Chin Woo Stadium & Sunway Pyramid

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Y . T .

Chin Woo Stadium is located on a hillside away from the hustle bustle city in Kuala Lumpur at Jalan Hang Jebat. Design by architect Data’Y.T.Lee with a unique design which was influenced from the Art Moderne style. This stadium was the first sports facility in the Malaysia with an Olympic sized swimming pool along with many sporting and entertainment events held at the venue.

D A T O '



" there is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know "

Architectural heritage Kuala Lumpur - Pre-Merdeka. (2007). Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Institute of Architects. Bedford, S. (2018, April 26). 9 Malaysian Architects You Should Know. Retrieved June 2, 2019, from Cheah. (2015, October 17). Sunway Pyramid expands premises. Retrieved June 1, 2019, from Chin Woo Stadium Analysis Report. (2015, December 03). Retrieved June 1, 2019, from CHIN WOO STADIUM. (2017, December 15). Retrieved June 2, 2019, from Construction Technology I. (2015, July 12). Retrieved June 1, 2019, from Hamer, S. (2016, April 18). ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPTS: CIRCULATION. Retrieved June 3, 2019, from IMHOTEP TODAY: Egyptianizing architecture. (2017). Retrieved June 3, 2019, from id=AcZmDAAAQBAJ&pg=PT169&lpg=PT169&dq=how to make hieroglyph facade with modern construction&source=bl&ots=NjoJQhNdpS&sig=sAL1LiTMH11VlnXTOhbgrlHmsS4 &hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjl_p2j27jXAhXEvY8KHcgoCscQ6AEIiAEwHA#v=onep age&q=how to make hieroglyph facade with modern construction&f=false Sunway Pyramid Roof | Chong Lek Engineering Works Sdn Bhd. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2019, from Yap, Z. (2013, June 23). Chin Woo Stadium. Retrieved June 2, 2109, from


table CONTENTS of

a historical analysis

chin woo stadium

01 - 1 timeline analysis 01 - 2 site context i. site accessibility ii. surrounding 01 - 3 architectural style and design analysis i. style and Influence ii. organization iii. elements and principles 01 - 4 spatial organization i. function ii. circulation iii. materials 01 - 5 construction and structure i. ventilation and air circulation ii. structural components iii. climate


TIMELINEanalysis The association gathered enough funds to purchase the hillside land at Jalan Hang Jebat to build Chin Woo Stadium. The Board Committee devoted themselves fully into building a new stadium.

1950-53 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The association was forced to stop function to its projects, like Chin Woo Stadium, and was left abandoned because of World War 2. Later on, a newly recognized association came back to function after the war and Chin Woo Stadium had successfully achieved its reopening.

1947 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Chin Woo Stadium began construction and was completed in 1953. This project was officiated by His Royal Highness Sultan Hishammudin Alam Shah on 31th of August 1950. An opening ceremony was honoured by Sir Mc Donald, the High Commissioner of Great Britain and the local leader.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chin Woo Stadium was deregistered on 26th of December due to a failed submission of Audited Report for 1970-1971 from the Association.



The Association got back the Registration and reclaimed the property on 25th of January.


1972 1992

Chin Woo Stadium was officially renamed as Chin Woo Athletic Association Selangor and Kuala Lumpur on 28th of June.

SITE CONTEXT accessibility

Pedestrians Pedestrian walkways are provided to Chin Woo stadium, although pedestrians will need to hike up a steep slope in order to reach the building premise.

Vehicular Vehicles can access Chin Woo via Jalan Hang Jebat. The road is a asphalt, two lane road, that diverges uphill to Chin Woo via a single lane road. Parking is provided uphill and downhill of Chin Woo.

Public Transport At the site itself, no public transport services are provided. However, Chin Woo stadium is an 8minute walk from the Pasar Seni Station, which is linked to the LRT and MRT lines, as well as a bus station for several bus routes.

