Peopleofallagescanenjoykartingwithkidsasyoungassix* gettingbehindthewheel.
Kartingisanawesomesportthatissafeforkidsandadultsalike. Safetyisourhighestconsideration.Today'skartsandtracksare thesafesttheyhaveeverbeen,meaningkidsandadultscanhave theabsolutebesttimearoundthetrack.
Kartinghasfirmlyestablisheditselfasthemostcommonfirststep tobecomingaracingcardriver.
Thisisthecheapestoptionforthoselookingtogowheel-to-wheel racingbutnotwantingtopaythecoststhatweseeincarracing.
Ifyouaskanyprodriverwheretheystartedorwheretheyhadthe mostfunracing,theanswerwillbealmostunanimous,karts.For anykidslookingtoonedaybecomeaproracingcardriver,thisis whereyouhavetostart.
Butit’snotonlyforthekids.Ifyouhavealwaysdreamedof becomingaproandyouareanadultthatcannowaffordtopay toliveoutyourdream,therearelotsofcompetitiveclassesin kartingforyouaswell!
Kartsanddifferentpoweredenginesareavailableforkidsand adults,ensuringeveryoneisinakartappropriatefortheirsizeand experience.
*Kids can drive and practice at six years old and can race once they turn seven!Hey girls, ever thought about giving karting a go?
Kartingisasuperfunwaytogetinvolvedinmotorsportatentry level,whetheryoujustwanttohaveablastbehindthewheelor takeittothenextlevelandcompeteinclubstateornational events.
KartingAustraliaisallaboutsupportingandencouragingmoregirls togetintokarting.Weareworkinghardtomakesurethatgirls haveallthesupporttheyneedtothriveinkarting,withmentoring programsandongoingsupport.
The SP Tools Junior Sprockets program is a participation initiative developed by Karting Australia to provide kids aged 6 - 12 with the chance to experience the thrill and excitement of driving an authentic racing kart in a safe and controlled environment.
The program includes a gift bag containing karting goodies, including some cool merchandise AND a free 12 month Karting Australia practice licence to assist your budding racer to get started in karting and with their transition into competitive karting!
The Junior Sprockets Plus program is designed for those kids who are actively involved in karting and understand the basics. The program has been tailored to focus on driving techniques and race craft to provide current licence holders with a boost in their racing.
Kartingisafun.familyfriendlysport.Kartersyoungandoldarealways happytohelpoutnewcomers.
Therearemorethan60KartingAustraliaClubsinAustralia! Headdowntooneofyourlocalclubstofindoutmore.Askquestions, meetthepeopleandgetafeelforthesport.
Asthenamesuggests,theBringaMateprogramisdesignedtolet peoplewho'veneverracedakartbeforeexperiencethethrillofkarting inasafe,controlledenvironmentandisopento:
acurrentlylicensedjuniororseniordriver whowillallowtheirmatetousetheir equipmentand, afriendoracquaintanceofthelicensed driverwhoisinterestedingivingkartinga "testdrive".
Contact your local Karting Australia Club to find out when their next "Bring A Mate" day is scheduled.
Manypeopleassociatekartingwithyoungdrivers,butadultsare alsoveryactiveinkarting.
Ouroldestclubmemberis80yearsyoungandwehavekidsas youngassixonthetrack!
Kartingteacheschildren –bothboysandgirls–drivingskillswellbefore theyareabletoobtain theirroadlicence.
Kartingiscompetitive, butitisalsofunand familyfriendly,with involvementinthesport bothonandoffthetrack
givingitastrongfeelingofcommunity.Forthoseaimingatacareer inmotorsport,almosteveryonewhoracescarsstartedracinginKarts –it’sthebestfunyouwillhaveonfourwheels.
RacemeetingstakeplaceattracksacrossAustraliamostweekends oftheyearatfourlevels–Club,Zonal,StateorNational.
If you don’t want to race you can be a recreational karter, driving just for fun, or become an official and have the best seat in the house!
Kartingisafriendly,family-orientatedsportandkartersyoungand oldarealwayshappytohelpoutnewcomers.
Makesureyouasklotsofquestionsofmembersofyourkartclub, stateassociationandlocalkartshop.Itisoftenagoodideatoplan yourfirsttriptothekarttrackwithyourkartwithsomeoneyouknow sothattheycanhelpyouwithanyquestionsyoumayhave.
Also,whileatthecircuitfeelfreetoaskothercompetitorsany questions.Sooften,thefriendsyoumakeinkartingwillbefriendsfor life.
JoiningaKartingAustraliaAffiliatedClubwillgiveyouaccesstothat club’scircuitforpractice,aswellasallowingyoutoparticipateinany Clubchampionship,socialevents,workingbeesandotherclub activities.
VisittheClubFindersectiononKartingAustraliawebsite (karting.net.au)tofindtheKartingAustraliaClubnearesttoyou.
YoucanthenjoinyourchosenKartingAustraliaClubonlinethrough theLicencesandEntriessectiononkartng.net.au.
Joining a Club and obtaining a Licence is all done in this one place on the website. You can check out the different types of licences (including the RECREATIONAL LICENCE by scanning the QR code.
Priortopurchasingyourkart,itishighlyrecommendedthatyoutalkto yourlocalClubtoensureyouarepurchasingtheappropriatekartto suityourneeds.
TherearekartshopsandkartingbusinessesrightacrossAustralia.Your newClubwillbeabletohelpyoufindtheonethatprovidesthebest valueformoneyadviceandserviceforpeoplewhoareenteringthe sport.
