Here! Magazine

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Here Here! Fall

Celebrating Alleghany & Ashe Counties N. Carolina • Grayson County Virginia

Meet Fabio

In Grayson Highlands

History Here! Find your history

Grace in Flight Hawk migration

Rescues Here

Animal rescue & rehabilitation 2018 Fall

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Wilkes Community College Your life. Your college. Your future.

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Locally owned, locally loved 2018 Fall

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AlleghanyCounty Ashe County North Carolina



History Here

Exploring the Past HERE! is published by Kate, Ink 2 | HERE!


Grayson County Virginia

History Here .................. 4 Stories Told, Written & Shared ....... 10 Grace in Flight ............. 12 Alleghany Health ......... 18 Cookie Time ................. 21 Rescues Here ............... 22 Log Jam ........................ 26 QR Codes ..................... 28 Meet Fabio ................... 30 Recipe ........................... 33 Events ........................... 34 Advertiser Index........... 37


Grace in Flight Hawk Migration

Design: Kate Irwin Design Assistant Isabel Engel


Rescues Here

Pet Rescue & Wildlife Rehab Contributing Writer: Scott Jackson-Ricketts

Fall 2018

Carolina Solar group


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History Here d


’ve always loved history, our connections to people and places. Researching one’s ancestry is more than a hobby to many and can bring history to life with writings, facts, and photos.

Several years ago I was in the Grayson County Library with some time on my hands and found the genealogy section. Thumbing through a book titled Memories of Grayson, I came upon, and was fascinated with, the photos on the left. In May of 1917, the Mighty Haag Circus, walked from West Jeffer4 | HERE!

son, North Carolina, to Mouth of Wilson, Virginia, for a one-night performance. Circus crew walked the animals the 29 miles for a night of entertainment and fun.

The history of this region is rich and wonderfully recorded. Immigrants from Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland and more moved here bringing with them skills, knowledge and the love of place. They worked, laughed, and played and there is proof of their life here that spans Alleghany, Ashe, and Grayson counties - and it is accessible.

My mother-in-law grew up in Alleghany County and fascinated me with the way she identified people by connecting who they were, with whom their family members were. She could recite familial connections and relations for several generations and by the time she ended her train of thought I felt as though I knew who they were as well.

If your family history is a mystery that you want to learn more about, you can research your family tree online, through free and membership databases (,

Fall 2018

d from West Circus walke g aa H ty h ig rformance at The M one-night pe a ve gi to n Jefferso n circa 1917. Mouth of Wilso ty Grayson Coun Photos from l. 1. Memories Vo,, Grayson County has a Historic, and others) from Society, located in the Historic the comfort of your home. 1908 Courthouse, and a Historic However, Ashe, Alleghany, and Foundation with an office in the Grayson Counties have rich col- Guynn Shopping Center in Indelections of historic records, doc- pendence. Both locations have uments, and books to help with well organized records in binders and books that cover families, your “hands on” search. cemeteries, towns, communities, The Ashe County Historical Soci- schools, wars, and migration. ety is in the old Courthouse at 301 Main Street in Jefferson, along The Grayson County Library with the Ashe County Museum. houses a genealogy section with The Ashe County Library hous- books and records that include es the genealogic resources and records of ancestry from Scotis one of the finest collections of land, Ireland, records of indenhistory in the area. The genealogy tured servants, Eastern Cherokee room houses family and heritage Ancestry, individual memoirs, books, research papers and more. and more.

The Alleghany County Historical – Genealogical Society has a museum at 7 N. Main Street in Sparta with historic exhibits and information. The Alleghany Public Library is the place to find books for information and documentation of homes, cemeteries, families, churches, s��oo�s, marriages and more. Each location carries books you can purchase, the ability to make copies of documents or photos, and people who are as enthusiastic and interested in history as you are, to send you in the right direction.

continued on page 6

The Mighty Haag Circus was owned by Ernest Haag and was one of the best known southern circuses. The show started in the 1890s in Louisiana as a wagon show. The circus continued for forty more years. Ernest Haag died in 1935, his circus continued to show it's southern route until 1938.

2018 Fall

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For more information: New River Notes Historical resources site for the Upper New River Valley of NC & Va Ashe County Museum of Ashe County 336-846-1904

Ashe County Historical Society County Historical Society

Grayson County Historical Society groups/graysoncountyhistoricalsociety Grayson County Historical Foundation (276) 773-2126 578 F East Main Street Independence, VA 24348

5455 Bethania Rd • Winston-Salem, NC

(336) 923-8623

Wed 11a-3p • Th-Sat 10a-10p Sun 11a - 3p

Alleghany County Alleghany County Public Library 115 Atwood St. • P.O. Box 656 Sparta, NC 28675 • 336-372-5573 Alleghany Historical Museum: AlleghanyHistoricalMuseum/

Online research Library of Congress:

National Archives:

Crossing the New River, Grayson Co. Va. Illustrating a trip through rural Virginia by a party of Red Cross workers, where they carried a complete motion picture outfit and gave performances in some communities that had never seen a "movie". Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, American National Red Cross Collection.

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2018 Fall


Stories Told, Written & Shared Here The 2018 On the Same Page Literary Festival is just days away with many outstanding opportunities for readers, writers, and book fans of all ages. The 11th year for the Festival in Ashe County provides opportunities for attendees to hear and interact with renowned authors through a schedule of readings, workshops, and keynote events. This year, On the Same Page Literary Festival will present the Poet Laureate of the United States, Tracy K. Smith. Smith will be on hand to deliver a keynote presentation and will work with students at Ashe County High School. North Carolina’s First Lady, Kristin Cooper will introduce Smith at the keynote address on Thursday, September, 13, at 7:30 p.m. at the Civic Center in West Jefferson. As First Lady of North Carolina, Ms. Cooper is focused on children and family issues including literacy and the arts. As a former two-term board member of the North Carolina Arts Council, she is uniquely suited to introducing the Poet Laureate to our area. We are

honored to bring her to Ashe County, helping her in her quest to visit all of North Carolina’s 100 counties, by participating in this year’s On the Same Page Literary Festival. Books from authors appearing will be available at the Ashe County Arts Center for purchase, and at the Ashe County Library for borrowing. Preface and Postscript events are also being scheduled for the Festival and will be posted on the website. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 7:30 p.m. Elliot Engel. Literary performance. Blackbeard: Pirate Enemy Number One. Admission tickets and reservations required. Ashe Arts Center.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 2:00 p.m. Festival Read Wrap-Up Session. Ordinary Light: A Memoir, by Tracy K. Smith. A lively discussion of this year's Festival Read, led by Chris Arvidson, author and adjunct faculty member at UNC Charlotte. Ashe County Public Library. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 8:30-10:30 a.m. Georgann Eubanks. Writer's workshop: "Why Blogging is Good for You and How to Get Started."Participants learn about writing blogs – online platforms, frequency, topics, and keeping motivated. Bloggers brainstorm and do freewriting exercises as a way to talk

