Autumn Winter 2014 E legant T his
lines and timeless tailoring encapsulate the
season we see the introduction of the
the much - loved
C lassic
H acking
H endre
A utumn W inter ‘14
collection at
W illa B iker jacket , the Q uilted P atmos B uxton and C ontrast coats .
K atherine H ooker .
waistcoat and the
jackets ,
styles that have been expertly cut with a twist are designed to take you from city to country .
M ilan
O ur
coat alongside
custom - made
service lets you choose the exact fabric and trim combinations to suit your customer , enabling you to create a one - of - a - kind collection for your shop .
C hoose
directly from
T he E dit C ollection
T he E ssentials C ollection ,
collection that is truly personal to your market .
or alternatively choose custom - made to ensure a
N otable clients include : T aylor S wift , the D uchess of C ambridge , P ippa M iddleton , S ienna M iller , J emma K idd , C at D eeley , Z oe S aldana , J eannie M ai , M eryl S treep , K elly R utherford , Y oko O no and J erry H all . To
view the collection , or to find out more about
K atherine H ooker
please visit our website at www . katherinehooker . com .
RIG H T , Milan coat, K970 pale g r e y S h e t l a n d w i t h L1 1 9 mercury metallic leather under the collar.