Auntie Karen Legends of...2016 Program Book

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7 Time Grammy Winner

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13th annual

February 19, 2016, 8:00 PM Koger Center for the Arts Columbia, SC 803-251-2222



Concert ☀ Auction

Mon.-Fri.: 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Sat.: 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sun.: 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Auntie Karen Foundation “Empowering, Enlightening & Educating through the Arts”

Greetings, Thank you for your support and attending Legends of…2016 as we celebrate our thirteenth year of success. We appreciate your continued patronage and support in helping us to accomplish the Foundation’s mission. Your financial contributions and pledges have allowed us to grow the Young Entrepreneurs Conference and Gordon’s Garden. The greater Columbia community and the city of Charlotte, North Carolina have embraced both programs and have helped the Foundation to promote their success. We thank you for recognizing that Legends is more than a concert; it is an experience which enriches the community and teaches our children about lost genres of music and art. We must continue to embrace and challenge our children. They are our future, and their success rests on our shoulders. The Auntie Karen Foundation’s mission is to empower, enlighten and educate through the arts. Karen Alexander and the Foundation have engaged the children of this community and throughout the world to tap their creative talents, encouraged to grasp every opportunity offered, and to excel beyond the confines of their immediate environments. With your continued support we can do greater things, create other challenging programs, and Olivia & Gordon can give many more hugs around America. Sincerely,

Sarah B. Watson, Executive Director


4204 NORTH MAIN STREET • COLUMBIA, SC • 29203 PHONE:803-748-7124 • FAX: 803-256-6971




February 19, 2016

Dear Mr. Al Jarreau, As Mayor of Columbia, allow me to take a moment and to personally welcome you to our fair city and thank you for participating in the Auntie Karen Foundation’s 13th Annual “Legends of” Concert Series. The City of Columbia proudly supports The Auntie Karen Foundation and its mission to empower, enlighten and educate our community, particularly our youth, through the arts. The “Legends of” Concert Series is an important part of that partnership and drawing first class talents like George Duke, Ramsey Lewis, Ashford & Simpson, Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds and Roberta Flack to Columbia. Your unmistakable grace and iconic music exemplify the very best in what this series hopes to accomplish and we are honored to welcome a legend like you to Columbia. Again, thank you for participating in the Auntie Karen Foundation’s 13th Annual “Legends of” Concert Series and we look forward to working with you in making this a most memorable and spectacular event! Sincerely,

Stephen K. Benjamin Mayor Columbia, SC

Stephen K. Benjamin 1737 MAIN STREET · P.O. BOX 147 · COLUMBIA, SC 29217 · PHONE: (803)545-3075 ·FAX: (803)733-8633

Background/Summary The Auntie Karen Foundation welcomes you to the 13th annual Legends Of... Concert Series. In 2004, our inaugural event featured Roberta Flack in concert with special guest, The Capital City Chorale. In 2005, we presented Jazz Legend, Dianne Reeves with special guest, The Auntie Karen All Stars, South Carolina’s Finest Musical Talent. Patrons are still raving about Al Jarreau (2006) and Patti Austin (2007). In 2008, we welcomed The Joe Sample Trio and Take 6. While in 2009, we showcased funk Legend, George Duke and jazz vocalist, Rachelle Ferrell. 2010 brought us the singer/songwriter duo, Ashford & Simpson, while in 2011 we showcased 10 time Grammy Award winner, singer,songwriter, producer, Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds. 2012 we welcomed two Grammy Award winning Legends: Ramsey Lewis, pianist and the return of vocalist, Patti Austin, 2013 sold out performance with Gladys Knight and in 2014 we presented a Tribute to George Duke featuring Kirk Whalum, Lalah Hathaway & Jonathan Butler. 2015 featured Chaka Khan. Tonight we welcome back, Al Jarreau with the SC Philharmonic to celebrate our 13th Annual Concert! The Auntie Karen Foundation created the Legends of...Concert Series to pay tribute to the contributions African American music has made to history. Each year during Black History Month, the series profiles a jazz, rhythm and blues, gospel or blues artist who has made a lasting contribution to the history of music. In addition, we have extended our series to include “Legends of...In the Schools”. “Legends of...In the Schools” is a series of art events designed to salute African American Heritage. Events include: Folk Art, Quilting, Dance, Spoken Word, Written Word and Music. Through a partnership with The Columbia Museum of Art, on the last Saturday in January 2016, we featured some of the best local and regional artists at no cost to the public.

Board of Directors Karen Alexander, President Dr. Phyllis Sanders, Vice-President Janet Johnson-Whipple, Secretary Melzina Cannon, Treasurer Gwen Jordan Linda Wilson Dr. Norma Jackson Sarah Watson, Executive Director Tonight’s performance marks the 13th Anniversary of The Legends of... Concert Series. The Auntie Karen Foundation relies on community support from you to help us further our mission. We would kindly accept your tax deductible gifts. There are many ways you can support The Auntie Karen Foundation: Complete & mail sponsorship form and check to: Auntie Karen Foundation PO Box 602, Columbia, SC 29202 Give online: For more info: Send an email to: Karen.Alexander@ or call 803-748-7124. On the cover:

Legends of... past artists: Chaka Khan (2015) Kirk Whalum, Lalah Hathaway & Jonathan Butler (2014)Gladys Knight (2013) Pati Austin & Ramsey Lewis (2012) Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds (2011), Ashford & Simpson (2010) George Duke (2009), Rachelle Ferrell (2009), Joe Sample (2008), Take 6 (2008), Patti Austin (2007), Al Jarreau (2006), Dianne Reeves (2005), Roberta Flack (2004)

About Us The Auntie Karen Foundation is a global, nonprofit, 501(c) 3 charitable corporation certified by the state of South Carolina on October 31, 2001. The foundation’s mission is to create and implement a series of replicable community outreach programs designed to empower, enlighten and educate through the arts.