Site Context Chin Woo stadium is located nearby several other landmarks, including Stadium Merdeka, Stadium Negara and the Malaysian Basketball Association. It is also a 10 minute walk from Central Market and Petaling Street.

ARCHITECTURE style Art Moderne Architecture Style After Art Deco style became more subdued in 1930’s during Great Depression, Art Moderne emerged with simple, curvy and aerodynamic forms which emphasized more on simple geometry and the functionality of the building. It is the later version of Art Deco. Both styles are very similar but the appearance of Art Moderne is simpler and cleaner, getting influences from the Bauhaus movement. Excess or unnecessary ornaments were stripped down and sharp corners were replaced by rounded edges to create a streamlined form.

Asymmetry In Art Moderne, asymmetry of the overall massing and the floor plans is a key characteristic. The front façade of Chin Woo draws focus to the right side of the building, creating asymmetry through the use of scale with the height of the clock tower on the right that is significantly taller than the main building.

Streamline Chin Woo Stadium also features rounded edges that create an aerodynamic streamline form. The Art Moderne style was heavily influenced by the soft curved designs of modern industrial ships, airplanes and automobiles to provoke a sense of dynamism, speed and efficiency.

Minimal Art Moderne buildings share similarities with Art Deco buildings with a less stylized ornamentation, influenced from the Bauhaus’ functional efficiency movement growing during that time. Ornamentation was seen as unnecessary and buildings were minimally ornamented. Hence, the architecture of Chin Woo is clean and simple with a rounded rectangle form.

Roof Flat roof is incorporated in the design to maintain the flat, horizontal and clean façade while the step-back (or; setback) roof of Art Deco style architecture was used in the design of Chin Woo to lower the building’s central mass, thus making it more stabilized, but to also allow natural light and fresh air into the interior.



Art Moderne style windows usually appear as a continuous band to create an aerodynamic appearance to the building. Chin Woo does the same by having a linear sequence of windows that can be seen in the front facade.

An upright tall clock tower in Chin Woo Stadium stands out as the focal point of the building while vertical columns is commonly used as a support structure to emphasize on verticality that is often seen in Art Moderne buildings.

Metal As a result of mass production and technological advancement during the age of the industrial revolution, metal was frequently used in Art Moderne buildings as it was seen as a common resource and was readily available. Similarly, Chin Woo stadium incorporates metal casements in their design extensively to frame windows and doors throughout the building.

Nautical Elements Art Moderne architecture frequently takes inspiration from nautical elements in order to fit with the “streamline� aesthetic by taking inspiration from the ocean in design. Hence, curves (1), horizontal lines, blue finishes and elements from ships, like portholes (2) are seen in the design of Chin Woo.





Finishes In Art Deco & Art Moderne style, wall finishes are clean, simple and flat. Excessive decorations are unwanted, clearly demonstrated in Chin Woo through smooth, flat and un-ornamented walls with Stucco primarily used to create the effect.


DESIGN analysis Centralized Organization The stadium has a well-defined central space, with secondary spaces grouped along the perimeter of the main area. This creates a wide open space, suitable for the use of events and relates back to the functional use of architecture. ·

Balance An axis is established through the symmetrical organization of the building which has a bilateral symmetry seen through both the plan and elevational organization of the building. The centralized placement of the logo signboard as well as the linear arrangement help further accentuate the symmetrical lines of the building, as well as provide illusion of an elongated façade by leading the eyes through visual cues. The elevation shows balance, as the stadium is made up of two identical wings. The plan also has an obvious symmetry, clearly showing the form of the building which is created through the use of two mirrored circular shapes. ·

Verticality and Horizontality

A defining characteristic of Art Deco style architecture, the stadium has an obvious use of horizontal and vertical elements, seen especially in the façade which is decorated with long vertical windows arranged in a ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------linear horizontal sequence. This creates a dense parallel linear organization towards the building. ·



