Year 3 Curriculum Overview – Autumn 1 Our topic this half term is: Deadly 60!
In English we will be looking at:
For our topic launch, we will be visiting Manchester Museum.
Weeks 1-3: The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo
Parent Project – To keep a record for a month of the wildlife you see out of the window of where you live. You can present this however you wish.
Weeks 4 and 5: Non-fiction reports on animals Weeks 6 and 7: Journalistic writing based on animals
Global Understanding work – Looking at where different animals live and their habitats, taking part in an endangered species project, taking a closer look at animals which are now extinct and the importance of animals in different religions. Creative Arts work – Creating animal inspired art/ music and creating a dance/ piece of gymnastics linked to animals.
In maths we will be looking at: Weeks 1 and 2: Number Weeks 3-6: Addition and Subtraction Week 7: Multiplication and Division
Important notices: P.E will be on a Monday. Homework will be handed out on a Wednesday and collected in on the following Monday. Extra homework can be found on our website. Please make sure that your child reads every day with you.