Year 8 options booklet

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Year 8 Option Information Booklet 2016 – 2017 Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Blessed Thomas Holford Option Process

Mr J Cornally MBE Executive Headteacher

Welcome to this important evening. During the seven years your child is with us there are two key moments when they are expected to make a choice of subjects - at the end of Year 8 and when applying to join our Sixth Form. We want to provide every pupil with excellent guidance and advice so that the best choices are made and the potential of every student is realised. Our aim is for everybody to leave our school with the grades to enter top universities and lead successful lives. Our track record in examinations is impressive:  Our GCSE results have been consistently outstanding and place us ahead of secondary schools in Trafford.  The new accountability measure, Progress 8, measures the progress pupils make from Year 7 to Year 11. This year our progress 8 figure is + 0.53 which means our pupils achieved significantly better in their GCSE examinations than expected.  We are very proud of our Sixth Form students who achieved an overall pass rate of 99% with 98% of our students entering University in 2016. Over the next few years we have set ambitious targets for our future results and confidently expect them to get even better. Of course we know what a significant part parents play in the success of their child and during this evening we will provide you with a lot of information about our GCSE courses and the options process. Examination results are clearly important but please be assured that we also push very hard on developing the values and personal skills to make our pupils into good people as well as providing the qualifications to enter the best universities in the country and on to influential careers. J Cornally MBE

Blessed Thomas Holford Option Process

Mr L Fishwick Associate Headteacher



Key Stage 3 (Year 7 & 8) at Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College forms a basic general course for all pupils. In Key Stage 4 (Years 9, 10 & 11), to allow more time for subjects to be studied in depth, an element of choice is introduced. This booklet contains details of courses available in Key Stage 4. It is designed to help pupils and parents understand the implications of option choices and to assist pupils, in particular, to make wise choices. All pupils’ in Key Stage 4 will study the core subjects. Pupils will be asked to choose subjects from the Option Subjects provided within this booklet and all pupils must study at least one from History, Geography, French or Spanish. Pupils can study 3 from this group. When making choices of subjects it is beneficial to keep Careers and Further Education in mind. It is therefore important for the majority of pupils to concentrate on a balanced, general education that includes a Humanity and Language. It is also advisable to assess the academic study required by different subjects, especially in relation to Controlled Assessments. If you have any concerns about your choices please speak to your child’s Form Tutor or Head of House. The Headteacher reserves the right to withdraw any of the options and to amend the pupils’ choices where it is educationally desirable. It has always been important for pupils to make informed choices based on their own strengths, as once choices have been made, the scope for change is limited. It is also the case that, with regret, we may have to ask pupils opting for less popular subjects to make alternative choices. For subjects that are oversubscribed we will endeavour to discuss further options with individual pupils. 4

The Key Stage 4 Curriculum

During Key Stage 4 (Year 9, 10 and 11), all pupils will follow a curriculum that is suited to their needs and interest. They will finish Year 11 equipped with a range of appropriate qualifications, skills and attributes to enable them to pursue their chosen path into further education and employment. The curriculum is divided into two parts, core curriculum and options – these are outlined below.

The Core Curriculum (compulsory for all pupils)       

GCSE English Language & GCSE English Literature GCSE Mathematics GCSE Religious Education GCSE Combined Science ICT Qualification (GCSE Computer Science Or Level 2 National Certificate in ICT) Physical Education (no qualification) Personal, Social, Health and Careers Education (no qualification)

Options Subjects (Group 1: All pupils must study at least one in their choice of three but can choose three)     

GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics (must be high achiever in Science) GCSE French GCSE Geography GCSE History GCSE Spanish

(Group 2: GCSE Subjects pupils may choose a maximum of 2)        

GCSE Art GCSE Business Studies GCSE Food & Nutrition Level 2 Certificate in Creative iMedia GCSE Music GCSE Physical Education GCSE Design & Technology Level 2 Certificate in Latin and Roman Civilisation (additional 4


option, lessons take place from 3.00 -4.00 p.m.)



Occasionally, pupils may feel they have made a wrong decision with an Option and may request a change. However, please note that all requests for option change can or cannot be granted due to staffing and timetable schedules.

In order to request a change, a letter from parents/carers is required detailing the reason. The “Request for Option Change� form will then be issued to the pupil to complete. This should be then handed to Mr Fishwick, Associate Headteacher.