Auntie Karen® Foundation

The Auntie Karen Foundation is a global, nonprofit, 501(c) 3 charitable corporation certified by the state of South Carolina on October 31, 2001. The foundation’s mission is to create and implement a series of reproducible community outreach programs designed to empower, enlighten and educate through the arts. Programs include: Annual Young Entrepreneur’s Conference For the 13th year, this innovative conference held on the campus of Benedict College has brought together youth (ages seven to twenty two) from across the region to foster economic empowerment. Each year, ten young entrepreneurs under the age of twenty five are featured. Auntie Karen’ s Place TV Pilot: Auntie Karen’s Place The Auntie Karen Foundation partnered with SC ETV and Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital to produce a 30-minute DVD that uses puppets and music to provide a simple way to explain life skills such as: health, emergency preparedness, jazz music and financial literary. The Foundation received a grant from the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Columbia and SC Competitive Grants program. Artpreneur/Technopreneur Classes The purpose of the Artpreneur/Technopreneur classes is to “inspire a new generation of business leaders through arts and technology”. Classes include: visual art, dance, creative cooking, guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, sewing, spoken word and etiquette. The Auntie Karen Foundation’s Artpreneur pilot program started in 2003. Hugs From Carolina The Auntie Karen Foundation partnered with Auntie Karen Inc. and City Light Inc. to create Hugs From Carolina. Hugs From Carolina, a division of Hugs Around The World, has Olivia The Octopus spreading hugs to the survivors of Hurricane Katrina. The program was launched in Biloxi, Mississippi on October 14, 2005. Children were given an adoption kit which included: an Olivia The Octopus Hand puppet and the book “Olivia Gave A Hug Today”. Once again, Olivia and City Light Inc. joined forces with a Hugs Campaign in Saluda, SC. Legends of...(A Salute to Black History) The Auntie Karen Foundation pays tribute to the contributions of African Americans with the Legends of...Programs. Each year, the celebration includes: Black History Program with The Columbia Museum of Art, The Legends of...Master Class with CSAM (Center for Southern African American Music at USC) and The Legends of...Concert & Silent Auction (Koger Center) Gordon’s Garden The Gordon’s Garden Program was created to teach kids about healthy living habits. Gordon, an original Auntie Karen character, is an overweight, purple Jamaican Yam. The Jamaican Yams are used to teach healthy living skills to youth via music, books and DVDs. The fear that Gordon’s weight and eating habits are putting him at risk for developing diabetes was the inspiration for the garden. Auntie Karen’s character Olivia The Octopus is an International Jazz Diva. The Hugs Around The World campaign was created to have Olivia travel the world giving hugs. To date Olivia has traveled to Brazil, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Japan, Holland, Ghana and Nigeria.

Friends of The Auntie Karen Foundation Form

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsor Information

__________________________________________ Company Name

__________________________________________ Contact Name

Please consider becoming a friend of the Auntie Karen Foundation. When you contribute to the Auntie Karen Foundation, you help us empower, enlighten and educate in the state of South Carolina and around the globe. For almost 13 years, the Auntie Karen Foundation has inspired kids and adults using the power of the arts, Auntie Karen characters and programs. Programs include: Legends of… (Celebrating Black History in South Carolina) Concert Series, Master Class and Black History Cultural Day at the Columbia Museum of Art,

__________________________________________ Address

__________________________________________ City,State, Zip

__________________________________________ Phone


__________________________________________ Email Address


Please make checks payable to Auntie Karen Foundation and mail to Auntie Karen Foundation, PO Box 602 , COLUMBIA SC 29202 Enclosed is my donation for $_________ Signature ________________________________________ Credit card payments can be made online at All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Annual Young Entrepreneurs Conference Hugs From Carolina Auntie Karen ‘s Place TV Pilot Gordon’s Garden Gordon’s Greenhouse No donation is too small!! Just complete the form to the right and add your donation. Auntie Karen needs your help! Thanks in advance! Olivia the Octopus

Office Use Only Received by____________________________________ Cash Amount ___________ Online Amount ________ Check Amount __________ Check # ________ Ad received ___________ 2-16

"empowering, enlightening & educating through the arts"


Dr. Norma Jackson, Byron Counts & Karen Alexander, Owners

Purchase Today!

Small Puppet: $ 19.99 Large Puppet: $ 29.99 Limited Special Edition Puppet Kit: $ 50.00 (Only 250 signed & numbered with cd) Hug Books: Olivia Gave A Hug Today $ 5.00 A Hug While I’m Away $ 12.00 Coming Soon: Gordon Handpuppets: $ 19.99

Auntie Karen Artpreneur Classes Photos from classes taught at Lee County Project Lead ll Summer Program.

Artpreneur/Technopreneur Classes The purpose of the Artpreneur/Technopreneur classes is to “inspire a new generation of business leaders through arts and technology”. Classes include: visual art, dance, creative cooking, guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, spoken word, sewing and etiquette. The Auntie Karen Foundation’s Artpreneur pilot program started in 2003.

Burton Pack Elementary School Pilot The Auntie Karen Foundation’s Artpreneur Pilot was implemented at Burton Pack Elementary School during the spring of 2003. Below are some pictures from that pilot.

Art Classes taught by Rodgers Boykin

For more information visit: Guitar Lessons taught by Terence Young


Lessons taught by Jeff l


Funding provided in part by Richland School District One, Lee County, SC DJJ and The State of South Carolina

Auntie Karen Foundation – Artpreneurs at Auntie Karen’s Place Auntie Karen has partnered with 16 artists to provide a place where they can teach art skills to young children and teens. It has been proven that providing a safe haven for young children and teens keeps them occupied and gives them something to look forward to daily. Classes include: bass drums, creative cooking, dance, drums, guitar, keyboards, sewing, spoken word and visual arts. These classes will continue to inspire a new generation of business leaders through arts and technology. Please consider becoming a regular friend of the Auntie Karen Foundation. When you contribute to the Auntie Karen Foundation you will continue to help us to empower, enlighten, and educate kids throughout the state of South Carolina. We need your support to continue our work which began in 2003. No donation is too small. We have provided envelopes for you to make your donation today. Will you help a child learn through the arts? Thank you. _____________________________________________________________________________ Company Name/Contact Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address/City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone/Email ______ I wish to pay by check, enclosed is my donation of: $________ Please make checks payable to: Auntie Karen Foundation, P.O. Box 602, Columbia, SC, 29202 ______ I wish to make an online payment of: $________ Please visit us at and click “donate” at the bottom of the page Office Use Only Received by____________________________________ Cash Amount ___________ Online Amount ________ Check Amount __________ Check # ________ Ad received ___________

2015 YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS TEAM 2015 Conference Planning Committee Karen Alexander President Brenda Peterson, Co-Chair Joan C. Mobley, Co-Chair Barbara Bowman Diann Selph, Recruitment & Registration Austin Ward, Successville & YE Showcase Jodecie Rollinson, Successville & YE Showcase Barbara Bowman, Sponsorship Sarah Watson Executive Director Betty Etheredge, Graphics Tiffany James, Social Media Toshia Addison, Volunteers

Auntie Karen Board Karen Alexander Gwen Jordan Janet Johnson-Whipple Linda Wilson Dr. Phyllis Sanders Dr. Norma Jackson Melzina Cannon

V olunteers con’ t USC N AACP Morgan Lewis, Coordinator Jaq uon Irby Joseph Sewell Tevin Jenkins Rehema Thomas Megan Taylor Kiana Matthews Brandon Byrd Prineet Lamba Haley Hughes Karli Wells Jada Parker Morgan Lewis D D CP Communications & Lee Central Media Literacy Program Don Patterson, Coordinator Debbie Cherry Yvonne Brown Curtis York Gwendolyn Fredetick Toyna Porter Taylor Mitchell Jada Johnson Azariah Fullard Ashlee Darby Joniyah Herny John Kelly

V olunteers

Larry Alston Spencer Bowman Eboni Perkins Barbara Cheeseboro Donna Riley Ashley Riley Kim Hicks Brenda Gibson Benedict International Students: William Copete, Coordinator Juan Pablo Medina Andres Sinisterra Sara Hoyos Maria Y. Palacios Jeanette Amponsah Columbia College: Rebecca French Ellen Dinh Kristin Wilson

Additional Y oung Entrepreneurs featured today include: Shamar H arrison D arienne Jackson


TH AN K Y OU! ! ! ! Special Thanks!