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Fall 2018

Boxed lunches are provided for a nominal charge. Reservations are required. Ashe County Public Library.

about voice and tone. No previous experience is necessary. Registration is limited, reservations are required. Ashe County Public Library. 11:00 a.m. Phillip Lewis. Author of the novel The Barrowfields, Lewis's presentation is a special feature presented by the Friends of the Ashe County Public Library. Ashe County Public Library. 2:00 p.m. Bryn Chancellor. The author of Sycamore reads from her debut novel, a riveting story that shifts from past to present and character to character. Attendees have the opportunity to discuss the themes and fresh style of the novel with the author. Ashe County Public Library. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Abigail DeWitt. Writer's workshop: "The Story Behind the Story." Most of us have a story we often share with others. In this workshop, participants look behind their own stories to discover what might have been forgotten, and how to develop hidden narratives to create a more colorful, multi-textured memoir. Beginning and experienced writers are welcome. Registration is limited reservations are required. Ashe Arts Center.

Tracy K. Smith, Poet Laureate

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Jim Minick. A writer of nonfiction and poetry, Jim reads from his new first novel Fire is Your Water, the story of a young woman's loss of faith in her own abilities, the young man who befriends her, and his perceptive raven, Cicero. A returning Festival favorite, Minick is also author of the memoir The Blueberry Years: A Memoir of Farm and Family. Ashe County Public Library. 12:00 Noon. Literary Trails Luncheon. Georgann Eubanks debuts her newest book, The Month of Their Ripening: North Carolina Heritage Foods, scheduled for publication on September 4, and gives us a sneak preview of what's coming up next.

2:30 p.m. Tommy Tomlinson. Tommy talks about his varied experience as a writer for newspapers, magazines, and now an upcoming memoir, The Elephant in the Room. He reads from his book about life as an overweight man and talks about his new public radio reporting and podcast. Ashe County Public Library. 7:30 p.m. Tracy K. Smith Keynote Address. Ms. Smith tells stories about her journey across rural America in her role as Poet Laureate of the United States and reads from her own poetry collections and memoir. She will be introduced by North Carolina First Lady Kristin Cooper. Ashe Civic Center. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 9:00 a.m. Page Turner's Breakfast. For OTSP Festival donors; at the West Jefferson home of Chris Arvidson & Henry Doss. Reservations are required. 11:00 a.m. Frank X Walker. His newest book, Ink Stains & Watermarks: New and Uncollected Poems, contains poems that teach us

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6/19/17 12:38 PM

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STORIES "something important about holding on, something more about letting go," according to one reviewer. Frank reads from his work and talks about the origins of Affrilachian poetry. Ashe County Public Library. 2:00 p.m. Tracy K. Smith Outreach Workshop. Ms. Smith talks with Ashe County High School language arts students and invited students from Wilkes County Community College and Appalachian State University. She hopes to show students how poetry can help young people see their world from perspectives beyond their own. Ashe County High School. (This is not a public event.) 2:00 p.m. Tommy Tomlinson. Writer's workshop: "Writing in 3-D." Using a mix of writing, lecture, and Q&A, Tommy reveals creative tools and tips to "make your writing rise off the page and make the reader feel your story." He answers questions about techniques, craft, and careers in writing. Ashe County Public Library. 5:00-8:00 p.m. Gallery Crawl. Downtown West Jefferson's many art galleries remain open into the evening

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cussion "Writing from Your Own Experience" with Festival authors Darnell Arnoult, Jim Minick, Tommy Tomlinson, and Frank X Walker. There is a nominal charge for the luncheon, and reservations are required. Hensley Hall at West Jefferson United Methodist Church. with refreshments and light entertainment – a great way to enjoy a late-summer Friday evening in Ashe County. Various locations throughout downtown. SATURDAY, SEPT 15 9:30-11:30 a.m. Frank X Walker. Writer's workshop: "Memory, Research and Imagination: Crafting an Historical Poem Collection." Walker, an author of historical poetry, says, "Forget walking in somebody else's shoes. Try wearing their skin!" Participants become immersed in the use of innovative techniques for creating new voices and a suite of new poems. Registration is limited and a reservation is required. Ashe County Public Library. Noon-2:00 p.m. On the Same Plate Luncheon and Panel Discussion. Georgann Eubanks leads the dis-

On the Same Page, Ashe County, NC’s Literary Festival is sponsored by the Ashe County Public Library and the Ashe County Arts Council and is supported with major funding from Skyline Membership Corporation and many individual donors - the Page Turners. On the Same Page is also funded in part by a grant from South Arts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts and the North Carolina Arts Council. The Friends of the Ashe County Public Library are major sponsors of On the Same Page and the County of Ashe and the Town of West Jefferson also support the Festival. For details about times and locations of events visit Most events are free and open to the public; some require reservations/tickets.

Fall 2018


Georgann Eubanks

Georgann Eubanks, award-winning North Carolina writer and food blogger, makes a “Mountaintop Stop” in Alleghany County, September 20-22. Eubanks blogs at Food Pilgrim, and sees her stop in Alleghany an opportunity to work with local writers, taste regional favorites and introduce her latest book, The Month of Their Ripening, NC Heritage Foods Through the Year.

Makes a Mountaintop Stop in Alleghany County, NC

Sept. 20-22, 2018

Eubanks first visited Sparta in 2014 with her guidebook series, The Literary Trails of North Carolina. She kept her writing connections in the county and was invited by Alleghany Writers to add Sparta to her book tour.

