Bloody Daily - number 3 (Eng.)

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Publishing director Jessica Pignaffo

Deputy directors

Rudy Leveni, Innocenza Anna Maria Bruno

Article writers

Natasha Nussenblatt , Simona Fonda, Laura D’Este, Anna Bells, Vanessa Gorga, Giuliana Mele, Raffaela R., Matteo Marnati, Gina Losapio, Noemi Terruzzi, Gaia Beduschi, Emanuele Amanteo. Luigi Toto


Laura D'Este


Raffaela Rotunno, Sabrina Simotti, Emanuele Amanteo


Micaela Patacchiola


Chiara Demorra, Luisa Ricotta

EDITORIAL Since Klaus came out of his coffin and put foot in Mystic Falls, we realized that nothing in The Vampire Diaries would have been like before: Jenna was dead, and a bad-boy immortal and deadly had taken up residence in our favourite supernatural town. And we were not wrong. He and his dysfunctional family have changed the dynamics of the show and have conquered audiences with their arrogance, bad manners, readyness to kill anyone for any reason. But in addition of sowing death and destruction, the Originals also made our heart beat, episode after episode each of them revealed a piece of his humanity. And right now that this group of ancient vampires seems to be integrated into the community of Mystic Falls, they will have to leave us. Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah will have their own show, set in New Orleans. Still don’t know what this change will mean for The Vampire Diaries - also in terms of success and popularity - but one thing is certain. This issue had to be dedicated to them and to their history. In this third issue of the Bloody Daily, you will find a special section dedicated to them and a analysis on Silas and the cure, another important theme of the season. Obviously there will be our usual headings and many original articles: we’ll talk about the new show by Kevin Williamson - The Following, we’ll reveal how Lauren Cohan continued her career after the role of Rose, we will say who we think is more likely to die in this season and much more. Another important new feature of this issue is that we are working on an English version, so that all fans of the series can read us. That said, I wish you happy reading! (And don’t forget to tell us what you think of our proposals on Twitter and Facebook). by JESSICA PIGNAFFO

Bloody Daily


WEBSITES INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT LOVELYSUCKS.IT “Love Bites� this statement has become part of our lives, since The Vampire Diaries has forcefully broke into TV. And precisely because of the importance and meaning of this phrase Rudy Leveni decided to call lovelysucks his site, graphically designed by his brother Stefano, who is preparing these days the new graphics dedicated to the fourth season. The Lovely has inside it thirty collaborators, including columnists and translators. Every day are posted news from Italy and the world, comments, opinions, gossip, spoilers and all the possible material about our favorite show. The Lovely gives much space to imagination and columnists of the site, week after week, create articles which can intrigue their readers, always new and original. The site was created in 2010 after the transformation of the forum in website.

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES LOVE The Vampire Diaries Love was founded in 2010 by pen and imagination of Jessica Pignaffo. It had to be a simple blog, but the interest of the readers and the growing success of the series has turned it into a website for real, which soon became an Italian reference for fans of the series. Our main goal is to create a community, a place where all the fans find refuge and share their passion. Love also has a fed staff, which day after day, is busy keeping fans updated on 360-degree world of The Vampire Diaries. Because the passion for this series runs through our veins.

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES ITALIA The Vampire Diaries Italia, known as TVD Italia, was established in 2009 founded by Biam. First fan-site to dominate the national and international scene of The Vampire Diaries, it has birth with the intention of creating a sharing center for fans of the series and books: news, spoilers, reviews, opinions, contests, discussion centers, a 360 degrees trip in the world of TVD and its protagonists, a showcase for brand new writers and people passionate of writing. Over the years, it has partnered with the publishing house Newton, with television networks, organizations, events, in order to improve the quality of information offered to the users. The TVD Italia has a staff of about thirty people between authors, translators and administrators: a family that works for all fans of the series. The TVD Italia is you!



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News about the project.


Overview articles.




Our rank on the most “heartbreaking” moments of all the times.


What’s hidden behind the promotional pictures of TVD? Let’s find it together.


Here it is, our ranking list of the best moments betweetn Klaus and Caroline.


The Originals is coming. All you have to know about the most waited spinoff of the year.



“We stick together as one. Always and forever”. Back to the origins of the Mikaelson Family.


Let’s deepen together two of the central themes of 4th season: SILAS and the CURE.


Even a zombie can have feelings. Don’t believe it? Don’t miss Warm Bodies.


Speculations and suppositions: who will die next in Mystic Falls?

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Discover with us what Lauren Cohan has done after leaving the clothes of the vampire Rose!


Music is an important factor in every single TVD episode. Here the best and intense songs, picked for you..


Crossword puzzles, quizzes and other games to have fun with friends and to test themselves!


Mistakes, gaffes, epic fails: our watchful eye don’t miss anything! Here the mistakes of 4th season.



THE BEST FANMADE DEDICATED TO TVD A collection of the best fanmade videos dedicated to Vampire Diaries.


Plunge behind the show, discovering all the special effects used on the set.


Luigi Toto answers questions from fans .. a section not to be missed.

FASHION: CAROLINE FORBES’ STYLE Would you like to imitate Caroline’s outfits? We’ll explain how!



Enter The Following’s universe, the new show produced by Kevin Williamson. Not for the weakest heart.



In real life, Joseph Morgan has close to his heart the social causes and support particularly Positive Women’s activity.



Gaia Beduschi unveals the tricks to be prepared for livin the experience of the convention.

59 Bloody Daily


Dialogue between Alaric and Damon Sincerity, fear, friendship who comes out strongly, the weaknesses detected, foggy mind by reality. An intense scene, painful, that makes us cry, impossible to stop. The Alaric’s choice, Damon near in the last moment, like he wants to tear a smile, before barriers of pride and power down.

SEVEN The ranking of the

most painful and terrifying moments of the Vampire Diaries di Anna Bells


here is a fine line separating the real world from that of Mystic Falls, a fine line combining, thursday, the real world from that of Mystic Falls. In 42 minutes to week, a window opens and we are immersed in minds and hearts of our caracters. Like the world that doesn’t exist, the false one, were the which one that is around us and not Mystic Falls. We feel pain, love, emotion, strong feels,weak, suffering, anger, surprise, all in the same moment. How many tears we have paid, in silence to not be heard, in while our heart trembleed? This are the most painful and terrifying moments of a show that we love so much and that, for 42 minutes to week, become our reality.

The most painful moments Rose’s death It was, with no doubt, one of the moment, in the history of TVD, that ripped out our heart. Leaving with a smile on lips, around friend’s arm who is making the death so sweet, who is deleting the loneliness with an unforgettable dream. Damon taking her in his arms and she is left soothed and kill, in a gesture full of love, sorrow and compassion.


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Jenna’s death The courage of an aunt, guilt, the last sign of a love which united her to Elena and Jeremy, she tries to restist, to obstruct these cursed ritual, even if she hasn’t the streinght. We were breathless to see Elena and Jenna’s looks and these sensation of powerlessness who gnaw Elena like us, like her, conscious of death that came, while Klaus ripped life, ripped her from us and from her nephew.

The most terrifying moments

Elena and Stefan broke up because of Katherine “Katherine won, she won” Words that disturbs soul. An impossibile love because of gelousy and Petrova’s tenacity. Protect the other, sacrifice this strong feels, Stefan and Elena’s tears that mix with our, while their suffering was suddenly our.

Klaus and Stefan, 1920

Damon doesn’t find Katherine in the tomb Let’s try to love and search a woman for all your life, thinking that she loves you, then suddenly you wake up and you understand the reality, she, in that tomb that you try to openwith all your streinght , is not there. Where is the love of your life? You hear the stomach screams and the arms tremble and the world starts to turn in reverse, destroying your inner balance.

Klaus kills 12 hibryds In a way it’s like he killed a parte of himself. Joseph hasn’t rivals when interprets to hightest livels Klaus’s personality. Determined, ruthless, killing with psychopathic tranquility, as if he eating breakfast. Hatred, resentment, revenge, but above all betrayal, he, above strength and head, badly cheated, eradicated from the throne.

Damon on his deathbed How to imaginated him, as she leaned her head on his chest, he who thinked that would be amazing dying in her arms, while she said goodbye to him with a kiss, that kiss so desired, hoped, wanted, so much that his death it’s not so bad. He that remembered to her how much he loved her and how much he cared to his brother in spite of everything. We know that he really couldn’t die but the scene sadness didn’t make us think more that to these moment between Damon and Elena.

The treachery, cunning, being vampires at hundred percent. The ripper who comes out in all his mania for bodies’s puzzle. Stefan that forces a man to drink his wife’s blood and that will join in macabre list on the wall. Rebekah and Klaus who laugh to see this creepy scene.

Bonnie’s fake death For a second we became Elena, for a secondo we felt what it would to say, trough Nina’s eyes, lose our best friend, be aware that you have to blame for everything that was happening and feel of wanting to get up from that chair and split the world, but without that the muscles have the strength, glued to the floor and you don’t want to taste that tea.

Klaus forces Stefan to drink blood Dig with a stake, to use compulsion whitout see in the eyes. Blackmail basic, weaknesses of red liquid. Personality who fight. Klaus had only one thing in his mind: to pay the bill to Stefan to save Damon and return to the old roots the Ripper, to the origins of that friendship, playmates and meals.

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Werewolves torture Caroline

The sacrifice It was one of the most terrifying moments, one of that ones that you never can’t forget and that stay in the first positition, even when happens something worst. Death, fire, spells, Klaus who moved every people like a puppet. These are without doubs those moments that make you love the show.

Klaus takes Alaric’s body A cheer is deservet to Matt Davis. He was the real protagonist of this epic moment. Klaus (evere in the middle of the most terrifying moments) token the body of our history’s teacher. See him in this cloths, in this double role, expresses a sorte of mysticism. It’s like live in a bubble of magic.


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It was a very intense scene, ruthless. Brady that has fun to play the target with a screaming blond vampire, while Jules’s plan became strong. Caroline, locked in a cage like an animal, like her nature makes her ignoble, Tyler doesn’t do what it should while she removed from pieces of wood from the neck.

Damon kills Mason Tortures in TVD are the scene of most emotional impact. Uncle Mason sitting and chained to a chair on a carpet to not dirty the floor, in front of fireplace. The location expresses yet what will happen next. Torture and then a heart ripped out, similar to what Katherine has always done. Damon, in this role, is phenomenal.

Promotional pics of TVD

and their

s e c r ets

Inside promotional posters is often hidden the story of a show, present, past or future. The vampire Diaries’ official photos always activate, inside us as fans, a sort of “destructive” mechanism, unleashing questions for every minimum detail, from a quote, to the position, from outfits to actor’s expression. A sort of rebus repeating every time. All this began with the first promotional poster which launched the show, since four years ago already. Let’s rememmber quickly and describe these photos, which made TVD’s history and entered our heart, beginning from first season.

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by Anna Bells

Season ONE In this first poster, Elena lies down, with a raven on her knee and Damon and Stefan with heads near to her hips, orizontally. A position that, looking from all directions, remind us to a cross. If we want to look in details, Elena meets for the “first” time the two Salvatore in a graveyard. Speaking of Damon we know she sees only a shadow near a grave. In the background there is a weeping willow, maybe symbol of the human Elena, hurt by her parents’ death? Elena’s two elbows converge towards Damon and Stefan’s shoulders, but if we look better the one on side Stefan almost touches the minor brother’s shoulder, while the one on side Damon seems to be more far; does this little detail and maybe insignificant can describe the different relation with the two brothers? Closing with the raven, as we know in the first episodes this crow was “spying” Elena, Bonnie saw it in her visions, with the fog, and seems to predict not only this but also the major brother’s arrival.

Season TWO Katherine’s arrival can be felt in colours, location, different Nin style, sexy, aggressive, clever and inquisitive gaze. We can see a very sensual trio, for the black outfits, determined, made of leather, so tight and slinky. Let’s go now with the position of the protagonists: Stefan is lying on the bed, with Katherine that “tie” his hand to the railing, almost marking territory. It’s an important detail the fact that Stefan doesn’t have any spontaneous contact with the Petrova, she is provocating him with a sexy position, by sitting in the middle of his legs. We notice also that Stefan’s arm is dangling from the bed, just like he is surrendering. Moreover the fact that Stefan and Katherine are on the bed shows the Petrova’s preference for the younger brother, just like she keeps him on a higher level, don’t even forget that when she was captured she was with Stefan in bed. Damon


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instead is near the bed, but sat down, touched obsessively by Katherine, possessivley while he lands his hand on her’s (just to describe that feeling that Damon had always had for Katherine), she excites ice eyes, with the leg she touches him, she rubs him, their bodies are near even if they are on different levels. A poster launching the clear message by Katherine “The Salvatores are mine”.

Season THREE This is without doubts the promotional image who revealed most of the facts of the season. We can see klaus and Stefan apart, meaning their past period lived side by side in Ripper mood of Stefan. As we can see Stefan’s hans are covered with blood, as a simbolic sign of his situation, “i make puzzles with bodies” mood. We see Elena very near to Damon,

who lies down with head on our Gilbert, while they are holding their hands. This without any doubt shows the deep proximity of this couple while Stefan is far away. The fallen fruits from the tree can be considered the sin, temptation fruits, leading not only to the increasing feeling of Elena and Damone, but also Klaus and Stefan fellowship, and the hidden part of the younger Salvatore which surrender completely to blood. We see Damon with a knife in the hand, “covered with blood� juice of the fruits, that he offers in other images to Elena letting her eat it. Elena has her hands covered with that juice and hold one of them in the hand. We know that the juice can be compared to blood, and that can mean the passage of Elena from human to vampire.

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Season Four The First thing that I noticed, like all of you, was the blood that drips by Elena’s and Damon’s hands. About Elena: Noting her hands position addressed to Salvatore’s bothers, a position that remember a sacrifice, an offering. Also for a vampire, and we know it very well, there isn’t nothing more important than blood and seems that she, in this picture, offers it to Damon and Stefan. If you notice, infact, the two brothers had, at their feet, a blood pool. Also Elena’s position, with the arms far away from body and strained, remebers very


Bloody Daily

much a woman who wants to give totally herself, to offer herself. The last clue: do you remember holy picture? Elena had her hand tied, that all of us translated like a simbol of sirebond, even in this case has impairment its part? In my opinion totally yes. Should not be underestimated the tear that Elena spill by her right eye, on the side where Damon is, that this have some explanation? Damon, like Elena, lose blood from his hands, what it means? I have immediately think to torture, but at the same time to a link with

Elena, it seems as their blood mix on the floor. A torture and a link, but sincerely nothing of good for the older of Salvatore, like he was resigned to something, he gave me this feel, looking his expression. The position, who puzzled me most, is that of Stefan, he doens’t lose blood fro his hands, like we can see. He almost seems like in the classic position of turning away. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean that Stefan will pull out everything in destiny to happen in Mystic Falls. Hands holding the jacket, in that way, give me a sense of closure.

