Nørresundby Health Centre

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nørresundby health center sustainable welfare buildings msc02 - group 6

Aalborg University Architecture & Design Course title Course period Semester Course group Main supervisor Technical supervisor

Sustainable Welfare Buildings spring 2018 MSc02 Arc Group 6 Andrea Jelić Anna Joanna Marszal

Group members

_______________________________ Emil Skrettingland Heidelbach

_______________________________ Emilie Juul Kristensen

_______________________________ Karolina Tilnakova

_______________________________ Maria Lackovicova

_______________________________ Prince Phi Hung Nguyen




This booklet presents the proposal for a zero energy Health Centre, located in a combined industrial and residential area in the western part of Nørresundby, Denmark.

The report is divided into different chapters, starting with an introduction to the methodological and analytical framework of the project. This contextual and environmental analysis will be followed by a research-chapter focusing on the theoretical framework of working with an evidence- and research-based design approach and how this have been used in the project.

By using an integrated design process and holistic approach to modern healthcare architecture, the project focuses on implementing the environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainability. By utilizing passive and active strategies and Life cycle assessments, a building with a very low energy consumption as well as good visual and thermal indoor environment has been designed. The project uses an evidence-based design approach where functional, aesthetical and logistical decisions have been based on credible research and state-of-the art knowledge from primarily the medical science fields, with the aim of creating a good, stimulating and healthy environment for staff, patients and visitors. An important aspect with regards to this is overall stress-reduction, and therefore the overall layout, materiality and atmosphere of the building seek to establish a patient-centred environment while aiding in helping visitors cope with the stress that is associated with illness and medical problems.

These chapters end with a part conclusion which serves to summarize the most important findings as well as establishing a connection to the overall project framework by identifying design potentials. This will be followed by the chapter introducing the concept and main idea. Continuation of this will be the presentation, where the final design will be described through visualiyations, construction principle, detailing and technical aspects. After, a chapter outlining the design process and explaining the initial investigations and concept development leading to the final design will follow. The project will be concluded with an epilogue where a conclusion and reflection will serve as a recap of the final outcome as well as the overall process of reaching it. A literature and illustration list can be found on the last pages in the booklet. An appendix consisting of material which should be available to the reader but couldn’t fit in the report due to the extent of it will follow separately.


TABLE OF CONTENTS PRELIMINARY Problem 5 METHOD Integrated design process 8 Methodology 10 ANALYSIS Intro to the site 14 CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS Traffic 16 Functions 17 Building heights 18 Analysis of the site by Kevin Lynch 20 Vegetation 22 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Noise and air pollution 23 Wind 24 Sun and shadows 25 ARCHITECTURAL ANALYSIS Morphology 26 Density 27 Tomography 28 Serial vision 30 Mood of the site 32 Partial conclusion after site analysis


RESEARCH Sustainability 36 Partial conclusion: design considerations 39 Zero energy building 40 Passive and active strategies 40 DGNB 40 Partial conclusion: design considerations 41 Architecture and health 42 Partial conclusion: design considerations 43 Implementation of five ways of well-being 41 Staff user group 44 Patient user group 46 Case studies 48 CONCEPT Design criteria 52


Room program 53 Function diagram 54 Vision 56 Concept 56 Mass formation 58 PRESENTATION Isometric render 62 Masterplan 64 Arriving to the Health Centre 66 The atmosphere in the courtyard 68 Floorplan 70 Cross sections 72 The heart of the building 74 Atmosphere in the consultation room 76 Landscape plan 78 Elevations 80 Window detail render 82 Construction principle 84 Technical details 86 Energy consumption and BE18 90 Solar shading on the curved facade 92 Natural ventilation in the gym 93 Mechanical ventilation principle 94 Natural ventilation principle 95 Daylight study 96 Types of windows 98 Views scheme 99 LCA 100 LCC 101 Materials explanation 102 PROCESS Form development 106 Further development 108 Flow extension 109 Curve 110 Shutters 111 Section 110 Landscaping 112 Entrances 113 EPILOGUE Conclusion 116 Reflection 117 BIBLIOGRAPHY 118

PROBLEM The project brief is to design a proposal for a Health Centre with a holistic and user-focused approach to the health care. The centre must house seven different staff profiles; a secretary, a nurse, a general practitioner, a physiotherapist, a psychologist, a music therapist and a dietitian. Besides providing space for private patient consultations, waiting areas, staff rooms, toilets etc., the clinic must be designed with specific rooms for the physiotherapist and the musical therapist as well as a kitchen and dining area for the dietitian. The Health Centre can be maximum 700 m2 and must comply with zero-energy building standards. The architecture should reflect the different functions in the building as well as the vulnerable and exposed users who are going to use the building. The materials should be chosen from a sustainable perspective, taking into consideration both aesthetics and technical aspects such as life cycle assessments. The Health Centre is going to be located at the junction between Kummerowsvej and Thistedsvej near Lindholm Høje Station in Nørresundby.




METHOD This chapter introduces the integrated design phase as a holistic, integrated approach to designing architecture. Furthermore, the chapter describes the used methods in the various phases in the process.









INTEGRATED DESIGN PROCESS The integrated design process (Knudstrup, 2005) is a way of combining architectural and engineering knowledge and methods in a design process to ensure that all aspects – both technical and architectural – are considered in the design. As seen in the illustration, the process consists of five phases. To achieve a coherent and holistic outcome, the phases will be used in an iterative process, where you might have to go back to the analysis phase when doing the synthesis to elaborate and further develop on some aspects. The first two phases, the problem and the analysis, often results in an initial program for the project. In this project, the work done in these phases consists of site analysis, environmental analysis, research about specific problems and subjects, and preliminary function diagrams. The phases usually conclude with a vision for the project and some specific design criteria. However, it might be necessary to go back and make changes to the program during the later phases, which are the sketching, the synthesis and the presentation. During the sketching phase, the initial design ideas are made, not necessarily with all aspects of the design in mind, but to start the design process and find initial concepts. This phase evolves into the synthesis in which all the technical solutions for the chosen design ideas are figured out, improved and documented. This is where the project is tied up, and all aspects come together in a synthesis. Often the sketching and synthesis happens in between each other, so that a solution contains all elements, both technical and aesthetical. In the end, the project is communicated in the presentation phase using various media: text, sketching and modelling.




How to use



A method used to investigate the overall phenomenological visual impression of a site. This is done by focusing on repetitive elements. (Krieger, M. H., 2011)

Repetitive elements such as facades, materials, windows and doors are photographed in the area. These photos are presented as collages afterwards.

To investigate the visual overall impression of the site. This helps to notice different tactility and materials used, and helps draw attention to different visual elements.

Serial vision

This method is used to investigate the spatiality and density of an area and to help pay attention to changes in openness and closeness. (Cullen, G., 1961)

Different routes in the area are examined by walking on foot and documented by taking photos. In this case three routes were examined.

Walking the routes gives an impression of the urban spatiality, which is further experienced by looking at the photos. These illustrates the changes in the urban environment, e.g. they show the different character of the open Thistedvej and the more dense housing area south of the site.

3D modelling

This method is done by 3d modelling Using a 3d model of the surroundings, 3d modelling makes it possible to analyse the context to examine the environ- the sun path and shadows on the site large scale phenomenons, that can be mental influences. was documented using Sketchup. used in the further design and sketching.

The Image of the City

A method used to create a map of a person’s mental experience of a city/ area. Focusing on how we find our way and which elements, we use to orient us, a ‘mental map’ is made. Since the method is based on the subject’s experience, what exactly is captured e.g. which landmarks, will depend on the particular person. (Lynch, K., 1960)

Analysis phase:

In the area five elements are distinguished: paths, landmarks, edges, nodes and districts. These are mapped.

The method gives an interpretation of the physical structure of an area and which elements, that are important for wayfinding. In this program however, only parts of the method is used, since a direct translation from Lynch’s original is not possbile due the the smaller area. This will e.g. affect which elements are understood as landmarks.

Evidence-based design

Basing decisions about the built en- When designing, the decisions are vironment on credible research and based on both practice and evidence practice - including interviews and based knowledge. field studies. (Ulrich, R. S., 2006)

In the analyses phase, some case studies are found and investigated. Some of these solutions might be implemented in the design in the further process.

Research-based design

Basing decisions about the built en- The design process is based on an vironment on credible scientific re- empirical understanding obtained search. (Ulrich, R. S., 2006) through credible scientific research of how different aspects affect humans on the physical and psychological level. (Ulrich, R. S., 2006)

During the analysis phase, research regarding health care architecture and sustainability is studied. This scientific research will be the foundation for the further design.





How to use


Hand sketching

Fast drawing to communicate ideas and concepts.

Freehand drawings based on thoughts and ideas.

Sketching was used to express ideas quickly when discussing design solutions.

3D modelling

The development of a three-dimensional graphic representation.

Using programs as Sketchup and Re- To help creating a better understanding of vit to experience the spatial geome- the spatiality, areas and volumes. try of the design.

Environmental design

Using computer programs to understand how the environment affects the building and its surroundings.

During the design Velux Daylight Simulator was used to test different design solution according to their daylight level.

Building simulation software such as Be18 and Bsim.

Modelling the building and inserting To document the technical aspects of a various information such as energy building such as energy consumption and systems. indoor environment.

Sketching phase:

To understand how aspects such as daylight influences the building. Something that can be hard to imagine correctly without this kind of software.

Synthesis phase: Simulation software

Presentation phase 3D modelling

Three dimensional representation of Using 3D models to create renders, the building. diagrams and sketches of the final design.

To visualize the final ideas for the reader and expressing spatiality and volumes.


Visual representation of information.

To visually explain various principles regarding the building.

Presenting information about the project in a graphic, often not text based, way.





In the analyses phase, various analyses were carried out concerning micro and macro climate, site, and user groups. The analyses introduce the reader to the site and its surroundings through a series of maps and illustrations accompanied by descriptive text.










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INTRO TO THE SITE The site is situated in the western end of Nørresundby along the main road, Thistedvej, which is the primary connection between the city and Aalborg airport and therefore has a relatively high traffic load. The site is located at the crossroad between Kummerowsvej and Thistedvej in a mixed-use industrial and residential area within walking distance to the fjord, the city centre, as well as the train station of Lindholm which is situated less than 400 meters northeast. There is a clear differentiation between the building functions in the area, ranging from small, detached houses built in around 1910-1920, many of them were recently refurbished (Aalborg.dk 2016), together with shops and service functions along Thistedvej, to almost exclusively small commercial and industrial buildings along Kummerowsvej. However, the built environment changes when approaching the fjord, where most of the industrial heritage has been replaced by a wide variety of apartment blocks. In total, there are now more than 500 apartments, offices and educational institutions with even more planned to be built in the coming years. This transformation is part of the development of the new mixed residential and recreational district, Lindholm Brygge. Earlier this area housed The Danish cement factory DAC (Dansk andels cement), at the time one of five cement factories within the Aalborg area. Production began in 1911 and continued until the factory closed in 1978 (ibid.). During the redevelopment, a few of the industrial buildings have been preserved, including the distinct silo which has been renovated and refitted with apartments.



TRAFFIC The neighbouring area is defined by having two categories of streets. Thistedvej is the main road in the area and it connects Aalborg and Nørresundby to northern Jutland while also serving as the main connection between the city and the airport. The high traffic load through the area means that noise and air pollution factors are relatively high. The roads perpendicular to Thistedvej can be defined as secondary roads. These are used by the residents and visitors at Lindholm Brygge as well as people working in the commercial and industrial buildings. Most of these are one-way roads with dead ends towards the south, however, the industrial heritage and former characteristics are evident by the large width of especially Kummerowsvej. Public bus no. 12 which connects Aalborg city and the airport through Nørresundby stops at Lindholm station and has frequent departures - in the morning hours up to six times per hour or otherwise four times an hour during weekdays. Bus 13 which drives between the city of Aabybro and Aalborg likewise stops at Lindholm Station and departs between two and four times every hour during weekdays. In the weekends both routes depart two times per hour. This connection to transportation interchanges represents advantage for building the Health Centre, as it provides comfortable reachability for users. The possible design of the entrance might be towards the Thistedvej visible and visually communicating access to the building. The secondary entrance for staff might be therefore accessible from the less frequented dead-end road Kummerowsvej.

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ANALYSIS contextual

secondary streets main streets

FUNCTIONS The area is defined by the presence of two main function types; residential and industrial. The character of the site is largely shaped by the contrast between these types of functions, more specifically their contrasting visual and functional characteristics. Complementary functions in the area are institutional and commercial e.g. in the form of shops and service functions. Transportation is represented by Lindholm train station and the bus station. The function of the site as a transit area means it is providing transportation for a large part of northern Jutland, which can potentially enhance the number of visitors since a lot of people will be passing by. It also represents the advantage of building the Health Centre in this area, since it is well connected to public transport. Institutional functions in this area are represented by an educational institution on Lindholm Brygge and an Autism Centre on the south corner of the main roundabout on Thistedvej. Commercial service functions include shops, grocery stores, a pharmacy and a fitness centre.

residential commercial institution industrial transport site

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contextual ANALYSIS





The heights of the buildings in the area were investigated. Generally, the area close to the project site is defined by having low residential buildings - mostly two-storey detached houses. These are mainly located along Thistedvej, Strand Alle and Gadegårdsvej. Whereas the heights of the industrial buildings are more varied. These are mostly low-rise, usually two or three storeys high. A few industrial buildings differ from these size criteria, most notably an old factory at Lindholm Allé with a curved roof which is six storeys high.



In general, the buildings are higher further away from the site towards the south. Along Lindholm Allé, the newly built area expands the built environment and defines a new residential district comprised of higher rising buildings. These new residential buildings close to the fjord are four storeys high. Based on conducted analysis, the site is surrounded in its enclosure by mostly two storey high buildings, therefore it will be optimal to keep this height as leading factor for designing process.

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1-2 storeys 1-23storeys storeys 3 storeys 4 storeys 4 storeys >5 storeys >5 site storeys site


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contextual ANALYSIS


ANALYSIS OF THE SITE BY KEVIN LYNCH To evaluate the area and its context in micro urban scale, Kevin Lynch’s methods of analyses were used. They depict the urban context based on mental maps, consisting of five elements: paths, edges, districts, nodes and landmarks. LANDMARKS AND NODES The different buildings and built environment are relatively homogenous, however, the character of the functions and building typologies means that certain buildings stand out, either visually or by having a certain function. Therefore, these can also be defined as landmarks and thus be used for orientation in the area.

