11 minute read
Prayer To Expose The Spirits Connected To Incest And Pedophilia
Father, I command a binding and shutting of the mouth of all Ruler spirits in the heavenlies; their religious lawyers, barristers and the lawyers of death and I strike down these guards in Jesus Name to bow the knee.
I release judgment of Psalms 2:4-5 “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the lord shall have them in derision. 5. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.” Let it be perpetual against these spirits over and above and in the members in Jesus Mighty Name until they submit to defeat, to desist their moves and cause my son/daughter to no longer want to commit incest pedophilia and abuses attached.
Father, I expose the evil protector and or the guardian that keeps the incest and pedophile spirits hidden that keep these spirits as phantoms. The dots will be joined for I expose the spirits and the network to the light and release The Light of Your Glory against them to stop them and from going on the offensive in every scheme, no weapon formed against my grandson/daughter son/daughter will prosper any longer.
Father, I shut the mouth of these dogs in the spirit, I command they cannot link up with any spirit or pride, religious spirits, fear and terror, trauma and mental illness, abuse, anger, rage and murder, confusion, lying, doubt and unbelief, deception and selfdeception, bitterness resentment and un-forgiveness to make my son/daughter continue acting in incest. Father let their chains of command be broken that each spirit be bound from operating and linking up with one another to empowering one another and giving each other orders in Jesus Name.
Father, where he/she will be left with the lust of his/her flesh being bonded in iniquity and for the many transgressions, let her have no spiritual interference because of these prayers, for I loose The Spirit of Holiness and Conviction to stop him/her. Even loose a Ministering Spirit to speak clearly and loudly into her ear, his/her mind in warning, in dreams, in visions, in counsel and in truth and in Your Sovereignty in Jesus Name, this wickedness will stop.
Father, I command in Jesus Name they be pushed back in him/her, in the air and their link ups broken to the powers, principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places especially to the incest power base of The Queen of Heaven and her principality Jezebel or others unknown with their marriages to Antichrist and Hell and Death. Also, his/her ex, his/her partner/husband/wife households and those in my own household.
Father, also all sex magic, witchcraft known and unknown, witchcraft projection and take over and control and all sorcery, from this mother of sorcery and all other works of the sorceresses under her command and all water spirits from the sea, in Jesus Name.
Father, in The Name of Jesus, I bind and cut off all evil supply lines to and from Powers, Principalities, Spiritual Wickedness in High places, World Rulers, the Ruling Strongmen, all Rulers, all strongmen, all Mind and Control spirits and all other strongmen; all Gate Keepers and Curse Keepers and their nests under Seduction, Heaviness, Haughtiness, Whoredom, Jealousy, Lying, Familiar, Perversion, Fear, Infirmity, Bondage all strongmen of Jezebel, Antichrist, and Hell and Death known and unknown. I command their witchcraft of the third eye be burnt out with the all-consuming fire of Your Holy Spirit to disarm all witchcraft and sorcery and coming from all link ups to Xbox games in Jesus Name.
Father, against the stronghold of pedophilia, incest, rape, sexual fantasy, sexual filth of the mind, sexual idolatry, whoredom, harlotry, perversion and trauma and schizophrenia and split or multiple personalities all mental illness, murder, death and destruction I command they be subdued to be gagged and all to be separated one from the other and boxed in spiritual boxes in Jesus Name.
Father let Ministering Spirits be loosed to read them the Scriptures day and night until this relationship comes to naught between mother and son and or father and daughter and every bit of communication, love, lust, desire, false love, and obsession towards the child is finally under the control and power of Your Holy Spirit and my daughter/son released from captivity to return unto You and her heart turned back to You for You shall turn the heart.
Fire Of God, I call on The All-Consuming Fire of God, breath like a mighty dragon. I will not tolerate this darkness, or these works against my family, my son/daughter and my grandson/granddaughter to remain; we are the righteousness of Christ and we will be made holy by The Blood of The Lamb for a thousand generations.
