Architecture Portfolio

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Melati Ayudyawati Architecture Graduate 2019-2021


Date of Birth

June, 16 2000


Architecture Fresh Graduate

EDUCATION 2018-2022

Griya Pancoranmas Indah Blok B6 No.10, 16434

Bachelor Degree of Architecture Brawijaya University

GPA: 3,57

Honors: Cum Laude



Linkedin Sekar Melati

Nationality Indonesian Instagram

Tata Kata Books


English Advanced TOEFL ITP score: 587 Indonesian Native Speaker

JuneAug 2020


Perum Perumnas-Samesta Mahata Margonda

Work closely with supervisor architect in all aspects of on-site supervision and project administration. Assisted in reviewing and revising architectural shop drawing provided by contractors. Provided Interior 3D Model for promotional purposes.

FebJune 2021


Architecture Department, Brawijaya University

Autocad 2D


BIM Revit

AugustDec 2019Proficient


Adobe Photoshop


Adobe Illustrator



Advanced Beginner


Advanced Beginner

Ms. Office Suite

Google Suite


July 2021Present November 2021

Asissted lecturor with course material and grading. Give insights and guidance to students. Held a weekly studio discussion review. Architecture Department, Brawijaya University


Help Prepare and present course material to student Asissted lecturor with grading. Give insights and guidance to students. Held a weekly studio discussion review.



Opened an online bookstore that provides preloved and new imported books.


Architrain Architecture Workshop

PARTICIPANTMarch 2021 BOS Micro housing Architecture Design Competition


Architectural Design

Interior Design

Heritage building conservation

Prefabricated design


Sketching, Painting, Reading

January 2021 December 2020

October 2020 July 2020


Brawijaya Architecture Department Hallway Design Competition


Paradesc 2020 Design Competition


Sambung Tabung Architecture Talk


BPA Architects-Prefab Glamping Villa Architecture Design Competition




Curriculum Vitae



Architecture Design Studio 6th Semester


Architecture Design Studio 5th Semester


Tunggulwulung Residence

Architecture Design Studio 3th Semester


Naungan Prefab Glamping Villa Architecture Design Competition


Samesta Mahata Margonda

Interior 3D Model Samesta Mahata Margonda Apartment



Architecture Studio 3rd Year (2021)

Category: Architectural Design, Residential-Townhouse Design Programs Used: Autocad, SketcUp, Adobe Photoshop

1 Hospital is a primary facilities that are much needed in a city. Thoughtful and well-planned hospital can help patients heal faster. Nowadays, the hospital is designed not only as a healthcare facilities buat also support the patientt's psyche to help speed up patients healing process. Patients who feel relaxed and happy will recover faster than stressed patients. Therefore U-Hospitals is designed as a healing space for patients while still catering to its primary function as a healthcare building.


Building Concept

Patient’s pscyche plays a crucial part in healing their diseases. During the healing period, it is not uncommon for patients to feel stressed and anxious about their illness. However, study shows patients that feels relaxed and at ease heals faster than patients that are stressed. Therefore, a hospital cannot only functioned as a health care institu tion that heals physical illnes but also offer as a healing place for patients psyche.

To create a healing space, there are several things that need to be considered such as: nature-building connectivity, natural lighting and air-flow within inpatient rooms, and natural interior color choices.

Massing Concept

1. Initial mass liniearly arranged

2. All mass are escalated

3. 40% building covered ratio and 4 meters boundary line according building regulation in DKI Jakarta

4. Mass is placed onto site according to DKI Jakarta building regulation

5. Openings in east-west side is minimized. Open courtyart is placed on the east side of the site

6. Building mass is adjusted with building program.

Sempadan4m 40% 06.00 09.00 12.00 15.00 17.00 N

Rooftop garden

Functioned as recreative and relaxation space for inpatients

Lift Diagram

Inpatient rooms


Service floor and sky garden Functioned as recreative and relaxation space and service floor sky bridge Connecting inpatient area with outpatient area



4 Massing Concept Type A Inpatient rooms Service Floor

Functioned as recreative and relaxation space for outpatients and hospital staff.

Mortuary Outpatient Outpatient Outpatient Outpatient LAB Radiology


Staff Waiting CAFETARIAroom


Administration Surgery roomsDelivery rooms



Basement Functioned as parking area

Basement Functioned as service and hospital workshop area.

Pharmacy Pharmacy Lab E.D.P Management Commercial
10 12: Service M3 M2 M1 21 M3 M2
Lift Commercial Lift Fire Safety Lift

Healing Space Concept

Water Fountain water fountain creates meditative background noise.

Pedestrian As shortcut from Mass 3 and mass 1

Labyrin garden

Functioned as meditative space

Meditative and contemplative space


As a recreation space for children

Plaza as garden center Holticulture garden as a therapeutic garden for patients.

Therapeutic Space

Active and Recreative Space

Healing space concept in U-Hospital is applied in color choices for interiors and healing garden. Healing garden is one of landscape design that help reduce stress and anxiety. There are three main area within the garden which are: meditative and contemplative space, active and recreative space, lastly, thera peutic space.

