2 minute read
Estimation of thickeners and their effects in foods
Unit4: Bioinorganic Chemistry (9 Hours)
Metal ions in biological systems – Biochemistry of iorn – Haemoglobin and Myoglobin, Mechanism of O2, CO2 transportation, Elementary idea of structure and mechanism of action of sodium potassium pump, Biochemistry of zinc and cobalt – Enzyme action – Examples
Unit 5: Metal complexes in Forensic science (9 Hours)
Heavy metal poisoning – Arsenic, Antimony, Barium, Copper, Iron, Lead, nercury, Thallium, Zinc –methyl mercury – detection - Schiff bases and their applications in forensic sciences – cupric arsenite
Text Books:
1. Lee J. D, “Concise Inorganic Chemistry”, Wiley India (P.) Ltd, New Delhi, India, 5th edition, Reprint 2009. 2. Shrrver and Atkins, “ Inorganic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, India, 4th edition, 2009. 3. Huheey J. E, Keiter E. A &Keiter R. L, “Inorganic Chemistry – Principles of structure and reactivity”, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India, 4th edition, 2009. 4. Madan W. H, Tuli G. D, Madan R. D., “Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry”, S. Chand & Company Ltd, Reprint 2009. PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3 CO1 3 1 3 CO2 3 2 3 CO3 3 3 2 CO4 2 1 2 CO5 3 2 3 CO6 1 1 2 ‘3’-High, ‘2’- Medium, ‘1’-Low, ‘-‘ No correlation
20CH2004 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory L 0 T 0 P 3 C 2
Course Objectives:
Enable the student to 1. learn the principle of volumetric titration and estimate the given unknown solution 2. understand the principles of chemical analysis 3. practice precise and accurate analysis
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to 1. prepare standard solutions of known concentration 2. estimate different species in the unknown solution 3. identify qualitatively the inorganic salt 4. prepare inorganic metal complexes 5. estimate the given acid by instrumentation methods 6. enhance the analytical skill
1. Preparing 0.01N H2SO4 standard solution and finding out the strength of NaHCO3, in washing Soda 2. To determine the strength of oxalic acid solution by permanganometry. 3. To estimate dissolved oxygen in water sample 4. Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic salt I. 5. Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic salt mixture-II 6. Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic salt-III 7. Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic salt mixture-IV 8. To prepare metal complex -I 9. To Prepare metal complex- II 10. Estimation of Fe3+ by spectrophotometer 11. To determine the strength of acid by pH meter