Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

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What are your best options?

hoW to create the perfect



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advice from the experts







Canadian dogs annual 2013


contents 46 10 Puppy shopping 101 Check out these answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about puppy shopping.

training 16 How to create the perfect puppy plan The day your pup comes home is an exciting time, but it can also prove challenging if you don’t have a solid training foundation in place.

22 Teaching boundaries What would your dog do if the front door or garden gate were left open? How to ensure he stays put when freedom beckons.

26 Make-it-yourself training treats We haven’t met a dog yet who didn’t love these nutritious and delicious liver treats. Best of all, they’re easy to make!





Canadian dogs annual 2013

nutrition 28 Are you label-conscious? What do mysterious terms like “by-products” or “animal digest” really mean? Here’s how to make sense of ingredients lists on pet food packaging.

32 Top 10 fruits & veggies for your best friend! Carrots, broccoli, apples and more. Fresh produce adds extra nutrition and variety to your dog’s diet.

38 Essential fatty acids

They’re essential to you and to your canine buddy too!

40 Happy birthday, buddy! Want to celebrate your dog’s birthday in style? What better way to do it than with this healthy, sugar-free cake.




lifestyle 42 Understanding dog “talk” learn how to “read” your companion’s body language.

46 How to build a dream garden your companions (and you) will love! Check out the imaginative animal-friendly features in this terrific backyard landscaping plan.

51 Play safe Here are our top toy do’s and don’ts.

52 Fun and games dog sports like agility and flyball are fast-growing passions among dog lovers. Explore your options and get involved!

57 Helping paws Could your pooch become a therapy dog?

58 What’s in a name? a dog by any other name isn’t just a dog. select the right moniker for your canine companion.

62 Top dogs Whether you live in the country or a condo, these lists will give you some ideas on breeds that may fit your lifestyle.

health 66 How to be proactive member of your animal’s health care team 70 Protecting his pearly whites Choose from a variety of solutions to keep him smiling pretty.

74 Calling the shots This guide to safer vaccination will help you make educated decisions about your dog’s healthcare.

grooming 82 Look good, feel good! advice on choosing the right groomer for your dog.

84 Overcome your fear with step-by-step nail trimming 87 Fur, glorious fur it’s not just about brushing. The secrets to a great coat include other factors that are just as important.

cat care 90 Do opposites attract? Find out how to ensure smooth, stress-free introductions when you get a new pet.

93 Smooth ride Cats and cars can go together! Here’s how to make traveling with your kitty fun for both of you.

94 Quality counts a nutritious diet is the cornerstone of wellness and longevity.

97 Canadian celebrities and their dogs Match up these famous Canadians with their favourite breeds.

210 Making lifestyle choices How to choose the best diet for her that also works for you.

78 A look at titres These simple blood tests can replace annual boosters as a way to ensure your pooch is protected from infectious disease.

79 Emergency! illness and injury may strike at any time. Here are some pet first aid tips.

departments 100 Breeder Directory The groups, Purebreds, Rare breeds

161 Dog Speak acronyms you may need to know

163 Breeder Spotlight 203 Marketplace 6

Canadian dogs annual 2013




Editor-in-Chief: dana Cox Editor: ann Brightman Contributing Editor: lydia Kelly art director & senior graphic designer: Kathleen atkinson graphic designer: dawn Cumby-dallin graphic designer: Meaghan Mcgowan Junior graphic designer: Ben Martin Photography: alice Van Kempen

President/CEo: Tim Hockley

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Mary Ellen “angelscribe” susan dalmer dawne deeley W. Jean dodds, dVM audi donamor Mark grant suzanne Hetts, Phd, CaaB Jean Hofve, dVM Janice Huntingford, dVM Tessa Kimmel Cindy Kneebone, dVM Joan orr, MsC sherry Regalbuto gillian Ridgeway, aHT lisa Wagner lesley Weeks

SUBMISSIONS: Please send all editorial material, advertising material, photos and correspondence to: Canadian Dogs Annual, 160 Charlotte St., Suite 202, Peterborough, ON, Canada K9J 2T8. We welcome previously unpublished articles and color pictures either in transparency or disc form at 300dpi. We cannot guarantee that either articles or pictures will be used or that they will be returned. We reserve the right to publish all letters received. Email your articles to: TO PURCHASE: Copies can be purchased at most major retail

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editorial I love all dogs, big and small, so what a joy it’s been to work on this first-ever Canadian Dogs Annual (CDA). I’ve worked as a dog editor for well over a decade, but this guide has given me a chance to revisit breeds I know and love, as well as an opportunity to learn more about those I’m less familiar with. What struck me, as we were working on this issue, was how I remember the many different purebred dogs who have touched my life over the years. There was our champion Bichon Frise, Lacey, and her adorable litters of fluff balls, as well as Sabrina, an incredible Siberian Husky who got us all excited as soon as the first snow started to fly. But I’m also talking about some wonderful dogs outside the immediate family. When I was a young girl, my grandmother told me stories of her beloved Airedale Terrier, Sandy, who watched over the farm throughout WWII when the men were away fighting. Then there was the Great Pyrenees, Ranger, who lived two doors down as I was growing up. He gently but deftly kept his charges – two very young deaf brothers – from any perceived dangers, including the busy road. And how could I forget Lord Geoffrey, the stately Old English Sheepdog who watched over the neighbourhood (and was really a ham at heart)? Almost every breed brings back a special memory, and reminds me how lucky we are to have these touchstones to share our past, present and future. Canadian Dogs Annual 2013 pays tribute to this ages-old human/canine bond. Not only is CDA a comprehensive resource for connecting with your new best friend, it’s also filled with leading edge information on how you can help your pup grow from a cuddly bundle of fur into a healthy, happy companion. You’ll find articles from recognized experts on nutrition, health care, training, grooming and lifestyle. Not sure which breed is right for you? Take a peek at our Top Dogs lists on p. 62 for some ideas, and of course read through our Breeder Directory starting on p. 100 to find more details on the characteristics of each breed. Before you get too far, remember to check out our article on Puppy Shopping 101 (p. 10) – it answers some of the most commonly asked questions about what to expect when you’re considering buying a puppy. Most of all, enjoy this exciting time as you anticipate adding a new companion to your life. The rewards are endless!

Yours very warmly,

Dana Cox Editor-in-chief


Canadian dogs annual 2013


By Dawne Deeley

PuPPY shoPPing

You’ve made Your lists and checked them twice; you’ve talked to owners, read magazines and

watched tv shows, and now you’ve made the decision to get yourself a dog. congratulations! You’ve taken the first steps towards establishing a relationship that will bring years of pleasure, joy and happiness to both parties. You want to be sure you do it right, but you have questions – and lots of them! where do you start?


Canadian dogs annual 2013

Qualified, reputable breeders have heard it all so they’re a great resource for your queries. Because they aim to find every puppy a “forever” home, you can count on them to be candid and honest. Here are a few issues breeders respond to on a regular basis:

q. “I really love dogs, but I have a full-time job and busy lifestyle. How much time does a puppy need?”

Whether it’s a Chihuahua or Mastiff, all dogs need care and attention, and puppies even more so. Housebreaking, exercise, obedience training, playtime and socializing...the list is long and time-consuming. It isn’t right to leave a young animal unattended for hours at a time, day in and out. Baby pups need regular handling and contact with other species, both two-legged and four. They can (and do!) get into all manner of trouble if left to their own devices, and the consequences can be catastrophic. If you’re determined to make it work no matter what, consider your options. Do you have a job that allows pets on-site? Are you able to work from home, or have the option to rearrange shifts? Perhaps hiring a dog walker or enrolling in a puppy “pre-school” is the answer, and don’t ignore friends or family who would love to lend a hand.

q. “I have to go on a waiting list for a puppy; is this normal?”

Chances are the very best breeders will have waiting lists; how long those stretch depend on a myriad of factors. If you can’t live without a less-common variety with a history

for whelping low-number litters, you could be in for a dry spell. At that point it’s up to you to decide whether or not you’re willing to stay the course. It’s not unusual or unfair for a breeder to ask for a deposit up front – this guarantees your ‘place in line’, and indicates a commitment on your part. Should you have to wait, don’t think of it as a setback; look at it as a positive opportunity to get to know your breeder, and to better familiarize yourself with the breed you’ve chosen.

q. “I want my puppy to be the best.

Shouldn’t I be asking for the “pick of the litter?”

Some prospective owners don’t want to settle for anything less than the “pick of the litter” but they aren’t exactly sure what they’re asking for and are subsequently offended when they get turned down. The goal of many breeders is to produce “The One” - that special dog who will bring home top awards in a chosen discipline, and then hopefully go on to great things in the whelping box. It can take years – sometimes decades – to bring that prefect combination of beauty, health and brains together, and understandably most breeders will want to keep that puppy for themselves.


Should you find yourself being offered a “pet” puppy, don’t think of it as being a put-down or insult, either to you or the dog. Many show standards list a number of disqualifications that are strictly cosmetic, aimed solely at describing the perfect individual. So while a blue-eyed Samoyed or oversized Shetland Sheepdog can’t have a career as a runway star, it won’t stand in the way of him being a winner in your family.

q. “Do I really need registration papers for my dog? Why are they so important?”

Registration papers are like a birth certificate - they tell you who your dog is, who his parents are and where he comes from. Whether it’s issued by the CKC or another registering body, your certified pedigree gives you everything you might want to know about your puppy and his family tree. Many countries also indicate various health clearances and titles acquired by your dog’s forebears. However, be aware of different companies who claim to register cross-breds, hybrids or “designer” dog’s under the guise of producing “rare” or exclusive varieties, and remember in Canada it is against the law to charge more for a dog with papers than without.

q. “Why are purebred dogs so costly?” Chances are, when you made that decision to buy a dog, you did so with a certain “look” in mind. That’s one of the best things about buying a purebred; the puppy you so carefully researched will grow up looking like the one you fell in love with. Trying to maintain the perfect mental and physical “breed type” isn’t easy, and sometimes breeder costs reflect this.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

In general, the price of a purebred puppy can run anywhere from $500 to $2,500. It seems like a lot – and it is – but in general this is a bargain. The costs of putting a well-planned litter on the ground can be substantial, starting with health clearances on both parents, stud fees, transport costs if the breeding is to be done away from home, and pre-and-post natal care and feeding. When you factor in kennel club registrations – it all adds up faster than you can say “housebroken”. Of course, this assumes everything goes as planned, and the dam and pups are healthy. If the vet must perform a C-section, or the breeding doesn’t “take” and must be repeated, then any hoped for profits become wishful thinking. The fact is, at the end of the day a breeder’s bank account is rarely in the black, but the pride gained from placing sturdy, healthy representatives of the breeds we love into responsible and caring homes is enormous.

q. “I don’t want just any dog; would a more rare breed fit my lifestyle?”

Researching, locating and obtaining an uncommon breed brings its own set of challenges and rewards, but those who take the extra time and trouble are seldom disappointed. It pays, though, to take a hard look at the work ethic and current usage of these “outside the box” canines. Many are hard to find because their fanciers want to keep them that way. It’s not elitism; in most cases this stems from a desire to protect the breed’s heritage and not have them changed to fit the whims of today’s society. Do your homework, and look for breeds that have a long-time association working closely with their owners; if you fancy sporting dogs, you might choose a Barbet, Spanish Water Dog or Lagotto Romagnolo. Herding types can look to the Norwegian Buhund and Swedish Vallhund; hound lovers may decide on a Norrbottenspets or Drever. With a little planning, “rare” doesn’t have to mean “incompatible”!

q. “What happens if

I can’t keep the dog?”

In a perfect world all dogs would live long, happy lives and pass away peacefully in their forever homes. Sadly, life doesn’t always turn out that way. Divorce, death, job transfers, changes in housing, relationship upheavals – these are just some of the many heartbreaking reasons people give up dogs. This is where a solid relationship with your breeder will really pay off. For breeders, the thought of their puppies ending up abandoned, sold, given away or in a shelter is the stuff of nightmares. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed to ask for assistance; most sales contracts will have at least one clause written in for the purpose of addressing this very circumstance. A great breeder doesn’t turn his or her back on you when you walk out the door; their responsibility to the animals they bring into this world lasts a lifetime, and they’ll be your first line of defence should you need help.

WatcH out for reD flagS You should beware of sellers offering “rare” colours and “exclusive” crosses as well as those who brag of never setting foot into a veterinarian’s office. These animals are often accompanied by a multi-figured price tag, and generally arrive with no post-sale guaranteeS.



If you think dog breeding has its own language – you’re right! Here are a few tips and definitions to help you understand the technical in’s and out’s of dog breeding jargon. BREED DISPOSITION: Refers to a breed with a higher chance of developing a specific health issue due to pre-existing characteristics – e.g. dermatitis in the skin folds of a Neapolitan Mastiff or Bulldog. But remember, being pre-disposed to a condition does not guarantee the animal will develop it.

CONGENITAL: This is a condition that exists at birth, but wasn’t inherited. Any number of factors can be responsible; sometimes it’s just a case of luck of the draw. GENETIC DISEASE: From the word “genesis”, for “beginning”. Specifically refers to afflictions passed down through the genes of one or both parents. FAMILIAL DISEASE: This term applies to conditions in related individuals where no pre-existing genetic explanation has been found. FAMILIAL DISPOSITION: One step along from familial disease. This explains why related individuals in a particular bloodline or “family” have demonstrated a higher-than-breed-average chance of developing a certain condition.

PHENOTYPE: Refers to the collective appearance of an organism (in our case, a dog) based on physical and psychological traits. CERF: Canine Eye Registry Foundation. CERF tracks and records ocular diseases in dogs, and maintains databanks on known conditions and pre-dispositions. Dogs may be given their first exam at eight weeks of age, and receive a certification that describes their phenotypical evaluation. See OFA: Orthopedic Foundation For Animals. OFA tracks and records information pertaining to genetic and orthopedic diseases. Most commonly referred to in the dog world for issues related to hip and elbow dysplasia. See PennHIP: The University of Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program. A method for determining hip joint laxity, which can then be used to predict the likelihood of an individual developing hip dysplasia. This method can only be performed by veterinarians who are specially trained in the procedure; PennHIP also maintains breed specific databases. See

GENOTYPE: Refers to a dog in the sense of his genetic composition.

Since 1991 Dawne’s life has revolved around all things “dog”. Her ‘TsarShadow’ Karelian Bear Dogs (CKC Perm Reg’d) have won numerous world and international championships as well as several top dog placings in Canada. At home, Dawne spends her time writing and photographing for various canine publications, attending local shows, and collecting rare and out of print dog books. 14

Canadian dogs annual 2013


By Gillian R


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how to create the Perfect

PUPPY PLAN It is one of the most exciting times anyone can imagine, the day your pup arrives home. However, it may prove frustrating and challenging as well if you don’t have a solid plan in place. Following a well thought out Puppy Plan will create a solid foundation for you and your new companion, and will provide you with many tail wags over the coming years. Here’s what you can do to ensure a comprehensive Puppy Plan.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

new PuPPY!

ArrANge A vibrANt sociAL Life

Make this a top priority. You can start right from day one. Have as many people as you know come to your “puppy party� and let the pass-the-puppy game begin. Make sure your guests have washed their hands and removed their outdoor shoes, and have fun. Introducing your pup to their world, in stages, is an important step. As their vaccination schedule moves along, so can their exposure to anything that is unusual. Take your puppy out into different areas, jump in the car, climb on an elevator and walk in different neighbourhoods. Get her into the hands of children and men, and teens wearing hoodies, and change how they feel about the world. Instead of feeding from their dish, dole out their daily ration when they are around anything new. Once they are able to frolic in the park, get them used to other friendly dogs of various ages, sizes and breeds, so they are well equipped to say hello to their fellow canines as life goes on.



set UP YoUr toiLet trAiNiNg schedULe

Training your pup to use the outdoors as a bathroom is a matter of supervision and avoidance. The more you supervise, the more you will avoid any indoor accidents. Plan on getting your pup outside after they wake up, after strenuous play and at least every couple of hours when you are home and awake. Use your crate to establish a clean area and make sure to go with your pup outside, regardless of the weather, to celebrate their accomplishment.



sigN UP for A PUPPY cLAss thAt teAches Positive trAiNiNg

Research your trainer and make sure they use positive, motivational and respectful techniques. Positive does not mean permissive, and this is the time you are building trust and a bond with your pup. Establish a consistent, fair and fun training plan. Choose an experienced training school where you can attend a group class or have the option of private instruction if needed. Don’t select the class based on location or cost. If you need to travel ten minutes further or pay a bit more, it will be well worth it. Always remember, there is simply no substitute for experience.

4 recogNize the AbseNce of NAUghtY behAvioUr

If you want a well-adjusted dog, you need to acknowledge that he had some great moments as a pup. Teach a solid sit and reward him for it a million times over with a treat, toy or verbal praise. Soon, you will see him sitting for everything. He will sit to be fed, sit before going out the door, sit in front of you for attention. Where it will fall apart is if it is not seen and not rewarded. As soon as your pup realizes he is not being seen, he may jump up. When he jumps up, he will get noticed and that will quickly become his default behaviour. It is important to give a lot of verbal feedback to your pup, along with reward. Keep telling him he is doing the right thing, and you will notice he will do the right thing. Always keep in mind that the more a behaviour is rewarded, the more it will be repeated.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

set UP YoUr owN hoUsehoLd rULes


It doesn’t matter how you come up with your household rules; what matters is that you set them up, write them out and post them on the fridge. If you have children, involve them in the process and ask them to do up a nice Puppy Rules poster.

√ Sit before treats

√ Stay off furniture

√ Stay out of Kitchen

Your pup’s rules may include sitting before going out each door, lying on a mat during family dinner or staying off the couch unless invited. What if rules are not your thing? Make up some. Why? Because you need to show your pup that you are the keeper of the rules. He will need to practice listening to you, and doing things that don’t seem important. But later in life, your pup will continue to see you as the keeper of the rules and if some are needed, he will be ready. When education runs out, frustration sets in. If you have educated yourself and your dog, your frustration level will decrease.

during dinner

√ No jumping

on people


teAch, trAiN, MANAge

Some may say that a tired pup is a good pup. I think a tired pup is a tired pup, who behaves well because he’s too exhausted to behave badly. The point? Don’t just tire your pup out with physical activity; teach her to behave well by combining training and play. Toss a toy, and when she brings it back, ask for a task before the next toss. Ask her to sit, lie down or do a trick, then toss. Simply throwing a ball and having your dog bring it back can often rev up a pup more than tire her out, especially as she heads into her teenage years. Some breeds simply don’t tire with strictly physical exercise. By incorporating tasks into the exercise, you will teach them that they need to have a bit of control and do their tasks when asked, even when in an excited state. Bottom line: you need to tire out your canine buddy both physically and mentally. So what about management? It’s crucial to make sure the environment your pup lives in is well managed. Keep her supervised, and supply her with interactive playthings such as treat balls or rubberized toys that you can stuff with food and treats.



exPect the UNexPected

Yes, you did your homework. You researched your breed, breeder, groomer, veterinarian and trainer. You have a plan and you intend to stick to it. But you know what they say about the bestlaid plans – your dog may take you on a journey that you did not expect. You may have planned to get the ideal sport-playing dog. However, as it turns out, this pup is not as motivated to play the game or has an injury that takes him out of his sport. It may be a blessing in disguise, and you may find yourself going down a different path. Soon your potential sport dog is getting you involved in therapy work and you find your mission is to put smiles on the faces of the people you visit in hospitals. That’s the great thing about our dogs; we can never predict what they will bring into our lives. So be kind, be ready for the unexpected, and enjoy.

Gillian is the Director of Who’s Walking Who Dog Training Centres in Toronto and Ajax. She has been featured on many television and radio programs, and appears regularly as the canine expert on Canoe Live. Gillian is a guest lecturer at the University of Toronto, using dogs to shed light on learning theory, and continues to be a popular speaker at Veterinary Technician and Trainer Conferences. She currently shares her life with her two canine buddies, Yardley and Noah.


Canadian dogs annual 2013


tEaChing how to ensure your dog stays put when freedom beckons By SheRRi ReGalBuTo What Would your dog do if the front door blew open, or someone left the backyard gate ajar? If he’s like most dogs, he probably wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation to bolt – down the street to visit the neighbours, or for a good game of “catch me if you can”. It’s a common problem that often results in dogs getting injured, lost, or worse.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

Boundary training is one of the most important things you can teach your dog. The great thing about it is that once a dog “gets” the idea of a boundary, you can teach him new ones very quickly. When we moved to a new house and I needed to teach my dogs their new boundaries, I was delighted to see them stop at every doorway as I exited. They had been so well trained at our old home that teaching the boundaries in the new home was a breeze and only took a couple of reminders.

bEforE you start

First decide which doors or exits you want your dog to associate with a boundary. These can include your front and back doors, outside gates, or even entrances into certain rooms or areas of your home. I highly recommend focusing on the doors or gates that could be dangerous for your dog to exit on his own. Once you’ve decided where to train, you need to mark the actual boundary. It is important to choose something that is simple for your dog to understand, like a change in flooring, a raised floor, a front door rug or masking tape. You want your dog to stay at least as far back as the distance the door swings so you don’t have to push him back to open the door.

the TiP Work on one bo und ary

unspokEn at

rule a


to the next onc e ving y o mo uh ly a v on e e, co im

Whichever doors or gates you choose as boundaries, you need to immediately establish and enforce the rule that your dog will never make the decision to exit them on his own. I call this “The Unspoken Rule.” It’s unspoken because you want the dog to know that, no matter what, he doesn’t go out that door or gate uninvited. So, if someone accidentally leaves it open and there is no one around to tell the dog to stay, he will not go out. Likewise, if the kids are running in and out, your dog will know not to follow unless invited. Set this rule now and be consistent in training.

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TiP Be prepared for a failure at all times. If you miss a bolt


and the dog runs past you and outside, he has just rewarded his own behaviour, so be on your toes.

training process 1

Using a 15’ to 20’ leash, tie your dog to something that doesn’t move, just so he can get to the door, but not out.


Make sure the boundary is a clear visual for your dog.


Start with your dog behind you, so that if he follows you over the boundary, you can be in front to send him back.

4 5


Now, using the same method, work at getting to the door and opening it, inch by inch. Remember to reward your dog for every success.


Walk towards the closed door calmly but not hesitantly, or your dog will wonder what the heck is going on.

Once you can get to the door and open it, move forward as if you are going out. Take a step out and back in. Reward when your dog stays put.


If your dog follows, turn around abruptly and walk right at him, being careful not to step on his toes. Use your legs; do not use commands and do not reach down and pull him by the collar. When you use your legs, the message is instant. Once he has gone back over the boundary, stop and turn around and walk toward the door again.

You want your dog to be rock solid on “the unspoken rule”, so you need to make it progressively harder for him to stay behind the boundary. The next step is to go outside and pretend to talk to someone. Be careful, as this always breaks the boundary. I don’t think I’ve ever said “Hey, Bob!” when a dog did not come unglued and try a bolt.


Once your dog is very solid on this, move out of his sight. For this you need a spotter, someone to watch and tell you if the dog is moving. If he tries to follow you, calmly but abruptly turn and walk right at him until he goes back across the boundary, then go out again immediately while watching out of the corner

Try again. Once you get to the door without your dog following, immediately toss him a small treat. Make sure to throw the treat back past him so he does not come over the boundary to get it. You want him to think that staying back away from the door is great.



Canadian dogs annual 2013

of your eye.

WhEn it’s okaY to Cross thE bounDarY What about those occasions when your dog is allowed to go through the taboo door or gate with you? In this case, you need one specific word that means yes, he may go. This should be the same as your release word for the “stay” exercise. Practice leashing your dog and going out the door or gate; he should not follow you out until given the release word.

use boDY language It is very important to watch your body language. Make sure the good returns are calm and relaxed. The bad returns, when you have to scoot him back past the boundary, should be upright, stiff and look as if you’re on a mission. You want to make it clear that bolting is the wrong thing to do, so you have to do a very good serious act. You do not want to scare your dog or have him cower, but you do want him to know that going out the door or across the boundary is a big mistake while staying in is great. Act according to your dog’s temperament, and be careful with sensitive dogs.

Remember to stay calm when rewarding and discouraging behaviours. Do not stop and hesitate, as this can be confusing to the dog. Do not wave your arms or talk constantly. You can use a few words of praise, but be careful, as talking can bring him over the boundary. You may have to wait until he is more solid before you use verbal praise. The best way to achieve success is to commit to practice and never allow for an accidental bolt. With time, patience, and consistency, your dog will soon know to stay put whenever those tempting doors or gates swing open.

Sherri Regalbuto is a longtime dog trainer, professional photographer and writer. Originally from Ottawa, Sherri relocated after 36 years to Southern California, where she enjoys spending time with her husband, three grown children and two dogs, Luke and Elsa. Sherri’s passion for dogs encompasses most of her work, volunteer work and spare time. She has published several beautiful photography books, a novel and most recently a children’s book, all about dogs.


We haven’t met a dog yet who didn’t

love these liver treats. And because you’re making them yourself, you can cut them to the perfect size for training. Even when they’re small, they still pack a flavour punch. Now that’s positive reinforcement!



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(Choose organic whenever possible)

Put liver in a pot with garlic cloves, and cover with filtered water. Bring to a boil, then simmer for about 30 minutes, until all pink is gone from the liver. This gives you a really nice broth.

1 pound chicken livers 3 cloves fresh garlic (optional) Organic whole flour of your choice or a combination, e.g., oat, brown rice, spelt, barley Oatmeal You can add any herb you want to the liver mixture. Parsley and oregano are very nice, and for an extra “wow factor”, you can even add parmesan cheese. NOTE: Although not a “true” grain, quinoa can also be used for this recipe, for a protein boost! Whole chickpea flour and hemp seed flour are great choices too.


Rather than roll out the treats into a cylinder, you may choose to put a ball of dough into the centre of a parchment paper covered cookie sheet, and using a rolling pin, roll out the dough to the edges of the cookie sheets. Once rolled, score the dough into tiny pieces, so they can be easily broken after baking.


Whirl chicken livers and garlic in a food processor or blender, adding broth, so that you have a thick liquid to work with. Add whole grain flour until you have an easy-to-handle dough that pulls away from the sides of the bowl. This recipe makes lots of dough, so you can freeze portions in small containers or bags, and just make up a tray at a time. Take small pieces of dough, and, using your palms, roll out to pencil thickness. Roll in oatmeal (so they don’t stick), then cut into small pieces with a sharp knife. Place pieces on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper then put the cookie sheet into a cold oven. Turn the oven to 350oF degrees. When the oven reaches heat, turn it down to 175oF degrees. Leave the treats in the oven until they are bone hard . . . about two hours. Turn off the oven. You can leave the treats in the oven overnight. Store treats in the fridge, or freeze.

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

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are you


here’s how to make sense of ingredient lists on Pet food Packaging. By Jean hofve, Dvm

If you Want to offer your dog good nutrition, how do you know you’re giving him a good quality product? The best way is to learn how to read ingredient labels on packaged foods. Trouble is, you may find the terminology more than a little confusing, if not downright indecipherable. which ingredients are healthy, and which should you try and avoid?


Canadian dogs annual 2013

decipher•ing definitions Canada is a voting member of the Association of American Food Control Officials (AAFCO), the organization that, along with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), defines ingredient names for pet food. Since most pet food companies ship from the U.S. to Canada or from Canada to the U.S., they must meet these labelling definitions. The biggest distinction between animal ingredients is whether they are fresh (from slaughtered animals) or rendered (cooked to remove the fat and moisture). Fresh products are used mostly in canned foods (as well as raw and dehydrated foods), while rendered products are found in dry foods. • MEAT is a fresh product, made up of what we think of as muscle. The term “meat” is limited to just four species: cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. Look for a food that actually specifies the meat, like “beef ” or “lamb.” If the label just says “meat”, it may contain a mixture of species. • MEAT BY-PRODUCTS are basically “parts that aren’t meat”, such as lungs, spleens, kidneys, brains, livers, blood, bone and clean stomachs and intestines from freshly slaughtered animals. Some pet food companies specify the by-products they will accept, such as kidneys, livers and lungs. While dogs would normally

eat such organs and parts from their prey, a diet based exclusively on by-products, with no real meat, is not appropriate. • MEAT MEAL is rendered. Unlike “meat”, bone may make up a considerable proportion of this ingredient. • MEAT AND BONE MEAL (MBM) is a convenient catch-all term for whatever offal and refuse happen to be rendered that day. This is where the worst stories about pet food come from. The appearance of MBM on a label means the food is poor quality. • POULTRY includes chicken, turkey, duck and other birds slaughtered for human consumption. It is a fresh product that includes muscle meat and skin. Unlike “meat”, poultry may include bone. The chicken used in pet foods is typically “backs and frames” (spines and ribs) left over from the processing of broiler chickens into breasts, legs, “boneless/skinless” cuts and wings for human consumption. • POULTRY MEAL is the rendered version of poultry. • POULTRY BY-PRODUCTS include parts of slaughtered poultry carcasses such as heads, feet and viscera. • POULTRY BY-PRODUCT MEAL is the rendered version of poultry by-products. It is a very common ingredient in lower quality dry foods. • ANIMAL DIGEST comes from the chemical and/ or enzymatic breakdown of animal tissues – which could be practically anything. Animal digest comes in a liquid or powder form that is typically sprayed onto finished kibbles to add flavor. • CORN GLUTEN MEAL is the high-protein residue of processed corn, and is substituted for animal protein sources in cheap pet foods. Corn products are not what nature intended carnivores to eat, so it’s best to avoid them as well as wheat and soy products.



1. 2.

Nutrient profiles set the required amounts of protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and so forth. A manufacturer can formulate a food based on the amount of each nutrient in each ingredient, or chemically test the finished food. Many very good natural and organic pet food companies use this method, because they are too small to invest in feeding trials. Feeding tests require the food to be fed to at least six animals for six months. This used to be the better standard, but the rules have been diluted so that “similar” products can carry an identical label designation. There is no way of knowing if a particular food is the one that was actually tested, or if it’s a “distant relative” that wasn’t.

PET FOOD LABELS ARE A RICH source of information for those who know how to read them. while theY don’t tell You EvERYTHING ABOuT THE FOOD, theY do Provide guidelines for comParison shoPPing. most imPortantlY, theY helP You make sure You’re giving Your dog a high qualitY Product that will helP keeP him in good health.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

What’s the Guaranteed Analysis? The Guaranteed Analysis tells you how much water and “crude” protein, fat and fiber are in the food. These amounts are arrived at by computer formulation or chemical testing, and are useful for comparing different foods. If you’re comparing canned to dry, however, you have to subtract the moisture percentage on the label from 100% to get the total “dry matter”. Then divide the ingredient in question by the dry matter to get the actual ingredient content. For example, a dry food with 10% moisture and 30% protein contains 33% protein (30/100-10), while a canned food containing 78% moisture and 10% protein actually contains 45% protein (10/100-78) on a dry matter basis.

Veterinarian Dr. Jean Hofve has researched pet food and feline nutrition for more than 16 years. She has written extensively and has been interviewed on radio and television about pet nutrition, supplements and the commercial pet food industry. She is an industry advisor to AAFCO and co-authored Holistic Cat Care with nutritionist Dr. Celeste Yarnall.


fruits veggies


For your besT FrIend!

a variety of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables can help your dog live a healthier, longer life. Feed as snacks or add a tablespoon or two (depending on size) to your pal’s dish at meal time. Veggies are especially good for dogs who need to watch their waistlines – they help fill up tummies without adding extra calories. By auDi DonamoR


Canadian dogs annual 2013




The following ten and are major players when it comes to the health and well being of our canine family members. carroTs

The carrot is one of the kings of the vegetable patch. There are over 100 varieties, from deep purple and white to the brilliant orange we are most accustomed to. Each is a storehouse of nutrient power. Carrots contain pro-vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamins B, C, D, E and K, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, magnesium, manganese, sulphur, copper, and iodine. They support the immune system, aid digestion, and are also recognized as a glandular tonic, skin cleanser, and eye conditioner.

broccolI Broccoli, a phyto nutrient-dense member of the cruciferous family, is a low glycemic vegetable kingpin. This means it does not cause a rapid rise in blood glucose levels. Broccoli contains lots of vitamin C and beta-carotene, as well as vitamins A and D. It is one of the most important cancer fighting vegetables. It contains no fewer than three cancer protective biochemicals including sulforaphane, which boosts the immune system. Other members of the cruciferous family include Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, rutabagas, kohlrabi, bok choy, kale, Swiss chard, collards, and turnips. Clinical studies are currently examining the role of cruciferous vegetables and their possible link to lower cancer rates. Broccoli should be fed in moderation, because it can depress thyroid function if fed in large amounts. When it comes to the cruciferous family, try cooked rather than raw, because cooking releases indole, a cancer fighting enzyme.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

green beans Green beans are considered one of the world’s healthiest foods. They are an excellent source of vitamin A because of their concentration of carotenoids, including beta-carotene. Green beans also include vitamins C and K, calcium, copper, fiber, folic acid, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, protein, riboflavin, thiamin, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin K stands out because it is important for maintaining strong bones. Vitamin K-1 activates osteocalcin, the major noncollagen protein in bone, and acts as an anchor for calcium molecules inside bones. Green beans are heart smart, too.

Blend, grind, steam or Juice our animals do not have the necessary enzymes to break down cellulose walls, which are indigestible carbohydrates found

PumPkIn If your canine or feline companion is experiencing occasional bouts of constipation or diarrhea, pureéd pumpkin may be just what the doctor ordered. It’s a terrific stool softener, which makes it a perfect remedy for constipation, often helping dogs or cats who have an upset stomach or indigestion. Since pumpkin is very rich in fiber, all you have to do is add one or two teaspoons to your animal’s food. The dietary fiber contained in pumpkin absorbs water, so it is also a great remedy for diarrhea. If your dog is a little bit on the roly-poly side, pumpkin can help because it quickly creates a feeling of being full.

in the outer layers of fruits and vegetables like apples, broccoli, green beans, and carrots. We have to break down the walls for them, so these power-packed foods become as bio-available as possible. You can accomplish this by: • Using a food processor, blender, or grinder to quickly create a wonderful purée. Most fruits just need a fast spin in a processor. • Cooking and steaming vegetables. • Juicing, which produces lots of fantastic pulp. Visit your local organic juice bar or health food store, and ask if you can have some of their extra pulp. The pulp freezes beautifully, so you always have something on hand when you can’t do the work yourself, and you can use it as a base for wonderful frozen treats and biscuits.

sWeeT PoTaToes Sweet potatoes are a great source of vitamin E. They also provide many other important nutrients, including an abundance of vitamins A, B-6, and C, calcium, iron, folate, potassium, copper, thiamine, and iron. Sweet potatoes are a complex carbohydrate and another example of a beta-carotene rich vegetable, a significant factor in reducing the risk of certain cancers. They are also a good source of dietaryfiber and help promote a healthy gastrointestinal system.


TomaTo Over 72 different studies have demonstrated that tomatoes have the ability to lower the risk of some kinds of cancer. The secret to the tomato’s success is lycopene, the chemical that gives tomatoes their bright red colour. Tomatoes that have been processed by cooking actually contain more lycopene, because cooking breaks down the cellular walls, allowing carotenoids to be more concentrated. To make tomatoes even more beneficial, add a little fat such as cold pressed virgin olive oil or coconut oil. This simple trick allows the lycopene to be even better absorbed into the body. Along with lycopene, tomatoes are also an excellent source of vitamins A and C.

aPPles That daily apple can be used in so many ways. Apples are the perfect training treat, and applesauce is an ideal base for all kinds of biscuits as well as fruit and vegetable mixes for home cooked and raw diets. One apple contains the equivalent of about 1,500 mg of vitamin C. Researchers have found that red delicious, northern spy, and Ida red apples contain more potent disease fighting antioxidants than other red apples. In fact, red delicious were shown to have higher antioxidant levels than seven other varieties. Pectin, the fiber found in apple skins, is fermented in the intestines; this in turn produces short-chain fatty acids that help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and support the cells of the intestinal lining, making apples yet another excellent cancer fighting food. Keep in mind that organic apples may contain around one-third more antioxidants than regular apples.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

blueberrIes and cranberrIes Scientists from the United States Department of Agriculture have discovered that blueberries and cranberries contain significant levels of resveratrol, a natural compound found to have anti-cancer qualities and is also believed to reduce the risk of heart disease. Blueberries are mini powerhouses of antioxidants. These antioxidants come from anthocyanins, the pigments that give blueberries their deep blue colour. Like cranberries, blueberries help prevent urinary tract infections because they contain condensed tannins, the compounds responsible for keeping bacteria from attaching to the wall of the bladder. A sprinkle a day keeps UTIs at bay.

CHoosE oRangE, REd, YElloW, and other brightly colored fruits and vegetables to support the daily diet, and buy organic produce whenever possible. say “no” to dyed, waxed, irradiated and genetically engineered items. This is particularly important because the skin on fruits and vegetables is usually the most concentrated source of nutrients, so you don’t want to have to remove it.

canTalouPe Cantaloupes belong to the same family as the cucumber, squash, and pumpkin. They are an excellent source of vitamin A due to their very high concentration of beta-carotene, and help support good vision. Cantaloupe is also a good source of vitamin B-6, vitamin C, fiber, folate, niacin, and potassium. Cantaloupe is considered an especially safe fruit because it is not commonly allergenic, nor does it contain measurable amounts of goitrogens, oxalates, purines, or pesticide residues.

WaTermelon New studies show that watermelon packs an even more powerful lycopene punch than tomatoes – 40% more, that is! Watermelon also contains vitamins A, B-6, C, and thiamin. It’s a great treat for hot days.



Not all fruits and veggies are good for your animals. Here’s what to avoid or limit. • AVOID OnIOns - The American Journal of Veterinary Research has reported that onion-induced oxidation of canine red blood cells has caused severe reactions in some dogs, even those who consumed only small amounts. A sensitive dog may develop Heinz-body anemia; symptoms include, lethargy, red urine, and pale or bluish gums, especially with exercise. • GRApEs AnD RAIsIns - have the potential to be toxic to your canine companion. A bunch of grapes, or even just a few raisins, can lead to acute renal failure. Pesticides, heavy metals, and fungal contaminants have been ruled out as causal agents, so take extra care with this popular fruit. Symptoms of toxicity include abdominal pain, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea. • spInAch & sWIss chARD - contain oxalic acid, a compound that interferes with calcium absorption. Serve them with care. For dogs with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, limit vegetables from the nightshade family, including eggplant, peppers, tomatoes and watermelon, as they can aggravate the condition. Try papaya or mango instead.

Audi Donamor has been creating special needs diets for cats and dogs for many years. Following the loss of her beloved golden retriever, Blues, she founded The Smiling Blue Skies Cancer Fund through the University of Guelph’s Pet Trust. She is the only two-time recipient of the Golden Retriever Club of Canada’s Silmaril Kennel Trophy for the Human/Animal Bond.

o n l i n E s o u r C E s o f i n f o r m at i o n The Nutrition Data website provides nutrition facts, calorie counts, and nutrient data for all foods and recipes. The United States Department of Agriculture Nutrient Data Laboratory is a standard reference database, absolutely packed with information. The Fruit and Vegetable Nutrition Facts Charts include a breakdown of dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, potassium and folate content for over 100 fruits and vegetables. The Animal Poison Control Centre is part of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. If you ever think your animal may have been poisoned, call 1-888-426-4435; don’t forget to always have your veterinarian’s name and telephone number readily available, and the phone number and address for the nearest veterinary critical care centre.


e sse f a By ann BRiGhTman

TheRe’S a ReaSon

what are they? Don’t be misled by the word “fatty” in “essential fatty acids”. Yes, we’re constantly being told to reduce the fat in our diets – and in our dogs’ – but it depends on what kind of fat you’re talking about. Not all fats are bad. Some are vital to good health, and EFAs belong in that category. Essential fatty acids include Omegas 3, 6 and 9 oils. Omega 3s include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are most often found in cold water fish like salmon, mackerel or tuna. These

Omega 3 essential fatty acids from fish oils can help prevent and alleviate allergies, arthritis and other common canine problems. You’ve heard a lot about the benefits of omega 3s and other essential fatty acids for human health, but did you know they’re also important to canine wellness? As a matter of fact, Omega 3s have become one of the most commonly used dietary supplements for dogs. 38

Canadian dogs annual 2013

oils fight inflammation in the body and are helpful for skin problems such as allergies as well as joint problems, including arthritis. They can also enhance the quality of your dog’s coat by reducing dryness and dander. And because Omega 3s suppress inflammation, they may also be good for dogs with IBD or other gastrointestinal issues, autoimmune problems,

and may even help prevent cancer and heart disease.

nt i a l atty cids

T h e y ’ R e c a l l e D “ e S S e n T i a l”

does my dog need omega 3s? Even if you feed your dog a healthy food, it’s a good idea to supplement his diet with fish oil rich in Omega 3 EFAs, especially if he has skin allergies, arthritis or another type of inflammatory disease. Even if your dog doesn’t have any of these illnesses, a fish oil supplement can help maintain his joint health, improve his skin and coat and prevent dryness and itching. Check out your local pet supply store for fish oil supplements formulated especially for dogs. Just be sure to choose a pure, high quality product made from wild-caught fish. You’ll have to pay more, but it’s worth it.

Tip it’s not a good idea to feed your dog too much tuna, since it’s one of those fish that’s high in toxic heavy metals. Raw salmon is also not recommended, since it may be infected with Neorickettsia helminthoeca, an organism that can cause serious illness in dogs.

Because dogs generally love the taste of fish, these supplements are easy to feed. Before starting your dog on any new supplement, though, it’s always a good idea to check with your veterinarian. For example, although fish oil supplementation is safe in the vast majority of cases, it shouldn’t be given to dogs on medications with a blood-thinning effect. Adding a fish oil supplement to your dog’s diet can give him an extra boost of wellness, help him look and feel better, and may even stave off or alleviate some common health problems.

Ann Brightman is Managing Editor of Animal Wellness Magazine and Integrative Veterinary Care Journal. A lifelong animal lover, she has been a writer and editor for more than 20 years. Ann is a member of the Professional Writers Association of Canada and lives in Cobourg, Ontario.



BU D D By auDi DonamoR

so yoUr dog is tUrning one! Where did the time go? Studies show that more people these days recognize and celebrate their dog’s birthday. So if you’d like to mark this special occasion, what better way to do it than with a cake? This recipe is healthy, sugar-free and tastes great. it’s also wonderful for sharing with your dog’s four-legged friends if you decide to throw a puppy party. Just remember to remove the candle before you serve!


Canadian dogs annual 2013

CaroB is often used as a substitute

for chocolate but unlike chocolate, it is safe for dogs to eat. in fact, it is a good source of riboflavin, calcium, potassium, copper, manganese, and fibre. ingredients (Choose organic whenever possible)

1 cup goat yogurt or Balkan style yogurt 2 cups whole grain flour of your choice 2/3 cup filtered water 1 teaspoon sea salt 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

goat milk yogurt does not

have the protein b-lactoglobulin that is responsible for many dairy allergies. it‘s also higher in vitamin a, calcium, potassium and copper than cow milk yogurt.

1 cup carob powder (available at health food stores and many bulk food stores) 1/2 cup very finely chopped unsalted nuts, e.g., almonds, walnuts (optional) 1 teaspoon baking powder low fat cream cheese for frosting, or make your own frosting using dry yogurt powder (optional)

instrUCtiOns Preheat oven to 350oF. Lightly grease a square cake pan. In a bowl, combine the flour with the water, until you have a smooth consistency. Add the yogurt and mix well. Add remaining ingredients, making sure that everything is well combined. Pour into cake pan. Bake for approximately 25 minutes, or until the top is dry and springs back, when you touch it with a finger. Cool completely. Frost with cream cheese or homemade yogurt frosting before serving.


hoW to “rEaD” Your Companion’s boDY languagE anD kEEp Your WholE familY safE



By Joan oRR, mSc

D r. Dolittle wa s fa mou s for befriending

animals and learning to speak and understand their language. His animals were happy because they never experienced any miscommunication. The good news is that you too can be a Dr. Dolittle! Animals communicate through body language. You can learn how your dog is feeling just by observing him. Animals talk with their ears, tails and facial expressions, as well as through body posture and movement. It’s a good idea to teach 42

Canadian dogs annual 2013


yourself and especially children how to know what your dog is saying, so you can react appropriately.



A happy, friendly dog usually has his ears forward. A dog waiting for you to say hello will pant happily and wag his tail enthusiastically. To be sure an animal wants to greet you, wait for him to come to you, rather than rushing over to throw your arms around his neck or pick him up. Like people, dogs sometimes worry about what will happen next. They can’t understand words, so instead they watch us. Putting on your coat is a sure sign of an outing. But is your dog going too? If he’s not sure, he’ll start licking his chops and yawning. This doesn’t mean he’s hungry or bored; he’s actually worried about being left behind. Dogs, cats and other pets may yawn or lick when a child approaches or touches them. Be sure to intervene and redirect the child to another activity.

Another sign of anxiety in various animals is the forepaw lift. For example, a dog may lift one paw to show he is worried about an approaching toddler. This is a good time to distract the toddler before the animal takes matters into his own paws. An important sign of anxiety in dogs is what we call the “half moon eye”. This is a pleading expression in which the white of the eye shows in a half moon shape. If you are a parent with a dog, you have undoubtedly seen this look during a dog-child interaction. Specifically, if your child hugs your dog, the dog is very likely to show the half moon eye. Many parents see this as cute and an indication that the dog is good with children. In truth, a dog showing this expression is very anxious, wishes to be left alone, and is not enjoying the hug. The dog may tolerate hugs for weeks, months or even years before biting as a last resort. People are often mystified by this sudden aggression, when in fact the animal has been communicating his discomfort for a long time. Pick up a leash or toy and you will see panting, happy dancing and a wagging tail. On the other hand, if you push down on the dog’s rump to make him sit, or pull up on his collar (even gently), you will most likely see one of the anxiety signs. You can have a happier dog (or any other animal) by watching for body language signs and trying to minimize experiences that cause anxiety. If the dog is trained, try the “sit” command and give him a chance to obey. He’ll most likely happily comply without the leash pull or hand on his rump.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

tail TALK

Dogs do a lot of talking with their tails. A raised tail is a serious warning. The dog is saying, “Back off ! Don’t mess with me.” Many dogs raise their tails to each other when trying to decide whether they will get along or fight.

oTHer TyPes oF TaIl Talk In dogs Include: • the propeller wag (happy) • the whole body wag (happy) • the slow deliberate wag with tail held high or level with the back (danger of attack) • the tail between the legs wag (worried – stay away from this one) • the tail curved slightly and wagged loosely (happy) Pay close attention to the way your family interacts with your dog and other animals, and try to guess how the animal is feeling. Watch how your animals interact and communicate with each other as well. This can be a fun game for the family and will lead to a better understanding and improved relationship. It’s also instructive to observe animals on television and in your neighbourhood. By carefully watching them, as they watch us, we can discover what makes them happy or anxious. Everyone’s lives will be enhanced as we learn to avoid situations that make our four-legged friends uncomfortable or unhappy, and reduce the risk of an accident with a child or visitor. Like Dr. Dolittle, we can talk to the animals.


empathy to children

• Involve children in the day-to-day care of your dog, including training. All animals can be clicker trained, a method recommended by child psychology experts as a way to teach empathy. • Keep your dog in a high traffic area of the house where he is part of the family. • Teach children to read animal body language and to recognize signs of happiness and anxiety. • Instruct children to respect your dog’s food, toys and special sleeping places. • Encourage children to put themselves in the dog’s place: “How would you feel if someone pulled your hair?” • Teach children that dogs are not furry people and do not naturally like the same things we do, such as hugging.

Joan Orr is a scientist and president of the non-profit organization Doggone Safe, dedicated to dog bite prevention education. She was also a member of the faculty for Karen Pryor Clicker Training Clicker Expo conferences and is interested in humane training methods for all animals. She is coauthor of the book Getting Started – Clicker Training Your Rabbit and co-creator of the Clicker Puppy Training DVD, the Doggone Crazy! Board game and the Be a Tree Teacher Kit.



A DREAM GARDEN Your Companions [anD You] Will lovE! ever wonder what rover is thinking about when he’s surveying your back yard from the porch steps? Perhaps he’s dreaming of a landscape all his own, complete with a special play area, a grassy meadow to run and roll in, paths to amble along and a solar heated kennel from which to watch over his kingdom. Sound too fanciful to be true? not so, according to howard folkman, a landscape designer and lifelong animal lover who designed the ultimate garden plan for dogs and their cat buddies shown on these pages.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

This animal paradise is based on a real design and includes everything a four-footed fur-person could possibly want, from a doggy deck complete with raised tub to a mini-agility course. Nor is a huge property a prerequisite. “The entire plan covers about 75’ by 100’,” says Howard. You may think transforming your yard into something this ambitious is beyond you, but all it really takes is an organized approach. “First, list your animal’s needs and wants, taking his personality, likes and dislikes into consideration,” says Howard. “For example, some of my dogs like to go beneath things, like the Under Deck Doggy Den, while others prefer to be on top of Hound Hill.” Next, form a site plan of your yard and zone it. “Keep it broad and simple to start with and decide where you want each area to be located. Then you can concentrate on the details. Once you’ve done your site plan, you can start connecting things and figuring out how different areas fit with existing structures, the yard’s topography, and so on.” Along with your animal’s needs, Howard also stresses the importance of sustainability in planning the garden. “Design for where you live and use local materials. Remember that the choices you make for your landscaping inevitably affect animals in the future, both domestic and wild.” Be sure to also use non-toxic, environmentally-friendly materials and plantings wherever possible. Whether you go all out with your design, or just decide to incorporate one or two elements, you’ll be enhancing your companion’s quality of life by adding extra interest and enjoyment to his outdoor environment. Whatever you decide to do, don’t be afraid to use your imagination. As Howard says, “Go beyond the status quo.” Howard’s garden layout incorporates spaces for dogs, wild birds and cats, who have their own enclosure (although if under supervision or on a leash, they would love the rest of the yard, too!)

aTTRacTinG BuTTeRflieS Butterflies are beautiful to watch and you can help attract them with the right mix of plants (host plants to lay their eggs and other plants for caterpillar food) and flowers (nectar for food). In addition, they also require water and shelter (for the chrysalis or pupa, which will often hang from twigs). If your garden is seasonal, include flowers that bloom at different times so there is a constant food source). Butterflies are most attracted to orange, red, yellow and purple flowers. If you want to attract a specific type of butterfly, do some research to find out which plants you require for the butterfly larvae. Remember, do not use pesticides or insecticides as these can kill butterflies.



Canadian dogs annual 2013





























P-1 TO P-4


P-1 TO P-4


P-1 TO P-4


c. sOLAR hEATED kEnnEL This u.V. protected glassroofed kennel will provide a warm outside habitat for dogs who live in a cold winter climate.

B. DOGGy DEn a 1.5’ to 2’ space under the deck lined with smooth pebbles. The area provides dogs with a cool, dry, secure environment and satisfies their strong inherited need to be in a den.

A. DOGGy DEck an outside space for both pets and their caretakers. enclosed with 3’ fencing and gates to keep dogs clean while they dry off and get groomed.


cOnTInUOUs 6’ hIGh sEcURITy fEncE

E. RELIEf AREA Paved with a bed of compacted 1/2” crushed rock at least 3” deep. This surface will be easy to clean up and is enriched with a biological system that will quickly break down odors and prevent potential health risks.

D. pLAy sTRUcTURE & AGILITy cOURsE great for the agility competitors or, with a bit of training, as a “fitness center” for the average canine. Will provide you and your dog with a fun place for behavior and training activities.


fREnch DOORs

G. hOUnD hILL a small meadow-like hill planted with variable height grasses and wild flowers for all to enjoy. being on high ground observing the world around them is a natural place for animals to hang out.

fREnch DOORs

I. EncLOsED cAT GARDEn an outside garden complete with felinefriendly trees, shrubs, vines, flowers and fountains specifically designed as a cat utopia.

h. WATER pURIfIcATIOn sysTEM (Why nOT, IT’s A DREAM GARDEn!) a reverse osmosis water filtration system that eliminates all chemicals and contaminates from tap water. Water will be piped throughout the yard at various drinking locations providing your pets with an unlimited supply of fresh healthy water.



J. BIRD cOnDOMInIUM a tower of potential nesting sites for wild birds to make their home with you. This bird habitat also features a filtered water bird bath elevated out of reach of any danger.

cats can spend hours on their bleachers watching birds in the feeders outside the enclosure. The garden is enclosed by a framed structure wrapped in a wire fabric to secure and protect your cat from the outside world.



1/2” cOMpAcTED cRUshED ROck


M. LAWn Partially shaded surface for rest or play.

L. DEcOMpOsED GRAnITE (D.G. pLAy sURfAcE) a granite soil or rock dust compacted to produce a well-drained hard surface resilient to becoming muddy.

k. pET pARLOR / cARE cEnTER Inside rooms for animals and their caretakers heated and cooled as any room in the house but customized for the comfort and care of your four-legged companions.




pET sUppLy & cARE cEnTER




f. MARkInG pOsTs “go here!” vertical posts help control where urination occurs, reducing the impact on plants in the garden. and they satisfy your dogs’ needs to mark their “territory”







Dog-frIenDly garDen aDDItIonS TREEs

KeyS To The KinGDom As you landscape for your animal, make sure you factor in his health and wellbeing. This means using safe, non-toxic products that won’t harm your animals. Here are a few important pointers:

T-1 Cornus sp. (Flowering Dogwood) – butterfly host plant T-2 Quercus sp. (Native Oak) – provides shade for all, acorns for birds and squirrels along with hosting moths. T-3 Salix tortuosa (Cork Screw Willow) – butterfly host plant

use untreated lumber for structures such as the doggy deck or


alternatives. animals are closer to the ground than we are

S-1 Aronia arbutifolia (Red Chokeberry) – fruit for birds S-2 Buddleia alternifolia (Fountain Butterfly Bush) – nectar for butterflies S-3 Chaenomeles (Flowering Quince ‘Cameo’) – flower for birds S-4 Ilex sp. (Holly) – fruit for birds S-5 Ribes alpinum (Alpine Currant) – butterfly host plant S-6 Syringa chinensis (Chinese Lilac) – fruit for birds S-7 Viburnum opulus ‘Compactum’ (Compact European Cranberry Bush) – fruit for birds

pEREnnIALs P-1 Alcea rosea (Hollyhock) – flower for birds P-2 Aquilegia sp. (Columbine) – flower for birds P-3 Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Weed) – nectar for butterflies P-4 Rudbeckia sp. (Black-eyed Susan) – nectar for birds and butterflies P-5 Monarda didyma (Bee Balm) – nectar for birds and butterflies

Others to consider: Duchesnea indica (Indian Mock Strawberry) – fruit for birds Kniphofia uvaria (Red Hot Poker) – flower for birds Lobelia cardinalis (Cardinal Flower) – flower for birds Nepeta cateria (Catnip) – herb for cats’ enjoyment Chrysanthemum sp. (Mums) – nectar for birds and butterflies Achillea sp. (Yarrow) – nectar and host plant for butterflies

VInEs V-1 Ampelopsis brevipedunculata (Boston Ivy) – fruit for birds V-2 Wisteria sinensis (Chinese Wisteria) – nectar for birds and butterfly host plant


Canadian dogs annual 2013

cat enclosure, and check that stones or gravel you put down for paths or walkways are comfortable enough for an animal to walk on. Avoid chemical pesticides and fertilizers, and buy non-toxic and absorb chemicals more quickly. As a repellent, try garlic-based products as the first line of defense. They can be sprayed on flowers and lawns to repel pests. You can also make your own pesticide with natural soap and water. To attack insect eggs and larvae in the soil, try beneficial nematodes, which you can find online or at your local nursery. Many common garden plants, such as lilies, tulips, daffodils and clematis, are toxic. Keep these flowers out of your animal’s landscaping and replace them with his own “garden” plot of organic grass, oats or catnip. unlike dogs, most cats are able to find their way over even the highest fence, so an outdoor enclosure is the best solution. Make it as large as possible so your cat stays entertained. You can cover the enclosure or use a fencing product that has some flex, and that has canopy extenders that will turn the cat back into the enclosure if he gets too near the top. just ensure the mesh openings are no larger than two inches, so he can’t get his head through.

play Safe Here are our top toy Do’s anD Don’ts


Be size-wise. Ensure the toy is not too small for your dog and that she can’t easily swallow or choke on it. If you have several dogs, base the size of toys you buy on the size of the largest dog. Check labels for safety standards. Buy only Bisphenol A-free (BPA-free), phthalate-free and lead-free toys. Since your dog will most likely be chewing on these toys, you don’t want her ingesting dangerous chemicals. Buy energetic chewers products made of durable materials such as natural rubber. If you buy a plush toy, stay away from toys with squeakers, or let your pooch play with them only under supervision in case she rips them open. Use tennis balls for fetch; dogs love them. But since the fuzz on tennis balls is quite abrasive and can actually cause wear to your dog’s teeth, don’t let her gnaw on it excessively between throws. It’s also a good idea to discard tennis balls as soon as they show signs of being split or punctured.


Give children’s toys to dogs. For example, dogs might chew off and choke on the eyes and noses of stuffed animals. Let your dog chew on toys with string. Thick, knotted ropes are great for a game of tug of war but ingested pieces of string can mess up your dog’s intestinal tract if he/she swallows them. Give rawhide treats produced outside of North America, unless they’re guaranteed not to contain unhealthy chemicals and additives. Rawhide can damage your dog’s GI tract if she swallows it so always supervise and throw away any small pieces your dog chews off. Leave your dog unattended with a new toy.

DO Play with yOur DOg every Day. it’s a great way tO bOnD, De-stress anD have fun!



