mãe mora em Campinas. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Meu namorado mora na Espanha, e gosta de tourada. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Ele quer viver no exterior com a namorada dele. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Angra tem muitas ilhas bonitas. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6- Eles estão ausentes na escola.
Change the sentences into English and negative.
1- Ele mora na Alemanha com a irmã dele. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Nos queremos morar na America central. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Eles sempre viajam para o Japão. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- As pessoas do Canadá são muito receptivas. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Meu pai e minha mãe querem morar na França. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6- Meu irmão quer morar nos Estados Unidos ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7- A Inglaterra é um país lindo.
Change the sentences into interrogative form.
1- Carol wants to live in Europe with her boyfriend. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- My friend has many friends from different countries. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- I have many friends living abroad in different countries. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- My father has many friends living in Canada and others living in Portugal. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- My brother that lives in Italy loves eating delicious pizzas.
Put the sentences into affirmative form.
1- My friend doesn’t live in Europe. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- I don’t want to go to Portugal. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Japan is not interesting. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Canada is not cold. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5- My brother never goes to England.
Lesson Nine
Additin al Word s: save mo ney, bank ac count, bank st atemen t, passwor d, teller , credit c ard, telepho ne bill.
clumsy guy always goes to the bank to pay the electric bill, water bill to
deposit and withdraw some money from the ATM. He always gets into a big line, and decides to skip it, but while he is doing that, a fat girl sees him skipping the line and complains, and yells at him, stupid boy, stop cheating, and wait for your turn! She says: “Ladies first”, and skips the line in front of him!
Answer the sentences.
1- Who pays the bills in your house? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Do you skip the line, or wait for your turn? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Do you cheat on your test? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Do you know how to deposit money in the ATM? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5- Do you know how to withdraw money from the ATM?
Change the sentences into affirmative form.
1- I don’t need to go to the bank to withdraw money. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2- I don’t like skipping the line when I go to the bank. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3- I don’t want to complain with you again. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4- Hey man, don’t skip the line and wait for your turn. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5- I don’t like to pay my bills at the bank. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6- I don’t have a credit card to pay my electric bill.
Translate the sentences into Portuguese.
1- I need to save some money to buy a new car. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- Oh my gosh! I forgot my password. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- I need to find an ATM. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- My mother goes to the bank to deposit money. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- My sister never cheats at school. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6- While you are studying English, you are becoming smarter.
Change the sentences into interrogative form.
1- Craig studies hard every day to learn English and Spanish.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- His two children fight each other every day.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Craig works downtown from Monday to Friday.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- His two children love to go to school by car every day.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Craig loves to walk to his job in the morning.
Change the sentences into negative form.
1- I need to go to the A.T.M to withdraw some money.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2- My mother wants me to pay the electric bill.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- Tomorrow, we need to deposit some money at the bank.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Now it’s my turn to read the lesson.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- They need to open up a bank account.
Horizontal 3. enquanto 4. esperar 8. pagar 9. berrar 10. conta Vertical 1. 2. 5. 6. 7.
sacar trapacear sempre vez reclamar
Lesson Ten
elling jokes is an art, some jokes are very good and
others are very bad! The audience needs to pay attention and try to understand ,or they won’t understand at all. Some jokes make me laugh or only smile. Michele loves blond jokes, actually she will tell a funny one! A blond goes to get her hair cut. The hairdresser cuts her hair for about thirty minutes, gives the blond a mirror, and asks, “how do you like it”? The blond says, “it’s okay, but could you make it just a .
little longer in the back? Additio
nal wor ds: Beauty 1 Shop (beauty salon), 1- Do you know how to tell jokes? Shor t H air, L o n g , Curly, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Straigh t, Clow 2- Do you understand jokes in English? n. Answer the sentences.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3- How do you like your hair?
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4- Do you like to go to the beauty salon on the weekends?
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Does your father like to listen to good jokes, or bad jokes?
Translate the sentences below.
1- Do you like to listen to bad jokes? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________