Dr. David H. Swinton, Benedict College President Mr. Gerald H. Smalls, Benedict College Dean for School of Business & Economics Dr. Janeen P. Witty, Benedict College Vice President for Academic Affairs Mary Davis, Benedict College Marion Wright, Benedict College Melvin Miller, Benedict College Keia Askins, Benedict College Al Graham, GCA Services Group Don Patterson, DDCP Communications & Lee Central Media Literacy Team Byron Counts Dante Lewis Langley Management Big T’s Barbecue DDCP Communications Betty Graphix, LLC, Betty Etheredge Lisa Macon, Macon Photography Suzette Byrd Mecca Byrd Jar is las yr Kendra Nelson Frederick Kennedy


BIG T’s Barbecue Langley Management, McDonalds (Elmwood Ave.) Groucho’s

CON FER EN CE BAG S & BOTTLES Chapin Furniture


Erica McGee, BME Screenprinting

Student Sponsors LLE Construction Group, LLC Solicitor Dan Johnson Shandra Childs Thomas Gladys & Joe Grimaud (Chapin Furniture) Dazzle Events by Andrea. LLC Woodley’s Gardening Publix - Gervais Street Attorney Jake Moore Marlin Bodison Barbara Cheeseboro Mary Koon

Media Sponsors Betty Etheredge Lisa Macon Ricky Taylor

D eborah W oodard Memorial Danny & Dayna Woodard

"empowering, enlightening & educating through the arts"










January 30, 2016 - 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Exhibits The Auntie Karen Foundation The Auntie Karen Foundation will display information and the work of select artists directly affiliated with the organization.

Auntie Karen's Young Entrepreneurs, Community Visual Artists & Vendors Visual Artists Sheneka Jackson-Kinsey Sylvia Williams Kayla McClain Rodgers Boykin Jim Barnes John Daniel Moorer Irmo Middle School International Baccalaureate Visual Art Students from: Irmo High School AC Flora High School

Columbia SC 63: Our Story Matters Images, artifacts, and testimony on display

Auntie Karen Young Entrepreneurs Showcase

Tim Bowers, Master of Ceremonies

11:00 Thomas Mosley 11:15 Dance South 11:25 Kieria McFarlan 11:35 Janeria Latimer 11:45 Tiffany James 11:55 Anissa "Princess Green" 12:10 SC 63

The Auntie Karen Foundation is a global, 501 c 3 charitable corporation certified by the state of South Carolina on October 31, 2001. The foundation’s mission is to create and implement a series of reproducible community outreach programs designed to empower, enlighten and educate through the arts. For more information visit: or call 803-748-7124.

Enjoy the Shoppes at Auntie Karen Place 1:00 PM Irmo Middle School 1:20 PM BDPA (Black Data Processing Associates) 1:40 PM Asia Jacobs,Singer/Dancer 1:50 PM Dance South 2:05 PM Thomas Mosley 2:25 PM Irmo High School 2:35 PM AC Flora 2:40 PM Kiera McFarlan, Singer


Legends of... Master Classes - February 18, 2016 Music Icon Al Jarreau will share his talent and lessons learned in a master class session. The classes are designed for Elementary to College Age Students. For additional information contact: Hope Jeffcoat at 803-315-6680 or

13th Annual Legends Of...Concert Series & Silent Auction February 19, 2016, 8:00 PM, Koger Center, Columbia, SC or 803-251-2222

Proceeds to benefit The Auntie Karen Foundation

For more information contact:

Toshia Addison - (803) 210-5885 - This event is free, however there is a fee to tour the museum for non City of Columbia and Richland County Residents.

Auntie Karen 4204 North Main Street Columbia, SC 29203 Tel: 803-748-7124 Fax: 803-256-6971 Email:

Today is dedicated to the memories of Jacqueline Latimer and Auntie Karen Board Members: Deborah Woodard & Dr. Linda Rochelle Lane

"empowering, enlightening & educating through the arts"





PLEASE SUPPOR T TOD AY ' S V EN D OR S Organizations The Auntie Karen Foundation BDPA (Black Data Processing Associates) SC63 Our Story Matters Visual Artists Sheneka Jackson-Kinsey Sylvia Williams Kayla McClainJ Rodgers Boykin Jim Barnes Irmo Middle School International Baccalaureate Visual Art Students from: Irmo High School AC Flora High School Young Entrepreneurs John Daniel Moorer (2015 YE of the Year) Asya's Organic Farm Sky's Starlite Creation GaBBY Bows Something Fruity DJJ After School Academic Career Launch Entrepreneurs Audio Visual provided by:

DDCP Communications, Don Patterson

Alberta Graham, Phat Mat Photos by Jaz Outen Platinum Pomegranate Auntie Karen Gordon's Garden Damien's Devine Desserts Pamela Cox, Mary Kay Shervette's Dolls Paradise Interiors & Pete Burris

SC 63 Our Story Matters In January 2012, the mayors of seven southern cities agreed to a joint initiative marking the 50th anniversary of 1963 – the height of the American Civil Rights Movement. By gathering images, artifacts, and testimony, the mission of the Columbia SC 63 project is to ensure that a more accurate and expansive history becomes familiar to all. For more info visit:


Auntie Karen Foundation Board Toshia Addison Mildred Allen, BDPA The Columbia Museum of Art Tim Bowers Diann Selph Kim Hicks Sarah Watson, Auntie Karen Foundation Karen Alexander, Auntie Karen Foundation

Executive Committee

Planning Committee Members

Karen Alexander, President Sarah B. Watson, Executive Director Mildred Allen, Co-Chairperson Tre Tailor, Co-Chairperson Barbara Bowman, Preview Party Donald Wood, Public Relations Joan Mobley, Ticket Coordinator Linda Wilson, Reception Melanie Baker, Sponsorship Jackie Griffin, Auction Hope Jeffcoat, Master Class Toshia Addison, Black History Program Betty A. Etheredge, Program Book Dr. Casey Goldston Giraudy, Volunteers

