196 minute read

I-V characterization of thin films

2. Datta, Supriyo. Lessons from nanoelectronics: a new perspective on transport. Vol. 1. World

Scientific publishing company, 2012. 3. Hanson, George W. Fundamentals of nanoelectronics. Prentice Hall, 2008. 4. Korkin, Anatoli, and Federico Rosei, eds. Nanoelectronics and photonics: from atoms to materials, devices, and architectures. Springer Science & Business Media, 2008. 5. Fahrner, W. R. Nanotechnology and nanoelectronics. Springer-Verlag New York Incorporated, 2005. 6. Gentili, Massimo, Carlo Giovannella, and Stefano Selci, eds. Nanolithography: a borderland between STM, EB, IB, and X-ray lithographies. Vol. 264. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013. 7. Hoekstra, Jaap. Introduction to nanoelectronic single-electron circuit design. CRC Press, 2009. 8. Franssila, S. "Economics of Microfabrication." Introduction to Microfabrication, 2nd ed.,

Chichester, United Kingdom: John Wiley (2010): 458.


Course objectives:

1. To impart knowledge on microbes their structure, distribution and their significance. 2. To impart knowledge on the immune system, its components and function. 3. To prepare to explore the role of nanotechnology in microbiology and immunology

Course outcomes:

Ability to 1. Understand the historical perspective and scope of microbiology and its significance. 2. Simplify and know the structure, functions and nutritional requirements of microbes 3. Outline the general concepts of immune system, cells, organs of the immune system and Antigens and Antibodies 4. Interpret the concept of innate immunity and acquired immunity 5. Explore the role of nanotechnology in providing solutions to problems in microbiology and Immunology

Unit I: History and Introduction to the world of Microbes

Historical perspectives of microbiology-classification, and nomenclature of microorganisms and their distribution. Cell structure of Microbes-Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell structure and components. Surface of microbes Prokaryotes- Archeae and Eubacteria, Eukaryotes- Protista and fungi. Nutrition: Autotrophs, heterotrophs, and Saprophytes. Viruses-Introduction-Classification-Structure & assembly-Nucleic acid packaging. Growth of Microbes in the laboratory.

Unit II: Economic importance of Microbes-The Good, Band and Ugly

Microbes in Health & Disease-Microbiome-importance in health and disease. Microbial biofilms in medical devices. Role of microbes in plant nutrition & plant diseases. Application of nanotechnology in microbiology, antimicrobial nano-particles, nano-coating of medical devices, nano-formulation in fertilizer and pesticides.

Unit III: The Immune System

Immunity Types-Innate & Acquired-Humoral & Cell mediated. Self & Non Self. Mode of operation of the immune system. Organs of the Immune system, Cells of the Immune System. Antigens, Antigenicity, Immunoglobulins – Structure & Classes. The complement system.

Unit IV: Antigen Processing & Presentation

MHC class-I & II- structure, and antigen processing. Antigen presentation & consequence of antigen Presentation- Clonal expansion & T-Cell Activation. 8


Unit V: Immunotechnolgy & Role of Nanotechnology in Immunology

Active & Passive immunization, Vaccine-types. ELISA, Immuno fluorescence Assay. Labeling of antibodies with nanoparticles- Q-dots & carbon dots. Nano-drugs tethered to antibodies for targeted drug delivery.

Text Books

1. Prescott, Harley and Klein, “Microbiology”, 8th edition, McGraw Hill, 2013. 2. Ananthanarayanan and Panicker, “Microbiology” Orient blackswan, 2015. 3. Roitt I, Male, Brostoff, “Immunology”, Elsevier Saunders, 17th September 2012 4. S.R. Ramesh “Immunology”, McGraw Education -Hill, 2017 5. Kuby J, “Immunology”, WH Freeman & Co., January 2019

Reference Books

1. KC Carroll, SA Morse, T Mietzner, S Miller. (2016), Jawetz, Melnick and Adelbergs’s Medical Microbiology, 27th edition, McGraw Hill Richard Coico, Geoffrey Sunshine, Immunology: A Short Course 7th Edition, Wiley-Blackwell; 7 edition (April 27, 2015) 2. Kenneth Murphy and Casey Weaver, Janeways Immunobiology 9th Edition by Kenneth Murphy and Casey Weaver, Garland Exclusive, June 2016


L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3

Course objectives:

To impart knowledge on 1. Self-organization leading to pattern formation and self-assembly of molecules and materials 2. Molecular components organizing supramolecular structures. 3. Molecules operating as machines and nanoscale robots specified performing functions

Course outcomes:

Ability to 1. Understand how nanostructures are formed due to self-organization. 2. Compare and contrast molecular and materials self-assembly based on the driving forces, design, properties, and applications 3. Explain how small molecules can be arranged to form supramolecular architectures focused on applications in medicine. 4. Understand the mechanism and design molecular machines of different types 5. Understand the concept of nanoscale powered devices different types 6. Assemble new molecules and materials and design nanomachines

Unit I: Pattern formation and self-organization

Self-organization and patterns – introduction – Frenkel-Kontorova model of competing interactions –dipolar interaction – self-competition: order vs. disorder – competition between short and long-range interactions – competition between interactions on a similar length scale – anisotropies and inter-particle interactions – dynamic self-organization.

Unit II: Molecular and Materials Self-Assembly

Driving forces for molecular and materials self-assembly – differences – Self-assembled monolayers –layer-by-layer self-assembly – nanorod and nanotube self-assembly – nanocluster self-assembly – block copolymer self-assembly – bio-inspiration in self-assembly. Focus on applications in medicine.

Unit III: Supramolecular Chemistry

Supramolecular structures: selectivity, complementarity, and co-operativity – pre-organization – binding constant – kinetic vs. thermodynamic selectivity – cation-binding in cyclic hosts – anion binding – neutral receptors – porphyrins – cyclodextrins – applications in medicine.

Unit IV: Molecular machines

Basic principles of molecular machines – chemical energy conversion – molecular machines in nature –molecular switches – chiroptical switches – overcrowded alkenes – light + pH inputs – molecular logic


gates – molecular knots – tweezers – molecular threading – molecular information ratchet. Focus on applications in medicine.

Unit V: Nanoscale powered devices

Self-propelling catalytic nanowires – magnetically directed movement of nanowire motors – tubular microengines – bubble propulsion – Janus particle motors – chemically powered motors – thermally controlled micromotors – light controlled micromotors.


1. E. Y. Vedmedenko, Competing Interactions and Pattern Formation in Nano-World, Wiley-VCH, Germany, 2007. 2. G. A. Ozin, A. C. Arsenault, L. Cademartiri, Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials, RSC Publishing, 2009. 3. J. W. Steed, D. R. Turner, K. J. Wallace, Core Concepts in Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanochemistry, Wiley-VCH, 2007. 4. V. Balzani, A. Credi, M. Vemuri, Molecular Devices and Machines, Wiley–VCH, 2nd Ed., 2008. 5. J. Wang, Nanomotors: Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley-VCH, 2013.


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Course objectives:

1. To impart knowledge on laws of thermodynamics and their applications. 2. To explain the criteria for a feasible process in molecular reactions and nanomaterial synthesis. 3. To teach experimental procedures in thermodynamics and apply them in the synthesis and dynamics of nanomaterials.

Course outcomes:

Ability to 1. Understand the needs and applications of the laws of thermodynamics; 2. Explain the energy requirements in chemical equilibria and nanomaterials formation; 3. Apply knowledge on thermodynamic and kinetic requirements of formation of a nanomaterial with desired size and shape; 4. Assess the role of various driving forces and conditions in recrystallization and grain growth of crystals 5. Solve numerical problems on thermodynamics leading to analysis of nanotechnology research problems.

Unit I: Thermodynamics: First and Second Laws

Thermodynamics: Terminologies - State of a system, thermodynamic processes, zeroth law - Work, heat, first law - Internal energy, expansion work – Enthalpy - Adiabatic changes – Thermochemistry - Second law - Entropy and the Clausius inequality - Entropy and irreversibility

Unit II: Third law of Thermodynamics; Chemical Equilibrium

Fundamental equation, absolute S, third law -Third law of thermodynamics -Nernst heat theorem -Criteria for spontaneous change - Gibbs free energy - Multicomponent systems, chemical potential – Fugacity –Activity -Thermodynamic probability – Boltzmann distribution law -Chemical equilibrium -Temperature, pressure and Kp - Phase equilibria — one and two component systems; Clausium-Clapeyron equation

Unit III: Thermodynamics Experiments

Equilibrium: application to drug design - Phase transition of isolated polymers and oligomers - Driving forces for recrystallization and grain growth - Primary and secondary recrystallization – grain growth Concept of interface migration – later stage Ostwald ripening - Critical micelle concentration; factors controlling shape of micelles – Spatial periodic pattern and thermodynamic origin - Dipole patterns and modulated surface pattern


Unit IV: Thermodynamics and Nanomaterials

Order-disorder in AB2O4 type spinels and molar Gibbs energy - Thermodynamic potentials for simple magnetic systems - Thermodynamic and kinetic mechanism in self-assembled quantum dots Thermodynamics of gold nanoparticle growth - Thermodynamics of molecular self-assembly - Chemical potential of nanoparticles - Phase transformation of nanoparticles - Thermodynamics vs. kinetics in nanosynthesis

Unit V: Calorimetry; Problems on Thermodynamics

Calorimetry - Differential scanning calorimetry - Isothermal titration calorimetry - Microcalorimetry Thermodynamics: solving analytical problems

Text Books

1. Physical Chemistry by R. S. Berry, S. A. Rice and J. Ross, Oxford University Press, 2nd Ed. 2000. 2. Fundamental of Statistical and Thermal Physics by F. Reif, McGraw Hill, International edition 1985.


1. Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach by D. A. McQuarrie and J. D. Simon, University Science Books, 3rd Ed. 2001. 2. Statistical Mechanics by R. K. Pathria, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2nd Ed. 1999. 3. An Introduction to Aspects of Thermodynamics and Kinetics Relevant to Materials Science, E. S. Machlin, Elsevier, 3rd Ed., 2007.


L 0 T 0 P 2 C 2

Course objectives:

To impart practical knowledge on 1. Practical skills to deposition of thin films based devices. 2. Analyzing of Nanoscale devices with various software tools 3. Analyzing of electrical parameters using various instruments

Course outcomes:

Ability to 1. Deposit the various material thin films for active device application 2. Operate and to use various deposition tools 3. Construct the flexible substrate for flexible electronic applications 4. Design and analyze the various nanoscale devices with simulation tools 5. Demonstrate the electrical properties using NI work station 6. Analyze the material properties through Impedance analyzer The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 10 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester

S. No. Name of the Experiment

1. Deposition of multi-layers thin films for active devices using PLD 2. Deposition of multi-layers thin films for active devices using PVD 3. Electrical contact deposition for the active devices using Sputtering tool 4. Preparation of flexible substrate for flexible electronics. 5. Nano devices design and its simulation using open source tool-II 6. Deposition of Metal Oxide Thin Films by Spray Pyrolysis 7. Quantum cellular automata circuit design using QCA Designer tool. 8. Electrical characterization of fabricated devices using NI-PXI workstation 9. Electrical characterization of fabricated devices using Keithley instruments 10. Impedance analysis of designed devices using Solartron impedance analyzer



L 0 T 0 P 2 C 2

Course objectives:

1. To impart knowledge on experimental techniques on methods of nanomaterial characterization. 2. To provide hands-on experience on characterization of various nanomaterials. 3. To teach the comparison of methods of characterization of synthesized nanomaterials and choose appropriate methods.

Course outcomes:

Ability to 1. Calculate the size of nanoparticles from their UV-visible spectra; 2. Calculate luminescence quantum yield of nanomaterials; 3. Effectively utilize nanoparticle imaging techniques; 4. Determine the composition of nanomaterials 5. Prepare thin film employing various methods; 6. Utilize electrospinning technique for the preparation of nanofibers.

S. No. Name of the Experiment

1. UV-visible spectroscopic analysis of nanoparticles 2. Photoluminescence spectroscopic analysis of nanoparticles 3. Particle size analysis of nanoparticles by Dynamic Light Scattering 4. X-ray diffractometric analysis of nanoparticles 5. Scanning Electron Microscopic analysis of nanoparticles 6. Energy-Dispersive X-ray analysis of nanoparticles 7. Atomic Force Microscopic analysis of nanoparticles 8. Physical Vapor Deposition of a thin film 9. Pulsed Laser Deposition of a thin film 10. Electrospinning of a polymeric nanafiber mat


L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3

Course objectives:

1. To impart knowledge on photoluminescence in bulk- and nanomaterials. 2. To understand and explain the origin of the luminescence of materials possessing various sizes and shapes. 3. To apply the knowledge on luminescent nanomaterials in designing new lighting and energy devices and in bio-imaging and therapy.

Course outcomes:

Ability to 1. Compare and contrast different types of luminescent properties of materials and explain their origin; 2. Explain the mechanism of lanthanide luminescence in existing/newly designed lanthanide nanomaterials; 3. Design luminescent lanthanide nanomaterials with defined properties suitable for biomedical applications; 4. Assess quantum dots as a unique class of luminescent nanomaterials and synthesize new types of them; 5. Explain the optical properties of quantum dots; 6. Describe the mechanism and applications of luminescent phosphors and work on developing future lighting and energy-harvesting nanomaterials.


Unit I: Luminescence phenomena

Luminescence mechanisms – center luminescence – charge transfer luminescence – donor–acceptor pair luminescence – electroluminescence – luminescence quantum yield and quenching

Unit II: Lanthanide luminescence-Mechanisms

Basics of lanthanide photophysics – f-f transitions – antenna effect – lanthanide luminescence in solids –up-conversion nanoparticles – lanthanide nanoparticles as photoluminescent reporters –electrochemiluminescence of lanthanides. Unit III: Lanthanide luminescence-Applications Non-invasive measurement of drug release –neurotherapy – cancer diagnosis and therapy – detection of tumor tissue – in vivo detection of extracellular cancer biomarkers – NIR responsive nanomaterials for photothermal heating

Unit IV: Quantum dots

Optical properties of quantum dots – density of states in low-dimensional structures – electrons, holes, and excitons – photoluminescence of quantum dots prepared by wet chemical methods – photoluminescence from doped quantum dots – aggregation induced emission

Unit V: Luminescent phosphors

Phosphors for plasma display panels – future lighting and solar cells – phosphor efficiency – quantum dot based light-harvesting systems – energy transfer in quantum dot bio-conjugates – time-resolved photoluminescence

Text Books

1. C. Ronda, Luminescence: From Theory to Applications. Wiley-VCH, 2008.


1. 1.H. S. Virk, Luminescence: Basic Concepts, Applications and Instrumentation, Trans Tech. Publications Ltd, Switzerland. 2. A. H. Kitai: Solid State Luminescence: Theory, Materials, and Devices, Chapman & Hall, 1993 3. G. Blasse, B. C. Grabmaier, Luminescent Materials, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1994.



L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3

Course objectives:

To impart knowledge on 1. Nanotechnology research information sources. 2. Patenting and commercialization of nanotechnology products. 3. Entrepreneurship’s role in commercializing micro-nanotechnology products.

Course outcomes:

Ability to 1. Search the science literature for selecting and working on research problems. 2. Understand the steps in patenting. 3. Understand the policy and licensing in nanotechnology. 4. Analyze the possibility and procedure of commercializing nanotechnology products. 5. Understand entrepreneurship’s role in commercializing micro-nanotechnology products. 6. Do business with nanotechnology.

Unit I: Nanotechnology literature and information sources

Primary information sources – papers, notes, communications, letters – language of literature – synopses and supplementary materials – patents – secondary information sources – titles, current contents, abstracts, reviews, general treatises, monographs, text books – searching literature – plagiarism – structure of articles

Unit II: Patenting

Introduction to patenting - Intellectual Property Dynamics - types of Intellectual Property - intellectual property rights and how they grow - flow of IP rights - infringement of IP rights – copyrights – trademarks - trade secrets


Unit III: Policy and licensing

Nanotechnology policy and regulation - Role of Open Source Licenses - Different Types of Open Source Licenses - Law and Code - strategic management of intellectual property - Evaluating internal resources and the external environment - Placing a financial value on IP assets - Accessing innovations of others

Unit IV: Commercialization of products

Infrastructure for Commercialization: Basic Requirements, Disruptive Technologies, Clusters and Supply Chain Networks, Intellectual Property and Patents – Steps To Commercialization: Meeting the Challenge, Ideas and Concepts, Design, Modeling, and Simulation, Integration, Standardization, Manufacturing, Prototyping, Packaging, Testing and Reliability, Final-Product Realization and Marketing Unit V: Entrepreneurship’s Role in Commercializing Micro-Nanotechnology Products Two Classes Of Technologies - Evolutionary Technologies, Disruptive Technologies - Demand Pull and Technology Push Marketing Strategies -Technology Class Matched to Market Strategy -Examples of Disruptive Micro and Nanotechnologies - Recommendations for Starting a New Technology Business


1. V. Lindberg, Intellectual Property and Open Source:-A Practical guide to Protecting code O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, 2008. 2. J. C. Miller, R. Serrato, The Handbook of Nanotechnology, Business, Policy, and Intellectual Property Law, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, 2005. 3. R. Stim, Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks - An Intellectual Property Desk Reference, 8th Ed. Berkeley, 2006. 4. D. Tolfree, M. J. Jackson, Commercializing Micro-Nanotechnology Products, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008.


L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3

Course objectives:

1. To impart knowledge on different types of cancer cells and mutation. 2. To provide information on conventional and nanoscience methods in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer 3. To enable justification of cancer treatment methods employing various nanomaterials and suggest possible new materials

Course outcomes:

Ability to 1. Demonstrate the mechanism of mutation and cancer causing cells 2. Explain the methods in cancer chemotherapy and identify anticancer drugs 3. Identify the different cancer diagnosis techniques 4. To explain the pros and cons of cancer nanotechnology methods 5. To choose methods of improvising cancer diagnosis using nanomaterials 6. Demonstrate the applications of nanomaterials in cancer treatment

Unit I: Introduction to Cancer molecular biology

Introduction to cancer molecular biology. Mutations and repair of DNA, growth factor signaling and oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, apoptosis, metastasis.

Unit II: Cancer chemotherapy

Stages in cancer –methods in chemotherapy –timing of chemotherapy -biomarkers and their uses –clinical assessment of biomarkers – pharmacogenetics of cancer chemotherapy – chemotherapeutic drug nanoparticles for cancer treatment.

Unit III: Techniques in diagnosis of cancer

Computed tomography (CT) scanning, magnetic resonance (MR), positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission CT (SPECT), ultrasonography. Principles and applications of the techniques.


Unit IV: Nanomaterials for cancer diagnosis

Nanomaterials for cancer diagnosis, nanotechnology and patient diagnostics, luminescent quantum dots, surface plasmon resonance (SPR), magnetic, plasmonic, and imaging diagnostics using nanomaterials.

Unit V: Nanomaterials for treatment of cancer

Quantum dots, gold nanoparticles, and magnetic nanoparticles in cancer treatment. Photothermal therapy. Magnetic drug targeting, Animal models, clinical trials.

Text Books

1. C. S. S. R. Kumar, Nanomaterials for Cancer Therapy, Wiley – VCH, 2006. 2. C. S. S. R. Kumar, Nanomaterials for Cancer Diagnosis, Wiley – VCH, 2007.


1. L. Pecorino, Molecular Biology of Cancer, Ed. 3., Oxford University Press, UK, 2012. 2. T. Vo-Dingh, Nanotechnolgy in Biology and Medicine, CRC Press, 2006.


L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3

Course objectives:

1. To introduce students to the theory and practice of various energy devices 2. To study the design and operation of various energy devices including solar cells, piezoelectric generators, batteries, fuel cells 3. To learn the application of nanomaterials in various energy devices.

Course outcomes:

The students will be able to 1. Understand the various solar cell parameters and different types of solar cells 2. Appreciate the working principle and applications of thermoelectric generators 3. Demonstrate the working principle and applications of piezo electric generators 4. Compare the different types of electrochemical energy storage systems 5. Understand the basic and types of fuel cells 6. Apply various nanomaterials in supercapacitors

Unit I: Photovoltaics

Photovoltaics fundamentals, classification of solar cells, solar cell parameters, transport properties in solar cells, silicon solar cells -amorphous and crystalline, thin film solar cells- CdSe, CIGS, CZTS, quantum dot sensitized solar cells, Flexible solar cells.

Unit II: Thermoelectric and piezo electric generators

Power supply for wireless devices, Energy harvesting and its applications, Thermoelectricity- Peltier effect and the Seebeck effect, Piezoelectricity- Electric relations- voltage output from a thermocouple, charging of a capacitor, voltage of a thin piezoelectric wafer. Applications of thermoelectric and piezoelectric generators.

Unit III : Electrochemical energy storage systems

Batteries: Primary, Secondary batteries - difference between primary and secondary batteries, working principle of primary batteries such as Zinc-Carbon, Alkaline and secondary batteries such as Lead acid, Nickel Cadmium, Metal hydrides, lithium ion. Advantages, disadvantages, limitations and application of primary and secondary batteries.

Unit IV: Fuel cells

Description, working principle, anodic, cathodic and cell reactions, fabrication of electrodes and other components, applications, advantages, disadvantages and environmental aspects of the following types of fuel cells: Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, alkaline fuel cells and solid oxide fuel cells.

Unit V: Supercapacitors

Similarities and differences between supercapacitors and batteries, Double layer electrostatic capacitor, Pseudo-capacitance, origin, kinetic theory, RuO2 as a material for electrochemical capacitors, Regon plot,


electrolyte factor, energy density and power density, Impedance of a pseudo-capacitance, various oxides as pseudo-capacitors.


1. H. P. Garg, J. Prakash, Solar Energy: Fundamental and Applications, Tata MCGraw Hill Education, 2000. 2. J. Nelson, “The physics of solar cell”, Imperial College Press, 2003. 3. N. Edvinsson, Energy harvesting power supply for wireless sensor networks: Investigation of piezo- and thermoelectric micro generators Paperback – November 26, 2014 by 4. J. O. Bockris, A. K. N. Reddy, M. Gamboa-Aldeco, Modern Electrochemistry 2A, Fundamentals of Electrodics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Newyork, 2000. 5. X. Li, Principles of Fuel Cells, Taylor & Francis, 2006 6. B. Viswanathan, Scibioh, M. Aulice, Fuel Cells, Principles and Applications, CRC Press, 2007 7. D. Linden, T. B. Reddy, Hand Book of Batteries and Fuel cells, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill Book Company, N.Y. 2002. 8. B. E. Conway, Electrochemical Supercapacitors, Scientific Fundamentals and Technological Applications, Kluwer, Springer, 1999. 20NT3021 NANO-BIO LAB L 0 T 0 P 2 C 2

Course objectives:

1. To impart knowledge on the interaction of biomolecules with nanomaterials. 2. To synthesize nanomaterials using bio-precursors. 3. To teach antibacterial activity of nanomaterials and drug loading on nanomaterials.

Course outcomes:

Ability to 1. Study the protein binding on nanoparticles; 2. Explore the DNA interaction of nanomaterials; 3. Synthesize nanoparticles using plant extracts; 4. Investigate the antibacterial activity of nanomaterials; 5. Determine the drug-loading percentage on nanoparticles. 6. Determine the drug encapsulation efficiency of nanoparticles.

S. No. Name of the Experiment

1. Spectroscopic analysis of gold nanoparticle-serum albumin binding 2. Spectroscopic analysis of polymeric nanomaterial-DNA binding 3. Spectroscopic analysis of magnetic nanoparticle-serum albumin binding 4. Plant extract-employed synthesis of gold nanoparticles 5. Plant extract-employed synthesis of silver nanoparticles 6. Plant extract-employed synthesis of copper nanoparticles 7. Antibacterial activity of nanoparticles 8. Antibacterial activity of drug-loaded nanoparticles 9. Determination of percentage of drug loaded on nanoparticles 10. Determination of drug encapsulation efficiency on nanoparticles



S.No. Course Code

Name of the Course

1. 17NT2001 Introductory Nanotechnology 2. 17NT2002 Synthesis of Nanomaterials


3:0:0 3:0:0

3. 17NT2003 Properties of Nanomaterials 3:0:0

4. 17NT2004 Materials Science I

3:0:0 Karunya University 5. 17NT2005 Materials Science II 3:0:0 6. 17NT2006 Nanotechnology in healthcare 3:0:0 7. 17NT2007 Nanotechnology in textiles 3:0:0 8. 17NT3001 Nanomaterials characterization methods 3:0:0 9. 17NT3002 Nanoelectronics 3:0:0 10. 17NT3003 Nano-lithography 3:0:0 11. 17NT3004 Magnetic nanoparticles and nanofluids 3:0:0 12. 17NT3005 Functionalization of Nanostructures 3:0:0 13. 17NT3006 Nano-safety and Environmental Issues 3:0:0 14. 17NT3007 Biomedical Nanostructures and Nanomedicine 3:0:0 15. 17NT3008 MEMS and NEMS 3:0:0 16. 17NT3009 Nanotechnology for Cancer diagnosis and treatment 3:0:0 17. 17NT3010 Nano-biotechnology 3:0:0 18. 17NT3011 Photovoltaics: Advanced materials and devices 3:0:0 19. 17NT3012 Luminescent materials 3:0:0 20. 17NT3013 Nanoscale transistors 3:0:0 21. 17NT3014 Molecular Machines and sensors 3:0:0 22. 17NT3015 Industrial nanotechnology 3:0:0 23. 17NT3016 Nanotechnology in fuel cells and energy storage 3:0:0 24. 17NT3017 Physics and Chemistry of Materials 3:0:0 25. 17NT3018 Quantum physics 3:0:0 26. 17NT3019 Synthesis and Applications of Nanomaterials 3:0:0 27. 17NT3020 Nanostructures in Biological Systems 3:0:0 28. 17NT3021 Imaging techniques for Nanotechnology 3:0:0 29. 17NT3022 Lithography and Nanofabrication 3:0:0 30. 17NT3023 Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology in Health Care 3:0:0 31. 17NT3024 Photonics for Nanotechnology 3:0:0 32. 17NT3025 Physicochemical methods for characterization of Nanomaterials 3:0:0 33. 17NT3026 Processing and properties of Nanostructured Materials Nanobiotechnology 3:0:0 34. 17NT3027 Advanced Drug Delivery Systems 3:0:0 35. 17NT3028 Biomolecular Machines 3:0:0 36. 17NT3029 Biophotonics 3:0:0 37. 17NT3030 Biosensors 3:0:0 38. 17NT3031 Bottom up Synthesis of Nanostructures 3:0:0 39. 17NT3032 Molecular Electronics 3:0:0 40. 17NT3033 Nano Electronics and Sensors 3:0:0 41. 17NT3034 Nanocomposites 3:0:0 42. 17NT3035 Nanoparticles and Microorganisms, Bionanocomposites 3:0:0 43. 17NT3036 Nanotoxicology 3:0:0

44. 17NT3037 Optical Properties of Nanomaterials Bionanocomposites Nanophotonics and Plasmonics 45. 17NT3038 Product Design, Management Techniques and Entrepreneurship 46. 17NT3039 Semiconductor Nanostructures and Nano-Particles 47. 17NT3040 Top down manufacturing methods 3:0:0


3:0:0 3:0:0

48. 17NT3041 MEMS and Bio MEMS

3:0:0 Karunya University 49. 17NT3042 Synthesis of Nanomaterials Lab 0:0:4 50. 17NT3043 Material characterization Lab 0:0:2 51. 17NT3044 Advanced Material characterization Lab 0:0:2 52. 17NT3045 Nano simulation lab 0:0:2 53. 17NT3046 Nano-Bio Lab 0:0:2 17NT2001 INTRODUCTORY NANOTECHNOLOGY Credits: 3:0:0 Course objective To impart knowledge on  The basics of nanoscience and technology.  The various process techniques available for nanostructured materials.  The role of nanotechnology in electronics and biomedicine Course outcome Ability to  Demonstrate the various nanoparticles process methods.  Relate the various nanoscale processing techniques  Identify 0D,1D,2D and 3D nanomaterials  Infer the optical and mechanical properties  Interpret the magnetic and electrical properties  Illustrate the use of nanomaterials for different applications Unit I - History of nanotechnology – conceptual origins –experimental advances – role of Richard Feynman, Eric Drexler and Maxwell – prefixing nano before disciplines – nanochemistry - size effects in nanochemistry – brief explanation on topdown and bottom-up approaches – classification as dry and wet nanotechnology, zero, one, two and three dimensional nanostructures, Unit II - Lithography, molecular biology, supramolecular chemistry and self-assembly. : Allotropies of Carbon, Types of CNT, Introduction on Fullerenes, CNT, Discovery and early years, Synthesis and purification of fullerenes, CNTs -Graphene - introduction, their unusual properties, various synthesis methodologies, present and future applications Unit III - Mechanism of growth, electronic structure, Transport properties, Mechanical properties, Physical properties, Application of Nanotubes and other materials difference in mechanical properties between bulk and nanomaterials , color, conductivity, plasticity, and magnetic property between bulk and nanomaterials. Unit IV - Graphene oxide -Modified Hummer’s method, Sol gel technique– Co-precipitation hydrolysis –sonochemical method – combustion technique – colloidal precipitation – template process- Solid-state sintering –Grain growth –Electric Arc method – Ion-beam induced nanostructures – grinding – high energy ball milling –material-ball ratio – control of grain size Unit V - Quantum bits, giant magnetoresistance, spintronics. Purely nanophysical forces. Five elements of nanochemistry. Nano-enabled biomedicine. Nano: dangers and ethical challenges

Optical microscopes - Scanning probe microscopes – Scanning tunneling microscopes - Atomic force microscopes – Electron microscopes - A scanning electron microscope - The transmission electron microscope


1. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannargare., Geoff Smith, “Nano technology: Basic Science and Emerging technologies”, Overseas Press, 2005. 2. Charles P. Poole, Frank J. Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley Interscience, 2008.

3. Mark A. Ratner, Daniel Ratner, “Nanotechnology: A gentle introduction to the next Big Idea”, Prentice

Hall P7R:1st Edition, 2002. 4. T. Pradeep, “ Nano the Essential Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, Tata McGraw hill, 2007. 5. J. Dutta, H. Hoffmann, “Nanomaterials”, Topnano-21, 2003. 6. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers,

California, 2004.

7. Karunya University 17NT2002 SYNTHESIS OF NANOMATERIALS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objective To impart knowledge on  The different physical methods available for synthesis nanostructured materials.  The different chemical methods available for synthesis nanostructured materials.  The nano materials synthesis through thin films techniques Course outcome Ability to  Demonstrate knowledge on various types of nanomaterials  Choose the different physical methods in preparing nanomaterials  Utilize the different chemical methods in preparing nanomaterials  Select the suitable methods for synthesis of different nanomaterials  Experiment the different technique for nano material coatings  Appraise the advanced techniques like lithography Unit I - Synthesis of zero dimensional nanostructures, metallic, semiconductor and oxide nanoparticles, nanoparticles through heterogenous nucleation, kinetically confined synthesis of nanoparticles, epitaxial core-shell nanoparticles Unit II - One dimensional nanoparticles, spontaneous growth, template based synthesis, Electrospinning, electro spraying, high pressure homogenizer : Types of CNTs – preparation of CNTs – arc discharge method – laser ablation method – chemical vapour deposition process – nanotubes made up of metal (silver), metal nitride (SiN), ceramic oxides (ZrO2, TiO2) and metal chalcogenides (S, Se, Te systems) – electrospinning of polymers –nanorods made up of metal (Sn) and semiconductors (ZnO, CdS) – nanosprings – nanorings – ion beam induced nanostructures –atom beam sputtering. Unit III - Chemical reduction method - sol-gel technique – control of grain size – co-precipitation technique –sonochemical method –combustion technique – colloidal precipitation – template process – growth of nanorods –solidstate sintering – mechanisms of sintering – grain growth. Unit IV - Two dimensional nanostructures, physical vapour deposition, chemical vapour deposition, atomic layer deposition, superlattices, and self-assembly, pulsed laser deposition, pulsed electron deposition, Micro lithography (photolithography, soft lithography, micromachining, e-beam writing, and scanning probe patterning). Unit V - Mechanical grinding – high energy ball milling – attrition ball mill – planetary ball mill – vibration ball mill – tumbling ball mill - types of balls – WC and ZrO2 (preparation and properties) – ball to powder ratio (BPR) – medium for grinding – effect of temperature in getting required grain size for materials – severe plastic deformation – melt quenching – annealing References: 1. G.Cao, “Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications”, Imperial College Press, 2004. 2. W.Goddard, “Handbook of Nanoscience, engineering and technology”, CRC Press, 2007. 3. K.K.Chattopadhyay and A.N.Banerjee, Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, PHI 2012. 4. T.Pradeep, “Nano: The essentials, understanding Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2007. 5. SV. Gaponenko, “Optical Properties of semiconductor nanocrystals”, Cambridge University Press, 1998. 6. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.


