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over Shining Tor. This offers a very pleasant approach to the hamlet of Milldale providing an excellent taste of the northern half of Dovedale. Note that Milldale can be very busy especially during holiday weekends, which is in complete contrast to the outward high level section of the route.

4. In Milldale, cross the bridge and take the path (signed but half hidden by the toilets) that leads steeply uphill and south along the western bank of the Dove. There is a warning notice about the path being impassable after heavy rain and this should be heeded if the river is high. The path is muddy in places (but offers a quieter route to the main path on the eastern side of the river) and leads to Hall Dale - an excellent example of a dry valley.


5. Stay on the west side of the river to reach Ilam Rock where a path climbs steeply up through the woods. There now follows a pleasant high level walk along the western rim of Dovedale to reach Air Cottage. Turn west to Ilamtops Farm and south on a signed right of way to reach Bunster Hill. There are many paths in this area but it is best to aim due south to reach a col between Bunster Hill and a small outlying top. From here, the onward route to the Izaak Walton Hotel and the car park becomes obvious.

Even on a busy weekend when the Thorpe Stepping Stones and Milldale are bustling with people, you can enjoy a quiet walk away from the crowds by following this route. Not bad for such a busy part of the Peak District National Park!

Walk supplied by Walking Britain (walk no. 1195). For more walks, or to download a GPS file for this walk, visit www.walkingbritain.co.uk

We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that this walk is safe and achievable by walkers of a realistic level of fitness. The publisher accepts no responsibility for any injuries caused to readers whilst following the walk. Always wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Walk details correct at time of going to print. It is advisable to carry the relevant OS map with you when walking the route.

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