HKAC Open House 2015

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關於香港藝術中心 About Hong Kong Arts Centre

香港藝術中心是一所自負盈虧的非牟利、非政府組織。在過 去三十七年來,中心一直致力推動培育區內的藝術發展,透 過展覽、藝術教育等項目推動當代文化及藝術。位於灣仔的 藝術中心主大樓配備劇場、電影院、畫廊、教室、工作室、 餐廳等綜合設施,每月舉行不同範疇的藝術節目,包括表演 藝術、視覺及錄像藝術;同時亦策劃公共藝術計劃、藝術會 議及其他多元精彩藝術節目等。 除主大樓外,中心獲市建局批予灣仔茂蘿街活化項目—「動 漫基地」五年主營運合約。「動漫基地」於二零一三年七月 正式開幕,進一步推動本土文化創意行業的發展。 而其轄下的香港藝術學院於二零零零年成立,是政府認可的 學術機構。學院本部設於藝術中心十樓,其他校舍包括位於 筲箕灣的包黃秀英校舍及柴灣青年廣場校舍,由充滿熱誠並 擁有卓越成就的藝術家負責當中之教學工作。學院的學歷頒 授課程集中在四個核心學術領域上,即藝術、應用藝術、媒 體藝術和應用劇場與戲劇教育;提供的課程則包括高級文憑、 專業文憑、學士及碩士學位課程。此外,學院亦舉辦短期課 程及其他外展活動,大大擴闊了藝術課程的範圍。

The Hong Kong Arts Centre (HKAC) — a self-financed, non-profit organisation—is widely recognised as an arts and culture incubator for Hong Kong. For the past 37 years, the HKAC has played a unique role in engaging the community with art, with a focus on promoting contemporary art and culture in Hong Kong and abroad through exhibitions, art education and related programmes. The HKAC’s main building is situated in Wanchai, with facilities including a cinema, theatres, galleries, classrooms, studios, restaurants and office space. The HKAC provides a wide range of programmes on performing arts, visual arts, film and video arts, public art projects, conferences, art festivals and more, connecting the arts to the general public. The HKAC is also appointed by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) as the Main Operator of the Mallory Street project in Wanchai, managing the “Comix Home Base” (CHB) under a five-year contract. The CHB opened in July 2013 and the HKAC is operating the CHB as the platform for exchange and interaction for the comics industry, locally and internationally. The HKAC’s education arm, the Hong Kong Art School (HKAS), is an accredited institute staffed by a group of dedicated artists and with multiple sites, including the Main Campus on the 10th floor of the HKAC main building, Pao Haung Sue Ing Campus in Shau Kei Wan and the Chai Wan Campus at Youth Square. The focus of its award-bearing curriculum lies in four core academic areas—Fine Art, Applied Art, Media Art, and Applied Theatre and Drama Education—with academic levels ranging from Higher Diploma, Professional Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree to Master’s Degree. Short courses and outreach projects of the HKAS run parallel to the award-bearing curriculum and span an even wider variety of artistic disciplines.


香港藝術中心開放日 2015

Hong Kong Arts Centre Open House 2015


Imagine you are about to start a journey full of challenges. How would you You may begin with your personal belongings: clothing, basic hygiene items, torch, map, whistle, telescope... All are there to make sure you will be able to cope with anything. Next, try adding something abstract, for instance, items that are dear to you, what would that be? Friends or your love? Family or work? Memories of the good old days or the blueprint for your future? How about meanings of travel and feelings throughout the journey? Now, tie and knot your backpack and put it on your shoulder. You may realize it's too weighty that you can hardly take the first step.

的背包裡會放什麼東西? 你可能會先整理一下個人行裝。衫褲鞋襪、毛巾牙刷手電筒、地 圖哨子望遠鏡,放進背包裡,務求能夠應付一切環境。接着再放 一些珍而重之的人事景物,哪會是什麼?朋友或愛人?家人或工 作?過去的記憶與未來的藍圖?旅行的意義和感受?把背包扣 好,然後請你背起向前走。相信這個背包已經沉重得讓你寸步難 行了。 我們相信所有旅程都需要放下才會獲得更多。在藝術面前,我們 倒不如放下自己的身份,把背負着的都卸下,尋找藝術帶來的內 在快樂吧!香港藝術中心開放日,匯集這座獲獎建築的大樓內外 創作力量,與你一同發掘藝術的驚喜,細味藝術中心的人情味。 現在重新起行,你知道怎樣做吧?

We believe, in all journey, you will gain more after unload your burden. Why not discharge our duties and all those heavy burdens, and look for ingenuity in arts? Come and join the Hong Kong Arts Centre Open House, you will discover surprises of arts inside and out of this award-winning building, and share its warmth and care. Now, let's start over again. You know what to do, right?




視覺藝術 Visual Art 1O:30am 5/F ( ENG 英 )




11am-12:15pm 4/F

收藏家講座 Collector Talk

11:30am 5/F ( CAN 廣 )

12:30pm 5/F ( PTH 普 )

1:30pm 5/F ( CAN 廣 )

2:30pm 5/F ( ENG 英 )



3:30pm 5/F ( CAN 廣 )


4:30pm 5/F ( PTH 普 )



3pm-3:45pm 7/F

翰林研藝室同學演奏會 Hon Lam Studio Students' Mini Concert

5pm-9:30pm UB/F

流動影像 Moving Images

12:30pm-3pm UB/F

巴塞爾藝術展│光映現場 Art Basel │ Film

4:00pm-4:45pm LB/F

藝術體驗活動 Arts Experience Activities 4:15pm-5:15pm LB/F 動畫工作坊 Animation Workshop

1pm-2pm LB/F

書籍裝訂工作坊 Bookbinding Workshop

1pm-2pm LB/F

Chinese Calligraphy Demonstration and Sharing Session

2:30pm-3:30pm 7/F 2pm-4pm 專業形體劇場青年訓練課程公開課堂 Professional Physical Theatre Youth Training Programme Open Class G/F 4pm-5pm 專業形體劇場青年訓練課程公開課堂 LB/F Professional Physical Theatre Youth Training Programme Open Class

10:30am-5:30pm LB/F

動漫藝術 Comic & Animation

12nn-1:30pm G/F ( CAN 廣 )

2pm-3:30pm G/F ( PTH 普 )

文娛數學講座 Recreational Mathematics Colloquium

2pm-2:45pm 7/F

藝術專業文憑課程講座 PDFA Programme Seminar

2pm-3:30pm 10/F

11am-1pm G/F ( CAN 廣 )


手作伴手禮 Take Art Home

4pm-5:30pm G/F ( ENG 英 )



處處藝術 Art Around the Corner

3:30pm-5pm 10/F

1pm-3pm G/F ( ENG 英 ) 10am-10pm 3/F


藝術中心總幹事分享會 Meet up with HKAC Executive Director

2pm-3pm LB/F

10am-1pm LB/F

藝術教育 Art Education

即興鋼琴創作示範工作坊 Piano Improvision Demonstration Workshop

3pm-4pm LB/F


Programme Directory

第二十屆 ifva 比賽公開組入圍作品放映

20th ifva award screening

3pm-3:50pm ifva 比賽歷屆得獎作品選 ifva past award screening UB/F

1:30pm-2:10pm UB/F

Hong Kong Arts Centre Open House 2015

Jockey Club Street Music Series

3:15pm-5:15pm 1/F & 3/F

最後晚餐(重演)The Last Supper (Re-run)



5:30pm-8pm G/F

香港藝術中心 開放日 2015


8:15pm 5/F ( CAN 廣 )

CCC 展覽導賞 CCC Tour

表演藝術 Performing Art


日本藝術文化遊歷團簡介會 Japan Art Tour Briefing Session

3pm-5pm G/F ( CAN 廣 )

5pm-7pm G/F ( PTH 普 )

灣仔文化漫遊 Wanchai Cultural Walk

牆上好聲音 Voice of Wall










Travel Tips


遊覽小提示 我喜歡參與藝術節目,但沒有特別喜歡的藝術類別。 I enjoy art programmes but I don’t have special preference in art forms.