By Gillian RiDGeway

Dog sports and activities like agility, flyball, rally, musical freestyle, and disc dog are some of the fastest growing passions among dog lovers. Not only are they a lot of fun and a great opportunity for you and your dog to get fit and connect with each other on a new level, but they’re also an enjoyable way to meet other like-minded dog people. There’s no time like the present to explore your options and get involved in a sport that you and your best friend can enjoy together.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

getting startED The first step is to understand the genetics of your dog and find a sport that might be most suitable for his breed. Canine sports range from those that require specialized training, to activities your dog can do naturally. Research your breed, find what they naturally do “for a living”, and keep that in mind when picking a sport. If you have a herding breed such as a Border Collie or Australian Shepherd, for example, herding might be something to explore, although it doesn’t mean that herding is the only thing you should look at doing. The key competitors in many agility trials and flyball tournaments are also Border Collies, most of whom have never met any sheep. In other words, as long as your dog is physically able to do the activities required in a particular sport, there is no reason not to give it a go. Even toy breeds can get involved and are often seen scaling A-frames on agility courses.

tiP Before beginning any canine sport, it’s important to have your vet give your dog a complete physical check-up.


ConsiDEr Your Dog’s personality Not only should you be aware of your dog’s physical capabilities, but you’ll also need to look at his personality. Some dogs are more difficult to motivate, but give them a chance. I have seen many dogs start slow in agility, but although they take longer than others to get the hang of it, they all seem to benefit in the long run. In fact, it’s often suggested that under-confident dogs get into a sport like agility to help them realize their own potential. Of course, there are dogs at the other end of the scale, those over-thetop canines who love to feel the wind beneath them as they make their way around the obstacle course or leap to catch flying balls or discs. These dogs need to do sports. By getting them involved in an activity where they can exercise their bodies and mental abilities, their people are able to channel that excess energy into something positive.

tiP It’s a good idea to attend a variety of different sporting events as a spectator first, to get a feel for what’s involved.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

picking an aCtivitY Once you’ve determined what your dog is capable of doing, you can decide which activity to focus on. This means picking something you like as well, since the sport should be enjoyable for both of you. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of where you live and what is at your disposal. If the closest flyball class is over an hour’s drive away, but you can get involved in agility just down the street, then agility might be a good place to start. You can always investigate other activities later. Many people who do dog sports don’t stop at one.

• RALLY OBEDIENCE • Many years ago, one of the only sports you could do with your dog was competitive obedience. This is an obedience trial where you are tested on a set of rules. While I enjoy this sport, many people buckle under the stress while being tested and that in turn can trickle down and affect the relationship they have with their dogs. Obedience work is wonderful, but perhaps rally obedience is a good first goal. In rally, unlike competitive obedience, you can use your voice to encourage your dog, and there are allowances made for beginners with regards to precision. Even food can be used as a reward during the trial. This sport allows people to work towards a goal, have fun while they do it, and still get a title in obedience. Once you have mastered rally, it might then be time to take a whirl at competitive obedience.

• AGILITY • It’s one of the most popular of canine sports. In this activity, you direct your dog around a course of jumps, ramps, tunnels and other articles. Your dog’s performance is evaluated by how quickly and accurately he gets through the course. Agility requires considerable training, since you aren’t allowed to touch the dog or the articles during the run, but must rely on verbal commands and body signals to guide him.

• FLYBALL • Think of it as a relay race, with a team of dogs. The dogs take turns clearing a series of hurdles in order to retrieve a ball that has been shot from a spring-loaded box. The first team to have all dogs run without any errors wins the heat. Naturally, team strategy adds to the excitement.

• MuSICAL FREESTYLE • If you like music, this is another great activity. Although it is commonly referred to as “dancing with your dog”, it is closer to precision heeling, and requires a lot of training, teamwork, coordination and creativity. Freestyle is a wonderful way to bond with your dog and is one of the most beautiful things to watch.

• DISC DOG • This sport involves catching a disc to a set of rules. Seasoned disc dog athletes take part in distance catching and choreographed freestyle events involving flips, vaults and multiple catches. In addition to your dog getting lots of exercise and enjoying all the activity, you’ll find yourself challenged learning how to properly toss the disc while manoeuvring your dog.


Spend plenty of time teaching your dog. That sounds simple, but it’s often overlooked. Enjoy the process and try not to always look towards your end goal. Use toys and treats to show your dog what you want him to do, and provide lots of praise and enthusiasm for motivation. Once you have done your training and feel that you and your dog have a good handle on what to expect, then you can take a shot at a match or even a trial. You will first of all need to register your dog with the association you are competing in.

in training

Once you’ve decided on an activity, check the entry requirements. Then, find a trainer who can take you through the steps or refer you to a club or association where you can get more information (see sidebar for some resources). Make sure your instructor is qualified and “in the loop”; someone who competes in the sport is a good choice. He/she will also be an excellent source of information about new training methods and upcoming trials. Although we can all get frustrated when showing our dogs a new skill, the goal should always be to teach in a positive manner and not sweat the small stuff, especially when learning together. Always remember that you can change to another sport if need be. If you start in flyball, but your dog is having trouble dropping the ball, maybe it’s time to look at teaching him agility or disc dog instead.

Last but far from least, always keep in mind that the sport should be fun, both for you and your dog. Try to focus on striving for your personal best rather than winning the competition. It’s not important that you win or place – what is important dog is that you love your dog and have fun together.

T h e f o l l ow i n g a s s o c i aT i o n s p rov i d e a w e a lT h o f i n f o r m aT i o n a n d r e s o u rc e s f o r a va r i e T y o f c a n i n e s p o rT s. Canadian Kennel Club, Agility Association of Canada, North American Flyball Association, Canadian Disc Dog Association, International Disc Dog Handlers’ Association, Musical Dog Sports Association, Canadian Association of Rally Obedience,

Gillian is the Director of Who’s Walking Who Dog Training Centres in Toronto and Ajax. She has been featured on many television and radio programs, and appears regularly as the canine expert on Canoe Live. Gillian is a guest lecturer at the University of Toronto, using dogs to shed light on learning theory, and continues to be a popular speaker at Veterinary Technician and Trainer Conferences. She currently shares her life with her two canine buddies, Yardley and Noah. 56

Canadian dogs annual 2013

H ELPING PAWS: could your canine be a therapy dog? By maRK GRanT Therapy dogs brighten the lives of hospital patients, seniors, children and others. Here’s how to tell if your canine companion would be a good candidate for this rewarding work.

1 Consider your dog’s personality. A fearful or aggressive dog is not a good candidate. A therapy dog must enjoy meeting strangers and be able to tolerate different people and animals, noises and surroundings. 2 Choose a venue to suit your dog’s personality. A seniors’ home, prison, children’s shelter, or psychiatric ward all present different situations. One dog may dislike the lack of contact in a convalescent home; another might be over-stimulated by active kids. 3 Enroll in good obedience training. Use gentle, positive reinforcement to teach the dog to come, sit, stay and lie down. He must be housebroken and have good manners – no jumping, sniffing, barking, licking or growling. Teach him not to pull on the leash. 4 Condition your dog to stimulating new environments. Walk him in public places and take him to outdoor events such as parades or carnivals so he gets accustomed to unusual noises and crowds. Take him to a dog park to teach him to play well with others.

Therapeutic Paws of Canada ( is a non-profit organization of volunteers providing animal resources for human needs through regular visits to hospitals, residences, schools, etc. Over 500 volunteers across Canada provide pet therapy visits to retirement and nursing homes, hospitals and more.

Mark Grant has been involved with dogs for decades as an owner, exhibitor and writer. He is President of the Saint Bernard Fanciers of Canada and the Halifax Kennel Club and is a member of the Canadian Kennel Club. He joined Therapeutic Paws of Canada after seeing the difference therapy dogs made in his grandfather’s nursing home, and is now the Director of Team Leaders for the organization. Mark resides in Bedford, Nova Scotia with his two Saint Bernards, Roc and Coal – both TPOC Certified Therapy Dogs.


molly ralph


what’s in a

rexlucy 58

Canadian dogs annual 2013


By TeSSa Kimmel


Mike and his Golden Retriever, Fagin, were enjoying a leisurely game of catch at the dog park when Mike heard a semi-frantic call-out for Twinkie. a young girl appeared asking Mike if he’d seen a dachsund run by.


Mike and Fagin joined in the hunt for the unruly daxy and before long Twinkie had been located. as Twinkie’s owner, Julia, thanked Mike for his assistance, he admitted the dog’s name had brought a smile to his face and asked, “Why Twinkie?” Julia laughed. “He’s got short legs, a long body, and he’s so sweet, it made naming him pretty simple.” Julia then asked Mike how he came about naming Fagin. “Well,” explained Mike, “i considered many names when i first brought him home, but nothing seemed to fit. He had such a unique personality in addition to a brazen penchant for stealing food off my plate. i rarely caught him in the act even when i had just slightly turned my back. it made me think of the pickpocket character, Fagin, in the Charles dickens novel, Oliver Twist.” Twist.”


The name game

Choosing a name is part of the excitement when a new dog arrives home. Names are typically matched to a dog’s breed, ancestry and personality. A stately Rottweiler may be aptly named Otto while the fun-loving Irish Setter happily responds to Clancy. Many people use a favourite make of car, a famous actor, or as in Twinkie’s case, a much loved treat, to choose a name. One man’s love of sports cars prompted him to name his Greyhound, Porsche. A spunky, energetic Boston Terrier got his moniker “Pesci” from the famous “two youts” star of My Cousin Vinny. The soulful eyes and gentle, kind disposition of a Golden Labrador earned her the name Bella, meaning “beautiful” in Italian. A name can also shed light on the personality and sense of humour of the owner. Commanding grins at the dog park are Tank, a tiny Maltese, and a Yorkshire Terrier named Hercules. Laughter abounds when the call for Snowball produces the appearance of a strapping white Great Pyrenees. While these names may seem amusing at first, consider how your dog reacts when people guffaw every time he answers to his name.



Beware of POP culture names

Your dog may own his name for up to 15 years or more so keep that in mind if you’re choosing a name from current pop culture. If you’re young and single, what may be funny or seem cool now, may be somewhat embarrassing later on. Your new husband might not appreciate calling for “Gaga” across the park, just as your young kids may raise eyebrows when someone asks them your dog’s name and they reply “Smirnoff ”.

Some names may also result in a less than favourable reputation for your dog. If you want to be able to travel with your dog, “Puddles” or “Sir Poops Alot” are best kept as home-bound nicknames.

Learning his name

Teaching a dog his name is the first real bonding exercise between dog and owner. Getting a dog used to his name requires repetition with upbeat conviction and positive reinforcement. Start by saying the name over and over. When the dog responds in any way to the name, immediately reward and praise him. Perform this exercise several times daily. Never use his name in a negative or causal manner. The result could be that he stops paying attention. A name is not just his identity, but it will help with teaching him commands and keep him safe. The general consensus of trainers is that the choice of a name matters quite a bit when teaching commands. A two-syllable name starting with a hard first letter such as “P” or “B” and ending with a vowel such as “A” or “O” is ideal. It makes the name distinct and is easier for the dog to recognize. The name itself sets the tone for the dog to pay attention. The use of two syllables gives the dog time to hear his name over other sounds, and the second syllable allows the owner to instil the emotion of what a subsequent command will entail. Ensure a name isn’t similar to a basic command such as “sit”, “stay” or “come”. The name “Stacey” could sound too much like “stay” and be confusing. The choice of a name should take careful consideration, promote the dog’s personality and be something both you, your family and your dog can easily manage for many years to come.


namES FOr 2012 1 max 2 Buddy 3 rocky 4 Bailey 5 Jake

FEmalE DOGS namES FOr 2012 1 Bella 2 molly 3 lucy 4 maggie 5 Daisy

Tessa Kimmel has over 20 years’ experience in animal care and owns MedPet & Cozy Critters Pet Care Services, a Toronto business specializing in care for animals with medical conditions and special needs. She also works part time as a veterinary technician and shares her home with an assortment of special needs kitties. Tessa enjoys writing on pet care for a number of publications, including Animal Wellness Magazine. 60

Canadian dogs annual 2013


lo o k i n g f o r a n e w d o g ? i t ’ s i m p o r t a n t t o c o n s i d e r y o u r l i f e s t y l e, a n d b r e e d e r s c a n h e l p y o u d e t e r m i n e a d o g t h a t ’ s r i g h t f o r y o u a n d y o u r f a m i l y. t h e s e l i s t s m a y g i v e y o u s o m e i d e a s. m a n y b r e e d s f a l l i n t o m u l t i p l e c a t e g o r i e s, b u t d u e t o s p a c e, w e ’ v e h i g h l i g h t e d o n e b r e e d p e r c a t e g o r y, e x c e p t i n “ to p D o g s f o r t r i c k s a n d g a m e s ” .

top dogs for condos While these dogs may enjoy big yards as well, they can do just fine in apartment buildings or condos, provided they have some regular exercise.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Bolognese Boston Terrier Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dachshund Deerhound Eurasier French Bulldog Havanese Miniature Pinscher Pekingese Polish Lowland Sheepdog Pomeranian Pug Schnauzer (Miniature) Shih Tzu Whippet Sealyham Terrier

Canadian dogs annual 2013

top dogs for small children Some breeds are more tolerant than others and these ones seem to go the extra mile. • Beagle • Bernese Mountain Dog • Bullmastiff • English Setter • Newfoundland • Retriever (Golden) • Retriever (Labrador) • Samoyed • St. Bernard • Staffordshire Bull Terrier

top dogs for older children

top dogs for empty nesters

Many breeds love to be with their families, especially if no one’s pulling their ears!

If you have more time on your hands, these breeds will happily take up some of it.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Australian Shepherd Boxer Collie (Rough) Coton de Tulear Flat Coated Retriever Fox Terrier (Wire) German Shepherd Griffon (Wire Haired Pointing) Iceland Sheepdog Keeshond Kerry Blue Terrier Lakeland Terrier Leonberger Norbottenspets Polish Lowland Sheepdog Schnauzer (Standard) Shetland Sheepdog Shiloh Shepherd Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier Spaniel (American Cocker) Spaniel (Brittany) Spaniel (Welsh Springer) Staffordshire Bull Terrier

American Eskimo Dog Cairn Terrier Chihuahua, Long-haired Chihuahua, Short-haired Finnish Spitz Greyhound Griffon (Brussels) Lhasa Apso Manchester Terrier Norfolk Terrier Norwich Terrier Papillon

• • • • • •

Puli Shetland Sheepdog Shiba Inu Spaniel (English Cocker) Tibetan Spaniel Welsh Corgi (Cardigan or Pembroke) • West Highland White Terrier • Yorkshire Terrier

top canine couch potatoes Sure, they need some exercise but afterwards, they’re happy just to lay around. • • • •

Afghan Basset Hound Bulldog Great Dane

• • • •

Irish Wolfhound Pug Scottish Deerhound Whippet


alWaYs supervise young children with a puppy. behavioural problems are often created when a young child holds a puppy too long. the puppy struggles and if the child doesn’t let go, the puppy bites to free himself. now the pup has learned that biting will get him what he wants. – Dominic valois, Quebec golden retriever Club photo courtesy of afghan hound Club of b.C.


top sneeze - free dogs Some breeds are better for allergy sufferers than others. • Barbet • Bedlington Terrier • Bichon Frise • Cairn Terrier • Chinese Crested • Löwchen • Maltese • Irish Terrier Many breeds love to be with their families, • Irish Water Spaniel especially if no one’s pulling their ears! • Italian Greyhound • Alaskan Malamute • Poodle (all sizes) • Barbet • Schnauzer (all sizes) • Bearded Collie

top dogs for open spaces and jogging

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Canadian dogs annual 2013

Border Terrier Canaan Dog Chesapeake Bay Retriever Dalmatian Deerhound German Shorthaired Pointer Ibizan Hound Iceland Sheepdog Norbottenspets Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Old English Sheepdog Petit Basset Griffon Vandeen Portuguese Water Dog Rhodesian Ridgeback Saluki Setter (Irish Red and White) Setter (Irish) Siberian Husky Spaniel (Welsh Springer) Vizsla Weimeraner

top dogs for tricks and games Interested in dog sports or a dog with a talent for tricks? • Airedale Terrier • American Eskimo Dog • Australian Shepherd • Bedlington Terrier • Border Collie • Border Terrier • Cannan Dog • Collie (Smooth) • Doberman Pinscher • German Shepherd Dog • German Shorthaired Pointer Looking for loyalty? These breeds may make great family dogs or be diligent guard dogs. • Iceland Sheepdog

natural guardians

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Kleiner Münsterländer Miniature Australian Shepherd Parson Russell Terrier Polish Lowland Sheepdog Pomeranian Poodle Portuguese Water Dog Retriever (all types) Mini Australian Shepherd Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Schnauzer (all types) Shetland Sheepdog Spaniel (all types) Welsh Terrier West Highland White Terrier

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Akbash Akita American Bulldog Black Russian Terrier Bouvier des Flandres Briard Bull Terrier Cane Corso Chinese Shar-Pei Chow Chow Collie, Rough German Pinscher German Shepherd Dog Giant Schnauzer Great Pyrenees Kuvasz Mastiff Norwegian Elkhound Rottweiler Shiloh Shepherd Swedish Vallhund


hoW to be a prOaCtive member Of yOUr animal’s health Care team

By Janice hunTinGfoRD, Dvm

Caring for yoUr Beloved dog throughout his life is a team effort. The key members

of this team are your veterinarian, ancillary caregivers such as groomers, behaviourists, and pet massage therapists – and, most importantly, you. You are your dog’s primary caregiver and therefore in the best position to know and understand his needs.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

When people ConsUlt


health experts, they sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the advice and information they receive, or assume the experts are the only ones qualified to decide the animal’s fate. it’s therefore crucial that all guardians become advocates for their companions and seek out veterinarians who will listen to their concerns.

you aRe The one who KnowS youR DoG BeST.

chooSinG a veTeRinaRy Team choo The first step is to find a team that will offer compassionate care while respecting your views and wishes. It is important to be able to develop a good relationship with this veterinary team, so keep the following suggestions in mind when selecting a practice. • The veterinary office should be a friendly, personal place where you and your dog are treated with respect and kindness. • The staff should be compassionate and able to communicate with you clearly.

• The doctor should be respectful of your opinions and offer you options for your animal’s care, including referral to specialists or alternative caregivers. • Ask for a tour of the hospital before you take your dog. • Ask if the doctor has any special interests or training. • Selecting a veterinary team based solely on price of services is not a good way to guarantee quality care.



ways tO stay infOrmed


Once you have chosen a team it is important to empower yourself with knowledge. If your animal has a certain disorder, educate yourself about the condition and its different therapies.

Write questions down before each visit. Make sure you do not leave the office until all your questions are answered and you understand the answers. The only stupid question is the one you did not ask.


Bring a friend or family member with you. A second person can give another perspective and may remind you of things you have forgotten.


Ask for printed information and/or about the validity of information you may have gathered on your own. The internet may be a good resource but it is not always correct.

four fivE

Maintain an open dialogue with your veterinary team. Be respectful of their training and education. Asking questions is a good and natural approach to any problem. Remember most veterinarians truly care about your animal and feel their suggestions are the right ones. If you disagree with the suggested treatment, communicate this honestly and courteously. If you prefer a more integrative or natural approach, be sure to discuss it with your veterinarian. If your veterinary team does not provide these services, ask for a referral to someone who does. Not all veterinarians have the same training so asking for a referral is not insulting.

Make sure you understand the purpose of any treatment and if it will take into account your goals for the animal, and your limits. For example, a rehabilitation program for a police dog returning to work after a cruciate injury will be different from a program designed for a family dog. Let the veterinarian know if there are treatments you would prefer or others you do not feel comfortable about.


Take time to think about major health decisions before acting on them. Do not worry about what other people think about your decision. Your veterinarian’s job is to tell you what he or she thinks is best for your animal and to give you options. Your job is to gather all the information and then listen to your heart. You are the one who knows your dog best.

Janice Huntingford is a holistic veterinarian in Essex, Ontario who practices chiropractic, acupuncture, and herbal therapy as well as general practice. She shares her life with her husband and three children as well as several cats, dogs, and horses. 68

Canadian dogs annual 2013


is crucial for your dog’s health but a decade ago, canine dental options were limited. Today, you can choose from a variety of solutions to keep your dog smiling pretty.

PROTECTING By cinDy KneeBone, Dvm


Canadian dogs annual 2013

EVEn ThOUGh yOUR DOG’s MOUTh LOOks VERy DIffEREnT from yours, canine dental diseases are

similar to those that afflict humans, and we often share the same bacterial populations. Plaqueinduced disease is the main cause of tooth loss and systemic illness in dogs as well as people. chronic dental disease is a smouldering low grade inflammatory illness that affects the whole body through the release of cytokines that can impact the joints, heart, kidneys, liver and spleen. The good news is that you can prevent conditions such as caries, plaque, calculus, gingivitis and periodontal disease – all you need is a little commitment.

OpEn WIDE Tooth brushing is important for dental hygiene but not always easy to perform. Starting a dog at a young age and in a relaxed manner is ideal, but an older animal can be trained to accept brushing if it’s done correctly and without stress and anxiety. If the dog insists on biting your fingers, then an alternative needs to be considered. Bites from dogs with plaque disease can result in serious infections in humans. Begin with a soft bristled toothbrush. It can be a small child’s brush or one provided by your veterinarian. Apply an appropriate toothpaste, angle the bristles 45º to the gum line and brush in a gentle circular motion.

The best way to encourage dental health is through home dental care and diet. Veterinary intervention is also crucial for picking up poor dental health early on. The general recommendation is to have your dog’s teeth professionally cleaned every 12 to 18 months if the teeth are healthy, and every six to 12 months if there is ongoing dental disease.

HAND IN GLOVE Instead of a brush, you can consider a toothbrush glove. Often made of rubber or some other soft, waterproof material, these gloves fit over the hand or sometimes just one finger, and feature soft spikes that can be used to gently clean your animal’s teeth and gums by removing food debris and plaque. Many people prefer gloves to toothbrushes because they’re literally more “hands-on” and are easier to use with some animals.


JUST ADD WATER Animal care companies have been hard at work formulating no-brush products that are easy for people to use at home on their own. A number of these products can be added to your dog’s water dish, and contain enzymes or essential oils, which help break down food films before they can turn into plaque. The products usually involve adding a capful of liquid to water more frequently for the first four to six weeks to help break down existing plaque, and then less frequently once you switch to a maintenance dosage.

SPRAY AWAy! Herbal spray products can help reduce plaque-forming bacterial populations. The formulas mix with the dog’s saliva to soften and loosen tartar from teeth, and control plaque. Just open your dog’s mouth and spray directly on the tongue.


Canadian dogs annual 2013


For good dental health, try a raw meat, ground bone and vegetable fibre diet. The addition of soft young bones allows your dog to use his teeth the way they were designed to be used, and aids in keeping them clean and healthy. This diet, on its own, can prevent dental disease. You should consult your veterinarian first. Bones need to be introduced under your supervision. They should be immature bones from lamb or chicken feet to prevent choking or breakage of the larger back molars. (You can get these from a trusted butcher.) Leave some meat on the bone. I often advise people to boil water and submerge the meaty bone for five to ten seconds before feeding. This kills off some bacteria without changing the protein matrix of the bone. Make sure you always supervise your dog with bones.


A number of veterinary dental pastes are available. Some include enzymes to dissolve plaque and are often flavoured with poultry, beef or malt, which makes them more acceptable to the dog. Avoid human toothpaste. Most contain xylitol, which helps control bacteria but can be toxic to dogs. There is also too much fluoride – a toxic halogen – in human toothpastes. After brushing, open a capsule of a high quality probiotic containing lactobacillus. Place some on your finger and rub the gums. This may provide some normal flora to compete with the plaquepromoting bacteria, and reduce their numbers. If your dog’s teeth are clean and healthy, you can brush them three times a week. If there is dental disease, daily brushing is recommended.

Taking a well-rounded approach to your dog’s dental health will help ensure his teeth and gums stay in good condition for years to come. It’ll add immeasurably to his well being and quality of life.

Make your own toothpaste You can make your PASTE from baking soda, a 50:50 dilution of 3% hydrogen peroxide with water, and a drop of essential oil such as lavender, eucalyptus or rosemary (the label should be marked “For internal use”). For a flavour your dog will LOVE, try adding a few drops of concentrated beef stock or the water from a can of fish. This paste addresses the acidic pH and bacterial population, and provides some oxygen to the anaerobic environment under the plaque and gum line.

After completing an Herbalist diploma, Dr. Kneebone attended the Ontario Veterinary College. Upon graduation in 1981 she turned her focus towards natural medicine, and subsequently obtained diplomas in Homeopathy, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Veterinary Acupuncture. She is certified with the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society and is also a certified Ozone Therapist and member of The American Academy of Ozonotherapy. Dr. Kneebone has been with East York Animal Clinic in Toronto, Ontario since 1998.


By Dana cox

Calling thE shots:

A guide to sAfer vAccinAtion Not so long ago, dogs were routinely vaccinated every year, usually at their annual check-up, but things have changed dramatically in the last decade. Challenge studies and blood titre results show that modified live vaccines (MLV) protect animals for as long as seven years and possibly for life. This makes annual vaccination unnecessary for the vast majority of dogs and possibly even dangerous for others. So how do you ensure your dog is protected both from disease and overvaccination? The best strategy is to learn which vaccines are absolutely necessary, when and why your dog needs them, and how to gauge when he has achieved lifelong immunity.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

so when should you vAccinAte? Dr. W. Jean Dodds, an Ontario Veterinary College - trained veterinarian and renowned researcher now living in California, conducted her own vaccine challenge studies a few years ago. She recommends a vaccination schedule that maximizes protection while minimizing risk. Her core vaccines include Distemper, Parvovirus and Rabies. See the chart on page 82 for her Vaccine Schedule Recommendations. Note that she and many other veterinarians believe it’s much safer to give the Rabies Vaccine after 20 weeks of age, and always separately (three to four weeks) from other vaccines. While some veterinarians also include Canine Adenovirus-2 (CAV-2) as a core vaccine, Dr. Dodds feels the rarity of canine hepatitis (Adenovirus-1) and the immunosuppressive effect of the CAV-2 vaccine when added to Parvovirus and Distemper may outweigh the benefits of vaccinating.


Dr. Dodds cautions that some combo vaccines contain many more than the two or three vaccines your dog needs. The American Animal Hospital Association Canine Vaccine Task Force seems to concur, adding Giardia spp. (now off the market) and Canine Coronavirus (CCV) to the list of vaccines generally not recommended. Other vaccines, such as for Lyme disease, may be irrelevant since the disease usually affects only certain geographical areas. Talk to your veterinarian about these and other optional vaccines such as Leptospirosis and Bordatella to see how prevalent they are in your region and what your dog’s individual risk factors might be.

According to Dr. Dodds, from an immunologic perspective, any killed vaccine, including those for Rabies Virus, should be adjusted according to the size of your dog, but “they usually aren’t” she says, “because the vaccine label doesn’t say this can be done”.


dr. dodds MiniMAl vAccine schedule (Note: the following should not be interpreted to mean that other protocols recommended by a veterinarian would be less satisfactory. It’s a matter of professional judgment and choice.)

Tip If possible, vaccinate on a separate occasion from surgery. This allows your dog’s body and immune system to focus on healing from the surgery, rather than responding to the vaccines.

age oF PuPs

VaccIne TyPe

9 - 10 weeks

distemper + Parvovirus, mlV (e.g. Nobivac DPV)

14 weeks

same as above

16 -18 weeks (optional)

same as above (optional)

20 weeks or older, if allowable by law


1 year

distemper + Parvovirus, mlV (or a titre may be run instead)

1 year

rabies, killed 3-year product (give 3-4 weeks apart from distemper/parvovirus booster)

whAt Are soMe of the Adverse reActions to vAccinAtion? Adverse reactions to conventional vaccinations can happen immediately (hypersensitivity or anaphylactic reaction) or up to 45 days later in a delayed type immune response, according to Dr. Dodds. She says typical signs of adverse reactions include fever, stiffness, sore joints and abdominal tenderness, susceptibility to infections, central and peripheral nervous system disorders, inflammation, jaundice or generalized pinpoint hemorrhages or bruises. Liver enzymes may be elevated and liver or kidney failure may accompany bone marrow suppression. Furthermore, says Dr. Dodds, recent vaccination of genetically susceptible breeds has been associated with transient seizures in puppies and adult dogs, as well as a variety of autoimmune


Canadian dogs annual 2013

diseases including those affecting the blood, joints, skin, central nervous system, eyes, muscles, liver, kidneys, bowel and endocrine organs. In particular, Dr. Dodds recommends a cautious vaccine schedule for Akitas, Weimaraners, Harlequin Great Danes, white-coated breeds and dilutes within breeds, Standard Poodles, Old English Sheepdogs, some families of American Cocker Spaniels and Vizslas.

choose wisely As your dog’s health care advocate, it’s up to you to determine the safest vaccine protocol that provides optimum protection. The more details you have, the more informed decisions you can make. So do a little research now – it may pay off down the road.

currently, a privately-funded study called the rabies challenge Fund is underway to change current vaccination laws by proving that the duration of immunity for the rabies Vaccine is much longer than conventionally believed. spearheaded by kris christine, dr. dodds, and dr. ron schultz of the university of Wisconsin school of Veterinary medicine, the aim is to extend the required interval for rabies boosters from three years to five, and then seven years. The five-year study results will be available later in 2013, and the 7-year trial is underway, thanks to donations from private citizens around the world. Find out more at

mInImum duraTIon oF ImmunITy

dIsease/ VaccIne


canine Parvovirus (CPV-2)

Very contagious; attacks intestinal tract, causing vomiting, diarrhea, fever, dehydration and often death; mortality rates can reach 100% in pups under one year. mortality figures drop dramatically as the dog matures.

canine distemper Virus (CDV)

rabies (RV)

canine adenovirus-2 (CAV-2)

(Based on challenge studies)

attacks the respiratory, gI and central nervous systems; pups up to six months most susceptible. easily destroyed by outside influences such as water, disinfectant and sunlight. Infects central nervous system, causing encephalitis and death. unlike distemper and Parvo, rabies can be transmitted from animals to humans, which is why rabies Vaccines are required by law throughout north america. Includes caV-1 (canine hepatitis) and caV-2, a respiratory infection. sometimes considered a core vaccine but creates an immunosuppressive effect in puppies since it is available only in a combination vaccine with parvovirus and distemper.

minimum 7 years

5 – 7 years, and perhaps even longer. In fact, titers have indicated that dogs can be protected for nine to 15 years. min. 3 years or according to law, or medical certificates should be obtained for animals showing adverse reactions to the vaccine. 5-year challenge study results will be available later in 2013; 7-year trial underway

minimum 7 years

may consider it at over one year of age if available as a single dose

Dana Cox is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Animal Wellness Magazine and Integrative Veterinary Care Journal, the world’s leading magazines on integrative health for companion animals. She regularly attends veterinary conferences to stay apprised of leading edge and best practices therapies and modalities. Dana lives in Peterborough, Ontario with her husband, two children, two dogs and a cat.


a look at titrEs By w. Jean DoDDS, Dvm

NOTE: Rabies titres can be

administered but you are still required to vaccinate according to the law in your area. These titres are useful, however, if your dog has experienced a reaction to the vaccine or has a serious debilitating disease and your area allows you to receive a medical certificate from your veterinarian exempting your dog from further vaccination.

Titre testing for a particular infectious agent measures the presence and level of antibodies in a dog’s blood. These antibodies reflect the combination of any natural exposure and vaccination, and were created when the dog’s immune system responded to the antigens introduced into his body. The presence of a measurable serum antibody titre indicates the presence of “immune memory”, and signifies protection from disease. Titres do not distinguish between immunity generated by vaccination and/or by exposure to the disease, although the magnitude of immunity produced just by vaccination is usually lower. When an adequate immune memory has already been established, there is little reason to introduce unnecessary antigen, adjuvant and preservatives by administering booster vaccines. If titre levels are adequate, your dog has protection against future exposure to the infectious agent, and revaccination is not needed. By measuring titres every three years, or more often if desired, you can determine whether your dog’s circulating immune response has fallen below levels of adequate “immune memory”. In that event, an appropriate vaccine booster can be administered.

Dr. Jean Dodds, DVM, received her veterinary degree in 1964 from the Ontario Veterinary College. In 1986, she moved to southern California to establish Hemopet, the first non-profit national blood bank program for animals. Dr. Dodds has been a member of many national and international committees on hematology, animal models of human disease, veterinary medicine and laboratory animal research. She received the Holistic Veterinarian of the Year Award from the AHVMA in 1984. 78

Canadian dogs annual 2013


was an early spring morning and Denise, a Commercial Dog Walker, was enjoying a 60 minute hike with five of her charges. Three of the dogs romped happily off-leash together until mid-way through the hike, when Denise heard a sharp yelp of pain. She turned to find one of the dogs standing awkwardly, his back arched like an angry cat. Upon closer inspection, Denise discovered a large bleeding wound spanning across the dog’s entire abdomen. Injuries this serious don’t often happen in the life of a dog, but there will be moments when you’ll need to step up and take action. So how do you ensure you’re prepared?

Consider a pet first aid course Taking a Pet First Aid course is a great place to start. You’ll learn the basic skills you need to act as a First Responder, which essentially means “first to arrive and react on the scene” prior to reaching a qualified veterinarian. Topics generally include bleeding wounds, broken bones, Artificial Respiration, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, and more.


WHAT you nEEd To KnoW AbouT

PEt First Aid

By liSa waGneR

As your dog’s First Responder, how you react to an emergency can significantly affect the outcome of your pet’s health and ultimately, in some cases, his survival. Pet First Aid is applicable for injuries ranging from minor wounds like a cut foot pad to more serious predicaments such as choking, being hit by a car, or a dog attack. It can also assist with environmental injuries such as heatstroke, hypothermia, frostbite, and even porcupine quills.


here are a few basic tips to get you started: 1| Be prepared

PEt First Aid Kit:

to have In an emergency, it’s great tips, so everything at your finger g your own consider buying or makin buy pre-made Pet First Aid kit. You can Choose a kit kits online and in stores. – they’re with good quality supplies you may want worth the money. Since , also look for to bring your kit on walks s no more igh a lightweight kit that we than two pounds.

• Know the name and phone number of the closest veterinarian and veterinary emergency hospital in your area. Keep the info in your cell phone or wallet. • When you travel, compile a list of veterinarians along your travel route. • Keep a list of basic First Aid tips readily accessible. • Carry a Pet First Aid kit 2| Be able to monitor vital signs

Sometimes a quick check will tell you how quickly you need to get to the vet, and these stats can be valuable when you call the clinic. Normal body temperature Assess rectally using a lubricated digital thermometer while someone else holds the animal securely. Follow thermometer directions.

A good starter kit should contain an adequate quantity of: • Exam gloves • Sterile gauze pads • Gauze rolls • Tensor rolls • Triangular bandages • Antiseptic wipes • Waterproof medical tape • Foil emergency blanket • Instant cold pack • A good pair of scissors • Abdominal pad • Band-Aids (for you!) to this you can add some of your own supplies: • Sanitary napkins (maxi pads) for bleeding • Extra gauze pads and gauze rolls • Tweezers • Pieces of nylon stockings • Emergency phone numbers • Pet-safe antiseptic ointment • Saline solution • Hydrogen peroxide (3%) • Pencil and paper • Pocket emergency Pet First Aid guide 80

Canadian dogs annual 2013

Resting heart rate Assess by placing your fingers on the femoral pulse from the hind leg while the animal is at rest. Do not use your thumb as this can interfere with your own pulse. Resting respiration rate Assess by watching the chest rise and fall while the animal is at rest. Test Capillary Refill Time (CRT) CRT is the time that it takes for a pet’s gums to refill with blood after you have pressed on them with your finger. If CRT is more than 2 seconds, the animal is exhibiting signs of shock, which can be life-threatening.

Photo courtesy of

3| Know what to do for bleeding wounds

Minor bleeding wounds such as cut foot pads and surface scratches can be treated by doing the following: • Clean your hands and/or wear gloves • Wipe the edges of the wound with an antiseptic wipe • Place sterile gauze padding over the wound and apply pressure • Gauze bandage around the wound Important notes: Always ensure that your bandage is not too tight by slipping two of your fingers into the top of the bandage when you are finished. If blood seeps through your bandaging, do not remove it – just add more. If a foreign object is protruding from the wound DO NOT remove it, instead bandage around it and try to stabilize it. 4| Recognize major wounds and injuries:

Injuries are deemed more serious if you see any of the following: • Spurting or pooling blood • Blood or colourless fluid exiting the ears, nose or mouth • The animal is unconscious or cannot get up • The animal’s vital signs are declining What to do: • Assess safety. Is it safe for you to step into this situation? If not, can you make yourself safe? • Call a veterinarian and let them know you are coming. • Keep calm. The animal is more likely to go into shock if you are panicking outwardly. • Keep the animal warm with a coat or blanket. • Keep the animal still until assistance arrives, or if you must move him, do so carefully and remember to support the neck and spine. • Do not give anything to eat or drink, nor medication without advice of a veterinarian.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Canadian Veterinary Medical Association: American Veterinary Medical Association: American Animal Hospital Association: Pet Poison Helpline:

• Monitor vital signs and report to veterinarian en route. Fortunately, in Denise’s case, she responded calmly to her canine emergency, and with the help of another hiker, she managed to bandage the dog’s wound and get him safely to a veterinarian for stitches. He made a full recovery and is now happily back on the trails. Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended to supplement in-class Pet First Aid training and is not intended to replace the care of a veterinarian. Walks ‘N’ Wags Pet First Aid and the publisher cannot be held responsible for any actions taken pursuant to the advice noted in this article.

Lisa Wagner is Operations Director of Walks ‘N’ Wags Pet First Aid (, based in Vancouver, Canada. She and her Independent Instructors offer Pet First Aid Certification courses across Canada with Distance Learning available worldwide. In her spare time, Lisa is also an active volunteer with World Vets International.




tips on Choosing thE right groomEr for Your pooCh. By leSley weeKS

finDing a groomEr To find a groomer, ask friends, acquaintances, co-workers and family for contacts they have hired and would recommend. When you have a name, consider calling or emailing the National Groomer Association of Canada or the National Agency of Pet Grooming Schools (NAPGS) to verify if the recommendation is a member in good standing. Take time to interview a number of pet groomers before making a final decision. When you meet, the groomer should explain the process, how she works and how she charges for her services. She should also ask you in-depth questions about your needs and the needs of your pet. It’s important that you feel the groomer’s approach is in line with your objectives and the needs of your dog, and that you both feel comfortable with the prospect of working together.

bE forE m aking a DE Cis ion, Cons iD E r thE groom E r ’s: • Experience in successfully providing similar services • Overall history and reputation • Management experience and skills • Technical competence • unique value-added qualities, such as creativity and innovation • Commitment to the client’s interests and the safety of the animals in her care • Quality of references These points will help ensure you choose a Licensed Groomer of Achievement or an experienced groomer who can look after your companion with care and talent from start to finish.

GROOMING IS AN ESSENTIAL PART of your dog’s health.

And whether you get him groomed once a month or only on special occasions, selecting the right groomer is one of the most significant decisions you can make. After all, you’re entrusting your dog to this expert’s care. Licensed pet groomers are trained to listen, understand, and work with you to achieve effective solutions that meet your companion’s needs.

WhAT yOU shOULD ExpEcT fROM yOUR GROOMER While each grooming session may be different, a groomer will generally perform the following services: • Analyze your needs and goals • Assess your dog’s health and overall coat condition • Make a grooming recommendation based on the above, her knowledge of grooming various breeds, current trends, and legal and regulatory requirements – these recommendations should be financially agreeable to you • Collaborate with other practitioners who offer professional services in the overall care of your dog • Offer a safe environment for your companion


Canadian dogs annual 2013


ovErComE Your fEar with step-by-step nail trimming

By SuSan Dalme DalmeR

By SuSan DalmeR


Canadian dogs annual 2013


hen it comes to clipping a dog’s nails, many people admit they’re terrified. They worry about causing discomfort, or worse – making their beloved pet bleed. Well, have no fear! Here’s a step-by-step procedure that will help condition you and your dog so nail trimming is as easy as grooming or walking.

GETTInG rEAdy Before you begin, it’s helpful to visualize the following procedure so you know what to expect. Be organized, confident and firm in your handling of your pet. Your positive body language will give your dog confidence in you. If you are nervous, he will sense this. Remember to praise and reward your dog after a nail trimming, and don’t expect to trim all four paws at once for the first few sessions. Trim only small amounts off each nail until you both acclimatize to the process. After a while, you’ll find you’re both more relaxed and confident.

Get the riGht


nail trimmers come in different sizes so make sure yours are of appropriate size for your breed. They should also be sharp and in good working order. Inappropriate sized trimmers can lead to clumsy handling whereas dull trimmers cause an undesirable crushing feeling for your pet. Sharp trimmers allow for a quick, clean cut.

step 1

Pick a time of day when your dog is normally calm (not regular walk- or play-time). Before you get the nail trimmers out, have a generous supply of small food reward pieces ready. Lay your nail trimmers on the floor surface and allow your pet to sniff them. Put a food reward piece near the trimmer and encourage your pet to take the treat. I suggest putting your dog on a four foot lead and flat collar to ensure control, which will allow you to direct your dog’s attention to the trimmers if needed. Tell your dog, “good girl/boy” when approaching trimmers and treat. While you have your pet on the lead, encourage her to come close enough to lead into you. Meanwhile, you are praising her and petting her to build confidence that something is good happening.

step 2

Place your dog in a “sit” or “down” position.

step 3

Choose a paw to trim, and hold it such a way that your thumb is in the underside center of the padded toes. This will cause the toes to spread apart naturally.


step 4

Using only sharp nail trimmers, cut a small piece off the dog’s nail. When cutting black nails, trim a piece off and examine the end of the cut nail. If you can see a dark/softer center, it means you have cut close to the quick so don’t cut any further. The quick is the vein that feeds the nail. White nails are easier to see where the quick ends, and to gauge how close to cut.

WHy nAIl TrImmInG

is impOrtant A dog’s nails grow constantly, much the same as yours do. While dog nails get worn down somewhat from walking on hard surfaces, most dogs require nail trimming to keep their nails in check. Without it, your dog will have a difficult time walking on floors and other smooth surfaces. They may even catch a nail on something and tear or split it. left to the extreme, a dog’s nails can curl under and start growing into the footpad.

step 5

After you have trimmed one nail, praise and reward your dog. Let her sniff the nail trimming so the she can figure out what you’re doing. Read the situation to see if you can manage to trim each nail on one paw, and remember to praise and reward her. Release her as necessary.

step 6

Attempt another paw on another day, utilizing the same measures, one step at a time. Always end the chore on a positive note and praise with reward. Release your dog from the lead and give her a friendly pat. By using this step-by-step process, you’ll be a pro in no time, and your dog will happily tolerate or even look forward to “having her nails done”.

Susan Dalmer has over 25 years of experience grooming, exhibiting, breeding, and training dogs. She is a member of Ontario Dog Groomer’s Association, the Quinte Chamber of Commerce, and Quinte Arts Guild. Susan has recently relocated to Trenton, Ontario, and opened Dogz and Katz Coiffure Pet Grooming. In addition to writing articles, she enjoys painting dogs, horses and wildlife. 86

Canadian dogs annual 2013

By leSley weeKS

glorious fur the

secrets to a great coat


the look in his eyes that made you fall in love. Then you experienced the honeymoon phase – the first four to six months of wonderful puppy coat that could usually be handled with only a light combing and brushing. “Oh lucky me,” you think! I won’t have to do much to make my darling a Diva. Wrong! As your dog matures, you may find yourself spending more time than you anticipated on his personal grooming. But this aspect of dog care not only helps you bond with your canine companion, it actually helps improve his health.

tricks of the trade With such a great difference in the appearance of a good coat versus a poor coat, you may think all manner of tricks are necessary for perfect coat growth and flourish. In fact, it all comes down to three things: health, heredity and handling, and the greatest of these is health.

health from the inside out unfortunately for canines, Nature denied them an efficient pore system and at the same time decreed that they should carry a coat. The coat, nourished solely from inside the body, takes its tone and texture from the dogs’ physiological condition. If a dog is worn out or run down, he will sport a lifeless, lacklustre covering, but if he enjoys good health, his every hair will look bright, alive and glistening.


handle with care Certain hair qualities, such as wiryness or silkiness, while just as definite a hereditary factor, can change depending on how you handle or care for the coat. A wire coat, for instance, left to grow too long, frequently becomes soft, while a silky coat left untended may lose something of its silkiness and fine texture. Improper washing can also go a long way toward wrecking a good coat. Appropriate shampoos do make a difference but more importantly you must remember to rinse, rinse and rinse again. Soap residue will ruin even the best coat and possibly cause skin irritation.

more than skin deeP

The absence of an efficient pore system robs the dog’s body of the ability to excrete poisons through his skin. Instead, the remaining organs of excretion must accept the full task of relieving the body of toxins so that the skin does not grow flushed and irritated. That’s why good digestion and a clean intestine are the first requisites for healthy hair – because any clogging of the system with poisons will inevitably react to the detriment of the hair through the medium of the skin. Even temperatures can play havoc with a dog’s coat. Unlike humans, whose pores open and close according to the degree of heat or cold, a dog cannot radiate excess heat, and higher body temperatures frequently result in dry, scaly skin. The skin of a dog is a lazy, feeble part of the canine body, yet it must be kept in a soothed and healthy state because it holds the follicles of the hair. It transmits body strength to the coat and only by virtue of continuously good condition does it willingly support the load it bears.

it’s in the genes Heredity plays an important part in the quantity and the quality of the coat, both of which are handed down from previous generations along with other physical attributes. If the sire, dam, grandsire and granddam of a dog are noted for luxuriant coats, a puppy has a better chance of growing one himself. Otherwise it is practically useless to attempt to grow more than an average amount of hair. 88

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Brushing and combing create a stimulating action upon the skin, but you should carry out these tasks carefully, not with the vigor wielded by overzealous owners and groomers. The comb’s job is to remove fleas and debris and to separate hair strands so that air can get down to the skin and ventilate it. The brush, if properly selected according to the particular type of coat, has a burnishing effect upon the hair, giving it a live and glistening appearance when used. To a very limited extent, it also promotes the growth of the hair, but it cannot of itself produce a good crop of hair. unless the body is fortified by good substantial food and the dog’s lineage includes typically coated ancestors, all the brushing in the world will not grow a single hair.

a good cliP As far as the comfort and well-being of your dog is concerned, there are only two reasons for clipping: • to lighten the drag of an excessively heavy coat in water work • to make brushing and combing easier Many, many years ago when the Poodle was used for water retrieving to a greater extent than he is now, his coat was clipped to speed his swimming. Dog fanciers with an eye to fashion were quick to see the possibilities of beautifying and somewhat refining an already majestic dog. After a time, they evolved to now accepted methods of clipping dogs of this breed. This is often how hair fashion develops.

heRe comeS The Sun Sunlight plays a key role in coat appearance but it’s a bit of a “catch 22”. While sunlight is required to encourage stimulation of hair growth, it also undermines colour intensity. Blue is the principal color affected, though all colours will fade and dim to a certain extent under too frequent or too prolonged sun time. To support a body rugged enough to produce a luxuriant coat, you must give your dog his quota of sun and exercise each day. This winning formula will strengthen the body and activate the skin, and the hair will grow as a matter of course. While daily outdoor exercise is a necessity, please remember that your dog will benefit more if you regularly brush and comb his hair. In fact, lack of brushing and the removal of dead coat may cause the animal to overheat more quickly and collapse.

educate Yourself Every dog’s coat is different so ensure you have the tools you need for daily grooming by talking with your breeder as well as a knowledgeable groomer (preferably one who has worked with your breed). Ask for demonstrations so you’re clear on what to do. Above all, enjoy this special time with your dog. He’ll thank you for it!

Lesley Weeks is the founder and owner of Pampered Paws Limited as well as a breeder under the prefix Caix’s Reg’d. Kennels. Lesley has owned and bred multiple Best in Show dogs (Standard and Miniature Schnauzers) in both Canada and the U.S., and brings over 30 years experience in the Show Dog world to the grooming profession. She is an international teacher and has been featured on TV and in many newspapers and magazines

Any StAin – Any SurfAce! Made in Canada, bust-it! stain and odour Remover is specially formulated with biodegradable ingredients, including natural bacterial cultures and fermentation extracts, which are capable of tackling the toughest pet stains and odours caused by organic matter (urine, feces, blood, vomit). The Triple action Power of bust-it! works on any surface (ceramic, wood, carpet, leather, upholstery) to safely break down, clean and eliminate the problem at hand. it even works on concrete and other porous or rough surfaces! Environmentally-friendly, bust-it! is recognized under the Ecologo™ program as a certified environmentally sound choice. With no harsh chemicals or fumes, all that’s left behind is a clean, fresh citrus scent.

both dog and cat specific formulas are available. visit hagen.cOm to learn more.


dO OppOsites


How to introduce dogs to cats (or the other way round!) By Suzanne heTTS, PhD, caaB

dogs and cats may not seem compatible, but many people have both. but too many pet owners put up with their pets acting out or hiding because they don’t like each other. many of these problems could be prevented with just two steps:

assess the

1. An assessment of the animals’ personalities 2. Careful initial introductions 90

Canadian dogs annual 2013

animals Has your resident dog or cat ever been around the other species? How about the pet you are acquiring? How did they react? A good relationship with a previous pet is a good sign, but doesn’t guarantee the same results with a new one. Err on the side of caution and assume the dog may want to injure the cat, even if you know the dog was friendly with other cats in the past.

let me introduce you Allow the dog and cat to hear and smell each other, but not see each other. Confine the resident pet to one part of your house when you first bring your new dog or cat home. Allow the newcomer to explore his new digs while your resident animal is safely confined. Take an old towel, rub it on your new dog or cat, and put it in the room where you’ve confined your resident animal. After an hour or two, reverse the arrangements, including the scented towel. Repeat this process throughout the first day, and during the entire time your pets are housed separately during the acclimation period. Feed the animals on either side of a closed door so they will learn to associate pleasant experiences with one another. Your goal is to have them calmly eat with the bowls very close to the door. Continue keeping them separated until their interest in each other’s scent and presence at the door wanes. Next, arrange an episode where they can see but not touch one another. This might be through a glass or screen door, or on either side of a baby gate, or with your pets on leashes or in crates.

a dog’s REaCTions usuallY Fall inTo sEVERal CaTEgoRiEs. • some immediately view cats as prey and will chase them with intent to hurt them. • Many will be intensely curious about the cat. That curiosity can turn into playful, friendly behavior, or aggression, depending in part on the cat’s response. • The dog may start out just wanting to play, but the cat feels threatened and behaves aggressively. This may in turn provoke an aggressive response from the dog. • A few dogs will immediately love the cat and be calm and relaxed in her presence. • some dogs will even be afraid of the cat.

Encourage the animals to lie or sit quietly, using treats, toys and/ or petting. If anyone seems uncomfortable or overly excited, either increase the distance between them, or calmly end the session and try again later. Once they are relaxed, allow a bit more interaction. Attach your dog’s leash to a couch or chair and allow the cat to approach him at her own pace. Interrupt over-exuberant or aggressive behavior with a squirt of water.

Dr. Suzanne Hetts, PhD, CAAB, CVJ is an awardwinning speaker and author, having lectured on four continents to animal parents and professionals. Her company, Animal Behavior Associates, Inc., provides pet behavior education to animal professionals at and animal parents at and



Canadian dogs annual 2013


ride Cats and cars can go together! Here’s how to make traveling with your kitty fun for both of you. By maRy ellen “anGelScRiBe”

TEACH YOUR CAT THAT CAR RIDES are an enjoyable adventure!

If this sounds impossible, consider this: when our family first fostered a 13-year-old male Persian named Mr. Purrfect, he was terrified of everything. Yet, we easily taught him to love car rides.

here’s how we did it,

and how you can do the same: • Start by letting your feline explore the vehicle while it’s turned off. Give him a favorite treat so he learns the car is a nice place to be. • Once your cat’s body language looks relaxed, start the car. • When he’s comfortable with the noise, drive a very short distance, slowly. • If he gets agitated, return home, and try again another time. • Before going any distance, buy a crate or carrier or harness him in a soft mesh pet seat that buckles securely with the car’s seat belts. • Once you’ve accustomed your cat to his crate, carrier or harness, as well as the car, begin taking him somewhere fun on a regular basis; drive by the ducks at the park, for example. • Once you’ve arrived at your destination, never let your cat jump from the car. Always carry him, or take him in his carrier. • Reward him with his favorite food or treat when you get back home.

Mary Ellen “Angelscribe” is an award-winning photojournalist, author and animal newspaper columnist. Her column “Pet Tips ‘n’ Tales” is filled with knowledge, inspiration, humor and warmhearted stories ( tipsntales.html). Her internationally known swimming cats have appeared on Animal Planet’s series Must Love Cats. She is also the author of Expect Miracles and A Christmas Filled with Miracles.




What you feed your cat can make or break her health.

A natural, nutritious diet is the cornerstone of wellness and longevity. By Dana cox Cat are Obligate CarnivOres, which means they must eat meat in order to thrive. Of course, the quality of the diet is only as good as the quality of the ingredients that go into it. Most low-end cat foods lack premium protein and are too high in grains. It’s best to look for a diet free of unnamed meals, by-products, and additives such as artificial coloring and preservatives that can trigger allergies and other health problems.


Canadian dogs annual 2013


ancestral diet To consider how best to feed our cats, it’s important to remember where they came from and how they eat in the wild. “Cats are not small dogs,” says Dr. Lea Stogdale, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Small Animals, of Aesop’s Veterinary Care in Winnipeg, Manitoba. “They are carnivores whose ideal diet is four mice a day – approximately 75% water, 15% to 20% protein, a little fat and soluble fibre, 4% carbohydrate (the glycogen within the cells), vitamins and minerals. The mice are consumed raw with digestive enzymes and intestinal bacteria intact, and eaten during the mornings and evenings.” Obviously, most of us aren’t in a situation to comply with this diet so what’s the next best thing? Dr. Stogdale recommends a home prepared raw or cooked diet (as long as it’s formulated properly), a well-balanced manufactured raw diet, or a grainfree canned cat food with some meat offered daily. She says it’s important to remember that cats are descended from desert animals and, as such, are not natural water drinkers (since water would have been scarce). Instead, our cats’ ancestors got their liquid from the prey they ingested. Most modern cats still dislike drinking water so giving them an extra “boost” in their diet is helpful.

A lot of cats get diarrhea if their food is switched too abruptly. Introduce new foods slowly and gradually.

“I recommend water be mixed into their moist cat food. The quantity of water depends on the cat. I suggest that owners gradually increase the amount of water they mix into the food, aiming at a 1:1 ratio of moist cat food to water.” And what about cats who love their dry diet? “Some adult cats are such dry food addicts that they become intolerable if they are not fed some kibble,” laughs Dr. Stogdale. “For these cats, I suggest a maximum of ¼ cup good quality grain-free kibble fed at bedtime.” Giving your cat a premium diet will cost more, but it’s money well spent. By feeding her a healthy diet today, you’ll probably save on vet bills tomorrow – and you’ll enjoy her love and companionship a lot longer!




Canadian dogs annual 2013



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Which breeds have curried favour with these famous Canadians? Try matching up the celebrities with the breeds below. Then turn the page to find out if you’re right!




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Tom Green: The funnyman always has an attentive audience when he tries out new jokes on his pair of female Siberian Huskies, Steve and Annie. What’s with the boy’s name for a girl, Tom? (Maybe he’s a Stevie Nicks fan.)

Justin Bieber: International singing sensation Justin Bieber had humble beginnings but he was showered with love and support from his family, including his Papillon, Sam.



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William Shatner: Currently on tour with his one-man show, the dynamic actor has two passions in the animal world – his Tennessee Walking Horses and his Doberman Pinschers. His current Dobie is named Starbuck (perhaps a nod to your former intergalactic life, Captain?)



Yannick Bisson: It’s no mystery which breed the star of the TV series Murdoch Mysteries, shares his spare time with. Yannick’s devoted to his boxer, Mack. He and his wife, actor Chantal Craig, turned to holistic care when Mack was diagnosed with cancer in 2011. So far, he’s defied the odds, and is lapping up life with his family and two dog brothers.


match Shania Twain: After the world-famous singer lost her beloved German Shepherd, Tim (named after Timmins), Shania went “Up!” in size to two Newfoundlands, Coal and Mocha.

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Celine Dion: The singer opted for a show in Las Vegas to give her family some stability – and a female yellow Labrador Retriever named Charlie to go with it. No doubt Charlie’s “heart will go on” for Celine’s three boys, René-Charles, Eddy and Nelson.

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Amber Marshall: The star of the Canadian TV series, Heartland, has a huge heart for animals. She spends as much time as she can with her four legged friends – equine and canine. In fact, the newest addition to the family, a German Shepherd that Amber named Remi, now accompanies her and China, a border collie, to work. Lucky dogs!


