Auntie Karen Foundation Legends of...2015 Program Book

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Auntie Karen Foundation

“Empowering, Enlightening & Educating through the Arts”

Greetings, Thank you for your support and attending Legends of…2015 as we celebrate our twelfth year of success. We appreciate your continued patronage and support in helping us to accomplish the Foundation’s mission. Your financial contributions and pledges have allowed us to grow the Young Entrepreneurs Conference and Gordon’s Garden. The greater Columbia community and the city of Charlotte, North Carolina have embraced both programs and have helped the Foundation to promote their success. We thank you for recognizing that Legends is more than a concert; it is an experience which enriches the community and teaches our children about lost genres of music and art. We must continue to embrace and challenge our children. They are our future, and their success rests on our shoulders. The Auntie Karen Foundation’s mission is to empower, enlighten and educate through the arts. Karen Alexander and the Foundation have engaged the children of this community and throughout the world to tap their creative talents, encouraged to grasp every opportunity offered, and to excel beyond the confines of their immediate environments. With your continued support we can do greater things, create other challenging programs, and Olivia can give many more hugs around America. Sincerely,

Sarah B. Watson, Executive Director


4204 NORTH MAIN STREET • COLUMBIA, SC • 29203 PHONE:803-748-7124 • FAX: 803-256-6971


Background/Summary The Auntie Karen Foundation welcomes you to our twelth annual Legends Of... Concert Series. In 2004, our inaugural event featured Roberta Flack in concert with special guest, The Capital City Chorale. In 2005, we presented Jazz Legend, Dianne Reeves with special guest, the Auntie Karen All Stars; South Carolina’s Finest Musical Talent. Patrons are still raving about Al Jarreau (2006) and Patti Austin (2007). In 2008, we welcomed The Joe Sample Trio and Take 6, while in 2009, we showcased funk legend, George Duke and jazz vocalist, Rachelle Ferrell. 2010 brought us the singer/songwriter duo, Ashford & Simpson, while in 2011 we showcased 10 time Grammy Award winner, singer,songwriter, producer, Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds. 2012 we welcomed two Grammy Award winning Legends: pianist Ramsey Lewis and the return of vocalist, Patti Austin. 2013 brought a sold out performance with Gladys Knight and in 2014 we presented a Tribute to George Duke featuring Kirk Whalum, Lalah Hathaway & Jonathan Butler. Tonight, we are pleased to welcome 10 Time Grammy Award winner, Chaka Khan to celebrate our 12th Annual Concert!

Board of Directors

The Auntie Karen Foundation created the Legends of...Concert Series to pay tribute to the contributions African American music has made to history. Each year during Black History Month, the series profiles a jazz, rhythm and blues, gospel or blues artist who has made a lasting contribution to the history of music. In addition, we have extended our series to include “Legends of...In the Schools” which is a series of art events designed to salute African American Heritage. Events include: Folk Art, Quilting, Dance, Spoken Word, Written Word and Music. Through a partnership with The Columbia Museum of Art, we featured some of the best local and regional artists at no cost to the public on January 31, 2015.

The Auntie Karen Foundation can customize a sponsorship package to meet your goals and priorities.

Karen Alexander, President Dr. Phyllis Sanders, Vice-President Claudia Goodson, Secretary Melzina Cannon, Treasurer Janet Johnson-Whipple Gwen Jordan Linda wilson Dr. Norma Jackson Sarah Watson, Executive Director Tonight’s performance marks the 12th Anniversary of The Legends of... Concert Series. The Auntie Karen Foundation relies on community support from you to help us further our mission. We would kindly accept your tax deductible gifts.

For more information on sponsorships: Send an email to: or call 803-748-7124. Past Legends:

Legends of... past artists: Kirk Whalum,

Lalah Hathaway & Jonathan Butler (2014)Gladys Knight (2013) Patti Austin & Ramsey Lewis (2012) Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds (2011), Ashford & Simpson (2010) George Duke (2009), Rachelle Ferrell (2009), Joe Sample (2008), Take 6 (2008), Patti Austin (2007), Al Jarreau (2006), Dianne Reeves (2005), Roberta Flack (2004)

About Us

The Auntie Karen Foundation is a global, nonprofit, 501(c) 3 charitable corporation certified by the state of South Carolina on October 31, 2001. The foundation’s mission is to create and implement a series of replicable community outreach programs designed to empower, enlighten and educate through the arts.

Auntie Karen® Foundation

The Auntie Karen Foundation is a global, nonprofit, 501(c) 3 charitable corporation certified by the state of South Carolina on October 31, 2001. The foundation’s mission is to create and implement a series of reproducible community outreach programs designed to empower, enlighten and educate through the arts. Programs include: Annual Young Entrepreneur’s Conference For the 12th year, this innovative conference held on the campus of Benedict College has brought together youth (ages seven to twenty two) from across the region to foster economic e po er ent ach year, ten young entrepreneurs under the age of t enty fi e are featured. Auntie Karen’ s Place TV Pilot: Auntie Karen’s Place The Auntie Karen Foundation partnered with SC ETV and Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital to produce a 30-minute DVD that uses puppets and music to provide a simple way to e plain life skills such as health, e ergency preparedness, a usic and financial literary The Foundation received a grant from the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Columbia and SC Competitive Grants program. Artpreneur/Technopreneur Classes The purpose of the Artpreneur/Technopreneur classes is to “inspire a new generation of business leaders through arts and technology”. Classes include: visual art, dance, creative cooking, guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, spoken word and etiquette. The Auntie Karen Foundation’s Artpreneur pilot program started in 2003. Hugs From Carolina The Auntie Karen Foundation partnered with Auntie Karen Inc. and City Light Inc. to create Hugs From Carolina. Hugs From Carolina, a division of Hugs Around The World, has Olivia The Octopus spreading hugs to the survivors of Hurricane Katrina. The program was launched in Biloxi, Mississippi on October 14, 2005. Children were given an adoption kit which included: an Olivia The Octopus Hand puppet and the book “Olivia Gave A Hug Today”. Once again, Olivia and City Light Inc. joined forces with a Hugs Campaign in Saluda, SC. Legends of...(A Salute to Black History) The Auntie Karen Foundation pays tribute to the contributions of African Americans with the Legends of...Programs. Each year, the celebration includes: Black History Program with The Columbia Museum of Art, The Legends of...Master Class with CSAM (Center for Southern African American Music at USC) and The Legends of...Concert & Silent Auction (Koger Center) The Gordon’s Garden Program was created to teach kids about healthy living habits. Gordon, an original Auntie Karen character, is an overweight, purple Jamaican Yam. The Jamaican Yams are used to teach healthy living skills to youth via music, books and DVDs. The fear that Gordon’s weight and eating habits are putting him at risk for developing diabetes was the inspiration for the garden. Auntie Karen’s character Olivia The Octopus is an International Jazz Diva. The Hugs Around The World campaign was created to have Olivia travel the world giving hugs. To date Olivia has traveled to Brazil, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Japan, Holland, Ghana and Nigeria.