Course objective

To impart knowledge on  The size dependent properties of nanomaterials  The electrical ,Optical, Mechanical properties of nanostructured materials. Karunya University  The dielectric properties of nanostructured materials Course outcome Ability to  Demonstrate the size dependent properties of nanomaterials  Interpret the electrical properties of nanostructured materials.  Illustrate the optical properties of nanostructured materials.  Analyze the mechanical properties of nanostructured materials  Identify the microstructure of nanostructured materials  Distinguish the ferroelectric and dielectric properties of nanostructured materials Unit I - Size dependent properties-comparison of bulk and nanoscale systems, Quantum Confinement-ExcitonQuantum well, quantum wire and quantum dot (metal clusters, & Semiconductor), Unit II - Physical Properties of Nanomaterials: Melting points- lattice constants- mechanical properties, Aspect ratio-Hardness-Modulus Unit III - Optical properties: UV-Vis spectrum of nano materials- Blue shift-Multi band through optical absorption-Colour change with size- CdSe quantum dots-Surface plasmon resonance and Quantum size effects, Unit IV - Band gap of nano materials- Density of states-Step potential-Vanhove singularities-Electrical conductivity: Surface scattering Change of electronic structure, Quantum transport- Quantum mechanical tunneling- Quantum Hall effect Unit V - Effect of microstructure, - Magnetic properties of nanomaterials- Giant magneto resistance- Colossal magnetic field-Para-Ferro- Ferri electrics - dielectrics.- Superparamagnetism References: 1. W.Goddard, “Handbook of Nanoscience, engineering and technology”, CRC Press, 2007. 2. G.Cao, “Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications”, Imperial College Press, 2004. 3. T.Pradeep, “Nano: The essentials, understanding Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2007. 4. Charles P. Poole, Frank J. Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley Interscience, 2003. 5. SV. Gaponenko, “Optical Properties of semiconductor nanocrystals”, Cambridge University Press, 1998. 6. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004. 17NT2004 MATERIALS SCIENCE –I Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objectives: To impart knowledge on  The atomic structure and bonding in solids  The crystalline structure of materials  Defects and Imperfections in solids Course Outcome:

Ability to  Define the atomic structure and bonding in solids  Classify the structure of materials and their properties  Explain the defects and imperfections in solids  Summarize the diffusion mechanism in solids  Analyze the phase diagram and mechanical properties of solids  Demonstrate the crystal growth techniques

Unit I - Classification of materials, Atomic structure and bonding in materials , unit cells, metallic crystal structures, density computations, polymorphism, atomic packing factor, close packed crystal structures.

Unit II - Crystal systems, space lattices, miller indices of planes and directions, Concept of amorphous, single and polycrystalline structures, anisotropy, Defects and imperfections in solids, Crystal growth techniques- Czochralski,

Float Zone technique

Unit III - Diffusion, Diffusion Mechanisms, Steady state diffusion, non-steady state diffusion, Factors that Karunya University influence diffusion, other diffusion paths, application of diffusion in sintering, doping of semiconductors and surface hardening of metals. Unit IV - Stress-strain diagrams, modulus of elasticity, yield strength, tensile strength, toughness, elongation, plastic deformation, viscoelasticity, hardness, impact strength, creep, fatigue, ductile and brittle fracture. Unit V - Phase diagrams - Solubility Limit, Phases, Microstructure, Phase Equilibria, One-Component (or Unary) Phase, Diagram, Binary Isomorphous Systems, Interpretation of Phase Diagrams. Reference Books: 1. W. D. Callister, "Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction", John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 2. C. Kittel, "Introduction to Solid State Physics" Wiley Eastern Ltd, 2005. 3. V. Raghavan, “Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course", Prentice Hall, 2006 4. A.J. Dekker, "Solid State Physics”, Macmillan & Co, 2000. 5. Michael Shur, "Physics of Semiconductor Devices", Prentice Hall of India, 1995. 6. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004. 17NT2005 MATERIALS SCIENCE – II Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objectives: To impart knowledge on  The fabrication and processing of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites  The thermal properties of materials.  Mechanical behavior of polymers Course Outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate the fabrication and processing of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites  Categorize the different types of composites  Analyze the mechanical behavior of polymers  Interpret the thermal, dielectric, piezoelectric behavior of materials  Infer the electrical conduction in ionic ceramics and polymers  Compare the optical properties of metals and non-metals Unit I - Types and fabrication of metal alloys- Forming, casting, Powder metallurgy, welding, Thermal processing of metals, Heat treatment, cold and hot working of metals, recovery, recrystallization and grain growth, Precipitation hardening Unit II - Types and applications of ceramics – glasses, clay products, refractories, abrasives and advanced ceramics, Fabrication and processing of ceramics –glass forming, particulate forming and cementation, powder pressing and tape casting. Unit III - Polymer molecules, Molecular weight, Molecular structure, Mechanical behavior of polymers,

Mechanisms of deformation and strengthening of polymers, Crystallization, melting and glass transition, Polymer types, Polymer synthesis and processing.

Unit IV - Particle reinforced composites - Large-Particle Composites, Dispersion-Strengthened composites, Fiber reinforced composites- Polymer-Matrix Composites, Metal-Matrix Composites, Ceramic-Matrix Composites

Carbon–Carbon Composites, Hybrid Composites , Structural composites - Laminar Composites, Sandwich Panels.

Unit V - Electrical conduction in ionic ceramics and in polymers, Ferroelectricity, Piezoelectricity, Heat capacity, Thermal expansion, Thermal conductivity, Thermal stresses, Basic concepts- Optical properties of metals- Optical properties of nonmetals.

Reference Books:

1. W. D. Callister, "Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction", John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 2. C. Kittel, "Introduction to Solid State Physics" Wiley Eastern Ltd, Eigth edition, 2005. Karunya University 3. V. Raghavan, “Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course", Prentice Hall, 2006 4. A.J. Dekker, "Solid State Physics”, Macmillan & Co, 2000. 5. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 17NT2006 NANOTECHNOLOGY IN HEALTHCARE Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objectives: To impart knowledge on  The Pharmaceutical applications of nanotechnology  The antibody based diagnosis.  Prosthetic and medical implants Course Outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate the pharmaceutical application of nanotechnology  Categorize the different types antibody based diagnosis  Analyze the immunoassay Techniques  Interpret the invivo imaging  Apply medical implants for fast curation  Apply nanotechnology in targeted drug delivery Unit I - Human anatomy – Form function and physiology – Developmental prolog - principle of development –Neurophysiology – sensory physiology and muscle physiology - Trends in nanobiotechnology - Protein and peptide based compounds for cancer, diabetes, infectious diseases and organ transplanttherapeutic classes- focused pharmaceutical delivery systems. Unit II - IMMUNOASSAY TECHNIQUES: Understanding of antibody based diagnostic techniques (immunoassay) - micro and nano immunosensors - Bio-Barcode Assay - use of magnets, gold, DNA and antibodies - therapies and diagnostics for cancer and central nervous system disorders. Unit III - IMPROVED MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS: Improved diagnostic products and techniques - in vivo imaging capabilities by enabling the detection of tumors, plaque, genetic defects and other disease states - ability to control or manipulate on the atomic scaleNanobot medical devices - logic and intelligence embedded into medical devices- standalone sensing and computing devices. Unit IV - PROSTHETIC AND MEDICAL IMPLANTS: New generations of prosthetic and medical implants artificial organs and implantsartificial scaffolds or biosynthetic coatings - biocompatibility and reduced rejection ratio - retinal, cochlear and neural implants - repair of damaged nerve cells and replacements of damaged skin, tissue, or bone. Unit V - METHODS FOR DIAGNOSIS: Animation of the PCR - DNA Profiling - Cantilever Sensors - Targeted Drug Delivery - Magnetic Nanoparticles - Cancer cell targeting - Stem Cell Scaffolds - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) - Tethered Lipid Membranes. (8) Total 42 References: 1. Brian R.Eggins, “Chemical Sensors and Biosensors”, John Wiley & Sons, 2002. 2. Ed. L Gorton “Biosensors and Modern Biospecific Analytical Techniques”, & Ed. D.Barcelo,” Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry”, Wilson & Wilson’s, 2005. 3. Ed. David Wild, “The Immunoassay Handbook”, Elsevier, 2005. 4. Allen J Bard and Larry R Faulkner, “Electrochemical Methods, Student Solutions Manual: Fundamentals and Applications”, Wiley, 2002.

5. Ed. Vladimir M.Mirsky, “Ultrathin Electrochemical Chemo and Biosensors: Technology and

Performance” Springer, 2004.


Course Objectives:

Karunya University To impart knowledge on  The fabrication and processing of nanofibres  The carbon based fibres and textiles.  Nanocoatings on fibres for medical fabrices Course Outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate the fabrication and processing of nanofibres  Categorize the different types of nanofibers based on carbon materials  Interpret the functionalization of nanofibers with composites and dyes  Demonstrate the surface modification of nano fibres with nano materials  Demonstrate the drug loaded medical fabric preparation  Apply the nano coatings and fibres in textiles and self-cleaning fabrics Unit I - NANO FIBRE PRODUCTION: Electrospinning of Nano fibers - Continuous yarns from electrospun nanofibers- Controlling the morphologies of electrospun nanofibers- Producing nanofiber structures by electrospinning for tissue engineering. Unit II - CARBON NANOTUBES AND NANO COMPOSITES: Structure and properties of carbon nanotube polymer nanofibers - Multifunctional polymer nanocomposites for industrial applications -. Multiwall carbon nanotube – nylon-6 nanocomposites from polymerization - Nano-filled polypropylene fibers. Unit III - IMPROVING POLYMER FUNCTIONALITY: Nanostructuring polymers with cyclodextrinsProperties of polymer-cyclodextrin inclusive compounds- Dyeable polypropylene via nanotechnologymodification of polypropylene using co-polymerisation. Polyolefin/clay nanocomposites- the range of polyolefin nano composites. Unit IV - NANOCOATINGS AND SURFACE MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES: Nanotechnologies for coating and structuring of textiles - Electrostatic self-assembled nanolayer films for cotton fibers - Nanofabrication of thin polymer films - Hybrid polymer nanolayers for surface modification of fibers - Structure–property relationships of polypropylene nanocomposite fibers. Uint V - NANO FINISHING IN TEXTILES: Introduction to Nano-finishes- Application of Nano-finishes in textiles - UV resistant, antibacterial, hydrophilic, odour resistant, self-cleaning, flame- retardant finishes. Future scope of nano-finishing treatments. Reference Books: 1. P. J. Brown and K, Stevens, “Nanofibers and Nanotechnology in Textiles”, CRC Press, 2007. 2. Y-W. Mai, “Polymer Nano composites”, Woodhead publishing, 2006. 3. W.N. Chang, “Nanofibres fabrication, performance and applications”, Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2009. 4. Seeram Ramakrishna, “An introduction to electro spinning and Nano fibers”, World Scientific Publishing Co, 2005. 5. Joseph H. Koo, “Polymer Nanocomposites, Processing, characterization and Applications”, McGraw-Hill, 2006. 17NT3001 NANOMATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION METHODS

Credits: 3:0:0

Course objectives:

To impart knowledge on  The Different diffraction techniques  The techniques to study the morphology  The measurement of hardness of nanomaterials

Course outcome:

Ability to  Relate the structure of nanomaterials  Demonstrate the nanoscale properties through x-ray and electron beam diffractions  Extend the microscopic techniques for nano identification  Analyze the composition of nanomaterials by EDAX and XPS  Assess the specimen preparation methods for various analyses

Unit I - General microscopy concepts- resolution-magnification-optical microscopy -limitations-electron microscopy Electron sources- thermionic emission-field emission-wavelength of electron beam- electron- electron lens system requirement of ultrahigh vacuum-electron diffraction - electron scattering

Unit II - Diffraction techniques: Powder X–ray diffraction, small angle x ray diffraction Neutron diffraction: principles and applications. Low energy electron diffraction (LEED)

Unit III - Reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS),

Dynamic light scattering (DLS), Nano indentation physical principles and applications. Transmission Electron

Microscopy, Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

Unit IV - Atomic Force Microscope, Scanning Tunneling Microscope: working and applications. Resolution and

Abbe’s equation, interaction of electrons with samples, image formation, specimen preparation methods

Unit V - Scanning Near–Field optical Microscopy: optical resolution, applications in solid state chemistry, technological applications-EDAX -XPS Karunya University References 1. W. Zhou, Z. L. Wang, Scanning Microscopy for Nanotechnology, Springer Publishers, 2006. 2. A. I. Kirkland, J. L. Hutchison, Nanocharacterisation, RSC Publishing, 2007. 3. G. Kaupp, Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy, and Nanoscratching, Springer Publishing, 2006. 4. T.Pradeep, “Nano: The Essentials”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007. 5. Charles P Poole Jr and Frank J Ownes, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, John Wiley Sons, 2003. 6. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, Geoff Smith, Michelle Simmons, Burkar Raguse, “Nanotechnology: Basic sciences and emerging technologies”, Overseas Press, 2005. 7. Willard, Merritt, Dean, Settle “Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, CBS PUBS & DISTS New Delhi 2007. 8. Ewing. Etal, “Instrumental Methods for Chemical Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Pub, New Delhi 2010. 17NT3002 NANOELECTRONICS Credit 3:0:0 Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  The transistor scaling and its limits  Various Short channel transistors  The CMOS technology Course outcome: Ability to  Relate the transistor scaling and its limits  Infer about the short channel transistors and its limits  Analyze the various split gate transistor structures  Model the CMOS transistors for the various circuits  Utilize the Tunneling devices for high frequency applications  Design of computing model of Nanostructured Devices

Unit I - Introduction to MOSFET, Enhancement and depletion MOSFET, output and transfer current-voltage characteristics, limits in scaling, vertical and horizontal system integration, short channel MOS transistor

Unit II - Drain Induced Barrier Lowering, I-V characteristics analysis of short channel field effect transistor, various split gate transistor- Planar, Double gate, tri gate and Gate all around transistor, Advanced Nanoscale


Unit III - Principles of CMOS technology, inverter CMOS, I-V characteristics and Nano CMOS design,

Tunneling element technology, Quantum cellular automate – wire, inverter, logic gate and Majority gate design of


Unit IV - Tunneling Diode, I-V characteristics, Resonant Tunneling Diode, I-V analysis, circuit design of RTD,

Principles of Single Electron Transistor (SET), Architecture, circuit design of SET, comparison between FET and

SET circuit design. Karunya University Unit V - Vertical MOSFETs, Principles of High Electron Mobility Transistor- design and applications, Molecular electron devices, Nanotubes based sensors and Field Effect Transistor, Ferroelectric random access memory and its circuit design, Softcomputing. References Books: 1. Vladimir V. Mitin, Viatcheslav A. Kochelap, Michael A. Stroscio, “Introduction to Nanoelectronics:Science, Nanotechnology, Engineering, and Applications”, Cambridge University Press 2011 2. SupriyoDatta,“Lessons from Nanoelectronics: A New Perspective on Transport”, World Scientific2012 3. Karl Goser, Peter Glösekötter, Jan Dienstuhl,“Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: FromTransistors to Molecular and Quantum Devices“, Springer 2004 4. George W. Hanson,“Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics”, Pearson 2009 5. Korkin, Anatoli; Rosei, Federico (Eds.), “Nanoelectronics and Photonics”,Springer 2008 6. W. R. Fahrner, Nanotechnology and Nan electronics: Materials, Devices, Measurement Techniques(SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005) 7. J.P. Colinge, “FinFETs and other Multi-Gate Transistor”, Integrated Circuits and Systems, Springer 2008. 8. Jaap Hoekstra, “Introduction to Nanoelectronic Single-Electron Circuit Design”, Pan Stanford Publishing 2010 17NT3003 NANOLOTHOGRAPHY Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objectives: To impart knowledge on  Photolithography process  The CMOS lithographic techniques.  The e-beam lithography Course Outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate Photolithography process.  Experiment the mask preparation  Apply lithographic technique to construct a device  Appraice the different lithographic techniques.  Illustrate the fabrication of nanoelectronic devices and sensors.  Design nanscale devices Unit I - Introduction to lithography – Lithography process steps; Mask making, wafer pre-heat, resist spinning, pre-bake, exposure, development & rinsing, post-bake, oxide etching and resist stripping - Alignment marks in mask plate – Optical lithography – Light sources – Contact, proximity and projection printing Unit II - Application of lithography – Semiconductor IC fabrication – Fabrication of n-type/p-type MOSFETs using metal gate and self-aligned poly-gate with lithographic masks – Fabrication of CMOS FET using p-well and n-well process with lithographic masks – Fabrication of NPN and PNP BJT with lithographic masks – MEMS design flow

Unit III - Next generation lithographic techniques – Extreme ultraviolet lithography - X-ray lithography – X-ray resists - Synchrotron radiation – Merits and demerits of X-ray lithography – Geometrical effects in X-ray lithography – Mask making for X-ray lithography – E-beam lithography – E-beam resists - Merits and demerits –

Inter- and intra-proximity effects - SCALPEL - Ion beam lithography

Unit IV - Nanolithography, Nano-sphere lithography – Molecular self-assembly – Nano-imprint lithography, Dippen nanolithography, soft lithography - Nano-scale 3D shapes and 3-D lithographic methods – Stereo-lithography and Holographic lithography. Unit V - Tools for nanolithography, molecular manipulation by STM and AFM – Very thin resist layers; LB film resists – Nano-pattern synthesis – Nano scratching


1. M J. Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, 2nd edition, (2002). 2. B. Bhushan, Handbook of Nanotechnology, Springer – Verlag, 2nd edition, (2006). 3. S. A. Campbell, The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, (2001). 4. J.R. Sheats, and B. W. Smith, Microlithography Science and Technology – CRC Press, New York, (2007). 5. Nanolithography: A Borderland between STM, EB, IB, and X-Ray Lithographies – M. Gentili (ed.) Carlo Giovannella Stefano Selci,, Springer; 1st edition, (1994). 6. Franssila S, Introduction to Microfabrication, 2nd Ed., Wiley 2010. 7. Cui Z, Nanofabrication: Principles, Capabilities and Limits, Springer 2008 Karunya University 17NT3004 MAGENTIC NANOMATERIALS AND NANOFLUIDS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives:  To impart knowledge on magnetism in nanomaterials.  To relate the properties of nanofluids with molecular interactions  To train the students in relating types of magnetic materials with devices and medicine. Course outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate nanomagnetism in materials  Explain the origin of microscopic interactions in nanomaterials  Interpret nanomagnetism in spintronic devices  Choose the righ magnetic nanomaterials for different applications.  Apply nanofluids for heat transfer applications  Apply magnetic nanoparticles and their synthesis method to prepare new materials. Unit I - Origin of magnetism and magnetic phenomena: Origin of atomic moments – magnetic moment and magnetic dipole – magnetic induction – magnetic susceptibility and permeability – classification of magnetic materials – paramagnetism of free ions – ferromagnetism – antiferromagnetism – ferrimagnetism – diamagnetism Unit II - Magnetic anisotropy and magnetic domains: Magneto crystalline anisotropy – influence of the stoichiometry of alloys – shape anisotropy - induced magnetic anisotropy - Stress anisotropy (magnetostriction) surface and interface anisotropy. Magnetic domains - magnetization of an ideal crystal, magnetization of a real crystal – domain walls – domain wall width Unit III - Magnetism in reduced dimensions: Magnetism in clusters – influence of geometric arrangement and surface symmetry – magnetic domains of nanoparticles – size dependence of magnetic domain formation –magnetic vortices – single domain particles – superparamagnetism of nanoparticles – magnetism of free nanoparticles – magnetism of nanoparticles on surfaces Unit IV - Magnetic materials: Measurement techniques – Vibrating Sample Magnetometer – SQUID magnetometer – permanent magnets – domains – coercivity – magnetic nanomaterials – iron oxide – ferrites –applications in medicine and in data storage

Unit V – Nanoferrofluids: Synthesis of nano ferrofluids, Synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles, Turkevich method,

Brust method, Microwave Assisted Synthesis, Solvothermal Synthesis. Magnetic Nanofluids and applications in heat transfer and mechanical dampers, Hyperthermia treatment using magnetic nanoparticles, Lab on chip for point of health care


1. K. H. J. Buschow, F. R. de Boer, Physics of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, 2003. 2. Nanofluids: Science and Technology, Sarit K. Das, Stephen U. Choi, Wenhua Yu, T. Pradeep, John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 3. M. Getzlaff, Fundamentla of magnetism, Springer Publishers, Berlin, 2008.

Karunya University 17N3005 FUNCTIONALIZATION OF NANOMATERIALS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives:  To impart knowledge on surface modification of carbon derivatives  To convey the methods of functionalization of different nanomaterials.  To train the students solve problems on functionalization of nanomaterials Course outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate the mechanism of functionalization  Infer the metal oxide, organic functionalization in carbon nanomaterials  To solve problems on functionalization methods.  To choose reagents for deriving functional group on nanomaterials.  To envisage the tailoring of properties of nanomaterials based on functionalization.  To understand recent newer developments in functionalized nanomaterials for plausible new devices. Unit I - Functionalization of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes: Functionalization of fullerenes: cyclopropanation using Bingel reaction, pericyclic reaction and 4+2 cycloaddition, preparation of nitrile imines of fullerenes. Functionalization of CNTs: attachment of oxidic groups, reactions of carboxylic groups. Unit II - Gold and silica nanoparticles: Gold nanoparticles: gold clusters with ligand stabilizers, gold nanoparticle–Fullerene hybrids, Silica nanomaterials: Surface coverage of OH and OR, dehydroxylation. Core shell method of functionalization and its classification, Unit III - Functionalization of graphene and graphene oxide: Surface modification and molecular interaction of functional groups of GO – Diels–Alder cycloaddition – Bingel type cycloaddition – diazonium salt reaction –nucleophilic addition - electrophilic addition on graphene – the role of hydroxyl groups of GO – analysis using spectroscopic techniques. Photoluminescence, IR spectroscopy and NMR. Unit IV - Surface modification of magnetic nanoparticles: Surface functional groups – surface acidity and acidity constants – point of zero charge – stability of iron oxide colloids – stability of iron oxide suspensions –adsorption of organic ligand on iron oxide nanoparticles – cation adsorption Unit V - Quantum dot surface modification strategies: Coating of quantum dots with amphiphilic molecules –water-solubilization of QDs using thiol- or amine-containing ligands. Covalent and non-covalent binding of biomolecules to the surface of functionalized quantum dots – quantum dot bioconjugates for diagnosis and imaging – conjugates of QDs with RNA and DNA References 1. Hirsch, M. Brettreich, Fullerenes, Chemistry and Reactions, Wiley – VCH, 2005. 2. F. Langa, J. –F. Nierengarten, Fullerenes: Principles and Applicaions, RSC Publishing, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, CB4 0WF, UK, 2009. 3. J. Brinker, G. W. Scherrer, Sol–Gel Science, Academic Press, 1990. 4. V. Georgakilas, Functionalization of grapheme, Wiley-VCH, 5. R. M. Cornell, H. C. U. Schwertmann, The Iron Oxides: Properties, Reactions, Occurrences and Uses, Edition II, Wiley–VCH, 2003, Weinheim. 6. R. Bilan, F. Fleury, I. Nabiev, A. Sukhanova, Quantum dot surface chemistry and functionalization for cell targeting and imaging (Review), Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2015, 26, 609.


Course objectives:

 To impart knowledge on Safety precautions for using nanomaterials..  To impart knowledge on environmental issues of nanoscience and technology.  To orient the students in finding out newer nanomaterials for safe materials. Karunya University Course outcome: Ability to  Relate the toxic effects of nanotechnology on human health.  Analyze the various issues on environmental effects.  Identify suitable remedial measures.  Suggest start-of-the pipe solution for environmental issues based on nanomaterials  Work out problems on nanomaterials related to toxicity.  To frame a model policy on preventing health hazards. Unit I - Risks with nanomaterials: Identification of Nano, Specific Risks, Responding to the Challenge, Human health hazard, Risk reduction, Standards, Safety, transportation of NP, Emergency responders Unit II - Risk assessment: Risk assessment –Environmental Impact – Predicting hazard – Materials Characterization. Risk Assessment related to nanotechnology – Environmental and policy making Unit III - Ecotoxicity of nanomaterials: Ecotoxicity - Inhalation deposition and Pulmonary clearance of Insoluble Solids – Bio –persistence of Inhaled solid material. Systemic Trenslocation of inhaled Particles. Pulmonary effects of SWCNT Unit IV - Ecotoxicological tests: Terms and parameters frequently used in ecotoxicological tests – endpoint classifications - ecotoxicological approaches in the evaluation of soil quality – ecotoxicity measurement for polychlorinated biphenyls – measurement of genotoxicity by Ames test Unit V - Legal aspects and regulations on toxicity of nanomaterials: The approaches to assessment of exposure to the nanotechnology. Bioethics and legal aspects of potential health and environmental risks in nanotechnology, FDA regulation, cytotoxicity of nanoparticles References 1. P.P. Simeonova, N. Opopol and M.I. Luster, “Nanotechnology - Toxicological Issues and Environmental Safety”, Springer 2006. 2. Vinod Labhasetwar and Diandra L. Leslie, “Biomedical Applications of nanotechnology”, A John Willy & son Inc,NJ, USA, 2007 . 3. Miyawaki, J.; et.al Toxicity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanohorns. ACS Nano 2 (213–226) 2008. 4. Hutchison, J. E. Green Nanoscience: A Proactive Approach to Advancing Applications and Reducing Implications of Nanotechnology. ACS Nano 2, (395–402) 2008. 5. Mo-Tao Zhu et.al Comparative study of pulmonary responses to nano- and submicron-sized ferric oxide in rats Toxicology, 21 (102-111) 2008. 6. Dracy J. Gentleman, Nano and Environment: Boon or Bane? Environmental Science and technology, 43 (5), P1239, 2009. 17NT3007 BIOMEDICAL NANOSTRUCTURES AND NANOMEDICINE Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives:  To impart knowledge on Nanomaterials for biomedical applications.  To impart knowledge on Nanotechnology in biomedical instruments  To understand the applications of nanofiber in medical fabrics

Course outcome:

Ability to  Explain the properties of biomedical nanostructures  Explain the applications of biomedical nanomaterials in nanomedicine  Utilize nanomaterials in biomedical field  Justify the suitability of various nanostructures

 Demonstrate the nanofiber synthesis for medical fabrics  Predict any possible downsides of each nanomaterial.

Unit I - Micro/nanomachining: Micro/nanomachining of soft and hard polymeric biomaterials, orthopedic applications, dental implants, biocompatible photoresists, three dimensional lithography, blood contacting materials. Unit II - Soft nanomaterials: Bioconjugation of soft nanomaterials. Hydrogels: definition and classification, stimuli-sensitive polymers. Microgels and nanogels. Core-shell structured materials. Bioconjugated hydrogel particles in nanotechnology, applications. Unit III - Nanodrug delivery: Nanotechnology and drug delivery. electrospun polymeric nanofibers for drug delivery. Advantages of nanostructured delivery systems. Ability to cross biological membranes. Activation and targeting through physicochemical stimuli. Drug targeting through targeting molecules. Nanoparticles for gene delivery. Unit IV - Viral vectors; gene delivery: Viral vectors and virus like particles. Recombinant virus vectors – types and applications. Drug nanocrystals. Bioconjugated nanoparticles for ultrasensitive detection of molecular biomarkers and infectious agents. DNA / RNA transfection – barriers. Unit V - Bio-nano interfaces: Cell-extra-cellular matrix interactions. Cell behavior toward nanotopographic surfaces created by lithography, aligned nanofibers, self-assembly, chemical etching, incorporating carbon nanotubes / nanofibers. Nanostructures for tissue engineering / regenerative medicine.


1. K. E. Gonsalves, C. R. Halberstradt, C. T. Laurencin, L. S. Nair, Biomedical Nanostrcutures, Wiley –Interscience, 2007. 2. M. Ferrari, A. P. Lee, L. J. Lee, BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology, Volume I, Springer Publishing, 2006. 3. Vinod Labhasetwar and Diandra L. Leslie, “Biomedical Applications of nanotechnology”, A John Willy & son Inc,NJ, USA, 2007 . 4. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004. 5. B. Bhushan, Handbook of Nanotechnology, Springer – Verlag, 2nd edition, (2006). Karunya University 17NT3008 MEMS & NEMS Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To impart knowledge on  Microsystems and Microelectronics  Fabrication techniques of MEMS & NEMS  Silicon and non-silicon substrates materials of MEMS/NEMS Course Outcome: Ability to  classify the microelectronics and microsystems  Relate the fabrication techniques of MEMS & NEMS  Analyze the various substrates materials of MEMS and NEMS  Demonstrate various tools used for design and analysis of MEMS/NEMS.  Make use of clean room protocols  Design various applications of MEMS/NEMS.

Unit I - Microsystems and Microelectronics, Introduction to Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)

Miniaturization techniques and fabrication techniques of MEMS - LIGA process, 3D Technologies.

Unit II - Design and Modeling of MEMS & NEMS and its packing, Challengers in packing design of MEMS,

MEMS based Products for various applications, Introduction to CMOS MEMS, Fabrication methods of CMOS


Unit III - Advanced Non-Silicon MEMS, Fabrication methods of MEMS over the non-silicon substratecomparison of Non-Silicon MEMS over the Silicon MEMS technology, various non silicon based MEMS/NEMS.

Unit IV - MEMS based digital gates – OR, AND, NOT, MEMS based volatile and non-volatile memory devices, Energy harvesting applications of MEMS/NEMS, various Sensors and actuators of MEMS/NEMS. Unit V - Various software tools for analysis of MEMS/NEMS, various property analysis of (Electrical, Mechanical) of MEMS/NEMS devices, challengers in design, fabrication and testing of MEMS. Clean room protocols.

Reference Books:

Karunya University 1. Tai,Ran Hsu, “MEMS & Microsystems Design & Manufacture”, Tata Mc Graw Hill,2008. 2. Richard Booker, Earl Boysen,”Nanotechnology”, Wiley Dreamtech(p) Ltd, 2006. 3. J.M. Martinez-Duart, R.J. Martin Palma, F. Agullo Reuda, Nanotechnology for microelectronics and optoelectronics, Elsevier,2006. 4. Charles P.Poole. “Introduction to Nanotechnology", Wiley publications, 2007. 5. Henne van Heeren “MEMS Recent Developments, Future Direction” , Published in 2007 by Electronics Enabled Products Knowledge Transfer Network Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Loughborough University, Loughborough 17NT3009 NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR CANCER DIAGONSIS AND TREATMENT Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives:  To impart knowledge on different types of cancer cells and mutation.  To provide knowledge on diagnosis and treatment of cancer using functionalized nanomaterials.  To enable compare cancer treatment methods of various ages with cancer nanotechnology Course outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate the mechanism of mutation and cancer causing cells  Identify the different cancer diagnosis techniques.  To explain the pros and cons of cancer nanotechnology methods  To justify the best method in the students perspective  To choose methods of improvising cancer diagnosis and treatment using nanomaterials  Demonstrate the applications of nanomaterials in cancer diagnosis and treatment Unit I - Cancer molecular biology: Introduction to cancer molecular biology. Mutations and repair of DNA, growth factor signaling and oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, apoptosis, metastasis Unit II - Cancer chemotherapy Stages in cancer - methods in chemotherapy – timing of chemotherapy biomarkers and their uses - clinical assessment of biomarkers – pharmacogenetics of cancer chemotherapy –chemotherapeutic drug nanoparticles for cancer treatment Unit III - Techniques in diagnosis of cancer: Computer tomography (CT) scanning, magnetic resonance (MR), positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission CT (SPECT), ultrasonography. MRI and PET. Principles and applications of the techniques. Unit IV - Nanomaterials for cancer diagnosis: Nanomaterials for cancer diagnosis, nanotechnology and patient diagnostics, fluorescent quantum dots, surface plasmon resonance (SPR), nanoparticles and Nanoshells, fiber optic biosensors, nanomaterials for enhanced electron transfer, electrochemical biosensors, magnetic, mechanical, and imaging diagnostics using nanomaterials Unit V - Nanomaterials for treatment of cancer: Quantum dots, gold nanoparticles, dye–doped silica nanoparticles, and magnetic nanoparticles in cancer imaging. Magnetic drug targeting, Animal models, clinical trials


1. C. S. S. R. Kumar, Nanomaterials for Cancer Therapy, Wiley – VCH, 2006. 2. C. S. S. R. Kumar, Nanomaterials for Cancer Diagnosis, Wiley – VCH, 2007. 3. L. Pecorino, Molecular Biology of Cancer, Ed. 3., Oxford University Press, UK, 2012. 4. T. Vo-Dingh, Nanotechnolgy in Biology and Medicine, CRC Press, 2006.

5. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers,

California, 2004.


Course objectives:

Karunya University  To impart knowledge on the differences between nanobiotechnology and bio-nanotechnology.  To elaborate the methods of designing bio nanomaterials.  To assist the students extend the knowledge gained on nanomaterials to integration of molecules to memory chips. Course outcome: Ability to  Explain the concepts of nanobiotechnology  Identify new materials based on nanobiotechnology.  Apply nanomaterials to interface with the biological systems.  Prepare newer nanomaterials with a focus on nanobiotechnology  Articulate the trend of the present scenario on nanobiotechnology research  Explain the foreseen ideas on nanobiotechnology for electronics and medicine Unit I - Biological networks and biometrics: Biological networks – biological neurons – the function of neuronal cell – biological neuronal cells on silicon modelling of neuronal cells by NLSI circuits Unit II - Bioelectronics: Bioelectronics- molecular processor – DNA analyzer as biochip, PCR, molecular electronics. Nano biometrics – Introduction – lipids as nanobricks and mortar: self-assembled nanolayers the bits that do things Unit III - Nanoscale motors: Nanoscale motors – ATP molecule – proteins: three dimensional structures using a 20 amino acid – biological computing – a protein based 3D optical memory using DNA to build nano cubes and hinges – DNA as smart glue – DNA as wire template – DNA computers, Bio markers Unit IV - Functional principles of Bionanotechnology: Information-Driven Nano-assembly - nucleic acids and ribosomes - information storage - chemical energy transfer by carrier molecules - light capture with specialized small molecules - electrical conduction and charge transfer in DNA - electrochemical gradients across membranes - entropy reduction of a chemical reaction and stabilization of transition states by enzymes - chemical tools by enzymes to perform a reaction Unit V - Artificial design of functional biomachines: Molecular design using biological selection - antibodies may be turned into enzymes - peptides screening with bacteriophage display libraries – selection of nucleic acids with novel functions – common functional bionanomachines - artificial life - artificial protocells reproduce by budding - self-replicating molecules: an elusive goal - poliovirus creation with only a genetic blueprint - hybrid materials References: 1. C.M. Niemeyer and C.A. Mirkin, “Nanobiotechnology, Concepts, Applications and perspectives”, WILEY-VCH, 2004. 2. David.S.Goodsell, “Bionanotechnology: concepts, Lessons from Nature”, Wiley-Liss, 2004 3. Sandra J Rosenthal, David W Wright, “Nanobiotechnology Protocols”, Humana Press Inc, 2005 4. R.S. Greco, F.B.Prinz and R.L.Smith, “Nanoscale Technology in Biological Systems”, CRC press, 2005. 5. Tuan Vo-Dinh, “Protein Nanotechnology -Protocols, Instrumentation and Applications”, Humana Press Inc, 2005. 6. M. Wilson, K. K. G. Smith, M. Simmons, B. Raguse, Nanaotechnology: Basic Science and Emerging Technologies, Chapman and Hall, CRC Press, Florida.


Credits: 3:0:0

Course Objective:

To impart knowledge on  The fundamental parameters in solar cells  The selection of different substrate materials Karunya University  The advanced materials for energy generation in solar cells Course Outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate the fundamental concepts of solar cells  Choose the substrate materials for solar cells  Explain the various materials for enhancing the efficiency of solar cell.  Categorize the different generations of solar cells  Design a solar cell  Estimate the factors affecting the solar cell parameters Unit I - Electromagnetic spectrum-Photovoltaic effect-Solar cell fundamentals-Basic diode solar cells- material selection,- classification of solar cells, solar cell parameters, Unit II - transport properties in soar cells, Dark IV characteristics-Illuminated IV characteristics-Solar cell fabrication methods-Role of transparent window layers- Conditions for achieving high efficiency -silicon based solar cells, Unit III - Thin film based solar cells- Materials for solar cells-CdSe, CdTe, CIGS, CZTS, dye sensitized solar cells, Maulti band solar cells- Multi layer solar cells- Cascade solar cells. Unit IV - Organic solar cells, Polymer based solar cells quantum dot solar cells, flexible solar cells and space age solar cells, Unit V - Fabrication of PV cells, Different techniques for solar cell fabrication- casting method thin film coatings, crystal growth. Factors affecting the PV properties, Industrial applications and grid connectivity, Reference Books: 1. K.L. Chopra,S.R Das, Thin film solar cells, Springer 2014 2. Jenny Nelson., “The Physics of Solar Cell-”, Imperial College Press 3. S. M. Sze and Kwok K. Ng., “Physics of Semiconductor Devices”– 3rd Edition Copyright - John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4. H.P. Garg, J. Prakash Solar Energy: Fundamental and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill Education 2000. 5. “Organic Photovoltaics Mechanisms”, Materials and Devices- Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci. CRC Press, Mar 29, 2005. 17NT3012 LUMINESCENT NANOMATERIALS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives:  To impart knowledge on the luminescence phenomena of different materials.  To explain the classification of luminescence and their applications.  To convey information on the photophysical processes involved in luminescent materials Course outcome: Ability to  Explain the phenomenon of luminescence  Compare the mechanism of luminescence in different nanomaterials.  Describe the applications of luminescent nanomaterials in various fields  Compare and contrast rare earth phosphors from other phosphors  Compare and contrast fluorescence and phosphorescence phenomena  Demonstrate the applications of rare earth materials in luminescence

Unit I - Luminescence phenomena: Luminescence mechanisms – center luminescence – charge transfer luminescence – donor–acceptor pair luminescence – electroluminescence – luminescence quantum yield and quenching

Unit II - Lanthanide luminescence: Basics of lanthanide photophysics – lanthanide luminescence in solids –upconverting nanoparticles – lanthanide nanoparticules as photoluminescent reporters – imaging of lanthanide luminescence – electrochemiluminescence of lanthanides

Unit III - Scintillator materials: Scintillator materials – alkali halides – tungstates – Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO) –Karunya University Gd2SiOs:Ce3+ and Lu2SiO5:Ce3+ – CeF3 – other Ce3+ scintillators and related materials – (Cross luminescence; particle discrimination) – other materials with cross luminescence Unit II - Quantum dots and nanophosphors: Optical properties of quantum dots – density of states in low–dimensional structures – electrons, holes, and excitons – photoluminescence of quantum dots prepared by wet chemical methods – photoluminescence from doped quantum dots – luminescence of nanoparticles of rare earth phosphors Unit III - Applications of luminescent phosphors: Phosphors for plasma display panels – performance of applied phosphors in PDPs – phosphor efficiency – quantum splitting phosphors – Europium and Gadolinium ions – quantum efficiency – limitations – brief account of positron emission tomography using lanthanides References 1. C. Ronda, Luminescence: From Theory to Applications, Wiley – VCH, 2008. 2. Hardev Singh Virk, Luminescence: Basic Concepts, Applications and Instrumentation, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland. 3. A. H. Kitai: Solid State Luminescence: Theory, Materials, and Devices, Chapman & Hall, 1993 4. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004. 5. G. Blasse, B. C. Grabmaier, Luminescent Materials, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1994. 17NT3013 NANOSCALE TRANSISTORS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  Basic concepts of MOSFET devices  Short channel effects  Multi structural Gate transistor Course outcome: Ability to  Define the concepts of MOSFET devices  Infer about the short channel effects  Illustrate the Multi structural Gate transistor  Analysis of fabrication of advanced FET  Determine the various materials used in GAA  Evaluate the property analysis of Nanoscale transistor. Unit I - Modeling of MOSFET IV characteristics – ON current, Off current, Threshold voltage, Voltage swing, trans-conductance, ON Resistance, Analysis of various short channel effects of MOSFET and DIBL effects, Scaling and Moore’s law, Technology Node. Unit II - Introduction to 1D, 2Dand 3D channel transistors, important and principles of Single Gate, double gate and Multi gate transistor, fabrication techniques of Multi-gate MOSFET technology, Electrical analysis.

Unit III - Tri-gate MOSFET, 4T-MuGFET principle and its fabrication design, Design of Fully Silicided Metal

Gate, Introduction to Fin FET design of MOSFET, Mobility and Strain Engineering of Fin FET.

Unit IV - Tilted implantation of Source & Drain for the Fin FET, Fin FET contacts analysis, Techniques of Raised

Source and Drain Structure of Fin FET, Silicon On Insulator MOSFET, Design and befits over the silicon substrate devices.

Unit V - Gate All Around Transistor (GAA), various materials used in Gate of GAA, Channel and Dielectric

Materials of GAA and Electrical and mechanical property analysis of GAA .

Reference Books:

1. J.P. Colinge, “FinFETs and other Multi-Gate Transistor”, Integrated Circuits and Systems, Springer 2008. 2. Lundstrom, Mark, Guo, jing, “Nanoscale Transistors: Device Physics, Modeling, and Simulation” 2006, VII – Springer. 3. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, Geoff smith, “Nanotechnology: Basic Science and Emerging Technologies”, Overseas press, 2005. Karunya University 4. Karl Goser, Peter Glösekötter, Jan Dienstuhl,“Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: FromTransistors to Molecular and Quantum Devices“, Springer 2004 5. Charles P.Poole Jr and. Frank J.Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley Interscience, 2003. 4. Mark A.Ratner, Daniel Ratner,”Nanotechnology: A gentle introduction to the next Big idea”, Pearson Education, 2003. 5. W.Goddard, “Handbook of Nanoscience, engineering and technology”, CRC Press, 2007. 17NT3014 MOLECULAR MECHINES AND SENSORS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives:  To impart knowledge on molecular logical operations for nanosensors  To provide knowledge on molecular imaging techniques  To enable the students to distinguish the functional methods of different molecular machines Course outcome: Ability to  Define the fundamentals of molecular switches.  Describe the various types of molecular machines  Demonstrate the interface of molecular switches with neurons  Differentiate functional molecules based on their working pattern  Distinguish between natural and artificial molecular machines of different types  To envisage newer methods of synthesizing molecular machines and devices Unit I - Concept of molecular machines: Basic principles – energy supply: chemical energy, light energy, electrochemical energy. Types of motion: control and monitoring, reset, time scale, functions. Light harvesting antennae. Photo-induced charge separation and solar energy conversion. Unit II - Molecular switches: Molecular switches: chiroptical, photochemical, and redox switches. Overcrowded alkenes. Molecular rotor guests. Light + pH inputs. Molecular logic gates, signal communication between molecular switches. Unit III - Molecular machines: Molecular machines: Brownian ratchet model, molecular machines and motors. Artificial allosteric systems. Tweezers and harpoons, molecular pump. Molecular knots based on cyclodextrins. Molecular actuators. Artificial ion channels. Rotary movement: ring switching processes, rotary motors on surfaces. Unit IV - Molecular threading and interlocked compounds: Molecular motion driven by STM – molecular shuttles operated by photoswitching – molecular information ratchet – light induced memory effect - threaded and interlocked compounds on surfaces – molecular threading and dethreading with directional control. Unit V - Molecular sensing: Molecular sensing: cyclodextrin based molecular sensors. Metal ion sensing: ion recognition by photoinduced electron transfer, charge transfer, limit of detection and sensitivity, selectivity, binding constants. Intracellular fluorescent chemosensors: biological requirements. Intracellular Ca2+ concentration. References 1. V. Balzani, A. Credi, M. Vemuri, Molecular Devices and Machines, Wiley – VCH, 2nd Ed., 2008. 2. Jonathan Steed, David Turner, Carl Wallace, Core Concepts in Supramolecular and Nanochemistry, John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 3. I. Chorkendorff, J. W. Niemantsverdriet, Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics, Second Edition, Wiley-VCH Publishers, 2007. 4. W.Goddard, “Handbook of Nanoscience, engineering and technology”, CRC Press, 2007.



To impart knowledge on  Nano magnetic memories  Data storage using Lasers Karunya University  Energy storage devices Outcome: The student will be able to  Appraise the the magnetic storage devices  Demonstrate the optical storage devices  Apply nano in energy storage devices  Design nano encapsulated drug for targeted delivery  Develop nano chip for biomedical applications Unit I - Overview of Information Storage and Nanotechnology Different types of information storage materials and devices: solid state memory, optical memory, magnetic recording, emerging technologies, role of nanotechnology in data storage. Unit II - Optical Data Storage Write and read techniques (signal modulation, disk format, data reproduction), read and write principles (read-only, write-once, phase-change, magnetooptic disks), optical pickup heads (key components, diffraction-limited laser spot, focusing and tracking error signals, servoloop design, actuator), optical media, near field optical recording, holographic data storage. Unit III – Energy Devices Solar cells - Thin film Si solar cells - Chemical semiconductor solar cells - Dye sensitized solar cells - Polymer solar cells - Nano quantum dot solar cells - Hybrid nano-polymer solar cells Fuel Cells – principle of working – basic thermodynamics and electrochemical principle – Fuel cell classification – Fuel cell Electrodes and Carbon nano tubes – application of power and transportation. Unit IV – Nano pharmaceuticals Generation and significance of Nano pharmaceuticals like nanosuspensions, nanogels, nanocarrier systems - Nano formulation – Nano incapsulation – Enhancement of drug therapy epitaxy 176 Unit V - Industrial applications of nanomaterials Nanoparticles and Micro–organism, Nano-materials in bone substitutes & Dentistry, Food and Cosmetic applications, Textiles, Paints, Catalysis, Drug delivery and its applications, Biochips- analytical devices, Biosensors. Reference Books 1. Black Hole Computers, Scientific American Magazine, November 2004, by Seth Lloyd and Y. Jack Ng. 2. Information in the Holographic Universe, Scientific American Magazine, August 2003, Jacob D. Bekenstein. 3. Wu YH, “Nano Spintronics for Data Storage”, Encyclopedia for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.7, American Scientific Publishers, 2003 4. . 4. Optical Data Storage, Erwin R. Meinders , Matthias Wuttig, Liesbeth Van Pieterson, Andrei V.Mijiritskii, 2006, Springer. 5. A. A. Balandin, K. L. Wang “Handbook of Semiconductor Nanostructures and Nanodevices” Vol 1-5 6. F. Kreith and J.F. Kreider, “Principles of Solar Engineering, McGra-Hill (1978) 7. S.P. Sukhtame, “Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage”, TataMcGraw-Hill (1984) 17NT3016 NANOTECHNOLOGY IN FUEL CELLS AND ENERGY STORAGE Credits: 3:0:0


 The application of nanotechnology in energy storage will be discussed  The question of possibility of alternative energy will be met with on theoretical basis  The materials in use for such energy storage will be introduced to the students


The students will be able to

 Apraise the working of fuel cells  Demonstrate the working of solar cells  Appraise the oxides of semiconductor materials  Demonstrate the hydrogen evaluation and storage  Apply kinetic properties in hydride systems  Apply fuel cell and solar energy for long term energy strorage

Unit I - Nanostructured catalysts for low temperature fuel cells Working principle of a fuel cell – electrode reactions at low temperature fuel cells – supported catalysts – catalyst preparation – impregnation method, colloidal method, microemulsion method – catalyst supports – nanostructured carbon – nanoporous carbon –mesoporous carbon – hierarchical pore structures

Unit II - Nanocrystalline solar cells Dye-sensitized solar cells – cell operation, materials – semiconductorsensitized solar cells (SSSC) – liquid junction SSSCs – recombination rates in semiconductors – back-transport of electrons from oxide to absorbing semiconductor – electron injection from oxide / substrate into electrolyte

Unit III - Oxides and solid-state SSSCs Losses in semiconductor aggregates on oxides – multilayer semiconductors – other porous oxides – solid state semiconductor-sensitized solar cells (sSSSCs) – the ETA cell –twocomponent ETA cells - three-component ETA cells – built-in fields in SSSCs

Unit IV - Nano-scale materials for hydrogen and energy storage Introduction – methods for energy storage –energy storage in super-capacitors and batteries – hydrogen storage in mobile applications – challenges in material development – physisorption materials – nanoporous inorganic materials for hydrogen storage – zeolitebased and transition metal-based structures

Unit V - Nano-porous organic materials for hydrogen storage Nanoporous organic and carbon materials –activated carbon, carbon nanotubes, carbidederived carbons – metal-organic framework – chemisorption materials – magnesium hydride, complex hydrides – reaction systems – experimental aspects – materials handling –synthesis methods – characterization of hydrogen storage materials – thermodynamic and kinetic properties of hydride systems Karunya University References Books 1. Gerard Wilde, Nanostructured materials, Elsevier, 2009 2. A.B. Hart and G. J. Womack, “Fuel Cells: Theory & Applications”, Prentice Hall, NY, 1997 3. Narayan R and B Viswanathan, “Chemical and Electrochemical Energy Systems”, University press (India) Ltd., 1998 1., 17NT3017 PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objective To impart knowledge on  The basics of nanoscience and technology.  The various process techniques available for nanostructured materials.  The role of nanotechnology in electronics and biomedicine Course outcome Ability to  Demonstrate the various nanoparticles process methods.  Relate the various nanoscale processing techniques  Identify 0D,1D,2D and 3D nanomaterials  Infer the optical and mechanical properties  Interpret the magnetic and electrical properties  Illustrate the use of nanomaterials for different applications


Size effect on thermal, electrical, electronic, mechanical, optical and magnetic properties of nanomaterialssurface area and aspect ratio- band gap energy- quantum confinement size effect.


Photochemistry and Electrochemistry of nanomaterials –Ionic properties of nanomaterials- Nanocatalysis -

Nanoscale heat transfer - Electron transport in transition metals and semiconducting nanostructures.


Fick's Law-mechanisms of diffusion - influence of pressure and temperature- Kirkendall effect - surface defects in nanomaterials - effect of microstructure on surface defects - interfacial energy.


Classifications of nanomaterials - Zero dimensional, one-dimensional and two dimensional nanostructures-

Kinetics in nanostructured materials- multilayer thin films and superlattice- clusters of metals, semiconductors Karunya University and nanocomposites. UNIT V - NANOSYSTEMS Nanoparticles through homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation-Growth controlled by surface and diffusion process- Oswald ripening process - influence of reducing agents-solid state phase segregation- Mechanisms of phase transformation- grain growth and sintering- precipitation in solid solution- hume rothery rule.


1. K.W. Kolasinski,

―Surface Science: Foundations of Catalysis and Nanoscience‖, Wiley, 2002. 2. G. Cao, Nanostructures & Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties & Applications ,Imperial College Press, 2004. 3. Joel I. Gersten, ―The Physics and Chemistry of Materials‖, Wiley, 2001. 4. S. Edelstein and R. C. Cammarata, ―Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications‖,

Institute of Physics Pub.,1998. 5. S.Yang and P.Shen: ―Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials‖,Taylor & Francis, 2000. 6. G.A. Ozin and A.C. Arsenault, ―Nanochemistry : A chemical approach to 7. nanomaterials‖, Royal Society of Chemistry,2005. 8. Physical Chemistry – Atkins Peter, Paula Julio.


Credits 3:0:0 Course Objective:

 To understand the general formulation of quantum mechanics  To acquire working knowledge of the postulate in quantum mechanics on the physical systems  To get knowledge on the theoretical aspects of perturbation of atoms due to electric and magnetic fields

Course Outcome:

 Gain an in depth understanding on the central concepts and principles of quantum mechanics: the Schrödinger equation, the wave function and its physical interpretation, stationary and non-stationary states and expectation values.  Improved mathematical skills necessary to solve differential equations and eigenvalue problems using the operator formalism  Quantum mechanical solution of simple systems such as the harmonic oscillator and a particle in a potential well  Grasp the concepts of spin and angular momentum, as well as their quantization- and addition rules.  Student forms a mental picture on the meaning of linear combination of states within quantum mechanics  Solutions to perturbation problems and many electron systems UNIT I – INTRODUCTION: Wave-particle duality, Schrödinger equation and expectation values, Uncertainty principle


Solutions of the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation for free particle, particle in a box, particle in a infinitely deep well potential, linear harmonic oscillator. Reflection and transmission by a potential step. UNIT III - SOLUTION OF TIME INDEPENDENT SCHRÖDINGER EQUATION: Particle in a three dimensional box, linear harmonic oscillator and its solution, density of states, free electron theory of metals. The angular momentum problem. The spin half problem and properties of Pauli spin matrices. UNIT IV - APPROXIMATE METHODS: Time independent and time dependent perturbation theory for nondegenerate and degenerate energy levels, the variational method, WKB approximation, adiabatic approximation, sudden approximation

UNIT V - QUANTUM COMPUTATION: Concept of quantum computation, Quntum Qbits etc.


1. Modern Physics – Beiser 6th edition 2009. 2. Quantum Mechanics - Bransden and Joachen 2nd edition 2000. 3. Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles, 2nd Edition by Eisberg, Robert; Resnick, Robert, 1985 Karunya University 4. Quantum Physics – Theory and application, Ajoy Ghatak, Springer2004. 5. Principles of Quantum Mechanics 2nd ed. - R. Shankar 2000. 6. Quantum Mechanics - Vol 1&2 -Cohen-Tannoudji,1997 17NT3019 SYNTHESIS AND APPLICATIONS OF NANOMATERIALS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objective To impart knowledge on  The different physical methods available for synthesis nanostructured materials.  The different chemical methods available for synthesis nanostructured materials.  The nano materials synthesis through thin films techniques Course outcome Ability to  Demonstrate knowledge on various types of nanomaterials  Choose the different physical methods in preparing nanomaterials  Utilize the different chemical methods in preparing nanomaterials  Select the suitable methods for synthesis of different nanomaterials  Experiment the different technique for nano material coatings  Appraise the advanced techniques like lithography UNIT I - BULK SYNTHESIS - Top down and bottom up approaches–Mechanical alloying and mechanical ball milling- Mechano chemical process, Inert gas condensation technique – Arc plasma and laser ablation. UNIT II - CHEMICAL APPROACHES: Sol gel processing-Solvothermal, hydrothermal, precipitation, Spray pyrolysis, Electro spraying and spin coating routes, Self-assembly, self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). LangmuirBlodgett (LB) films, micro emulsion polymerization- templated synthesis, pulsed electrochemical deposition. UNIT III PHYSICAL APPROACHES: Vapor deposition and different types of epitaxial growth techniques (CVD,MOCVD, MBE,ALD)- pulsed laser deposition, Magnetron sputtering - lithography :Photo/UV/EB/FIB techniques, Dip pen nanolithography, Etching process :Dry and Wet etching, micro contact printing. UNIT IV NANOPOROUS MATERIALS: Zeolites, mesoporous materials, nanomembranes - Carbon nanotubes and graphene - Core shell and hybrid nanocomposites. UNIT V APPLICATION OF NANOMATERIALS: Overview of nanomaterials properties and their applications, Molecular Electronics and Nanoelectronics – Nanobots- Biological Applications – Quantum Devices – Nanomechanics - Photonics- Nano structures as single electron transistor –principle and design. References 1. S.P. Gaponenko, Optical Properties of semiconductor nanocrystals, Cambridge University Press, 1980. 2. W.Gaddand, D.Brenner, S.Lysherski and G.J.Infrate(Eds.), Handbook of NanoScience, Engg. and Technology, CRC Press, 2002. 3. K. Barriham, D.D. Vvedensky, Low dimensional semiconductor structures: fundamental and device applications, Cambridge University Press, 2001. 4. G. Cao, Nanostructures & Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties &Applications , Imperial College Press, 2004. 5. J.George, Preparation of Thin Films, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. 2005.


Course objectives:

 To impart knowledge on different types of cancer cells and mutation.  To provide knowledge on diagnosis and treatment of cancer using functionalized nanomaterials.  To enable compare cancer treatment methods of various ages with cancer nanotechnology Karunya University Course outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate the mechanism of mutation and cancer causing cells  Identify the different cancer diagnosis techniques.  To explain the pros and cons of cancer nanotechnology methods  To justify the best method in the students perspective  To choose methods of improvising cancer diagnosis and treatment using nanomaterials  Demonstrate the applications of nanomaterials in cancer diagnosis and treatment UNIT I - CELL BIOLOGY: Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells-Structure and functions, Principle of membrane organization. Cytoskeletal proteins, Types of cell division- mitosis and meiosis, Cell cycle and and its regulation. UNIT II - NUCLEIC ACIDS: Genome structure and organization in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Structure and function of nucleic acids. Replication, transcription and translation- mechanism, enzymology and regulation. Central Dogma oflife. UNIT III - AMINO ACIDS AND PROTEINS: Structure and properties of amino acids. Peptide bond. ProteinsClassification and functions of proteins. Primary, secondary, super secondary, tertiary, quaternary structures and bonding interactions.Enzymes- properties, structure, assay and inhibition. Synzymes, ribozymes. UNIT IV - CARBOHYDRATES AND LIPIDS: Classification, Nomenclature, Structure, Function of carbohydrates and lipids. Membrane transport. UNIT V - METABOLISM AND ENERGY PRODUCTION: Integrative Metabolism of biomolecules, Electron transport chain, oxidative phosphorylation, energy production.


1. R. Cantor, P.R.Samuel,

―Biophysical Chemistry‖, W.H., Freeman & Co., 1985. 2. Watson, James, T.Baker, S.Bell, A.Gann, M.Levine, and R.Losick. ―Molecular Biology of the Gene‖, 5th ed., San Francisco: Addison-Wesley,2000. 3. Alberts, Bruce, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter. Molecular

Biology of the Cell. 4th ed. New York: Garland Science,2002. 4. Branden, Carl-Ivar, and John Tooze. Introduction to Protein Structure. 2nd ed.New York: Garland Pub., 1991. 5. Creighton, E, Thomas, ―Proteins: Structures and Molecular Properties‖, 2nd Ed. New York: W.H.

Freeman, 1992. 6. B.Lewin, ―Genes IX‖, International Edition. Sudbury: Jones & Bartlett, 2007.


Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives:

To impart knowledge on  The Different diffraction techniques  The techniques to study the morphology  The measurement of hardness of nanomaterials

Course outcome:

Ability to  Relate the structure of nanomaterials  Demonstrate the nanoscale properties through x-ray and electron beam diffractions  Extend the microscopic techniques for nano identification

 Analyze the composition of nanomaterials by EDAX and XPS  Assess the specimen preparation methods for various analyses

UNIT I - OPTICAL MICROSCOPY: Optical microscopy- Use of polarized light microscopy – Phase contrast microcopy – Interference Microscopy – hot stage microscopy - surface morphology – Introduction to confocal microscopy. UNIT II - SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY: Basic design of the scanning electron microscopy –Modes of operation– Backscattered electrons – secondary electrons- X-rays – typical forms of contrast– Resolution and contrast – enhancement – Specimen Preparation, Replicas Various-application of SEM. UNIT III - TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY: Basic principles - Modes of operation – Specimen preparation – Diffraction in imperfect crystals – Dislocations – precipitates – Structure of Grain boundaries and interfaces- HRTEM use in nanostructures. UNIT IV - ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY: Basic concepts-Interaction force-AFM and the optical leverScale drawing- AFM tip on nanometer scale structures- force curves, measurements and manipulations-feed back control-different modes of operation –contact, non contact and tapping mode-Imaging and manipulation of samples in air or liquid environments-Imaging soft samples. Scanning Force Microscopy-Shear force MicroscopyLateral Force Microscopy-Magnetic Force microscopy. UNIT V - SCANNING TUNNELING MICROSCOPY: Principle- Instrumentation- importance of STM for nanostructures – surface and molecular manipulation using STM -3D map of electronic structure.


1. J.Goldstein, D. E. Newbury, D.C. Joy, and C.E. Lym, ―Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis‖,2003. 2. S.L. Flegler, J.W. Heckman and K.L. Klomparens, ―Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Introduction‖, WHFreeman & Co, 1993. 3. P.J.Goodhew, J.Humphreys, R.Beanland, ―Electron Microscopy and Analysis‖2001. 4. R.Haynes, D.P.Woodruff and T.A.Talchar, ―Optical Microscopy of Materials‖, Cambridge University press, 1986. Karunya University 17NT3022 LITHOGRAPHY AND NANOFABRICATION Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objectives: To impart knowledge on  Photolithography process  The CMOS lithographic techniques.  The e-beam lithography Course Outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate Photolithography process.  Experiment the mask preparation  Apply lithographic technique to construct a device  Appraise the different lithographic techniques.  Illustrate the fabrication of nanoelectronic devices and sensors.  Design nanoscale devices UNIT I - SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING AND MICROFABRICATION: Microsystems – Devices, microprocessors, optical components and other products – Materials requirements and types of processing –addition processes (no details) – subtraction processes – Introduction to semiconductor processing - Necessity for a clean room- different types of clean rooms-construction and maintenance of a clean room – Microfabrication process flow diagram – Chip cleaning, coating of photoresists, patterning, etching, inspection – Process integration - Etching techniques- Reactive Ion etching- RIE reactive ion etching- Magnetically enhanced RIE- IBE Ion beam etching- Other etching techniques.

UNIT II - PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY AND PATTERNING OF THIN FILMS: Lithography -Optical lithography - different modes - Optical projection lithography - Multistage scanners – resolution and limits of photolithography – Resolution enhancement techniques - Photomask- Binary mask- Phase shift mask - Attenuated phase shift masks - alternating phase shift masks - Off axis illumination- Optical proximity correction - Sub resolution assist feature enhancement-Optical immersionlithography

UNIT III - DIRECT WRITING METHODS - MASKLESS OPTICAL LITHOGRAPH: Maskless optical projection lithography – types, Advantages and Limitations – required components - Zone plate array lithography Karunya University Extreme ultraviolet lithography – Light sources - Optics and materials issues UNIT IV - ELECTRON BEAM LITHOGRAPHY(EBL) X-RAY AND ION BEAM LITHOGRAPHY: Scanning electron-beam lithography- Electron sources, and electron optics system – mask less EBL- parallel direct-write e-beam systems-electron beam projection lithography - Scattering with angular limitation projection e-beam lithography (SCALPEL) - Projection reduction exposure with variable axis immersion lenses. XRPP Ion beam lithography- Focusing ion beam lithography - Ion projection lithography - Projection focused ion multi- beam - Masked ion beam lithography- Masked ion beam direct structuring- atom lithography. UNIT - VNANOIMPRINT LITHOGRAPHY AND SOFT LITHOGRAPHY: Nanoimprint lithography (NIL)NIL - hot embossing - UV-NIL- Soft Lithography- Moulding/Replica moulding: PDMS stamps - Printing with soft stamps- Edge lithography - Dip-Pen Lithography-set up and working principle – Self-assembly – LB films – Rapid prototyping


1. Chris Mack, Fundamental Principles of Optical Lithography: The Science of

Microfabrication, Wiley, 2008 2. D. S. Dhaliwal et al., PREVAIL –―Electron projection technology approach for next generation lithography‖, IBM Journal Res. & Dev. 45, 615(2001) 3. M. Baker et al., ―Lithographic pattern formation via metastable state rare gas atomic beams‖,

Nanotechnology 15, 1356(2004). 4. H. Schift et al., ―Fabrication of polymer photonic crystals using nanoimprint lithography‖, Nanotechnology 16, 261, (2005) 5. R.D. Piner, ―Dip-Pen‖ Nanolithography, Science 283, 661 (1999).


Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objectives:

To impart knowledge on  The Pharmaceutical applications of nanotechnology  The antibody based diagnosis.  Prosthetic and medical implants

Course Outcome:

Ability to  Demonstrate the pharmaceutical application of nanotechnology  Categorize the different types antibody based diagnosis  Analyze the immunoassay Techniques  Interpret the invivo imaging  Apply medical implants for fast curation  Apply nanotechnology in targeted drug delivery UNIT I - TRENDS IN NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY: Nanotechnology in gene therapy. Stem Cell technology. PCR, ELISA, DNA Profiling and Blotting techniques-Nanoprobes. UNIT II – NANOIMMUNOTECHNOLOGY: Nanoimmunoassay and nano-immunosensors- Bio-Barcode Assay- use of magnets, gold, DNA and antibodies. Immunodiagnostics for cancer and central nervous system disorders. UNIT III - NANOTECHNOLOGY BASED MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS: Improved diagnosis by in vivo imaging - detection of tumors, plaque and genetic defects. Nanobot medical devices. Cantilever Sensors.

