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Responsibilities of Students

attend the coaching classes and appear for the SupplementaryExamination.

Break in study policy will be applicable for students who have more than 2 arrears.  Students can avail a Break in Study on medical grounds only once during their course of study subject to the academicregulations.


1. To read, understand and comply with the Institution’s regulations, which are updated every year in the student hand book. 2. To comply with Degree/Program/Course requirements and obtain clarification if necessary from faculty members or at theInstitution office. 3. To enquire and follow-up on applications for Scholarships / Awards /

Internships from the Office of the Student Affairs and comply with the procedures and deadlines. 4. To verify Course registrations for every semesters and contact Mentors /

Course Teachers / eduserve Coordinator / Heads for clarifications. 5. To obtain a student photo ID card from the Office of the StudentAffairs, if lost or damaged and to wear it around their neck inside the campus and during the class hours. 6. To Pay fees on time as per Institution schedule. 7. To check class attendance and morning assembly attendanceuploaded on the eduserve on a daily basis. 8. To ensure that any appeals for correction of marks / grades aremade within the stipulated period. 9. To keep the Institution updated on the current and valid mailingaddress of self and parent/guardian. 10. To apply for Graduation / Convocation and Transfer Certificateon completion of the Program.


Students applying for Bonafide Certificate are required to fulfill the minimum attendance requirement (80%). They may apply online through eduserve portal for Passport/Visa, Police verification, Bank loans and other needs. The Deputy Registrar (Student Affairs) will issue the bonafide certificate.

For all other purposes including Internships, IAESTE, Inplant Training, Full /Half Semester projects and Industrial visits, the Headof the Department will issue the Bonafide Certificate.

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