Father, I decree and declare all Incest, Pedophilia, Molestation, Violence, Rape, Physical and Emotional Abuse all abuse, Torment, Trauma and Fear all stops now, stops here. In The Name of Jesus and the Mantel on my life I bind these spirits and the perverse spirits and loose the pureness and holiness of The Spirit of Christ Jesus against every strongman.
Father, in Jesus Name, I isolate and separate each and every spirit one from the other and every strongman over each of this whole network of spirits so they cannot link up with one another and function or give each other orders.
Father, let the Seven Fires Burning of Revelation 4:5 to swallow up in fire every foul work of darkness that has defiled my grandson/granddaughter son/daughter, and myself. My son/daughter/husband/wife/mother/father is coming out of this dungeon, coming out of captivity of this darkness. I prophesy it, I proclaim it I declare it and command it to be so in Jesus Name.
Father, if this is happening by someone else like stepfather or father or relative or friend or sibling or person of authority as I’m not been made aware, let the totality of this warfare be operative against them in Jesus Name.
Father where the Strongman of Whoredoms brings dissatisfaction, excessive appetite of overeating over desire over urge for multiple climaxes and each way it functions in excessive appetite with dissatisfaction, idolatry, love of the world and the excuses of not stopping and not being Christian I release the double-edged sword of the Spirit against it and its underlings of Ezekiel 16:15, 28; Proverbs 5:1-14; Galatians 5:19;
Deuteronomy 23:17-18; Ezekiel 16:28; Proverbs 15:27; 1 Timothy 6:7-14; Hosea 4:13-19; Judges 2:17; Ezekiel 16; Leviticus 17:7; 1Corinthians 6:13-16;
Philippians 3:19; James 4:4. Father in Jesus Name, I loose The presence of The Spirit of God of Ephesians 3:16; John 3:34 and John 14:12 in Jesus Name.
Father I declare over her/him the Gospel has been preached unto her/him and she/he received it therefore she/he can stand for she/he was saved and the preaching she/he heard will not be in vain, for Christ Jesus died for her/his sins, the spirits have no longer any claim to her/him.
MANUFACTURER'S HANDBOOK: SPIRITUAL WARFARE MANUAL -- Strongman's His Name -- What's His Game by Jerry and Carol Robeson pdf file of book (stuffyouadore.blogspot.com)
Prayers Against Strongman In The Family | PRAYER POINTS (everydayprayerguide.com)
Father where heaviness is operative, I bind this network of spirits and loose the oil of The Spirit of Christ Jesus to loose her/his mind from being drawn into perversion for false comfort and false joy in Jesus Name.
Father where the Strongman of Bondage holds her/him in captivity I open her/his eyes and bring out her/him to no longer be a prisoner in prison of incest and pedophilia and bring forth The Light of The Spirit of Christ Jesus to the darkness she/he sits. I loose liberty and The Spirit of Adoption of Romans 8:15 in in Jesus Name (Isaiah 42:6-7).
Father, in Jesus Name I bind the spirits of infirmity, sickness that operate with heaviness to cause her/him to find relief in sexual perversion of incest and pedophilia in all its forms.
Father, where the familiar spirit down the generational lines guards this doorway and enables the curse keeper to remain operative, I bind them with chains, and I loose The Seven Spirits Burning and the Hornets of The Lord to burn and sting this fortified house to the ground in Jesus Name.
Father, where the Lying strongman and likeminded functioning spirits and the Seducing Strongman and its lessor spirits speak and deceive to keep her/him in captivity believing and justifying incest and pedophilia, I shut their mouths. I command a silence on them with coals burning and I loose The Truth and Conviction and Holiness of The Spirit of The Lord Jesus Christ to the heart and the mind and to speak to him/her even whilst she/he sleeps in Jesus Name.
Father, where the Ruling Strongman of Control over incest and pedophilia gives supernatural strength, I take its power and control and strength off it and the underlings. I forgive her/him for acting out in incest and pedophilia, I stand in the gap as King and Priest and ask for forgiveness for him/her let her/him be loosed from its captivity and manifestations in Jesus Name.