Wedon’trecommendthatyoubuyyourfirstkartoffwebsitessuchas Ebay,Gumtreeoranyotherplacesontheinternet.Youneedtobe surethatthekartandenginethatyouarebuyingisingoodcondition, issuitableforyouragegroupandClassthatyouwillbelookingto competein.
Mostkartretailerswillalsoofferarangeofsafetygear. Youwillneedafullfacehelmet,racesuit,racingboots,glovesandothersafety gearsuchaspaddedribvestsandneckbraces.
Aswellaskartretailers,manymotorsportracegearshopscarryrangesofkarting gear.
Full face helmet.
One piece driving suit.
Gloves that resist abrasion and provide full finger protection.
Racing Boots.
Long hair must be securely retained either with a hair net, hood, balaclava or driving suit at all times.
All children must wear a rib protector.
It is highly recommended that all children wear a neck brace.
** Note: Due to material safety specifications, safety equipment designed for motorcycling or race car competitions are NOT recommended for kart racing.
T H E N E X T L E V E L O F K A R T I N G A f t e r d e v e l o p i n g t h e i r k a r t i n g s k i l l s i n t h e c l a s s e s m e n t i o n e d i n t h e p a s t f e w p a g e s , j u n i o r a n d s e n i o r d r i v e r s h a v e t h e a b i l i t y t o g r a d u a t e t o m o r e p o w e r f u l k a r t s / e n g i n e s s h o u l d t h e y d e s i r e .
F o r j u n i o r d r i v e r , t h e h i g h e r l e v e l s o f k a r t i n g i n c l u d e c l a s s e s s u c h a s t h e e l i t e K A 2 c l a s s .
F o r t h e s e n i o r d r i v e r , t h e h i g h e r l e v e l s o f k a r t i n g i n c l u d e t h e T a G 1 2 5 c l a s s t h a t u t i l i s e s u n r e s t r i c t e d 1 2 5 c c w a t e rc o o l e d e n g i n e s s u c h a s I A M E X 3 0 , P R D G a l a x y , V o r t e x R o k G P , R o t a x 1 2 5 a n d t h e e l i t e
G e a r b o x C l a s s .
Thecostofkartingvariesdependingonthelevelofcompetition youarelookingtocompeteat.Oncetheinitialpurchaseofakart, safetyequipmentandatrailer/vehicletotransportyourkartis complete,atanentryandClublevel,budgetingafewhundred dollarspereventissufficient.
Drivers,bothboysandgirls,canstartdrivingattheageofsixyears oldandhavetheirfirstraceatsevenyearsold.Kartingisasport enjoyedbypeopleofallages.
Itisalwaysrecommendedthatyoupurchasekarts,enginesand equipmentfromareputablekartingretailertoensurethatthekart issuitableforyourage,sizeandexperience,alongwithcomplying withallKartingAustraliarules.
MostClubsacrossthecountryhosteventsoncepermonth, however,therearealsoopportunitiestoraceatneighbouring Clubs.Whenfirststartingout,weencourageyoutocompletesome SocialKartingDaysatyourlocalClubbeforeembarkingonyour firstrace.
Iftheyareofthesameagegroupasyou,thereisnoissuewithtwo DriverssharingkartsindifferentClasses.However,itwillonlybe abletousedbyonepersonineachClass.
Pleaseseeallofthedetailsonpage9orconsultyourlocalkart retailertogetadviceonallofthesafetyequipmentthatyou’ll require.
Thespeedofakartdependsontheagegroup.AsayoungCadet driver,thetopspeedisapproximately80km/hwhileJuniorand SeniorDriversreachspeedscloserto100km/h. Thesespeeds dependonthesizeofthetrack.
AllDriversneedtoholdaKartingAustralialicenceandaClub MembershipataKartingAustraliaaffiliatedclubtoeitherpractice orraceataKartingAustraliatrack.
KartingAustraliacircuitsandracetracksarerequiredtobebuiltand maintainedinlinewithKartingAustralia’sCircuitRegulationsand Guidelines. Theyareregularlyinspectedandlicencedbyaccredited CircuitInspectors.
KartingAustraliaprovidesthehighestqualityandthehighestlevelsof insurancecoverofanykartingassociationinAustralia.
OurpartnershipwithGallagher,aworldleaderinsportsinsurancehas enabledustocreatesafersportingenvironmentsforallmembersof thekartingcommunity.
EveryLicensedDriver,OfficialandClubVolunteerarefullyinsured whenevertheyareparticipatinginapprovedcompetitionorSocial KartingActivitiesononeofourClubcircuits.
PublicLiabilityinsuranceandgeneralaccidentinsurancecomeswith yourLicence.
Below is a summary of many of the flags used at Karting Australia events.
All Clear. Can also be used if necessary to signal the start of warm up laps or practice sessions.
Restart.ReformonTrack.TobeusedbytheStarterand/or ClerkoftheCourseintheeventofanerrorofjudgementbythe Starter.
Allracingmustcease.Noovertakingispermitted.Driverswill indicatebyraisingtheirarmandreturntothegridatslow speed.
Displayed with a panel with the Driver’s Kart number displayed. Unsportsmanlike behaviour must report to the Clerk of the Course immediately after race.
DisplayedwithpanelwithDriver'sKartnumber.mechanical/ safetyproblemordoesnotcomplywithRules.Returntoin gridsafelyimmediatelyfollowingcompletionofnextlap.
Dangerahead.Reducespeed,donotovertakeandbeprepared tochangedirection.Hazardahead.
You are about to be lapped by one or more Competitors.
Displayed with panel which shows Kart number. Driver black must return to the in grid immediately following completion of the next lap. The Driver may not re-enter the race.