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

William Lyon Mackenzie King: Canada’s longest-serving Prime Minister held the top office for almost 22 years between 1921 and 1945 (over several different terms). Throughout his accomplished career (he created old age pensions, unemployment insurance, family allowances and elected the first woman to the Senate), he enjoyed the company of an Irish Terrier at his side. In a radio recording from 1944, King describes how his “little friend Pat” influenced him. “If I have been true to some of the great causes that I have sought to remain true to, it’s been the example of that little fellow that has helped in many, many ways,” gushed the politician.



direCtOry Welcome to our Breeder Directory. This is a wonderful resource if you’re looking for a purebred dog or a rare dog, and there are 135 breeds represented here. The breed summaries give you a brief but fascinating glimpse into the history, appearance and care of each breed. Please note we’ve rated exercise and grooming requirements based on the legend below:

legend Very minimal Minimal average More than average Maximum

Before you start hunting for your new best friend, we suggest reading through our “Puppy Shopping 101” article on page 10. It may address some of your questions and will help prepare you for what to expect from a reputable breeder. This is a paid advertising section and we’ve made every effort to ensure the information is presented accurately. The publisher cannot be held responsible for any claims made in the advertising listings, or any issues that arise as a result of errors or omissions.


groups Dogs have lived alongside humans for thousands of years. Over that time, they’ve been bred to serve many roles, from helping hunt game, to containing vermin, to snuggling. The Canadian Kennel Club categorizes dogs based on seven different groups:


Canadian dogs annual 2013

grouP 1 - sPorTIng dogs bred to assist hunters on land or in water Barbet Griffon (Wire Haired Pointing) Pointer (German Short-Haired) Retriever (Chesapeake Bay) Retriever (Flat-Coated) Retriever (Golden) Retriever (Labrador) Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) Setter (English) Setter (Irish) Setter (Irish Red and White) Spaniel (American Cocker) Spaniel (Brittany) Spaniel (English Cocker) Spaniel (English Springer) Spaniel (Irish Water) Spaniel (Welsh Springer) Vizsla (Smooth-Haired) Weimaraner

grouP 2 - Hounds bred to hunt by scent or sight Afghan Hound Basset Hound Beagle Dachshund (Miniature Long-Haired) Dachshund (Miniature Smooth-Haired) Dachshund (Miniature Wire-Haired) Dachshund (Standard Wire-Haired) Deerhound (Scottish) Finnish Spitz Greyhound Ibizan Hound Irish Wolfhound Norrbottenspets Norwegian Elkhound Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Rhodesian Ridgeback Saluki Whippet

grouP 3 - WorkIng dogs bred to guard, pull and rescue Akita Alaskan Malamute Bernese Mountain Dog Boxer Bullmastiff Canaan Dog Cane Corso Doberman Pinscher Eurasier

Great Dane Great Pyrenees Kuvasz Leonberger Mastiff Newfoundland Portuguese Water Dog Rottweiler Samoyed Schnauzer (Giant) Schnauzer (Standard) Siberian Husky St. Bernard

grouP 4 - TerrIers bred to hunt and kill vermin Airedale Terrier Bedlington Terrier Border Terrier Bull Terrier Bull Terrier (Miniature) Cairn Terrier Fox Terrier (Wire) Irish Terrier Kerry Blue Terrier Lakeland Terrier Manchester Terrier Norfolk Terrier Norwich Terrier Parson Russell Terrier Schnauzer (Miniature) Sealyham Terrier Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Staffordshire Bull Terrier Welsh Terrier West Highland White Terrier

grouP 5 - Toys bred for companionship Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chihuahua (Long Coat) Chihuahua (Short Coat) Chinese Crested Coton de Tulear Griffon (Brussels) Havanese Italian Greyhound Maltese Papillon Pekingese Pomeranian Poodle (Toy) Pug Toy Manchester Terrier Yorkshire Terrier

grouP 6 - non-sPorTIng a diverse group of dogs that don’t fit into other groups American Eskimo Dog Bichon Frise Boston Terrier Bulldog Chinese Shar-Pei Chow Chow Dalmatian French Bulldog German Pinscher Keeshond Lhasa Apso LÜwchen Poodle (Miniature) Poodle (Standard) Shiba Inu Shih Tzu Tibetan Spaniel

grouP 7 - HerdIng bred to manage the movements of other animals Australian Shepherd Bearded Collie Border Collie Bouviers des Flandres Briard Collie (Rough) Collie (Smooth) German Shepherd Dog Iceland Sheepdog Old English Sheepdog Polish Lowland Sheepdog Puli Shetland Sheepdog Swedish Vallhund Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)


Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound

RBIS & MGRP Can & Am. Ch. Tokabout Daredevil (‘Dare’). #1 UKC Afghan 2011. Inquiries available.Stud service available to screened clients. Bred/Owned by Diedre Devins and Kit & Scott Schmidt, TokaboutReg’.d.

History Originating around the borders of Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan, the Afghan Hound is one of the oldest sighthound breeds. Rich and poor alike prized these dogs for their protective nature but most of all for their ability to hunt. Afghans were bred to be supreme hunters, pursuing everything from gazelles to hares, and even their traditional quarry, leopards. Hunted alone or in braces, Afghans relied on their independent thinking skills to successfully bring down the big cats. The breed came to Europe in the late 19th century after British soldiers spotted them in India. While Afghans are known for their long elegant coats, initially there were two varieties: the lean short-coated desert-bred hound, and the heavier-coated mountain hound. These two types were interbred after their introduction to the Western world, and the result was the impressive hound we know today. Personality Elegant and sometimes aloof, the Afghan Hound can seem standoffish at first. But this breed is loyal to his people, and has a surprising sense of humour. Incredible athletes, Afghans require adequate exercise, but don’t be surprised to find them curled up on the couch afterwards. They have a high prey drive, so Afghans should be watched around cats or other small animals.


Appearance 24-29” (61-73 cm) 50-60 lb (22-27 kg) Long fine coat, silken in texture, topped with short hair from the shoulder along the length of the back. Face is short-coated, head is crowned with a topknot of long hair. All colours are acceptable, but white markings are discouraged. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming NL Mocean Reg’d. Champion parents, health tested, health Gtd, puppies occasionally. Conception Bay South, NL A1W 5R5. (709) 351-2643; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

ON Tokabout Reg’d, Diedre Devins. I offer champion bloodline Afghan Hounds. All health clearances done. AKC/CKC registered pups available to select homes. Stud services also available. Healthy, happy, sound temperaments. A joy to own and become your lifelong companion. Come and visit us. 347369 15 Side Road, Mono, ON L9W 6S4. (519) 941-8688 and 3025 Tillie Run, Cedar Springs, MI 49319. (616) 263-9457;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)

Airedale Terrier

MBISS Can & Am. Ch. Copperfields Lion Heart. Canadian National Specialty Winner. Multiple Group Winner Canada and USA. Bred/Owned by Grazyna Benaissa, Copperfields Reg’d. Mississauga, ON.

History In the mid 1800s, middle class workers in the Aire Valley of Yorkshire, England were plagued with pests such as rats and otters. Normally, the problem was managed with terriers for the rats and water dogs for the otters. However, most people could not afford the cost of keeping multiple dogs. In 1853, breeders sought a solution by crossing rough-coated Black and Tan Terriers with Otterhounds. The result was the Waterside Terrier, a keen terrier-type hunter who could swim. The breed took off, and was renamed the Airedale Terrier in 1879. The Airedale was first brought to North America in the 1880s. Its uses have gone far beyond hunting water prey, and Airedales are now one of the most versatile terriers, hunting fur or feather, acting as a retriever, herding and guarding. Airedales were one of the earliest police dogs and an active presence in the First and Second World Wars. The breed’s great versatility and size truly make the Airedale “King of Terriers”. Personality An intelligent and brave dog, Airedales have big personalities and huge hearts. While they can be aloof with other dogs and strangers, they are lively and playful with their own people. Regular exercise both on and off leash keeps these energetic dogs happy. Their versatility and intelligence make them good for obedience or similar work. Appearance 22-24” (56-61 cm) 40-45 lb (18-30 kg) Dense wiry outercoat with soft downy undercoat. Coat lies straight and close to the body, with

some wave or crinkle acceptable. Tan body with saddle of black or dark grizzle on midsection. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Helen Arnold, Winsea Reg’d. Breeding for health conformation and temperament. Producing top quality American and Canadian Champions with excellent temperaments. 708 Imperial Way SW, Calgary, AB T2S 1N7. (403) 243-5378; harnold@; ON Copperfields Reg’d. We are dedicated to breeding for good temperament, soundness and good health. Home-raised quality puppies from top Canadian/American/English lines. Parents Champions, health checked and OVC/OFA hips certified. (905) 607-5880; copperfields@; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) Gardenaire Reg’d, Pat Morris. We breed excellent, healthy champions with wonderful temperaments and exceptional conformation. All puppies are home raised & crate trained from champion lines. RR 3, 936117 Airport Road, Mansfield, ON L0N 1M0. (705) 434-0205; Princedale Perm Reg’d, Ginette Miron & Yvon Legault. Devoted to the breed since 1978. American/Canadian Champion bloodlines. Quality, healthy home-raised puppies with excellent temperament. Written guarantee. Inquiries/reservations welcomed. 907 Rang 5, Lochaber Ouest, QC J0X 3B0. (819) 986-2225;; http://pages.infinit. net/princdal

Akbash – See Rare Breed Directory - Pg 159


Ch. (pend) Kytao’s Tashiro Yuu Go. Hugo. Cheryl Sadler. Taking WM Akita National Specialty (From Puppy Class). Bred/Owned by Cheryl Sadler, Kytao Reg’d. Calahoo, AB

History The regal Akita is the largest Japanese Spitz breed and has been around for approximately 300 years. He is related to

In 1931, the breed was declared a natural monument worthy of careful preservation. The first Akita arrived in North America in 1937 with Helen Keller, who was given one on a visit to Japan. But it wasn’t until after World War II when soldiers stationed in Japan brought a large number of Akitas home with them that the breed really gained popularity in North America. Personality The Akita is dignified, fearless and very loyal to his owner. He likes to dominate other dogs, and is reserved with people he doesn’t know. An alert, quiet dog who only barks occasionally, he makes a good family companion, but he’s also active, powerful and athletic and needs lots of outdoor exercise. Appearance 23-27.5” (58-70cm) 75-120 lbs (34-54.5 kg) Straight, harsh outer coat; short, dense undercoat; any colour is acceptable.

crossing it with smaller, faster dogs for racing, or larger dogs for weight pulling or fighting. The results could have decimated the breed, but the strong Arctic Spitz type was prepotent, and most poor traits were bred out within two or three generations. Personality It’s speculated that the humane care typically given to the Alaskan Malamute has given him a better temperament than some other Spitz breeds, but it’s important to remember he is a pack animal whose entire history is based on survival of the fittest. He is a friendly dog who loves all people equally and does not bond particularly closely. Early socialization and training will teach him where he stands in his family “pack”. Bred to work hard, the Alaskan Malamute needs lots of exercise, and a large fenced yard is a necessity. Appearance 23-28” (58-71 cm) 75-85 lb (34-39 kg)

Personality These lively dogs are highly attached to their owners and prefer not to be left alone. They will bark at strangers, and make good watchdogs. Energetic and intelligent, they require daily runs and enjoy opportunities to exercise their minds. They are an excellent choice for obedience or as trick dogs.

AB Skeenawhip Perm Reg’d, Marie Klimek. Breeding for health and temperament. Written guarantees. Box 308, Marwayne, AB T0B 2X0. (780) 847-2531;

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

AB Kytao Reg’d, Cheryl Sadler. Producing champions and companions since 1982. Life member of the CKC. All breeding stock OFA/ CERF certified. All dogs are bred to conform to structure and excellent dispositions. Puppies by reservation. Adults occasionally. ky_akita@; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

The American Eskimo Dog’s popularity arose from its widespread use in circuses from the 1920s through 1950s. Famous Eskimo Dogs such as Stout’s Pal Pierre performed amazing acts like walking the tightrope or dancing with clowns before the crowds. With three different sizes to choose from, they appealed to a wide range of people and situations.

Appearance Standard 15-19” (38-48 cm) 18-35 lb (8-16 kg) Miniature 11-15” (28-38 cm) 10-20 lb (4.5-9 kg) 9-12” (23-30 cm) Toy 6-10 lb (3-4.5 kg) Long straight outercoat with dense undercoat. White is preferred, but biscuit or cream are acceptable.

Thick coarse outercoat. Dense, oily wooly undercoat. Solid white, mostly white with shadings from light grey to black, sable, red.

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

American Spitz in 1913, and then to American Eskimo Dog in 1917.

American BullDog – See Rare Breed Directory - Pg 159

American Eskimo Dog

Alaskan Malamute

American Eskimo Dog

the Ainu and the Shiba Inu, and as his name suggests, comes from the Akita region of northern Japan. He was originally used to hunt large game like bear, deer and boar.

AB Kiskapoo Reg’d, Virginia Collins. Priority to structure and temperament. Health guarantee. Show and companion pups available. Miniatures and Toys. All adults tested for PRA by OptiGen. (403) 362-7399;;

History Some 4,000 years ago, when the Bering Strait provided access from Siberia to Alaska, an Inuit tribe known as the Mahlemuts came to North America, bringing along their dogs. Strong, hardy and exceptionally suited to harsh northern conditions, these dogs hauled sleds and carried packs, allowing the Inuit to travel where food was most plentiful. The dogs were prized and never sold to non-Inuit homes but when the Klondike Gold Rush of 1896 brought American prospectors to Alaska, greed overcame sensibility, and good dogs sold for hundreds of dollars. Many attempted to “improve” the breed by

CKC/Ch. Phantomrun’s Which Witch Z Which. Phantomrun Breeding for Health, Temperament, Soundness of body & mind. Bred/Owned by Wanda Pepin, Phantomrun Reg’d. 1274 Radar Road, Hanmer, ON P3P 0B4.

History A member of the Spitz family, which originated some 6,000 years ago with the Peat Bog Dog, the American Eskimo Dog arose from a line of dogs from Switzerland that came to be known as German Spitz. The breed came to North American in the early 1900s. Possibly due to anti-German sentiment during the First World War, the breed’s name was changed to

ON Phantomrun Reg’d. Top quality selective breeding from Champion Can/Am stock. Parents have board certified hip & eye clearances. Our dogs exemplify type, health, temperament & soundness. Our goal is to produce structurally balanced bodies & sound minds. Beautiful sound healthy dog is our commitment to the American Eskimo Dog. (705) 969-8546; pepin@; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Rare Breeds Directory– pg 159 -



Photo: Alice van Kampen

White Phantom Reg’d, Susan Noden. Toy, Miniature and Standard sizes. Optigen tested. RR 2, New Norway, AB. T0B 3L0. (780) 855-2577; (780) 781-4706;;

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherd

HHC Reg’d, Brenda-Lee & Chris Hoskins. Home of the 2010 No 3 Australian Shepherd Am/Can Ch Bayshore Stonehaven Heart Breaker at HHC. Breeding devoted companions that meet the standard of the breed. Testing hips, eyes, elbows. Full three-year genetic health guarantee. Aftersale support. Inquiries welcome. Stud services available. 6541 County Rd 21, Alliston, ON L9R 1V2. (705) 424-2423; info@hhcminiaussies. com; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Barbet Ch. Bayshore Stonehaven Heartbreaker at HHC Reg’d. Bred by Jeff Margeson and Frank Baylis at Stonehaven, Bayshore Reg’d. Owned by Chris and Brenda-lee Hoskins at Tresrullah Australian Shepherds. Alliston, ON L9R 1V2

History The name of this breed might lead you to believe it originated in Australia, but the truth is not so simple. It had its beginnings in Spain and Andorra with Basque shepherds who used Pyrenean Shepherds to care for their herds. These dogs followed the Basques as they travelled first to Australia, then to the United States in the 1840s. Once in North America, the dogs were assumed to have originated in Australia and were named accordingly. By the late 1800s, the breed became quite popular in the western states. The dogs were known for their intelligence, versatility, and of course, their excellent herding ability. Over the years, the breed has been augmented with others such as Smithfields, Border Collies and Collies, eventually producing the Australian Shepherd we now know and love. Personality With their smart and friendly personality, Australian Shepherds do equally well as family pets or working herders. Because of their working origin, these dogs require lots of exercise and things to do. They make excellent obedience and sporting dogs, learn quickly and love their jobs. Appearance 18-23” (45-58 cm) 40-65 lb (18-29 kg) Weather-resistant double coat whose undercoat varies seasonally. Moderate mane and frill. A variety of colours including black, red, blue merle and red merle. Various white and/or tan markings and points.


Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Cheynat Reg’d, Leslie Edwards. Quality homeraised, versatile companions. Breeding for over 20 years. Our main focus with each breeding is temperament and soundness. Three year written guarantee and a lifetime of support. 4791 Vasey Road, RR 2, Victoria Harbour, ON L0K 2A0. (705) 835-6846;; http://users.

Ch. Flacon D’Paris of Neigenuveaux. Versatile beyond imaginable belief. Suited for almost every family. Bred/ Owned by Florence Erwin, Neigenuveaux Perm. Reg’d. Mississauga, ON.

History An ancient breed, the Barbet is the likely progenitor of many modern dogs, including Bichons, Griffons, Otterhounds, Newfoundlands, Briards and Poodles. References to this French water dog, named for its characteristic “barbe” or beard, date back as early as the 14th century, though the breed is believed to be far older than that. Originally used to retrieve at sea, the Barbet’s thick wooly coat and webbed feet make him an ideal gun dog in swamps. Unfortunately, as breeds like the Poodle gained popularity, the Barbet was forgotten and nearly became extinct in the late 19th century. Fortunately, breed enthusiasts worked to preserve. Personality This brave and loyal dog is a loving pet and truly devoted to his family. Like any water dog, he enjoys a swim no matter what the weather. Eager to please, he loves a good romp outside and is easy to train. Appearance 20-25” (51-65 com) 33-55 lb (15-25 kg) Long wooly coat, forms cords naturally. Hair on head reaches to the nose and covers eyes. Thick beard and moustache. Comes in a variety of solid colours: black, grey, white, tawny, chestnut, red fawn, sandy, pied. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Club Barbet Canada. Canada’s National Club for the Barbet dedicated to education, promoting and protecting the Barbet. A club for pet owners, breeders, show, working and performance enthusiasts. All inquiries welcome. Please visit us at our website for club contacts, referrals, or just to find out more about this incredible breed! ON Bayport Reg’d. Member of Club Barbet Canada. Over 12 years of breeding excellence. Breeding for health and temperament. Puppies raised in our home with our children. (519) 827-0950;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) Biscay Water Dogs. Dedicated to preserving the authenticity of the Barbet for health, temperament, instinct, and ability. A versatile, loyal and intelligent breed. Excellent family companions and skilled retrievers. Home based breeding program with lifetime breeder support. Paula Ballack. Wellesley, ON. (519) 741-0226;; Nappyroots Reg’d, The Friendly Barbet, Chris & Ula Pepper. Committed to preserving old blood lines. Carefully bred for type, temperament and soundness, with an uncompromised focus towards health and ability. Quality gun dogs and devoted family companions. Puppies are lovingly raised, very well socialized, with the lifetime support from your breeder. Elmira, ON. (519) 669-9747; thefriendlybarbet@hotmail. com; Neigenuveaux Perm Reg’d. Home of the Murdoch (pictured above), Best puppy in BreedWDS Paris 2011, No. 2 Barbet in Canada 2011, No. 1 Barbet puppy in Canada 2011, Best of Breed - BFA of Ont. Regional Specialty 2012. Happy, healthy puppies are home raised from certified healthy, well tempered parents. Let our 30 plus years of breeding experience help guide you to your new best friend. For more information, please contact us. (905) 821-9028;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left and our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

legend Very minimal Minimal Average More than average Maximum


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Tree Beard Reg’d. Dedicated to using only sound health-certified dogs of excellent temperament, type and structure. OFA hips and elbows, CERF eyes, and DNA’d. Home-raised, well socialized puppies occasionally available to approved homes only. 125 Thare Cres., Nepean, ON K2J 2J1. (613) 823-6256; treebeardbarbets@;

Basset Hound

Goldenasset’s Low Rider. Top quality champion lines. Family raised. Health guarantee. Bred/Owned by Mary Greenwood, Goldenasset Reg’d. RR 1, Everett, ON L0M 1J0

History “Basset” is based on the French word “bas”, which means “low”. The dog we now know as the Basset Hound originated in France. It was founded on two Basset Artésien Normand littermates named Fino de Paris and Model, who were imported to England in 1874. In an effort to define the new English Basset, the breed was greatly inbred and began to fail. In 1892, judge and breeder Everett Millais decided to revive the breed by adding Bloodhound lineage. The result was the large, low-slung droopy-eyed dog now known as the Basset Hound.

Personality Super easy-going, the Basset Hound is a great family pet. He can be stubborn at times, but is generally a well-behaved pleasant companion. Like any scent hound, he may get distracted by an interesting smell. While he enjoys a good romp, the Basset is known for stamina rather than speed. Basset Hounds love their food, and should be watched for excess weight gain. Appearance 13-15” (33-38 cm) 50-70 lb (22-32 kg) Short smooth coat. Generally tri-colour (black, white, tan) or bi-colour (lemon, white) but may come in any typical hound colouring. Skin is elastic and somewhat baggy (this loose skin needs to be kept clean, particularly around the eyes and ears). Long droopy ears. Long back with short stocky legs. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements (possibly 2.5 – energy = 2, exercise = 3) Grooming ON Autumn Blaze Reg’d, Becki Irwin. European and Canadian bloodlines. Health guarantee and full breeder support. House raised and child socialized. Our dogs are carefully bred for health without compromising on temperament and soundness. Puppies come microchipped, up to date on vaccines, health checked by our vet and dewormed. Shipping is available if needed on a case to case basis. RR 1, Brigden, ON N0N 1B0. (519) 864-1130;; Golden Asset Reg’d, Mary Greenwood. We have been caring for and breeding quality champion Bassets since 1998. Our Bassets are Canadian lines and lines imported from Europe. We are a family based kennel located just west of Alliston, ON. All of our Adult dogs conform to CKC breed Standard, and have had their clearances on their eyes. Our pups come with CKC Registration, 24 months guarantee, shots, vet checked, health record, dewormed, 6 weeks free health insurance, litter pedigree, a puppy pack, and a lifetime of support. Show and pet puppies available occasionally. Let us help you find your next furry friend. RR 1, Everett ON, (705) 434-0242;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)



History Primarily used as a rabbit-hunting dog, the Beagle may have been around since 430 BC, when Xenophon referred to a small hound that hunted hares by scent and was followed on foot. During the time of Henry VIII, the Beagle was small enough to be carried to the hunting ground in a sleeve or saddle bag. This small size was impractical, however, and the use of Beagles in hunting greatly declined by the reign of Elizabeth I. The breed was kept alive by the farmers of southern England, where the dogs were favoured for their skill at hunting rabbits. Beagles were brought to North America during the 1840s, and continued to be used for hunting. In England, efforts to create a breed standard were underway, but a similar effort didn’t begin in the United States until the 1870s. Interestingly, the new breed became more popular in North America than England, and has remained among the top ten most popular dogs for well over 30 years. Personality With his outgoing personality, the Beagle is quick to win over the human heart. He is confident, playful and always cheerful. Being a hunting hound, the Beagle does have a loud voice and can be a bit noisy at times. He loves to get out and about, exploring the world around him. Beagles are relatively easy to train, and particularly enjoy their treats. Appearance 13-16” (33-40 cm) 22-35 lb (10-16 kg) Dense, hard weatherproof coat of medium length. Any typical hound colour or combination of colours. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming SK Main Reg’d. Specializing in quality, tri-coloured Beagles from Champion Bloodlines. Home raised puppies for show or companions to loving homes. (306) 205-0902; sunshineprairiestyle@;




RoVer Barbets, Veronica Matthews. Our goal is to provide happy balanced family companions. Parents are health tested. Puppies are raised in a home environment and are available occasionally to approved homes. (866) 531-0923;; www. (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

While Basset Hounds were initially bred for dog shows rather than sport, they were unique hunting dogs whose slower pace allowed for a different style of hunting. Bassets were primarily used to hunt badger and hare. The breed was first imported to North America in 1883, but didn’t gain popularity here until the 1920s. By the 1950s, the Basset Hound was a familiar sight, appearing in many films and TV shows and acting as the logo for Hush Puppies.

Photo courtesy of Alan Bridges

Northrock Reg’d, Stephanie Dixon. We are a small hobby breeder dedicated to breeding versatile Barbets for health, temperament and type as well as natural working ability. Puppies are lovingly raised in the home with children and other pets and are well socialized. Our breeding dogs are health tested for hips, elbows, eyes, heart and thyroid. Puppies are CKC registered, microchipped, fully vet checked, have 6 weeks free health insurance and sold on a non-breeding contract to approved homes only. A comprehensive puppy package, written guarantee and lifetime breeder support is provided for all Northrock Barbets. Inquiries welcome. Please visit our website for more information. (416) 773-0843;;

Bedlington Terrier

Bernese Mountain Dog

History Bearded Collies were first developed in Scotland, where for centuries they were bred as a herding and droving dog. The breed’s specific canine antecedents are uncertain, though some claim Polish Lowland Sheepdogs were a primary ancestor. Whatever their history, the breed became very popular in the Victorian era. Efforts to create a registry for Bearded Collies in the late 19th century met with difficulty. While several dogs met the breed description, few were ever registered.

History Hailing from the Rothbury Forest region of Northumberland in England, the Rothbury Terrier was originally a versatile allround pest-controller who kept the coal mines free of rats. Though an excellent rat and badger dog, his versatile nature led breeders to add Otterhound bloodlines to allow the dogs to swim down otters, and Whippet bloodlines to add speed, allowing them to run down hares. The longer-legged type became known as the Bedlington Terrier.

History One of four types of Swiss Mountain Dog, the Bernese Mountain Dog (also known as the Berner Sennenhunde) was a working animal, commonly seen driving livestock or hitched to a cart and pulling goods to market. The breed likely originated from the crossbreeding of Mastiffs, brought to Switzerland by the Romans, with local herding dogs.

The breed as we now know it descends from the efforts of Mrs. G.O. Willison, who purchased her first Bearded Collie in 1946. When the dog was two years old, she had it inspected for registration and Jeannie of Bothkennar became the first Bearded Collie to be registered in nine years. The first Bearded Collies in North America likely arrived in the 1890s, but they were not established as a breed until 1970.

The new Bedlington Terriers were exceptional game dogs that didn’t tolerate other dogs interfering with their work. Their speed and versatility endeared them to poachers, and the breed is still sometimes called the “gypsy dog”. When introduced to the show world, breeders developed the dog’s characteristic lamb-like clip.

Photo :Alice van Kampen

Bearded Collie

Bearded Collie

Personality Full of bounce and general good spirits, the Bearded Collie is a fun-loving dog. This charming fellow enjoys the outdoors, and doesn’t mind if the weather is wet or grey. A loving family pet, the bubbly Bearded Collie also makes a wonderful theropy dog. Appearance 20-22” (51-56 cm) 40-60 lb (18-27 kg) Shaggy flat overcoat. Soft close undercoat. Beard. Black, blue, brown, grey or fawn in colour, with or without white and tan markings. Colour tends to fade with age. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming


AB Niddrie Barbara, Shaggylane Perm Reg’d. Box 8, Site 26, RR 1, DeWinton, AB T0L 0X0. (403)-938-2259 QC Newman, Diane & Arthur, Dovmar Reg’d. Home raised puppies from health tested champion parents are occasionally available to loving show and pet homes. Excelling in temperament, soundness and type. 5503 Robinson Avenue, Montreal, QC H4V 2P4. (514) 488-1966; (514) 488-4618 Fax;


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

As technology improved, working dogs were no longer necessary, so the breed saw a significant decrease in numbers in the late 19th century. In 1892, a group of Swiss nationals founded a breeding colony in an effort to preserve the Swiss Mountain Dog. The breed was imported to North America in the 1930s and has gained popularity over the years.

Personality A very loyal dog, the Bernese Mountain Dog is an even-tempered fellow who Personality Versatile and intelligent, the makes an excellent family dog. He is a good Bedlington Terrier can learn to do just about watchdog with a teddy-bear personality. This anything. He is intensely loyal to his people, dog is slow to mature, and retains his playful though this can change to protectiveness if he personality as he grows. As a working breed, the feels his family is threatened. With great spirit Bernese Mountain Dog benefits from having a job. and a playful charming nature, the Bedlington Appearance 23-28” (58-70 cm) is said to have the heart of a lion in the body 80-110 lb (36-50 kg) of a lamb. Long, thick soft coat, slightly wavy or straight. Appearance 15-18” (38-45 cm) Undercoat varies according to the season. 17-23 lb (7.5-10.5 kg) Tricolour (black, white, tan). Crispy, thick and linty, with mixture of hard and soft hair that stands away from the body. Quick Facts Tendency to curl, particularly on head and Exercise Requirements Grooming face. Topknot. Blue, blue and tan, liver and tan, sandy, sandy and tan. AB Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

BLoemco Reg’d, Hank & Grace Bloemert. Box 1081, Picture Butte, AB T0K 1V0. (403) 7384261;; pages/bloemcos.html

BC Boulevardier Reg’d, Bedlington Terriers, Gail Gates. Life Member of Canadian Kennel Club, Member Bedlington Terrier Club of America, owner and breeder of Top Canadian and American Champions for 38 years. “In Search of Excellence” We breed for health, temperament and conformation, producing puppies of sound quality, beauty, and loving happy personalities. Puppies are sold under contract with a written guarantee. Are vet checked, dewormed and have their first shots. Contact Art for further information and an interview. (250) 753-7297;;

QC Helvetica Reg’d, Hans & Annemarie Bahler. Elevage naturel, notre but depuis 25ans longevité, super temperament, bonne santé. Parents certifiés 5 générations. Garanties et suivies, de nos bouviers bernois. 421 ch Gore, Ulverton, QC J0B 2B0. (819) 826-3158; amhelvetica@hotmail. com;

Win FREE Dog Food for a year! See pg 61

Black Russian Terrier

Black Russian Terrier

BC Herman, Suzanne. Home-raised, healthy, happy puppies guaranteed. Do not hesitate to call for more information. 53859 McGregor Road, Rosedale, BC V0X 1X1. (604) 794-7119; ON

Ch. Normandy’s Supermann (Clarke), pictured with granddaughter Tuuli. Norma Dirszowsky, Normandy Perm Reg’d. General Delivery, Udora, ON L0C 1L0. History It’s difficult to track the history of many “small white dogs” since they thrived around the world, but the Bichon Frise is thought to have its origins with the Bichon Tenerife, named after one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. Sailors in the region became enamoured with the breed and often took the dogs with them when they sailed. In France, the Bichon Frise was popular with Royals, including King Henry III of France, who was said to carry his Bichon in a tray-like basket that he hung from his neck with ribbons. During the French Revolution, however, the dogs were tossed out on the streets, where the breed’s intelligent and playful nature made it a natural performer for organ grinders and circuses. The Bichon Frise was threatened during the World Wars, but a group of French breeders got together in the early 1930s to define and protect it and in 1956, a French couple brought their breeding Bichons to North America. Personality A bubbly and happy dog, the Bichon Frise is a delightful companion to have around the house. He is quite attached to his owner, and loves to be the center of attention. A gentle nature and good manners make him suitable for a variety of homes. Appearance 9-12” (23-30 cm) 7-12 lb (3-5.5 kg) Coarse curly outercoat with soft dense undercoat. White. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Bichon Frise Club of Canada. Canada’s Official National Club - established 1981. Inquiries and referrals welcome. Please contact Marilyn Torrance, BFCC Secretary. Carp, ON. (613) 839-7716;;

Bernard, Sophie, So Much Better Bichons Reg’d. Superb quality companion Bichons. I am dedicated to the best breeding practices for the Bichon Frise and my goal is to produce the healthiest happiest puppies possible. I breed only toward the CKC and AKC standard with health and temperament being the first and foremost. I have selectively bred companionship stock producing puppies of sound quality and beautiful personalities. Raised with TLC. Each puppy is microchipped with health and vet clearances. Canadian and American championship bloodlines. CERF eyes, PENN Hip, OFA Hip, Elbows, Patellas, Cardiac, Thyroid, member of CKC, OKC, BFCC, BFAO. Please visit my website for more details. (Ottawa Area) (613) 673-2580; (613) 673-4690 Fax; bichon@nbnet.; Campion Reg’d, Marilyn & Alan Torrance. Home of the #1 Canadian Bichon Frise 2011. Home raised, healthy and well-socialized puppies to approved homes. Inquiries welcome. Carp, ON. (613) 839-7716; Chezhyatt Reg’d, Carol A. Hyatt. Quality Bichons. Parents, CH Grandmother AND CH Great Grandmother on site. Hearts, Knees, Hips and Eyes Certified. Unprecedented Champion Line. Puppies available occasionally. 1490 Horseshoe Valley Road E., RR 2, Coldwater, ON L0K 1E0. (705) 329-4627;; Normandy Perm Reg’d. Award winning Bichons! Outstanding bloodlines! Breeding for the betterment of the breed since 1982. Greater Toronto Area location. Visitors welcome by appointment. See our breed heading photo and visit our website. General Delivery, Udora, ON L0C 1L0. (705) 228-1148; normandy@; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Ch. CKC, Ch. AKC Hranitel Dinasty Bogdan Tarasovich Iz Teremka. Bred/Owned by Svetlana Lochan, Iz Teremka Reg’d. 768 Tanner Drive, Kingston, ON K7M 9G7.

History During the 1930s, the Russian military searched for a large terrier-type dog to become a part of their national security force. They started the Red Star Kennel, dedicated to locating suitable breeds and combining them to produce the perfect military dog. While the Second World War delayed their efforts, the experiment, which involved crossing some 17 different breeds, eventually produced a suitable large, tough and agile dog they named the Black Russian Terrier. Red Star maintained exclusivity of the breed until 1956, when second and third generation puppies became available to private breeders. Black Russian Terriers remain uncommon outside their native Russia. Personality The Black Russian Terrier is a calm confident dog who is loyal to his people, yet aloof with strangers. He is highly intelligent and takes well to training, though early socialization is necessary to curb over-protectiveness. Outdoors he is a happy bouncy fellow, while indoors he is content to relax and follow his family around the house. The Black Russian Terrier is very attached to his people and does not do well if left alone. Appearance 25-31” (64-77 cm) 80-143 lb (36-65 kg) Hard, rough, ample broken outercoat. Thick soft undercoat. Moustache and beard. Black, black with grey hairs.

Quick Facts Whitetales Reg’d, John White. “QUALITY NOT Exercise Requirements QUANTITY” Health Testing Done, CERF, OFA. Grooming Temperament Tested, Health Guarantee on Happy Home-raised puppies for Show and Pet with Outstanding Champion Bloodlines. Toronto, ON. (416) 924-1472; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Have questions? see “puppy shopping 101” On pg 10

ON Iz Teremka Reg’d. Dedicated to the breeding of Black Russian Terriers by developing and preserving the best qualities of the old working Siberian bloodlines. We are not only home of many Champions, but more important, we produce healthy dogs with great stable temperament to fit your family needs. (613) 531-6207; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)



Bichon Frise

Herdwick & Marley. With seven generations and over 30 years’ breed experience for quality, health, temperament and training. Always available for help and advice. Please visit my website. (519) 523-9663; marleysheepdogs@;

Border Collie

History Sheep herding was a significant occupation in the border country between Scotland, England and Wales. When Romans introduced herding with dogs, herders began selecting canines for the task and interbred a variety of specialized breeds to produce the best working sheep dog, generally called a Collie. In 1894, a dog named Old Hemp, who was considered the ideal sheep dog, became the founder of what is now known as the Border Collie. Prized for his trainability and“eye” (the hypnotic way he stares at sheep to will them to move as desired), the Border Collie was imported to North America in the early 1900s and proved himself an essential working farm dog. Personality Considered one of the most intelligent breeds, the Border Collie can think for himself and is first and foremost a working dog. He needs mental stimulation to be happy, whether working with sheep or in obedience and agility trials. Because of his herding instinct, a Border Collie tends to herd anyone and everyone around him. This makes him more appropriate for older children. Appearance 19-22” (48-56 cm) 30-45 lb (12-20 kg) Double coat that varies in length. Outercoat can be long, medium or short. Innercoat is short and dense. All colours and mixes of colours acceptable: black and white, blue and white, chocolate and white, red and white, blue merle, tricolour (black, tan, white). Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

La Meute, Josée Gatien. Border Collie pups and adults occasionally, for agility, frisbee, shepherding, or pets. Parents tested for hips and eyes. Written guarantee. Many colours available. Well socialized with all the family. Alfred, ON K0B 1A0. (613) 679-4875; josee.gatien@sympatico. ca;

Border Terrier

Photo Courtesy of Trekhond Reg’d

– See Rare Breed Directory - Pg 159

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Border Collie


History A common problem for shepherds in Scottish-English border regions were foxes and other sheep-stealing animals. To counter this problem, they needed a dog fast enough to keep up with these animals but small enough to get into their dens. Concerned farmers from the Northumberland valley of Coquetdale worked to breed a dog long-legged enough to course with horses, yet short enough to be able to go to ground. These dogs were originally called Coquetdale or Reedwater Terriers after the locales where they lived and worked. They have the same ancestry as other terriers in northern England, and were hunted alongside Border Foxhounds. Border Terriers came to North America in the early 1900s. Personality Like most terriers, the Border Terrier is a big dog in a small package. He is tough and full of energy while hunting and working, but calmer in the home than many other types of terrier. Obedient and affectionate, he is a pleasant family dog.


Appearance 11-16” (28-50 cm) 11-16 lb (5-7 kg) Wiry, broken-looking outercoat with short dense ON undercoat. Black and tan, grizzle and tan, red, Bur Hill Reg’d, Russ & Tracey Salamon. wheaten. May have white markings. Family raised puppies. Well socialized by our children. Wonderful temperament. Excellent for families with children. Written health guarantee. RR7, Tillsonburg ON N4G 4H1. (519) 765-4708;;

Rare Breeds Directory – pg 159 108

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Happytime Border Terriers. Champion stock. Certified Pet Therapists, Contact Sylvia Clark. RR 2 High River, AB T1V 1NZ. (403) 744-4031;;

BC Trekhond Reg’d, Ann & Bruce McPhee. We selectively breed for health, temperament and type, from health tested Champion stock. Top imported lines. Puppies are house raised with loving care, and well socialized. For availability to pet or show homes, please check our website. 1635 North End Rd, Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 1C6. (250) 537-9505;; MB No Limit Reg’d, Dr. Birte Klug. We breed for health, temperament, performance. Well socialized puppies to selected homes. Vaccinated, microchipped, health guarantee. Parents are certified for hips, heart, knees, eyes. Great dogs for agility, fly ball, earthdog, obedience and conformation. Wonderful family pets, they love kids, action and cuddling. With grooming they don’t shed much. dr.klug@ ON BrightRain Reg’d, Dr. Kirsten Goodman. Wonderful family pets from champion parents equally at home in the show ring, agility course, earthdog trial or your couch. Carefully bred for health, temperament and type. Inquiries welcomed. 4620 Conc. 11, RR 1, Puslinch (near Guelph), ON N0B 2J0. (519) 763-4333;;

Boston Terrier

Can. Ch. Sassy’s Loyal Luigi CKC. Three decades of champions, bred for type and temperament. Bred/ Owned by Sharon & Stuart Hicks, Sassy’s Kennel’s Reg’d. 1140 Farr Street, Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0.

History As its name suggests, the Boston Terrier originated in Boston, Massachusetts. A product of crossing Bulldogs with Bull Terriers, the Boston Terrier was originally bred for dog-fighting and bull-baiting. In fact, Boston resident Robert C. Hooper purchased an English Bulldog in the mid-1800s for this very purpose. When these sports were banned, those who loved the breed worked to redefine the Boston Terrier. After many generations of careful selection, a stable breed with a “gentlemanly” temperament was produced. Then known as the Round-Headed Bull and Terrier, the breed did not acquire its current name until 1891.Since then it has remained a highly popular dog.

Appearance 15-17” (38-43 cm) 15-25 lb (7-11.5 kg) Short smooth coat. Black or brindle with white markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Personality Big and initially intimidating, the Bouvier des Flandres is actually a loving loyal family dog. He is even-tempered and loves his people. His keen nose and intelligence mean he can be trained for a variety of jobs, and he loves to work. It is important he is well socialized and has basic training when young; his large size can make it more difficult when he matures.

Appearance 23-28” (59-70 cm) 60-100 lb (27-45 kg) Tousled-looking, weatherproof double coat. Outercoat is thick and rough. Innercoat is soft Brenheather Reg’d. Champion lines, quality and thick. Moustache and beard. Shades ranging home-raised puppies occasionally. Call Terry. from fawn to black. May have white markings. ON A A & T Boston Terriers, Pat Shropshall. 17 Mill St, York, ON. (905) 765-2009

(613) 476-7587; (613) 822-0509;

Quick Facts Hornerbrook Reg’d, Jacques R, Louise & Exercise Requirements Grooming Nathalie L. LaPierre. PO Box 88, Verona ON, K0H 2W0. (613) 372-1544; hornrbrk@kingston. net; Sassy Reg’d. Three decades of Champions. Bred for type and temperament. Bred and owned by Sharon and Stuart Hicks. 1140 Farr Street, Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0. (905) 892-6781;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left and our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

ON Thorcourt Reg’d, Dave Pozzobon. Champion blood lines. Stud service. Home-raised puppies from selective breeding. Soundness, temperament, type are number one priority. Health testing. Written guarantee. Puppies occasionally, private sales only. RR #5, Woodstock, ON N4S 7V9. (519) 469-8656;

Photo: Alice van Kampen

History In the plains of Flanders, Belgium, people needed a dog that could do it all. The Bouvier was expected to herd and drive cattle, act as a watch and guard dog, kill vermin, pull a cart, and be a family companion. By 1910, there were four different varieties of Bouvier in Flanders. Because of their brave and willing spirit, Bouviers were used as messenger and ambulance dogs during the First World War, but the breed was decimated and only preserved through the efforts of Belgian army veterinarian, Captain Darby. By the end of the war, the four varieties of Bouvier had been combined, creating the Bouvier des Flandres. The dogs continued their military duties in the Second World War, where their keen noses made them suitable for scenting land mines and ammunition dumps.

Photo courtesy of Tanoak Perm Reg’d


Bouvier des Flandres

History The Boxer’s ancestors were called Molossians; they were large, strong dogs used by the Assyrians in battle thousands of years ago. A cross between Bulldogs and the small Mastifftype Bullenbeisser, which was used to bait bulls, hunt and pull carts, the true Boxer was born in Germany in the late 1800s. Bred to be a capable fighting and hunting dog and protector, the Boxer is a versatile breed used as a messenger, pack carrier, attack dog and guard dog throughout World War I. Canadian and American soldiers were attracted to these brave handsome dogs and brought them home to North America. Today, they work well as service dogs and excel at obedience. Personality The boxer is a high-spirited dog who loves to get physical when playing. Possibly

named for his tendency to use his feet while roughhousing, the Boxer is brave and willing to take on any challenge. Despite his energetic nature, he remains a loving family dog who’s good with children, and adores his people. Because he can be suspicious of strangers, it is important to socialize him well when young.


Arriving in North America in the 1920s, the Bouvier des Flandres has continued its military service to the present day. These versatile dogs work in other fields as well – as seeing-eye dogs, therapy dogs, search and rescue dogs, police dogs and more.

Appearance 21-25” (53-64 cm) 55-70 lb (25-32 kg) Short shiny coat that lies flat against the body. Fawn, brindle. May have white markings, black mask. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Northern Ontario Boxer Club. A small group of Boxer enthusiasts who are dedicated to the breed’s preservation, health and conformation. We wish to share our love of Boxers with you.; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) A B C Ambato Boxers of Canada Reg’d. Ambato Boxers is proud to offer you top quality boxer puppies as well as young adults for companions! Our Boxers are family to us; they are homeraised with love, trained to go outside to do their business, and their mom and whole boxer family live here! They are socialized, with great personalities. They are already intelligent by nature, so are easily trained, even with Grandpa Chiquita teaching them how to sing! Our puppies are healthy and beautiful, de-wormed, with shots, microchipped, CKC registered. We give 10 years life expectancy guaranteed! Blanket and food to go with puppies to their homes. We have been raising Boxers for over 25 years, only for Boxer lovers! We have our babies all over Canada making their families happy and proud to be a Boxer owner. We also do boarding for our Boxers if you need a place for your Boxer to stay; this is always his family home. We also do Boxer rescue. Boxers are our passion! Visitors Welcome. Please visit our website. Ambato Boxers, the home of your Future Boxer. Has a Boxer or Two for you!! (905) 899-1179; Dreamscape Reg’d, Nancy Ashworth-Adams, Gord Adams and family. Excellent temperament. Championship Bloodlines. Healthy, lovingly raised, show and companion puppies. Alert, intelligent with a sense of humour. Affectionate, playful pets with family and friends, yet patient with children. Boarding available. Appointments only. RR 2, Listowel, ON. (519) 887-9511 Everlong Reg’d. Breeders of quality Boxers from championship lines since 2000. Show and pet puppies available occasionally to approved homes. (905) 607-3736; everlongboxers@gmail. com;



Personality Although the Boston Terrier’s ancestors were bred for fighting, he is now known for his docile, biddable temperament. He is intelligent and can adapt to any living situation he finds himself in. While he enjoys a good romp, he’s not overly active and is happy to exercise by following his people around the home.


Halton Hill Reg’d, Paul Medeiros. Kitchenraised, guaranteed for companion, show and performance. Lifetime support and advice. Because of our love and commitment to the Boxer, we have researched, chose and ethically bred only the best and highest quality boxers to be part of your family. Our puppies are of sound temperament and premium health. We strive to achieve and surpass the CKC Boxer Standard for ability and looks. Visitors welcome by appointment. Toronto, ON. (647) 993-7297;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

need for sheep-herding dogs has declined, the Briard remains a distinct and well-loved breed. Personality The Briard is known for having a strong, unique personality. Described as having “a heart of gold wrapped in fur”, he is an intelligent, sensitive dog who needs a consistent and caring person. With good socialization and considerate training, he makes a loving companion. Briards love children, have a strong sense of justice, and enjoy having a job to do.

Appearance 22-27” (56-69 cm) 65-100 lb (29-46 kg) Long, hard shiny outercoat, slightly wavy and lying flat against the body. Fine tight undercoat. Leidel Dieter & Helga, Tanoak Perm Reg’d. Moustache and beard. Black, shades of grey, Special blend of German, Canadian and tawny. May have white markings. American bloodlines. Champion stud service. Quick Facts Quality, home-raised fawn and brindle puppies. Exercise Requirements Guarantee. Visitors welcome. 8292 County Rd Grooming 27, Barrie, ON L4N 9C4. (705) 733-0330; (705) 733-5780. (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

QC Derivabo Reg’d. Ligné de champions canadiens et européens depuis 15 ans, la santé et le temperament sont notre priorité, pour compagnon ou exposition, éléves en milieu familial, garantie de santé deux ans, aide et support et vie. Membre du club canin canadien et du boxer club of canada. (418) 836-0776;; Holiday Perm Reg’d, Andre Jeannote. Home of quality boxers. 985 Cote Angele, Montabello QC J0V 1L0. (819) 423-1271;


Canadian Briard Club. Offering breed information and puppy referrals. Club sponsored activities for all Briard families. New members always welcome. Contact us, we love to talk Briard! Club contact: (Secretary/Treasurer) Janice McLaughlin. (905) 349-2443; ON Chaotic Reg’d. Home of the first Canadian bred Best in Show winning Briard. Fifth North American bred Briard to obtain a French Championship. Top winning and placing Briards Pet and Show. Puppies, stud service and occasional adults available. Home raised, social puppies bred for beauty, brains and brawn. (705) 686-7312; chaoticbriards@sympatico. ca; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

were popular as both show dogs and pets. In the early 20th century, these dogs were crossed with brindle Staffordshires to produce the Colored Bull Terrier, which came to be recognized as a separate breed. The Bull Terrier Club of America was established in 1897. Personality He looks intimidating, but the Bull Terrier is actually a friendly, easy-going and sometimes clownish breed. He loves affection and attention and makes a good family companion. He requires lots of excercise to burn off all his energy. Appearance 19-20” (48-51 cm) 45 lb (20.5 kg) Close, flat coat; white or white with coloured markings. Quick Facts Exercise requirements Grooming ON Breton Perm Reg’d, Catherine Landsborough. Socialized, home-raised puppies and occasional young adults. Temperament and health are our top priorities. All adults are OFA certified BAER, Cardio, and kidney. Written guarantee. 2 litters planned for 2013. RR 4, Seaforth, ON N0K 1W0. (519) 233-3194;;

Bull Terrier (Miniature)


BIS Can/Am Chaotic’s Home Brew HC. Beautiful Briards for people who want nothing but the best. Bred/Owned by Shirley & Doug Tate, Chaotic Reg’d. 1784 Quarry Road, Coldwater, ON L0K 1E0.

History Big, bold and intelligent, the Briard is an ancient breed of herding dog born in France. History is full of praise for this hardy breed. Famed personalities like Charlemagne, Napoleon and Thomas Jefferson promoted the Briard. The Briard was a superb sheepdog, and his bravery made him an ideal working dog for the French war effort -- so much so that he was named the official dog of the French Army. Though the 110

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Bull Terrier

Ch. TR Gangster Mic. Bred/owned by Twyla Taylor, Taylor Ranch Reg’d. Sherwood Park, AB T8G 1G2

History Bull Terriers originated in the age of bull-baiting and dog-fighting in the1800s. A cross between the Bulldog and the now extinct English White Terrier, these strong and fierce dogs came in all sizes from 3 lb to 50 lb. In 1835, blood sports were banned in England and History The Bull Terrier originated in England breeders sought to redefine the breed, making it in the 1800s and was bred for bull baiting and a tractable family pet. While the tiniest examples dog fighting. This distinctive-looking dog, which of the breed eventually died out, both the fullinitially came in a variety of colours and sizes, is sized Bull Terrier and the Miniature Bull Terrier said to be a cross between the traditional Bulldog were welcomed into the home. For a long time, and the now-extinct White English Terrier. After Miniature Bull Terriers remained a “type” of blood sports were banned, breeders focused Bull Terrier, but in 1991 they were recognized more on the dog’s temperament and appearance. as a distinct breed. James Hinks was instrumental in developing the breed as we know it today – his pure white Personality Energetic and full of childlike dogs were also known as “White Cavaliers” and curiosity, the Miniature Bull Terrier requires lots

Appearance 10-14” (25-35 cm) 23-35 lb (11-16 kg) Short, flat glossy coat. Solid white, may have markings. May come in other solid colours with markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Taylor Ranch Reg’d, Twyla Taylor. Top quality pups from European and North American show lines. To date we have finished 8 Canadian Champions. Our dogs are health tested and our pups guaranteed. Reasonably priced to loving family homes. 20223 Twp 515A, Sherwood Park, AB T8G 1G2. (780) 922-3985; taylorranch@; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) ON Jewel’s Reg’d, Mike & Julie Muchnick. Focus on raising quality Miniature Bull Terriers with an optimum balance of health and temperament. Health tested, champion lines, CKC registered. Home-raised show potential/pet stock puppies and young placement occasionally to approved homes. PO Box 1009, Thornton, ON L0L 2N0. (705) 4582914;;

Personality With his history as a fighting dog, the Bulldog’s kind and gentle personality might come as a surprise. He is a loving pet who craves his family’s attention. Though protective in nature, he loves children and usually gets along well with other family pets. Overall he is an easygoing dog who quickly charms with his steady temperament and friendly face. Appearance 12-16” (30-40 cm) 40-55 lb (18-25 kg) Short, straight flat coat. Brindle, piebald, red, fawn, fallow, white. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Mugabull Reg’d, Cassie Downer & Shawn Hoskins. Small show breeder with both American and European bloodlines. Homeraised puppies occasionally. We breed for health and temperament as our first priority. Box 292, Falkland, BC V0E 1W0. (250) 558-8450;; MB Dickson’s Bulldogs. Champion-sired puppies. Box 209, Melita, MB R0M 1L0. (204) 522-3173 Day; (204) 522-8424 Evenings; sunseten@mts. net; INSEINE Reg’d, Al & Cecile Friesen. Show Breeder with strong UK bloodlines. Healthy & homeraised puppies occasionally available. 26 Seine Road, Ste. Anne, MB R5H 1A1. (204) 422-5250;;

Photo: Alice van Kampen


History Truly a symbol of Britain, many believe the Bulldog dates back to the Molossian dog brought there by the Phoenicians in the 6th century BC. Others suggest the Bulldog descended from a butcher’s dog called the Alaunt. Wherever he originated, the Bulldog is the result of centuries of breeding for bullbaiting. While the Bulldog’s features may seem unusual compared with those of many other dogs, each characteristic was specifically chosen to make him the premier fighter in the bullbaiting ring. After bull-baiting was banned in the 1800s, the Bulldog lost popularity and might have died out if a group of concerned breeders hadn’t worked

ON Attard, Darina & Joe, Hoyas Reg’d. Importing only the best bloodlines from Britain. Puppies available occasionally and are raised with love and individual attention to the highest UK standard. Located in Brampton, ON. (905) 8468882;; darina.attard@yahoo. com; Echojack Reg’d. European champion bloodlines. Home raised puppies occasionally for pet or show. Susan Leggat & Dennis Mundy, King City ON. (905) 833-2296;; Greystoke Bulldogs, Lesley McCulloch. Member of The Canadian Kennel Club in good standing. Healthy, happy, show or pet. Written health guarantee. 1877 Riverside Rd, Riverside, NS B0N 2J0. (902) 639-1202; (902) 805-9374 Cell;;

Macarols Bullies, Mac & Carol Law. Breeding for the BEST, HEALTH, TEMPERAMENT, and to the BULLDOG STANDARD! Totally home raised, loved and socialized puppies, from excellent Champion and Hall Of Fame Bloodlines! We breed quality Bulldogs, our PASSION since 1993! Members of The Bulldog Club Of Central Canada. RR1 HWY 6, 010181, Wiarton, ON, N0H 2T0. (519) 534-0640; macarolsbullies@;


together to save the breed. The first Bulldog club was formed in 1864; it defined the breed and began efforts to preserve it. Now the Bulldog, also known as the English Bulldog, is a kind companion and a symbol of courage and tenacity.

Nonnies Perm Reg’d, Vickie & Dave Umpleby. Quality bulldogs for show & pet from top bloodlines. Excellent health & wonderful personalities. Puppies due in 2013 sired by top winner “Marshall” MBIS BISS BPISS AmCH. CanGCH. Bulldacious Sharp Shooter CGN TT. RR 4 Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0. (905) 936-5399;; Supreme Bulldogs, Doug Ash & Vickie St. Jules. Breeding Champions to Champions, written health guarantee, breeding for health, temperament and conformation. Burk’s Falls, ON. (705) 387-3404; vickie@supremebulldogs. com; Yvonne Poire & Shawn Ellis, Full of Bull Reg’d. Puppies occasionally available. Happy and home raised French & English bulldogs from champion lines. Health guaranteed. Lifetime breeder support. Members in good standing with the Bulldog Club of Central Canada & CKC. Visit our website to see our testimonials. Ayr, ON N0B 1E0. (519) 394-1555;;

What’s a purebred dog? In Canada, a purebred dog is defined as a dog of proven lineage that is registered by an accepted registry. If you’re buying a purebred dog, remember that, under the “Animal Pedigree Act”, the dog must be entitled to registration papers.



of exercise and stimulation. He loves his family and is protective in nature. Consistent training and good socialization will keep him from becoming jealous or overprotective of his people or things. While he will adjust to most types of family situations, he needs to keep active and wants to be a part of everything.

History Poaching was an ongoing problem in England throughout the 19th century. As penalties increased, the poachers’ desperation to avoid capture made gameskeeping a high risk job. The gameskeeper needed a strong silent dog that could find and take down a poacher without savaging him. The solution was to cross the Mastiff, a powerful, trustworthy, loyal and brave dog, with the Bulldog, a tough, tenacious no-fuss animal. The result was the “Gameskeeper’s Night Dog” or Bullmastiff. As poaching became less of a problem, the need for Bullmastiffs waned. But interest in this powerful yet calm-natured dog continued. People held contests in which a man would be given the chance to try to outwit a Bullmastiff. The man received a sizeable head start, but the result was inevitable. He would soon be knocked down and held to the ground by the valiant dog, only to be released when the dog’s handler arrived on the scene. Personality The Bullmastiff is still used as a guard dog and family pet. His highly stable temperament and ability to tolerate discomfort make him surprisingly safe around children. Loyal and protective, he bonds closely to his family. Because he is such a large dog, training at a young age is essential, as is good socialization. Appearance 24-27” (61-69 cm) 90-130 lb (41-59 kg) Short hard coat, lying flat to the body. Black muzzle. Brindle, fawn or red. May have white markings.


Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

stud dogs with health clearances OFA/OVC and excellent temperaments. Check out our constantly updated website. 1250 - 25 Sideroad, Moffat, ON L0P 1J0 (519) 822-4329; hansmann@; Twin Valley Bullmastiffs, Janis & Eric Stallman. Building best friends. Gentle and affectionate. Health guarantee. Family raised puppies occasionally. Champion bloodlines. Breeder support. 104 Langford Church Rd, Brantford, ON N3T 5L4. (519) 751-9922; (519) 751-9929 Fax; QC Masbul Enterprises. Depuis 20 ans. 47 chemin des Mines Bristol (Region Ottawa-Gatineau) Bristol, QC. Elevage familial. Lignee originale et reconnue. Preference aux reservations. (819) 6476263;;

Cairn Terrier

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Photo courtesy of Ironbull Bullmastiff



History Originating on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, the Cairn Terrier was bred as a hunter of vermin. The rocky land sheltered numerous badgers and foxes, and a small hardy dog was needed to brave the stony cairns and remove the pests. The breed has been around for some 500 years, and developed along the same timeline as the West Highland White, Skye, and Scottish Terriers. It was first exhibited in 1909 when it was called the Short-Haired Skye Terrier. Breeders of the pre-existing Skye Terrier objected and the dog was renamed after the rock piles he hunted among, becoming the Cairn Terrier. They came to North America in 1913, imported by Mrs. Henry F. Price.

