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CHAPTER 19 Vintage Karting

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Vintage Karting





4 Preamble

a) The Class of Vintage Karting is to preserve, promote, monitor, co-ordinate and regulate vintage and historic Karting and its related activity. b) To be classified as a Vintage Kart, a Kart Class including Engine must: (i) have been previously permitted for competition in Australia by KA; and (ii) have been removed from the KA Rules for a minimum of 15 years (iii) comply with the Class Rules that related to that particular Class. c) A Vintage Kart is as defined in the Rules. d) Racing of Vintage Karts is strictly forbidden.


a) The Minimum licence requirement for Vintage Karting is a KA Vintage licence b) A Driver is permitted to participate in a practice, single or multi kart parade and multi-kart demonstration and time trials only. c) The Minimum age of a Driver to be eligible to drive a Kart is fifteen (15) years old. d) All licences issued must comply with these Rules.

Application for a KA Vintage Licence

a) Refer to Competition Rules – Competition Licences.

Kart Registration

a) Vintage Kart registration is granted by the KA Vintage Committee (“KAVC”). All Karts must be registered with the KAVC and show their registration sticker to be eligible for Practice, Parade/s,

Demonstration/s and Time Trial/s on a Track. Contact your State Vintage Club Secretary for a registration application form. b) The owner of a Vintage Kart must be a member of a Club (“Vintage Kart Member”) before applying for registration of a Vintage Kart. c) To be eligible for registration, a Vintage Kart must be either an original, an original restoration or a faithful replica. d) Four (4) photographs showing the front, rear and side views must accompany the registration application. Photos must be clear enough to identify the features of the Vintage Kart. Log Book’s issued prior to 1 January 2018 are permitted to have only three (3) photographs. e) Once registered, a Vintage Kart will be issued with a registration sticker displaying the Log Book number. This is to be affixed to the applicable Vintage Kart at all times as proof of registration. f) Once registered, a Vintage Kart will be issued a Log Book in accordance with these Rules. g) Kart registration only remains valid whilst the owner remains a Vintage Kart Member. h) The Vintage Kart can only be driven on any Track if specifications and appearance match the issued log book. i) The following fees shall apply to the registration and transfer of Vintage Karts: (i) Registration (one time only) - $25.00 each Kart for each of the first four (4) Karts registered by a Vintage Kart Member; (ii) Registration (one time only) - $15.00 each Kart for all subsequent Karts belonging to the same Vintage Kart Member; (iii) Transfer - $25.00 each Kart. (iv) Log Book Registration Sticker Reprint: $20.00 for each sticker

6 Kart Log Book

a) All Vintage Karts must be accompanied by a KAVC issued Log Book. The log book is to be available as proof of registration for scrutineering and operation on a Track. b) The Log Book will clearly identify the Vintage Kart, including the registration number and records the Model, Year and Relevant Class or Classes of the Vintage Kart. c) Any alterations to the Kart should be in keeping with the original Log Book specifications. In the case of motor substitution, the alternate motor must be complaint with the era listed in the Log

Book and with the Rules. d) When a Vintage Kart changes ownership the current Log Book will be transferred for registration with the KAVC to the new owner strictly on the basis that the new owner is a Vintage Kart



a) The following types of event may be conducted for Vintage Karts as a component of any Event or as individual components of a stand-alone Vintage Karting Event: (i) Practice session in preparation for a Parade, Multi-kart Demonstration and/or Time Trial. • The Practice session must be included in the Supplementary Regulations. (ii) Parade A parade is a display of a either a single kart or group of karts at a moderate speed. The following conditions apply: • A kart designated by the Clerk of the Course as the Pace Kart shall lead the Parade so as to control the pace of the Karts on the Track. • Overtaking is strictly forbidden; • The Parade must be included in the Supplementary Regulations. (iii) Multi-Kart Demonstration A Demonstration is a display of a Vintage Kart’s performance. The following conditions apply: • All normal Officials and services required for Competition in accordance with these Rules must be provided; • Each Kart must leave the out grid in their Division and Era. Notwithstanding that in the interest of safety, Karts may be arranged in groups of similar performance, at the discretion of the Clerk of the Course (e.g. a lower performance Era 4 Kart can be grouped with an Era 3 Kart of similar performance.) Combining high performance Karts and lower performance Karts on the Track is strictly prohibited. • A Driver of vintage Karts wishing to show the full potential of their Kart in a demonstration must do so in a safe manner and in accordance with the Rules. • A start signal will not be given as racing is strictly prohibited. • Overtaking is permitted only in designated areas of the Track that will be indicated by marker cones and/or blue flags/lights and then only when it is safe to do so. • The onus rests at all times with the overtaking Driver to drive their Kart in a safe manner having due regard for the conditions and any difference in speed between the Vintage Karts on the Track ; • The number of karts on the Track will be 70% of the Circuit’s licenced capacity; • Timing is forbidden; and • The demonstration must be included in the Supplementary Regulations.