F ri e nd s of T he A u nti e K are n F ou nd ati on F orm

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsor Information

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C om p any N am e

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P l e ase o c nsi d e r b e co m i ng a f ri e nd of the A u nti e K are n F ou nd ati on. Whe n yo u co ntri b u te to the A u nti e K are n F ou nd ati on, yo u he l p u s e m p ow e r, e nl i g hte n and e d u ca te i n the state of Sou th C arol i na and arou nd the g l ob e . Si nce 2 0 0 1 , the A u nti e K are n F ou nd ati on has i nsp i re d ki d s and ad u l ts u si ng the p ow e r of the arts, A u nti e K are n ch aract e rs and p rog ram s. Programs include: L eg en d s of ‌ ( C e l e b rati ng Bl ack H i story i n Sou th C arol i na) C once rt Se ri e s, M aste r C l ass and Bl ack H i story C u l tu ral D ay at the C ol u m b i a M u se u m of A rt

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P l e ase m ake ch e cks p aya b l e to Auntie Karen Foundation and m ai l to Auntie Karen Foundation, PO Box 602 , COLUMBIA SC 29202 E ncl ose d i s m y d onati on f or $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Si g natu re

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C re d i t ca rd p aym e nts ca n b e m ad e onl i ne at w w w .au nti e ka re . A l l co ntri b u ti ons are tax d e d u ct i b l e to the e xt e nt al l ow e d b y l aw .

A n n ua l Y oun g En trep ren eurs C on f eren ce H ug s F rom C a rol in a A un tie K a ren ‘ s P l a ce T V P il ot N o d onati on i s too sm al l ! ! uJ st co m p l e te the f orm to the ri g ht and ad d yo u r d onati on. A u nti e K are n ne e d yo u r he l p ! T hanks i n ad va nce


Olivia the Octopus Office Use Only R e ce i ve d b y_ _ _ _ C ash A m ou nt _ _ _ C he ck A m ou nt _ _ A d re ce i ve d _ _ _

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Photos from the Home Arts classes taught at Alcorn Middle School

Artpreneur/Technopreneur Classes The purpose of the Artpreneur/Technopreneur classes is to “inspire a new generation of business leaders through arts and technology”. Classes include: visual art, dance, creative cooking, guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, spoken word, sewing and etiquette. The Auntie Karen Foundation’s Artpreneur pilot program started in 2003.

Burton Pack Elementary School Pilot The Auntie Karen Foundation’s Artpreneur Pilot was implemented at Burton Pack Elementary School during the spring of 2003. Below are some pictures from that pilot.

Art Classes taught by Rodgers Boykin

For more information visit: Guitar Lessons taught by Terence Young

Cooking & Sewing Classes taught by Linda Wilson, Platinum Pomegrante and Shandra Childs Thomas, Paradise Interiors, Inc.

Drum Lessons taught by Jeff Elmore

Funding provided in part by Richland School District One & SC DJJ

2014 YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS TEAM 2014 Conference Planning Committee en le n e President Bre nd a P e te rson, Co-Chair n ley Co-Chair Barb ara Bow m an,Co-Chair D i ann Se l p h, Recruitment & Registration E l i sa Bl ackw e l l , Successville & YE Showcase ny n Successville & YE Showcase Barb ara Bow m an, Sponsorship Sarah Watson Executive Director e y e e e Graphics l n s Social Media cec ly le n e Social Media ney s n Social Media Je sse Ste ve nson nne e e s

Auntie Karen Board en le n e en n Ja ne t Jo hnson- Whi p p l e L i nd a Wi l son yll s n es D r. N orm a Ja ckso n ley c l s n


y ls n Sp e nce r Bow m an Benedict International Students: Be l i nd a C am ach o, Coordinator Shannon H u rtad o n e n ne nes E d u ard D avi d M osq u e ra L u d w i ng M u ri l l o L i nd a P arra Columbia College: e Coordinator ly l c

Volunteers con’t SC Community Uplift e ne ye s Coordinator n e y P au l Brow n s el e le e n le n s n ny een ff ny es enne ye s USC NAACP n y Coordinator Wi l l Si m m ons e ens n n e DDCP Communications & Lee Central Media Literacy Program D on P atte rson, Coordinator s ey e es le s e e ns n nyee nes K atri na L ove n e ye s e s es sc e s K hal e i l Washi ng ton

2014 YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS TEAM 2014 Conference Planning Committee en le n e President Bre nd a P e te rson, Co-Chair n ley Co-Chair Barb ara Bow m an,Co-Chair D i ann Se l p h, Recruitment & Registration E l i sa Bl ackw e l l , Successville & YE Showcase ny n Successville & YE Showcase Barb ara Bow m an, Sponsorship Sarah Watson Executive Director e y e e e Graphics l n s Social Media cec ly le n e Social Media ney s n Social Media Je sse Ste ve nson nne e e s