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ANALYSIS contextual

Easily seen from the distance is the high part of one specific industrial building on Lindholm Alle, which due to its height equal to six storeys and distinctly curved roof becomes a mental landmark in the area. Visually, this landmark is the most dominating however its placement means it’s not usually reachable people. The public mixed-use building at the corner of Lindholm Naerbanevej and Thistedsvej which facilitates many functions such as restaurant, shops, pharmacy, grocery and housing is also of strong importance since it becomes a strong orientation NODES point. This has LANDMARKS also to do with its placement next to the trarestaurant restaurant in- and bus station. shop shop NODES LANDMARKS fitness pharmacy restaurant restaurant authism centre educational instishop shop bus station tution fitness pharmacy train station office authism centre educational instibus station tution train station office

Nodes that define strategic focus points of orientation are often placed at the corners, for example, an autism centre at the corner of Lindholm Brygge and Thistedvej, a fitness centre at the corner of Kummerowsvej and Thistedvej or a bike shop at the corner of GadegĂĽrdsvej and Thistedvej. These nodes become strong orientation points since they are usually characterized by representing a different function in an otherwise homogenous area. According to the analysis of the functions and its meaning in urban context, Health Centre has potential to become recognized node of the area. DISTRICTS The analysed area consists of different districts, each with certain characteristics and different functional aspects. The residential function represents a major part of the area, and can be divided into three different types, each with different characteristics. Residential district A is the oldest one, which consists of recently refurbished two storeys detached houses with pitched roofs and private gardens. Residential district B is located close to the fjord and consists of three-four storeys apartment blocks. Newly built residential district C comprises of 4 - 6 storeys buildings. The second largest district in the area is an industrial district located in the centre of the analysed area. Lastly, there is a mixed-use district which is comprised of different service functions, housing, shops, transportation. This district is located close to the roundabout on Thistedsvej. residential district A residential district B residential district C industrial district mixed use district

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VEGETATION In general, the area is characterized by a lack of vegetation and green spaces. This is especially the case in the industrial zone which is dominated by concrete based ground coverage and other hard surfaces. The residential areas have more vegetation, however, a lot of it is private and just for the residents. Larger green areas with open access to the public are located in the south area of the site with the connection to the fjord, at Lindholm Strandpark. The only green zone within the industrial district is located in the northwest end of the site. This is an opportunity to design view from the building to this direction and extend the greenery within the site to create green gardens that will connect with the design of the building in order to provide attractive views.

trees zones of greenery site

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ANALYSIS contextual

trees zones of greenery site

NOISE, AIR AND GROUND POLLUTION To investigate the possibility of having outdoor areas and to use natural ventilation, the traffic noise and the air pollution levels on the site were examined. As seen on the map, the traffic on Thistedvej cause some noise pollution on the northern part of the site. Lower noise and air pollution is apparent in the western part of the site, mainly due to the open green area to the north-west. The noise level is significantly lower on the south-west side of the site, indicating, that this would be 70-75 dB the best place to stay 65-70 dB and to place windows for natural ventilation 60-65 dB (Miljøstyrelsen, 2012). 55-60 dB

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This area represent opportunity for designing waiting rooms and consultation rooms in this direction, based on the satisfying conditions. For investigating air pollution, the level of particles in the air. As seen the traffic results in higher level near the street, but these are not close to the limit of 40 μg/m3, so the air pollution is not a significant problem (Miljøstyrelsen, 2012). Currently, there is placed a gas station on the site. This is according to Miljøstyrelsen cause for concern, since the ground might be polluted. There has not yet been done any tests, but this should be done when the site will be used for a new purpose, such as the Health Centre. A map of the potential pollution can be seen in the annex 1. 13,8 μg/m3 - 14,4 μg/m3 12,6 - 13,7 μg/m3 less than 12,5 μg/m3 particles < 10 μm

environmental ANALYSIS





W 330






0 33



June: 30
















21 0












10% 40 2

















21 0






30 40




360 25%







Ill. 13

The wind rose is based on data from Aalborg airport which means it doesn’t necessarily depict the conditions at the site. The area is characterized by a denser built environment, therefore the airspeeds might be lower than pictured. As seen, the dominant wind direction is from southwest in January and from west in June, which makes these areas the most exposed. This needs to be considered when designing outdoor areas, since these might need to be sheltered from the wind - atrium or wind protected gardens should be considered. However, knowing the predominant wind directions can 11 m/s be benefi>cial for the use of natural ventilation. 5-11 m/s 0,2 - 5,0 m/s 5,0 - 0,2-5 11,0m/s m/s > 11, 0 m/s


50 60 70


NN 90


340 340


360 360


4040 5050


6060 120

6060 7070

220 200

8080 9090 180


EE 100 100

240 240

120 120

140 140

220220 200 200

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This is further proved by looking at the shadows on the site, which shows that there will not be any significant problems with shadows either cast on the building or by the building. This is except for December where the buildings south of the site will cast a shadow. Since there is no recent local building plan, these conditions are not assumed to change in the near future.





0,2 - 5,0 m/s The sun diagram illustrates that the southern 5,0 - 11,0 m/s part of the site will be most exposed to the sun.> 11, 0 m/s



2020 3030





300240 300




180 180


ANALYSIS environmental

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st 21 Mar 9:00

st 21 Jun 9:00

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st 21 Dec 12:00

st 21 Mar 12:00

st 21 Jun 12:00

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st 21 Dec 15:00

21st Mar 15:00

st 21 Jun 15:00

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environmental ANALYSIS


MORPHOLOGY The area and built environment are characterized by having three main types of morphology: industrial, detached houses and larger housing units/blocks. These differ a lot in both shape and scale. The detached houses are small, typically with a pitched roof, while the industrial buildings are of more varied sizes and shapes. The actual site where the Health Centre is going to be located is situated between the industrial buildings and the detached houses and can thereby represent a transition in the morphology. An interesting observation is the very different types of industrial buildings, where some of them e.g. the silo or the old factories is perceived as visual landmarks due to their distinct shape.

housing blocks

detached houses

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ANALYSIS architectural

various industrial buildings

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DENSITY To investigate the density and the spatial character of the area, sections of the streets were analysed. In addition to this, the spatial character was also experienced phenomenologically when walking around the site. Comparing two sections in the area – section BB‘ and CC‘ - the spatial changes along Thistevej is illustrated. When following the street from the city centre, a pedestrian will notice the changes in the openness of the street depending on the surrounding houses. At the section BB‘, which is where one would likely arrive from the train station, the street seems open with a good view to the site. As a contrast to this section, the section AA‘ shows the narrower street and path in the industrial area. Though the actual street is wider, the buildings are closer to the path, which makes the space feel more closed off and creates a distinct sightline to the end of the street. The site is only visible when relatively close due to the industrial buildings blocking the view.









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TOMOGRAPHY To investigate the overall character, materiality and tactility of the site and its surroundings, Martin Krieger’s method Tomography was used. In the upcoming design process, the collages can be used to draw attention to different types of materials and to give a general impression of the characteristics of the site. GROUND MATERIALS When examining the ground, it is noticeable, that almost none of it remains “natural”. In most of the area, the ground is covered with different variations of stone and concrete as pavement, while only a few spots are covered with grass. In many places the ground is uneven, e.g. there are several places near the water where the ground is covered with small loose stones.

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ANALYSIS architectural

FAÇADE MATERIALS Investigation of the façade materials in the context reflects the mixed residential and industrial functions present on the site. The main materials are different types of bricks, used mostly on houses and apartments blocks, whereas the industrial buildings are clad with a wide variety of materials ranging from plastics, polycarbonate, etc. Wood is a material that is very little used in this area and only found on a few apartment blocks close to the fjord, where it’s used for minor detailing purposes only and not as the main material.

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architectural ANALYSIS


SERIAL VISION ARRIVAL FROM BUS OR TRAIN STATION: When arriving by bus or train, one enters the area from the north. The route is characterized by different spatiality, ranging from the open station area to the small covered passage under the building (photo 3). The site is visible when exiting the passage but to cross the street safely, one would have to use the pedestrian crossing at the round-about, and afterward accessing the site from Thistedvej. ARRIVAL FROM SOUTH VIA KUMMEROWSVEJ: The area south of the site is characterized by having a combination of industry and housing. Closest to the water is an area with relative new housing, which one passes if entering the south from the nature area along the fjord. Here the street is narrow and characterized by very slow traffic. Between the housing and the site, the buildings are more industrial, and the street is wider. However, the site is not visible until one is very close, since the industrial buildings are built close to the path and therefore blocks the view to the site. ARRIVAL FROM NĂ˜RRESUNDBY CITY CENTER: When arriving from Nørresundby City centre, one will follow Thistedvej. This is one of the main streets in the area and the one with the most traffic. When walking, one would notice the changes in spatiality determined by the housing to the left. Depending on how far the houses are placed from the street, the spatiality changes from denser to more closed, while the street remains open. The corner of the site is visible from a distance due to the slight curve of the street.

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MOOD OF THE SITE As the site exists today, it is characterized by having an industrial feel to it. The materials are mostly stone and concrete, but how these materials are used, differs from building to building. Many elements in the area have visibly aged: the large old trees, the patina of the materials and especially the tall factory-like building surrounded by grass and trees. All these elements are contrasted by the newer housing area close to the water. Here different, warmer materials like wood, which suits the purpose of housing and creates a more welcoming atmosphere, are used. This change in atmosphere is felt when walking from e.g. the train station to the housing area since this is a route that passes through the industrial area. How the Health Centre will be designed will define how it will relate to the context. It can follow up on the industrial feel of the area or it can soften the area by relating more to the other functions present in the area.

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ANALYSIS architectural

PART CONCLUSION OF SITE ANALYSIS During the analysis phase, three different types – contextual, environmental and architectural - site investigations were carried out. For the contextual analyses, the surroundings of the site were examined, while the environmental pointed out how the microclimate affects the site, and the architectural focused on the architectural expression of the buildings around the site. These analyses have shown that the site has a lot of architectural potentials, being placed in a varied and well-connected area. There is no concrete architectural trait to the specific site, so how the architecture will be shaped, will define how the building relates to its surroundings. However, it can be concluded that the site relates the most to the industrial area, due to its placement on the corner, and that this should be taken into consideration when designing the building. The environmental analysis showed good possibilities regarding placement of green areas sheltered from wind and noise.




RESEARCH In this chapter, the theoretical foundation for the project is presented. Several topics are investigated including sustainability and healthcare architecture. Furthermore, the chapter describes the studies of the user groups through research of the demographic and staff needs. The chapter concludes with some references based on the analyses and research.


SUSTAINABILITY Working with sustainability as an integral of the design process with the aim of achieving a holistic and sustainable outcome, requires first establishing an understanding of the term and the different ideas and interpretations hereof. In times like these with a climate crisis on the rise, a lot of focus is put on the environmental aspect of sustainability. The 1992 Rio Earth Summit, at the time the biggest of its kind with participation from 172 countries, was a turning point which helped to put sustainability on the global political agenda by focusing on environmental problems including dependence on fossil fuels, growing water scarcity as well as patterns of production (un.org 1997). One of the main goals was to secure that future economic development wouldn‘t compromise environmental development. Today, sustainability is still understood as the interplay between environmental, economic and social factors, which altogether constitutes the sustainability triangle, sometimes also referred to as „the three pillars of sustainability. Traditionally, within the field of architecture and engineering, the social aspect has been the most overlooked and arguably the least understood part of the three, however today it is seen as just as important as the others. SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY IN AN ARCHITECTURAL CONTEXT Working with the social dimension is however complicated by the lack of commonly understood definitions of the term. Environmental sustainability can be defined as „the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting the natural resources and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance.“ (Dictionairy.com 2017). Common for both the environmental and economic dimensions is that they are easier to quantify and measure and therefore it is easier to prove or disprove that success was achieved within these fields, compared to social sustainability. In this text, the focus will be on the social and environmental dimensions and the relationship between the two. Regardless of the lack of commonly agreed definitions, it is generally understood that social sustainability emphasizes the human factor as a crucial aspect of realizing and achieving a sustainable outcome. More specifically, it considers the relationship and interaction between the built environment and the social environment. Therefore, one of the main purposes



of social sustainable architecture is to address challenges on a societal and individual level as well as aiming to improve comfort, health and productivity amongst users. As opposed to the other aspects of sustainability, it requires both qualitative and quantitative bodies of knowledge to work with the social dimension, especially when trying to implement it into an architectural design context. (Verdensmaalene.dk) Being successful in designing for social sustainability requires acknowledging that design knowledge does not always need empirical validation and sometimes can be easier understood through qualitative studies. Furthermore, the lack of quantitative data on social sustainability in the built environment requires looking into other disciplines for knowledge. (Rashid 2013). As a result, the pursuit of knowledge about how to design for social sustainability has caused architects and engineers to look into other professions, most notably medicine, which have resulted in the popularization of the fields of „Evidence-based design“ and „Research informed design“. These terms describe the practice of applying scientific findings in the design of a building. EBD AS A WAY OF ACHIEVING SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY Examples of specific aspects of the built environment which have been proven to positively affect health and wellbeing amongst users is the presence of greenery and nature. This was reported for the first time in the seminal study, „View through a window may influence recovery from surgery“ done by Doctor Roger Ullrich in 1984. In the study, patients‘ recovery after gall bladder surgery was investigated to determine whether assignment to a room with a window view to a natural setting might have restorative influence. It was found that patients assigned to rooms with outlook to natural scenery had shorter postoperative hospital stays, received fewer negative evaluative comments in nurses‘ notes, and took fewer analgesics than patients in similar rooms with windows facing a brick building wall instead of nature. (Ullrich 1984) Since then the effects of nature have been well-documented in dozens of studies, which have resulted in the popularization of the field of „biophilic“ design and architecture,

which stems from the term „bio philia“ meaning „a love of life and the living world“. (Dictionary.com 2012) It is based on the hypothesis, that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature. Therefore, a biophilic approach in an architectural context is about ensuring that humans‘ inherent relationship with nature is accommodated and integrated in the built environment. (Benholm.com 2015) In general, within evidence-based design practice a lot of emphasis is put on how buildings can reduce environmental stressors and have a restorative effect on its users. Stress occurs when there is an imbalance of environmental demands and human resources (Evans & Cohen 1987). Research shows that restorative elements can be described by the presence of four different characteristics; a) being in a setting that is different from the one typically experienced, b) a setting that is rich and coherent enough to sustain a person interest and sense of being away, c) fascination, or effortless attention which can come from objects in the environment or processes related to making sense of the environment and lastly d) compatibility, which is the fine match between a person‘s purpose and inclinations within an environment and the demand and resources of the environment itself (Kaplan 1989). Therefore, a restorative environment can be defined as an environment that is pleasurable to some degree in which people can take a break from direct attention and research have shown,

that natural settings contain a lot of the abovementioned parameters. (Nota 2017) Studies on the impact of nature have found that the presence of natural settings induces more positive self-reports, faster recovery from stress and better recovery than urban environments. (Berto et.al. 2005) Another parameter which can influence environmental stress in the built environment is wayfinding. Research shows that having an effective wayfinding strategy has a huge effect in reducing stress levels amongst patients and visitors in hospital settings. This includes e.g. having a building exterior which clearly communicates the entrance to avoid confusion about where to enter the building (NHS estates 2004), having circulation patterns aligned with building facades, providing visual cues toward goal points as well as having distinctive interior landmarks to contribute to the legibility of the building (Evans 1998). Kevin Lynch defines a legible environment as; well structured, rich in landmarks that facilitate orientation and the formation of a cognitive map (Lynch 1960). Therefore, working with implementing certain specific aspects such as nature and legible wayfinding which have been proven to have positive effects on people can contribute to designing a holistic health centre with a state-of-the-art approach to healthcare. A graphical representation showing the process and different phases of working with and researching evidence-based design in the academic world can be seen on the illustration.