Top 10 Klaroline moments by Matteo Marnati e Raffaella R.

3x11 “Happy Birthday Caroline” He: man of the world, schemer, sometimes impassive, he decided to turn off his humanity to stop suffering. She: a young lady, born and raised always in a little town; sunny, a little bit too meticulous, has an intense desire to live every human emotion like tragedy of vampirism did not touch her. Two souls that apparently have not in common in a cold autumn evening meet, confront, understand each other. Caroline breaks Klaus’ armor, Klaus feels with Caroline, saves her from that action set by him in person in order to move his game. We didn’t imagine that this would have beer only the beginning for them.


klaroline She was consuming her with the desire of knowing what was fomenting his soul in that moment, in which way he was thinking about her and if, even if with dishonour, she was still in his beloved. Maybe he had been kind because he felt at ease, but there had been that something special in his voice that didn’t seem to an sense of ease. She couldn’t say if, seeing her, he had felt more joy or more pain, but what was certain was that he had not seen her with not insignificant attitude. Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice

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3x14 “I’m not talking to you untill you tell why you invited me here” “I fancy you. Is that so hard to believe?” With this little dialogue Klaus reveals his feelings about Caroline. For us too is not easy to think that the scary hybrid could have feelings. But, Klaus admires Caroline, appreciates her, craves her. By not losing his inimitable gentleman charme. Ah, England! And in all this Caroline knows how to behave, very well. She knows she is beautiful, she knows that she feeds Klaus’ attention. But she withdraw, run from him like water from our hands, because is impossible to keep it without wasting it. Caroline knows she hit the hybrid, and is proud of herself, without really showing it. Think about her reject for this ball…

challenge him, making him decide to do his move. “Thank you for your honesty” is his answer scribbled on a drawing,, at the end of the night. Caroline understand from this moment tha she will automatically bounded to him, in good or evil.

Caroline is surprised. Maybe too much, for one who’s pretending a lot not to stand him. Her face, indeed, shows wonder but also concern. What if she is beginning to give up in front of all the beautiful hybrid’s avances?

3x20 Another party for our couple, and another face to face. And if in 3x14 the theme was “The originals”, for the reunion of the most loved and contested family of TVD’s history, this time the two lovers will delight us with lovely (not too much) dialogues by the rithm of ’20 style dances.

3x14 But then watching a beautiful canvas, she hits strongly Klaus with this words: “Your father didn’t love you so you assume that no one else neither do it. And that’s why you compel people, or you sire them or you try to buy them off. But that’s not how it works. You don’t connect with people because you don’t even try to understand them.” And for not arguing, klaus doesn’t react. Simply watches er going away. Deeply he knows that Caroline is right. In the past, he never gave complete trust to others, he always tried to control them, moved up every single action, to be always one step ahead. But now thre’s a flame in him, all is again in discussion: Caroline hits him,


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“C’mon, one dance? I won’t bite!” is the invite of Klaus. And Caroline, although reluctant and apparently annoyed for leaving Tyler, just back in town, accept Klaus’ proposal.

“You would have loved the 1920’s Caroline, girls were reckless, sexy, fun. You should be nicer to me. I’m leaving town tomorrow.”

“I’d invite you to come with me but we both know that you are not ready to accept my offer. Maybe one day, in a year or even in a century, you’ll turn up to my door and let me show you what the world has to offer.” Intense lookings. At the spontaneous shout out of “Kiss, Kiss!” Caroline stop the eye contact. “But why?”, I want to shout. Why ruin a so beautiful moment? Ah, yes, Tyler and sired thing! It’s natural to me, forgetting this little detail. “Small town boy, small town life… it won’t be enough for you.” Klaus go away, really angry, another time, because of Caroline’s gestures and behaviour. This one, with sad face, looks at him going away, aware that she hurt him but at the same time sorry for having done this.

3x21 “It’s me, you’re safe.” Running at vampire speed in the school hallway after being tortured


by Ric. Running for saving your life untill two strong arms wrap you, making you feel protected, finally. This is what happened between Caroline and Klaus in this episode. Few seconds together gazing at each other, it tell us all. Worry and firmness from one side, that singular look that doesn’t admit replies, gratitude and surprise from Caroline who certainly was not hopin that from Klaus in that situation. The episode, as we all remember sadly, didn’t finish well for him and our Barbie Vampire had a big style fallin with the party for the event…nevertheless we can forgive her. “Let’s kill Klaus” was the motto for the whole third season and we cant blame them for what they have done…or maybe yes!

“Only once I thought about how it must be to live the life of a human being.”


Caroline at last receives the answer to the question that she had timidly placed at the bench. Klaus wished to be human only once, after seeing a hummingbird flying around him, during a journey on the Andes. And here it is, the humanity of Klaus, naked under the eyes of Caroline who once again, yet another, finds herself puzzled and pleasantly surprised by that man who is wrong according to every moral code. Still unable to keep him away, walks arm in arm with him, listens to him like perhaps nobody has ever done and learns to know him, discovering that over the façade of the ruthless hybrid there is much, much more. That spontaneity, that feeling, those was all fake behaviours? Something tells me not, and soon we will have confirmation...

“Why would I wanna cure myself not being the most powerful creature on the planet?”

4x06 “I wouldn’t have let Tyler hurt you” Here we are again. Caroline the Bait. They should really think about calling her like that, seen that thay always wave her under Klaus’ nose. Again our Barbie pulls her better weapons (aka the top breathtaking neckline and languid gaze) and seduces the handsome hybrid, who make her wince again. How? By candidly admitting that no, he wouldn’t have let anyone hurt her. Klaus is happy, incredulous and happy, because of Caroline accepting to drink with him. Hanging with him. And since he does not miss anything, he tells her also that she is beautiful. Of course, this is followed by a not so veiled threat of death, but hey, if he is not “original” who else can be?

But what we’ll see here in a few seconds will be a normal guy, who finally smiles and jokes with the girl who has stolen his heart. Sitting on the bench, sipping champagne, they aren’t certainly at the famous distance of three chairs imposed by Caroline. Klaus teases the self-confidence that she always showed-off and Car cannot do anything else but laugh, as we didn’t see her doing in a long time, for that situation, astonished by the way she can relate with him. Another crack in the armor of Klaus who finally can enjoy a moment of carelessness, taking off the mask of the great and big bad wolf.

4x09 The title had to be: “Let’s work against klaus.” Although this is one of those episodes in which Caroline is used as lure for sharks, you can not ignore how much these two are sweet being together. I’m telling the truth. By the rythm of literary quotes, they delight us with deep reasonings and comments like truly art critics. The sexy hybrid, showing his artistic streak, allows us to enter his more reserved part, that, as Caroline says, “express something about lonelyness.”

Bloody Daily


It’s a scene of a few seconds, but significant. If by one side we have Klaus, interested only in his beloved girl, to the other side is her, who seems another time pretending not to feel something about him. Buti t will be really true? Well, let’s hope not!

personal, love” is the answer to his actions.

4x13 And I hate how much I love you girl I cant stand how much I need you (yeah..) And I hate how much I love you girl But I just cant let you go But I hate that I love you so That’s what klaus should have sung to Caroline. Because yes, in this episode we can see a lot of emotions shocking the fascinating hybrid. We can’t deny it. Too much pain for the loss of his brother, lying there, on the floor, a few steps from him but at the same time unreachable. Rage, because he can’t exit that house he’s in anymore, for the spell done by Bonnie. Frustration, because he knows he is remained alone. But overall, envy for Tyler, because he knows he will never have Caroline, the beautiful Caroline with blonde hair and sharp tongue, hiding behind a fragile mask of brass ans bravery, ready to collapse by one moment or another. Yes, Caroline pretend to hate him, not standing him…but she can’t do it. Despite the “You are not even worth the calories I’ve burned talking to you”, it’s evident that Caroline it’s not believing it seriously. She wants to hurt him. But Klaus is hot tempered. He bites her, aware of the fact that she could die without his blood, aware he hurt her, but overall, that she will hate him forever. “Nothing


Bloody Daily

“How can you do this to me?”, says Caroline at low voice, near to death. “I’m a thousand years old. Call it boredom.”. Klaus hides behind a mask of wax, easy to dissolve. “I don’t believe you. It’s because you’re hurt. Which means there is a part of you that is human.” “How could you possibly think that?” “Because I’ve seen it. Because I’ve caught myself wishing that I could have forget all the horrible things that you’ve done. I know that you’re in love with me, and anybody capable of love is capable of being saved.” Tears. Hot tears which are gonna flow on his face. Shivers. Desperation. Caroline close her eyes… and Klaus, once again, cures her. If it’s not love, this…


by Giuliana Mele e Raffael


f you are fan of the Orig trio, you have not idea what the executive produ of The Vampire Diaries, J Plec, has in store for y

“The Originals”: this seems to the title of the new spin-off wh sees as protagonist that Bri gyy who stole us heart and s Yes, we are talking about him, only and unique Klaus Mikaels The show was officially announ on 11 January 2013, and will deb as backdoor pilot, starting this w by a normal TVD episode, ai exactly on 25th of April 2

“The Originals”

An all original spin-off

lla R.

ginal of ucer Julie you.

o be hich itish soul. the son! nced bute way iring 2013.

The series, moreover, will be shot in the wonderfull and also misterious New Orleans town, where our favourite hybrid (who took part in the building of the city) will have to deal with some pieces from his past and not only. Won’t miss flashbacks that will help us the complexity of a family like the Original’s one, a family meant to be hated, but we finished to love with all ourselves. Many of them lived for a thousand years, finding the end in Mystic Falls. Mikael, Finn, Esther fello ne by one like mosquitos. At the end tree of them survived…and what a trio.We

saw them in a 1000 a.C. flashback holding their hands and promising they would have been together always and forever Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah are doubtless the Originals who entered our heart, one for his tipical engllish charme and deep sensual voice, the other for candidness and strong desire to love and being loved, the third for a marked nobleness and tipical behaviour of a man of other times. Last to star in the series, Rebekah is the little sister of the family: capricious, spoiled, sometimes sadist to the limits of disturbing, but with an infinite longing for

love. “She loves blindly even if it consumes her” Elena said to Damon last season about our Barbie Klaus. Because, she can also easily yield to the lure of the Salvatore brothers, but one thing must be recognized: she has spent the last 1000 years alongside his Nik, although often this costed her happyness. Little different thing for Elijah, older brother and oldest original now. His motto is “Family above all”, because even if he criticize strongly the methods and bad manners of his brothers (like saying: we are the Originals, please don’t make the others recognize us!), for them

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he would do all, even threaten Elena with death, for whom it seems he has a cruch… Determined, authoritary, with solid moral principles, we have idea that this character will surprise us! And finally him, Klaus, the big bad wolf, very probably the protagonist of the series. He has a very difficult past behind his shoulders, made by betrayals, important people who turned their back on him. In The Vampire Diaries we discovered him little by little and he surprised us always more: he is a murderer, cold and without pity but he’s also an artist and from his paintings comes out all deep and complexity of his character. Despite the reputation of though not capable of weakness, the only one who can bring his humanity up, making us love him more. But the tree Originals are not the only characters who will entertain us on the show. We already know one of them, it’s Hayley. Hardass and “shady girl” (quoting Damon), the she-wolf who betrayed Tyler and seems to be in league with Katherine, will be in the waited spin-off. The motivation is not known yet, but it seems that she also will be in New Orleans some way, and not the only one, another supernatural being is in streets of this fantastici town: his name is Marcel, sexy vampire, fascinating and damnly cruel, one of the most faithfull “jackal” of Klaus, who proclaimed “not official King” of the zone…Something suggests us battles won’t be missed between these two! You thought it was all? Nota t all, there will be another particular character who will awake our attention and most probably Klaus’: she is the young Camille, simple university student, sweet, resourcefull, but overall a human. After this news lots of fans thought already at a possible triangle between her, Klaus and Elijah. Suddenly started theories, critics and doubts on the series. “Will be a similar situation to Elena, Damon and Stefan?”. We can’t know it yet. But, we can’t deny, the first thought we had in mind when we have heard about the spinoff was: “OMG, and what about Klaroline now?”. We just begun tasting their story and, after last episodes, in which the two had an intense and sincere dialogue about feeling of the sexy hybrid, this ax of a next separation between them, threaten our paradise more and more. Worsen the situation the spoilers about a probable approach between Camille and Klaus. Now also opens the glimmer for a possible crossover between The Originals and


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The Vampire Diaries (indeed the series will be shooted in Atlanta for this motivation) and Caroline surely is the ring of connection of the two shows. In one of last nterviews, Julie Plec, remarked the fact that the spin-off will be like a impedition to the love story of Caroline and Klaus but we don’t have to forget that “there is desire” between t h e m . Klaroline fans are worries, Tyler seems to be gone from Mystic Falls so there are more possibilities to see Nik and Vampire Barbie in sweet and waited moments… we, at the same moment, are more curious to see Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah together in a whole based on them series, also because Joseph, Claire and Daniel are really fantastic actors, talented and they deserve it really. And you? Are you ready? We can’t wait, but we only have to wait (with anxiety and interest) and we date you to the 25 of april! Stay tuned!

out when Rose, anwering to the insistent questions of Elena who heard about Elijah’s name, pronounces those words, which are gonna change all. “He’s one of THE Vampires, The Originals”. Trevor then explains succintly what does Rose’s words mean: “The Originals. The First Family. The Old World”. We have a first bite of what this means a bit late. The arrival of the called one and an imperious knocking to the door unleash panic in Trevor, in front of an astonished Elena. While Rose goes at the door, this opens slowly, almost re-




walk into the past to retrace the Original Family’s history, this is what we propose starting from this number. In two times we’ll discover past and present of Mikaelson Family re watching trough the tv audience’s eyes the main facts of them in these tree seasons.