Auntie Karen Board en le n e en n Ja ne t Jo hnson- Whi p p l e L i nd a Wi l son yll s n es D r. N orm a Ja ckso n ley c l s n


y ls n Sp e nce r Bow m an Benedict International Students: Be l i nd a C am ach o, Coordinator Shannon H u rtad o n e n ne nes E d u ard D avi d M osq u e ra L u d w i ng M u ri l l o L i nd a P arra Columbia College: e Coordinator ly l c

Volunteers con’t SC Community Uplift e ne ye s Coordinator n e y P au l Brow n s el e le e n le n s n ny een ff ny es enne ye s USC NAACP n y Coordinator Wi l l Si m m ons e ens n n e DDCP Communications & Lee Central Media Literacy Program D on P atte rson, Coordinator s ey e es le s e e ns n nyee nes K atri na L ove n e ye s e s es sc e s K hal e i l Washi ng ton

"empowering, enlightening & educating through the arts"



w i th








January 31, 2015 - 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Exhibits The Auntie Karen Foundation

The Auntie Karen Foundation will display information and the work of select artists directly affiliated with the organization. Auntie Karen's Young Entrepreneurs, Community Visual Artists & Vendors Visual Artists Sheneka Jackson-Kinsey Irmo High School International School Of the Arts Amina Cox

Enjoy the Shoppes at Auntie Karen Place 12:50 Tasia Phillips 1:00 PM Auntie Karen Place: Artist Village Incubater Partnership Announcement 1:30 PM Congressman James Clyburn 2:05 PM Dance South 2:20 PM Kiera McFarlan 2:30 PM Irmo High School International School of the Arts 2:45 PM Cubs Awesome Step Team


Legends of... Master Classes - February 19, 2015 Music Icon Chaka Khan will share her talent and lessons learned in a master class. The class is designed for Elementary to College Age Students. For additional information contact: Hope Jeffcoat at 803-315-6680 or

Black Family Technology Awareness Corner

The Greater Columbia Area Chapter, Black Data Processing Associates is a non-profit organization dedicated to developing and increasing Information Technology skills and knowledge in the community through seminars, workshops, and training

Auntie Karen Place: Artist Village & Incubater Partnership Announcement

Auntie Karen Young Entrepreneurs Showcase 11:30 AM 11:45 AM 11:55 AM 12:10 PM 12:25 AM 12:35PM

Awesome Little Divas Asia Jacobs Dance South Richland School District One Chyna Young Irmo High School International School of The Arts

The Auntie Karen Foundation is a global, 501 c 3 charitable corporation certified by the state of South Carolina on October 31, 2001. The foundation’s mission is to create and implement a series of reproducible community outreach programs designed to empower, enlighten and educate through the arts. For more information visit: or call 803-748-7124.

12th Annual Legends Of...Concert Series & Silent Auction February 21, 2014, 8:00 PM, Koger Center, Columbia, SC or 803-251-2222

Proceeds to benefit The Auntie Karen Foundation

For more information contact: Toshia Addison (803) 210-5885 or This event is free, however there is a fee to tour the museum

Auntie Karen 4204 North Main Street Columbia, SC 29203 Tel: 803-748-7124 Fax: 803-256-6971 Email:

Today is dedicated to the memories of Auntie Karen Board Members, Deborah Woodard & Dr. Linda Rochelle Lane

"empowering, enlightening & educating through the arts"





PLE ASE SUPPOR T T OD AY ' S V E N D OR S Organizations The Auntie Karen Foundation BDPA (Black Data Processing Associates) 101.3 Big DM (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM) Irmo High School International School of the Arts Richland School District One Visual Artists Sheneka Jackson-Kinsey Rodgers Boykins Irmo High School Baccalaureate Visual Art Students

Young Entrepreneurs Courtland Thomas (2013 YE of the Year) Zyona Kinsey McNabb, Zmac Jewelry Josh Eaddy, Cakes by Josh (2011 YE of the Year) Asya Organic Farm Amina Cox, Visual Artist (2014 YE of the year honoree) Janae Ward, Something Fruity (2014 YE of the year) DJJ After School Academic Career Launch Program Entrepreneurs Audio Visual provided by: Don Patterson Alberta Graham Terence Young Platinum Pomegranate Auntie Karen Gordon's Garden P's Buns on the Run Damien's Small Batch Confections Pam Cox, Mary Kay Leela's Body Cocktails Avah's Closets Pete from York

Congressman James Clyburn Book Signing James E. Clyburn has represented South Carolina's sixth district in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1993, and he currently serves as assistant democratic leader of the House. His book "Blessed Experiences Genuinely Southern, Proudly Black" is a compelling memoir of a civil rights leader's journey from the Jim Crow-era South to the Washington beltway

Auntie Karen Place: Artist Village & Incubator

The Auntie Karen Foundation and the Lutheran Seminary have partnered to create Auntie Karen's Place. The partnership will convert former Lutheran Seminary Student Housing to an artist village and incubator. The repurposed space will be the home to more than 20 seasoned artists teaching classes such as: Cooking, Sewing, Visual Arts, Technology, Healing Arts, Music and more. Stop by to see the vision for this project; Sign up to volunteer. Donations are welcomed.


Auntie Karen Foundation Board Toshia Addison Lutheran Seminary Renderings by Jake Schmit Mildred Allen, BDPA The Columbia Museum of Art Courtland Thomas Shandra Childs-Thomas Diane Padula Sarah Watson, Auntie Karen Foundation Karen Alexander, Auntie Karen Foundation

Executive Committee

Planning Committee Memb ers

K are n A l e xa nd e r, P resi d en t Sarah B. Watson, Executive Director M i l d re d A l l e n, C o- C h a irp erso n T re T ai l or, C o- C h a irp erso n Barb ara Bow m an, P review P a rty D onal d Wood , P ub l ic R el a tion s Jo an M ob l e y , T icke t C oord in a tor L i nd a Wi l son, R ecep tion M e l ani e Bak e r, S p on so rsh ip c e ffin A uction H op e Je f f co at, M a st er C l a s T oshi a A d d i son, B l a ck H ist ory P rog ra m Be tty A . E the re d g e , P rog ra m B ook D r. C ase y G ol d ston G i rau d y , V ol un teers D r. L e sl i e Be sse l l i e u , H ist oria n