Gather qualitative and quantitative inteligence in the pre-design phase.

Map strategic, cultural, and research goals.

Hypothesize outcomes, innovate, and implement translational design.

Measures and share outcomes

Ill. 37



DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE FIELD OF ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY However, while the field of social sustainability is rapidly developing, the environmental area isn‘t static either. Since the concept of green buildings was popularized back in the 1960s and 70s, major development has been taking place within the field of environmentally friendly architecture and construction and today lifecycle thinking is an integrated aspect of modern sustainable building practice. During the 60‘s and 70s the building industry often used materials and construction methods which caused harm and destruction to the environment. This led to individuals and groups taking up initiatives to promote more environmentally friendly building methods (sh-architecture.com 2018). Sustainable architecture focuses on energy conservation and usage and often relies on taking advantage of renewable energy resources, for example, solar energy. These are categorized as passive and active strategies. Passive strategies include e.g. having a well-insulated building envelope, utilizing natural ventilation or using thermal mass to store heat in the construction, whereas active strategies could be having solar cells or solar panels installed on the building. These aspects are all tied to the environmental impacts related to the operation of the building, however, it is becoming increasingly acknowledged that the environmental impacts of buildings extend far beyond operational energy expenditure. (usgbc.org 2018) Buildings impact the environment through the entire process of creating, transporting, using and disposing of all materials and processes involved in the construction. (Buildinggreen.com 2018). This is referred to as the cradle-to-grave principle and the principle and theory behind is the point of departure behind the idea of lifecycle thinking. The cradle-to-grave principle considers all the environmental impacts from the extraction and processing of the raw materials into materials applicable for construction use, transportation, operational use and maintenance as well as disposal. (greeneducation.org 2017). Sometimes energy expenditure and environmental consequences of recycling the building is also included in these assessments.



Embodied energy in buildings, as described above, was first considered when the building industry began to look into detailed life cycle assessments in the 1990‘s (Ortiz et. Al 2008). Prior to this, it was assumed that energy expenditure related to operational and maintenance of a building was considerably larger than the amount used to construct it, however, this was found to often not to be the case. (The Living Rainforest 2014). As an example, a study of Swedish low energy houses found that embodied energy constituted up to 40% of all the energy consumed by a building throughout its lifetime. (Thormark 2002). This is especially relevant in a present context since recent years huge improvements in energy efficiency related to the operational use of buildings means that the amount of embodied energy has become more important and makes up a bigger percentage of the total energy used by a building throughout its lifetime. (wbdg.org 2018)


material processing

material extraction

construction recycling


use demolition

Ill. 38

PARTIAL CONCLUSION: DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS A holistic approach which considers all three pillars of sustainability is needed when aiming to design a building that as a whole can be considered sustainable. Besides reducing the operational energy use through passive and active solutions, applying the LCA methodology as part of the design process has the potential to significantly reduce a buildings environmental impact. However, it is important to be aware of the intricate relationship between embodied energy and operational energy use. As an example, using materials with higher embodied energy can potentially be justified if it reduces the energy use for building operation. This might be the case in heavier constructions with thermal mass properties, where the ability to store heat reduces the heating demands so much that it makes up for the higher amount of embodied energy in the material compared to a material with lower embodied energy without thermal mass. Until recently sustainable buildings primarily focused on the environmental aspects outlined above, however with the popularization of evidence and research-based design practice, human health and wellbeing have been found to be just as important in sustainable building practice. The scientific body of knowledge within this field shows a clear correlation between physical, mental and social health and the characteristics of the built environment. This is relevant in the context of designing a healthcare clinic since visitors might be vulnerable and good patient experiences and -outcomes are important aspects of quality in daily life for patients as well as staff.



ZERO ENERGY BUILDINGS Zero energy buildings (ZEB) is a general term used for several types of buildings which combines energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy, to consume no more energy than what can be produced on-site or off-site by renewable energy sources over a specified period. (energy.gov 2017) Various definitions of ZEB exist and it is often the units of balance and the period of the balance that differs between these. (Marszal 2009) Many are so-called Net zero energy buildings, with the term “net” implying that an interaction between the building and the electrical grid takes place. Such a building draws energy from the grid during times where the building doesn’t produce enough to cover its demands, usually during winter, and then when it produces more than it needs, excess renewable energy is sent back to the grid, thus reaching a net zero balance when measured over the course of a year. In this project, the Source Net ZEB definition is used. This proposes a challenge, since the building will need to produce as much energy as it uses throughout a year when accounted for at the source, which means the renewable energy generation needs to offset distribution losses which happen during transportation of the electricity. The primary reason this definition was chosen is that the program used to calculate the energy performance, Be18, calculates with primary energy factors and thereby by default considers these losses. PASSIVE AND ACTIVE STRATEGIES Implementing passive strategies to lower the energy consumption is necessary when aiming to comply with the requirements from the 2020 energy class (maximum 25 kWh/m2/year). Conserving energy is important to achieve this and can be accomplished by e.g. having a compact building shape with a large floor to wall area ratio, having a well-insulated building envelope, using windows with low u-values as well as limiting linear losses throughout the construction. However, designing passively also means working with and not against external weather conditions with the aim of lowering the amount of energy it takes to keep the building comfortable.



The project site in Nørresundby is surrounded by relatively low buildings, mostly around two or three stories, as well as an open field towards the northwest, which provides several advantages when designing passively. The low heights of the surrounding buildings, as well as the possibility of placing the Health Centre at a distance from these due to having a large site, means that the context will have minimal, if any, impact on daylight conditions. This can lower the need for artificial lighting. Furthermore, solar analysis shows that the site will not be shaded throughout most of the year, which gives the possibility of using passive solar heat as well as potentially using and exposing heavy materials with thermal mass properties to solar radiation as a means of lowering the operational costs of the building, since these materials minimizes temperature fluctuations. Implementing a hybrid ventilation strategy where natural ventilation is used in most rooms during the summertime, and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery is used during cold months, has the potential to drastically lower the energy consumption and at the same time provide good indoor air quality for the users. Bearing in mind the predominant wind directions is important when design for natural ventilation and wind diagrams from the Nørresundby area shows that these are primarily west and south-west. To reach Source Net ZEB status, it is often necessary to supplement with active strategies. Active strategies can be defined as “devices that use or produce electricity to achieve a result”. (Simplicable.com 2018) Since the site, as previously mentioned, offers relatively good solar conditions, it would be beneficial to design the building to support the installation of photovoltaic solar panels on either the roof, facades or adjacent to the building. Large obstructed roof areas are ideal for photovoltaic panels. However, trees and other buildings should not shade the panels. In the context of the project site, this means potentially removing some of the trees situated towards the west. (Pagethink. com 2014) DGNB DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen) is a German method for measuring and evaluating the sustainability of

buildings, which have been adapted to Danish conditions, and since 2010 have been used as the official Danish certification standard. In this project, different DGNB-criteria are used in a more abstract way as a process-tool to achieve a holistic and sustainable outcome, rather than the usual way done in practice where each criterion is given a score and then the overall performance of the building is evaluated. In total, six different criteria from distinct categories which have been found relevant for the project of designing a Health Centre has been selected and implemented. The first criterion, Integrated design process (PRO 1.2), focuses on having an interdisciplinary process where aesthetical and functional considerations are integrated with technical aspects. In the context of designing a zero-energy building in general, combining knowledge from these two fields is important to succeed in achieving a building with a very low consumption and a good environment for the users. Furthermore, when a building is designed for exposed user-groups as it’s the case with a Health Centre, architectural aspects such as light, atmosphere, materials etc. become even more important, and therefore it is crucial to incorporate both architectural, technical and social considerations from the beginning. Accessibility (SOC 2.1) is an important aspect of user comfort and it emphasizes equality amongst all users especially those with physical, sensory and cognitive limitations. (DGNB 2016) These types of users will constitute a substantial proportion of the people visiting the Health Centre, therefore having a clearly marked entrance and reception, limiting stairways, having the possibility of disembarking / boarding close to relevant entrances, having resting places spread throughout the building etc. are functional aspects to be considered. Quality of outdoor spaces (SOC 1.6) is chosen as a fourth criterion to support the evidence-based design approach used in this project, since a lot of the existing researches published throughout the last decades are related to the positive effects that nature and outdoor green spaces can have on people. The criterion focuses on the qualitative aspects of outdoor areas and emphasizes that the outdoor spaces and the building should be integrated into

one concept. Furthermore, as many users as possible should have direct access and views to green spaces throughout the building. An important aspect of lowering the environmental impact is related to the life cycle of the building, and therefore Life cycle assessment (ENV2.1) has been chosen as a technical criterion. LCA considers environmental impacts and use of resources throughout the phases in the lifecycle of a building, and together with aesthetical considerations, this has been a determining factor behind the choice of materials, construction type etc. The image and conditions of the quarter (SITE 1.2) and area is about how a new building can positively or negatively affect an area, and in the context of this project, this is especially an interesting factor to work with since initial analysis of the site exhibited a conflict between the “harsh”, grey industrial area and the function of a health Centre which caters to exposed and vulnerable users. PARTIAL CONCLUSION: DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Combining the technical and quantitative aspects of achieving ZEB status with architectural, social, functional and logistical parameters which are of huge importance in a health care facility poses a challenge. However, the use of DGNB-criteria to inform the design and emphasize some of the diffuse and qualitative characteristics in buildings has the potential to help integrating these aspects early in the process. Nevertheless, there is a challenge of creating a building that architecturally differentiates itself from the industrial heritage which dominates the site, since the built environment contrasts the function of a Health Centre to a large degree. Being primarily an industrial area there is a lack of vegetation on the site and therefore using trees and other greenery as part of the design and around the building as a “border” to the industrial surroundings, with the aim of signalling its different function from the other buildings, should be considered. This should be done without obstructing the wind and thereby the potential for natural ventilation, as well as without creating too much shade so that it will affect passive solar gains and daylight conditions, both in the Health Centre and in the existing buildings.




Applying social sustainability and user-oriented design focusing on health and well-being was lacking in past decades of architectural design. Buildings were built with emphasis on form, aesthetical and technical or practical needs, rather than being based on human factors. As stated by architectural critic Christine Outram in 2013, most commercial buildings, hospitals, and police stations are underwhelming. And even when they are pleasing to the eye, it doesn‘t mean they are built to address human needs. The importance of the interaction between humans and the built environment was also stated by Winston Churchill in 1943: „We shape our buildings and afterward our buildings shape us.“

When designing a building, a wide range of factors and effects must be considered. Building construction might have extensive direct and indirect impacts on the environment, on society, and the economy, which are commonly referred to as the 3 P‘s : People, Planet, Pocketbook. (WBDG Sustainable Committee 2018) However, its effect directly on users is significant and is also being researched. In the past, buildings were built with an emphasis on constructional, aesthetical and functional knowledge and skills. Marcus Vitruvius proposed the „Vitruvian triangle“ which shaped and articulated the understanding of architecture at the time. „Firmitas“ or firmness, „Utilitas“ or commodity and „Venustas“ or delight are the Vitruvian articulation of the understanding of harmony between the three principles necessary to reach a balanced building. These three parameters are nowadays paraphrased into one applicable yet still general phrase. When designing architecture for health, Steemers (2015) interpreted these principles as „Firmitas“ representing health, „Utilitas“ representing comfort and „Venustas“ representing happiness. Referencing the quality of experience and comfort of users, research and investigations were conducted with regards to the connection between health and comfort of users and the built environment they are exposed to.

DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHITECTURAL FOCUS TOWARDS THE USER Through times, architecture has been advanced by enhancing the design with integrative disciplines. Human-oriented disciplines, medicine, and psychology synthesize focus on the human and collaborate associative inputs. This multifaceted amalgam of expertise indicates the importance of architecture, built spaces and environment. Nowadays evidence-based research proves the perception of the user and the importance of their experiences with spaces and buildings. As an example, there is increasing evidence, that buildings and cities can affect psychological feeling and also health. Michael Bond stated in 2017, that the geometry and arrangements of the spaces we inhabit affect our mood and well-being, and that specialized cells in the brain are attuned to the spatial organization.

“Venustas” delight happiness

“Firmitas” firmness health

“Utilitas” commodity comfort

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THE PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING OF USERS It is researched that although users do not put a big importance on the stress and social connection in buildings, these are factors which in the long run affect the physical health of the users. The main trigger appears to be what researchers call „social stress“ – the lack of social bonding and cohesion in neighbourhoods (Bond 2017). In those buildings which lacks the caring aspect towards human sensing of space, the stress sensed by users is recorded as high. Therefore, the built environment must provide healthy conditions, empowered by the experience of the spaces in a psychologically positive way to enhance health and comfort. In this context, the emphasis will be on the presence of well-being rather than the absence of illness / ill health and there can be no doubt that negative physical health-related

considerations associated with, for example, poor indoor environmental quality should be avoided. (Steemers 2015) By these means, an opportunity to address and increase human comfort and health is created. „Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.“(WHO 1946) When specifying the word „comfort“, a more sensible understanding is needed. Comfort is widely understood to be a „condition of mind which expresses satisfaction“ with the environment – whether thermal, visual, acoustic, etc. – and thus incorporates both qualitative psychological considerations (e.g. expectation, control) and quantitative physical parameters (e.g. temperature, air movement).“ (Steemers 2015) Providing a healthy and physically comfortable environment is a complex task, however for psychological needs and positive impacts further design engagement might have widely increasing impacts on well-being. Well-being as a general term of a condition is defined by Steemers (2015) a reflects on two key elements: feeling good and functioning well. „Feelings of happiness, curiosity, and engagement are characteristic of someone with a positive sense of themselves“. (Steemers 2018)

PARTIAL CONCLUSION: DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS When designing for health and well-being, a wide range of factors must be considered in accordance with the purpose of the design and aim of the target groups. Paying attention to create healthy and barrier-free space without limitations and without any comfort and health barriers (such as light, pollution, temperature, motion and safe walkability) should be the point of departure. This should be followed by carefully complemented stimuli supporting user behaviour change and engagement. There is a potential risk that in an attempt to design the technically ‘perfect‘ environment, we risk reducing the importance of the stimuli that encourage occupants to be active, aware and engaged. (Steemers 2015)

Five ways of well-being defined by Steemers describe an ideal framework for creating a healthy and user-oriented sphere when designing the building. These are I. Connect, II. Keep active, III. Take notice, IV. Keep learning and V. Give. These principles were implemented in health centre designing, with a special focus on principle I. Connect and principle III. Take Notice. These are well applicable in public facility of smaller scale, defined by users short stay. Principle II. Keep Active applies better in urban contexts or larger buildings, where movement and physical activity can be performed in higher extent. Principle IV. Keep Learning and V. Give applies better in the context, where users spend more time and have the opportunity to set habits and make deeper social connections. During designing, a proposal for implementation of five ways of well-being principles were set as following: I. CONNECT: Niche and waiting rooms designed for comfortable socialization, sufficient amount of seating with consideration of human interaction, furniture supporting homeliness, pleasantness and uniqueness. II. KEEP ACTIVE: Supporting physical activity in exterior - designing bike stands, attractive areas along circulation routes, design inviting the users out or to the connection to nature. III. TAKE NOTICE: Designing noticeable art, planting, landscaping or water-features, various seating and interventions for users to try and feel special and get different experience. IV. KEEP LEARNING: Can be used as a part of art or exhibition, where encyclopaedic style of art with informative description can educate readers, by designing a library with encyclopaedic or thematic informative books, learning can be supported. V. GIVE: Design and organization of waiting rooms and different seating can support the opportunity to offer help among the users.