Team Members Debbie Cherry Irma Lowman Evelyn Williams Kim Hicks Ashley Medbery Floyd Stan Cummings Lorraine Mickle Alycia Albergottie Precious Bryant Percalee Morris Norma Irvin Blocker Wanda Crumlin Diane Selph Christina Miles Charlotte Myers Paul Morton DeNee’ James

Auntie Karen Board Karen Alexander, President Dr. Phyllis Sanders, Vice-President Janet Johnson - Whipple, Secretary Melzina Cannon, Treasurer Linda Wilson Gwen Jordan Dr. Norma Jackson

Media Team Jaz Outen, Photographer Willie Chiles, Photographer Lisa Macon, Photographer Ricky Taylor, Videographer DDCP Communications, Videographer

Al Jarreau

with the South Carolina Philharmonic Orchestra What is it that makes a great musical artist? A Bing Crosby, a Paul Robeson, a Frank Sinatra, a Nat “King” Cole? They were all great singers, great story tellers, great personalities. But there was something else, as well. Something that took them above and beyond the level of singers who were similarly successful, well-known and best selling. Something that made their every performance, their every recording into a memorable experience. The answers, I’d say, can still be experienced today, in their full creative blossom, whenever Al Jarreau stands in front of a microphone, smiles his engaging smile, and lets the music flow. Like the stellar names I’ve listed above, Al has a golden musical touch. And, like Crosby defining the holidays with “White Christmas,” Robeson transforming “Ballad For Americans,” like Sinatra vividly bringing “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” to life, and Nat Cole finding the elusive message of “Nature Boy,” Al doesn’t just sing a song, he inhabits it. Hearing Al sing over the years – from the ‘70s to the present – has been one of my great pleasures, a very special perk of being a music journalist. It didn’t matter what the subject matter was, whether it was hearing him gift an ebullient Monterey Jazz Festival crowd with a soaring version of “We’re In This Love Together” and a brilliantly improvisational “Take Five,” or watching him roam the stage at Los Angeles’ Walt Disney Hall, singing a tender, deeply touching reading of Paul McCartney’s “She’s Leaving Home” followed by a stunning, vocally demanding romp through Chick Corea’s “Spain.” Al made each song – in each of those rare and special moments in time – his own. But it isn’t just the ability to inhabit a song and make it his own that brings Al, along with Crosby, Robeson, Sinatra, Cole and others, to the exalted heights of great musical artistry. Add, as well, the almost indefinable element of charisma – the quality that mesmerizes an audience, embracing them within the intimate communicative orbit of a performer. It’s a quality that produces an almost visible glow of sheer energy when Al finds his groove and takes his listeners on an irresistible rhythmic journey. Drawn to jazz early on, he discovered another foundation stone of his style in the improvisational art, with its inspiring combination of creative freedom, blues/gospel structures and the propulsive rhythmic drive we call "swing." Over the course of Al's remarkable, five decade-plus career, all these attributes coalesced into one of the music world's most uniquely eclectic voices, as well as one of the globe's most universally popular artists. He is only the second artist – Michael Jackson was the first -- to win Grammy Awards in the jazz, pop and r&b categories. And he has done so because of his unerring ability to bring authenticity to each of those styles. as dependable and productive as a blue collar good guy who knows what it means to work hard to make an honest dollar. One who feels genuine joy in what he does, and communicates that joy to his listeners. - Don Heckman The South Carolina Philharmonic (SCP), entertains, educates, enriches and excites diverse audiences through live symphonic music. As the Midlands’ only professional orchestra, the SCP is a non-profit 501c3 that has served the community’s needs for cultural development and education and entertainment since 1964. The introduction of Music Director Morihiko Nakahara in 2008/2009 ushered in a new era of artistic excellence that has allowed the orchestra to move forward and become the Midlands’ pre-eminent performing arts organization. The SCP believes strongly that exposure to the arts is an essential element in helping people realize their full potential, connect to others in the community and introduce them to new cultural experiences through unique social offerings. The SCP has a vision to see lives changed through the transformative power of music and has established education and outreach programs designed specifically to engage and educate the diverse groups throughout the Midlands.

Welcome & Acknowledgements

Karen Alexander, Auntie Karen Foundation Tre Tailor, Auntie Karen Foundation

Auntie Karen Presentation

Auntie Karen All-Star Youth Band

Terence Young, Musical Director

Intermisssion Give Aways Introduction of Artists


Belinda Parker WWDM 101.3 FM Al Jarreau with the SC Philharmonic

Please support The Auntie Karen Foundation Silent Auction in the lobby!

13 Years of Showcasing Great South Carolina Talent 2004

Capitol City Chorale & Vibrations Dance


All Star Band - Cheri Maree, Edris Deago, Eric Glenn, Jeff Elmore, Rico Tyler, Roland Haynes, Sam Jenkins, Skipp Pearson & Terence Young


Cheri Maree, Eric Glenn, Jeff Elmore, Antoine Miles, Sam Jenkins, Philip Whack & Terence Young


Cheri Maree, Eric Glenn, Jeff Elmore, Rico Tyler, Sam Jenkins, Philip Whack, Terence Young & Edris Deago


Debra Bailey, Michael Benson, Ken Cheels, Terence Young, Tyrone Mack, Edris Deago & Terrainio McKee Cunningham


Terence Young, Collette Blakeney, Nick Brewer, Joe Jackson, Byron Counts, Jeremy Roberson, James Adams & Guy Johnson


Terence Young, Regina Skeeters, Fred Burrell, Reggie Sullivan, Byron Counts, Don Russo & Dante Lewis


Terence Young, Shameka Dwight, Tim Smalls, Superior Edwards, Rod King, John Hobbs & Jesse “JJ” Hinnant


Terence Young, Jenna McSwain, Reggie Sullivan, Jermaine Jackson, Roderick Thomas & Chris Andrews


Terence Young, Byron Counts, Sam Jenkins, Tre Tailor, Patti Harris, Herschell Clark, Karen Alexander & Fred Burrell


Terence Young, Karen Thompson, G. John Martin, Mike Stone, Nigel Blanding, Stot Juru, Tristan Cills


Terence Young, Arlington Akers, Hank Bilal, Micah Blanding, Clyde Frazier, Lasell WIlliams, Maya Neiada, J. Michael Peeples


All Youth All Star Band: Terence Young, Jayden Shy, Joi Roberson, Chyna Young, Djuan Diggs, Byron Counts, Jr., Paul Jones, III, Joseph Duncan, Tiitus Jackson

The Auntie Karen Foundation’s goal is to Empower, Enlighten and Educate through the Arts. Most of those programs are done with youth outreach where an incredible amount of talent has been discovered, honed, realized and nurtured! Dancers, singers, musicians, artists, craftsman, orators and countless other skills and abilities have come through the various Auntie Karen Foundation programs and are showcased throughout the year at the after-school and summer programs, Young Entrepreneurs Conference, Gordon’s Garden, Black History Month Program and the various other AKF and community events. Over the years, young people have also assisted with The Legends of ..Concert Series and Silent Auction. This year we decided to brightly shine the spotlight on the numerous multi-talented performers that have benefitted from the Foundations Programs. From the Lobby to the Reception and even tonight’s All Star Band is comprised of young people age 15 to 25! Tonight, The Auntie Karen Foundation invites you to not only enjoy each young person’s performance but to also encourage, motivate, mentor, share your advice and provide them with any opportunities you may have to help us help them excel in their chosen fields and be successful in sharing their gifts with family, friends and the community at large!