香港藝術中心食肆及商店 Eat, Drink & Shop at HKAC


黑麥 Pumpernickel


香港藝術中心四樓 4/F, HKAC 11am – 9pm 2588 1001

可細看「今日節目焦點」(第 10-17 頁),旁邊簡介了你 可能喜歡的節目,你亦不妨預留時間參與其中,多方發 掘興趣,成為開放日藝術先鋒。 Tips 2: Why not explore our various art events, such as Street Music, Contemporary Art Collection Exhibition and Independent short film showcase, etc. You may also check out our “Today’s Programme Features” (p.10-17), and art events that you may also like on the right column. Try to spare your time to join and explore your interest. You will be our Open House art vanguard!

Assaggio Trattoria Italiana 香港藝術中心六樓 6/F, HKAC 11:30am – 10pm 2877 3999


我第一次來到藝術中心,開放日有什麼節目可以讓我 走進香港藝術中心,開放日藝術活動 多多,我們該怎樣開始好呢?看看下 面的小提示,也許會為你的旅程帶來 一點新意思。 Once you step into Hong Kong Arts Centre, you will find many activities happening in Open House. Where shall we start? The following Travel Tips may bring you some insights!

認識這個地方? This is my first time to be in Arts Centre, is there any Open House recommendation so I can learn more about this place? 小提示一:你可以盡情地遊走這座獲獎建築呢!我們會 建議你由十五樓起行,沿前梯而下,參觀不同的文化單 位和節目。我們亦推薦你參加本中心主辦之講座《藝術 中心與你的藝術路向》(第 23 頁)及香港藝術學院《藝 術專業文憑課程講座》(第 24 頁)。 Tips 1: You can walk freely inside this award-winning building! We recommend you to start from 15/F, and walk down by our spiral staircase to visit different cultural organizations and their events. We also recommend “HKAC & Your Future Art Path” (p.23) organised by HKAC, and “Professional Diploma in Fine Art Programme Seminar” by Hong Kong Art School (p.24).

I come with my children, is there any Open House event for us? 小提示三:參加我們的導賞團吧!費用全免,主題內容 請 參 閱 小 冊 子 第 11 及 18-19 頁。 此 外, 開 放 日 預 備 了 不少體驗活動,適合一家大小參與。活動簡介可留意小 冊子第 20-25 頁。特別推介《手作伴手禮》和《牆上好 聲音》給小朋友們呢! Tips 3: Please join our free-of-charge Open House thematic guided tours! Please turn to p.11 & 1819 for details. Besides, Open House has prepared various art experience activities that suit families. You may find information on p.20-25. Our Special recommendations to children are “Take Art Home” and “Voice of Wall”! 假如你有任何疑問或想法,歡迎到藝術中心地下大堂的開放日接待處 查詢,或細看小冊子的「開放日節目表」(第 6-7 頁),為自己的藝術 之旅好好計劃。 If you pop up any questions or ideas, you are most welcome to reach our Open House reception on G/F. Besides, you may check out our “Programme Directory” (p.6-7) to plan your art trip today.

香港藝術中心商店 HKAC Art Shop 香港藝術中心地下大堂 G/F, HKAC 12nn - 8pm 2824 5308


今日展覽焦點! Open House Exhibition Highlight !

香港藝術中心第三屆《收藏家當代藝術藏品展》 ─ 無盡藏:大藏無盡


收藏家講座 Collector Talk

Hong Kong Arts Centre 3rd Annual Collectors' Contemporary Collaboration (CCC) ─ Boundless Treasures: Inexhaustible and Limitless

你有興趣嗎? More Exploration? 《香港藝術學院校友展 2015: Through Art, We Grow》 Hong Kong Art School Alumni Exhibition 2015: Through Art, We Grow 10am – 8pm @ 10/F

亞洲收藏家講座系列第五講,與你細探台灣收藏家眼中的 當代藝術。 With the Asian Collector Talk Series Talk#5, let us enter the contemporary art world in the eyes of Taiwanese collectors! 主持 Moderator:吳達坤 Wu Dar-kuen 嘉賓 Panel:李政勇 Andre Lee 講者 Highlighted speaker:陳泊文 Chen Bo-wen 講座以普通話進行 The talk will be conducted in Putonghua

香港藝術學院 Hong Kong Art School 《Statement 2:德國新繪畫》 Statement 2: New Painting from Germany 10am – 6pm @ 14/F 香港歌德學院 Goethe-Institut Hong Kong (開放日特別安排 Open House Special Arrangement)

《在公園散步》 Wandering in the park 10am – 6pm @ 15/F 思聯建築設計有限公司 CL3 Architects Limited

CCC 展覽導賞 Exhibition Tour

(開幕接待 Opening Reception 3pm-6pm) (開放日特別安排 Open House Special Arrangement)

客席策展人 Guest Curator : 吳達坤 Wu Dar-kuen 展期 Exhibition Period : 12-28.03.2015

更多節目預告 Programme Coming Soon

時間 Time : 10am – 10pm


地點 Location: 地下大堂及包氏畫廊(四至五樓) G/F Lobby & Pao Galleries (4-5/F)




Exhibition tour docent is ready to show you ways to appreciate contemporary art and Taiwan's collection culture by looking at the selected private collections!


免費入場 Free Admission


查詢 Enquiries : 2582 0200 /


主辦 Presenter

酒店贊助 Accommodation Sponsor

The third edition of CCC titled Boundless Treasures: Inexhaustible and Limitless, curator Wu Dar-kuen will offer us a glimpse into the collecting environment in Taiwan as well as introduce the treasured inventories of a few noted Taiwanese contemporary art collectors, a group whose collective reputation has consistently impressed the international art world in terms of connoisseurship, sophistication, scholarship and patriotism.


每節約 1 小時 Approximately 1 hour per session 時間及語言 Time & Language*: C: 11:30am / 1:30pm / 3:30pm / 8:15pm E: 10:30am / 2:30pm P: 1:30pm / 4:30pm C = 粵語 / Cantonese E = 英語 / English P = 普通話 / Putonghua 展覽講座及導賞費用全免。歡迎網上預約或到五樓畫廊接待處報名。 Exhibition talk & tour are free of charge. Welcome reserved online ( or registration at 5/F gallery reception.

