Do you know why to learn to
speak German?
What are reasons to learn to speak German? There are many. Read this article and find out about various advantages of learning German. Learn to speak German with the Birkenbihl products and will never use any other method again. Brought to you by Birkenbihl Visit us at www.birkenbihl-sprachen.com
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Why should you learn to speak German? A new year - an enthusiastic start in learning German? Achieve your goal and start now! German is a West Germanic language of the Info-European language family. It is mostly spoken in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg. As many as 100 million people speak German as their mother tongue. Other languages with similarities to German are English and Dutch. Many words in German are somehow related to English. This makes learning German easier for you! However, German grammar is unfortunately a bit more complex than the English one. This is why you are in need for an excellent language learning program or software.  German is the most widely spoken European language. More than any other language in Europe, people speak German natively. This might be because of the relative big area of German, with 83 million inhabitants. Besides the countries mentioned above, many people from eastern Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, eastern France, Italy, parts of Poland and the Czech Republic, and even Russian and Romania call Brought to you by Birkenbihl Visit us at www.birkenbihl-sprachen.com
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German their mother tongue. Consequently, German language might connect you to far more than 100 million people, as well as to others who learn German as their second language. German is known as the third most popular foreign language, most notably in Europe and Japan.
 Regarding Germany, this country has a very strong economy and export industry. Therefore, German is an important language for business and science. Various powerful companies, such as Siemens, Lufthansa, Bosch or BMW are headquartered in Germany and need to establish international business partners and contacts. This might be one reason why German language is so popular in Japan. In case you want to work abroad, German knowledge could be the key to your success. With concern to Switzerland, it is the country with the highest living standards in the whole world.
 German tourists are everywhere. Germans are known to having the time and monetary resources to travel. You can be almost certain to meet a German tourist at major tourist attractions and destinations. Popular destinations are European countries such
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as Italy, France, Spain or Greece. Eastern European countries are increasingly favoured as well. However, not only do Germans like to travel within Europe, but also do they more and more spend their money on overseas destinations, like the United States. Provinces which are close to the beach, as well as huge cities such as New York, are most famous.
 Publishers are into German. 10 per cent of all books in the world are published in German language. Thousands of German books are published yearly. Only Chinese and English books are more frequent. Not many German books are translated into another language like English. Therefore, you only have access to a vast majority of important literature if you have knowledge of German language.
 All German-speaking countries offer lots of cultural heritage. For example, think about all the poets and other writers. Wolfgang von Goethe or Franz Kafka are known worldwide. Additionally, music is inseparable from Austria. Everybody has heard of famous musicians like Mozart or Beethoven. Vienna is mostly associated with the centre of classical music.
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 Last but not least, German is not a very hard language to learn. As stated already, German language as much in common with English and Dutch. So as an English speaker, you already have a big advantage. Modern English as well as modern German both developed from Germanic. Moreover, German is a phonetic language, meaning that you pronounce the words just like you write them. That makes everything much easier.
Learn to speak German with the Birkenbihl Approach The Birkenbihl Approach is a special language learning method that has been developed for brain-friendly and easy language learning. The underlying secret is that the brain first needs to be exposed to the language for a while, before the learner makes any attempt to speak the language. The same procedure occurs when children learn how to speak their native language. Basically, the learning process involves active and passive listening. Active listening means listening to a recording of the foreign language, German in this case, and at the same time reading the translation of this text. Passive listening, on the other hand, is listening to the recording of the text without reading Brought to you by Birkenbihl Visit us at www.birkenbihl-sprachen.com
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the translation into the mother tongue. Passive listening might happen during the learner engages in other activities. This language learning approach has proven successful for any foreign language and any level of previous knowledge. The language learning technique can be employed to any text and any language. Computerized German language learning software is offered as well, to make learning German easier than ever.
In case you are interested in the language learning software by Birkenbihl, visit their website today. Learn to speak German with these products and will never use any other method again.
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