Personality Like most terriers, the Cairn Terrier is an active dog, full of joie de vivre. He loves to play outside, and can be a bit of a digger ON in the yard. An affectionate nature and kind Ironbull Bullmastiff Reg’d, Zivian Pribic & heart make him a loving family member, though Cindy Gimbel. Responsible, selective breeders, he can become a bit stubborn when it comes to breeding MBISS & MBIS winners - Canadian & US training. He is affectionately known by breed Champions. Health Guarantees, breeder support fanciers as “the best little pal in the world”. provided. (519) 634-1171;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Appearance 9-12” (24-31 cm) 13-17 lb (6-7.5 kg) Mid-length, harsh, weather-resistant outercoat. Knatchbull Perm Reg’d, Andy & Helene Short furry undercoat. Cream, wheaten, red, Hansmann. Quality puppies for show, obedience grey, nearly black. Brindling acceptable. and loyal family pets. Over 20 years commitment with Bullmastiffs. Breeder support. Home of multi champion BIS BISS Knatchbull’s Leopold Bloom and offering many other outstanding


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

BC Goldenears Reg’d, Birgitte B Knudsen. Exemplifies type, temperament and soundness. Home-raised puppies to approved homes. 36380 Allan Rd, Mission, BC V2V 4J1. (604) 826-6250 ON Cabaret Reg’d, Jan Morgan. Puppies raised with love in my home to approved families. Breeding Cairn Terriers since 1995 for health, temperament and type since 1995. Champion dogs from Canadian and Scandinavian lines. Proud member of CTCC, CTCA, CTAO and CKC. Hand stripping grooming services also available. Accredited professional dog trainer, we offer family oriented puppy classes in Oshawa and Ajax. 924 White Ash Dr. Whitby, ON L1N 7S8. (905) 430-3647;; Carickfergus Reg’d, Diana Hunter & Stewart Murray. Our puppies are raised in the home and very well socialized. Health Guaranteed. Puppies occasionally. 407178 Grey Rd 4, RR 1, Flesherton, ON N0C 1E0. (519) 924-1266; (519) 986-1594; Magisterial Reg’d. At Magisterial, we provide a life-enhancing experience for each of our clients. Our Cairn Terrier puppies are highly socialized, joyful, and raised with children. They have gorgeous good looks, are healthy and temperament tested, and very eager to learn! Your new family member will have been raised in luxury and given nothing but the very best during their crucial first 8 weeks of life. Magisterial Cairn Terrier puppies will be fully crate trained and will have begun lead breaking. Their most important role is being loving, loyal companions to families worldwide, delivering immeasurable amounts of joy, love, and magic! Roblin, ON (613) 388-2628;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) QC Anges Gardiens Reg’d. Membre du Cairn Terrier Club of Canada, garantie écrite, parents sur place, chiots socialisés avec enfants. Member of Cairn Terrier Club of Canada, written guarantee, pups socialized with children. 933, 10ième Rang, St-Valerien, QC J0H 2B0. (450) 549-2068;;

Very minimal


Minimal Average More than average Maximum

History A direct descendant of the Roman Molossus Mastiff, the Cane Corso is a guardian dog whose name comes from the Latin “cohors”, meaning guardian/protector. Used to hunt large game, drive cattle and protect the family, the Cane Corso held popularity in Italy for centuries. But as large game dwindled and farmers turned to more modern technology to move their herds, the need for the Cane Corso disappeared, and so did the breed. In the 1970s, Italian dog fanciers searched the country, seeking good examples of the old Mastiffs, and began reconstructing the Cane Corso breed. Arriving in North America in the 1980s, the breed is slowly gaining a reputation as an excellent guard dog and family companion. Its numbers are still low, but the breed is growing steadily.

Ramona Blvd. Markham, ON L3P 2K6.

History An ancient breed, the Canaan Dog is the product of natural selection rather than human intervention. There’s evidence the breed existed in pre-Biblical times. When the Jews were dispersed from their homeland the dogs remained, reverting to a wild and feral state until the 1930s. When Dr. Rudolphina Menzel was asked to develop a dog to guard the kibbutz, she selected native wild dogs of a “collie type”, tamed them and created the Canaan Dog. The breed proved highly intelligent and versatile, and was used as a mine detection, sentry and messenger dog in the Second World War. Canaan Dogs were first brought to North America in the late 1960s.

Personality First and foremost a protector, the Cane Corso bonds closely with his family, particularly young children. He is alert and Personality Highly intelligent and trainable, naturally suspicious of strangers, and can readily the Canaan Dog is quite versatile to different judge when he should be protective, or when he situations. Because of his long history as a feral should back down. His steady temperament and dog, he tends to be somewhat independent and eager-to-please attitude make him a pleasure to wary of strangers, barking to warn his family train. Early socialization and training allow him of danger. However, he is devoted to his people to learn to assess people and situations, and to and loves to play. The Canaan Dog thrives know what is expected of him should the need on having a job to do and is a fun and loving arise. companion. Appearance 23-28” (58-70 cm) Appearance 19-24” (48-61 cm) 84-110 lb (38-50 kg) 35-55 lb (16-25 kg) Short to medium-length straight outercoat. Short, stiff shiny outercoat. Light undercoat. Straight, short flat-lying undercoat. Slight ruff. Black, fawn, red, blue, chestnut. Brindling Sand to red-brown, white, black or spotted. May allowed. May have eye mask or white markings. have mask. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Quick Facts Grooming Exercise Requirements Grooming

ON JayKay Canaan Dogs. Breeding devoted family companions since 2003. Home-raised puppies for pet, show or obedience. Canaan Dogs are adaptable to a variety of lifestyles, from always on-the-go to a more laid-back home life. Visit us in Markham or just outside Kingston. (905) 471-1217;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)

BC Sirius Reg’d. Quality Cane Corso bred for temperament and conformation. Puppies available occasionally. All puppies fully guaranteed. PO Box 2247, 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0. (250) 395-0342;

Confused by acronyms? See “Dogspeak” on Pg 161

History Bred originally as hunters, toy spaniels became companions to royalty in the 1500s. In the 1600s, Kings Charles I and II both took a liking to the adorable little dogs, and were often portrayed with toy spaniels at their sides. During the Victorian era, people fell in love with the higher skulls and shorter noses of oriental breeds, and selectively bred spaniels to Pugs and Japanese Chin, producing the King Charles Spaniel, or English Toy Spaniel.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

CKC/AKC Ch. JayKay Richelieu Rules, AKC RN. Excellent breed type. Devoted and loyal family companions. Bred/ Owned by Genevieve Landis, JayKay Canaan Dogs. 111

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

It wasn’t until the 1920s that an American, Roswell Eldridge, began searching for the longer-nosed flatter-skulled breed so often portrayed in portraits of Kings Charles I and II. But it no longer existed as such. Eldridge offered prize money to exhibitors at the Crufts dog show in England, seeking dogs of the old style Cavalier type. His efforts were successful, and the new breed of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was recognized in 1946. Personality A long history as a noble lap dog has made the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel particularly well suited as a companion. With enough size to enjoy a good romp alongside his owner, the Cavalier is a happy dog who is ready to greet everyone with his ever-wagging tail. He is not overly active, enjoying cuddle time as much as walks. Appearance 12-13” (30-33 cm) 11-18 lb (5-8 kg) Long silky coat, straight or with a slight wave. Feathering. Colours: Blenheim (chestnut on white), tricolor (black and tan markings on white), ruby, black and tan. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Bohshar K-9’s, Sharon Sztym. Breeding for quality, temperament and soundness. Genetic guaranteed/ Home raised. Four Colours. Shipping Available. Box 8, Site 3, RR 1, Rocky Mountain House, AB, T4T 2A1. (403) 729-2625;,



Cane Corso

Photo courtesy of Country Care Cavaliers

Canaan Dog

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Heidiland Reg’d, Ruth Zimmermann. Happy, healthy puppies as charming companions. Puppies are raised in loving home environment and well socialized. All four colours. Shipping available. Visit our website for more information. RR 1, Stn. Site 8, Box 12, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0.; BC Cantebury Reg’d, Bernice Newbury & Kim Gibbs. Occasional puppies all from clear parents, to approved homes only. Box 63, Naramata, BC V0H 1N0. (250) 770-8654; (250) 496-5153;; Kewpy’s Perm Reg’d, Karen E Wills, BSc, RN. Thirty years consistently producing healthy, sound, sociable and always to-type Cavaliers. Linebred on Ch Kewpy’s BoDiddley. Still No 1 CKCS in Canadian history. Kewpy’s pups come in four colours. 3251 Moss Rd, Duncan, BC V9L 5Z9. ON Beal, Lorelei, Country Care Cavaliers. Healthy, correct puppies of German lineage. 8019 Hwy 7, Guelph, ON N1H 6H8. (519) 823-5839;; Bredanley Reg’d. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, CKC and CKCSC member in good standing. Parents are tested and certified against genetic disorders. Puppies are home raised and available to approved homes in all four colors. For more info please contact Grace Kustermans. (519) 828-3509;;


Cedar Creek Reg’d, Laryssa Sawyer. We are a small family kennel that lovingly raises puppies in our home with our children. Puppies go to their new homes at 9 weeks old dewormed, tattooed, vet checked, first set of shots and with a health guarantee. Our dogs are raised on an all natural diet. We breed all 4 colours and have a champion stud service available. 295159 8th Line, Amaranth, ON L9W 0K1. (519) 925-2827;; www.

Glenire Reg’d, Valerie Toth & Emily Toth Tammiwga. Since 1984. Ruby, Black & Tan, Tri-colour or Blenheim puppies for Pet and Show. Lifetime genetic health guarantee. CKC registered. Visitors welcome. Glenire Acres, 10 Clanbrassil Rd, RR 3, Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0. (905) 768-4190;; www.

of his size, this breed maybe a bit timid with loud and active children, and supervision is a good idea. Good socialization is important for a well-rounded individual.

Lakeside Reg’d, Kathy & Dr. Patrick O’Drowsky. We provide healthy, well socialized puppies to loving homes. Please visit our website for more information. 253 James St N., St. Marys, ON N4X 1A5. (519) 284-0684;;

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Revelry Reg’d, Barbara Bond. Show, performance, and pet, puppies. Quality not quantity. Each breeding is done with health, temperament, and the breed standard as our guide. Puppies are expected to be ready in March. Inquiries and visits are encouraged. Shipping available. (807) 344-4327; revelry@; Tallygold Cavaliers. Home raised cavaliers, health testing on all breeding stock, puppies sometimes available. Health guarantee. RR 3, Shelburne, ON. (519) 925-6865; qulil@yahoo. com;

Chihuahua (Long)

Jones Bee’s Luv for Carlos. Jones Chihuahuas’ is well known for breeding top quality Chihuahuas. Bred by Theresa Jones, Jones Chihuahuas Perm. Reg’d. Owned by Shawna Collines. RR 1 Pickardville, AB T0G 1W0.

History The Long Haired Chihuahua’s history is the same as the Chihuahua’s (see below) until after the breed reached the United States. There, breeders sought a softer fluffier dog and decided to cross the short-haired Chihuahuas with established long-haired toy breeds such as the Papillion, Pekinese, Pomeranian and Yorkshire Terrier. The result was a dog with the same spunky personality as the short-haired Europeheart Reg’d, Mila Bosche. Member variety, but in a fluffier package. Like his smooth CKC and European CKCS club, Niagara counterpart, the Long Haired Chihuahua is one Falls, ON (905) 384-1865. Quality puppies, of the world’s most popular breeds – both also central European champion bloodlines, all rank as the smallest breeds in North America. Dramatique Reg’d, Rynn Dolson-Critchley. Are you looking for love? Forget the dating scene, a beautiful ‘Dramatique’ puppy will exceed your expectations. Two-year health guarantee. A litter planned for late fall 2012 and spring 2013. All inquiries answered promptly. Barrie, ON. (705) 739-1538

colours. Home-raised, health guaranteed with proven exceptional heart health history. www. (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Personality A truly tiny dog, the Long Haired Chihuahua loves to be with his person at all times. He’s a great lap dog, and happily trots around the home, following his family. Because

Appearance 6-9 in (15-23 cm) 1-6 lb (0.5-3 kg) Soft, silky, flat or slightly wavy. Neck ruff. Any solid colour with or without markings.

AB Jones Perm Reg’d, Theresa Gilchrist. Well known for breeding top quality, healthy, happy, outgoing, CKC-registered Short and Long Coat Chihuahuas for show/breeding or family pet. Breeding Chihuahuas since 1995. We also board Toy breed dogs. RR 1, Pickardville, AB T0G 1W0. (780) 349-2868;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) ON Aarts Reg’d, Lila (Zoi) Kyriakopoulos. Breeder of Quality, and Healthy puppies for over 32 years. Just Visit our website and see for your self. 2 Locations! Toronto: (416) 691-6450 or Marmora: (613) 472-1087;; www. Bloomsbury Perm Reg’d, Lynn & Jeff Hurd, DVM. We are a husband and wife team Veterinarian and Vet technician who own our own veterinary clinic in Whitby, Ontario and have been involved with dogs for over 30 years. We breed and exhibit both short and long coat purebred CKC registered Chihuahuas. Our goals are excellent health, temperament and quality. Our Chihuahuas have won top awards in many US specialty shows and are Canadian and American champions. Our puppies are health checked, vaccinated, dewormed and microchipped. They come with a written health guarantee, 6 weeks of health insurance and our pets are spayed/neutered or sold on a CKC non-breeding contract. We are lifetime members of the Canadian Kennel Club, members of the Chihuahua Club of America and the Ontario County Kennel Club. We occasionally have puppies, young adults or retired adults available for pet or show. 3050 Garden St., Whitby, ON L1R 2G7. (905) 4498194; (preferred contact); (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) QC MARTimochis Reg’d, Martine Fortier. Breeding Long and Short coats. From AM/ CAN/SPAIN Bloodlines. Healthy, happy, home raised. CKC puppies occasionally available. 149 rue Hubert, Ste-Sophie, QC J5J 1R3. (403) 530-7585;;

Jones Rascal Come Play. Jones Chihuahuas’ is well known for breeding top quality Chihuahuas. Bred/ Owned by Theresa Gilchrist, Jones Chihuahuas Perm. Reg’d. RR 1 Pickardville, AB T0G 1W0.

History Theories about the Chihuahua’s origins abound. Some believe this tiny breed’s predecessors date back to ancient Egypt. The most likely theory is that it developed from a Mexican breed known as the Techichi, and was used in religious ceremonies as far back as the 16th century. Other theories suggest that dogs imported from China were interbred with native breeds, or came with Spanish traders. Whatever their history, Chihuahuas as we know them were discovered in the Chihuahua region of Mexico, gained popularity in Mexico City in the late 19th century, and shortly thereafter were brought to the United States via Texas where they were developed into the modern Chihuahua. Personality The Chihuahua is a tiny dog with a huge personality. He is lively and alert, playful and affectionate. Quick to bond with his human, the Chihuahua hates to be left on his own. Because he is so small, he is nervous of large or quick movements, and tends to be easily startled. Early socialization is essential to make sure he is not overly stressed by strange situations. Appearance 6-9 in (15-23 cm) 1-6 lb (0.5-3 kg) Soft, glossy short coat. Neck ruff. Any colour. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Jones Perm Reg’d, Theresa Gilchrist. Well known for breeding top quality, healthy, happy, outgoing, CKC-registered Short and Long Coat Chihuahuas for show/breeding or family pet. Breeding Chihuahuas since 1995. We also board Toy breed dogs. RR 1, Pickardville, AB T0G 1W0. (780) 349-2868; uspecial@mcsnet. ca; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.) ON Aarts Reg’d, Lila (Zoi) Kyriakopoulos. Breeder of Quality, and Healthy puppies for over 32 years. Just Visit our website and see for yourself. 2 Locations! Toronto: (416) 691-6450 or Marmora: (613) 472-1087;;

Chinese Crested

Am/Can Ch. Curlious Cache Is King CGN. Chinese Cresteds come in two varieties, Cache is a Powderpuff. Bred/Owned by Kate Barnett, Curlious Reg’d. 1006-33

an early age. He is moderately active, trotting around the home to follow his people. His longer-than-usual feet, known as hare feet, allow him to grip toys and “hug” his people with an unusual grip when held. Appearance 9-13” (23-33 cm) under 12 lb (5.5 kg) Hairless: silky flowing hair on head, tail, feet. Powderpuff: long, straight silky outercoat; short silky undercoat. Any colour or combination of colours. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Hairless

Chinese Shar-Pei

Bloomsbury Perm Reg’d, Lynn & Jeff Hurd, DVM. We are a husband and wife team Veterinarian and Vet technician who own our own veterinary clinic in Whitby, Ontario and have been involved with dogs for over 30 years. We breed and exhibit both short and long coat purebred CKC registered Chihuahuas. Our goals are excellent health, temperament and quality. Our Chihuahuas have won top awards in many US specialty shows and are Canadian and American champions. Our puppies are health checked, vaccinated, dewormed and microchipped. They come with a written health guarantee, 6 weeks of health insurance and our pets are spayed/neutered or sold on a CKC nonbreeding contract. We are lifetime members of the Canadian Kennel Club, members of the Chihuahua Club of America and the Ontario County Kennel Club. We occasionally have puppies, young adults or retired adults available for pet or show. 3050 Garden St., Whitby, ON L1R 2G7 (905) 449-8194; Email: bloomsbury@ (preferred contact); Website: (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)


BC Masquerade Reg’d, Sue Donald. A small hobby breeding program that specializes in producing quality Chinese Cresteds for the discriminating pet owner or show enthusiast. We strive to produce puppies free of inherited genetic disease; adult dogs are thoroughly tested prior to being bred. On occasion we have retired adult Show dogs available. (778) 634-3577;; ON Curlious Reg’d, Kate Barnett. As a potential owner, Champion parents may not be important for your puppy, but you should demand a companion who is free of genetic diseases, and possesses the mental and physical characteristics which drew you to the Chinese Crested in the first place. Visit our site for more information. 100633 Davisville Ave, Toronto, ON M4S 2Y9 (647) 404-7310;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Chinese Shar-Pei

Davisville Avenue, Toronto, ON M4S 2Y9.

History Hairless dogs existed wild in many of the hottest parts of the world. The Chinese Crested is likely descended from an African variety of hairless dog called the African Hairless Terrier. Chinese sailors took these dogs on ships to take care of the vermin. As they sailed around the world, the dogs were traded at various ports, soon establishing populations of Chinese Cresteds throughout the known world. Not all Chinese Cresteds are hairless. In fact, the gene that allows for hairlessness is an incomplete dominant gene that is lethal when homozygous (two copies of the gene). Long-haired Chinese Crested dogs are known as Powderpuffs. Both varieties can be found within the same litter due to the nature of the genes involved. Personality A lively playful dog, the Chinese Crested is a lovable and loving family companion. Because of a tendency to be timid with strangers, it is important to socialize him at

Dragonsblood Kermode Spirit. One of our handsome parent dogs, a beautiful cream male. Bred/Owned by Sonja Davis, Dragonsblood Reg’d. Box 153, General Delivery, Deroche, BC V0M 1G0.

History Named for its sandpaper-like coat, the Shar Pei is an unusual breed that originated in China some 2,000 years ago. He was used for a variety of tasks including hunting, guarding and herding, and was prized as a fighting dog. The rough texture of his coat made him hard to grip, his loose folds of skin allowed him to turn on his



Chihuahua (Short)

Chinese Shar-Pei

opponent even when solidly held, and his tiny eyes and ears were protected from harm. When China became a communist country, dogs were not considered a valuable commodity and the Shar Pei nearly died out. Dog lovers appealed to American breeders to rescue the breed in the 1970s. The Shar Pei’s unique appearance and rarity drew attention, and soon the breed made a comeback in North America. Personality With his cute and cuddly appearance, the Shar Pei easily works his way into people’s hearts. But his guard dog background makes him cautious, so he requires good socialization at an early age. Calm and steady in nature, he is an independent fellow who loves his people, but is aloof with strangers. Positive training and active socialization make him a happy and enjoyable family member. Appearance 17-20” (44-51 cm) 40-60 lb (18-27 kg) Harsh straight coat with sandpaper texture. Can be short and bristly (horse coat) or long and thick (brush coat). Solid and sable colours. No white. Blue-black tongue. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Dragonsblood Reg’d, Sonja Davis. Proudly breeding Shar Pei 30 years now! Family raised, healthy, happy, well socialized puppies with great personalities. Available all year. Wide colour and coat variety to choose from, with complete Health Policy. Our dogs welcome visitors into our home, so please call or email to book your visit. PO Box 153, Deroche, BC V0M 1G0. (604) 814-0038; ; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement on page 115.)

Chow Chow

to whom the consumption of dog meat is considered acceptable. The thick fluffy coats were prized for warm clothing. For many years, the Chow Chow was never seen outside China. But around 1780, sailors smuggled some dogs among their cargo and exported them to Europe. Not knowing what to call the dogs, they used the generic name for all assorted cargo: chow chow. The unusual nature of the Chow Chow made it a spectacle in England, and the breed was displayed at the London Zoo as the “Wild Dog of China”. Queen Victoria saw the dogs there and decided to keep some as pets. The Chow Chow gained its popularity in North America during the roaring 20s, when several movie stars kept them as pets. Personality Truly a one-person dog, the Chow bonds solidly to his chosen person, and may remain a bit aloof with others. He is loyal and dedicated, and benefits from positive and consistent training. The Chow Chow is a natural guardian, and loyal protector. Appearance 17-22” (43-56 cm) 45-70 lb (20-32 kg) Rough: abundant dense outercoat that stands off the body, wooly undercoat. Neck ruff. Smooth: hard, dense smooth outercoat with definite undercoat. Red, black, fawn, blue, cream. Blue-black tongue and lips. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Dragonslayer Perm Reg’d, Cindy & Margaret Schlievert. Breeder of quality rough Chows since 1982. Home raised underfoot for show and companionship. Breeding with health and temperament in mind. Mostly reds and blacks, occasionally cream and cinnamon puppies. 1083 McCrea Rd, Merrickville, ON K0G 1N0. (613) 269-2411;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)


Loclyn Reg’d, Lynda Lockstein. Quality homeraised puppies, excellent temperament. 123 Shorties Side Road, RR #6, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 4G9. (519) 688-0610;;

Can/Am Ch. Dragonslayer Tai’s Dragonchaser, CCGC. Bred by Margaret & Cindy Schlievert, Dragonslayer Perm. Reg’d. Owned by Margaret & Cindy Schlievert and Lucy Bender. 1083 McCrea Road, Merrickville, ON K0G 1N0.

History Perhaps one of the oldest breeds, the Chow Chow may have existed as early as the 11th century BC. These dogs were used as hunting, draft, guard and flock dogs. They were also considered a delicacy by the Chinese, 116

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

What are the TOP 10 fruits and veggies for dogs? See pg 32

Collie (Rough)

Can. Ch. ThistleBrae Morning Dove. ‘Dove’ is as sweet and gentle as her name suggests with just a touch of naughty to add sparkle to her personality. Bred/Owned by Jo-Anne Pringle, Thistle Brae Collies Reg’d. Palgrave, ON.

History This Scottish native is thought to have originated with the herding dogs the ancient Romans brought to Britain, and has been documented in writings dating as far back as the 1300s. Used primarily for herding down through the centuries, the Rough Collie became popular in England when Queen Victoria brought some of the dogs back from Scotland. The Rough Collie is best known in North America from the books by Albert Payson Terhune and the subsequent Lassie movies and popular television show, which premiered in the 1950s and ran for 20 years, forever immortalizing this distinctive breed. The Rough Collie is distinguished from his cousin by his abundant and luxurious outer coat. Personality Loyal and easy to train, the Rough Collie is a wonderful family companion. He is kind and affectionate, and thrives on affection and activity. He needs plenty of outdoor exercise, so is best suited to homes with a bit of space around them. Appearance 22-26” (56-66 cm) 50-75 lbs (22.5-35 kg) Straight, harsh, abundant outer coat with short smooth hair on head and legs. Soft dense undercoat. Sable and white, blue merle and white, sable merle and white, tricolour and white with coloured markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Thistle Brae Reg’d. Gorgeous Lassie look. Intelligent and family-friendly. Both Rough & Smooth coat varieties. Health guarantee, life long breeder support. J.Pringle, Ontario, Canada. (905) 880-1770; pringle.joanne@gmail. com; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)

Win FREE Dog Food for a year! See pg 61

Can/Am Ch. ThistleBrae The Devil in Her, HIC. ‘Devlin’ is a gorgeous tri-colour who has enjoyed an outstanding career, and has also attained her ‘Herding Instinct Certificate’. Bred/Owned by Jo-Anne Pringle, Thistle

UKC Champion Cottoncandy’s Gummie Bear. ‘Sweet as Spun Sugar’ and everything a Coton should be. Bred/ Owned by Sonja Femia, Cottoncandy Cotons Reg’d. 53 Grange Drive, Brampton, ON L6X 2H1.

Brae Collies Reg’d. Palgrave, ON.

History The royal dog of Madagascar, the History Developed centuries ago as a herding Coton de Tulear is likely a combination of and guarding dog, the Collie is thought to be small Bichon-type dogs brought there by named after the Scottish black-faced sheep he Portuguese and Spanish sailors in the 16th protected, called Colleys. Two types developed century. They were favoured companion dogs - the Rough Collie and Smooth Collie. Both of the wealthy. They weren’t well known until were working dogs until Queen Victoria took an 1853 when French dog fancier and governor of interest in them in the 1860s and brought them Fort Dauphin, Etienne de Flacourt, recorded to England. Smooth and Rough Collies share the the small mostly white dogs. He named them same lineage and breed standard, but in 1830, Coton, for their cottony texture and colour, and show breeders wanted a more elegant dog with de Tulear, for the coastal city where they were an elongated head, and crossed the breed with the said to originate. Borzoi, leading to a separation of work and show The dogs were then imported to France, where lines. The Smooth Collie remained the favourite the breed standard was set in 1969. Coton de in England; in North America, the Rough Collie’s Tulears didn’t arrive in North America until 1974, popularity grew in the 20th century thanks to the and they quickly gained popularity as a lap dog. Lassie movies and television shows. Personality Adorable and affectionate, the Personality Like the Lassie of television fame, Coton de Tulear makes a wonderful family pet. the Smooth Collie is a brave and loyal dog, He is sociable and gets along well with children whose intelligence makes him seem to read and other animals. Highly bonded to his people, his owner’s mind. He is highly sociable, and he doesn’t like to be left alone. He responds excellent with children and other pets. Alert and well to positive training, though he does have a conscious of his family’s safety, the Collie is a stubborn streak at times. The Coton de Tulear is good watchdog. Lots of exercise and activities a capable watchdog who will let his people know to occupy his mind help keep him relaxed and of any possible intruders or unusual activity. happy. With training he can participate in nearly any canine sport, and he makes an excellent Appearance 10-12” (23-28 cm) 8-13 lb (3.5-6 kg) therapy dog. Thick, supple single coat. Cottony texture. Appearance 20-26” (51-66 cm) Slightly wavy. White ground colour, also black, 40-75 lb (18-34 kg) grey, yellow, tricolour and white markings. Short, hard dense outercoat. Soft, dense furry undercoat. Sable and white, tricolour, blue merle Quick Facts and white. May have white and/or tan markings. Exercise Requirements Grooming Quick Facts Exercise Requirements BC Grooming Riverport Reg’d, Demetrius & Corinna ON Thistle Brae Reg’d. Lassie with less work. Gorgeous, intelligent and family-friendly. Both Rough & Smooth coat varieties. Health guarantee, life long breeder support. J.Pringle, Ontario, Canada. (905) 880-1770; pringle.joanne@gmail. com; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)

Yannoulopoulos. Since 1980. Breeding quality Coton de Tulear for show, obedience, therapy work or loving friend. We emphasize type, soundness and health in our breeding program. Home raised puppies available occasionally by reservation. Two year guarantee. Inquiries welcome. Visit our website for information on coming litters or adult dogs available. (613) 838-3674;; www. (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

NS Domaine Polana Reg’d, Marie-France Prayal & Larry Brown. Home-raised puppies for show or pet quality from international bloodlines. Special attention to health, temperament and standard size. Full health clearance (OFA and CERF) with written health guarantee. Member of the CFC, CCTC and CKC. 418 Vaughan Rd, Woodville, RR 1, Scotch Village, NS B0N 2G0. (902) 757-0826;;

Coton De Tulear

Coton de Tulear

ON Cotonball, Shawna Hastings. Gorgeous fluffy Cotons! Bred for excellent temperament and health. Family raised pups are available for selected families on occasion. (647) 823-2470; Cottoncandy Reg’d, Sonja Femia. Dedicated to providing beautiful, healthy puppies with that typical charming “Sweet as Spun Sugar” temperament. Top European champion bloodlines. Raised in our home with TLC to ensure a happy, highly-socialized companion. Written health guarantee and continuous aftersale support. Member: CFC, CKC, CCTC, ACC and UKC. A “Code of Ethics” breeder. Reservations recommended. Located 20 minutes from Toronto’s Pearson Airport. Brampton, ON. (905) 451-7518;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) Crown Jewel Reg’d, Judy & John Chapman. Luxury on a leash. Home raised, intelligent, nonshedding, hypoallergenic. All pups come vet checked and microchipped. Health guarantee. We are always available for assistance with your puppy. RR 6, St. Marys, ON N4X 1C8. (519) 229-6954;; SK JOMARANS Reg’d. We have enjoyed this lovely breed since 1996. Adorable, top quality puppies (and occasionally adults) for companionship and show. Puppies are vet checked, vaccinated, microchipped, registered, and GUARANTEED!! We provide education (care and training manual) and backup for each puppy that is purchased. This includes a lifetime return policy. Carefully shipped across Canada and the U.S. Contact us for an application. See customer testimonials, more photos, and further information on our website. Cathy Enns (CKC member since 1987) and Beth Dalman. (306) 232-5105;;

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Collie (Smooth)

Polonez, Wojciech & Margaret Krzewski. Home-raised, fun-loving, affectionate and well socialized healthy puppies occasionally available to approved homes. Mississauga, ON. (905) 615-8566;

History A German breed, the Dachshund was bred to be a hunter, followed on foot by his handler. The long sleek profile typical of the breed allows him to get inside the burrows of his prey. Miniature-sized Dachshunds were primarily used to hunt rabbits and similar small prey. The Long-Haired variety may have originated from the selective breeding of longerhaired individuals to produce a line of dogs that consistently have a longer coat. Others suggest that breeders incorporated Field Spaniels into their breeding programs, thus adding a longer softer coat to the sleek long-bodied dogs. Whatever their origin, Long-Haired Dachshunds are prized for their elegant appearance. Personality Fun-loving and easy to get along with, Dachshunds do well in a variety of homes. With their short legs and small size, Miniature Long-Haired Dachshunds do well as apartment dogs. Like most scent hounds, Dachshunds like to follow their noses, and are likely to investigate any interesting holes in the ground. Appearance Up to 14” (35 cm); chest circumference 12-14” (30-35 cm) Up to 11 lb (5 kg) Double coat with soft straight or wavy outercoat. Solid (red, cream), two coloured (black, chocolate, grey or white with rust-brown or yellow markings), dappled (brown, grey or white background with irregular patches of black, grey, brown, red or yellow) or striped (red or yellow with darker striping).


Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Bournecrest Reg’d, Christine Bourne. Quality puppies, with excellent temperaments. Five year congenital health guarantee. Most colours including cream and white piebalds. Give us a call and come and meet all the dogs. (519) 638-3445;; Des-Ro Perm Reg’d, Ulric & Zita Desroches. Champion bloodlines. Reds, black and tans, chocolates, brindles, colourful dapples and shaded creams. Socialized, healthy puppies and older dogs available. 7676 County Rd 28, RR 2, Campbellcroft (Port Hope area), ON L0A 1B0. (905) 797-2119;;


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Teckel Du Nord Reg’d. Dachshund miniature long-haired exclusively. We breed for conformation, temperament and genetics. Our dogs are available in a variety of colours: Black & Cream, Chocolate & Cream, English Shaded Cream, also Dapple and Brindle pattern. (450) 543-7595;;

Dachshund (Miniature Smooth)

patches of black, grey, brown, red or yellow) or striped (red or yellow with darker striping). Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Bournecrest Reg’d, Christine Bourne. Quality puppies. We strive for good temperament. 5 year congenital health guarantee. Come for a visit and meet all the dogs. RR 2, Moorefield, ON N0G 2K0. (519) 638-3445; cbourne@everus. ca; Careanuff Reg’d, Tammy L. Brown. ALL my Dachshunds LIVE in my home. Pups are BORN in my Bedroom and come to you Pre-Spoiled, Socialized and Loved. Choose from a Variety of Colours and Patterns. I look forward to filling your Arms, Heart and Home with the Pitter Patter of little Dachshund feet!! RR 1, Newbury, ON N0L 1Z0. (519) 695-6596;; Grand-Gables Perm Reg’d. Let our puppies be part of your life tool! Home-raised, healthy, reasonably priced with guarantees. Stud service available. Milton/Guelph area. (905) 854-4148; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

BIS, BISS Can/Am. Ch. GrandGables We Mr. Red Thorn. Quality produced worldwide. Bred/Owned by Guy Jeavons & Mark McMillian, Grand-Gables Perm. Reg’d. RR1, Moffat/Milton, ON L0P 1J0.

History All Dachshunds originated in Germany, where they were used as go-to-ground hunting hounds. Different sizes specialized in different prey, with larger dogs pursuing badgers and smaller ones going after rabbit and hare. To differentiate Dachshund sizes, the Germans measured the circumference of the dog’s chest. A smaller chest meant the dog could pursue smaller prey; the smallest were called rabbitsized. In North America, we do not recognize the rabbit-sized dogs, and measure their sizes by weight rather than girth. The Miniature Smooth Dachshund is the small version of the original Standard Smooth Dachshund; it’s believed these “minis” were developed by breeding together smaller-than-usual Standard Dachshunds. Personality A bright and friendly family favourite, the Miniature Smooth Dachshund may be small, but not in personality. He has plenty of energy, though his short legs make it easy to keep him well exercised. Because he was bred to be a hunter, it is important to remember that he loves to follow a scent, and will dig if he finds something interesting in the yard. Appearance Up to 14” (35 cm); chest circumference 12-14” (30-35 cm) Up to 11 lb (5 kg) Smooth, shiny short coat. Solid (red, cream), two coloured (black, chocolate, grey or white with rust-brown or yellow markings), dappled (brown, grey or white background with irregular

Dachshund (Miniature Wire-Haired)

Photo: Alice van Kampen

(Miniature Long-Haired)

Photo: Alice van Kampen



History Born to hunt, the Dachshund was bred in Germany to go to ground after burrowing prey such as badgers. Miniature varieties were used to hunt rabbit and hare, which their larger cousins couldn’t reach. Its popularity in North America declined during the First and Second World Wars, when its German origins caused people to turn against the breed. The wire-haired variety of Dachshund was the last to be developed. It isn’t certain whether the wire hair came from selective breeding, or if hard-coated Terriers and Pinschers might have been added to the bloodlines. Either way, the breed’s Terrier-like looks combined with its Dachshund body shape appealed to North Americans and has helped increase its popularity in recent years. Personality With his short legs and cheery tail, the Dachshund is sure to bring a smile to his people. He is loyal and loving, though he

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Wagswell Reg’d, Loren & George Breesers. CKC & AKC champion lines. Wild boar, piebald, occasional Smooth puppies available. Contact: (403) 252-0020;; www.web/

Dachshund (Standard Wire Hair)

Personality Intelligent and enthusiastic, with lots of joie de vivre and a good demeanor. Socialization, positive training and an abundance of exercise make this athletic fellow a happy, loyal companion.

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Quick facts Exercise requirements Grooming

AB Wagswell Reg’d, Loren & George Breesers. CKC & AKC registered champion lines, primarily wild boar, occasional Smooths available. Stud service. (403) 252-0020;; www.web/


ON Lowenherz Teckels Reg’d, Laurel WhistanceSmith. Standard Wire-Haired Dachshunds from German hunting lines since 1989. Top performance/hunting dogs. Blood tracking dogs for finding wounded big game. Competitive event dogs in tracking, obedience, earthdog, field trials on rabbits. Five generations of Am. Field Champions. Laurel WhistanceSmith, Pontypool, ON (705) 277-9183,

History Named for their prey, the “dachs” or badger, the Dachshund is a hardy hunting dog from Germany. The breed was selected for its long, narrow body that could easily fit into narrow holes in the ground. The dog’s long floppy ears protected the ear canals from dirt when going to ground, and his long wavy tail signaled his location while hunting, and offered a grip should he become wedged in a hole. The Standard Wire-Haired Dachshund was created by adding Terrier blood to produce a spunky dog with a more weather-resistant coat. Personality Big personality in a little body certainly describes the Dachshund. A happy, sometimes opinionated fellow, he is an affectionate and cheerful member of the family. His history as a hunter makes it important to socialize him with cats or small pets, though he will accept them as family if introduced at a young age. Outside, the Dachshund likes to follow his nose and dig when things smell interesting. Overall he is an easy-going family pet who is happy to be with his people.

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Photo: Alice van Kampen


Appearance 21-24” (56-61 cm) 53-70 lb Pure white with black or liver coloured spots, ranging from a dime to half-dollar in size. Short, sleek, dense and glossy coat.

Deerhound (Scottish)

Appearance Up to 14” (35 cm); chest circumference 12-14” (30-35 cm) Up to 11 lb (5 kg) Double coat with uniform short harsh outercoat. Beard. Solid (red, cream), two coloured (black, chocolate, grey or white with rust-brown or yellow markings), dappled (brown, grey, or white background with irregular patches of black, grey, brown, red or yellow) or striped (red or yellow with darker striping).

Appearance 14-18” (35-46 cm); chest circumference 14” (35 cm) 11-20 lb (5-9 kg) Double coat with uniform short harsh outercoat. Beard. Solid (red, cream), two coloured (black, chocolate, grey or white with rust-brown or yellow markings), dappled (brown, grey or white background with irregular patches of black, grey, brown, red or yellow) or striped (red or yellow with darker striping).

Taylor Ranch Reg’d, Twyla Taylor. Quality Dalmatian puppies to loving family homes. Health tested breeding dogs from European and North American show lines. Health guaranteed pups reasonably priced. 20223 Twp 515A, Sherwood Park, AB T8G 1G2. (780) 922-3985;; NS Cocoabeach Reg’d, Jennifer Stockman. CKC Registered Dalmatians. Puppies occasionally, adults sometimes. Championship stock producing puppies of sound quality and beautiful personalities. Canadian and American championship bloodlines! 3229 Hwy 325, Wileville, NS B4V 5H5. jenniferstockman@; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) ON Cranbrooke Reg’d, Linda & Doug Taylor. 698 Rd 4 E, Kingsville, ON N9Y 7H5. (519) 733-8006,

Deerhound (Scottish)

History The Dalmatian has been known in Europe since the Middle Ages and takes his name from Dalmatia (now a part of Croatia), where the earliest records of the breed exist. His origin is unclear, although some histories portray him as a gundog, a herding dog, a draft dog, a guardian and a ratter. When the Dalmatian made his appearance in England in the 18th century, he became immensely popular as a carriage dog, accompanying the aristocracy’s ornate conveyances and horses around town and on long treks through the countryside. He could also be found in the stables of the working class, and in fire stations with horse-drawn water wagons. The four-legged “siren” would help clear the streets by running ahead of the wagon barking. When the Dalmatian arrived in the New World (the U.S.), he automatically endeared himself to firefighters, and no station was complete without one of these spotted mascots.

Am. & Can Ch. Caretta’s Marcus, BPISS, ASFA FCH. Multi group placements, confirmation, performance but most of all companion. Bred/Owned by Susan Trow, Caretta Reg’d, Lac Superieur, QC, J0T 1J0

History The regal Scottish Deerhound has a centuries-old history with the aristocracy of the Scottish highlands. Likely produced through the selective breeding of Greyhounds, this big breed features a protective coat and the ability to take down the largest game. Scottish Deerhounds were forbidden to anyone below the rank of



does have a bit of a stubborn streak at times. Like most small breeds, the Dachshund can be a bit snippy with children, but if well socialized does very well with them. He also loves to follow his nose and may attempt to “hunt” in the yard, digging at interesting holes.

In the 19th century, Queen Victoria took an interest in the Scottish Deerhound, bringing the breed back into favour with the upper classes. Today these dogs are no longer the exclusive property of the upper class. The deerhound continues to be a supreme hunter. Personality The Deerhound is an ideal house companion. While he enjoys his daily run, in the house he is a couch potato. Calm, dignified, devoted and gentle-natured, the Deerhound makes an excellent family pet. Despite his giant size, he is happy in a variety of living situations, and even does well in apartments. He is not a barker or watchdog, and while his large size might intimidate, is far too kindhearted to be a guard dog. Regular walks and the odd off-leash run (in a fenced area) are adequate exercise. Appearance 28-32” (71-81 cm) 75-110 lb (34-50 kg) Harsh, shaggy close-lying coat. Beard and moustache. Dark blue-grey, various shades of grey, brindle, yellow, sandy red or red fawn with black points. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming QC Caretta Reg’d, Susan Trow. Dedicated to the breed I have loved for many years. Home-raised, well socialized puppies occasionally available. My breeding is done with careful consideration for health, temperament, conformation and performance, from North American, Scottish and Australian bloodlines. Lifetime owner support. Une elevage deliberee avec les chiots disponibles occasionnelement. (819) 688-5697; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement on page 119.)


Doberman Pinscher

Ch. Ultrasound Boomer Von Buddy. Canadian & American bloodlines. 37 years of dedication, breeding for longevity. Bred/Owned by Ron McCartney, Ultrasound Reg’d. RR 4, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N6.

History Karl Freidrich Louis Dobermann was a tax collector in Germany during the mid-1800s. Tax collectors were understandably 120

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

not well liked, and the job was very dangerous. To keep himself safe, and to make his job easier, Dobermann decided to produce a large Pinscher-type dog who could work by his side. By combining a variety of breeds such as the German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Weimaraner, German Pinscher, Greyhound and Manchester Terrier, he produced a dog that was lean, brave, loyal and decidedly protective. The type stabilized remarkably quickly and the breed was recognized as the Doberman Pinscher by 1900. Over time, the Doberman’s brave and intelligent nature has made him an excellent working dog. He has been used for police work, search and rescue, guiding, guarding and much more. He is a favourite of the military. While originally bred to have a fierce temperament, modern breeders have selected for level-headedness and responsiveness. Personality Today’s Doberman Pinscher is a far more tractable dog than Herr Dobermann’s original breed. He is intelligent and loyal, and dedicated to his person. Bred to be a working dog, the Doberman does best when he has a purpose, and excels at obedience and police work. He remains a protective individual who serves his owner with a dedication few other breeds can match. Appearance 24-29” (61-72 cm) 70-99 lb (32-45 kg) Short, smooth hard coat. Black, red, blue or fawn with rust markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Fergus Reg’d, Edmund & Deanna Ferguson. European Doberman Pinschers. Excellent working bloodlines. Bred for quality and temperament. Health tested parents. Breeding for 22 years. Full Breeder support. Our Siberian Girl will be expecting a litter in Spring 2013. For information on our dogs, please call. Visitors Welcome. (780) 662-3713; ON McCartney Ron, Ultrasound Reg’d. Thirty-seven years of dedication, breeding for longevity. Health tested. Quality and temperament-plus, brains and beauty. Canadian and American bloodlines. Show and companion prospects. Written health guarantee. Home-raised with children. Puppies occasionally to responsible homes. RR 4, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N6. (519) 794-3456;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

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Photo courtesy of Naku Reg’d

Deerhound (Scottish)

earl, and were valued so highly that a leash of Deerhounds could purchase the freedom of a noble sentenced to death.

History The Eurasier is a recent breed whose development is credited to Julius Wipfel of Germany. He crossed the Wolfspitz (Keeshond) with the Chow Chow, known for his calm, affectionate and independent yet loyal nature, and called the resulting dogs Wolf-Chows. Some breeders chose to select more for type, neglecting temperament. When these lines were culled from the breed, the remaining dogs became too inbred. To correct this, Wipfel crossed his dogs to Samoyeds because of their friendly temperament and natural vigor. The Zuchmeinschaft für Erasier was founded in 1973; the name was changed to Eurasier, reflecting the combination of European and Asian breeds. The Eurasier was recognized by the CKC in 1995, but remains unrecognized in the United States. Personality The primary goal of Wipfel’s breeding program was to produce a Spitz with a consistently excellent temperament. The resulting even-tempered, friendly, intelligent and calm-natured Eurasier is a supreme family dog. He is neither timid nor aggressive, though he can be aloof with strangers. At home he is deeply attached to his family, and hates to be left alone. Because he was always intended as a companion, the Eurasier does not need a lot of exercise, though regular walks are a necessity to keep him healthy and fit. Appearance 19-24” (48-60 cm) 39-71 lb (18-32 kg) Medium-length, harsh loosely-lying outercoat. Thick undercoat. All colours and colour combinations except pure white, white patches or liver. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Naku Reg’d, Paul & Margaret Knight. North America’s breed founders of purebred registered Eurasiers. Blending French and German lines. Wonderful family dog. Healthy, outgoing, home-raised puppies. Generations of genetic clearances. Written guarantee. Members in good standing of the Eurasier Club of Canada. Clubrecommended breeder. RR 1, York (Hamilton), ON N0A 1R0. (905) 772-3415; naku@eurasiers. ca;

BIS/MBISS Am. SCH CH/ Can Ch. Pikkinokka Badge Sir Barksalot Bred by Matilda Niquidet. Owned by Michelle Badger & Holly Leftwich, BadgerDen Siberian Huskies & Finnish Spitz.

History Originating in Lapland (the northern regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia), the Finnish Spitz, also known as the Lapinkoira, was a hunting dog who tracked large prey such as bear and elk. For many years the breed remained pure, but as technology and transportation improved, Lapland dogs spread southwards and interbred with local dog populations. Crossbreeding deteriorated the breed so much that by 1880 the Lapinkoira was nearly extinct. Finnish breed fanciers searched the northern regions for purebred examples of the breed, and by the 1890s began a concerted effort to recreate the pure Finnish Spitz. The original dogs were used to hunt large game, but modern Finnish Spitz are primarily bird dogs. Called the “barking bird dog”, he has a unique hunting style in which he alerts hunters to where he finds the birds with a continuous bark, called a yodel. Personality Reserved with strangers, yet playful and even clownish with friends, the Finnish Spitz is a vocal breed who likes to make his presence known. He is highly loyal to his people, and can be protective at times. Early socialization helps him feel comfortable with new people, though he will always show caution among strangers. Like many hunting breeds, the Finnish Spitz is an athlete, and makes an excellent jogging companion as long as the weather isn’t too hot. Appearance 15-20” (39-51 cm) 15-35 lb (7-16 kg) Straight, long harsh outercoat. Short, soft dense undercoat. Shades of reddish brown, golden red. May have white markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Canadian Finnish Spitz Club. For breed information, contact Kelly Bunker (780-6332167) or Denise Friesen (306-363-4900). 4404 150 Ave NW Edmonton, AB. T5Y 2Z9. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)

Sound sociable puppies from champion stock. Adults occasionally available. Bred/Owned by Bonnie & Robert Hendriks, Windyfields Reg’d. 2500 Settlers Line, RR 1, Indian River, ON K0L 2B0.

History The Fox Terrier has been around since the early days of mounted fox hunts. Hounds were used to scent and follow prey, but were not suited to taking the fox in its den. For this, hunters would carry a Fox Terrier in a sack or box as they rode, letting him out when the fox had gone to ground so he could pursue the fox into its den and chase it out.

ON Windyfields Reg’d, Hendriks Bonnie & Robert. Breeding for soundness, conformation & temperament. Puppies are microchipped & registered. Health guarantee & follow-up support given. Owner of Wire Fox Terriers since 1949, I have been showing & breeding since 1996, producing several champions over the years. Adult dogs available occasionally. A great addition to any family! (705) 295-6812; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

French Bulldog

Fox Terrier (Wire)

Wirehill Perm Reg’d, Kay Guimond. Puppies, Stud Service. Orangeville, ON L9W 2Y9.; SK Paigewyre Reg’d, Patricia E Garling. Quality homeraised puppies and adults occasionally for pet or show. Stud service available. Health guaranteed. 938 1st St, Estevan, SK S4A 0G6. (306) 634-1252;;

French Bulldog

The breed existed for many years before being defined in the late 1800s when dog shows became popular. Two varieties were recognized -- the smooth coated and wire coated Fox Terrier. The ancestry of each is likely different, with the Greyhound, Beagle and Bull Terrier founding the Smooth Fox Terrier, and the now extinct Welsh Black and Tan Terrier founding the Wire Fox Terrier. Despite their differing origins, the two varieties were not recognized as separate breeds in North America until the 1980s. Personality Alert and active, the Wire Fox Terrier is a fun dog to have around the home. He is a hunter at heart and should be watched with smaller pets that might be considered prey. Early socialization helps him become more confident and easy to manage when confronted with new people and situations. He is quite intelligent and with positive training can do well in obedience or agility. The Wire Fox Terrier gets quite attached to his people, prefers to not be left alone for long periods, and can be a bit of a barker. Appearance Up to 15.5” (40 cm) Up to 18 lb (8 kg) Wiry, hard dense outercoat. Soft dense undercoat. Mostly white with black, black and tan, or tan markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Safe Vaccination Guide - pg 74

Karendon’s Ch. Over the Moon & Karendon’s Ch. Lunar Eclipse. Luna & Esme represent 10 generations of Karendon Perm Reg’d French Bulldog. Bred/owned by Karen E. Cram.

History The Bulldog was very popular in England during the 1800s. While the larger varieties were best for fighting, many people preferred the smaller ones, which became much-loved house pets. The Nottingham region of England, known for its lace-making, was particularly enamoured of these smaller Bulldogs. When the Industrial Revolution and economic downturn of the 1860s forced lacemakers to move to France in pursuit of work, they took their dogs with them. These animals were then crossed with local dogs, producing the breed now known as the French Bulldog. The French Bulldog became popular in North America in the 19th century. At that time, both the English-style “rose” (folded) ears and the newer “bat” (erect) ears were considered acceptable. American breeders greatly preferred the bat ears. Eventually they won out. Bat ears are now the accepted breed standard. Personality Cheerful and full of playful joie de vivre, the French Bulldog or Frenchie is a wonderful family pet. He gets along with everyone, including other pets. His shortened muzzle tends to make him snore and drool,



Finnish Spitz

French Bulldog

and he shouldn’t be exercised heavily in hot weather. With his happy disposition and goodhearted nature, he enjoys positive training and is generally an obedient soul. Appearance 12” (30 cm) 22-28 lb (10-12.5 kg) Short, smooth glossy coat. Brindle, fawn, cream, white, brindle and white, brindle pied or blackmasked fawn. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming MB Rickway/De Niza Perm Reg’d, Joyce Love. Producing sound, well-adjusted, home-raised puppies. Written health guarantee, puppies/ stud services. Box 39, Grp 70, RR 1, Anola, MB R0E 0A0. (204) 755-2338; (204) 793-3955;; ON Hornerbrook Reg’d, Jacques R, Louise & Nathalie L. LaPierre. PO Box 88, Verona ON, K0H 2W0. (613) 372-1544; hornrbrk@kingston. net; Karendon Perm Reg’d. For over 20 years and 10 generations, we have focused our select breeding program on health, temperament and type. Our beautiful dogs are Best In Specialty, Best In Show, multi Group winners and wonderful pets. The Pedigrees of our dogs represent the finest French Bulldogs in the world. (613) 752-2382; karen@karendonfrenchbulldogs. com; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement on page 121.) Robb Isle Perm Reg’d, Robert & Dianne Lowes. Puppies occasionally, stud service. Cream/Fawn, BM Fawn, Brindle (705) 526-5365; robbisle@;

large to chase prey underground but suited to hunting beaver, badger and otter. By the 15th century, the breed developed into the Rattler, which came in two varieties: smooth and rough. The German Pinscher is descended from the smooth Rattler. The breed was not recognized officially until 1879. Like many German breeds, the Pinscher nearly died out during the First and Second World Wars. In 1958, Herr Werner Jung undertook the effort of rebuilding the breed, searching Germany for good representatives of the Pinscher type. All modern German Pinschers are descendants of Jung’s breeding program. Personality Always alert and at the ready, the German Pinscher is a multi-talented dog who needs strong leadership and a job to keep him happy. He is intelligent and assertive, quick to learn, and able to think for himself. German Pinschers do well in many dog sports, and benefit from early socialization. Appearance 17-20” (43-51 cm) 31-44 lb (14-20 kg) Short, dense, smooth close-lying coat. All solid colours ranging from fawn to stag red, black and blue with reddish-tan markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Passion4Pinschers, Marlene Denommee. Breeding for superior dispositions, intelligence, pet or working German Pinschers. Able to produce black, reds, blue and fawn colors. Currently own/show 4 of the 5 top 10 UKC German Pinschers. (289) 821-1719; passion4pinschers@; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

German Shepherd Dog


Photo courtesy of Rivergreen

German Pinscher

UKC Ch. Tri-Pinscher’s Red Hot Remi. Currently #1 UKC GP, multiple BOB’s, multiple group placements. Bred by Donna Smith, Tri-Pinscher Kennels. Owned by Marlene Denommee, Passion4Pinschers. 43 Cranbrook Crescent, Welland, ON L3C 3P5.

History Although he looks like a miniature Doberman, the German Pinscher goes back centuries and was the inspiration for Louis Dobermann when he created his breed. The progenitors of the Pinscher were Terriers, too 122

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

History One of the world’s best known breeds, the German Shepherd was created by Rittmeister Max von Stephanitz. In the 1890s, von Stephanitz sought to create a superb German herding dog. He selected the best dogs from local farm stock, and the result was the German Shepherd. When the need for herding dogs decreased, von Stephanitz continued promoting his breed by encouraging the military and police to use them. They did so well that 48,000 German Shepherds were enlisted in the German Army during World War I.