香港藝術中心第七屆年度旗艦展覽 Hong Kong Arts Centre 7th Annual Flagship Exhibition @ 包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries > p.28 香港藝術中心第四屆 《收藏家當代藝術藏品展》 Hong Kong Arts Centre 4th Annual Collectors' Contemporary Collaboration @ 包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries > p.29

FEATURE | ifva 比賽歷屆得獎作品選 Past Winners of ifva Awards

今日放映焦點! Open House Screening Highlight ! 二十年的事,你記得幾多? ifva 踏入廿載,趁藝術中心 開放日選來四齣別具特色的 ifva 金獎作品,與眾介紹本 地獨立短片世界的獨立精神。短片及動畫充滿自主、熱 情和實驗元素,內容圍繞社會、家庭和人生,活生生呈 現難以想像的社會現況、生活面貌和個人慾望。

短片放映 Screening Showcase 節目一 Programme A │ 1:30pm – 2:10pm 心花怒放 My Dear Flower / 09’00”;放榜 Report / 30’00”

心花怒放 My Dear Flower 鍾偉權 Chung Wai-kuen Welby 彩色 Col / 09’00” 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles 第九屆 ifva 比賽動畫組金獎 The 9th ifva Awards - Animation Category Gold Award 放映時間 Screening Time: 節目一 Programme A 1:30pm – 2:10pm (40 分鐘 mins) 節目二 Programme B 3pm – 3:50pm (50 分鐘 mins) 地點 Location: 低層地庫麥高利小劇場 McAulay Studio, LB/F 免費入場 Free Admission 座位有限,先到先得, 歡迎網上預留座位或現場報名。 Limited seats with first-come, first served basis. Online or on-site registration are welcomed. ( 查詢 Enquiries: 2824 5329 /

ifva 主辦 Presenter

這是關於性別轉換的小故事。作者透過一些極具個人風格的人物造 型,充滿質感的線條與色彩,再配合匠心獨運的動作設計,以花、大 廈、食物等等去象徵兩性關係以至權力的鬥爭,含蓄卻又言之有物。 原創音樂的活用與對白的省略,都為這個小小悲劇提供了十分合適的 表現空間。 It’s a story about the stereotype of gender. The author intends to use flowers, buildings and food to signify the relationship of two sexes and the power struggle between them. This work is also characterized by stylistic role modeling. Lines, colours and the movements are in significant layers. Original music with no dialogue provided this small tragedy an appropriate expression.

節目二 Programme B │ 3pm – 3:50pm 三 月 六 日 6th March / 30’00”; 沒 有 人( 在 跑 馬 地 ) 等 沒 有 人 Happy Valley (Waiting at T zero) /20’00”)

三月六日 6th March 黃進 Wong Chun 彩色 Col / 30’00” 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 第十八屆 ifva 比賽公開組金獎 The 18th ifva Awards - Open Category Gold Award 2011 年 3 月 6 日,反財政預算案示威者於皇后大道中堵路示威,警 方歷史性地以「非法集結」拘捕 113 人。口供房不勝負荷,三個示威 者與三個警察,在飯堂圍著飯桌無了期的等。

贊助 Sponsored by

On 6th March 2011, 113 protesters were arrested for “Unlawful Assembly” after they stormed the traffic lanes of Central during a demonstration against the budget proposal. Protesters were placed in the canteen of the police station for questioning in groups due to inadequate rooms. Three protesters and three police officers started chatting…


How much do you remember throughout the past 20 years? Celebrating ifva's 20th edition, selected 4 short films and animation from the ifva Gold award-winning pool that will take you through the independent spirit of the local short film world with the style of freedom, passion and experimental. By looking into the changes of the cityscape, lifestyle and people desire, an unexpected reality awaits.

你有興趣嗎? More Exploration? 巴塞爾藝術展│光映現場 Art Basel | Film 《都市風格》及《早熟的革命》 Urbanity & A Minor Revolution

放榜 Report 龍燕萍、何佩宜、陳穎瑤、朱兆基 Lung Yin-ping, Ho Pui-yi, Chan Wing-yiu, Chu Siu-kei 彩色 Col / 30’00” 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 第十二屆 ifva 比賽青少年組金獎 The 12th ifva Awards - Youth Category Gold Award 從會考放榜前二天開始,追蹤兩名會考生的「放榜準備」,兩人各有 不同的決定,有人滿有信心轉讀名校,有人早已另謀後路。但在會考 放榜多變性的收生過程中,命運出現逆轉,究竟兩人能否順利升讀高 中嗎?她們的心路歷程又是怎樣?前途真的決定在「分數」之上嗎? This video is an observation of two HKCEE candidates about how they prepared for their results release two days before the HKCEE result release day. The two of them had different decisions. One of them had full confidence to get promoted to another famous school for study. The other one had already made up her mind about what she should do afterwards. However, the F.6 admission result is so unpredictable that the ad to encounter a totally unexpected outcome. How do they feel deep in their heart? Are their futures really determined by their “marks”?

沒有人(在跑馬地)等沒有人 Happy Valley (Waiting at T zero) 陳錦樂 Chan Kam-lok Mark 彩色 Col / 20’00” 粵語對白,英文字幕 In Cantonese with English subtitles 第三屆 ifva 比賽大獎、另類組金獎 The 3rd ifva Awards - Grand Prize, Others Category Gold Award 《今日香港》之〈沒有人(在跑馬地)等沒有人〉我在跑馬地的街道 上徘徊。名仕花園 650 呎絕不望墳 338 萬。她和他二時有個約會。 三百八十日。連贏一搭四派二十八個二。星期二。我在一齣紀錄片與 故事片中之間周旋。極高靚裝吉。 A “documentary” about Happy Valley. You reproach me because each of my stories takes you right into the heart of a city without telling you of the space that stretches between one city and the other, whether it is covered by seas, or fields of rye, larch forest, swamps, I will answer you with a story. (Invisible Cities – Italo Calvino)

12:30pm – 3pm @ LB/F 高層地庫 agnès b. 電影院 agnès b. CINEMA (免費入場。座位有限,先到先得。 Free Admission. Limited seats with first-come, first served basis.)

第二十屆 ifva 比賽公開組入圍作品放映 The 20th ifva Awards Open Category Finalist Showcase 5pm – 9:30pm @ LB/F 高層地庫 agnès b. 電影院 agnès b. CINEMA 票價 Price: $60 / $35 憑票入場。Ticket Admission. (門票於香港藝術中心票房有售。 Ticket sale available at HKAC's Box Office.)

更多節目預告 Programme Coming Soon 極品廣告片 Art of Commercials @ agnès b. 電影院 agnès b. CINEMA > p.32 agnès’ choice @ agnès b. 電影院 agnès b. CINEMA > p.33 第 21 屆 ifva The 21st ifva > p.34


今日表演焦點! Open House Performance Highlight!



你有興趣嗎? More Exploration?

Jockey Club Street Music Series 每月表演 Monthly Performance Street Music Series 日期 Date: 每月第三個星期六 Every third Saturday each month 時間 Time: 5:30pm - 8pm 地點 Location: 香港藝術中心正門 Main Entrance, HKAC

Try Out Gigs 日期 Date: 每月第四個星期日 Every fourth Sunday each month 時間 Time: 3pm – 4:30pm 地點 Location: 動漫基地地下公眾休憩空間 Public Open Space, G/F, Comix Home Base

翰林藝室同學演奏會 Hon Lam Studio Students’ Mini Concert 3pm – 3:45pm @ 7/F 翰林數學研藝室 Hon Lam Studio 即興鋼琴創作示範工作坊 Piano Improvisation Demonstration Workshop 4pm – 4:45pm @ 7/F 翰林數學研藝室 Hon Lam Studio 《最後晚餐》(重演)香港話劇團 The Last Supper (rerun) by Hong Kong Repertory Theatre 3:15pm @ 1/F & 3/F 壽臣劇院 Shouson Theatre 憑票入場。Ticket Admission. (門票於香港藝術中心票房有售。 Ticket sale available at HKAC’s Box Office.)

開放日特別呈獻 Open House Performance 時間 Time: 5:30pm – 8:00pm 策劃人 Curator: 龔志成 Kung Chi-shing 合辦 Co-Presented by

貫徹音樂大同的精神,以街頭音樂作平台,將自由開放的 氣氛帶到不同角落。每場表演有你所熟悉的音樂類別,同

地點 Location: 香港藝術中心正門 Main Entrance, HKAC


免費入場 Free Admission


查詢 Enquiries: 2582 0248 /

盛宴,又把街頭音樂帶到香港各區。本地薑與過江龍、新 生代與老行家,連場炮製各式風味的街頭音樂。良朋音 樂,樂也無窮!