The deadline for all option changes is the end of September 2017. Request after this time will not be considered due to pupils having missed a number of teaching hours in the subject they wish to

New GCSE Grading Structure

change. There are limited subjects to change to after the new academic year starts.


The Department for Education has introduced new reformed GCSEs over three years from September 2015. They will be graded from 9 to 1, instead of A* to G. 9 being the highest grade and 1 being the 8

lowest. Pupils taking GCSEs over this period will therefore receive a mixture of 9 to 1 and A* to G grades. Pupils will not lose out as a result of the changes. To summarise:    

broadly the same proportion of students will achieve a grade 4 and above as currently achieve a grade C and above broadly the same proportion of students will achieve a grade 7 and above as currently achieve a grade A and above the bottom of grade 1 will be aligned with the bottom of grade G grade 5 will be awarded to around the top third of students gaining the equivalent of a grade C and bottom third of a grade B. This has been defined as a good pass by the Department for Education

Pupils who do not achieve a grade 5 or above in English and Mathematics will continue to study these qualifications beyond 16. It is our aim for all pupils to achieve a grade 5 or above before they leave school. The graphic below explains the new grading structure and this is what we have been using since your child started at our school to inform you of the progress your child is making.


We will continue to inform you at least three times a year of your child’s achievement.    

Current Performance – grade child is currently working at (9-1) Estimated Grade – grade child will achieve at the end of Year 11 Target to improve Attitude to Learning (4 – Outstanding, 3 – Good, 2 – Requires Improvement and 1 – Unacceptable)

English Baccalaureate The English Baccalaureate - though not a qualification in itself - is a measure of success in core academic subjects; specifically English, Mathematics, History or Geography, the Sciences and a Language. These are subjects most likely to be required or preferred for entry to degree courses and ones that will keep the most doors open. Pupils wishing to apply for Sixth Form and University are strongly encourages to follow an English Baccalaureate curriculum. All pupils will study English, Mathematics and the Sciences as part of their Core Curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to opt to study a Language (French or Spanish) and a Humanity (History or Geography) as part of option subjects. Any questions or concerns about the new grading structure and the English Baccalaureate should be directed to Mr Fishwick (Associate Headteacher). 8

Subject: English Language Head of Department: Mrs A Butterworth

Course Description The English Language GCSE assesses the skills of reading and writing. In this GCSE pupils will develop their skills of inference and deduction which will equate to 50% of their final English Language GCSE. Pupils will also develop their writing skills which will involve writing creatively and for a specific purpose. The course is now 100% exam with pupils sitting two papers at the end of the year: Paper 1 ‘Explorations in Creative Writing and Reading’ (50% of final GCSE) and Paper 2 ‘Writer’s Viewpoints and Perspectives’ (50% of final GCSE). All pupils will also undertake a Spoken Language study which will be teacher assessed. AO1: Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas select and synthesise evidence from different texts AO2: Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language and structure to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant subject terminology to support their views AO3: Compare writers’ ideas and perspectives, as well as how these are conveyed, across two or more texts AO4: Evaluate texts critically and support this with appropriate textual references AO5: Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively, selecting and adapting tone, style and register for different forms, purposes and audiences. Organise information and ideas, using structural and grammatical features to support coherence and cohesion of texts AO6: Candidates must use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation. (This requirement must constitute 20% of the marks for each specification as a whole.) AO7: Demonstrate presentation skills in a formal setting AO8: Listen and respond appropriately to spoken language, including to questions and feedback on presentations AO9: Use spoken Standard English effectively in speeches and presentations

GCSE Exam Board:

AQA Subject Teachers Mrs Butterworth

Miss Cahill

Miss Cross

Miss Cunliffe

Miss Lennon

Mr Murtagh

Mr Pate Miss Stubbs

Miss Sigsworth Miss Zuppinger

Higher Education Courses/Careers A level English Literature A level Classics

Recent Results 2016

88% A*-C

Subject: English Literature 9

Head of Department: Mrs A Butterworth

Course Description The Literature GCSE focuses on the skills of reading and inference, exploring characters, plot and themes within the social and historical context of the texts. In this GCSE pupils will study works of poetry, a play and a novel. The course is now 100% exam with pupils sitting two papers at the end of the year: Paper 1 ‘Shakespeare and the 19 th Century novel’ (40% of final GCSE) and Paper 2 ‘Modern texts and poetry’ (60% of final GCSE).