Georgann Eubanks North Carolina writer and blogger at Food Pilgrim, brings her latest book to Sparta, NC

Thursday, September 20, 5 to 7pm, Reception, High Meadows Golf & Country Club, Roaring Gap. A tasting menu of regional foods and flavors. Open to members, guests, and non-members. $20. Reservations: 336-363-2622. Saturday, September 22, 6:30pm, Dinner event, Horizon Bistro, Downtown Sparta. A 4-course dinner from Chef Garrison, followed by a few words from Georgann about the importance of local food to our history and our culture. $25./person. $40./couple. Reserve online: Or call: 336-372-7444. Saturday, September 22, 9:30am to 12:30pm, “Architecture of a Story” Writing Workshop, Alleghany Library. Saturday, September 22, 3pm, Book Talk, Alleghany Library. Free and open to the public. Books will be available for sale and signing. Details and workshop registration:


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2018 Fall

Meet the author • Hear the inspiration behind her new book • Enjoy regional menus from Chef Garrison Wagoner • Thurs • Sept. 20, 5-7pm Reception & Tasting Menu, High Meadows Golf & Country Club, Roaring Gap. Members, guests, & non-members welcome. $20. Reservations: 336-363-2622. • Sat • Sept. 22, 9:30am-12:30pm Alleghany Writers Workshop, Sparta. $40. Register online at • Sat • Sept. 22, 3pm Library Book Talk, Alleghany Library, Sparta. Free and open to the public. • Sat • Sept. 22, 6:30pm Dinner Event, Horizon Bistro, Sparta. $25/person. $40/couple. Reservations: 336-372-7444 or Hosted by:

Brought to you by:

Other Sponsors: High Meadows Golf & Country Club • Huber Hops “Happy Bookers” Book Club • Horizon Bistro

For more info: HERE! | 11

Gra Red-tailed Hawk

12 | HERE!

Fall 2018


utumn comes as a relief to summer’s dog days and is ours to savor. For the nature lover, Fall can, and should, be as exciting as spring, in reverse, with lots of energy being spent on preparing for winter. For many birds, that means fattening up and heading south.

Fall migration is serious business. Depending on the species and their life histories, migration can extend from late summer, in the case of our most northern breeders such as terns and many shorebirds, to well into winter when ducks are driven off of ponds that have frozen. Paying attention to these patterns rewards the bird-addled naturalist with ample opportunities to go out and witness this global phenomenon. Here, in the Blue Ridge there are places to experience migration events that wow even the seasoned birder. Mahogany Rock, south of Sparta, NC in Alleghany County, is one of the premier hawk watching spots.

At milepost 235 on the Blue Ridge Parkway, there is ample parking, great views, a picnic table in the shade, and professional birders present to share their expertise, spotting scopes, and expectations. [www.] Onte such birder is Jim Keighton from Blue Ridge Birders [], well known to the Mahogany Rock crowd. For many years Jim has been faithful to his station at this watch site, and only he (or perhaps his wife Alice) can wonder at, or justify the hours he has devoted to this passion. As the hawks fly over, many eyes are to the sky, announcing to all that an incoming bird will be an osprey, bald eagle, sharp-shin, Cooper’s, Broad-wing hawk, Turkey vulture, Red-shouldered hawk, Red-tailed hawk or others. It is quite amazing how a tiny incoming dot becomes one of these winged predictions. Some days a hand held counter is necessary…especially during the thick of the Broad-wing movements.

ace in Flight Hawk Migration

2018 Fall

Written by Scott Jackson-Ricketts

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Dates For Species Expectations from Jim Keightton: Broad-winged Hawks start as early as 8/22 (usually less than a dozen) and go through the first week of October as they reduce in number; high numbers per day (100s to thousands) happen sometime between 9/15 and 9/28 with best chances of seeing huge kettles about 9/18 to 9/23 but all depends on timing of fronts, rain/fog, and weather to the north. Bald Eagles and Ospreys as early as first week of August and as late as third week of October with main flow in mid-September Accipiters (Sharp-shinned and Coopers) from 8/22 to mid-Oct. with best show in October Falcons (kestrels, Merlin, Peregrine) from 8/30 to 10/17 Northern Harrier mostly September but possible August through November Red-tailed & Red-shouldered September through November, particularly October and November

Above: A kettle is a term that birders use to describe a group of birds wheeling and circling in the air. The kettle may be composed of several dierent species at the same time. Kettling apparently serves as a form of avian communication—an announcement of imminent departure—as well as a way of gaining altitude and conserving strength.

Golden Eagle (if we see one) mid-October through November Mississippi Kite seen 9/24/16 & 9/9/17 & 9/10/17 The hourly data collected includes the number of each species, wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, cloud cover, visibility, precipitation, flight direction, height of flight, and the number of observers, all of which is submitted daily to the Hawk Migration Association of North America on their website. It is used by researchers associated with HMANA, Cornell Bird Observatory and Audubon to help understand such factors as timing, geography (routes), impact of weather on migration as well as population changes in raptors and consequently the health of populations of prey species of birds (e.g., song birds) and the natural environment, and to answer such questions as how Broad-winged Hawks, (which travel in huge groups to facilitate finding thermals to aid their lift into higher winds aloft to carry them from North America to their winter home in Central and South America), can find enough food in such competition of numbers to make the long journey. Anyone can view the migration progress at Mahogany Rock and other count sites at

14 | HERE!

Broad-wing Hawks are often the main attraction. Because these flying dots sometimes materialize as a vibrant swarm of huge numbers. When the early morning fog lifts and the sun begins to warm the surrounding valleys and hillsides, thermal activity begins to elevate the air currents giving the over-

Fall 2018

night migrators the opportunity they’ve been waiting for. Capturing this natural elevator, Broadwings and other roosting raptors begin their ascent, expending little energy on the rising warm air currents. Upon reaching their optimum height, they leave the kettle and continue to soar south.

These large groupings of rising birds are known as kettles, appearing like a boiling cauldron of bird life. Thousands are possible, but you have to be there on the right day or days to see them. Another exciting fall migration event is our south bound wood

warblers. Most of these birds are neo-tropical, meaning they winter over in the very southern climates of the US, with many species preferring Central and South America. For the beginning birder, fall is a challenging time to attempt to familiarize oneself with the warcontinued on page 16

2018 Fall

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blers. With leaves still on the trees, yellowing in many instances, and many of the warblers having molted into the drabber yellows and greens, they tend to blend in. Add to this that warblers are insectivores whose agility in securing a meal means they rarely stay still, and they are rather small birds makes identifying them to the species quite the task. Try your luck at the Mahogany Rock Overlook. With the good chance that helpful birders will be present and willing to share their knowledge, this is a good spot to check out not just hawks and warblers, but other migrating

song birds, such as Orioles and Grosbeaks. Another advantage of the overlook is that one has the opportunity to actually look down on treetops where the songbirds often congregate‌making it a lot easier to see them. So, bring binoculars, a lunch, your family and make a day of it. For songbirds, morning is better. Maybe bring breakfast and lunch. See you there!

