Street Art

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site : Malaysia Kuala Lumpur malacca



DEFINED: A visual art created in public locations, usually unsanctioned artwork executed outside of the context of traditional art venues.

Left Photo: "Girl in Sampan" by Ernest Zacharevic Right Top Photo: "Free Speech" by Charles Cham Right Bottom Photo: "Rage Against the Machine" by Ernest Zacharevic

Why isn't it graffiti ? Street art differs from graffiti because of it's intent and aim to be understood. While graffiti simply wants to make noise, street art wants to provoke conversation and spark a reaction.

a brief timeline The Beginning Young people were responding to their socio-political environment through street art.

The Evolution They gained attention and started the evolution of a new art form of "creation through destruction"

The Present Street Art has evolved into something more massive, assimilating itself into society.



Traditionally, street art began by using spray paint but now it ranges from murals, stencils and even installations. The artist begins by sketching out their design before completing it with their selected medium. Often, ladders are used to help them in drawing these massive works of art.


The Start

Street Art In the new modern street art revolution, the street art scene has truly evolved. What started as angry, radical art screaming their injustices, has simmered down into a more humane approach, speaking out as a voice of the public and aiming to find an ally in the people.

Raising Awareness Through beautiful thought- provoking murals, street artist turn bland walls into their canvas in hopes of capturing the attention of a wide scale audience to shed light on issues they think are important.

Photo: "#WINGSofParadise" by Lee Hui Ling

“The principles of true art is not to portray, but to evoke�

Many "environmental" artist try to capture the beauty of nature through extravagant, sometimes even interactive pieces of street art.

" Because art is more than a message -– it’s a mission "

They believe that this will be able to reconnect those in the concrete jungle back to nature and rebuild their love and appreciation for mother earth. Right Photo: "Suara Alam" by Mohammad Amin Hadarih Left photo: "Jaw Dropping Beauty" by Chua Chi Yan

Paying Tribute Street art has also gained the favor of the public by paying homage to hardship that has affected the hearts of the people. They memorialize tragedies and adversities so when mainstream media stops talking about it, the art will always be there to remind us to honor it.

Top photo: "Still Praying" by Mohamad Fitri Jaafar Bottom Photo: "Single Mother" by Kenji Chai

But street art doesn't just revolve around tragedy or serious affairs, sometimes it's just plainly used to express love and affections. Whether it's trying to revive old icons or just as dedication to the up-and-coming, many fans have taken their love for these stars to the streets.

Right photo: "Seniman" by Mohamad Izzudin Left Photo: "Katun for Dua" by Katun


The Acceptance

Assimilation with it's growing acceptance by society, street art is being used more and more for good, and not just by artists alone. Organizations have started to recognize the power of street art and capitalize it to play to it's strengths.

GrowingPatriotism Acknowledging street art as a powerful medium of expression, there have been various community projects that use street art to assimilate patriotism in the daily lives of the people. By depicting pieces of our culture, street art is able to strengthen, normalize and subconsciously instill patriotism towards the people of our nation.

Left Photo: "Love. Respect. Unity" by PERMAI Right Top Photo: "#MYWonderfilled" by DBKL Right Bottom Photo: Artist Unknown.

Commercial Value

With it's bright, vibrant colors, street art naturally attracts the eye. This makes it the perfect tool for vendors, as it draws people to their shops. Street Art helps to enhance their brand and works well as a advertising strategy.

Left Photo: Tittle unknown by Right Photo: "Orang Utan House" by Charles Cham

“ The power of Street Art is that it goes to people’s daily life to be seen.”


The Utilization

Utilization Street Art has become such an integral part of society that it is even looked at as a solution, becoming a way to gentrify the bad and even turn places into public attractions.

Bad toBetter Once radical, street art has been re-purposed to create creativity in once rundown, forsaken places. As a form of gentrification, vivid murals are painted on desolated sites to transform it into a better, safer and more striking destination for the people to visit.

Photo: Kielh's Wall Mural

Tourist Attractions

With the emergence of "Instagram Culture", street art culture has also become stronger. When people want beautiful, fun backdrops to their photos, street art provides it. The demand is high enough that many places are being created and marked as street art destinations. Left Photo: "Disebalik Hutan Konkrit" by Kamalpatio Middle Photo: "The Vacuum" by Muhammad Iqbal Ridzuan Right Photo: Artist unknown.


What Now?

Street Art has a duty. At it's essence, street art must be critical. It should always bring attention to injustices, call out inequalities and embody the culture of the people. Street Art must not give in to become nothing but a commercial tool but utilize it's value by becoming a partner to the people.

The Future

creating A CRITICAL CULTURE " There is beauty in witnessing different ways of being, in questioning your own morals and in being exposed to people and practices which are radically different to oneself. Those who have the power to affect the appearance of our urban environments must embrace this beauty. It’s no easy task, but better an ugly truth than a beautiful lie." - Rafael Schacter

of Street Art

Reference Links

Created by Iman Katherine Kaizan Student ID 0334989 Course Culture & Civilisation Foundation of Natural & Built Environment

a dedication to the artist that inspire

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