In these four years of history, rich and intense, there are many things that made us be touched, be angry, be moved…in general gave us shivers. No one had such an impact, at least on majority of us, as the Original Family. More of a thousand year of existence, of living, for seven characters who, truly, created the history of The Vampire Diaries, because without them nothing could have been happened. And by truth, Isobel and John was referring to this, in their dialogue, in the car, in the first season. When we saw that arguing between them we thought they were speaking about the Salvatore borothers and they wanted to save their daughter from Stefan and Damon, from the reality they were representing and from their lumber past, Katherine. But, those words were hiding a truth darker and powerfull if compaired with imagination of someone . It’s in 2x08 “Rose”, that, for the first time we hear about them. Elena was kidnapped by a man compelled by Trevor, and she was


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brougth, fainted, from this one to the house where Rose and him were hidden. What would the two 500 years old vampires want from Elena? The thought it’s, another time, related to Katherine is driven

presnting the veil which is going away fro truth, that we’ll discover being more extended, deep and painful than we can imagine, and He appears, the first of the Originals come on scene. Elijah. Few moves, few instants, and we are showed what differences him from commons vampires. He shows off an absolute charisma, he moves with innated charm and elegance, with a self-confidence which nor Trevor, 500 years old, has. His quiet presence (“It’s a somewhere we can talk?”) is devastating. We don’t know yet who he really is, but his authority is immediatly indiscussable. Rose confront to him with prudence, anyway, despite the emblematic question-affirmation of this Original (“What gives you the courage to call me?”), she pronounces words we won’t never forget and will become re-

presentives for this man. “Elijah, you’re a man of honor, you should be trusted”. Soon after, the arrival of the Salvatores, Elijah himself makes a statement as symbolic as true: “You’re making a great mistake if you think That you can beat me. You can’t. Do you hear that? I repeat. You cannot beat me.“ Exactly in 2x11 “By The Light Of The Moon”, Elijah repeats it to Elena, when he finally decides to talk to the girl, to have a private conversation with her, away from any excitement occurred earlier, which prevented a serious confrontation. Although he introduced in Elena’s house not allowed, the situation caused in all of us the same alarm felt by the young, shortly after the Original asks forgiveness for that and reveals his “peaceful” intent. Therefore, two

sentences spoken by Elijah, reaffirm what was stated in that abandoned house, “Oh, if I wasn’t mean truthful your family will be dead and I’ll be taken to Klaus, right now... instead, I’m here and I’m preparing to offer you a deal” and, explaining to Elena his proposal to work together to get to Klaus, and also to protect those she loves, ”I’m man of my word, Elena. I make a deal, I keep a deal”. Indeed, only twice Elijah will personally break his word: both times, will also be to save his family, the only thing he has left really and what he loves most. In the tornado of events that will trigger after his conversation with Elena, in fact, he will go beyond the promise made to the

girl to protect people she loved, from Klaus, saving them from other mortal danger instead and we’ll find also that his intent is to also save Elena, only to see if she can be trusted or not. And this, we will understand later, because of his past with Katherine. It is during the absence, forced, of Elijah, that comes “The most feared and hated of The Originals”, the second we can know: Klaus. His arrival on the scene in Mystic Falls is powerful and expressive as Elijah’s: he comes in the form of spirit that takes possession of Alaric’s body, one of his favorite tricks, apparently, to be introduced among his enemies and

find out what their plans and their weapons are, from sublime strategist who turns out to be. Only after he reveals to them, and taking back his body, we see him for real. Klaus comes out of that coffin again master of himself and looks, then, to Damon, Alaric, Stefan and Elena, with a charisma and a safety similar to those of Elijah, a soothing voice and a beautiful and almost angelic face. Exceptional contrast to his vile purposes. His arrival in the city is what allows us, finally, to really lift the veil of myth and legend that has enveloped the Originals and can thus begin to rebuild their ancient history, without which none of the beloved trio of the show would exist. In 2x19 “Klaus”, a reborn Elijah comes to a final deal with Elena and

begins to show, towards the girl, trust and affection that will be typical of their relationship, natural evolution of amused curiosity that she has shown previously, taking heart in facing him. And this is what brings the Original to unveil to her a summary of the truth that concerns them all: he is the older brother of Klaus. There is a whole family of Originals, initially human and only later became vampires. The father of the two Original Brothers, was a rich land owner and he and his wife had seven sons, included Elijah and Klaus. A united human family, who loved each other, which only problems were between Klaus and his father. After their transformation into vampires, the family discovered Klaus was not son of Elijah’s father, but of a man with the lycantroph gene. Such discovering lead to the destruction of the paternal family

of Klaus from Elijah’s father and the other brothers, beginningthe war between Vampires and Werewolves, and forced witches to curse Klaus to hide his hybrid nature, particularly his werewolf part, it had to be sleeping and he had to be only a vampire. “We are the Original Family and from us all vampires were created” reveals Elijah to

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Elena. And finally we find their vast power. The Originals can’t be killed except with a stake of only only tree, the White Oak. They can’t killed by the sun, not by fire, not by a werewolf bite, mortal, instead for the common vampire. The true curse, hide with the guile of “The Sun and the Moon Curse”, affects only on Klaus and it’s the one that stop his werewolf’s nature. He wants to break it to became a true hybrid and creates his race. For five houndred year, Elijah was side by side to his brother, until a meet with a girl, who remembers him someone, changed anything. Elijah’s feelings towards this girl, Katerina Petrova who later became Katherine Pierce later, the bud of love that he kept in his heart for her, led to the rift between the two brothers. Over the next five hundred years, Klaus has become increasingly isolated, while Elijah waited for the chance to stop his brother, on which finally opened his eyes. And that time has come to Elena. That’s not all, though. During the episode 2x21 “The Sun Also Rises”, during an intense discussion with Stefan, in the silence of a night when the tragedy hanging over them (the

will, instead, with Jenna and Jules), Elijah, the powerful Original that could wipe them all out in a few seconds, humbly seeks to reassure Stefan, decided to sacrifice himself instead of Jenna, recognizing their talent perhaps more important to him, honor and revealing another piece of the history of his family after he and Klaus were divided, Klaus fell to one by one the other brothers, taking them away from him. From his experience millenary unintentionally impart a lesson to the “young” vampire: “Sometimes there’s honor in revenge, Stefan”. The sadness and yearning that accompany this moment are enhanced by our knowledge that things will not go well. Elijah, proud and cold, towers over his younger brother, when he was near life by Bonnie. With a sudden movement and devastating, puts his arm into the chest of Klaus, ready to not disappoint Stefan, Elena and all the others, ready to avenge honor and in the manner of the ancient world of deaths because of his brother and, above all, those of his family, requiring, therefore, the death of Klaus: “in the name of our family, Niklaus...” but it is precisely then that Klaus performs his trump card, the only thing he knows , will bring down the resolve of his older brother and do not come, so his

mehow, we are only at the beginning. Elijah was imprisoned by Klaus, who demonstrates that he has the same ability to manipulate others through the ambiguity of words already raised by his older brother with Rose, but then another member of the Originals comes in scene: Rebekah. We’re in episode 3x03 “The End Of The Affair” and another piece of this millennial story comes out to us. Another new entry: after we see her alive (not only physically but also culturally), elegant, charming and beautiful in the 20’s, so, Rebekah shows to us planted in the stomach of Klaus, the older brother, the same dagger with which he has made and held captive for almost a hundred years. The beautiful Orginal Vampire knows that the knife does not produce any significant effect on his brother, but she does it the same, in order to obtain the small satisfaction of seeing him by surprise and temporarily in difficulty because of physical injury. Suffering,

as she has suffered. And so we get a glimpse of a side of the character of this woman apparently young and yet so old: she is strong, vindictive, brave and stubborn. After seeing Klaus decided to find packs of werewolves to turn them into hybrids, following the instructions of a witch, and have discovered that his purpose is to create a kind of army with which anyone, ever,

same night in which Klaus, posing with ways to calm a perfect gentleman and saying sweet words with his soothing voice, led by Elena to sacrifice in the ritual that will break the curse imposed on him, as well as want to do, at the beginning, with Caroline and Tyler as he


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word: he did not really kill their brothers. They are prisoners, their bodies safe. Elijah, in front of this little hope after century of dark and loneliness, collapses. He saves Klaus and take him away, safe, while despising him as only a brother can do, a totally obvious contempt in his eyes when you wake up after Klaus’s transformation into a werewolf, two days later. The veil is lifted more and more, and yet, so-

have the courage to challenge and oppose him, we discover other aspects of the personality of this fascinating and ruthless Original. In Chicago in the ‘20s, where we see him develop an unexpected and incredible friendship with Stefan, not exactly in his favorite moment of life , we are faced with an increasingly tyrannical Klaus against the person next to him (to Rebekah: “You are my sister, Which means you have to do as I say“) and yet more intimate, now far from Elijah by more than four hundred years, who warns that the lack of brothers even if he doesn’t want to admit and he boasts of “killed” them because they don’t what he wanted, which seem to be the strong-willed sister comfort, which proves to be familiar with the mood swings and impetuous character, and just Stefan. The same Stefan, at first, is ready to tear and liquid as a commoner, showing another of their characteristics, considered a sort of “Royal Family” (already seen in

particular with Elijah Damon: “I ‘m an Original. Show a little respect“): ”I know Stefan, enlighten me. What makes you worthy of one of the Originals, like my sister? She’s also vampire, you are no more than a diluted blood line“ (an attitude that will be stressed, then, from Kol, which considers the human rights of” commoners“). And yet, despite this sadness that cloaks itself in front of Stefan, who is preparing to unleash one of his tricks from Ripper, you can’t see in his eyes that twinkle of interest, curiosity and excitement when Stefan

pulls out the knife. There is no blood, there is nothing yet. Stefan pulls out the knife and Klaus has eyes that sparkle, the expression curious, interested and excited. His whole face is so. Here emerges another of the characteristics that distinguish it: he takes pleasure in inflicting pain and killing. This is despite, or precisely because human beings do not mean anything to him, but this truth does not exclude that he may enjoy killing or torture. And besides, this is in their instinct, an instinct that Klaus has indulged in every way. And yet, despite this sadness that cloaks itself, in front of Stefan, who is preparing to unleash one of his tricks from Ripper, you cannot see in his eyes that twinkle of interest, curiosity and excitement when Stefan pulls out the knife. There isn’t blood, there is nothing yet. Stefan pulls out the knife and Klaus has eyes that sparkle, the expression curious, interested and excited. His face is so. Here another of the characteristics that distinguish it emerges: he takes pleasure inflicting pain and killing. This is despite, or precisely because human beings don’t mean anything to him, but this truth doesn’t exclude that he may enjoy killing or torture. And besides, this is in their instinct, an instinct that Klaus has indulged in every way. And it is precisely this that makes him reevaluate Stefan and allows them to establish this distorted friendship. A relationship that, in the present, Klaus wants to get back, after having wiped out for his safety and that of Rebekah, even before you get his family. Yet we find, in fact, that Klaus and Rebekah are stalked by someone... a vampire hunter, whose name is Mikael. One of the most important pieces of the story of the Originals we receive in 3x08 “Ordinary People”, in which, thanks to a flashback, we see some of the last

moments of their human life and the beginning of their lives as vampires. It’s just that Rebekah says. And there is revealed to us that the same Mikael chasing Klaus and Rebekah is their father (stepfather to Klaus), that Esther, the mother, who was a powerful witch, is the

true owner of the pendant (magic) led by Elena all that time, that vampirism is an unintended consequence of the spell performed to protect the family from any danger and the “neighbors”, werewolves, that once a month they become bloodthirsty wolves. A spell to transform the family into immortal beings exclusively, determined and wanted to wake the pain of two parents who loved their children above all else and that they had just lost another, smaller, because of the werewolves, after what they had already lost in Europe before moving, just for the safety of their children, in a land free from disease and where many live long, strong and healthy. And ‘this, then, is the most moving piece of the whole puzzle of the history of the Originals. Two parents who make a huge mistake, that will create a scourge of humanity, only to protect their children, “Please, Ayana, I implore you”, begins Mikael, “Ayana, we have lost too much Already, we can’t lose anymore. The Spirits can help us to found a way to protect our childrens” ends Esther. In fact, Rebekah tells Elena: “My parents only wanted a way to keeping their childrens alive.” The love that this normal family, these normal people, felt for each other is shown by the comparison between Klaus and playful Rebakah in the cave, the younger sister who tries to console the older brother, Rebekah, older sister, who involved in

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the game’s little brother, who is still only a child, was evidenced by the game between two of the older children, Elijah and Klaus, and teasing each other by attempting of Esther to protect Klaus form paternal anger, from Klaus desperate scream when he had in his arms the little Henrik, mortally wounded, from questions and desperate entreaties of Esther, before his baby covered in blood, race equally desperate that comes Elijah, after the scream of Klaus, from crying Rebekah, his brothers and their mother’s lifeless body of her little brother. It’s testimony, finally, by the prayers of Esther and Mikael to Ayana, by Klaus trying to cheer up and protect Rebekah, after they have awakened from mortal wounds inflicted by his father, to perform the ritual that will turn them: “You’ll be alright, we all be alright“, from his attempt to oppose his father that he wanted to drink them, Rebekah first, more blood to complete the ritual above. A love so vast and desperate to be deaf to any reason . And so we find you where the weaknesses of the Vampires: the Sun, beginning fatal to the Originating, then lost that power over them (although some damage has yet to provoke, since they continue to wear the rings) but kept him on normal vampires, because that’s what originally gave them life and this can take it away, because the Verbena grew at the foot of the White Quarcia, the tree called for immortality, the only wood that can kill Originally, as well as the element of the spell that has decreed that the wood could kill vampires common (because the spell, like the Sun, is an element of life and therefore can remove it). A so vast and desperate love to be deaf to any reason. And so we find where the weaknesses of the Vampires was born: the Sun, beginning fatal to the Original, then lost that power over them (although some damage has yet to provoke, since they continue to wear the rings) but