Form of the building is created through the interlocking massing of circular and rectangular forms, resulting in a soft, curved rectangular shape. This creates a large defined open central space. ·

Hierachy Visual emphasis is placed on the clock tower through it’s height, which is much larger proportionally compared to the rest of the building. Hence, the contrast of proportion draws the eye towards the right wing of the stadium. ·

Scale The entrance level and upper level has a 1:2 scale through the use of larger scale windows, adding visual height to the building as the proportion helps enhance the functional aesthetic of the building as a stadium by increasing the overall dimensional feel. ·







SPATIAL organization 1


The entryway is a spacious to allow guest to walk straight into the auditorium. ·



The U-auditorium is a seating area that allows audiences to have a clear view of the stage. ·


Public Event Uses Badminton Court, Martial Art Training, Exhibition hall, Convention hall, Concert ·



Private Event Uses Wedding hall, Meeting Hall, Wedding Banquet ·




The duo-squarial staircase leads to the upper floor of the upper auditorium and the training studios (Martial Section Sections).

Wooden Flooring Wooden flooring is used as it is most suitable for dancing. Around the hall, longer wooden tiles are used. ·

Tiles Ceramic, glass, stone and porcelain mosaic tiles are used extensively. Different shapes and sizes are used to create different geometric shapes.

Terazzo Terrazzo flooring covers the staircase leading to the upper level of Chin Woo and is used as the handrails of the stairs ·

Stucco Used throughout the exterior of the building. It acts as a decorative element which hardens and smoothes the surface to protect from rain water. ·



Elevated to allow optimum viewing from all seating areas.·

Circulation The enclosed corridor on both sides of the stadium are linked to specific rooms (office, storage, backstage) which only allow committee members to enter. Public walkways ·



Cast iron Reinforced Concrete Shanghai Plaster Cast iron grills are used in the Popular during the Art Deco era, Used at the main entrance, the openings to protect the reinforced concrete was used for rough surface made of crushed Turquoise tinted glass is used Cast iron grills are used in the Popular during the Art Deco era, Used at the main entrance, the entrances and windows of Chin majority of the exterior, with stones, gravels and sand is throughout the exterior openings to protect the reinforced concrete was used for rough surface made of crushed 4 to Woo bars to increase weather coated with a coat of acrylic to absorb heat and reduce entrances and windows of Chin reinforcing majority of the exterior, with stones, gravels and sand is 4 protection and tensile strength. give it a shiny finishing. sunlight entering the building, Woo reinforcing bars to increase weather coated with a coat of acrylic to · · providing privacy and safety.· protection and tensile strength. give it a shiny finishing. · ·

CONSTRUCTION and structure Ventilation and Air Circulation Chin Woo Stadium is an indoor sport stadium and air conditioning was uncommon in the 50s, ventilation portholes and slits were the only rational way of cooling the interior. ·

Instead of just placing the ventilation slits on the higher section of the hall, ventilation portholes were also placed n the lower section to improve the natural ventilation.

Response to Climate To prevent high exposure of heat from the natural light penetration to light up the interior, cantilevered concrete awnings are used to limit the direct sunlight at different periods.

The front exterior of the building uses long vertical windows which take advantage of minimal shading around the building for high natural light penetration into the front facade to light up the interior. The tinted casement window can be opened and shut in different angles to control the amount of light penetrating into the building and also for privacy purposes.

The prolonged cantilevered roof at the entrance acts as a shield from rain especially convenient for drop offs or pick up of visitors during rainy days. It also acts as shading to the interior space which is the entrance zone.

Structural Components Chin Woo Stadium used the traditional steel superstructure with concrete caissons transferring building loads to the bedrock. Concrete slabs support the floor and roof gravity loads on composite steel deck, resting on wide flange beam and girders and transferred to the foundation by wide flange columns.

Retro Roofing Used to enhance the thermal efficiency of the building by adding insulation due to the stadium is located on high ground exposed to the sunlight., able to keep the interior cool. Installation of the roof starts with joining the roof trusses through the existing steel frame structure of the buildings. After that, build up layer by layer until the third layer.