The German Shepherd’s intelligence and versatility have kept him popular, despite the boycotting of German breeds during the First and Second World Wars. He now is used for many purposes including police work, search and rescue, scent discrimination, guide and assistance duties and military work. He is also a prized companion dog. Over time, breeders have experimented in several directions in their search for the perfect breed type, producing various extremes These results were mostly eliminated in an effort to preserve the original form and function. Personality An intelligent and poised dog, the German Shepherd is prized for his quickthinking, brave and observant nature. He is easy to train, and loves to work. To stay happy, he needs regular exercise for both mind and body. German Shepherds make great family dogs, and do well with children. As with any dog, proper socialization is necessary to produce a balanced individual. Appearance 21-26” (55-66 cm) 48-88 lb (22-40 kg) Medium-length, dense harsh outercoat. Thick undercoat. May have ruff. Most colours accepted except white. White German Shepherds do exist, but are undesirable. Some breeders select for white shepherds and promote them as a separate breed. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Wakita Reg’d, Julie Schwab. Raising puppies to be healthy, intelligent family companions. Hip and Elbow certified parents. Written guarantee. Box 211, Wildwood, AB T0E 2M0. (780) 352-2251;; NB Stormymagic Reg’d, Roxanne Harker. We breed top-quality, imported working-line German Shepherds. Our puppies have good solid nerves, outstanding temperaments and a lot of drive, which develop into awesome personal and family companions and excel in protection, Schutzhund, SAR and law enforcement. 3861 Rte 16, Melrose, NB E4M 2H1. (506) 5389966;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) ON Abernot Linda, Winning Ways German Shepherd Dogs. Gorgeous, mentally and physically sound German Shepherd Dogs. OFA hips and elbows, eyes normal, obedience titled, therapy dogs, excellent DDR and working lines. Five-year nose-to-tail guarantee, lifetime support. Over 30 years in same location! 568 Old Goulais Bay Rd, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 5K8. (705) 759-6366;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Armstrong-Purnell Janice & Murray Purnell, Sanhedrin Reg’d. 8676 Hwy 9, Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0. (416) 441-3724 Cell; (905) 9363236 Home;; www. (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) Carissima Reg’d, Rob Rovella & Michelle Bellino-Rovella. Small select breeder producing strong, sound and healthy dogs from German bloodlines for family, show, sport or companion. Focusing on super character, correct structure and rich black and red colour. Airport/Hwy 89, Mulmur, ON L0N 1M0. (519) 940-5049; info@; www.carissimakennels. com (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Lindenhof Reg’d, Charlie Schmidt. 804 Stewartville Rd, RR 2, Arnprior, ON K7S 3G8. (613) 622-5599;; www. (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) Lynsdens Shepherds Reg’d, Lynda Proulx. Specializing in White Shepherds only, Beautiful, Intelligent companions. All breeding stock x-rayed hips and elbows. 3511 River St. PO Box 256, Alvinston, ON. N0N 1A0. Call Lynda or Joanne at (519) 847-5206; or; RebelRun Reg’d, Marie Snow. Quality puppies for show or companionship from championship and titles bloodlines. All breeding stock certified clear of Hip and Elbow Dysplasia. 3 Year written guarantee. 7165 Canborough Rd, RR 1, Dunnville ON, N1A 2W1. (905) 774-7847; rebelrun01@;

SK Backstromhus Reg’d, Edith Norling. German bloodlines. Guarantee provided. Breeding stock screened against hip and elbow dysplasia etc. Pedigrees include generations of certified, SchH titled (Tracking/obedience/protection) dogs from top German bloodlines. These are intelligent athletes that love to please. Puppies, young adults and Stud service (live cover, fresh/frozen semen) available. 1617 Ave B North, Saskatoon, SK S7L 1H2. (306) 653-2324;;

Great Dane

Furrari Reg’d, Marion Lopizzo. Breeding happy and healthy white German shepherd puppies. (905) 836-7520;; www. (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Ulvilden Reg’d, Terry Ulvild. Exceptional FarmHome raised puppies. Bred for Conformation, Health, Intelligence, Loyalty and Protection. Written Health Guarantee. Solid Black, Black/ Red/Tan, Bi-Colour. German, Czech Pedigrees. MacDowall, SK S0K 2S0. (306) 922-4787;;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Great Dane

Photo courtesy of Michelle Soucie

Amalaberg Reg’d, George & Andreea Zamfirescu. Our dogs are coming from top German lines with beautiful conformation and type, and great working abilities. They are suitable for any kind of training and dog sport, perfect for family companions and good personal protection if trained accordingly. Socialized puppies, raised with children - all year round. Health, hips/elbows guarantee. Stud service. Occasionally, trained young dogs and titled adults available. We offer life support for our puppies’ owners. We test our puppies and make sure that based on temperament and personality each dog goes in the right family for them. Training also available - all levels, obedience classes, specialized training - behavioural, rehabilitation. 556 Conc 7 Rd, RR 3, Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0. (905) 779-0677; (289) 291-7240 Cell;;;

Rivergreen Reg’d. Proudly continues to produce your canine companions, your protectors and many successful show dogs. We take great care to offer you healthy, happy puppies with beautiful structure and promising trainability. With over 30 years of Shepherd breeding. We appreciate our many contacts and friendships with wonderful people and their dogs. RR 3, Markdale, ON N0C 1H0. (519) 538-0910; sheila@rivergreenshepherds. com; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above and our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Hastings Line, Milbank/Crosshill (Kitchener/ Waterloo area), ON N0K 1L0. (519) 699-5589; (519) 897-6757 Cell;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Durward Reg’d. Breeding West German Bloodlines. For conformation and temperament. Red and blacks. Great for work, show, guarding your home and companionship. 1036 Stoco Rd, Tweed, ON K0K 3V0. (613) 478-2089;

Create the perfect Puppy Plan SEE pg 16

Visitors Welcome. RR 3, 7489 First Line, Arthur, ON N0G 1A0. (519) 848-5554; windbakfund@; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

QC Anges Gardiens Reg’d, Michelle Giguère. Lignée 100% Allemande, garantie écrite, parents certifiés libre de dysplasie des hanches et coudes, chiots socialisés avec enfants. Excellent compagnons et gardiens de famille. 100% German bloodlines, parents certified free of hip and elbow dysplasia, written guarantee, pups socialized with children. Excellent family companions and guardians. 933, 10ième Rang, St-Valerien, QC J0H 2B0. (450) 549-2068;;

Strong and brave, the Great Dane was a war dog for Germans and Celts, a boar hunter and a bull-baiter. Over time, the Germans refined the breed, which was so well loved that it was declared the national dog of Germany in 1876. By the mid-1800s, Great Danes were imported to North America where breeders worked to tone down their sometimes fiercely protective nature, producing an even-tempered though still protective dog. This made North American Great Danes the most desirable in the world. Personality Big, bold and a bit goofy, the Great Dane is a loving dog who adores his people. He is a leaner, preferring to be right up against his owner, and if he had his way he’d be a lap dog too. He enjoys going for long and often brisk walks, and without training can be difficult to hold onto once he gets going. Given his great size



History The Great Dane got his name from an 18th century French naturalist who believed the breed originated in Denmark and called it the “Grand Danois”. In actuality, the breed was Committed to Canine, Lucescu Reg’d. 100 % European Lines. Health Guaranteed. Wild Winds German Shepherds, Kathy Cecchin. developed in Germany where it was called the Puppies and adults for family companions, Quality family-raised puppies suitable for all “Deutsche Dogge” or German Mastiff. This is a police and competition. (905) 386-6993; competitive disciplines, as well as excellent far more suitable name since the Great Dane family companions. All parents OVC hips/elbows likely descended from the ancient Alaunt, a Mastiff-type dog depicted in tomb drawings as CrossHill Kennels, Peter Cadman. Top and clear of DM. Written Health Guarantee. early as 2200 BC. Over time, Irish Wolfhound Imported German Working Lines. Extra large European bloodlines, Old fashioned style, and English Mastiff bloodlines were likely Family-friendly German Shepherds. 4862 Wm pups available in black, black/tan and sable. added, giving the breed added size.

Great Dane

and independent thinking, it is important to start training early, keeping sessions short and sweet. Appearance At least 28” (71 cm) At least 100 lb (46 kg) Short, thick glossy coat. Brindle, fawn, black, harlequin, mantle. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Kenzbock Karin, Kenzbock Reg’d. Fawn and brindles since 1971. A legacy of champions with German bloodlines. These devoted and loyal dogs are the gentle giants of the canine world. Puppies are lovingly home raised and socialized. Kenzbock Danes receive lifetime breeder guidance. Next litter in two years. Puppies are x-ray cleared and available to good homes. RR 4, 2968 Williamson Road, Cobourg, ON K9A 4J7. (905) 342-2195 (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Great Pyrenees

want to patrol his territory, as he would livestock, so a well-fenced yard or leash walks are essential. Overall he is a serious conscientious family member who will protect his family with his life. Appearance 25-32” (63-81 cm) over 88 lb (female) or 100 lb (male) (40 kg or 50 kg) Long, flat thick outercoat. Dense wooly outercoat. Neck ruff. White, white with grey, badger, reddish brown, tan markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Skeenawhip Perm Reg’d. Health, soundness, temperament utmost. Breeding stock OFA’d, CMR genetic clear. Written guarantees. Box 308, Marwayne, AB T0B 2X0. (780) 847-2531; ON Glenire Reg’d, Valerie Toth & Emily Toth Tamminga. Since 1963. Temperament tested pups for Pet, Show and Livestock Protection. Lifetime genetic health guarantee. Visitors welcome. CKC registered. 10 Clanbrassil Rd, RR 3, Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0. (905) 768-4190;; Goodwin Ruth A, Aragon Reg’d. Ten generations of champions/companions. Fully guaranteed. Litter planned spring 2013. RR 2, Hwy 141, Parry Sound, ON P2A 2W8. (705) 732-2498; aragon@;

Can & UKC Woolmarsh Prestonfield Matisse. Bred by Dr. Carol Graham & Norma Eddinton, Woolmarsh Perm. Reg’d. Owned by Dr. Carol Graham, Woolmarsh Perm. Reg’d. 5039 Erin Fourth Line, Acton, ON L7J 2L8.


History Born in the Pyrenees Mountains of France and Spain, the Great Pyrenees protected the sheep and cattle that supported native peoples. Brave, sure-footed and utterly reliable, these white giants cared for their charges like no others. In 1675, the French Prince, later King Louis XIV, fell in love with a dog named Patou, who he brought home with him when he returned to France. Other nobles wanted a dog like Patou, and the breed soon became known as the “Royal Dog of France”. The Great Pyrenees remained popular as a herder. He was also favoured as a guard dog. In the mid-1600s, several Great Pyrenees were exported by Basque fishermen who brought them to the Canadian Maritimes. There they became founders for the Newfoundland dog. More recently, Great Pyrenees were exported to North America in the 1930s, where they gained new popularity among breeders. Personality Bred to be a herd guardian, it’s no surprise the Great Pyrenees is a protective dog dedicated to his family. He is kind and gentle with his flock, human or otherwise, but cautious with strangers. It is important to socialize Great Pyrenees at a young age. He has a tendency to 124

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013


Woolmarsh Perm Reg’d, Dr. Carol Graham. RR 2, Acton, ON L7J 2L8. (519) 853-3005; (519) 8556439 Bus; (519) 855-4408 Fax. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) QC Pitous du Val Perché, Marianne Glofcheski. Chiens de montagne des Pyrénées. Compagnons et gardiens. Reproducteurs certifiés OFA. Companions and guardians. Canadian and European champion bloodlines. 134 rte 148 Est, Lochaber, QC J0X 3B0. (819) 985-1044;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Have questions? see “puppy shopping 101” On pg 10

Can/Am Ch. Windwood Huntington Barrista. Field Champion Excellent, Oval Track Racing Champion. Call name “Winston”. Bred by Ann Fessenden, G & S Bell, Windwood Perm. Reg’d. Owned by Kiyo & Barry Garner, Ann Fessenden, Windwood Perm. Reg’d. 20194 Avenue, Langley, BC V4W 1W3.

History The Greyhound is one of the world’s oldest breeds. It dates back to nearly 3000 BC when its image appeared in ancient Egyptian carvings, although the first real description of the breed didn’t appear until 43 BC, when an ancient Roman named Ovid wrote about these sleek hunting dogs. The Greyhound has changed very little since those early times. These fast, streamlined dogs were for royalty only, and originally used as sight hounds for hunting every type of game from hare to deer to foxes. It wasn’t until just over 200 years ago that Greyhound coursing became popular. Greyhounds were brought to North America by Spanish explorers in the 1500s and were among the first dogs to be recorded at American dog shows in the late 19th century. Among the famous personalities who own Greyhounds are George Washington and General Custer. Personality Beautiful, lean and lively, the Greyhound is today mostly valued as a companion animal. Not surprisingly, he’s the fastest of dog breeds and relies on sight and speed to make his way through the world. He has a sweet nature and makes a loving pet. Appearance Height and weight 26-28 in (66-76 cm) 60-75 lb (27-29.5 kg) Black, fawn and red, often with white or brindle markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Windwood Perm Reg’d. From a long line of Multi purpose Champions, WINSTON clearly demonstrates all the fine qualities of WINDWOOD GREYHOUNDS - tops in amateur running for 40 years (most also Show Champions) but foremost all are loving lifelong companions! Pups & one young adult available to loving active homes early 2013. 2019-40 Avenue, Langley, BC V4W 1W3. (604) 856-2850; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)

Can Ch. Somershire Distinctiveprints. Bred/Owned by Blanche Somers, Somershire Reg’d. 23475 McCowan Road, Sutton West, ON L0E 1R0.

History In the past, stable masters often had problems with rats that thrived off spilled grain left by horses as they ate. To counter this problem, fierce ratters like the Affenpinscher were common in stables. These dogs came to be known as Griffon D’Ecurie, or Stable Griffons. Lively and friendly, they were often taken along for rides as the coachmen left the stables for their duties. Nobles saw these cute canine companions and soon took them into their own homes as pets. Over time, other breeds such as Pugs and Toy Spaniels were crossed with Stable Griffons, giving them a higher skull and smaller size. Three varieties of coat and type developed: the rough red became known as the Brussels Griffon.

ON Berryhill Perm Reg’d, Bruce Owen. Red Roughs & Smooths. European, Australian, Canadian & American bloodlines. Breeder of “Can & Am. CH Berryhill Gaople” Toy group winner 1986. Westminster Kennel Club. Puppies occasionally to approved buyers. Breeding Griffons since 1965. (519) 853-9598; Somershire Reg’d, Blanche Somers. We breed for quality, health and excellent temperament. Well socialized and home-raised from pups, we carefully breed from Champion bloodlines and produce show and loving family companions. We occasionally have smooth coats but rough coats are our specialty. Inquires welcome. (905) 478-8880,, (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Griffon (Wire Haired Pointing)

The First and Second World Wars were hard on the Brussels Griffon. Fortunately, the breed was preserved in both Europe and in North America. Personality Distinguished by his human-like face, the Brussels Griffon is a bright, confident and curious imp. He bonds strongly with his person and can be shy with strangers, so benefits from early socialization. Intelligent, affectionate and sensitive, the Brussels Griffon needs an owner who trains in a positive manner and is attentive to his needs. Appearance 7-8” (18-20 cm) 7-13 lb (3-6 kg) Rough: wiry, hard dense coat. Beard and moustache. Smooth: short, straight glossy coat. Black, red, reddish-brown, or black with reddish-brown markings.

Personality A lover of the outdoors, the Wire Haired Pointing Griffon is an active dog who thrives on long walks in any kind of weather. Indoors he is relaxed and happy to spend time with his family. His stable disposition makes him a good playmate for children. Respectful and responsive, the Wire Haired Pointing Griffon is easy to train. Appearance 19-24” (49-61 cm) 50-60 lb (23-27 kg) Medium-length, straight coarse outercoat. Fine, thick downy undercoat. Moustache. Steel grey with liver patches, liver roan, liver, liver and white, orange and white. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming NS Paige Pettis & Gabriel Giroux. Breeders of authentic Griffon Korthals with exceptional temperaments. Our guaranteed puppies are family raised, well socialized and introduced to birds before adoption. Our breeding dogs hunt and have their conformation champion titles as well as certifications for hips, eyes, cardiac and DNA. We breed only KBKB dogs. We have our own training facilities, offering bilingual hunting and obedience training and a life time of support. (902) 893-WHOA (9462); griffontownkennel@; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)


CKC BBIS Ch. Pageska’s Ipenwood Recce T, FDJ, JH (Call name Recky). Authentic Griffon Korthals, known as the ‘Supreme Gun Dog’. Bred/Owned by Paige Pettis, Pageska Reg’d. Onslow Mountain, NS.

History Around 1870, a Dutchman named Korthals decided to create a sporting dog that could compete with English gun dogs. Beginning with Griffon stock, which he carefully inbred to set the traits he desired, he then combined other sporting breeds such as the French Pointer, AB Brecoda Reg’d, Lorna Harvey. Quality French Barbet, German Short-Haired Pointer well-socialized puppies raised in our home and various spaniels and setters. The resulting with children. Emphasis on health and dogs were strong, versatile and excellent birding dogs that could point, track and retrieve their temperament. Reds and blacks that are full of prey. Though slower than many other breeds personality! Sherwood Park, AB (780) 990-4466; of gun dog, the Wire Haired Pointing Griffon; had the advantage of being easy to work in small farm fields. It also had the ability to track Win FREE Dog Food injured birds that ran, ensuring the kill was not lost. The breed did well in Europe and gained for a year! See pg 61 a great following in France, which is credited

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

as its country of origin. However, it did not gain popularity in North America, where its slower speed didn’t suit the wide open regions frequented by hunters. This dog is equally suited to retrieving on land or in water.


Manitoba Brussels Griffons Reg’d, Maggie Blackman. CKC Registered. Over 20 years experience. Home reared, socialized, quality, balance & Temperament. Many Champions. Red’s, Black/Tan’s, Black, Rough & Smooth Coats. Show & Pets. Calgary based. Available for information. References Available. Contact: (403) 271-9751; brusselsgriffon@shaw. ca;

MBIS CKC Grand Champion, AKC / Intl Champion Eddie Murphy at MistyTrails CGN call name, Eddie Top BIS winning Havanese 2012 , winning Five Best in Shows Summer 2012Bred/Owned by Bev & Emily Dorma, MistyTrails Reg’d. Box 343, Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L0.

History A descendant of one of many “small white dogs” of Bichon type, the Havanese was developed on the island of Cuba. The hot climate and customs of the region produced a smaller breed with a unique silken coat, which people called the Blanquito de la Habana or the Havanese Silk Dog. The breed’s silken hairs insulated the dogs, protecting them from the heat and sun. The breed caught the eye of Europeans in the mid-1700s. Queen Victoria, a great fancier



Griffon (Brussels)


of unusual dogs, was said to have owned two Havanese. Charles Dickens also owned a Havanese named Tim. In Cuba, the breed went from being a favourite of the sugar barons to a popular family dog among the bourgeois. The Cuban revolution might have spelled the end of the breed, except for a handful of dogs that escaped with refugees to the United States. American breeders purchased the dogs to keep the breed from dying out. These 11 dogs became the founders of the Havanese breed as we now know it. Personality The cheerful, loving Havanese is an easy breed to fall in love with. He is outgoing and friendly, though alert and willing to warn his people of danger. He is a Velcro dog who needs to be with his people at all times. A natural showoff, the Havanese loves to play and wants to be the center of attention. Training is easy and the Havanese loves to learn new tricks. Appearance 8.5-11.5” (21-29 cm) 7-14 lb (3-6.5 lb) Long, silken, flat, wavy or curly outercoat. Wooly underdeveloped undercoat. All colours. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Seda Reg’d, Lynda Hand. We’re proud to belong to a small group of friends whose goal it is to produce show-quality dogs for pet homes, without sacrifice to the wonderful temperament, health or structure. Our CKCregistered Havanese come from champion lines that are fully health tested. Our dogs not only come with a lifetime health guarantee but a buyback guarantee. Before you adopt a small dog for your family, let us introduce you to our Havanese. Site 8, Box 11, RR 1, Lacombe, AB T4L 2N1. (403) 318-7901;;

MistyTrails Reg’d, Bev & Emily Dorma. CKCPremium Registered Breeders - Outstanding Top quality kitchen-raised Puppies. World Champion + pure-Cuban bloodlines. Westminster-Winner 2012, Multi Best-In-Show + Multi Top-Havanese in the Country for several years. Bred for Health, Temperament, Structure + Longevity. All dogs are annually health-tested, results online + Vet files are open. Show, Pet-companion, Agility, Therapy puppies occasionally available. Box 343, Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L0. (250) 743-5370; mistytrails@; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement on page 125 and our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) ON Abbyfields Havanese, Jacquie Summers. Beautiful, quality, home-raised puppies full of personality - plus CKC registered. One hour north of Guelph on Hwy 6. RR 3 Durham, ON N0G 1R0. (519) 369-2739; info@abbyfieldshavanese. com; Diggity Dog Perm Reg’d, Michelle Simpson. CKC Registered purebred Havanese puppies. Two year health guarantee. All colours, best temperament, well socialized, crate trained and beginning house training at 6 weeks. First vaccinations and veterinarian checked. Puppies are born and raised in the living room. Raised on raw food. Adult dogs available sometimes. Toronto/West. (416) 536-4694; Fayral Kennels, Faith & Ralph Towriss. Raising quality Havanese and Golden Retriever puppies bred for health and temperament. 2 year written health warranty. RR 3, Mount Forest, ON (519) 323-1723;; www. (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Jomarans Reg’d. Breeding the Havanese since 1990. Adorable, top quality puppies (and occasionally adults) for companionship and show. Puppies are vet checked, vaccinated, microchipped, registered, and GUARANTEED!! We provide education ( care and training guide) and support when you purchase a pup from us. This includes a lifetime return policy. Carefully shipped across Canada and the U.S. Contact us for an application. See customer testimonials, more photos, and further information on our website. Cathy Enns (CKC member since 1987) and Beth Dalman. (306) 232-5105; jomarans@; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Ibizan Hound

BPIS Ch. UCh. Nickeroos IcyCold October Road, FCh. FC, ASFA, FCh. MBIF. Conformation, performance, companions. Great Dogs! Home raised puppies now planned. Bred by N & R Granville, Nickeroos. Owned by Karen Catt, DVM, IcyCold Reg’d. RR 2, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0.


History Brought to Ibiza (a Balearic Island off the coast of Spain) by Phoenician traders, the Ibizan Hound has a remarkable resemblance to the Egyptian god, Anubis, and the Egyptian Havalane Reg’d. One of Canada’s original Pharaoh Hound. A hunter of rabbits and other Havanese breeders. For over 15 years we’ve small game, the Ibizan helped supplement the produced top quality home-raised puppies. food supplies of islanders for over 5,000 years. Truly affectionate, fun companions! Email us or BC Thanks to their great speed and hunting ability, see our website.; Cameron Havanese, Janet & Ken Shauntz. Ibizans brought to Europe became favorites Proudly raise their Havanese in a gentle among poachers, and the breed was eventually nurturing setting, dedicated to perfection Merry Moments Reg’d, Judy Treischl. banned in France. By the 20th century, the Ibizan raised, healthy, well socialized Hound was considered a native Spanish breed. both in temperament and conformation. Home Widely respected for health testing which puppies, CKC registered, health checked. The Marquesa de Belgida of Barcelona kept a includes patellas, cardiac, blood panels, hips Contact: (519) 273-0004;; large kennel of Ibizans on the island of Majorca x-rayed, BAER, CERF on all breeding stock. and promoted the breed throughout the world, Lifetime guarantees for all pets sold only to Willow Gate Reg’d, Maxine Roseheart. Top where the dogs continue to be successful hunters, deserving homes. Memberships include: CKC, quality Havanese, raised with love, bred with coursers, show dogs and companions. Cascade Havanese Club. Havanese Club of America. Please visit our website or phone. (604) 596-0040;;

health and temperament a priority. Health tests are done on all breeding stock, and must be clear. PO Box 341, Apsley, ON K0L 1A0. (705) 656-3606;;

Visit the Canadian Dogs Contest Page @ SK


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Personality Though he may look aloof and aristocratic, the Ibizan Hound, or Beezer, is an affectionate and sensible companion. He is an exceptional jumper, known for clearing up to 6’ in height, and an amazing runner, reaching up to 40 miles an hour. Because he is traditionally a hunter, it is essential to actively socialize him to other pets as he may see them as prey. The Ibizan is an active dog who is happiest if he has a secure area with 8’ high fences where he can safely run and exercise.

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Smooth Rough ON IcyCold Reg’d. Such an incredible breed! Beautiful, athletic, fun and easy to live with. Our home-raised puppies are happy, healthy, confident and well socialized. They grow into exceptional companion dogs that are equally suited for showing, coursing, agility, rally, cuddling and as couch potatoes. Visitors welcome. Puppies planned for early 2013. (705) 647-1688; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Iceland Sheepdog

breed, he requires lots of exercise to keep him happy, and enjoys learning new things.

Appearance 18-19” (45-48 cm) 25-27 lb (11.5-12 kg)

Appearance 16-18” (40-46 cm) 20-30 lb (9-13.5 kg) Shorthaired: medium-length, straight or wavy, weatherproof outercoat with thick soft undercoat. Neck ruff. Longhaired: longerlength, straight or wavy, weatherproof outercoat with thick soft undercoat. Neck ruff. Tan shades, chocolate, brown, grey, black. White markings. Tan and grey dogs have black mask.

Wiry, stiff dense outercoat. Softer undercoat. May have slight beard. Bright red, golden red or red wheaten.

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Shorthaired Longhaired BC Pineridge Reg’d, Jill Fike. Family raised puppies bred for the past 15 years for unique breed characteristics. Show, working, breeding and family pets. Health guarantee. (250) 679-3540; pineice@; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Windeire Reg’d, Patricia MacDonald. Canadian, American, British champion bloodlines. Adult dogs and healthy and sound home-raised puppies occasionally. Bred for health and temperament, show, obedience and agility. Excellent companion dog for a family with a fenced yard. Sold with contracts. Experienced breeder for 21 years. Visitors welcome by appointment only. RR 1, Ilderton, ON N0M 2A0. (519) 666-0195; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Irish Wolfhound

Appearance 22-29” (56-74 cm) 40-55 lb (18-25 kg) Smooth: strong, hard shiny coat. Rough: wiry, hard dense coat. May have beard and/ or moustache. White or red, either solid or in combination.

Irish Wolfhound

Irish Terrier

History Brought to Iceland with the Vikings in 880 CE, the Iceland Sheepdog is a hardy breed greatly influenced by the harsh environment it developed in. Prized for its ability to herd and guard sheep in the hostile terrain of Iceland, the breed is known for its ability to scent lost sheep, even when buried in over a foot of snow. The Iceland Sheepdog gained some popularity in England during the Middle Ages, but because of import and export restrictions, it has remained a very pure breed. Though decimated over the centuries because of famine, a distemper epidemic, and disfavour, the breed avoided extinction thanks in part to Mark Watson, an Englishman who lived in California. From 1930 to 1970, he exported several of these dogs and worked to rebuild the decimated breed. In 1969, the Icelandic Kennel Club was founded to watch over the breed and promote its place in Iceland’s history. Personality The Iceland Sheepdog is an alert and active dog. He’s also vocal, with a unique herding style that involves barking to alert the shepherd to his location. He is playful and friendly, and adores children. As a working

Windeire Sorocco Windbreak. Exemplifies type. Healthy, energetic, confident and friendly with humans. Bred/Owned by Pat MacDonald, Windeire Reg’d. RR 1, Ilderton, ON N0M 2A0.

History One of the oldest breeds of terrier, the Irish Terrier originated in County Cork, Ireland. Kept by peasants to keep rats at bay, the Irish Terrier doubled as a soft-mouthed retriever who helped bring food to the dinner table. For practical reasons, the Irish Terrier came in a wide variety of types and sizes, so when it was first introduced to the dog show world in 1875, it was clear a breed standard needed to be defined. This was accomplished by 1900, after much discussion and effort, and the large red Irish Terrier became the accepted norm. The breed spread to North America in the late 19th century and remains a useful and versatile breed with a distinct look and temperament.

BIS Am Gch. & Can. Ch. Desert Dune at Curiann. ‘Dooney’ sweeping the breed at AKC/Eukanuba National Championships 2010. Bred/Owned by Judith P, Ryan Reg’d. PO Box 550, Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0.

History Ireland’s history would not be complete without the giant sighthounds now known as the country’s national dog. Likely descended from the giant rough-coated Greyhounds of pre-Christian times, known as cu, the Irish Wolfhound could only be owned by nobility. Legends of Irish Wolfhounds abound, including Ailbhe, who defended the entire populace of the King of Leinster, and Gelert, who his master’s son from a wolf yet paid for it with his life.

Originally used as dogs of war, guardians, and hunters of boar, stags and elk, Wolfhounds became specialists in hunting wolves in the 15th and 16th centuries. At that time, wolves were such a problem that it was illegal to export Irish Wolfhounds from the United Kingdom. By the late 1700s, the wolf was extinct and Irish Wolfhounds Personality Nicknamed the “daredevil” of no longer needed. During the Great Irish Famine the canine world, the plucky Irish Terrier is a of 1845, there was no food to spare for dogs, and courageous and charming dog with a heart the Irish Wolfhound nearly disappeared. In 1859, of gold. He is attached to his family, loyal and Captain George Augustus Graham made the affectionate, devoted and full of pizzazz. He is breed’s restoration his life’s work. always “up” and can be a bit distracted at times. He needs lots of opportunities to get out and Personality Truly a gentle giant, the Irish Wolfhound is an even-tempered, intelligent and play, and consistent training.



Kolur. Affectionate, intelligent, friendly temperament, loyal companion and ideal family pet. Bred by Anders Hansen, Leirubakki. Owned by Jill Fike, Pineridge Icelandics Reg’d. 1049 Hepburn Road, Chase, BC, V0E 1M1.

Appearance Females min. 28” (71 cm). Min. 90 lb (41 kg) Males min. 32” (79 cm). Min.120 lb (55 kg) Rough hard outercoat. Longer and more wiry around beard and eyes. Grey, brindle, red, black, white, wheaten, fawn, or any other colour acceptable in Deerhounds. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Brairwood Reg’d, Anne Wright. International bloodlines carefully chose for health, temperament and conformation. Homeraised, quality puppies for approved homes. Vet checked, microchipped, vaccinated and regularly dewormed. Weekly video updates. Visitors and questions always welcome. 6880 Side Road Three, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0. (519) 323-9346;

Italian Greyhound


Photo: Alice van Kampen

Irish Wolfhound

affectionate dog. He loves his family, and despite his large size is completely trustworthy with children and friendly with other animals. Slow to mature, the Wolfhound remains a puppy until two years of age, growing rapidly throughout this period. Being a sighthound, a Wolfhound may give chase if he sees something interesting, and should always be kept in a fenced yard. While enjoying a good run, these dogs are happy to lounge around the house when they’re done.

History The Italian Greyhound’s origins do not begin in or even near Italy. The breed actually started out in Egypt, where a toy-sized hound was produced by breeding small Greyhounds to one another. Early Romans fell in love with the breed and brought the dogs back to Rome, where they quickly became attached to high-ranking officials. The Italian Greyhound earned its name as a companion dog in the 16th century, when it spread throughout Europe as the lapdog of royals such as Mary, Queen of Scots, Anne of Denmark, and Queen Victoria.

When the popularity of Italian Greyhounds peaked in Victorian times, breeders attempted to further reduce the size of the already tiny dog, but this led to a weakening of the gene pool and unhealthy dogs. The First and Second World Wars further reduced the breed’s numbers. Curiann Reg’d. Breeding North America’s Fortunately, a strong population of Italian finest Irish Wolfhounds for type, temperament, Greyhounds remained in North America, where movement and longevity. Canadian, US and the true breed type, size and bloodlines were European bloodlines. Quality puppies for show maintained. and companionship. Young adults available occasionally. Visitors welcome by appointment. Contact Judith Ryan. Member IWCC, IWCA, IWCI, IWAGS, IWAWC, RMIWA, IWBASO. PO Box 550, Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0. (519) 8562223; (519) 856-2047 Fax;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above and our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Personality Curious and gentle, the Italian Greyhound is affectionate and bonds strongly to his family. Because of his small size and tiny structure, the Italian Greyhound is a delicate companion who does not suit homes with boisterous children and agressive dogs. He actually loves to socialize with his own kind.

Appearance 12.5-15” (32-38 cm) 8-10 lb (3.5-4.5 kg) Kaldaun Kennel, Kyreen Shorey. Breeding with Short, fine glossy coat. All shades of black, grey, and from champion bloodlines for conformation, fawn, cream, blue, red, chocolate, bronze, bluetemperament and health. Puppies available fawn, red-fawn and white.


occasionally. Enquiries welcome. Kingston, ON K7M 4T8. (613) 389-6907; kyreen.shorey@; Kalkinny Fiddawn Kennels, Louise BouchatLaird & Terry O’Shaughnessy. It is our goal to produce the highest-quality Irish Wolfhounds. Our dogs are all champions in conformation and are out of renowned champion lines. They are all certified for hips, eyes, elbows & heart. They possess wonderful dispositions & temperaments. We are situated just south of Ottawa, Ontario. 30 Cambridge Crt, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0. (613) 258-9987; (613) 2580996 Fax;;


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming SK Decho Reg’d, Don Schaffer. Selectively breeding for quality, type, soundness and temperament. Champion line bred bloodlines. Lovingly home-raised show and companion puppies occasionally. Temperament and health guarantee. 2702 Reynolds St, Regina, SK S4N 3P4. (306) 522-2426;

BIS Can/Am Ch. Keesrich Wizard ‘Ozzy’. Exemplifies what an outstanding Keeshond is all about. Bred/ Owned Gail Riches, Keesrich Perm Reg’d. 12440 Ansell Street, Maple Ridge, BC V4R 1L4.

History The Keeshond is an ancient, Spitztype breed originating in the Netherlands. The Kees or Spitz “honds”, as they were known, were common watchdogs that cared for the wagons, carts and barges used to transport goods. In 1781, Holland was divided into two political factions: the Orangists and the rebellious Dutch Patriots, who adopted the Keeshond as their emblem. When the rebels were defeated, people were afraid to be seen with this trademark symbol of the rebellion, and many Keeshonds were discarded. Farmers and barge owners quietly retained these useful dogs, however, and continued to breed them. When Baroness van Hardenbroek took interest in the Keeshond in 1920, she was amazed to find the farmers and bargemen had kept the breed type intact and even maintained studbooks to track their dogs’ genealogy. Soon the Keeshond was recognized throughout Holland, and by the 1930s it made its way into Europe and North America. Personality Sometimes called the “laughing Dutchman”, the Keeshond is an outgoing family-friendly dog. He thrives on affection and loves to be a part of family life. A vocal watchdog, he is playful and learns quickly as long as there is sufficient motivation to learn. Cuddly and full of cheer, the Keeshond is excellent with children, and dedicated to his family. Appearance 17-18” (43-46 cm) 55-66 lb (25-30 kg) Long, straight harsh outercoat. Thick downy undercoat. Neck ruff. Mixture of black, grey and cream. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Keesrich Perm Reg’d, Gail Riches. Dedicated to breeding to the standard. Emphasis on temperament, soundness and type. Puppies lovingly home raised from champion bloodlines. (604) 476-1110; griches@shaw. ca; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)


Huron Reg’d, Amber Kunz. 79169 Bluewater Hwy, Goderich, ON N7A 3X8. (519) 524-2962. Home of the gentle guardian. rakunz@hurontel.;

The Kerry Blue Terrier’s popularity grew in the mid-1920s when he became the mascot of the Irish Patriots in their struggle for independence from Britain. Initially a shaggy beast with an unkempt coat, the dog show world popularized the modern sculpted and elegantly cut coat. Personality A compact and sturdy dog, the Kerry Blue Terrier is a rough-and-tumble playful fellow who loves to interact with his people. His intelligent and confident nature benefits from socialization and training. He is great with children and an effective guardian, watching over his charges and alerting the family to potential dangers. Appearance 18-19” (46-48 cm) 33-40 lb (15-18 kg) Wavy, soft dense coat. Any shade of blue-grey or grey-blue. May have small white markings. May have black points. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Kelbriar Reg’d, Christine Vink. Health checks, OFA Hips & Patellas, CERF Eyes, Thyroid, Von Willebrands Disease Temperament tested pups placed in loving homes. 13003 River Line,Thamesville, Ontario. (519) 692-9117;

Kleiner Munsterlander – See Rare Breed Section

History For thousands of years, nomadic Magyar tribes brought guard dogs with them as they moved into the land now known as Hungary. Likely descended from the ancient Tibetan Mastiff, Kuvasz is believed to have guarded herds of horses. In addition to guarding, these brave and loyal dogs ran alongside warriors as they went into battle, and took down dangerous prey such as wild boar. Settlers in Hungary favoured the Kuvasz for guarding sheep in the wetter mountainous regions. In North America, the breed gained popularity in the 1920s as a patrol dog and guardian of livestock out west.

Ch. CR Goodness Gracious Gabrielle. CR Leos, breeders of healthy, well-adjusted Leonbergers. Bred/ Owned by Cindy Hunt, CR Leos Perm. Reg’d. 270 Inglehart Road, Grimsby, ON L3M 4E7.

History Following his dream to produce a large leonine dog to help promote his business and hometown of Leonberg, Heinrich Essig decided to cross a Landseer Newfoundland with a Saint Bernard. The resulting dog was then crossed Because the Kuvasz was such a formidable back to a Great Pyrenees, and likely had a bit of guard dog, German and Soviet soldiers in World German or Austrian scent hound and Greater War II killed them rather than risking a fight. Swiss Mountain Dog mixed in. The result: a Only some 30 Kuvasz were thought to remain giant that could be used as an all-purpose farm by the end of the war. After the 1956 Hungarian and family dog, with a natural love of water. Revolution, fresh interest arose in the national Essig was a good businessman and succeeded in breed, and dedicated breeders worked to bring bringing the Leonberger into many royal homes, it back from near extinction. including those of the Prince of Wales (later Edward VII), King Uberto of Italy, Napoleon Personality Intensely loyal and dedicated the III, and Empress Elizabeth of Austria. to his family, the Kuvasz remains a guardian breed. He is wary of strangers, and will protect Like many giant dogs, the Leonberger suffered his family should he feel it’s threatened. Careful during the First and Second World Wars, when socialization is essential. Like most working food shortages forced breeders and owners to abandon them. After the war, it took over 25 dogs, he is happiest when he has a job. years of dedicated work to bring the breed back Appearance 26-30” (66-76 cm) to a stable population. 66-137 lb (30-62 kg) Medium-coarse, wavy or straight outercoat. Personality Huge and cuddly, the Leonberger Fine wooly outercoat. Neck ruff. White or ivory. is the supreme canine teddy bear. He is eventempered and adores children, though his giant Quick Facts size can be intimidating. As a puppy he is playful Exercise Requirements and energetic, but he calms down as he matures. Grooming Because of his size, it is important to train and Kuvasz Club of Canada. We provide knowledge, socialize him at a young age. The Leonberger is information, education, newsletter, a yearly picnic, Kuvasc rescue, livestock protection and training by experienced breeders and owners. To join our club, please contact our secretary Olga Schmidt. (519) 443-7088; brantwoodkuvasz@; ON Brantwood Perm Reg’d, Olga Schmidt. Committed to the preservation of this magnificent breed. Foundation Breeders. All inquiries welcome. (519) 443-7088; brantwoodkuvasz@;

legend Very minimal


History When Spanish ships went down off the Irish coast in 1588, the dark spaniel survivors likely made it to shore and bred with local terriers. These are the probable forebears of the Kerry Blue Terrier, although there may be other bloodlines, including the “Russian blue dog”, who surfaced after a shipwreck off Tralee Bay in the late 1770s. Some even suggest the Kerry Blue originated when locals crossed terriers with Irish Wolfhounds to produce a large strong hunter. Whatever his bloodlines, the hardy Kerry Blue Terrier became the perfect all-round working dog of County Kerry people for over 150 years. He was indispensible as a ratter, herder, hunter, fighter, guarder and even butter churner.

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Photo: Alice van Kampen



Kerry Blue Terrier

Minimal Average More than average Maximum


from there it made its way to North America, where it has remained popular ever since.

Appearance 25-32” (65-80 cm) 80-150 lb (36-68 kg) Long, slightly coarse, close-fitting water-resistant outercoat. Thick soft undercoat. Feathering. Mane. Lion yellow, golden to red-brown, sand and all combinations between. Black mask.

Personality Distinguished and self-possessed, the Lhasa Apso is certain he is special and deserving of respect. He has an uncanny sense of friend and foe, and will vocally announce his concern if someone bothers him. Friendly with his family, the Lhasa can become territorial if not socialized.

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Appearance 10-11.5” (25-29 cm) 13-18 lb (6-8 kg) Long, straight, heavy hard outercoat. Undercoat. All colours or combinations acceptable.

BC Lemaitre Reg’d, Pierre Lemaitre. Quality Leonbergers involved in show, companion, service, and therapy work. Completely home raised, no kennel runs! Bred for joyful friendly temperaments as well as health and conformation. Box 72 - 5855 Mt Lehman Road, Abbotsford BC V4X2P7.;

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

ON Concorde Ridge Perm Reg’d, Cindy Hunt. CR Leos is located in the Niagara Peninsula. Our Leos are imported from Germany as well as include some of the top breeding lines from North America. Our health tested dogs are a combination of brains and beauty. Their kind, calm demeanor make them wonderful family members.270 Inglehart Rd. Grimsby, ON L3M 4S7. (905) 945 4951; cindyhunt@concorderidge. com; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement on page 130.)

Photo courtesy of Lhasa Apso Club of Ontario

Lhasa Apso


History Descended from ancient Tibetan Spaniels and Terriers, the Lhasa Apso was a favorite of both monk and nobility. Kept indoors, the Lhasa would bark to alert people of potential intruders, while the Tibetan Mastiffs tied outdoors were responsible for active guard duty. The lion represents the power of Buddha, and the Lhasa Apso’s leonine appearance caused people to believe they were harbingers of good luck. Visiting dignitaries were often gifted with male Lhasa Apsos; females were kept in Tibet to prevent the breed from spreading to other areas. Some of these gifted Lhasa were taken to Chinese courts where they were integrated into the bloodlines of Chinese dogs such as the Pekinese and Shih Tzu. In the 1920s, the Dali Lama gave several Lhasa Apsos to European friends, and 130

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

ON Lhasa Apso Club of Ontario. Breeders and breed lovers of registered, well-reared Lhasa Apsos. The only Ontario based Lhasa Breeders organization affiliated with, and adhering to the Canadian Kennel Club standards for breeding and code of ethics. Referrals for available puppies and, occasionally, adults. (613) 395-5324;


Appearance 10-13” (25-33 cm) 12-14 lb (5-7 kg) Long, moderately soft wavy coat. All colours and combinations acceptable. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Lowchen Club of Canada. Breeder referrals and breed information. See our website. Jayne LaPointe, President (250-545-0187); lion-dogs@; or Ken Berman; ON Donalen Perm Reg’d, Donna Cullen. Internationally renowned, all time top Canadian Lowchen breeder, member of the Lowchen Club of America and a founder of the Lowchen Club of Canada. Breeder/owner/handler of Canada’s premier Grand Champion Lowchen. Home raised puppies from champion UK bloodlines occasionally available. Health and temperament remain key at Donalen. 366 Edgewater Blvd, Windsor, ON N8N 2H2. (519) 735-9918;;


Photo: Alice van Kampen


a family-oriented dog who wants to be with his people at all times.

History The Löwchen is an ancient breed, most likely a member of the Bichon family, and possibly descended from Tibetan toy breeds. In the 1500s, the Löwchen was well established in France, Germany and Spain, where it was a court favourite, used by ladies as “hot water bottles” to keep them warm on cold nights. Numerous art pieces depicting tiny dogs clipped in the characteristic “lion” trim document the breed’s favour through to the 18th century. By the 20th century, the Löwchen had fallen out of favour and the breed nearly disappeared. In 1945, Madame M. Bennert of Brussels began to revive the breed. This work continued after her death thanks to Dr. Richert of Germany. But the Löwchen’s growth was still so slow that in 1959 it was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the rarest breed in the world, with only 40 recorded dogs alive. Today, the Löwchen is recognized worldwide. Personality Though small, the Löwchen is a commanding presence in the home. He is playful and responsive, an intelligent dog who is happy to please his owner. He responds well to positive training and enjoys dog sports like agility. Good with children and other pets, the Löwchen easily fits in well with most families.

Am/Can Ch. Four Halls Winning Attitude ‘Ice Cream’. No. 1 Maltese 2010. Proudly Breeder/Owner handled. Bred/Owned by Four Halls Perm. Reg’d. 128 Delaney Drive, Ajax, ON L1T 2L8.

History The Maltese is believed to be the oldest European Toy breed. Whether the name comes from the Island of Malta, or the Sicilian town of Melita, the breed was widespread in the Mediterranean from ancient times, appearing as art objects as early as 3,000 years ago. The breed may have arrived in Britain with the Roman invaders, or with the returning Crusaders. Many famous Royals owned Maltese, including Queen Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots. When Maltese were introduced to the dog show world in the mid-1800s, a debate arose over the correct classification of the breed. Was he a terrier, due to his lively personality, or did his body type and coat make him a spaniel? Eventually, breeders concluded the Maltese was in a class of his own. Personality Spirited, mischievous and undeniably adorable, the Maltese has a

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Appearance 7.5-10” (19-25 cm) 6-9 lb (2.5-4 kg) Long, flat silky coat. Pure white. Light tan or lemon markings permissible. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming NB Stationone Reg’d, Maureen Gladstone. Happy puppies raised underfoot. Written guarantee. 206 Adair Rd, Waterford, NB E4E 4W2. (506) 433-6601;;

History The ultimate ratter, the Manchester Terrier is descended from the common Black and Tan Terriers of England. He was bred entirely for the blood sport of ratting, in which a terrier would be pitted against 100 rats and timed to see how quickly he could dispatch ON them. Breeders worked to improve the dog’s Bourque Carole, Charmglow Reg’d. Happy, performance, first by adding the Bulldog for its healthy, home raised puppies from champion tenacity and ability to work through pain, then bloodlines. Breeder of Best in show American adding the Whippet, for its speed and agility. and Canadian champions. Puppies available The resulting breed was lean, fast, tenacious and occasionally to approved loving homes an incredible ratter. Two major events greatly only. Inquiries welcome. 19193 Kennedy affected the breed in the late 1800’s: blood sports Rd, Caledon, ON L7K 1Y9. (519) 927-5680; and ear cropping, which protected the dogs from rat bites, were banned (and many people did not like the dog with natural ears). Breezymeadow Reg’d, Marie Rene de Cotret. Home raised quality Maltese. Pups available occasionally to select homes. Guaranteed and after sale support. Please call. Bilingual service. (613) 257-8610 Donant-Mercer Robin, Pieridae Reg’d. Quality, home-raised puppies available occasionally. RR 1, Campbellcroft, ON L0A 1B0. (905) 797-3074;; ok2/rmercer1/ Dufour, Kathryn. From champion bloodlines. Pet and show quality. 39 Donaldson Rd, Holland Landing (Newmarket), ON L9N 1J1. (905) 7178165;

Fortunately, the dog show world worked to maintain its unique type and namesake colour. Toy and standard sizes are available. Personality Fast, fun and playful, the Manchester Terrier makes for a spirited companion. Still a ratter at heart, he loves to “kill” small toys, playing vigorously and enjoying games of chase. He is intelligent, and benefits from consistent training. At the same time, the Manchester Terrier is a loyal dog who loves his people and doesn’t like to be left alone for long periods.

Appearance Standard: 15-16” (38-41 cm) 12-22 lb (5.5-10 kg) Fierheller Vicki, Four Halls Perm Reg’d. A Toy: 10-12 “ (25-30 cm) under 12 lb (5.5 kg) small highly respected hobby show kennel Short, smooth glossy coat. Distinct black and with a tradition of quality not quantity. Puppies tan without dilution. from our champions are available occasionally. Inquiries welcome. Ajax/Pickering area. (905) 619-2750; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) Maltese Minuet, Denise Stec. Home-raised puppies bred for health & temperament from champion lines. (905) 983-8103);; QC Marineige Reg’d, Maryse St-Hilarie. Puppied from Canadian - American Champion bloodlines. Home-raised puppies. Health and temperament a priority. Puppies occasionally to approved homes. Reservations Suggested. (418) 4173405;;



(Standard & Toy)

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Canadian Manchester Terrier Club. Discover the dog world’s best kept secret. Manchesters are smart, loyal, adaptable and come in two sizes! Whether snuggling under the covers or taking part in activities like agility, flyball or hiking, they love spending time with their families. Learn about this rare breed.; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Understand pet food labels - Pg 28

History The father of many modern dog breeds, the Mastiff originated in ancient Babylonia, where he hunted ferocious prey such as lions. The breed likely came to Europe with Phoenician traders in the 6th century BC. By the time the Roman Empire spread to Britain, the Mastiff was well established as a fierce fighting dog who could hunt wolves, bear and anything else he was set upon. The Mastiff lost his popularity in modern times when dog fighting was forbidden and wolves were vanquished in the U.K. During WWII, any remaining Mastiffs were either used in the war effort or put down, as it was deemed unpatriotic to feed their giant appetites when people were starving in the streets. By 1945, only eight breeding animals remained in Britain, where the breed maintained its purest form. Fortunately, a number of Mastiffs had been exported to North America, and breeders imported fresh breeding stock to rejuvenate the breed. Personality Despite his history as a fighting dog, the Mastiff is docile and level-headed. He is an exceptional watchdog and protector, and his intimidating size is often enough to scare intruders away. He is gentle with children, but can become overprotective of them. Mastiffs get along well with other dogs and family pets as long as they have been socialized at an early age. Appearance At least 27-30” (70-76 cm) 175-200 lb (79-91 kg) Moderately short, straight coarse outercoat. Short, dense close-lying undercoat. Fawn, apricot, brindle. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Baskerville Perm Reg’d, Harrie & Bill Fulop. Breeding for temperament, soundness and type for 20 years. From Champion Bloodlines. Home raised, loveable puppies occasionally. All Breeding dogs fully tested and puppies fully guaranteed. Stud service to approved bitches. Inquires and visitors always welcome. Come and see the Gentle Giants. Members - CKC, MCOA, Mastiff Association UK. 425193 Irish Lake Rd, RR 1 Markdale, ON. (519) 986-3680; (519) 986-3680 Fax; baskerville.gentlegiant@;



Manchester Terrier

Photo: Alice van Kampen

personality as big as he is small. He loves to play and thrives on attention. Happy to play with children, as long as they are not too rough, the Maltese delights in learning new tricks and finding ways to entertain and be entertained. The Maltese is an alert and fearless watchdog.

– See Rare Breed Section


NB Homeport Perm Reg’d, Devon J Nutbeem. Second generation Breeder of multi Best In Show, Best Puppy In Show, Group. Winning and placing Newfoundlands for 35 years, from generations of certified and researched parentage. Breeding for soundness, longevity, working ability and excellence in swimming, backpacking, tree pulling, snuggling and movie watching!;; (506) 459-8348 (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) ON

Can GCh/Am Ch. Homeport Ebbtide CGN. Canada’s Top Best in Show and Group winning Newfoundland 2011. Bred/Owned by Devon J. Nutbeem, Homeport Perm. Reg’d. 916 Mazerolle Settlement Road, Mazerolle, NB E3E 2B3.

History One of the very few dogs indigenous to North America, the Newfoundland’s exact genealogy is the subject of much debate. Some believe the ancient Tibetan Mastiff migrated to North America; others argue that Leif Anderson brought Viking “bear dogs” with him when he arrived in Newfoundland in 1001. Other possible progenitors of the breed are Portuguese Water Dogs and Great Pyrenees brought to Newfoundland on European fishing vessels in the 1600s. Whatever the answer, fishermen prized the huge water-loving dogs known as Greater St. John’s Dogs. Seemingly immune to icy waters, the Newfoundland’s duties included hauling in nets, dragging boat lines to shore, and rescuing overboard sailors. The Newfoundland is famed for his bravery, but despite the breed’s success, it nearly died out because a law passed in 1780 forbade the ownership of more than one dog. The Newfoundland may not have survived if not for the efforts of the Honourable Harold MacPherson.


Personality A giant goofball, the Newfoundland is perhaps the most gentle of all giant breeds. He adores children, is even-tempered, supremely loyal, responsive and willing to be trained. His entire purpose is to serve his people, and he’s a truly honest and hardworking dog that excels in sports such as obedience, water trials, weight pulling, carting and backpacking. Appearance Averages 26-28” (66-71 cm) 100-152 lb (45-69 kg) Moderately long, coarse, oily water-resistant outer coat. Soft dense undercoat. Black or white with black markings (also called Landseer after Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, who featured the dogs in his paintings). Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming 132

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Ashmoor Reg’d, Jill Francis. Quality Newfoundlands from Canadian/ American champion bloodlines. Our focus is raising healthy dogs, with sweet gentle temperaments in our home, and always with a holistic approach! Parents have passed all health clearances and are OFA certified for hips, elbows, patellas, heart, eyes, cystinuria and thyroid. All puppies are screened by a certified cardiologist before going to their homes. Visitors welcome by appointment. Member of the CKC, NDCC and NDCA. RR4, Cobourg, ON, K9A 4J7. (905) 377-1140;;

SK Prairie Home Reg’d, Heidi Ball. Family-raised Newfoundlands. We breed for gentleness and health from quality champion lines. CKCregistered and well-socialized blacks. Parents are OFA certified (hips/elbows/heart/cystinuria and thyroid). Puppies to pre-approved homes only, with ongoing support. This includes vet checked/ vaccinations, wormed, microchipped and a well-prepared puppy package. Stud services available. Boarding/grooming facility available. Visitors always welcomed! Box 1329, Watrous, SK S0K 4T0. (306) 944-4448; (306) 946-6630; jhnewfs@;

Norfolk Terrier

Photo: Alice van Kampen


Miniature Australian Shepherd

Bodnieks Carol & Jacqueline, Newfhill Reg’d. Black and Landseer puppies. We breed for soundness, temperament and longevity as well as intelligence and appearance. Registered and guaranteed. RR 1, Lakefield, ON K0L 2H0. (705) 652-3647;;

History Like many terriers, the Norfolk Terrier likely started out as a cross between various breeds such as small Irish Terriers, Cairn Terriers and Border Terriers. They were “ordinary” farm dogs bred to go to ground and take care of vermin, so it took time for the breed to acquire its current name. Some incarnations include Cantabs, Thrumpington Terriers, and De Bruyn Angie, Mariner Reg’d. Happy, healthy, Jones Terriers (after Frank “Roughrider” Jones home-raised puppies bred for temperament, sold some to the U.S. sporting crowd). In 1904, health and conformation. Written health when asked what the dogs were really called, guarantee. Stud services. Black & Landseers. Jones answered “Norwich Terriers”, since that Visitors always welcome. RR 2, Acton, ON L7J was where they came from. 2L8. (519) 833-9014; At the time, there were two intermingled varieties of Norwich Terrier -- prick-eared HunterHill Reg’d, Dr. C. Stuart & Jane Hunter. and fold-eared. Over time, breeders decided to At Hunter Hill Kennel, we breed Black, Bronze, separate the types. They kept the name Norwich Grey and Landseer Newfoundlands for the Terrier for the prick-eared variety, and renamed companion dog market. Our pups are registered, the fold-eared dogs Norfolk Terriers. The new microchipped, vet checked and guaranteed. names were recognized in 1964. Come to visit us soon. RR 2, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0. (519) 820-5286; (519) 323-9552 Fax;

Personality Feisty and energetic, the Norfolk is one of the smallest terriers. Because he was used to hunt in packs, he’s quite social and agreeable. He is a great traveler and loves to spend lots of time with his family. Socialization is important Reg’d. Interested in these but this should be natural for such a sociable guy.

QC Babyboomers noble giants? Make contact. Breeding for sound temperament, health, longevity and working abilities. Experienced Veteran breeder. Champion backgrounds. We have it all: beauty, brains, brawn, bravery, benevolence! 1 hour from Montreal, LaChute, Laurentians, Vaudreuil, Ottawa, Gatineau, Cornwall. (613) 874-1144; or babyboomers.kennel@;

Appearance 9-10” (23-26 cm) 11-12 lb (5-5.5 kg) Straight, wiry close-lying outercoat. Definite undercoat. Mane. Slight whiskers. All shades of red, wheaten, black and tan, grizzle. Folded ears. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

exercise, particularly a safely fenced area where he can run and hunt to his heart’s content. Appearance 16-18” (42-46 cm) 26-33 lb (12-15 kg) Short, hard close-fitting outercoat. Dense undercoat. Ideally white with yellow or red/ brown markings, but all colours are permitted.

Bamse Gram was born. Considered ideal for the Gray Elkhound, his build and type became the breed standard in 1887.The Norwegian Elkhound came to North America in the early 20th century.

Personality Brave and even-tempered, the Norwegian Elkhound is an all-round companion. He is a good watchdog who will Quick Facts alert to strangers by barking and quickly discern Souyen Reg’d, Patti, Mark & Sarah Paquette. Exercise Requirements the difference between friend and foe. With Well-socialized show and companion Grooming his family, he is kind and affectionate. Like dogs available. Quality puppies, health most working dogs, the Norwegian Elkhound guaranteed. Azilda, ON P0M 1B0. Contact: MB is happiest when he has a job, be it tracking, (705) 983-2207;; Manjusha Reg’d, Tammy Ivanco & Rayan Horswill pulling sleds, herding or doing agility. Good Tees. Norrbottenspets have excellent personalities, socialization with other dogs is important. learn quickly, and are good with children and pets. Puppies occasionally to approved homes Appearance 19-21” (49-52 cm) Norrbottenspets 44-55 lb (20-25 kg) by reservation. Health tested parents. Imported breeding stock. Box 10, Grp 1, RR 2, Lorette, Medium-length, coarse smooth-lying outercoat. MB R0A 0Y0. (204) 797-8062; tammy@manjusha- Soft, dense wooly undercoat. Various shades of grey.

Can. Ch. Joutsenvaraan Karina. No. 1 Norrbotten four years in a row. Owned by Tammy Ivanco & Rayan Horswill Tees. Bred by K. Makela, Manjusha Reg’d. Lorrette, MB R0A 0Y0.

History Norrbottenspets share ancestry with the Finnish Spitz, originating in the Scandinavian northlands of Sweden, Finland and Lapland. The dogs found in Finland developed into the Finnish Spitz, but those in Sweden were called Norrbottensskollandehund. An excellent hunter, the breed had the unique ability to listen for a bird’s flight, and locate that bird when it landed in the snow. Used as all-round hunting and farm dogs, their breeding was purely functional and little effort was made to maintain these dogs as a pure breed. As foreign specialist breeds grew in popularity, the Norrbottensskollandehund became less common. Out-crossing diluted the breed until it was declared extinct in 1948. However, interested breeders in Sweden and Finland made an effort to seek good specimens by combing remote northern villages. Eventually, a breeding population was cobbled together and the Norrbottenspets was reinstated around 1970. Their popularity is growing as Sweden and Finland work to support their native breed. Personality Never shy, nervous or aggressive, the Norrbottenspets is a friendly and funloving companion who is great with children. A hunter at heart, he is happiest when he has the opportunity to use his hunting skills, though he can be taught to enjoy alternate sports such as agility. The Norrbottenspets needs lots of

ON Naku Reg’d, Paul & Margaret Knight. Danish and Finnish imports. Excellent family dog. Home-raised puppies occasionally available to loving homes. Written guarantee. RR1, York (near Hamilton), Ontario N0A 1R0. (905) 772-3415;;

Norwegian Elkhound

OVERSCAIG Second Chance. Home in England; adored family pet; also being shown/bred. Bred by Allen & Nina Tait, Overscaig Perm. Reg’d. Owned by Gaz & Lottie Davies. RR 4 LCDI, Red Deer, AB T4N 5E4.

History The national dog of Norway, the Norwegian Elkhound is an ancient breed that hasn’t changed much over the last 5,000 years. A supreme hunter, the Elkhound works to track and quarry his game, holding it at bay until the human hunters arrive to dispatch it. In Norwegian, the breed is called the Elghund, or “Moose” hound. In fact the Elkhound was used to hunt moose and many other large animals including wolves, bear and even mountain lions. He was also an all-round working dog, pulling sleds and guarding homes and flocks.