主要捐助機構 Major Funder

To carry on the liberating spirit of Street Music, the Jockey Club Street Music Series is designed to ignite passion and realise potential in individual, bringing different groups of people together every month with extraordinary music experiences - from Hong Kong Arts Centre to communities in other districts. We put on both local and foreign acts, mixing emerging and experienced artists, and a variety of music genres. It’s hard to beat the simple joys of great company with good music.

HK Street Music

更多節目預告 Programme Coming Soon 午間藝萃──身聲劇場 Art@Lunch—Sun Son Theatre @ 香港藝術中心及本港其他戶外場地 HKAC & other HK outdoor venues > p.36 編劇工場 Playwright’s Studio @ 香港藝術中心 HKAC > p.37


今日動漫焦點! Open House Comics & Animation Highlight!

房子尾尾 Building Tails 房子如身,尾巴掃盡故事。


你有興趣嗎? More Exploration? 大時代 1960s 世界名人肖像展 Big Era 1960s – World Celebrity Portrait Exhibition

空間與時間正在捉,迷,藏。 《房子尾尾》以文字與圖像引路,裝置與聲音為記,登

Building with tails, tells tales. Playing hide & seek between tails and tales. Building Tails ushers audiences to experience the body of a building, to look for its tails and tales in texts, images, sounds, installations, through every keyhole on the doors and every crack in the walls. 策劃及製作 Curated and produced by

Wanchai Cultural Walk 11am / 1pm / 3pm / 5pm


@ 地下大堂導賞接待處


Docent Reception Counter, G/F Lobby




年代名人肖像:柯德莉夏萍、約 翰甘迺迪、瑪麗蓮夢露及毛澤東 等等。 An artist and a collector, Ng has created a number of portraits of famous people of the 1960s – Audrey Hepburn, John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Mao Zedong – with his collection of authentic vintage items from the period, such as more than 20,000 European stickpin badges and thousands of Hong Kong generic stamps. 主辦 Presenter

> p.18 牆上好聲音 Voice of Wall 10am – 8pm @ 3/F 三樓賽馬會展廊及動漫基地 Jockey Club Atrium & Comix Home Base > p.20 動畫工作坊 Animation Workshop 1pm; 3pm @ LB/F 低層地庫何鴻章排練室 Eric Hotung Studio > p.22

本展覽為「Project ACROSS」計劃節目之一 「Project ACROSS」 獲 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 政 府「 藝 能 發 展 資 助 計 劃 」 的 資 助 This exhibition is part of the "Project ACROSS". "Project ACROSS" is a project financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

藝術家 Artists: 黃照達 Justin Wong 周耀輝 Chow Yiu Fai 展期 Exhibition Period: 6 - 22.03.2015 時間 Time: 10am – 8pm 地點 Location: 動漫基地三樓及四樓 3/F & 4/F, Comix Home Base 免費入場 Free Admission 查詢 Enquiries: * 節目內容並不反映香港特別行政區政府的意見 The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

策展人 Curator: 潘浩勝 Poon Ho-sing 展期 Exhibition Period: 11-17.03.2015 時間 Time: 11.03 │ 5:30pm-8pm ; 12-16.03 │ 10am-8pm; 17.03 │ 10am-6pm 地點 Location: 動漫基地地下公眾休憩空間 Public Open Space, G/F, Comix Home Base 免費入場 Free Admission 查詢 Enquiries: 2388 5362 /

更多節目預告 Programme Coming Soon Comix Exchange 動漫基地(灣仔茂蘿街 7 號) Comix Home Base (7 Mallory Street, Wanchai) > p.40-41

What’s On |


導賞服務 Guided Tour Service

HKAC 灣仔地圖 Wanchai map

分域街 Fenwick St.

導賞服務 Guided Tour Service

駱克道 Lockhart Rd.


軒尼詩道 Hennessy Rd.


設多個主題導賞團,不同路線,不同新發現。費用全免。歡迎網上預約或當 莊士敦道 Johnston Rd.

日於藝術中心地下大堂報名。 You'll never walk alone, especially in Open House. Join our thematic guided tours which are available throughout the day. Let's explore together. Free of charge. Welcome online reservation or on-site registration at HKAC G/F lobby.

修頓球場 Southorn Playground


盧押道 Luard Rd.

柯布連道 O'Brien Rd.

巴路士街 Burrows St.

茂蘿街 Mallory St. 語言 Language:* C = 粵語 / Cantonese E = 英語 / English P = 普通話 / Putonghua

處處藝術 Art around the Corner

灣仔文化遊 Wanchai Cultural Walk


灣仔是啟發許多小說、電影及漫畫創作的靈感之地。從藝 術中心漫步到茂蘿街的「動漫基地」,沿途穿梭區內文化 景點。

你深入腹地,參觀部分駐各樓層的文化單位。 There is always a creative power waiting to surprise you around the corner! Explore our building and visit art studios in different floors with us! 每節約 1.5 小時 Approximately 1.5 hour per session 時間及語言 Time & Language*: 12pm (C) / 2pm (P) / 4pm (E)

A stroll through Wanchai – part of Hong Kong that inspired many novels, films and comics – through cultural sites and public artworks, and finishes at the Comix Home Base. 每節約 2 小時 Approximately 2 hours per session 時間及語言 Time & Language*: 11am (C) / 1pm (E) / 3pm (C) / 5pm (P)

What’s On |


藝術體驗活動 Arts Experience Activities

藝術體驗活動 Arts Experience Activities 無論你是香港藝術中心的常客還是初次到訪,今天都會有新發現。開放日預 備了不少藝術體驗活動,適合男女老幼,一家大小。你不妨和我們的開放日 小助手們談天及了解活動內容。 Whether you’ve been to the HKAC before, or this is your first visit, you can still discover something new today. Open House specially presents many arts experience activities which are suitable to all guests and families. Come and have a chat with our Open House helpers and learn about the activities for the day!

遍尋藝術碎片 Finding Art-time 6 塊藝術碎片和 16 個印章藏於藝術中心不同樓層,快

10am – 6pm





6 pieces of cards and 16 stamps are hidden in the Arts Centre building. Let’s collect the pieces and create your print with the stamps!

牆上好聲音 Voice of Wall

手作伴手禮 Take Art Home



Is Comic & Animation fun? Come and show your creativity on the wall together!

Create and bring the good memory home with your hand-made souvenirs.

10am – 8pm

10:30am – 5:30pm



Jockey Club Atrium, 3/F & Comix Home Base

Eric Hotung Studio, LB/F

What’s On |

藝術體驗活動 Arts Experience Activities

彈起工作坊 Pop-up Workshops 在工作坊中體驗創作的樂趣,你也可以成為藝術家! Experience the joy of creation at the workshop. You can be the artist as well!