T eam Memb ers D e b b i e C he rry I rm a L ow m an E ve l yn Wi l l i am s K i m H i cks A shl e y M e d b e ry F l oyd A nne K e l l y Stan C u m m i ng s L orrai ne M i ckl e P e rca l e e M orri s N orm a I rvi n Wand a C ru m l i n V i cki e Wi se C ou rtl and T hom as D i ane Se l p h T oj u ana P rathe r D e l ta Si g m a T he ta - D e l ta G e m s A ng e l a T u rne r Bre w e r

Auntie Karen Board K are n A l e xa nd e r, P resi d en t D r. P hyl l i s Sand e rs, V ice- P resi d en t C l au d i a G ood son, S ecreta ry M e l zi na C annon, T rea su rer L i nd a Wi l son G w e n Jo rd an Ja ne t Jo hnson - Whi p p l e D r. N orm a Ja ckso n

Musical Talent

Chaka Khan Singer, Songwriter, Actor, Activist

Chaka Khan is one of the world’s most gifted and celebrated musicians, with a rich musical legacy, the 10-time GRAMMY® Award-winner is looking forward to a celebration of a lifetime. A songwriter, actor, author, philanthropist, entrepreneur and activist, Chaka Khan has in uenced generations of recording artists She has the rare ability to sing in seven music genres, including R&B, pop, rock, gospel, country, world music and classical. Affectionately known around the world as Chaka, she is revered by millions of fans as well as her peers for hertimeless, classic and unmatched signature music style and ability. The late, great Miles Davis often said, “She [Chaka] sings like my horn.” And the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin says, “[Chaka] is a one- of- a -kind, premier vocalist.” Throughout her legendary career, Chaka has released 22 albums and racked up ten #1 Billboard aga ine charted songs, se en AA certified gold singles and ten AA certified gold and platinu albu s Chaka’s recorded music has produced over 2,000 catalogue song placements. “I am honored and blessed to celebrate 40 years in music and entertainment” says Chaka. “I am so humbled by the love, support and gracious spirit of my fans worldwide and the continuous support my peers have shown over the years. Throughout my 40-year career, I have been through the fire a fe ti es o er and still here as a li ing testa ent to od s lo e and grace e t year, ill be celebrating 40 years in the business and 60 years on earth, which equals one hundred percent Chaka.” arly on, she caught the attention of usic icon Ste ie onder, ho penned her first s ash hit ith ufus, Tell Me So ething ood The single fro the group s 1 platinu selling albu , ags to ufus, earned haka her first GRAMMY® Award. With Chaka as the group’s dynamic center, Rufus became one of the most popular acts around selling out shows throughout the country and dominating the airwaves with hit after hit with songs such as “You Got the Love,” which Chaka co-wrote, “Once You Get Started,” “Sweet Thing,” “Everlasting Love,” “Do You Love What You Feel?” and “Ain’t Nobody,” Chaka’s second GRAMMY Award-winning song with Rufus. Rufus and Chaka Khan racked up fi e AA certified gold and platinu albu s during their ti e together It was inevitable that a singer with Chaka’s star power would eventually venture out on her own. In 1978, Chaka blazed onto the music scene as a solo artist with the release of the smash hit “I’m Every Woman” written byAshford & Simpson. Paired with the late producer extraordinaire, Arif Mardin (Aretha Franklin, Bette Midler), her catalog grew even more impressive with hits such as “Clouds,” “Papillon,” and “What ‘Cha Gonna Do For Me?” It was during this time that Chaka began pursuing her love of jazz. She and Arif brilliantly re-worked the classic song “Night in Tunisia” with the song’s originator, Dizzy Gillespie, on trumpet. Chaka also recorded an album of jazz standards titled Echoes of an Era, which featured such luminaries as Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke and Lenny White. Her crowning achievement in jazz was the GRAMMY® Award-winning tune, “Be Bop Medley.” The song’s album, titled Chaka Khan, also won a GRAMMY® for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance. However, the song that made Chaka Khan a household name and propelled her to superstardom the world over was “I Feel For ou, ritten and first perfor ed by rince This chart topping, AMM A ard inning song also ade usic history eleased in 1 , it as the first B song to feature a rap, hich as perfor ed by rand aster Melle Mel Chaka also topped the charts with “This Is My Night” and the instant classic, “Through The Fire.” Now in top demand, Chaka lent her voice and producer skills to two of the biggest hits of 1986, Steve Winwood’s “Higher Love” and Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love.” Both were GRAMMY®-winning songs. In 1995, she made her musical theater debut on London’s West End, where she starred in Mama I Want to Sing. In 2002 she traveled to Las Vegas, where she starred in Signed, Sealed Delivered, a critically-acclaimed musical based on the music of Ste ie onder Her Broad ay debut ca e in 00 , hen she took o er the role of Sofia in prah infrey s usical The Color Purple. Chaka’s emotive vocals can also be heard on a number of soundtracks, including Clockers, Set It Off, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar, Miami Vice, White Knights, Moscow on the Hudson, Disappearing Acts, Waiting to Exhale and Standing In The Shadows Of Motown, as well as Tyler Perry hits Madea’s Family Reunion and Meet The Browns.