American Kestrel

A big thank you for the incredible photos used in this article by my good friend and awesome photographer Harrol Blevins of Sparta, NC.

16 | HERE!

Fall 2018

Blue Ridge Gallery Gemstones • Fossilwear Fine Jewelry By Appointment only: 336-657-7330 Special Access: 336-657-0700

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Here! Magazine 115 Atwood St. • Ste 503 Sparta, NC 28675 2018 Fall






HERE! | 17

Alleghany Health Partnerships & Growth Few things are as important to people than access and availability of health care, whether it is a wellness check-up or a visit to the emergency room. Every day, rural hospitals provide access to essential health care services.

Rural hospitals are vital to the economies of their communities, providing jobs and services, both of which are important in attracting other businesses and growth. The challenge of rural health care is that it is not just a smaller scale version of more metropolitan health care. It is providing communities with efficient and convenient access to high quality health care across the care continuum. Alleghany Health, an affiliate of Wake Forest Baptist Health and Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospi-

tal, is one such rural hospital. In 2015, Alleghany Memorial Hospital employed 160 full and parttime employees as well as over two-dozen contracted workers - a pillar of the local economy. Like many rural hospitals, Alleghany Health faces the challenge of being a hub for local health care services, primary care and emergency services as well as a bridge to specialized care outside of the community. In February of 2018, Alleghany Health took a big step to officially partner with Wake Forest Baptist

"The most important things Alleghany Health provides are hope and loving care. Being there when you're needed the most is unquantifiable, and proves the worth and value of this institution." said Foundation Executive Director Helen Ruth Almond 18 | HERE!

Fall 2018

Health and Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital. This partnership ensures stability for Alleghany Heath and enhanced patient care with access to additional clinical services and specialties. Over the last 12 months, Alleghany Health has held a very successful capital giving campaign as part of this partnership. With the help of residents, the community, county, town and businesses, the future of Alleghany Health is bright. Moving forward for Alleghany Health includes changing and adapting a facility that was built for inpatient care, to a facility more focused on outpatient services and emergency services that are better aligned with today's model for rural healthcare delivery. The facility plan

includes demolition of parts of the old facility to be replaced with a new medical office building attached to the hospital. Hospital and physician services will be in one building making primary and specialty care much more convenient for patients. Along with structural streamlining, information systems will be upgraded and integrated with Wake Forest Baptist Health and Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital making recordkeeping and access secure and available when needed. A significant benefit of the joint venture is the continued growth in providing local access to physician specialists. In the past few years, access to specialists has grown to include ear, nose & throat, podiatry, general surgery, cardiology, hematology/oncology, orthopedics,

Expert Heart Care, Close to Home.

urology, pulmonary/sleep studies and gastroenterology. “This is a wonderful opportunity for Alleghany Health and the communities we serve,” said Alleghany Health President Craig James. “In today’s changing and uncertain health care environment, our small rural hospital is very fortunate to have strong partnerships with Wake Forest Baptist Health and Hugh Chatham Memorial.” Alleghany Health's capital campaign continues until the end of 2018. Anyone interested in making a donation to this critical project is encouraged to call the AMH Foundation at 336-372-3281 or send contributions to the AMH Foundation, 233 Doctor Street, Sparta, NC 28675.

Wake Forest Baptist Health cardiologists are available right here. Whether your heart condition is simple or complex, you don’t have to go far to get the expert care you deserve.

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Dr. Joseph Yeboah

2018 Fall

Dr. Li Zhou

HERE! | 19

Brant Arnold, DMD General Dentist

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Mangum Pottery

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Studio Tour October 19, 20 & 21 Tour Hours: 10a.m. - 5p.m. 20 | HERE!

Fall 2018

Cookie Time!

We’re creating a Here! Cookie Issue and invite you to share your favorite cookie recipe! Something rich and delicious or thin and light… good for holidays or anyday. Send us your recipe and a photo along with your name, we’ll select 20 and publish them in the next issue of Here! Submit your recipe online at or mail it to Here! magazine, 115 Atwood Street, Sparta, NC 28675 Send it today! Deadline for summission is October10, 2018

2018 Fall

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22 | HERE!

Fall 2018

Rescues Here O

rphaned, injured, abandoned – adjectives that apply to the animals in the care of local pet rescues and wildlife rehabilitation operations.

Transporting, feeding, grooming, veterinary expenses, along with finding homes and fosters for domestic animal rescues can be overwhelming yet rewarding work.

Alleghany, Ashe, and Grayson counties have several local pet rescues working tirelessly finding foster homes and forever homes for dogs and cats. They work with animal shelters and veterinary offices, individuals and groups. They raise awareness and funds to support lifesaving efforts for homeless, orphaned, and unwanted animals. Rehabilitation for wild animals is also an ongoing need in our area. Many hours of feeding and care go into successful rehabilitation and release for wildlife. It is challenging but the victories, large and small, make it worthwhile.

Editor's note: Please consider contributing time and/or financially to a local animal rescue or wildlife rehabilitation organization.

Blue Ridge Wildlife Rehabilitation It is feeding time at Blue Ridge Wildlife Rehabilitation, a temporary home to more than ten orphan fawns. Veterinarian, Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator, and Director of Blue Ridge Wildlife Rehabilitation, Karen Saintsing opens the gate to a shady pen carrying two buckets of bottles filled with warm formula. The fawns are skittish and shy but they know what Karen has for them. She feeds each of them a bottle of species specific formula twice a day. For this small herd of fawns she feeds more than twenty pounds of formula powder a week. Each fawn has a bright red ear tag;

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showing their name and other identifying information. The tag remains in place even when the deer are old enough to be released. These young deer are not pets; they are wild animals being rehabilitated to return to a life in the wild. At the far end of her porch, Karen houses Box Turtles at various stages of rehabilitation. Most of these turtles have suffered a significant or life-threatening injury to their shell. Their shell injuries are repaired using a combination of epoxy, clothing hooks and a bit of wire. This arrangement draws separated edges together so the raw edges heal, much

like a broken bone. The healing process takes time but the “hardware” used is temporary and is removed before the turtle is released. “Turtles are very territory specific, they need to be released exactly where they were found to survive,” says Karen. “We keep exact notes to ensure they’re returned to their home.” Blue Ridge Wildlife Rehabilitation works not only with fawns and turtles but with small mammals rabbits, squirrels, opossum – those not in the rabies vector such as raccoons, skunks and foxes.

