Nano CBCS Syllabus

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Datta, Supriyo. Lessons from nanoelectronics: a new perspective on transport. Vol. 1. World Scientific publishing company, 2012. Hanson, George W. Fundamentals of nanoelectronics. Prentice Hall, 2008. Korkin, Anatoli, and Federico Rosei, eds. Nanoelectronics and photonics: from atoms to materials, devices, and architectures. Springer Science & Business Media, 2008. Fahrner, W. R. Nanotechnology and nanoelectronics. Springer-Verlag New York Incorporated, 2005. Gentili, Massimo, Carlo Giovannella, and Stefano Selci, eds. Nanolithography: a borderland between STM, EB, IB, and X-ray lithographies. Vol. 264. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013. Hoekstra, Jaap. Introduction to nanoelectronic single-electron circuit design. CRC Press, 2009. Franssila, S. "Economics of Microfabrication." Introduction to Microfabrication, 2nd ed., Chichester, United Kingdom: John Wiley (2010): 458. 20NT3012


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Course objectives: 1. To impart knowledge on microbes their structure, distribution and their significance. 2. To impart knowledge on the immune system, its components and function. 3. To prepare to explore the role of nanotechnology in microbiology and immunology Course outcomes: Ability to 1. Understand the historical perspective and scope of microbiology and its significance. 2. Simplify and know the structure, functions and nutritional requirements of microbes 3. Outline the general concepts of immune system, cells, organs of the immune system and Antigens and Antibodies 4. Interpret the concept of innate immunity and acquired immunity 5. Explore the role of nanotechnology in providing solutions to problems in microbiology and Immunology Unit I: History and Introduction to the world of Microbes Historical perspectives of microbiology-classification, and nomenclature of microorganisms and their distribution. Cell structure of Microbes- Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell structure and components. Surface of microbes Prokaryotes- Archeae and Eubacteria, Eukaryotes- Protista and fungi. Nutrition: Autotrophs, heterotrophs, and Saprophytes. Viruses-Introduction-Classification-Structure & assembly-Nucleic acid packaging. Growth of Microbes in the laboratory. Unit II: Economic importance of Microbes-The Good, Band and Ugly Microbes in Health & Disease-Microbiome-importance in health and disease. Microbial biofilms in medical devices. Role of microbes in plant nutrition & plant diseases. Application of nanotechnology in microbiology, antimicrobial nano-particles, nano-coating of medical devices, nano-formulation in fertilizer and pesticides. Unit III: The Immune System Immunity Types-Innate & Acquired-Humoral & Cell mediated. Self & Non Self. Mode of operation of the immune system. Organs of the Immune system, Cells of the Immune System. Antigens, Antigenicity, Immunoglobulins – Structure & Classes. The complement system. Unit IV: Antigen Processing & Presentation MHC class-I & II- structure, and antigen processing. Antigen presentation & consequence of antigen Presentation- Clonal expansion & T-Cell Activation. 8


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