UNIT IV - PROSTHETIC AND MEDICAL IMPLANTS: Prosthesis and implants. neural, ocular, cochlear, dental implants. implants and prosthesis of skin, limb, bone. Artficial organ and Organ transplant. Nanofibre scaffoldtechnology. UNIT V - BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY: Nano-bioconjugates and their significance. Nanoscaffolds Magnetic Nanoparticles. Multifunctional Inorganic and organic nanoparticles and their biomedicalapplications.


1. Chemical Sensors and Biosensors; Brian, R Eggins; Wiley; New York, Chichester,2002. 2. Biosensors and modern biospecific analytical techniques, Wilson & Wilson‘s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry; Ed. L Gorton; Elsevier, Amsterdam,London;2005. 3. The Immunoassay Handbook; Ed. David Wild; 3rd ed.; Amsterdam: Elsevier;2005. 4. Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications; Allen J Bard and Larry R Faulkner; Wiley, New York, Chichester : 2nd ed.; 2001. 5. Ultrathin Electrochemical Chemo- and Biosensors: Technology and Performance in Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors; Volume Two; Ed. Vladimir M. Mirsky; Springer, Berlin; 2004 Karunya University 17NT3024 PHOTONICS FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY Credits 3:0:0 Course Objectives:  To learn various processes involving in the development of laser.  To understand the various applications using lasersTo know the working and fabrication of optical fibers  To learn modern experimental techniques in optics and photonics in the context of learning about optical fiber communication systems.  Most electrical engineering students have only a minimal exposure to optics and photonics. Course Outcome: Students will be able to  define and explain the propagation of light in conducting and non-conducting media;  define and explain the physics governing laser behaviour and light matter interaction;  apply wave optics and diffraction theory to a range of problems;  apply the principles of atomic physics to materials used in optics and photonics;  calculate the properties of various lasers and the propagation of laser beams;  calculate properties of and design modern optical fibres and photonic crystals; UNIT I - QUANTUM CONFINED MATERIALS: Quantum dots – optical transitions – absorption-inter-band transitions-quantum confinement intraband transitions-fluorescence/ luminescence– photoluminescence/ fluorescence optically excited emission – electroluminescence emission . UNIT II – PLASMONICS: Internal reflection and evanescent waves- plasmons and surface plasmon resonance (SPR)- Attenuated total reflection- Grating SPR coupling- Optical waveguide SPR coupling- SPR dependencies and materials- plasmonics and nanoparticles. UNIT III - NEW APPROACHES IN NANOPHOTONICS: Near-Field Optics- Aperture near-field opticsApertureless near-field optics- Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM or SNOM)- SNOM based detection of plasmonic energy transport- SNOM based visualization of waveguide structures- SNOM in nanolithography- SNOM based optical data storage andrecovery. UNIT IV – BIOPHOTONICS: Interaction of light with cells- tissues- nonlinear optical processes with intense laser beams- photoinduced effects in biological systems-generation of optical forces-optical trapping and manipulation of single molecules and cells in optical confinement-laser trapping and dissection for biological systems-single molecule biophysics- DNA protein interactions.

UNIT V - PHOTONIC CRYSTALS: Important features of photonic crystals- Presence of photonic bandgap-

Anomalous Group Velocity Dispersion- Microcavity-Effects in Photonic Crystals- Fabrication of photonic crystals- Dielectric mirrors and interference filters- Photonic Crystal Laser- PC based LEDs- Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs)- Photonic crystal sensing.


1. H.Masuhara, S.Kawata and F.Tokunaga, Nano Biophotonics, Elsevier Science,2007. 2. V.M. Shalaev and S.Kawata, Nanophotonics with Surface Plasmons (Advances in Nano- Optics and Nano-Photonics), 2007. 3. B.E.A. Saleh and A.C.Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, John-Weiley & Sons, New York, 1993. 4. M.Ohtsu, K.Kobayashi, T.Kawazoe, and T.Yatsui, Principles of Nanophotonics (Optics and Optoelectronics), University of Tokyo, Japan, 2003. Karunya University 5. P.N. Prasad, Introduction to Biophotonics, John Wiley & Sons,2003. 6. J.D.Joannopoulos, R.D.Meade and J.N.Winn, Photonic Crystals, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1995. 17NT3025 PHYSICOCHEMICAL METHODS FOR CHARACTERISATION NANOMATERIALS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  The Different diffraction techniques  The techniques to study the morphology  The measurement of hardness of nanomaterials Course outcome: Ability to  Relate the structure of nanomaterials  Demonstrate the nanoscale properties through x-ray and electron beam diffractions  Extend the microscopic techniques for nano identification  Analyze the composition of nanomaterials by EDAX and XPS  Assess the specimen preparation methods for various analyses UNIT I - SPECTROSCOPIC TECHNIQUES: Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy and Differences-With Atomic Spectroscopy-Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy and Applications- Microwave Spectroscopy- Raman Spectroscopy and CARS Applications-Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy; New Applications of NMR Spectroscopy; Dynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; Dynamic light scattering (DLS), Double Resonance Technique. UNIT II - X-RAY DIFFRACTION: X-ray powder diffraction – single crystal diffraction techniques Determination of accurate lattice parameters - structure analysis - profile analysis - particle size analysis using Scherer formula. UNIT III - THERMAL ANALYSIS METHODS: Principle and Instrumentation of Thermogravimetry; Differential Thermal Analysis and Differential scanning calorimetry-Importance of thermal analysis for nanostructures. UNIT IV - QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS: Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy; High Resolution Imaging Techniques- HREM, Atom probe field ion microscopy-X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy EDAX and WDA analysis – EPMA – ZAP corrections. UNIT V – NANOINDENTATION: Nanoindentation principles- elastic and plastic deformation -mechanical properties of materials in small dimensions- models for interpretation of nanoindentation load- displacement curves-Nanoindentation data analysis methods-Hardness testing of thin films and coatings- MD simulation of nanoindentation.


1. B. D.Cullity,

―Elements of X-ray Diffraction‖, 4th Edition, Addison Wiley, 1978. 2. M. H.Loretto, ―Electron Beam Analysis of Materials‖, Chapman and Hall, 1984. 3. R.M.Rose, L.A.Shepard and J.Wulff, ―The Structure and Properties of Materials‖, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1996. 4. B.W.Mott, ―Micro-Indentation Hardness Testing‖, Butterworths, London, 1956.


Course Objectives:

To impart knowledge on  The fabrication and processing of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites  The thermal properties of materials. Karunya University  Mechanical behavior of polymers Course Outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate the fabrication and processing of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites  Categorize the different types of composites  Analyze the mechanical behavior of polymers  Interpret the thermal, dielectric, piezoelectric behavior of materials  Infer the electrical conduction in ionic ceramics and polymers  Compare the optical properties of metals and non-metals UNIT I - DEFORMATION PROCESSING AND METAL FORMING: Classification of engineering materials - Tensile testing – Stress strain curve – Flow stress - Mechanical properties – Formability - Deformation processes - Mechanics of metal working – Metal forming - forging, rolling, extrusion, wire drawing – Superplastic forming – Bulk nanostructured materials by Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) - Comparison of processes. UNIT II - MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES: Defects in solids – classifications of defects –Microstructure – grain size, grain boundary, effects of processing and defects – Processing, microstructure, properties correlations – Mechanical Properties and processing - grain size evolution and grain size control; HallPetch relation - strengthening mechanisms; work hardening - grain boundary strengthening - solid solution strengthening – precipitation hardening - effects of diffusion on strength and flow of materials . UNIT III - PROCESSING OF POLYMERS: Engineering plastics – Pellets and sheets – Glass transition temperature of polymers – Melt flow index – Polymer processing tools and process conditions - injection moulding, thermoforming, vacuum and pressure assisted forming. UNIT IV - PROCESSING OF POWDERS OF METALS AND CERAMICS: Metal/Ceramic Powder synthesis - Selection and characterization of powders - compacting and sintering - Production of Porous and Dense Composite Components: Advanced composite materials - Metal- polymer- and ceramic- based composites and their properties – Fabrication of composite materials. UNIT V - PROCESSING OF STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL NANOMATERIALS: Properties required of nanocrystalline materials used for structural, energy, environmental, textile and catalytic applications; processing techniques; techniques for retaining the nanocrystalline structure in service.


1. H. Cottrell ―The Mechanical Properties of Matter‖, John Wiley, New York- London, 1964. 2. R. Asthana, A. Kumar and N. Dahotre ―Materials Science in Manufacturing‖ Butterworth- Heinemann, Elsevier 2006. 3. G. E. Dieter, adapted by D Bacon, ―Mechanical Metallurgy‖, SI Metric edition, McGraw- Hill, Singapore, 1988. 4. K. A. Padmanabhan, ―Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Materials‖, Materials Science and Engineering, A 304-306 (2001)200-205. 5. H. Gleiter, ―Nanocrystalline Materials‖, Progress in Materials Science Vol. 33, pp. 223- 315, 1989 6. C. Koch, ―Nanostructured Materials: Processing, Properties and Applications‖, 2

nd Edition, Ed.: 2007


Course Objectives:

To impart knowledge on  The Pharmaceutical applications of nanotechnology

 The antibody based diagnosis.  Prosthetic and medical implants

Course Outcome:

Ability to  Demonstrate the pharmaceutical application of nanotechnology  Categorize the different types antibody based diagnosis  Analyze the immunoassay Techniques Karunya University  Interpret the invivo imaging  Apply medical implants for fast curation  Apply nanotechnology in targeted drug delivery UNIT I - THEORY OF ADVANCED DRUG DELIVERY: Fundamentals of Nanocarriers - Size, Surface, Magnetic and Optical Properties, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Nano drug carriers. Critical Factors in drug delivery. Transport of Nanoparticles - In Vitro and Ex Vivo Models. UNIT II – POLYMERS: Dendrimers – Synthesis – Nanoscale containers – Dendritic Nanoscafold systems Biocompatibility of Dendrimers, Gene transfection. pH based targeted delivery- chitosan and alginate. Copolymers in targeted drug delivery- PCL,PLA, PLGA. UNIT III - LIPID BASED NANOCARRIERS: Liposomes, niosomes and solid lipid nanoparticles. Ligand based delivery by liposomes. Cubosomes. UNIT IV - MICROBES AND ANTIBODY BASED NANOCARRIERS: Bacterial dependent delivery of vaccines. Drug delivery and subcellular targeting by virus, Drug packaging and drug loading. Delivery of therapeutics by antibodies and antibody- bioconjugates. UNIT V - SITE SPECIFIC DRUG DELIVERY: Concepts and mechanism of Site specific drug deliveryMicroneedles, Micropumps, microvalves. Implantable microchips. References 1. Drug Delivery: Engineering Principles for Drug Therapy, M. Salzman, Oxford University Press, 2001. 2. Drug Delivery and Targeting, A.M. Hillery, CRC Press,2002. 3. Drug Delivery: Principles and Applications, B. Wang, Wiley Intersceince,2005. 4. Nanoparticle Technology for Drug Delivery, Ram B. Gupta, Uday B. Kompella Taylor & Francis, 2006. 17NT3028 BIOMOLECULAR MACHINES Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives:  To impart knowledge on molecular logical operations for nanosensors  To provide knowledge on molecular imaging techniques  To enable the students to distinguish the functional methods of different molecular machines Course outcome: Ability to  Define the fundamentals of molecular switches.  Describe the various types of molecular machines  Demonstrate the interface of molecular switches with neurons  Differentiate functional molecules based on their working pattern  Distinguish between natural and artificial molecular machines of different types  To envisage newer methods of synthesizing molecular machines and devices

UNIT I - Characterization of molecular machine - energy supply - chemical fuels- molecular shuttleelectrochemical energy - molecular machines powered by light energy: molecular switching- chemical switching and electrochemical switching.

UNIT II - Biomolecular machines:Transcription, translation and replication processes at single molecule level –initiation and force control of biological processes- force generation and real-time dynamics – active transport by biological motors – mechanism, dynamics and energetic of kinesin, myosin, dyneins and ATP synthase.

UNIT III - Self assembled-nanoreactors - molecular nanoreactors-covalent system-nano covalent system-macro molecular nanoreactions micelles and polymers–biomacro molecular nanoreactions-Protein cages-viruses- rod shaped and cage structured. UNIT IV - Memories Logic Gates–Multistate–Mukltifunctional Systems systems. UNIT V - Fabrication and patterning of nanoscale device.


1. Molecular Devices and Machines: A Journey into the Nanoworld, V. Balazani, Wiley – VCH, 2003. 2. Molecular Motors, M. Schilva, Wiley,VCH.2005. Karunya University 17NT3029 BIOPHOTONICS Credits 3:0:0 Course Objectives:  To learn various processes involving in the development of laser.  To understand the various applications using lasersTo know the working and fabrication of optical fibers  To learn modern experimental techniques in optics and photonics in the context of learning about optical fiber communication systems.  Most electrical engineering students have only a minimal exposure to optics and photonics. Course Outcome: Students will be able to  define and explain the propagation of light in conducting and non-conducting media;  define and explain the physics governing laser behaviour and light matter interaction;  apply wave optics and diffraction theory to a range of problems;  apply the principles of atomic physics to materials used in optics and photonics;  calculate the properties of various lasers and the propagation of laser beams;  calculate properties of and design modern optical fibres and photonic crystals; UNIT I - Interaction of light with cells, tissues, non-linear optical processes with intense laser beams, photoinduced effects in biological systems. UNIT II - Imaging techniques: Light microscopy, wide-field, laser scanning, confocal, multiphoton, fluorescence lifetime imaging, FRET imaging, Frequency-Domain lifetime imaging. Cellular Imaging, Imaging of soft and hard tissues and other biological structures. UNIT III - Single molecule spectroscopy: UV-VIS spectroscopy of biological systems, single molecule spectra and characteristics – IR and Raman spectroscopy and Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for single molecule applications. UNIT IV - Optical Force Spectroscopy: Generation optical forces – Optical trapping and manipulation of single molecules and cells in optical confinement - Laser trapping and dissection for biological systems - single molecule biophysics, DNA proteininteractions. spectroscopy, Fluorophores as cellular and molecular tags. UNIT IV - Biosensors, fluorescence immuoassay, flow cytometry, Fluorescence correlation References 1. Laser Tweezers in Cell Biology in Methods in Cell Biology, Vol.55, Michael P. Sheetz (Ed.), Academic Press 1997. 2. P.N. Prasad, Introduction to Biophotonics, John-Wiley,2003. 3. G. Marriot & I. Parker, Methods in Enzymology, Vol.360,2003. 4. G. Marriot & I. Parker, Methods in Enzymology, Vol.361,2003.


Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives:

 To impart knowledge on molecular logical operations for nanosensors  To provide knowledge on molecular imaging techniques  To enable the students to distinguish the functional methods of different molecular machines

Course outcome:

Ability to  Define the fundamentals of molecular switches.  Describe the various types of molecular machines  Demonstrate the interface of molecular switches with neurons  Differentiate functional molecules based on their working pattern  Distinguish between natural and artificial molecular machines of different types Karunya University  To envisage newer methods of synthesizing molecular machines and devices UNIT I - Protein based biosensors – nano structure for enzyme stabilization – single enzyme nano particles – nano tubes microporus silica – protein based nano crystalline Diamond thin film for processing. UNIT II - DNA based biosensor- heavy metal complexing with DNA and its determination water and food samples – DNA zymo Biosensors. UNIT III - Detection in Biosensors - fluorescence - absorption – electrochemical. Integration of various Techniques – Fibre optic Biosensors. UNIT IV - Fabrication of biosensors- techniques used for microfabrication -microfabrication of electrodes-on chip analysis. UNIT V - Future direction in biosensor research- designed protein pores-as components of biosensorsMoleculardesign-Bionanotechnology for cellular biosensing-Biosensors for drug discovery – Nanoscale biosensors. References 1. Biosensors: A Practical Approach, J. Cooper & C. Tass, Oxford University Press,2004. 2. Nanomaterials for Biosensors, Cs. Kumar, Wiley – VCH,2007. 3. Smart Biosensor Technology, G.K. Knoff, A.S. Bassi, CRC Press,2006. 17NT3031 BOTTOM UP SYNTHESIS OF NANOSTRUCTURES Credits 3:0:0 Course Objective:  To gain knowledge on vacuum pumps and its functioning  To compare differnet vacuum measuring gauges  ToAnalyse the growth process of thin film  To Interpret characterization techniques of thin films  To determine different parameters of thin films through characterization tecniques  To Make thin films devices Course Outcome:  Students will be able to create vacuum to a particular order  Students will be able to measure the vacuum level  Students will be able to illustrate the mechanism behind thin film deposition  Students will be able to analyse the thin film characteristics through diffents tools  Students will be able to apply thin films in fabricating electronics devices  Students will be able to appraice the latest technology of MEMS and NEMS UNIT I - THIN FILM TECHNOLOGIES – I: CVD Chemical vapor deposition –Atmospheric pressure CVD(APCVD) – Low pressure CVD (LPCVD) - Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) or - The HiPCO method - Photo-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PHCVD)- LCVD Laser–Induced CVD.

UNIT II - THIN FILM TECHNOLOGIES – II: Physical vapor deposition- Sputter technologies- Diode sputtering - Magnetron sputtering - Ion beam (sputter) deposition, ion implantation and ion assisted deposition -

Cathodic arc deposition - Pulsed laser deposition.

UNIT III - EPITAXIAL FILM DEPOSITION METHODS: Epitaxy, Different kinds of epitaxy- Influence of substrate and substrate orientation, mismatch, MOCVD Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition - CCVD

Combustion Chemical Vapor Deposition - ALD Atomic Layer Deposition -LPE Liquid phase epitaxy -MBE

Molecular Beam Epitaxy.

UNIT IV - CHEMICAL METHODS: Sol-gel synthesis –different types of coatings -Spin coating- Self assembly- (Periodic) starting points for self-assembly- Directed self-assembly using conventional lithographyTemplate self-assembly-Vapor liquid solid growth- Langmuir-Blodgett films – DNA self assembly. UNIT V - PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES: Screen printing- Inkjet printing- Gravure printing and Flexographic printing- Flex graphic printing- Gravure printing- Roll-to-Roll techniques.


1. G. Cao,

―Nanostructures & Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties &Applications‖ Imperial College Press, 2004. 2. W.T.S. Huck, ―Nanoscale Assembly: Chemical Techniques (Nanostructure Science and Technology, 2005. 3. Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering and Technology‖, Kluwer publishers, 2002. Karunya University 17NT3032 MOLECULAR ELECTRONICS Credit 3:0:0 Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  The transistor scaling and its limits  Various Short channel transistors  The CMOS technology Course outcome: Ability to  Relate the transistor scaling and its limits  Infer about the short channel transistors and its limits  Analyze the various split gate transistor structures  Model the CMOS transistors for the various circuits  Utilize the Tunneling devices for high frequency applications  Design of computing model of Nanostructured Devices UNIT I - Controlling surfaces and interfaces of semi-conductor sensing organic molecules- types of moleculemanipulation experiments-measurements in molecular electronics-soft and hard electronics- Electronic structure of absorbed organic molecule. UNIT II - Organic semiconductor for new electronic device- photo voltaic cells Schotkey diodes FETS digital processing and communication with molecular switches UNIT III - Molecular Electronics overview- Rectifiers- Molecular wires – Molecular switches – Data storagephoto switches-molecular magnets. UNIT IV - Molecular Engineering of doped polymer for optoelectronics- Fabrication for Molecular Electronics organic FETs –Organic thin film transistors. UNIT V - Bio Electronics – Molecular and Biocomputing – prototypes for Molecular Functional limits and Actuators – Molecular assembly – characterization of hybrid nanomaterials - Biomolecular optoelectronic device References 1. Introducing Molecular Electronics, G. Cumbertl & G. Fagas , Springer,2005. 2. Nano and Molecular Electronics Handbook, S.C. Levshevski, CRC Press,2007. 3. Nanoelectronics & Nanosystems: From Transistor to Molecular & Quantum Devices: Karl Goser, Jan Dienstuhl et al, 2004.


Course objectives:

To impart knowledge on  The transistor scaling and its limits  Various Short channel transistors Karunya University  The CMOS technology Course outcome: Ability to  Relate the transistor scaling and its limits  Infer about the short channel transistors and its limits  Analyze the various split gate transistor structures  Model the CMOS transistors for the various circuits  Utilize the Tunneling devices for high frequency applications Design of computing model of Nanostructured Devices UNIT I - SEMICONDUCTOR NANODEVICES: Single-Electron Devices; Nano scale MOSFET – Resonant Tunneling Transistor - Single- Electron Transistors; Single-Electron Dynamics; Nanorobotics and Nanomanipulation; Mechanical Molecular Nanodevices; Nanocomputers: Theoretical Models; Optical Fibers for Nanodevices; Photochemical Molecular Devices; DNA-Based Nanodevices; Gas-Based Nanodevices; Micro and Nanomechanics. UNIT II - ELECTRONIC AND PHOTONIC MOLECULAR MATERIALS: Preparation –Electroluminescent Organic materials - Laser Diodes - Quantum well lasers:- Quantum cascade lasers- Cascade surface-emitting photonic crystal laser- Quantum dot lasers- Quantum wire lasers:- White LEDs - LEDs based on nanowires - LEDs based on nanotubes- LEDs based on nanorods High Efficiency Materials for OLEDs- High Efficiency Materials for OLEDs - Quantum well infrared photo detectors. UNIT III - THERMAL SENSORS: Thermal energy sensors -temperature sensors, heat sensors- Electromagnetic sensors- electrical resistance sensors, electrical current sensors, electrical voltage sensors, electrical power sensors, magnetism sensors - Mechanical sensors -pressure sensors, gas and liquid flow sensors, position sensors Chemical sensors - Optical and radiation sensors. UNIT IV - GAS SENSOR MATERIALS: Criteria for the choice of materials, Experimental aspects – materials, properties, measurement of gas sensing property, sensitivity; Discussion of sensors for various gases, Gas sensors based on semiconductor devices. UNIT V – BIOSENSORS: Principles- DNA based biosensors – Protein based biosensors – materials for biosensor applications- fabrication of biosensors—future potential.


1. W. Ranier, ―Nano Electronics and Information Technology‖, Wiley, (2003). 2. K.E. Drexler, ―Nano systems‖, Wiley, (1992). 3. M.C. Petty, ―Introduction to Molecular Electronics‖1995.


Credit 3:0:0 Course objectives:

To impart knowledge on  The metal oxide based composites  Designing of super composites  Nano composites and tis applications Course outcome: Ability to  Relate different composite materials  Interpret the properties of composites

 Analyze methods of preparation od nanocomposites  Model polimer blended nanocomposites  Apply the nano composite for coating different materials  Develop new nano composite

UNIT I - NANO CERAMICS: Metal-Oxide or Metal-Ceramic composites, Different aspects of their preparation techniques and their final properties and functionality. UNIT II - METAL BASED NANOCOMPOSITES: Metal-metal nanocomposites, some simple preparation techniques and their new electrical and magnetic properties. UNIT III - DESIGN OF SUPER HARD MATERIALS: Super hard nanocomposites, its designing and improvements of mechanical properties. UNIT IV - NEW KIND OF NANOCOMPOSITES: Fractal based glass-metal nanocomposites, its designing and fractal dimension analysis. Electrical property of fractal based nanocomposites. Core-Shell structured nanocomposites. UNIT V - POLYMER BASED NANOCOMPOSITES: Preparation and characterization of diblock Copolymer based nanocomposites; Polymer- carbon nanotubes based composites, their mechanical properties, and industrial possibilities.


1. Nanocomposites Science and Technology - P. M. Ajayan, L.S. Schadler, P. V. Braun2006. 2. Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes- R. Saito 1998. 3. Carbon Nanotubes (Carbon , Vol 33) - M. Endo, S. Iijima, M.S. Dresselhaus1997. 4. The search for novel, superhard materials- Stan Vepr¡ek (Review Article) JVST A,1999 5. Electromagnetic and magnetic properties of multi component metal oxides,hetero 6. Nanometer versus micrometer-sized particles-Christian Brosseau,Jamal Ben, Youssef, Philippe Talbot, Anne-Marie Konn, (Review Article) J. Appl. Phys, Vol 93,2003 7. Diblock Copolymer, - Aviram (Review Article), Nature,2002NT8009 Karunya University 17NT3035 NANOPARTICLES AND MICROORGANISMS BIONANOCOMPOSITES Credit 3:0:0 Course objectives:  To impart knowledge on the differences between nanobiotechnology and bio-nanotechnology.  To elaborate the methods of designing bio nanomaterials.  To assist the students extend the knowledge gained on nanomaterials to integration of molecules to memory chips. Course outcome: Ability to  Explain the concepts of nanobiotechnology  Identify new materials based on nanobiotechnology.  Apply nanomaterials to interface with the biological systems.  Prepare newer nanomaterials with a focus on nanobiotechnology  Articulate the trend of the present scenario on nanobiotechnology research  Explain the foreseen ideas on nanobiotechnology for electronics and medicine UNIT I - MICROORGANISMS FOR SYNTHESIS OF NANOMATERIALS: Natural and artificial synthesis of nanoparticles in microorganisms; Use of microorganisms for nanostructure formation, Testing of environmental toxic effect of nanoparticles using microorganisms.

UNIT II - NANOCOMPOSITE BIOMATERIALS: Natural nanocomposite systems as spider silk, bones, shells; organic-inorganic nanocomposite formation through self-assembly. Biomimetic synthesis of nanocomposite material; Use of synthetic nanocomposites for bone, teeth replacement.

UNIT III - NANOBIO SYSTEMS: Nanoparticle-biomaterial hybrid systems for bioelectronic devices,

Bioelectronic systems based on nanoparticle-enzyme hybrids; nanoparticle based bioelectronic biorecognition events. Biomaterial based metallic nanowires, networks and circuitry. DNA as functional template for

nanocircuitry; Protein based nanocircuitry; Neurons for network formation. DNA nanostructures for mechanics and computing and DNA based computation; DNA based nanomechanical devices. Biosensor and Biochips.

UNIT IV - NANOPARTICLES AND NANODEVICES: Targeted, non-targeted delivery; controlled drug release; exploiting novel delivery routes using nanoparticles; gene therapy using nanoparticles; Nanostructures for use as antibiotics; Diseased tissue destruction using nanoparticles

UNIT V - TISSUE ENGINEERING: Major physiologic systems of current interest to biomedical engineers: cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, visual, auditory, gastrointestinal, and respiratory. Useful definitions, The status Karunya University of tissue engineering of specific organs, including bone marrow, skeletal muscle, and cartilage. Cell biological fundamentals of tissue engineering. References 1. Bionanotechnology: Lessons from Nature by David S. Goodsell, 2004. 2. Nanomedicine, Vol. IIA: Biocompatibility by Robert A. Freitas,2003. 3. Handbook of Nanostructured Biomaterials and Their Applications in Nanobiotechnology - Hari Singh Nalwa 2005. 4. Nanobiotechnology; ed. C.M.Niemeyer, C.A. Mirkin2006. 5. Nanocomposite Science & Technology Ajayan, Schadler & Braun2003. 17NT3036 NANOTOXICOLOGY Credit 3:0:0 Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  The toxicity of different materials  Various mechanism to test the level of toxicity  Risk assessment and remidiation Course outcome: Ability to  Identify the nature of toxicity  Infer the roof cause for the toxicity  Analyze the bio distribution of nanoparticles  Model the iteraction of nanoparticles with genes  Utilize the characterization tools to identify the toxic levels  Design drugs to elude the toxicity from the cells UNIT I - INTRODUCTION TO TOXICOLOGY: Concept of Toxicology-Types of toxicity based on route of entry, nature of the toxin. Toxicodynamics–Dose vs Toxicity Relationships. Toxicokinetics – ADME, LADMET hypothesis. Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity – Mechanisms and Tests. Organ toxicity – Respiratory, dermal, hepato, neuro and nephro. UNIT II – NANOTOXICOLOGY: Characteristics of Nanoparticles that determine Potential Toxicity. Biodistribution of nanoparticles. Interation of Nanoparticles with Biomembrane and genes. Evaluation of Nanoparticle transfer using placental models. Nanomaterial toxicity – Pulmonary, dermal, hepato, neuro, ocular and nephro; Estimation of Nanoparticle Dose in Humans. In vitro toxicity studies of ultrafine diesel exhaust particles; Toxicity studies of carbon nanotubes UNIT III - PROTOCOLS IN TOXICOLOGY STUDIES: Methods for toxicity assessment – Cyto, Geno, hepato, neuro, nephrotoxicity. Assessment of toxicokinetics. Assessment of oxidative stress and antioxidant status.

UNIT IV - ANIMAL MODELS: Types, species and strains of animals used in toxicity studies. Dosing profile for animal models. Studies on toxicology, pathology and metabolism in mouse and rat. Laws and Regulations

Governing Animal Care and Use in Research.

UNIT V - RISK ASSESSMENT AND EXECUTION: Risk assessment of Nanoparticle exposure. Prevention and control of nanopaticles exposure. Regulation and recommendations.

Karunya University


1. John H. Duffus, Howard G. J. Worth, ‗ Fundamental Toxicology‘, The Royal Society of Chemistry

2006. 2. Nancy A. Monteiro-Riviere, C. Lang Tran., ‗ Nanotoxicology: Characterization, Dosing and Health

Effects‘,Informa Healthcare publishers,2007. 3. Lucio G. Costa, Ernest Hodgson, David A. Lawrence, Donald J. Reed,William F. Greenlee, ‗ Current

Protocols in Toxicology ‘ , John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2005. 4. Shayne C. Gad, ‗ Animal models in toxicology‘, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 2007. 5. P. Houdy, M. Lahmani, F. Marano, ‗ Nanoethics and Nanotoxicology ‘ , Springer-Verlag Berlin

Heidelberg 2011. 6. A Reference handbook of nanotoxicology by M.ZafarNyamadzi 2008. 7. Andreas Luch, ‗ Molecular, Clinical and Environmental Toxicology Volume 2: Clinical Toxicology‘,

BirkhauserVerlag AG 2010.


 To gain knowledge on vacuum pumps and its functioning  To compare differnet vacuum measuring gauges  ToAnalyse the growth process of thin film  To Interpret characterization techniques of thin films  To determine different parameters of thin films through characterization tecniques  To Make thin films devices

Course Outcome:

 Students will be able to create vacuum to a particular order  Students will be able to measure the vacuum level  Students will be able to illustrate the mechanism behind thin film deposition  Students will be able to analyse the thin film characteristics through diffents tools  Students will be able to apply thin films in fabricating electronics devices  Students will be able to appraice the latest technology of MEMS and NEMS UNIT I - METAL NANOPARTICLES: Metal Nanoparticles, Alloy Nanoparticles, Stabilization in Sol, Glass, and other media, Change of bandgap, Blueshift, Colour change in sol, glass, and composites, Plasmon Resonance. UNIT II - SEMICONDUCTOR NANOPARTICLES – APPLICATIONS: Optical luminescence and fluorescence from direct, bandgap semiconductor nanoparticles, surface-trap passivation in core-shell nanoparticles, carrier injection, polymer-nanoparticle LED‘s and solar cells, electroluminescence; barriers to nanoparticle lasers; doping nanoparticles, Mn-ZnSe phosphors; light emission from indirect semiconductors, light emission from Si nanodots. UNIT III - PHYSICS OF LINEAR PHOTONIC CRYSTALS: Maxwell‘s Equations, Bloch‘s Theorem, Photonic Band Gap and Localized Defect States, Transmission Spectra, Nonlinear Optics in Linear Photonic Crystals, Guided Modes in Photonic Crystals Slab UNIT IV - PHYSICS OF NONLINEAR PHOTONIC CRYSTALS: 1-D Quasi Phase Matching, Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Analysis, Applications of Nonlinear Photonic Crystals Devices, Materials: LiNbO3, Chalcogenide Glasses, etc, Wavelength Converters, etc UNIT V - ELEMENTS OF PLASMONICS: Introduction: Plasmonics, merging photonics and electronics at nanoscale dimensions, single photon transistor using surface plasmon, nanowire surface plasmons-interaction with matter, single emitter as saturable mirror, photon correlation, and integrated systems. All optical modulation by plasmonic excitation of quantum dots, Channel plasmon-polariton guiding by subwavelength metal grooves, Nearfield photonics: surface plasmon polaritons and localized surface plasmons, Slow guided surface plasmons at telecomfrequencies.


1. Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology by Bharat Bhushan 2004.

2. Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology- Hari Singh Nalwa 2004. 3. The Handbook of Photonics By Mool Chand Gupta, John Ballato 2007 4. Nanotechnology for Microelectronics and Optoelectronics - J. M. Martinez-Duart,Raúl J. Martín-Palma,

Fernando Agullo-Rueda 2006 5. Nanoplasmonics, From fundamentals to Applications vol 1 & 2- S. Kawata & H Masuhara 2006.

Karunya University 17NT3038 PRODUCT DESIGN, MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Credit 3:0:0 Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  The Product design aspects  Developmet of product  The Commerercialisation of the product through patending Course outcome: Ability to  Deisg the industrial process for the product  Develop a product with cost estimation  Analyze the various marking strategies  Model the management of company and the product fabrication line  Management of a company with entrepreneurial skills  Commercialization and patenting UNIT I - PRODUCT DESIGN: Concept generation- Product Architecture- Industrial Design Process- Management of Industrial design Process and assessing the quality of Industrial Design - Establishing the product specification UNIT II - PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Criteria for selection of product- Product development processDesign for Manufacture - Estimate the manufacturing cost- Reduce the support cost- Prototyping- Economics of Product development projects - Elements of Economic analysis- financial models - Sensitive analysis and influence of the quantitativefactors. UNIT III - MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES: Technology Management - Scientific Management - Development of management Thought-Principles of Management- Functions of management-planning- organization- Directing, Staffing and Controlling- Management by objective- SWOT analysis- Enterprise Resource planning and supply chainmanagement. UNIT IV - ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCE & ENVIRONMENT: Concept of EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship as a career- Personality Characteristic a successful Entrepreneur- Knowledge and skill required for an Entrepreneur- Business environment- Entrepreneurship Development Training - Center and State government policies and Regulations - InternationalBusiness. UNIT V- MANAGEMENT OF SMALL BUSINESS: Pre feasibility study - Ownership - budgeting project profile preparation - Feasibility Report preparation - Evaluation Criteria- Market and channel selection- Product launching - Monitoring and Evaluation of Business- Effective Management of Small business.


1. Karal, T.Ulrich Steven, D.Eppinger, ―Product Design and Development‖, McGraw- Hill International,

editions,2003. 2. S.Rosenthal, ―Effective Product Design and Development‖, Irwin, 1992. 3. H.Koontz and H.Weihrich, ―Essentials of management‖, McGraw Hill Publishing company,

Singapore international edition,1980. 4. J.J.Massie, ―Essentials of Management‖ Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1985. 5. Hisrich, ―Entrepreneurship‖ Tata Mc Grew Hill, New Delhi, 2001


Course objectives:

To impart knowledge on  Basic concepts of MOSFET devices  Short channel effects Karunya University  Multi structural Gate transistor Course outcome: Ability to  Define the concepts of MOSFET devices  Infer about the short channel effects  Illustrate the Multi structural Gate transistor  Analysis of fabrication of advanced FET  Determine the various materials used in GAA  Evaluate the property analysis of Nanoscale transistor. UNIT I - MICROCONDUCTOR FUNDAMENTALS: Introduction to Semiconductor physics – Fabrication techniques – Semiconductor nanostructures – Electronic structure and physical process – Principles of semiconductor nanostructures based electronic and electro-optical devices – Semiconductor Quantum Dots –Quantum Lasers – Quantum Cascade Lasers – Quantum Dot Optical Memory. UNIT II - SEMICONDUCTOR NANOPARTICLE SYNTHESIS: Cluster compounds, quantum-dots from MBE and CVD, wet chemical methods, reverse micelles, electro-deposition, pyrolytic synthesis, self-assembly strategies. UNIT III - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Melting point, solid-state phase transformations, excitons, band-gap variations-quantum confinement, effect of strain on band-gap in epitaxial quantum dots, single particle conductance. UNIT IV - SEMICONDUCTOR NANOPARTICLES – APPLICATIONS: Optical luminescence and fluorescence from direct band gap semiconductor nanoparticles, surface-trap passivation in core-shell nanoparticles, carrier injection, polymer-nanoparticle, LED and solar cells, electroluminescence, barriers to nanoparticle lasers, doping nanoparticles, Mn-Zn-Se phosphors, light emission from indirect semiconductors, light emission form Si nanodots. UNIT V - SEMICONDUCTOR NANOWIRES: Fabrication strategies, quantum conductance effects in semiconductor nanowires, porous Silicon, nanobelts, nanoribbons, nanosprings. References 1. Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology- Hari Singh Nalwa,2004. 2. Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology - Bharat Bhusan, 2004. 3. Handbook of Semiconductor Nanostructures and Nanodevices Vol 1-5- A.A. 4. Balandin, K. L. Wang 2006. 5. Nanostructures and Nanomaterials - Synthesis, Properties and Applications - Cao, Guozhong, 2011. 17NT3040 TOP DOWN MANUFACTURING METHODS Credits 3:0:0 Course Objective: To gain knowledge on  Interpret characterization techniques of thin films  determine different parameters of thin films through characterization tecniques  Make thin films devices

Course Outcome:

Students will be able to  create vacuum to a particular order  measure the vacuum level

 illustrate the mechanism behind thin film deposition  analyse the thin film characteristics through diffents tools  apply thin films in fabricating electronics devices  appraice the latest technology of MEMS and NEMS

UNIT I – INTRODUCTION: Introduction to micro fabrication and Moore‘s law – importance of lithographic techniques- different types of lithographic techniques -Optical projection lithography- Photomask- Binary maskPhase shift mask -Optical immersion lithography- Maskless optical projection lithography- Zone plate array lithography- Extreme ultraviolet lithography. UNIT II - E-BEAM AND ION BEAM LITHOGRAPHY: Principle and instrumentation - Scanning electronbeam lithography- Mask less (ML2) EBL- parallel direct-write e-beam systems-E-beam projection lithography PREVAIL X-ray lithography - Focused ion beam lithography - Ion projection lithography - Masked ion beam direct structuring-Nanoimprint lithography and soft lithography- Nanoimprint lithography - Soft lithography- DipPen lithography. UNIT III - ETCHING TECHNIQUES: Reactive ion etching- RIE reactive ion etching- Magnetically enhanced RIE- Ion beam etching - Wet etching of silicon - Isotropic etching - Anisotropic etching - Electrochemical etching - Vapor phase etching - Dry etching- Other etching techniques. UNIT IV - BALL MILLING TECHNIQUE: Nanopowders produced using micro reactors; Nanocrystalline ceramics by mechanical activation; Formation of nanostructured polymers. UNIT V - MACHINING PROCESSES: Micromilling/microdrilling/microgrinding processes and the procedure for selecting proper machining parameters with given specifications- EDM micro machining, laser micro/nanomachining- models to simulate micro/nanomachining processes using molecular dynamics techniques Wet chemical etching - Dry etching - Thin film and sacrificial processes .


1. M. J. Jackson,

―Micro fabrication and Nanomanufacturing‖, CRC Press, 2005. 2. P.Rai-Choudhury, ―Handbook of Micro lithography, Micro machining, and Micro fabrication‖, Vol. 2, SPIE Press,1997. 3. M. Madou, ―Fundamentals of Microfabrication,‖ CRC Press, 1997. 4. G.Timp, ―Nanotechnology‖, AIP press, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999. Karunya University 17NT3041 MEMS AND BIO MEMS Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To impart knowledge on  Microsystems and Microelectronics  Fabrication techniques of MEMS & NEMS  Silicon and non-silicon substrates materials of MEMS/NEMS Course Outcome: Ability to  classify the microelectronics and microsystems  Relate the fabrication techniques of MEMS & NEMS  Analyze the various substrates materials of MEMS and NEMS  Demonstrate various tools used for design and analysis of MEMS/NEMS.  Make use of clean room protocols  Design various applications of MEMS/NEMS.

UNIT I - MEMS MICROFABRICATION : Historical Development of Microelectronics, Evolution of

Microsensors, Evolution of MEMS, Emergence of Micromachines, Modeling - Finite Element Analysis, CAD for

MEMS, Fabrication – ALD, Lithography Micromachining, LIGA and Micromolding, Saw-IDT Microsensor

Fabrication, Packaging – Challenges, Types, Materials and Processes.

UNIT II - SCALING OF MEMS: Introduction to Scaling Issues, Scaling effects on a cantilever beam, Scaling of electrostatic actuators, Scaling of thermal actuator, Scaling of Thermal Sensors, mechanics and electrostatistics.

Influence of scaling on material properties.

UNIT III – MICROSYSTEMS: Microsensors, microaccelerometer, microfluidics, Mechanics for Microsystems design- Thermomechanics, fracture mechanics, thin film mechanics. Microfluid mechanics.

UNIT IV - MATERIALS FOR MEMS: Materials for mems and pro mems-silicon-metals and polymers-

Substrate Materials for MEMS-Silicon-quartz-ceramics-Bulk metallic glasses-Sharp Memory alloys, Carbon based Karunya University MEMS UNIT V - COMMERCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL TRENDS: Commercial trends in miniaturization – High density chip analysis- Microaccelerometers- microresonators-lab-in-chip for DNA and protein analysis – Nano HPLC system- nanopatches References 1. Marc Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press 1997. 2. MEMS and Microsystems design and manufacture, Tai-Ran Hsu,Tata Mc Graw Hill 2011. 3. Sergey Edward Lyshevski, Nano- and Microelectromechanical Systems, CRC Press 2000. 4. Vijay Varadan, Xiaoning Jiang, and Vasundara Varadan, Microstereolithography and other Fabrication Techniques for 3D MEMS, Wiley2001. 5. Tai-Ran Hsu, MEMS and Microsystems: Design and Manufacture, McGraw-Hill2001. 6. Ken Gilleo. MEMS/MOEMS Packaging: Concepts, Designs, Materials and Processes. McGraw-Hill, 2005. 17NT3042-SYNTHESIS OF NANOMATERIALS Credits: 0:0:4 Course Objective: To impart Practical knowledge on  Various synthesis techniques to prepare nanomaterials.  Varying the process parameters to get nanoparticles  Practical training on some basic characterization techniques of nanostructure materials Course Outcome: Ability to  Synthesis the nano particles by soft chemistry techniques  Demonstrate the soft chemistry techniques  Demonstrate the co-precipitation method  Demonstrate the physical method of nanomaterial preparation  Demonstrate the combustion method  Apply different techniques like soft chemistry route, co-precipitation method, combustion method and physical methods for preparation of nano materials The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 10 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester. 17NT3043- MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To impart practical knowledge on  Practical skills to analyze nanomaterials.  Analysing the results for the properties of nanomaterials  Practical training on operation of the characterization equipments

Course Outcome:

Ability to  Demonstrate the optical properties through Spectrophotometer

 Demonstrate the structural properties through XRD  Demonstrate the morphology through SEM  Demonstrate the electrical propertiesusing four probe, hall effect,,etc  Analyze the material properties through Dynamic light scattering  Interpret the results through graphs and calculations

The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 10 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester. Karunya University 17NT3044- ADVANCED MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To impart practical knowledge on  Practical skills to analyze nanomaterials.  Analysing the results for the properties of nanomaterials  Practical training on operation of the characterization equipments Course Outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate the optical properties through Photoluminescence Spectrophotometer  Demonstrate the structural properties through EDAX  Demonstrate the morphology through AFM  Demonstrate the electrical propertiesusing NI work station  Analyze the material properties through Impedance analyser  Interpret the results through graphs and calculations The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 10 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester. 17NT3045- NANOSIMULATION LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To impart practical knowledge on  Simulation techniques for nanoscale device fabrication  Design devices for a specific purpose  Practical training on device simulation through different methodologies. Course Outcome: Ability to  Simulate nano devices through Nano hub software  Simulate nano devices through COMSOL Software  Simulate nano devices through Visual TCAD software  Simulate nano devices through ANSIS multi Physics software  Create nanoscale gadgets and devices through virtual platform  Analyse the IV characteristics through simulation The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 10 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.


Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective:

To impart practical knowledge on  Cell culture  Preparation of magnetic nano particles  Practical skills on toxicology studies using human cell lines

Course Outcome:

Ability to  Create nano scaffolds  grow cells over the scaffolds  Demonstrate the nano fibre synthesis  Apply the drug for slow eluting in the nano fiber scaffolds  Demonstrate the preparation of Medical fabrics Karunya University  Demonstrate the targeted drug delivery. The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 10 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.


S.No. Course Code

Name of the Course

1 16NT1001 Evolution of Materials



2 16NT2001 Introductory Nanotechnology 3:0:0

3 16NT2002 Synthesis of Nanomaterials

3:0:0 Karunya University 4 16NT2003 Properties of Nanomaterials 3:0:0 5 16NT2004 Materials Science I 3:0:0 6 16NT2005 Materials Science II 3:0:0 7 16NT3001 Nanomaterials characterization methods 3:0:0 8 16NT3002 Nanoelectronics 3:0:0 9 16NT3003 Nano-lithography 3:0:0 10 16NT3004 Magnetic nanomaterials and nanofluids 3:0:0 11 16NT3005 Functionalization of Nanostructures 3:0:0 12 16NT3006 Nano-safety and Environmental Issues 3:0:0 13 16NT3007 Biomedical Nanostructures and Nanomedicine 3:0:0 14 16NT3008 MEMS and NEMS 3:0:0 15 16NT3009 Nanotechnology for Cancer diagnosis and treatment 3:0:0 16 16NT3010 Nano-biotechnology 3:0:0 17 16NT3011 Photovoltaics: Advanced materials and devices 3:0:0 18 16NT3012 Luminescent materials 3:0:0 19 16NT3013 Nanoscale transistors 3:0:0 20 16NT3014 Molecular Machines and sensors 3:0:0 21 16NT3015 Synthesis of Nanomaterials Lab 0:0:4 22 16NT3016 Material characterization Lab 0:0:2 23 16NT3017 Advanced Material characterization Lab 0:0:2 24 16NT3018 Nano simulation lab 0:0:2 25 16NT3019 Nano-Bio Lab 0:0:2 16NT1001 EVOLUTION OF MATERIALS Credit: 3:0:0 Course Objective To impart knowledge on  Stages in development and usage of materials and their chemical, physical, mechanical and electrical properties. Course outcome Ability to  Appreciate the history of materials and the role of alchemist  Appreciate the chemical, physical and mechanical properties of materials in construction  Appreciate the role of materials in Aerospace  Physical and chemical properties of packaging, scaffold and implant materials  Appreciate the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of new age fibers.  Appreciate the physical, chemical and electrical properties of Semiconductor devices

Course Description

Historical perspective of materials, Discovery of elements and alchemist. Construction, Aerospace, packaging, Fiber, Bio and Semi-conductor materials of various ages and their properties by understanding the structures and solid state composition. Physical and Mechanical properties of various classes of materials. Role of physical, chemical and electrical properties in semiconductor materials.

Reference Books:

1. William D. Callister, Jr. Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 5th or any other upgrade edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2000. 2. James F. Shackelford, Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, 5th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2000, 3. William F. Smith, Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2004. 4. Larry D. Horath, Fundamentals of Material Science, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, 2006. Karunya University 16NT2001 INTRODUCTORY NANOTECHNOLOGY Credits: 3:0:0 Course objective To impart knowledge on  The basics of nanoscience and technology.  The various process techniques available for nanostructured materials.  The exotic properties of materials at nanoscale. Course outcome Ability to  Demonstrate the various nanoparticles process methods.  Relate the various nanoscale processing techniques Course Description Conceptual origins and technical advances of nanotechnology. Top down and bottom up, prefixing nano before disciplines and emergence of new disciplines. , zero, one, two and three dimensional nanostructures, Lithography, molecular biology, supramolecular chemistry and self-assembly.,difference in mechanical properties between bulk and nanomaterials , color, conductivity, plasticity, and magnetic property between bulk and nanomaterials. Quantum bits, giant magnetoresistance, spintronics. Purely nanophysical forces. Five elements of nanochemistry. Nano-enabled biomedicine. Nano: dangers and ethical challenges References: 1. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannargare., Geoff Smith, “Nano technology: Basic Science and Emerging technologies”, Overseas Press, 2005. 2. Charles P. Poole, Frank J. Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley Interscience, 2008. 3. Mark A. Ratner, Daniel Ratner, “Nanotechnology: A gentle introduction to the next Big Idea”, Prentice Hall P7R:1st Edition, 2002. 4. T. Pradeep, “ Nano the Essential Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, Tata McGraw hill, 2007. 5. J. Dutta, H. Hoffmann, “Nanomaterials”, Topnano-21, 2003. 6. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.


Course objective

To impart knowledge on  The synthesis of nanomaterials  The different processing techniques available for nanostructured materials. Karunya University Course outcome Ability to  Demonstrate knowledge on various nanoparticles process methods  Relate the different methodologies in preparing nanomaterials Course description: Synthesis of zero dimensional nanostructures, metallic, semiconductor and oxide nanoparticles, nanoparticles through heterogenous nucleation, kinetically confined synthesis of nanoparticles, epitaxial core-shell nanoparticles, one dimensional nanoparticles, spontaneous growth, template based synthesis, Electrospinning, electro spraying, high pressure homogenizer two dimensional nanostructures, physical vapour deposition, chemical vapour deposition, atomic layer deposition, superlattices, and self-assembly, pulsed laser deposition, pulsed electron deposition, Micro lithography (photolithography, soft lithography, micromachining, e-beam writing, and scanning probe patterning). References: 1. G.Cao, “Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications”, Imperial College Press, 2004. 2. W.Goddard, “Handbook of Nanoscience, engineering and technology”, CRC Press, 2007. 3. K.K.Chattopadhyay and A.N.Banerjee, Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, PHI 2012. 4. T.Pradeep, “Nano: The essentials, understanding Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2007. 5. SV. Gaponenko, “Optical Properties of semiconductor nanocrystals”, Cambridge University Press, 1998. 6. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004. 16NT2003 PROPERTIES OF NANOMATERIALS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objective To impart knowledge on  The size dependent properties of nanomaterials  The electrical, optical and mechanical properties of nanostructured materials. Course outcome Ability to  Demonstrate the size dependent properties of nanomaterials  Interpret the electrical, optical and mechanical properties of nanostructured materials.

Course description:

Size dependent properties, comparison of bulk and nanoscale systems,Quantm well (GO, rGO),quantum wire (CNT’S) and quantum dot (metal clusters,Ag ,Au & Semiconductor) Physical Properties of Nanomaterials: Melting points and lattice constants and mechanical properties, Optical properties: Surface plasmon resonance and Quantum size effects, Electrical conductivity: Surface scattering Change

of electronic structure, Quantum transport , Effect of microstructure, Ferroelectrics and dielectrics. Superparamagnetic


1. W.Goddard, “Handbook of Nanoscience, engineering and technology”, CRC Press, 2007. 2. G.Cao, “Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications”, Imperial College Press, 2004. Karunya University 3. T.Pradeep, “Nano: The essentials, understanding Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2007. 4. Charles P. Poole, Frank J. Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley Interscience, 2003. 5. SV. Gaponenko, “Optical Properties of semiconductor nanocrystals”, Cambridge University Press, 1998. 6. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004. 16NT2004 MATERIALS SCIENCE –I Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objectives: To impart knowledge on  The atomic structure and bonding in solids  The mechanical properties of solids  The crystal growth techniques Course Outcome: Ability to  Compare the structure of materials and their properties  Explain the mechanical properties of solids  Demonstrate the crystal growth techniques Course Description: Atomic structures- Atomic bonding in solids- Structure of crystalline solidscrystallographic points- directions and planes- crystalline and non-crystalline materials- defects and imperfections in solids- Diffusion Mechanisms-Fick’s first law and second law- Factors that influence diffusion-mechanical properties of solids- plastic deformation- role of dislocation in plastic deformationrecrystallization –grain growth- fracture- ductile and brittle fracture- creep- creep curves, Application of diffusion in sintering, doping of semiconductors and surface hardening of metals, Growth of monocrystalline silicon, Czochralski, Float Zone technique. Reference Books: 1. W. D. Callister, "Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction", John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 2. C. Kittel, "Introduction to Solid State Physics" Wiley Eastern Ltd, 2005. 3. V. Raghavan, “Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course", Prentice Hall, 2006 4. A.J. Dekker, "Solid State Physics”, Macmillan & Co, 2000. 5. Michael Shur, "Physics of Semiconductor Devices", Prentice Hall of India, 1995. 6. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.

Credits: 3:0:0 16NT2005 MATERIALS SCIENCE – II

Course Objectives:

To impart knowledge on  The fabrication and processing of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites  The thermal, dielectric, piezoelectric behavior of materials Karunya University  The optical properties of metals and non-metals Course Outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate the fabrication and processing of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites  Interpret the thermal, dielectric, piezoelectric behavior of materials  Compare the optical properties of metals and non-metals Course Description: Fabrication of metals, Thermal processing of metals, Heat treatment, Precipitation hardening, Types and applications of ceramics, Fabrication and processing of ceramics, Mechanical behavior of polymers, Mechanisms of deformation and strengthening of polymers, Crystallization, melting and glass transition, Polymer types, Polymer synthesis and processing, Particle reinforced composites, Fiber reinforced composites, Structural composites, Electrical conduction in ionic ceramics and in polymers, Ferroelectricity, Piezoelectricity, Heat capacity, Thermal expansion, Thermal conductivity, Thermal stresses, Basic concepts- Optical properties of metals- Optical properties of nonmetals. Reference Books: 1. W. D. Callister, "Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction", John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 2. C. Kittel, "Introduction to Solid State Physics" Wiley Eastern Ltd, Eigth edition, 2005. 3. V. Raghavan, “Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course", Prentice Hall, 2006 4. A.J. Dekker, "Solid State Physics”, Macmillan & Co, 2000. 5. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 16NT3001 NANOMATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION METHODS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  The structural and compositional characterization methods  The various microscopy techniques Course outcome: Ability to  Relate the structure of nanomaterials  Demonstrate the nanoscale properties through x-ray and electron beam diffractions  Extend the microscopic techniques for nano identification  Course description: Diffraction techniques: Powder X–ray diffraction, small angle x ray diffraction Neutron diffraction: principles and applications. Low energy electron diffraction (LEED), reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), Dynamic light scattering (DLS), Nano indentation physical principles and applications. Transmission Electron Microscopy, Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy, EDAX ,XPS ,Atomic Force Microscope, Scanning Tunneling

Microscope: working and applications. Resolution and Abbe’s equation, interaction of electrons with samples, image formation, specimen preparation methods. Scanning Near–Field optical Microscopy: optical resolution, applications in solid state chemistry, technological applications.


1. W. Zhou, Z. L. Wang, Scanning Microscopy for Nanotechnology, Springer Publishers, 2006. 2. A. I. Kirkland, J. L. Hutchison, Nanocharacterisation, RSC Publishing, 2007. Karunya University 3. G. Kaupp, Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy, and Nanoscratching, Springer Publishing, 2006. 4. T.Pradeep, “Nano: The Essentials”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007. 5. Charles P Poole Jr and Frank J Ownes, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, John Wiley Sons, 2003. 6. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, Geoff Smith, Michelle Simmons, Burkar Raguse, “Nanotechnology: Basic sciences and emerging technologies”, Overseas Press, 2005. 7. Willard, Merritt, Dean, Settle “Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, CBS PUBS & DISTS New Delhi 2007. 8. Ewing. Etal, “Instrumental Methods for Chemical Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Pub, New Delhi 2010. 16NT3002 NANOELECTRONICS Credit 3:0:0 Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  The concepts of Nano electronics.  The working principles of Nano devices.  The Nanostructured devices and logical circuits Course outcome: Ability to  Compare the nanoscale devices with bulk devices  Demonstrate the nanoscale devices for circuit design Course Description: Introduction to MOSFET, limits in scaling and system integration, short channel MOS transistor, Drain Induced Barrier Lowering, Various split gate transistor, Advanced Nanoscale transistor, Principles of CMOS technology and Nano CMOS, Tunneling element technology, Quantum cellular automate, RTD principles, circuit design of RTD, Principles of Single Electron Transistor (SET), circuit design of SET, comparison between FET and SET circuit design, Vertical MOSFETs, Principles of HEMT, Molecular electron devices, Nanotubes based sensors, Ferroelectric random access memory and its circuit design, Softcomputing. References Books: 1. Vladimir V. Mitin, Viatcheslav A. Kochelap, Michael A. Stroscio, “Introduction to Nanoelectronics:Science, Nanotechnology, Engineering, and Applications”, Cambridge University Press 2011 2. SupriyoDatta,“Lessons from Nanoelectronics: A New Perspective on Transport”, World Scientific2012 3. Karl Goser, Peter Glösekötter, Jan Dienstuhl,“Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: FromTransistors to Molecular and Quantum Devices“, Springer 2004 4. George W. Hanson,“Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics”, Pearson 2009

5. Korkin, Anatoli; Rosei, Federico (Eds.), “Nanoelectronics and Photonics”,Springer 2008 6. W. R. Fahrner, Nanotechnology and Nan electronics: Materials, Devices, Measurement Techniques(SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005) 7. J.P. Colinge, “FinFETs and other Multi-Gate Transistor”, Integrated Circuits and Systems, Springer 2008. 8. Jaap Hoekstra, “Introduction to Nanoelectronic Single-Electron Circuit Design”, Pan Stanford Publishing 2010 Karunya University 16NT3003 NANOLITHOGRAPHY Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objectives: To impart knowledge on  Photolithography process  The next generation nano lithographic techniques.  The fabrication of nanoelectronic devices and sensors. Course Outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate Photolithography process.  Demonstrate the next generation nano lithographic techniques.  Illustrate the fabrication of nanoelectronic devices and sensors. Course Description: UV Photolithography process steps- Semiconductor IC fabrication – Fabrication of n-type/p-type MOSFETs using metal gate and self-aligned poly-gate with lithographic masks – Fabrication of CMOS FET using p-well and n-well process with lithographic masks – Fabrication of NPN and PNP BJT with lithographic masks-Next generation lithography techniques- Extreme ultraviolet lithography - X-ray lithography E-beam lithography –SCALPEL - Ion beam lithography -Nanolithography, Nano-sphere lithography ,Nano-imprint lithography, Nano-scale 3-D lithographic methods – Stereolithography and Holographic lithography, Dry and wet etching References: 1. M J. Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, 2nd edition, (2002). 2. B. Bhushan, Handbook of Nanotechnology, Springer – Verlag, 2nd edition, (2006). 3. S. A. Campbell, The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, (2001). 4. J.R. Sheats, and B. W. Smith, Microlithography Science and Technology – CRC Press, New York, (2007). 5. Nanolithography: A Borderland between STM, EB, IB, and X-Ray Lithographies – M. Gentili (ed.) Carlo Giovannella Stefano Selci,, Springer; 1st edition, (1994). 6. Franssila S, Introduction to Microfabrication, 2nd Ed., Wiley 2010. 7. Cui Z, Nanofabrication: Principles, Capabilities and Limits, Springer 2008.


Course objectives:

To impart knowledge on  Magnetisms in nanomaterials.  Nano fluid and the molecular interactions Karunya University Course outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate nano magnetism in materials  Interpret nanomagnetism in spintronic devices  Apply nanofluids for heat transfer applications Course description: Origin of magnetism and magnetic phenomena, paramagnetism of free ions,Atomic magnetic moment and magnetic moment in nanomaterials, Magnetic nano materials. Measurement techniques, VSM and SQUID magnetometer. Domains and coercivity. Magnetic nanomaterials: applications in medicine and in data storage. Synthesis of nano ferrofluids, Synthesis of colloidal gold nanoparticles, Turkevich method, Brust method, Microwave Assisted Synthesis, Solvothermal Synthesis, Magnetic Nanofluids and applications in heat transfer and mechanical dampers, Hyperthermia treatment using magnetic nanoparticles, Lab on chip for point of health care References 1. C. Ronda, Luminescence: From Theory to Applications, Wiley – VCH, 2008 2. K. H. J. Buschow, F. R. de Boer, Physics of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, 2003. 3. Nanofluids: Science and Technology, Sarit K. Das, Stephen U. Choi, Wenhua Yu, T. Pradeep, John wiley sons, 2007 4. Holman J.P., ‘Heat Transfer’, SI Metric Ed., Mc Graw Hill, ISE, 1972 5. Heat and Mass Transfer, R.K. Rajput, S. Chand, 2008 6. Heat transfer Principles and applications, Binay K. Dutta, Prentice, Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2001 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004. 16NT3005 FUNCTIONALIZATION OF NANOMATERIALS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  Surface modification of carbon derivatives  The methods of functionalization of different nanomaterials.  Functionalization of organic nanomaterials

Course outcome:

Ability to  Demonstrate the mechanism of functionalization  Infer the metal oxide ,organic functionalization in carbon nanomaterials

Course description: Metal oxide functionalization in fullerenes and CNT’s Functionalization of carbon nanotubes: attachment of oxidic groups, reactions of carboxylic groups. Gold nanoparticles: gold clusters with ligand stabilizers, gold nanoparticle–Fullerene hybrids, Silica nanomaterials: Surface coverage of OH and OR, dehydroxylation. Core shell method of functionalization and its classification, Surface modification and molecular interaction of functional groups , CNT ,GO, r GO functionalization through spectroscopic techniques-PL,FTIR and NMR


1. A. Hirsch, M. Brettreich, Fullerenes, Chemistry and Reactions, Wiley – VCH, 2005. 2. Mathias Kolle, Photonic Structures Inspired by Nature, Springer, 2011. 3. C. J. Brinker, G. W. Scherrer, Sol–Gel Science, Academic Press, 1990. 4. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004. 5. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003. Karunya University 16NT3006 NANOSAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  Safety and environmental issues of nanoscience and technology. Course outcome: Ability to  Relate the toxic effects of nanotechnology on human health  Analyze the various issues on environmental effects  Identify suitable remedial measures. Course description: Identification of Nano, Specific Risks, Responding to the Challenge , Human health hazard , Risk reduction, Standards, Safety, transportation of NP, Emergency responders. Risk assessment –Environmental Impact – Predicting hazard – Materials Characterization. Risk Assessment related to nanotechnology – Environmental and policy making- Ecotoxicity - Inhalation deposition and Pulmonary clearance of Insoluble Solids – Bio –persistence of Inhaled solid material. Systemic Trenslocation of inhaled Particles. Pulmonary effects of SWCNT- The approaches to assessment of exposure to the nanotechnology. Bioethics and legal aspects of potential health and environmental risks in nanotechnology, FDA regulation, cytotoxicity of nanoparticles References 1. P.P. Simeonova, N. Opopol and M.I. Luster, “Nanotechnology - Toxicological Issues and Environmental Safety”, Springer 2006. 2. Vinod Labhasetwar and Diandra L. Leslie, “Biomedical Applications of nanotechnology”, A John Willy & son Inc,NJ, USA, 2007 . 3. Miyawaki, J.; et.al Toxicity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanohorns. ACS Nano 2 (213–226) 2008. 4. Hutchison, J. E. Green Nanoscience: A Proactive Approach to Advancing Applications and Reducing Implications of Nanotechnology. ACS Nano 2, (395–402) 2008. 5. Mo-Tao Zhu et.al Comparative study of pulmonary responses to nano- and submicron-sized ferric oxide in rats Toxicology, 21 (102-111) 2008.

6. Dracy J. Gentleman, Nano and Environment: Boon or Bane? Environmental Science and technology, 43 (5), P1239, 2009.


Karunya University Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  Nanomaterials for biomedical applications.  Nanotechnology in biomedical instruments  Nanofiber applications in medical fabrics Course outcome: Ability to  Utilize nanomaterials in biomedical field  Demonstrate the nanofiber synthesis for medical fabrics Course Description: Micro/nanomachining of soft and hard polymeric biomaterials, orthopedic applications, dental implants, biocompatible photoresists, three dimensional lithography. Bioconjugation of soft nanomaterials. Hydrogels, microgels and nanogels. Bioconjugated hydrogel particles in nanotechnology, applications. Nanotechnology and drug delivery. electrospun polymeric nanofibers for drug delivery. Cell behavior toward nanotopographic surfaces created by lithography, aligned nanofibers, self-assembly, chemical etching, incorporating carbon nanotubes / nanofibers. Nanostructures for tissue engineering / regenerative medicine. References 1. K. E. Gonsalves, C. R. Halberstradt, C. T. Laurencin, L. S. Nair, Biomedical Nanostrcutures, Wiley – Interscience, 2007. 2. M. Ferrari, A. P. Lee, L. J. Lee, BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology, Volume I, Springer Publishing, 2006. 3. Vinod Labhasetwar and Diandra L. Leslie, “Biomedical Applications of nanotechnology”, A John Willy & son Inc,NJ, USA, 2007 . 4. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004. 5. B. Bhushan, Handbook of Nanotechnology, Springer – Verlag, 2nd edition, (2006). 16NT3008 MEMS & NEMS Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To impart knowledge on  MEMS and NEMS  Various configuration of substrates materials used in MEMS/NEMS  Various tools and properties of MEMS/NEMS devices.