Concrete Waffle Raft Slab A two-way concrete slab reinforced by ribs in two directions. Waffle slabs are able to carry heavier loads and span longer distances than flat slabs. The site was excavated to place the work form and prepare for slab bedding. Next, the steel reinforced mesh was added to have high compressive strength. The reinforced mesh was placed before the mixing of concrete then the poring of slabs. The concrete was cut into 2 cm groove into the slabs of every 150 cm to create control joint to prevent crack.

Cast-in Situ Concrete Wall

Masonry Wall

Timber formwork with steel reinforcement mixed into form bar. Next the concrete is poured into the framework and is removed when it cures. The walls are joint and filled with in situ concrete. These materials are able to bear the loads of large window areas. The finishes of the walls are Shanghai Plaster, which are able to withstand the local climate weather and create stone texture on the walls. It also uses natural pebbles and marbles chipping.

These walls are being used in the interior of the stadium. The materials offer great flexibility and appearance to the building. It is able to bear the loads from windows and doors by transferring the loads to the floor slabs.

Dry Wall Some interior part of the stadium can be seen using dry walls. It can be found in the podium to divide the space using wall track, metal studs, and gypsum board. Some parts use acoustic insulation walls to provide better sound insulation in the building. ·

INFLUENCE of culture Malaysian Culture The original concept behind the large Sphinx standing guard at Sunway Pyramid was to create a replica of the famous Egyptian sphinx, but religious authorities were opposed to the design of a human-like face on the statue..

Thus, they decided to go with a lion head instead. Nevertheless, it still became an iconic and significant landmark in Bandar Sunway that is deeply rooted in people’s minds.

Islamic Culture In ancient Egyptian architecture, domes were something that were not frequently seen. However, domes are used extensively throughout the design of Sunway Pyramid, seen in the facade and atriums of the building.

Sunway Pyramid’s use of dome-shaped roofs is similar to the modern Egypt architecture, showcased in the Muhammad Ali Mosque located in Cairo, Egypt which contains a central dome surrounded by four small and four semi-circular domes.

STRUCTURAL components Pyramidial Structure

The triangle structure found on the exterior of Sunway Pyramid is made of a steel skeletal structure acting as a frame for the pyramid. Steel rods used for the pyramid frame were carried by machineries and cranes to support the hollow pyramid.

The pyramid is a very important component in Egyptian architecture and is shaped in reference to the rays of the sun. The pyramid in Sunway is built in a large scale so it can be seen from a distance, thus becoming a landmark of Bandar Sunway.

Column Support Many columns are used in Egyptian architecture, with three of them shown as the main columns used in Sunway Pyramid. Papyriform columns have a circular upper most part while Palmiform columns are plant themed, in this case a bud-like feature. The Osiride column however, has a a figure placed crossed-arms on the column.


Entry points Exits Corridors ·


Hallways Atria Pathways ·

Horizontal Movement



Escalators Lifts Stairs

Vertical Movement

All of these attractions are connected in a loop so that the visitors will have an endless shopping experience at the mall. ·

SPATIAL organization Blue Atrium Represents the Great Nile River Design Element: Shades of blue and panels symbolizing water currents. Orange Atrium Represents Sun God, Ra Design Element: Sun flare patterns and radiant hues.

Function Sunway Pyramid is separated into 4 main atriums, namely the Pyramid atrium, the Orange atrium, the Blue atrium and the Pyramid Ice Rink. These four big atriums are interconnected by four shopping precincts, known as Fashion Central, Asian Avenue, Oasis Boulevard, and the Marrakesh walk. All of the zones have its own individual theme, thus expressing a sense of adventure while strolling through the mall. ·

Main Entrance Pyramid Atrium Ice Rink

Passive Open Space Spaces that is use for sitting and relaxing examples: sitting area, boulevard and plazas·

Active Open Space Space that is used for activities with a large circulation. examples: skating rink and atriums.




