The Incest Spirit

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THE INCEST SPIRIT IS - AND ITS FRUITS ARE: This network’s fruit is various, if this generational curse cannot get you one way, they will get in other ways. They have all the bases loaded and are the players on both teams even pretending to be friends and on your team. If one knew that the devastation of this act was so deep, so debilitating for a life time, so many open doors for unclean spirits; and, if one truly loved their child, was about their best and their welfare they would never concede to the temptations of committing sexual abuse, molestation, incest or pederasty or pedophilia. However, these perpetrators already have a stronghold operative, as seen in the narcissistic personality. Regardless what foundational stone it operates from they become depraved, their conscious becomes seared, their heart hard, and basically, they are an unclean spirit trafficker. That is a person who opens doors for copious amount of spirits to de-rail and wreck a life and their own and the lives of their generation and those to come. Incest carries a ten (10) generational curse, this is why we must invade and demolish their territory. We must and I say we must train our children about the war between the gods. We must tell them temptations will come from indwelling spirits and witchcraft projection to commit incest, think about incest, think about pedophilia, think about sexual acts when changing babies nappies, or watch this in porn sites or to masturbate about these acts or the acts that happened to others, that is their spouses or partner or friends. We must inform them that spirits come from the breaking of biblical laws and spirits lure others in or others back if a generation uproots these networks. We must inform them they will be targeted. We must educate our children why not to yield to any temptations on the mind about father daughter sex mother son sex or any incest or adult and child sex in any form. We must tell them that sister and brother, sister and cousin or brother is never permissible. We must tell them about Uncle or Aunty or friends of the family that suggest or touch inappropriately to tell, to speak up, to fight, to run. We must tell them that not all people are safe and keep a discerning heart about teachers, day care teachers, swim coaches, football coaches, priests, pastors, leaders, scouts and places alike. We must keep them covered in prayer so that their mouths are loosed to speak up, that they fight back, and say no, I am telling, they need to know this is not a secret to keep. As raw a subject it may be, they must be informed that sibling sexual acts is unlawful, gross. We have to reveal the spiritual and natural consequences of just one action like show me yours or let me suck your nipple or can I get on top of you or I will show you mine if you show me yours will in time bring more temptations and in the long run put themselves and their children in a mine field of destruction. We must inform them they will one day become a father, or a mother and we must say this temptation will most likely come against their mind. To never yield to it, to rebuke it and bring judgment of angelic sore vexing for their suggestions. “I resist your will Satan, get behind me.” Father, let Your angels bring a judgment of sore vexing upon the spirits who are bringing these perverse thoughts to my mind for three days and three nights, in Jesus Name.”


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Articles inside

Prayer Of Judgment And Release From Spirits Of Darkness Connected To Incest

pages 94-96

Renunciation For Committing Incest And Pedophilia

pages 103-109

Prayer To forgive God Ancestors And Others For Their Transgressions

page 102

Warfare Until Child/ren Are Released From This Stronghold Of Incest and Pedophilia

page 101

Prayer for Healing Of Incest

page 90

Prayer For Release Of Trauma And Shock

pages 86-89

Prayer To Expose The Spirits Connected To Incest And Pedophilia

pages 97-100

Prayer For Guilt And Shame

page 84

The Incest Spirit Is – And Its Fruits Are

pages 41-67

Prayer For Healing From The Sexual Abuse of Incest And Pedophilia

pages 82-83

The Incest Spirit Is Married To Trauma And Fear

pages 37-40

Seek Continued Prayer For Healing From Incest and Pedophilia

pages 79-80

Prayer To Repent And Renounce Incest Control And Pedophilia

page 81

What It Takes to Heal

pages 68-74

The Incest Spirit Is A Spirit Of Control

pages 35-36

Our Warfare

pages 40, 68-74


page 35

The Incest Spirit From The Beginning

pages 28-32

Covering Prayer

pages 35, 114

The Incest Spirit Is Under The Strongman Whoredom

pages 33-34

Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz

pages 20-23

Zeus And Hera

pages 24-27

How Does The Spiritual Foundation Of Incest Form?

pages 18-19
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