Welcome & Acknowledgements

Auntie Karen Presentation

L i one l M oi se WL T X - T V 1 9 M orni ng N e w s A nc hor

K are n A l e xa nd e r T re T ai l or M i l d re d A l l e n

Auntie Karen All-Star Band Intermisssion

Give Aways Introduction of Artists


C hri s C onne rs O p e rati ng s M anag e r & P rog ram D i re ct or WWD M 1 0 1 .3 F M & H O T 1 0 3 .9 Chak a Khan

12 Years of Showcasing Great South Carolina Talent 2004

Capitol City Chorale & Vibrations Dance


All Star Band - Inaugural Band Cheri Maree, Edris Deago, Eric Glenn, Jeff Elmore, Rico Tyler, Roland Haynes, Sam Jenkins, Skipp Pearson & Terence Young


Cheri Maree, Eric Glenn, Jeff Elmore, Antoine Miles, Sam Jenkins, Philip Whack & Terence Young


Cheri Maree, Eric Glenn, Jeff Elmore, Rico Tyler, Sam Jenkins, Philip Whack, Terence Young & Edris Deago


Debra Bailey, Michael Benson, Ken Cheels, Terence Young, Tyrone Mack, Edris Deago & Terrainio McKee Cunningham


Terence Young, Collette Blakeney, Nick Brewer, Joe Jackson, Byron Counts, Jeremy Roberson, James Adams & Guy Johnson


Terence Young, Regina Skeeters, Fred Burrell, Reggie Sullivan, Byron Counts, Don Russo & Dante Lewis


Terence Young, Shameka Dwight, Tim Smalls, Superior Edwards, Rod King, John Hobbs & Jesse “JJ” Hinnant


Terence Young, Jenna McSwain, Reggie Sullivan, Jermaine Jackson, Roderick Thomas & Chris Andrews


Terence Young, Byron Counts, Sam Jenkins, Tre Tailor, Patti Harris, Herschell Clark, Karen Alexander & Fred Burrell


Terence Young, Karen Thompson, G. John Martin, Mike Stone, Nigel Blanding, Stot Juru, Tristan Cills


Terence Young, Arlington Akers, Hank Bilal, Micah Blanding, Clyde Frazier, Lasell Williams, Maya Neiada, J. Michael Peeples

Terence Young - Musical Director Smooth Jazz Guitarist Terence Young is respected as one of the premiere Guitarist in the Nation. He’s release 10 Jazz CDs to date including Gospel, Christmas and R&B Jazz. His LOVE STORIES CD charted #37 on the National Smooth a Jazz Charts. His latest CD, FOREVER YOUNG is sure to be a tremendous success featuring his very first R&B single MY JEWEL. Terence has shared the stage with countless national artists. He resides in Columbia, SC and manages 3 of the top groups in the Southeast and abroad – The Terence Young Experience, Finesse Band and Terence Young & Soul Centric. He’s known as the Walmart of music. His groups can perform any venue, party and styles of music. Booking info- Contact- 803-730-5544 Website-

Arlington Akers - Pianist A native of Port Huron, Michigan, 23 year old Arlington Akers is a quintessential master of the piano and is dexterously cunning. The home of his heart resides with gospel music but his diversity accentuates his musical fluidity and adeptness to play everything from classical to country to jazz. Arlington sat down at a piano for the first time at age seven, and played one night with his father’s band. Guided by his father’s instruction he would develop into a tasteful musician abounding with the purest measure of élan and virtuosity; an extraordinary recipe for greatness. Arlington pursued his scholastic studies at Benedict College and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a bachelor’s degree in music. His theoretical knowledge is the foundation by which he is fluent in artful composition and arranging. In recent years, Arlington has successfully progressed into the ambit of production having the privilege to accompany several national and international artists such as multiple Stellar Award winner- Jonathan Nelson, Stellar Award winning saxophonist-Angela Christie, Daniel Johnson of Israel Houghton & New Breed and gospel recording artist and songwriter, John Lakin. Arlington’s ability to adorn lyrics with the most suitable musical attire speaks of his desire to satisfy the ear of the listener. Among his peers and other musicians alike, Arlington is highly respected in his craft and character. His renowned credibility predicts great success in his career as a composer, arranger, producer and musician. Arlington Akers is…Ingenious. Relevant. Timeless. Contact him at:

Clyde Frazier, III - Drummer Clyde Frazier, III is a small town native of Orangeburg, SC who packs a big punch behind the drum kit. This Music Performance graduate of South Carolina State University is humbly climbing the ladder of success in various musical ways. Serving as a High School percussion consultant, drum line instructor, private drum set Instructor, and clinician, he diligently promotes the empowerment of minds through drum education. With over a decade of teaching experience under his belt, Frazier started “Drums~R~Us” to Educate Percussionists, Mentor Youth, and Facilitate the careers of novice and established drummers. Frazier is also a motivational speaker for “Jazzy Mike’s ‘I AM THE DRUMMER’ Project”, geared towards mentoring youth to “March to the beat of their own drum” and is a member of Bongo Brother Inc., an elite marching percussion society. In addition to his efforts in the education field, Frazier is a well-respected live and studio drummer who performs with a number of South Carolina’s greatest bands and serves as Musical Director for his own R&B band “Destined”. The versatile performer is the director of Sacred Music for Culbert Branch Baptist Church where he plays Piano and Organ. Some of his musical influences include Ed Thigpen, Aaron Purdie, Lil John Roberts, Aaron Spears, Chris Coleman, Frank Briggs, Benny Grebb, Calvin Rodgers, Chris Dave and a host of other professional drummers. While looking up to the legends he’s adamant that God, Family, and Life itself are his biggest influences. Being a community humanitarian for drums, he notes that his close friends are his biggest motivators. Currently Frazier is working on his first Drum CD/DVD documentay and can be reached at

Hank Bilal - Vocalist H S Shelley (Hank) Bilal is a native of Winnsboro SC. He has shared the stage with artists such as Aretha Franklin, CChristopher Williams, Israel and the New Breed, Dottie Peoples, John Legend, Clark Sisters, Frankie Beverly and Maze and more. He has performed at national music events such as The Grammy Awards, New Orleans Jazz Fest, M BBirmingham City Scapes Festival, Minnesota Vintage Band Festival and more. He has other talents in music as well ssuch as the piano, and singing. Hank Bilal performs many genres of music such as jazz, gospel, R&B, pop, funk, and bblues. Hank Bilal has graduated from Benedict College with the class of 2014, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in m music, graduating as a cum laude graduate. He is a member of the NAACP and is also a member of the honorary band ffraternity known as Kappa Kappa Psi. For booking call 803-718-8256 or send an email to