An axis is established through the linear elements, connected via centralized forms, creating visual cues that leads users around the space·



Radial Organization


Linear organizations of space extend from the central atriums in a radial arrangement, hence spaces are connected via a common space as all four atriums are linked through linear forms.

Form Irregular form is created by the interlocking of circular and rectangular forms.

Touch of gold on the lining to emphasize on the golden rays of the Sun. ·

Tiles are alabaster with a repetition of star patterns, quite similar to the Islamic motifs.

Used in-situ concrete covered with marble tread. Railings are made of metal baluster and metal handrail.·




Tiles Rougher, textured tiles used to mimic the sandy texture of Egyptian deserts.

DESIGN analysis Hierachy

The visual emphasis created by the stark contrast of form created by the sphinx and pyramid in comparision to the symmetry of the domes creates hierachy in the architecture and results in a dominant sense of importance to the sphinx and pyramid. ·

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Balance Bilateral symmetry is seen in the front elevation of the building, creating a symmetrical balance along the axis. ·

Columns are made of precast concrete with Egyptian carvings made on the. Metal reinforcements form the shape. ·

The inner layer is made with metal reinforcement and then later covered with in-situ concrete. The entire sculpture is painted with gold. ·



Glass two way doors are found throughout all the entrance of the mall. ·

Egyptian carvings can be found on the metal frame which holds the transparent glass. The railing is made of wood.·



Portico Known as a porch leading to the entrance of a building (or extended as a colonnade) with a roof structure over the walkway and supporting columns or enclosing walls, the portico in Sunway Pyramid is combination of organic and geometric shape where two smaller scale sphinxes lay guarding.

Hieroglyphs A combination of logographic, syllabic, and alphabetic elements, Hieroglyphs are the formal writing of Ancient Egypt, used to adorn the walls of temples, statues, pylon wall and tombs. In Sunway Pyramid however, hieroglyphs are used to symbolize the human daily life that occurs around the mall, adorning the columns and walls .

Columns One of the elements that comes to mind when thinking of Egyptian temples is the column. The columns in Egypt were crafted from a monolithic block which later changed into using sectional blocks for the purpose. The columns shaft was often decorated with colorful depiction in painting, carved relief, and remain some of the architectural elements in Egyptian structures. Sunway pyramid is using three types of columns inspired by the Egyptian architecture .

A type of column which a standing figure of Osiris is placed beside. This column can be found in the pyramid atrium.

These were used in the earlier times in Egypt. It resembles a palm tree or palm fronds. This column can be found in blue atrium.

osiride column

palmiform column open bud capital

papyriform column closed bud capital There are several variations of this type of column. Sunway pyramid used the circular shafts representing a single plant with closed capitals. These columns can be found in the walkway and entrance of the mall.

ARCHITECTURE style Ancient Egyptian Revival Architecture Style Egyptian Revival structures sought to capture the monumental feel of Egyptian pyramids and temples above all else. Thus, Sunway Pyramid is modeled after an Egyptian temple, complete with a Great Pyramid, Sphinx, massive post-and-lintel entryway and towering columns. Overall, the façade of this building is thick and solid, with no windows or openings, capturing the most important part of the Egyptian Revival aesthetic.

A key element of Egyptian architecture, the pyramid is the icon of Sunway Pyramid, seen even from afar. Archaeologists believe pyramids are shaped like triangles to allow the pharaoh's spirit to climb out to the sky. The sloping sides are often associated with the sun's rays as Egyptians see the Sun as a vital aspect of their lives. Other theories suggests that the pyramid was simply the easiest shape to build, or that it represents a burial mound.

The Sphinx is a mythological creature with a lion’s body and a human head, an important Egyptian image as it was believed to be the guardian of temples. This eye-catching sphinx mimics the Egyptian belief by standing guard at the entrance of Sunway Pyramid.

