78 minute read

The Incest Spirit Is – And Its Fruits Are

https://issuu.com/kathleenmalligan/docs/prayer_strategy_for_secondry_victim_of_paedophill a https://issuu.com/kathleenmalligan

This network’s fruit is various, if this generational curse cannot get you one way, they will get in other ways. They have all the bases loaded and are the players on both teams even pretending to be friends and on your team.


If one knew that the devastation of this act was so deep, so debilitating for a life time, so many open doors for unclean spirits; and, if one truly loved their child, was about their best and their welfare they would never concede to the temptations of committing sexual abuse, molestation, incest or pederasty or pedophilia.

However, these perpetrators already have a stronghold operative, as seen in the narcissistic personality. Regardless what foundational stone it operates from they become depraved, their conscious becomes seared, their heart hard, and basically, they are an unclean spirit trafficker. That is a person who opens doors for copious amount of spirits to de-rail and wreck a life and their own and the lives of their generation and those to come.

Incest carries a ten (10) generational curse, this is why we must invade and demolish their territory. We must and I say we must train our children about the war between the gods. We must tell them temptations will come from indwelling spirits and witchcraft projection to commit incest, think about incest, think about pedophilia, think about sexual acts when changing babies nappies, or watch this in porn sites or to masturbate about these acts or the acts that happened to others, that is their spouses or partner or friends.

We must inform them that spirits come from the breaking of biblical laws and spirits lure others in or others back if a generation uproots these networks. We must inform them they will be targeted. We must educate our children why not to yield to any temptations on the mind about father daughter sex mother son sex or any incest or adult and child sex in any form. We must tell them that sister and brother, sister and cousin or brother is never permissible.

We must tell them about Uncle or Aunty or friends of the family that suggest or touch inappropriately to tell, to speak up, to fight, to run. We must tell them that not all people are safe and keep a discerning heart about teachers, day care teachers, swim coaches, football coaches, priests, pastors, leaders, scouts and places alike. We must keep them covered in prayer so that their mouths are loosed to speak up, that they fight back, and say no, I am telling, they need to know this is not a secret to keep.

As raw a subject it may be, they must be informed that sibling sexual acts is unlawful, gross. We have to reveal the spiritual and natural consequences of just one action like show me yours or let me suck your nipple or can I get on top of you or I will show you mine if you show me yours will in time bring more temptations and in the long run put themselves and their children in a mine field of destruction.

We must inform them they will one day become a father, or a mother and we must say this temptation will most likely come against their mind. To never yield to it, to rebuke it and bring judgment of angelic sore vexing for their suggestions. “I resist your will Satan, get behind me.” Father, let Your angels bring a judgment of sore vexing upon the spirits who are bringing these perverse thoughts to my mind for three days and three nights, in Jesus Name.”

They must be taught to listen to their conscience, listen to their inner heart that tells them right from wrong, as realize it is speaking. I did not and this is why I write this book. It is wise to train your child from an early age on how to listen to their conscience, how their inner man/woman can receive The Light of Spirit of Christ Jesus and the Ministering Spirits of our Kingdom to know right from wrong.

The truth is, spirits of ten generations will want to hold their grounds, take back grounds and want to refortify to weaken and overpower the Kingdom of Light our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ and His people. This act sure does enlarge their spiritual boarder to bring us to shipwreck.

When you read the points below you will understand the importance of training a child in the way he and she must go, we do not want our children to grow up to become pedophiles or pederasts neither do we do not want our children to grow up to become incest perpetrators.

These are the strongmen the spirit can be nested within:

• Jezebel

• Antichrist

• Hell and Death

• Perverse

• Seduction

• Lying

• Familiar

• Idolatry

• Divination

• Jealousy

• Heaviness

• Error

• Whoredom

• Bondage

• Infirmity

• Sickness

• Disease

• Death

• Fear

• Trauma

• Shame

• Jealousy

• Deaf and Dumb

• Mental Illness

• Blindness

The following are their fruits and the functions of the copious amounts of unclean spirits because of the acts of incest and pedophilia. Everyone is not affected in the same way, you may want to tick, circle or highlight the fruit you felt and experienced so you can pinpoint and work through and become healed. You can name a spirit behind the fruit, these are the ones that function in the network of trauma, incest and pedophilia.

The Spirit of Christ Jesus will bring light to your reality, your personal experience. After you read the following you can commit these areas to Jesus and take Him as Lord and Savior specifically at each point you marked. This takes away their ground, and do it out loud. This shows them you resist them, renounce them and refuse their will in your life any longer; making Jesus Lord and Savior in every aspect of your life from the womb to date in this stronghold.

It is assumed you are reading this book for healing and deliverance of the unclean power base and the desire to uproot this from the generation and the generations to come. Or you may be a pedophile or committed sins alike. Therefore, the points below do not determine you have been a victim of incest or pedophilia, however they are experiences or the fruits of the root of incest, or you can say the offshoots to the root of incest/sexual abuse. Again there are spirits to the fruit that can be identified, and the Spirit of Christ Jesus will enlighten your mind to your individuality.

If you are a perpetrator seeking understanding and freedom, I trust you understand children are not capable of consenting. Therefore if you were abused how could you be to blame? It is never the fault of the child, never. They do not understand the nature of sex or have they any information regarding the act or its consequences.

You are the guilty one of child rape and for the violation of their rights and the stealing of their innocence and childhood. However, continue to read for there is no power other than that of The Finished Work of Calvary with The Power and Presence of The Spirit of Christ Jesus to change your heart and bring you to genuine repentance that you allow Him to keep this lust of your flesh, this perversion, to be brought under His Power and to train and teach you and lead you to His Words of the Scriptures.

Let me make this clear, you never had the freedom to have sexual interludes with a baby or a child or a teen. Laws of the land and laws of The Bible are clear that it is forbidden. It was always under your power to reach out for help, to reach out for knowledge, to reach out to surrender to a power greater than yourself. If you were brought up in church you had The Spirit of Christ Jesus within you to get on your face and go for grace, you could have studied why you were tempted and driven to desire incest and pedophilia.

I am fully aware of the spiritual power base and the spiritual manifestations that control the mind and the nervous system, yet somewhere you ignored your conscience to cross the line for this network to ensnare you and bring you under their control; you choose not to fight it or resist it or at that talk to it or invoke the power of The Angels of The Living God against such incoming thoughts.

I believe the desire to have sex with children and or babies can be controlled, there are many recovering pedophiles and at that alcoholics. I was once sex addicted, a heroin addict and an alcoholic. I once was with a young girl and her age I had no idea. I went as far as having a shower with her and when we went to the bed my conscience could not engage sexually with her. I later found out she was fifteen. Another circumstance I was drunk and myself my girlfriend were in bed with a neighbor who was like a sister to me, and here I even had the power to resist not to engage sexually with her, I could not do it as drunk as I was.

Your conscience screamed at you, yet you let it fester and you never listened. Therefore once addicted to this lust you lost control and you believed all the lies, these spirits told you. Truth is, they are and were the voices in your head that you thought were your own thoughts and now they are yours, you must wear the guilt and where wise make restitution.

Bottom line, it is a work of evil, pure evil, originated from evil spirits and you having intertwined you also have become evil in actions and your personality has taken on a false evil personality of a pedophile. Your demonstration of lack of self-control needs to be surrendered and reigned under the Power of The Spirit of Christ Jesus. You will have to deny yourself till death and pick up your cross and follow closely Christ Jesus till you die, unlike most Christians.

Where your trauma has given you pathways of sexual arousal, these fusing neurons can be unfused. Dr Mark Schwartz says, “neurons that fire together wire together.” 1. [Cited 5/06/2021] (6) WEBINAR VIDEO: SEXUAL DIFFICULTIES FOLLOWING CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE and TRAUMA - YouTube However, your pleasure centers can be rewired, Christ Jesus is Able. Therefore, trauma therapy is necessary, especially if you have to have the memory of your childhood abuse to get turned on when you are with your partner and or spouse.

If you are the victim turned oppressor, this is your sexual power base and where the unclean spirits will intrude. Yes, they continue to operate even when your soul has been trauma bonded to sexual desire. Their spiritual intrusion is to keep your desires active and operative and your anxious attachment to incest and or pedophile fueled. All the parts of yourself have to be integrated. The internal communication can be subconscious and habitual, only The Spirit within knows your way of functioning.

Flashbacks of memory can be neutralized, seek and search for therapy, seek online teachers, in line with praying it through, taking Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in your pleasure centers, where the neurons that fired together that wired together can be unfused and brought under His Dominion and Lordship and Power.

