AIESEC in Mexico One year ago, we embraced a team stand that said “Innovation that matters”. Today we can actually celebrate that every effort we did mattered for the Mexico we envisioned to have. When we dreamed about the legacy we wanted to make, we thought about quality as our priority. During the 20 13-2014 term, 12 entities were opened; And today we are really proud to say that there is only one entity from the 32 we have that does not provide any GIP XP. GCDP is the programme, that attends directly the problems our country faces. This is why from the 1259 TLP experiences we delivered, 800 were dedicated to this programme, in this matter we provided 1178 exchange experiences. We can celebrate, that in the past year we started working with national projects for incoming exchanges. We hosted a conference with 700 delegates, that we empowered and trained to perform with responsible leadership. Thanks to MOMENTUM as international conference, we started collaboration with government and now they are participating with our outgoing programmes. BECAUSE WE ARE SO MUCH MORE… MEXICO worked passionate and strategically focused in GCDP on: Standardization In our incoming exchanges, we develop national projects focused in the needs of Mexico, with this we achieving 70% of our exchanges as part of the national projects. Focused in quantity and QUALITY, we feel proud to provide for all of our trainees HOST and MEALS 100% covered. In out outgoing exchanges, we concentrate on the internal development, creating clusters based on the results and the needs of the LCs. Focus in quality, the usage of Podio supported recruitment to have more efficiency. As well an OPS Certification let us standardize the quality of the information we deliver to our Eps all over the country. External Relations Working as the first choice partner, we focus to position our exchange programs with externals partners. For iGCDP we are now working with «Ministerios de amor». We signed a national contract for 33 trainees divided for 4 LCs in different cities. Focus in oGCDP we achieve a cooperation with IMJUVE (Government Institute focus in Youth Development), where they sponsor 23 EPs (fee, flight, insurance and scholarship) so that they can take an internship in Colombia and besides of that, they are going to support us with university and company contacts to scale this alliance. International Cooperation's To boost oGCDP in Mexico and help our region, we worked with IGN CEEDers supporting the raising and matching with our country partners. National recruitment focused in Brazil, Colombia and Argentina to cover the realization gap, helping to balance the supply and demand and providing EPs for these countries. In iGCDP we were recognized by AI as one of the better countries for growing in quality and quantity, as we offered excellent experience to our trainees.