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Design & Words by Lloyd Pollard Copyright 2021 Lloyd Pollard (First Printing)

Instagram - Lloyd Pollard Sole copyright of all content in this book is retained by the author.

"Close to the brightest light lies the greatest darkness. Close to your greatest joy, lies your greatest pain. Close to your greatest fears lie your greatest love"

Thoughts, colours, lines and observations are all these are. Food for your thought, eyes, spirit and whatever else you chose to feed. These thoughts and observations are from a perspective of unknowingness, openness, awareness and beautiful ignorance, from no fixed philosophical place. Nothing observed here is intended to be an absolute. Take what you will, mix if you wish with your own perspectives and beliefs and see what insight and feelings come - if any comes at all. See what you see. Feel what you feel. Think what you think. Everything is one Nothing is one. Paradox conceals Paradox reveals. Beauty you choose even as beauty has already chosen you. . Know what you know in the light of the unknown and unknowable.

Meditate if you will

Our story is about greatness. Not about greater than but about actualizing and finding our presence in all things, connecting to all things and realizing a greater element of our capacity which is infinite. To connect to the infinite, which we can never not be connected to, is to be connected - consciously and unconsciously to everything. It takes more energy and work to diminish our link to all

things than the energy it takes to touch and connect to all things. It takes more to limit ourselves than to realize ourselves. It is natural to move, to touch and experience all we encounter. We are taught

limits rather than allowed to know the unlimited which is natural in us. Limits we choose, the unlimited is the natural environment we were born into, grow into and grow out of.

"Meditative Mandala #1"

Alpha and Omega Nothing begins or ends with us. But through us many things are connected in unexpected and surprising ways. The finite and infinite exists in and through us regardless of what dimension we perceive ourself in.

We are both more than we think and less than we imagine or dream ourselves to be. Live what you perceive. Without perception you have little meaning to your experiences Before us there was everything. After us will be everything. Through us passes everything. "Meditative Mandala #2"

Todays and Yesterdays

Our today is made out of the seeds planted in many yesterdays. Our tomorrows will grow out of the seeds planted in all of our todays. Never agonize over the events of today, its revelations were set in motion/planted before today. Today is defined by our responses to those previously planted seeds. Today is experienced, appreciated and given meaning by the responses and choices of now. Plant a seed or water a seed for tomorrow today, whether by thought or by action or by imagination.

**What was, what is and what will be, these are the pieces by which we dream and seek a purpose and meaning. "Meditative Mandala #3"

Touch life and allow yourself to be touched.

Cling not to one thing. Feel as much as you have the courage to. In this you will find more than the expected, imagined or dreamed of. Dare often, be of emotional and spiritual courage. Connect with another. This gives life its story and expresses who you most profoundly are. Your story is not pre-written, no matter the musings of destiny and fate, you are the creator. It is only now that you are being designed into existence as a collaborative piece of divine and sacred work. "Meditative Mandala #4"

Less inspires More. Light inspires the dark. Up inspires down. Fear inspires courage. Hate inspires love. Silence inspires sound. Ignorance inspires knowledge. Death inspires life. Black inspires white. Awareness inspires enlightenment. Beauty inspires joy. You inspire me. Make a way. Everyday make a way. Choose, play and have your say. Love and laugh in your own way. Is there any other way? Is there any other worthy of your say? "Meditative Mandala #5"

Sacred Death is a motivator to live, but do we really need it? Do we really need to gear dying to live more fiercely, to live stronger, harder and fuller? Is there not enough impetus to be and appreciate what is and who we are, without needing to fear that we will lose life. I am not living because I don't want to die. I am living because that is what I do without effort and brings me challenges, awareness and joy. My life does not need a dream, goal or purpose to make it valuable and meaningful. It just needs me to breathe, chose and be expressive in every given moment and experience.

"Meditative Mandala #6"

Cosmic Presence

I truly cannot Love you if you have no desire, passion or will to love yourself. The same with Respect and Honour. You must first define and appreciate what you enjoy and love about yourself. Embrace the divine not just in the beautiful and acceptable but most importantly in that which you do not often see and is rarely appreciated. "Meditative Mandala #7"

Web of One

True blue rhythm Trust the rhythm by which you live life. There is a pace of mind, body and spirit movement that allows you to feel alive and aware. Live by that pace diligently. People will critique you by suggesting that you need to "slow down", "speed up", do more or change. This is a normal enough response from others when you move to a rhythm and pace that is authentic to you, not them. Find the rhythm by which you move creatively, authentically and with awareness. This rhythm will carry you through all things (up and down), while authenticating your divine aura and presence. Chance and opportunity are free. Possibility is endless but awareness is expensive and effort full.