AO1: Read, understand and respond to texts. Students should be able to: - maintain a critical style and develop an informed personal response - use textual references, including quotations, to support and illustrate interpretations

AO2: Explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and setting AO3: Explain links between texts and contexts in which they were written, evaluating writers’ different ways of expressing meaning and achieving effects AO4: Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation

Recent Results 2016

84% A*-C

GCSE Exam Board:


Subject Teachers Mrs Butterworth

Miss Cahill

Miss Cross

Miss Cunliffe

Miss Lennon

Mr Murtagh

Mr Pate Miss Stubbs

Miss Sigsworth Miss Zuppinger

Higher Education


A level English Literature A level Classics


Subject: Mathematics Head of Department: Mr A Keenan

Course Description Miss Newman The GCSE covers four areas of Mathematics National Curriculum and will build on work studied at Key Stage 3. The four areas are ‘Using and Applying’, ‘Number and Algebra’, ‘Geometry’ and ‘Handling Data’.

In Year 10, all pupils will complete GCSE Statistics (Edexcel exam board). This course is made up of a piece of controlled assessment (25% of final grade) and an external exam completed in June of Year 10.

In Year 11, all pupils will sit an AQA linear paper. This course is designed to test all aspects of the Mathematical course including their ability to solve problems.

Assessment GCSE Mathematics 100% Examination 3 Exams 1.5 hours each June of Year 11 GCSE Statistics 100% Examination Some pupils will study GCSE STATISTICS if they exceed expectation in GCSE MATHEMATICS - a decision will be made in conjunction with pupils at the end of Year 10

GCSE Exam Board: AQA

Aspirational Exceptional Outstanding

Subject Teachers Mr Fishwick Mr Keenan Miss Newman Mr Parke Mr Shah Miss Summers

Mrs Goggins Miss Manion Mr O’Brien Mr Quiligotti MrSosna

Higher Education Courses/Careers A level Mathematics A level Further Mathematics A level Accountancy

Recent Results 2016

81% A*-C

Subject: Religious Studies Head of Department: Mrs C Ramsay

Course Description The GCSE Religious Studies course covers a broad range of religious, philosophical and ethical questions. It equips pupils not only with religious knowledge but the skills to evaluate the importance and relevance of spirituality, ethics and morality in today’s society.

Topics studied include the teachings of the Catholic Church, good and evil, origins and meanings, life and death, and sin and forgiveness.

All elements of the course will be assessed by written examination. There is no coursework element to the Religious Studies GCSE.

Recent Results 2016

86% A*-C

GCSE Exam Board:

Eduqas Assessment Component 1: Foundational Catholic Theology 100% Examination – 1 hour 30 minutes June of Year 11 – 37.5% of final mark Component 2: Applied Catholic Theology 100% Examination – 1 hour 30 minutes June of Year 11 – 37.5% of final mark

Aspirational Exceptional Outstanding

Component 3: Study of Judaism 100% Examination – 1 hour June of Year 11 – 25% of final mark

Subject Teachers Mrs Connaughton Mrs Geoghegan Miss Mackey Miss McCurry

Miss Flanagan Mrs Kirby Miss McConnell Mrs Ramsay

Higher Education Courses/Careers Sixth Form: GCE A level Philosophy and Ethics GCE A level Sociology Religious Studies can be studied with a wide range of other subjects at university. Courses include Theology, Religious Studies, Philosophy, History, Law, Sociology, Psychology, Teaching and Medicine. Religious Studies equips pupils with a range of transferable skills which will be useful in a diverse range of careers, including: youth and community work, counselling, law, journalism, local government, the charity sector, librarianship, social work and teaching.

Subject: Combined Science Head of Department: Mrs G Wood

Course Description All pupils at Blessed Thomas Holford study GCSE Combined Science in Years 9, 10 and 11. You will study topics from Biology, Chemistry and Physics every year. This will include practical work and investigations to aid your understanding and help prepare you for further education.

In Biology, you will study topics including Human Biology, Microbiology, Genetics and Ecology. In Chemistry, you will study topics including Atomic Structure and Bonding, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Reactions and Earth Science. In Physics, you will study topics including Energy, Electricity, Electromagnetism, Waves and Forces. The assessment at the end of Year 11 will consist of six 1 Âź hour written examinations. They will consist of a mixture of short and long answer questions to test your understanding of the subject and investigative skills.