Fall 2018

Karen Saintsing lives in Alleghany County and is a vet Donations to cover formulas, feed, medical care and with the Galax Veterinary Clinic in Galax, VA. She has supplies can be mailed to 399 Wolf Branch Road, Sparrescued animals for much of her life. ta, NC 28675 . Contact Blue Ridge Wildlife Rehabilitation at

continued on page 26



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2018 Fall

Help protect the New River & preserve it for generations to come! For every dollar donated, we are able to leverage another $9 for the River.

HERE! | 25

Get Style and Service to Fit Your Budget We are Budget Blinds, and we’re North America’s #1 provider of custom window coverings. We do it all for you; design, measure and install — because we think everyone, at every budget, deserves style, service, and the peace-of-mind of the best warranty in the business.

Little River Wildlife Rescue As a volunteer with Wildlife Welfare in Raleigh, NC, prior to moving to Alleghany County, Heather Pernell’s love for wildlife rescue and rehab has been a part of her life – a part of who she is – for many years.

vet tech serves her well with caring for the animals in her charge.

Upon moving to Alleghany County in 2017, and seeing the need for wildlife rescue in this region, she submitted her paperwork with the state and began Little River Wildlife Rescue.

Little River Wildlife Rescue provides a healing sanctuary to small mammals – opossum, rabbits, fawns, squirrels, flying squirrels and birds. Birds are taken in but usually taken to May Wildlife Rehabilitation Center at Lees McRae College.

A licensed wildife rehabilitator, Heather’s background as a


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26 | HERE!

“Wounds can be apparent,” says Heather, “some illnesses take time to show and treat.”

Because of the need, Little River Wildlife Rescue also takes in feral kittens and cats. They are humanely trapped, spayed and/or neutered, and receive care for their immediate needs. They are typically placed in foster homes for ongoing attention to help them adjust so they can be adopted. As a 501(c) 3, Little River Wildlife welcomes donations and contributions. Some specific needs are: volunteers, funds for formulas/foods, cages, litter, vet care, and assistance with animal transportation. Donations can be mailed to Heather Pernell, 349 South Main St., Sparta, NC 28675 On Facebook: Little River Wildlife Rescue for more information.

Fall 2018

Rugby Creek Animal Rescue For more than ten years, Rugby Creek Animal Rescue has been taking in animals, helping them recover, and finding them new homes.

cue comes with large requirements – stalls, pastures, paddocks, fencing, blacksmith and vet bills. This time of year grain and good hay are on the shopping list.

In Rugby, Virginia, sisters Ashley and Kelly Smart, along with their mother Connie, have taken in, fostered, and found homes for countless animals in need - large and small. Many horses, donkeys, dogs, cats, and others have regained health and strength with their stay at Rugby Creek Animal Rescue.

Rugby Creek Animal Rescue, Inc (RCAR) is registered as a Virginia non-profit corporation and is designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization so your contributions are fully tax-deductible.

Over the years, RCAR has taken in individual horses and, at least once, enough to make a small herd at one time. Their network of contacts and caregivers is impressive. They cooperate and collaborate with other rescues to pick up animals and transport them to adopters.

For more information on Rugby Creek Animal Rescue visit: or info@ continued on page 28

“Two years ago we began working with Partners K-9, in Jefferson, NC ” said Ashley. “One year, we rescued 100 dogs.” Rugby Creek Animal rescue has several forever residents that are considered unadoptable: 3 blind horses, a donkey, several dogs and cats. They quarantine animals for other rescues and are always prepared for the possible return of fostered animals. Large animal res-

2018 Fall

Mindy Hall Foxfire Realty “Find Your Freedom”®



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An enormous Thank You!

to all the veterinarians, vet techs, assistants and veterinary clinics that provide medical care to our pets and wildlife in our area, and for caring and often making the hard decisions.

Additional Local Rescues

Most of the rescues listed here have their own websites and/or Facebook pages.Please support the work they do and the services they provide.

Ashe County

Partners! Canines PO Box 33 • Todd, NC 828-434-0620 Facebook

Happy Tails Rescue of West Jefferson 431 E 2nd St West Jefferson, NC (336) 846-1727 Happytailspets2004@

Ashe County Animal Control 767 Fred Pugh Road Crumpler, NC 28617 336-982-4060 Ashe Co. Humane Society 1175 Old Highway 16 Jefferson, NC 28640 336-982-4297

e Home m o c l e W From Your Hometown Team


GIVE US A CALL •Greg Miller •Jennifer Swenk •Phil Galyen •Heather Pernell

Alleghany County

Save-A-Pet foundation P.O Box 44 Sparta, NC 28675

28 | HERE!

Wildlife/Small Mammals Sandra Hash 276-768-7582

Galax-Carroll-Grayson Animal Shelter 200 Fair St, Galax, VA (276) 236-8501


A 5th generation Alleghany County native, Stewart has been photographing the Blue Ridge Parkway and its’ people for over 20 years now. Known as America’s most beloved roadway, the Parkway in Alleghany is a photographer’s dream, with your choice of stunning views from both sides: A

Things are moving at Alleghany High Country Realty!

Grayson County

dramatic mountain backdrop or over rolling farmland hills?

As a photographer, I’d say the Blue Ridge Parkway in Alleghany is the most beautiful stretch of road anyone can travel. It’s just so picturesque.”

Fall 2018

Local info for Residents & Visitors Quick Response Code (QR codes) have become common in consumer advertising and marketing. Typically, a smartphone is used as a QR code scanner, displaying the code and converting it to some useful form You can focus your smartphone camera on the code and conveniently access websites and information without typing in URLs that can be long and tedious to enter on the device's smaller keyboard Ashe County Chamber of Commerce

Initially used to track parts in vehicle manufacturing, QR codes are now used over a much wider range of applications. These include commercial tracking, entertainment and transport ticketing, product and loyalty marketing and in-store product labeling. Below are QR codes generated for chambers of commerce and visitor centers in Ashe, Alleghany and Grayson counties for fun and information.

