The Loupe Brochure

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About CEO Tetyana Karpenko ...................................................................................... 3 Activities ....................................................................................................................... 4 Projects ......................................................................................................................... 5 Press about us .............................................................................................................. 7

Tetyana Karpenko



Tetyana Karpenko

Kiev 2002 - interview with the president of Brasil (above) Rome 2005 - reporting from the elections of the Pope 2005 (to the left)

Tetyana Karpenko-Duebbers, an experienced journalist in TV and Radio production, as well as in print and new media with additional university degree in communication, development and learning in multilingual and multicultural context, created "The Loupe" in March 2012. Now Tetyana Karpenko-Duebbers is conducting scientific research in the framework of her PhD-Project in the University of Luxembourg, she is also a team member of DICA-lab (research collective within the Unit for Socio-cultural Research on Learning and Development (LCMI), University of Luxembourg From the very start, creation of "The Loupe" has been supported by „Luxembourg Pionnières- l’incubation au féminin“ - programm for female entrepreneurs. 15 years experience in media production, 6 languages (expertise), 20 languages (resources) Scientific expertise: multilingualism, interaction, learning, new media



Activities "The Loupe" develops media tools for intercultural purpose using the latest scientific research. "The Loupe" proposes innovative solutions aimed at intercultural understanding: new media, interactive tools, online, print, TV-, radio-production.



Projects "Learn Languages with the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood" The Application “Le Petit Chaperon Rouge” is a complimentary resource for informal multilingual language learning for children. The app allows changing languages on the every page of this original fairy-tale of Charles Perrault, so that a child can read and/or listen to one small part of the text on different languages and compare.

„BabyReporter“ Internet Magazine «BabyReporter. News about children» informs its readers about the most recent scientific research on parenting, children”s health, Psychology an Sociology. Parents will also find here advices from european and american experts as well as new trends of the world of babies, toddlers, and small children. News on «BabyReporter» are based on the information from respected sources: scientific research magazines, leading Mass Media of the world.



Training "Effective content for the web" Online training "Effective content for the web" is destined for the people who want to write texts for their websites or blogs themselves. It includes such topics as SEO, basics of layout, information sources and genres. So fare more than 50 people took part in the training.

„Virtual library“ and Quiz for Ukrainian Community We used QR-codes to help you to enjoy Ukrainian Modern Literature and to listen to it (with German and French translation)

and get acquainted with some Ukrainian writers and poets, which are widely known in Europe. QR-codes will help also to find out more about Ukraine.



Press about us „An iPhone, iPad and Android app developed by Luxembourg start-up The Loupe is meant to help children speaking several languages to learn to read.“

„In collaboration with the DICAlab of the University of Luxembourg, a Luxembourg startup company, The Loupe, has developed an innovative app that supports language learning for (multilingual) children.“ „Tetyana Karpenko l’hyperactive (voir encadré) se lance. Mais pas de n’importe quelle façon. Si, comme l’indique Flurry Analytics, les utilisateurs passent environ deux heures par jour sur les apps, l’entrepreneure d’origine ukrainienne conçoit elle une application pédagogique et dotée d’une réelle utilité sociale   : un e-book multilingue pour les supports mobiles équipés d’un écran tactile.“

Tetyana Karpenko The Loupe 5, Rue de la Frontière L-9412 Vianden Tel/Fax +352/26300455 Mob. +352/621325995


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