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The Affair,” in Chicago in the ‘20s and, of course, in the flashback that tells their transformation: Mikael. The First Vampire family. A man extremely elegant, classy, charming, authoritative with his mere presence (here by those who took Elijah), but just as deadly to his enemies. His confrontation with

kept him on normal vampires, because that’s what originally gave them life and this can take it away; because the Verbena grew at the foot of the White Oak, the tree called for immortality, the only wood that can kill the Original, as well as the element of the spell that has decreed that the wood could kill vampires common (because the spell, like the Sun, is an element of life and therefore can remove it). We find, again, that Rebekah was deceived by Klaus, who was afraid of losing his beloved sister, then became the only family member still at his side: he made think to her, for a thousand years, that who kills their mother, Esther, was the father Mikael, tearing the heart out, for the betrayal. Instead, thanks to the intuition of Elena we learn, with Rebekah, that it was Klaus killing their mother, because Esther had cast upon him the curse adapted to lock the nature of his werewolf. And we see, also, one of the key moments of the family: the oath that Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah are exchanged, the burial place of Esther, after the rest of the family is divided. “We stay together as one. Always and forever“. Feature is the form taken by the three, taken from above, while, holding hands, combine with the oath: the Celtic Triquetra, which, over time, has also taken on the meaning of the Trinity. The whole, the mystical place of burial of a witch, their mother. At the end of this episode and in the next, 3x09 “Homecoming”, comes the founder of the Original Family, already seen for a few moments in 3x03, “The End Of

his daughter is very touching: in front of a Rebekah unable to take her responsibility and that refuse that difficult and authoritarian father who, however, has always loved and to protect her made a huge error, with a look showing all the love, the longing and pain for the child lost for all the time and that now she doesn’t want to kwon anything about him, he reveals that he has never chased her (and her other children), but only to Klaus. Why? “He blinded you, Rebekah. He killed your mother“. We are, therefore, confronted with a man that for thousands of years has pursued the one who killed his wife, a wife who loved him dearly and we saw Mikael infinitely, although she had betrayed him (don’t know why), and that previously with his recklessness, unintentionally, caused the death of the youngest of his sons. In the dialogue with Damon they reveal other aspects of this extraordinary man: the guilt for that, with his desire to protect his children, triggered, an attempt to atone for this guilt immense, through the hunting of these predators, not willing,

he helped create and, therefore, his decision, by which memory of eating predators, not innocent people. So, a hard man, and feared, a lousy father to the boy who had no guilt about not being his son, a huge threat to Klaus and for the “bad” vampires, but certainly not a villain. In the last confrontation he has with Klaus, Mikael lashes out at him with all the violence of his resentment of thousands of years, going to hit the weak points of the Original hybrid, that we see cry. Tears for the man who was his father, the only one he had ever met, which wanted to love, and from which, however, felt rejected and still keeps it in check. Tears because Mikael touched the truth that Klaus has long denied himself: the loneliness, the desire to be loved and the fear that no one will do it not ever will, fear of being alone for all eternity. Thanks to the action to the surprise of Stefan, who saved Klaus from Damon to save his older brother (action mirrors that

of Elijah in 2x21), Klaus takes the opportunity unexpected and kills Mikael. Through this action, believes he has to have finally removed the only thing that threatened him and then made him weak, not realizing that this is only the first grain that will totally surface the need (distorted) to be loved. On the other hand, that same night, right Katherine reminds us of a fact already know thanks Rose: there isn’t really only a switch of humanity and only a young vampire can break away from it... but in ancient vampires, it returns gradually but forcefully, to the surface. And Klaus is one of the oldest. “Love is a vampire greatest weakness, Elijah. And we are not weak. We do not feel and we do not care”, Klaus said in 1492 to his older brother, but all that we see show us that Klaus fe-

els a loto f emotion and that love is what he wants, even more then power that he loves And it is the confrontation with one of his victims to reveal other aspects of this deep Original. Sitting on the bed of a Caroline reduced because of his will (and gain “political”, we might say) dying on the day of his birthday, the Original hybrid reveals his great intellect in a speech “philosophical” containing one of the great positive aspects of being immortal: the possibilities offered by this life, different, of course, from those in humans, but still great. “When you become a vampire ...

of urges, the moments of boredom and despair become the everyday. END OF PART ONE

you’re free “Klaus whispered Caroline, pale and weak. “No, I’m dying” reply Caroline . “And I could let you die, if That Is what you want. If you really believe your existence has no meaning That. I thought about it myself, once or twice, over the centuries, truth has to be told. But I’ll let you into a little secret. There is an all world out there, waiting for you. Great cities and art and music... genuine beauty. And you can have all of it. You can have a thousand more December birthdays... “whispers the Original hybrid with his beautiful voice, shipping charge. Klaus shows, then, to love life, beauty in all its forms ... highlights the joy for the chance to see her grow and change over the centuries. He is curious, full of interest... for which the moments of boredom and discomfort, although present, must have been related and relatively few, because, as he himself makes it clear, he spent centuries to feed on all forms of beauty and culture exist in this world, enjoying all the new discoveries and developments. And ‘he who says he understands what a chance he was given... and has benefited. We find, then, that he painted beautifully: it is, therefore, an artist. And for someone so full

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ne of the most important parts of this fourth season it’s about what came out from episodes 4x04, “The Five”, and 4x06, “We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes”, that is the mysterious “Cure” for vampirism and Silas, thousand years being of whom, at the fifteenth episode, we don’t really know the aspect nor his belonging kind, just for say.

First, it should be underlined that, in hindsight, the third season was a huge introduction to this. If we stop a moment to reflect, in fact, we realize that this all is building an important theme which had been presented last year in these m o n t h s . During the third season, indeed, we have witnessed the discovery that vampirism is the result of a spell (and thus, by force of circumstances, it can be “cured”, ie, inverted), that Esther knew how to cancel it; discovered the existence of vampire hunters, with Mikael; had the revelation, by Damon, of sirebond existence; saw the existence of a “pyramid” among vampires, born by bloodline and the centrality of the Bennett witches... In addition, alienating us for a moment from the pulsing heart, in other words, family relationships (in the strict sense and in a broad sense), it should be pointed out that, particularly in the last two seasons, the third and fourth, it was found The Vampire Diaries is basically a story of magic, although the main protagonists of this story are and will remain the Vampires.


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Witches launched the curse that Klaus wanted so persistently break. In particular, his mother, Esther, as we are revealed by Elijah and Rebekah in episodes 2x19 “Klaus” and 3x08 “Ordinary People.” Even more, the witches created the Vampires, as always comes out in the episode 3x08. Once again, Esther. But there’s more. There are

two phrases that contain this truth. In episode 3x07 “Ghost World” Sheila “Grams”, Bonnie’s grandmother, appears to the nephew to help restore balance that she has unvoluntary changed. In the dialogue with the young witch, the Grams says: “Witches talk. Even in the Other Side. Who do you think makes all the rules?“.

This concept is reiterated and expanded, then, in 4x04 “The Five”: “Witches appeared across every culture in history. They are the architects of the supernatural, responsibles for every thing that bombs up in the night, from... ghosts, to vampires, to dopplegangers...” Shane says this phrase during a lecture at the University attended by Elena, Bonnie and Dam o n . Shane is our main source of information on Silas. For a long time, perhaps, we doubted on him, but if we stop to reflect, we realize that what he said about Silas has always been true, despite this information

come, first of all, just from Silas himself. It’s clear, however, that the young teacher has spent years doing research, in his travels around the world, confirming majority of the informations. Shane is, a little, the male version of Isobel, who was very good at discovering the secrets of the supern a t u r a l . So, we retrace the information that Professor Atticus Shane gave us since episode 4x06 on Silas, up to the current state. In the episode 4x06 “We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes”, taking a show at the high school attended by Elena and others, Shane tells, starting from a stone: “You’re looking at what people believes to be the world’s first tombstone. This item... has belong to a very powerful witch. Witch so powerful, in fact, that Silas, that was his name, created a spell that would granted him immortality. The legend says that Silas do the spell with the help of the lady witch who loved him, a woman named Qetsiyah. Sadly for Qetsiyah, Silas wanted to give the immortality to another woman, so Qetsiyah killed her and buried Silas

alive, leaving him powerless, immortal and alone. What is sad is that Silas wants to rise again. Regain hin powers, ravage the world. Maybe we should be afraid“. In episode 4x09 “Oh Come All Ye Faithful”, while at the Gilbert family’s lake house with Elena, Bonnie, Jeremy and Damon, Shane adds more informations, just talking to Elena and Damon. “Once upon a time, there was a witch named Silas who loved a girl and wanted to be with her forever. So he and his best friend, another witch, maded an immortality spell. And then, Silas’s best friend witch got jealous and killed Silas’s girl before he had the chance to make her immortal. So, cursed to an eter-

nity without his one true love, Silas finds a way to reverse the immortality spell and then, before he has the chance to take it, his friend buried him underground, leaving him... and the cure rot forever”. To Elena asking if that’s the cure for immortality, Shane says, “Human blood is the life force of an immortal. No more immortality, no more need to feed on blood. You dig up Silas and you’ve got your cure“. In this episode, also, we find that the Hunters’ Tattoo, on the right arm of each member of the Brotherhood of the Five, which starts from the back of the hand with the brand, the Vegvisir, as we saw at the arrival of Connor, leads up to Silas and tells his story. A discovery that we then ascertained to be true in the last aired episodes, especially when Bonnie took the photos to arm and chest of Jeremy and Caroline and Tyler have tried to decode them (without great success, we may add). It is in these episodes that ends up the range of information that we have gained so far.

In episode 4x10 “After School Special”, Bonnie is back in Shane’s office, at the university, and the teacher makes her a gift for the upcoming diploma: an ancient pendant, made with a human bone, as explained by Shane, who then adds, “Legend says it was worn by the 2000 years old witch Qetsiyah, who designed on it for strengh“. Soon after, Kol kidnaps the teacher

bringing him in high theschool, to Rebekah, as she requested. The two Original siblings bring Shane in a closet of the school to interrogate him about the Cure and, as the compulsion with him does not work, Kol begins to torture him in order to get the answers he wants. He cannot imagine how them will shake him. Finally, Shane speaks: “You can have it, I just want Silas“ says stressed, gasping for breath. Kol’ reaction is immediate: “No. What do you know about Silas?” he asks with rage. “It’s the first world immortal being, who just happened to be imprisoned with the cure. I want to free him”, replies the young professor. “No” exclaims Kol alarmed and then tries to kill him, screaming to his sister: “Did you not hear what he said? Silas will kill us all, sister!” Rebekah is stunned as we are, in front of the horrified reaction of her older brother. She points out that Silas doesn’t exist, that it was a tale told to children to gain their obedience. A little as our history on Black Man. At that point, Shane steps-in again: “Silas is very real... and I know where he’s buried. And soon I will have the spell that wakes him“. Facing with accusations of of being a lier by Kol, who begins to say that it is impossibleto get to him. “Without his tombstone? Dozens has to die in a blood sacrifice? Believe me, I know! I’ve done it” utters the teacher and expert of the supernatural, and ends his statement, in front of a stunned and incredulous Rebekah and Kol increasingly alarmed, admitting that he organized the collective suicide of the Council as a temporary sacrifice in the name of Silas, just as for the one of the twelve hybrids freed

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from being sired, delivered to Klaus. “Because once I’ll rise Silas, Silas will rise the deads. He will bring back every last soul who died in his behave” ends Shane, before Kol skews him, unsuccessfully, with a bat. The reaction of Kol is astonishing. Why is it so terrified Silas? And why, instead, Klaus and Rebekah are not? It’s clear that when they were children, humans, they’ve heard of Silas, but the story has been told them, indeed, as if was the story of Black Man(legend invented for Italian children to make the obey). What caused this change into Kol, that did not happen in sister and older brother? We get more information about it in episode 4x11 “Catch Me If You Can”. In a comparison with Damon and Jeremy, Kol says that in searching the Cure they risk to “...Awaken so-

meone very dangerous” and, after the name was done openly, the Original explains he met the followers of Silas few centuries before and they said to him that he will be resurrected and will bring the end of time on Earth, so for this, he killed them. The view is completed in 4x12 “A View To Kill”, in which Kol tells Elena his experience and what he di-


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scovered over the centuries. “I used to run with some witches ... in Africa, in the XIV century, Haiti in the XVII century... New Orleans in the ‘900... They all knew about Silas, that he needed to stay buried. Actually, I had a great consideration of the witches... They said that if Silas rises, he released hell on Earth”, explains the Original. It’s interesting the parallel with the books of The Vampire Diaries, especially the fourth, written by Lisa Jane Smith about twenty years ago: “Dark Reunion”. In this book, Klaus appears.

Before going forward with the parallel, however, you must remember that the characters of Damon, Katherine and Klaus, who star in the first four books, in the show were “softened” a lot, since their first appearance. Katherine, on the show, indeed, corresponds to Damon of the first two books and Klaus of the show is like Katherine of the third book (“The Fury”). In Smith’s books, Klaus is actually one of the Originals and can’t be killed. When he arrives in Fell’s Church (real name of the town in

which the story develops, our Mystic Falls), in “Dark Reunion”, he is, practically, the EVIL. Is very similar, in fact, to Satan. One of his victims is Vicky and Klaus, before the day in which he kills her (spreading blood to the ceiling of the room, as well as on the walls ...), tortures her mentally, saying “I’m coming for you, sweetheart”. The other victims don’t have a better end. Klaus likes to torture mentally, like Satan, in fact, his victims. It is not explained how and why he and the others are called the Originals, but it’s like they came in the world as they are already. As Klaus is presented, they are pretty much pure evil. As you can see, much worse of the Originals on the show. In the clash with Stefan and Damon, also, Klaus does a monologue in which he says that he and the other (this is the moment when he makes it clear, indeed, not be the only one of the Originals) are almost as old the world itself and they have crossed ages and walked and feasted in all the battlefields of humanity. He cannot be killed, but the succeed in defeating him, though. How? “Burying” him. Quotation marks are not random. Elena, as a spirit, confronts him and says that although it’s true what he says, that he cannot be killed, he may, however, be defeated. She invokes the spirits of the fallen of the Civil War, who say that too much blood has been spilled already and they will not allow him to spill more, so they take him and bring him in one dimension (probably the one of the spirits, in fact, how to say...underground) where he will be imprisoned. Alive, but imprisoned, unable to harm, as if it were “powerless”. Immortal. Silas, with his being so old, his desire to destroy the world (although it is not clear the motivation), is like Klaus in the fourth book. And the way Qetsiyah stopped him reminds us the way in which Klaus was defeated in that book. So, Kol is right to be frightened by Silas. Neither Elena nor the others, however, will listen to this warning...Kol is killed to complete the tattoo on Jeremy which allows to get to the island where Silas is buried, with the spell needed to free him. Once on the island, in 4x13 “Into The Wild”, we find, therefore,

that Jeremy’s tattoo represents the murder of Silas’ loved woman, committed by Qetsiyah for jealousy, as well as the imprisonment of Silas himself, who could not be killed by Qetsiyah because he was immortal. And Shane provides the last piece of this story, anwering to Jeremy: “Qetsiyah created the cure for immortality and then she buried with Silas, hoping that he’d take it and die. And ended in The Other Side with her for all the eternity. But he wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. So, many centuries later his descendents created the Hunters to find him, cure him and kill him”. After this moment, all we are seeing is the appearance of Shane’s wife, deceased, who will show up how to free Silas. Probably this apparition is made by Silas himself. In this episode and the next two, 4x14 “Down The Rabbit Hole” and 4x15 “Stand By Me”, we see other apparitions: the grams, first, Jeremy on the island and Shane in Mystic Falls, while, in truth, Shane

remained on the island where Silas was imprisoned. All appearances are made for Bonnie, who actually, even if unintentionally, left a death blood toll in the cave above the place where Silas was buried. At this point it is necessary to highlight a particular: Silas is able to create these visions, manipulating minds, only for people who, some way, offered a blood tribute. It’s the same for the miners mentioned by Shane, for himself and, finally, for Bonnie. So what is Silas? He was a powerful sorcerer. But what has he become after the ritual spell? In episode 4x15 he says, under the guise of Shane, he’s a vampire and that he

has lost his powers in the transformation, according to the usual rule that you cannot be vampire and preserve magical powers. Indeed, when he wakes up and kills Jeremy, in 4x14, he drinks blood, the blood of the young hunter, precisely, he seems petrified and dried as the vampires that have not been feeding for centuries. However, with an attentive look, you can notice he’s wearing a mask (which you can see, then, indeed, in the hands of Rebekah episode 4x15). And when he opens his eyes, they are not normal eyes, but they are completely white. Up to that moment, he was defined only and always immortal, never a vampire, also by Vaughn. Damon, talking to Shane on the island, says “Immortal Wizard” and the young teacher does not correct him. In addition, it is not clear how he lost his powers. Up to 4x15 and then to the claims of Shane-Silas, in fact, it seemed that Qetsiyah took them off, because she could not kill him (while, in fact, vampires can be killed, even Originals), after killing the woman he loved (she obviously was not a witch, or Silas would not have needed the help of Qetsiyah, creating, that way, a triangle in reverse). And this was only after discovering that Silas loved another one and killing it. But in 4x09 episode Shane’s words make us understand clearly that between the death of Silas’ lover and the defeat of him there is a pe-

riod of time, during which he finds a way to reverse the spell of immortality . He does not have time to put it into practice, which will be done by then its Qetsiyah, but he is the one who find it out. It seems, then, that he still had the powers, although he had become an immortal. And, as already mentioned, from what we’ve seen he can not get in people’s minds, to read and manipulate it, as he want, like the Original vampires and common do...he needs some sort of “physical” connection, the blood toll of the person, to which then he will show himself. It ‘s really a Vampire, the very first one, or perhaps a hybrid witch-vampire? And whyhis existence, his freedom and his powers are so connected to the Expression, which, in episode 4x08 “We Always Have Bourbon Street”, is defined as a terrible type of magic not existing in this dimension without destroy it? That ‘s what he wants to do, tearing down the veil that separates the living dimension from the supernatural Other Side, apparently created by Qetsiyah?