Authentically Alleghany

Visit Grayson

Shirts • Hats • Gear

Add some Old River to your outdoor lifestyle

Shop Old River & Co at Touch of Grace • 38 S. Main St. Sparta, NC or on our Facebook page

2018 Fall

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30 | HERE!

Meet Fabio! He is a senior stallion and leader of a small band of mares at Grayson Highlands State Park. His chocolate colored coat and flaxen mane and tail are legendary. He is beautiful and photogenic – a real celebrity.

Fall 2018

There are several small herds of wild ponies that roam the park and are under the care of the Wilburn Ridge Pony Association. The Association was formed in the late ´70s and monitors the general health of the herds. Throughout the year, members check the herd and provide worming, salt and mineral blocks. When winter conditions are unusually harsh, they provide supplemental forage.

loose in the park to maintain the mountain balds by eating grasses and small shrubs. With the number of hikers that visit the park, they are quite used to humans, friendly even, but should not be fed or harassed.

Highlands Fall Festival. About a week before the festival, the ponies are gathered up for the festival’s pony auction. They are moved to a paddock not far from the festival area, receive a checkup, yearlings and weanlings are selected for the auction and the others are released. The number of ponies sold varies from year to year - there have been as many as 60 and as few as 4.

Foals are born each spring and enjoy summer grazing in the protected mountainous region of some 1,500 acres of contained area that they can roam in the The Grayson Highland ponies are state park. It is always a treat to encounter wild; medium sized, as ponies are the ponies at Grayson Highlands. measured (a little under 12 hands As the foggy mornings of late They remind us of the ponies we or 48�). Their ancestors were September settle in, preparations wished for as children. used in mining and then turned begin for the annual Grayson

2018 Fall

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Fall 2018

“Soupe Bonne Femme� Melt 4 tablespoons of butter and cook a cup each of diced leeks and onion until softened. Do not let brown. Add a cup of diced potatoes and 4 cups of chicken broth and a couple of teaspoons of salt. When the potatoes are cooked, add a cup of heavy cream. Adjust seasoning. Serve hot for lunch - or for breakfast as the French do - sprinkled with chopped parsley. OR - let cool and puree until very smooth, thinning to desired consistency with milk and cream. Refrigerate until very cold. Check salt. Serve in chilled bowls with chopped chives and any pretty garnish. Vichyssoise. And it can be varied by the addition of any cooked vegetables and herbs.

From the River House Inn & Restaurant Grassy Creek, North Carolina

2018 Fall

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Calendar of Events Sep 22-Oct 31 Friday: 3-9pm, Saturday & Sunday Ashe County Corn Maze & Pumpkin Sep 2: 3-5pm Music On the Green. The mu- Festival. Frosty’s Choose & Cut, 2152 Beaver seum of Ashe County History, 301 E Main St. Creek School Rd, West Jefferson, NC 28694 Jefferson. The Hardin Brothers Eric and BranSep 29: 8am-5pm National Sporting Clays don with Josh Scott and Austin Michael with Assn. Shoot. Club House Ashe County Wildspecial guests the Beckworth Family. Contact life Club. 3220 Big Peak Creek Road, Laurel the museum at 336-846-1904. Springs, NC. National Sporting Clays NSCA Sep 8: 6:30-9:30pm Kick It Up. Jefferson shoots at the Club. Cost is $65. Landing, 184 W Landing Dr, Jefferson. Kick Sep 29- Sep 30: 11am-4pm National Alpaca It Up for Healthcare & Hunger! Contact Kelly Farm Days and Fundraiser for Happy tails Vannoy 336-977-8980. Rescue. Watch fiber artisans demonstrate Sep 8: 9:30am-2pm Historic West Jefferson their crafts. Join in and learn how to hand spin, Tour. The Museum of Ashe County History, 301 crochet rug yarn, or even weave! No dogs. Call E Main St, Jefferson. We will stop for lunch, not 336-384-1616 or 828-406-2437, or email included in the price of the tour. Reservations required. Contact the Museum at 336-846Oct 6: 10am-3pm Autumn Leaf Festival. The 1904. $15.00 Museum of Ashe County History 301 E Main St, Sep 14: 1-8pm, Sept 15 8:00am-5:00pm Jefferson. Join us for our largest festival of the West Jefferson’s Annual Antiques Fair. West year. Historic demonstrations, vendors, chilJefferson Business Association. Downtown dren’s activities and more. West Jefferson Oct 13: 9:30am-2pm Autumn Leaf Tour. The Sep 15: 8am-5pm 100/200 Yard IBS Nation- Museum of Ashe County History 301 E Main St, al Championship. Ashe County Wildlife Club. Jefferson. At 9:30 the van leaves the Museum Club House Rifle Range, 3220 Big Peak Creek to travel the back roads of Ashe County during Road, Laurel Springs, NC. NATIONAL champi- the peak of our Fall foliage. We will stop along onship for International Benchrest Shooting, the way for lunch, not included in the price of 100 & 200 yds. the tour. Seating is limited, reservations reSep 15: Hiking His Creation. Midway Parking quired. Contact the Museum at 336-846-1904. Lot, 1670 Mt Jefferson Rd, West Jefferson. La- $15.00 dies of Ashe Hiking Group. Contact (336) 846- Oct 13: 8am-5pm Joe Young Memorial Shot5631 gun Shoot Skeet Field, Ashe County Wildlife

Ashe County

Sep 16: 9am-2pm Sadie Hawkins Day Shoot. Club, 3220 Big Peak Creek Road. $100 sponsor Pistol Range. 3220 Big Peak Creek Road, Laurel fee sponsors a shooter and a guest for lunch. Shooting is Skeet, Sporting Clays and Pyramid Springs, NC. Sep 22-Oct 31 Friday: 9am-2pm Ashe Coun- Trap. ty Litter Sweep. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and please don’t litter! To be assigned a location and for more information, please email 34 | HERE!

