༄༅།།ཤང་པ་རི ན་པོ་ཆེའ་ི ཞབས་བཏན་བཞུགས་སོ།།
Long Life Prayer for Shangpa Rinpoche ─by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche
ༀ་སྭ་སྟི། སྲས་བཅས་རྒྱལ་ཀུན་བསྐྱེད་ཡུམ་བཅོམ་ལྡན་མའི།།
OM SVASTI SE CHE GYAL KUN KYE YUM CHOM DEN MEI The Mother Bhagawan, the source of the Victorious ones (Buddhas) and also their heirs (Bodhisattvas)
嗡索諜 誰潔 嘉袞 給運 窘殿美 薄伽梵母生諸佛佛子
DZE KU DHA SHON SAR PEI DZUM DANG GANG. gracefully manifests with a smiling countenance, like a new moon beaming
這固 達玄 薩貝 準當扛 姝麗莊嚴微笑若皎月
DREN PEI MOD LA RING TSHOI PAL TER WA. and the recollection of Her bestows splendid longevity.
殿貝 莫拉 林措 巴諜哇 憶念即賜長壽之光華
འཆི་མིད་ཡིད་བཞིན་འཁོར་ལོའ་ི ཤིས་པ་རྩོལ།།
CHI ME YI ZHIN KHOR LOI SHI PA TSOL. Immortal Yidshin Khorlo (White Tara), kindly grant your blessings.
企美 意欣 擴洛 夕巴作 永生如意輪母祈加持
KAR MA PAR DRAG JIG TEN WANG CHUG GI. By the wonderful activities of the renowned Karmapa, the Lokeshvara,
噶瑪 巴札 幾殿 旺秋奇 世間怙主盛名噶瑪巴 (*1「奇」、「客」等底線字,請念閩南語音。)
NGO TSHAR THRIN LE KHOR LOE GYUR WEI PAL. that govern universally with glory,
喔剎 聽列 擴洛 居威巴 轉輪聖主事業妙力故
འགྲོ་འདུལ་སེམས་དཔའ་མཆོ ག་གི་གསང་བ་གསུམ།།
DRO DHUL SEM PEI CHOG GI SANG WA SUM. I pray that─ you the embodiment of the three secrets of the exalted Bodhisattvas,
卓度 森巴 秋奇 桑哇順 祈願菩薩三密妙總集
འགྱུར་མེད་རྡོ་རྗེའ་ི ངོ་བོར་བརྟན་བཞུགས་གསོལ།།
GYUR MED DO JEI NGO WOR TEN ZHUG SOL. the Saviour of all beings─may stay with long life in this world like the unchangeable nature of the Vajra.
居美 多傑 吳喔 墊修索 眾怙主汝壽元如金剛 (*2 因字數考量,略「不動」二字,因「金剛」 一詞 已有「堅固不動」之含意)
SEN SAM GOM PE KHYEN RAB LANG THSO GYE. By hearing, contemplating and practising, the youthful knowledge blooms;
申桑 貢貝 客喇 朗措給 聞思修故年少開才智 -44
མཁས་བཙུན་བཟང་པོའ་ི རྣམ་ཐར་སྲིད་ན་སྙན།།
KHE TSUN ZANG POI NAM THAR SID NA NYEN. and the biographies of the intelligent, diligent and virtuous ones are always pleasant to hear in this world.
客尊 桑波 南它 細拿年 賢善聖哲生平恆傳世 (*3 即「睿智精勤正直真聖哲,世人樂聞聖哲 賢善傳」之意)
CHED TSOD TSOM PE TEN PEI GYAL TSHEN DZIN. May you, the embodiment of those who have been expounding, debating and writing,
切這 中貝 殿貝 嘉稱今 講經著述持教尊勝幢 (*4:「願總集演教說法、辯經著述於一身的持教 尊勝幢您啊」)
DON NYI LHUN DRUB CHEN POR ZHAB TEN SOL. the holder of the victorious banner of Dharma, stay with long life in this world like the two spontaneously arising benefits
頓尼 倫足 千波 霞墊索 長壽住世任運如二利
DED PEI ZHING SAR TAB PEI MON TSHIG DRE. Sown in the field of devotion is the result of aspiration prayers which
諜貝 辛薩 大貝 孟企責 敬信田中培植諸善願
DEN NYI LU MED CHAR GYI KYED SING TE. has been moistened by the rain of the unerring two truths that
殿尼 路美 洽奇 給新爹 雨潤淳熟二諦於弟子 (*5:意指經雨潤澤而淳熟具緣弟子心中的 二真諦。)
བསྐལ་བཟང་འདོད་འཇོའ་ི དགའ་སྟོན་ཉིད་དུ་སྨིན།།
KAL ZANG DOD JOI GA TON NYID DU MIN. have ripened into the fortunate ones in the joyful wish-fulfilling feast.
噶桑 對覺 噶頓 尼突敏 心喜願滿果熟盛宴中
ས་གསུམ་ཕན་བདེའ་ི དཔལ་གྱིས་རབ་འཚོ་ཤོག། །།
SA SUM PHEN DEI PAL GYI RAB TSHO SHOG. May you remain in this world with glory for the benefit and happiness of the three Dhatus.
薩順 遍諜 巴奇 喇措秀 利樂三界榮耀住世間 This long life prayer for Venerable Shangpa Rinpoche was requested by the radiant light of the Practice Lineage, the Venerable Tenga Rinpoche and was written by the Gyal Khampa Jigdral Yeshe Dorje (His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche) in the year of earth horse, on the 10th day of Trum tod month, near the Aei Temple in Kathmandu. 在榮耀實修傳承的天噶仁波切祈請下,嘉康巴‧吉札‧依 喜多傑(敦珠法王) 造此香巴仁波切長壽祈請文於加德滿都 噯寺附近,時值藏曆土馬年九月初十。 -77