Enmeshment can be undone; you will have to do work here in this stronghold. Empathy for children has to be fostered and the anointing on you to learn this and do this. The deviant arousal has to be brought to death, the Spirit of Christ Jesus is well Able to do this and bring forth non deviate arousal. He can and does anoint the pleasure centers of our being, He can numb this in your central nervous system.

The Scriptures tell us there is a gift of singleness, I have it, I leave sleeping beauty sleep, I do not wake her up, I do not want to, I walk closely with Him. He can lead you to techniques and methods as you search online for healing. Pointing out your sin in scripture and making you realize this will lead you to death eternal in hell. Saying a prayer or prayer strategies will not be the full cure or stop you. There is a partnership expected a bringing to death of the stronghold, a conversion to being His faithful Disciple living by instructions of righteousness. You will have to be converted to holiness, a conversion to King and Priest or Eunuch unto Him. Being an ordinary person an ordinary self-willed Christian will not suffice, you have to be born again, walk close and foster constant relationship, be at one with Him, it will be a process of transformation.

There is no magic that will take the reality away that you have a proclivity to incest and pedophilia. You have a blueprint that needs to be drawn again and definitely recognized by your consciousness. Prayer does not take you to a place that incest, pedophilia, rape and so has never happened, you do not get a new body soul and spirit. That motor has done some miles, it needs reconditioning, no new one is not available here sorry, memory remains till death.

Yes, your desires and compulsions can be altered back into wholeness and definitely holiness, you and people like myself being ex-homosexual will have to walk close all the time and obey all the time, thus we become truly born again from above. We surrender all of ourselves; therefore these proclivities will have little or no power over us one day, it is possible, lesbianism has no power over me neither does sex addiction. You must surrender to be the Eunuch, that is abstinence of all sexual pleasure. If you are single, no sexual arousal, it has to be brought to naught. Becoming The King and The Priest of Yahweh, walking in this anointing, empowered to live by His instructions and laws is the only way or rehabilitation.

The LGBTQ who want to criminalize rehabilitation of homosexuality and transsexuality, even though the proclivity has come forth from child sexual abuses are the blind leading the blind. They themselves are violating humanity and the rights of human freedom. They are also guilty of violating the rights of those who can help and those who want help and restoration and rehabilitation. The queer and the ridiculous the fabulous the savageness should not be allowed to dictate to our Governments and person put in authority in any nation, yet we see they have snuck in the back door and the windows to bring their desired change. Love might be love but not when it breaks spiritual laws and changes the fabric of society for digression and open doors for child marriage and a blind eye to incest and pedophile.

To say once gay always gay, to say all of them were born gay and to say calling homosexuality and transsexuality sin to be a criminal offense is denying that mankind is in need of a power greater than himself/herself of a God. It is denying that mankind needs a religion, needs forgiveness of sin, needs moral improvement, needs psychiatric and counseling and rehabilitation and above all needs to have the freedom of choice according to sound laws of a religion of any nation.

To deny one of the adjustability of unwanted sexuality or unwanted pedophilia in saying they are unchangeable, and these proclivities are natural, this is straight out wrong. This belief is corrupt and evil in itself. We all are to have instinct, created with instinctive moral genes that give us filters; all are born instinctively to have control, all are to reign in desires.

Actions that are sins that become habitual and addictive and harmful to self and others must be brought under laws under the power of The Spirit of Christ Jesus, the fusing has to be rewired, our instinctive behavior has to born again, back to a human Geno that was intended to be. The homosexual and transexual scene is riddled with sexual perversion and addiction and few boundaries fuels their immoral sexual exploits. This is why we are human and not animal. Even animals can be taught right from wrong, even animals have intelligence, we are without excuse and should never have bowed down to such a perverse minority that criminalizes the righteous, the moral, the servants of any God.

Incest and pedophilia must never be normalized, I say it is evil, the weak the ignorant are never to be overpowered by this perverse desire. I say it is a crime against the powerless and it is a crime if we stop people reaching out and pointing out laws that call these acts acceptable and legal, it is sinful, unrighteousness.

Forgive my rant, against child rapists, for pedophiles or incest perpetrators. I believe crossing the boundary into incest needs a dressing down and I need to dress down for my

own healing and closure. Anyway, be blessed and be a blessing as you read the following A-to-Z accounts of the fruits of these horrendous act of incest and pedophilia.

To make note here, I write because of the calling on my life, for my own healing and to set both the perpetrators and the victims who are captives free from this prison house of incest and pedophilia, regardless of my opinion of the acts.

This is personal and what you went through is your journey out, therefore I do not need to write all the deviate ways your were seduced or what lies you were told. I do not want to teach people or give them ideas how to get away with incest or pedophile and sins alike.

To add if I sound like an expert, I am not, I do a lot of research and listen to many podcasts and YouTube teachings. I am not called to speak, I can think inside my head very well, but to speak it out is not a gift or a strength. A lot of information and knowledge is repeated in my findings, so I speak in general and do not quote persons all the time for many reasons, however I list most book and internet citing’s.

I trust you will be propelled to recovery and healing and restoration from this book.


• Alone, suffering alone, not safe to express emotions, isolation, socially do not fit in, cannot make or keep friends, disconnected.

• Addiction, craving, workaholism, overachieving

• Anxiety

• Anguish, sadness

• Anxiety, panic attacks, overwhelming anxiety and fear, always alert, worry about going crazy

• Accusation “you are crazy” “you are bad” are the scapegoat or the sacrificial lamb, all the problem of the wife is blamed on the child, problems of the family are blamed on child/victim/survivor

• Anger rage especially towards the sex that was the perpetrator, misogyny, anger at them usurping authority or violating will

• Astral Travel, dissociation [Because the trauma is so great, they leave their

body. To further cope they see it as only happening to the body not their spirit person. They then can see in the spirit and choose to leave that scene and travel elsewhere. This is just another demonic/spirit door opened, done under the power of another spiritual network. This network will later function to lead them into error heresy and false teaching of new age and the occult, satanic and witchcraft beliefs and practices to either heal or to possess portions of their soul, never lead them to truths of Christianity where it is the greatest Power to deliver them from their evil grounds]

• Anorexia and Bulimia [Fear of growing up into an adult body is a root to these

illnesses. Some do not want their body to change. Some can think they are not good enough to eat, or a form of self-punishment stemming from parental lies and the avoidance attachment.

I recall the witchcraft projection that came against me when I ate with my mother, it was a guilt for eating her food. It could be that an anorexic person believes if she stays like a child, she would be desired as a child; or that way so no adult would desire her. Only the person knows why anorexia or bulimia is a reality in their life]

• Blame: blame mother and or father for not protecting them; blame God for allowing it to happen “where were You God” [Yet the parent/family did not cover victim

in prayer; or they may not have been in Covenant; or did they respond to the witness in their heart when Holy Spirit or ministering spirits were speaking. This network keeps hidden and keeps it hidden using many excuses in and over the mind of the others close to keep it hidden. Rationalization is easy for the human brain. This was discussed in the bullet point of someone being complicit, and or a silent partner, an accomplice, a cohort. The perpetrator will blame others to get the guilt off of them, if they see someone as a threat to exposing them or it stopping, they will gaslight, they will blame those of being mental suspicious or whatever. They will even oust you out of their lives especially if you are a grandparent or an outside relative, so you are not a threat to their exposure. Perpetrators will blame you, saying you are the one molesting their child; deflection is an old age trick, obviously revealing their guilt. The anger displayed by them gives away their guilt, blame shifting attacks. Reverse psychology is manipulation, it is the doing and saying of the opposite of what they want or are guilty of doing]

• Belittling, demeaning

• Bedwetting

• Busyness, workaholism, stealing [Sad thing is thoughts are twisted to believe

one is taking back what was stolen to even the score; or going against authority as a way of getting back power; or receiving the rush of adrenaline that fusing feeling became pleasurable or a backward way of crying for help]