Oct 13: 4pm-8pm Sunday Salon at the Riverside Inn with Emile Pandolfi and Dana Russell. River House Inn & Restaurant,1896 Old Field Creek Rd. Grassy Creek. Hors d’oeuvres begin

at 5:00 PM. Dinner served around 6:00. Cost is $45 per person (does not include alcohol, tax or gratuity). Oct 20: Hiking His Creation. Midway Parking Lot, 1670 Mt Jefferson Rd, West Jefferson. Ladies of Ashe Hiking Group. Contact (336) 8465631 Oct 20: 9am-5pm 5-Stand/Skeet Shoot. Skeet Field 3220 Big Peak Creek Road, Laurel Springs. Ashe County Wildlife Club. $35 registration fee for 100-rounds of clays of 5-Stand and Skeet. Oct 27: 8am-5pm 100/200 Metric IBS Shoot Ashe County Wildlife Club House. 3220 Big Peak Creek Road, Laurel Springs.100 & 200 meter International Benchrest Shooting event. website: Every Friday & Saturday starting: Sept. 29Oct. 31: 7pm-until - The Haunted Factory 301 Locust St, West Jefferson, NC 28694. This haunted tour has live actors around every corner to provide you with ghoulish frights and delights. Admission is $7. Visit our Facebook page.

Ashe Recurring Events Every Saturday: 8am-1pm, April 14th - Oct. 27th - Ashe County Farmers Market. Backstreet in West Jefferson Locally grown produce to fine arts and crafts. ashefarmersmarket. com 1st & 3rd Fridays: 4-8pm - Ashe Outreach Fish Fry & Bluegrass Music. 11719 HWY 88 W, Creston, North Carolina. $10/plate. Take-out orders call 336-385-1314. 1st & 3rd Thursdays: 6:30pm-7:30pm Bingo! Lansing Volunteer Fire Department 9281 NC HWY 194 N, Lansing, NC 28643 Come warm up & play bingo, cash prizes! $10 entry fee.

Fall 2018

Calendar of Events Every Thursday: 5pm-9pm–Cardfight! Vanguard Tournament. Tolly’s Game Store & Lounge, 920 South Jefferson Ave, West Jefferson, NC 28694 $5 per person. Registration starts at 5pm and play starts at 6pm. Every Tuesday Night: 5pm–9pm Dragonball Super Tournament. Tolly’s Game Store & Lounge, 920 South Jefferson Ave, West Jefferson, NC 28694 $5 entry fee per participant and all decks must be registered prior to 6pm. Every Saturday: 3pm–Essential Oils 101. Todd Mercantile 3899 Todd Railroad Grade Rd., Todd, NC 28684. Learn how to kick toxic chemicals out of your home. Take control of the yuck in your home and kick it to the curb! Every Friday: 9am–Foraging Fridays. Todd Mercantile, 3899 Todd Railroad Grade Rd., Todd, NC 28684. Meet at the Mercantile. Spend 3 hours shopping in Natures grocery stores, then create awesome dishes with plants you foraged yourself! Cost for class is $30 Every Friday Night: 5pm-10pm–Friday Night Magic. 920 South Jefferson Ave, West Jefferson, NC 28694. Tolly’s Game Store & Lounge. $5 entry fee per participant and all decks must be registered prior to 6pm. Friday that falls between the 13-19th, “Teen Friday” - Old Time Community Dance and Pot Luck Dinner Todd Mercantile. Todd Mercantile, 3899 Todd Railroad Grade Rd, Todd, NC 28684. Community potluck dinner and oldtime dance. Bring a dish or buy one in the store, after the dinner dance to a live band!

welcome to participate. Free admission, dona- old-fashioned street festival. Live music. Contions welcome. Find us on Facebook tact the Chamber (336)-372-5473 or info@ 2nd Thursday Each Month: 2pm - Quilt Guild Meeting Ashe County Senior Center,180 Chatty Rob Ln, West Jefferson, NC 28694. We strive to share the art of quilting. Visit our Facebook page or

Sept 22 & 23 Georgann Eubanks makes a “Mountaintop Stop” in Alleghany County. Reception, workshop, book talk and dinner event. For more info email info@alleghanyEvery Tuesday: 11am Teaching Tuesdays. 3899 Todd Railroad Grade Rd. Todd, NC 28684 Sept 29 River Bend Run - 5-mile run starts Todd Mercantile. Come learn all about wild ed- @8am register day of or online: riverbendrun. ible plants in this free 1-hour class on the front com, 276 235 0445. porch of the Mercantile in Todd, toddmercanOct 6: Oktoberfest. Laconia Ale Works host the Alleghany Sparta Trail Association’s 2nd Every Friday & Saturday: 6:30pm-9:30pm, annual fundraiser. Come enjoy Oktoberfest The Hotel Tavern Concert Series 5 W Main, beer along with some bratwurst and sauerWest Jefferson, NC 28694. There is no cover kraut and learn about the trails. charge. Oct 7: Noon-5pm 21st Annual Wine festiEvery Wednesday Night: 5pm-09pm, val sponsored by Grapestompers. Thistle Wednesday Night Magic Tolly’s Game Store & Meadow Winery, 102 Thistle Meadow, Laurel Lounge, 920 South Jefferson Ave, West JefferSprings, N.C. 28644. Amateur Winemaking son, NC 28694. Register before 6pm. tollygaShowcase, professional vintners and crafts people from the area. $5 admission. GrapesSecond Thursday: 12:30-3:30pm & 5:30pm- 8:30pm. Workshop to Expand Your Creative Voice. Times available upon request. 189 An- Oct 9 @12pm Alleghany County Library. napurna Drive, Todd, NC 28684. Come and ex- Book Conversation Group plore new avenues to expand your creativity. Oct 11: 7pm Western Piedmont Symphony. $35 per session. Call 518-727-5523 or email: Alleghany Community Auditorium 450 N Presenter: Milt Sigel. Main St, Sparta NC 28675

Alleghany County Sep 7 & Oct 5 First Friday of each month - Music on Main. Enjoy live music on every street corner of Main Street Sparta, featuring local and music from surrounding areas from. Admission is free.