書籍裝訂工作坊 Book Binding Workshop 紙,可以創作出幾多可能性?工作坊中藝術家將帶領大家重新組裝只屬於你的書籍。 Have you ever thought about possibilities of developing career beside being an artist? 藝術家指導 Artist Guidance:1pm-2pm & 2pm-3pm 名額 Quota:每節 10 人

10 participants per session

地點 Location:低層地庫何鴻章排練室 Eric Hotung Studio, LB/F 先到先得,免費入場。歡迎即場報名或網上留位。 First-come and first-served with free admission. Welcome on-site or online registration (

浪花花 LomfaFair 【浪花花】由紅彤彤及 BecauseYeung 手作人創立。各自熱愛手藝,喜歡鑽研 物料的可能性。縱使徘徊在現實與夢想之間,仍浪接浪創作,追逐遊藝生活。 我們本著物有限,慾無限的概念,創立了「物物再生」系列的產品,從深思到 再造,讓物件發揮最根本的獨特性。系列主要研究紙品,用心思加上技巧,令 廢紙變得有人情味,更貼近生活,其實消費並不代表浪費。 LomfaFair is established by Redtonetone and BecauseYeung the above two are passionate about producing handicrafts also enjoy exploring any possibilities of different materials. Reborn the materials series is mainly studied about paper. It is created by deliberation and recycling skills, specific charaters of paper are shown and promoted. Waste paper are recycled by thoughts and skills and also filled with human touch and interest. Materials are limited while our desires are not. Consumption recycled products avoid one off extravagant. 關注浪花花 Follow LomfaFair

動畫工作坊─ 動畫輪盤 Animation Workshop — Frame by Frame by Magic Disc 人人都可以創作動畫!藝術家將會帶領大家即時創作屬於自己的動畫,認識動畫 原理。

藝術中心總幹事分享會─ 藝術中心與你的藝術路 Meet up with HKAC Executive Director — HKAC & Your Future Art Path 除了當藝術家,有沒有想過你也可以在藝術圈大展拳

Everyone can do animation! Let’s create your own one with our artist and learn the mechanism of animation.

腳?開放日特別邀請藝術中心總幹事,與你輕鬆分享 藝術圈發展前景,及藝術中心營運方向與挑戰。

藝術家指導 Artist Guidance:1pm-2pm & 3pm-4pm

Have you ever thought about possibilities of developing career beside being an artist? Open House specially invited the Executive Director of HKAC to share the prospect of the art circle as well as the operation direction & challenges of HKAC.

名額 Quota:每節 10 人 10 participants per session

動畫人 Animator |黃偉恆 Wong Wai Hang 2014 年暑假為文化博物館「吉卜力工作室場面設計手稿展.高畑 與宮崎駿動畫的秘密」專題展覽籌 辦了數個動畫活動,包括:《動畫.漫遊》、《讓聲畫同步》及《筆動.畫動》;2002 年至今任護 苗機構動畫導演;2005 及 2006 年獲 ifva 動畫銀獎;2007 至 2010 任知專設計學院動畫講師,現 為全職動畫師及動畫藝術推廣,最鐘意睇動畫。 Wong Wai-Hang has been serving as animation director for The End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation since 2002; he was the Silver Award winner (Animation Category) of ifva Awards in 2005 and 2006, and Lecturer for Hong Kong Design Institute from 2007 to 2010. In 2014, he participated in organizing animation-education activities for the "Studio Ghibli Layout Designs: Understanding the Secrets of Takahata and Miyazaki Animation" exhibition at Hong Kong Heritage Museum. Wong is currently is a full-time animation artist, educator and promotor.

時間 Time:4:15pm – 5:15pm 講者 Speakers: 香港藝術中心總幹事林淑儀女士 Ms. Connie Lam, HKAC Executive Director 香港藝術中心節目經理梁偉然先生 Mr. Ian Leung, HKAC Programme Manager 免費入場 Free Admission 查詢 Enquiries:2582 0200 /

What’s On |

層層驚喜 Floor Discovery

探索藝術中心各樓層的創意力量,隨時讓你猜想不到! To discover creativities located in HKAC’s different floors- there is always surprise waiting for you!



思聯建築設計有限公司 CL3 Architects Limited 展覽 Exhibition 《在公園散步》Wandering in the park 14.03 – 21.03.2015 10am – 5pm 開幕接待 Opening Reception: 3pm – 6pm


香港歌德學院 Goethe-Institut Hongkong 展覽 Exhibition 《Statement 2:德國新繪畫》 Statement 2: New Painting from Germany 11.03 – 11.04.2015 10am - 6pm (開放日特別安排 Open House Special Arrangement)


香港藝術學院 Hong Kong Art School 展覽 Exhibition 《香港藝術學院校友展 2015: Through Art, We Grow》 Hong Kong Art School Alumni Exhibition 2015: Through Art, We Grow 4.03 – 23.04.2015 10am – 8pm 講座 Seminar 藝術專業文憑課程講座 Professional Diploma in Fine Art Programme Seminar 2pm – 3:30pm 講座 Seminar 日本藝術文化遊歷團簡介會 Japan Art Tour Briefing Session 3:30pm – 5pm 其他活動 Other Activity 香港藝術學院課程資訊站 Hong Kong Art School Programme Information Corner 10am – 8pm

翰林數學與音樂研習藝室 Hon Lam Mathematics & Music Studio 講座 Seminar 文娛數學講座 Recreational Mathematics Colloquium 2pm – 2:45pm 表演 Performance 翰林藝室同學演奏會 Hon Lam Studio Students’ Mini Concert 3pm – 3:45pm 工作坊 Workshop 即興鋼琴創作示範工作坊 Piano Improvisation Demonstration Workshop 4pm – 5:15pm

香港藝術中心樓層簡介 Hong Kong Arts Centre Floor Guide 香港歌德學院 Goethe-Institut Hongkong

亞洲文化協會 Asian Cultural Council 示範及藝術分享會─ Demonstration and Sharing Session — 銳變:亞洲文化協會與魏立剛的當代書法 Transformations: ACC and the Contemporary Calligraphy of Wei Ligang 2:30pm – 3:30pm


Daydream Nation Circus Shop / ZO-EE Accessories Select Shop 開放時間 Open hour 12pm – 8pm Instagram: zoeeselect


15/F 14/F

鄧樹榮戲劇工作室 . Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio

專業形體劇場青年訓練課程公開課堂 Professional Physical Theatre Youth Training Programme Open Class 10am – 1pm ; 4pm – 5pm (LB/F 麥高利小劇場 McAulay Studio) 2pm – 4pm (G/F 地下正門 Main Entrance)

.伯樂音樂學院 Baron School of Music .呂淑琪音樂中心 Katherine Lu Music Centre .NHK (Nippon Hoso Kyokai) .卡士有限公司 Class Limited


香港藝術中心辦公室 Hong Kong Arts Centre General Office


8/F 7/F



音樂事務處 , 香港區音樂中心 Music Office, Hong Kong Music Centre

.亞洲文化協會 Asian Cultural Council .翰林數學與音樂研習藝室 Hon Lam Mathematics & Music Studio Limited .香港作曲家聯會 Hong Kong Composers' Guild .稜創意有限公司 Prism Creation Limited 包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries

壽臣劇院 ( 高座 ). Shouson Theatre (Circle) 實驗畫廊. Experimental Gallery 藝術在醫院. Art in Hospital 7A 班戲劇組. Class 7A Drama Group Limited 林煒謀律師行. Daniel Lam & Co.

4/F 3/F

黑麥 Pumpernickel

2/F 1/F

G/F & LB/F

鄧樹榮戲劇工作室 Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio

. 香港歌德學院 Goethe-Institut Hongkong


香港藝術學院 Hong Kong Art School

Assaggio Trattoria Italiana

. Globenet-TV (HK) Ltd


香港藝術節協會有限公司 . Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Ltd.


