Live the Tradition, Leave a Legacy
The Alabama Panhellenic Association
Panhellenic Preview Day 2013 Saturday, February 23, 2013 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
• Greek Life at The University of Alabama has more than doubled in size since 2002. • In the Fall of 2012, Panhellenic had an 86% overall placement rate and 83% of out-of-state women were offered bids for membership. • 28% of students at UA are Greek. • Over 4,700 women at Alabama are involved in a sorority.
• For the past 89 years, the All-Sorority GPA has been above the All-Women’s GPA. • All-Sorority GPA for Spring 2012: 3.37 • All-Women’s GPA for Spring 2012: 3.12
• UA has 23 sororities: 18 Alabama Panhellenic Association, 4 National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) and 1 United Greek Council (UGC).
What Is Panhellenic Preview Day? Panhellenic Preview Day is an opportunity for prospective members to experience sorority life at The University of Alabama. Women who attend Panhellenic Preview Day will get a firsthand look at each chapter and gain insight about what to expect during 2013 Fall Formal Recruitment. Participants will have the opportunity to meet the Alabama Panhellenic Recruitment team, active sorority members and other women who are planning to participate in Formal Recruitment. Prospective members and their parents/guardians have the option of checking in on Friday evening or Saturday morning. Panhellenic Preview Day begins with a “Welcome” presentation led by the UA Panhellenic Executive Council. The Council will discuss topics such as how to prepare for recruitment, what to expect during recruitment week and basic information about sorority membership. Participants will then be divided into groups to tour each sorority house, while parents/guardians attend a separate program. Parents can participate in Panhellenic Preview Day and will have the opportunity to attend a number of sessions that address topics such as letters of recommendation, financial concerns and what to wear.
Panhellenic Preview Day Schedule
Friday, February 22, 2013 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Early Check-in at the North Zone (Bryant-Denny Stadium) Saturday, February 23, 2013 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Check-in at the North Zone (Bryant-Denny Stadium) 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Break/Lunch on your own 12:30 p.m. – 12:35 p.m. Panhellenic Preview Day Welcome 12:35 p.m. – 1:35 p.m. Recruitment Program for Prospective Members 1:35 p.m. Sigma Rho Chi Group Assignments 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Sorority House Tours
Who Should Attend Preview Day? Panhellenic Preview Day is open to high school seniors and current collegians interested in participating in Fall Formal Recruitment at The University of Alabama. Participation in Panhellenic Preview Day is optional and prospective members do not have to attend in order to participate in Formal Recruitment. Panhellenic Preview Day provides prospective members who are unfamiliar with the sorority recruitment process an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the process as well as the obligations of sorority membership.
What Should I Wear? The attire for Panhellenic Preview Day is casual. Jeans or a skirt, a nice top, and closed-toed shoes or boots are appropriate. It will be cold, so participants may want to consider bringing a coat or jacket. Please keep in mind that during the house tour portion of the program, participants will be walking outside and will be responsible for carrying all personal items. An umbrella is also suggested in case of inclement weather.
Where Do I Stay?
Due to current recruitment policies, no prospective members will be allowed to stay with active sorority members at any time unless they are immediate family members. Younger siblings of active sorority women will be allowed to stay with their sisters under the following conditions: the names of the active sister and the sibling must be submitted, prior to arrival, to the Panhellenic Director of Judicial Affairs at apajudicial@gmail. com; please include the reason the sibling is staying with her sister and the duration of the stay. If you plan to spend the night in Tuscaloosa, there are a number of hotels available close to campus. Hotel Capstone (205) 752-3200 Hampton Inn (205) 553-9800 Courtyard by Marriott (205) 750-8384 Fairfield Inn by Marriott (205) 366-0900
Parent/Guardian Preview Day Schedule
Friday, February 22, 2013 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Early Check-in at the North Zone (Bryant-Denny Stadium) Saturday, February 23, 2013 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Check-in at the North Zone (Bryant-Denny Stadium) 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Break/Lunch on your own 2:30 p.m. – 2:35 p.m. Panhellenic Preview Day Welcome 2:35 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Recruitment Program for Parents/Guardians (Administrative Panel, Sorority Browse, “Greek 50” Meal Plan, Housing and Transitioning to College)
Fall Formal Recruitment Registration Registration for Fall Recruitment will begin May 1, 2013. To register, visit or and follow the link to Panhellenic Recruitment. Regular Registration: $150 (May 1-July 15, 2013) Late Registration: $200 (July 16-August 8, 2013) On-Site Registration: $250 (August 9, 2013)
UGC and NPHC Sororities
If you’re interested in joining a culturally based United Greek Council (UGC) sorority or a traditionally African-American NPHC sorority, you should contact the chapters directly. Please note that NPHC and UGC sororities do not participate in Panhellenic Preview Weekend or Fall Formal Recruitment, rather they recruit members through a process called Membership Intake.
Panhellenic Creed We, as undergraduate members of women’s fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, from maintenance of fine standards, and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life in harmony with its best possibilities is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities. We, as fraternity women, stand for service through development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.
While each organization’s requirements vary, both councils pride themselves on sisterhood, scholarship, and service. General requirements for Membership Intake include 12-24 credit hours, documented community service hours, and a minimum cumulative college GPA requirement ranging from 2.5-2.75. For contact information and additional information about NPHC and UGC sororities, please visit
To register: or
UA Panhellenic Association Please refer to the Panhellenic website at to view the current recruitment policies as well as the Tuscaloosa Curfew Ordinance. Su
Fall Recruitment Schedule
August 2013
9 Recruitment Convocation
Open House Day 2 Philanthropy Day 1 Philanthropy Day 2
14 Skit Day 1
15 Skit Day 2
16 Preference Day
10 Open House Day 1
17 Bid Day