• Charismatic [Hidden behind the ‘you beaut’ all-rounder man, (Can be linked

to a narcissist profile) that nice man, that man who everyone likes and or woman everyone likes; that man who is so kind and loving and or who does the housework the washing the laundry, everything for his wife, yet he is molesting his daughter(s). Not just the parent, but the outsider or the relative he or she may be buying your child stuff, taking them to games, groups, to Sunday school, or school. He / she may be your friend, Pastor/Priest/Reverend, church member, Head teacher, schoolteacher, best friend they can be all types of persons. He or she also is doing it under your nose, in front of you, very touchy feely, very generous, gifts, overly concerned for your children. Yes, but your trust and ignorance, and his / her calculated skills have gone under the radar. He has tested the waters enough to know you were the one, he or she could deceive and groomed your children enough to get them alone to begin his violation. His/her control, his power games in his/her mind and they are aware of what gets them off. Truth is his/her games they play can be noticed, if you think back and ask for Jesus to reveal what you overlooked

and what was in plain sight and what was hidden in plain sight you will have confirmation and healing and prosecution can begin. Recall that accidental touch that he/she apologized for, that comment to test you “she is my girlfriend” that trick to carry out his/her things to the car or inside their house; that trick of helping your child with his zipper; that sexual comment about a woman/man in a magazine on the table to your child/ren; the leaving out of sexual material so the child sees it so they can talk about sex to them which is all part of the grooming; the day they came home seemingly drugged or alcohol had been given to them; that emergency trick to get them over or near them; that sitting on the lap right over the crotch and his/her hand up the back of the child’s shirt; the time they told you that this perpetrator was going to make them someone when they grew up or pay for their first car or get them a good job; when they offered to teach them sport, teach them music without cost; get him or her a pet and so on. Has your child told you about the special privileges given by his/her coach, teacher, relation, babysitter, father/mother, doctor, pediatrician; (Never underestimate or fully trust a doctor or someone in the medical profession. I have been sexually abused by three doctors and even at fifty a doctor begged me so to speak to give me a pap smear. One doctor asked me to leave him alone with my daughter when she was twelve-years-old, come on! Be cautious also of a driving school instructor and also those who dress up as Santa or a clown, watch their behavior. I have heard of pedophiles groups who go to adventure parks and fantasize on what they would do to the children they watch play. If you look you can see the pedophile, especially if you pray for the gift of discernment and have the spiritual protection and deceit pushed back.

Do not go looking it is not healthy, walk in faith, He will show you and they are sticky, you can see it. Prior your senses told you many a time, gut feeling it is a knower another brain telling you to beware, look out look at that, Holy Ghost will be speaking. A spirit will come in and rationalize what you saw, and your own fear will. It says it cannot be he is the Headmaster, he is the Priest, he goes to church, she is his mother, I just do not know what you can do to a baby or a toddler, he is her father, she is his Nana, he/she would not do that! Look, there is a phantom spirit hiding them, it operates behind there persona and its link up in and over you keeps you from seeing it. Yes, it can be seen and prayed into the Light; your eyes can be opened. The Spirit of Christ Jesus will show you and those you pray for so they can see. These spirits are defrauding the whole household, the linage, your family and can be and will be and have to be exposed. Ask the questions, when your child says they are playing doctors and nurses, Thomas the tank engine, dinosaurs, wrestling or whatever game they say they are playing with dad mum uncle aunty grandad grandma and so on. With wrestling, watch this as they are touching these children, it is the pedophiles foreplay. Focus on that gut feeling, your instinct speaks, ask yourself questions when you get triggered that what you saw was weird or inappropriate or when The Spirit of Christ Jesus is enlightening you to warning. Reverse psychology is drummed into us from the system, from school from the media. You have to override this conditioning and have it brought into The Power and Presence of The Spirit of Christ Jesus. Keep it in your heart, pray about it, write it down, your instinct is correct. All these missed moments will allow the abuse to go the extra mile. One day you will join the dots]

• Control; maternal control; mind is controlled by spirits; mind is controlled by spirits of children to desire to go to daddy/mummy sister brother uncle aunty or cousin.

[It is a strategy of spirits, therefore in early stages the perpetrator thinks they like it and want it and want them. You will not miss this as the child will act out in front of others and seem sexually mature or sexually aware.

They can even go to the perpetrator and start making out in front of people/family/friends. I’ve see it, they get shoved away, not told that it is inappropriate behavior as it will bring attention on their guilt. Or you will have opposite of this, and the child will not be wanting to be near them or hug or allow them to kiss hello or goodbye. There will be a change in their behavior, bed wetting, angry, fighting, teeth grinding, even setting the area that it happens in on fire or setting things on fire according to studies. When visiting family or others they can go to either the perpetrator or the partner/spouse who may not be committing incest/pedophilia and start sexually acting out. Especially if this is a norm since a baby, the child has no idea it is inappropriate behavior. To you it must be a warning sign, a red flag to reveal that it is out of natural order for a child to be acting sexually at such a young age to parent or stepparent]

• Control sex for safety; use sex as power and control [this is discussed

throughout this book, sex has to be on their rules, timing when where and how. Or as a victim one desires as the adult to control sex for secure attachment when dating or in marriage]

• Cohort, silent partner [Many reasons why the wife and or husband and or

partner and or grandparent does not expose the incest. Some reasons are: they are co-dependent; they fear child being taken away by family services and the possibility of pedophilia happening in foster care; they fear wrath; they sacrifice the child to keep themselves from having to have sex; they enjoy the sexual overtones and the stimuli it gives them knowing it is happening; they gaslight telling the child they imagine things or that didn’t really happen or they are not or you are making too much an issue to much fuss over nothing; they undermine the child’s self confidence and put doubt in their accusations; they rationalize the abusers behavior by believing that’s just the way he/she is; they believe he/she does not have sex in their intent when behaving that way near her/him. Someone who is guilty of this is being complicit and or they are helping indirectly one to commit a crime, they are considered an accomplice. Online Psychologists record that when the child grows up, he or she is enraged at this person for not stopping it or protecting them, and the anger can be directed at the grand/parent for not intervening, betrayal is operative. There is another truth that the silent partner is in denial, is still in disassociation as he/she was a victim of incest. Thus her/his mind will not register any obvious or any confessed abuse, it cannot. With blocking out it is backed up with a spirit manifestation and the soul has also a habitual way of coping by blocking and denial]

• Child prostitution and pornography

• Cancers, infirmities, illnesses, sicknesses

• Cruelty in speech and actions; making child fear them [Killing the dog or cat or

falling out of a car with child on lap to warn them “I will kill you if you tell”

“your rubbish your nothing but rubbish”]

• Conflicted when experience desire or please as adult

• Compulsive eating for suppressing emotions

• Criticize or cynical or humorous [Our family have used humor as a coping

mechanism for the trauma we have endured. We laughed at the incidents, older girls made fun of them however, not when they were happening, fear ruled]

• Cold or hard heart, frigidity, unable to bond with future spouse, stopping sex midstream, not wanting sex

• Childlessness: and or regret for having child/ren especially when the cycle perpetuates itself again or they see it happening to own child/ren or grandchildren; inability to be close or connected to child/ren; boundaries out of parent child order

[I have wrestled with regret having a child. Especially knowing the gods use us to entrap abuse and house themselves in us and they cause this transgression to revisit down the bloodlines. I have great memories and did enjoy raising my daughter as a child and

I still love her to date, and want her as my daughter. But I never knew I would be birthing a vessel for these entities to live in and to carry out their will against her and her seed and humankind. My regret is not because I don’t love her to date, it is because they got her and her seed; but they will not take her or her seed to the tomb, this book will ensure this, and it stops here. You have to understand the stronghold from a very early age of fear of incest. It governed it ruled my life, took from me the ability to be heterosexual, an inability to be married to a man, to have his children. All because I believed a father would sexed up his children. Sad thing I was a lesbian and still I did not stop the cycle of sexual abuse of my child. They had legal rights, they had an assignment, and they needed a house to live in and a way to perpetuate their existence and devastation. I did receive from Holy Ghost this particular woman when I first dated her that she molested babies and children but ignored it. Had no landing base as I did not know women did this. Ten years later I catch her molesting my daughter. Then I spiritually discerned my daughter was dating a pedophile, Praise The Lord Jesus it was short lived. When I caught his woman, I gave up that past to bring her up so she could have a better life and so I could protect her against pedophilia, educate her in Christianity and ensure she would be a good guard dog of her own child/ren. I believe I did a good enough job of that. She left home then moved back with an eight-month-old, I was in the throes of menopause. Suffering the emotional roller coaster of menopause it was trying, horrific. The hot flushes came hard and strong every fifteen minutes and the heat, and I was a cleaner, mate! The four years she lived there on one side of the house I was on edge due to trauma / PTSD and menopause. I had mood swings, sadness, difficulty finding my thoughts, memory loss, depression, lack of love for myself, hardly showered or cleaned my teeth; had anxiety, shortness in coping with most things and drinking to numb my perceived reality to cope and could not deal with coming home to have trauma attack me on many levels.