"Meditative Mandala #8"


R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Obligation builds nothing in a relationship, family or marriage, but resentment. Respect guilds everything you will truly need , including love. SHINE Knowingly and unknowingly, we always choose that which illuminates us - "good or bad". Knowingly and unknowingly, we always choose the path which illuminates our loves and fears. WHY? Why say something when there is nothing to say? Why do something when thee is nothing to be done? Why look for something when there is nothing lost? Why live for something when all you have is life? "Meditative Mandala #9"

Charms of Nature. TODAY. Everything and everyone has: Its day, Its time Its moment Its colour, Its brilliance Its detractors Its believers Its power Its uniqueness Its purpose, Its meaning Its presence Its light, Its dark Its love Its place Its connection to you.

Beauty is not in the making, it's in the seeing. "Meditative Mandala #10"

DON'T BE GREAT It's not how good you are or how good you want to be, it's about how good you think and "feel" you are. I may want to be the best but what actually limits me are the conscious and unconscious background thoughts about how good I actually Think I am. Good aspires to be great. Mediocre aspires to be good. Great aspires to be legendary. Know what you are and do not aspire to be more, just be ALL that you feel yourself to be in every moment. "Meditative Mandala #11"

Flight/Aspiration If I do not accept me in this place/here, who is to say that I will accept me or be acceptable anywhere. Wherever I am will only allow me to express what I am, it will not make me less or more of what I am. Water does not plan its path to flow. It just flows and never complains that it could have flowed better or should have found an ocean by now or wants to flow uphill or wants to be a stream or wishes it never got frozen in winter because it would have found water by now. No, water just journeys in all of its daily beautiful forms to whatever end may come. Peace.

"Meditative Mandala #12"


Our story is about greatness. Not about greater than but about actualizing and finding our presence in all things, connecting to all things and realizing a greater element of our capacity which is infinite. To connect to the infinite, which we can never not be connected to, is to be connected - consciously and unconsciously to everything. It takes more energy and work to diminish our link to all things than the energy it takes to

touch and connect to all things. It takes more to limit ourselves than to realize ourselves. It is natural to move, to touch and experience all we encounter. We are taught limits rather than allowed to know the unlimited which is natural in us. Limits we choose, the unlimited is the natural environment we were born into, grow into and grow out of.

"Meditative Mandala #13"


All life ever does is give. Our mission? What do we have the courage to accept?

Did you know that belief is as powerful as disbelief in shaping our energy, light and daily life. What you do is equally as important as what you do not do. What you imagine is as important as what is. What you fear is as powerful and important as what you love. Do not take your creative power for granted.

"Meditative Mandala #14"


"The health of my mind is the health of my body is the health of my life." NOW & ALWAYS Wishing I could be someone different or better does not make me so. Wishing you were not something you were in the past is disrespectful to the past and who you are now. What you are now and what you can be, cannot be without everything you have been to date. You are your hardest work,

"Meditative Mandala #15"

Soul Spheres

Lotus Angels The word and concept "lost" does not exist beyond our five senses. Our spirit cannot be lost. Our soul cannot be lost. A star cannot be lost. The universe cannot be lost. These things are where they are, but not where we want them to be or expect them to be. There is nothing in us that should not be there. Only by personal choice do we remove that which is and that which we do not desire. I know not my limits. I only know what I have been to date.

"Meditative Mandala #16"


Past Power Build upon the past not lament on it. The past can devastate the present with its lingering presence. Now is the greatest opportunity to change/complete/evolve the past. Honour what you've built, respect what you're building. The past reflects what the future became in your creative hands. Appreciate the magic that you do, that you've done and that which you did not do at all.

"Meditative Mandala #17"


Synapse I can only tell you what you mean to me, It is not my place to dispute with you how you value yourself. Always remember, you have the potential to be more than you think you are, but in reality you cannot be more than you think and feel that you are.

"Meditative Mandala #18"


Random Beauty Positive thinking needs more "possibility thinking". My light should not be the reason for your shadow. Your shadow should not be the reason for my light. We are here to be a part of nothing and to be a part of everything.

"Meditative Mandala #19"

The Tao Of Me. Light You must earn your way close to my energy, heart and spirit center. This place is not an ordinary space that you come to without your presence, respect and vital energy. Much will be offered to you in the form of opportunity but much will also be demanded of you to participate in the creation of meaningful moments and experiences. No matter how big you make me or how important you think I am to you, I am just a fragment, an element of your life and story. For everything you try and make of me, I can only be a part of but never more than the story you chose to create.