STAFF USER GROUP The seven staff members at the Health Centre are: a physiotherapist, a psychologist, a music therapist, a dietitian, a nurse, a general practitioner and a secretary. They have different needs during their work and require different things to treat their specific patients. In general, they can be split into three groups as seen in the illustration. These differ from treating psychological and physical conditions. Some, such as the dietitian and the physiotherapist, offers treatment to suit both, since these conditions might be a combination of psychological and physical factors. Together, as a staff group, they have some general needs, while they as individual professionals have more specific needs depending on the treatment they perform. These are specified in the illustration.

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PATIENT USER GROUP When defining the user group of people visiting the Health Centre, several aspects need to be considered. This includes: · Gender · Age · Mental and/or physical struggles. Everyone‘s needs must be addressed in the design of the Health Centre. Some of these needs will differ from patient to patient, while others will be more general. The two main health issues, that patients might have when visiting, is either of a psychological or a physical kind. These two groups will have different needs relating to the physical framework of the centre – some need a high level of accessibility while the others‘ needs will be more focused on the atmosphere and how it affects the mind. The table on the right shows how some needs differ from patient group to patient group. In this table age and health condition is taken into consideration.

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CASE STUDIES LIVSRUM, ODENSE Architect: FRIER Architects Year: 2012 Area: 620 m2 This Livsrum is a counselling centre for cancer patients in Odense, Denmark. The design uses different materials and the combination of wood and concrete to create a calm and welcoming atmosphere. This atmosphere is further emphasized by integrating real trees in holes in the floor. Around the centre different small niches are placed with seating areas, to accommodate every need for the patients. Ill. 44

LIVSRUM, NÆSTVED Architect: EFFEKT Year: 2013 Area: 740 m2 This counselling center for cancer patients in NÌstved in Denmark is composed as a cluster of several small houses each with their function. The houses surround two outdoor spaces, that both serve as a space to be and a space to look at from the inside. This is further thought into the design by integrating seating area in the windows, and in that way creating small places for different kind of stays.

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ASAHICHO CLINIC, CHIBA, JAPAN Architect: hkl studio Year: 2015 Area: 310 m2 This clinic is situated in Japan and is intended as an open clinic in a residential area with a growing population of elderly. The clinic is organised, so it separates the patient areas from the staff areas. Not only does the staff have offices on the first floor, they also have a separate flow from the patients with a hallway behind their consultation rooms. To make the light enter the building, there are made small niches in the faรงade, which also brings the garden into the building by making it visible through the openings.

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PSYCHOPEDAGOGICAL MEDICAL CENTRE, BARCELONA, SPAIN Architect: Comas-Pont arquitectos Year: 2015 Area: 1657 m2 This medical centre was chosen as a reference building because of its clear layout and room arrangement. A distinct path leads users into the entrance area, that works as a functional hub to provide all the needs of both patients and staff. The zones in this project are easy to read and strongly distinguish staff zone and the private and group consulting zone.

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CONCEPT In this chapter the concept and the main design principles are presented to introduce the reader to the final concept based on the studies in the analysis phase and the research chapter. The concept also includes a room programme and a function diagram as part of the main idea.


DESIGN CRITERIA ZERO-ENERGY: reach zero energy standard by making a Source Net ZEB MATERIALS: choose materials based on LCA and aesthetical value


INDOOR CLIMATE: provide a good indoor environment by implementing atmospheric, thermal and visual requirements.


passive and active strategies

PASSIVE AND ACTIVE SOLUTIONS: implement passive and active solutions as design drivers to lower the energy use

rainwater harvesting

indoor climate

social user-centered design accessibility

RAINWATER HARVESTING: use rainwater as a source of water, e.g. for toilet flushes. CONNECTION TO NATURE: integrate nature and greenery in the design and provide views to these areas.


STIMULATING SPACES: create enriching environments that positively affect all users

stimulating spaces welcoming atmosphere


connection to nature

express balance

ACCESSIBILITY: reach a high level of accessibility to accommodate everyone’s abilities.


USER-CENTERED DESIGN: create a design focusing on and accommodating all users’ needs. WELCOMING ATMOSPHERE: through use of materials, lighting and the design of spaces, create calm and welcoming atmospheres. Ill. 48

EXPRESS BALANCE: use materials and form to visualize a balance between the function of the building and the industrial area. RECOGNIZABILITY: make the building stand out and visualize its function to improve orientation and wayfinding to the centre.




An extended room program can be seen in annex 2. For ventilation see annex 3. Net area







Room height

Need of daylight

Light level




Quality of light

Temperature o




Hallway, waiting and reception








Draught lobbys
















Medical doctor




up to 1000








up to 1000




Music therapist








Music room
















Kitchen for dietitian












up to 1000




Rehabilitation gym








Changing rooms
























Break area and kitchen








Changing rooms
















Cleaning room








Conference room
















Document storage and IT server








Technical rooms








Janitor office








Waste holding room
















Gross area:




street + parking document storage, IT server

ventilation room janitor offiice, storage

rainwater storage

reception area


waste room toilets

technical room staff break zone

waiting area

connecting space


conference room



changing rooms


kitchen consultation zone

music therapist


changing rooms

music room psychologist

toilet, shower

gym medical doctor

nurse practice room

physiotherapist Ill. 49



cleaning room

FUNCTION DIAGRAM The scheme shows different zones in the building and the way they connect. There are two entrances in the Health Centre and they both lead into the main hallway which works as a central hub and connects everything together. However, there is still the separation of the staff zone (staff break area and facilities) and the patient zone represented by the niches as a waiting area. The users then meet in the combined zone where all the consultation room can be found. The aim of separating patients and staff zone is providing more convenient and pleasant spaces for both user groups. The flow of the patients starts from the street with parking, leadsconsultation through the entrance to waiting the roommain hallway with the reception, from where patients can move to waiting areas in the niches that enhance comfort and offer a view to the garden. These are connected to all consultation rooms and have access to the toilets. The staff enters through one of the entrances and access the staff zone, where all the necessary logistic spaces are accessible. Through the hallway, they continue to the consultation staff where they can consultation room meet their patients.

Level of privacy - route of a patient discrete public


street discrete + parking

entrance street + parking

patient zone combined zone staff zone route of a patient route of a staff

consultation waiting room


Level of privacy - route of a staff member discrete



discrete street streetentrance + parking + parking

staff entrance

staff zone

consultation staff zone


Ill. 50



The design aims to connect the staff, waiting and consultation spaces with greenery in order to improve users comfort and experience of visiting the Health Centre.


waiting room

staff zone

connecting space

patient zone combined zone staff zone route of a patien route of a staff

patient zone

consultation rooms Ill. 51





The aim of this project is to design a sustainable Health Centre in Nørresundby focusing on social sustainability. Locating this centre in a small industrial area surrounded by residential buildings offers the site a large architectural potential, due to the variety in building morphology, materials and density.

The concept of the design aims to address the users in order to provide them with comfort, address their needs and offer users continuous visual and direct contact with nature. Contrasting to the existing urban context, Nørresundby Health Centre creates a smaller human scale within the context of large cold industrial scale. The concept seeks to provide users with an environment that is comfortable and suitable for everyone regardless of age and health limitations. Among many human referencing principles, the aim is to especially integrate accessibility, views, way-finding, and privacy in order to create comfortable space for users.

Due to the function of the building being a health care facility and the industrial character of the site, an imbalance between the desired and the existing atmosphere, occurs. The use of materials, lack of greenery and the functions of the industrial buildings, create a less welcoming and attractive atmosphere, than what is preferred to make a comfortable environment for the exposed user groups visiting the Health Centre. Therefore, the project is aiming to express a balance between the Health Centre with focus on human needs and the industrial feeling, by focusing on user-centred design, materiality, and form. Furthermore, the aim is to give every patient visiting the centre a comfortable visit situated in calm and welcoming surroundings, while the staff should have all necessities and a good working environment to treat their patients in the best way.





way - finding

privacy Ill. 52



Ill. 53



MASS FORMATION The mass was developed from a rectangular form, that was contextually defined by the lines of surrounding urban pattern. This rectangular shape was afterwards divided into functional zoning. Modifying the form based on its function in zones was a determining factor in designing. Three main zones consisted of zone for consultations, zone for staff and technical rooms and zone for kitchen, dietitian and possibly cafe. These were oriented towards their most relevant and strategic views and connections. Two entrances opened up the flow into the building from the streets, and access to the garden was defined. These three flow points were stretched through the mass to connect all three function zones. In further steps, the mass opened up towards the sun with cut out mass from the south. This integrated step of synchronous consideration of functions and orientation toward sun and wind, diminished the third - kitchen zone into shorter part of the rectangular wing. The flow area was reflected on the facade as an exposed raised mass, that visually communicated its different function and its leading feature for users orientation. This mass also stretched out from the building mass and visually communicate the entrances. This raised up expression simultaneously reflects on the findings from conducted analysis and creates the scale that address the users from the inside of the building by stepping from flow zone to the lower ceiling, more private space, created in niches and afterwards to the consultation room. By this phrase the users‘ experience of sensing privacy and intuitive orientation and understanding of way-finding allied through this raised mass expression. The shape of the building, generally defined by simple rectangular typology creates space for the sensory garden between the masses. This analogy is translated also in the extended garden that frames the area in the same rectangular concept. The curved shape is balancing the rectangular definition of garden linearity and divides the spaces into section for terrace and vegetable garden, playground area and rehabilitation area. Same curved principle is applied around the building in the park areas, visually reflected on the curve of paths and designed seating.




PRESENTATION In this chapter, the final project is presented using illustrations, visualisations, text and renders. The presentation includes both architectural aspects as well as technical concerns.


Ill. 54



ISOMETRIC RENDER The rectangular form follows the industrial character of the site but is softened by the curved hallway area in the centre of the building. These shapes balance the industrial and the human perspectives and combine the character and history of the site, with the contrasting new functions of the health centre. The curved hallway area extrudes from the building shape to communicate the entrances and accesses to the Health Centre. One exits into the yard, which becomes the heart of the site – both providing a compelling view from the interior hallways, but also providing an area with a calm and soothing atmosphere for the visitors of the centre to relax in.



B’ A


1 : 500




Ill. 55

MASTERPLAN The centre is situated at a junction of streets in Nørresundby surrounded by industrial and residential buildings. Placed with some distance from the streets, the centre protects the privacy of the patients and accentuates the access to the two entrances. The landscaping follows the building form by being a continuation of the rectangular shape surrounded by green, calm areas with paths and vegetation. Being a lower building in an area primarily consisting of two or more story buildings, the centre keeps a distance to the surrounding buildings to not accentuate the height difference between them. This can be seen in the sections in which the building is surrounded by taller buildings.


Ill. 56


Ill. 57



ARRIVING TO THE HEALTH CENTRE When arriving to the Health Centre, visitors are guided towards the entrance by the curving pavements. From the northern entrance as seen here, visitors will have a direct look through the building and into the central garden. This enables the visitor to immediately experience the architectural expression of the flow of the building. To the right of the entrance, is a path leading to the garden through a park like area with the existing trees kept in their place. This area is designed to keep the privacy of the nearby consultation rooms, so that the path does not go directly next to the windows.

Ill. 58



THE ATMOSPHERE IN THE COURTYARD The garden is composed of various activities to suit everyone and their needs. From the garden the curve from the interior Is experienced again, but this time as an embracing form around the sensory garden with its flowerbeds. The zones in the garden is separated using various elements, such as pavement, flowerbed and vegetation. However, no shifts in the levels appear, since the garden should be accessible to everyone.

Ill. 59



B’ cleaning

staff break area

janitors office + storage




rainwater tank technical room

music room

ventilation reception

document storage IT server

changing rooms



waste storage

musical therapist




medical doctor





green house & vegetable garden

changing rooms

rehabilitation gym

1 : 250


play area

kneipp bath



outdoor fitness

Ill. 60

FLOORPLAN The floorplan follows the wish to create a separation of staff and patients into each of their zones. Most of the time the meeting between the patients and the staff happens in the consultation rooms, but occasionally, they might also meet in the hallway area, when crossing this central hub. In the western part of the building, the consultation rooms are gathered accompanied by small niche areas to provide waiting spaces for the patients, while the staff area is placed in the northern part of the building with a break area, a kitchen, conference room and changing rooms. In the southern, smaller part of the building, the dietitian’s consultation room and kitchen for cooking lessons are placed. This kitchen can also be used as a community kitchen for the people living in the area and is therefore equipped with a separate toilet and can be locked from the remaining centre. To accommodate easy orientation in the building, the reception is placed in the middle of the curved hallway area. From here the receptionist can easily point out a specific consultation room for an asking patient. The curve was designed so that the reception desk will be visible from each entrance and still have the view to the hallway with consultation rooms.




Ill. 61


Ill. 62



CROSS SECTIONS The first section shows an example of a waiting area in niche, with a clear view to not only where the patient will have the treatment but also the remaining waiting area. This particular niche is for the music therapist and the psychologist, who is visited by often sensitive patients, who might require more secluded and private waiting areas than many other patients. The room heights vary according to the function of the room, so that when you enter a consultation room from the hallway area, you go from a higher to a lower ceiling, according to the level of privacy and intimacy. As seen, there is no suspended ceiling for the ventilation pipes in the hallway area to allow a higher room height in these spaces.



THE HEART OF THE BUILDING When being in the heart of the building – the organic circulation area – the strong connection to the garden is felt. The view to the garden will change following the time of day due to the vertical shutters, that block the heat. The shutters give the facade a dynamic look by changing the openness, the shadows and the view both from the inside and from outside. As a patient, one would immediately notice the reception, that extrudes from the main curve of the wall. This improves a visitors wayfinding and orientation in the building, and the secretary can from here, keep an eye on most of the building.