思聯建築設計有限公司 CL3 Architects Limited


國際演藝評論家協會 ( 香港分會 ) . International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong)

其他活動 Other Activity 翰林數學與音樂研習藝室資訊站 Hon Lam Mathematics & Music Studio Limited Information Corner 10am – 8pm (於三樓賽馬會展廊舉行 Host at 3/F Jockey Club Atrium)

音樂事務處 , 香港區音樂中心 Music Office, Hong Kong Music Centre

agnès b. 電影院 agnès b. CINEMA


麥高利小劇場 McAulay Studio 何鴻章排練室 Eric Hotung Studio


Daydream Nation Circus Shop / ZO-EE Accessories Select Shop

壽臣劇院 ( 堂座 ) Shouson Theatre (Stall)


.香港藝術中心商店 HKAC Art Shop .賽馬會展廊 Jockey Club Atrium (G-3/F)

Way Forward To...


視覺藝術 Visual Art 流動影像 Moving Images

HKAC! 再探藝術中心!

表演藝術 Performing Art 藝術教育 Art Education 動漫藝術 Comic & Animation 跨媒體藝術 Multi-arts


三月 MAR

四月 APR


香港藝術學院校友展 2015 : Through Art, We Grow Hong Kong Art School Alumni Exhibition 2015: Through Art, We Grow



Comix Exchange

p4 1

agnès’ choice




越界— 北韓的人與地 Above the Line: People and Places In the DPRK (North Korea)

十月 OCT

十一月 NOV

午間藝萃—身聲劇場 Art@Lunch—Sun Son Theatre



Comix Exchange

p4 1


極品廣告片 Art of Commercials


agnès’ choice



極品廣告片 Art of Commercials



香港藝術中心第七屆年度旗艦展覽 Hong Kong Arts Centre 7th Annual Flagship Exhibition



Comix Exchange

p4 1


香港藝術中心第四屆《收藏家當代藝術藏品展》 Hong Kong Arts Centre 4th Annual Collectors' Contemporary Collaboration



Comix Exchange

p4 1



十二月 DEC

照片由 Nick Danziger 拍攝 photography by Nick Danziger

五月 MAY


午間藝萃—國際爵士樂日 Art@Lunch—International Jazz Day Celebration


agnès’ choice


日本藝術文化遊歷團 Japan Art Tour


11-17 * 18-23

六月 JUN



七月 JUL

25 *

八月 AUG 12-30

藝術專業文憑課程 Professional Diploma in Fine Art programme


編劇工場 Playwright’s Studio


agnès’ choice


26 14-20 *

一月 JAN 三月 MAR


此時.此刻 聚焦比利時藝術 FOCUS From the United Kingdom of Belgium / Winked to France


聚焦比利時當代舞蹈、實驗電影及媒體藝術 Display of Contemporary Arts in Dance, Experimental Cinema & Media Art

agnès’ choice


Comix Exchange

p4 1


Winter Garden: The Exploration of Micropop Imagination in Contemporary Japanese Art An exhibition of Contemporary Japanese Art— Micropop, curated by Ms. Midori Matsui


由 Midori Matsui 策劃,有關當代日本藝術—Micropop 的展覽

九月 SEP


agnès’ choice


編劇工場 Playwright’s Studio


Comix Exchange

p4 1

聲音下寨 Sonic Anchor 發生於單數月裏指定星期二的聲音藝術與當代音樂的實驗碰撞 Advocates, encourages, and cultivates sound and music experiments on selected Tuesday in Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep & Nov.

賽馬會街頭音樂系列 Jockey Club Street Music Series 每月第三個星期六於藝術中心及第四個星期日於動漫基地的音樂盛宴 Music of all genres, a music feast on every 3rd Saturday at HKAC and 4th Sunday at Comix Home Base

香港公共藝術 Public Art Hong Kong (PAHK)


第二十一屆 ifva 21st ifva


香港藝術中心主題導賞團 HKAC Thematic Tour


* 節目日期將於藝術中心網站公布。敬請留意。 The programme date will be announced on the official website of HKAC. Please stay tunned.

Way Forward To...



12 / 2015 01 / 2016 香港藝術中心 第七屆年度旗艦展覽

03 / 2016 香港藝術中心第四屆 《收藏家當代藝術藏品展》

Hong Kong Arts Centre 7th Annual Flagship Exhibition

Hong Kong Arts Centre 4th Annual Collectors' Contemporary Collaboration

@ 包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries

@ 包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries

「策展」這個概念一直給人印象是西方主導的。香港藝術中心積極尋求策展新方向,自二零 零九年起,我們邀請不同亞洲策展人一同策劃本中心年度旗艦展覽,當中包括日本東京森 美術館館長南條史生先生、新加坡獨立策展人陳維德先生和台灣策展人曾文泉先生等。今 年十二月來到第七屆旗艦展覽,我們依舊保留初衷,透過不同主題一展亞洲策展人的創新 力量。 The idea of ‘Curate’ stems from the western world. The Hong Kong Arts Centre (HKAC) has been actively explore new directions in curating exhibitions in the Asian perspective. Since 2009, we have been developing series of thematic exhibitions with various renowned Asian curators, for instance, Mr. Fumio Nanjo, the director of Tokyo Mori Museum, Mr. Eugene Tan, an independent curator from Singapore, as well as Mr Rudy Tseng, a Taiwanese independent curator. With our original initiation, this December, HKAC will present its 7th Annual Flagship Exhibition and continue showcase the influential power of Asian curator.

查詢 Enquiries: 2582 0200 /

認識一地的社會、經濟、政治等文化景觀,有助我們認識現今藝術創作的國際環境。香港藝 術中心年度《收藏家當代藝術藏品展》系列始於 2013 年,旨在展示亞洲收藏家與當代藝術 藏品之間的奇妙關係。每年藏品展均集中介紹亞洲其中一個活躍市場,認識當地收藏家在國 際藝術發展中的角色。以往我們邀請過香港、印尼及台灣的收藏家,與觀眾細探他們私人藏 品的多樣性,以及各地的收藏文化。 Social, economic and political trends shape the cultural landscape of a place, such perspective aids our understanding in the Art trend of the globe today. Initiated in 2013, the annual exhibition project of Hong Kong Arts Centre “Collectors’ Contemporary Collaboration (CCC)” offers a rare glimpse into the relationship between collector and their collection. Each year we introduce one active Asian art market and try to study role of collector within the developing art circle. Previously, we invited Hong Kong, Indonesia and Taiwan’s important collectors, to showcase their private art collection, and let our art-loving audience to explore different collection culture.

Way Forward To...


再探公共藝術 ! Public Art !


全年活動 Year Round







探索路線 Route to Explore:




熊出沒注意 Be Aware of P Bear 都市山水 City.Landscape 跪坐者 Kneeling Figure 躺者 Recliner with Head in Hands

Public Art Hong Kong (PAHK)

2/F 遊戲 No. 1 Game No. 1 彩虹 Rainbow

查詢 Enquiries: 2582 0248 / 合辦 Co-presenters

當你環顧藝術中心及城市周遭,無論是公園或商店、 無限可能。「香港公共藝術」成立於 2005 年,由 Y.K.Pao Foundation 撥款,並由香港藝術中心擔任

種子 Seed 李展輝 Danny, Lee Chin-fai 花崗岩 Granite / 120 X 78 X 58 cm, 60 X 40 X 38 cm, 62 X 40 X 42 cm / 2009 地下大堂 G/F Lobby




跪坐者 Kneeling Figure

躺者 Recliner with Head in Hands Joy Brown 銅 Bronze / 110 x 101 x 305 cm / 2013 正門 Main Entrance

遊戲 No. 1 Game No. 1 陳文令 Chen Wen-ling 銅 Spray coated bronze / 310 x 110 x 110 cm / 2013 西公園(香港君悅酒店側)Western Garden (next to Grand Hyatt Hong Kong)

彩虹 Rainbow 陳文令 Chen Wen-ling 玻璃纖維、不鏽鋼 Fibre glass, stainless steel / 170 x 265 x 121 cm / 2013 西公園(香港君悅酒店側)Western Garden (next to Grand Hyatt Hong Kong)

Joy Brown 銅 Bronze / 195 x 140 x 125 cm / 2013 正門 Main Entrance


都市山水 City.Landscape 李展輝 Danny Lee Chin-fai 鐵 Iron / 尺寸不定 Size variable / 2010 售票處 Box office

6 1


The HKAC’s mission is to bring art into everyday life, into local communities. What’s better than making sure that art is part of our urban fabric? Funded by the Y.K. Pao Foundation, Public Art Hong Kong (PAHK) was incorporated in 2005 with the HKAC as its executing organization to make a difference. Look around the HKAC building and in its immediate surroundings – on the streets and in parks. Open yourself up to the endless possibilities between art, space and human. Be surprised by the beauty of easily overlooked details around us. Start your journey of discovery here today.