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But why? If we assume that his beloved was not a witch, she should not be in The Other Side. So what’s the point? In order to have an army of creatures under his command? And this is, therefore, the reason why he needs three massacres, sacrifices, to break down the veil? Until now have been sacrificed twelve humans and twelve hybrids. What do they represent? Humans, because Silas (and Qetsiyah) was human? Members of all kinds (for example, with the hybrids, kill two birds with one stone, as it is used to say) are needed? But then who is missing? Just wit c h e s ? There is still a lot of mystery. What is really Silas, therefore, we do not know. We know, however, that the “Cure” really exists (as, in fact, already revealed in the episodes of the third season 3x14 “Dangerous Liasons” and 3x15 “All My Children” through the plans for Esther, who wanted to make her sons again human and then kill them and with them, exterminate the entire species of the Vampires), we know that is unique and has been created to kill Silas. But then it has also something to do with vampires, from Originals, or not? Because that’s how it’s introduced at the beginning, in 4x04 “The Five”. Let’s see again what is revealed through flashbacks Italy of 1114 d. C. Four years earlier, a de-


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scendant of Qetsiyah created the Brotherhood of the Five Hunters. One of them is Alexander. All five are fully aware of the existence of the Originals and they know who they are (they are equipped with the silver daggers and White Oak’s ash, as we see in the intimate moment between Alexander and Rebekah). Alexander, therefore, agreeing with the “brothers”, weaves a spider’s web to make them fall. And he almost succeeds. As it happens, in fact, Rebekah ends up in the arms of Alexander. He, as pointed out, knew who they were; we are alreadysee at l u n c h time that he knows them. It’s clear his attitude, he’so sure, with that smile and that toast that we can define a challenge, when they think they have caught him in a trap. Elijah is pointing his prey. Klaus too. But they do not know the prey is the hunter and that they are the ones in a trap, f r o m w h i c h have survived by truly l u c k . So, Alexander deceived Rebekah, as clearly underlines Klaus. And this brings us to a reasoning from which comes a series of questions: Alexander was a Hunter, Hunters were created by the witches who want Mikaelsons to be dead in the first place and then everyone else. Alexander believed them to be brutal monsters, pure evil. And this is what he let Rebekah understand. Alexander lies to Rebekah to “kill” her and want to do the same with her brothers. He lied Rebekah about everything in their relation-

ship, so he could have “lied” about the cure, it may not be a real cure, but a way to kill off them. As said above, the Hunter said to the beautiful vampire only that there was a cure, but he never explained what it was. In addition, he doesn’t only define it the “Cure”. Let’s remember his words at the lunch with Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus: “We are five men, bounded by fire and the last breath of a dying witch to pursue one cause...the destruction of all vampires...We have the ULTIMATE WEAPON that no vampire can survive”. To think about the Cure, moreover, we must start from the rules of Magic, about which we know a few things, thanks to the various known stories, in which magic is present. In all of them, the basic rules are the same. To explain these rules, we start with a few questions. How did Vampires were created? With a spell. What is, in Magic, the cure for a spell? The counterspell. What does this mean? It means, in relation to the first spell, to REVERSE it. How do you reverse a spell, in general? With the same elements or elements equal and o p p o s i t e . Another important rule, in Magic, it’s that what can create, can kill. Let’s take an example to make things clearer. Let’s think to the White Oak Stick. Klaus is half werewolf, but now that he has both natures active, the Stick could kill him. Why? Because as Original Vampire, Klaus was created with the Magic. Therefore, because the Stick is a kind of “cure” spell that created them, that is a kind of reversal of the spell. The Oak was invoked for immortality, the eternal life. So, the other verse, the White Oak is what can kill them, taking away not only immortality, but life itself. Here we have the union into a single object of the two rules above. However, Esther took three elements in its spell, but only two were invoked (Sun and Oak and both have had quite the opposite

effect, they are capable of killing) and only one was the material element, which is also what’s missing. Which one? The blood. Whose? Of Tatia. We never met Tatia, we don’t know how and when she died... nor we know if we’ll ever see her, although it may be the missing piece of the pyramid of the bloodline. Tatia, who should be dead...and Originals, existing through her blood, however, left alive. It’s interesting to noticespeaking of this, that some things in The Vampire Diaries is inspired by the principles created by Anne Rice, considered by many the Queen of the genre. For example, just the Originals and this bloodline’s pyramid. In the books of Rice, in fact, there are the Ancients, the first vampires in the world, who became this many thousand year before Christ. They are kept safe, sleeping, because from them all common vampires were created, and if they die, the whole race of vampires would be destroyed, just because of the blood bond. As you can see, the principle is the same. In the universe of Anne Rice, at the top of the pyramid there is a woman, one of the Ancients, the First Vampire in the world that has created the other Ancients, made by magic (by some sort of Demon): Akasha, the Queen of the Damned. And here come the last questions. Assuming that all the information we have received from 4x04 onward, until now, are pieces of a huge puzzle to rebuilt, so that the first information wasn’t false, and that the Cure is actually the Ultimate Weapon that no Vampire can survive (and in fact is something created to kill, as we now know), as stated by Alexander, it’s possible that it is connected, through Silas, the first immortal (maybe Vampire), to Vampires? It’s possible, therefore, that there is a connection

between the Originals and Silas, for example? Once again, reminding the dialogue between Rebekah and Alexander: one day, he and his brothers, after decoding swords, will complete their mission. Until then, they have the daggers. We know now that the mission is to find and kill Silas, so why “until then we have daggers”? The daggers are for Originals. It’s possible that they have to imprison Originals to prevent them from turning other people, while trying to complete their mission, hunting down common vampires? But at that point t h e r e would be a few common vampires, the Originals imprisoned and Silas to kill. Killed Silas, the Originals, w o u l d have remained, and they w o u l d otherwise have been awakened, and thus freed. The problem, in this way, would not have been solved at all (without thinking the fact that on Klaus, hybrid, the dagger never worked). Unless... the death of Silas could cause the death of the Originals, which, in turn, as we know, would cause the death of any existing common vampire? In

this way the problem would be definitively solved. The only way to make this possible, however, seems to be a blood progeny, which would put Silas at the top of the famous pyramid of the bloodline. Silas, who lived and was imprisoned by Qetsiyah thousands of years before the birth of each member of the Mikaelson family, the Originals. So, how could be realized such a circ u m s t a n c e ? Hypothesis comes to my mind: Silas was, perhaps bad or not for him, one of the elements of a triangle (opposite from the trio we know), that saw him placed between two women who loved him. One was Qetsiyah, the other was the woman killed out of jealousy and loved by him, his one true love. Did this woman of whom we know nothing, not even the name, and Silas procreated? Finally: Silas is the founder of the Petrova line or, whatever, of a line that puts him at the top of the bloodline and brings to the Originals? Again, we do not know. And, once again, most likely the answers will come through an Original: Elijah, which always has almost all the answers to our questions. What about… well, Elijah, hurry up coming back. We are curious.

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di Laura D’Este

“What am I doing with my life? I’m so pale, I should get out more, I should eat better. My posture is terrible. I should stand up straighter. People would respect me more if I stand up straighter. What’s wrong with me? I just wanna connect, why can’t I connet with people? Oh, right. It’s because I’m dead! I should be not so hard with myself. I mean we’re all dead. This girl is dead, that guy is dead, that guy in the corner is definitely dead. This guy look awful. I wish I could introduce myself, but I don’t remember my name anymore. I mean I think it start with R, but that’s is all I have left.”


ith this words R introduces himself to the cinema’s audience, a youg zombie who live with hundreds zombies in a airport, starring by the young but famous Nicholas Hoult. The beginning of Warm Bodies, a new movie produced by the famous producers of Twilight. The life goes on all in the same way inside the airport where the zombies walk aimlessly and without purpose, stuck in their notdeath until they totally lost their humanity and became Bonies, creatures without conscience who want only to feed of everything that have a heartbeat. But R is different from anyone else: he has a home, the cockpit of an airplane abandoned, where he collects every objects, from vinyl to Blu Ray. And he has a dreams, to be something different from the world around him. Certainly much less stimulating environment that surrounds him doesn’t helps him in this path. But everything will start to change when R meet Julia. The young lady starring by Teresa Palmer is the daughter of Colonel Grigio (a perfect Jonh Malkovich as always), one of the most important supporters of the fight against zombies and she


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lives in a by huma the dang the word zombie i body tha has no fe Julie, sen out the w mates in by Dave in this m humans’ alive but apathy ex who is fe the perso brains of more ab literally t the othe let her g and there to know of his tor only R, bu interacts Although are so go zombie t decides up at th he return that som zombies the wall

a city surrounded by wall built ans to defend their selves from ger of the zombies. These are d of the General to describe a in a video message: “ Here is a at has been infected. It’s numb, eeling, is incapable of remorse“. nd with other guys in a mission wall, saw the death of most of her ncluded her boyfriend (starring Franco) because of R. We find moment that to zombies, feed on brains, it isn’t only a way to stay t it’s also a way to go out of their xistence: at each bite the zombie, eeding, relives the experiences of on who killed. So by eating the f Perry R begins to learn a little bout Julie, but the blonde had turned his heart. To save her from er zombies (and certainly to not go) R takes the girl in his “home” re they begin to interact and get and R slowly starts to come out rpor. And this change affects not ut all the zombies with the couple s, from M, the R’s “best friend”. h the things between R and Julie ood, the girl isn’t yet so close to to stay with him in the airport and to come home. Initially R give he woman who loves but, when ns in the airport he understands mething is change also in the other and he decides to approach to to show to everyone that they

aren’t man without a soul and that they are changing. But the situation around R and Julies goes bad and they’re surrounded by Bones without Colonel Grigio’s help who wants to destroy all the not humans that he meet, who doesn’t care about daughter’s prayer that wants to show to his father that the zombie are changing. Only a hard fight could make evidence the situation to Colonel e make and happy ending to our principal characters. A light story that is told in this film, a story in which love is not only triumphs but literally becomes life. A love that helps those who have fallen into apathy to return to live, which is returning to the heart beat and leaves the routine that leads to ruin. Surely the biggest feature of this narrative is the point of view: we see the whole story through the eyes of curious and ironic R. Through comedy shows we live the change of R in first person and with him the anguish of not being understood. Once again, as often happens in the cinema in recent years, the foreign element is the human being and it is up to the player to understand the human skeptical that coexistence is possible. And despite all the obstacles in the end succeeds in doing this, and barriers are broken down. Overall a fun vision, with flashes paradoxical, for a film that will surely be appreciated by the younger audience but can tear a smile to those who have a few more years!

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WHEEL OF DEATH No one is safe in Mystic Falls.

by Giuliana Mele


ast episodes of The Vampire Diaries were theatre of one of the most harrowing scenes of this season: Jeremy’s death. It was devastating, seeing Elena waiting desperately his coming back, which never happened. And the Gilbert house burns, taking with it a valley of memories which entered in the heart. That porch of lots of arguing, kisses, breks, some kick here and there. Its disappearing represents a very turning point, the diary burns, drawings, Jeremy, all proofs that all that was before, is gone now. But a new villain, a bigger evil, woke up: the immortal and terryfing Silas, who has not a face, but is ready to resurrect at all, with the last sacrifice. Mystic Falls has never been less sure as town for his people like now. Who could die with the proceeding of the season? To discover our theories, keep on reading!


ner, even if she is taking the step longer than the leg… and what if she couldn’t control all that power? She would be twisted, ending by autodestructing herself. Shane

sor, the person who started this all, making believe all what he wanted and cheating our heroes. But on the other side, he could be yet alive. Something just tell us that soon Atticus wll pay for his actions, and if won’t be the older of Salvatore to make him mute, some another will put him in his place very gladly. Stefan e Damon

Cheated, emotively destroyed, manipuled by Silas/Shane, our Bennet witch seems to have lost completely her reason, to bring back Jeremy, she could do anything, even kill twelve innocent people. The Bonnie of previous seasons wouldn’t have let it be. What could be the consequences of this gesture? How much time is left before expression overcomes her? We cannot know what will be, but maybe she will exit like a win-


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Many of us think he is already dead. We saw him there, on the floor, forceless, catching Rebekah’s ankle and whisper “Silas” in a creepy way, but we didn’t see him exalate the last breath. It could be the last time we saw the profes-

We are sure of one thing: if Elena was in danger, the Salvatore brothers would make anything to

save her life. She is the woman they love, for her they would sacrifice, for her they would rather die. Is indeed doubtless that, if it would happen, our hearts and mentall sanity will be hardly proved. Fortunately there’s a thing in our favour: their death would be temporary (even if I’d cry rivers of tears). A possible death of one or the other would represent a turning point in the triangle: if Stefan, we could see a “backfire” of Elena, if Blue Eyes, Elena would not be sired anymore and we could discover the truth on the feeling of her… But I prefer not thinking to one of them’s death! Not on Damon, who in every season finale risks to die! Maybe the authors this time will have more pity? We’ll see! April e Matt

Many characters left us and left empty not only the others characters heart’s but also our’s. Jenna, Rose, Ric, they are more visible examples. They are characters whom with their simplicity, humbleness ans simpathy we learned to know and love. Sometimes we have the possibility to see them in some flashback, if I think about the 3x22 I can cry a river. Or the 3x19, when Rose is in the Motel with Damon, Jeremy and Elena, watching her we felt that we miss her so much, and many fanshope in reseeing her soon. And how to forget Alaric, drinking buddy of Damon, most dear and only friend, who left us in the last season, when I saw the seen at the cemetery I saw that a only pack of Tempo (italian mark of paper tissue) couldn’t be usefull! And not talking about little Gilbert’s death. Every character who left us, entered us and we miss him, and i twill be hard to give a farewell to every other character of the series… “Goodbye Little Gilbert”, you will be missed.