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Allen and Nina Tait, Overscaig Perm Reg’d. We have been hobby breeders for 33 years exclusively Elkhounds. We breed selectively for type, soundness, temperament. We have imported dogs/used import lines from respected Norwegian kennels to maintain our standard of consistency and excellence. All puppies come with health guarantee. Litters planned for Winter 2012, and Fall 2013. RR 4, LCD 1, Red Deer, AB T4N 5E4. (403) 886-2649; ninatait@taitoverscaig. com; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) Ruterfem, Anne Boychuk. I have 20 years of elkhound experience - the last 5 as a hobby breeder. My puppies are home-raised. My focus is on breeding well socialized puppies for sound temperament, using quality imported pedigrees from Norway. All puppies come with health guarantee. Next litter planned for Spring 2013. 644-15 Street, Brandon, MB R7A 4W5. (204) 725-5852; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) BC Vigeland Reg’d, Norman Vig. 6230 Tolmie Road, Abbotsford, BC V3G 2V6. (604) 823-2259; (250) 651-7535;

purEbred; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Norwegian Elkhound

ON Dowdle, Peter & Linda, Dralion Perm Reg’d. Quality, healthy, lovingly home-raised puppies from champion bloodlines. Bred for soundness, health and temperament. Occasionally available to approved homes. 474237 County Road 11, RR 7, Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z3. (519) 938-8663; linda@;

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Though just one of many moose and bear dogs at the time, the Norwegian Elkhound came into his own in 1865 when foundation sire Gamle


ON Dowdle, Peter & Linda, Dralion Perm Reg’d. Quality, healthy, lovingly home-raised puppies from champion bloodlines. Bred for soundness, health and temperament. Occasionally available to approved homes. 474237 County Road 11, RR 7, Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z3. (519) 938-8663; linda@;

Old English Sheepdog

History A typical small terrier of the time, the Norwich Terrier was a working farm dog responsible for managing the rat population. Likely the result of crossing small Irish Terriers with Cairn and Border Terriers, the breed type wasn’t solidified until the 1920s, when breeder Frank “Roughrider” Jones bought a working terrier stud from Norwich named Rags, whose prepotent harsh red coat became the accepted norm for the terrier. Back then, there were two varieties of Norwich Terriers -- prick-eared and fold-eared. Both intermingled under the name Norwich Terrier. Over time, breeders decided to separate the types. They kept the name Norwich Terrier for the prick-eared variety, and renamed the foldeared dogs Norfolk Terriers. The new names were recognized in 1964. Personality Hardy and full of spunk, the Norwich is quite portable and loves to travel and play. One of the smaller terriers, the Norwich Terrier enjoys spending lots of time with his family. Socialization is important but it should be fun and easy with this gregarious fellow. Appearance 10” (25 cm) 12 lb (5.5 kg) Straight, wiry close-lying outercoat. Thick undercoat. Face-framing ruff. Slight whiskers. All shades of red, wheaten, black and tan, grizzle. Pricked ears.


Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Amblegreen Reg’d, Heather Tomlins. Quality Norwich Terriers from health-tested champion bloodlines. Puppies and young adults are available occasionally to approved homes by reservation. We CERF test annually and certify hips/patellas/hearts with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. References are available. Our Norwich are bred for spoiling! Surrey, BC V4P 1R4. (604) 535-8876; (604) 535-7852;; www. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Am GCh + MBPIS Can Ch. Amblegreen Bikini Blonde. Spice finished quickly with limited showing in both countries. Bred/Owned by Heather Tomlins, Amblegreem Reg’d. Surrey, BC V4P 1R4.

History Despite his name, the Old English Sheepdog is in fact a relatively new breed. His exact progenitors are unknown, but he was likely a mix of various herding dogs found in England’s West Country. At the time, taxing excluded working dogs so farmers would dock their dogs’ tails, signifying that they were herders or drovers. The Sheepdog earned its common name, the Bobtail, from this practice. Since his thick hairy coat might interfere with his work, farmers would shear him with the sheep so he could see and work more easily. When dog shows came into fashion at the end of the 19th century, the “Shepherd’s Dog”, as he was then known, became a popular entry. Breeders would spend hours trimming and back-combing his huge coat to create the perfect image of the breed. Old English Sheepdogs made their way to North America in the 1880s, and by the turn of the century, five of the ten wealthiest families in the United States owned and bred them. Personality A natural herder, the Old English Sheepdog continues to practice his herding duties within the home, herding and protecting his family by gently bumping them together. He is even-tempered and kind, patient and loving with all who treat him with kindness. The Old English Sheepdog loves to be outdoors and with his heavy coat can tolerate winter weather very well. Appearance 21-24” (53-61 cm) 60-100 lb (27-46 kg) Shaggy, harsh profuse outercoat. Waterproof pile undercoat. Any shade of grey, grizzle, blue, blue merle with or without white markings, or in reverse. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Looking for playtime ideas? - see Pg 52

ON Breton Perm Reg’d, Catherine Landsborough. Quality home-raised puppies and occasional young adults. Breeding OES since 1983. Health and Temperament our # 1 concern. Hips and eyes certified and written health guarantee. 2 litters planned for 2013. RR 4, Seaforth, ON N0K 1W0. (519) 233-3194;; LadyKin Perm Reg’d, Dr. Sandra Crowne & Dinko Cvitanovic. BREEDING BETTER SHEEPDOGS for Temperament, Health and Conformation (structure, beauty) is the LadyKin raison d’etre, no expense or effort spared. Our Champion breeding stock are hip, elbow, eye, thyroid, heart, hearing, and Cerebellar Ataxia tested. Puppies are home raised, socialized, clicker trained, eye and temperament tested, dewormed, vaccinated, and come with a Veterinarian’s report. Tails are left on by special request. Health guarantee and lifetime Breeder support. This herding breed is not ideal for all dog lovers; we match puppies to the most suitable homes, rather than “first come, first served.” No deposit accepted until we have a puppy for you. Vet and Client references available. See website for more details and Pup/ Adult/Rescue application form. (519) 634-5548;; ShaggyChef Reg’d, Kris Lau. CKC registered, quality-bred, well-socialized pups home-raised with kid and cats. Occasionally available to qualified homes by reservation. Parents are multi-talented champions with certified health clearances. Written guarantee and lifetime support. Rescues available occasionally. 21405 Hwy 48, Mount Albert, ON. (905) 473-3373;


Photo: Alice van Kampen

Norwich Terrier

Norwich Terrier

History The Papillon is a long-standing favourite of royalty, and is depicted in paintings dating back to the 13th century. Likely descended from toy spaniels, these cheerful little dogs earned their name from their unique ears. Pricked ears were named Papillon, after the butterfly, while folded ears were named Phalène, after the night moth. Drop ears prevailed until the late 1800s, when fashions changed and pricked ears were favoured.

stamina ensured he could keep up with the horses. He was able to spook a fox from his den by following him in and baying at and worrying him without killing him. When the fox bolted, the hunters could continue the chase.

these little dogs lived in Imperial palaces; 4,000 eunuchs were housed in Peking solely for the purpose of managing their breeding. No one outside the nobility was permitted to own one, on pain of death.

Personality Bubbly and full of life, the Papillon is a social dog who loves to get out and about. Early socialization helps him stay confident with new situations and strangers. With his high energy levels and intelligence, the Papillon is happiest when he has things to do, and is an excellent choice for obedience or agility. He is a quick learner, and loves to try new things.

A lot of people could not afford to hunt with horses, so many terriers were trained to dig into the dens of prey, attacking and killing them. More aggressive than Parson Russell Terriers, these little dogs were often called Jack Russell Terriers, even though they didn’t meet the standards Russell first aimed to produce.

In 1860, the British invaded Peking. Fearing capture of their precious dogs, the Imperial family ordered them to be destroyed. When one lady committed suicide, however, her five “sleeve dogs” remained behind, fiercely defending their fallen owner. Soldiers caught the little dogs and brought them back to England where Queen Victoria received one as a gift. As the conquest continued, soldiers found other Pekingese and brought them to England, forming the foundation of the breed we know today.

Appearance 8-11” (20-28 cm) Under 5.5 lb-11 lb (2.5-4.5 kg) Long, straight, fine flowing coat. Chest frill. Feathering, particularly on ears. Parti-colour or tricolour with patches of any colour on white. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Apsara Reg’d, Rob Ballantyne. Top quality, home-raised and socialized. Carefully bred producing excellent temperament, type and soundness. 11431 160 Ave, Edmonton, AB T5X 2K7. (780) 457-9601;; NS Kinduhaven Perm Reg’d, Belle Darris. Winning hearts in the home and ribbons in the ring. Puppies & adults occasionally available to approved homes. Eyes and patellas cleared on all breeding stock. Breeder of Papillons since 1991. 35 Brookside Cres, Kentville, NS B4N 3V7 (902) 678-1882;; www. ON Pieridae Reg’d, Robin Donant-Mercer. Quality, home-raised puppies available occasionally. RR 1, Campbellcroft, ON L0A 1B0. (905) 797-3074;; ok2/rmercer1

In 1904, Arthur Heinemann attempted to purify the breed. He wrote up a breed standard based on Russell’s original taller terrier, and this became known the Parson Russell Terrier in 2003. Personality Always up for a challenge, the Parson Russell Terrier is a vibrant and fearless fellow. He is lively and engaged in family activities, and loves to be the center of attention. This smart and energetic dog loves the outdoors and does well with training such as obedience or agility. Early socialization is important to help develop his manners and social skills. Appearance 10-15” (25-33 cm) 13-17 lb (6-7.5 kg) Smooth and broken coats acceptable. Harsh, dense close outercoat. Short dense undercoat. May also be wiry. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Personality Always the pampered dog of royalty, the Pekingese was born to be a comforting companion. Confident and charming, he bonds strongly with his person and can become protective and jealous. Careful socialization at a young age helps him gain the confidence so characteristic of the breed. Because of his short muzzle, he can’t handle a lot of exercise, though short walks are essential to keep him fit and healthy.

Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen

Though historically a lap dog, the Papillon is also remarkably agile and trainable. In recent times, the breed’s popularity has increased as the dogs excel in obedience, agility, tracking, and as hearing ear or therapy dogs.

Appearance 6-9” (15-23 cm) under 14 lb (6.5 kg) Long, straight, coarse stand-off outercoat. Thick soft undercoat. Mane. Some feathering. All colours and markings. May have black mask. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

QC Au SeptiemeCiel Perm Reg’d, Sylvie Gauthier. Summum of quality. UK, USA and Canadian bloodlines. Registered and guaranteed. BAER/ CERF/PLL tested. Conformation champions. Obedience, agility and rally performers. Emphasis on temperament. Puppies occasionally. Excellent companions or for show homes. Stud service. Visit our website to see our wonderful dogs. 25 Place Giguere, Lavaltrie, QC J5T 2H8 (450) 586-1859;;

BC Western Canada Pekingese Club. For Information: Christine Ballantine (President);

Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen


History As the “Lion Dog”, a fierce protector against evil spirits, the Pekingese belonged exclusively to the Chinese Imperial Court. “Foo Dog” idols representing the breed existed as early as the Tang Dynasty of the 8th century. Highly popular with the nobility, thousands of

Multi BIS, GCh. Auriga’s Rock Star TD. Canada’s number one PBGU in 2011. Canada’s first PBGV ‘Tracking’ title. Bred by Martin & Wendy Doherty, Auriga Perm. Reg’d. Owned by Evelyn Palangio & Wendy Doherty, Auriga Perm. Reg’d. PO Box 297 Stn A, Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z7.

History The Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen is one of four types of scent hound founded around the 1st century in the French region of Vendéen. The types are separated by size: Grand Griffon, Briquette Griffon, Grand Basset Griffon, and Petit Basset Griffon. The Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen, named for its characteristic “small,



History Originally bred by Parson John “Jack” Russell in the late 1800s, the Parson Russell Terrier was a hunting terrier designed to follow horses and hounds during fox hunts. His great

Photo courtesy of Christine Ballantine

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Parson Russell Terrier

Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen

low, rough” appearance, was bred to hunt in packs, trailing small game such as rabbit, hare and the occasional fox.

Pointer (German Short Haired)

Originally, both small and large Basset Griffons could be found in the same litter. In 1950, however, the Petit Basset Griffon received separate breed status, and by 1975 the interbreeding of the two sizes was forbidden. The PBGV came to North America in the 1970s and has since gained popularity worldwide. Personality Bred to be a pack hunter, the PBGV is a friendly dog who gets along with his pack, whether human or canine. He is especially good with children. Happy and enthusiastic about life, he loves to follow his nose. Time outdoors in a safely fenced area is important. Appearance 13-15” (33-38 cm) Under 45 lb (20.5 kg) Long rough outercoat. Thick undercoat. Beard and moustache. White with any combination of lemon, orange, tricolour, grizzle, black or sable.

CKC/AKC/UKC Ch. Whisperfield Solitaire Rose FDJ, JH. ‘Rose’ The ideal balanced Shorthair. Titles at both ends! Bred/Owned by Ray & Pat Iredale, Whisperfield Perm. Reg’d. Po Box 1196, St. Mary’s, ON N4X 1B7.

ON Fogelhund Reg’d, Susan & Mike Riemer. Home of American and Canadian hunting-titled Shorthairs. All-purpose, proven, quality gun dogs that also perform in conformation and obedience. Fourtitled, proven stud available. Puppies occasionally by reservation. 4452 11th Line, RR 4, Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0. (705) 458-1663; sriemer@fogelhund. com; Sunup Reg’d, Barabara Taws. Top quality German Short-Haired Pointers from Champion Bloodlines, producing home-raised, happy, healthy, puppies suitable for loving family companions and versatile competitors. Written Health Guarantee. Visit our website for more information. 17378 Warden Ave. RR 3, Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W1. (905) 967-0954;; Whisperfield Reg’d, Ray & Pat Iredale. At


our dogs were Best of Breed, Winners Male and Winners Female. In 2010 Auriga co-owned the #10 all breed dog in Canada, Multiple Best & Specialty winner, Can. Am. CH Soletrader Bjorn Borg. 2011, Auriga bred & co-owned the top four PBGV’s in Canada. Certified breeding stock, satisfaction is our reputation. Visitors welcome by appointment. PO Box 297, Stn A, Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z7. (519) 941-5075;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement on page 135.)


Very minimal Minimal Average

More than average Maximum


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Appearance 21-26” (53-66 cm) 45-70 lb (20-32 kg) Short, rough hard outercoat. Dense short undercoat. Solid liver or black, liver or black and white spotted and/or ticked, liver or black roan. May have tan markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Atkinson, Janet, Parador Reg’d. Puppies available occasionally. Bred for physical and mental soundness, and raised in the home. Two decades of quality dogs says it well. Visit our website for photos and details of past, present and planned Parador kids. 1179 237A St, Langley, BC V2Z 2Y2. (604) 534-7454;;

Photo: Alice van Kampen

History When game hunting was opened to the Whisperfield, we take pride in our Breeding general populace in the 1800s, people wanted Program of over 25 years. Health and an all-round hunting dog that could take on Quick Facts any prey. Prince Albrecht zu Solmes-Braunfels temperament are our first priority. For this reason, Exercise Requirements combined several successful breeds such as the we only breed title dogs with Official Health Grooming German Bird Dog, Spanish Pointer and English Clearances, and never younger than 2 years of Pointer. He selected for function and hunting age. Whisperfield has produced National AwardAB Amonvhar Reg’d, Pat Corsiatto. RR 1, Innisfail, ability rather than breed type and appearance Winning Shorthairs, with Titles in Show, Field, AB, T4G 1T6. (403) 728-3590; pbgv4u@xplornet. - a deleterious practice. The result was an NAVHDA, Obedience, Tracking, but always intelligent hunting dog who would willingly loving companions first! We feel Shorthairs ca; work in water, retrieve and track. Popular with should be part of a family, and for this reason, our hunters worldwide, the German Short-Haired dogs live in our home with us. Health guarantee ON Auriga Perm Reg’d, Martin & Wendy Doherty. Pointer spread to North America in the early and lifetime support for your new puppy...Adults Over forty years of experience, 156 Canadian 1900s. The breed is now known for having the & Foster Homes occasionally available. PO Box Champions, CKC All Breed Judge. home- most combined field and show championships 1196, St. Mary’s, ON N4X 1B7. (519) 284-2363; (519) 284-3866 Fax; whisperfield@sympatico. raised puppies with health and temperament of any breed in the United States. being first and foremost. Every puppy CKC Personality Enthusiastic and full of energy, the ca; (See our Breed Reg’d, microchipped and guaranteed. Parents German Short-Haired Pointer is an intelligent Ambassador advertisement at left.) have their health and vet clearances for heart, dog and a joy to train. He loves to work, whether eyes and hips. Our dogs are Canadian and/or by hunting, doing obedience, playing flyball or Polish Lowland American Champions, many are Multiple Best running agility courses. Always up for a run, Sheepdog in Show and Specialty winners. 2010 at the he needs opportunities to get out and exercise American PBGV Nationals, North America’s his hunting instincts. He loves his family, and is largest PBGV competition of breeding stock, good with children.

History Dating to the 16th century, the Polish Lowland Sheepdog, or Polish Owczarek Nizinny (PON), is descended from the Hungarian Puli. He is likely the link between the corded breeds and long-coated herding dogs of Eastern Europe such as the Scottish Bearded Collie. An excellent herder, the PON was also a guard and watchdog. Like many breeds, the PON nearly died off during the Second World War. These dogs were preserved thanks to Dr. Danuta Hryniewicz and her dog Smok, who sired ten litters in the 1950s. All modern Polish Lowland

Appearance 16-20” (40-51 cm) 35-50 lb (16-23 kg) Long, shaggy thick outercoat. Soft dense undercoat. Long hair over eyes. All colours and patches acceptable. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming NS Domaine Polana Reg’d, Marie-France Prayal. Home-raised puppies for show or pet quality from international bloodlines. Special attention to health, temperament and standard size. Full health clearance (OFA and CERF) with written health guarantee. (902) 757-0826;;


Poodle (Miniature)

Poodle (Miniature)

Personality Loyal and devoted to his family, the PON is a herding dog at heart. He protects and cares for his “flock”, and can be pushy if not well trained and socialized. His calm nature and easy intelligence make him pleasant to be around. He likes to work and benefits from activities such as obedience, rally, flyball and agility.

be involved in all aspects of life, though is not as clingy as some toy breeds. Without training he can become bossy; his intelligence and willingness to please make him easy to train. Pomeranians love to learn tricks and do well in obedience, rally and agility. Appearance 7-12” (18-30 cm) 3-7 lb (1.5-3 kg) Long, straight harsh outercoat. Soft, fluffy thick undercoat. Neck ruff. All colours, patterns, variations. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Pomdell Perm Reg’d, Del Dennis. Quality Pomeranians, Health Tested, OFA Certified. home-raised with loving care and integrity. Box 1472, Mayerthorpe, AB, T0E 1N0. Phone: (780) 786-2848; Email:; Website: Rangelandz Reg’d, Martina Melnyk. Quality purebred CKC registered Pomeranians with Cheyenne and Lenette bloodlines. Family raised, vet-checked and microchipped puppies occasionally available with health guarantee. Striving for health, temperament, and breed standard. Have a pawsitive experience with Rangelandz! Chipman, AB. (780) 938-2020 ;; ON Aarts Reg’d, Lila (Zoi) Kyriakopoulos. Breeder of Quality and Healthy puppies for over 32 year. Just Visit our website and see for yourself. 2 Locations! Toronto: (416) 691-6450 or Marmora: Contact: (613) 472-1087;;

History To the surprise of some, poodles are actually working water dogs. The name comes from the German term “pudel”, which refers to his love of splashing and playing in water. In France, the breed is known as “Caniche”, a combination of the words “chien” for dog and “canard” for duck. A Poodle’s clip allowed him greater freedom of movement in the water, yet kept vulnerable regions warm and protected. A long tradition of artists have enjoyed creating ever more flamboyant clip designs. Today, Poodles are still a favorite of grooming competitions because their ever moldable coats support incredible coiffures, often with bright colours. There are four sizes of Poodles: Standard, Medium, Miniature and Toy. The Miniature is very popular, large enough to remain sturdy while fitting into most homes, yet small enough to be picked up and be a lap dog.

Personality One of the most intelligent breeds, the Miniature Poodle is a lively fellow who enjoys having something to do. He can be a bit shy and sensitive, and requires good socialization to bring out his confidence and cheerful nature. Excellent trick dogs, Miniature Pinecrest Perm Reg’d, Catherine Bolahood. Poodles are great fun to train, and this helps Country raised underfoot, from well established, keep their minds occupied. champion show lines. With 20 years experience Appearance 10-15” (25-38 cm) breeding 3 to 5 lb Poms. Vet checked, 15-20 lb (7-9 kg) Multi BPIS Can. Ch. Pinecrest Oh My Darling. vaccinated, health guaranteed. International Curly coat has naturally harsh texture, dense Bred/Owned by Catherine & Paige Bolahood, shipping arranged. Located a half-hour east of throughout. Corded coat hangs in tight, even Toronto, ON. (905) 697-8897; pinecrest@rogers. cords of varying lengths. Any solid colour. Pinecrest Perm. Reg’d. Bowmanville, ON. com; (See our Breed Quick Facts History The smallest Spitz-type breed, the Ambassador advertisement at left.) Exercise Requirements German Zwergspitz, or Pomeranian as we know him, wasn’t always tiny. In the 18th century, Winterhaven Perm Reg’d, Sandra Beisel. Grooming the Pomeranian weighed around 30 lb. When Distinctive, Quality, Champion Pomeranians. Queen Victoria took an interest in the breed, Pet/Show puppies 3 to 5 lbs. Rich correct ON Bellefleet Perm Reg’d, Dr. Joanne, DVM & however, she preferred smaller specimens, so coats. Outstanding bloodline. Variety of breeders soon produced dogs weighing closer Colours. Temperament plus, Vet checked Alysia Reichertz, CMG. Veterinarian home-raised exceptional puppies for pets or show dogs. to 12 lb. Other famous Pomeranian owners with health guarantee. Located 1 1/2 hour RR 2, Orton, ON, L0N 1N0. (519) 843-7728; include Marie Antoinette and Amadeus Mozart. from Toronto. 7240 Second Line, RR 3 Arthur,; Modern breeders have reduced the average size ON. (888) 688-1964 or (519) 848-2982; of the breed to around 5 lb. The Pomeranian Palman Reg’d, David & Elizabeth Pateman. remains a highly popular toy breed, well loved; Whites, creams, silvers & blues. home-raised for his foxy face and fluffy coat. Personality A true feisty Spitz in temperament, the Pomeranian is an alert intelligent dog who believes he is as large as his ancestors were. A natural watchdog, he is suspicious of strangers and will let you know if he believes something is not quite right. The Pomeranian wants to

Height is measured from a dog’s wither (shoulder) to the ground

puppies from top North American lines for pet, performance and show. PO Box 148, 6 Stewart Drive, Burford ON N0E 1A0. (519) 449-5769;;



Sheepdogs descend from Smok, whose type became the breed standard in 1959. The PON only gained recognition in North America during the last decade.

Poodle (Miniature)

Sanvar Perm Reg’d, Anne Bell. A leading name in Poodles for 40 years. Breeding happy, healthy, home-raised puppies for both pet and show. Health and temperament a priority. Member of the Poodle Club of Canada and the Poodle Club of Ontario. 72 Schmidt Dr., Arthur, ON, N0G 1A0. (519) 848-3663; QC Bonvivant Reg’d, Dawn Cullen. Apricot/Red/ Silver puppies. Also Toys. home-raised for 42 years. 3800 Chemin Riviere Beaudette, St. Telesphore, QC J0P 1Y0. (450) 269-2470;; www.skjennagard. ca/bonvivant.html

Poodle (Standard)

History Though sometimes called the “French Poodle”, this breed does not come from France but instead has its roots in Germany. A water dog, the poodle hunts and retrieves fowl from swamps and lakes. The distinct poodle clip keeps the dog warm while working in cold waters, without slowing him down as he swims. Poodles have many claims to fame, not the least of which is their intelligence and highly trainable nature. The Standard Poodle is the largest. He is highly versatile and has been used for many purposes, including as a guide dog, hearing ear dog, seizure detector, cancer detector, mobility assistant and therapy dog. Poodles also succeed at herding, hunting, pulling sleds, obedience, agility and pretty much anything else they are asked to do.


Personality A proud intelligent dog, the Standard Poodle is an exceptionally versatile companion. He is good with children and other animals, with an affectionate nature and desire to please. Happy outdoors or in, he enjoys both mental exercise while training and doing tricks, and good old-fashioned runs outside. Appearance Over 15” (38 cm) 45-70 lb (20-32 kg) Curly coat has naturally harsh texture, dense throughout. Corded coat hangs in tight, even cords of varying lengths. Any solid colour. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

BC Khalsa Perm Reg’d, Judy Johnston. Happy, healthy, home-raised puppies from genetically screened parents. Lifetime guarantee against inherited diseases. Copies of all testing done on parents accompanying puppies. Puppies leave here with a Veterinary health certificate, and up to date vaccinations. We raise blacks, whites, creams, silvers, and blues. 1859 Chimney Lake Rd, Williams Lake, BC V2G 4W2. (250) 392-3658; (250) 392-2272;; MB Brovalla Kennel, Barbara Svenson. Beautiful, large, black, intelligent, health tested Standard Poodles. Canadian Champions. Puppies require deposit. Brovalla Kennel also operates the Manitoba Standard Poodle Rescue. 27 Ferry Road, Cartier, MB R4K 1B2. (204) 864-2044 ; brovallakennel@aol. com; NS Leeward, Geoff Le Boutillier. Geoff grew up with poodles. His dad was a famous American breeder - top show dogs with sporting hearts - hunters, retrievers, water dogs. Back in the ‘50s in Baltimore, the LeBoutillier’s Stonewood Kennels was iconic. Anyway, the poodle didn’t fall far from the tree, as they say. Now up in Nova Scotia on the family’s original homestead, Geoff and his wife, Jan, are into it. Building on their core of six beautiful cream and black Standard Poodles, they target two to three litters a year - superbly bred, carefully planned puppies. Check out their website or give them a call. 680 Indian Point Road, Glen Haven, NS B3Z 2T7. (902) 823-1404;; ON Brielle Reg’d, Michelle & Peter Scott. Happy, healthy, naturally raised puppies occasionally available to Pet, Show or Performance Homes. 56 Gilmour Rd, Guelph, ON N1H 6H9. (519) 763-1689;; website: Cantope Perm Reg’d, Peter & Diane and Mary Welsh. Welcome you to tour the facility and meet the poodles. Carefully selected, genetically tested parents. Wonderfully socialized, healthguaranteed puppies for your next ring champion or champion of your heart. Visit the nursery link on the website and view available puppy pictures. (705) 228-1164;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

FREE Animal Wellness Magazine Offer - Pg 99 138

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Highprofile Perm Reg’d, Giselle Bursee. Lovingly home-raised puppies from top champion bloodlines. Conscientiously bred to the breed standard for correct structure, temperament and health. Excellent as a family pet, for show and performance sports. Breeding stock is cleared for hereditary defects. After sale support is always available. 11 Droxford Avenue, Scarborough, ON M1R 1K1. (416) 755-3780;; Magisterial Reg’d. At Magisterial, we provide a life-enhancing experience for each of our clients. Our Standard Poodle puppies are highly socialized, joyful, and raised with children. They have gorgeous good looks, are health and temperament tested, and very eager to learn! Your new family member will have been raised in luxury and given nothing but the very best during their crucial first 8 weeks of life. Magisterial Standard Poodles are suitable for: therapy, obedience, agility, show, flyball, service dog training, or herding/hunting. Their most important role is being loving, loyal companions to families worldwide, delivering immeasurable amounts of joy, love, and magic! Roblin, ON (613) 388-2628;; www. (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) Sanvar Perm Reg’d, Anne Bell. A leading name in Poodles for 40 years. Breeding happy, healthy, home-raised puppies for both pet and show. Health and temperament a priority. Member of the Poodle Club of Canada and the Poodle Club of Ontario. 72 Schmidt Dr., Arthur, ON, N0G 1A0. (519) 848-3663; Signet Perm Reg’d, Donna L. Wilson. Breeder of Canada’s Top Obedience Poodle 2005 and Top Conformation Poodle 2007. Quality, homeraised, fully-socialized puppies for performance, show and pet homes. Selectively bred for soundness, temperament and versatility. Stud service available. 3545 Blue Church Rd, RR 2, Prescott, ON K0E 1T0. (613) 925-3174;; Tudorose Reg’d, Dawn Lisabeth & Jac Harbour. 8981 Glendon Dr, Mt. Brydges (near London), ON N0L 1W0. (519) 264-9563;; QC Ormar Perm Reg’d, Ora Marcus. Lovingly home-raised, fully-socialized, quality puppies from top champion bloodlines. Excellent temperament and health our priority. Home of Am/Can champions and BIS winner. Five years written health guarantee. Breeding stock genetically tested, certified clear of hip dysplasia (OFA), eyes (CERF), thyroid, SA, NE, vWD (DNA VetGen), heart. Puppies by reservation to approved, loving homes only. Visitors welcome. On parle français. 395 Senecal St, Ile Bizard, QC H9C 2G3 (514) 620-5156; ormarpoodles@;

Pomroth Reg’d, Helen M. Hamilton. Beautiful Blacks - Browns - Silvers. Quality pups available on occasion. DNA health tested parents. OPTIGEN CERF testing. All pups home-raised and come with Vet Health Certificate/Insurance. Young adults sometimes available. Lifetime support/advice. See our website and read customer comments. Caledon, ON. pomroth@; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Portuguese Water Dog Am. Can. Ch. Pomroth Rockstar. “Rocky” our loving companion at home and siring beautiful babies too. Bred/ Owned by Helen M. Hamilton, Pomroth Reg’d. Caledon, ON

History The Toy Poodle is the smallest, and was created from the Standard Poodle by breeding for small size. Originally waterdogs, Poodles are now prized for their versatility. Many performing artists in circuses preferred poodles over other breeds. Highly intelligent, the dogs could be trained to do any trick, and worked well in combinations using all their different sizes and types. Circuses are turning away from the use of animals, but Poodles remain popular as entertainers. Toy Poodles are particularly popular due to their tiny size. Personality A lapdog in size, the Toy Poodle is an intelligent dog who loves to perform tricks for his people. He needs to be mentally stimulated to keep him happy, and good training and socialization help moderate his sensitive nature. Like many toy breeds, he is cautious around young children, who tend to be loud and boisterous. The Toy Poodle loves to be with his people. Appearance Under 10” (25 cm) 4-8 lb (2-3.5 kg) Curly coat has naturally harsh texture, dense throughout. Corded coat hangs in tight, even cords of varying lengths. Any solid colour. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Chercan Reg’d, Cherith Heppell. Happy, healthy, PRA-FREE, medically insured puppies occasionally, brown, black, red, white. Lovingly home-raised. Home of red, white and black champion studs. Life member (43 years) CKC, 25 Years PCC, 1 Year PCD. 95 Julia Court, Newmarket, ON L3Y 4T7. (905) 895-2157;

job. He excels at obedience, agility, water sports and any other sport his owner might want to try. Appearance 16-23” (42-59 cm) 35-60 lb (16-27 kg) Curly coat: compact, cylindrical curls, little shine. Wavy coat: falls gently in waves, slight sheen. Black, white, brown or combinations of black or brown with white. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Portuguese Water Dog Club of Canada. (President) Herb Szauerzof. Toronto, ON; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Portuguese Water Dog

Poodle (Toy)

Kisbur Perm Reg’d, Robin Sceley Nickel. Beautiful reds and apricots! Home-raised, lovely temperaments, intelligent, loving and devoted companions. Guaranteed healthy. Champion stud service. We have been breeding and showing Toy Poodles for over 20 years. Please visit our website! 914 Maplehill Road, RR# 2, Oxford Station, ON K0G 1T0. (613)258-5154;;

AB Acostar Reg’d, Lesley Millar. Our puppies are raised in our home surrounded by family. All breeding stock are CKC champions with all health testing complete. Puppies go home vaccinated, microchipped and with a written guarantee. 130 Luxstone View SW, Airdrie, AB T4B 0J7. (403) 420-1418; lesley@acostarpwds. com; BC

BPIS Ch. Drewsar N Shizel Playinthetown CGN. ‘Sawyer’ is a super show dog and devoted companion. Bred/ Owned by Mari & Sara Szauerzopf, Drewsar Perm. Reg’d. 4165 Concession 11, Moffat, ON L0P 1J0.

History An old breed, the Portuguese’s ancestry is closely tied with the Poodle and Irish Water Spaniel. Historically, the Portuguese Water Dog, or Cão de Agua, helped drive fish into fishermen’s nets. He was an essential member of the Portuguese crew. He served the vessels by retrieving things from the water, sometimes even diving for them, and delivering messages from ship to ship or ship to shore. By the early 1900s, modern technology made the Portuguese Water Dog’s role redundant, and the breed quickly fell by the wayside. In the 1930s, a wealthy Portuguese shipping magnate took an interest in the breed and began efforts to save it from extinction. A mere 35 dogs were brought to North America in the 1960s, where dedicated breeders continued the effort to revive the Portuguese Water Dog, increasing the breed to over 1,000 members. Personality A fearless, lively and dedicated service dog, the Portuguese Water Dog loves his family and will do anything to keep them happy. Although easily trained, he likes to think for himself and may can get distracted if he doesn’t know what is expected of him. The Portuguese Water Dog loves to work, and needs to have a

Commocean Reg’d, Lorraine Davidson. Showing and breeding PWDs since 1993, we breed for quality structure, temperament and health. home-raised puppies available to approved homes will be vet checked, vaccinated, dewormed, microchipped, and registered with the CKC. We health test our breeding dogs for GM1, PRA, OFA, JDCM, IC, and yearly CERFs. Box 480, Coombs, BC V0R 1M0. (250) 586-PWDS (7937);; ON Bayport Waterdogs Reg’d. Member of Club Barbet Canada. Over 12 years of breeding excellence. Breeding for health and temperament. Puppies raised in our home with our children. (519) 827-0950;; (See display advertisement in Breeder Spotlight.) Belouro Reg’d, Gillian & Frank Goldschmidt. Est 1995. Dedicated to optimal health, temperament, trainability, type, structure. Puppies lovingly raised in our home. All clearances, GM1, OFA, CERF, JDCM, OptiGen, IC. Full guarantee. Multititled, Top Show Dog awards. Member PWDCC, PWDCA. Contact for interview. Barrie area. 10 Forestwood Lane, RR 1, Hawkestone, ON L0L 1T0. (705) 329-1299;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Celebrity Dogs Match-up game - Pg 97



Seraphim Standard Poodles, Catherine Kerr. Lovingly home-raised puppies from Champion North American and European bloodlines. All breeding stock fully genetically tested. Temperament and health are our priority. Puppies by reservation. 194 Kensington Avenue, Beaconsfield, QC H9W 2J3 (514) 695-9473;;



Claircreek Perm Reg’d, Donna Gottdenker. One litter per year of selectively bred, home-raised, health tested with guarantees, happy puppies for pet or show. Follow up help for training, grooming, socialization, feeding, health and help if you want the fun of showing your puppy. Grooming classes available. Multiple generations on site. 7907 16th Line, Arthur, ON N0G 1A0. (519) 241-5353;

History Originating in China alongside the Pekingese, the Pug was always a companion dog. Like the Pekingese, he was reserved for the Imperial family and their friends. As the Dutch East India Company made its way across the world, they were able to obtain some Pugs and bring them back to Holland. There the Prince of Drewsar Perm Reg’d, Mari & Herb Szauerzopf. Orange became entranced by the dogs and Healthy, happy, well socialized home/family claimed them as the official breed of the House of raised puppies available to approved homes. Orange after a Pug saved his life from Spaniards Home of the Number One PWD in Canada for in 1572. Later, when the Prince’s grandson 2009 and 2010. We are conveniently located William III took the English throne, he brought 7 minutes off Hwy 401 at Guelph Line. Visit several Pugs with him, thereby bringing the our website (See our Breed sensation to England. Later Royals to keep pugs included Queen Victoria, the Duke and Duchess Ambassador advertisement on page 139.) of Windsor, and Napoleon’s wife, Josephine. Kyessiline Reg’d. Portuguese Water Dog, Quality puppies available, certified health. All inquiries welcomed. Anna Kyessi, 890 Concession Road 1, Chute-a-Blondeau, ON K0B 1B0 (613) 674-5580; anna@kyessilinekennels. ca; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Pugs came to North America in the mid 1800s, but did not gain immediate popularity here, perhaps because they were solely companion and not working dogs. Now it’s one of the most popular and recognized breeds in the world.

Personality The Pug is a small dog full of character. He is even-tempered, clever and Ridgehaven Reg’d, Karen Matthews. Quality, curious, and attracts attention with his unique happy, home-raised pups from multi-titled appearance and pleasant personality. Friendly championship health cleared bloodlines. CKC and good with people of all ages, he is affectionate Registered, naturally reared, well socialized, and enjoys a good cuddle. He doesn’t require a and bred for temperament, health and structure lot of exercise, and can’t work too hard due to in the Niagara Peninsula. All-encompassing a shortened nose that can give him breathing puppy package including health guarantee problems. However, it is still important to get provided together with ongoing support and him out and about to prevent obesity. information. Reference from puppy owners available. 1462 Barron Road, Allanburg, ON L0S 1A0. (905) 680-4594;;

Appearance 10-14” (25-36 cm) 14-18 lb (6.5-8 kg) Short, smooth fine coat. Fawn, black, silver, apricot. Black mask.


Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

for tips on buying a puppy, check out “Puppy Shopping 101” on pg 10


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

AB Gibby Reg’d, Doris Klingbeil. Buy from a breeder with over 40 years’ experience. Breeding quality, home-raised puppies. Emphasis on soundness and good temperament. Top Canadian and American Bloodlines. Written health guarantee. Lifetime advice and support offered for all our puppies. Stud Service to approve bitches. 424 Huffman Cr. NW, Edmonton, AB T5A 4C8. (780) 478-3353;;

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Portuguese Water Dog

Charbr Reg’d, Henri & Cynthia Berube. Selectively bred, lovingly family raised and socialized puppies from fully health screened Champion lines proven for outstanding quality and character producing offspring with pleasing personalities, fun-loving attitudes and super trainability. Home of Canada’s #1 Obedience PWD for 2006, 2009 & 2011. 4249 Flitter Court, Mississauga, ON L5L 2J5. (905) 820-3139. Visit us at (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

History The Puli immigrated to Hungary in the early 9th century with the Magyars and their flocks of sheep. The early dogs varied widely in type and are the progenitors of the Puli, Komodor, Kuvasz and Tibetan Terrier. Pulis are the ultimate sheepherding dog. Darker-coated dogs guarded flocks during the day, while lighter-coated dogs guarded at night. The dogs were so valuable that a shepherd might save a year’s wages just to purchase one. Their unique technique of jumping on the backs of sheep made them an unusual and effective flock manager. Interbreeding and wars decimated the purebred Pulli until 1912, when Emil Raitsits recognized the dog’s value. In 1915, he wrote up a breed standard and worked to reconstruct the Puli, specifically by preserving its size, colour and coat. While there were originally four sizes of Puli, the middle-sized dog was most versatile and became the true breed type. Personality Like many guardian breeds, the Puli is an excellent watchdog and guardian. He is cautious with strangers, and takes time to develop trust. But he is affectionate and devoted to those he calls his own. A working dog, the Puli likes to be kept occupied, and responds well to training. Early socialization with a variety of people and places will be a plus. Appearance 14-18” (37-46 cm) 22-33 lb (10-15 kg) Weather-resistant coat with long, wavy or curly coarse outercoat. Fine, soft dense undercoat. Mature coat naturally forms cords. Solid black, rusty black, all shades of grey, white, apricot. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming NS Immerzu Perm Reg’d, Terry & Stephanie Horan. We are proud to be Canada’s winningest Puli breeders. Puppies are occasionally available for showing, performance events and as lively, loving companions. Older dogs are sometimes available. All breeding stock health checked. Delighted to offer advice and information from over 40 years’ experience with the breed. 14924 HWY 6, RR 2, Malagash, NS B0K 1E0. (902) 257-1143;;

Retriever (Flat Coated)

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)

History Hunters along the rugged coast of Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay thrived on huge flocks of waterfowl native to the region. Taking hundreds of birds at a time, they needed dogs that could work for hours in the frigid waters, retrieving birds and bringing them to shore. In 1807, a ship carrying two Newfoundland-type dogs sank near the Maryland shore. The two dogs, named Canton and Sailor, were bred to local dogs including other types of retriever, water spaniels and otter hounds. The resulting dogs were long-footed with short water-resistant coats, and could tolerate cold water without becoming chilled. The Chesapeake Bay Retriever remains a prized water bird hunter, and they are also excellent search and rescue dogs, trackers, guide dogs and sled dogs. Current breeders focus on keeping the working traits that make the Chesapeake Bay Retriever so valuable, and promote their dogs both in the show ring and the field.

History In the mid to late 1800s, S.E. Shirley produced a close-working gun dog he called the Flat Coated Retriever. Crossed from a variety of breeds such as Newfoundland, Labrador, setter, water spaniel and Collie, the Flat Coated Retriever became a popular show and working breed at the turn of the century. Later interest in Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers saw a decline in the breed, and many remaining dogs did not survive the two World Wars. Stanley O’Neill revived the breed in the 1960s. Today, the Flat Coated Retriever remains uncommon, though he is recognized as an effective sporting dog. Efforts to maintain both type and working traits allowed the breed to remain consistent through working and showing lines. Personality Sometimes referred to as the Peter Pan of the dog world, the Flat Coated Retriever has a puppy-like personality he maintains throughout his life. He is a keen and intelligent hunter who loves children and bonds closely to his family, preferring to be around them as much as possible. The Flat Coated Retriever is quick to learn and does very well in sports such as agility, flyball or obedience. Appearance 22-25” (56-62 cm) 60-80 lb (27-37 kg)

Personality The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a tough, tenacious and strong-minded dog. He is a working dog that needs a job to keep happy. When not working, he is an affectionate and family-friendly companion that is easy to care for. While content indoors, he loves to be outside and of course adores swimming.

Moderate length coat, straight or slightly wavy, flat-lying, weather resistant. Feathering. Black or liver colour.

Appearance 21-26” (53-66 cm) 55-80 lb (25-37 kg) Short, hard, oily water-resistant outercoat. Wooly, dense fine undercoat. Any shade of brown, sedge (red-gold) or deadgrass (straw to bracken). White markings acceptable.

NS Fleetwing Perm Reg’d, Kathy Howland. Since 1983. Quality puppies out of Champion multi purpose stock. Planned 2013 litter. Puppies available to approved homes. Written guarantee. 2346 hwy 201, RR 3, Bridgetown, NS B0S 1C0. (902) 665-2030;

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

ON Bonaccord Reg’d, David Simpson. Bonaccord Flat-Coats are purposefully bred for health, type and temperament in a loving home environment. Championship and working bloodlines, including a daughter of Cru fb 2012. BIS Winner Voos the Kentuckian. Litter planned for early spring 2013. bonaccordfcr@sympatico. ca; Linda Brox, Rush Reg’d. Retrievers. Producing healthy puppies with sound temperament. Quality, versatile dogs, for show, obedience, field and companions. All breeding parents have certified health clearances. Come to our home and visit in anticipation of a wonderful addition to your family. RR 32 Cambridge ON N3H 4R6, 519-220-1374,

Retriever (Flat Coated)

AB Mallardsway Reg’d, Sharol Vandecasteyen. Breeding top quality hunters, competitors and companions for 20 years. General Delivery, Rollyview, AB T0C 2K0 (780) 986-5640; email:; website:

QC Norsen Reg’d, Yolaine Boisvert & Denis Sorensen. You’re looking for a great companion, a good hunting dog, an obedience or a show dog. We have one for you. Home-raised puppies from conformation and field lines. Health clearances. Litter planned early 2013. Nous avons un chien pour vous. Portèe prévue hiver 2013. 1889 Boul. Gerard Cadieux, Salaberry de Valleyfield, QC J6S 6L8. (450) 370-1223;;

What’s a purebred dog? In Canada, a purebred dog is defined as a dog of proven lineage that is registered by an accepted registry.” If you’re buying a purebred dog, remember that, under the “Animal Pedigree Act”, the dog must be entitled to registration papers.



ON Hawksfield Kennel Reg’d, George & Sherry Rapai. Home-raised puppies from champion bloodlines. Selectively bred for soundness, health and temperament. Puppies are available by reservation to caring and responsible homes for loving family companions, service dogs, show and sporting events. Written guarantee for health and temperament. First shots, veterinary checks and registrations. 110 Maple Avenue S. Scotland, ON N0E 1R0 (519) 446-2404;;

Retriever (Golden)

Retriever (Golden)

Maple Lane’s Ground Effect. Bred/owned by Sherri Hall, Maple Lane Reg’d. Alliston, ON L9R 1V4

History In the mid 1800s, the English preferred black Retrievers, but Sir Dudley Majoribanks (Lord Tweedmouth) decided to develop a goldencoloured wavy-coated retriever. He purchased a yellow Flat Coated Retriever and bred it to the Tweed Water Spaniel, a now-extinct, curlycoated light-coloured breed. The resulting dogs were then crossed to other light-coloured breeds such as Yellow Labradors, Red Setters and other Wavy-Coated Retrievers. In time, the “Golden Flat Coat” type was established, and in 1920 renamed the Golden Retriever. Golden Retrievers came to North America in the 1920s and immediately gained a following. Golden Retrievers are one of the world’s most popular breeds, and frequently used as service dogs because of their kind intelligent personalities. Personality Known worldwide for his easygoing nature, the Golden Retriever is said to be born wanting to please. He is an intelligent dog and one of the easiest to train. Energetic, but not excitable, the Golden enjoys a good run and some games. He is wonderful with children of all ages, and pets of all sizes. Appearance 20-24” (51-61 cm) 55-75 lb (25-34 kg) Straight or wavy, firm, dense water-resistant outercoat. Good undercoat. Neck ruff. Various shades of gold and cream. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming


ON Ambercroft Perm Reg’d, Carol Ann Lee. Golden Retrievers, a way of life since 1969. Generations of stud dogs and brood bitches certified free from hereditary diseases. Puppies lovingly raised in our home. Written guarantees. Stud service available. Boarding for Ambercroft Goldens only. Life member of CKC and GRCC, longtime member of GRCA and founding member of GRCGT and CUKOC. 43 years of putting the breed first in quality, temperament and health. RR 1, 1698 3rd Conc.


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Adjala, Palgrave, ON L0N 1P0. (519) 941-1047; Berkden, Shelley Dougherty. RR 2, Mt Elgin, ON N0J 1N0. (519) 425-2451; denandberk@aol. com; Blueheron Reg’d, Jim & Judy Stewart. Our Goldens are very much a part of the family and share our home with us. We have been breeding and showing Goldens in obedience, conformation, field, therapy visits and family companions since 1989. Our dogs have clearances for hip, elbows, eyes and heart. Puppies are raised in our home and leave with a three year health guarantee. We are located on 200 acres close to Perth, ON (about 1 hour from Ottawa). RR 3, Perth, ON K7H 3C5. (613) 264-0203;; Chrys-haefen Perm Reg’d, Jennifer McAuley. Breeder of over 100 champions. Forty-plus years in profession. Clearances on all breeding stock. RR 2, Scotland, ON N0E 1R0. (519) 4462589;; www. (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) Dave and Sue Eby, Moonstone Reg’d. Golden Retrievers for companionship, love and affection. 1270 Weeby Pl, RR#1, Waterloo, ON N2J 4G8 (519) 664-2668: info@moonstonekennel. com; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) Golden Asset Reg’d, Mary Greenwood. We have been caring for and breeding quality champion English line Golden Retrievers since 1996. We are a family based kennel located just west of Alliston, ON. All of our Adult dogs conform to CKC breed standard, and have had their clearances on their eyes. Our pups come with CKC Registration, 24 months health guarantee, shots, vet checked, puppy’s health record, dewormed, 6 weeks free health insurance, litter pedigree, a puppy pack, and a lifetime of breeder support. Show and pet puppies available occasionally. Let us help you find your next furry friend. RR 1 Everett ON, (705) 434-0242;; GOLDENFIELD Perm Reg’d, Karen & Dan Donelle. Quality, healthy puppies, home-raised with children and cats. They have excellent temperaments, loving, calm, gentle, intelligent and champion lines. Great for a family pet, obedience and show. Parents cleared from hereditary defects. Sold with 3-year written guarantee, full lifetime support. 186623 Grey Rd 9, Dundalk, ON N0C 1B0. Contact: (519) 923-2442;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) Grahamgolden Reg’d. Occasional litters of lovingly home-raised red/gold puppies. We breed to a historical standard and produce self-

confident, alert, attentive pups with easy going temperaments that must be appreciated as active retrievers and treated as treasured and valued members of their forever human families. Our offspring have achieved success in hunt tests and pet therapy. For breeding philosophy and puppy contract look at our website or contact Alexandra Graham. 7669 Colborne Street, PO Box 295, Elora, ON N0B 1S0. (519) 846-5533; Labyrinth Reg’d, Nancy & Reid Bongard. Breeding quality puppies since 1983, with emphasis on soundness and temperament. Puppies carefully selected for the best fit with your lifestyle and family. Lifetime advice and support is offered for all our puppies. 520 Ballyduff Road, Pontypool, ON L0A 1K0. (705) 277-3100;; Maplelane Reg’d, Sherri Hall. 6311 12th Line, Alliston, ON L9R 1V4. (905) 729-4554; shall@; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left and our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) Regalgoldens Reg’d. English Style Goldens Championship lines imported from Europe. Litters are carefully planned to produce quality puppies - health, temperament, structure & longevity. CKC Reg’d, (647) 519-2888;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) Rivergreen Reg’d. Proudly continues to produce your canine companions, your protectors and many successful show dogs. We take great care to offer you healthy, happy puppies with beautiful structure and promising trainability. With over 30 years of Shepherd breeding. We appreciate our many contacts and friendships with wonderful people and their dogs. RR 3, Markdale, ON N0C 1H0. (519) 538-0910; sheila@rivergreenshepherds. com; Shuke’s Champagne. Goldens Guaranteed, Microchipped puppies from clear breeding stock, home-raised with love. Jan Shuker, 24 Lacoma Drive, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5J1. (905) 643-2016. Please contact us to meet the dogs who own us., Tibsen Reg’d, Lise & Tim Nesbitt. Tibsen kennels is a home based kennel situated south of North Bay. Our goal is to breed well socialized, healthy, beautiful English-type Golden Retrievers. Puppies are the result of a carefully planned breeding program focusing on health, temperament and soundness. All breeding stock have health clearances. We offer written guarantee, 6 weeks of pet insurance and lifetime support. Our dogs and puppies live in our home and are part of our everyday lives. Bjorne, our Swedish import from Rossmix Kennels, has all clearances and is available to approved bitches. Callander, ON P0H 1H0. (705) 752-1926;;

popular with waterfowl hunters worldwide. His type and talents were so desirable that the Labrador was used in many breeding programs, producing breeds such as the Flat-Coated, Chesapeake Bay and Golden Retrievers.

Though the breed originated in Canada, the first Labrador Retrievers registered in Canada were found on the west coast, and were imported from the US and England. But the breed soon QC gained popularity in Canada and now stands as Majesty Perm Reg’d, Anik Primeau & Dominic the most popular dog in the world. Picard. Home of the top-winning Golden Personality Perhaps a perfect family dog, the Retriever in Canada’s history (SDHF). Winner of Labrador Retriever is known for his sensible, the Top Show Dog trophy for 2003 and 2004 affectionate, even-tempered nature and his and the top Stud Dog trophy for 2003, 2004, intelligence and willingness to please. He is 2005, 2006. Breeder and owner of top-winning highly trainable and excels in a wide range of champions. We are the only Quebec breeder to sports. An energetic dog, the Labrador needs achieve Top Golden in Canada. Quality puppies a good run to work off steam, as well as things bred for type, temperament and soundness. to do to keep his mind occupied. He is friendly Proud owners of Goldens since 1981. All dogs with other animals, and excellent with kids. bred OFA/OVC, eyes/heart normal. Stud services available to approved bitches. Boarding facilities. Gagnant de multiples trophées: No 1 Golden d’exposition en 2003 et 2004, meilleur mâle de reproduction en 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. Nous sommes le seul éleveur du Québec à avoir obtenu le titre du meilleur Golden Retriever au Canada. Nos chiens sont d’excellents compagnons. Tous nos chiens sont certifiés OFA/OVC, yeux et coeurs normaux. Pension toutes races. 715 ch de Touraine, Ste-Julie, QC J3E 1Y2. (450) 649-1209; majestygolden@; Mere L’oie, France Girard ET Gilles Gelinas. Eleveur de puis 1989. (Ligne de Travail et chasse) 2450-15 ieme Rue, Grand-mere, QC G9T 5K5 (819) 533-5246; email:; website:

Photo courtesy of Stationone Reg’d

Retriever (Labrador)

History One of two breeds originating in North America, the Labrador is possibly descended from native dogs that interbred with those arriving in the 1600s with European fishing vessels. Like the Newfoundland, the Labrador is a hardy breed uniquely designed to withstand the difficult climate of Canada’s coastline. Often called the Lesser St. John’s Dog, Labradors had thick water-resistant coats with longish wavy fur, and a thick undercoat. Smaller than the Newfoundland, the Labrador had excellent retrieving abilities, and became

Appearance 21-25” (54-62 cm) 55-80 lb (25-37 kg) Short, straight dense outercoat. Soft weatherresistant undercoat. Black, yellow, chocolate. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Cowboy Up Reg’d, Arnold & Nathalie Gillespie. Beautiful, happy, healthy, quality puppies. Bred for loving companions, hunt, show and obedience. Breeding with the whole dog in mind and for the well rounded Labrador true to their breed. Champion bloodlines, written guarantee. Black, Yellow (ranging from white/creme to fox red) and Chocolate. Visitors Welcome, References Available. BC Big Valley Labradors, Willie Taylor & Agneta Zastavnikovich. Home-raised quality, goodlooking black and chocolate Labradors for field trials, hunting and companion. All dogs used for breeding have been OFA and CERF certified, as well as DNA tested for CNM and EIC. 652 Mallory Rd, Enderby, BC V0E 1V3. Ph/ fax (250) 832-2819;; Rosefield Perm Reg’d, Linda & Bob Wishneski. English bloodlines selectively bred for health and temperament. Puppies guaranteed. 8462 Hwy 22A, Trail, BC V1R 4W8. (250) 368-6541; rosefield@; MB Rickway/De Niza Perm Reg’d, Joyce Love. Over 30 years’ experience in producing the highest quality of Labrador puppies in all three colours. Written health guarantee provided. All breeding stock have OFA hip/elbow/cardiac and CERF clearances. Box 39, Grp 70, RR 1, Anola, MB R0E 0A0. (204) 755-2338; (204) 793-3955;;

NB Stationone Reg’d, Maureen Gladstone. Breeding dual Lab, black/chocolate/yellow. Written guarantee. 206 Adair Rd, Waterford, NB E4E 4W2. (506) 433-6601; stationonekennels@; ON Allsport Reg’d, Greg & Becky Alton. Homegrown black, yellow and chocolate pups. (South of Guelph just north of the 401) RR 1, 4424 Victoria Road S, Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0. (519) 836-8857; email:; website:

Retriever (Labrador)

Goldhaven Reg’d, Chris and Clarence Gallant. We breed for health, temperament and longevity. CKC reg. puppies are home-raised, well socialized and easily trained so they make great family pets. 374 Beaver Street, Summerside, PEI C1N2A4. (902) 436-5339;;

CedarBayLab’s Reg’d, Theresa Bodorkos. Black, chocolate, yellow. Home-raised puppies. 2879 Tracy Terrace, RR 1, Port Colborne, ON L3K 5V3. (905) 834-0862;; Chepenco Labradors, Brian & Joanne Murray. We are a small family oriented kennel having usually only one or two litters per year. Our puppies are born and raised in our home under constant love and attention with the betterment of our breeding program in mind. PO Box 193, Drumbo, ON N0J 1G0. (519) 588-0762;; www. Dora Lee Reg’d, Betty Small. Chocolate, yellow and occasionally black lab puppies for wonderful companions and/or field dogs. Certified clearances and puppy guarantees. 6734 6th Line, RR 3, Harriston, ON N0G 1Z0. (519) 3382077; (519) 338-5323 Fax; doraleedenetics1@; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) Evenstar Labradors Reg’d, Jacklyn Hayhurst. Puppies are home-raised naturally, well socialized with a head start on learning experiences. Guaranteed. Our girls and puppies excel in Show, Obedience and Field or as loving companions. Hips, Elbows, Eyes are certified clear on breeding stock. Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0. (905) 892-3012;; Goshen Ridge Reg’d, Ken & Cathy Pellizzari. Reg’d Breeders of quality black, chocolate, yellow & fox red Labrador Retrievers. Well temperamented for a family. Also great for hunting, agility, or fly ball. 565 Goshen Road, Tillsonburg, ON (519)842-4106 message or (519) 842-0960 cell: (519) 688-8815,; HobbyHollow Reg’d, Ron & Darlene Snedden. Located on a serene hobby-farm setting just 20 minutes south of Ottawa; the perfect setting for happy, healthy dogs. We breed primarily for sound temperament, with reputable lines and pedigrees. RR 1, 6824 Third Line Rd S, Kars, ON K0A 2E0 (613) 489-2099; hobbyhollow@;




Retriever (Labrador)

Jerryru Reg’d, Ruth Beach. Breeding Labrador Retrievers since 1968. Life member in good standing with CKC & Labrador Owners Club. Specializing in the Multi-purpose Lab for Hunting, Hunting Competition, Working & Family Companion. Have placed Labs working with MNR (Poaching), OPP (Cadaver) & Revenue Canada for Drug Detection. All Breeding stock have Hip, Eye, CNM, EIC Clearances. Breeding for temperament, quality & retrieving ability in Black, Yellow & Chocolate. Puppies are dewormed, vet inspected & have first set of needles & go with written guarantees. For further information phone (705) 686-7482. Moonstone Reg’d, Dave and Sue Eby. Golden Retrievers for companionship, love and affection. 1270 Weeby Place, RR#1, Waterloo, ON N2J 4G8 (519) 664-2668; info@moonstonekennel. com; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)

Ch. Kirchoff’s Dancing Queen CD, WCI, JH. Dani came from Australia and is a keen field dog. Bred by Dragonluck Kennels Reg’d. Owned by Dawn O’Leary. 6830 Fernbank Road, Stittsville, ON.

