Tips on Maintaining your Holiday Home A lot of people own a holiday home nowadays. Not only is that a suitable place to stay during vacation but also a profitable investment. As years go by, the market value of real estate increases so thus holiday homes. But, whenever it is not holiday season, majority of homeowners do not come or visit their holiday homes which means it is just there collecting dust and building up dirt. Which is not ideal whenever someone wants to rent it or if they decided to visit again. Holiday homes are made to be a place of relaxation and serenity. And it will not serve it purpose if you go there and work to clean it up.
Thus, it is imperative to make certain steps to make it look clean and tidy so it will be as presentable as it should be. Listed below are some tips that you should take in order to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of your holiday home. Hiring certain people will surely help you attain your goal in keeping your holiday home a beautiful one. Pool Cleaner If your holiday home has a pool, then it’s vital that you hire a pool cleaner. Pools are extremely delicate amenities and requires regular cleaning. If the pool is leave unattended for a while, the water on it will become dirty and certain insects will lay eggs on it such as mosquitoes which are hazardous to anyone’s
health. The longer that it is unattended, its water will not be as clear and vibrant as it was. And draining and replacing water on the pool requires a huge amount of money which will certainly hurt your budget. Housekeeping/Maid Service If you own a holiday home or planning to buy one, then hiring a housekeeper or maid service is very essential. These people are the one that will clean your holiday home 2-3 times a week. This is a must if you do value your property. The interior of the house is as important as its pool and surroundings. This is the place where you or the people who will rent your holiday home will gather to rest, eat and sleep. So it should be dust, insect and damage free. By cleaning the interior regularly, you can avoid dust build up and the housekeeper can check the appliances and amenities for damages or can even suggest general home improvements. Landscaper As for the exterior or the outside area of the property, you will need the expertise of a landscaper. This is to ensure that no tall grasses or broken tree branches affects the scenic view of your holiday home. One of role of a landscaper is to beautify the surroundings of the property, which involves planting and growing flowers and trees that will help add to the serenity and “close to nature� feel of the holiday home. Hiring these people might give an extra cost, but compare to the cost of repairing and rush cleaning of your holiday home it is by far the wiser choice.