3/F 岸 Shore


熊出沒注意 Be Aware of P Bear 莫一新 Mok Yat-san 顏料、玻璃纖維、霓虹燈 Painted fibre glass with neon lights / 200 x 55 x 110cm / 2012 地下大堂 G/F Lobby

G/F 種子 Seed


岸 Shore 陳文令 Chen Wen-ling 玻璃纖維、不鏽鋼 Fibre glass, stainless steel / 210 x 215 x 68 cm / 2013 三樓賽馬會展廊 Jockey Club Atrium, 3/F

Way Forward To...


再探流動影像 ! Moving Images !

11 / 2015 12 / 2015

04-11 / 2015

極品廣告片 Art of Commercials

agnès’ choice

@ agnès b. 電影院 agnès b. CINEMA

25.04 (Sat) 30.05 (Sat) 27.06 (Sat) 25.07 (Sat) 26.09 (Sat) 28.1 1 (Sat)

憑票入場 Ticket Admission

8pm @ agnès b. 電影院 agnès b. CINEMA 憑票入場 Ticket Admission (門票於節目上映前一個月起於城市售票網發售 Tickets sales at URBTIX will commence one month prior to the screenings)


查詢 Enquiries: 2582 0247 / 2582 0273 /

匯集廣告人源源不絕的靈感和創意,繼續向觀眾發放笑彈。萬勿錯過! The all-time favourite, Art of Commercials, proudly celebrates its 25th anniversary. This year, the Hong Kong Arts Centre cherry-picked award-winning commercials from around the world. The programme, which always brings humour and inspiration to its audience, is undoubtedly a refreshing choice for the busy-bees in Hong Kong. Don’t miss it!

自二零零四年起,香港藝術中心的電影院開始接受 agnès b. HK Ltd. 的贊助,被命名為 agnès b. 電影院。為了呈現電影世界多姿多彩的一面,時裝設計大師 Agnès b. 會親自挑選 世界經典及獨立作品,定期於節目 agnès’ choice 中放映,讓觀眾體驗電影的魅力。 Since 2004, agnès b. HK Ltd. has been sponsoring the Hong Kong Arts Centre’s wellestablished art house cinema now called the Agnès b. CINEMA. To bring enchantment of the cinematic world, the moving image programme agnès choice regularly showcases world classics and independent works personally selected by fashion design maestra Agnès b. in the hope to share the magic of film to the audiences.

Way Forward To...


再探 ifva ! ifva !

全年活動 Year Round ifva

由香港藝術中心主辦,ifva 是一個旨在推廣香港及亞洲獨立影像媒體創作人的搖籃及推手。 始於 1995 年,ifva 前名為「香港獨立短片及錄像比賽」,以比賽為平台,歷年來造就了不

查詢 Enquiries: 2824 5329 /

少本地及國際上舉足輕重的電影及媒體創作人,涉獵的範疇包括短片、錄像、動畫及媒體藝 術。本著突破框框的信念和強調獨立精神,ifva 一路蛻變演進,推動各種影像的文化及探索 創意媒體的無限可能,除一年一度的比賽和 ifva 節,更著力舉辦「創意策動」及「全民參與」 兩大範疇下的各種計劃,旨在承傳獨立精神,連結創意社群。ifva 亦是每年香港影視娛樂博


贊助 Sponsored by


The 21st ifva Awards Call for entry soon! 第二十一屆 ifva 比賽快將接受報名 !

Organised by the Hong Kong Arts Centre, ifva is an incubator for film and visual media in Asia (formerly the Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards). Founded in 1995, ifva serves as a platform that actively promotes and encourages creative talents in Asia, making short films, videos, animation and media arts. With a cuttingedge vision and highlight independent spirit, ifva has evolved to promote different visual cultures while exploring the boundless potential of creative media. In addition to the annual competition and festival, ifva curates a host of programmes under two initiatives, “Cultivation” and “Engagement”. By connecting creative communities all over the world, ifva aims to engage everyone in the art of creation. ifva is also a core event of Entertainment Expo Hong Kong.

Way Forward To...


再探表演 ! Performance !

10 / 2015

05 / 2015 09 / 2015

午間藝萃─ 身聲劇場

編劇工場 Playwright’s Studio

Art@Lunch — Sun Son Theatre

18-23.05.2015 & 14-20.09.2015 @ 香港藝術中心及本港其他戶外場地 HKAC & and other HKAC outdoor venue

@ 低層地庫麥高利小劇場 McAulay Studio, LB/F

節目以普通話進行,免費入場 Conducted by Putonghua & free admission. 查詢 Enquiries: 2582 0247 / 港台經濟文化合作協進會資助 Sponsored by the Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural cooperation and Promotion Council

節目以粵語進行,憑票入場 Conducted by Cantonese & ticket admission.

香港藝術中心將邀請台灣獨樹一格的音樂肢體劇場「身 聲劇場」來港,為香港觀眾帶來兩場糅合了肢體、敲擊 樂及高蹺的表演。此外,團員亦會於工作坊指導參加者 製作屬於個人獨一無二的樂器。 The Hong Kong Arts Centre is pleased to invite the Taiwanese cross-disciplinary performance troupe Sun Son Theatre to present vibrant performances including body movement, percussion, and stilt walking, framed within modern theatrical concepts. On top of the performances, members from Sun Son Theatre will also demonstrate the making of DIY percussion instruments to the participants in a workshop.

查詢 Enquiries: 2582 0246 / 九月節目資助 港台經濟文化合作協進會資助 September Programme sponsored by the Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural cooperation and Promotion Council

每個默默耕耘的編劇都有一個隱蔽的工作空間。但一個 劇本的終極生命在劇場。一年兩季的「編劇工場」由資 深編劇潘惠森先生策劃,企圖引入劇場協作概念,把劇 作者從「宅內」帶到「宅外」,為她 / 他的作品進行跨界 別的實驗與試煉,與觀眾一同走進編劇們的奇妙世界! Scripts are being developed, trialed and most importantly celebrated in this platform. Curated by renowned playwright Mr. Poon Wai-shum, twice a year Playwright’s Studio provide a space for emerging and established artists to explore ideas collaboratively, experimentally and informally. Audiences are not only spectator but also engaged in the creative process of a new play.

Way Forward To...


再探藝術教育 ! ART Education !