History After observing the antics of foxes as they lured geese in for a kill, hunters in Little Mooselake Perm Reg’d, Laurie & Mike River, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia decided Quenneville. Producing quality Labradors to breed a dog that could imitate this hunting with exemplary temperament, breed type style, called “tolling”. One fox would play by and structural soundness. Black, chocolate the water’s edge, drawing the curiosity of the and yellow. Certified breeding stock, written geese, while another would hide in the brush, guarantee. Visitors welcome by appointment. ready to pounce. The “Little River Duck Dog” Please see our website. Located in Kanata, worked in a similar way, fetching a stick or other ON. (613) 832-3087;; object thrown by the hunter, who would hide in (See our advertisement a blind. Dancing and playing as he retrieved, the dog would attract the birds’ curiosity, all the in the Breeder Spotlight.) while ignoring them. The hunter would shoot Ruttan, Don & Mary Lou, Loudonlabs. Yellow once the birds were close enough, and the dog and Chocolate puppies. Home raised and well would then retrieve them. socialized. Written guarantee. All breeding stock have appropriate health clearances. Soundness and temperament are a priority. RR 2, Wroxeter, ON, N0G 2X0 (519) 335-6948; loudonlabs@; QC


Chablais Enr. Perm Reg’d, Jean-louis Blais et Madeleine Charest. Top Labrador Breeder since 1979. Black, yellow, chocolate. Written guarantee. Breeding service. Chilled and frozen semen available from our stud dogs. We speak English. (418) 888-4888, chablais@globetrotter. net, SK Windara Reg’d, L. June Johnson. We donate for psychiatric service dogs,and also have aptitute tested black,chocolate and yellow puppies for sale throughout the year. Check us out today for availability. Reservations accepted now. Air transport can be arranged. Our puppies will meet or exceed your expectations! Next litters ready December 2012. Windthorst, SK S0G 5G0. (306) 736-7413; windarakennel@gmail. com;

Win Nature’s Variety Dog Food for a year. Pg 61 144

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Bred specifically to look like and imitate foxes, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers come from a combination of breeds including Flat Coated Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Cocker Spaniels and Irish Setters. The breed is recognized as Nova Scotia’s Provincial Dog, and is gaining popularity. Personality Playful and exuberant, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Dog loves to retrieve. He needs lots of exercise and a way to make use of his talents. At home, he is affectionate and devoted to his people, but will pine if he doesn’t get exercise. His tolling ability is natural, though regular training is needed to enable him to become a consistent hunting dog. Appearance 17-21” (43-54 cm) 37-51 lb (17-23 kg) Water-resistant. Medium-length, moderately soft outercoat. Soft dense undercoat. Whiskers. Feathering. Various shades of red or orange. May have white markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming NB Yellowrose Reg’d, Alec & Evelyn Hoyt. Homeraised puppies from hip- and eye- (DNA) cleared stock. Stud dogs to approved bitches. Hunting, show and obedience. 434 Charles Lutes Rd, Lutes Mountain, NB E1G 2T4. 506-852-7107;

ON Ardbrae Reg’d, Judy Tait. Family raised. Well socialized puppies. Health cleared parents. We breed for temperment and health. Our dogs are raw fed and have minimum vaccine protocols. 2 year guarantee. Stud service to approved bitches. Visitors welcome by appointment. 208 Haynes Rd. Castleton ON K0K 1M0; (905) 3447093; Dragonluck Reg’d, Dawn O’Leary & Judy Argue. Home-raised Tollers for your life, family and interests. Parents titled in conformation, field, obedience and agility. Heart, hip, eye cleared. Pups temperament tested. Our dogs are raw fed, minimum vaccines protocol. On-site boarding and day care available. Litters once or twice a year. Inquiries and visits by appointment welcomed. Bring your throwing arm. 30 km west of downtown Ottawa. 6830 Fernbank Rd, Stittsville, ON K2S 1B6. (613) 831-3236;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Stalkmoor Costa Del Rey. Dearly loved family member. Wonderful kind mother and foundation female. Bred/ Owned by M.J. Apostle, Stalkmoor Perm. Reg’d. PO Box 28, Grp 319, RR 3, Selkirk, MB R1A 2A8.

History The Rhodesian Ridgeback’s history begins in South Africa, where his ancestor, the Khoikhoi dog, was prized as a sighthound that could hold his own against large game. The symmetrical ridge of hair that grows back along the spine, giving the Ridgeback his name, came from these early sighthounds. As English emigrants came to South Africa, they crossed the native dogs with other breeds like Mastiffs, Bloodhounds and Pointers. No matter what breed was added, the ridge was predominant, and the Rhodesian Ridgeback was born. These large dogs were used both as hunters and protectors. In the 1870s, Reverend Helm brought some of these dogs to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) where he continued to breed them as large game hunters. With the nose and endurance to track for hours, and the size and courage to hold a lion at bay so a hunter could come in for the kill, the Rhodesian Ridgeback was a supreme large game hound.

Appearance 24-27” (61-69 cm) 65-85 lb (29-39 kg) Short, sleek, glossy, dense coat. Light wheaten to red wheaten. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming MB Stalkmoor Perm Reg’d, Mrs MJ Apostle. Rhodesian Ridgebacks only since 1967. homeraised for loving and kind dispositions, gentle hearts and noble minds. Not selling for guard or hunting purposes. Approved homes only. PO Box 28, Grp 319, RR 3, Selkirk, MB R1A 2A8. (204) 757-2876 (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Photo: Alice van Kampen


History Roman soldiers travelling across Europe took their food along with them “on the hoof ”. The herds were driven by huge Mastiffs. As cattle were eaten, or left at outposts, the dogs remained behind at drop points, one of which was the town of Rottweil in Germany. Roman Mastiffs and local dogs interbred, producing an imposing dog known as the German Butcher’s Dog, or Rottweiler. These dogs carted goods to market, then drove new purchases of cattle back home. Improved methods of transportation such as the railroad made the Rottweiler’s job unnecessary, and the breed’s numbers dropped significantly. But the Rottweiler’s reputation caught the interest of the police and military in the 1900s and this association made the Rottweiler one of the most popular breeds in North America. Personality A well-bred Rottweiler is a calm, confident and courageous dog. He trusts his owner implicitly, and is highly dedicated to his family. Naturally cautious of strangers, the Rottweiler remains on guard until shown there is no danger to his family. When not on the alert, he is a mellow dog who is loving and playful and makes a superb companion. Good training and socialization make the Rottweiler a pleasure to have around. His intelligence and trainability



make him a fun friend who excels in obedience, agility, cart pulling and many more active jobs. Appearance 22-27” (56-69 cm) 92-110 lb (42-50 kg) Medium length, coarse dense outercoat. Black with rust to mahogany markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Trojan Perm Reg’d, Debbie Cornell-Charneski & Chris Charneski. COE breeder. Quality, not quantity, is our goal. Award-winning champion Rottweilers. Show, working and companion. OFA, CERF and guarantees. Top pedigrees. Naturally raised. Puppies occasionally by reservation. Lifetime breeder support. Members: CKC, RCC (Gold Breeders), WCL and RCBC. Mission, BC. (604) 820-2655;; www.

SBIS, Can/Am Ch. Windstorm Some More Luck. Canada’s Top Salukis. Breeding companions and show for over 35 years. Bred/Owned by Randy & Starr White, Windstorm Perm. Reg’d. Box 1189, Elora, ON N0B 1S0.

History The Saluki is possibly the first breed ever domesticated by humans. Originating in Syria, it was imported to Egypt, Persia, India and Afghanistan. Its image has been found in ON tombs well over 5,000 years old. The name likely KJAQ Reg’d. We have been breeding quality came from the Arabian town of Saluk, but may Rottweilers for over 20 years in the same have an earlier origin with the Syrian town of location. Our dogs have proven themselves in Seleukia. The dog’s impressive speed made him conformation, obedience, tracking, Schutzhund, a superlative hunter of fast game such as deer, therapy, and agility. First and foremost, they fox, hare and gazelle. Considered a sacred gift of excel as loyal and loving family companions. Allah, the Saluki could never be sold, only gifted. Check our website to learn more about us. 1361 Hendrie Rd, Minesing, ON L0L 1Y2 (705) 737-0026;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Rotherwood Reg’d, Andrea & Dan Catargiu. Breeding quality European lines. Our main goal is to breed healthy, happy, sound puppies with excellent temperament. OFA/OVC certified parents. Written guarantee and lifetime breeder support. Located south of Hamilton. (905) 779-0769;;

The Saluki came to Europe when Lady Florence Amherst persuaded her friend Wilfred JenningsBramly to obtain some from the Tahawi tribe in Northern Egypt. Despite her best efforts, the breed was not recognized by the Kennel Club until after the First World War, in 1923. Around the same time, several dogs were brought to North America, and the breed received recognition in 1927.

Personality Dignified and independent, the Saluki has a deep affection for his people. Sensitive to noisy active children, the Saluki is best in a fairly quiet home. He is a true hunter and sighthound, and will chase any small prey Windorff Reg’d. Proud Breeder of quality that catches his eye. Daily runs in a safe highrottweilers since 1993. My breeding program fenced area are important to keep a Saluki focuses on temperament, health and happy. conformation. certified parents, written 2 yr guarantee on house raised puppies. Please contact Jackie Robson, 421564 Con 6, RR 1, Elmwood, On N0G 1S0 (519) 364 4556;;

St. Bernard – See page 154

Appearance 23-28” (58-71 cm) 29-66 lb (13-30 kg) Feathered: smooth, soft silky coat with slight feathering on legs, back of thighs and tail. Smooth: same coat type, but no feathering. White, cream, fawn, golden, red, grizzle and tan, black and tan, tricolour or any variation of these colours. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Feathered Grooming: Smooth


Very minimal Minimal Average

More than average Maximum

ON Windstorm Perm Reg’d, Randy & Starr White. Canada’s top Salukis. Breeding for companions and show for over 35 years. Elora ON N0B 1S0;; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)



Personality Protective and brave, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is fiercely loyal to his owner. He is good with children when socialized with them. He remains an excellent hunter and excels at lure coursing. Because he is an independent thinker, he will benefit from training and socialization at an early age.



Am/Can Ch. Vanderbilt’s Cool Rain. Beautiful ‘Rain’ is dam of CRUFTS BOB and many Champions. Bred/ Owned by Blair & Judi Elford, Vanderbilt Perm. Reg’d. 101 Valley Road, RR 3, Millbrook, ON L0A 1G0.

History Born in the bitterest regions of Russia and Siberia, north of the Arctic Circle, the Samoyed was an irreplaceable hunter, herder, sled dog and companion to the Samoyede people. The Samoyed was a member of the family, and was allowed to live indoors when not herding reindeer or transporting people across the tundra.


Europeans discovered this useful sled dog during their expeditions to the Arctic in the mid-1800s. In 1889, zoologist Ernest Kilburn-Scott spent time with the Samoyede people and took home several dogs, calling them Samoyeds. They quickly gained popularity with the nobility, and were prized by expeditionary forces. The first dogs to explore Antarctica were Samoyeds. Despite their cold weather heritage, Samoyeds adjust well to warmer climates.

Snowybear Perm Reg’d. Home raised, happy puppies. Sound temperaments, hard working Samoyeds. All puppies vet checked. Breeding since 1986. 156 Cheapside Road, PO Box 135, Selkirk, ON N0A 1P0 (905) 7762115;; www. Vanderbilt Perm Reg’d, Blair & Judi Elford. Source for discerning pet owners and breed fanciers worldwide. Health and temperament a top priority. Please complete the questionnaire in our website ‘Nursery’ section. We only want the best homes for Vanderbilt puppies and dogs! Written health guarantees, microchipped. Experienced shipper. home-raised with TLC. 101 Valley Rd, RR 3, Millbrook, ON L0A 1G0. (705) 932-2559;; www. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) QC Marcheterre France, Etoilpolaire Reg’d. 1743 ch Morrisson, Saint-Lin-Laurentides, QC J5M 1W7. (450) 439-5259; etoil.polaire@sympatico. ca;

Schnauzer (Giant)

Personality Always a family dog, the Samoyed is wonderful with all his people, young and old. He is easy-going and affectionate. Though he will bark at strangers, he is too friendly to be much of a guard dog. He likes to play, and enjoys a daily run. While his thick coat makes Aerdenhout’s Abbey. Bred/owned by Janine Starink, him tolerant of cold weather, the Samoyed does Aerdenhout Giant Schnauzers. Tsawwassen, BC not like to be left outdoors for long periods and History The Giant Schnauzer may seem a prefers to be inside with his family. larger copy of the Standard and Miniature Appearance 18-24” (46-60 cm) Schnauzer, but each breed has its own unique 35-65 lb (16-30 kg) origins. Giant Schnauzers originally come from Long, harsh, stand-off weather-resistant the mountains of Bavaria and were primarily outercoat. Short, thick, wooly undercoat. Neck cattle drovers. Their ancestry is mixed, likely ruff. White, biscuit, white and biscuit, cream. stemming from Great Danes, Bouviers des Flandres and various other droving and Quick Facts shepherd dogs of the time. Mostly found around Exercise Requirements Munich, he was a popular farm dog from the Grooming 15th century until the arrival of railroads made him obsolete. Butchers in town took a ON Kingmik Reg’d, Karyne Besso. Breeding liking to the large protective dogs and they quality pet, show and working Samoyeds since became guardians of butcher shops and pubs. 1986. Home raised puppies with excellent Around this time, the breed was crossed with the Standard Schnauzer and called the Munich temperament, breed advice, indoor/outdoor Schnauzer, later renamed the Giant Schnauzer. boarding. All breeding stock OFA certified clear of hip dysplasia. Bred from champion Canadian, French and Hungarian bloodlines. 30 minutes from Ottawa, 2hrs from Montreal. Service bilingue. 2901 McGovern Rd, RR 2, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 (613) 258-9178; Karyneb@xplornet. com;


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Because of their size and bravery, Giant Schnauzers became staunch defenders in both World Wars. Personality Big, bold and full of spirit, the Giant Schnauzer takes his job seriously. At the same time, he is loyal and loving with his family. Intelligent and energetic, he needs a job to

keep him happy and thrives on activities such as flyball, agility and obedience. He is a natural protector, and needs careful socialization and training at a young age. Appearance 23-28” (60-70 cm) 75-104 lb (34-47 kg) Harsh, wiry dense outercoat. Soft undercoat. Beard and moustache. Solid black, salt and pepper. Dark mask in salt and pepper colour. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Aerdenhout, Janine Starink. Breeding Giants for type, health and temperament. At Aerdenhout we breed quality not quantity. Pups are available on a very limited basis. Black only. All parents tested for hips, thyroid and eyes. Both show and companion pups available. Remember to research this breed well as Giants due to their dominant nature are not for everyone. 92-66 St., Tsawwassen, BC V4L 2E5; janine.starink@; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) ON Lindsayleigh, Derrick & Idona Wood. Top quality black Giants in limited litters. Written health guarantee provided. Bred for conformation and termperments for show and pets. Breeder of Giants for over 30 years. 111750 Grey Road 14 RR 3, Conn, ON N0G 1N0 (519) 321-1855; lindsayleighgiants@hotmail. com; Magisterial Giant Schnauzers Reg’d. At Magisterial, we provide a life-enhancing experience for each of our clients. Our Giant Schnauzer puppies are highly socialized, joyful, and raised with children. They have gorgeous good looks, are health and temperament tested, and very eager to learn! Your new family member will have been raised in luxury and given nothing but the very best during their crucial first 8 weeks of life. Magisterial Giant Schnauzer puppies will be fully crate trained and will have begun lead breaking. Their most important role is being loving, loyal companions to families worldwide, delivering immeasurable amounts of joy, love, and magic! Roblin, ON (613) 388-2628;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.) Wiebe Deborah, Nightline Reg’d. Breeder of BISS, BPIS, Westminister AOM-winning Giants. Home-raised puppies for show, obedience or companion. Young adults available occasionally. OFA, top health guarantee. 5133 Farmers Way, Carlsbad Springs (Ottawa area), ON K0A 1K0. (613) 822-1411;;

SK Terrawyn Reg’d, Shirley Sarvas. Home-raised show, obedience and pet puppies from champion bloodlines. Eyes checked. 439 Perreault LN, Saskatoon SK S7K 6B5 (306) 651-4643; sarvas@;

Photo: Alice van Kampen

History The only Schnauzer breed classified as a terrier, the Miniature Schnauzer worked on Schnauzer (Standard) farms where he was responsible for reducing rat populations. The breed was created in Germany in the late 1800s when fanciers of the Standard Schnauzer desired a smaller dog of similar type. By crossing the Standard Schnauzer with Miniature Pinschers, Wire Fox Terriers, Affenpinschers and small Poodles, they were able to maintain the Schnauzer type in a smaller size while adding the desired ratting traits. Unlike many terrier breeds, the Miniature Schnauzer did not go to ground when hunting, but dispatched his prey above ground. No longer needed for farm work, the Miniature Schnauzer’s good looks and pleasant personality made him a desirable and popular indoor pet. History The progenitor of all three Schnauzer An ideal companion, he wants to be included in breeds, the Standard Schnauzer was a popular farm dog in Germany from the 14th century. everything that goes on. Originally called the Wirehaired Pinscher, the Personality A bright and charming dog, the breed later earned its name from its characteristic Miniature Schnauzer is a devoted companion hairy snout or “schnauze”. The unique Schnauzer who gets along with children and other dogs. look was likely derived from the crossing of roughHe is fearless and alert and makes an excellent haired pinschers, the grey Wolfsspitz and the non-aggressive watchdog. He is friendly and black German Poodle. easy to socialize. Regular exercise is important to The Schnauzer served many roles in the past, keep this active fellow occupied. The Miniature from hunter and ratter on farms, to guardian, to Schnauzer is easy to train and enjoys activities messenger dog during World War I. The breed such as obedience and agility. came to North America in the early 20th century, Appearance 12-14” (30-36 cm) but didn’t gain recognition until the 1920s. 9-18 lb (4-8 kg) Personality The Standard Schnauzer is an Hard wiry outercoat. Soft close undercoat. even-tempered dog who excels at hunting, Beard and moustache. Salt and pepper, black tracking, retrieving and guarding. He is and silver, black. protective of his family, and loves kids. Though Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

he is quite intelligent, the Schnauzer can have a mind of his own, and needs consistent training from an early age. Games, obedience and agility help keep him happy.

MB Oak Valley Schnauzers, Roger Main. 30 Years raising Minis with Exclusive bloodlines selectively bred for companions and therapy dogs. All colours, some with smaller size, superior colour. Many of my minis live well into their teens. Generations of repeat customers. Also breeding European Giant Schnauzers occasionally. Salt/ Pepper and Blacks. Health guarantee. Box 268, Oak Lake MB R0M 1P0. (204) 855-2844.

Appearance 17-22” (43-48 cm) 31-44 lb (14-20 kg) Hard, wiry, tight, very thick outercoat. Soft dense undercoat. Beard and moustache. Pepper and salt, black.

NB Ellerker Perm Reg’d, Jane & Gary Caines. 746 Rte 845, Kingston, NB E5N 1T7. (506) 832-3529;

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Gooch Judy, Shiraz Reg’d. Quality puppies, lovingly raised in our home, available occasionally. Selectively bred for health and temperament from champion bloodlines. 4253 Egremont Rd, RR2, Camlachie, ON N0N 1E0. (519) 899-2093;

Sealyham Terrier

Sealyham Terrier

History While seeking the “perfect terrier” for his estate in Pembrokeshire, Wales, Captain John Edwards created the Sealyham Terrier. The dog was fast enough to keep up with hounds on the hunt, small enough to go to ground after badgers, brave enough to face whatever prey he might encounter, and white in colour so the hounds wouldn’t mistake him as their prey. Edwards spent four decades during the 1800s putting together his terrier, using Dandie Dinmount Terriers, Wire Fox Terriers, West Highland White Terriers, Corgis and even Bassets. The breed’s popularity soared in the 20s and 30s, when the Sealyham became the “must have” dog of Hollywood celebrities. Famous people like Humphrey Bogart, Elizabeth Taylor and Alfred Hitchcock sported Sealyhams. Personality Despite being a brave and tenacious hunter, the Sealyham Terrier is quite a low-key fellow. He is proud and self-confident, secure of his place in the world. A bit of a clown, he loves to entertain his owners. Appearance 10-12” (25-31 cm) 17-25 lb (8-11.5 kg) Long, hard wiry outercoat. Soft, dense weatherresistant undercoat. All white with lemon or badger pied markings on head and ears. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Bushwell Reg’d, Kathey Holroyd. Quality homeraised puppies occasionally available. Information on this wonderful breed always available. Member of CKC and STCC. 1 Summitcrest Crt (Tyrone) RR 5 Bowmanville ON L1C 5A7 (905) 263-4266; Wirehill Perm Reg’d, Kay Guimond. Puppies, Stud Service. Orangeville, ON L9W 2Y9. (519) 942-3637;;

Height is measured from a dog’s wither (shoulder) to the ground



ON Ashlyn Reg’d, Lynn Bryden. Home-raised puppies for show or pet with exceptional temperaments from champion bloodlines. Health guaranteed. Eyes tested. Stud service to approved bitches, by appointment. 142 St. Andrew’s Dr. Grafton, ON K0K 2G0 (905) 349-3212;;

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Schnauzer (Miniature)

History Descended from Spanish land spaniels, the English Setter “sets” game birds for sportsmen’s nets or guns by first pointing to indicate where the birds are hiding, then stealthily creeping up on the spot until the hunter indicates he should flush the game and put the birds to flight. These dogs were in use as early as the 14th century, and were called “Setting Spaniels”. In 1825, Edward Laverack began a selective breeding program that both refined and beautified the English Setter, making him suitable for the show ring. While Laverack’s setters continued to compete in field trials, another breeder named Richard Purcell Llewellin felt a stronger emphasis on the breed’s working traits was needed. Show English Setters continue to be called Laverack-type setters, while working lines are Llewellin-types. Personality Full of affection, and wanting it returned, the English Setter is a wonderful family dog that does well with children. He is easy-going and relaxed around the home, settling down quickly after an invigorating run outside. The English Setter may be quietnatured, but as soon as he is outside he becomes a boisterous and happy fellow. He is eager to please and learns quickly as long as his trainer is gentle and positive in approach. Appearance 24-27” (61-69 cm) 50-70 lb (22-32 kg) Long, flat silky coat. Feathering. Blue belton (black and white), orange belton (orange and white), lemon belton (lemon and white), liver belton (liver and white), tricolour (blue belton with tan markings), solid white.


Setter (Irish Red & White)

Ch. Carannagh’s Georgia. Group One win. Bred/ Owned by Anne Perkins, Carannagh, Reg’d. Box 538, Osgoode, ON K0A 2W0.

History The Setter is a specialized birdhunting dog that flushes prey then remains still so the hunter can shoot the birds without risk of shooting his dog. Irish Setters were developed in the early 1800s when gun-hunting became popular. The original breed was mostly red and white with the odd all-red dog born in a litter. As showing became popular, the all-red colour came into vogue, and the red and white dogs nearly became extinct.

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Setter (Irish)

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Setter (English)

Setter (English)

History The origin of setters in Ireland is uncertain. As the breed gained popularity in the early 19th century, Irish Setters came in combinations of red and white. Occasionally, a puppy would be born with an all-red coat. When breed showing became popular in the mid-1800s, the flashy all-red colouring caught people’s attention, and breeders soon sought to focus on type. They cut out the red and white colouring and founded the Irish Red Setter Club in 1882. All-red Irish Setters were very popular in their native Ireland, and in North America where they were excellent gun dogs. In recent history, breeders have returned their emphasis to the qualities that made the Irish Setter a successful birding dog. Personality A playful happy-go-lucky fellow, the Irish Setter is an upbeat companion whose brilliant red coat is sure to turn heads. He is friendly to all he meets, and always enthusiastic. He has a short attention span, and does best with short training sessions. He needs a lot of exercise to keep him happy. Given his hunting roots, the Irish Setter enjoys active sports like agility, and remains an excellent bird dog. Appearance 21-27” (54-69 cm) 60-75 lb (27-34 kg) Moderate length, straight flat coat with feathering. Rich chestnut or mahogany red with no trace of black. May have white markings.

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

ON Nirvana Reg’d, Shawn Tinlin. Breeding English Setters for 45 years, our focus has always been to breed beautiful dogs for the show ring and your home. All parents have health clearances for hips, hearing and are thyroid tested. Puppies are available on a limited basis, to very select homes with full health guarantees. Enjoy the website for the pictures and upcoming litters! RR 1 Yarker, ON K0K 3N0. (613) 3771216; (613) 331-1216;;



Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

Carannagh Reg’d, Anne Perkins. Sound, loving Irish for family, conformation, obedience, field and just plain fun. Puppies occasionally. Written guarantee. Box 538, Osgoode, ON K0A 2W0 (613) 826-3297;; www. (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.) Crimsonacre Perm Reg’d, Ron Perry. OFA and PRA clear. Pups and adults occasionally. Wonderful temperaments. Written health guarantee. (905) 892-3551;

Irish hunters preferred working with the red and white dogs because they were easily seen. Several breeders maintained Irish Red and White Setters, with a focus on working characteristics rather than colour. By 1940, a breed club was formed. Today, nearly all Irish Red and White Setters are steadily gaining popularity around the world. Personality The Irish Red and White Setter is a happy-go-lucky fellow, bursting with energy and joie de vivre. He loves the great outdoors, and his high-spirited nature makes him a fun and exciting dog to be around. He needs consistent training, in short bursts suited to his short attention span, and opportunities to burn off his energy. Appearance 22-26” (57-66 cm) 50-75 lb (22-34 kg) Long, straight, silky fine coat with feathering. White with solid red patches. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Aisling Cudo Perm Reg’d. Improving the breed since 1993. Puppies are born and raised in our home. Puppies are placed in show, hunt and pet homes. Please visit our website for more information. 3992 Bridge St, New Hamburg, ON N3A 2E2 (519) 662-4045; aislingcudo@gmail. com; Clancuddy Reg’d, Barbara & Tom Riedel. Our dogs are home-raised and have done well in the show ring as well as make wonderful family companions. Inquiries welcome. 4410 Bridge St, New Hamburg, ON N3A 2W2. (519) 662-2503;

Win FREE Dog Food for a year! See pg 61


Grand-Gables Perm. Reg’d. Milton/Guelph, ON Area.

History Natives of the sparsely-vegetated Shetland Islands bred small hardy miniature cattle, dwarf sheep and Shetland Ponies. Since they didn’t require large dogs to maintain their herds, they selectively bred King Charles Spaniels, Yakki dogs from Greenland, and Scandinavian Spitz-type dogs to produce a small sturdy herder. At first, there was a lot of variety in these dogs, but in the early 1900s James Loggie standardized the Shetland dog’s type, adding in Collie blood. He introduced the dog in 1906 as the “Shetland Collie”, but when Collie breeders objected, the dog was renamed the Shetland Sheepdog. Personality A lively and intelligent fellow, the Shetland Sheepdog, or Sheltie, makes a fun family companion who excels in obedience, agility and other similar sports. He is a gentle dog who is attached to his family, though is reserved with strangers. Early socialization is important to prevent shyness. Appearance 13-16” (33-41 cm) 14-27 lb (6-12 kg) Long, straight harsh outercoat. Short, furry dense undercoat. Mane. Black, blue merle, shades of sable, all with various degrees of white and/or tan.

Shiba Inu

Photo: Alice van Kampen

BISS Am/Can Ch. GrandGables Boy Oh Boy. World renowned breeders. Happy, healthy shelties for over 30 years. Bred/Owned by Guy Jeavons & Mark McMillian,

Silkseal Reg’d. Since 1977. Happy, healthy, home-raised puppies from quality stock tested clear for hips, eyes and vWD. Registered, vaccinated, tattooed, written guarantee. Free grooming video and information booklet. Our Shelties have earned over 166 titles in all venues attesting to the good temperament and structure so necessary in a companion or competition dog. Life member: CKC, CCSSA, LDTA. (514) 697-7580;;

History The Shiba Inu is the smallest Japanese Spitz-type breed. Bred as a hunter of small game, he would be sent out to flush, run and hold game until the hunter arrived for the kill. While usually used to hunt rabbits, grouse and wild boar, there are accounts of Shiba Inu hunting bear and deer. The breed’s name comes from the Japanese words for “small” (shiba) and “dog” (inu).

In 1928, the Nihon Ken Hozonkai, or Nippon, was founded to register and preserve native Quick Facts Japanese dog breeds. It recognized the Shiba Exercise Requirements Inu as a “natural monument” in 1936 - a Grooming distinctly Japanese dog requiring preservation. The devastation wracked on Japan during ON Grand-Gables Perm Reg’d, Guy Jeavons. World War II decimated the dogs. After the war, Let our puppies be part of your life too! the Japanese gathered dogs from all over the Home-raised, healthy, reasonably priced country in an effort to rebuild its native breeds. with Guarantees. Stud Service available. The Shiba Inu arrived in North America in the (905) 854-4148; (See late 1900s. our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.) Sharls Shelties Reg’d. Top quality CKC reg. championship blood lines. Bred for show, performance and companionship. Happy, Intelligent, Home-raised puppies. Vet checked, microchip, health guarantee, occasionally for sale. All inquires welcomed. Sharon MacLean, 607 Dorchester Drive, Oshawa, ON. Phone: Contact: (905) 728-1352 or;

Personality With an independent cat-like personality, the Shiba Inu is affectionate and playful, yet reserved with strangers. He is vocal and makes a good watchdog, and can make a fun and enjoyable companion. Appearance 13-17” (34-42 cm) 17-23 lb (7.5-11 kg) Straight stiff outercoat. Soft thick undercoat. Red, black and tan, sesame.

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Koyote Perm Reg’d, Laura McKenna Lange. Pups home-raised with lots of love and affection. Twenty years’ experience. Beautiful Japanese bloodlines. Numerous imported and home-bred champions. All health clearances including hips, knees and eyes. Written guarantee and lifetime support. Inquiries and visitors always welcome. References available. Evening puppy seminar included. Box 1, Site 15, RR 2, Cochrane, AB T4C 1A2. (403) 932-6376; koyotekennels@; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Shiba Inu

Shondba Reg’d, Sharon Dunbar. Home-raised, healthy puppies in all colours are occasionally available. Our breeding stock are genetically clear of hereditary problems. We carefully plan litters with emphasis on sound minds and bodies. Stratford, ON N5A 6S5 (519) 2722806;; shonbasshelties/home.

Smilingbears Reg’d, Doreen M Fitchett. Health Guaranteed pups from CERF’d and OFA parents. home-raised with children and cats. Sweet pups available in all colours. Our pups are prespoiled! We ship! Site 1, Box 8 Hanna, AB, T0J 1P0. (403) 854-2154;; BC Lemaitre Reg’d, Pierre Lemaitre. Quality Shibas involved in show, companion, service, and therapy work. Completely home raised, no kennel runs! Bred for joyful friendly temperaments as well as health and conformation. Box 72 5855 Mt Lehman Road, Abbotsford BC V4X 2P7;; Mountain High, Stu & Sherin Laurie. PERFORMANCE / SHOW / BREEDING / COMPANION. We have worked for generations to produce puppies who have great dispositions and mind-set as well as super conformation. One of our carefully bred Shiba Inu placed fifth highest in CKC points in 2011. Ch Asgoodasitgets of Mtn High is excelling in Rally-O. Mtn High Go Black Gold is into tracking. Our new stud dog, Ch Morningstar Shinriki at Mtn High has his Canadian and American conformation titles. Our dogs are bred to be great companions, have the good looks to acquire their conformation championships, and excel in performance - Rally-O, agility, tracking, herding, flyball, obedience, etc. Box 70, 4182 Skookumchuck River Road, Skookumchuck BC V0B 2E0. (250) 422-3522;; ON OAK TREE ACRES Reg’d, Colin Stainforth. Home Raised Puppies, Show or Companion. Health care guarantee. Goderich ON (519) 5293076; Shy Guy Kennels, Carol Williamson. Written guarantees on all pups. Superb quality and temperament. Durham Road 13, 52316 Sunderland, ON L0C 1H0 (705) 357-2194 QC Cooper Cub Reg’d, Fatima Carvalho & Kirk Gault. 92 Montée Petite Côte, St-Mathieu de la Prairie, QC J0L 2H0. (514) 919-3743; (450) 638-9938.



Shetland Sheepdog

Dunne Mike & Jane, Mickjaney Kennels. Champion bloodlines. Gold and white. Specializing in solids. Health guarantee. 79 South St, Cambridge, ON N1R 2N9. (519) 623-6062;

History These little dogs came to be known as “lion dogs” or Shih Tzu. They came to China in the 7th century, where the breed was highly prized by the court. In the late 1800s, the Dowager Empress T’zu His took an interest in the breed, crossing it with the Pekinese and creating the breed type we know today. In the 1920s, Lady Brownrigg brought a pair of Shih Tzu home to England from a visit to China. A few dogs were exported abroad until 1940, when the Communist takeover of China closed the borders to new bloodlines. Only seven dogs and bitches were available for breeding; they are the founders of all existing Shih Tzu. With so few dogs available, the breed developed various health issues that later breeders corrected through judicious out-crossings. The Shih Tzu is now one of the most popular toy breeds in the world. Personality Used to being a dog of nobility, the Shih Tzu is a friendly loving animal who can be a happy lap dog one moment, and a playful companion the next. Despite his small size, he is sturdy and does well with children. Appearance 8-11” (20-28 cm) 9-16 lb (4-7.5 kg) Long, flowing luxurious outercoat. Dense good undercoat. All colours permissible.

and happy kennel. We are adept at breeding very small (teacup) Shih Tzu with no health issues; 4 year health guarantee; pups are house trained in the summer and they live with us and sleep by the fireplace. No breathing issues nor do we sell over the internet. We insist on a mini interview... (promise not to bite...pun intended) Box 555, Sundridge ON P0A 1Z0 (705) 498-2828; (705) 386-0345; or see (videos too) at Schutzu Reg’d, Karen Schut. Current Show Kennel dedicated to producing beautiful, healthy, intelligent, well-socialized Shih Tzus for approved non-breeding homes. CKC contract, microchip, health guaranteed and puppy starter package. Vet checked puppies raised with love in our home. Older pups, stud service and show dogs also on approval. 241 Freelton Rd, Freelton/Hamilton ON L0R 1K0 (905) 659-3922;;

Shiloh Shepherd – See Rare Breed Section

Siberian Husky

Photo courtesy of Naku Reg’d

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Shih Tzu

loving and friendly, playful as a puppy, yet dignified as he matures. With his great endurance, the Siberian Husky requires regular exercise. He is a bit of an escape artist, and requires a securely fenced yard to run in. Historically expected to help earn his own keep, he is an effective hunter of small prey Muskoka Paws Reg’d. We are a small healthy and may not be safe around smaller pets like cats.

Shih Tzu

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

History The nomadic Chukchi people of Siberia needed durable dogs capable of pulling sleds or hunting reindeer. Because food was BC Ovations Reg’d. Selective breeding of top scarce, these sled dogs not only needed great champion bloodlines to produce superior endurance but had to be small enough not to companion and show puppies with excellent require a lot of nourishment. Known as the Siberian Chukchi, they were first brought to temperament and conformation. Veterinarian North America in 1909.

Appearance 20-34” (51-60 cm) 35-60 lb (16-27 kg) Medium length, straight soft outercoat. Soft dense undercoat. All colours from black to white. Various markings on the head are common. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Okiok Reg’d, Carol Lindsay. Quality pups, adults. Colour choices. Over 45 years selectively breeding intelligent companions to put love in your life. Socialized, gentle temperament, great conformation, longevity. Training started. Dams and sires on site. Females bred only occasionally. Available for the life of your dog for advice. To caring, permanent, responsible homes. Grandfather was a Disney “Snow Dog”. Stud service. All-breed boarding facility, in-floor heat, large indoor/outdoor runs, huge in-door exercise arena. Private boarding cattery, lots of TLC! Pet shop for all your canine, feline and equine needs. Specializing in husky and wolf items - clothing, jewellery, art plus. Near Grand Bend. 35619 Salem Rd., RR 8, Parkhill, ON (519)294-0494; fax (519)294-0820 Tundrafoot Perm Reg’d, Paul & Margaret Knight. Home-raised, gorgeous, happy, healthy puppies with outstanding temperaments. Written health guarantee. Champion breeding pairs, hips/eyes certified clear. Generations of genetic clearances. Producing BIS winners. Visitors welcome. Occasionally young adults available for adoption. CKC members in good standing. RR 1, York (Hamilton), ON N0A 1R0. (905) 772-3415;; WildCries Perm Reg’d, Tracey Franzen & Paul White. Our passion... your pride. PO Box 514, Crystal Beach, ON L0S 1B0. (905) 894-6431; wildcriespack@


examined. Written agreement and after sale support. Surrey, BC (778) 885-4353

The Siberian Husky came to the world’s notice thanks to Leonhard Seppala, who with his ON dog team delivered serum 600 miles to Nome, Dungreggor Kennels, Oakridge Boarding Alaska in the winter of 1925, narrowly averting and Grooming, Virginia Forbes. Home-raised an outbreak of diphtheria. Seppala toured the dogs, excellent temperament, beautiful colours. United States with his famed dogs, including Healthy, happy puppies occasionally. Long team leader Balto, who has a statue in New time breeder. Show quality from championship York’s Central Park. During his tour, Balto lines. Guaranteed. Also boarding and grooming entered several races and proved the Siberian available. 248 Chiswick Line, Powassan, ON P0H Husky’s superiority. Since then, the breed has remained popular in North America. 1Z0 (705) 724-5656; Personality Bred to live and work in a team, the Siberian Husky does not like to be left alone. He is 150

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

See our Rare Breeds Directory on pG 159

Rathdrum Reg’d. Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0.

History As Ireland’s poor man’s hunting dog, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier was an effective ratter, herder, hunter and watch dog. In the early 19th century, the breed was so common it was considered beneath notice. Because of its lowly heritage, no one took interest in the breed until the 1930s, when a group of fanciers formed a breed club. The dog was initially called the Irish Wheaton Terrier, but the club decided the name was too similar to Irish Terrier, and changed it to Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier. The dogs were first presented at breed shows in their natural coats, only to receive derisive comments that they looked like “walking haystacks”. It was consequently decided to “top and tidy” their coats into the trim now seen in the show ring. The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier did not gain recognition in North America until the 1970s. Personality Quieter than many smaller terriers, the Wheaten is enthusiastic and obedient. He loves kids, though his energetic nature makes him a better match for older chidren. He bonds strongly to his family and makes a good watchdog. Appearance 17-20” (43-49 cm) 35-45 lb (16-20 kg) Soft, silky, waved or curly abundant coat. Any shade of wheaten.

Rathdrum Reg’d, Maureen Marinelli. Happy, home-raised puppies from champion European lines noted for health. Breeding on a small, select scale. Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0. (905) 327-7722;; Waggish Perm Reg’d, Aldene Carter. Have bred health screened Wheatens exclusively for 28 yrs. Lovingly home-raised, socialized for companionship and conformation with health guarantee to approved homes. Brood Bitch PLN Clear. 9 Paladin Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 3P7. (705) 254-4314;

Spaniel (American Cocker)

Appearance 13-15” (33-38 cm) 15-30 lb (7-14 kg) Medium length, silky, flat or wavy outercoat. Undercoat adequate for protection. Ears, chest, abdomen, legs well feathered. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Brinlook Reg’d, Aylmer, ON, Doug or Janet. American Cocker Spaniels. All colours but chocolate. Home raised. Top quality, long history of cockers. Puppies available occasionally. 50713 Dingle Line, Aylmer, Ont. N5H 3E8 (Box 405), (519) 773-2428. CASA Reg’d, Cathy Sager. Breeder of adorable black, chocolate or buff puppies. Proud of our excellent quality and temperament. Available to select homes as companions to love or winning show dogs. 31 Harley Rd. Harley, ON N0E 1E0, (519) 449-5345,; Countrydream’s Reg’d, Cindy Bousfield. Well socialized puppies and adults, health and temperament guaranteed, SLT yearly. Selectively bred, Champion bloodlines from American/ Canadian lines. Home raised puppies with love. RR 2, 244 Meadows Rd, Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0 (905) 772-3538;,

Spaniel (Brittany)

Because he was both an excellent family dog and useful hunter’s companion, the Cocker Spaniel’s popularity soared. As demand increased, many unscrupulous breeders sprung up and the breed suffered from temperamental and constitutional problems. Dedicated breeders worked to promote and maintain sound breeding practices, preserving a true breed type and temperament. The breed remains popular to this day.

Photo courtesy of Stationone Reg’d

History When Cocker Spaniels were imported to North America from England, breeders began to select for a different type of dog, Quick Facts choosing smaller animals with more leg and a Exercise Requirements shorter body. By the 1930s, the two breed types Grooming had become so different they were split. The original type was called the English Cocker ON Spaniel, and the new one the American Cocker Cunningham, Janice & Bill, Waverleyglen Reg’d. Spaniel (or just Cocker Spaniel in the US). Carefuly breeding for health and temperament since 1992. Puppies for show or companionship to approved homes. Visitors welcome by appointment. 296 Old Orchard Rd, RR 1 Carrying Place, ON K0K 1L0 (613) 965-4212; Fax (613) 965-6811;

Spaniel (Brittany)

Mariner Kennels Reg’d, Angie Debruyn. Happy, healthy home-raised puppies bred for temperament, health and conformation. Written health guarantee. Stud services. Visitors always welcome. 5197 Third Line, Acton, ON L7J 2G8. (519) 833-9014;

Personality A well bred American Cocker Spaniel has a sweet easy-going temperament. He is happy, trusting and intelligent, easy to train and good at a range of dog sports like agility, flyball and obedience. He is big enough to enjoy long walks, swims and hikes, yet small enough to be portable when travelling. After enjoying some exercise, the American Cocker Spaniel is happy to sit back and relax.

History Developed in the Brittany region of France, the first Brittany dogs were recorded in the town of Pontou in the mid-1800s, and were used for hunting and retrieving birds. Small and naturally bobtailed, the Brittany’s stocky compact frame and vigorous hunting ability made him one of the most popular hunting dogs in France. The breed type wasn’t settled until 1908. In spite of being called a “spaniel”, the



Can. Ch. Rathdrum’s Baby-Roo (Roo). Champion European lines combining loving temperament with genetic soundness. Bred/Owned by Maureen Marinelli,

Holweit Perm Reg’d, Sylvia & Bill Hamilton. Holweit puppies are always bred with care, raised with love, shown with pride, since 1981. Known for health and longevity. Temperament and health guaranteed. DNA Genetic Testing for all puppies. Holweit has the top-winning Wheatens of all time. Home-raised puppies, young adults from champion European/North American lines. Milton, ON. (519) 853-1456; holweit@xplornet. com;

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

Spaniel (Brittany)

Brittany functions more like a small setter or pointer. Indeed, the AKC has removed “spaniel” from the breed’s name. When the Brittany Spaniel came to North America in the 1930s, hunters preferred a lighter-bodied dog with a longer leg. Over time, American and French breeding stock differed enough in shape and hunting style that some clubs now separate the two and consider them different breeds. American Brittany Spaniels are discouraged from having the black colouring acceptable in French Brittanys. Personality An excellent hunter who loves the outdoors, the Brittany Spaniel is a delightful fellow, quite happy to relax once his work is done. He settles in well with family activities, and loves to be around his people. With a keen mind and desire to please, the Brittany Spaniel is easy to train. He is a happy dog who is always ready to have fun and be part of his people’s lives. Appearance 17-20” (44-52 cm) 30-45 lb (13-21 kg) Dense, flat or wavy coat. Feathering. Liver and white, orange and white, tricolour (liver and white with orange markings). Markings may be clear or roan. May have ticking. French lines may be black and white. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming NB Stationone Reg’d, Maureen Gladstone. Puppies for field/show/companion. Written guarantee. 206 Adair Rd, Waterford, NB E4E 4W2. (506) 433-6601; stationone; NL Glaranik Reg’d, Randy Street. Puppies for field, show, and companions from Canadian show champions who have hip (OFA) and eye (CERF) clearances. CKC registered, vet approved, written health guarantees. Castle, Millette, Sanbar, Jordean lines. 46 Sandy Cove Road, Eastport, NL A0G 1Z0 (709) 677-2631;


Spaniel (English Cocker)

History Described in 1677 as dogs with “active feet, wanton tail, and busy nostrils”, the term “spaniel” became a common name for birdhunting dogs originating in Spain. These avid hunters spread across Europe. By 1800, spaniels 152

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

had been divided into land and water spaniels, with their specific names deriving from their jobs. At first, many types might be born from the same litter, and were selected by size. The smallest were called Cocker Spaniels for their ability to hunt small fowl such as woodcock. The breed type was not set until the late 1800s. The Cocker Spaniel came to North America in the 1870s. While breeders continued to select for sporting ability, over time some chose to breed for a smaller shorter-legged type, while others chose to maintain the British type. Eventually, the two styles of Cocker Spaniel were so differentiated that separate registries were required by 1940. Breeders of English Cocker Spaniels selected for taller lighter-coated dogs that retain their hunting instincts. Personality Happy and easy to get along with, the English Cocker Spaniel loves to do just about anything with his owner. Whether it’s going for a long walk or taking a bath, he’s happy as long as his person is there. He likes to retrieve and is a quick study. Many English Cocker Spaniels excel in dog sports and games like obedience, rally, agility and flyball.

Especially Perm Reg’d, Yvonne Van Wyk. Carefully bred, loving puppies occasionally available. Parti-Colours only. Home-raised with focus on health, temperament and conformation. Health testing done for known genetic disorders and registered with OFA, CHIC. Breeding English Cockers exclusively since 1978. Member ECSCC and ESCCC and ADHERE to code of ethics. 911 Attersley Dr, Oshawa, ON L1K 1V6 (905) 725-3608; Nonnies Perm Reg’d, Vickie Umpleby. Quality English Cocker Spaniels for show & pet since 1997. Excellent health and temperaments. Breeder of 4 Best In Show winners: Adam #1 English Cocker in Canada 2007, Posh #1 in Canada 2010, Liam #1 in USA 2010, Stevie #2 in USA 2011. Also obedience winners/ performers Mogul, Jazz & Yardley. 7218 2nd Line, Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0 (905) 936-5399;;

Spaniel (English Springer)

Appearance 15-17” (38-43 cm) 26-34 lb (12-16 kg) Medium-length, flat or slightly wavy, silky double coat. Well feathered. Various colours including: black, red, liver, golden, black and tan, tricolour, blue roan, liver roan, red roan, orange roan or lemon roan. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Merrylegs Reg’d, Gillian Forsyth. Home-raised, healthy, happy, beautiful puppies from champion stock for companionship, performance and conformation. All health clearances. Written guarantees. Visitors always welcome. 1050 Sealion Rd, Denman Island, BC V0R 1T0 (250) 335-2867;; ON Carnaby Perm Reg’d, Ernest, Shirley & Kerri Brangers. Selectively bred English Cocker Spaniels since 1968. Producing quality home-raised puppies occasionally for show, companion or versatility. Home of Canadian and American National Specialty Show winners and the first English Cocker to attain Grand Champion status in both Canada and the USA. Health clearances complete on all breeding stock: OptiGen (PRCD and FN), CERF, OFA (Hips and Patellas), BAER. Members of both English Cocker Spaniel Parent Clubs, ECSCC and ECSCA. Puppies are microchipped and are sold by reservation to approved homes with a written health and temperament guarantee. 5467 19th Avenue, Markham ON L3P 3J3 (905) 640-3291;;

History Early spaniels were named according to their size and the jobs they did. The smallest were Cocker Spaniels, mid-sized were Field Spaniels, and the largest were Springer Spaniels. All three sizes could be born in the same litters, and sometimes dogs would change types as they outgrew their old standards. This proved confusing at times, and in the late 1800s the three types were separated and interbreeding banned. The English Springer Spaniel was officially named a breed in 1902. Breeders brought it to North America in 1907, where it faced difficult competition with pre-existing pointers and setters. Interest in the breed increased in 1922 when the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association was founded. Over time, a division between field-bred and show-bred lines developed; stronger working instincts and more white coverage are typical of working lines. Personality Thanks to their similar heritage, the English Springer Spaniel is much like the English Cocker Spaniel in personality. He is happy and easy-going, a quick learner, and deeply bonded to his family. He loves to swim and play, and is sure to end up wet if a pond or puddle can be found. With regular exercise, the Springer is ready to relax at home, enjoying a comfy snooze on his bed. Because of his deep

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Misko Reg’d, Linda Murray. Home-raised puppies occasionally from parents with certified health clearances. Breeding for temperament, health and versatility to produce devoted companions and excellent obedience, agitlity, rally and therapy dogs. 1261 McLeod Rd, Fruitvale, BC V0G 1L0 (250) 367-7211;

History Water spaniels have been used in Ireland for centuries to retrieve waterfowl felled by hunters. In the 1930s, Irishman Justin McCarthy bred his dog Boatswain, a typical southern Irish water spaniel, in what was either an effort to resurrect a dying breed that had existed since the early 16th century, or create a new breed of Irish Water Spaniel, utilizing a variety of bloodlines he kept secret all his life. ON Jillfarm Reg’d, Jill Muntean Carlsen. Quality Tri Likely prospects for this breeding program coloured English Springer Spaniels for family included Poodle/Barbet type dogs and pets/companions. Stud Service Available. Home Portuguese Water Dogs. The resulting breed raised and loved pups available occasionally. remained remarkably true to type, and completely distinct from other dogs. Written Good Health Guarentee. Parents on site. The Irish Water Spaniel is an excellent waterfowl hunter, with fanciers in both his native Ireland and North America. With a unique water-resistant coat that keeps him warm even in the coldest conditions, and webbed toes that allow him to swim with great efficiency, he is a Nanjay Perm Reg’d, Nanci J Footitt. Since true water dog. Although not highly popular, he 1976... Where quality extends beyond the has a strong following as a proficient hunter and show ring... A small, select kennel celebrating fun-loving friend. Well loved and cared for pets for people that love their dogs. Please contact for a place on list of future pups. 8391 10th Line, RR 2, Barrie ON L4M 4S4 (705) 739-7131; jill.muntean@;

over 37 years with this wonderful breed. Thoughtfully breeding English Springer Spaniels for temperament, soundness, quality and dependability. All breeding stock eyes, hearts, thyroids, patellas, elbows and hips certified OFA normal by board-certified specialists. All adults and puppies PRA-DNA tested. Sweet, socialized puppies are raised in a family home (underfoot and over-loved) and are occasionally available for the discriminating buyer. Written guarantees. Reservations suggested. Multiple recipient of Pedigree/CKC Top Breeder Award. 4255 Castlemore Road Brampton, Ontario L6P 0X1. (905) 794-1022 email:; website:

Personality He’s full of clownish antics, so training the young Irish Water Spaniel may seem an exercise in futility. As he matures, however, he shows an amazing retention for lessons he showed no signs of learning in his youth. Though somewhat reserved with strangers, he’s boldly affectionate to those he cares about most. Bred to work long hours in cold, sometimes miserable conditions, the Irish Water Spaniel benefits from plenty of exercise rain or shine, and never hesitates to jump into the nearest pond or puddle.

Appearance 20-24” (51-61 cm) 45-65 lb (20-30 kg) Double coat with abundant hair falling in tight, Ruskate Reg’d, Bonnie Bristow. English Springer crisp ringlets or waves. Solid liver. Spaniels - Since 1989 - Temperament-Plus, Show/ Companion Quality puppies - Written Guarantee Black and White, and Liver and White Raised with lots of TLC on fresh country sunshine. 8667 10th Line Essa Township, RR#2, Barrie, Ontario, L4M 4S4 (705) 733-5768; bonniebristow@sympatico. ca;

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Araglin Reg’d, Allan & Bonnie Chappell. IWSs true to the breed standard. Great temperament and attitude! Sherwood Park, AB. (780) 464-3897;

Homemade Training Treats Recipe see pg 26

History Like English Cocker and English Springer Spaniels, the Welsh Springer Spaniel comes from mixed birding-bred spaniel stock common to Europe in the 15th to 19th centuries. During this time, all spaniel types were interbred, with preference given to hunting ability over breed type. When litters arrived, puppies would be separated by size and type. In Wales, smaller dogs with characteristic deep red and white colouring, a more tapered head and smaller ears were called Welsh Springers.

Spaniel (Welsh Springer)

Photo: Araglin Kennels

Appearance 19-20” (48-51 cm) 40-50 lb (18-23 kg) Medium-length, straight water-resistant outercoat. Short, soft dense undercoat. Moderate feathering. Black and white, liver and white, tricolour (liver or black and white with tan), blue or liver roan.

Spaniel (Welsh Springer)

In the late 1800s, various types of English spaniel were separated and interbreeding was forbidden. Over time, each breed became unique. By 1906, the Welsh Springer Spaniel was officially recognized. The breed came to North America in the early 1900s, but didn’t catch on and was virtually extinct by the end of the Second World War. Breed fanciers imported fresh bloodlines and brought the Welsh Springer Spaniel back to sustainable numbers. It remains an uncommon breed. Personality A lovely mix between hunting dog and couch potato, the Welsh Springer Spaniel is equally happy working or relaxing at home. Because he was bred as a birding dog, his hunting instincts are excellent. Outdoors he’s a tireless explorer, seeking birds to spring. He is easy to train and very attached to his people, though without good socialization he can be shy of strangers. Appearance 17-19” (43-49 cm) 35-45 lb (16-21 kg) Straight, flat, soft weatherproof coat. Moderate feathering. Rich red and white colouring. Any pattern is acceptable. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Upland Creek Reg’d, Lawrence & Mary Labatt. Home-raised and field bred Welsh Springer Spaniels. Bred from UK and European championship blood lines. Superb pets, amazing field dogs that hold birds before flushing. RR 1, Concession 8, ENR, Clear Creek, ON N0E 1C0. (519) 586-8514;, (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)



Spaniel (Irish Water)

Photo: Alice van Kampen

family bond, the English Springer Spaniel does not like to be left alone at home.

History The Hospice du Grand St. Bernard of Switzerland is home to the St. Bernard dog. Named for Bernard of Menthon, an Augustine Monk who established the monastery some 1,000 years ago as a rest point for travelers, the St. Bernard started out as a draft and guard dog in the 1600s. These large dogs were exceptional rescuers, scenting trapped travelers under several feet of snow. A combination of inbreeding, loss and disease led to the near extinction of the breed by 1830. In an effort to save it, the monks brought in other breeds like the Newfoundland, resulting in a larger and longer-coated variety of St. Bernard. Because dogs with long coats became weighted down with snow, the monks gave away their longer-haired puppies. The first breeding of St. Bernards outside the monastery began in 1855 in Switzerland, and produced both long and short-haired puppies. Today, there are three breed standards: a modified version of the 1884 standard used in the United States, the English standard, and a much revised Swiss standard developed in 1993.


Personality Big, friendly and patient with children, the St. Bernard is truly a people dog. Though he can be aloof with strangers, particularly if not socialized, he generally loves everyone equally. As with all big dogs, early training is important when he is young as he grows quickly. Appearance 26-36” (65-90 cm) 120-200 lb (55-91 kg) Shorthaired: coarse, smooth, dense close-lying outercoat; profuse undercoat. Longhaired: medium-length, plain to slightly wavy outercoat; profuse undercoat. Neck ruff. Red and white in various shades of red and varying amounts of each colour, brindle and white. White markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Shorthaired Longhaired


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

ON Jurassic Bark Reg’d, Dionna Wylde. Homeraised puppies occasionally for show and companion. Rough and smooth coat from Champion bloodlines. Written health guarantee and lifetime breeder support. Visit our website. 18 Fell’s Point Rd RR 1, Fenelon Falls, ON K0M 1N0 (705) 887-6597; fax (705) 887-5779; info@; Nerthus Perm Reg’d, Barb & Casey Koeppe. Stud service. Puppies available in both coat types. Excellent temperaments. Written health guarantee. 40 years breeding saints. 2916 Forest Rd, Stratford, ON N5A 6S5 (519) 271-5064;;

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

History Staffordshire Bull Terriers have a long history as fighting dogs, starting in Roman times. By crossing large mastiffs with terriers, a smaller yet brave and fierce dog was produced that could manage bulls for butchers or hold wild boar or bear for hunters. Because of their strength and ferocity, these dogs were a favorite of bull and bear baiting rings. When these sports were outlawed in 1835, the new blood sport of dog fighting rose to popularity, and the breed continued successful thanks to his ability to take down dogs of all sizes. When dog fighting was banned in the 1930s, Joseph Dunn preserved the breed, renaming it the Staffordshire Bull Terrier to separate it from the Bull Terrier. His fighting days over, breeders selected for good temperament, and the breed continued to be popular among the working classes. Most Staffordshire Bull Terriers in North America didn’t arrive until after the Second World War. The breed wasn’t recognized in Canada until 1952.

Personality Gentle and playful, few would guess at the Staffordshire Bull Terrier’s past. He adores his family, especially the children, and has even been nicknamed the “Nanny Dog”. Quite intelligent, he is very capable of learning tricks. Early socialization is beneficial, particularly with other dogs and animals. Appearance 14-16” (35-41 cm) 24-38 lb (11-17 kg) Short, smooth, close coat. Red, fawn, white, black, blue, brindle, may be mixed with white. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Barkey Sylvia, Rolona Reg’d. Breeder of the most-titled Stafford in the world. Rolona has been producing winners both in the show ring and more importantly in family homes since 1976. Toad Hall, RR 6, Claremont, ON L1Y 1A3. (905) 649-3718; email:

Swedish Valhund

Photo courtesy of Lothbrook Kennels

Heezedorn’s Oriental Poppy Ona. Ona was born in Holland. Her bloodlines are exceptional. Owned by Lana-Smith, Simplysaints Reg’d. 13500 Hwy 97 South, Prince George, BC V2N 6B5.