I was working as a sole trader in a cleaning business sweating so badly, working long hours as I worked also in a pharmacy as their driver. 16-hour days. To add in resentment against my daughter for so many things. I had had enough of everything thus not applying the truths of The

Kingdom of did I want to process or forgive anyone, just loved it as I had enough excuses to drink and be drunk getting joyful and happy. My nerves were raw, my emotions were sensitive, not just because of menopause, but I was in trauma and experiencing PTSD for my perceived perceptions. Menopause aided my inability to process her behavior and actions towards me and her son; and see that she too was hurting and had issues. I was self-centered and denial and trauma led the way. She had never experienced me drunk or was I a daily drinker from when she was two to twenty-three. She left home at nineteen was pregnant at twenty, came home after she had turned twenty-two. I relapsed as I used to be an alcoholic and an addict. Alcohol changes the personality, and you are many a time in demonic manifestation, it is not the real, real you. I did not bridle my mouth at times when I was drunk thus added to her ways, she was towards me. I numbed my emotions with alcohol, so at times I had no empathy or understanding towards her. I blamed her and was resentful towards her, but she was just as powerless and hurting in her own way as I was. I did not resume the role of mother, I became irrational, the child. There were times I knew better, but refused to act or stop acting out and there was no way I was going to not drink. I was done with everything, God and everyone as I had endured so much being Christian, lost so much F U God! I told her this often that I regretted having her, even said I wanted a divorce from being her mother, as she was so mean. I know this now, that hurt so bad; but it did not mean I did not love her. I was just being selfish and blame shifting. The me myself and I, the child of well what about me ruled. To this I am sorry, as the message came against her as a person in her own right, she had a right of birth she came into the world from the door of my birth channel. Chosen for me to have when I was in my mothers womb. I admit I have always had a self-pity stronghold, selfishness stronghold. I believed woe is me because having a child robbed me of being myself and from self-satisfaction. Feeling so sorry for myself I was so self-centered, I believed having a child took my freedom to live for myself away. Bottom line I inferred unknowingly it was her fault, if she had not of been born, I would not have had this much pain. It is not true we all suffer the human condition and the warfare from spirits of darkness, we are created to be vessels for the spirit realm. We will always suffer them and pain of the human experience regardless of child or being childless. I just felt if I had not had a child, I would never have had to experience all this and no child of mine would have been molested. Sure, I had my shortcomings as a Mother and a single mother with all my issues, my traumas, my mental illnesses that affected her as a person and as a female. I am not saying I was perfect but how damaged I was, I tried hard to be the best mother in the ability I could. I repented and will find the way to reconcile my attitudes my messages my sins against and towards her to her. She is loved and is to be loved warts and all as a person. Also as one who is here in this world for such a time as this. She has a right to exist and be loved and accepted as a daughter and as a person who God knew would come from my womb. Regardless of if I had to forfeit my sexual pleasures my lesbianism my want to love and be loved by a woman this was the road that I had walked. It was the road that would lead me to be free from the reality of bondage to darkness and my human base nature. It was the road that would cause me to fight for my fellow kind to bring them out of their captivity.

It is not that I blamed her for being born or existing, I loved being her mother when she was little and all her school years. I just had so much trauma and had not got past the psychological and emotional pains of my life experiences that I told her I regretted having a child. Over the years I thought I was trapped, forced to remain a Christian with no woman to love and having to attend the church where peoples shunning never stopped that poked at unhealed wounds of rejection. Forced to be alone, friendless and I never wanted this. Then to top it off, there were the realities of the existence of spirits and demons, unseen entities that mentally tormented me, traumatized me, that could throw me. They could bounce me on the bed, they could groan through me like a cow having a calf and God The Holy Spirit had let them rape me and spiritual and naturally abuse me, until I learnt how to wield that Sword of The Spirit. These things who would scheme and plan to kill, steal and destroy my life and my daughters. Who put sleep on me when I was driving and even when she was in the car. However they would have put sleep on me anyway and destroyed me in other ways. Having a child rescued me, saved me from them and has molded me into a warrior against them to make the net they have hid and trapped me in to catch themselves. It is not her fault, this is not what I am saying or meant to say to her, she did not ask to be born and she is lovable. My ignorance, my selfcenteredness and the painful experiences and love for her as a human soul just gave me feeling of regret for having her. I wanted her as my daughter, I did throughout my pregnancy, yes, I was fearful and yes, I was afraid I’d seen the dark sides of life. I love my daughter, warts and all, and I made an inner vow to have a child at thirty when I was maybe thirteen. Now the light shines on my heart it shows me, I’m still selfish and have not embraced the higher self or ascended enough to know this was my destiny and I was chosen to have her with all events known by Him prior.

Thus it gave Him opportunity so I could be fashioned and formed by Him into a warrior bride who lives for her High Priest; and to battle as one who is to come up higher within The Priesthood to battle against the gods and their spirits for the freedom of others. I now realize we are lied to when we live outside Christ, so we only think of the me myself and I, we are self-centered. Selfishness is the human condition, and it is conditioned to us by the system, the visible world we live in. It is not the way of The Kingdom of Christ Jesus, and is not to be the way for us, it is best for us and instructed to us to live in Him and for Him through Him. I so understand now that show so to speak must go on. Christian truth is my reality and will and would have remained and been the case regardless of having a child or not having a child. I have to continue to accept my calling. Wow, it would still have remained my reality of no female partner, child or no child. I blamed a birth of a child of this loss, thus wounded deeply her soul. Christ would have pursued me out of homosexuality and brought me back into His Kingdom even if I had of had no child. I would have not been able to be loved and love a woman anyway. I was destined from the womb to become a called out one and for such a time as this the calling and ministry I have on my life would have manifested. My need to embrace the eunuch in the priesthood order of Melchizedek, Christ Jesus our High Priest would have remained even if I had not of had a child. High call on my life would not have allowed me to

remain a practicing or married homosexual. Heaven and hell will remain as real as a blessing or cursing, walk on. I am sober to date as I went sober because one of my nieces (39 years old) was killed in a car accident. I could have prayed her to stay alive as I know and have been taught by The Spirit of Christ Jesus how to pray life to those in those circumstances. The day she died, her car door was cut off and she laid on the footpath, a half an hour she clung to life. Sadness was no one was praying for her and no one in our family knew the power of God and the keys in prayer. I had drunk a bottle of champagne and how could I discern Holy Spirit to pray and how was He going to anoint me I was in sin and far removed in my heart from wanting to talk to Him anyway. The darkness won that battle, left their fingerprints shoved their finger up at me globally, I see it now. Prayerfully by the Grace and Mercy of our King and Savior I will not allow that again to happen to any of my seed. So I am staying sober, staying as the watchman on the wall.

• Disorder [When a parent acts for the child/ren so their needs are prioritized

over their own; giving them authority and growing them up and or telling them adult knowledge that is out of the milestone and or appropriate stage of their life; doing everything for child/ren, smothering; choosing their career; never happy with their choices of a partner or knowingly or unknowingly trying to break up relationships up with division because the partner was less than or their psychosis said believing they were not the right one or this one would molest]

• Denial, no compassion, no intervention, abandonment, loneliness, blame, trivialized, distorted, not believed “he/she would never do that, you are lying” this sets up the cycle for future abuse.

• Disconnected when having sex [There is a lot of YouTube online for healing

for you to access here on this subject]

• Distorted thinking [Pedophiles have been very abused themselves on many

levels, their brain is neurologically broken, their reasoning is way out of alignment with a conscious. They believe the child loves them and sexually loves and enjoys them. They will rationalize it with “they did not say no.” But it is abuse, they are exercising power and control and manipulation over a minor, over a child who has no life skills or no power to absorb what is happening cannot possibly consent to sex or what has been said. They are controlling the situation, especially by the words they have whispered in their ear and the threats if they tell. They get personal gain; they misuse power and control knowingly to cause harm to receive sexual gratification. The incest perpetrator will most likely make sure their son or daughter loves them, adores them. When trauma bonded it is difficult to break this, or for the child to tell on their parent or even want to leave the parent. Some continue to have sexual relationships with their parent till they are in their thirties. This is definitely distortion, yet it can be spiritually bound and broken so as to warfare to weaken and expose and bring the person back to a sound mind and to repentance]

• Depression, despair

• Denial, minimized, no support, told to forgive and forget or to let past go, the abuser’s needs are more important than the victim/survivor

• Death, curse of and death in so many aspects of the soul spirit and body, death wish, dead on the inside

• Disconnection with self or people; in relationship with persons who are disconnected

• Denial

• Disapproval of partners or those whom the victim become married to

• Dissociation [This can morph into multiple personalities, however when you

are conscious that you leave your body and can witness the act from above it is different from DID. This can be difficult to walk out of as an adult as you can go back to being not present and numb yet not leaving your body.