JMichael Peeples - Vocalist Often times when a new musician comes on the scene, adjectives like fresh and hot, are thrown around frivolously and it’s usually more hype than truth. That’s definitely not the case when it comes to J’Michael Peeples. He lives by the mantra: “Live to create and keep the music honest” and says he chose to be a professional musician because “It makes me happy”! This Columbia, South Carolina native was exposed firsthand to the life style of a musician at the young age of eight. He vividly recalls sitting in his grandmother’s kitchen early each Saturday morning listening to her sing church hymns and spirituals throughout the house. Not only was she a loving grandmother, lead singer of the family band and fashionista, she provided him with a strong musical foundation. He grew an appreciation for musical legends, Sam Cooke, Al Green, Norman Brown, Prince, and George Benson. After experimenting with several instruments, the guitar was the one he felt could interpret music like a pianist and express melodies as a vocalist. Remembering what it was like growing up, he responds: “I recall a house filled with laughter, music, and a lot of creative outlets. My father exposed me to R&B classics like Isley Brothers and Soul Brother # 1: James Brown. My mother was a playwright so; naturally I saw the creative process from having a vision, creating a script, and seeing it come to life on stage.” J’Michael has accomplished many goals and skill-sets that have served as his creative outlets. After attending the University of South Carolina, he became a Master Barber, Music Teacher, Writer, Personal Trainer, Songwriter and a rising contemporary jazz artist! All of these attributes have contributed to the JMPMovement, which embodies the pure essence of creativity and inspires others to reach their creative potential”. He states “I am passionate about creative expression and providing inspiration to others… while giving a sense of empowerment to propel others to the ultimate level of self-gratification. Contact J’Michael at 803-800-8764 and website is

Katera - Vocalist Katera is a singer/songwriter from West, Columbia, SC who began singing as a toddler! She started writing songs before hitting her teens and by high school had recorded her first original song when she fell in love with the studio experience. Katera continued pursuing her musical career while attending the University of South Carolina and soon after receiving her Media Arts degree, began performing professionally with several artists. In a short time Katera has been blessed with several incredible opportunities including: opening for soul-singer Angie Stone, competing on season 6 of America’s Got Talent and performing at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Katera is currently focused on writing, producing and releasing her own music. She has two singles: In Love with the DJ, and Super Hero, available on iTunes, Amazon and Google Play. This evening Katera is performing at the Legends of… VIP / Sponsors Reception. She can be contacted via her website: Email: or on Twitter: @kateraonthemic.

LLaSell S ll Williams W ll - Vocalist V l Charles LaSell Williams is a traditional yet contemporary soul singer who’s smooth and robust vocals bring emotional energy to every performance. LaSell began his music career in the mid 80’s as the lead singer of Columbia’s premier recording band “Midnight Blue” and is well known for his distinctive interpretations of classic R&B songs which reflect his knowledge and appreciation of the popular music of his youth. LaSell’s smooth and robust tenor voice has mesmerized thousands in venues throughout the country while opening for R&B legends like The Temptations, Pattie Labelle, The Manhattans, all-girl band Klymaxx, and gospel artists J Moss and 21:03. Born in Columbia, SC to musically gifted parents James and Thomasina Williams, LaSell was also influenced by his talented older brothers who performed with R&B legends including Otis Redding, Bobby Womack, and Sam Cooke. Inspired by his spiritual upbringing, LaSell continues to deliver a satisfying heartfelt performance for his fans and has been featured at the famous Apollo Theater in New York City where he was awarded “2014 Best Traditional/Contemporary Male Vocalist” by the Carolina Musicians Association. His newly released CD, “Songs We Love” is a compilation of Classic Pop and R&B favorites from some of the greatest songwriters and performers of our time. LaSell is a talented singer, songwriter and producer who was chosen to perform in the Auntie Karen All-Star Band this year because his soulful versatility has influenced and inspired the rhythm of local and regional talent. LaSell responds, “I am honored to perform with such a talented array of musicians to open for such an accomplished legend as Chaka Khan.” This evening, LaSell is being accompanied by Valisha Adams and Ivy Williams. For booking: (803) 550-3127 or

Maya Neiada - Vocalist Maya Neiada is an Atlanta-Based Singer/Songwriter serving up a tailor-made, genre-fused cocktail that has been quenching the thirst of indie music lovers both nationally and abroad. Nick-names used to describe her include ‘The-Neo-Soul Rocker’, ‘Whitney Hendrix’, and ‘The Black Benatar’. Her sound is a manifestation of the definition of her very name: Maya – meaning ‘Illusion’. Her recordings and songs coax listeners to categorize her in the Neo-soul genre. She croons over beats and R&B’esque sounds, telling stories of seduction, love gone wrong, dream-chasing and self-empowerment. But her performances introduce you to another side. True to her Gemini Zodiac sign, her live shows are where she becomes ‘a whole ‘notha person’. She adapts like a chameleon to the live show environment, transforming into a pint-sized-power-houseROCK-STAR right before your very eyes. She BRINGS IT when performing live, always leaving concert-goers begging the question “How can someone so little sound so BIG??!!” Raised in Columbia, South Carolina, Maya Neiada’s interest in music began at an early age. Her parents - Gladys and Preston Carter - kept a large, multi-genre collection of music, playing it on weekends while she and her sisters did their chores. She states, “It included all the good stuff – Stevie Wonder, Queen, Aretha Franklin, EWF, The Commodores, The Emotions, Dan Fogleberg, Modern Jazz Quartet, Teena Marie, and Barbara Streisand to name a mere few.” Maya’s exposure to the vastness of that collection instilled a permanent curiosity and appreciation for live instrumentation, good singing, and different music genres. Currently Maya Neiada resides in Atlanta, Georgia where she writes, records and performs regularly. Her first album titled “Cinco De Maya” is available on iTunes and has sold in the US and internationally. For more info on Maya Neiada’s concert ddates, new music, pictures and video clips visit