Upstairs Reception Talent Brian Turner is a 21 year old full time musician at Worship Encounter ministries in Columbia, SC. This talented and diverse bass player is also a barber in training. Timothy Williams is 20 years old and already a Minister of music! He plays multiple musical styles including Jazz, Gospel, R&B, and classical.



Nathaniel Carmichael has been playing the drums for 12 years mastering various genres. The 21 year old musician has played for several artists including urban contemporary gospel artist, evangelist, and entrepreneur Jekalyn Carr. David Bell has been playing guitar for almost half of his life! This 21 year old graduate of Blythewood High School recently returned from a 24 day - 21 city European tour of Switzerland, Croatia & Italy performing with gospel group Mike Brown & Focus.




Samira Gibson was born into a musically inclined family, so it’s no surprise this talented powerhouse began singing by the age of 5. By her early teens she was composing music and in her 20’s became a three time winner at the World Famous Apollo Theater. Industry professionals including Queen Latifah, Debra Cox and Ashford & Simpson slated her to be the nation’s next big star. From Opera to Gospel; singing in over four different languages this multi-talented performer has also appeared in several musical stage plays including, “Your Arms Are Too Short To Box With God”, featuring Dr. Cissy Houston and Desire Colman. Samira completed training at Harlem School of the Arts on a full scholarship, graduated from the Professional Performing Arts High School in New York City and has performed for and with the likes of Donnie McClurkin; Cece Winans; Ashford & Simpson; Ben Vereen; Mike Bloomberg; Plies; Debra Cox; Chaka Khan; Mary J. Blige; Elle Varner and many more. Once you’ve met Samira you can appreciate the quote, “Big things truly come in small packages.

Downstairs Reception Talent The Talented Group of young men who wowed the audience at this evening’s Pre-Concert Reception all hail from Sumter SC. While the Music lovers from diverse backgrounds have been playing mostly all their lives, the four just recently went from being friends to band members when they collaborated last year. Larry C. Alston, II is a 21 year old keyboardist who has been playing piano for about 15 years.



Dezmon Glover keeps the beat tight as the drummer of the group. The 20 year old has been a percussionist since he was 3! James Tre’ Coplin has had the privilege of performing with gospel legend Andrea Crouch plus Earnest Pugh, Zacardi Cortez, and more. The 22 year old has been honing his lead guitar skills since he was 14. Bass Player Dawayne Bolden rounds out the group. The 20 year old multi instrumentalist began playing drums when he was only one years old, learned bass at the age of 5 and started playing piano at 7. Book these Four Musical Friends for your next event.



Contact Larry Alston (803) 458-8631,

Lobby Entertainment - KM2 Kara Mattocks is only part of KM². She accompanies her brother, Kalen Mattocks who is both a vocalist and bass player. Kara is a multiinstrumentalist having mastered the violin, piano, and guitar. Her journey with music began when she was in the 5th grade when she began taking piano lessons, then continued her musical journey into middle school where she picked up the violin. The recent Columbia College graduate earned her degree in Music Education where she specialized in instrumental music with an emphasis on violin and piano. Kara is currently teaching elementary school general music and strings and also teaches private violin and piano lessons. Kara has always envisioned a life filled and surrounded with music and believes that sharing that universal gift is the purpose she and her brother were born and blessed to do! Kara and her brother Kalen have been working together to build up their music group, KM². They perform for a variety of occasions where they provide entertainment and background music. They perform any genre of music ranging from pop to classical. She is currently looking for more students to teach and is happy to provide services to any age. Kalen Mattocks is the other half to KM2, along with his sister Kara Mattocks. He is a junior at Blythewood High School, where he plays bass in the Chamber Orchestra sings tenor in the Concert Choir and participates in an acapella group; the acaBengals who perform regularly at the Richland 2 School Board of Trustee meeting, NHC Retirement Home, and the Spring Valley Country Club. Kalen along with two others have the honor of being the first Blythewood High School participants in South Carolina’s All-State Choir. Kalen writes his own music, is learning how to play the guitar and is pursuing a career in performance and audio engineering. Recognizing community service is key, Kalen is involved in civic projects in the community and at school including the Leo and Beta Clubs and working on the team to replant the garden at Langford Elementary. Kalen works hard to pursue his goals and he keeps in mind a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. “We are faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. Procrastination is still the thief of time. Over the bleached bones and jumbled residues of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words ‘Too Late’.” This motivates him to work diligently so he can attain his goals! Dustin Praylow is the son of John and Linette Praylow. He began his dance training in 2011 at Dancin’ on Main in Lake City, South Carolina under the instruction of Karl Singletary and Paige Strickland. Dustin now is a Senior at the University of South Carolina where he majors in Biology and minors in Dance. Dustin currently choreographs for Wilson High School’s Tiger Production, Mayo High School for Math, Science, and Technology’s Phoenix Phame, and teaches Hip Hop Dance classes at Stepping Out Dance Studios in Lexington, South Carolina. Dustin wishes to pursue a dance career as well as a career in Pediatrics after graduating from the University of South Carolina.

Jadon A. Shy - Vocalist Jadon A. Shy, born in Newark, Delaware, is the 12 year old son of Rhonda Powell-Shy and vocalist, Ira Shy. His musical gifts and talents were identified while performing his first solo at Manna Christian Fellowship Church at the age of 4. He is a member of Rehobeth Baptist Church, Columbia, South Carolina where he enjoys singing on various choirs and praise and worship teams. Jadon signs, models, acts and recently played two main characters in FreeWay’s Musical, classical hit play “Alice and WonderlandThrough The Looking Glass”. He has performed at the Columbia’s Music Farm and Benedict College (Auntie Karen Foundation). Currently, he is a 7th grade band and piano student and Longleaf Engineer and Arts Program and has been inspired by the legendary Stevie Wonder, Sam Cooke, Michael Jackson, John Legend and J. Cole. He realizes that success is just a prayer away and that he can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens him.