At the moment, this two are the last humans of our favourite band. They are vulnerable, helpless, but htey also fight with vampires, witches and hybrids all the days. Elena, Caroline, all indeed would try to keep them safe as possible, they will try to protect the,.. but they will remain always “fragile, little humans”. If we think on all the times they could have died by a supernatural being, we can lose the count…could them be next victims?

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by Anna Bells

“What’s exciting is that Maggie is trying to find a sense of joy in what they do and the joy of victory when a zombie breaks down” (Lauren Cohan)


he is one of the characters that we miss the most, one of characters that, in common opinion, left too soon our show. Her death was one of the most touching moment in The Vampire Diaries and, while we still cry for the dream made by Damon, she in the other side, in a world where the humanity is endangered fights against the death, against the “not-dead”. We’re talking about Lauren Cohan and her trip, a journey that turns her from vampire to zombie’s hunter, in the lucky tv show “The Walking Dead”. Rose VS Maggie, supernatural against civilization to rebuild, sexy vampires against rotting flesh, but both thirsty of blood. Two intense characters, brave but, in the same time, vulnerable. Rose VS Maggie and an amazing Lauren, like always. Before we talk about the details of these fascinating characters come to learn more about Lauren and the road that led her to assume the role of Damon Salvatore’s best friend.

Lauren Cohan from vampire

to zombie slayer


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was born in Philadelphia, January 7, 1982, Zodiac sign Capricorn by american father and scottish mother. She studies teather and literature, she joins a theater company co-founded by her university, after graduated she follows a Bachelor of Arts. She starts in show business like model and then she debuts like actress in 2005. The first successful film that starring opposite Heath Ledger’s was “Casanova” where Lauren plays a sister, Beatrice, seduced by the

blonde and famous “lover” of that century. In 2007-2008 she began her first adventure into the supernatural world and joined the cast of “Supernatual” series where she remained for six episodes in the role of Bela Talbot, a thief of magical items. Initially, it is said, she was to become regular but then her character has not been confirmed. In the following years she tooks part in successful TV series as a guest star, including: Beautiful, Valentine, Life, CSI: NY, Cold Case - unsolved crimes and Modern Family, then in 2010 for our great fortune comes to TVD (6 episodes) where she wearing the clothes of Rose, an enigmatic and sexy vampire. After The Vampire Diaries joins the cast of Chuck for five episodes and then the turn with her entry into the “city of the walking dead.” Series that she starring in the third season. Rose is become our best friend, she entered immediately in fans’ hearts, with her determination mixed with fear, terror to Klaus. We saw her running away, crying, then stay and die to save Damon. Rose is a vampire who always had the desire to come back to her home, to her family, gather herself to all the people that she loved in her human and vampire life. We saw her like sexy lover and caring friend, ruthless vampire (because of werewolf’s bite), disperate vampire but gloss in a sense. We saw her siding with Damon, helping him also from the other side and cheer his love for Elena, she understood Damon Salvatore like anyone else could do. But what Lauren thinks about Rose? What she thinks before join the cast?

Which difference you found with other your experience? «It ‘s been a lot of fun because I got to be a little glamor. I cut my hair, and I knew that she was a bit ‘older than the other characters on the show, had more history. It gave me the opportunity to explore the things that I had not tried before.. Set me free. Rose was not about being glamorous, but genuine friendship in the relationship he had with Damon». Why Rose had been decided to protect Elena? «I think because she saw a lot of herself in Elena. After all, what Elena wanted the most was that people who loved not being harmed, even sacrificing herself. She had a deep respect for her». From 1 to 10 how much was hard kiss Ian Somerhalder? «Oh God. I continued to ask someone else to do it for me, a stand! They dind’t want, so I must do it. It was orrible. I cried every night. Over 10, I can’t fix it on a scale. (Smile). I can’t imagine a jealous woman. I don’t wanna know anything about it». Maggie kills and she do it because she knows that is the right thing to do, she kills zombie and she is proud of it, but she kills everytime with a strange sensation like she isn’t really convinced, like she feels guilty. She arrived in TWD like a woman corroded by suffering to see her loved ones transformed in these orrible creatures, loved one that she hide in her farm and that she yet calls by their name, refusing to call them “zombie”. She’s a character who initially fear, a fear that will never really leave her. By the time she becomes a tough girl, able to kill with any weapon she holds in her hands, ruthless in a way but still afraid, she falls in love with Glenn, the two protect each other. A certain character that can stand up to all, now fundamental in the series. She is strong, fast, smart but what she most feared, that she fears more than death, is to become a zombie.



auren said she did nightmares for all her life about zombie, long before begin to interpret Maggie and these dreams since he works for TWD have increased rapidly, here is what she said: “I really have dreams about inappropriate zombie, zombies got into my private space, “she recalled one in particular,” it was like Psyco that meets the zombies of “Night of the Living Dead” standing outside my room when I left. “ Horror movies are of course her favorite genre and you think that of all people, his best film “28 Days Later” where we talk about zombies.

Credits lostinaflashforward.

What Lauren thinks about this characther? Let’s find it:

Bloody Daily


Have you used “horror” now that you working in Walking Dead? «On the set, you lose your appetite when you are constantly near the zombie’s hordes. During the lunch we have a special room where everyone eats together, but when there are only a couple of zombies on the set and then we are all in the dining room together, I have to admit it is a bit disgusting. You never think that the make up can turn people like that». Do you remember your first experience on set? «Yes, during my first day I worked with a zombie. You look this guys, in all their make up, I felt bad for them. There was a boy on his zombie’s costum very fat, where on its there was the 100% of humidity. And this is the most important fact of the show, you’re terrifying by them but also you feel bad for them». About the third season: «Some things are going to happen will make the history of television, I’m not kidding when I read the script, I had a real visceral reaction, I can only say that episodes will be intense for the audience».

Filmography of Lauren Cohan: Cinema

• The Quiet Assassin, directed by Alex Hardcastle cortometraggio (2005) • Casanova, directed by Lasse Hallström (2005) • Maial College 2 (Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj), directed by Mort Nathan (2006) • Float, directed by Johnny Asuncion (2008) • Death Race 2, directed by Roel Reiné (2010) • Young Alexander the Great, directed by Jalal Merhi (2010) • Practical, directed by Jesse Shapiro - short movie(2010) • Disturbed, directed by Bill Eagles (2010) • Heavenly, directed by Mimi Leder (2011)


• Beautiful (The Bold and the Beautiful) – TV series, episode 1x4986 (2007) • Supernatural – TV series, 6 episodes(2007-2008) • Valentine – TV series, episode 1x01 (2008) • Life – TV series, episode 2x20 (2009) • CSI: NY – TV series, episode 6x13 (2010) • Cold Case – TV series, episode 7x16 (2010) • Modern Family – TV series, episode 2x05 (2010) • The Vampire Diaries – TV series, 6 episodes (20102012) • Chuck – TV series, 5 episodes (2011) • The Walking Dead - TV series (2011 - in corso) • Childrens Hospital - TV series, episode 4x07 (2012)

t O


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by Giuliana Mele


hey made us fall in love, moved us. Each listening our heart starts beating harder and harder without ever slowing down. Hanging around at home we find ourselves singing them and remembering the exact scenes in which these beautiful songs were the soundtrack. And if we listen around we recognize them and, inevitably, smile. From the passion for The Vampire Diaries and music, comes this section, a Top 5 most popular songs. Let’s begin, in this third edition, by proposing the following songs:

5° place Stateless – Bloodstream Episodio 1x22 “Founder’s Day”. There was a porch, the right words, the right song, a passionate kiss. The atmosphere was overwhelming, the tension palpable, and there were those lips, that meet and desire each other... Bloodstream by Stateless plunges us in the sensuality of this irresistible melodymaking these few minutes very, very intense. And who could have believed that the girl really was not Elena, but Katherine.. And who could have imagined that Damon could allow to read so much of himself since a long, long time? In the light of fuzzy and warm night, all we could see were blue eyes the higher of the Salvatore and the porch light of Gilbert House. Um, it takes me a cold shower! The Stateless are an electronic alternative rock band, born in 2002. These lovely British are a mixture of influences ranging from Radiohead, to trip-hop of Massive Attack to abstract hip-hop DJ Shadow. A different sound that deserves to be liked.




4° place Athlete - Wires Episodio 2x06 “Plan B”. If ther’s one thing songs can do, is making a tearing moment, more heartrending. And this is what Wires gave us in the moment Stefan and Elena break up to protect Jeremy from

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Katherine. He cries because he feel to be useless, and suffers because he hates letting go the person he loves. She, by now wrecked in feelings, runs towards the Salvatore’s House exit and with eyes filled in tears whisper to Damon: “She won, Katherine won.” How to forget the grieved expression of Iced-Eyes? The Athlete are a rock group by London, whose songs, Wires inclludes, has been the soundtrack not only in TVD, but also in other tv shows, like the teen drama One Tree Hill.

3° place Ron Pope – A Drop In The Ocean Episodio 3x01 “The Birthday”. “You’re a drop in the ocean” sings Ron Pope, American singersongwriter, in his A drop in the ocean. This one I propose you is the version used in the show, different from the original, which I find very compelling thanks to the excellent performance of the orchestra. This is a song that many Stelena fans, and not only, know very well. An episode which sees break points and moments of nostalgia. Alaric going away from the Gilbert house, Damon, literally speaking, breaks everything he has around him, thinking he had lost his brother forever, and the tearjerker scene between Elena and Stefan, during which she tries in all the ways to give him strength, while he feels lost and unable to say a word. “Stefan, if it’s you, don’t worry, you’ll be fine. All will be fine.”


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2° place All I Need – Within Temptation Episodio 1x19 “Miss Mystic Falls”. Are you picturing Damon and Elena dancing, right? Well, how can we forget All I need. It was the soundtrack to the first Delena dance and all fans remember with emotion the moment, one of many, in which the two were so close and even accomplices of each other. The couples are in place, the music starts and opens the dances. Damon gracefully twirls his partner, in a gorgeous blue dress, and we, watching this episode, dreamed with open eyes, imagining to be that so lucky girl. And then there was that harmony, which made beat and continues to make the heart beat to thousands and thousands of fans.. With their Dutch gothic metal, the Within Temptation can gift pure emotions, and also inject adrenaline like few other songs can do.

1° place Birdy - Skinny love Episodio 2x21 ”The Sun Also Rises”. Elena cries, cries for Jenna’s death, John’s, all the people that she lost. She remember them, gives them a last farewell, placing a rose on their graves. Ah, that distant but beloved second season. The curse was broken, Klaus is a hybrid in all effects. This is one of the saddest scenes of the entire series. These are those scenes that remain in you, and somehow they mark you, because you feel that suffering, you feel that pain, you want to get into that small monitor to somehow comforting to your favorite characters. For this issue of the Bloody Daily at number one is Skynny Love, a cover of the song by Bon Iver sung by Birdy, a sweet but sad melody that pacify you and comforts you, dragging you in its sweet notes. Birdy is a very young British singer, humble, simple but effective, with a pure and clear as water voice, but also warm, strong, and manages to be soft and powerful at the same time being accompanied by a simple piano. Another piece of this talented young artist that we find in our favorite series is “Shelter”, the same softness and simplicity of Skinny Love.

The first “issue” of our section ends here, this time we decided to take a leap into the past, as you have seen, because sometimes is good to go back with memories. I hope you enjoyed it and see you at the next TOP 5!

Bloody Daily


Games Area By La Piciuli


"Search in the scheme above the words listed below. They may be across, down or diagonal (left to right or vice versa, up to down or vice versa). Some letters may be in common to more words. The remaining letters, read one by one, will give you the key."

Click HERE and start the Video-Quiz

Carefull to all The epic fails of 4° season. by Anna Bells


his season destroying us, Kol’s death and then Jeremy’s one tells us (like it isn’t obviously) that nobody is safe in Mysti Falls. In last episode we cried so much we need a parting from the show. So as if not with a smile is right to start our relaxing time? We,TVD’s fans, are extremely and meticulously careful to every single details, nobody cans bluff us, nobody cans stray us, we know all the details of our show by heart and so we notice all of it and especially all the EPIC FAILS of the episode, moments that we think absurd, that make scream us a “Oh come ooooon…” follow by a smile. Let’s see the most important Epic Fails of this four season of TVD. This article, above our consideration, is born thanks the articles published by Wetpaint that has an address book dedicate to the fails thinks.

4x02: A way to hide…

4X04: There wasn’t a cure before?

4x10: Training camp

All the council esplodes because of an accident and what do our crafty sheriff Forbes? She leaves all the evidence at sunlight in the crime room, the oven where born the fire untouched… Don’t believe that there is something wrong?

During the third season, in the episode 15 “All My Children” Esther (Alice Evans) is working on a spell to make humans all her children. Maybe it is the same cure, but didn’t we know yet? Why Rebekah’s revelation is so shocking?

Matt helps Jeremy to train. Matt helps Jeremy to train? We know that our “Mutt” is a sport’s lover but how we can pretend that he could help Jeremy to train? The straight difference is evident between the two guys.


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4x12: Elena and Jeremy kill Kol

Now with all the profound respect I have for Elena and for Mister Muscle Jeremy how can an original of hundreds years, face to corner a newborn vampire and a new vampire hunter? Kill an original should not be so easy....

4x14: A character without power that have some power

When Professor Shane said the story about Qetsiyah and Silas, he said that the witch buried her lover leave him without poker. But is he without power physically or metaphorically only? Why if Silas was still able to do magic, he could not escape for so long? But if Silas couldn’t do spells, how did he create hallucinations in the minds of Shane and Bonnie?

Other Epic Fails in the season: Original Dad seemed the guilty vampire who didn’t want to drink human blood and fora n ideal he decided to drink only from vampire. In the four season, after the sensual scene between Elena and Damon, we understood that this act is like a vampire’s sex, so, our Original Daddy, had more than ideals....

The Sirebond: Of sure this is one of the point less clear in this season. Today we don’t understand yet how this sirebond works. Damon tells Elena to feed on the college’s girl but she didn’t do it but, when he said to April to prefer the red dress compared to blue’s one she changes her mind, also when Damon leaves and joke about the ceremony for the death with lanterns, organized by Stefan, Elena doesn’t have no one hesitation and she stays. Take also in consideration when Damon said to Elena that she must drunk directly from a vein hot blood and that the blood bags wasn’t enough, also in this example Damon didn’t give an order to Elena but this was enough to make puke her blood for the first few episodes of the show. I would end by adding that Elena seems to be still in love with Stefan in the first episodes, and this despite the sirebond, feeling that disappears completely during the show.

Klaus’ problem with the dagger. Klaus spent a lot of time and energy to set free his hybrid potential during the second season. Until then his werewolf’s powers were quite, right? Even, during the flashback of 11th century in Italy, the hybrid was the only Original that survived to Alexander’s attack because he didn’t have the same influence on him. Basically, we must think that some of his characteristics of hybrid/werevolf have taken over the curse that Esther had placed on him.

