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Module 2: Challenges for Entrepreneurship (8 Hours)

Setting quality standards- recruitment strategies- time schedules- Financial analysis - credit facilities Marketing channel – advertisement- institutions providing technical, financial and marketing assistance-factory design -design requirements -applicability of the Factories Act.

Module 3: Responsibilities in Entrepreneurship (8 Hours)

Steps for starting a small industry -selection of type of organization -Incentives and subsidies Central Govt. schemes and State Govt. Schemes -incentives to SSI -registration, Registration and Licensing requirements for sales tax, CST, Excise Duty -Power -Exploring export possibilitiesincentives for exports -import of capital goods and raw materials- Entrepreneurship development programmes in India- Role and Improvement in Indian Economy. Module 4: Ethics in Entrepreneurship: (8 Hours) Effective Costumer Care -Mechanism for Handling Complaints - Business Etiquettes and Body Language - Ethics, Values and Morale at Workplace - Managing Ethical Behaviour at Workplace.

Module 5: Scope in Embedded system field (8 Hours)

Entrepreneurship opportunities in Embedded system technologies - embedded systems design, modeling, Feasibility study on embedded system products- Entrepreneurial skills for embedded system hardware and software architecture, software and hardware co-design and challenges; problems of entrepreneurship in Embedded system field.

Module 6: Scope through Embedded products (6 Hours)

Embedded system Product development- feature driven development- release management-market pull product search, Entrepreneurial case studies: Mobile phone development- automation components-Washing machine- Food Processing system and devices- High Performance embedded computers-Industrial Controllers.

Reference Books:

1. Kuratko, Enmterpreneurship : A Contemporary Approach, Thomson Learning, 2001. 2. Thomas Zimmerer et.al., Essentials of Entrepreneurship and small business Management 3rd Ed. Pearson Education, 2002. 3. Greene, Entrepreneurship: Ideas in Action, Thomson Learning, Mumbai, 2000 4. Jeffry Timmons, New Ventrure creation, McGraw Hill, 1999. 5. Gupta and Smivasan, Entrepreneurial Development, New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1992 6. LyLa B. Das "Embedded Systems: An Integrated Approach" Pearson, 2013 7. James K.peckol ,” Embedded Systems: A contemporary Design Tool”, Wiley,2014

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