Which is the easiest language to learn?
Certainly there are languages that are easier and some that are more difficult to learn. But there are different techniques that make every language rather easy to learn. Use pictures, associations, other languages to remember words, participate in classes or use a language learning book or software.
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Most people want to speak as many languages as possible. At the same time, people have increasingly less time for such things as studying languages. Therefore, an important question arises: What is the easiest language to learn?
What are the easiest and most difficult languages to learn? Of course, there are some languages that are harder to learn. Surveys showed that the five most difficult languages to learn (at least for somebody whose mother tongue is English) include Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese and Korean. On the other hand, it is rather easy to reach proficiency in speaking and reading many European languages, such as Spanish, Italian or Portuguese. Also Indonesian is one of the languages that are easy to learn. Nonetheless, if you apply the correct learning method, learning any language is achievable. But which learning method is the right one for learning any language?
It is essential that everybody finds his or her own way of learning. As people are different in nature to some extent, humans respond differently to learning techniques. Some people like to make up stories about each word, thereby remembering the context in which the word is used and other words that fit to the situation. Others prefer to draw a picture for each word or phrase, in order to remember it for the longterm. Another possibility how to learn languages is to find words in your own mother tongue or in another foreign language you know that sound similar to the word or phrase you aim to remember. A technique with various disadvantages is cramming vocabularies by hard. Learning words and phrases from a list is not effective. First, you will always try to translate the words from the foreign language to your mother tongue and vice versa. This hinders you in speaking and understanding the new language. Furthermore, because you do not learn the words in context, you may neither be able to recognize the word in another situation nor to apply it in another context. Additionally, studying disjointed words from a list certainly is boring, and takes considerable time and effort.
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What is the solution? Many people search for language courses nearby. Universities often offer attractive language learning classes for adults as well as adolescents who are not students. Quality of such courses is usually good and the cost-benefit ratio is okay. Another possibility is learning online. There are many sites, sometimes free of charge, where everyone can register and start learning foreign languages. However, if you search for free services solely, you should not expect a big range of exercises. One alternative is learning with self-study material. Language books are offered in every book shop. The disadvantage here is again the monotony. After some time, you will lose interest and enthusiasm. Another possibility is using language programs. Different software versions are provided in the Web, however, CDs, DVDs etc. are sold as well. One outstanding learning method, according to which computerized language software as well as language learning books is offered, is the Birkenbihl Approach. The name Birkenbihl is derived from the developer Vera F. Birkenbihl. The famous learning method is based on the subconscious mind. By listening to the foreign language over some time, our brain gets used to the new sounds, melodies and order of words. Thereby, our brain gets prepared for speaking the language. This method is one of the best ways to learn languages – for simply everybody. Even language courses for kids are offered!
Every language becomes the easiest language to learn! The Birkenbihl Approach is divided into different parts of the learning process. The method starts with de-coding the foreign text. At this stage, you translate a simple or challenging text (according to your precious language knowledge) into your mother tongue. It is important to translate word-for-word rather than analogous in order to prepare yourself to use the word also in a different context. The next step would be to listen to the foreign text while simultaneously reading the word-for-word translation. This stage avoids cramming vocabularies from a list. You will get to know the words and phrases almost incidentally. If you understand the text properly, you can move on to the next phase, called passive listening. Now you listen to the foreign text without reading the translation at the same time. You can do that while engaging in other tasks, like taking a shower, riding your bike, driving a car or tidying up.
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Now our brain is prepared to speak. Practice your language skills by speaking with native speakers, watching movies in another language, de-coding other texts or reading newspapers in the new language. This method can be applied to any language – use this technique and you will see that every language is easy to learn.
Learn foreign languages effectively and effortlessly! Learn more about the method that makes every language the easiest language to learn.
Also check out these internet posts: How to speak Russian?! How to learn French.
Visit this Website to find out more about the famous Birkenbihl Approach: Learning a new language
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