Pyramid Form


Dome Sunway pyramid is ornamented with many domes, unlike the architecture in Ancient Egypt, but instead incorporates a more modern Egyptian architecture feel, as seen in the Muhammad Ali Mosque in Cairo. Strip-like structures form the dome are used in order to represent the Sun and pay respect to the Sun God, Ra.

Atriums The Orange and Blue atriums of Sunway Pyramid each showcase dome-like structures, modeled after the Sun God, Ra and The Nile River respectively with the use of blue and orange color schemes.

Public Transport Sunway Pyramid is enroute several public bus routes, including buses from USJ 8, Pasar Seni and Jalan Klang Lama. The bus stop is located opposite the road, accesible via a pedestrian bridge. Shuttle bus services are provided from other Sunway Group properties, such as the BRT station, Sunway Medical and Sun-U residences.

Site Context Located in Bandar Sunway, Sunway Pyramid is near several Sunway Group housings, universities, residences, a medical center and LRT and BRT stations. The town also follows the beige and orange color scheme of Sunway Pyramid.

SITE CONTEXT accessibility

Sunway Pyramid is accessible via: New Pantai Expressway (NPE) Lebuhraya Damansara -Puchong (LDP) Lebuhraya Shah Alam (KESAS) Federal Highway

Pedestrian sidewalks are available for pedestrians walking towards Sunway and a covered, CCTV protected Canopy Walk, linked to Sunway University, is open daily. (except during public holidays from 7am – 12am)



1993 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A 19-story global headquarters Menara Sunway was built in Sunway City with 6 major highways and public transportation systems and 12 business divisions.

1996 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa ranked 5 star hotel; built with neo classical features and African Safari inspired domes and minarets with 1500 guest rooms, suites and pool villas.

1997 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sunway Pyramid with an Egyptian inspired theme and an iconic 9 storey lion statue at the main entrance was officially completed. Along with Malaysia’s first ice-skating rink with over a thousand retail outlets and restaurants.

1979 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TIMELINE analysis 1980

Malaya was one of the largest tin producers in the world and tin mining was one of the major contributors to the country’s economy. Once a tin mining wasteland, Sunway City begin its transformation in 1986.


The beginning of a transformative vision, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Jeffrey Cheah AO, the Founder and Chairman of Sunway Group, articulated his vision with Tan Sri Sabaruddin Chik, Malaysia’s former Culture, Arts and Tourism Minister at the site of the 800- acre mining land, now know as Sunway City.

1992 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Spanning 88 acres, Sunway Lagoon was officially built below ground level on a tin mining wasteland and it has over 90 rides and attractions catered. It has won Asia’s Best Attraction award by the International Association of Amusement Park and Attractions (IAAPA) for consecutive years.

table CONTENTS of


a historical analysis

sunway pyramid

01 - 1 timeline analysis 01 - 2 site context i. site accessibility ii. surrounding 01 - 3 architectural style and design analysis i. style and Influence ii. components iii. organization iv. elements and principles v. materials 01 - 4 spatial organization i. function ii. circulation 01 - 5 construction and structure i. structural components 01 - 6 influence of malaysian historical culture i. malaysian ii. islam


Iman Katherine Tan Hui Yuen Wong Zhen Gie Ashley Lau Cheah ZiTing Ryan Ng Zhen Clement Tan Foong Yi Kang Fabian Yee Tan Hui Jing Calvin Low

0334989 0333715 0334799 0334826 0334351 0334094 0335442 0335178 0334951 0333736 0334097

" there is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know "







Sunway Pyramid, the heart of Bandar Sunway is one of the first themed shopping and entertainment mall that was built by AJM with an Egyptian-inspired Pyramid with a sphinx staring guard at the entrance in 1997. The building design includes hieroglyphs and two domes known as the Orange and Blue Atrium, representing the Sun God Ra and the Great Nile river respectively.


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