Micah Blanding - Guitarist Micah Blanding is a Seasoned Bandleader and Musician with over 15 years of musical experience. He skillfully balances maintaining discipline with genuine warmth during rehearsals, live and studio performances. Micah composes and performs various musical genres and styles and helped compose and arrange the hit gospel song “There” by Latice Crawford which is currently pounding radio airwaves across the country. He has collaborated with several artists including Bishop Paul S. Morton, Maurette Brown-Clark, Lisa Page-Brooks, Beverly Crawford, Tamela Mann, Alexis Speight, Anita Wilson, Joshua Rogers, Douglass Miller, Dorinda Clark-Cole and Fantasia Barrino and has also shared the stage with Donald Lawrence, Yolanda Adams, Layla Hathaway, Hezikiah Walker,Erica Campbell, and Vashawn Mitchell. Micah Blanding is a seasoned versatile virtuoso; contact him at:

University of South Carolina School of Music Co-sponsor of Auntie Karen’s Legends Of Concert Series

The power and promise of music have No Limits The Center for Southern African-American Music (CSAM) online archive includes music recordings, film and video footage of African-American Music in the South to be remembered and enjoyed by all and for future generations. The collection holds some of the earliest footage of African-American songs, digitally archived

Jenkins Orphanage Band

Charleston, SC (November 22, 1928) Fox Movietone News

recordings, photographs, scores and visual footage from the USC Film Library’s Fox Movietone News Collection. See the CSAM archive at

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116 Bistro Al Amir Allean’s Southern Cuisine Avah’s Closet - Adai Quaye B. Vanash Design Concepts - Vanessa Ashford, Artist Barnes Designs - Jim Barnes Artist Bonefish Grill Carolina Couture Carolyn Sawyer@ The Tom Sawyer Company Charleston Cooks Chicken Man - Ernest Lee, Artist CK Jewelers Congressman James Clyburn Container Gardens, Stan Cummings Designer Crafticup, Inc. - Kirian Obioha, CEO Diane Gilbert Don Jarvis Graphics - Don Jarvis, Artist Dr. Ade Ofunniyin - Artist DRIP Coffee House and Bistro Elizabeth Johnson Embassy Suites EsQuisite Jewelry & Fashions, Jackie Moses, CEO Gallery West Jewelry Got It Maid Luxury Cleaning Services - Christina & Chamberlain Wildy & Franklin Jacobs Granary Hotel Hunter Gatherer Jackie Moses, CEO Esquisite Jewelry Fashions Jan Michaels San Francisco John Elliott Hair Designs & Day Spa Jonathan Green, Artist Jos A. Banks Josef Berlinger, Artist Julep’s Bistro Kjola Jewelry Lela’s Body Cocktails, Ayanna Nelson-Freeman Leo Twiggs Studio, Artist Liberty Tap Room Bar and Grill Longhorn Steakhouse

M Boutique Marabella’s Hats Massage Envy, Village of Sandhill Maya Qubas Fashion Men’s Warehouse Miriam Sneed Motor Supply Co. Mouse House, Inc. Pearlz Oyster Bar Planet Fitness on Two Notch POUT Quaker Steak and Lube Restaurant Reed’s Jewelers Ristorante Divino River Rat Brewery Rodgers Boykins , Artist Seafood Academy Sheneka Jackson Kinsey, Artist Signature The Glass Lady Store of Hope SCDJJ Stroy Barber Shop The Hilton Hotel The Crescent Olive The Inn @USC Wyndham Garden The Ivory Tower The Sheraton Hotel The Vino Garage Titanic Alley Reversible Bowties, Rusty Sox Towe Havens, Artist Tyrone Geter, Artist Vista Studios, Laurie McIntosh, Artist Wine Garage - Wine & Beer

Special Thank you to DELTA GEMS Volunteers

Student Sponsors

Centura College Julius Thomas, Allstate Insurance Center for Prosthetics, Inc. - Russell Riley Deborah Breedlove JASA-Just A Sister Away Julian Thomas Mr. Donald Wood Charlie Johnson Christine Bowman, Allstate Insurance Michelle Prince Ms. Sheneka Jackson-Kinsey Representative Seth Whipper Robert Capers, State Farm Timothy Davis

Volunteers and Donors Groucho’s - Bruce Miller Charles & Valerie Aiken - Elm Abode Amina Cox Andre Walker Ayiko Bridges Bernard Thompson Betty Etheredge - Betty Graphix Beverly Block Brenda Tucker Celia Hartman Corey Ingram Danny & Danya Woodard Deborah Breedlove Whit-Ash Furniture

Delta Gems Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Advisors

Diann Selph Evelyn Williams Fern Moses Irma Lowman Kerry Abel Kim Hicks Renee Walls Rick Giraudy Rodgers Boykin Romi Robinson Ruby James Sarah Gay Sheneka Jackson Kinsey Spencer Bowman Stephanie Fontenot Tina Grimes Veda Sargent DDCP Communications - Don Patterson Byron Counts Columbia Museum of Art Richland County Public Library Ricky Taylor, Voice Vision Media, LLC Auburn Wideman Lauren Mims Courtland Thomas Acecily Alexander Saundra Abel Caponda M. Narciso Claudia Smith Natasha Jenkins Kenji Fudge Maxine Moses

♥ ♥ ♥ ʚϊɞ ♥ ♥ ♥

Andrea Rochelle Johnson, CWEP ~ 803.381.2511 ~ Charles BrBce Johnson, Consultant ~ 803.414.4155 ~

Congratulations to the Auntie Karen Foundation on your 12th Legends of…. Concert Series! from

May you experience continued success in your programs to “Empower, Enlighten and Educate others through the Arts!”

Dr. Leslie D. Bessellieu

“Transforming Lives with a Renewed Mindset and an Action Plan for Success” 1898 Calhoun Street| #5 Rainbow Row| Columbia, SC 29201 Toll free: 877.519.8039| Fax: 803.865.4377 Email: website:

Chandra Childs-Thomas

Louise’s Catering

tog e the r w i th the M i l l P ond Ste ak hou se sal u te s the A u nti e K are n F ou nd ati on L C • T M P SH 8 0 3 - 4 2 5 - 8 8 2 5 M ark P ri c e 8 0 3 - 9 1 7 - 8 2 9 5 L ou i se R . R e i d 8 0 3 - 6 0 0 - 6 3 0 1 We b si te : w w w .the m i l l p ond ste ak hou se .c om

Congratulations to the Auntie Karen Foundation!

