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October 2016

Dear Year 4 Parents and Girls, Welcome back to Term 4 2016. We hope you all have had a lovely relaxing break and are ready for another exciting term, albeit the last in Year 4. English Reading We will continue to build the girls’ reading stamina with an expectation for them to be able to read silently for 20 minutes at a time. Exploring rich literature in conjunction with our science unit will also be a focus. Spelling We are moving ahead with our spelling rules. It is also important for the girls to consolidate their high frequency words and to transfer these to their everyday writing. Writing This term we will be exploring techniques that engage the readers through character actions and events.

Handwriting In readiness for Year 5 we will be focusing on the girls’ cursive handwriting. Emphasis will be on the correct joins and fluency for efficiency. Please note, this section is written in Foundation Cursive font and we attach a writing sample for your reference. Science – “May the Force Be with You” Big Idea: Forces move objects in different ways and occur in everyday life. This unit provides students with the opportunity to explore forces and motion. Girls will work scientifically, engaging in hands-on activities to identify forces that act at a distance and those that act in direct contact. They will investigate how different-sized forces affect the movement of objects, using a range of methods to record their observations. Throughout these investigations, the girls will be encouraged to produce evidence that can be shared with peers and related back to predictions. They will also be encouraged to reflect on the relationship between the process undertaken and their evidence. A highlight of this unit of study will be a workshop “Billy Carts” which will involve designing and building and driving a billy cart. This should be a lot of fun. Mathematics

Week 1 3D Shapes - make, compare, sketch and name three-dimensional objects, including prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres, and describe their features. Week 2 Volume and Capacity - measure, record, compare and estimate volumes and capacities using litres, millilitres and cubic centimetres. Week 3 & 4 Fractions and Decimals - represent, model and compare commonly used fractions and decimals, use mental and informal written strategies for multiplication and division. Week 5 Multiplication and Division/Area Multiplication and Division use mental and informal written strategies for multiplication and division. Area - measure, record, compare and estimate areas using square centimetres and square metres Week 6 Position - calculate distances between two points on a map using a scale. Week 7 Addition and Subtraction (Money) - use mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction involving two, three, four and five-digit numbers. Week 8 Revision Communication CANVAS will be used as a communication tool and a place to find important dates. Should you have any concerns please email us or call the school and we will respond to you within 48 hours. Please remember:    

Sports uniform must be worn to school on Wednesdays. Year 4 Sport: Week B (Sports Uniform worn to school). Girls are expected to have a silent reading book of their choice. Girls are expected to have their diary every day at school

Key Dates for Term 4: Friday October 21

Cambodia Day Charity Day

Monday October 24 Allwell Testing 8:30-12:30pm Wednesday October 26/ Wednesday November 2 Introduction to Adolescence Program Wednesday 26 October Foundation Day- St Clements Church Friday November 11

Incursion ‘Billy Carts’ 8:30—10:30 – Sports Uniform to be worn

Tuesday 29 November Speech Night Tuesday December 6

Swimming Trials @ Senior School

Wednesday December 7 Last day of Term 4. Please note 12pm finish

Kindest regards,


NSW Foundation Cursive Style Diagonal joins an ct di er kl my ne qu te zi Drop in joins ha na ac ed ld dig ng to aq if Join to s os rs ws fs as es is ls ns ts Horizontal joins shoes ready adventure weasel deluxe Double f and joined ft scoff toffee scruffy gift after softly Double letters that join cc dd ee ll mm nn oo rr tt zz Letters that don’t join are: b, g, j, p, s and y bounce grin joke party sizzle yoyo

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