Dear Parents,
ICAS Competitions 2017 English, Mathematics, Science and Digital Technologies Queenwood Junior School is offering students in Years 3-6 the opportunity to sit for the UNSW competitions known as ICAS (International Competitions for Assessments for Schools) in English, Mathematics, Science and Digital Technologies. These assessments, undertaken by students in more than 20 countries, are competitions that measure success against international standards and therefore do not test students on content from the NSW Board of Studies curricula. They are designed with a certain degree of difficulty in mind and require a great deal of reading. The majority of each paper is multiple choice answers. The results reflect the international nature of the assessment and are not normed to state standards. If you would like further details, they are available here: If you would like your daughter to enter one or more of these competitions, please discuss it with her prior to filling in the reply slip below. The dates for the competitions are: Digital Technologies: Science: English: Mathematics:
Tuesday 23 May Tuesday 30 May Tuesday 1 August Tuesday 15 August
Students sitting for these competitions will be supervised by teachers. Please return the slip below to Anita Pipino before Tuesday 21 February 2017. Please note, no late applications can be considered. Yours sincerely,
Angela Toohey Assistant Principal Junior School ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ICAS Competitions 2017 I wish to enrol my daughter the following ICAS Competitions:
□ Digital Technologies □ Science □ English □ Mathematics
I am aware that these competitions are independent of Queenwood. Parent/Guardian signature: _______________________ ______
_ Date:___________________