Ill. 63



ATMOSPHERE IN THE CONSULTATION ROOM In the consultation rooms, the meeting between the staff and the patients takes place. The patients should have a comfortable visit, feeling safe, relaxed and welcome. To do so, the atmosphere in the consultation rooms is achieved by using various materials and colours to address the human senses, while still keeping an environment optimized for the specific treatment, that the patient will have. For the staff the experience will be different, since they will spend most of their working day in this consultation room. Therefore the large window and glazed door to the west allow a high level of daylight especially in the working zone. This glazing also enables a connection to the green area outside the consultation room, where the staff can relax and possibly perform their treatment.

Ill. 64




1 : 250



Ill. 65

LANDSCAPE PLAN The landscape surrounding the building is separated into different zones with various activities and atmospheres. When arriving to the centre, one crosses from the street into the building through a park-like area with mostly trees, low vegetation, and grass. This provides a soothing view of the building. The garden layout of the centre follows the rectangular shape of the building, which is continued into the landscape by using various boundaries: trees, fences, changes in the pavement and structures. The activities placed in this area includes an area for the dietitian and the community kitchen including a terrace, a vegetable garden, and a greenhouse. For the children, there is a play area with various elements and nearby seating for parents accompanying their children. Close to the rehabilitation gym, an outdoor fitness area and Kneipp bath, to be used for physiotherapy, is placed. All of these areas provide the possibility for a longer stay by being more programmed than the surrounding green area and having integrated seating in the flower beds. In the central part of the building site, there is placed a sensory garden to provide a calming and soothing view from the hallway interior. In this garden, the vegetation consists of flowers and trees, providing sensory stimuli. Closest to the street is placed two types of parking: for bikes and for cars. Both are given a green look, by using different elements such as pavement and trees. For water in the garden, the rain water collected on the roof is used. See annex 4 for this calculation.




Ill. 66


Ill. 67




Ill. 68


Ill. 69



Ill. 70

WINDOW DETAIL RENDER The contrast between the warm, dark, treated pinewood and the patinated larch cladding visually enhances the difference between the circulation area and the rest of the building while the cold and silver aluminum window frames enhances the expression and repetitive pattern of the windows in the facade.



Ill. 71



CONSTRUCTION PRINCIPLE The timber frame structure was used as a main construction principle for this project. For this method, the prefabrication takes place in an air-conditioned manufacturing area, as it offers the optimal conditions for production and helps to reach the most precise outcomes. The large timber parts are partly assembled in the factory and then transfered to the building site, where the final assembling takes place. This is usually done in the shortest possible time, e.g. a regular family house can be finished within two days. (Kolb 2007) For the skeleton of the building the bearing glued timber beams, known as KVH profiles in a size 60/120 mm, are used. They are placed in centre to centre distance of 625 mm. They are reinforced by using wall slabs – OSB slabs in the thickness of 15 mm in this case. The thermal insulation is put between the bearing beams (120 mm), as well as an extra layer 180 mm in order to reduce the thermal bridges. The wooden cladding is attached by using vertical and horizontal timber grid. The roof is solved as a cabinet system where the bearing horizontal beams are hidden and the bearing part comes as a one structure. The roof is ventilated with the space of 100 mm. The roof is inclined by using timber wedges to ensure a minimal inclination is 2 %. The construction principle elements are shown in the following details.





DETAIL 1 1:20


ROOF 1 R1 ROOF 1 - pea gravel - 60 mm - pea gravel - protecting separation layer 3 mm - protecting separation-layer - OSB construction slab - OSB construction slab- 27 mm - air flow - 100 mm - air flow - waterproof membrane - waterproof membrane- 5 mm - OSB slab - 15 mm - OSB slab - thermal insulation, - thermal insulation, load-bearing structure load-bearing structure- 320 mm - OSB slab - 15 mm - OSB slab - vapour barrier - vapour barrier - space for technical -installations, space for technical installations, bearing grid - 400 mm bearing grid - interior cladding - interior cladding - 15 mm - thickness - 960 mm - thickness


W WALL facade cladding timber - 20 mm - facade cladding timber timber grid horizontal - timber grid horizontal- 50 mm timber grid vertical- timber grid vertical - 50 mm DHF Formline slab - DHF Formline slab - 10 mm insulation MW, KVH- 120/60 - 300 mm insulation MW, KVH 120/60 OSB slab - 15 mm - OSB slab insulation MW, - insulation MW, timber grid horizontal 60/40grid horizontal- 60 mm timber 60/40 - indoor cladding - 15 mm - indoor cladding - thickness - 520 mm - thickness -





- 320 mm - 15 mm - 400 mm - 15 mm - 960 mm


20 mm 50 mm 50 mm 10 mm 300 mm 15 mm

- 60 mm - 15 mm - 520 mm


Ill. 72



60 mm 3 mm 27 mm 100 mm 5 mm 15 mm








Marmoleum floor - Marmoleum floor - 10 mm CEMFLOW concrete-with floor heating - 50floor mm heating CEMFLOW concrete with impact sound insulation - 40 mm - impact sound insulation EPS thermal insulation - 150 mm - EPS thermal insulation protecting concrete- screed - 50 mm protecting concrete screed separating layer 150- separating g/m2 layer 150 g/m2 damp proof membrane - 5 mm - damp proof membrane concrete slab with KARI grid slab with KARI - 120 mm - concrete grid gravel, diameter 32-53 - gravel, diameter 32-53- 150 mm terrain - terrain thickness - 575 mm - thickness

Ill. 73 -

10 mm 50 mm 40 mm 150 mm 50 mm

- 5 mm - 120 mm - 150 mm - 575 mm





- pea gravel

- 60 mm

- protecting separation layer - OSB construction slab

- 3 mm - 27 mm

- air flow - waterproof membrane

- 100 mm - 5 mm

- OSB slab - vapour barrier

-ROOF space for 2 light installation, bearing grid - -interior cladding pea gravel

- -thickness protecting separation layer - OSB construction slab

- air flow 1 R1 ROOF


-DETAIL 15 mm 4 - 320 mm Ill. 74


- 15 mm

- 50 mm - -1560mm mm

- -610 mm 3 mm


- 27 mm

waterproof - -pea gravel membrane OSB slab separation layer - -protecting thermal insulation, - -OSB construction slabload-bearing structure

- 100 mm 5 mm -- 60 mm mm -- 315mm 320mm mm -- 27

space for light installation, bearing grid - -OSB slab - interior cladding - thermal insulation, load-bearing structure - thickness - OSB slab

- 5 mm 50 mm mm -- 15 - 15 mm - 320 mm - 610 mm - 15 mm

OSB slab - -air flow vapour barrier - -waterproof membrane

DETAIL 2 1:15 R2


- OSB slab - thermal insulation, load-bearing structure



OSB ATTACHMENT 12/300/120, a' 800 mm

15 mm -- 100 mm


- vapour barrier

1 R1 -ROOF space for technical installations, bearing grid - pea gravel - interior cladding - protecting separation layer - thickness - OSB construction slab

- 400 mm - 60 mm - 15 mm - 3 mm - 960 mm - 27 mm

- air flow

- 100 mm

- waterproof membrane

- 5 mm

- OSB slab

- 15 mm

- thermal insulation, load-bearing structure

- 320 mm

- OSB slab

- 15 mm

- vapour barrier - space for technical installations, bearing grid

- 400 mm

- interior cladding

- 15 mm

- thickness

- 960 mm

OSB ATTACHMENT 12/300/120, a' 800 mm VENTILATION PIPES, d=150 mm




BEARING BEAM KVH 120/60 a' 625 mm



Ill. 75










- facade cladding timber

- 20 mm

- timber grid horizontal

- 50 mm

- timber grid vertical

- 50 mm

- DHF Formline slab

- 10 mm

- insulation MW, KVH 120/60

- 300 mm

- OSB slab

- 15 mm

- insulation MW, timber grid horizontal 60/40

- 60 mm

- indoor cladding

- 15 mm

- thickness

- 520 mm


- pea gravel

- 60 mm

- protecting separation layer - OSB construction slab

- 3 mm - 27 mm

- air flow - waterproof membrane

- 100 mm - 5 mm

- OSB slab

- 15 mm

- thermal insulation, load-bearing structure - OSB slab

- 320 mm - 15 mm

- vapour barrier - space for light installation, bearing grid

- 50 mm

- interior cladding

- 15 mm

- thickness

- 610 mm



Ill. 76



DETAIL 4 1:10




FLOOR 2 - concrete floor finishing

- 10 mm

- CEMFLOW concrete with floor heating

- 50 mm

- impact sound insulation

- 40 mm

- EPS thermal insulation

- 150 mm

- protecting concrete screed

- 50 mm

- separating layer 150 g/m2 - damp proof membrane

- 5 mm

- concrete slab with KARI grid

- 120 mm

- gravel, diameter 32-53

- 150 mm

- terrain - thickness

- 575 mm

Ill. 77




6,00 5,00 4,00 3,00 2,00 1,00















Room heating















El. for service of building















Domestic hot water














































24,06 kWh/m2



Ill. 78

ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND BE18 BE18 is an energy frame calculation tool developed by SBI (Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut), which is used in the building industry to ensure that new buildings comply with the Danish energy frames. An energy frame is defined as the upper limit of how much energy a building can use on a yearly basis pr. square meter and includes: heating, ventilation, cooling, DHW and lighting. In this project, the energy performance of the building should comply with the requirements from the 2020 class, meaning it should have yearly energy demand of maximum 25 kWh/m2 without implementation of renewables (e.g. solar cells).


The use of BE18 in this project have been twofold; first and foremost, it has been used as a tool in the process to continuously test out the energy performance as part of the development of the different concepts. Doing this helped to gain knowledge on how to optimize the energy performance of the building. Secondly, the program has been used to document the energy performance of the final building, which can be seen on the graph. To achieve Net ZEB status and a total energy demand of no more than 0 kWh/m2/year, solar cells have been installed to cover the electricity demand for operation of the building. The number of solar cells necessary to reach zero energy consumption has been calculated to 130 m2 and they are positioned facing south with an incline of 15 degrees on the kitchen area and on the western part of the building which houses the consultation rooms. The reasoning behind the relatively small incline is to make sure that the solar cells won‘t extend past the parapet wall and thus be visible when experiencing the building from a human perspective.

Ill. 79



SOLAR SHADING ON THE CURVED FACADE In the design of the solar shading on the curved façade towards the courtyard, BSim was used to determine the necessary amount of solar shading and to investigate when the shading will be active. To analyse the model, the hallway area had to be simplified into a shape without curves that is possible to simulate in BSim. This simplification is seen on the illustration and must be considered when analysing the results. Initially the amount of required solar shading was analysed by comparing the number of hours above 27 and 28 degrees for three different shading coefficients: 1, 0,5 and 0,25. As seen on the cumulated curve, implementing continuous solar shading with a coefficient of 0,5 avoids overheating above 28 degrees. However, there are still some hours above 27, which can be possibly avoided by using a solar coefficient of 0,25. Ill. 80

Ill. 81



Therefore, the solution is an external system of vertical shutters which can rotate and by that meet the needed solar coefficient. Using solar shading during the day to keep the building from overheating, can possibly affect the experience of the building in terms of transparency and view. To ensure a connection between inside and outside and a partly transparent appearance of the facade, it was investigated when the shading is going to be active. The graph shows an idealized curve of when the different windows are shaded. Due to the BSim model simplification of the hallway, this graph doesn‘t follow the exact results from BSim (see annex 5), hence the idealized curve. It is seen that the windows will not be shaded at the same time during the day, ensuring the transparency of the facade.

NATURAL VENTILATION IN THE GYM To investigate if natural ventilation could be used to ventilate the gym during the summer, the room was modelled in Bsim. An openable window was designed to allow an air change up to 4 h-1, since the function of the room as a gym requires the possibility of a higher air change, than usually recommended (see annex 6). Due to security reasons, it was desired not to have open windows at night time. However, without mechanical ventilation during the night, the temperature will not decrease significantly overnight, so 3 time-schedules were tested as seen on the graph.

Ill. 82

The Building regulations recommend less than 100 hours above 27 degrees and less than 25 hours above 28 degrees. However, since the activity level is higher in a gym, the goal was to keep the temperature lower, and therefore the number of hours above 25 degrees was investigated.Regarding CO2, the recommended level should not be more than 460 ppm above the outdoor level, which is 350 ppm at a sedentary activity. People produce more CO2 the higher their activity level, so here the level is acceptable even if it rises above 810 for short periods of time.

Ill. 83

As seen from the results, the extra hours before and after opening hours lowers the overheating. Adding two extra hours of natural ventilation before and after opening hours almost removes the hours above 27 and 28 degrees. There are still 140 hours above 25 degrees but a further study of when these hours occurs, reveals that they follow the higher outdoor temperatures. This is therefore not a problem, since people tend to to accept a higher room temperature, when the weather is warm.

Ill. 84



cleaning janitors office + storage


staff break area



ventilation room


document storage IT server changing rooms kitchenette

janitors office + storage

staff break area

musical therapist





rainwater tank

music room


document storage IT server changing rooms


medical doctor





musical therapist



To accommodate the needed flow rate, the chosen ventilation units are two Systemair Danvent 10, which has as possible flow rate of up to 2500 m3/h. Based on the pressure loss and the chosen unit, the energy needed for air transportation has been calculated to 2,0 kJ/s, which abides the buildings regulations demand of a max value of 2,1 kJ/s.

toilet dietitian

medical doctor

To ventilate the building a combination of natechnical room tural and mechanical ventilation is used. This plan shows the layout of the pipes for the mewaste chanical ventilation, which is split into two storage zones to avoid crossing the hallway area with pipes in many places. However, as seen on the plan, the kitchen and dietician’s consultation room are included in one off the zones. toilet This crossing pipe is hidden in a beam that is used to articulate the entrance by hanging kitchen lights from it. For the mechanical ventilation the pressure loss of the longest and most critical route has been calculated, which will be the dimensioning loss for the whole system (see annex 7).

technical room ventilation room


music room



kitchen changing rooms


rehabilitation gym


changing rooms

rehabilitation gym

Ill. 85



inlet pipe outlet pipe inlet outlet intake through roof exhaust through roof ventilation unit

NATURAL VENTILATION PRINCIPLE Natural ventilation, as an important factor of improving indoor environment and comfort by supplying and removing air through building envelope openings by natural means of wind pressure and thermal buoyency are applied in the building by a strategy of window type and placement.