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Every video an emotion

the best fanmade dedicated to TVD by Gina Losapio


f there’s a thing that “The Vampire Diaries” can do is doubtless the teletransporting us in a parallel world in which all is possible, making us dream. Dragging us in that world in which our favourite charachters interact between themselves and follow the script we are building with desires and our heart. Some people, or more precisely, some fans are able to materialize their fantasies into reality by writing fanfictions, creating photomontages, making of videos. And these are the protagonists of this article.

I have to admit that Damerine is not one of my favourite “SHIP”, but in this video I was hitted by interaction and the bond between the two characters. Katherine was the key which in the first two seasons allowed us to know Damon’s soul, seeing it and touch it with hands. Initially, we didn’t know anything about him, except Prima scelta: that he had a deep and visceral “Damon + Katherine | hate towards his younger brother Where Did It All Go?” and only thanks to “bitchy and selfish vampire who only loves herself,” we were able to understand more by ShatteredxDesires about all that resentment and anger. In his iced-blue eyes we see love, burning passion, desire, fear ... sadness and disappointment for have been waiting for years a woman who does not really have done nothing but make fun of him and his heart. Enjoy the video:

I will try to take you by the hand and take you into my TVD-based parallel world, by suggesting videos of TVD pairings that excite me most. Fasten your seatbelts... we’re starting!

Seconda scelta:

“● Capable of being saved || Klaus & Caroline [4x13] ●” by


The title of the video says it all: it’s one of the sentences that Caroline says on his deathbed to Klaus. Since returning from the episode we don’t know whether this time the pretty blondie has been completely honest with our favorite Original, but what we know for sure is that Klaus’s got a soul ...his human side is hidden there.

Hidden behind the thousand disappointments ... the dozens of massacres of which he was the instigator.


Bloody Daily

Caroline can penetrate at a glance the hard and cold armor of Klaus, she manages to make free him and to be himself... and what about him? He challenges her, desires her... Their gazes are so deep that it’s difficult not to believe Klaroline... I have literally conquered by this ship. I look at them and dream… So dream with me: In the video we can see that Caroline talking with Stefan in the past had an hesitation, she didn’t want to lead Klaus into a sure death because she had seen it... she saw his humanity and this is a fact. Without pulling out on Klaroline (because I’d be able to write for hours ond end about them) I introduce you the third video I’ve chosen.

I must admit that the choice of this video has been difficult because there are many “videowebber” who have assembled spectacular works dedicated to Delena, but this one has something special. It begins like this: “DOES THIS FEEL WRONG?”

Terza scelta:

“→ [4x08] Damon♦Elena || 〈ʟosɪɴɢ wʜat ɪ ɴeveʀ ғouɴd〉” by


Elena gets Damon’s hand and brings it on her chest to let him feel the beating of her heart just like he did with her during the third season, then gently caresses his face with eyes full of love and asks again: DOES THIS FEEL WRONG? The kisses, the looks, the smiles, desire that they have one for the other and their being HAPPY cannot be played by the “Siring” and Elena tries to convince him with all herself that her feelings and what’s between them it’s REAL, reality. Enjoy the video which contains the most beautiful Delena moments of this fourth season, combined with a sweet melody, Jason Walker’s, “Down”: a06muCU

Quarta scelta:

“Stefan & Elena - Falling (Vampire Diaries)” by


Victoria666100, the videowebber who made this great video, was able to give voice to all the fans by explaining in this work that TVD is not only a TV show, TVD has changed our life, it’s a teaching, it’s reality. Enjoy:

And from Delena to another FANDOM: Stelena Hard times for our friends Stelena and maybe the video I’m going to show you, will mark up the dose of sadness which is in your hearts.

It really moved me. As soon as I saw it I was petrified for about 10 seconds because it manages to transmit all the love and disappointment that Stefan tries in seeing his woman running into the arms of his brother. Stefan during the third season struggled with all his forces to protect their love and now he sees everything crumbling away beneath his feet. With great elegance he steps aside and let his woman, his epic love making yet another choice. because that is what True love should do: trust the other and leave it free to choose. Enjoy:

Our wonderful journey through the most beautiful couples of The Vampire Diaries ends here unfortunately, but I propose to say goodbye one last video, dedicated not to a single pair, but rather to all the characters in our favorite show!

To complete:

“●The Vampire Diaries | The Life Experience” by


All doodles ŠJenn


Bloody Daily


“Mystic Falls”, fictional town in the state of Virginia, in which live vampires, witches, werewolves, hybrids, hunters, doppelgangers and few survived human too. But have you ever asked yourself how these creatures can be so real a tour eyes? It’s all merit of conbination and collaboration of a graphic staff of “Entity fx”, a USA agency which works with “Graphic Design” and “Visual Effects”, located in Santa Monica, in the south California not far from Los Angeles, and a harmonious team of “Make Up Artists”, costume and set designers who applied themselves to make the show result more realistic.

And just to give birth to this “reality”, particular attention has been done not only to the make up of characters to exalt the fantastic parts who characterize them, but also scenographic elements which are around the stories of our beloved. Indeed often to make some places more dark or “lived”, are added and integrated to the scenograhy some details that aren’t there while shooting. For example trees, building sans rocks created in 3D graphi-

cs and inserted on post production to give a touch of “magic” to the environment and make it all to be in harmony with the narrative theme of the series. The “Color Correction”was the constant for all special effects of all the seasons, this because changing tones and saturating colours you can show the story trough the set-designer’s and director’s view. Manu times they played with smoke and lights to decribe all in a more fascinating way, as possible, but not always these elements are really in the scene, but they are added in compositing phase, using layer technique (leyers on which disposing various entities).

For what concerns internal scenes, elements like furnish (beds, sofas, furnish, ecc) or ornamental things (lights, knick knacks, ecc) are accurately selected by the production with the help of “Interior Designers” (Warner Bros has the most big deposit of scenical furnishing clasisfied in a very precisely way), and often with a minimal attention the same objects can be found in other films or tv shows. This choice is not casual, but is made with extreme attention, because the various internal furnishings, specially in residences, must mirror the taste and nature of characters in the plot.

complements for a house is not easy seen the quantity of available material. I’d took anything at home!!! Another important role, not to underestimate is the animals’ one, the wolves, protagonists of the story aswell. These animals are actors effectively and are treated like the others, “make up” included, with the only difference that on the set they are lead by professional coaches, who often live with the animal and with some commands make it possible to shoot some scene as in the script.

Just like all actors and scenography, special effects are added in post production with graphic software. The wolves don’t interact never with actors of the cast and shootings are made in two different parts: humans play the scene like they were with doggy protagonist on set and so do the wolves and trainers, finally, in setting and post production time, the magic takes life and they are all in the same scene. 90% of the jumps or attachs of wolves are created completely from the computer except for some scenes, for example the one of the attach to Rose in 2x11 episode “By The Light of the Moon”; the wolf which jumps was artificially created while the fighting on the floor is starred by an educator disguised as the vampire to interact with the real animal, who finish its attach (not real for the trainer).

By direct experience in scene deposit of Warner Bros in Los Angeles, I can assure that the choice of the various

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Pose studio i salso an important role in The Vampire Diaries, because with it is ppossible using the “green screen”, tha veil allowing the graphic designers to use “Croma Key”’s technique, just replacing a colour with another, or a particular background, static or in motion. This effect was used so much in the show, mostly shooting scenes with the dopplegangers, having at the same time Elena and Katherine on the set. Moreover some spaces are built inside the theatre and can be divided in a really strange way: a house at first

sight in the back, is in the same time a beautiful pub! Are you curious to see some graphic tricks used in our favourite show? Watch this video. Most used software on set to make possible all the special effects and assembly of episodes are: After Effects, Combustion, Maya, Cinema 4D, Photoshop, Fusion, Final Cut and Avid. Moreover to generate the pulsing veins under the eyes of characters, a special software was realized, which allowed to give birth to a “veins set” which is personal for every actor, allowing to play with their faces and phisical de-


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tails. And why don’t you have fun trying to be one of them?

The Toto's Corner by Luigi Toto


hird date with The Corner of Toto, a section in which I answer to questions by some readers, questions about The Vampire Diaries univers. In this number I chose four very particular questions nand aswel interesting, let’s go to see: Sofia Pipia Panza: As we know Jospeh Morgan was kept beyond any expectation after the third season. What do you think about this choice? His character is one of the most appreciated, why? The Klaroline is becoming the second pairing between the most popular on the show. Can you, as a shipper, tell us the motivations because you see them good together?! JJoseph Morgan is an extraordinary actor. He has charm, fascination and his performances are incredible, expecially in some episodes of this fourth season (4x09, 4x12). Klaus is a “breakout character”, one of those characters who despite the fact they represent a negative presence in the plot, seduce you, and you ‘ll go even cheer for them. I think the authors kept him because they pay attention to the wishes and tastes of fans, and they know how Joseph and Klaus have become popular in the fandom. Klaus is appreciated not only for the Morgan’s talent, but also because it has more nuances, is not simply the evil, he does not want only death and destruction, there are reasons for he came to be it. I believe that the basis of all is a deep lack of affection and trust, I think that these two things marked him. I am a Klaroline shipper because I be-

lieve that the deepest passions arise even from hate. “Hate and love. Such a thin line” quoting our beloved Katherine Pierce. Klaus and Caroline reminds me a little “Beauty and the Beast”, when they are together, Klaus gives the best of him. Caroline knows that there is something more over the armor of Big Bad, and she is fascinated, aswell as he is by her being so full of life. It is a very introspective relationship, for both is good to have scenes together. Annalisa Mirabelli: A possible dark changing of Bonnie could bring important changes in the show? How would react Elena, knowing that probably has “lost” her best friend? I root for a turning in dark Bonnie since the second season, and I think we’re close. Bonnie has always been treated as “deus ex machina” is a term I often use to describe her. She arrives, solves situations with magic and is set aside. I believe that Bonnie is a very interesting character. It’s a good friend, a person worthy of trust, caring and rarely judges. Inside the Scooby Gang is one of the people I like the most. Bonnie is a cornerstone for Elena, and I think loosing her at this point of the story would be another blow. Bonnie is like the one who holds the situations, and try to solve them without fear. She’s a character too underrated! I’d like to see her in “Dark Willow” version, with lots of veins in sight and black robes. It would be fun! Alice Louise: Which are according to you the reasons why TVD is so popular? It is only for the love triangle, trick that always works, or because vampires are fascinating since times

of times? So, what is the right mix that pushes the audience to wait for the episodes week after week? The Vampire Diaries is successful because of several factors. We’re on The CW, so obviously there is the aesthetic factor. The aesthetic quality is an important factor, even if it seems superficial as argument, we have a wonderful group of actors. The talent of the cast and writers. Succeding of twists and cliffhangers, you want to see the episodes, because the authors are good and make you want to see. The love triangle. It will be a mechanism seen and reviewed, but it always works. The Vampire Diaries is a show that makes people discuss on plots, on the team, on formulating theories, writing fan fiction. I think he has the right mix of genres. Supernatural / Drama, then there’s the comic verve of Damon, there are harrowing scenes, aswell as fun ones. So it’s a winner show because it involves the audience on multiple levels. Katherine Jessica Petrova: If you could choose to bring back a character (dead or otherwise no longer part of the show), who would it be and why? Rose. In my opinion we lost her too soon. She was a character who could give so much more, she was a friend of Damon and he needed her. Damon also opened reluctantly, because she understood him. I would have liked to know more about her past, she seemed a wise woman, who has been through a lot. She was objective (she did a very fair speech to Jeremy in 3x19), and in my opinion also very good. And then we need a Team Delena person in Mystic Falls! Thanks to all those who have sent me their questions! See you next time!

Luigi Toto’s Bio Luigi Toto is a young blogger from Rome , passionated with tv shows, ironic and smart. TV shows are his bread and butter everyday, and since a long time he entertains fans with his reviews of The Vampire Diaries, True Blood and Pretty Little Liars. His dream? Flying to Los Angeles and make become this passion a real job.

Bloody Daily


have the time to make sure that its fold is perfect. There’re many way to ricreate her look, her outfits seems to be study from head to feet (included accesories), so the thing most simple to do is to review togheter the most important clothing that make at the best her style!

Dresses: Caroline don’t lose the oc-

casion to wear dreasses. She has a lot of these, we girl imagine her wardrobe full of dresses because “you never know what event could come

Moda Bonnie Bennet's FASHION Caroline Style Forbes'


by Vanessa Gorga


aroline Forbes, starring by Candice Accola, seems at first look the usual popular student of the school, because she’s cheerleader’s chief and organizer of all events in Mystic Falls. But, going beyond ap-

pearances, we can immediately understand that she’s a strong and determined girl, who fights against problem more obscure. Her style, by the way, reflects her external positivity: it’s total feminine and graceful, and despite all the disasters that regularly occur in Mystic Falls, Caroline seems to still

out from day to day,” and who can blame her. Obviously, they’re all combined to special accesories, to not leave anything to chance. We can quote an infinity of beautiful dresses but, in this season, there are two which are perfect to rappresent Caroline’s style: Anthropologie dress, very casual with its floral fantasy, and the unforgettable BCBGMAXAZRIA dress wearing during Miss Mystic Falls. And we cant’ forget the skirts that she naturalness wear during the many excursions in the wood. So much respect for our Caroline, only she can do it.

Cardigan & scarves: Many times

Caroline wears jackets or short cardigans, that simply give the beloved hourglass silhouette. They are easy to match, especially if chosen in shades of neutral or still quite dark, as dark green, midnight blue or burgundy as the Gibson Equestrian Blazer chosen in episode 4x07. Especially in the first season, her wardrobe every day included several scarves, carefully put together a multi-layered look. In particular, in the episode 1x04 “Family Ties”, Caroline wore a long scarf, from very light material, decorated with a flower. As you can


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see, the result is very elegant, considering that her look was made up another dress by BCBGMAXAZRIA and a short cardigan, knitted. Two must-have style of Miss Forbes, basically.

Elettric and soft colours: Caroline

often prefers bright colors like electric blu, fuchsia or bright purple. It’s a good idea to have many colored clothes in our wardrobe, because many time they make our happy during the bad

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days and emphasize the comprehensive whole. About this we can take, as example, the casual red dress of Kimiche & Blue wore in the episode 4x07 “We alla Go a Little Mad Sometimes” and the electric blue tope wore in 3x06 “Smells Like Teen Spirit”. Other times, you certainly noticed that Caroline wears a combination of soft colours like white, beige, light yellow. Although her ​​looks tends to get pretty edgy, character, as hes life takes a turn somewhat left, Caroline doesn’t seem to give up that romantic touch that has always characterized her style. This trend reached its climax in episode 9 of season four, when she wore a stunning ivory dress by Bebe, her skirt plissata and Sweetheart neckline, paired with a white cardigan with three-quarter sleeves, high-heeled shoes jewelery with pearls and also coordinated. The girl seems to have a knack for perfect matches, and if there is someone who can dress stylish while her boyfriend is going to “swap” his body with an Original that loves his girlfrined, well that someone is Caroline Forbes.