Oct 14 Run For Gracie 1-mile run for 12 and under at 9am, 5K at 10am, for more information call Daryl Simpson 336-359-8327 Oct 20: 7pm Annual Hillbilly Comedy & Variety Show. Alleghany Community Theater @ Sparta Elementary School Agnes Joines (336) 372-7284

Every Friday Night: 7pm-10pm–Phipps Gen- September 15: 10am-6pm Mountain Her- October 31: 6pm. Trunk’n Treat and Costume eral Store Jam. 2425 Silas Creek Rd, Lansing, itage Festival. Sparta’s Main Street. Ven- Contest. Crouse Park. 60 Cherry Street, Sparta NC 28643 Oldtime Jam sessions. Visitors are dors and demonstrators participate in this NC 28675. SRC

2018 Fall

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Calendar of Events Recurring Events Every Saturday: 9am-noon, May-October: Alleghany Farmers Market East Whitehead Street (NC Highway 18) next to Crouse Park. artompkins@ncsu.ed

Grayson County

Oct 12: 9am-1pm–Apple Festival. Independence Farmers Market. Apple dessert contest & everything apple. Free community cider pressing demo. Free & open to the public. (276)-768-0597,

Sept 1: 11am-7pm–Albert Hash Memorial Festival. Grayson Highlands State Park. Henderson Stage. A celebration of Albert Hash. Traditional music, dance, arts & crafts. Bring a Every Monday: 6pm The Crouse House Pick- lawn chair, rain or shine. alberthashmemori- Oct 13–New River 50K & 25K New River State ers Jam. Crouse Park, 60 Cherry Street, Sparta Park trailhead. Firehouse Drive, Fries, VA. EnNC 28675. Musicians have been gathering for Sep 8: 10am-4pm. Stories of the Stitch and joy fall colors with a day of racing on the trail. this weekly event for more than two decades. Heritage Day. Matthews Living History Farm Certified by Field & Track as Boston Marathon Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 10am Museum. Quilt & Fiber Arts Showcase, apple Qualifying Event. Jason & Alison Bryant. runto 5pm- The Alleghany Historical Museum 6 butter & apple cider making, and more. Con- North Main Street, Sparta, NC. No admission. tact 276-773-3080 or matthewsfarm@gmail. October 13: 10am-3pm–Mountain Foliage com, Come often to catch new displays. Call 336Festival “Official Grand Privy Race” of Virginia, Sep 15: 5pm–Horse Show. Benefit for Fries 363-2282 for more info. 11am. Independence Town Park. maryann@ Volunteer Fire Dept. Providence School, 56 Every Tuesday and Saturday: 7pm-10pm - Bainbridge Rd. Game & Pleasure Classes.fries-, 276-768-8656 Alleghany Jubilee. 25 N main Street, Sparta 276-744-2131 Oct14: 11am–Elk Creek Fire Dept Shooting NC 28675. Former Sparta Theater that once Sep 15: 8am-5pm–Festival by the River. Match hosted the likes of Bill Monroe and his Blue Fries Town Park, Fire House Drive, Fries, VA. Oct 22-27: Pumpkin Festival. Matthews Grass Boys, is now the Alleghany Jubilee. Ad276-744-2231,willow- Living History Farm Museum. All children mission is $5 on Tuesday and $6 on Saturday. are welcome. Downtown Independence, VA. 336-372-4560. Sep 22-23: 10am–5pm Grayson Highlands (276)-773-3080, Every second Wednesday of the month Fall Festival. Grayson Highlands State Park. 5:15pm the Alleghany Sparta Trail Associa- Wild pony auction‚ molasses & apple butter Oct 31: 4:30-7pm–Safe Halloween. Indetion (ASTA) meets at the conference room of making, Appalachian crafts and traditional pendence Town Park. All children are welcome the BDC, 115 Atwood St, Sparta, NC. music. 276-233at this annual event in downtown IndepenEvery third Sunday of the month, the Al- 8237 dence, VA. leghany Sparta Trail Association (ASTA) leads Oct 6: 7am–Baywood Fall Pumpkin Festival. (276)-768-8656 a monthly hike. Look at Facebook for location Baywood Ruritan Club Shelter near Baywood School. Pumpkins, food vendors, music, crafts, and times, or email & pet zoo. Breakfast 7-9am, $5 Adults, $2.50 Recurring events Every Thursday @6:30pm, Muddy Creek Cafe Children 5 & up. Parade at 10am, Festivities Every Wednesday: 6:30pm the 1908 Courtin Sparta, NC Open Mic evening filled with begin 10:30am. Tractor Pull & Pet Show at house Jam. Old Time music jam. Main Street, music from local talent and performers from 11am. Janette Boyer (276) 233-8810 rector. Independence VA (276) 773 3711 all around. Performers play three songs. Jun- Oct - Blue Ridge Music Center. 700 Foot- Oct 7: 11am-5pm-Whitetop Mountain Mo- Every Thursday 6:30-9pm. The Fries Jam seshills Rd, Galax, VA or Mile Post 213 on the Blue lasses Festival. Mt. Rogers Fire Hall. Molasses sion at the Fries Theater. (276) 744 2231 Ridge Parkway. the Blue Ridge Music Center & applebutter making, Old Time & Bluegrass Every Friday 9am-1pm Independence Farmoffers daily informal jams, weekend concerts, music, arts/crafts, BBQ Chicken. mtrogersvfd-rs. ers Market (276) 655 4045 and a museum of mountain music history. com or or . 36 | HERE!

Fall 2018

Advertiser Index A Touch of Grace ...........................................17 Alleghany Cablevision ...................................17 Alleghany Health ...........................................19 Alleghany High Country Realty......................28 Allghany Writers ............................................11 Authentically Alleghany .................................28 Blue Ridge Gallery .........................................17 Budget Blinds ................................................26 Caldwell Construction ...................................31 Carolina Heating & Air ...................................31 Chestnut Creek School of Arts ......................25 Dr. Brant Arnold .............................................20 Glade Creek Animal Hospital ........................25 Halsey/Warrensville .........................................1 High Country Realty of NC (Ashe) .................10 Jay Woodruff .................................................17

Keep Ashe Beautiful ........................................7 Laconia Ale Works ...........................................7 Land Crafted Food ..........................................7 Mangun Cater................................................20 Mindy Hall......................................................27 Mountain Heritage Festival..............................1 Muddy Creek ...................................................6 NC Mountain Arts Studio Tour ......................20 New River Conservancy ................................25 Old River & Co. .............................................29 Paddle Yaks ...................................................11 Pizzaria & Taphouse ......................................17 Red Group Solar..............................................3 Skyline Bank ....................................................8 State Farm .....................................................29 United Country/Foxfire ................... Back Cover Wilkes Community College ... inside front cover For advertising info: To subscribe: All other inquires:


This is why we love it.

2018 Fall

HERE! | 37

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Fall 2018

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