Meditative Space Recreative Space Therapeutic Space Fountain Area Greenery
6 Site Plan 1. Mass 1 2. Mass 2 3. Mass 3 4. Waste Treatment Area 5. Garden TB. SIMATUPANG STREET JAKARTA OUTER RING ROAD Scale 1:700 N
2nd Floor Plan 1st Floor Plan
3rd Floor Plan 4th Floor Plan VVIP Inpatient Room
9 5th Floor Plan 6-10th Floor Plan
12th and Service Floor Plan 11th Floor Plan VIP Inpatient Room

Floor Plan

Floor Plan

11 13-16th
1st Class Inpatient Room 2nd Class Inpatient Room 3rd Class Inpatient Room


Architecture Studio 3rd Year (2020)


Architectural Design, Construction in Historic District Programs Used: SketcUp, Vray, Adobe Photoshop

Metropole XXI is the oldest Cinema that was built in Jakarta in 1949 that held cultural sig nificance as the only art deco building that still stands and well preserved. Now Metropole Cinema has been established as a class A cultural heritage building by the DKI Jakarta Government to preserve its authen ticity. To further add tourist attraction within Metropole XXI area, a new hangout place is needed. Metrocafé is a café that serves as a hangout place for locals, bussinessmen, and tourists to spend their time and do their bus siness while enjoying the historical place of Metropole.

14 Building Perspective

Historical Context

Building Concept

Historical Significance

1. 2. 3.

Contributed to Indonesia’s film industry by the screening of ‘Krisis’ in 1955 which opened up oportunities for Indonesian film to be screened in class A Cinema.

Has become the oldest cinema in DKI Jakarta

The only historical building with art deco architectural style that is still well preserved in DKI Jakarta.

To honor the cultural significance of Metropole XXI Cinema, Metrocafe is designed sympathetically. Art deco architectural style is adapted onto the new building to har monize with the existing building. Moreover, Metropole XXI identity as a cinema is adapted within the interior space.

1 2 3 4 5 6 6 1. Bangunan Utama 2. Cafetaria 3. Bioskop XXI The Premiere 4. Showroom Grohe 5. Parkir Motor 6. Parkir Mobil Publik Legend Servis Tapak Metropole XXI Characteristics 1. Streamlined and geometrical building shape 2. Minimal ornament on facade 3. Tower and finials create an asymetry on the building Finials and Towers Art Deco Architecture Metropole XXI Identity as Cinema Cafe with art deco architectural style and cinema interior

Massing Concept

1. Initial mass extracted from site form 2. New mass is added to create asimetry and create a vocal point for the building 3. Subtraction to create a curved shape and streamlined impression following the characteristics of art deco building 4. Shading device and skylight are added to the bulding as a form of climate adaptation 5. Building utilities were placed on rooftop. Parapets were also added as a safety barrier 6. Ornaments are added to emphasize the streamlined impression on th facade.

2nd Floor Cafe Area/ Serving area Rooftop cafe

1st Floor Cafe bar and preparation area

Pantry Cafe area/serving area

Toilet Staff room and toilet staff

Private Zone Public Zone Semi Public Zone Spatial relation Visual relation Spatial-visual relation Entrance Staff Toilet Staff Room Pantry Prep Area Cafe Area Cafe Bar Public Toilet
Cafe Area
18 Site Plan
1st Floor Plan
Front Perspective
2nd Floor Plan

Section A-A’

Section B-B’

Café Interior


ndArchitecture Studio 2 Year (2019)

Category: Architectural Design, Residential-Townhouse Design

Programs Used: SketcUp, Vray, Adobe Photoshop

Malang City is one of the most populated area in East Java. This causes a high need for dwelling places. Tunggulwulung residence aims to meet the needs of housing in the city of Malang. There are two types of houses that were designed: Type A 95/130 and Type B 156/216 for larger families. In Tunggulwulung residence houses were designed with the influence of Jengki architectural style as a way to promote and conserve authentic indonesian architectural style.


Townhouse Concept

Jengki Architecture is one of Indonesia’s authentic modern architectural style that were developed during 1950-1970s which represent nationalism spirit and anti colonialism movement in Indone sia. Compared to other historical archi tectural style such as indische architec ture, not much attention has been given by practitioners and researchers to conserve Jengki style buildings (Salu ra et al, 2020).

Cited from Malangtimes (2019), housing is still in demand in Malang City due to its ever growing population. Therefore, Tung gulwulung recidence is designed with the aim to meet the needs of housing in Malang City and introduce jengki architec tural style to the wider community by influ encing some of its characteristics into the design.

Jengki Characteristics:

1. Pitched roof with 35º angle2. Overal shape of the building create a pentagonal form on the facade.

3. Roster brick wall to provide ventilation within the building

4. V-shape column to support roof terrace 5. Natural stone cladding as a decorative element.

Massing Concept Type A

1. Initial mass

2. Mass addition to provide space

3. Substraction to create more dynamic space

4. 35º pitched and half gable roof is added as a form of adaptation with Malang tropical climate.