Assessment GCSE Combined Science 100% Examination

Recent Results Core Science 2016 83% A*-C Additional Science 2016 75% A*-C

GCSE Exam Board:

Subject Teachers Miss Aslam Mr Gorman Mr McGeever Mr O’Neil Mr Williams


Miss Corbett Miss Griffiths Miss Morris Mrs Rana Mrs Wood

Higher Education Courses/Careers

A level Biology A level Chemistry A level Physics

Subject: ICT Qualification Head of Department: Miss G Moloney

GCSE Computer Science Course Description This exciting course; Computer Science GCSE includes exciting advances, such as development of mobile apps and web technologies, as well as learning computing theory and essential programming skills. These innovative skills will be significant for GCSE pupils to address the demands of the IT industry and other employers.


Aspirational Exceptional Outstanding

Principles of Computer Science Unit 1- externally assessed - 1 hour and 40 minutes written examination paper (worth 40% of GCSE) Pseudocode Scenario Unit 2 - externally assessed - 2 hours written examination paper (worth 40% of GCSE)

Unit 3 - Controlled Assessment - practical programming 20 hours (worth 20% of GCSE)

Subject Teacher Mr Appleton

Mr Garcia

Mr Harrison

Mr Martin

Miss Moloney

Miss Murphy

Higher Education Courses/Careers A level Computer Science

GCSE Exam Board: Edexcel Certificate in ICT Exam Board:

National Certificate in ICT Course Description This engaging qualification takes a practical and inspiring approach to learning and assessment. Equipping learners with sound ICT skills for everyday use and provide opportunities to develop in context those desirable, transferable skills such as planning, research and analysis, working with others or communicating technical concepts effectively. This qualification will challenge all learners, including high attaining learners, by introducing them to demanding material and skills; encouraging independence and creativity; providing tasks that engage with the most taxing aspects of the National Curriculum (including data handling, modelling and programming).

Assessment R001: Understanding computer systems Written paper OCR set and marked

1 hour – 60 marks (60 UMS) R002: Using ICT to create business solutions Centre Assessed Tasks OCR Moderated Approximately 10 hours – 60 Marks (60UMS)

*Two further optional units from technical strand

Subject Teacher Mr Appleton

Mr Garcia

Mr Harrison

Mr Martin

Miss Moloney

Miss Murphy

Higher Education Courses/Careers A level Computer Science

Subject: Physical Education Head of Department: Miss K Connell

Course Description Physical Education develops pupils’ confidence to take part in a range of physical activities in and out of school.

The PE curriculum enables all pupils to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical activity. They develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully. They also reflect on their own and others performances and find ways to improve them. As a result, they develop the confidence to take part in different physical activities and learn about the value of healthy, active lifestyles.

Non Qualification


Assessment Pupils will not receive a qualification in this. However pupils will be assessed in a variety of sports such as: Athletics, Basketball, Cricket, Dance, Football, Gymnastics, Fitness, Handball, Hockey, Netball, Rounders, OAA, Rugby and Tennis. Pupils will have the following amount of lessons in each year: Year 9 (2 x 1 hour lessons) Year 10 (1 x 1 hour lesson) Year 11 (1 x 2 hour lesson) If pupils take GCSE PE they will have at least two more lessons as well as core PE.

Subject Teachers

Aspirational Exceptional Outstanding

Miss Connell Mrs Gore Miss Nightingale Mr Thorpe

Mr Goldrick Mr Jones Mr Regan

Option Subjects

Subject: Art Head of Art: Miss L Harris Head of Faculty: Mrs N Shaw Course Description This innovative course is best suited to those who wish to channel their creative energies into producing original art pieces that reflect their individuality, and to investigate and respond to the world around them. This course provides students with a wide range of creative, exciting and stimulating opportunities to explore their interests in art and design in ways that are personally relevant and truly developmental in nature. The requirements of the specification allow for the study of art and design in both breadth and depth. It provides progression from Key Stage 3 and a strong and appropriate foundation for further progression to art and design related courses such as A-level Art. Programme of study for GCSE Art: Year 9: Identity (Painting and drawing techniques) Natural Forms (3D and textiles techniques) Year 10: Distortion (Photoshop and mixed media)


Portraiture (Painting, Drawing and 3D) Year 11: Mock Exam (Independent guided learning) Final Exam

GCSE Exam Board:

AQA Assessment Pupils must evidence coverage of all four assessment objectives in the Portfolio of Work and their response to the externally set task.