All windows in the building are designed to be openable and therefore to contribute to natural ventilation. Cross ventilation is applied in the gym, where the size and placement of windows allow an desired air change without compromising privacy. Its position facing west and being exposed on windward side improves air movement, as its highly improving comfort in the room with possibility of a higher load of people. Similar principles define kitchen. Higher load of people and cooking pollutes the air that can be effectively ventilated by natural forces with effective cross ventilation through window openings placed on three walls. The principle of single-sided ventilation is applied in consultation rooms and secondary rooms, where cross ventilation was not possible. This ventilation is improved by an opportunity for two types of operation in consultation rooms on at two windows, these are both casement opening and hopper window opening.

inlet air direction outlet air direction

Ill. 86





Ill. 88


1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7%



Ill. 87

Ill. 89

DAYLIGHT STUDY Daylight, as an important factor for the visual comfort and supporting element for well-being of users, was analyzed in several steps in designing the building and was integrated into designing. Based on consideration of large heat losses through the building envelope, the amount of glazing was replaced into glazed plates alternated with wall, based on described simulations, until daylight and heat loss balanced desired levels. For initial simulation see annex 8. On the study of the daylight in the building, all consultation rooms were defined by slightly lower daylight based on the depth of the rooms. Various combinations of sizes and position of the windows in order to reach most sufficient daylight were simulated. To reach the most suitable indoor environment, sizes of windows was enlarged and was eliminated into a typology of 4 different shapes of window openings. Each consultation room was with the support of simulation completed with a glazed door that enables access to the garden and improves daylight factor. The position of the windows was raised up and the shape was stretched vertically in order to maximize the potential of the rather narrow exterior wall. Skylight windows were placed in the hallway ceiling in order to improve daylight and users comfort and expression of illumination of space at the reception and at both entrances. The rotation of the shutters was tested in Velux Daylight Simulator to study the daylight conditions. Based on the simulations (see annex 9) the optimal rotation was determined.

Initial daylight factor


Final daylight factor 1%




3.1 %

3.2 %


2.1 %

3.2 %

music room

2.1 %

musical therapist

1.0 %

3.6 %


1.6 %

3.3 %

medical doctor

1.4 %



2.4 %

3.6 %


2.2 %

3.5 %


2.6 %

staff break area + kitchen



2.2 %


3.4 %





4.4 %

1.9 %



1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7%

3.8 % 4.1% 2.9 % 5.1 %

Ill. 90

Daylight factor in the hallway using different setting of the shutters 4%

no shutters 3.2 %

100 % open shutters 2.7 %

50 % open shutters 1.9 %

25 % open shutters 0%









Ill. 91


TYPES OF WINDOWS Glazed door I. - is placed in every consultation rooms and in the staff zone, it enables a large amount of daylight to access especially deep long interiors and allows access to the surrounding greenery. Window II. - appears in some consultation rooms, gym, staff zone, and kitchen, fluctuating on the height of the working table to especially ensuring proper light condition for desktop work.

Glazed door I. 900 x 2100 mm

Window II. 600 x 1300 mm

Window III. 750 x 1800 mm

Window III. - is located in every room of the building, it is a main source of the daylight and generally, its placed in larger fluctuation line along the height of a working table. Its height enables daylight to illuminate the rooms into its depth.

Window IV. 550 x 950 mm

Window IV. - is found in secondary spaces, such as toilets, changing rooms and corridor, but also in the kitchen and on the north facade. Finished with an opaque film, it ensures users privacy. Window V. - enables good visual contact from the kitchen to the garden and improves the indoor environment and indoor expression in the conference room. It improves the overall users‘ experience of the room by enlarging it visually.

Window V. 1300 x 1800 mm


Hallway window IV. 1200 x 3200 mm


Window VII. with upper opening 750 x 1800 mm

Window VIII. with upper opening 600 x 1300 mm

Ill. 92

Hallway window VI. - is placed in groups, alternated with wall parts along the hallway. It provides daylight for the whole hallway and niche areas with rotatable and slidable shutters it provides the needed amount of daylight and creates a unique atmosphere. Windows VII. and VIII. with an upper opening - are used in the gym for a possibility to safely ventilate 2 hours before and after opening hours.

VIEWS Ensuring users positive experience in the building and maximizing their comfort are principles that were prioritized when designing. Through the study of peoples‘ needs in buildings and aspects improving one‘s positive sensing of space and calm feeling, room arrangement and shared spaces were divided into zones, defining potentiality of requirements on comfort.


Views and connection to nature are a priority that with panoramic orientation around the garden is achieved through seating around the hallway in designed niche areas and through its relation to the window openings. These are shown in the graphic. The view is provided in all consultation rooms, gym, and staff zone. Entrance and hallway connected to the reception are defined by the especially high importance of view with intuitive and fast orientation, therefore it is designed to be connected visually to the garden, but also the glazed curve invite users to access the sensory garden, by easily understood direct hallway connection. Direct connection to the greenery is also from the kitchen for all users, from the staff zone and also from each consultation room.

view to the garden access to the greenery

Ill. 93



LCA Potential: Global warming potential Unit: CO2 equivalents Problem: As a result of increasing amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, the atmospheric layers are damaged resulting in climate change. Potential: Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer Unit: R11 equivalents Problem: The ozone layer protetcs the earth from the sun and plays a big role in making it habitable for all kinds of life, therefore degradation resulting in more radiation reaching the earth and damaging it. Potential: Total use of primary energy Unit: MJ Problem: A high use of primary energy from especially fossil fuels can contribute to depletion of natural resources.

Fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas dominate primary energy consumption and constituted 87% of the production of primary energy in 2012 (worldwatch.org 2013), therefore taking this into consideration is important to lower the environmental impact. Out of the threematerials (timber, steel, and concrete) timber requires by far the lowest amount of energy in the manufacturing process. (Dovetail partners inc 2008). The GWP is an important parameter which indicates and the LCA shows a significantly lower value for the timber construction compared to the alternatives. Regarding the ODP the timber construction shows the worst results which can be explained by the fact that trees absorb CO2 which depletes the ozone layer, so when the trees are cut they can no longer absorb the CO2.

Potential: Use of secondary fuels Unit: MJ Problem: Due to production methods, use of secondary fuels, eg. electricity can indirectly lead to scarcity of resources. 380 % 360 % 340 % 320 % 300 % 280 % 260 % 240 % 220 % 200 % 180 % 160 % 140 % 120 % 100 % 80 % 60 % 40 % 20 %

Wooden construction with wood facade Concrete construction with brick facade Concrete construction with metal facade

Ill. 94







The life cycle perspective is an essential part of modern sustainable building construction and as such life cycle assessments have been a determining factor in this project. The program LCAbyg has been used to assess the environmental impacts over a period of 50 years of three alternative outer wall solutions, which together with aesthetical functional considerations have influenced the material choice. Focus has been on certain parameters regarding the environmental impact which has been found relevant in relation to designing a Net ZEB Health Centre. These are GWP (global warming potential, ODP (ozone depletion potential), primary energy use (PEtot) and SEK (secondary fuels).

From an overall perspective it is clear that the timber construction is the most environmentally friendly followed by the brick construction and concrete construction, respectively.

LCC A LCC analysis of two outer wall constructions and three different cladding types have been carried out using the program LCCbyg. The calculation has been simplified to eliminate variables and to include only the acquisition and maintenance/ building operation costs. The numbers have been calculated based on the prices of 1 square meter of wall. The different walls are; a concrete construction with zinc cladding and a timber construction with two different types of timber cladding. For the timber construction, only the cladding type varies between the two. The two types are larch cladding and super-wood cladding. Insulation amounts have been adjusted so that the walls have similar u-values and therefore represents realistic solutions for a zero-energy building. The price pr. square meter has been calculated using the Sigma Molio database, where the most similar default constructions have been used as a point of departure. The prices of the layers which differs from the one in the project building have then been subtracted and replaced with the prices for the actual layers in the construction. The analysis shows a higher initial investment for the concrete construction, and the difference is primarily due to the high price of the zinc cladding. However, the maintenance and operation costs are lower for this construction , since zinc has a long lifetime compared to wood and requires minimal maintenance. There are pros and cons with both options, however, ultimately timber was chosen due to a superior LCA profile and lower costs. Regarding the timber, larch has a cheaper square meter price but it requires more maintenance compared to super-wood.

price kr/m2 5000 kr Wooden construction with Superwood facade

4000 kr

Concrete construction with metal cladding

3500 kr


3000 kr 2500 kr 2000 kr 1500 kr

Wooden construction with larch facade

2158 1609

1000 kr


500 kr

882 546 Ill. 95

Acquisition cost

Building operation/ maintenance



MATERIALS Based on a combination of LCA, LCC as well as aesthetical considerations, wood has been chosen as the main material both for construction and cladding in combination with a concrete foundation. For the main parts of the building facade, dark brown pinewood from the Danish firm Superwood A/S has been used. This type of wood is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional impregnated wood and uses only 1 percent of the wood protection that is used in pressure impregnation. The method used to treat the wood means it will keep its visual characteristics even when left exposed.

untreated larch wood without/ with patina

All wood comes from northern countries, resulting in low transport emissions. To achieve a contrast between the function of the primary building volume and the extruded organic shape, larch cladding has been used on the latter part. When left untreated, it will patinate which results in a dramatic colour change from light beige to grey, thus further enhancing the contrast between the two parts.

treated larch wood

The concept of working with contrast is always an important aspect of the relation between the exterior and interior of the building. Therefore, larch wood has also been used as cladding material inside the circulation space where it will not patinate to provide a warm atmosphere and sense of home.

pine super wood



Ill. 96



PROCESS In this chapter, the process of achieving the final result is explained mainly using sketches and text. It describes many aspects of the design phase ranging from shape and form studies to smaller scale detailing, such as entrances and material detailing.




Ill. 97


A very literal interpretation of the room program served as the point of departure in the sketching phase. The idea was to establish a functional and logistical separation between the patient areas, the staff areas, the technical areas as well as the entrance area with cafe and reception, with the aim of making it easier to navigate in the building. In this concept, the internal courtyard served as the „heart“ of the building, by providing an outlook to greenery and nature for all four clusters. Different dimensions were tried out on the clusters to optimize the conditions for natural ventilation and daylight, which resulted in the realization that a more elongated rectangular shape was more suitable. Furthermore, it would be a challenge to achieve sufficient sunlight in the small courtyard even though the surrounding clusters were low in height (1-story). Dividing the floor area between four volumes resulted in a large floor to surface area ratio, which means it would be more difficult to achieve a low energy consumption and net ZEB status. (See annex 10 for model studies.) FORM 2

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Similar functional considerations as above were implemented, however with more elongated shapes, where three rectangular volumes intersected to provide the division between functions. In this shape, the heart of the building was in the intersection between the volumes which also formed the entrance. The outdoor space was enclosed and fully open towards the south, however, a relation between the outdoor courtyard and the building was lacking.



The concept combined aspects from the previous ideas by mixing contextual aspects such as access and morphology with functional separation inside the building. Having pitched roofs was a contextual reference to the small townhouses located on the opposite side of Thistedvej (see annex 10 for study of contextual relation). The aim was to have a relatively slim building envelope (which could provide good conditions for natural ventilation and daylight) as well an embracing although not fully enclosing shape.

Ill. 99



The fourth concept combined the cluster idea with a more rectangular shape, allowing the clusters to house specific functions while still being visually separated from the main volume and circulation path. The central courtyard served as a visual reference point in the building while aiding in wayfinding inside, however, the enclosed area seemed too distant and sheltered from the surroundings.

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FURTHER DEVELOPMENT In the further development of the concept it was tried to visually separate the circulation path from the consultation rooms, staff areas and technical rooms, to achieve a logical coherence between the plan layout and the exterior expression as well as to aid in wayfinding inside the building. Some of the initial shapes were inspired by the industrial rectangular buildings found in the area, and it was tried to combine these with a more organic shape to express a visual contrast between the functions inside the building. A significant aspect of designing the circulation area was to determine the location of the primary accessway(s) / entrance(s) into the building, as this would have a significant impact on the shape of it. (See annex 11 foe model study of contextual relation.) Another idea was to make small cut out spaces, which could be considered as „niche spaces“ and are used as waiting area (see annex 12). The entrance should be easily identifiable from the main roads, Thistedvej and Kummerowsvej which could be achieved by locating it in the junction on the northeast. Ultimately, it was found more logical to have two separate entrances with the main entrance located at Thistedvej, where the largest flow of people will come from, and also to locate the address on this road, as its more recognizable. Placing a second entrance along Kummerowsvej could then serve those who are arriving by car to the site since the parking area is going to be located along this road as well.

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FLOW EXTENSION The landscaping and outdoor area was an integral part of the concept idea which went through different iterations in order to achieve an overall coherence between interior and exterior. The result of changing the „third“ leg of the circulation volume was that instead of it leading into the gym, was leading it into the courtyard. This change also improves the layout of directing users to the garden. The slight change in curve also enables the view of the curve ending in the garden directly from the reception. This view supports the help with way-finding and naturally invites users to the garden. It was chosen to draw inspiration from the curve and express it by using the exterior pavement to continue it abstractly, in its materiality. Therefore, in the further development of the relation between interior and exterior, the footprint of the curved shape was extended into the garden, leading through already rectangularly defined garden.

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CURVE The curved facade was an important aspect of the concept and initially, it was tested out to have an all-glazed facade. Different iterations of the layout were carried out to find an optimal compromise between limiting the transmission loss during winter and overheating during summer, providing sufficient daylight inside as well as keeping the visual connection between inside and outside which an all-glazed layout provided. Limiting the glazed area by replacing the top area with wall however still caused problems with transmission loss and overheating. As a result, strategically placing smaller separate glazed areas based on sightlines from inside the building to the courtyard was tested. The aim was to keep the view from the main entrance and the niches to the courtyard while keeping sufficient daylight conditions in the circulation area. Still having the glazing spanning almost from bottom to top of the facade meant that the connection between interior and exterior would be retained to a large degree. Based on simulations in BSim the amount of solar shading needed to comply with the regulations regarding over temperature was determined. Aesthetically the shutters should complement the overall materiality of the building. A solution with horizontal supports maximal flexibility and relate to the vertical expression, supported by using same wood as on the rest of extruded flow mass.

Ill. 103



SHUTTERS The system of rotating the shutters along with possibility to slide them to the side ensure wide range of options for shading during the day, creating different types of atmospheres. SECTION The idea of using an extruded curved shape to distinguish the transit area from the rest of the building and aid in wayfinding both inside and outside was a central part of the concept. The ambition was to create a well-lit and open atmosphere with a higher ceiling as well as to provide views to the green courtyard immediately upon entrance. Also, the purpose of placing glazing on the extruded shape was to ensure good daylight conditions and facilitate the space with natural ventilation during summer by a combination of single-sided, cross-ventilation and thermal drift.

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Having a narrow almost continuous band of glazing running along the shape was tested, however, the frames would take up a large percentage of the glazed area, potentially resulting in a large transmission loss since the frames have higher u-value than the glazing. Another aim was to use the window bands to strengthen the directions inside, thus define this transit area, however, it was determined that the shape itself was enough to achieve this strong directional sense. Regarding the daylight, simulations showed that the large southwest facing glass facade proved to contribute enough to achieve good daylight conditions.

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LANDSCAPING In the first steps of designing the exterior of the building, was clearly defined sensory garden, surrounded by the mass of the building. The continuing designing translated the rectangular feature of the building by mirroring building defined lines into the garden. This feature is the general definition of the zones, while in the concept of continuation of the landscape design and development, a curved feature was translated into the design. By this step, playful combinations relating to the building and its curves were created, offering various atmospheres, while regarding both the unique curve and also contextual rectangular pattern. The curve is performed as a continuing geometry of the line defined by the flow curve. This continuation is similarly shown on the entrances as the geometry defining the entrance pavements. A playful curve of geometry defined by smaller scale is placed as a secondary definition of the pavements that connects extended garden to the public areas.