Massing Concept Type B

5. Vertical shading device with triangulare shape is added to create Jengki style pentagonal form and provide shading.

1. Initial mass

2. Mass addition to provide space

3. 35º pitched roof and triangular shading device create a pentagonal form and as a way to adapt with Malang tropical climate

4. Substraction to create dynamic shape.

Site Location Akordion Street N
Site Plan
Type A (95/130) Type B (156/216)

Type A 1st Floor Plan

Type A 2nd Floor Plan


Type A Section

31 Type A Front View
Type B Section
Type B Front View
Type A House Living Room Type A House Bedroom
Type B House Living Room Type B House Bedroom

Naungan 04

Prefab Glamping Villa (2020)

Category: Architecture Competition, Team Project Collaborator: Hela Radika S., Elvira N. Cholida, Novia Wahyu H., Safarena Zalzabila N.A.S. Programs Used: SketchUp, Vray, Photoshop

35 Along with the event of MotoGP 2021 in Man dalika, more shelter is needed to fulfill the needs of visitors. Currently, Lombok lacks enough places for tourists to stay. Over 60,000 more hotel rooms are estimated by the government to be needed for this event. Naungan is a prefabricated glamour camp ing (glamping) that serves as an alternative options for tourists to rest and provide shel ter that is easy to build and more sustainable.


Naungan Prefab Glamping is located in Lendang Bontar Riverside 1,5 km from the new circuit in Mandalika Special Economic Zone.

Building Concept

The existing site has hot and dry climate, prone to earthquakes, and unstable soil conditions prone to landslide due to its proximity to the river.

Naungan can be translated as a shelter to protect ourselves from sun, heat, and rain. It can also be understood as a safe place to protect us from harm. With Naungan we hope that it can be a protector for local people from distress and as a motivator to develop Lombok to become wold central tourism.

The structure of the Naungan is inspired by the structure of an umbrella. With prefab ricated system, locals can easily build the structure by pulling the outer column. As a response to the tropical climate of the site, Steep angled building envelope made from Rumbia is intended to make a porous wall so wind can easily penetrate through. Moreover, openings such as windows and doors are installed for cross ventilation. Lastly, skylight is attached on the roof and provide natural lighting during daytime.

MotoGP Circuit Climate
Location Site Location Existing
6 PM 3 PM 12 PM 6 AM 9 AM N Joint Details 1 2 3 4 5 6


Components 38
Site Plan 39 N
Ground Floor Mezanine Floor
Section A-A’ 40
Sunset View


SamestaMahata MargondaApartment

Internship Work (2020) Category: Interior Design, 3D Model Programs Used: SketchUp, Adobe Photoshop, Lumion

Samesta Mahata Margonda is an apartment that implements Transit Orientet Development (TOD) concept in its design. There are three unit type (studio, 1 bedroom, and 2 bedroom) that are marketed for students, families and young executives. In this project, there were three interior renderings that were made which are one studio apartment and two 1 bedroom apartment. Images produced were used for marketing purposes.

47 0

Bed Area



Interior Zoning
N N Plan


Area: 25 m2

Interior Concept: Masculine Skandinavian

Description Responsibilities

In studio unit, scavdinavian interior is applied to create a modern and clean space. white paint and light wood finish were used as a primary color to brigthen up the room and make the interior feel more spacious. Navy blue and light slate grey were chosen as complementary color to give a more masculine touch into the space.

Create an interior concept for studio apartment intended for college male student.

Layout furniture placement according to interior utility placement.

Provide a schematic floor plan, 3D model, and renderings of the room

Design Inspiration and material board
Kitchen and TV Area Bed Area



Area: 35 m2

Interior Concept: Luxury Modern

Description Responsibilities

In one bedroom unit type A, luxury interior theme is applied to create a more lavish and modern space. In this design, i primarily used monotone color and focuses more in surface texture as the main decorative element. White and natural stone is used to make the space feel more luxurious and bright. In addition, Refelctive surfaces were also added to make the space feel more spacious.

Create two design with luxury and playful interior concept for one bedroom apartment

Layout furniture placement according to interior utility placement.

Provide a schematic floor plan, 3D model, and renderings of the room

Design Inspiration and material board
Interior Zoning Kitchen Wardrobe Living Area N N Bed Area
Plan Entryway
53 Bedroom


Area: 35 m2 Interior Concept: Youthful


In one bedroom unit type B, mid-century modern interior concept is applied into the space primarily in the furniture used within the space. Vibrant colour such as mustard yellow and royal blue is chosen as acent colouring throughout the room to create a more youthful and playful space.

Difference were made in the bedroom where muted colours were more dominant to make the space more peaceful. mustard yellow and royal blue still used as accent colour to fit the main theme.


Create a design with youthful interior concept for one bedroom apartment intended for student.

Layout furniture placement according to interior utility placement.

Provide a schematic floor plan, 3D model, and renderings of the room

Design Inspiration and material board
Interior Zoning Kitchen Wardrobe Living Area N N Bed Area
Plan Entryway
Bedroom Living Room
Contact Info: Email: Phone: 081298576448

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