(iv) Time Trial An Event in which a Competitor is timed for two (2) laps. • Each Competitor will complete one (1) warm-up lap immediately followed by two (2) timed laps and one (1) cool down lap. • All normal Officials and services required for Competition in accordance with these

Rules must be provided; • The maximum number of karts on the Track at any one time will be two (2); • Weight Adjusted Time Trials for Vintage Karts are not permitted to be conducted. • The Time Trial must be included in the Supplementary Regulations. Regularity Trial A Regularity Trial is an event for Vintage Karting where a Driver is rewarded for consistency in achieving lap times that are as close as possible to their target lap time (“Target Time”). • Each Driver must have a functioning MYLAPS compatible timing transponder fitted to their Kart for the purposes of timing during each Regularity Trial and timed practice session at a Meeting. • No form of Electronic Dash Display that displays the lap time for the driver is permitted to be used. • The number of Karts on the Track will be no more than 50% of the Track Density. • There will be a single timed practice session for each Era in which each Driver will be required to set their Target Time. o Notwithstanding that in the interest of safety, Karts may be arranged in groups of similar performance (“Performance Group”), at the discretion of the Clerk of the Course. • e.g. a lower performance Era 4 Kart can be grouped with an Era 3 Kart of similar performance. o High-performance Karts are not permitted on the Track at the same time as lower performance Karts. For the sake of clarity, a 200cc Kart is not permitted on the Track at the same time as a lower performance Kart. • The Target Time will be the fastest time recorded by a Driver during the timed practice session. • If a Driver is unable to set a Target Time during the timed practice session, the Time

Keeper will apply the slowest Target Time recorded by a Driver in a Kart from the same

Era to that Driver. • The Regularity Trial will be conducted over a number of timed laps that will be specified in Supplementary Regulations (“Regularity Laps”). o Each Driver must leave the out grid in their Era/Performance Group. o The Driver with the fastest Target Time in their Era /Performance Group will be the first to leave the out grid, then the second fastest and so. o Only one (1) Driver will be permitted to leave the out grid at a time and at intervals of no less than five (5) and no more than ten (10) seconds. o If a Driver is unable to leave the out grid in their allocated grid position, they must wait until all other Karts have left the out grid before being allowed to leave the out grid. o A Driver will complete two (2) rolling laps before starting the Regularity Laps. • The practice of weaving to warm Tyres during the rolling laps is permitted o A Driver’s Regularity Laps will end upon the display of the black and white chequered flag.


• Penalty Points will be applied to each Driver for every 1/10th of a second over or under the Driver’s Target Time for each of the Regularity Laps that the Driver completes: o Penalty Points (faster than the Target Time): • 1-3 seconds faster: 2 Points per 1/10th second • More than 3 seconds faster: 3 Points per 1/10th second o Penalty Points (slower than the Target Time): • 1-3 seconds slower: 1 Point per 1/10th second • More than 3 seconds slower:1.5 Points per 1/10th second • The Driver who has completed the prescribed number of Regularity Laps who accumulates the lowest Penalty Point score will be the best performed Driver. • No award will be made that is solely based on kart performance. • The Regularity Trial must be included in the Supplementary Regulations. b) A Vintage karting Meeting of National or International significance must be designated as either a National Meeting or an International Meeting in accordance with the Rules. c) An Organising Club is to submit an application for an Organising Permit in accordance with the