Course Outcome:

Ability to  Explain MEMS/NEMS  Demonstrate various tools used for design and analysis of MEMS/NEMS.

 Relate the applications of MEMS/NEMS.

Course Description:

Microsystems and Microelectronics, Miniaturization and fabrication techniques of MEMS- LIGA process, 3D Technologies, Design and Modeling of MEMS & NEMS and its packing, MEMS based Products, principles of CMOS MEMS, advanced Non-Silicon MEMS, comparison of Non-Silicon MEMS over the Silicon MEMS technology, various non silicon MEMS/NEMS, MEMS based digital gates and memory devices, Energy harvesting, various Sensors and actuators of MEMS/NEMS, various tools and properties of MEMS/NEMS devices, Clean room protocols and different types of clean room Karunya University Reference Books: 1. Tai,Ran Hsu, “MEMS & Microsystems Design & Manufacture”, Tata Mc Graw Hill,2008. 2. Richard Booker, Earl Boysen,”Nanotechnology”, Wiley Dreamtech(p) Ltd, 2006. 3. J.M. Martinez-Duart, R.J. Martin Palma, F. Agullo Reuda, Nanotechnology for microelectronics and optoelectronics, Elsevier,2006. 4. Charles P.Poole. “Introduction to Nanotechnology", Wiley publications, 2007. 5. Henne van Heeren “MEMS Recent Developments, Future Direction” , Published in 2007 by Electronics Enabled Products Knowledge Transfer Network Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Loughborough University, Loughborough 16NT3009 NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  Different types of cancer cells and mutation.  Diagnosis and treatment of cancer using functionalized nanomaterials. Course outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate the mechanism of mutation and cancer causing cells  Identify the different cancer diagnosis techniques.  Demonstrate the applications of nanomaterials in cancer diagnosis and treatment Course description: Introduction of cancer molecular biology and cancer chemotherapy. Mutations and repair of DNA, growth factor signaling and oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, apoptosis, metastasis, chemotherapeutic drug nanoparticles for cancer treatment. Nanomaterials for cancer diagnosis, computer tomography (CT) scanning, magnetic resonance (MR), positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission CT (SPECT), ultrasonography. MRI and PET – quantum dots, gold nanoparticles, dye–doped silica nanoparticles, and magnetic nanoparticles in cancer imaging. Magnetic drug targeting, Animal models, clinical trials


1. C. S. S. R. Kumar, Nanomaterials for Cancer Therapy, Wiley – VCH, 2006. 2. C. S. S. R. Kumar, Nanomaterials for Cancer Diagnosis, Wiley – VCH, 2007. 3. L. Pecorino, Molecular Biology of Cancer, Ed. 3., Oxford University Press, UK, 2012. 4. T. Vo-Dingh, Nanotechnolgy in Biology and Medicine, CRC Press, 2006.

5. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific

Publishers, California, 2004.


Karunya University Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  Designing bio nanomaterials.  Integration of molecules to memory chips. Course outcome: Ability to  Identify new materials based on nano biotechnology.  Apply nanomaterials to interface with the biological systems. Biological networks-biological neurons- the function of neuronal cell- biological neuronal cells on silicon modelling of neuronal cells by NLSI circuits – bioelectronics- molecular processor – DNA analyzer as biochip, PCR , molecular electronics. Nano biometrics – Introduction – lipids as nanobricks and mortar: self-assembled nanolayers the bits that do think – proteins- three dimensional structures using a 20 aminoacid-biological computing – a protein based 3D optical memory using DNA to build nano cubes and hinges – DNA as smart glue – DNA as wire template – DNA computers, Bio markers References: 1. C.M. Niemeyer and C.A. Mirkin, “Nanobiotechnology, Concepts, Applications and perspectives”, WILEY-VCH, 2004. 2. David.S.Goodsell, “Bionanotechnology: concepts, Lessons from Nature”, Wiley-Liss, 2004 3. Sandra J Rosenthal, David W Wright, “Nanobiotechnology Protocols”, Humana Press Inc, 2005 4. R.S. Greco, F.B.Prinz and R.L.Smith, “Nanoscale Technology in Biological Systems”, CRC press, 2005. 5. Tuan Vo-Dinh, “Protein Nanotechnology -Protocols, Instrumentation and Applications”, Humana Press Inc, 2005. 16NT3011 PHOTOVOLTAICS : ADVANCED MATERIALS AND DEVICES Credits: 3:0:0 Course Objective: To impart knowledge on  The fundamental parameters in solar cells  The advanced materials for energy generation in solar cells Course Outcome: Ability to  Demonstrate the fundamental concepts of solar cells  Explain the various materials for enhancing the efficiency of solar cell.

Course Description:

Solar cell fundamentals, substate and material selection, classification of solar cells, solar cell paramaters, transport properties in soar cells, silicon based solar cells, thin film based solar cells- CdSe, CdTe, CIGS, CZTS, dye sensitized solar cells, organic solar cells, Polymer based solar cells quantum dot

solar cells, flexible solar cells and space age solar cells, Fabrication of PV cells, Factors affecting the PV properties, Industrial applications and grid connectivity,

Reference Books:

1. K.L. Chopra,S.R Das, Thin film solar cells, Springer 2014 2. Jenny Nelson., “The Physics of Solar Cell-”, Imperial College Press 3. S. M. Sze and Kwok K. Ng., “Physics of Semiconductor Devices”– 3rd Edition Copyright - John Karunya University Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4. H.P. Garg, J. Prakash Solar Energy: Fundamental and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill Education 2000. 5. “Organic Photovoltaics Mechanisms”, Materials and Devices- Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci. CRC Press, Mar 29, 2005. 16NT3012 LUMINESCENT NANOMATERIALS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  The luminescence phenomena of different materials.  Classification of luminescence and their applications. Course outcome: Ability to  Compare luminescence mechanism of different nanomaterials.  Demonstrate the applications of rare earth materials in luminescence Course Description Luminescence phenomenon and mechanisms. Electroluminescence. Luminescence quantum yield and quenching. Quantum dots and nanophosphors. Photoluminescence of quantum dots prepared by wet chemical methods, photoluminescence from doped quantum dots and nanoparticles of rare earth phosphors. Phosphors for plasma display panels, quantum splitting phosphors. Europium, Gadolinium and YSO , Brief account of positron emission tomography using lanthanides, scintillation detector References 1. C. Ronda, Luminescence: From Theory to Applications, Wiley – VCH, 2008. 2. Hardev Singh Virk, Luminescence: Basic Concepts, Applications and Instrumentation, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland. 3. A. H. Kitai: Solid State Luminescence: Theory, Materials, and Devices, Chapman & Hall, 1993 4. Youn Jin Kim "Features of Liquid Crystal Display Materials and Processes" Published: 2011 5. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004. 16NT3013 NANOSCALE TRANSISTORS Credits: 3:0:0

Course objectives:

To impart knowledge on  Basic concepts of MOSFET and CMOS devices at Nano level.  Multi Gate principles of Nano transitors  Various properties of Nanoscale transistor

Course outcome:

Ability to  Define the fundamentals of nano transistor devices.  Demonstrate the design and principles of Nano FinFET.  Infer knowledge about Gate All Around transistor.

Course Description:

Karunya University Modeling of MOSFET IV characteristics, Analysis of various short channel and DIBL effects, Scaling and Moore’s law, 3D transistors, important and principles of Single Gate to Multigate transistor, Multiple gate MOSFETs, Multigate MOSFET technology like Tri-gate MOSFET, 4T-MuGFET principle and its fabrication design, Fully Silicided Metal Gate, Mobility and Strain Engineering of Fin FET ,Tilted implantation of Source & Drain, Fin FET contacts , Raised Source and Drain Structure, SOI MOSFET, Gate All Around Transistor (GAA), various materials used in Gate of GAA, Channel, Dielectric Materials of GAA and various properties of GAA . Reference Books: 1. J.P. Colinge, “FinFETs and other Multi-Gate Transistor”, Integrated Circuits and Systems, Springer 2008. 2. Lundstrom, Mark, Guo, jing, “Nanoscale Transistors: Device Physics, Modeling, and Simulation” 2006, VII – Springer. 3. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, Geoff smith, “Nanotechnology: Basic Science and Emerging Technologies”, Overseas press, 2005. 4. Karl Goser, Peter Glösekötter, Jan Dienstuhl,“Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: FromTransistors to Molecular and Quantum Devices“, Springer 2004 5. Charles P.Poole Jr and. Frank J.Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley Interscience, 2003. 4. Mark A.Ratner, Daniel Ratner,”Nanotechnology: A gentle introduction to the next Big idea”, Pearson Education, 2003. 5. W.Goddard, “Handbook of Nanoscience, engineering and technology”, CRC Press, 2007. 16NT3014 MOLECULAR MACHINES AND SENSORS Credits: 3:0:0 Course objectives: To impart knowledge on  Molecular logical operations for nano sensors  Molecular imaging techniques Course outcome: Ability to  Define the fundamentals of molecular switches.  Demonstrate the interface of molecular switches with neurons Course Description: Molecular switches: chiroptical, photochemical, and redox switches. Light + pH inputs. Molecular logic gates, signal communication between molecular switches. Molecular machines: Brownian ratchet model, molecular machines and motors. Artificial allosteric systems. Tweezers and harpoons, molecular pump. Artificial ion channels. Rotary movement: ring switching processes, rotary motors on surfaces. Molecular motion driven by STM – threaded and interlocked compounds on surfaces. Molecular sensing: limit of detection and sensitivity, selectivity, binding constants, use of patterned electrodes


1. V. Balzani, A. Credi, M. Vemuri, Molecular Devices and Machines, Wiley – VCH, 2nd Ed., 2008.

2. Jonathan Steed, David Turner, Carl Wallace, Core Concepts in Supramolecular and Nanochemistry, John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 3. I. Chorkendorff, J. W. Niemantsverdriet, Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics, Second Edition, Wiley-VCH Publishers, 2007 4. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004. 5. W.Goddard, “Handbook of Nanoscience, engineering and technology”, CRC Press, 2007 Karunya University 16NT3015 SYNTHESIS OF NANOMATERIALS LAB Credits: 0:0:4 Course Objective: To impart Practical knowledge on  Various synthesis techniques to prepare nanomaterials.  Practical training on some basic characterization techniques of nanostructure materials Course Outcome: Ability to  Apply different techniques like soft chemistry route, co-precipitation method, combustion method and physical methods for preparation of nano materials The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 10 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester. 16NT3016 MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To impart practical knowledge on  Practical skills to analyze nanomaterials.  Practical training on operation of the characterization equipments Course Outcome: Ability to  Make use of different characterization equipments such as four probe, hall effect, etc.  Analyze the material properties through characterization techniques The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 10 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester. 16NT3017 ADVANCED MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To impart practical knowledge on  Practical skill to analyze nanomaterials.  Practical training on operation of advanced characterization equipments

Course Outcome:

Ability to  Make use of different characterization equipments such as XRD,SEM,AFM etc

 Analyze the material properties through advanced characterization techniques

The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 10 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.


Credits: 0:0:2

Karunya University Course Objective: To impart practical knowledge on  Simulation techniques for nanoscale device fabrication  Practical training on device simulation through different methodologies. Course Outcome: Ability to  Create nanoscale gadgets and devices through virtual platform The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 10 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester. 16NT3019 NANO-BIO LAB Credits: 0:0:2 Course Objective: To impart practical knowledge on  Cell culture  Practical skills on toxicology studies using human cell lines Course Outcome: Ability to  Create nano scaffolds and grow cells over the scaffolds The faculty conducting the laboratory will prepare a list of 10 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.


Sub. Code

Name of the Subject

14NT2001 Fundamentals of Nanotechnology 14NT2002 Materials Science and Engineering – I 14NT2003 Applications of Nanotechnology 14NT2004 Nanotechnology Lab – I 14NT2005 Nanotechnology Lab – II 14NT2006 Nanocomposites 14NT2007 Introduction to Nanotechnology 14NT2008 Materials Science and Engineering - II 14NT2009 Introduction to MEMS and NEMS


3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 0:0:4 0:0:4 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0

14NT2010 Imaging and Characterization of Nanomaterials 14NT2011 Nanolithography 14NT2012 Nanocomposites for Engineering Applications 14NT2013 Materials Science and Engineering 14NT2014 Nanotechnology for Engineering and Biomedical Applications 14NT2015 Toxicology of Nanomaterials 14NT2016 Nanomaterials for Healthcare 14NT2017 Nanoscale sensors and Transducers 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0

14NT2018 Nanophotonics 14NT2019 Applied Nanomaterials 14NT2020 3-D Printing Technology Lab 14NT2021 Design and 3-D printing Technology 14NT2022 Patents and Innovations in Nanotechnology 14NT2023 Clean Room Technology and Safety Protocols 14NT2024 Safety and Ethics of Nanomaterials 14NT2025 Application of Nanotechnology in Food Processing 14NT3001 Synthesis and Fabrication of Nanostructured Materials 14NT3002 Imaging and Characterization of Nanomaterials - I

3:0:0 3:0:0 0:0:1 3:0:0 3:0:0 2:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 14NT3003 Applied Nanomaterials 3:0:0 14NT3004 Intermolecular and Surface Forces in Nanotechnology Applications 3:0:0 14NT3005 Nanotechnology for Drug Delivery System 3:0:0 14NT3006 Imaging and Characterization of Nanomaterials – II 3:0:0 14NT3007 Introduction to Nanolithography 3:0:0 14NT3008 Advanced Nanolithography 3:0:0 14NT3009 Nanoscale Transistors 3:0:0 14NT3010 Nanomaterials for Healthcare 3:0:0 14NT3011 Solar and Fuel Cell Technology 3:0:0 14NT3012 Imaging and Characterization of Nanomaterials 3:0:0 14NT3013 Solar Energy: Advanced Materials and Devices 3:0:0 14NT3014 Engineering Principles for Nanotechnology 3:0:0 14NT3015 Synthesis of Nanomaterials Lab 0:0:2 14NT3016 Advanced Experiments and Simulation Techniques for Characterization Lab Nanoparticle 0:0:2 14NT3017 Advanced Nanocomposites 3:0:0 14NT3018 Nanolithography 3:0:0 14NT3019 Introduction to Molecular Simulation 3:0:0 14NT3020 Design and 3-D printing Technology 3:0:0 14NT3021 Semiconductor Nanostructures and Nanoparticles 3:0:0 14NT3022 MEMS and Bio-MEMS 3:0:0

14NT3023 MEMS and Nanotechnology 14NT3024 BioMEMS 14NT3025 Nanomedicine Principles and Applications 14NT3026 Synthesis and Application of Nanomaterials 14NT3027 MEMS and NEMS 14NT3028 Imaging Techniques for Nanotechnology 14NT3029 Nanoelectronics 14NT3030 Lithography and Nanofabrication 14NT3031 Nanotechnology in Health care 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0 3:0:0



To study the fundamental concepts of nanotechnology To learn about the various applications in nanotechnology To learn about the various tools in nanotechnology characterization


The candidates will be familiar with the basics of nanotechnology and specific applications of nanotechnology Students will learn about the fundamentals of nanotechnology in detail Students will learn on various tools in nanotechnology characterization

Course Description:

Nano and nanoscale - simple introduction and definition with suitable examples-Living with nanoparticles-History of nanotechnology- the properties of nanomaterial are different from bulk materials - Size effect, surface to volume ratio effect, quantum confinement effect with examples- Nanoscale size effect-Properties of nanomaterials, chemical, magnetic, electrical and applications of nanomaterials-Size dependent properties-origin of propertiesFuture of nanotechnology- Nanotechnology products and applications-Medical applications- molecular self assembly-Optical microscopy-Scanning Electron Microscope-Atomic Force Microscopy- Scanning Tunneling Microscope -Transmission Electron Microscope-clean room facilities-Cancer detection-Nanotechnology for burn victims-Diabetes-diagnosis and therapy-Pharmaceutical nanotechnology research-Nanotechnologies in business Application in Automobile and aircrafts-Solar cells-Fuel cells.

Reference Books:

1. John Mongillo, Nanotechnology 101, Greenwood Press, 2007. 2. Lynn E. Foster, Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation and Opportunity, Prentice Hall,2005. 3. The Open source Handbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2010. 4. Joe Anne Shatkin, ‘Nanotechnology: Health and environmental risks’, CRC press, 2008. 5. B.Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 1&2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007) 6. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.



To get basic knowledge about atoms and molecules To learn about the importance of materials and their properties To study the concept of semiconductors in details


Student will understand the structure of materials and their properties Student will get in depth knowledge on dielectric and optical properties of the various materials Student will understand the crystal structures and semiconductors in details

Course Description:

Introduction and structure of materials –why study properties of materials?- structure properties correlation-Atomic structures-unit cells-space lattices-Miller indices-Bragg’s law-Imperfections and crystal defects-Band gap of semiconductor-Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors-Fermi level-Hall effect-Static dielectric constantelectronic,ionic and polarizations-Internal or local fields in solid and liquid- Diffusion Mechanisms-Fick’s first law and second law- Factors that influence diffusion- Application of diffusion in sintering, doping of semiconductors and surface hardening of metals.

Reference Books:

1. W. D. Callister, "Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction", John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 2. C. Kittel, "Introduction to Solid State Physics" Wiley Eastern Ltd, 2005. 3. V. Raghavan, “Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course", Prentice Hall, 2006 4. A.J. Dekker, "Solid State Physics”, Macmillan & Co, 2000. 5. Michael Shur, "Physics of Semiconductor Devices", Prentice Hall of India, 1995. 6. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.



To teach the basic concepts of nanosciences and nanotechnology To study the applications of nanotechnology in the fields science and engineering. To learn applications of nanotechnology in fields of biomedical and biotechnology


Students will have the knowledge of basic concepts of nanosciences and nanotechnology Students will have the knowledge of applications of nanotechnology in the fields of science and engineering. Students will understand efficient utilization of materials and energy by using nanotechnology concepts and applications.

Course Description:

Overview of Nanotechnology: Basics of Nanotechnology- Applications of nanotechnology- state of art of nanotechnology- relevance of nanotechnology- impact on economy and future development- Nanotechnology in Everyday Life: Nanotechnology based products- daily usage- associated concepts-advantages of using nanotechnology products- applications of nanotechnology in manipulation of physical-chemical- optical and mechanical properties of materials- Development of sensors- devices-electronic devices- electromechanical devicesoptoelectronic devices-computer memory-CPU- Applications of nanotechnology in biomedical fields- drug development and delivery-biomedical sensors- devices- development of biomaterials for tissue and bone replacement.

Reference Books:

1. Mark Ratner and Daniel Ratner, Nanotechnology: A gentle introduction to the next big idea. Pearson Education Inc., 2003, Prentice Hall/PTR, New Jersy, USA 2. Manasi Karkare Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications, I. K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd 2008. 3. Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 1&2, edited by Bharat Bhushan, Springer-Verlag. 2nd

ed., 2007 4. K.K. Chattopadhyay and A.N. Banerjee, Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, PHI Learning

Ltd, New Delhi, 2009. 5. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 6. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers,

California, 2004.

Credits: 0:0:4 14NT2004 NANOTECHNOLOGY LAB -1


To have a practical experience on various synthesis methods for nanomaterials To exhibit the knowledge on various nanomaterials and its applications to get hands on training to handle various chemicals and nanomaterials


To have better hands-on experience of various chemical route synthesis methods Students will learn better understanding on synthesis of nanomaterials Students will get thorough knowledge on synthesized nanomaterials

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.

Credits: 0:0:4 14NT2005 NANOTECHNOLOGY LAB -II


To study the various characterization techniques involved in nanomaterial To learn the experimental concepts behind the each techniques To have hands on experience on various instruments used in characterization


To get a depth knowledge about various characterization techniques To get hands-on training of various characterization techniques studied theoretically. Students will understand the physical concepts behind each characterization.

12 experiments will be notified by the HoD from time to time.

Credits: 3:0:0 14NT2006 NANOCOMPOSITES


To teach the fundamental concepts of nanocomposites To study the properties and processing methods, characterization techniques of nanocomposites To understand the applications of nanocomposites


Students will have the knowledge of basics of nanocomposites in detail. Students will study about properties and features of nanocomposites Students will also study about processing and characterization techniques and its applications.

Course Description:

Introduction of Nanocomposites-definition-past and present concepts on nanocomposites-Role of statistics in materials -Properties and features of nanocomposites-Yield – Fracture – Rubbery elasticity and viscoelasticity –Composites and nanocomposites – Surface mechanical properties – Diffusion and permeability processing of nanocomposites- characterization of nanocomposites- applications of nanocomposites- hybrid nanocompositesbiodegradable protein nanocomposites-optical and structural applications.

Reference Books:

1. Thomas E. Twardowski, “Introduction to Nanocomposite Materials – Properties, Processing, Characterization”, DesTech Publications, April, 2007 2. Pulickel M. Ajayan , Linda S. Schadler , Paul V. Braun, “Nanocomposite Science and Technology”, WileyVCH, 2006. 3. Yiu-Wing Mai and Zhong-Zhen Yu, “Polymer nanocomposites”, CRC Press, Boca Raton. 4. Klaus Friedrich, Stoyko Fakivov, Zhony Shang,”Polymer Composites from Nano to Macro – scale”, Springer, USA, 2005. 5. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.



To teach the basics concepts of nanotechnology To impart knowledge about the various terms and concepts used popularly in the field nanotechnology To elaborate on the impacts that nanotechnology has on the various fields of science and technology


The candidates will be familiar with the basics of nanotechnology, tools used for characterizing nanomaterials The candidates will be familiar with specific applications of nanotechnology Student will learn the fundamental concepts in Nanotechnology

Course Description:

Nanotechnology basics and introduction-Scientists involved in evolution of nanotechnology-Richard Feynman and Eric Drexler role in nanotechnology-Size effects-Surface to volume ratio - nanosize effects in various propertiesTools to make nanostructures- Classification of nanotechnology-Fundamentals of atoms, molecules and metalsTools for measuring nanostructures-Tools to make nanostructures-Sensors-Smart materials; Self healing structures, recognition, separation, catalysts, encapsulation-Biomedical applications; drugs, drug delivery, photodynamic therapy-Optics and electronics-Nanobusiness.

Reference Books:

1. Nanotechnology-A gentle introduction to the Next Big Idea”-Mark Ratner and Danial Ratner,Perason 2. John Mongillo, Nanotechnology 101, Greenwood Press, 2007. 3. Lynn E. Foster, Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation and Opportunity, Prentice Hall,2005. 4. Joe Anne Shatkin, ‘Nanotechnology: Health and environmental risks’, CRC press, 2008. 5. B.Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 1&2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007) 6. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.



To understand of mechanics, physical and chemical properties of materials To apply the basic principles of materials for science and engineering applications To get basic insight in thermal, dielectric, piezoelectric behaviour of materials


Students will have the basic knowledge of materials science and engineering Students will understand the principles and characterization of materials Students will get thorough knowledge in various engineering properties

Course Description:

Fabrication of metals-Thermal processing of metals-Heat treatment. Precipitation hardening-Types and applications of ceramics- Fabrication and processing of ceramics-Mechanical behavior of polymers- Mechanisms of deformation and strengthening of polymers-Crystallization, melting and glass transition- Polymer types- Polymer synthesis and processing- Particle reinforced composites- Fiber reinforced composites- Structural composites- Electrical conduction-Semi conductivity - Super conductivity-Electrical conduction in ionic ceramics and in polymersDielectric behavior- Ferroelectricity. Piezoelectricity- Heat capacity- Thermal expansion- Thermal conductivity.Thermal stresses- Diamagnetism and paramagnetism- Ferro-magnetism- Anti-ferro magnetism and ferri-magnetismInfluence of temperature on magnetic behavior- Domains and Hysteresis, Basic concepts- Optical properties of metals- Optical properties of nonmetals.

Reference Books:

1. W. D. Callister, "Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction", John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 2. C. Kittel, "Introduction to Solid State Physics" Wiley Eastern Ltd, 2005. 3. V. Raghavan, “Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course", Prentice Hall, 2006 4. A.J. Dekker, "Solid State Physics”, Macmillan & Co, 2000. 5. Michael Shur, "Physics of Semiconductor Devices", Prentice Hall of India, 1995. 6. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.



To teach the fundamental concepts of MEMS and NEMS To study the design and working principle of MEMS and NEMS devices and sensors To learn applications of MEMS and NEMS devices and sensors.


Students will have the knowledge actuation and sensing mechanisms. Students will have the knowledge of MEMS and NEMS systems. Students will be able to understand design and working principles of NEMS and MEMS devices and sensors.

Course Description:

Introduction transduction and sensing mechanisms and principles- Piezoelectric-piezoresistive- and Capacitive sensing -Electrostatic actuation -Pressure sensors -Accelerometers -Gyroscopes,- Microsensors and MEMS, Evolution of Microsensors & MEMS, Microsensors & MEMS applications, Microelectronic technologies for MEMS, Micromachining Technology Surface and Bulk Micromachining, Micromachined Microsensors Mechanical, Inertial, Biological, Chemical, Acoustic, Microsystems Technology, Integrated Smart Sensors and

MEMS, Interface Electronics for MEMS, MEMS Simulators, MEMS for RF Applications, Bonding & Packaging of MEMS, Conclusions & Future Trends.

Reference Books:

1. Foundations of MEMS,Chang Liu, Prentice Hall, 2011 2. Microsystem Design,” S. D. Senturia, Kluwer, 2002. 3. Fundamental of Microfabrication," Marc Madou, CRC Press, 1997 4. Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication," Richard C. Jaeger, Addison Wesley, 1993. 5. MEMS Handbook,”Edited by GadEl Hak, CRC Press, 2001. 6. Mechanical Microsensors, M. Elwenspoek and R. Wiegerink, Springer Verlag, 2001. 7. Silicon Micromachining, M. Elwenspoek and H. Jansen, Cambridge Press, 1999.



To teach the fundamental concepts and principles associated with imaging and characterization techniques. To study various Imaging techniques used for analysis of nanomaterials. To learn various characterization tools used for analysis of nanomaterials


Students will have the knowledge of concepts and working principles of imaging and characterization techniques. Students will have the knowledge of various Imaging techniques used for the analysis of nanomaterials. Students will understand various characterization techniques used for the analysis of nanomaterials

Course Description:

General microscopy concepts- optical microscopy-electron microscopy- scanning electron microscopy (SEM)transmission electron microscopy (TEM)-characterization of nanomaterials using SEM and TEM-FIB- XRDAdvanced Spectroscopy Techniques FTIR, SERS, UV- advanced scanning probe techniques-AFM, STM, Nanoindentation-Photoelectron Spectroscopy-XPS, ESCA, UPS- X-ray, Electron and Photon Diffraction and Scattering Techniques- XRD, EXAFS, LEED, RHEED, EELS, REELS, DLS - Vibrating Sample Magnetometer Applications

Reference Books:

1. D. Williams and B. Carter, "Transmission Electron Microscopy -A Textbook for Materials Science", Plenum Press, New York, 2nd Edition, 2009 2. L. Reimer, "Transmission Electron Microscopy: Physics of Image Formation and Microanalysis", 5th ed., Springer, 2008 3. B.Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007) 4. B. Cappella and G. Dietler, Force-Distance Curves by atomic force microscope, Surface Science Reports, 34, 1-104, Elsevier. (1999). 5. B.Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007) 6. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.

Credits: 3:0:0 14NT2011 NANOLITHOGRAPHY


To teach the basic concepts, methods and techniques of nano lithography To study the clean room concepts and protocols used in nano-microelectronics devices fabrications.

To learn various nanolithography techniques used for IC, BJT and MOSFET fabrications.


Students will have knowledge of concepts, methods and techniques of nanolithography. Students will have comprehensive knowledge on clean room concepts and protocols in the nanomicroelectronics devices fabrication. Students will have applied knowledge and expertise to use these technique in the field of fabrications of micro and nanoelectronics device and sensors.

Course Description:

Introduction to lithography – Clean room concepts, protocols and design -UV Photolithography process stepsSemiconductor IC fabrication – Fabrication of n-type/p-type MOSFETs using metal gate and self-aligned poly-gate with lithographic masks – Fabrication of CMOS FET using p-well and n-well process with lithographic masks –Fabrication of NPN and PNP BJT with lithographic masks- Next generation lithography techniques-EUV, LIL-Xray, Laser Light Scribe and 3D laser lithography-AFM, STM -DIP Pen Lithography Techniques and Applications

Reference Books:

1. M J. Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, 2nd edition, (2002). 2. B. Bhushan, Handbook of Nanotechnology, Springer – Verlag, 2nd edition, (2006). 3. S. A. Campbell, The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, (2001). 4. J.R. Sheats, and B. W. Smith, Microlithography Science and Technology – CRC Press, New York, (2007). 5. Nanolithography: A Borderland between STM, EB, IB, and X-Ray Lithographies – M. Gentili (ed.) Carlo Giovannella Stefano Selci,, Springer; 1st edition, (1994). 6. Franssila S, Introduction to Microfabrication, 2nd Ed., Wiley 2010



To teach the fundamental concepts of nanocomposites To study the properties and processing methods, characterization techniques of nanocomposites To understand the various engineering applications of nanocomposites


Students will have the knowledge of basics of nanocomposites in detail. Students will study about properties and features of nanocomposites. Students will also study about processing and characterization techniques and its various engineering applications.

Course Description:

Introduction of Nanocomposites-Definition of nanocomposites with suitable examples-Past and present concepts on nanocomposites-Properties and features of nanocomposites-Processing of nanocomposites, Solvent processing, Melting and softening, thermo kinetic process- Characterization of nanocomposites-Various engineering applications of nanocomposites-Hybrid nanocomposites, polymer nanocomposites-Optical and structural, Thermoset nanocomposites applications-Biodegradable polymer biocomposites for tissue engineering

Reference Books:

1. Thomas E. Twardowski, “Introduction to Nanocomposite Materials – Properties, Processing, Characterization”, DesTech Publications, April, 2007 2. Pulickel M. Ajayan , Linda S. Schadler , Paul V. Braun, “Nanocomposite Science and Technology”, WileyVCH, 2006. 3. Yiu-Wing Mai and Zhong-Zhen Yu, “Polymer nanocomposites”, CRC Press, Boca Raton.

4. Klaus Friedrich, Stoyko Fakivov, Zhony Shang,”Polymer Composites from Nano to Macro scale”,

Springer, USA, 2005. 5. B.Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 1&2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007) 6. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers,

California, 2004.



To study basic knowledge about materials science and engineering To learn about the various properties of materials To study the concept of semiconductors and their properties


Understand the crystal structures and semiconductors Students will learn dielectric and optical properties of the materials Students will get in depth knowledge on materials science engineering

Course Description:

Introduction-structure of materials –why study of materials – classification of materials- the structure of crystalline solids-structure and properties of ceramic and polymer structures- Advanced materials- future materials, modern materials- atomic structure –crystal structure- imperfections in solids- mechanical properties of metals- introduction on diffusion mechanism- Electrical Properties, introduction, electrical conduction, semiconductivity, insulators, dielectric behavior-Properties of thermal, magnetic and optical : basic concepts and fundamentals.

Reference Books:

1. W. D. Callister, "Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction", John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 2. C. Kittel, "Introduction to Solid State Physics" Wiley Eastern Ltd, 2005. 3. V. Raghavan, “Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course", Prentice Hall, 2006 4. A.J. Dekker, "Solid State Physics”, Macmillan & Co, 2000. 5. Michael Shur, "Physics of Semiconductor Devices", Prentice Hall of India, 1995. 6. J.F. Shackelford,” Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers”, 7th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall (2009) 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.


Credits: 3:0:0


To impart the basic and general knowledge on nanotechnology for engineering and biomedical applications To teach basic concepts of biomaterials research and development To elaborate on different types of materials used for biomedical applications and their relevant properties.


