Foreign Language | Years 10-11 2018 Description
A Foreign Language scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding student in Year 9 or 10 in 2017 for study in Years 10, 11 and 12 (if in Year 9 in 2017) or Years 11 and 12 (if in Year 10 in 2017). The scholarship is awarded to encourage excellence in Foreign Languages and to develop the talents of gifted linguists. The Academic Scholarship examination is a prerequisite for this scholarship. The award of remission of tuition fees is based on the results of examinations and an interview. This scholarship is open only to new students from outside of Queenwood. All scholarships are awarded at the Principal’s discretion. The School reserves the right in its absolute discretion not to award a scholarship in any particular year or any particular award. At Queenwood, girls enjoy the challenge of learning one, two or even three Foreign Languages. The Foreign Languages studied at Queenwood to 2 Unit Continuers’ and Extension level are French, German, Japanese and Latin. A 2 Unit Beginners' course in Italian is also offered. In the International Baccalaureate French and German, as well as Spanish and Mandarin as ab initio course, are offered.
Students applying for the Foreign Languages scholarship will be tested in their strongest Foreign Language. They will be required to:
If selected, a student will be required to complete a 1 hour reading and writing test in the language which has been indicated as her strongest and attend a language Interview on Wednesday, 22 March 2017 at a time to be notified. This interview will be conducted in the student's selected foreign language with a native speaker and will be recorded for evaluation. Girls will be asked about their life, family, studies and ambitions. Complete the Year 11 Academic Scholarship examination on Saturday, 18 March 2017.
Please Note: No late applications will be accepted after Wednesday, 15 March 2017. Eligibility
Female students between the ages of 13 and 16, enrolled in Years 9 or 10 in 2017.
Applications Close 10/03/2017 Application Fee
No charge
| Locked Bag 1, Mosman NSW 2088 Australia
| +61 2 8968 7777 | | |
ABN 83000532696