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Student Value Systems
To achieve the above, the following shall be enforced Staff and Students shall participate in all ethical, value and character building sessions such as assembly, counselling and value education. They shall thereby demonstrate this by attending all activities, events, and classes on time and present themselves with proper dress code. Faculty members and mentors are authorized to mark absent if the students do not demonstrate their holistic development in terms of attending classes on time, submission of assignments in a complete manner on time, meeting prerequisites for the class, lab and projects, writing the tests and examinations at the prescribed time, adhering strictly to the stipulated dress code. In order to create an excellent ambience towards holistic development, any disruption to the academic and research ambience shall be avoided. Towards this cause, the students shall demonstrate this, by avoiding cell phones or any other personal communication devices in the academic and research environment such as class, assembly, meetings and laboratory. Faculty members and mentors are authorized to mark absent if there is any violation.
However, the usage of electronic gadgets for academic learning shall be permitted at the behest of the faculty member. They shall not possess these devices or any other storage and communication devices during tests and examinations. The Institution shall not be responsible for the loss of any of these personal devices inside the Institution and hostel campuses. For ensuring the safety of the student community and to develop professional culture, each student is required to wear his/her ID card in and outside the class, at the gate, while in the Institution premises. Faculty members and mentors are authorized to mark absent if there is any violation. In the hostel premises, ID cards are essential for entry and exit. Security guards are authorized to verify the ID cards and deny permission for entry to Institution and hostel premises. All faculty members and or mentors are authorized to mark the student absent if there is any violation. Placement officer and or the department placement coordinator are authorized to deny permission to attend the placement session. To ensure moral protection of each student, the interaction with opposite gender shall be limited to academic and professional activities only. Any physical contact, roaming with opposite gender in and around the Institution premises, disturbing the academic ambience, public sentiments and social decorum will be subject to strict disciplinary action. Exchanging, uploading and or posting of any obscene or objectionable data with others and in social media are strictly prohibited.
Any faculty member and or hostel officials are authorized to intervene and
Possession, distribution and or consumption of alcohol, narcotics, and other prohibited substances in any form are strictly forbidden. Ragging, eve teasing and sexual abuse in any form are also prohibited.
Any faculty member and or hostel officials are authorized to intervene and initiate disciplinary proceedings as per the Institution norms.
Being a Christian minority institution, only the spiritual activities or prayers as approved by the Institution shall be permitted in the campus, quarters and in the student residences.
The Registrar shall ensure adherence of the same through Chief Wardens, Head (Department of Value education) and Head (Care and Counselling).
To make the best use of the support given by the faculty, the student is required to attend the special classes and arrear coaching classes, failing which the student will not be permitted to appear for the respective arrear examinations.
This shall be enforced by the concerned faculty member and the Controller of Examinations.
To ensure safety of the student, the students shall avail Campus leave only after obtaining prior permission. Institution rules related to OD and ML shall be strictly followed.
Mentors shall verify the genuinity of the leave application as per the policy and approve leave for all valid reasons. SRA shall verify the genuinity of the hostel leave application as per the policy and approve hostel leave for valid reasons.
For any help and remedial action, the student and or the parent / guardian shall approach the respective Mentor who is the authorized official of the Institution to care for the student in all respects. The student / parent may also make use of tellus@karunya.edu. Also students and staff shall make use of the Online feedback system available in the AICTE web portal