Learners would have basic concepts of biomaterials research and development Learners would have acquired an understanding of the nanotechnology for engineering and biomedical applications Learners will have sound knowledge about various biomaterials for applications like gene delivery and medical implants

Course Description:

Surface engineering for biocompatibility; Protein adsorption to materials surfaces; Blood compatibility of materials; Immune response to materials; Nanotechnology in Nonviral Gene Delivery; Nanotechnologies for Cellular and Molecular Imaging by MRI, Nanoparticles for cancer drug delivery-Nanotechnology in biological agent decontamination- Single molecule detection and Manipulation in nanotechnology and biology-Corrosion and wear of implanted medical devices; Scaffolds for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine; Concepts in drug delivery; Regulatory issues and ethics.

Reference Books:

1. Ratner et al: Biomaterials science: An introduction to materials in medicine, 2nd edition, Elsevier Academic Press Current Research Literature. 2. Challa S.S.R. Kumar, Josef Hormes, Carola Leuschner, Nanofabrication towards biomedical applications” Wiley-VCH, ISBN: 978-3-527-31115-6 3. B.Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 1&2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007) 4. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 5. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.



To acquire basic knowledge about nanotoxicology To know the mechanism of nanosized particle toxicity To understand the human exposure to nanosized materials and risk assessment


The student will have a broad idea about the toxicity caused by various nanomaterials to various parts of the body and also as a whole. The student will have knowledge about various techniques available to assess the toxicity caused by various nanomaterials The students will learn the potential risks involved with the use of nanomaterials

Course Description

Nanotoxicology and Sustainable Nanotechnology: Size-specific behavior of nanomaterials – nanotoxicology challenges- Nanoparticle Exposure : Physicochemical determinants in particle toxicology – nanoparticles vs. micron-size particles – nanoparticle toxicity comparison to larger counterparts- Nanoparticle Interaction with Biological Membranes: Interaction of nanoparticles with lipid bilayers – cell-level studies of nanoparticle-induced membrane permeability - Dermal Effects of Nanomaterials- Toxicity of Nanoparticles in the Eye - Understanding the Potential Neurotoxicology of Nanoparticles - Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Effects of Nanoparticles

Reference Books

1. Monterio-Rivierie, C. Lang Tran, Nanotoxicology, Informa health care, London, 2007 2. Niosh, Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology, Department of health and human services, US, 2008 3. Lynn Goldman, Christine Coussens, Implications of nanotechnology for environmental health research, National Academic Press, Washington, 2007 4. Hans-Joachim Jördening, Josef Winter, Environmental Biotechnology, Wiley-VCH, 2005 5. Patrick Lin and Fritz Allhoff, Nano-ethics:The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology, John Wiley & Sons, 2007



To teach the fundamental concepts of various materials used in human health care To study the properties of materials that are required for applications in health care To understand the basics of nanomaterials with respect to medical application


Students will have knowledge of fundamental concepts of nanomaterials used in human health care Students will be able to understand the properties of materials from the health care application standpoint Students will be able to appreciate the wide range of health care needs that science still needs to address and how nanotechnology can address these issues.

Course Description

Polymeric implant materials, their properties and applications, Bioceramics, Biomedical alloys, implant tissue interfacing, biomimetic and solution based processing, Hydrogels, Cardiovascular implants, Role of nanoparticles and nanodevices in blood clotting, Blood substitutes, Vascular implants; Cardiac pacemakers, Biomembranes, Ophthalmological applications of nano biomaterials, Structure property relationship of biological materials, tissues, bones and teeth, collagen rich tissues, elastic tissues, Biopolymers, preparation of nanobiomaterials, Polymeric scaffolds, collagen, elastins, mucopolysaccharides, proteoglycans, cellulose and derivatives, dextrans, alginates, pectins, chitin, Tissue Engineering - building structure into engineered tissues, scaffolds for tissue fabrications

Reference Books:

1. SV Bhat, Biomaterials (2nd Edition), Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi-2005. 2. JB Park, Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Plenum Press, New York, 1984. 3. Nanofabrication towards biomedical applications wiley –VCHVerlag GmbH & CO, KGaA. 4. Robert.W.Kelsall, Ian.W.Hamley, Mark Geoghegan (Ed), Nano Scale Science And Technology, John Wiley and sons, ltd., 2005 5. H.Fujita (Ed), Micromachines As Tools For Nanotechnology, Springer, 2003 6. Mick Wilson Kamali Kannangara Geooff Smith Michelle, Simmons Urkhard Raguse, Nano Technology, Overseas India private Ltd., 2005.



To teach basic and advance concepts of nano electron devices To elaborate on basic and advanced concepts of nanosensors and transducers for nanotechnology applications. To elaborate on the various types of nanosensors available


The students should be able to understand basic and advanced concepts of nanoelectronic devices The students should be able to understand basic and advanced concepts of sensors The students should be able to understand basic and advanced concepts of actuators

Course Description:

Basics of nanoelectronics, capabilities of nanoelectronics, Quantum electron devices - Nanoelectronics with tunneling devices and superconducting devices - Transducers - capacitive transducers -Acoustic wave transducers Cantilever based tansducers - Sensor Characteristics and Physical effects - Static characteristics - Dynamic characteristic – Doppler effect – Barkhausen effect – Hall effect –Density of states (DOS) – DOS of 3D, 2D, 1D and 0D materials -Nano based Inorganic sensors - Organic/ Biosensors - Signal conditioning and data acquisition instrumentation amplifiers - Phase locked loop.

Reference Books:

1. Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: From transistors to Molecular and Quantum Devices by K. Goser (Edition, 2004), Springer. London. 2. Nanotechnology enabled sensors by Kouroush Kalantar – Zadeh, Benjamin Fry, Springer Verlag New York, (2007). 3. Sensors and signal conditioning, Ramon Pallas-Areny, John G. Webster John,2nd edition, Wiley & Sons (2001). 4. S.Renganathan “Transducer Engineering” – Allied publishers Limited, 1999. 5. Ernest O. Doeblin “Measurement Systems – Application & Design” McGraw – Hill Publishing company, 1990. 6. Biosensing: International Research and Development, Jerome Schultz, Milar Mrksich, Sangeeta N. Bhatia, David J. Brady, Antionio J. Ricco, David R. Walt, Charles L. Wilkins, Springer 2006 ISBN 10 14020 40571, ISBN 13 978 1 4020 4057 7. Data acquisition for sensor systems (sensor physics and technology 5) by H.Rosemary Taylor (1997) Chapman and Hall, London, UKISBN 0 412 785609

Credits: 3:0:0 14NT2018 NANOPHOTONICS


To teach basic and advance concepts of optical concepts and photonics To elaborate on foundations of scanning probe microscope To elaborate on the surface plasmas on nanophotonics


The students should be able to understand basic and advanced concepts of nanophotonics The students should be able to understand basic and advanced concepts of plasmas The students should be able to understand basic and advanced concepts of light propagation

Course Description:

Introduction and overview (zoo of nanostructures, what is nanophotonics) - Preparation and Review (Maxwell Equations, Quantum Mechanics, Optics)- Light generation by nanostructures (semiconductor quantum wells, wires, dots, nanocrystals, nanowires)-Light propagation in nanostructures (nanowires, nano-waveguides)-Combining emission and propagation: Nanolasers (laser basics, nanowire lasers)-Photonic crystals (Maxwell equations and dielectric periodic structures)- Surface plasmas (propagation at metal-dielectric interfaces, transmission through subwavelength hole, subwavelength waveguides)- Near-field optics- photonic crystals- quantum dots-negative index materials –applications of nanophotonics

Reference Books:

1. Principles of Nano-Optics, by Lukas Novotny and Bert Hecht 2. Nanophotonics, by Herve Rigneault, Jean-Michel Lourtioz, Claude Delalande, Juan Ariel Levenson 3. Surface Plasmon Nanophotonics, by Mark L. Brongersma, Pieter G. Kik 4. Nanophotonics, by P.N. Prasad 5. Photonic Crystals, by John D. Joannopoulos, Robert D. Meade, Joshua N. Winn



To teach basic and advance key concepts of applied nanomaterials To elaborate synthesis , characterization, processing To elaborate on applications of various applied nanomaterials


The students should be able to understand basic and advanced concepts of advanced nanomaterials The students should be able to understand processing , synthesis and characterization techniques The students should be able to understand the applications of advanced nanomaterials

Course Description:

Introduction to nanotechnology and nanomaterials- Historical development, Definition, trends and key challenges –Synthesis: Nanoparticles, Nanowires, Films – Characterization: X-ray diffraction, Electron microscopies, Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), Infrared and Raman spectroscopy, Trends and highlights in instruments and metrology Special case study: Carbon nanostructures like CNT with various morphology, graphene, graphane, Synthesis, characterization processing and applications –Applications: Nanotechnology for sustainability (water, energy,…), Nanomedicine- Environmental, health, and safety issues.

Reference Books:

1. “Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Design: An Introduction for Engineers and Architects” by Daniel L. Schodek, Paulo Ferreira, Michael F. Ashby (Butterworth-Heinemann) 2. “Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications” (2nd Edition) (World Scientific Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) by Guozhong Cao and Ying Wang (Imperial College Press) 3. Guozhong Cao, Nanostructures & Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties & Applications, Imperial College Press; 1 edition (April 30, 2004) ISBN-13: 978-1860944802. 4. Zhen Guo, Li Tan, Fundamentals and Applications of nanomaterials, Artech House nanoscale science and engineering series, 2009, ISBN: 9781596932630

Credits: 0:0:1 14NT2020 3-D PRINTING TECHNOLOGY LAB


To learn the 3-D design, and 3D modeling involved in nanotechnology To learn the 3D-printing technology by hands-on experience To have hands on experience on design prototyping


To get a depth knowledge about 3-D design, and 3D modeling involved in nanotechnology To get hands-on training of 3D-printing technology Students will understand the concepts of 3D printing, 3D Rentering

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.



To learn the 3-D design, and 3D modeling involved in nanomaterials design To learn the concept of 3D-printing technology To learn on design prototyping, conversion of CAD format to SPL format.


To get a depth knowledge about 3-D design, and 3D modeling involved in nanotechnology To get a thorough knowledge in 3D-printing technology Students will understand the concepts of 3D printing, 3D Rentering

Course Description:

Introduction and basics of 3-D printing- origin and needs of 3-D printing- 3D design- 3D modelling - 3D printing3D Rentering - Material design- Prototyping, Materials: PLA, SPS - Conversion of CAD format SPL format 3D scanning- 3D solid objects from digital models- Applications of 3D printing technology- Prospects in Futuretroubleshooting and calibration - Design and build project as case study for students hand-on experience .

Reference Books:

1. Christopher Winnan, 3D Printing: The Next Technology Gold Rush - Future Factories and How to Capitalize on Distributed Manufacturing [Kindle Edition], Amazon Digital Services, Inc. ISBN: 1494213966 2. Bob Holmes, How to 3D Print Yourself an Income, Amazon Digital Services, Inc. ASIN: B00CBNG3PA. 3. Christopher Barnatt, 3D Printing: The Next Industrial Revolution, Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

ASIN: B00CNPF0ZK 4. Brian Evans, Practical 3D Printers: The Science and Art of 3D Printing [Kindle Edition], Amazon Digital

Services, Inc. ASIN: B00936LYYS



To overview the caveats concerning laws and its practices, and other governing principles related to the technological development and its protected principles To learn substantial requirements of innovation communities by providing the valid models and assessments To learn role of societal and ethical implications and their trends.


To provide the international/national visibilities of nano-science developments and their relevance in multifunctionalities To meet the substantial requirements of innovation communities by providing the valid models and assessments To further understand the role of societal and ethical implications and their trends

Course Description:

Background- Introduction: the invisible infrastructure of innovation-Intellectual Property Dynamics in Society- The types of Intellectual Property- basics of managing intellectual property in organizations -The innovation forest: intellectual property rights and how they grow- The ABCDs of intellectual property: flow and infringement of IP rights-the patent system - copyrights- trademarks-trade secrets- nanotechnology policy and regulation Understanding Nanotechnology- the industrial structure giving rise to Nanotechnology- Societal and Ethical Implications-Environmental Regulation - The Role of Open Source Licenses - Different Types of Open Source Licenses- Law and Code -Intellectual Property and Market Failure- strategic management of intellectual property A menu of strategy options, -Evaluating internal resources and the external environment – Placing a financial value on IP assets - Accessing innovations of others .

Reference Books:

1. Michael Golin, Driving Innovation-Intellectual Property strategies for a dynamic world”, Venable LLP,

Washington DC (2008). 2. Van Lindberg, Intellectual Property and Open Source:-A Practical guide to Protecting code O’Reilly Media,

Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol (2008). 3. John C. Miller, Ruben Serrato, The Handbook of Nanotechnology, Business, Policy, and Intellectual Property

Law, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey (2005). 4. Attorney Richard Stim, Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks- an Intellectual Property desk Reference, 8thEd.

Berkeley (2006).



To teach basics of clean room facility and conditions To obtain more knowledge about various classes in clean room To obtain good knowledge on various applications using clean room


The students should be able to understand basics of clean room The students should be able to understand the various factors involved in clean room The students should be able to understand various safety measures used in clean room

Course Description:

Cleanrooms, their need, types and history-Standards and information sources-The design of clean rooms and clean air devices-Construction materials and surface finishes-High efficiency air filtration-Clean room testing and monitoring-Measurement of air quantities and pressure differences-Air movement control-Filter installation leak testing-Airborne particle and microbial counting-Clean room disciplines-Materials, equipment and machinery-Clean room clothing, masks and gloves-Cleaning a clean room-Various classes of clean room-Safety measures-before ,during and after using clean room-Applications-clean room.

Reference Books:

1. William Whyte, Clean room Technology: Fundamentals of Design, Testing and Operation, WileyBlackwell; 2nd Edition edition (15 January 2010), ISBN-13: 978-0470748060 2. W. Whyte, Clean room Design, Wiley, 1999 - Technology & Engineering, ISBN: 0471942049, 9780471942047 3. Lieberman, Contamination control and clean rooms, Van Nostrand Reinhold, Newyork, USA, (1992) 4. Environmental Monitoring for clean rooms and controlled environments, edited by Anne Marie Dixon, (2006) CRC press.



To teach safety and ethics of nanomaterials To elaborate on concepts of safety and ethics To elaborate the various issues in safety in nanomaterials


The students should be able to understand basic and advanced concepts of safety and ethics of nanomaterials The students should be able to understand concepts of safety and ethics The students should be able to understand various issues in safety in nanomaterials

Course Description:

Introduction to ethics of nanomaterials research - Ethics and Laws - Ethical Issues in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Reflections and Suggestions - Ethics and Nano: A Survey - Law in a New Frontier - An Exploration of Patent Matters Associated with Nanotechnology – Plagirism and its effects - The Ethics of Ethics Negotiations over Quality of Life in the Nanotechnology Initiative - Adverse effects of nanomaterials Environmental, health and safety issues - Effects of exposure to nanomaterials and Prevention - Safety measurements - Safety initiatives

Reference Books

1. Nanotechnology Environmental Health and Safety: Risks, Regulation and management By Matthew Hull, Diana Bowman 2. Nanotechnology and Environmental Health and Safety: Issues for Consideration By John F. Sargent, Jr. (au)3. Geoffrey Hunt and Michael D. Mehta ―Nanotechnology: Risk, Ethics and Law‖ , Earthscan/James & James publication (2006). Mark. R. Weisner and Jean-Yves Bottero ―Environmental Nanotechnology applications and impact of nanomaterial, The McGraw-Hill Companies (2007). 3. Patrick Lin and Fritz Allhoff, Nano-ethics:The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology, John Wiley & Sons, 2007



To enable the student to understand the importance of nanotechnology in food applications To make the students to understand the role of nanotechnology in food ingredients, additives, supplements and food packaging To enable the student to understand the structures of naturally occurring food nano substances


Students will attain knowledge about the designing of food nano substances and packaging materials, Students will attain knowledge about developing nano-sized food ingredients and additives Students would be able to develop nanosensors for testing the quality of the foods

Course Description:

Nanotechnologies and Novel Foods: Natural nano structures in food- Designing Food Nanostructures Nanomaterials for food applications-Nano-sized food ingredients and additives in relation to digestion of foodImprovements of mechanical properties through nanocomposites-Improvement of the performance of Bio-based polymers-Surface biocides-Active packaging materials-Nanosensors for food quality- Current and projected applications of nanotechnology for the food sector-Potential health risks and governance of risks - Regulations pertaining to nano foods the world over

Reference Books:

1. Qasim Chaudhry, Lawrence Castle and Richard Watkins, “Nanotechnologies in Food” Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN: 9780854041695, ISSN: 17577136, 2010. 2. Q Huang, Nanotechnology in the food, beverage and nutraceutical industries, Woodhead Publishing, 2012. ISBN 1 84569 739 1 3. D Bagchi, M Bagchi, H Moriyama and F Shahidi, Bio-Nanotechnology: A Revolution in Food, Biomedical and Health Sciences, Wiley – Blackwell, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-470-67037-8. 4. L J. Frewer, W Norde, A Fischer, and F Kampers. Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food Sector, Wiley – VCH, 2011. ISBN: 978-3-527-33060-7 5. M.H. Fulekar, Nanotechnology: Importance and Applications, I K International Pvt. Ltd., 2010.


Credits: 3:0:0


To teach the fundamental concepts of synthesis various nanomaterials techniques To study the introductory aspects of electron theory of bulk and nanostructured materials To understand the nanodevices and its general characterization techniques.


Students will have the knowledge of synthesis of nanomaterials by using different techniques. Students will be able to find differences in bulk and nanostructured materials by understanding its electron theory Students will be able to understand the concepts of nanodevices and its various characterization techniques.

Course Description:

Chemical Methods towards Nanomaterials synthesis- Sol gel technique- Coprecipitation method- combustion method – sonochemical method (each one example) - Chemical routes for Nanotubes and Nanorods – Free electron theory of metals, semiconductors, and insulators – Effect of crystal size of density of states – General Characterization techniques-XRD-PL-FTIR-Raman spectroscopy- Nano devices- Single Electron Transistors (SET)Esaki and Resonant Tunneling Diode (RTD) - Giant Magnetic Resistance-Superconductivity – Quantum Dots, wells, wires – their applications.

Reference Books:

1. Rao, CNR., Muller, A, “The Chemistry of Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications”, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., Weinheim, 2004. 2. Antonio C. Venetti., “Progress in Materials Science Research”, Nova Science Publishers, 2007. 3. Kittel, C., “Introduction to Solid State Physics”, Wiley, 2004. 4. Charles P.Poole., “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley, 2003. 5. B.Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 1&2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007) 6. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.



1. To teach the fundamental concepts of imaging and electron microscopy techniques 2. To study working principles of electron microscopy and associated techniques 3. To learn applied knowledge of imaging and electron microscopy for characterizing nanomaterials.


Students will have knowledge of imaging and electron microscopy techniques. Students will have expertise in working principles and instrumentation details. Students will have applied knowledge of these imaging and characterization techniques for the analysis of nanomaterials.

Course Description:

General microscopy concepts- resolution-magnification-optical microscopy -limitations-electron microscopyElectron sources- thermionic emission-field emission-wavelength of electron beam- electron- electron lens systemrequirement of ultrahigh vacuum-electron diffraction - electron scattering- concept of scanning- scanning electron microscopy (SEM)- transmission electron microscopy (TEM)- characterization of nanomaterials using SEM and TEM- sample preparation Focused Ion Beam (FIB) -Applications relevant to nanomaterials characterization.

Reference Books:

1. D. Williams and B. Carter, "Transmission Electron Microscopy -A Textbook for Materials Science", Plenum Press, New York, 2nd Edition, 2009 2. L. Reimer, "Transmission Electron Microscopy: Physics of Image Formation and Microanalysis", 5th ed., Springer, 2008. 3. Joseph Goldstein, Dale E. Newbury, David C. Joy and Charles E. Lyman, Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis, Springer 3rd Edition (2007) 4. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 5. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004. 6. B.Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 1&2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007). 7. Brent Fultz and James Howe, Transmission Electron Microscopy and Diffractometry of Materials, Springer 4th edition (2013)



To teach basic and advance key concepts of applied nanomaterials To elaborate synthesis , characterization, processing To elaborate on applications of various applied nanomaterials


The students should be able to understand basic and advanced concepts of advanced nanomaterials The students should be able to understand processing , synthesis and characterization techniques The students should be able to understand the applications of advanced nanomaterials

Course Description:

Introduction to nanotechnology and nanomaterials- Historical development, Definition, trends and key challenges –Synthesis: Nanoparticles, Nanowires, Films – Characterization: X-ray diffraction, Electron microscopies, Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), Infrared and Raman spectroscopy, Trends and highlights in instruments and metrology Special case study: Carbon nanostructures like CNT with various morphology, graphene, graphane, Synthesis, characterization processing and applications –Applications: Nanotechnology for sustainability (water, energy,…), Nanomedicine- Environmental, health, and safety issues.

Reference Books:

1. “Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Design: An Introduction for Engineers and Architects” by Daniel L. Schodek, Paulo Ferreira, Michael F. Ashby (Butterworth - Heinemann) 2. “Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications” (2nd Edition) (World Scientific Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) by Guozhong Cao and Ying Wang (Imperial College Press) 3. Guozhong Cao, Nanostructures & Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties & Applications, Imperial College Press; 1 edition (April 30, 2004) ISBN-13: 978- 1860944802. 4. Zhen Guo, Li Tan, Fundamentals and Applications of nanomaterials, Artech House nanoscale science and engineering series, 2009, ISBN: 9781596932630


Credits: 3:0:0


To teach the basic concepts of intermolecular forces, surface forces, contact forces and adhesion. To study advanced concepts of these forces in nanotechnology applications. To understand the applications of these concepts in nanotechnology applications.


Students will have the knowledge of intermolecular forces and origin of intermolecular forces Students will have comprehensive understanding on surface forces, contact forces and adhesion forces. Students will have expertize to use gained knowledge of these forces in nanotechnology applications

Course Description:

Fundamental of Molecular Interactions, Inter and Intra molecular forces – relations between interaction energy and forces-Lennard -Jones Potential – electrostatic interaction between ions, dipoles, induced dipoles, origin of van der Waals Forces-Surface forces- DLVO- non DLVO forces-contact forces-Hertz-JKR-DMT contact mechanics models-surface force apparatus- Atomic Force Microscope- Nanoindentation techniques- adhesion-NEMS-MEMSGecko Feet –Nanoparticles adhesion- importance of knowledge of surfaces in nanotechnology.

Reference Books:

1. J.N. Israelachvili, “Intermolecular and Surface Forces” 2nd Edition, Academic Press Limited, London. (2000) 2. D. Maugis, “Contact, Adhesion, Rupture of Elastic Solids”- Springer, Springer- Verlag, London (2000). 3. A.W. Adamson, A.P. Gast “Physical Chemistry of Surfaces” Wiley- Interscience, 6th edition, (1997) 4. B.Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 1&2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007) 5. B. Cappella and G. Dietler, Force-Distance Curves by atomic force microscope, Surface Science Reports, 34, 1-104, Elsevier. (1999). 6. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.



To teach basics of drugs and their action in the body To explain various concepts and practices in the field of targeted drug delivery To elaborate on the applications of nanoparticles as carriers for various drugs to treat various diseases


The students will have knowledge about various drug delivery systems that take the help of nanotechnology in carrying their cargo to the site of action. The students will learn about various ways of surface modifications that can be carried out on nanoparticles for drug delivery The students will gain insight into the diagnosis and therapy of various kinds of cancer

Course Description

Principles of drug delivery systems - Modes of drug delivery, ADME hypothesis-controlled drug delivery, site specific drugs - Targeted Nanoparticles for drug delivery - Nanoparticle surface modification, bioconjugation, pegylation, antibodies cell- specific targeting - Dendrimer as Nanoparticular Drug Carriers Synthesis- Nanoscale containers- Nanoscaffold-Gene transfection - Liposomes for drug delivery and targeting: Classification and preparation of liposomal nanoparticles - Nanoparticle and targeted systems for cancer diagnosis and therapy -

Targeted delivery through enhanced permeability and retention

Reference Books:

1. Drug Delivery and Targetting, A.M.Hillery, CRC Press, 2002. 2. NANOTHERAPEUTICS: Drug Delivery Concepts in Nanoscience edited by Alf Lamprecht ISBN 978981-4241-02-1 981-4241-02-4 3. Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery Systems Deepak Thassu, Michel Deleers(Editor), Yashwant Pathak(Editor) ISBN-10: 0849390737 ISBN-13: 9780849390739 4. Bio-Applications of Nanoparticles Warren C.W. Chan ISBN: 978-0-387-76712-3 5. Lisa Brannon-Peppas, James O. BlanchetteNanoparticle and targeted systems for cancer therapy Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 56 (2004) 1649– 1659 6. Irene Brigger, Catherine Dubernet, Patrick Couvreur Nanoparticles in cancer therapy and diagnosis Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 54 (2002) 631–651. 7. Christof M. Neimeyer, Chad.A.Mirkin (eds.,) Nanobiotechology II : More Concepts, and Applications, Wiley VCH Weinheim (2007)



To teach concepts and working principles and applications of scanning probe techniques To study advanced spectroscopic techniques used for characterization of nanomaterials. To learn diffraction and scattering techniques used for characterization of nanomaterials.


Students will have the knowledge of working principles of advanced scanning probe and spectroscopy techniques. Students will have expertise to choose suitable imaging and characterization technique for the analysis of nanomaterials. Students will have applied knowledge of advanced Imaging techniques and tools used for characterization of nanomaterials

Course Description:

Advanced Spectroscopy Techniques- Vibrational Spectroscopy- UV-Spectroscopy-Fourier Transform SpectroscopyFTIR-SERS-Advanced Scanning Probe Techniques – Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Tunneling MicroscopyNanoindentation techniques- Applications-Photoelectron Spectroscopy-XPS, ESCA, UPS- X-ray, Electron and Photon Diffraction and Scattering Techniques- XRD, EXAFS, LEED, RHEED, EELS, REELS, DLS - Vibrating Sample Magnetometer - Applications

Reference Books:

1. Colin N. Banwell & Elaine M. McCash, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, 4th Edition, McGrawHill, New Delhi, 2004 2. Willard, Merritt, Dean & Settle, "Instrumental Methods of Analysis", 6/e, CBS Publishers, Delhi, 1986. 3. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 4. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004. 5. B.Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007) 6. B. Cappella and G. Dietler, Force-Distance Curves by atomic force microscope, Surface Science Reports, 34, 1-104, Elsevier. (1999) 7. C.N.R. Rao, A. Muller, A.K. Cheetham, The chemistry of nanomaterials, Wiley VCH,2004



To teach the basic concepts, methods and techniques of nano lithography To study the clean room concepts and protocols used in nano-microelectronics devices fabrications. To learn various nanolithography techniques used for IC, BJT and MOSFET fabrications.


Students will have knowledge of concepts, methods and techniques of nanolithography. Students will have comprehensive knowledge on clean room concepts and protocols in the nanomicroelectronics devices fabrication. Students will have applied knowledge of these techniques in the fabrication micro and nanoelectronics devices.

Course Description:

Introduction to lithography – Clean room concepts and protocols -Lithography process steps; Mask Making, wafer pre-heat, resist spinning, pre-bake, exposure, development & rinsing, post-bake,oxide etching and resist stripping Alignment marks in mask plate – Optical lithography – Light Sources – Contact, proximity and projection printing and their modulation transfer function -Resolution in projection systems – Resists - Positive and negative photoresists and their comparison in terms of various parameters – Lift-off profile. Application of lithography –Semiconductor IC fabrication –Fabrication of n-type/p-type MOSFETs using metal gate and self-aligned poly-gate with lithographic masks – Fabrication of CMOS FET using p-well and n-well process with lithographic masks –Fabrication of NPN and PNP BJT with lithographic masks

Reference Books:

1. M J. Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, 2nd edition, (2002). 2. B. Bhushan, Handbook of Nanotechnology, Springer – Verlag, 2nd edition, (2006). 3. S. A. Campbell, The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, (2001). 4. J.R. Sheats, and B. W. Smith, Microlithography Science and Technology – CRC Press, New York, (2007). 5. Nanolithography: A Borderland between STM, EB, IB, and X-Ray Lithographies – M. Gentili (ed.) Carlo Giovannella Stefano Selci,, Springer; 1st edition, (1994). 6. Franssila S, Introduction to Microfabrication, 2nd Ed., Wiley 2010 7. Cui Z, Nanofabrication: Principles, Capabilities and Limits, Springer 2008



To teach the basic concepts of next generation nanolithography techniques To study top down and bottom up next generation nano lithographic techniques . To learn application of these techniques in the fabrication of nanoelectronic devices and sensors.


Students will have knowledge of concepts, methods and techniques of nanolithography. Students will have comprehensive knowledge on clean room concepts and protocols in the nanomicroelectronics devices fabrication. Students will have applied knowledge next generation lithography techniques in the fabrications of nanoelectronics devices and sensors..

Course Description:

Next generation lithographic techniques –Extreme ultraviolet lithography - X-ray lithography – X-ray resists Synchrotron radiation –Merits and demerits of X-ray lithography –– E-beam lithography – E-beam resists - Merits

and demerits - SCALPEL - Ion beam lithography - Nanolithography, Nano-sphere lithography – Molecular selfassembly – Nano-imprint lithography, Dip-pen nanolithography, soft lithography - Nano-scale 3-D lithographic methods – Stereolithography and Holographic lithography- Lightscribe lithography- Laser Interference Lithographymolecular manipulation by STM and AFM – Very thin resist layers; LB film resists – Nano-pattern synthesis –Nano scratching.

Reference Books:

1. M J. Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, 2nd edition, (2002). 2. B. Bhushan, Handbook of Nanotechnology, Springer – Verlag, 2nd edition, (2006). 3. S. A. Campbell, The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, (2001). 4. J.R. Sheats, and B. W. Smith, Microlithography Science and Technology – CRC Press, New York, (2007). 5. Nanolithography: A Borderland between STM, EB, IB, and X-Ray Lithographies – M. Gentili (ed.) Carlo Giovannella Stefano Selci,, Springer; 1st edition, (1994). 6. Franssila S, Introduction to Microfabrication, 2nd Ed., Wiley 2010 7. Cui Z, Nanofabrication: Principles, Capabilities and Limits, Springer 20



To understand about the basic concepts of MOSFET and CMOS devices To understand about the Ballistic MOSFET and Scattering Theory of the MOSFET Students can further understanding about the Carbon Nanotube FET


Students get an overview about fundaments of transistor devices. Students can get the knowledge about the scaling factor of a transistor Students will get a overall knowledge about Nanoscale transistor

Course Description:

Basic Concepts - 3D, 2D, 1D Carriers – DOS- carrier densities- directed moments- quantized conductance semiclassical carrier transport - ballistic transport: semiclassical - ballistic transport: quantum - The MOSFET - MOS Electrostatics -The MOS capacitor - MOSFET energy bands vs. Bias -2D electrostatics: The geometrical scaling factor - MOSFET Current-Voltage Characteristics - General expression - Linear region current- Saturation region current (long channel) - Saturation region current (velocity saturated) - Full-range (above threshold) Subthreshold - CMOS Technology - The CMOS inverter and digital gates -Device, circuit and system figures of merit -MOSFET scaling - Systems considerations - Mean- free-paths and L - Ballistic I-V (T > 0 nondegenerate) - Ballistic I-V (T = 0 degenerate) - Ballistic I-V (T > 0, general) - Numerical simulation of the ballistic MOSFET - I-V in terms of the transmission coefficient - The transmission coefficient low VDS - high VDS - The mean-free-path for backscattering - Carbon nanotubes - Bandstructure Basics - MIS electrostatics of carbon nanotube capacitors - Theory of the ballistic CNTFET-CNTFETs vs. MOSFETs - Towards Molecular Electronics

Reference Books:

1. “Nanoscale Transistors: Device Physics, Modeling, and Simulation” Lundstrom, Mark, Guo, jing, 2006, VII – Springer. 2. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, Geoff smith, “Nanotechnology: Basic Science and Emerging Technologies”, Overseas press, 2005. 3. Charles P.Poole Jr and. Frank J.Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley Interscience, 2003. 4. Mark A.Ratner, Daniel Ratner,”Nanotechnology: A gentle introduction to the next Big idea”, Pearson Education, 2003. 5. W.Goddard, “Handbook of Nanoscience, engineering and technology”, CRC Press, 2007.