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ENTRANCES The entrance is a significant part of the building formed by the presence of the extruded curved shape which naturally marks the entrances by visually differing from the rest of the building. Different detailing of the entrance, as well as facade materials, has been examined to test how to best communicate its function (see annex 13 for facade material studies). Having the organic shape extend outside the building instead of being in the same plan as the rest of the building facade, further marked the entrance by strengthening the contrast between the volume and thus also strengthening the functional differentiation. In the beginning, the entrance was perpendicular to the building which meant that people would enter into the curve in a slightly skewed direction and thus not experience the view to the courtyard immediately upon entrance. Therefore instead the entrance was made perpendicular to the walls of the curve to provide a more natural flow. It was also tried not to extend the curved volume outside the rectangular building volume, however, this weakened the contrast which was the whole point of having two different volumes representing different functions.

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EPILOGUE In this chapter, the project is evaluated with a conclusion and a reflection where the final result and process is discussed.


CONCLUSION The proposal for a new Zero energy Health Centre in Nørresundby provides a modern, sustainable patient-centred environment, which combines the strict energy requirements from the Net ZEB standard with more in-depth environmental and economic considerations such as LCA and LCC to reduce the overall environmental impact and assess long-term consequences of the project. Basing functional and aesthetical considerations on proven research and scientific knowledge has provided a strong direction in the process with regards to achieving social sustainability. This is related to the lack of commonly agreed definitions of this term, which means it can be more difficult to pursue and measure success within this field compared to environmental and economic sustainability. The site is situated in an industrial area with only a few houses on the opposite side of the road, however the building is located within walking distance to a large node of public transport, Lindholm train station as well as bus stops, and the location along one of the main roads in Nørresundby, Thistedvej, means it will be exposed to a lot of people. This has been an important aspect with regards to concept development since placing and orienting the entrances towards the area with the largest flow of public transport as well as close to the parking area can help limit the possibility of patients and visitors having problems with locating the entrances. This is related to the proven and documented fact that such problems can easily constitute an additional stress factor for already vulnerable users. As for the concept, a strong emphasis has been put on establishing a relation to the contextual morphology, while still allowing the building to stand out and communicate its function by expressing its own distinct and unique character. This has been achieved through the use of materials, atmosphere, scale and nature.



When entering the Health Centre through the main entrance, one is met by an organic wooden-clad hallway with a warm and light atmosphere, which provides a strong directional sense within the building as well as a view to the green courtyard and the reception immediately upon entrance. By having an organic volume which communicates the circulation path function by visually distinguishing it from the rest of the building, the goal has been to establish a coherence between functional and aesthetical aspects with the aim of achieving a logical and meaningful layout as well as aiding in wayfinding within the building. Besides providing the circulation area with plenty of daylight and natural ventilation, the curved facade which partly encloses the courtyard acts as a central reference point with a view to the garden. Having a strong division between the different functions within the building e.g. staff zones, consultation rooms and gym, is a design parameter which has been through several iterations before being implemented in a way where an overall functional and aesthetical coherence was ensured. Placing all consultation rooms towards west, which is the most private facade and further enhancing the natural and green qualities found at this area of the site, ensures a good patient environment where the privacy aspect is considered. The building relates to the public by including a kitchen which is publicly accessible, and the thereby contributes to the local area in addition to its main function of being a Health Centre. Therefore, all in all, the proposal represents a modern and realistic approach to a Health Centre where the three pillars of sustainability and designing a good and healthy environment for patients and staff have been the main driving forces.

REFLECTION The purpose of the following is to outline an honest reflection on the final proposal, as well as the choices made during the different phases of the process. An important aspect of the design process has been to establish a connection to the context and “bridge the gap” between the industrial site and the function of a Health Centre. Another aspect related to this was working with functional separation, which was influenced first and foremost by initial analysis regarding the user-groups as well as health-care architecture in general, which made it clear that stress-reduction and privacy were of huge importance to the people visiting a Health Centre. This resulted in the idea of making a plan layout which was easy to navigate and where the privacy of both patients and staff was secured. It was considered applying the more in-depth analysis regarding which patient types require the most privacy, ultimately, it was found that this would make it difficult to keep an intuitive layout since the building is relatively small, making it confusing to have the consultation rooms in different parts of the building. Regarding the consultation rooms, a lot of parameters have influenced the design, including obtaining good visual, thermal and atmospheric comfort, privacy and outlook to nature, however one of the aspects that could have been further developed was the furnishing. Many consultation rooms have similar furniture arrangements, even though in reality there might need to be more differentiation between them. Something else which could have been further developed was the idea of having a children‘s area in connection with the circulation area. As it is, the niches can be used by children, however, having a more dedicated children‘s area could limit the possibility of other visitors getting bothered by the noise that accompanies such areas. As mentioned in the conclusion, the evidence and research-based design approach helped to implement social sustainability, however, it also posed some challenges regarding how to apply the scientific findings in the specific context of designing a Health Centre.

Much of the available literature focuses on hospitals or other clinical settings in which the patients are spending more time than in a health centres. Therefore, it is difficult to apply this body of knowledge directly, however, some general aspects like stress-reduction by optimizing wayfinding and providing an outlook to nature, having a deinstitutionalized atmosphere etc. can still be applicable in settings which may differ from the one they were studied in. Therefore, the challenge has been to be critical of the scientific literature and study it in the context of this project. Since a lot of focus has been on environmental sustainability, one could discuss whether the “green” element could have been more expressed in the aesthetics of the building e.g. by exposing the solar cells as part of the design. However, in general, in addition to aiding in solving functional requirements and optimize the indoor environment, the use of technical aspects as design drivers have been a determining factor with regards to achieving the final building design. As an example, this is evident in the curved courtyard facade with the horizontal wooden lamellas which complements the simple material choice and aesthetics of the building. The choice of materials is another area which has been influenced by technical aspects. When it was decided to further develop the final concept, it was tried to further reinforce the contrast between the rectangular and the extruded form by using contrasting materials e.g. zinc and wood. Ultimately, it was a question of strengthening the concept versus using the most environmentally sustainable solution and since the concrete construction with zinc cladding performed significantly worse in both LCA and LCC analysis and the concept already stood strong, it was chosen to use a timber construction with timber cladding instead. The idea of contrast was then reintroduced by using different kinds of wood with different visual characteristics, resulting in a building where both the aesthetical, functional and technical goals set in the initial phase is met.



TABLE OF ILLUSTRATIONS Ill. 1 own production Integrated design process Ill. 2 own production Urban context map Ill. 3 own production Traffic map Ill. 4 own production Functions map Ill. 5 own production Heights map Ill. 6 own production Cross section A-A‘ Ill. 7 own production Cross section B-B‘ Ill. 8 own production Landmarks and Nodes map Ill. 9 own production Districts map Ill. 10 own production Vegetation map Ill. 11 own production Noise pollution map Ill. 12 own production Air pollution map Ill. 13 own production Wind Ill. 14 own production Sun Ill. 15-23 own production Shadows Ill. 24 own production Morphology map Ill. 25 own production Housing blocks illustration Ill. 26 own production Detached houses illustration Ill. 27 own production Industrial buildings illustration Ill. 28 own production Cross section A-A‘ Ill. 29 own production Cross section B-B‘ Ill. 30 own production Cross section C-C‘ Ill. 31 own production Density map Ill. 32 own photos Tomography - ground materials Ill. 33 own photos Tomography - façade materials Ill. 34 own production Serial vision map Ill. 35 own photos Serial vision Ill. 36 own production Mood of the site Ill. 37 own production Academic approach to EBD Ill. 38 own production LCA cycle Ill. 39 own production Vitruvian triangle Ill. 40 own production Staff user group Ill. 41 own production Staff user group - needs Ill. 42 own production Patient user group Ill. 43 own production Patient user group - needs Ill. 44 FRIER Architecture Livsrum, Odense FRIER Architecture, (2018), Livsrum, Odense [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.frierarchitecture.dk/?portfolio=livsrum-odense-2 [Accessed 1 April 2018].


Ill. 45 EFFEKT Arkitekter Livsrum, Næstved EFFEKT Arkitekter, (2018), Livsrum, Næstved [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.effekt.dk/liv/ [Accessed 1 April 2018] Ill. 46 hkl studio Asahicho Clinic Shinkenchiku-sha, Tetsu Hiraga, (2018), Asahicho Clinic [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.archdaily.com/769464/asahicho-clinic-hkl-studio [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Ill. 47 Comas-Pont arquitectos Medical Center Adrià Goula, (2018), Psychopedagogical Medical Center [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.archdaily.com/870911/psychopedagogical-medical-center-comas-pont-arquitectos [Accessed 1 April 2018]. Ill. 48 own production Design criteria Ill. 49 own production Function diagram Ill. 50 own production Level of privacy graphs Ill. 51 own production Zoning Ill. 52 own production Concept Ill. 53 own production Mass formation Ill. 54 own production Isometric render Ill. 55 own production Masterplan Ill. 56 own production Cross section A-A‘ Ill. 57 own production Cross section B-B‘ Ill. 58 own production Exterior render - arrival Ill. 59 own production Exterior render - garden Ill. 60 own production Floorplan Ill. 61 own production Cross section A-A‘ Ill. 62 own production Cross section B-B‘ Ill. 63 own production Interior render - hallway Ill. 64 own production Interior render - medical doctor Ill. 65 own production Landscape plan Ill. 66 own production Elevation South Ill. 67 own production Elevation North Ill. 68 own production Elevation West Ill. 70 own production Elevation East Ill. 69 own production Detail render Ill. 71 own production Construction principle Ill. 72 own production Detail 1 1:20 Ill. 73 own production Wall detail in the floorplan 1:20 Ill. 74 own production Cross section A-A‘ - details

Ill. 75 Ill. 76 Ill. 77 Ill. 78 Ill. 79 Ill. 80 Ill. 81 Ill. 82 Ill. 83 Ill. 84 Ill. 85 Ill. 86 Ill. 87 Ill. 88 Ill. 89 Ill. 90 Ill. 91 Ill. 92 Ill. 93 Ill. 94 Ill. 95 Ill. 96 Ill. 97 Ill. 98 Ill. 99 Ill. 100 Ill. 101 Ill. 102 Ill. 103 Ill. 104 Ill. 105 Ill. 106 Ill. 107

own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production own production

Detail 2 1:15 Detail 3 1:10 Detail 4 1:10 Energy consumption graph Solar cells placing diagram Hours above given temperature Active solar shading graph Ventilation scheme Window opening diagram BSim results Mechanical ventil. principle Natural ventilation principle Overall daylight scheme Daylight - medical doctor Daylight - rehabilitation gym Daylight factors (DFs) DF hallway - active shutters Types of the windows Views from the building LCA LCC Materials explanation Process form 1 Process form 2 Process form 3 Process form 4 Further development sketches Flow extension sketches Curve development sketches Shutters Section development sketches Landscape sketches Entrances sketches


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nørresundby health center sustainable welfare buildings msc02 - group 6


Annex 1: Ground pollution Ground pollution Ground pollution

Based on the fact that the site is located, on the ground that recently serves the gas station, possibility of negative effectsthe function must be considered. Based on the faactthe that site is locatBased on the faact that siteofisthis locatIn theed, investigation of the possibility of ground pollution, it was found that a the ground that recently ed, on theon ground that recently servesserves part ofthe the site area is recognized as suspected polluted area. gas station, possibility of negative theResearch, gas station, possibility negative that was conducted didn’tof show any specific pollutants of the ground, affects of this function In investigation of affects ofwethis function In investigation therefore assume that the pollutants in the groundof might be based on gas possibility ofradiative groun d polluion theandpossibility of groun d polluion oilthe particles, without any contaminants, based on assumption that there are no records of radiative contaminants in an enclosed area. Consideration of these facts is essential when designing, in order to ensure health and safety of the users. Considerations in the design Water used in the Health Centre is not sourced from the on-site water well but is sourced from a city water source. Possibility for gardening and planting vegetable garden in the Health Centre was implemented, and regarding the ground pollutions, garden, plant pots and greenhouse are separated from the ground, in order to isolate the soil for planting and the possibly polluted soil. Playground area and rehabilitation area are also located at the back of the site, this is due to the zoning and connections, privacy and safety, however, it is also supported by the ground pollution analysis map, as there is no suspected pollution at that zone. Materials used for finishing the garden, stones, and gravels are from different source than the site, which is by choice of design, construction but also safety the most suitable solution.

suspected polluted area

suspected polluted area suspected polluted area polluted ground polluted ground area area polluted greound area site site site

Annex 2: Room programme To easily organize many informations and requirements for the building, the numbers are put into a room programme. This contains information about not only technical things but also architectural such as the quality of light and the room area. The room programme is used to keep track of whether all requirements are met, and outlines exact numbers that the building should comply by.

Annex 3: Ventilation calculation To estimate the needed amount of ventilation, the ventilation rate is calculated based on the CO2 level and the emission level. The amounts are used as starting points and as general values for most rooms, while some are investigated closer in programmes as Bsim. From the two calculated ventilation rates, the highest is chosen.

