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FEMALE OF SUVARNABHUMI, etching on bronze ware from around 3,000 years ago, found at Ban Don Ta Phet, Phanom Thuan, Kanchanaburi.


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ETCHED CARNELIAN BEAD with Roman ladyûs face, found at Khlong Thom, Krabi.



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ROMAN COINS with the image of Emperor Caesar (Left) (Roman King, 269-271 A.D.) on one side and the image of Athena, Greek goddess (right), on the back. It was found around Mae Khlong-Tha Chin Basin at Muang U Thong, U Thong, Suphanburi, revealing the trading system along the coastal communities in those days.


≈Ÿ°ªí¥·°â« √“« 2,500 ªï¡“·≈â« ¡’√ŸªÀπⓧπ ·≈–√Ÿª¥Õ°¥«ß Õ“®¡“®“°μ–«—πÕÕ°°≈“ßÀ√◊Õ‚√¡—π æ∫∑’ËÕ”‡¿Õ§≈Õß∑àÕ¡ ®—ßÀ«—¥°√–∫’Ë GLASS BEADS from around 2,500 years ago, with etched face and etched flower, supposedly came from the Middle East or Roman, found at Khlong Thom, Krabi.


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