Great coping strategy especially leaving your body when it is occurring, separates the real you from the body you inhabit. I had a friend from church who had Dissociative Identity Disorder –four distinct personalities. She was a ritual sexual abuse victim within the

Freemasonry Order. Shared by her father and mother with other men for money and used in oaths and rites at Lodges. It was here I became familiar with personalities and was taught to invite Jesus Christ in as Lord and

Savior into each personality. I had Silly Cyrille she was the fourteen-year-old persona that I hid in as my happy place and there was Teena who was the lesbian personality. I seldom acted from the intelligent informed able to act mature real self that I am seeing today as the real me as I am still broken, still healing and the new wounds from trauma of suspecting a boyfriend of my daughter grooming my grandson, and all that snowballed from that, then to add just the walk in Christ of the reality of warfare from spirits. People who were mental were attracted to me and I would act out mental in their presence, not always knowing I was manifesting and linking up with their spiritual networks in and over us. Not any more I do not give those spirits the time of day or any foolishness, I am free from them, just got distain for them now. However,

I still have mind issues of thinking inside my head, most times I talk out loud. Why? Because of the spiritual trauma from tormenting spirits, I went into passivity as I believed they were praying and thinking for me. So I listening for them became self-conscious. I know that book War on The

Saints by Jessie Penn-Lewis is true, I can identify firsthand with her insights. I am fine writing, I have always felt peace and the anointing here, and I often hid in writing books. I am still somewhat habitual being empty headed as thinking triggers anxiety; then I feel like a band comes over my forehead. I listen to my thoughts always, have done since I can remember.

I still can wonder if they are mine or a spirit who has my mind or over my mind, I have to work hard here to walk in free thinking to have faith that

Holy Ghost will enlighten me if they are not my thoughts. This came from their traumatization of “we are praying for you; we are thinking for you.” There was even a stage when they used to groan out of my body and bounce me up and down on my bed. I would say an Incubus raping me, I was clothed. In that time I believed I was anointed, in intercession, going through the seven stages of intercession according to Benny Hinns book

on Intercession. He said this was how the Holy Spirit manifested in prayer because Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane was so groaning and He sweated blood. In as much as I believed He allowed this, He did send a couple to my gate through an ad in the paper I ran to sell a washing machine to say, “we did not come to buy the washing machine, but to tell you what you are experiencing is not of God.” They were from the Revival Centre, the group that believe if you do not speak in tongues, you are not going to heaven. Praise God for the revival members I was most of the time groaning as if I was giving birth like a cow, feeling like I was a walking brick out house. The Pastors said, “God is doing something in your life, it is the anointing.” I know firsthand spirits have access to our mind and body. So glad they came around, so relieved for these intrusive and supernatural happenings to stop. But it took seven years of battle and teaching and training to get me out from under deception and fear of demons, to which I wrote False Signs and Wonders and The Abominations of Occult Practices with A to Z Prayer Strategy. Also, Power and Authority to Cast out Demons. These can be found at the sites I have mentioned prior. So, you can understand why I never went to mental health for counsel, help or medication. I knew Jesus heals and things were a result of events and ways of coping in the natural as well as spiritual abuses. From 1995 these last twenty years have taken their toll and the devils have taken so much from me and they have stood against me every way they can. So, I am depressed at times, saddened that I am where I am. I am learning to overcome again after the four years of my drinking again. To take care of myself, have showers, brush my teeth, wear clean and new clothes and change my undies and not isolate myself. I am accepting my reality and the reality of a supernatural fight that wills me devastated destroyed and perpetually miserable every way they can. I am accepting again to lay my life down and embrace Christianity and obedience to His Word and live by His ways and not to pick up a drink. I hope to do more works, I hope my books get to go on and on like Catherine Bushnell and Jessie Penn-Lewis whose books are still being sold a hundred years after their death]

• Emotional incest, child becomes a replacement of husband/wife, this may have no sexual relationship or inappropriate gestures touching or being in bathroom when child is adolescent or at an age where they privacy should be respected

• Enjoyment and willful submission and into adult years; happy to tell others they enjoyed their father’s/mothers incestuous relationship. Therefore, conscious recommittal of incest with own children and or those of the same bloodlines. They may also have sexual issues such as sex addiction, constant masturbation and one orgasm never enough becoming what they calls themselves “a multiple.”

• Exclusion, from family, peoples, places, community, rites of passage and inheritances, churches; put in and exclusion in jails; treated as the outcast; loss of respect for perpetrator and victim; social ostracism; spiritual set up for exclusion, spirits will ensure exclusion on many and or all levels [When a grandfather

incest’s the granddaughter he is at blame, when the grandmother incest’s the grandson just before he reaches puberty there is a mindset, and it is a lie, that the boy should have know better to allow it or for it to continue.

Seduction and rape is operative in both, therefore, both grandparents are guilty of incest regardless.

God and man/woman put social structure and society norms in place. In communities, villages, tribes, extended families these and other punishments define boundaries that were not to be crossed. Incest of parents with children and between siblings and blood relatives is meant to be looked upon as taboo. Forbidden universally in a nuclear family for it is devastating and destructive on so many levels]

• Emptiness, something is always wrong, fatalistic attitude, hole in the soul [There

is a hole in the stomach, hole in everything nothing fills the hole, neither drugs alcohol or sex or anything fills the emptiness]

• Fantasy [If this is you, you are going to have to have your mind

reprogrammed out of fantasy. Especially if you are masturbating with incest and pedophilia on your mind. Firstly the spirits of fantasy lust are narrating your story; secondly your soul is bonded in iniquity to these fantasies. Ground hog day, repetition causes you to recreate the past. Trauma memory from the first bonding is a power base. Trauma memory is being activated and played out with its stimulus. Trauma bonding is just that, a bond, yet can be unbonded. He is Able. What happened in the past is not your presence, childhood sexual abuse to you and or your actions of abuse of children is in the past and it is time to live in the presence. Time to take on the newness of life in Christ

Jesus to be made into the new creature in Christ, it is a process. Being born again is a process not a one-time event. Taking your thought captive will not necessarily stop your fantasy, yet it helps and yes it causes The Spirit of Christ Jesus to war against the spirits responsible. Also, knowingly you are doing this in the presence of

The Spirit of Christ Jesus, A Holy Spirit. Also, A Spirit who has the Power to Judge and who will bring correction to you is to be a great deterrent. Invite Him into the fantasy, in time it will weaken, and He can take the impact off your orgasm, null it as He did for me. I could never stop at one and had a habit of masturbating as soon as I woke up, He took the power of the rush off me, what was the point! There are techniques online to overcome fantasy, seek and you will find. But most importantly allow Him into your findings as some may be occult, new age or just way off scriptural truth.

• Feeling worth is primarily sexual

• Feeling nothing was spared, all things were done, everything was done, no expense spared, birthing worthlessness; you are not important

• Fragmentation; wounded spirit; double soul

• Filthy talk

• Fear, terror, dread, panic attacks, fearful disposition / imprinting of fear on the face and in the eyes, terror that silences, terror that freezes, terror that causes you to forget

• Gaslighting - it is traumatic [My second girlfriend gas lite me to cover up her

affairs. She kept on trying to make me confused and not to trust my intuition and she defamed me to family and her friends, I was never allowed friends if I tried, she put it on them.