There is no magic in expectations or trying to meet them. "Meditative Mandala #20"

BONES All is not now. There will always be another minute, another hour, another tomorrow, another moment, another need, another light, another person, another life, another opportunity, another being, another thought, another perception and another love. All is not now.

"Meditative Mandala #21"

HARMONY Learning is important. Everything you become aware of is a "connection", a link, a greater personal web of awareness that strengthens our engagement with all things. All things are connected in some manner, form, consciousness or dimension. Often we do not perceive ourselves to be connected , so learning becomes a method by which we awaken our awareness to the eternal connections that cradle us in any manner imaginable , across any dimension we can fathom. You are not alone. You have never been alone and can never be alone.

"Meditative Mandala #22"

Infinity Rare

JUNGLE Be a part, not apart. Everything is not your responsibility. Everyone is not your responsibility. No one thing makes another thing - it facilitates and contributes to its manifestation/existence. No one thought creates an occurrence. No one action causes a result, it only facilitates and contributes to an outcome. The sun does not make a flower or a tree - it only contributes to their manifestation, existence and growth. We do not make the weather - we do however influence it's manifestation.

"Meditative Mandala #23"

Simply Beautiful Everything that is possible does not have to be possible. ***Everything that deserves to be loved does not have to be loved by you. You are not here to carry the burden of my strength or weakness. What I am, have been and will be, is a result of what I choose by love and fear, from the infinite possible potentialities. Be careful how long and closely you look at yourself, you might fall in love, finally.

"Meditative Mandala #24"

Prayer gives you energy. Compliments authentically given, gives you energy. Fear distorts energy and reduces its radiance. Love multiples energy. Respect allows energy to breathe and radiate. Anger uses energy to repel other energies. Honour grows energy. Self-love multiplies energy. ENERGY is Light. Give what you have in abundance. Give in return what you've been given. Do not give what you have not been asked to give - it will cost you more than you can image.

"Meditative Mandala #25"


Molecular Rosebud Seeing yourself as an individual takes no effort. Seeing yourself as part of the natural web of all things is much harder. We lose energy and perspective when we look at what transpires around us as affecting us alone. Everything that happens is judged as positive or negative, based upon how it impacts "me". The concept of the web tells us that one action affects all things, Ever strand makes a contribution to the whole - in and of itself, a strand has a limited value. But tied to all things it substantially influences everything. Do what you do, think what you think, be authentic, all the while knowing that you are part of a greater mix of everything that transpires, which is not just for you. Be humble in the knowing that that your greater value lies in your connection to the whole.

"Meditative Mandala #26"

Bring me to light Do not let the ego rise and tell you that others are ruining the life you could have had. Others are a possibility for you, an opportunity to be bigger, greater and brighter into this fantastic universe. That is your life. A challenge does not dim your light, your choice of how bright to shine is the only thing that can dim your light. I cannot ruin your life, I can only be as big or small as you allow me to be to you. I am a possibility to you, a possibility you choose.

"Meditative Mandala #29"

Quantum Soul

Don't be like you're supposed to be or hope to be, be like you feel and are.

Don't be the type of person who will be like, be the person who cannot be ignored or overlooked. ***It's amazing how much time we spend on being better than we are, while never first realizing or accepting who we are.

"Meditative Mandala #30"

Infinite Rare

Like water flowing downhill, go to where you are being pointed, needed and attracted. In this we have no true choice in finding a path that is true to our heart and not the aspirations of our mind. When you attempt to resist the nature path and "live my life", this living becomes a dance for which we have a lesser passion, much fear, more pain and imbalance. Follow the flow of destiny.

"Meditative Mandala #31"

Cosmic Balance

RISE Everything is connected. Know this: Silence is half of the sound Joy is half of the pain Truth is half of the lie Love is half of the hate Wrong is half of the right Darkness is half of the light. I am half of you as are you half of me.

"Meditative Mandala #32"

Molecular Garden

Engage your radiance...Meditate

How things are created often requires more of the unconscious than the consciousness we so often rely upon. How we desire to see things and combine things is a perceptive choice driven or influenced by both the conscious and unconscious natures of attraction and repulsions that in the end generate what we call an experience, a feeling, a synchronicity, a discord, an occurrence, a moment. How what you see in these pages will engage, meld or influence your conscious and unconscious will only be made know to you by your level of personal cognizance and awareness. The unconscious experience will remain beyond your capacity to consciously grasp, to some extent, in your common daily state; but will none the less be added to the primordial unmeasurable unknowable unconsciousness of all things to which you are a part of.

Do not hesitate to refine your inner sublime design...Meditate

Copyright 2021 Lloyd Pollard (First Printing)

Instagram: kasp74_pollard (Lloyd Pollard) Sole copyright of all content in this book is retained by the author.

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