Chyna Young - Vocalist Chyna Young is a 15 yr old 10th Grader at Richland Northeast High School in Columbia S.C. She’s been singing since the age of 5 and has performed at countless events and festivals in the area including the Auntie Karen Foundation Young Entrepreneurs Conference. Chyna has also opened for and shared the stage with her father Jazz Guitarist Terence Young.

Horizon Band Horizon Band is comprised of skillful teens with talents in various types of music including Gospel, Jazz and R&B. Referred to as “The Small Band with a Big Sound,” These 11th and 12th graders have opened for CeCe Winans, dazzled the crowd playing before Najee, performed at the AT&T South Carolina African-American History Calendar Event, entertained a record crowd during the St. Patrick’s Day Celebration at Chick-Fil-A in 5 Points, and were featured hits at The Black Expo’s Taste of Black Columbia/Charleston/ Upstate-(SC) and Jacksonville(Fl). The Band has played in the presence of Gladys Knight at the Auntie Karen Foundation Master Class and performed at the 41st National Convention for Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated in Charlotte, NC. The Band was also the youngest artists performing at the Dizzy Gillespie Jazz Festival in Cheraw, SC., were featured in the November 2014 edition of Parent magazine, and has entertained equally-enthusiastic smaller groups at festivals, churches, parties and business functions plus each band member still play at church every Sunday! Horizon Band features: Joi Roberson, vocalist- A 12th grader and reigning Ms. Spring Valley H.S. she also sings with the school’s Viking Singers Honors Choir, the Gospel Choir, the Chamber Orchestra and the youth ministry choir at Brookland Baptist Church, in Columbia, SC. She is the 16-year-old daughter of Terry and Felicia Roberson. Paul Jones, keyboard- A 12th grader at Ridge View High School, he also plays the trumpet and is the sole musician for his church, United Hope Ministries, in Bowman, SC. He is the 17-year-old son of Paul and Angela Jones, Jr. and has an older sister, Andria. Joseph Duncan, drums- 12th grade student at Spring Valley High School, he plays the alto and baritone saxophone plus the tuba for the school’s concert band and also plays drums for Saint John Baptist Church, in Columbia, SC. He is the 17-year-old son of Benjamin and Stephanie Duncan and has an older brother, Trey. Byron Counts, keyboard- An 11th grader at Columbia High School, Byron plays keyboard for Saint John Baptist Church, in Columbia, SC. He is the 16-year-old son of Monica and Byron Counts, Sr. and has two sisters, Chelsey and Kaitlyn. Titus Jackson Bass Guitar- A 12th grader at Batesburg-Leesville High School, Titus also plays the trumpet and bass guitar for the Calidonia Baptist Church in Batesburg, SC. He is the 16-year-old son of Jennifer Jackson and has a younger sister, Najee. Djawaun Diggs Lead Guitar- A 12th at grader at Lugoff-Elgin High School, Djawaun also plays drums, bass guitar, trombone, and baritone. He plays guitar for the Oak Grove Baptist Church in Pontiac, SC. He is the 16-year-old son of Teresa Diggs, and he has two younger sisters, Tinley and Timyhia. To book Horizon Band, contact Ben Duncan at 803-608-9079.

University of South Carolina School of Music Co-sponsor of Auntie Karen’s Legends Of Concert Series

The power and promise of music have No Limits The Center for Southern African-American Music (CSAM) online archive includes music recordings, film and video footage of African-American Music in the South to be remembered and enjoyed by all and for future generations. The collection holds some of the earliest footage of African-American songs, digitally archived

Jenkins Orphanage Band

Charleston, SC (November 22, 1928) Fox Movietone News

recordings, photographs, scores and visual footage from the USC Film Library’s Fox Movietone News Collection. See the CSAM archive at

V A c b

MORNING WORSHIP (West Campus) Sunday: 8:15AM & 11:00AM

MORNING WORSHIP (Northeast Campus) Sunday: 10:00AM


Wednesdays: 12 noon and 6:00PM Women’s Bible Study: 2nd & 4th Sundays 6:00PM Men’s Bible Study: 3rd Sundays 6:00PM


Timothy McAllister: 803.744.7905


Juanita Farmer, Development Director 803.744.7914


Greg Daniels, General Manager 803.744.7944 Lenwood Green, Food Services Manager 803.744.7948 Marnie Robinson: 803.744.7909 Marketing/Public Relations Nadia J. Muhammad: 803.744.7927 Marketing Executive

BROOKLAND FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Ron Cooley: 803.794.9201 Manager

BROOKLAND ACADEMY & CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER Jennifer McConnell, Director 803.744.7920


Donald Jackson, Director 803.744.7920

ctáàÉÜtÄ fàtyy

Dr. Charles B Jackson Sr. - Senior Pastor Rev. James A. Jamison - Assistant Pastor Rev. Charles B. Jackson, Jr. - Executive Pastor Dr. Chris Leevy Johnson - Northeast Campus Pastor

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The mission of the Brookland Baptist Church is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, through evangelism, education and economic empowerment.

Langley Management supports the Auntie Karen Foundation

AVAILABLE AT COLUMBIA LOCATIONS: 1024 Elmwood Ave., Columbia 2230 Decker Blvd., Columbia 7410 Wilson Blvd., Columbia 7041 Parklane Rd., Columbia ©2013 McDonald’s

2401 Augusta Road, West Columbia Walmart 2425 Sunset Blvd., West Columbia 4324 Sunset Blvd, Lexington

The City of Columbia Welcomes

Legend, Artist, and Icon

Al Jarreau

As a sponsor of the Legends of Concert, we are honored and proud to support initiatives that enhance and enrich the culture of our community. Thanks to the Auntie Karen Foundation for helping to build a strong community and enriching the lives of our youth.


2016 Richland County Council

Vice Chair Greg Pearce District 6

Chair Torrey Rush District 7

Bill Malinowski District 1

Joyce Dickerson District 2

Jim Manning District 8

Damon Jeter District 3

Julie-Ann Dixon District 9

Paul Livingston District 4

Kelvin Washington District 10

Seth Rose District 5

Norman Jackson District 11

Richland County is proud to support arts and entertainment that enrich, educate and uplift our community.