BC Simplysaints Reg’d, Lana Smith. Quality dogs, raised on our farm in a family environment. Show quality and companion dogs available. Health guarantee. Happy, loyal and loving puppies. Approved homes only. 13500 Hwy 97 South, Prince George, BC V2N 6B5. (250) 301-1281; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Photo: Alice van Kampen

St. Bernard

St. Bernard

History The origins of the Swedish Vallhund are uncertain. The breed is similar to the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and some theories suggest it was brought to Wales by marauding Vikings and became the foundation of the Corgi breed. Others believe Corgis came first, and that they were brought back to Scandinavia to become the progenitors of the Vallhund. Whatever his origin, the Swedish Vallhund was a hardworking multipurpose farm dog in Sweden, and an adept drover, ratter and watchdog. In the 1930s, the Vallhund might have died out if not for Karl-Gustav Zettersten and Count Björn von Rosen, who worked together gathering what dogs they could find to rebuild the breed. The breed was officially recognized in 1948. The Vallhund dog arrived in North America in the late 1980s. The breed is known as Västgötaspets in Sweden, named for the province of Västergötland. Personality A natural showoff, the cheerful Vallhund is happy to be alive, and doesn’t hesitate to tell you. He is clever and takes to training quickly. Early socialization is important to keep the Swedish Vallhund from becoming overprotective as he matures. His even temperament makes him a pleasure to

ON Lothbrok Reg’d, Linda Sandborn. Ch. Margelbacken’s Bothvar/Caval’s Acorn Puppies Hoped for in Winter 2012. 259 Bruyere Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 5E5 (613) 789-1816;

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Tibetan Spaniel

History The Tibetan Spaniel is not a true spaniel but shares ancestry with other Oriental lap dogs such as Pekingese, Shih Tzu and Lhasa Apso. Tibetan monks kept them as watchdogs and companions. Legend suggests Tibetan Spaniels were trained to turn the monks’ prayer wheels. Considered lucky, the dogs were never sold, and very rarely given as gifts. Though one or two may have left the monasteries before the 20th century, the first Tibetan Spaniels to come to Great Britain and catch the public’s eye were brought by medical missionaries in the 1920s. Plainer than other types of lap dog, they didn’t gain much of a following at first. But interest grew in England after the Second World War, when they became firmly established as show dogs and pets. Tibetan Spaniels came to North America in the mid-1960s and were finally recognized in 1983. Personality A born watchdog, the Tibetan Spaniel loves to find a high place to watch for strangers and warn his family. He is very attached to his owners, but at the same time independent in nature. Playful and very intelligent, the Tibetan Spaniel gets much of his exercise playing games with his people. Lots of socialization is important to accustom him to different people and places.

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming BC Partitime Reg’d, Marsha Ivany. Pups, bred for excellent temperaments and breed standard conformation, are available for show, therapy, obedience or companionship. They are home raised, well socialized and have health guarantees. Parents are CERF and OFA tested and have champion bloodlines. Lifetime breeder support. Make your next best friend the best of the breed. 1186 Mission Ridge Road, Kelowna BC V1W 3B2 (250) 764-6416; fax: (250) 764-5026;; Trekhond Reg’d, Ann McPhee. We selectively breed for health, temperament and type, from health tested Champion stock. Puppies are house raised with loving care, and well socialised. For availability to pet or show homes, please check our website. 1635 North End Road, Salt Spring Island BC V8K 1C6; (250) 537-9505;;

Vizsla (Smooth)

History The Vizsla is one the oldest sporting and birding dogs – the breed has been documented as early as the mid-13th century. Used by the nomadic Magyar tribes of the Russian Steppes, the Vizsla is a hunter, pointer and retriever rolled into one. Over the centuries, various hounds and pointers were added to the foundation Vizsla stock. Vizslas were companions to early Hungarian warlords, barons and kings. This aristocratic connection made the Vizsla a target during the many upheavals that ripped across Hungary, and the breed nearly became extinct after World War II. Several fleeing aristocrats smuggled their precious dogs and pedigree records out of the country. Modern Vizslas are descended from these refugees, who were established in kennels in Europe and North America. In 1987, a Vizsla captured the first triple American championship for conformation, field trial and obedience.

Appearance 21-25” (53-64 cm) 44-66 lb (20-30 kg) Short, smooth, dense close-lying coat. Shades of golden rust.

Vizsla (Smooth)

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Personality Naturally energetic, the noble Vizsla is a hunter at heart, and requires lots of exercise to keep happy. He gets along with other dogs and animals, and can be excellent with older children. Active socialization at a young age can be beneficial.

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Chukar Reg’d, Ildiko & Garry Hughes. Since 1986. We pride ourselves on home-raised, well socialized, happy and healthy puppies. Fully guaranteed. Truly versatile for show, hunting or best friend. RR 1, Angus, ON L0M 1B1. (705) 424-0502. Onpoint Perm Reg’d, John Reid. With over 27 years of experience with the family, hunting, and field companion, we are Canada’s only kennel to win five USA National Field Championships. Our puppies, born and raised in our home, come with a five-year written health guarantee. 72 Hutchison Rd, Mallorytown ON K0E 1R0 (613) 659-4888;; www. Ourdream Reg’d. Show and field proven Vizslas. Our show dogs are CKC group placing and have won multiple UKC Best and Reserve Best in Show. Our puppies are proudly raised with children, are well socialized, CKC registered, microchipped and guaranteed. Kevin and MaryEllen Harvey, Dunnville, Ontario. (905) 774-1598. QC Akar Reg’d, Jacqueline Veillette. Home of Grand Champions and Top Canadian Vizslas. Health temperament and structure are my priorities. Family-raised puppies available occasionally to approved homes. Champion stud service available. 1165 rue de la Sapiniere, Quebec, QC, G1y 1A1 (418) 658-6025; akar@;

Check out!


Appearance 12-14” (30-36 cm) 20-35 lb (9-16 kg) Medium-length, harsh, tight water-repellent outercoat. Wooly, soft dense undercoat. Steel grey, greyish brown, reddish yellow, reddish brown, black sable with lighter shading. May have white markings.

Appearance 10” (25 cm) 9-15 lb (4-7 kg) Silky outercoat. Fine dense undercoat. All colours and combinations acceptable.

Photo courtesy of Chukar Reg’d

be around, and he is good with other pets and children as long as he is properly socialized.

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Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)

History A truly exclusive breed, the Weimaraner was created by the Grand Duke Karl August of Weimar, Germany, as an all-purpose gun dog for the nobility. Perfected around 1810, the breed was a closely guarded treasure, with breeding and ownership strictly protected. The Weimaraner was recognized in Germany in 1896, and its breed club formed a year later. Ownership was restricted to club members. In the 1920s, American Howard Knight became a member of the club and brought a breeding pair to the U.S. The breed continued exclusive until the 1940s, when its skill as a gun dog brought it to the public’s eye. Modern Weimaraners continue to be excellent athletes with many top dogs having championships in both the show ring and the field. Personality Quick to learn, the Weimaraner is an energetic dog who can handle many situations. He is friendly, obedient and affectionate with his family. As an athlete, nothing makes him happier than lots of exercise and attention from his people. The Weimaraner makes a loving and enjoyable companion. Appearance 22-28” (57-70 cm) 55-88 lb (25-40 kg) Shorthaired: short, dense and smooth. Longhaired: long, flat or slightly wavy. Solid in colour ranging from mouse-grey to silver-grey.


Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming Shorthaired


NS Brennan Annette, Mistylake Perm Reg’d. Producing loving family members, successful conformation/obedience competitors and personal hunting companions in my home since 1980. Fully guaranteed puppies from top North American bloodlines offered occasionally. Knowledgeable, advice and support available for the puppy’s lifetime. Stud service on approval. Antrim Rd, Carrolls Corner, NS B0N 1Y0. (902) 758-2250; ON Echobar Reg’d, Barbara Heuman. Home raised puppies, sound temperaments, champion bloodlines, health guarantees, Show, Working & Pet Puppies occasionally available. Thirty years of Breed experience. RR 3, Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7 (519) 925-0699; fax (519) 925-2811; bheuman@;


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

MacInnes Charlie, Finnshavn Reg’d. 5729 Conc 2, RR 3, Stn Main, Stouffville, ON L4A 7X4. (905) 640-6832;;

Photo: Alice van Kampen

Photo: Alice van Kampen



History With a history that may date back to 1,000 BC, the Welsh Corgi’s name probably derives from the Celtic word for dog, “corgi”. Others believe the name comes from a combination of “cor” (dwarf) and “gi” (dog). Corgi were used as cattle dogs. They herded cows with a technique called heeling; their short stature allowed them to nip at the cows’ heels without being kicked.

YT Welgem Reg’d, Al & Lynn Alcock. Healthy and hardy Cardigans from the North. Whether it is tracking, flyball, therapy, hoof and woof, agility, obedience, conformation, rally-o or just plain fun, our Cardigan’s do it all with zest and vigor. Championship Lines. PO Box 20612, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 7A4 (867) 633-3758; fax (867) 633-4843;;

Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)

The Welsh Corgi comes in two types: the Cardigan (long-tailed) and the Pembroke (tailless). Cardigan Welsh Corgis are stockier and longer than the Pembroke type. The Cardigan also has larger rounder ears and comes in a wider range of acceptable colours. Personality The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is an intelligent dog who is easy to train and loves to have a job. He is devoted to his family, and loves to spend time with them as much as possible. Early socialization helps him deal with unfamiliar situations and makes him safe with children. Cardigan Welsh Corgis do well in a variety of living situations, as long as they get adequate exercise and attention. Appearance 10-13” (27-32 cm) 25-38 lb (11-17 kg) Short or medium-length, dense, slightly harsh weather resistant outercoat. Short, soft thick undercoat. Slight ruff. Any colour, with or without white markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Bluetrix Reg’d, Lore Lee Bruder. Bluetrix Cardigan’s home ranch raised on the edge of the Rocky’s. No kennels, few dogs,one breed, only occasional breedings! These are performance dogs that win in the ring. Temperament and health comes first. National club member, breeder, competitor 19 years. Chatting very welcome! ON Esrohollow Reg’d, Kathryn Arthur. Home of the 2012 National Specialty winner CH Esrohollow Radsprings Tuhmater. Breeding quality homeraised dogs with herding ability. 5263 Line 10, RR 1, St Marys, ON N4X 1C4 (519) 229-6138;;

Can. Ch Tokaras Leading Lady (Lola) Bred/owned by Janet Spratt Tokaras Perm. Reg’d, 11 Struk Place St. Catharines, ON L2N 7A4

History Theories about the origin of Welsh Corgis abound. One suggests they might have been Vallhunds who arrived with the Vikings; another that Vallhunds descend from Corgis taken as spoils during Viking raids. Corgis were used by the Celts as cattle dogs. By nipping at the heels of cows, Corgis drove them further apart, spreading them across the countryside and helping the Welsh lay claim to larger stretches of common land. Later, traditional herding dogs were needed to keep the herd together, and the Welsh Corgi lost his job. Welsh Corgis continued as popular farm pets, though, and Queen Elizabeth II owns several, all descendants of a pair of puppies given by King George VI to his daughters. Personality The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is playful and affectionate, bonding closely with his people. He is an athletic dog, and enjoys long walks and the mental stimulation of dog sports. He is responsive and enthusiastic about training, learning quickly and retaining what he learns. Appearance 10-12” (25-31 cm) 20-30 lb (9-13.5 kg) Longish coarse outercoat. Short, thick weatherresistant undercoat. Red, sable, fawn, or black and tan. May have white markings. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Whitehaven Reg’d, Wendy McMillan. Home-raised pet and show puppies occasionally available and come with health guarantee. Select breeding program, OFA, CERF, vWD tested stock. Stud service. 7790 Leslie Rd W, RR 1, Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0 (519) 822-5737;;

ON Holweit Perm Reg’d, Sylvia Hamilton. Holweit puppies are always bred with care, raised with love and shown with pride, since 1981. Our home-raised puppies are healthy, loving, beautiful and intelligent from champion lines. Quality, happy puppies and young adults available occasionally. Temperament and health guaranteed in writing. DNA Genetic Testing a priority at Holweit. Milton, ON (519) 853-1456;; Wels Haven Reg’d, Jennifer Weeks. Homeraised puppies from Championship lines for over 40 years. Young adults and rescue dogs available occasionally. 347 Walls Rd, Sault Ste Marie, ON P6A 5K6 (705) 779-3744;

West Highland White Terrier

Photo courtesy of Holweit Perm Reg’d

Welsh Terrier

History The Welsh Terrier has been known in Wales since 1737. Bred to hunt otter, fox and badger, he could work by himself by cornering the prey in its den, or hunt in packs by chasing other types of game. All Welsh or Old English Terriers were shown in the same classification until 1888, when a superior specimen named Dick Turpin won so many prizes that an argument broke out over whether he should be listed as English or Welsh. The Kennel Club decided he was truly a Welsh Terrier, and he became the foundation sire of the modern breed. Dick Turpin’s success in the ring brought attention to the breed in North America and they were recognized in 1901. The breed remains a spirited working terrier and devoted companion. Personality Friendly and easy to get along with, the Welsh Terrier is a steady-minded dog. He is affectionate with his people and loves to get out and about whenever he can. Like any terrier he is a hunter at heart, so early training and socialization is important. Appearance 15-16” (38-40 cm) 20-21 lb (9-9.5 kg) Hard, wiry dense outercoat. Short soft undercoat. Black and tan or black grizzle and tan.

Can Ch. Milady Wish Upon a Starr (‘Stellar’). Group Winner. Shining example. Home-raised puppies. Code of ‘Ethics’ Breeder! Bred/Owned by Lisa Roessler-Pritchard, Milady Perm. Reg’d. PO Box 940, Harrow, ON N0R 1G0.

History One of several short-legged terriers bred in Scotland, the West Highland White Terrier, or Westie, originated some 300 years ago. Breeders selected white puppies from their litters and crossed them together to produce an all-white terrier whose colour would distinguish him from the terrain and game. The Westie we know came from a line of white terriers bred by the Malcolm family in Poltalloch, Argyllshire. A second strain of terriers was bred by the Duke of Argyll in Roseneath. “Poltalloch Terriers” and “Roseneath Terriers” were shown together; judges favoured the Poltalloch dogs and they soon became the recognized breed type. Colonel Malcolm came up with a new descriptive name for the breed in 1907 -- the West Highland White Terrier. Westies came to North America in 1906, and were recognized in 1908. Personality Despite his cute looks, the Westie is all terrier. He is hardy and spunky, with lots of energy and “big dog” attitude. Like most terriers he is a good watch dog. The Westie is a quick study and loves to learn new tricks. He does very well in sports like agility and obedience.

Appearance 10-11” (25-28 cm) 15-22 lb (7-10 kg) Straight, harsh outercoat. Short, soft close undercoat. White. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Admore Reg’d, Andrea Catargiu. Top-quality, healthy, homeraised puppies from the best European champion lines. Our puppies are vet-checked, microchipped, CKC-registered with written health guarantee. Located south of Hamilton. (519) 861-2837; andreas.westies@; A Perfect Gift Reg’d, Jennifer Walter. Breeding healthy, happy Westie pups from our family to yours. Pups are CKC registered, come with a health guarantee and lifetime breeder support. Also, watch for us on CMT Canada’s ‘Pick a Puppy’. Home: (519) 638-8943; Cell: (519) 5898051;;

West Highland White Terrier

Tokaras Perm Reg’d, Janet & Richard Spratt. Beautiful show and pet puppies occasionally available from champion stock. Selective breeding program to ensure sound temperament and type. Stud service. 11 Struk Pl, St. Catharines, ON L2N 7A4. (905) 937-3923; (905) 937-2776 Fax; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Milady Perm. Reg’d, Lisa Roessler-Pritchard. 30+ years devotion! Healthy, home-raised puppies from bloodlines noted for health and longevity. Always beloved family members. True ambassadors, award-winning conformation (multi-titled), obedience, CGC, registered therapy dogs. Written guarantee, lifetime return policy, continued breeder support and comprehensive puppy package. Occasionally adolescents/mature adults. Member CWHWTC, WHWTCA, TBAC, CKC. Delivery available. PO Box 940, Harrow (Windsor Area), ON N0R 1G0 (519) 736-9411; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) QC Leman Perm Reg’d, Ginette Lemieux (Obedience judge for CKC, AKC, UKC). Healthy, home-rasied, well-socialized puppies available occasionally from top conformation & obedience champion parents. Carefully bred for health, beauty and temperament. For approved loving homes. 2011 top Westie in Canada with 14 Best in Show. 615 De Verrazano, Boucherville QC J4B 7P9 (450) 449-1610; Terryhall Perm Reg’d, Diane & Jean C. Broseau. Breeders of 46 Champions to date. From the top Am. & Can, English Champion bloodlines. Most beautiful temperament and conformation. 200 Ch. Grande Ligne, St-Urbain-Premier, QC (514) 915-3531; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Puppy Training see pg 16



ON Raglansdream Reg’d, Shelley Bondy. Bred from Champion lines and raised in our home. 177 Howard Rd, R6, Chatham, ON N7M 5J6 (519) 360-9979;; www.

Yorkshire Terrier

Daytene Reg’d, Myrtle Elms. Lovable home socialized, championship bloodlines. Puppies with lifetime assistance to loving, responsible homes. Breeder and member of CKC for over 50 years. 149 St. Lucie Drive, North York, ON (416) 742-6836

Photo: Alice van Kampen



MBIS, MBISS Can/Am Ch. Lorricbrook Reality. One of Canada’s Top Hounds in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Bred/ Owned by Jenny McCartney, McCartney Whippets Reg’d. Box 103, Copetown, ON L0R 1J0.

History Also known as the “poor man’s racehorse”, the Whippet’s origins stem from the sport of setting “snapdogs” after rabbit. These snapdogs were released in a small pit where they were timed to see how quickly they could dispatch several rabbits. By crossing terriers with small greyhounds, breeders produced an agile and capable dog that soon dominated the sport. When it was banned, Whippets were used in a lure or “rag” racing. When Lancashire textile workers immigrated to New England in the early 1900s, they brought their Whippets, and the sport of lure coursing, with them. The Whippet can run up to 35 miles an hour. Personality Though a racing Whippet is the perfect picture of speed, he is an easy-going and relaxed individual, always ready to curl up on the couch and snuggle. He is attached to his people and gets along with children, strangers and other dogs. Outdoors, it is important to keep him in a safely enclosed area or on a leash. Appearance 17-22” (44-56 cm) 25-40 lb (11-18 kg) Short, smooth fine coat. Any colour or combination of colours is acceptable.


Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Hounds of Vrymeer, Laurie Rusticus. Home of Rockstar Rusty! Vrymeer produces quality Whippets from a combination of sound championship pedigrees, annual health testing, selection for breed type and above all temperament. Versatile well-socialized pups are born and reared underfoot in our kitchen and are available to approved homes on occasion. Reservations recommended. 5 year guarantee, lifetime support. Join the Vrymeer family. RR 1, Thomasburg, ON (613) 478-1402; lauric99@; McCartney Whippets, Jenny McCartney. Champion, Best in Show, Bloodlines and a careful breeding program produce quality puppies with excellent temperaments; occasionally available to loving homes. Health Tested. Box 103, Copetown, ON L0R 1J0 (905) 627-3933; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement above.)


Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

History Some believe the Yorkshire Terrier is a cross of Maltese, Skye Terriers, Manchester Terriers and possibly Dandie Dinmont Terriers. Others say the documentation points to a mixture of three now-extinct breeds: the Clydesdale Terrier (a silken type of Skye Terrier), but the Waterside Terrier, and the Old English Terrier (toy-size with a rough and broken coat). First known as Broken Haired Scotch Terriers, the Yorkshire Terrier acquired its current name in 1874. Yorkshire Terriers quickly gained popularity throughout England and North America. The story credited for bringing the breed into the limelight involves William Wynne and a Yorkshire Terrier he found in a shell hole near New Guinea during World War II. Wynne named the dog Smokey and backpacked with him through 12 sea rescue missions and 150 air raids. Personality Energetic and full of life, the Yorkshire Terrier is a bold and tenacious dog whose personality outweighs his tiny size. He is brave and loyal, attached to his family and prepared to defend it with his voice. Early socialization and consistent training is essential. Appearance 6-7” (15-18 cm) under 7 lb (3 kg) Long, straight, silky fine coat. Steel blue and tan. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB Tweedsmuir Reg’d, Shawna Usyk. Producing Yorkies true to the breed standard for over 18 years. Beautiful appearance, excellent temperament and soundness. Carefully bred and well-socialized pet puppies from our championship lines are occasionally available. We breed for quality, not quantity. Health guaranteed. Inquiries always welcome. Sherwood Park, AB. (780) 464-7525; ON Aarts Reg’d, Lila (Zoi) Kyriakopoulos. Breeder of Quality, and Healthy puppies for over 32 year. Just Visit our website and see for your self. 2 Locations! Toronto: (416) 691-6450 or Marmora: (613) 472-1087;; Dayjuel Perm Reg’d, Julie Baird. We have puppies available occasionally to approved homes. (905) 242-6562;; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.

Dazzling, Suzanne Weinstein. Home of Am/ Can GCH WHIRLWIND DAZZLING DEBONAIR, one of Canada’s top Yorkies 2010, 2011 & 2012. Bred for personality, loyalty and companionship. Family-raised with love. Striving for excellent Health, Temperament and conformation. Health guaranteed. Puppies available occasionally for excellent families. Toronto, ON (416) 896-2046; Judawn Reg’d, Judy Van Dusen. Breeding quality Yorkies for over 20 years. Our dogs are shown both in Canada and the U.S. Quality home-raised puppies occasionally available for loving forever homes. Health guaranteed with Microchip, Vaccines, CKC registration. We breed quality not quantity. Members of CKC and CYTA. 1113 Monteagle Lane, Pickering, ON L1V 3M7 (905) 831-8885;; Justatitch Reg’d, Theresa Franz. Pre-spoiled puppies occasionally available to approved homes. A proud dedicated breeder for over 20 years, our goal is to breed Yorkies that are of sound mind and body. Our puppies come with a written health guarantee, sales contract and a lifetime of after sales assistance. Beeton, ON L0G 1A0 (905)729-3388; Kirkstan Reg’d. Top quality puppies from champion bloodlines for show and loving companions. Two year health guarantee, vaccinated and microchipped. In home boarding and grooming available. 67 Genevive Cres, London, ON N5Y 4AT (519) 453-8175; Muskoka Paws Reg’d. We come with first shots, microchipped and house trained in warmer weather. We live right in the house with our breeders; there aren’t too many of us and they are very careful who we go home to; we are glad they do! We come in specialty sizes too! Contact Anita (705) 498-2828; (705) 386-0345; or see (videos too) at Shanerson Reg’d, Christine Wilcox. Homeraised, pre-spoiled, playful quality puppies from champion bloodlines. Vet checked, microchipped, vaccinated, health guaranteed. Boarding available in my home - inquiries are welcome. Visit our website: www. Tarmar Perm Reg’d, Kathleen Tardif-Martin. Quality puppies from Champion stock which are raised in our home.They are paper trained and socialized. They have their second inoculations before leaving our home and are guaranteed for one year. 174 Wickstead Ave, North Bay, ON P1A 3G5 (705) 472-4881;;

Win FREE Dog Food for a year! See pg 61



breeds Rare breeds typically have breed clubs or associations and are working toward official recognition by one of Canada’s registering organizations, e.g. Canadian Kennel Club. They may be recognized by other official organizations outside of Canada.

History The Akbash is an ancient Turkish breed whose exact origins are not fully known. It was very likely created from a range of other breeds such as sighthounds, mastiffs and herding dogs. In ancient times, Turkish dogs were prized as guardians for sheep. They were bred with sheep-like coats to disguise them from predators, allowing them to more easily sneak up on and attack would-be sheep thieves. The term Akbash means “white head”, in contrast to the other variety of sheep dog called Karbash or “black head”. By the 1960s, the Akbash were mostly found in Western Turkey, where sheep herding was still common. The breed was not brought to North America until the late 1970s. They continue to be used as livestock protection dogs, and sometimes guard dogs. Personality Bred for herding and protection, the Akbash is a fiercely loyal dog that will actively protect anyone he feels is part of his family. Though gentle and even maternal to those in his care, as a livestock protection dog the Akbash requires an owner who is consistent. Socialization at a young age is beneficial if he is to be a family pet. Appearance 27-34” (68-86 cm) 75-130 lb (34-59 kg) Solid white with a dense double coat. Outercoat is coarse, innercoat is fine. Moderate ruff. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

American Bulldog

overt guardians, while Scott-type dogs tend to be smaller and more athletically inclined. Both benefit from lots of socialization and training at an early age. Appearance 20-27” (51-69 cm) 60-125 lb (27-57 kg) Short, close stiff coat. Any colour, pattern or combination except black, solid blue and tricolour. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming

Bully Rascalz Grand Champion Shamrock, ABRA 2011 Dog Of The Year. Bred/Owned by Julie Labranche, Bully Rascalz Reg’d.

History When colonists came to North America in the 17th century, one of the dogs they brought with them was the Bulldog, commonly used for the blood sport of bull-baiting. The traits that made this breed so effective in the sport also made it highly suitable for managing the tough freerange hogs and cattle typical in the southwest. Some believe the American Bulldog remains true to the original English Bulldog that arrived off the ships, free from the changes brought to the breed in England. Others believe these dogs evolved through selective breeding and the addition of Bull Terrier bloodlines. Either way, the American Bulldog closely resembles English Bulldogs pictured in the early 1800s. Changes in technology and farming left the American Bulldog nearly extinct by the end of WWII but the breed was revived by John D. Johnson and Allen Scott (who preferred a smaller body type). Personality A hardworking fellow, the American Bulldog is a brave and determined dog who will loyally protect his family and livestock. Johnson-type dogs are larger and more

ON Bully Rascalz Reg’d. Our goal at Bully Rascalz is to produce healthy, temperamentally sound, impressive Bullies while maintaining a functional athletic structure. Home-raised puppies out of health-tested parents, emphasizing quality over quantity. (519) 923-3217; juliebulldog@hotmail. com; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)


History This delightful toy breed originated in Bologna, Italy but much of the breed’s past is unknown, since it’s tangled up with the history of related breeds such as the Maltese. The dogs were generally cultivated as pets for the upper class, and presented as cherished gifts to help establish trade and good relations with European noblemen. In one well know example of this, the Duke d’Este gave two Bolognese dogs to King Philip II of Spain in the late 1500s. Pleased with


rare breeds

Photo: Alice van Kampen

ON Akbash Dogs International (ADI) Reg’d. Promotes sound, stable dogs and responsible breeders. Breed registry requires OFA- or PennHIP-evaluated breeding stock. To learn more please visit our website.

Photo: Alice van Kampen



his gift, the King replied “these two little dogs are the most royal gifts one can make to an emperor”. The breed didn’t arrive in North America until the 1980s. Here, the dogs are loved for their docile personalities and are prized as companions. Personality Cute and cuddly, the Bolognese is a fun and loyal pet. He does need regular exercise but is fairly laid back and serious for a toy breed. While he will alert to strangers, he is not a big barker and quickly warms to new people once he gets to know them. Appearance 9-12” (25-30 cm) 5-9 lb (2.5-4 kg) Long fluffy coat, slightly shorter on the muzzle. White in colour. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON BoloBabies Reg’d, Laurine Jarvis & Roger Humphries. There have been changes at Bolobabies! We had two litters of Bolognese in 2012, four litters in all. Lucia is our pretty new Bolognese girl who will have a litter this winter or early spring. We’re looking forward to seeing her puppies! In the meantime, we’re loving our three new Bolognese males and our current puppies and hoping for three Bolognese litters in 2013. Visitors welcome by appointment. No strings attached! A deposit will hold a puppy until it’s ready to leave its dam. Home raised, our pups have their vaccinations, are microchipped, are well bonded to humans and are prepared to bring pure joy to their forever families. Reservations recommended. Older pups and adults often available. Ottawa, ON. (613) 832-4250; (613) 860-3434; info@; (See our advertisement in the Breeder Spotlight.)

Kleiner Münsterländer

Rare breed

(aka Small Münsterländer)

Jago Vom Grenzwall. NAVHDA field tested. Prize 1 Natural Ability in versatility. Bred by Von Der Linde Reg’d. Owned by Ralf Bothe. RR 2, Queensville, ON L0G 1R0.

History The Kleiner Münsterländer Vorstehhund originated 500 years ago in Münsterländer, northwest Germany, where they were used to retrieve birds killed by falcons. Over time, as bird dogs became more specialized, the Kleiner (or Small) Münsterländer’s versatility was 160

Canadian Dogs Annual 2013

less valued, and the breed nearly died out. This changed when commoners were allowed to hunt freely, and a small dog that could hunt both bird and small game became an essential source of food and income. The Kleiner Münsterländers’ flexibility and aptitude for hunting made them highly valuable to their owners, who kept them close to home and family. While the breed remains rare, its recognition as a versatile and effective hunting and birding dog as well as a kind and even-tempered family pet continue to bring it a new popularity. Personality Happy and outgoing, the Kleiner Münsterländer is an exceptional hunting dog. He works closely with his handler, and then happily returns home to relax with his family. Eager to please, and quite intelligent, the Münsterländer is quick to learn. He is successful in a variety of dog sports like obedience and agility. Appearance 20-22” (52-54 cm) 33-64 lb (15-29 kg) Medium-length, dense, close-lying, water repellent coat. Brown-white or brown roan with brown patches, brown mantle, or brown ticking. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON Von Der Linde Reg’d, Ralf Bothe. Breeder of premium Small Münsterländers. German imports of high performance breeding of the truly versatile German hunting dog. Specializing in pointing, tracking and retrieving and a great family pet! Started gun dogs available on request. NAVHDA NA tested. Training and assistance available on site. 21133 Kennedy Rd, RR 2, Queensville, ON L0G 1R0. (905) 473-9395; ralf.bothe@xplornet. com; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.)

Miniature Australian Shepherd

Ch. EFK Be Stella My Ach’in Heart RBCSWO, MASCA, NAMASCU. (EFK) English Farm Kennels. Shelley English, Norwood Ontario. Bred/Owned by Shelley English, EFK Miniature Australian Shepherds Reg’d. 3333 Hwy 7, Norwood, ON K0L 2V0.

History Australian Shepherds are not truly native to Australia, but when Basque shepherds immigrated there they brought their Pyrenean Shepherd dogs with them to herd Australian

sheep. These dogs were crossed with other herding breeds such as the Collie and Border Collie to produce the Australian Shepherd. Eventually, in the 1840s, these shepherd dogs came to North America, where their efficient herding ability made them popular with Americans, particularly in the West. In the 1960s a breeder named Doris Cordova purchased several small working Australian Shepherds. Liking their small size, she bred them together, striving for a miniature version that stood consistently less than 18” tall. Other breeders took a liking to the little Aussies, and by 1990 the breed had its own breed club. Today breeders of Miniature Australian Shepherds consider them a unique breed, and strive to maintain their working ability. Personality A working dog at heart, the Miniature Australian Shepherd remains an active and capable athlete who excels at sports like agility or competitive obedience. He is a smart and friendly dog who loves to please. Appearance 14-18” (35-46 cm) 20-40 lb (9-18 kg) Moderate length, straight to wavy, weather resistant outercoat and undercoat. Blue merle, red (liver) merle, solid black, solid red (liver). With or without white markings or tan (copper) points. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming ON By Jingoes Reg’d, Susan Rankin. Home of “Grand Champion By Jingoes Made to Rave”. Our goal is to raise genetically sound, healthy puppies perfect for show, performance or being a great family member. Our puppies are raised in our home and come with a three year health guarantee on hereditary disorders. (519) 7380155;; EFK Reg’d, Shelley English. Quality, home raised puppies. Well socialized with children and other pets. Thoughtfully bred for exceptional companions, conformation, and performance dogs. Canadian & American Champion bloodlines. Extensive written health guarantee. We test for Hips (OFA or PennHip), CERF, and genetic test for PRA, HC, and MDR1. Norwood, ON. (705)-639-8964; shelleyenglish@sympatico. ca; (See our Breed Ambassador advertisement at left.) Follow Me Aussies, Lisa Hartjes. Miniature and Toy sized Australian Shepherds. NDSR, ASDR, NAMASCUSA, MASCA & IMASC. Health tested. Puppies raised in my home, well socialized and loved. Your puppy comes with first vaccinations and micro-chipped. Member of CKC, CMASAm CNASA, TASAA. Peterborough, ON. (705) 749-4885;;

Sprucehill Reg’d, Charles Csatary. We strive to breed Minis, Small Minis and occasionally Toy Australian Shepherds. Our goal is to produce both show and pet quality puppies that are well socialized and have excellent health and temperaments as most of our puppies go to pet homes. All of our adults have been health tested for hips, elbows, eyes, PRA, HC, CEA and MDRI and are registered either MASCA, NAMASCUSA, and ASDR. Our puppies come from Champion Bloodlines, are home raised and come with a 3 year written health guarantee for any genetic diseases. Before they go home they will have been de-wormed, vet examined, given age appropriate vaccinations and microchipped. You will also get a lifetime of help, support and advice for your new puppy. We ship worldwide. Pickering ON L1V 1G5. (905) 420-9529;;


History The Shiloh Shepherd is a very new breed developed by Tina Barber in the early 1970s. Having grown up around German Shepherds, Barber sought a return to the large, square-bodied physique she remembered in Germany. She set out to create her ideal dog – one who was smart, loyal and easy to train, while being strong enough to herd and guard, and gentle enough to trust with children. She focused on both soundness of body and mind. Barber’s efforts were very successful, and demand for her “new” breed of Shepherds grew. By 1990, the shepherds from her Shiloh kennel proved to differ enough from classic German Shepherds that she formed the International Shiloh Shepherd Registry and lobbied for the acceptance of the Shiloh Shepherd by the American Rare Breed Association. The breed continues to develop under Barber’s careful guidance, with strict registration guidelines and breed standards.

Appearance 26-32” (66-82 cm) 100-160 lb (45-73 kg) Plush: medium-coarse outercoat; soft undercoat; mane. Smooth: medium-length, dense, closelying outercoat; undercoat; mane. Golden, silver, red, dark brown, dark grey, black sable, black, white, shades of black with tan, golden tan, reddish tan, silver or cream. Quick Facts Exercise Requirements Grooming AB ISSR Guardian, Vanessa Dutton. Exclusively ISSR registered and approved by the Breed Founder. Outstanding temperaments, exceptional size, health and conformation. home-raised puppies to approved homes only. Health guarantees. Shipping available. Visits to our kennel are welcomed. Early reservations on litters are recommended. Box 1719, Brooks AB T1R 1C5 (403) 362-4381;;

speak Use this handy translator to determine some of the more common acronyms: Reg’d M eans a kennel name is registered

with an accepted registry Perm. Reg’d Means a kennel is permanently registered

HEALTH-RELATED BAER Brain Auditory Evoked Response

– certifies hearing CERF Canine Eye Registration Foundation

– certifies vision HD Hip dysplasia is affected by heredity and environmental factors. Sires and dams in breeds known for HD should be X-rayed clear PennHlP Used to assess hip-joint laxity TSH Thyroid stimulating hormone – a test to determine hypothyroidism vWD von Willebrand’s disease – a bleeding disorder that affects some breeds REGISTRIES AKC American Kennel Club (U.S.-based) ARBA American Rare Breeds Association: the American equivalent to CRBA.

CKC Canadian Kennel Club CRBA Canadian Rare Breeds Association FCI Fédération Cynologique Internationale UKC


(Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia and Australia) United Kennel Club Best in Field – the top coursing hound at a trial Best in Show – the best dog at a conformation show Best in Specialty Show – the best dog at a specialty show Best Puppy in Show – the best puppy at a conformation show High in Trial – the best performer at an obedience trial

TEMPERAMENT CGC Canine Good Citizen – determines if a dog is well trained and TT

Shiloh Shepherd

Personality Bred to compete in Schutzhund trials in the morning, babysit the kids in the afternoon, and guide the blind in the evening, the Shiloh Shepherd is an intelligent dog who works hard and wants to be your best friend. He is easy to train, and can learn anything set before him. A workaholic at heart, the Shiloh Shepherd is happiest when he has a job to do, and can easily excel in as many jobs as his owner may desire.

Shiloh Shepherd

obedient in public Temperament Tested – shows if a dog has stable temperament


Rare Breed

HHC Reg’d, Brenda-Lee & Chris Hoskins. Home of the 2010 No 3 Australian Shepherd Am/Can Ch Bayshore Stonehaven Heart Breaker at HHC. Breeding devoted companions that meet the standard of the breed. Testing hips, eyes, elbows. Full three-year genetic health guarantee. Aftersale support. Inquires welcome. Stud services available. 6541 County Rd 21, Alliston, ON L9R 1V2. (705) 424-2423;;

rArE brEEd


in brief...

here’s a list of various activities (and their “call letters”) that dogs can participate in.

AD . . . . . . . . . Schutzhund endurance test. All breeds. BH required. ADC . . . . . . . . Agility Dog Canada. Agility. All breeds. AFTCh. . . . . . Amateur Field Trial Champion. Retrieving. Group 1 with a novice handler. AgN . . . . . . . . Agility Novice. All breeds. AgI . . . . . . . . . Agility Intermediate. All breeds. AgN required. AgX . . . . . . . . Agility Excellent. All breeds. AgI required. AgMX . . . . . . . Agility Master Excellent. All breeds. AgX required. AgNJ . . . . . . . Agility Novice Jumper. All breeds. AgIJ . . . . . . . . Agility Intermediate Jumper. All breeds, AgNJ required. AgXJ . . . . . . . Agility Excellent jumper. All breeds, AgIJ required. AgMXJ . . . . . Agility Master Excellent Jumper. All breeds. AgXJ required. AgMCh. . . . . . Agility Master Champion. All breeds. AgMX and AgMXJ required. AgNS . . . . . . . Agility Novice Selected. All breeds. AgIS . . . . . . . . Agility Intermediate Selected. All breeds. AgNS required. AgXS . . . . . . . Agility Excellent Selected. All breeds. AgIS required. AgMXS . . . . . Agility Master Excellent Selected. All breeds. AgXS required. AgNJS . . . . . . Agility Novice Jumper Selected. All breeds. AgIJS . . . . . . . Agility Intermediate Jumper Selected. All breeds. AgNJS required AgXJS . . . . . . Agility Excellent Jumper Selected. All breeds. AgIJS required. AgMXJS . . . . Agility Master Excellent Jumper Selected. All breeds. AgXJS required. AgMChS . . . . Agility Master Champion Selected. All breeds. AgMXS and AgMXJS required. AgNV . . . . . . . Agility Novice Veterans. All breeds. AgIV . . . . . . . Agility Intermediate Veterans. All breeds. AgNV required. AgXV . . . . . . . Agility Excellent Veterans. All breeds. AgIV required. AgMXV . . . . . Agility Master Excellent Veterans. All breeds. AgXV required. AgNJV . . . . . . Agility Novice Jumper Veterans. All breeds. AglJV . . . . . . . Agility Intermediate Jumper Veterans. All breeds. AgNJV required. AgXJV . . . . . . Agility Excellent Jumper Veterans. All breeds. AglJV required. AgMXJV . . . . Agility Master Excellent Jumper Veterans. All breeds. AgXJV required. BDD . . . . . . . . Brace Draft Dog. Hauling test. All breeds. BDDX . . . . . . . Brace Draft Dog Excellent. Hauling test. All breeds. BDD required. BH . . . . . . . . . . Schutzhund companion/temperament test. All breeds. Brevet . . . . . . Ring Sport companion/temperament test. Select breeds only. CD . . . . . . . . . . Companion Dog. Obedience. All breeds. CDI . . . . . . . . . Companion Dog Intermediate. Obedience. All breeds. CD required. CDX . . . . . . . . Companion Dog Excellent. Obedience. All breeds. CD required. CG . . . . . . . . . . Certificate of Gameness. Den test. Terriers bred as earthdogs, and Dachshunds. CGN . . . . . . . . Canine Good Neighbour. Basic good manners. All breeds. Ch. . . . . . . . . . Champion. Conformation. All breeds. Ch.(Alt.) . . . . Champion (Altered). Conformation. All breeds. DCh. . . . . . . . Dual Champion. Herding. All Herding breeds, some Working breeds. HC and champion title in another CKC event required. DD . . . . . . . . . Draft Dog. Hauling test. All breeds. DDX . . . . . . . . Draft Dog Excellent. Hauling test. All breeds. DD required. EWC . . . . . . . . Earth Working Certificate. Den test. Small terriers and Dachshunds. FbD . . . . . . . . Flyball Dog. Flyball. All breeds. FbDCh. . . . . . Flyball Dog Champion. Flyball. All breeds. FbD required. FCh. . . . . . . . . Field Champion. Lure coursing. Sighthounds. FChX . . . . . . . Field Champion Excellent. Lure coursing. Sighthounds. FCh. required. FD . . . . . . . . . . Field Dog. Pointing test. All pointing breeds. FDJ . . . . . . . . . Field Dog Junior. Pointing test. All pointing breeds. FDX . . . . . . . . Field Dog Excellent. Pointing test. All pointing breeds. FD required. FH . . . . . . . . . . Schutzhund tracking test. All breeds. BH required. FTCh. . . . . . . . Field Trial Champion. Hunting by scent. Beagles. FTCh. . . . . . . . Field Trial Champion. Retrieving. All breeds in Group 1. FT/AFTCh. . . Field Trial/Amateur Field Trial Champion. Retrieving. Group I. GCh. . . . . . . . . Grand Champion. Conformation. All breeds. Championship plus a performance title or CGN and 100 points required. GMH . . . . . . . Grand Master Hunter. Field test. Retrieving breeds, Irish Water Spaniels, Standard Poodles. MH required. GMOTCh. . . . Grand Master Obedience Trial Champion. Obedience. All breeds. MOTCh. required. HC . . . . . . . . . Herding Certificate. Herding. All Herding breeds, some Working breeds. HIC . . . . . . . . . Herding Instinct Certificate. Herding. All Herding breeds, some Working breeds. HT . . . . . . . . . Herding Tested. All breeds. HS . . . . . . . . . . Herding Started. All breeds. HT required. HI . . . . . . . . . . Herding Intermediate. All breeds. HS required.


Canadian dogs annual 2013

HA . . . . . . . . . Herding Advanced. All breeds. HI required. I-ITT . . . . . . . . Herding Tending Tested. All breeds. HTS . . . . . . . . Herding Tending Started. All breeds. HTT required. HTI . . . . . . . . . Herding Tending Intermediate. All breeds. HTS required. HTA . . . . . . . . Herding Tending Advanced. All breeds. HTI required. HX . . . . . . . . . Herding Excellent.All breeds. Ten points competing in HA required. HChA . . . . . . . Herding Champion Arena. All breeds. Fifteen points in Advanced class required. HChS . . . . . . . Herding Champion Stock Dog. All breeds. Fifteen points in Advanced class required. HChT . . . . . . . Herding Champion Tending. All breeds. Fifteen points in Advanced class required. 1PO . . . . . . . . International Schutzhund (Levels I,II,III). All breeds. BH required. JE . . . . . . . . . . Junior Earthdog. Dachshunds, and terriers bred as earthdogs. JFTR . . . . . . . . Junior Field Trial Retriever. Retrieving. All breeds in Group 1 (Sporting Dogs). JH . . . . . . . . . . Junior Hunter. Field test. Retrieving breeds and flushing spaniels. ME . . . . . . . . . Master Earthdog. Dachshunds, and terriers bred as earthdogs. SE required. MH . . . . . . . . . Master Hunter. Field test. Retrieving breeds and flushing spaniels. SH required MOTCh. . . . . . Master Obedience Trial Champion. Obedience. All breeds. OTChX required. NAFTCh. . . . . National Amateur Field Trial Champion. Retrieving breeds with novice handler NFTCh. . . . . . National Field Trial Champion. All retrieving breeds. NC . . . . . . . . . Novice Courser. Lure coursing. Sighthounds. NMH . . . . . . . National Master Hunter. Field test. Retrieving breeds, Irish Water Spaniels, Standard Poodles. GMH required. NSC . . . . . . . . National Spaniel Champion. Field trial. Flushing spaniels. NASC . . . . . . . National Amateur Spaniel Champion. Field trial. Flushing spaniels with novice handler NSD . . . . . . . . National Shooting Dog. Field trial. Pointing breeds. NASD . . . . . . . National Amateur Shooting Dog. Field trial. Pointing breeds with novice handler OSC . . . . . . . . Open Stockdog Certificate. Herding. All Herding breeds and some Working breeds. SSC required. OTCh. . . . . . . Obedience Trial Champion. Obedience. All breeds. UD required. OTChX . . . . . . Obedience Trial Champion Excellent. Obedience. All breeds. OTCh. required. PCD . . . . . . . . . Pre-Companion Dog. Obedience. All breeds. QFTR. . . . . . . . QuaIified Field Trial Retriever. Retrieving. All breeds in Group 1 (Sporting Dogs). Ring . . . . . . . Ring Sport (Levels I, II, III). Obedience and protection tests. Select breeds only RN . . . . . . . . . Rally Novice. Obedience. All breeds. RA . . . . . . . . . Rally Advanced. Obedience. All breeds. RN required. RE . . . . . . . . . . Rally Excellent. Obedience. All breeds. RA required. RAE . . . . . . . . Rally Advanced Excellent. Obedience. All breeds. RE required. SchH . . . . . . . Schutzhund (Levels A, I, II, III). Obedience, tracking and protection tests. All breeds. SD . . . . . . . . . . Sled Dog. Sledding. All breeds. SDX . . . . . . . . Sled Dog Excellent. Sledding. All breeds. SD required. SDU. . . . . . . . . Sled Dog Unlimited. Sledding. All breeds. SDX required. SDS . . . . . . . . Stock Dog Started. Herding. All Herding breeds, some Working breeds. SDI . . . . . . . . . Stock Dog Intermediate. Herding. All Herding breeds, some Working breeds. SDS required. SDA . . . . . . . . Stock Dog Advanced. Herding. All Herding breeds, some Working breeds. SD1 required. SE . . . . . . . . . . Senior Earthdog. Dachshunds, and terriers bred as earthdogs. SH . . . . . . . . . Senior Hunter. Field test. Retrieving breeds and flushing spaniels. JH required SHD . . . . . . . . Scent Hurdle Dog. Scent discrimination/hurdle race. All breeds. SHDX . . . . . . . Scent Hurdle Dog Excellent. All breeds. SHD required. SHDCh. . . . . . Scent Hurdle Dog Champion. All breeds. SHDX required. SHDM . . . . . . Scent Hurdle Dog Masters. All breeds. SHDCh required. SHDMX . . . . . Scent Hurdle Dog Masters Excellent. All breeds. SHDM required. SHDMC1 . . . . Scent Hurdle Dog Masters Champion. All breeds. SHDMX required. SSC . . . . . . . . . Started Stockdog Certificate. Herding. All Herding breeds, some Working breeds TCh. . . . . . . . . Tracking Champion. All breeds. TD, TDX, UTD and UTDX required. TD . . . . . . . . . . Tracking Dog. Tracking test. All breeds. TDX . . . . . . . . Tracking Dog Excellent. Tracking test. All breeds. TO required. UD . . . . . . . . . Utility Dog. Obedience. All breeds. CDX required. UTD . . . . . . . . Urban Tracking Dog. Tracking test. All breeds. UTDX . . . . . . . Urban Tracking Dog Excellent. Tracking test. All breeds. UTD required. WC . . . . . . . . . Working Certificate. Retrieving test. Retrievers, Irish Water Spaniels, Poodles, Airedales. WCI . . . . . . . . Working Certificate Intermediate. Retrieving test. Retrievers, Irish Water Spaniels Poodles, Airedales. . . WC required. WCX . . . . . . . . Working Certificate Excellent. Retrieving test. Retrievers, Irish Water Spaniel Poodles, Airedales. WCI required. WH . . . . . . . . . Schutzhund watch dog test. All breeds. BH required. WRD . . . . . . . Water Rescue Dog. Water rescue. Newfoundlands. WRDX . . . . . . Water Rescue Dog Excellent. Water rescue. Newfoundlands W5 . . . . . . . . . Working Spaniel. Flushing and retrieving test. Flushing spaniels.



spOTLIGHT welcome to our breeder spotlight! Buying a puppy is an exciting time. But it’s important to research the breed that’s right for your lifestyle and your family situation. That’s where reputable breeders can help. Unlike puppy mills, which provide substandard care for their breeding animals, and produce puppies prone to health issues, reputable breeders care deeply about their litters, and want to find the right match for you and their puppies. In these section, we turn the spotlight onto various breeders, who wish to share information on their dogs and kennels with you. The breeds are listed alphabetically.


Please note these are advertisements paid for by the breeders and/or kennels.



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sPotLigHt barbet | bichon Frise



boston terrier | bolognese


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cavalier | cairn terrier | bullmastiff


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sPotLigHt coton de tulear | chihuahuas



german shepherd | dalmatian

german shepherd dog

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german shepherd dog

german shepherd dog

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german shepherd dog

german shepherd dog

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german shepherd dog


Canadian dogs annual 2013

sPotLigHt great dane | great Pyrenees | german shepherd dog





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Manchester terrier | irish Wolfhound


Canadian dogs annual 2013

sPotLigHt Poodle (standard) | Norwegian Elkhound



Poodle (standard)


Canadian dogs annual 2013

sPotLigHt Portuguese Water dog



Portuguese Water dog


Canadian dogs annual 2013

sPotLigHt Portuguese Water dog



Portuguese Water dog


Canadian dogs annual 2013

sPotLigHt Portuguese Water dog



retriever (golden)

retreiver (golden)

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retriever (golden / Labrador)


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sPotLigHt retreiver (Labrador)





Canadian dogs annual 2013

sPotLigHt shetland sheepdog | schnauzer (giant)



shiba inu


Canadian dogs annual 2013

sPotLigHt spaniel (Welsh springer) | soft coated Wheaten terrier



yorkshire terrier | West Highland White terrier

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Canadian Professional Pet Stylists National Groomer Association of Canada. NGAC is a Federal not for profit member based association that advocates on behalf of the Canadian Pet Groomer, Business Owner, and Pet Companion Owner. NGAC is a credible source of information and education offering a strong and consistent voice for all. Join to be part of this Federal Association. (855) 825-8825; ALBERTA Alberta School of Dog Grooming. Founded in 2011 our mission is to ‘Educate and Inspire the next generation of Professional Pet Stylists’. If you are serious about turning your passion for dogs into a rewarding career, then our award winning instructors will support you as you enter this exciting profession. Contact us! 5009 50th Avenue, Leduc, AB T9E 6V9. (780) 980-5327; info@albertaschoolofdoggrooming. com; Foothills Pet Resort / Cyndi’s Pet Palace. Professional all breed grooming, modern equipment, superior products, excellent care, certified pet stylist with 26 years experience. Member CKC, PPGAM. Resort boasts certified Kennel Techs who keep your pet entertained and well supervised. Bright, Airy, Clean & Secure! Highway #2, Cayley, AB T0L 0P0. BRITISH COLUMBIA Western Professional Dog Groomers Association. (604) 842-8404;; Western Dog Grooming School. 11240 206th Street, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 4T2. (604) 476-6637;; JKL Grooming. PO Box 249, Queen Charlotte, BC V0T 1S0. (250) 559-8333;; MANITOBA Professional Pet Groomers Association of Manitoba. Established in 1997 by Groomers, for Groomers, the PPGAM is a volunteer-based

association, with the Executive Board voted in at a voluntary two year term. Membership is open to all Grooming & Pet Industry Professionals who wish to network, refer, learn, teach, and be part of a community that works along with other Pet Industry Professionals to help the general public through education and service. Membership is INTERNATIONAL, with current members residing in both inter-provincially across Canada, and the United States. We invite you to visit our website to learn, inquire, scan the classifieds, see upcoming events, find a groomer, kennel or pet sitter, or veterinarian, and share – be part of a community with a common unity. Learning is a lifelong quest, and so is our need to provide ALL pets with the best! NEW BRUNSWICK Elite Dog Grooming & Academy. 45 Colonial Drive, Moncton, NB E1G 2J1. (506) 855-8808; ONTARIO Ontario Dog Groomers Association. 26 Bromley Road, Hamilton, ON L9A 2C8, (800) 373-4839,; www.odga.camp7. org/ The National Agency of Pet Grooming Schools. NAPGS is a Federal organization and Licensing Board for Groomers and the main supplier of teaching curriculums to schools and colleges worldwide. NAPGS support groomers in North America to have their own Professional Groomer Act, ensuring that all are licensed and trained for the safety of the pet companion animal while in their care.; Diggity Dog and Lonesome Kitty Grooming Spa. Including Teeth Cleaning without Anesthetic for both dogs and cats! Our unique service that we offer both dog and cat owners is to remove plaque and tartar, on their pets teeth, without the use of anesthetic. Expert grooming for both dogs and cats – cats are kept separate from dogs. Whether it’s a custom cut to breed standard or a variation thereof, we do offer individual styling according to our clients specification. Hand fluffed, never cage dried, De-shedding, nail cutting also available. Toronto West (Bloor Subway). (416) 536-4694; TF (877) 344-4489;;

Dogz and Katz Coiffure Pet Grooming. Has the Magic Wand to transform your pet to.... POOF! a regal companion. 255 Glen Mills Road, Trenton, ON K8V 5P8 (613) 919-4045 Kim’s Country Clips, Kim Geisberger. Professional Pet Grooming in a private, home-based kennel environment. Providing quality grooming services for every breed or mix, using, all natural products. Each pet is treated with love and respect. First-Aid trained. 1475 Conc. Road 7, Enniskillen, ON L0B 1J0. (905) 809-8774; www.kimscountryclips. com. A Groovy Groomer. 26 Professional years in grooming. All breeds, all crosses and cats. Hand scissoring, Breed Specific Clips, hand stripping and 1st groom. Certified with CPG and Pet 1st Aid. New clients always welcome. Serving Hamilton, Lynden, Brantford Area. Pampered Paws. Has proudly been in the animal pet grooming and training industry since 1979. We cherish our position as a leader in our industry of animal grooming and training. Toronto, Mississauga, Tokyo. (416) 962-7877; Pets N Groom, voted TOP PET GROOMING in Burlington for the past 16yrs. Licensed groomers, full service grooming for cats and dogs. State of the art facility that has implemented up to date equipment and safety standards for your pet. Member of NATIONAL GROOMER ASSOC. OF CANADA. (905) 335-7122;; www. USA ALABAMA National Association of Professional Creative Groomers. PO Box 50, Childersburg, AL 350441880. (256) 378-6743;; OREGON International Pet Groomers. 6475 Wallace Road NW, Salem, OR 97304. (503) 551-2397;;

TRAINING ASSOCIATIONS AHDT Association for Humane Dog Training

CCC Canadian Canine College

CDTA Canadian Dog Trainers Association

PO Box 34 New Melle, MO 63365(855) 776-2438

658 Thompson Road East Waterford, ON N0E 1V0 (519) 443-6558

6860 Blvd. Gouin West Montreal, QC H4K 1B5 (514) 947-5339

CCPDT Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers

IAABC International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants

1350 Broadway, 17th Floor New York, NY 10018 (855) 362-3784

565 Callery Road Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (484) 843-1091

CCT Canadian Canine Training

IACP International Association of Canine Professionals

APDT Association of Pet Dog Trainers 104 South Calhoun Street Greenville, SC 29601 (800) 738-3647 CAPPDT Canadian Association of Professional Pet Dog Trainers PO Box 85 Shelburne, ON L0N 1S0

41 Corkstown Road Neapean, ON K2H 8T1 (613) 276-3647

PO Box 560156 Monteverde, FL 34756 (407) 469-2008


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Canadian dogs annual 2013




Canadian dogs annual 2013



lifestyle choices


feeding your dog a nutritious diet sounds daunting, especially if you lead a busy life. but it doesn’t matter whether your days are hectic or leisurely, there are ways to keep your canine eating well. decide which of the following categories you belong in, and get started!

on THE RUn “I’m always in a rush, multi-tasking and meeting deadlines. I barely have time to cook for my family, let alone my dog.” Not a problem! Choose premium high quality canned or dry foods, or a frozen raw or dehydrated diet. These healthy options are balanced and complete, and quick and easy to feed. Raw diets come in handy tubes, medallions or cubes – all you do is thaw and serve according to instructions. Going for a dehydrated diet? Just add water, and voila – your dog has a healthy tasty dinner in a couple of hours. When you can, add extra variety with healthy table scraps, such as lean meat, cooked veggies, or rice. Avoid fat, cooked bones and sweets.


HaPPY MEdIUM “I try to balance work and play. My job keeps me busy, but with kids off at school, I have a little more time for myself and my loved ones – human and canine.” Change up your dog’s diet now and then by home-preparing food a couple times a week. Cut up chicken, turkey, lamb, beef or other meat and toss into a blender or food processor along with some chicken broth and small pieces of carrot, broccoli, beet, kale or spinach. Add an equal amount of your dog’s favorite canned food. Blend, and add supplements such as bone meal or calcium, digestive enzymes and fish oils – follow label directions for supplement doses per meal or day. Serve and watch Rover enjoy!



Canadian dogs annual 2013

TIME’s on MY sIdE “I don’t have kids or a lot of other responsibilities, so my time is mostly my own. I enjoy finding new things to do.” You’re in a good position to feed your dog a wholly home-prepared diet – and do the important research necessary to properly understand canine nutrition. The diet should be made up of raw or cooked meat (e.g. beef, poultry, cooked fish); carbs (e.g. quinoa, brown rice, rolled oats, sweet potatoes); veggies (steamed or put through a food processor, e.g. dark leafy greens, carrots, squash, broccoli, etc.); and supplements such as fish oil and digestive enzymes. The ratio of the ingredients depends on your dog, his activity level, health, etc. so it’s beneficial to find a good resource to help out.



Canadian dogs annual 2013

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