Holiday Home Security Ideas Sooner or later everyone wants to make his or her holiday home a safer place. In the interest of basic security most people have everything covered by having locks on the windows and doors. However, going a step or two further can increase the safe and sound feeling of the house, particularly if children are part of the guest or if something particularly valuable is kept inside. Of course, hundreds of home security products are available at your local hardware store or home improvement center or even the local discount store. Many times homeowners do not need to spend thousands of dollars to have enhanced security. Here are five ideas that can really enhance your holiday homes security: Dog. A dog can be one of the greatest holiday home security devices you will ever own, plus you get a companion for life. Dogs are living and breathing life forms, so obviously food, toys, and vet bills come with the territory, but the heightened senses of these animals allows them to detect visitors long before they reach the front porch. Of course, they can be trained, but dogs generally will protect their house should a stranger arrive. But, if you will have a dog for security, you must also hire a stay-in keeper to make sure that your dog is in proper health and eats at time. It may be an added expenses but it will greatly secure your holiday home. Motion Activated Lights. Motion activated lights are a great way to illuminate exits and entrance areas to your house. Since the lights will activate automatically based on movement, potential intruders will tend to avoid them. As the light glows it will certainly attract attention especially if some neighbors are still awake during that time. As an added plus, if you happen to find yourself standing at the door with a handful of groceries, the lights will be on and your chance of finding the right key will increase by a factor of ten.
Wireless or Wired Alarm System. Alarm systems have come a long way over the past few years. While using an independent security company to monitor an alarm is a great idea, the wireless or wired security systems of today can be set to automatically call the police or fire department and deliver a prerecorded message. Many of the systems available today are even expandable, which allows for purchasing motion
detectors and window sensors over a period of time. By keeping the investment minimized, homeowners are sure to get the system they need at the price they want. Deadbolts. Deadbolts are often included with new door purchases these days. That extra one-inch or so of steel makes the door incredibly difficult to break down because it extends into the doorframe. Installing a deadbolt is a relatively simple process many homeowners can perform themselves. Again, the added security deadbolts provide to entry points is a great asset for securing a residence. Window Bars. Installing bars on the windows tends to make some people feel like they are in prison, which means they are not for everyone. However, today's window bars are available in several different styles and colors, and can even be unlocked and moved out of the way of the view. Window bars make are a great way to secure basement windows or windows that are rarely opened and close to the ground. Potential buyers should also be aware of any fire codes that go along with the installation of bars on the windows.