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Avah’s Closet, Adai Quaye Artist, Jim Barnes Artist, Jonathan Green Artist, Josef Berliner Artist, Sara Cogswell, Gallery West Artist, SPW Creations - Sylvia P. Williams Artist, Towe Havens Artist, Vanessa Ashford Bussy , Vanash Design Concepts Auntie Karen Foundation Back to Essentials, LLC - Dr. Claire W. Wages Bricktown Bistro Bruges Chocolaterie Carolina Couture Carolina Hair Studios C & K Jewelers, Kim Bacote Courtyard Marriott Crafticup Inc, Kirian Obioha Davis and Dingle Family Dentistry Dawn Staley, USC Woman’s Basketball Coach European Wax Center - Vanessa English Frame Warehouse at Shops of Sand Hill Hamilton Books Herbalife, Charlesa McCall Hunter Gatherer Hyatt Place Suites Ivory Tower Jackie Griffin John Elliott Hair Design & Day Spa Jos A Bank Julep Bistro Kathy McHenry Kjola Jewelry Kupendiza - Karen James Cody Leela’s Body Cocktails

Longhorn Steakhouse Lorraine Mickle Low Country Jazz Festival Committee M Boutique Marbella’s Fine Hats & Accessories, Marilyn Spells Maya Qobas, Designer Meditating Massage Studio, Shanita Brown More Than Music, Brittany McCants Paradise Interiors, Inc. - Shandra Childs Thomas Planet Fitness POUT - Christina Watson Rice Music House Ristorante Divino Springhill Suites Stan Cummings Store of Hope, DJJ Susan Lenz The Baker Family The Clarion Hotel The Glass Lady Celena Trayham The Inn at USC Vincent McClerklin, Baker

Special thank you to DELTA GEMS and Middle College High School Volunteers!

Student Sponsors Shandra Childs Thomas Julius Thomas, Allstate Insurance Center for Prosthetics, Inc. - Russell Riley Deborah Breedlove JASA-Just A Sister Away Christine Bowman, Allstate Insurance Ruby & Corliss Wise Bianca Crawford Oscar & Heide Groomes Volunteers and Donors Groucho始s - Bruce Miller Charles & Valerie Aiken - Elm Abode Amina Cox Andre Walker Ayiko Bridges Bernard Thompson Betty Etheredge - Betty Graphix Beverly Block Leslie Bessellieu Brenda Tucker Celia Hartman Corey Ingram Shirley Bell Deborah Breedlove

Delta Chapter, Alpha Psi Kappa Fraternity Inc. Delta Gems Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Advisors Middle College High School Diann Selph Evelyn Williams Fern Moses Irma Lowman Kerry Abel Kim Hicks Renee Walls Rick Giraudy Rodgers Boykin Romi Robinson Ruby James Sarah Gay Sheneka Jackson Kinsey Spencer Bowman Stephanie Fontenot Tina Grimes Veda Sargent DDCP Communications - Don Patterson Byron Counts Columbia Museum of Art Ricky Taylor, Voice Vision Media, LLC Brenda Peterson


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Congratulations to the Auntie Karen Foundation on your 13th Legends of…. Concert Series! from

Your efforts to “Empower, Enlighten, and Educate others through the Arts” continue to have a major impact in our community, state, and the world at large.

Dr. Leslie D. Bessellieu

“Helping leaders develop strategic influence to lead more effectively and confidently” 1898 Calhoun Street| #5 Rainbow Row| Columbia, SC 29201 Toll free: 877.519.8039| Fax: 803.865.4377 Email: website:

Congratulations on your 13th Annual Legends Concert. 1303 ELMWOOD AVE COLUMBIA, SC 29201 (803) 933-9744

Congratulations Auntie Karen Foundation for 13 wonderful years! Welcome to Columbia, Al Jarreau!

Our mission is to expose students to the international dimensions of undergraduate education and to help expand the international component of Benedict’s teaching, research and service mission.

Congratulates Auntie Karen

On their 13th Annual A u al 2016 Legends g ds ds of of Concert and Auction on Check our website regularly for updates

Visit us on Facebook at JASA Women of Columbia, SC or email us at:

Shandra Childs-Thomas

In Memory of

Anne Garrison Kelly June 27, 1956 ~ February 28, 2015

A dedicated volunteer and passionate supporter of the mission of the Auntie Karen Foundation. She had a true love for the Arts and how it empowers lives.

Louise’s Catering

together with the Mill Pond Steakhouse salutes the Auntie Karen Foundation LC • TMPSH 8 03-4 25 -8 8 25 Mark Price 8 03-917 -8 295 Louise R. Reid 8 03-600-6301 Website:

Congratulations to the Auntie Karen Foundation!

8 locations in the Greater Columbia Area to Serve You Blythewood 730 University Village Drive Blythewood, SC 29016 (803) 754-4509 Hours: Mon-Sat 11:00 am - 8:30 pm, Sun 11:00 am - 3:00 PM

Columbia - Five Points 611 Harden Street Columbia, SC 29205 (803) 799-5708 Mon-Sat 11:00 am - 4:00 pm; Sun 11:00am - 3:00 PM

Forest Acres 4717 Forest Drive Columbia, SC 29206-3108 (803) 790-0801 Mon-Sat 11:00 am - 9:00 pm, Sun 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Lexington 117 1/2 East Main Street Lexington, SC 29072-3420 (803) 356-8800 Hours: Mon-Sat 11:00 am - 9:00 pm, Sun 11:00 am - 2:30 pm

Chapin 138-B Amick’s Ferry Road Chapin, SC 29036 (803) 945-2001 Hours: Mon-Sat 11:00-9:00 Sun 11-2:30

Columbia - Sparkleberry Crossing 111 Sparkleberry Crossing, Suite 8 Columbia, SC 29229 (803) 419-6767 Hours: Mon-Sat 11:00 am - 8:30 pm, Sun 11:00 am - 3:30 pm

Irmo 800 Lake Murray Boulevard, #2 Irmo, SC 29063-8498 (803) 749-4515 Hours: Mon-Sat 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Sun 11:00 am - 9:00 pm

West Columbia 2265 Sunset Boulevard West Columbia, SC 29169 (803) 796-7826 Hours: Mon-Sat 11:00 am - 9:00 pm, Sun 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Congratulates the Auntie Karen Foundation & Welcomes Al Jarreau to Columbia

SAVE THE DATE! Wednesday, May 11, 2016 701 Whaley • Columbia, S.C.

featuring an art sale of works by some of South Carolina’s finest artists and honoring recipients of the Elizabeth O’Neill Verner Governor’s Awards for the Arts and the Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage Awards 1026 Sumter Street, Suite 200 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 734-8696

More information:

Jonez of Columbia is an independently owned restaurant and the brainchild of a retired Army Soldier (Rodney Jones) and his wife Evalena. Rodney was affectionately called “Jonez” (pronounced Jone-Zee”) by many of his military buddies during his service as a M1A2 Tank Commander at Fort Riley, Kansas. Jonez of Columbia is a new sophisticated restaurant located at the gateway of Columbia’s Historic Vista and one block from South Carolina’s Statehouse on Gervais Street. We feature live entertainment weekly.