Coursework (60%): You will produce a coursework portfolio, submitting the best pieces from Digital Art, Fine Art and Textiles and a creative sketchbook that acts as a source of visual inspiration and research for your projects. You will have the freedom to interpret the set theme in an appropriate way that reflects your interests. A mock examination will be held in September of Year 11 in preparation for the official examination. In this you will have the opportunity to create a final piece. Examination (40%): In January of Year 11 the examination topic is released to students.

A 10-hour examination is taken in April of Year 11. You will be expected to produce a portfolio of work prior to the exam.

Subject Teachers Miss Harris Miss Shaw Miss Collings

Higher Education Courses/Careers A level Fine Art A level 3D Design

Recent Results GCSE ART 2016 100% A*-C

Subject: Biology, Chemistry & Physics Head of Department: Mrs G Wood

Course Description If you choose Triple Science, you will receive three GCSEs in Science (see right).

You will study Biology, Chemistry and Physics over 3 years. This will include practical work and investigations to aid your understanding.

In Biology, you will study topics including Human Biology, Microbiology, Genetics and Ecology. In Chemistry, you will study topics including Atomic Structure and Bonding, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Reactions and Earth Science. In Physics, you will study topics including Energy, Electricity, Electromagnetism, Forces and Space.

The assessment at the end of Year 11 will consist of two 1 ž hour written examinations per GCSE. They will consist of a mixture of short and long answer questions to test your understanding of the subject and investigative skills.

Choosing Triple Science as an option will give you an excellent grounding in preparation for A levels.

GCSE Exam Board:

AQA Assessment GCSE Biology 100% Examination GCSE Awarded at end of Year 11 GCSE Chemistry 100% Examination GCSE Awarded at end of Year 10 GCSE Physics 100% Examination GCSE Awarded at end of Year 11

Subject Teachers Miss Aslam Mr Gorman Mr McGeever

Miss Corbett Miss Griffiths Miss Morris

Aspirational Exceptional Outstanding

Mr O’Neil Mr Williams

Mrs Rana Mrs Wood

Higher Education Courses/Careers A level Biology A level Chemistry A level Physics

Recent Results 2016 76% A*-C in Triple Science

Subject: Business Studies Head of Department: Mrs A Bleasdale

Course Description Pupils opting to study GCSE Business Studies will follow the OCR Specification. The course allows learners to discuss and investigate Business activity, how companies market their products and services, stakeholders involved in each business, operations and financial aspects of a business, influences on a business and the interdependent nature of business. During their time in Business pupils will enhance their knowledge and skills and begin to:      

Develop as effective, independent, critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds Apply and develop quantitative skills relevant to business, including using and interpreting data Develop and apply their knowledge, understanding and skills to contemporary issues in local, national and global contexts Analyse and evaluate case studies on specific companies, developing a clear understanding of the background and context of the business Know and understand business concepts, business terminology, business objectives, the integrated nature of business activity and the impact of business on individuals and wider society Consider the extent to which business and economic activity can be ethical and sustainable

GCSE Exam Board:

OCR Recent Results 2016

68% A*-C

Assessment Business Paper 1: Business activity, marketing and people- worth 50% of GCSE Business Paper 2: Operations, finance and influences on business- worth 50% of GCSE

Subject Teachers Mrs Bleasdale Mrs Taylor

Higher Education Courses/Careers   

A level Business Studies A level Economics A level Accountancy Pupils then have the opportunity to undertake further study of this subject at university.

Future careers include working in the Financial, Marketing, Human Resources and Manufacturing industries.

Subject: Level 2 Creative iMedia Course Co-ordinator: Miss B Akintoye Head of Faculty: Mrs N Shaw

Course Description The Cambridge Nationals Level 2 Creative iMedia will inspire and motivate pupils to consider a career in the creative digital media industries, rather than just to participate in media recreationally and as a passive user. This course will give pupils the opportunity to gain a broad understanding and knowledge, by taking an engaging, practical and inspiring approach to developing pre-productions skills across the creative digital media sectors. These might include moving image, website design, advertising and publishing. This course could give pupils the potential opportunity to enter employment within a wide range of roles across the fast-moving creative digital media sector including for example, photographer, sound recordist, assistant editor, assistant web designer, assistant games designer, and graphic design.

Level 2 Certificate Exam Board:

Assessment Unit R081: Pre-production skills A compulsory theory based written paper – externally assessed – 1 hour 15 mins in length. Unit R082: Creating digital graphics A compulsory centre assessed, OCR moderated task. Unit R086: Creating a digital animation A centre assessed, OCR moderated task. Unit R085: Creating a multipage website A centre assessed, OCR moderated task.