香港藝術學院 Hong Kong Art School 香港藝術中心附屬機構 Division of the HKAC

香港藝術學院於 2000 年創辦,是香港藝術中心的附屬機構, 亦是政府認可的學術機構。學院由一群充滿熱誠、活躍於藝 術界多年並擁有卓越成就的藝術家負責當中之教學工作。學 院的學歷頒授課程集中在四個核心學術領域,即藝術、應用 藝術、媒體藝術和應用劇場與戲劇教育;提供的課程則包括 高級文憑、專業文憑、學士及碩士學位。

查詢 Enquiries: 2922 2822 /

日本藝術文化遊歷團 Japan Art Tour

Founded in 2000, the Hong Kong Art School (HKAS) is a division of the Hong Kong Arts Centre (HKAC). It is an accredited institute and the focus of its award-bearing curriculum lies in four core academic areas, namely, Fine Art, Applied Art, Media Art, and Applied Theatre & Drama Education, and its scope covers programmes with academic levels ranging from Higher Diploma, Professional Diploma, Bachelor Degree to Master Degree.

05 / 2015 11-17.05.2015 @ 日本 Japan

學院希望藉著主辦遊歷團,把文化課堂帶出課室以外,帶領對文化藝術有興趣的人士親身察看世界、探索文化 藝術根源並開拓視野。學院廣受歡迎的「日本藝術文化遊歷團」今年五月再度出發,帶公眾遊歷直島、京都及 東京等文化景點。 The Art Tours organised by the Hong Kong Art School centre upon the "Art in Experience" rationale. In the coming May, the School will again be organizing a Japan Art Tour, leading art lovers to visit the topranked museums and cultural sites in Naoshima, Kyoto and Tokyo, as well as to explore the unique beauty of the Japanese culture.

香港藝術學院校友展 2015 : Through Art, We Grow Hong Kong Art School Alumni Exhibition 2015: Through Art, We Grow

藝術專業文憑課程 Professional Diploma in Fine Art programme

03 / 2015 04 / 2015


4.03 – 23.4 10am – 8pm


@ 香港藝術學院藝廊(香港藝術中心十樓) The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School (10/F, HKAC)


查詢 Enquiries: 2824 5383


藝術學院自 2012 年推出藝術專業文憑課程,已分別取得資歷架構第四及第五級的認可資格。課程涵蓋有關美



05 / 2015 06 / 2015 @ 香港藝術學院 Hong Kong Art School

又驟然想起當初問題。在本年度的舊生展覽「Through Art, We Grow」中,學院將雲集各舊生獨特的藝術作品,在其離

心繫藝術的人士,有機會進修藝術。 In this annual Alumni Exhibition, the School will be showcasing distinctive artworks by the School’s alumni, which summons struggles, discoveries and growths along their ongoing art journey, in a year that celebrates the 15th Anniversary of the School, where they departed and meet again.

Accredited at Qualifications Framework level 4 and 5, the Professional Diploma in Fine Art programme first launched by the Art School in 2012. It covers cultural, aesthetic and art historical topics, introducing the nature of artistic mediums and the creating process, as well as unveiling the administrative and operational skills in the art field. It enhances the art practitioners vocational development, and to further ignite the art spirit inside the students who are keen about art topics deep down in their hearts.

Way Forward To...


再探動漫 ! Comics & Animation !

Comix exchange

03 / 2015 07 / 2015 09 / 2015 10 / 2015 01 / 2016 03 / 2016 @ 動漫基地 Comix Home Base 免費入場 Free Admission 查詢 Enquiries: 2824 5303 /

動漫基地 Comix Home Base

主要贊助 Leading Sponsor

本地漫畫家與從事其他藝術媒介的創作人,一位資深、一位新 晉,以動漫基地為試驗場,攜手合作展示漫畫其他藝術媒介聯乘 下創意之無限大。六場展覽及延伸活動,將為你帶來嶄新和不同 的「閱讀」漫畫經驗。

「動漫基地」是位於灣仔茂蘿街及巴路士街的二級歷史建築物, 經市區重建局活化後,於 2013 年正式由香港藝術中心負責營 運,為期五年。動漫基地定期舉辦與動漫畫相關的展覽活動, 將本地及國際動漫畫推廣,以及培育創作人才。 Located between Mallory Street and Burrows Street in Wanchai, Comix Home Base (CHB) is a cluster of pre-war Grade II historic buildings revitalised by the Urban Renewal Authority, and operated by the Hong Kong Arts Centre for five years following its opening in 2013. The regular programmes play an important role in cultivating young talents. CHB plays a unique platform for exchange for comics and animation art.

主辦 Presenters

Taking Comix Home Base as a testing ground, local comics artists and artists of other media pair up to explore the infinite effect of comics interacting with other media. With 1 experienced artist collaborating with 1 emerging artist each time. A total of 6 exhibitions with their own side events are going to give you a brand new and different comics “reading” experience somewhat new and different.

免責聲明: 香港特別行政區政府僅為本項目提供資助,除此之外並無參與項目。在本刊物/活動內(或由項目小組成員)表達的任何意見、研究成果、結論或建議,均不代表香港特別行 政區政府、商務及經濟發展局通訊及科技科、創意香港、創意智優計劃秘書處或創意智優計劃審核委員會的觀點。 Disclaimer: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organizers only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Communication and Technology Branch of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Create Hong Kong, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.

Way Forward To... 再探主題導賞 ! Thematic Tour !

香港藝術中心票房 Hong Kong Arts Centre Box Office 開放時間 Opening Hours: 每日上午十時至下午六時或表演當日節目開場後半小時止。 Daily from 10am to 6pm and additionally on performance days remain open until half an hour after the last performance starts. 香港藝術中心開放日之節目門票透過城巿電腦售票網公開發售。 Hong Kong Arts Centre Open House programme tickets are sold via URBTIX: (852) 2734 9009 / * 已售出之門票一概不能退換 All tickets sold cannot be refunded or exchanged

出版 Publisher 香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港灣仔港灣道二號 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

香港藝術中心主題導賞團 HKAC Thematic Tour 節目策劃 Programme Coordinator 梁偉然 Ian Leung 王道顯 Nixon Wong

參觀時間 Duration: 45 - 60 分鐘 minutes

葉詠然 Kate Ip 張綺恩 Kathy Cheung

語言 Language: 粵語、英語或普通話 Cantonese, English or Putonghua 預約及查詢 Booking and Enquiry: 2582 0211 /

編輯 Editor 王道顯 Nixon Wong 葉詠然 Kate Ip 探索!體驗!交流! Explore! Experience! Exchange!

設計 Design 楊雋 Yeung Chun

想認識當代藝術?歡迎你參加香港藝術中心的導賞團!我們的 義工導賞員將為你帶來富啟發性的參觀體驗,通過四款主題導 賞,與你發掘藝術的樂趣。內容包括:公共藝術、建築特色與 日常小故事、當代藝術展覽及藝術教育活動。有興趣朋友歡迎

免責聲明 Disclaimer



Want to know more about Contemporary Art? Plan your visit with us! Led by our professionally trained volunteer docents, the tour will give you a unique and inspiring visiting experience. Together we will explore the art world in different perspective: Public Art, Architecture & Stories, Contemporary Art Exhibition, and Art Education. You are most welcome to make a reservation by email at least two weeks prior to your planned visit.

網頁公佈最新安排。 In case of bad weather and unforeseen circumstances, the Hong Kong Arts Centre (HKAC) reserves the right to alter, amend or withdraw the programme. Latest arrangement will be announced through the official website of the HKAC two hours before start of the programme. ©2015 香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre 版權所有,未經作者、藝術家及出版機構許可,不得翻印、節錄或以任何電子、機械工具影印、攝錄或轉載。 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the authors, the artists and the publisher.

香港灣仔港灣道二號 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 查詢 General Enquiries: (852) 2582 0200 / Hong Kong Arts Centre Hong Kong Arts Centre

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