It was traumatic, it was betrayal, I made the mistake to prove she was playing up and that I was not crazy. I did not win it backfired to appear as if I was just paranoid. Everyone thought I was the crazy one, even my family, after all they had seen my mental ways as a child. I never caught her, came close, but my intuition knew she was playing up. One morning I found where she had crushed up medication that she put in my evening

Milo drink. Saw her in my early fifties and she was married to a woman and said it stopped her from being adulterous, bull! Her way of admitting her guilt, never said sorry for the trauma she caused me or the defamation of my character. To date befriending the leading necromancer in Australia and is also a consulter of the dead, not realizing she is talking not with dead people but the spirits down their family lines. I do not to this day care what others think or say that I falsely accused my next girlfriend of molesting my daughter. I know what I know and have always listened and known of my sixth sense , I have always listened to my natural instincts, Holy Spirit works and dwells in these spiritual senses also. I’ve heard and sensed from both spirit realms all my life of what was happening in secrecy. They loved to torment me what they were doing or going to do, they know better now]

• GSA - Genetic Sexual Attraction [Witchcraft brings forth an instant sexual

attraction when reunited with birth father/mother or not seeing father/mother since early age due to separation/divorce/taken out of care of family put into foster home persons reunite with their birth parent(s), obsessive feelings]

• Guilt - condemnation; courtroom of condemnation; false guilt; blame; self-blame

• Grief - unforgiveness; bitterness

• Grooming – [Sad thing is that many victims turn out to be abusers. They

have had their conscience so seared, and their pleasure centers programmed from the trauma and or the innocence of stimulation. They have learnt to be secretive, cunning, have no guilt or fear thus it is easy for them to groom a child or recommit to their own seed. Their conscious has no empathy, moral boundaries, or conscious, or respect or remorse or loyalty to their own kind or their own bloodlines, bottom line they are bonded in selfishness, so self-centered. To add they are demonized by this network of spirits who help them become and give them ideas and skills, and heighten their sexual sensations and depth of orgasm. These spirits aid them, so they know how and when to commit pedophilia and or incest. I have heard therapists and psychologist say “lets not demonize this” but the real truth is there is a network of spirits in these perverse act, who precipitated it. It has to be uprooted and these things cast out. However you can cast out a multitude of spirits in this network and unless you are transformed by the renewing of The Word; the works of The

Spirit of Christ Jesus and you making up your mind that you will not go back to that stronghold, you will be pushing against the winds. Your soul must be born again from above, you must be trained in righteous ways of living and righteous instructions and accept correction and discipline. When the pedophile embraces their proclivity, they are patient. They look for vulnerabilities, they can constantly be looking for ways to have sexual exploits with babies, toddlers and or children of these ages.

Look again if you have a gut sensing, your instincts cry out, as they do subtle actions in front of people. Even with shaking your hand or the child’s hand by the way they feel it, touch it for way to long.

Spirits know who the vulnerable families, who the children at school are who are being molested at home or out of school hours. Thus, they insert the offenders into the lives of the children to bring their schemes. The pedophile is unknowing being fed the information and the know how and where how and are given the mental fantasy from the beginning to drive the offender so as to bring such ruination. Afterall, it houses these spirits and gives them a life and gives them pleasure mentally and sexually.

According to Marilyn Hawes on the Chrissy B show, link below says the grooming can go on for years. She says it is the grooming the pedophile likes; I would say the fantasy is fed over these long lengths of time for intense masturbation. She says the grooming is about control and is a mind game. That the pedophile gets to say in his/her mind “if, when, or maybe not”. Also that these types love the anticipation of waiting, the game of deceit.

She also says that when they finally sexually molest, they will whisper in their ear “you never said no, you have not said no, it’s your fault, you asked for it, you should not be so handsome or so beautiful and pretty, you love me, I love you, let us keep this between us, you won’t say anything, only I love you like this, you are special. To then shaming them, belittling them and saying who would believe you, your dirty, mummy will die, your cat will die, you will lose your friend, no one will ever love you if you tell.

Children do not have the knowledge the information that what happened was not supposed to happen to them. Children are abused as babies they are silenced over and over in so many ways. They are threatened, they are lied to. They are deceived into thinking it is a game for years. They think it is normal and all kids must have this happen to them. “my Daddy has sex with me” other little kids have not got the knowledge to respond or to say it is not right, so on it goes.

One woman said to me her grandson said when she was changing his nappy “are you going to put a dinosaur in my bum” and he would say to her “are you ready” then proceed to lay on top of her. She believed it was her own daughter who was committing incest with her own son, and her daughter had been sexually abused as a baby till she was three and then abused by teachers.

She said she could not bring in family services as she feared the abuse that could happen in foster care could be way worse than a female molesting a boy. She believed his father lived too recklessly to have the boy and he may be at a greater risk there as he lived in a shared house with other men.

Marylyn Hawes also says that pedophiles who insert themselves into families who are not a relative will act their will out in front of you, in front of other siblings. The vulnerable one, the easy target will always be asked to sit on their lap, over the groin and the pedophiles genitals will be touched indirectly in plain sight and he knows it. They will even test your personal space and watch your reactions according to Marilyn Hawes.

She also says, they will take advantage of your past if it has been abusive and offer your comfort and gentleness. They know they have got you when they can weaken your defenses so that you pay no attention to your gut feelings when they act out in front of you subtly as they are such a nice person.

She also says to beware of the game of writing numbers or letters on a child’s back this is grooming procedure. Look again she said there is a sexual energy happening. Get up and take that child off his/her lap that is

foreplay for when they get your child on their own, they will abuse. And in time they will, they are planning it to happen and or will take the opportunity as life happens. You can be in a place that you think you have no choice but to leave your child/ren with this person or you may let them/take him/her shopping or somewhere.

My mother allowed a man to take me to the paddock to shoot the galah birds with an air rifle. That man asked me to play rudies with him, that is show me yours touch mine game. Thank God, he did not force himself on me or molest me. My mother had been molested by her father, not good for her to put a daughter at such risk not to mention to allow me to be taught to kill birds. I get the discernment that man had built up trust with

her about himself, as pedophiles do. (5) How to Spot & Stop a Paedophile YouTube

• Hatred of women/men, no marriage but living together, childlessness

• Homosexuality, transsexuality, bisexuality, queer [Sexuality issues are

definitely a contributing factor to incest and pedophilia. Someone’s sexuality encompasses their attitudes towards the opposite sex, feelings on many levels, their way of dress, the desire to behave inline with their gender and sexual desires. Identity with birth gender can be denied, shunned or rejected. I have known many lesbian women who intentionally and subconsciously were way overweight. Driven by the belief they no longer are attractive to the opposite sex. Why the LGBTQ get so up in arms or feel betrayed when one no longer identifies with being homosexual, or when those who want to understand and overcome root causes of their sexuality never ceases to amaze me of their rage. It is as simple as desire to control the lives of others and conform them to their image, not allowing people the freedom of their own individuality. They cry wolf there is no danger to them, what is so wrong about wanting change, wanting to be mentally and physically healthy. For some they are the pot calling the kettle black, they themselves do not really want to be homosexual transsexual but have the desire to be heterosexual and or in control of their sexuality to make choices. No to mention their healing centers they attend, their LGBTQ workshops and retreats. Fear of the opposite sex is prevalent, fear of sex, unable to orgasm, not feeling good about sex. Sexuality encompasses how we feel about our body and even our genitals. Incest exploits, it takes away consent, equality, trust and does makes the victim feel unsafe. The persons finds little of this in the same sex relationships, less or little memory trauma. Nurturing, emotional understanding, mutual respect and sensitivity are also found in homosexual relationship. Regardless that incest may be just fondling, no intercourse, or just sodomy, or just oral sex or emotional incest it is valid to the victim and has harmed the person. I have written about causations of homosexuality in my books at https://issuu.com/kathleenmalligan therefore I will not go into detail here.

• Illegitimate children, Congenital birth: Autism, Downs Syndrome, Arrested

Development, Deaf and Dumb, Blindness, pathological - mental diseases

• Idolatry

• Invalidated, alienated estranged or abandoned by family “she/he is too much,” reminder or triggering of their own trauma

• Inability to accept their bodies or never feeling at home in their skin [This is one

root cause for transsexuality or overweigh in females, so they are not attractive]

• Imprinting - from mother to son/daughter and or father to daughter/son or brother to sister, stepfather to son/daughter, stepmother to son/daughter

• Loss of memory, memory block, denial, blocking, repressive that one cannot remember childhood

• Luring, flirtation [Spirits twist the mind to go back to the perpetrator, later

on will bring blame and guilt “you wanted it” “you asked for it” “it is your fault” “don’t you remember!”]

• Murder literal, emotional/soul murder, spiritual murder

• Mistrust, suspicion, paranoia

• Mind control, mind programming, mind blocking – stop feeling – no crying –controlling emotions

• Mutation of genetics [Communication of disease from one person or to

another – contagion, neuma/spiritual genetics and or genetics through sperm or milk or blood. Attraction of siblings one to another in contagion of possession of opposite and or same sex’s attributes, a fusing happens to result in twin spirits. Also in the form of spiritual cannibalism. For example lesbians are attracted to women who have traits they lack, so in effect they eat those characteristics and or traits from the other woman to become as them when sexually intimate. A possession of the a same-sex bodies attributes. I wanted to be able to stay feminine instead of swaying from butch to fem. I have a sporty masculine body, no hips, so I was attracted to women who had the feminine physical attributes I wished I were born with and where I lacked mental attributes it was the same. Siblings can also have these mindsets, according to Dr. Annadurai

Variankaval a Psychiatrist this happens where property, goods, land, shares are common and owned between themselves. Royal bloodlines is an example of this, and it happen within the common bloodlines. There can be emotional incest happening here without physical sexual incest also. According to Dr. Annadurai, siblings who eat from the same plate and or their mothers breasts and who share the milk and or the mothers property can become incestuous when fear is an operative factor. Because the fear manifests itself believing she will receive her brothers masculine traits or vice versa he fears he will receive his sisters feminine traits as they are always with each other, sharing the same experiences. So sexual dominance happens to usurp such a possibility.