Rules to their SKA for the conduct of a Vintage Meeting. d) The Organising Club must submit the Supplementary Regulations in accordance with the Rules, clearly identifying all of the types of Events to be conducted at the Meeting to their SKA for approval and the issuing of an Organising Permit. e) All recognised Divisions and Eras prescribed in the Rules must be permitted to participate in a

Vintage Event. f) All Drivers must be licenced in accordance with these Rules. g) Drivers who have no previous Kart driving experience must start at the rear of any Field. h) Drivers must at all times wear Apparel as defined in Technical Rules Chapter 7 - Apparel, except in a single-kart Parade in either an Era 1, 2 or 3 Kart, where period-correct clothing may be worn. i) Only Vintage Karts displaying a current Vintage Sticker may participate in Vintage Events,

Practice, Parades, Demonstrations and Time Trials. j) Dangerous or unsporting driving is strictly prohibited and may result in Disqualification from the

Event or the Meeting. (i) If during any Vintage Karting session a Driver is found by the Stewards and/or the Clerk of the Course to be driving in a dangerous or unsporting manner or racing a black and white diagonal flag and their Race number will be displayed this will be the first and only warning to the Driver during the Meeting, (ii) If a Driver is found to be driving in a dangerous or unsporting manner for a second time during the Meeting, a black flag and their Race number will be displayed. The Driver must return to the in Grid within the lap it is shown and will be Disqualified from the remainder of the Meeting. k) The Stewards / Clerk of the Course will be Judges of Fact in the determination of dangerous and unsporting driving.


a) All Vintage Karts are required to pass scrutineering in accordance with these Rules. b) Log books for Vintage Karts must be carried at all times and be made available for inspection by the relevant Official when requested at a Meeting.



11 Recognised Divisions and Eras

a) Karts and Engines must strictly comply with their correct Era. (i) The criteria for determination for the correct Era shall be determined by the VC registration panel. The newest component, being either the Kart or the Engine, shall determine the Era of registration. b) Karts and Engines (i) Era 1: Pre 1964: Historic (ii) Era 2: 1964 - 1971: Vintage (iii) Era 3: 1972 - 1977: Classic (pre side pod Karts) (iv) Era 4: 1978 - 1991: Post-Classic Kart (v) Era 5: 1992-2000: Modern Classic Kart (Each Kart must be fitted with side pods). c) Era 3, Era 4 and Era 5 (i) The following engines are permitted to be used in Eras 3, 4 and 5: • Yamaha KT100J with the pulse line pick up located at the bottom of the crank case and fitted with the black box type ignition system.; • Yamaha KT100S as detailed in the KAVC Era 4 Yamaha document. • Yamaha KT100S as detailed in the KAVC Era 5 Yamaha document.


a) Tyres shall be of similar size, profile and equivalent compound as originally Raced. b) The default Tyre for each Era shall be of an SL type.

Chain Guard

a) Notwithstanding the requirements of Rule 8 b) herein, all Vintage Karts must be fitted with an operable chain guard.

Push Start Kart and Quad Bikes (Pushing Vehicles)

a) A Pushing Vehicle may be used in the out grid to push start a Kart in accordance with and under the directions of the Officials. (i) The driver/rider of the Pushing Vehicle must: 1) Be a minimum of 15 years of age; and 2) Wear a minimum of an open-faced helmet at all times; and 3) Wear a high visibility safety vest at all time; and 4) Wear enclosed footwear; and 5) Have undergone a safety briefing regarding: a. The rules for the use of a Pushing Vehicle to push start a kart; and b. The Race meeting rules; and c. Safety requirements. b) At all times a Pushing Vehicle must be operated under the instruction of the Grid Marshall. c) It is prohibited for any Pushing Vehicle to travel past the baulk line.


All Supplementary Regulations for any general Meeting or issued as a separate document for a Meeting that includes any Vintage Karting elements must include the provision that at least one suitably qualified KAVC appointed Official will be nominated to assist the general Meeting Officials with all aspects of Vintage Karting.

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