Featuring “LIVE MUSIC” every Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday 1004 Gervais Street • Columbia, SC 29201 (Next to Regions Bank in the Historic Congaree Vista) 8 03-8 34 -4 4 34 Email: Jonezofcolumbia@ • • Restaurant Hours Sunday - Thursday 5 PM - 10 PM (Closed Mondays) • Friday and Saturday 5 PM -12 AM Get in on exclusive Jonez of Columbia offers and VIP only events by texting JONEZ to 5 5 4 69. Great Food!!! Great Atmosphere!!! Great Entertainment!!!

The Terence Young Experience CDs now available! Check Terence out on Facebook For booking information: 803-730-5544 Congratulations to The Auntie Karen Foundation on the 13th Annual Legends of...Concert from Congratulations to the Auntie Karen Foundation on the 12th Legends of... Concert from

Betty Graphix, LLC • Programs • • Flyers • • Business Cards • • Photography • • Brochures • • Pamphlets • Betty A. Etheredge, Owner Phone: 803-414-0972 Email:

Cannon Accounting & Income Tax Services Melzina Cannon, M.B.A., E.A.

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Congratulations to the Auntie Karen Foundation from

BANCO Bannister Company Public Relations / Marketing

Heyward Bannister P.O. Box 3427 Columbia, SC 29230 803-348-4571 Fax 803-779-1061 Email


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Congratulates the Auntie Karen Foundation on the 12th Annual Legends of... Concert Series Located at 1012 Broad River Rd · Columbia (803) 750-9764

Eddye L. Lane, P.A. Congratulations And Thanks to the Auntie Karen Foundation for “bringing IT” to the Midlands •

Business, Entertainment, Publishing, Contracts and Business Incorporation

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McIntee &Associates Professional Know How

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Congratulations Auntie Karen

Legends of... Concert & Silent Auction!

Jackie Griffin

Jackie Griffin

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• Photography • • Programs • • Flyers • • Brochures • • Pamphlets • Lisa Macon, Owner Columbia, SC 29229 Phone: 803-529-6664 Email:


-N N E P




N! O I T


Congratulates the Auntie Karen Foundation

7001 Parklane Rd

Corner of Parklane & Two Notch Roads Columbia, SC 29223 Sunday - Thursday: 11AM-10PM Friday - Saturday: 11AM-2AM Phone: (803) 699-5422

Damien’s Small Batch Confections

Congratulations Auntie Karen Foundation on your 13th Annual Legends of Concert Series

Homemade All Natural Sweets & Treats Damien Bell, Chef 803-552-9123

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We Welcome Al Jarreau to Columbia!

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RB Top Chef Mobile Kitchen & Catering Service offers catering items that help make your events easy to manage and deliver the delicious flavors you're accustomed to. In addition, our restaurant managers and team of catering experts can help plan or customize a menu that will make your guests happy and well fed. CALL TODAY TO PLAN YOUR NEXT EVENT!!!

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Congratulations on your continued impact and relevance in shaping and enriching the lives of our youth through better Education - Health - Music Creative Arts Economic Empowerment thereby awaking their minds to a brighter more rewarding future.

May the Lord continue to bless your efforts with ever increasing support and success!

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Cakes by Josh Joshua Eaddy, Founder

Auntie Karen 2011 Young Entrepreneur of the Year For more information, call 8 4 3-260-65 5 7 or email: jjohnglen@

7120 Firelane Road Columbia, SC 29223 Phone: 803.736.1251 Pager: 803.355.0317 Cell: 803.355.0317




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Dr. C. Stewart Darby, III, PhD., PA-C FAMILY PRACTICE

Phone: 803-933-0288 Fax: 803-933-9920 Email:

G&B Resources M




Greta a. Green, rn,, MSn,, MS Legal Nurse Consultant Phone/Fax: (803) 551-0018 P.O. Box 211933 Columbia, SC 29221

Please visit our website for more information on programs and how you can support The Auntie Karen Foundation.

Congratulations to the Auntie Karen Foundation on your 13th Annual Legends of Concert Series from

Frank & Melanie Baker Auntie Karen Preferred Hotels The Inn at USC Wyndham Garden Hotel 1619 Pendleton Street Columbia, SC 29201 803-779-7779

The Clarion Hotel 1615 Gervais Street Columbia, SC 29201 803-771-8711

Main Street Bakery and Gift Shop

Hyatt Place Hotel – Harbison 1130 Kinley Road Irmo, SC 29063

SpringHill Suites by Marriott 511 Lady Street Columbia, SC 29201 803-978-2333 With a variety of offerings to choose from, we’re sure you’ll be happy working with us.

3307 North Main Street • Columbia SC 29203 803 807 9567 •

Courtyard by Marriott Hotel USC 630 Assembly Street Columbia, SC 29201 803-799-7800

Opening Act: 吀栀攀 䄀甀渀琀椀攀 䬀愀爀攀渀 䄀氀氀 匀琀愀爀 夀漀甀琀栀 䈀愀渀搀 䨀愀礀搀攀渀 匀栀礀                     䨀漀椀 刀漀戀攀爀猀漀渀   䌀栀礀渀愀 夀漀甀渀最                 䐀樀甀愀渀 䐀椀最最猀 䈀礀爀漀渀 䌀漀甀渀琀猀Ⰰ 䨀爀⸀         倀愀甀氀 䨀漀渀攀猀 氀氀氀 䨀漀猀攀瀀栀 䐀甀渀挀愀渀            吀椀琀甀猀 䨀愀挀欀猀漀渀    䴀甀猀椀挀愀氀 䐀椀爀攀挀琀漀爀㨀 吀攀爀攀渀挀攀 夀漀甀渀最

7 Time Grammy Winner

䄀氀 䨀愀爀爀攀愀甀 眀椀琀栀 琀栀攀 匀漀甀琀栀 䌀愀爀漀氀椀渀愀 倀栀椀氀栀愀爀洀漀渀椀挀

13th annual

February 19, 2016, 8:00 PM Koger Center for the Arts Columbia, SC 803-251-2222

Al Jarreau with the SC Philharmonic in Concert February 19, 2016 Koger Center Columbia, SC




Concert ☀ Auction

How did you hear about us? Please indicate name  Radio____________________  Television ____________________  Newspaper __________________  Email/Web___________________ Age Range Please check one  21& under  22 - 34  35 to 49  50 and above

Race  African American  White  Hispanic  Asian  _______________

Hospitality Before concert Restaurant____________ After concert Restaurant _____________ Average cost _______ Concert Data Legends Attendance  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015

Contact Information Contact Name Address City, State, Zip Phone


Email Address

Who would you like to see perform at Legends of...?

Are you visiting Columbia, SC?  Yes  No Staying at:  A Friend’s  Hotel _________________________ How many nights?__________

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