Hence the role he or she plays is no longer sibling ties. To make this clearer, a son innately moves away from his mother for identification with his father as he innately fears the contagion of female attributes or a desire for his body wanting and or becoming feminized if he remains associated with mother. As Dr. Annadurai writes then the boys normal psychosexual development enables him to explore

the female body without fear of contagion. As Christians whose beliefs are in curses and the realms of unclean spirits, we understand as this and other fruits of incest are spiritually accelerated or planned and put into motion by unclean spirits. By spirits taking over the mind, the central nervous system, the deception of building a fortress of lies and the heightening of orgasm stimuli. Just say on a scale of one to ten normal orgasm decibel is eight, spirits can bring the measure of intensity well over ten. Thus the natural man/wombed man is deceived believing that is the ultimate get off when committing incest and or pedophilia. Innately attachment between father and daughter and mother and son is by nature non-erotic, sexual aversion is the natural fruit. I believe unclean spirits have got to be the foundational stone in the causations of incest and pedophilia also homosexuality and transsexuality. To add here, it is natural for a parent to want to give all they possess to their child/children. Sad thing is, unintentional psychological wounding happens here when we want to share all we possess of our prosperity, of our wealth, wisdom, knowledge, lessons learnt, and mistakes made. I never intentionally meant to harm or injure my daughter. I operated from the platform of wanting the best for her welfare and prosperity to the capacity I had and could, skilled in some areas, unskilled in other areas. However when incest occurs there is a twisted possessive happening or a longing to share their sexual skills. The size of penis or a twisted belief they will not turn homosexual but always love cock, and or just love cock, and or vice versa in a mother and son relationship. The father who incest’s the daughter has a possessiveness of his penis to pass on to his daughter, the narcist personality at work. It is not always the case as some men have small penises and when sexually with children, they perversely think their penis is large, here unclean spirit of fantasy is at work. In addition the father can have a desire for possession of breasts due to psychological or pathological wounds from his mother. Mothers incest of son or at breastfeeding and or breast feeding for too many years, crossing of boundaries of attachment. The son has identified with his mother so according to Dr. Annadurai, the son has breast envy resulting in breast possessive behavior rather than breast explorative behavior and

writes this is vice versa for girl 1. [Academia Milk Relationship and Incest Taboo. Dr. Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy, MD; DPM] cited 18th October 2020] file:///C:/Users/Kathleen/Downloads/Milk_relationship_and_inc est.pdf Incest behavior reduces humans to their base animal nature, they live from this as if they are ignorant, exercising no self-control, pure selfishness. Sorry, I liken this behavior to dumb animals. Perpetrators disregard their intelligence and reasoning and refuse to reign their will and ignore their innate conscience. We are without excuse and are far more intelligent than a father cat who will mount his daughter cat when she is on heat. They have not the knowledge of right or wrong, we do. Likewise a teenage cat will want to mount your arm or his offspring that are weeks old after he has had the experience of orgasm. Even a male cat can be taught right from wrong. I realize it is more complex than this, however incest perpetrators put the lust of their heart to worship the creature rather than The Creator and the knowledge that persons are created in the image of God their Creator. The One who has written laws that forbids incest. So again, there has to be a demonic component driving these lusts.

• Mental Illness, speech and hearing difficulties; childish self-will/gets their own way/reaction to life situations as a child and with childish fears/arrested development; schizophrenia, multiple personalities disorder, Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder, Depression, Disassociate Identity Disorder [When this spirit is in a

stronghold of mental illness most definitely it will and the mental illness named spirits will bring intrusive thoughts of incest with your own baby/child; to think that brother/sister is hot or father/mother or causing one to look on their private parts and or desire them]

• Narcissism [Listening to various people they all say they do not know why

a person has the disorder of a narcistic personality. The pedophile like the narcist blames the child for coming onto them] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHZDEUVt9OI

• Neglect, abandonment

• No pleasure, inability to relax or to have joy in all aspects of life

• No self-worth, worthlessness, mockery and self-mockery, hatred of self, self-pity, low self-esteem, shy, unable to communicate or express feeling, stone walled

• Neurosis’s: mental disorders that involve chronic distress, constant worry, negativity, obsessive thoughts that your mind finds no peace from to the point that everyday living is hard to handle, psychologists call it neurotic behavior

• Neglect, left alone with perpetrator whilst mother/father was drunk or absent or outright neglectful

• Numbness, inability to get pleasure in sex, from sport or dance or bushwalking, hiking; shut down, sleep, sleep with depression, inability to discern if they are hungry tired or in pain

• No trust, abuse of trust, taken advantage of trust

• Obesity [When women who are lesbian become way overweight this is a

way, they feel safe that no man can be attracted to them; mostly rooted back to father committing incest to them. There were three in four women

I met over my sixteen years of being lesbian that had be sexually abused by their fathers or sexually abused by someone. It is such a thief on so many levels]

• Overachiever, successful, [I recall a woman telling me of her friend who was

perfect, perfect in appearance perfect in the home, perfect in all her ways because she was hiding her pain her being a victim of incest. This is a false personality, fueled by spirits]

• One soul, one spirit [When Jesus said “Therefore shall a man leave his father

and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh. This is the reason that a man leaves his father and mother and embraces his wife, and they become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) (See also Matthew 19:5 and Ephesians 5:31) The command is to leave the parental bloodline and unite with

another bloodline. The identity comes out from the parental not the oneself or the one soul of a same bloodline. So, it is a joint selfhood with a relative through either sexual intimacy and or marriage. Then what is brought forth from the incest couple(s) is unity and or unified and inseparable “one flesh” the spiritual union with selfhood and self-identity happens, one soul one spirit.]

• Overprotective, keep child/re from relatives, sports, school activities, outings, always being present having the child in sight, no sleepovers of pajama parties, always asking was the teacher safe, or be careful as people cannot be trusted they molest little girls/boys

• Phantom, it is masked, its hidden and shrouded, it is in a curtain, a shawl, a veil of privacy and secrecy, it is in the dark, hidden, with their works of hardness of heart, seared conscious of the perpetrator [This is a work of spirits on many levels

in many links to other people]

• Personality control; multiple personality, split personality, clown personality

• Psychic intrusion on mind and imaginations and emotions and other spirits effect the nervous system. Projection to become mother father brother sister husband or wife to your partner, spouse [Wives call their husbands Dad or husbands will

call their wives mum, they replace the spouse as parent, this happens the son can become a brother to his mother]

• Paralysis over the mind, will and emotions, spacing out

• Perfectionism, never able to enjoy winning, labor, job, house or achievements, never accept self and always correcting self, destroyer of moral never a good leader as perfectionism frustrates person and others or the entire work force

• Perversion, sex addiction, orgasm addiction, never satisfied-multiple orgasms

• Pornography, using dark web to watch child abuse; Pornography of taking of photos and or filming abuse

• Passivity, passivity over the mind, taking of headship from male, making female headship, mother ruling, female rulings, making strong women

• Possessive and ownership of another

• Prostitution, stripping, porn star, being an incest porn star, bestiality, S&M, D&D

• Powerlessness; giving up; self or sabotage aspects of ones future hopes and dreams, believing you are damaged beyond repair, sense of being different from other people – outcast – not fitting in

• Psychosis’s – anxiety neurosis, trauma dissociation schizophrenia [Rooted from

infancy and childhood, my fear, paranoia of child abuse was way out of balance. I had no control over the fear that it would happen if I had children to a man. Crazy thing is that it happened anyway, not by a man but by a woman to my daughter. All that time of fear that brought rotten fruit into my life, shows I had no power of it anyway. Still do not as it will happen again by my seed or to

my seeds linage.

Truth is that trees grows seed pods and humans molest and devils have inroads and will make inroads to bring this to fruition.

However, Prayer works, and prayer for your seed and those to come is a must to hinder and even prevent it perpetuating again in your children’s live and those in the linage to come. It should be “Mumma don’t let your babies grow up to be pedophiles”.

Know this. You are responsible to train and teach your child and to pray into their lives that a network of spirits cannot and do not birth this transgression to bring forth pedophilia or incest desire and sins alike.]