Course Leader Miss B Akintoye

Higher Education Courses/Careers BTEC Level 3 Film and Television Production

Subject: Design & Technology Aspirational

Teacher: Miss C McBride HeadOutstanding of Faculty: Mrs N Shaw Exceptional


Course Description GCSE Design and Technology will prepare students to participate confidently and successfully in an increasingly technological world. Students will gain awareness and learn from wider influences on Design and Technology including historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic factors. Pupils will get the opportunity to work creatively when designing and making and apply technical and practical expertise. In Year 9 pupils will follow a foundation course pupils will opt for one of the specialist material groups in the following areas.

Product Design – Pupils will learn about how to design and make products using the following materials, natural and manufactured timber, ferrous and non ferrous metals, thermo and thermosetting polymers, papers and boards. They will also use programmable components and have an understanding of some electronic systems. (This replaces the material areas of Resistant Materials, Electronics and Graphics.)

Packaging, labelling and instructions are encouraged as part of the complete design proposal and advertising, points of sale can be used to supplement the making experience and help create products which can be evaluated for their commercial viability.

Resistant Materials 2016 75% A*-C

GCSE Exam Board:


Assessment The NEA- Non Examined Assessment (Controlled Test) will be a 30 hour Design & Make Task and will be undertaken in Year 11, this will be worth 50% of the GCSE. The final written exam is worth 50%. Substantial design and make task • Assessment criteria • Investigating • Designing • Making • Analysing and Evaluating • In the spirit of the iterative design process, the above should be awarded holistically where they take place and not in a linear manner • Contextual challenges to be released annually by AQA on 1 June in the year prior to the submission of the NEA • Students will produce a working prototype and a portfolio of evidence (max 20 pages) • Work will be marked by teachers and moderated by AQA

Subject Teachers Dependant on specialist material choice.

Higher Education Courses/Careers A Level Product Design A Level Textiles A Level Fashion Final written exam 100 marks - 50%

Subject: Food Preparation and Nutrition

Course Leader: Mrs L Boardman Head of Faculty: Mrs N Shaw Aspirational Exceptional Outstanding

Course Description The new GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition is an exciting and creative course which focuses on practical cooking skills to ensure pupils develop a thorough understanding of nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of ingredients.

Food preparation skills are integrated into five core topics:

    

Food, nutrition and health Food science Food safety Food choice Food provenance

Assessment 50% Non-exam Assessment: Task 1: Food investigation report Task 2: Food preparation/practical assessment (pupils will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes within a single period of three hours, planning in advance how this will be achieved) Both tasks completed in Year 11

50% Written examination (1 hour 45 minutes):

Completed in June of Year 11 22

GCSE Exam Board:


Subject Teacher Mrs Boardman

Higher Education Courses/Careers Upon completion of this course, pupils will be qualified to go on to further study, or embark on an apprenticeship or full time career in the catering or food industries.

Subject: French Head of Department: Miss C Horrocks

Course Description All pupils are offered the opportunity to study for a Language GCSE qualification. Pupils who are in sets 1 or 2, or who show an interest in, or an aptitude for languages are strongly recommended to continue with their language to GCSE level.

Areas of study will include: themes about identity and culture; local, national international and global areas of interest; current and future study and employment. Literature will also form part of the course – this could involve simple poems, short stories or extracts from plays.

Recent Results 2016

69% A*-C

GCSE Exam Board:

AQA Assessment

All four skills will have an equal weighting and will all be worth 25%. Pupils will complete a terminal examination in each skill in Year 11. Listening and reading examinations will have a mix of questions in French and in English requiring answers in both languages. In the reading exam there will be a translation from French into English. There will be a series of different questions for the writing examination. This will also involve translations from English into French.

Subject Teachers Miss Horrocks Miss Taylor Mrs West

Higher Education Courses/Careers A level French

Studying a language degree is essential for teaching a language, translating and interpreting. However, there are many other careers where an additional language would be very useful. Careers include: Finance (including banks), Insurance or Accountancy firms who operate on an international basis, Law, Sales and Marketing, Transport, Tourism and Leisure, Public Sector and International Organisations such as the UN and EU.