Curly hair: Over the clothings, the perfect curly hair denotes Caroline’s style, that remains perfect even later supernatural strong fight. They’re the symbol of our favourite vampire, so keep your hair in order for the all the brave and extremely prissy, who take day. a smile e fresh in a show many times too dark. It’s normale that all call her: Barbie-Vamp! To ricreate this simple hairstyle, the height of the eye to the tip, try to curl the hair outwards, so as to open our eyes. Use clasps with pearls and precious stones if you want to


The Following Everything you need to know about Kevin Williamson's new show

by Noemi Terruzzi


evin Meade Williamson at only 34 years old, was the scriptwriter and the producer of the famous and successful series Dawson’s Creek and now (48 years old) we love him because he’s the creator, the executive producer and the author of The Vampire Diaries: it’s an incredible responsibility for our loved TV series! Williamson by the way doesn’t stop right there: in fact, after creating, producing and having a part in the completion of Scream 4 and the TV series The Secret Circle, in 2013 he’s debuting as a producer and author of The Following, the American TV series of which the first episode has been broadcasted in USA on last 21st January on FOX (in Italy the series is broadcasted on Premium Crime and SKY Uno from 4th February). FOX approved Williamson’s project on 26th September 2011, commissioning the draft of the pilot’s script of this series that has been described as a new thriller series that will keep you breathless: it’s about a serial killer, a literature teacher, fool and perverse lover of Edgar Allan Poe, who inspires a serial murdering cult by the internet and about an ex FBI agent, called to catch him. On 9th January 2012 FOX approved the production of the pilot, directed by Marcos Siega, who has also directed The Vampire Diaries’ pilot. It’s a series deeply centered on serial murders, so the author has af-

firmed that he’s been inspired by Danny Rolling’s serial homicides (he was called the Gainesville Ripper, he was condemned to death as a serial killer) and he explained that he used some ideas which were been removed by Scream 3’s script. Cast is incredible: Kevin Bacon (24 hours, Mystic River, X-Men the beginning, Crazy Stupid Love), for the first time on a TV series, as the ex FBI profiler Ryan Hardy who search the serial killer Joe Carroll, played by James Purefoy (Revenge); Shawn Ashmore (X-Men Trilogy, Frozen), who plays the young FBI agent Mike Weston, and Annie Parisse (How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, National Treasure, The amazing Spider-Man), who plays the other FBI agent who works with Ryan.

the violence is even too free and without this aspect it would be a good psychological thriller; also the Boston Globe said that violence is not calibrated in the right way. The series started off after the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School and this fact penalized the success of the show. Nevertheless The Following has got an incredible potential: Williamson’s work is meticulous, careful and directed to make the best, not in order to have positive reviews, but to be as coherent as possible to reality. In all his works, including The Vampire Diaries and The Following, Williamson’s sign is recognizable by the dramatic nature and the coherence of the product, chosen and produced by himself to

The Following has been embraced by conflicting reviews. Variety says that it’s a TV series wisely realized, with an unpredictable plot, full of tension and events’ twists. USA Today presented it as one of the most violent and scary TV series ever produced, well narrated and played, centered, as other crime dramas, on the conflict between Good and Evil, where the Good is represented as uncertain and marked by the past and the Evil as smart and deeply perverted. Finally the New York Daily News criticized the pilot as intense and of high quality. On the other hand, according to the San Francisco Chronicle the series is full of cliché and

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show human heart’s shadows. The Following will leave his mark and will be appreciated by those people who love thriller and crime dramas, because it’s wisely well-finished, with a perfect soundtrack, an amazing cast (Kevin Bacon is simply extraordinary!), a wise director and a matchless screenplay. Certainly violence is generously present, so if you’re susceptible people you’ll have to close your eyes in some scenes! And if it’s not your taste at all, you should watch the first five minutes of the pilot only to see our Susan Walters (Carol Lockwood in The Vampire Diaries) who plays the role of a lawyer! Psychological thriller, violent, about crimes: Edgar Allan Poe’s quotes blood-soaked by the victims brutally killed by Carroll, who literally takes the poet’s philosophy that sees eyes as the duct of the soul and retains that Beauty lies in the murder of a beautiful woman and so it’s the highest expression of art. Don’t lose this series! Good luck Kevin!

Joseph Joseph Morgan Morgan Positive Women Positive Women 59

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by Emanuele Amanteo


ocial commitment is already diffused enough between the stars of the whole world. Promoting a charity and becoming sustainers of a foundation, for a famous person, is an excellent way to make fans aware about a project and his active support. After Ian Somerhalder, another star of “The Vampire Diaries” involved his publlic in this promotion: Joseph Morgan. Our most bad original vampire, Klaus, in real life is a strong supporter of women and not only. His name in effect, appears in the project “Positive Women” followed constantly by Joseph with many contributes “Positive Woman” is a charity association who aims at helping and sustain women and children with no luck in Africa, particularly in the Swaziland, to decrease poverty and increase their cultural growing. The association, founded in collaboration with The Children of Swaziland and Swaziland Positive Women, already operating, follows specifical projects which aim to help get better life conditions of women and children in this area, because they are too marginalised yet from society. Positive Women has different projects in active, which contribute to reach the following results: Give to 450 orphans and exposed children the possibility to study Give to the same 450 children som books Start financing projects for leader women Bring into tribunal 5 causes and teach 500 women to their legal rights. TBetween the active projects at the moment is the one which aims to bring more children to school to teach a job and make believe

the women in themselves in order to change their life condition. Our Joseph just raised many foounds for this cause realizing als videos, publishe on the net, to push fans to help him. In 2012 he asked to his supporters, a special birthday gift, realizing a message in which he explained how changing is possible, that he believes in it and it can be realized. He encouraged his public to help in every possible way this association and raised very good results. “Our job aims at supporting the communities and help them changing their way of life to alleviate poverty and social progress. To gain this, these people must have what they need and so succeding in making choices, and understand they have rights. This is what we try to do”

2012. Positive Women in a previous tweet promised an official video message for the raising of 10.000 dollars, and the answer of the original was this: “It’s true lovelies. Here it is your possibility to receive a video message from me! Come on donate something, it’s Christmas!” Finally, also fans had lot of inventive. Indeed, in addiction to donations, some of them made gadgets on The Vampire Diaries, giving the raised money in Jospeh’s favour for his “Birthday project” for Positive Women.

This are the words he left to fans, of which, he is very proud. In a recent interview indeed at the question: “Did you wait this support from fans?”, Joseph answers this way: “Never. Fans represent an incredible support. Money we raised will make a big difference in Swaziland. I’m very proud of all of them and I kneel in front of the fact they took this cause in a so personal way.” Not missing also occasions in which our actor reaffirm the importance of this cause, with these words: “It’s movements like this which can bring our world to change, This is future and they need people like you. We can’t look to the next perso, we are the one who will make or break the chains of poverty in Swaziland. So collaborate with us!” Joseph has used web ans Social Networks many times to spread the word on his projects. He posted also tweets for this purpose on his official page like the one for Christmas

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10 RULES to live a convention in a perfect way by Jessica Pignaffo Gaia Beduschi

Partecipate in a convention and meet our favourites actors is an unique and exciting experience. Specially whe we ive it for the first time. Be excited, and why not, a little embarassed when we are in front of stars like Ian Somerhalder or Paul Wesley is normal. Who would not be? In the next lines, Gaia Beduschi – fantasy’s lover and a frequent visitor of the convention – will tell us some advice to live the convention experience in the most calm and relaxed as possible. A complete handbook and especially tested! enjoy the surprises or a well-deserved rest before two beautiful days and the company of your fellow adventure... the withdrawal pass however can also make (in the case of Love & Blood) throughout the day Friday and Saturday morning.

1. The suitcase:

2. The papers:

We must think that we’ll stay around without stop from morning until night, so we need comfortable and practical dresses, the ideal solution is a pair of jeans with plimsools or ballerinas. Simple and fresh makeup so that, if the photo op should also be in mid-afternoon and having the early rising, we don’t come with a mask at the time of the click... For the night... During the Love&Blood the first party will be on friday and it’ll be a karaoke, so clothing cute for sure, but the gala will be on Saturday, so don’t get caught by the craze elegance... For Saturday... well, the label includes the long dress, then in that case feel of the princesses and DARE! (without ever being vulgar...). Don’t worry too much about the photo moment, heels or not because the actor is high (and Ian isn’t the case...), low-cut shirt, miniskirt... guests appreciate discretion and simplicity, so betting on a big smile and not the flashy show. Of course, this doesn’t mean being neglected and a drop of perfume in more never hurts...

Remember to print the PDF attachments to the Pass, purchased extra (all of it) and to take with you the ID card, because thanks to it you can take the pass at the beginning of the event... without papers the things will be so complicated.


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3. Departure, arrival and accommodation at the hotel: The convention goes on for three dy generally, and the first day (on friday) is dedicated to delivery of pass, and especially if it is an event attended by about 1000 people armed with a little patience because most of the day will be dedicated to this. In the specific case of Perugia we have a lot of surprises for the first day. My advice, if you can and you don’t have work commitments, would be to arrive on Thursday evening or Friday morning at most to attend to the matter of withdrawal pass in a short time and then

4. The first approach… If you aren’t staying at the hotel hosting the convention, after accepting the pass would be best to give you a look around to see where the rooms dedicated to photo ops, autographs and to the panel, so as to get acquainted with the environment and maybe you don’t miss when you need it ... Then maybe you looking to do even close acquaintance with your place of or with as many people as possible, because remember: they are the few girls who can understand your mood , and share your feelings with someone is always the best thing. The friendships made at conventions are among people who understand, and then the chances are very high that will last. And who would say no to a new friend?

5. The opening ceremony: This is the most important moment of all. This will give the start to the two days that you’ll be remember for ever, that will give you emotions so strong that you feel like you hear heart explode in my chest. The first time that you’ll see THEM (or Him, whatever, anyone who steal your soul) so close without any screen or ocean that separe you from them... He (or She for the boys) that you dream the night, thath you hug in the pillow, that you print, that you kiss on the poster you have in your rooms... the person (because we never forget that he’s a person) that when you even hear his name makes our happy... There will be greetings, the staff presentation, and then THEY... on stage, and finally beautiful in the flesh! Make him feel that the Italian “do it better”, who appreciate them, follow them, which are part of your life... but stay calm as much as possible will help you to not look like A a mad furious, B to leave them an unforgettable memory, C to remember everything... I do not know about you, but when Nick Carter appeared in front of me 15 years ago (O.o...) I was so excited that I almost completely removed the moment... keep calm, because, unfortunately, the power plays tricks, and no one wants to forget that moment, no?

6. Autografi e photo ops: Brings us the most awaited moment... after the first glance from a few meters away, finally a hug and an exchange of

words and looks. You should ALWAYS keep in mind two important things at any time: the first, whoever you are faced with is a HUMAN BEING, not an alien. The second, hysterical and crazy gestures make scare the person in front of you. Try to empathize with the guy in them... a madman who have never seen you clinging to his neck, after that maybe they did another 500... cries, screams and despair... how would you feel? The affection is shown, but discretion is essential to making a good impression. Many of you will think “Gaia, on paper and having seen more than half of the cast is easy....” but there was also the first time for me, in which I thought I would die embracing Ian. It was not so... it’s been two years and I am healthy as a horse, I guarantee you... Fortunately, ALL of them are extremely nice and understanding, so know that you are excited, but replace the tears with a joke to tell him is definitely the best thing . If you cry as you can be able to talk? And, girls, if you were in front of Joseph Morgan MAYBE, MAYBE, and I say, to hear him say your name or “Hello Lovely” would be better than seeing the angry screams... The time for photos is very limited, it will be about 5 / 8 seconds per person, which seem few, but there will be etched as they were hours, so do not think... sprecateli to a position also nice (or simply embrace, I understand......) to be proposed before, revenue, smile, say hello, and a nice THANK YOU at the end... and everything will be fine.. During the autograph time will be a little bit more, and also them a nice greeting, “How are you? Having fun? “Surely they ask, and even if you majored in English will lose the use of the word, so work out a little ‘to say” I’m good, and you’re awesome “, and you will see that everything will spin in the best way...

7. Meet&Greet: Only a few of you coul spend this amazing moment, but I say to the lucky few “Enjoy it”, because you have the chance to talk with your idol for thirty minutes or maybe more and so ask to him wherever you want, but with DISCRETION...ALWAYS. Tell them what it means for you (without going into details indecent, I recommend ...), what sends you, ask him what his favorite song, in short, try to know him better ... talk about your tastes and tell him will make him feel at ease and not surrounded by 15 or 20 people who at that moment have the crazy hormone..

8. The Dance: There is the possibility that the actors will be present to the party on saturday of ever collection, ma this depend very much on how they felt during the day. if they felt at ease and SAFE increase the possibility that they are present, but remember that it is a CELEBRATION, where there are people who love what you love, where you can meet a lot of people, so if it did not arise or at least should not be your favorite ENJOY! Dance, were the games, jokes .. you are all there to spend two unforgettable days, no one will judge you by how you dress, how to dance, or if you put yourself in the game, so enjoy the evening IN EVERYTHING! And then, in the case of Italian CON, you have the opportunity to dress like a princess, with those clothes that Ele-

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na and Caroline wear to the dances that you may have the opportunity to participate for the first and only time... imagine having Klaus, Damon or Stefan in front of you to want to leave you breathless....... surely remain a beautiful dream, but you can not live without dreams...


9. Panels: During the panels you will have the chance to ask also funny thing to your heroes, without enter in the details of private life that will make them in embarrassment, so ask many things and don’t be shy. More the question is original then they stop more time to answer... of course if there were Ian and Paul in front of you would be not very nice to tell a “Sorry, you’re cute but I prefer the other.. ” they know that everyone has their preferences, limit yourself to compliment them and ask your question... because if it wasn’t obvious, the more they feel at ease, not driven or hunted, the more you let go...

10. The closer: Unfortunately this time comes, you will notice already that DEVASTATING, make you cry, you’ll be desperate idea that perhaps will one year to relive such an experience, but the baggage that you will be enriched procured by far your day... look back for weeks at that time when you have embraced, that smile, those words... it will be difficult to re-examined the life of


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every day, but you will have something more. Much more than anything. New friends (which are the most important), new memories, new emotions in the heart... and quite a few ‘photos more to be able to kiss every night.... “Why do all good things come to an end?” Asked Nelly Furtado .. and the answer is that the important thing is that these things sooner or later you are able to live... that last little or a lot, there are millions of girls such a possibility perhaps will never have it, so please feel very successful, and ENJOY!!!

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