I command these control spirits be put in chains and isolated and separated in a spiritual boxes until she/he is set free from its strong grip. Let them not manifest or bring in reinforcements for let it be reduced to weakness, fear and trembling via Your Waring Angels in Jesus Name. I command them to bow the knee for I bring them under the forgiving power of The Blood of Christ Jesus and The covenant Blood of Salvation and Redemption, they both shall walk free and both shall have a hatred for such vile acts of incest and pedophilia, in Jesus Name.
Father, where these Ruling strongman of Death and Hell, Antichrist and Jezebel work in union with one another and with other spirits in the home in the family I loose The Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus to attack each and every weak link to bring down to expose to cause the net they have hid to catch themselves and fall into destruction and judgment. I enter the strongman’s house and plunder the goods in The Breath and Power of The Spirit of Christ Jesus and Covenant Promises of the Blood Covenant for we are in Christ Jesus.
Father I command shields up in every direction against the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places and thrones and dominions in and over the perpetrator(s), my household and other people, places and things that they cannot continue to remain operative and active. That they cannot cause ________ to keep believing he/she needs to have sexual pleasure with a child. I break the office and mantle of Queen Mother and Son and of Witch and Mandrake, the powers of an alchemical marriage 1. [Kitchen 2009:52] being forged against _________ with her son/my son with his daughter to bring forth this unholy alliance.
Father, I decree and declare they will not put the child under the religious systems of Rome of mother and son worship where pedophilia is rife, I cast this scheme or any assignments down to the feet of Christ Jesus to bow the knee, I cast it to the ground in Jesus Name and put my foot on their necks.
Father, where Hecate, water spirits, the underworld, necromancy, and divination are working and speaking with this perverse and a religious stronghold of spirits, I command in the power of Prophet Priest and King a cutting off of all powers and authorities, and I smash their power bases with power and authority of prayer and Blood Covenant. I command a ceasing a silencing of such death, destruction, and devastation. I command each weapon used to be rendered null and void of no effect, and I cast them down to fall to the ground. I deliver my grandson/granddaughter and son/daughter from evil in Jesus Name.
Father, I command they be cut off as written in Psalms 94:21-23 and all put to shame as written in Psalms 108:13 and 109:29 and all trod down as written in Psalms 44:5. I command perpetual warfare until my son/daughter grandson/granddaughter is no longer in a sexual relationship. Father, against the whole network from the North to the South from the West to the East, from above and below I release the anointing of War and The Blood of Covenant and the Word of Christ Jesus for all three all bear witness and are mighty and powerful to save in Jesus Name.
Let them be sore vexed at unawares in the battle and at each time spirits rise up against their minds. Breath Your Word in The Spirit and cause them to submit by derision. Let it be upon them and let them be sore vexed and smitten as written in Psalms 2:4-5 and Psalms 3 verse 7 and chapter 6 verse 10. Let them become so afraid to continue to hold their grounds, or to bring forth their works, let it be so against every arrow, against every weapon they would form. Against everywhere they manifest in my grandson/granddaughter to want to be sexual with his mother/father/stepfather or whoever.
I call upon the Power of Blood Covenant to bring the Blood of Covenant between them and us and all their gods, strategies, powers, authorities, link ups, weapons, assignments and these servants of darkness and the workers of iniquity including the supernatural.
I declare my son/daughter/grandson/granddaughter is not going to be marked to be a son of Belial, he/her or any of my children/grandchildren for a thousand generations they will be servants of Christ Jesus walking in Spirit and in Truth. None will be placed on any satanic alter or be as a witchcraft consummation. The blessings of Abraham Isaac Jacob and the blessings of Christ Jesus are for my sons and daughters we shall serve The Living God. We are redeemed and purchased by The Blood of Christ Jesus.
In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. Father let it be so in Jesus Name, Amen.
1. Perverse Spirit [Bind a Perverse Spirit and Loose God’s Spirit, Pureness &
Holiness]-Isaiah 19:14