Kao Testimonials

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John Kao is Mr. Creativity – If Orson Welles and Peter Drucker were somehow to mate, the offspring might resemble John Kao – a serial innovator The Economist

John Kao is the Jean Monnet of innovation Peter Droell

John has advised many companies including BASF, American Express, Bass Brothers Enterprises, Banker’s Trust, Nike and Deloike.

FOUNDER AND CEO John is Yamaha Music company’s first ever "Ar7st in Innova7on." John appren7ced to rock legend Frank Zappa in the summer of 1969.

John is author of the best – selling Jamming: The Art and Discipline of Business CreaDvity, as well as InnovaDon NaDon: How America is Losing its InnovaDon Edge, Why it MaNers and What we Can Co to Get it Back. Also China: the Next InnovaDon NaDon, Everyone is a Producer Now, Clearing the Mind for CreaDvity.

John Kao is the innovation maven - Fareed Zakaria

Sex, lies and videotape, a film that John was involved in producing, won the Palme John’s approach to pedagogy blends Harvard Business School d’Or at the Cannes Film Fes7val. Socra7c dialogue and case method with process knowledge drawn from his clinical psychiatric experience and his knowledge of staging experiences drawn from Hollywood, Broadway and the field of design.

2000 Harvard MBA’s took John Kao’s elective course on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship

John has advised 10 national governments on innovation strategy John is a Tony nominated producer of Broadway theater -­‐ Golden Child, a Broadway play that he was producer on, was nominated for three Tony’s including Best Play.

I’m a big fan of John Kao Quincy Jones

The world’s foremost authority on business creativity Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum

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