Subject: Geography Head of Faculty: Mrs V Kneen Head of Department: Mrs T Williams

Course Description This course gives pupils the opportunity to understand more about the world, the challenges it faces and their place within it. They will deepen their understanding of geographical processes, illuminate the impact of change and of complex people-environment interactions, highlight the dynamic links and interrelationships between places and environments at different scales, and develop their competence in using a wide range of geographical investigative skills and approaches. Geography enables young people to become globally and environmentally informed and thoughtful, enquiring citizens. Pupils must complete all three assessments in May/June in any single year, (undertaken at the end of Year 11).

Component 1 covers three topics: Hazardous Earth, Development Dynamics and Challenges of an Urbanising World.

Component 2: UK Geographical Issues covers three topics: The UK’s Evolving Physical Landscape – including sub-topics: Coastal Change and Conflict or River Processes and Pressures; The UK’s Evolving Human Landscape – including a Case Study - Dynamic UK Cities and Geographical Investigations – including one physical fieldwork investigation and one human fieldwork investigation linked to Topics 4 and 5.

Component 3: People and Environment Issues – Making Geographical Decision, topics covered: People and the biosphere, Forests under threat and Consuming energy resources.

Recent Results 2016

85% A*- C

GCSE Exam Board:

Edexcel Assessment Component 1: Global Geographical Issues: 100% written examination: 1 hour and 30 minutes, 94 marks, 37.5% of the qualification. Component 2: UK Geographical Issues:

Aspirational Exceptional Outstanding

100% written examination: 1 hour and 30 minutes, 94 marks, 37.5% of the qualification. Component 3: People and Environment Issues - Making Geographical Decisions: Written examination: 1 hour and 30 minutes, 64 marks, 25% of the qualification.

Subject Teachers Miss Delaney Mrs Kneen Miss McManus Miss Weinberg

Miss Hayes Mr McGuinness Mr Milligan Mrs Williams

Higher Education Courses/Careers A level Geography

Subject: History Head of Faculty: Mrs V Kneen Head of History: Miss H Hayes

Course Description

The GCSE History course covers over 1000 years of History enabling pupils to have a wide understanding of how events have shaped our world. The Key features of the course include: 

An international relations course from 1919 – 2005: this includes the study of many aspects of World History including the causes of The Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations, Causes of World War 2, The Cuban Missile Crisis and The Vietnam War and International Terrorism.  An in depth study of British History from 1629-1666. Pupils will study the causes of English Civil War, how it impacted upon society, how our country became a Republic and how the monarchy was restored.  A study of War and Society in Britain from 790-2011. This involves looking at causes and the impact of various wars over this long study. The Department also runs a 5 day field trip to the Battlefields of Northern France and Belgium to assist pupils in their preparation for this.  A Germany Depth Study. The key focus will be on aspects of Germany between 1925 and 1955: this includes the rise to power of Hitler and what it was like to live in Nazi Germany in addition to looking at the division of Germany post WW2. The department runs a trip to Poland to study the persecution of minorities under the Hitler regime.  A study of the Historic environment looking at the changing role of English castles. This will involve a case study of Caernarfon castle in Wales.

GCSE Exam Board:

OCR Assessment GCSE History 100% Examination June of Year 11

Subject Teachers

Miss Delaney Mrs Kneen Miss McManus

Miss Hayes Mr McGuinness Miss Weinberg

Recent Results 2016

69% A*-C

Higher Education Courses/Careers A level History A level Classics A level Government and Politics

A degree in History provides pupils with a wide a range of skills, making history a popular subject with many employers. Careers associated directly with history would include: Archaeology, Archivist, Historical researcher, Museum work, Teaching and Tour guides. However due to the skill set of History students, it can also provide a pathway into Civil service, Intelligence work, Law, Marketing, Advertising media and Publishing.

Subject: Latin and Roman Civilisation Head of Department: Miss C Horrocks

*Please note. This subject must be taken as a fourth choice. Lessons will be between 3.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. 2 days a week.

Course Description

All pupils are offered the opportunity to study for a Language GCSE qualification. More able pupils or those who show an interest in, or an aptitude for languages or humanities are encouraged to choose Latin as an additional GCSE.

Pupils will study the Latin language and aspects of Roman civilization. This is an intensive two year programme with the aim to equip some of our pupils with an extra GCSE by the end of Year 10 in an extremely useful, versatile and facilitating subject.

Recent Results 2016

100% A*-C

Level 2 Certificate Exam Board:

WJEC Assessment Pupils will be entered for the Level Two qualification by the end of Year 10 which is graded as a normal GCSE. They will sit a formal reading, translation and comprehension examination at the end of Year 10 worth 60% of the overall grade. They will also complete controlled assessment on Roman civilisation which is worth 40% of the overall grade.