Patient areas The flow incl. waiting, reception Entrance (draught lobby) Toilets etc Storage Consultation rooms Medical doctor Nurse Music therapist Music room Dietitian Kitchen for dietitian Toilet at dietitian physiotherapist training room changing rooms toilets psychologist Staff area Staff break area and kitchen Changing rooms Storage Cleaning room Conference room Toilets Document storage Technical zone Technical room zone 1 Technical room zone 2 IT server Janitor office Waste holding room Rainwater storage

Sqm m^2

Number of people number

Room height

Room volume m^3


olf pr person olf

polution from building olf/sqm olf/m^2

Total pollution olf

air quality inside decipol

air quality outside decipl

air flow


172 10 17 9,6

10 2 1 0

3,8 3,8 2,7 2,7

653,6 38 45,9 25,92

1 1 1 1

0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1

27,2 3 2,7 0,96

1 1 1 1

0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1

302,2 33,3 30,0 10,7

0,5 0,9 0,7 0,4

20,9 16

2 2

2,7 2,7

56,43 43,2

1 1

0,1 0,1

4,09 3,6

1 1

0,1 0,1

45,4 40,0

0,8 0,9

14,4 16 12,7 42 4,4 18 32 15 11,6 16

2 2 2 5 1 2 5 2 1 2

2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 3,1 2,7 2,7 2,7

38,88 43,2 34,29 113,4 11,88 48,6 99,2 40,5 31,32 43,2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1

3,44 3,6 3,27 9,2 1,44 3,8 8,2 3,5 2,16 3,6

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1

38,2 40,0 36,3 102,2 16,0 42,2 91,1 38,9 24,0 40,0

1,0 0,9 1,1 0,9 1,3 0,9 0,9 1,0 0,8 0,9

45 15 10 5,3 23 14 4,4

10 5 0 0 10 1 1

2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7

121,5 40,5 27 14,31 62,1 37,8 11,88

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1

14,5 6,5 1 0,53 12,3 2,4 1,44

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1

161,1 72,2 11,1 5,9 136,7 26,7 16,0

1,3 1,8 0,4 0,4 2,2 0,7 1,3

9,6 27,1 2,5 11,5 10,3 3,2

0 0 0 1 0 0

3,1 3,1 2,7 2,7 3,1 3,1

29,76 84,01 6,75 31,05 31,93 9,92

1 1 1 1 1 1

0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1

0,96 2,71 0,25 2,15 1,03 0,32

1 1 1 1 1 1

0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1

10,7 30,1 2,8 23,9 11,4 3,6

0,4 0,4 0,4 0,8 0,4 0,4

Patient areas The flow incl. waiting, reception Entrance (draught lobby) Toilets etc Storage Consultation rooms Medical doctor Nurse Music therapist Music room Dietitian Kitchen for dietitian Toilet at dietitian physiotherapist training room changing rooms toilets psychologist Staff area Staff break area and kitchen Changing rooms Storage Cleaning room Conference room Toilets Document storage Technical zone Technical room zone 1 Technical room zone 2 IT server Janitor office Waste holding room Rainwater storage

Sqm m^2

Number of people number

Room height

Room volume m^3


Activity level

Pollution pr person

Total pollution

CO2 indoor

CO2 outdoor



Regulations V


172 10 17 9,6

10 2 1 0

3,8 3,8 2,7 2,7

653,6 38 45,9 25,92

1 1 1 1

19 19 19 19

0,19 0,038 0,019 0

0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007

0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035

542,9 108,6 54,3 0,0

0,8 2,9 1,2 0,0

60,2 3,5 up to 15 l/s 3,36

0,09 0,09 0,33 0,58

20,9 16

2 2

2,7 2,7

56,43 43,2

1 1

19 19

0,038 0,038

0,0007 0,0007

0,00035 0,00035

108,6 108,6

1,9 2,5

7,315 5,6

0,13 0,13

14,4 16 12,7 42 4,4 18 32 15 11,6 16

2 2 2 5 1 2 5 2 1 2

2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 3,1 2,7 2,7 2,7

38,88 43,2 34,29 113,4 11,88 48,6 99,2 40,5 31,32 43,2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

0,038 0,038 0,038 0,095 0,019 0,038 0,095 0,038 0,019 0,038

0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007

0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035

108,6 108,6 108,6 271,4 54,3 108,6 271,4 108,6 54,3 108,6

2,8 2,5 3,2 2,4 4,6 2,2 2,7 2,7 1,7 2,5

5,04 5,6 4,445 up to 20 l/s 1,54 6,3 11,2 5,25 4,06 5,6

0,13 0,13 0,13 0,26 2,53 0,13 0,11 0,13 0,13 0,13

45 15 10 5,3 23 14 4,4

10 5 0 0 10 1 1

2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7

121,5 40,5 27 14,31 62,1 37,8 11,88

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

19 19 19 19 19 19 19

0,19 0,095 0 0 0,19 0,019 0,019

0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007

0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035

542,9 271,4 0,0 0,0 542,9 54,3 54,3

4,5 6,7 0,0 0,0 8,7 1,4 4,6

up to 15 l/s 5,25 3,5 1,855 8,05 up to 15 l/s 1,54

0,12 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,40 1,26

9,6 27,1 2,5 11,5 10,3 3,2

0 0 0 1 0 0

3,1 3,1 2,7 2,7 3,1 3,1

29,76 84,01 6,75 31,05 31,93 9,92

1 1 1 1 1 1

19 19 19 19 19 19

0 0 0 0,019 0 0

0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007 0,0007

0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035 0,00035

0,0 0,0 0,0 54,3 0,0 0,0

0,0 0,0 0,0 1,7 0,0 0,0

3,36 9,485 0,875 4,025 3,605 1,12

0,11 0,11 0,13 0,13 0,11 0,11

Annex 4 - Rainwater calculation DRINKING WATER CONSUMPTION IN THE HEALTH CARE FACILITY (Czech Building Ordinance 120/2011, 2011) 1 staff - 18 m3/year (daily basis) 18 m3 = 18 000 l / 365 days = 50 l/day 1 patient - 2 m3/year (daily basis) 2 m3 = 2 000 l / 365 days = 5,5 l/day Garden - 16 m3/year/100 m2 16 m3 = 16 000 l / 365 days = 44 l/day/100 m2

50 l

25 l =

20 l +


5,5 l =

5l +

0,5 l +

The rainwater can be used for toilet flushing and garden watering. WATER CONSUMPTION IN THE HEALTH CENTRE IN A YEAR THAT CAN BE REPLACED BY RAINWATER


8 staff - 250 working days 8 staff * 25 l (toilet flushing) * 250 = 50 000 l/year

For the rainwater tank size, the safety surplus of 22 days was calculated. (BENZ, 2016) Vtank = 290 000 l * 22/365 = 17 479 l = 17,5 m3

90 patients/day - 250 working day 90 patients * 5 l (toilet flushing) * 250 = 112 500 l/year 700 m2 garden - 365 days 7 * 16 000 l = 112 000 l/year The total water consumption that can be replaced by rainwater is 274 500 l. RAINWATER GAIN Roof area - 680 m2 Rain gain - 652 mm/m2/year, average in Aalborg ( Climate Data, 2018) Surface coefficient - 0,8 (BENZ, 2016) 680 m2 * 652 mm * 0,8 = 354 688 l Wgain - Wconsumption = 354 688 l - 274 500 l = 80 188 l.

REFERENCES: TZB-info. 2018. Czech Building Ordinance 12/2011. [ONLINE] Available at: https://voda.tzb-info.cz/tabulky-a-vypocty/94-smerna-cisla-rocni-potreby-vody. [Accessed 16 May 2018]. Regewasser, Nutzung & Bewirtschaftung. (2016). BENZ GmbH & Co. KG Baustoffe

The calculation shows that when collecting all the rainwater from the roofs we still have 80 188 l/year surplus. Climate Aalborg: Temperature, Climograph, Climate table for Aalborg - Climate-Data.org. 2018. Climate Aalborg: Because it is not necessary to store that much extra water, the rainwater gain is reduce to just 290 000 l. The rest is Temperature, Climograph, Climate table for Aalborg - Climate-Data.org. [ONLINE] Available at: https://en.climatecarried out into the rainwater drainage. -data.org/location/764739/. [Accessed 16 May 2018].

Annex 5: BSim actual graphs for the simplified curved facade As seen from the graphs, the activation of solar shading depends on the chosen day due to the exact weather of the day. Fx the 5. august illustrates a day, with less sun before 12 compared to some of the other days. However, the same principle is followed each day, having the solar shading activated during different times a day. Also it is seen that the solar shading on the various windows activate in the same order during the day.

Annex 6: Natural ventilation in gym To calculate the natural ventilation in the gym, an Excel file, which was provided during a lecture in the course ‘Zero Energy Buildings’ in the fall 2017, was used. In an iterative proces, the needed openable area of the window was estimated, aiming for an airchange no higher than 4 h-1. The pictures show one example of a too high air change, in which the openable area is 0,4 m2 and the final calculation, which determined the needed openable area to be 0,3 m2 pr. window. From the excel file the actual airchange is calculated, which is then used in the BSim model to document how the natural ventilation affects the temperature in the gym.

Annex 7: mechanical ventilation - inlet design To choose the inlets, that fits the ventilation rate and the room dimensions, the throw of the inlet air was determining for the chosen inlet. As seen from the calculations, the suiting interval for the throw length is calculated and a inlet which fit the air rate, the throw length and still does not have a too high pressure loss pr inlet.

Gym :

Consultation room:

Annex 7: mechanical ventilation - calculated pipe line The longest, most critical length of pipes is investigated to estimate the pressure loss. This pressure loss wil then be used to calculate the SEL-value, which is the amount of electricity, that the ventilation system is using to transport the air. Here is pictured the pipes, that has been estimated to cause the highest pressure loss.

271,4 m3 /h rehabilitation gym

54 m3 /h

54 m3 /h

changing room

108 m3 /h


108 m3 /h


108 m3 /h

medical doctor

108 m3 /h


108 m3 /h

music terapist

UNIT 1157 m3 /h



2,9 2,9

2,7 1 1

1 1

1157 919 919 919 919 108 108 811 811 108 108 703 703 108 108 595 595 108 108 487 487 108 108 379 379 54 54 325 325 54 54 271 271

b1 b1-c c c-d d d-d1 d1 d-e e e-e1 e1 e-f f f-f1 f1 f-g g g-g1 g1 g-h h h-h1 h1 h-i i i-i1 i1 i-j j j-j1 j1 j-k k




































































pipe dimension lenght













































pressure loss










dynamic pressure

To calculate the pressure loss, the longest pipe line is used. Every bend, change of sizee, length and inlet will cause a pressure loss, meaining that the design of the pipes influence the pressure loss alot. Here the calculation for the whole length is calculated and the totaal pressure loss is found. To calculate the numbers, a nomogram was used.

Annex 7: mechanical ventilation - pressure loss calculation

0,82404 0 4,05 0 0,103005 0 0,175 0 0,753408 0 2,5 0 0,026487 0 0 0 0,841698 0 1,776 0 0,026487 0 0 0 0,64746 0 1,334 0 0,026487 0 0 0 0,485595 0 0,966 0 0,026487 0 0 0 0,517968 0 1,012 0 0,026487 0 0 0 0,47088 0 0,276 0 0,047088 0 0 0 0,21582 0 0,276 0 0,047088 0 0 0 0,783819 0 0 0 0 0

pressure loss
























473,2353 513,2353 513,2353

0 40

0,783819 473,2353


0,047088 457,4515




0,047088 441,9126




0,026487 409,1186


0,517968 408,0801


0,026487 375,5622


0,485595 374,5697


0,026487 342,0841




0,026487 308,0761


0,841698 306,2736


0,026487 273,4319


0,753408 270,9055


















C bend


Annex 7: calculation of the SEL-value The SEL-value is calculated by: SEL = (Pin + Pout)/qtotal in which: Pin = the effect need of the inlet unit Pou = the effect need of the outlet unit qtotal = the total ventilation rate in m3/s To calculate P: P = (qv * Δp)/ η in which: qv = the air rate Δp = the pressure loss η = the effect of the ventilator (in this unit: 0,5) qv = 1157 m3/h = 0,321 m3/s Δp = 513 Pa P = (0,321 m3/h * 513)/0,5 = 329 W SEL = (329W + 329W)/0,321 m2/s = 2049 j/s SEL = 2,05 Kj/s The Building regulations demand a SEL value lower than 2,1 kJ/s, which this system complies.

Annex 8: Initial Velux daylight simulations of glazing percentage

Velux daylight simulation of 100% glazed wall

Isometric visualization of 100% glazed wall coverage

Velux daylight simulation of 50% glazed wall

Isometric visualization of 50% glazed wall coverage

Velux daylight simulation of 25% glazed wall

Isometric visualization of 25% glazed wall coverage

During the process of designing, progressed study of the size of the glazed area was analyzed. Initial Idea of covering the whole garden facing curved facade in the glass was tested for heat losses and also for daylight, to investigate if the decreased glazed area wouldn’t negatively influence the daylight factor in the hallway. The simulation was performed in three variants, with 100%, 50% and 25% glazed area of the facade. The study showed, that if we decrease the glazing to 25%, the possibility of low daylight in distant corners occur, this can be fixed with additional skylight or counting from daylight access to space from entrances, in case of using glass, which wasn’t included in the simulation. This is due to the investigation of the glazed area only, excluding other daylight contributed aspects. Other daylight contributing aspects were counted in the next step of designing, by thinking of the possibility to desire shading, which can in final result cause low daylights. Therefore the departure point for next designing is the simulation of 50% glazed area, because it reduces heat losses, provides enough daylight and still allows the use of possible exterior shading and a slight decrease in daylight factor during real use of the building.

Annex 9: Velux daylight simulations of the shutters Annex 9: Velux daylight simulations of the shutters


HALLWAY no shutters


Next step in designing the levels of daylight in the hallway after the placement of glazed set, wasthe simulating shading of shutters various Next areas step inwas designing levels of the daylight in the hallway inafter the positions. placement of glazed areas was set, was simulating the shading of We set the positions for positions. testing to 3 positions, those were 100% opened shutters in various shutters, 50% shutters and 25% opened shutters. For more We set theopened positions for testing to 3 positions, those were 100%relevant comparison we ran the simulation also with no shutters appearing on the opened shutters, 50% opened shutters and 25% opened shutters. facade. For more relevant comparison we ran the simulation also with no Basedshutters on the appearing studies weon realized that the daylight with shutters rotated in 50% the facade. and 25% verystudies similarweresults, because their positions the curved form, Basedshow on the realized that the daylight withonshutters this shading shows lower but acceptable daylight. In areas more distant from rotated in 50% and 25% show very similar results, because their the window show lower daylight, these zones are facilitated with positions on the curved form, this shading shows lower but skylight, that will ensure proper daylightInregardless the shading angle. acceptable daylight. areas moreofdistant from the window show In hotlower summer days, shutters could be closed under a smallerthat angle, daylight, these zones are facilitated with skylight, willsuch as simulated 25%. Thanks to placing shutters on 6 windows of the curved facade ensure proper daylight regardless of the shading angle. separately, the variety for shutters separatedcould rotation is obtained therefore flexibiliIn hot summer days, be closed under and a smaller angle, ty forsuch comfort and proper daylight is ensured. as simulated 25%. Thanks to placing shutters on 6 windows of

HALLWAY 100% open

the curved facade separately, the variety for separated rotation is obtained and therefore flexibility for comfort and proper daylight is ensured.

1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7%


HALLWAY 50% open


HALLWAY 25% open

1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7%

1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7%

Annex 10: Process models Form 1: An iteration of the first form with more rectangular clusters, creating a central courtyard in the middle. Form 2: The idea of having pitched roof to relate to the houses on the opposite of Thistedvej is here combined with an embracing shape which opens up towards the south..

Annex 11: Midterm model At the stage of the midterm, form and curve was developed as seen on the picture, with the flow mass extruded with the height including the linear window along the curve. The shape after midterm change in the curve line, that finishes in the garden and leads users the nature. Other changes were affecting the flow mass, especially height, length and its materiality.

Annex 12: Niche study An important aspect of the design of the circulation area was the niches, which are used for waiting areas and seating. These are designed with various levels of privacy in mind, since the aim was to create a waiting area for every patient type, including the most sensitive patients. When designing the niche areas, it was important to maintain the flow of the curve, and in order to do so, the height of the niches are kept at 2,5 meters, to still have the continiuios wall area above the niches. To examine the curve and the impact of the niches on the curve, a 1:100 model was done.

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