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Lillian Wilson SUNRISE: April 9, 1921 SUNSET: December 15, 2011

Rev./ Judge Joseph A. Wilson, II Congratulations, Auntie Karen Foundation, on your

12th Annual Legends Series!

Rep. Mia McLeod House District No. 79 Richland County OFFICE (803) 212-6794 e-mail:

Calvin H. Elam, CLU, CHFC Financial Consultant Mary G. Elam Manager, Client Services

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The Terence Young Experience CDs now available!

Congratulations to the Auntie Karen Foundation on the 12th Legends of... Concert from

Betty Graphix, LLC • Programs • • Flyers • • Business Cards • • Photography • • Brochures • • Pamphlets • Betty A. Etheredge, Owner Phone: 803-414-0972 Email: Check Terence out on Facebook For booking information: 803-730-5544

Cannon Accounting & Income T ax Services Melzina Cannon, M.B.A., E.A.

Trying is winning The Aetna Foundation is proud to support the 2015 Legends of ... Master Class. Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of subsidiary companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna). ©2015 Aetna Inc. 2014080

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Congratulations to the Auntie Karen Foundation from

BANCO Bannister Company Public Relations / Marketing

Heyward Bannister P.O. Box 3427 Columbia, SC 29230 803-348-4571 Fax 803-779-1061 Email


on on n e en o n

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on e

Congratulations to the Auntie Karen Foundation. Your contributions to this community are priceless.


Judy Carter Owner


Phone: 803-240-2419 128 Kempshire Blvd. • Hopkins, SC 29061



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A GREAT BANK Proud sponsor of Auntie Karen Foundation’s 2015 Legends Of... Concert Series

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Congratulations, Auntie Karen Foundation!

Congratulations Auntie Karen

Legends of... Concert & Silent Auction!

J AME S E . SMIT H , J R .

M e m b e r of the H ou se of R e p re se ntati v e s State of Sou th C arol i na D i stri c t N o. 7 2 Richland County 3 3 5 - C Bl att Bu i l d i ng C ol u m b i a, Sou th C arol i na 2 9 2 1 1 Bu s.: 8 0 3 - 9 3 3 - 9 8 0 0 F ax : 8 0 3 - 9 3 3 - 9 8 0 1

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Congratulates the Auntie Karen Foundation

Damien’s Small Batch Confections

The Table Is Spread Catering Congratulates the Auntie Karen Foundation on another Successful Concert

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Best Wishes to the Auntie Karen Foundation!

Congratulations from

D ou g A y l ard 2 3 2 7 M ai n Stre e t C ol u m b i a, SC 2 9 2 0 1 8 0 3 -8 3 4 -3 3 9 2 w w w .the v i nog arag e .c om

Cak es by J osh J oshua E addy, F ounder

Auntie Karen 2011 Young Entrepreneur of the Year F or m ore i nf orm ati on, ca l l 8 4 3 - 2 6 0 - 6 5 5 7 or e m ai l : j j ohng l e n@ b e l l sou t

COLUMBIA CENTER T ony T am, G eneral Manager

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Email: reservations@ hiltoncolumbia. com - Web: www. hiltoncolumbia. com

Grace Medical Group, LLC 3025 Farrow Road Columbia, SC 29203

Dr. C. Stewart Darby, III, PhD., PA-C FAMILY PRACTICE

Weddings, Private Events, Corporate Events, BBQs


Phone: 803-933-0288 Fax: 803-933-9920 Email:


G&B Resources M




Greta a. Green, rn,, BSn, BS , MS Legal Nurse Consultant Phone/Fax: (803) 551-0018 P.O. Box 211933 Columbia, SC 29221

Much Success to the Auntie Karen Foundation! Welcome to Columbia, s

200 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia, South Carolina, 29210 T EL: 1-803-252-8700


http://embassysuites3. hilton. com/en/hotels/south-carolina/embassy-suitescolumbia-greystone-CAEG SES/index. html

Congratulations to the Auntie Karen Foundation on your 12th Annual Legends of... Concert Series from Frank & Melanie Baker

Congratulations on 12 Years of Success To the Auntie Karen Foundation! Welcome to Columbia, Chaka!

COLUMBIA M ari a E aton, E v e nt & Sal e s C oord i nator n


n l



A & J Catering Specializing in Weddings, Family Reunions and Social Events 7120 Firelane Road Columbia, SC 29223 Phone: 803.736.1251 Pager: 803.355.0317 Cell: 803.355.0317

With a variety of offerings to choose from, we’re sure you’ll be happy working with us.

3307 North Main Street • Columbia SC 29203 803 807 9567 •

M ar & Winston’s Restaurant Congratulates the Auntie Karen Foundation on the 12th Annual Legends of... Concert Series 1539 Horseshoe Drive Columbia, SC 29223 Phone: 803-736-0708

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ongrat ate the Auntie Karen oun ation on the 12th Annua egen of on er erie

Chaka Khan in Concert February 20, 2015 Koger Center Columbia, SC 8:00 PM

How did you hear about us? Please indicate name  Radio____________________  Television ____________________  Newspaper __________________  Email/Web___________________  Person_______________________ Age Range Please check one  21 and under  22 - 34  35+

Race  African American  White  Hispanic  Asian  _______________

Hospitality Before concert Restaurant____________ After concert Restaurant _____________ Average cost _______ Concert Data Legends Attendance  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014

Questionaire Contact Information Contact Name Address City, State, Zip Phone


Email Address

Who would you like to see perform at Legends of...?

Are you visiting Columbia, SC?  Yes  No Staying at:  A Friend’s  Hotel _________________________ How many nights?__________

 I would like to become a Legends of...Concert sponsor

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