Pupils will complete the course by the end of Year 10.

Subject Teachers Miss Blackwood Mrs Wood

Higher Education Courses/Careers As a valued facilitating subject, the study of Latin lends itself to the study of a number of subjects in sixth form and at University. These include Classics, English, History and Languages to name but a few.

We believe the study of Latin will help give our pupils an advantage when it comes to sixth form study and applications to Russell Group Universities.

Subject: Music Head of Department: Mrs S Edwards

Course Description All pupils complete the AQA GCSE in Music. Pupils are encouraged to take private instrumental lessons and all are expected to bring their musical instrument and any relevant sheet music/books in addition to their regular equipment for college. This course is mainly courseworkbased but does include a listening examination based on four areas of study: 1. Western classical tradition 1650–1910 2. Popular music 3. Traditional music

4. Western classical tradition since 1910. The course consists of the folllowing units:Understanding Music (40% of total GCSE) Performing Music (30% of total GCSE) Composing Music (30% of total GCSE)

Assessment This includes individual performing and composing coursework for most units but there is a listening examination for ‘Understanding Music’ which is in two sections: Section A: Listening – unfamiliar music (68 marks) and Section B: Study pieces (28 marks)

Subject Teachers Mrs Edwards

GCSE Exam Board:

AQA Higher Education Courses/Careers A-Level Music BTEC Level 3 Music or equivalent courses Music or music performance Degree Other performance-related college courses

Students who complete a degree in Music work in a wide range of professions inside and outside music. Careers include: Professional Musician, Aspirational Exceptional Outstanding

Session Musician, Band Member, Orchestral Musician, Singer, Producer, Composer, Sound Engineer, Music Teacher, Talent Scout, Music Journalist, Band Manager, Private Music Teacher and Music Therapist.

Recent Results 2016

100% A*-C

Subject: Physical Education Head of Department: Miss K Connell

Course Description The GCSE course follows on from the Key Stage three programme of study by providing pupils with exciting opportunities to lead a healthy and active lifestyle by choosing from a variety of roles and activities in which to participate in physical activity. The course is designed to enable pupils to enjoy and understand the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle to provide a route into further study in PE as well as related careers.

As part of the practical side of the course pupils will be assessed in three different activities (one team activity, one individual activity and a third either team or individual activity). The practical assessments can be sports they undertake outside of school e.g. Skiing, Horse riding, Swimming, Gymnastics and Dance.

Recent Results 2016

72% A*-C

GCSE Exam Board:

AQA Assessment GCSE Physical Education 40% Practical 60% Examination Both assessed in June of Year 11 Paper 1: The human body and movement in physical activity and sport (30%) Paper 2: Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport (30%)

Subject Teachers Miss Connell Mrs Gore Miss Nightingale

Mr Goldrick Mr Jones Mr Regan

Aspirational Exceptional Outstanding

Mr Thorpe

Higher Education Courses/Careers A level Physical Education BTEC level 3 Sport

Sports Science Sports Development Sports Coaching Physiotherapy Teaching Physical Education Armed Forces

Subject: Spanish Head of Department: Miss C Horrocks

Course Description All pupils are offered the opportunity to study for a Language GCSE qualification. Pupils who are in sets 1 or 2, or who show an interest in, or an aptitude for languages are strongly recommended to continue with their language to GCSE level.

Areas of study include: themes about identity and culture; local, national international and global areas of interest; current and future study and employment. Literature will also form part of the course – this could involve simple poems, short stories or extracts from plays.

GCSE Exam Board:

AQA Assessment All four skills will have an equal weighting and will all be worth 25%. Pupils will complete a terminal examination in each skill in Year 11. Listening and reading examinations will have a mix of questions in French and in English requiring answers in both languages. In the reading exam there will be a translation from Spanish into English. There will be a series of different questions for the writing examination. This will also involve translations from English into Spanish.

Subject Teachers Miss Blackwood Miss Pender

Miss Horrocks Mrs West

Higher Education Courses/Careers

A level Spanish

Studying a language degree is essential for teaching a language, translating and interpreting. However, there are many other careers where an additional language would be very useful. Careers include: Finance (including banks), Insurance or Accountancy firms who operate on an international basis, Law, Sales and Marketing, Transport, Tourism and Leisure, Public Sector and International Organisations such as the UN and EU.

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