• Rape, emotional, body, spiritual rape, births fear of rape, fear of children who will be birthed becoming a victim of incest or pedophilia –

• Rage, fury, out of control with rage or other feeling

• Ritual abuse, ritual blood sacrifice, taking of virginity, blood transgression, cultish, occult/ish, witchcraft, covens, satanism, druidism, freemasonry

• Rejection: rejection of being a child/son/daughter, set up for cycle of rejection in relationships / friendships; rejection of ones sexuality and or gender

• Reliving an act that happened to someone else (This perverse network wills to

bring forth fantasy. For example, a woman has concealed that she was molested in her cubby house under the house, so the perpetrator wills or does make a cubby house under the house to molest her/his child/ren. Or a schoolteacher recreates a situation that a pupil has confessed that happened to her as a child by her brother. The person being powerless, once again is put into a powerless position and it concretes more of her prison of abuse adding more spirits to the network. Show no mercy to any of them, do not and I say do not cast them to dry and arid places (Matthew 12:43), or back to Jesus or the foot of the cross. Cast them to Tartarus put them in chains in this dense darkness to be reserved for judgment (2 Peter 2:4) Yes, this will be until the Great

White Throne Judgment. “For now is the judgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast out (John 12:31), I give you power and authority over all the power of the enemy” (Luke 10:19). Show no mercy and give them not a chance to revisit the next generation or come back to ensnare again, they deserve to be chained up for hundreds of years, thousands of years in a dark place full of screaming.

• Rebellion

• Secondary victim [These are the people it has effected who are in the family;

or may be the spouse; people in general and or those who absorb the pain because of the knowledge of incest and pedophilia happing to those they know or work with or counsel]

• Self-mutilation [This is a sign to others of how much pain they are in on the

inside, so numb, the only time they feel pain, even a twisted way of hurting themselves to be in control. Some think if they cut themselves the pain will come out or give them the ability to flee their numbing. A controlling powerful network of spirits working here. I worked in welfare with homeless people who were from the age

of twelve to twenty-four for several years when I was younger. Not a one who had come through the doors for refuge had not been sexually abused by some family member, these found the courage to run away]

• Separating intellect from feelings

• Sexual aversion

• Sibling relationships either consensual or by grooming / seduction and or rape

• Sibling marriage, father daughter marriage, mother son marriage, cousin marriage

• Surrogate husband/wife in the natural

• Sibling to sibling whilst father/mother watch or engage in

• Sleep, shut down

• Spiritual voices, spirit voices of name calling ‘slut’ ‘whore’, spiritual voices of swearing ‘fuck you’ ‘well fuck you’, spirit voices of slander, spirit voices of threats of getting your offspring

• Shame, guilt, shyness

• Show Pony, Narcissism and relationships with those who look like themselves or siblings or parent, Self-Idolatry

• Stubbornness

• Suicide, cutting self-harm of mutilation

• Sex as a tool or to meet a need

• Secrecy, silence; spiritual silence over mouth passivity-a spirit stops you from telling stops you from speaking up; I never told anyone; shame does in the natural especially when feeling at fault, fear if anyone found out no one would like you or spouse would leave

• Sex is disgusting opposite turned on by violent sadistic and incestuous fantasies, or they marry older men/women so as to engage or repeat the abuse, be sexually abusive to others

• Spirit husband/wife [Opens this door to projection for incubus and succubus

to attack and to enter into dreams. Once yielded to the sexual act, they have grounds to continue to return and even may expose themselves to form relationship]

• Spirit marriage, spiritual consummation

• Set up for future rape of incest and pedophilia and teenager and adult molestation and rape and rape in marriage

• Twin spirit between the parent or stepparent and or sibling and or relative

• Theft, theft of childhood, theft of adulthood, theft of emotional balance, theft of health, theft of sexuality, theft of relationships, theft of marriage and children, theft

on waiting to choose who to marry instead marrying the first date at young age, theft of sanity, theft of love of self, theft of education, theft of who you could have been when grown up, theft full stop in every aspect of one’s life

• Torture

• Trauma, PTSD-post traumatic stress disorder; sexual and psychological trauma

• Torment, torment in the soul and by spirits “we are going to get you again and again” “we are going to molest your children” “be afraid, be very afraid” “your father will molest you”

• Torment; memory recall; new memories; nightmares-difficulty sleeping, flashbacks in sexual intimacy [Like criminals who loves their craft and their way of life

of devastation, so is the incest spirit who relishes in its destruction on the human soul. Its darkness and evil of destruction is their delight.]

• Trauma, betrayal trauma [Trauma is incest’s husband they are married

together, it is the lock that shuts the gate, the key that locks the door, the high wall around the fort of incest. Trauma gets lodged in the nervous system, the body bringing forth illness sicknesses and diseases, the human spirit becomes fragmented. Also, to overcome the trauma and fear they may engage so as to enjoy the situations the acts; then later on become a perpetrator as a twisted way of self-protection and or selfsurvival, or the deception they were to blame]

• Usurper putting son/daughter over husband/wife

• Ungodly soul ties/evil soul ties

• Unclean in habits, unclean in personal hygiene, no self-care or self-nurture and in later life, feeling dirty, lazy, lack of motivation, sense of immobilized, unable to see talent, gifts or traits or the real self

• Uncomfortable or scared around children, children trigger their fears, or it brings up memories and feelings of powerlessness; un-comfortability being affectionate with child [This is not always an indicator the person fears committing child

sexual abuse. However there may be a probability due to a work of tormenting spirits; but it is the memory of what happened to them or their phobia is triggered thus fear, anxiety and traumatic feeling takeover]

• Universal Iniquities [This fruit of incest, rape, pedophilia in now in video

games, television series, movies and advertising. Desensitizing the act to make it a goal, a game play in PC, Sony and Xbox games, even the marriage of father and daughter as a final win. Some games have part of the game play of consensual incest, or mother controlling son; rape of child as she/he sleeps by the babysitter. It just beyond moral boundaries of society, Sodom had nothing on what we as nations are guilty of committing. Adverts now sexualize children dressed as adults and doing sexual overtones with moves and dancing. Movies have it in their story lines, in movies of kings and queens and their offspring of the Princes and

Princesses. Eroticizing underage males and females, also the blatant push for gender change from the age of five from governments and LGBTQ lobby groups. Children in drag attire and encouraged to dress drag in their day

to day living. The obvious push of prepubescent bodies and innocent features and childlikeness displayed in all this adds to the transgressions of nations and the enlarging of the boarders of Principalities, Powers and Spiritual Wickedness in High Places (Ephesians 6). Fantasy spirits get access over households. Fantasies in games of sex dolls, sex toys, gang rape and you name it are accessible simulator games sold by online without going into the dark web. The spirits behind such perversion make sure there is a realistic approach to fantasy worlds by suggestion, and online have ways to play out the fantasies. It is sad to see such deviant behavior so widespread and the animation movies where children are depicted as sexual objects and in sexual situations

• Vaginismus [This is the condition where involuntary muscle spasm happens

when a penis or a tampon or even if the genital is touched. The vagina tightens up and can cause intercourse to be of no event or painful, or fear of pain]

• Violation of soul body and spirit

• Violence, physical abuse, domination

• Witchcraft, witchcraft consummation, satanic consummation

I have gleaned some of the above from online sources, noted in bibliography and also the book THE COURAGE TO HEAL: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse by Ellen Bass & Laura Davis Completely Revised and Expanded 4th Edition. I recommend again you purchase this book or get it on kindle for your own self help.

People have pioneered this subject, have written many books, therefore it is not necessary for me to write this book conclusively. We are a body ministry so you can do searches to find these resources. Yes of course, some are inadequate, not giving enough or limited healing keys or knowledge for you to pinpoint the effects personally, therefore search until you sense peace for your measure of healing and deliverance.

Given I do not have total peace on this subject, and I am still in need of healing of trauma connected to child abuse, I write this book. Also I am called to do so. Anointed, that is, I am moved by The Spirit of Christ Jesus through my inner person to write and receive the understanding. There is no automatic writing here, it is all filtered through my spirit I have the abilities to type. In addition peeling back these layers of self takes time, and time is needed to settle down and filter the traumatic reasoning’s through traumatic filters.

I believe prayer strategies are needed for us/Christians with His powerful keys and anointing on prayers read. Further we know that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places, we know the kingdom of darkness is the power base to child sexual abuse as it is evil and a destroyer.

Therefore, we must face them, put them in chains, demolish their fortified areas and cast them to the place appointed of them till the great white throne judgment for their crimes against us our families and mankind in general.

I encourage you to continue reading at your own pace, no matter how triggering it becomes. For we know the only way out is the only way in.

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