What do you understand by data page in Pega?
Data pages (known previous to Pega 7 as "declare pages" and "declarative pages") store data that the system needs to populate work item properties for calculations or for other processes. When the system references a data page, the data page either creates an instance of itself on the clipboard and loads the required data in it for the system to use, or responds to the reference with an existing instance of itself.
What do you understand by Agent in Pega?
An agent is an internal background process operating on the server that runs activities on a periodic basis. Agents route work according to the rules in your application; they also perform system tasks such as sending email notifications about assignments and outgoing correspondence, generating updated indexes for the full-text search feature, synchronizing caches across nodes in a multiple node system, and so on.
What do you understand by Offline mobility feature of Pega 7? The Pega 7 Platform provides the ability to build offline mobile applications for mobile workers. It offers a seamless experience for a field service employee working in locations that have no network connection or whose device loses a network connection.
Mobile workers can log in, create cases, open items from their worklist, and complete assignments, all while working offline. This harnesses the Pega 7 Platform standards-based UI capabilities along with the custom mobile application. The mobile application with offline capability uses the same building blocks as all Pega applications.
What is the difference between PageValidate and Property-Validate methods?
Page-Validate method is used to validate all the properties present on a page. If a page has embedded pages, this method works recursively to validate all the properties. This method consumes lot of system resources and takes more time. If you want to validate specific properties use Obj-Validate method with Rule-Obj-Validate rule. Property-Validate method is used to impose restrictions on a property value. Use Edit validate rule along with Property-Validate method to impose restrictions. You can validate multiple properties using Property-Validate method.
Spinoff // split join explain?
Spin-off shape ( ) onto the flow When a work object advancing through a flow reaches the Spin-off shape, Process Commander starts execution of a different flow, using the current or a different work object. Processing in the current flow rule continues in parallel, without waiting for the other flow to complete. the Split/Join shape ( ) onto the flow Use the Split-Join shape to require that multiple subflows of your flow be completed before the current flow continues execution. This allows subflows to execute asynchronously, in parallel. For an example, see the standard flow Work-.ParallelWork. Split-ForEach shape ( ) to any locations The Split-ForEach task provides a form of searching or enumeration over the pages in a property. Use a Split-ForEach shape to iterate over the pages of a Page List or Page Group property. For each page, you can conditionally start a flow execution for the work object.
How to call an activity from the java, java script ?
<Script>s Function A () { varurlPath = “./PRServlet” ; varurl = urlPath + “?pyActivity=GHC-HPlan-CS-Work.ABC&CSR=” + CSR; window.open(urlPath,”_self”); } </script> Or you can use osafeURL to call an activity Using java : sHashStringMapactivityKeys = new HashStringMap(); activityKeys.putString(“pxObjClass”, “Rule-Obj-Activity”); activityKeys.putString(“pyClassName”, workclass); activityKeys.putString(“pyActivityName”, “HistoryAndAttachments” ); tools.doActivity(activityKeys , workpage, tools.getParameterPage() );
What is difference between RDB,OBJ methods?
Obj method can be used to fetch the data from Blob columns but RDB methods can only help to fetch the data from exposed columns RDB methods are faster than OBJ methods in terms of response time. Normally we use OBJ methods for Pega tables and RDB methods to fetch the data from external database.
What is exact difference between step page and page new(both will create the pages)? Step page defines the page context on which a method is going to be executed. step page does not creates a page..while page-new is used to create page
What are PEGA Guardrails? Adopt iterative approach Establish Robust foundation Do nothing that is hard Limit custom java Built for change Design intend on driven process Create easy to read flow Monitor performance regularly Calculate and edit declaratively not by procedurally Keep security object oriented
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