To teach the fundamental concepts of various materials used in human health care To study the properties of materials that are required for applications in health care To understand the basics of nanomaterials with respect to medical application


Students will have knowledge of fundamental concepts of nanomaterials used in human health care Students will be able to understand the properties of materials from the health care application standpoint Students will be able to appreciate the wide range of health care needs that science still needs to address and how nanotechnology can address these issues.

Course Description

Polymeric implant materials, their properties and applications, Bioceramics, Biomedical alloys, implant tissue interfacing, biomimetic and solution based processing, Hydrogels, Cardiovascular implants, Role of nanoparticles and nanodevices in blood clotting, Blood substitutes, Vascular implants; Cardiac pacemakers, Biomembranes, Ophthalmological applications of nano biomaterials, Structure property relationship of biological materials, tissues, bones and teeth, collagen rich tissues, elastic tissues, Biopolymers, preparation of nanobiomaterials, Polymeric scaffolds, collagen, elastins, mucopolysaccharides, proteoglycans, cellulose and derivatives, dextrans, alginates, pectins, chitin, Tissue Engineering - building structure into engineered tissues, scaffolds for tissue fabrications

Reference Books:

1. SV Bhat, Biomaterials (2nd Edition), Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi-2005. 2. JB Park, Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Plenum Press, New York, 1984. 3. Nanofabrication towards biomedical applications wiley –VCHVerlag GmbH & CO, KGaA. 4. Robert.W.Kelsall, Ian.W.Hamley, Mark Geoghegan (Ed), Nano Scale Science And Technology, John Wiley and sons, ltd., 2005 5. H.Fujita (Ed), Micromachines As Tools For Nanotechnology, Springer, 2003 6. Mick Wilson Kamali Kannangara Geooff SmithMichelle, Simmons Urkhard Raguse, Nano Technology, Overseas India private Ltd., 2005. 7. Ashuthosh Tiwari” Advanced Health Care Nanomaterials” Wiley-Scrivener 2014.



The students will acquire sharp knowledge on nanotechnology based alternate source of energy The students will get a clear understanding of Solar technology They will be clear about the role of nanotechnology in improving the efficiency in energy usage


They will also understand the importance of energy storage techniques The students may work on advanced materials for renewable and green energy They will understand the working principle of fuel cells

Course Description:

Energy challenges – Development and implementation of renewable energy technologies – Nanotechnology enabled renewable energy technologies – Energy transport, conversion and storage – Nano, micro and meso scale phenomena and devices. Light emitting diodes – Batteries – Catalytic reactors – Capacitors – Super capacitors – Microfluidic systems – Nano engines – Biogas – Biodiesel. Electromagnetic spectrum –Availability of solar radiation – Photovoltaic devices – Dye sensitized solar cells – Silicon technology for

solar cells – First generation, second generation and third generation solar cells – Photoelectrochemical cells for hydrogen production Fuel cell technologies – Integration and performance for micro – Fuel cell systems – Thin film and microfabrication methods – Design methodologies – Micro-fuel cell power sources.

Reference Books:

1. J. Twidell and T. Weir, “Renewable Energy Resources”, E & F N Spon Ltd, 1986 2. Gregor Hoogers, “Fuel cell technology handbook”, CRC Press, 2003. 3. Vielstich, “Handbook of fuel cells: Fuel cell technology and applications”, CRC Press, 2003. 4. Kreith.J.F, Solar Energy Handbook:, McGrawHill, 1981.



To teach the fundamental concepts and principles associated with imaging and characterization techniques. To study various imaging techniques used for analysis of nanomaterials. To learn various characterization tools used for analysis of nanomaterials


Students will have the knowledge of concepts and working principles of imaging and characterization techniques. Students will have the knowledge of various Imaging techniques used for the analysis of nanomaterials. Students will understand various characterization techniques used for the analysis of nanomaterials

Course Description:

General microscopy concepts- resolution-magnification-optical microscopy -limitations-electron microscopyElectron sources- thermionic emission-field emission-wavelength of electron beam- electron- electron lens systemrequirement of ultrahigh vacuum-electron diffraction - electron scattering- concept of scanning- scanning electron microscopy (SEM)- transmission electron microscopy (TEM)-characterization of nanomaterials using SEM and TEM-FIB- XRD- Advanced Spectroscopy Techniques FTIR, SERS, UV- advanced scanning probe techniquesAFM, STM, Nanoindentation-Photoelectron Spectroscopy-XPS, ESCA, UPS- X-ray, Electron and Photon Diffraction and Scattering Techniques- XRD, EXAFS, LEED, RHEED, EELS, REELS, DLS - Vibrating Sample Magnetometer Applications

Reference Books:

1. D. Williams and B. Carter, "Transmission Electron Microscopy -A Textbook for Materials Science", Plenum Press, New York, 2nd Edition, 2009 2. L. Reimer, "Transmission Electron Microscopy: Physics of Image Formation and Microanalysis", 5th ed., Springer, 2008 3. B.Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007) 4. C.N.R. Rao, A. Muller, A.K. Cheetham, The chemistry of nanomaterials, Wiley VCH,2004 5. Colin N. Banwell & Elaine M. McCash, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, 4th Edition, McGrawHill, New Delhi, 2004 6. Willard, Merritt, Dean & Settle, "Instrumental Methods of Analysis", 6/e, CBS Publishers, Delhi, 1986. 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.



To teach the fundamental parameters in solar cells To study the advanced materials for energy generation of solar cells

To understand the PV concepts


Students will study about fundamental concepts of solar cells Students will understand the importance of solar cells and its various concepts, PV cells, fabrication of solar cells. Students will understand the various physical concepts in solar cell.

Course Description:

Important parameters in solar cells -thermodynamic aspects, photon management. Mechanisms of charge separation and transport: junctions, energy transfer, electron transfer, transport in disordered materials - Thin film photovoltaic, Advanced Materials for Energy Generation, general mechanism in photovoltaic cells, Dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC), Polymer based solar cells, Photovoltaic materials-inorganic semiconductors, organic semiconductorsFactors affecting the PV properties, Fabrication of PV cells.

Reference Books:

1. Jenny Nelson., “The Physics of Solar Cell-”, Imperial College Press 2. “Physics of Semiconductor Devices”– 3rd Edition by S. M. Sze and Kwok K. Ng. Copyright - John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3. H.P. Garg, J. Prakash Solar Energy: Fundamental and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill Education 2000. 4. “Organic Photovoltaics Mechanisms”, Materials and Devices- Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci. CRC Press, Mar 29, 2005 5. B.Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 1&2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007) 6. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.



To learn and understand basic and advanced concepts of engineering principles for nanotechnology. To teach various techniques involved in the fabrication of thin films To learn about the various properties of thin films and concepts of MEMS /NEMS.


They can able to learn about Basic principles of Nanotechnology, Methods and concepts to develop Nano thin films They can able to understand about Properties of Thin film analysis, Instruments involved in Nanofabrication, Basic concept about MEMS/NEMS Students can able to to start their reach work in nanotechnology.

Course Description:

Thin Film Coating - Chemical Vapour Deposition - amorphous thin films - Thin film Characterization - stress-strain curves- Mechanical, electrical, magnetic and optical properties of Thin film - Vacuum Technology - Pump selection and exhaust handling- sources, transport and deposition monitoring - MEMS and NEMS - Micro Systems and Microelectronics - pressure sensor with packaging - Silicon Technology - different types of transistor integration technological processes for microminiaturization- methods and limits of microminiaturization in silicon.

Reference Books:

1. Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: From transistors to Molecular and Quantum Devices by K. Goser (Edition, 2004), Springer. London 2. Tai-Ran Hsu, Tata McGrawHill, MEMS & Microsystems – Design and Manufacture, (2002). 3. Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: From transistors to Molecular and Quantum Devices by K. Goser

(Edition, 2004), Springer. London. 4. Nanotechnology enabled sensors by Kouroush Kalantar – Zadeh, Benjamin Fry, Springer Verlag New

York, (2007). 5. Sensors and signal conditioning, Ramon Pallas-Areny, John G. Webster John,2nd edition, Wiley & Sons (2001). 6. S.Renganathan “Transducer Engineering” – Allied publishers Limited, 1999. 7. Ernest O. Doeblin “Measurement Systems – Application & Design” McGraw – Hill Publishing company, 1990.



To gain the knowledge on the synthesis procedures for various nanomaterials To study about the techniques involved for this synthesis procedures To synthesize nanomaterials by various chemical and physical routes


Students will study about the various advanced synthesis techniques. Students will understand the importance of nanomaterials for various applications. The student will understand the methodology of synthesizing nanomaterials by different processes and techniques.

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.


Credits: 0:0:2


To gain the knowledge on the characterization techniques for various nanomaterials To learn and have hand-on experience with advanced nanotechnology characterization techniques To know about theoretical concepts in each techniques.


Students will study about the various advanced characterization techniques. The students should be able to handle the characterization tools independently and analyze the data using technical software Students will understand physical and theoretical concepts in techniques involved

The faculty conducting the Laboratory will prepare a list of 12 experiments and get the approval of HoD/Director and notify it at the beginning of each semester.



To teach the fundamental concepts of advanced nanocomposites. To study the properties and processing methods, characterization techniques of nanocomposites To understand the various engineering applications of nanocomposites


Students will have the knowledge of basics of nanocomposites in detail.

Students will study about properties and features of nanocomposites. Students will also study about processing and characterization techniques and its various engineering applications.

Course Description:

Introduction of Nanocomposites-definition-past and present concepts on nanocomposites-Role of statistics in materials -Properties and features of nanocomposites-Yield – Fracture – Rubbery elasticity and viscoelasticity –Composites and nanocomposites – Surface mechanical properties – Diffusion and permeability processing of nanocomposites- characterization of nanocomposites- applications of nanocomposites- hybrid nanocompositesbiodegradable protein nanocomposites-optical and structural applications.- various nanocomposites and its applications in mechanical, chemical, aerospace and electrical and structural engineering.

Reference Books:

1. Thomas E. Twardowski, “Introduction to Nanocomposite Materials – Properties, Processing, Characterization”, DesTech Publications, April, 2007 2. Pulickel M. Ajayan , Linda S. Schadler , Paul V. Braun, “Nanocomposite Science and Technology”, WileyVCH, 2006. 3. Yiu-Wing Mai and Zhong-Zhen Yu, “Polymer nanocomposites”, CRC Press, Boca Raton. 4. Klaus Friedrich, Stoyko Fakivov, Zhony Shang,”Polymer Composites from Nano-to-Macro-scale”, Springer, USA, 2005. 5. B. Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 1&2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007) 6. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003 7. H. S. Nalwa (Ed.), "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, California, 2004.

Credits: 3:0:0 14NT3018 NANOLITHOGRAPHY


To teach the basic concepts of nanolithography techniques To study top down and bottom up next generation nano lithographic techniques . To learn application of these techniques in the fabrication of nanoelectronic devices and sensors.


Students will have knowledge of concepts, methods and techniques of nanolithography. Students will have comprehensive knowledge on clean room concepts and protocols in the nanomicroelectronics devices fabrication. Students will have applied knowledge next generation lithography techniques in the fabrications of nanoelectronics devices and sensors.

Course Description:

Introduction to lithography – Clean room Concepts and protocols-UV Photolithography process stepsSemiconductor IC fabrication – Fabrication of n-type/p-type MOSFETs using metal gate and self-aligned poly-gate with lithographic masks – Fabrication of CMOS FET using p-well and n-well process with lithographic masks –Fabrication of NPN and PNP BJT with lithographic masks- Next generation lithography techniques- Extreme ultraviolet lithography - X-ray lithography – X-ray resists - Synchrotron radiation –Merits and demerits of X-ray lithography –– E-beam lithography – E-beam resists - Merits and demerits - SCALPEL - Ion beam lithography Nanolithography, Nano-sphere lithography – Molecular self-assembly – Nano-imprint lithography, Dip-pen nanolithography, soft lithography - Nano-scale 3-D lithographic methods – Stereolithography and Holographic lithography- Lightscribe lithography- Laser Interference Lithography- molecular manipulation by STM and AFM –Very thin resist layers; LB film resists – Nano-pattern synthesis – Nano scratching. Applications

Reference Books:

1. M J. Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, 2nd edition, (2002).

2. B. Bhushan, Handbook of Nanotechnology, Springer – Verlag, 2nd edition, (2006). 3. S. A. Campbell, The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication, 2nd Edition, Oxford

University Press, (2001). 4. J.R. Sheats, and B. W. Smith, Microlithography Science and Technology – CRC Press, New York, (2007). 5. Nanolithography: A Borderland between STM, EB, IB, and X-Ray Lithographies – M. Gentili (ed.) Carlo

Giovannella Stefano Selci,, Springer; 1st edition, (1994). 6. Franssila S, Introduction to Microfabrication, 2nd Ed., Wiley 2010. 7. Cui Z, Nanofabrication: Principles, Capabilities and Limits, Springer 2008



To teach the fundamental concepts of Molecular Simulations and associated thermodynamical and computational methods. To study various molecular simulation techniques such as Molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo Simulations Methods To learn the concepts of ensemble and understand different thermodynamics conditions


Students will have the knowledge of basic and applied concepts of molecular interaction, structureproperties relations associated thermodynamical concepts. Students will have expertise on Molecular simulations, Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations techniques. Students will have applied knowledge of using molecular simulation techniques in nanotechnology related problems.

Course Description:

Overview of molecular interactions- molecular simulation- Newton’s equations of motion- interaction potentialsLennard - Jones potentials- degree of freedom- trajectories- constraints- velocity maxwell distribution- random numbers- molecular dynamics- monte carlo methods- algorithms- verlet algorithms- Metropolis algorithmsensembles- thermodynamics conditions- statistical mechanics concepts- various ensembles- canonical, NVT, PVT, grand canonical ensemble-Molecular Dynamics simulations- Monte Carlo Simulations and Applications.

Reference Books:

1. D. Frenkel, B. Smit, Understanding Molecular Simulation: From Algorithms to Applications, Academic Press, 2002. 2. J. M. Haile, Molecular Dynamics Simulation: Elementary Methods. ISBN 0-471-18439-X,2001. 3. M.P.Allen, D.J. Tildesley, Computer Simulation of Liquids, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1987 4. D.J. Evans, G.P. Morriss Statistical Mechanics of Nonequilibrium Liquids, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-85791-8 (2008) 5. D.C. Rapaport, The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulations, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2004 6. B.Bhushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: Volume 1&2, , Springer-Verlag. Second ed., (2007) 7. Charles P Poole Jr., and Frank J. Ownes, Introduction to Nanotechnology, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2003.



To learn the 3-D design, and 3D modeling involved in nanomaterials design To learn the concept of 3D-printing technology To learn on design prototyping, conversion of CAD format to SPL format.


To get a depth knowledge about 3-D design, and 3D modeling involved in nanotechnology To get a thorough knowledge in 3D-printing technology Students will understand the concepts of 3D printing, 3D Rentering

Course Description:

Introduction and basics of 3-D printing- origin and needs of 3-D printing- 3D design- 3D modelling - 3D printing3D Rentering - Material design- Prototyping, Materials: PLA, SPS - Conversion of CAD format SPL format 3D scanning- 3D solid objects from digital models- Applications of 3D printing technology- Prospects in Futuretroubleshooting and calibration - Design and build project as case study for students hand-on experience .

Reference Books:

1. Christopher Winnan, 3D Printing: The Next Technology Gold Rush - Future Factories and How to Capitalize on Distributed Manufacturing [Kindle Edition], Amazon Digital Services, Inc. ISBN: 1494213966 2. Bob Holmes, How to 3D Print Yourself an Income, Amazon Digital Services, Inc. ASIN: B00CBNG3PA. 3. Christopher Barnatt, 3D Printing: The Next Industrial Revolution, Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

ASIN: B00CNPF0ZK 4. Brian Evans, Practical 3D Printers: The Science and Art of 3D Printing [Kindle Edition], Amazon Digital

Services, Inc. ASIN: B00936LYYS


Prerequisite: Solid State Device Modelling and Simulation

Course Objective

• To understand about semiconductor nanostructures. • To provide a deep knowledge about nanoparticles. • To study about semiconductor nanowires

Course outcome

• Students will get an in-depth knowledge about the basics of semiconductor physics. • Students will get an in-depth knowledge about the basics of semiconductor nanoparticles, semiconductor nanowires. • Gain knowledge in the applications of semiconductor nanowires.

Course Contents

Introduction to Semiconductor physics- Principles of semiconductor nanostructures based electronic and electrooptical devices- Synthesis of semiconductor nanoparticle- Physical properties like Melting point-Solid-state phase transformations etc- Applications of semiconductor nanoparticles and a brief study of semiconductor nanowires .


1. Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology,Bharat Bhushan,Springer,2012 2. Handbook of Semiconductor Nanostructures and NanodevicesVol 1-5-A. A. Balandin K. L. Wang,American Scientific Publishers,2005 3. Nanostructures and Nanomaterials - Synthesis, Properties and Applications –GuozhongCao,YingWang,World Scientific,2011 4. Handbook of Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology, Hari Singh Nalwa,Elsevier,2000 5. GinterSchmid, John Wiley & Sons, “Nanoparticles: From Theory to Application”, 2011. 6. Vincent M. Rotello, Springer,“Nanoparticles: Building Blocks for Nanotechnology”, 2004. 7. EncyclopediaofNanoscience and Nanotechnology- Hari Singh Nalwa,2004

Credits 3:0:0 14NT3022 MEMS AND BIO-MEMS

Course Objective

To understand the basic concepts of MEMS microfabrication and the physics of MEMS devices. To provide a deep knowledge in the field of Bio MEMS. To understand about the materials used for MEMS and to provide an in-depth knowledge about the current commercial and technological trends in the field of MEMS

Course outcome

The students will understand the basic concepts of MEMS micro-fabrication and the physics of MEMS devices. Gain a deep knowledge in the field of Bio MEMS for genomics and post genomics. They can design Bio-MEMS devices.

Course Contents

MEMS microfabrication- Design and application-Scaling issues- Physics of MEMS and the circuit integration-Bio MEMS which includes Engineering micro fluids-Bio MEMS for genomics and post genomics-Materials for MEMS and current commercial and technological trends in the field of MEMS


1. Marc Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press 1997. 2. Julian W. Gardner, Microsensors: Principles and Applications, Wiley 1994. 3. Gregory Kovacs, Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook, McGraw-Hill 1998. 4. Héctor J. De Los Santos, Introduction to Microelectromechanical (MEM) Microwave Systems, Artech House 1999. 5. Sergey Edward Lyshevski, Nano- and Microelectromechanical Systems, CRC Press 2000. 6. Vijay Varadan, Xiaoning Jiang, and VasundaraVaradan, Microstereolithography and other Fabrication Techniques for 3D MEMS, Wiley 2001. 7. Tai-Ran Hsu, MEMS and Microsystems: Design and Manufacture, McGraw-Hill 2001. 8. Remco J. Wiegerink, MikoElwenspoek, Mechanical Microsensors (Microtechnology and MEMS), Springer Verlag 2001.


Course Objective:

To understand the concepts of MEMS and Nano Technology To learn the fabrication process To provide application knowledge.

Course Outcome:

To design a MEMS and Nano systems To design a suitable Microsensor for a given application To do project work in the area of MEMS and Nano Technology.

Course content:

Microsystems and Microelectronics – Miniaturization – Microsensors, Molecular Theory and Intermolecular Forces – Silicon Piezo Resistors, Silicon Compounds – Polymers, Photolithography – Ion Implantation – Diffusion –Oxidation – Chemical Vapor Deposition – Etching, Nanobuilding Blocks, Tools For Measuring Nanostructures –Electron Microscopy – Spectroscopy..


1. Tai,Ran Hsu, “MEMS & Microsystems Design & Manufacture”, Tata Mc Graw Hill,2002.

2. Richard Booker, Earl Boysen,”Nanotechnology”, Wiley Dreamtech(p) Ltd, 2006. 3. Mark Ratner, Daniel Ratner, “Nanotechnology”, Pearson Education, 2003. 4. Charles P.Poole. “Introduction to Nanotechnology", Wiley publications, 2003.

Credits 3:0:0 14NT3024 BIOMEMS

Course objectives:

To understand various MEMS fabrication techniques. Different types of sensors and actuators and their principles of operation at the micro scale level. Application of MEMS in different field of medicine.

Course outcomes:

Ability to specify the design issues related to different types of sensors and actuators at microscale level Capability to specify the choice of the material for any application Capable of applying the concepts to the design of different types of micro systems with the help of CAD tools

Course contents:

MEMS Materials and Fabrication, LIGA. Mechanical and Thermal Sensors and Actuator. Electrostatic and Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators – Properties of piezoelectric materials, Case study: Design of electrostatic actuator. Microfluidic Systems -dielectrophoresis, microfluid dispenser, microneedle, micropumps-continuous flow system, micromixers, Case study: Design of electrophoretic microcapillary network system. Applications of MEMS in Medicine-CAD for MEMs, micro total analysis systems(MicroTAS), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA sensor, Case study: Design of BP sensor..


1. Chang Liu,’ Foundations of MEMS’, Pearson Education International, New Jersey, USA, 2006 2. Nitaigour Premchand Mahalik, “ MEMS”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2007 3. Tai Ran Hsu, “MEMS and Microsystems design and manufacture”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2002 4. Wanjun Wang, Stephen A.Soper,” BioMEMs: Technologies and applications”, CRC Press, New York, 2007 5. Marc J. Madou ‘Fundamentals of microfabrication: the science of miniaturization’, CRC Press,2002 6. NadimMaluf, Kirt Williams. “ An introduction to Microelectromechancial Systems Engineering”, Second Edition, Artech House Inc, MA, 2004 7. Ellis Meng , “Biomedical Microsystems”, CRC Press,Boca Raton, FL, 2011 8. Victor.C.Yang,That.T.Ngo.”Biosensors and their applications”, Springer, 2006.


Course Objective

To know basic Nano technological principles and characterization methods To understand the essential features of biology and nanotechnology that is converging. To create the new areas of bio nanotechnology and Nano medicine.

Course outcome

To follow the newest findings in the area of Nano medicine To implement the new perspectives in medical applications To design BP sensors

Course Contents

Overview of nanotechnology from medical perceptive, nanobiomaterials - nanostructure interactions. Smartnanomaterials, Nanocarriers. Proteins as transducers and amplifiers – nanobioelectronic devices and polymer nanocontainers – microbial production of inorganic nanoparticles – magnetosomes. DNA based nanostructures –DNA oligomers – use of DNA molecules in nanomechanics. Nanoparticles in diagnostics— nuclear imaging, optical imaging, PET, cardio vascular disease studies, imaging and therapy of thrombosis, Emerging Ethical issues and toxicology of nanomaterials. Nanoparticles as carriers in drug delivery- transport across biological barriers, nanotechnology in treatment of various diseases.


1. Nanobiotechnology – Concepts, Applications and Perspectives – 2004. Edited by CM, Niemeyer , C.A. Mirkin. Wiley – VCH. 2. Nanoparticle Assemblies and Superstructures. By Nicholas A. Kotov.2006 -CRC. 3. Nano: The Essentials: T. Pradeep. McGraw – Hill education – 2007. 4. Nanofabrication Towards Biomedical Applications, Techniques, Tools, Applications and Impact. 2005 - By Challa, S.S.R. Kumar, Josef Hormes, CarolaLeuschaer. Wiley – VCH


Course Objectives:

To learn the basics nano materials Synthesis To know the various approaches of synthesizing nano materials Applications of nano materials

Course Outcomes:

To synthesis nano materials according to application To design Nano structures To conduct experimental studies

Course contents:

Bulk Synthesis of nano-structured and composite materials. Chemical Approaches- Biomimetic Approaches Electrochemical Approaches - Physical Approaches- Magnetron sputtering - Micro lithography. Nanoporous Materials - Mesoporous materials, AgX photography, smart sunglasses, and transparent conducting oxides. Application Of Nanomaterials- Molecular Electronics and Nanoelectronics, Biological Applications, Nanomechanics - Carbon Nanotube, Nano structures as single electron transistor –principle and design.


1. S.P. Gaponenko, Optical Properties of semiconductor nanocrystals, Cambridge University Press, 1980. 2. W.Gaddand, D.Brenner, S.Lysherski and G.J.Infrate(Eds.), Handbook of NanoScience, Engg. and Technology, CRC Press, 2002. 3. K. Barriham, D.D. Vvedensky, Low dimensional semiconductor structures: fundamental and device applications, Cambridge University Press, 2001. 4. G. Cao, Nanostructures &Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties &Applications , Imperial College Press, 2004. 5. J.George, Preparation of Thin Films, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. 2005.

Credits 3:0:0 14NT3027 MEMS and NEMS

Course Objective : To understand the concepts of Micro devices

To gain knowledge to realize nano devices Application knowledge of MENS and NEMS

Course outcomes: To design a suitable sensor for a given application Gains more knowledge in molecular and nanostructure dynamics Understand the fabrication process

Course Contents

Micro and Nanoscale systems- Introduction to Design of MEMS and NEMS-Materials for MEMS -Microsystem fabrication processes- Etching techniques-Micromachining-Packaging - MEMS Sensors- Design of MEMS Actuators- Micromechanical Motors and pumps -Atomic Structures and Quantum Mechanics, Molecular and Nanostructure Dynamics.


1. Marc Madou, “Fundamentals of Microfabrication”, CRC press 1997. 2. Stephen D. Senturia,” Micro system Design”, Kluwer Academic Publishers,2001 3. Tai Ran Hsu ,”MEMS and Microsystems Design and Manufacture”, Tata Mcraw Hill, 2002. 4. Chang Liu, “Foundations of MEMS”, Pearson education India limited, 2006, 5. Sergey Edward Lyshevski, “MEMS and NEMS: Systems, Devices, and Structures” CRC Press, 2002


Course objectives:

To know about optical microscopy To understand SEM Application of imaging techniques in Nano technology

Course outcomes:

To apply imaging techniques in Nano perspective To analyze Nano structure based on various microscopy Experimental knowledge

Course contents:

Optical Microscopy- Use of polarized light microscopy, Phase contrast microcopy, Interference Microscopy, hot stage microscopy, surface morphology,Etch pit density and hardness measurements. Scanning Electron MicroscopyBasic design of the scanning electron microscopy, Modes of operation, X-rays, typical forms of contrast, Replicas Various-application of SEM. Transmission Electron Microscopy-Basic principles, Modes of operation, Structure of Grain boundaries and interfaces- HRTEM use in nanostructures. Atomic Force Microscopy-Interaction force, AFM and the optical lever, Scale drawing, AFM tip on nanometer scale structures, Scanning Force Microscopy-Shear force Microscopy-Lateral Force Microscopy-Magnetic Force microscopy. Scanning Tunneling Microscopyimportance of STM for nanostructures, surface and molecular manipulation using STM -3D map of electronic structure.


1. J.Goldstein, D. E. Newbury, D.C. Joy, and C.E. Lym, “Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis”, 2003. 2. S.L. Flegler, J.W. Heckman and K.L. Klomparens, “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Introduction”, WH Freeman & Co, 1993. 3. P.J.Goodhew, J.Humphreys, R.Beanland, “Electron Microscopy and Analysis”, 4. R.Haynes, D.P.Woodruff and T.A.Talchar, “Optical Microscopy of Materials”, Cambridge University press, 1986

Credits 3:0:0 14NT3029 NANOELECTRONICS

Course objectives:

To learn and understand basic concepts of Nano electronics. To know the techniques of fabrication and measurement. To gain knowledge about Nanostructure devices and logic devices

Course outcomes:

Knowledge about the basics of Nano Electronics Fabricate nanostructured devices To do fabrication of logic devices

Course contents:

Introduction to Nanoelectronics - Microelectronics towards biomolecule electronics, Particles and waves, Wave mechanics, Schrödinger wave equation- Wave mechanics of particles, Crystal lattices, Carbon nanomaterials. Fabrication And Measurement Techniques-Growth, fabrication, and measurement techniques for nanostructures, Nanolithography, etching, Techniques for characterization of nanostructures, Methods of nanotube growthChemical and biological methods for nanoscale fabrication- Fabrication of nano-electromechanical systems. Properties- Dielectrics, Ferroelectric, Magneto-electronics, Magnetism and Magneto-transport in Layered Structures, Electronic Structures, Circuit and System Design- Analysis by Diffraction and Fluorescence Methods. Nano Structure Devices-Statistics of the electrons in solids and nanostructures, Density of states of electrons in nanostructures, Electron transport in nanostructure, Nanostructure devices, Nano-electromechanical system devices. Logic Devices And Applications- Logic Devices, Electron Devices for Logic Applications, Superconductor Digital Electronics, Carbon Nanotubes for Data Processing, Molecular Electronics


1. Vladimir V. Mitin, Viatcheslav A. Kochelap, Michael A. Stroscio, “Introduction to Nanoelectronics:Science, Nanotechnology, Engineering, and Applications”, Cambridge University Press 2011 2. SupriyoDatta,“Lessons from Nanoelectronics: A New Perspective on Transport”, World Scientific2012 3. George W. Hanson,“Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics”, Pearson 2009 4. Korkin, Anatoli; Rosei, Federico (Eds.), “Nanoelectronics and Photonics”,Springer 2008 5. Karl Goser, Peter Glösekötter, Jan Dienstuhl,“Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: FromTransistors to Molecular and Quantum Devices“, Springer 2004 6. W. R. Fahrner, Nanotechnology and Nan electronics: Materials, Devices, Measurement Techniques(SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005) 7. Mark A. Reed, TakheeLee,“Molecularnanoelectronics”, American Scientific Publishers 2003 8. Jaap Hoekstra, “Introduction to Nanoelectronic Single-Electron Circuit Design”, Pan Stanford Publishing 2010


Course objectives:

To understand the basics of lithography To study different techniques in lithography To learn nano imprint lithography

Course outcomes:

Knowledge about various lithography techniques Fabrication of nano devices To apply in their project work

Course contents:

Patterning of Thin Films- Lithography, Multistage scanners resolution, Photomask, Off axis illumination, Optical proximity correction, Sub resolution assist feature enhancement. Maskless Optical Lithography-Zone plate array lithography-Extreme ultraviolet lithography. Electron Beam Lithography-Scanning electron-beam lithographymaskless EBL, electron beam projection lithography. X-Ray Lithography-Ion beam lithography, Focusing ion beam lithography, Ion projection lithography, Masked ion beam lithography, atom lithography. Nanoimprint Lithography and Soft Lithography-Dip-Pen Lithography Etching techniques, Reactive Ion etching, RIE reactive ion etching, Magnetically enhanced RIE- IBE Ion beam etching


1. D. S. Dhaliwal et al., PREVAIL –

“Electron projection technology approach for next generation lithography”, IBM Journal Res. & Dev. 45, 615 (2001). 2. M. Baker et al., “Lithographic pattern formation via metastable state rare gas atomic beams”,

Nanotechnology 15, 1356 (2004). 3. H. Schift et al., “Fabrication of polymer photonic crystals using nanoimprint lithography”, Nanotechnology 16, 261, (2005). 4. R.D. Piner, “Dip-Pen” Nanolithography, Science 283, 661 (1999).


Course Objectives:

To know the applications of nanotechnology in pharmaceutical fields Applications of nanotechnology in drug delivery To know about nanobot medical devices

Course Outcomes:

To apply Nanotechnology In Health Care To apply nanotechnology for drug delivery To design Nano based medical devices

Course contents:

Nanotechnology In Pharmaceutical Applications - Neurophysiology, Protein- and peptide-based compounds for cancer, diabetes, infectious diseases and organ transplant. Micro and Nano-immuno sensors, DNA and antibodies. Improved Medical Diagnostics - Nanobot medical devices. Prosthetic And Medical Implants - artificial organs and implants, retinal, cochlear, and neural implants, repair of damaged nerve cells, and replacements of damaged skin, tissue, or bone. Methods for Diagnosis- Animation of the PCR, Cantilever Sensors, Targeted Drug Delivery, Magnetic Nanoparticles, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), Tethered Lipid Membranes.


1. Chemical Sensors and Biosensors; Brian, R Eggins; Wiley; New York, Chichester; 2002. 2. Biosensors and modern biospecific analytical techniques, Wilson & Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry; Ed. L Gorton; Elsevier, Amsterdam, London; 2005. 3. The Immunoassay Handbook; Ed. David Wild; 3rd ed.; Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2005. 4. Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications; Allen J Bard and Larry R Faulkner; Wiley, New York, Chichester : 2nd ed.; 2001. 5. Ultrathin Electrochemical Chemo- and Biosensors: Technology and Performance in Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors; Volume Two; Ed. Vladimir M. Mirsky; Springer, Berlin; 2004

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