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Číselný kód je pro mě tím nejdokonalejším způsobem, jakým mohu samotnou věc popsat. The numeric code is for me the most perfect way how I can describe the thing itself.

001824040309171309272308383309484305565307666309777307878309959309107103071181130 912612305138133081471430615315300154407165


Interview with Ján Šicko An Interview with a Designer and Multimedia Artist Ján Šicko. The interview is divided into separate minutes, every of these minutes is being elaborated on an A3 sheet poster. These posters are tagged together into small squares, so you can open them individually, either a part of the poster or the whole poster and you find out what we were talking about at definite time. The opposite side of the posters is completed with illustrations, which are relevant to the topic of our discussion. I tried to capture every moment truly, according to my own perception of the interview and I also tried to make it as approachable as possible for other people. The minutes are ordered in chronological sequence, in a kind of timeline. However, there is also a possibility that people feel a need to change the subject of the interview, or its sequence, so they can freely shift the minutes. It is allowed, even welcomed. Everybody can involve their fantasy and play with course of events in the interview, much like the author, who can freely choose topics and questions, and be the person, who also creates the dialogue.

Židle 002 vznikla ze tří kusů v rámci soutěže Ohýbání bez limitů, kterou vyhlásil TON na počest 150. výročí založení firmy Michaelem Thonetem.


Ton for peoplele

Inspirací byla pro Juřicu slavná židle č. 14, nikoliv svým tvarem, ale principem omezeného počtu kusů, z nichž je složena, a také snadností montáže.Židli 002 tvoří pouze tři dílya v roce 2012 získala cenu Interior Innovation Award.

We are a Czech joint stock company building on traditional arts and crafts with the application of new trends in the furniture-making industry at the same time, with a lot of trends being initiated by us.

people for Ton

Židle 002

002311002854546646603346253300021500267051053049419942010233201232 Ton for people

project TON

project TON At first, I associated the firm Ton, whose main product is a chair, with work of Joseph Kosuth - Three and One Chair and then I built upon this connection. I was thinking about Kosuth’s concept, which keeps describing one and the same chair in various different ways. I was looking for the most suitable form, which would describe a chair and I finally came to the use of number code. Number code seems to be, in this case, the most accurate label for the product. It seems to me that it is the most sophisticated method how to describe the thing itself. (I also found inspiration in René Magritte’s opinions: A Thing - in his case it was a painting - cant never be named perfect-

ly, there is always a possibility to find a different and better name.) In the case of coding, I have a feeling, that the possibility of finding a better name does not exist any longer. It is not only about coding a product as such, but it also includes numeral data about people, who designed the chair until its possible placing at world competitions. Additional step was to connect my idea with Ton’s employees. I created several options, which can be used to introduce the coding into the process of producing the chair and employees may respond to them.

Předmět nelze nikdy dokonale pojmenovat a vždy je možné nalézt pro něj název jiný a lepší. Ton for people



In Between the Tresholds In Between the Tresholds - Visual Publication about Prague. This book steps over tresholds of people living in Prague and it introduces our metropolis from the point of view of a person living in the capital city of the Czech Republic.



W O N D E R I N G W H AT ’ S I N S I D E ? en ter. . .

W O N D E R I N G W H AT ’ S I N S I D E ? e nte r. . .

posters mario lombardo

everyone is different everyone is original

cover for the Republika company The Republika company has been established in Brno. It is a small company which makes traditional macaroons. While the baker is preparing these cookies she is listening to the music the whole time. So I decided to design this cover for prominent customers.

vajc o design obalu iPhone5 pro spoleÄ?nost Vajco

klauzurní práce

Kurátorství klauzurních prací ateliéru grafického designu 1 Na jaře 2013 jsme spolu s Robertem Finkeem vytvářeli instalace, videa a jiné propagační materiály odkazující na téma identity a celkového prostoru ateliéru. Vytvořená upoutávka k této události se promítala na nádvoří Místodržitelského paláce v Brně a celkovou koncepci kurátorství a propagaci klauzur lze shlédnout na devátém ročníku designmenu v CZECHDESIGNu v Praze.

video upoutávka odkazující na prostor ateliéru

každý den jiná profilovka, která postupně odkrývá celý prostor ateliéru

kniha / poezie destrukce

tiskoviny k výstavě tibetského umění

náhled brožury


ukázka katalogvlastního k výstavěkatalogu

Toto není dýmka, oil on canvas

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