
9 minute read
Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz
This satanic network of pedophilia and incest runs throughout all walks of life. Royal households, Deep State, Governments and political members, secret sects, occult, new age and false religions, the poor to the rich.
Deranged persons, people who exploit the innocent, who exert power and dominance over the weakest are in my mind dogs! These weak mortals who abuse and those who traffic and use children and babies for rituals have sold their soul or who have relinquished their souls to darkness deserve exactly that, the lowest parts of darkness with torment for eternity. Those decriminalizing this act for such exploitation will deserve every bit of judgment they receive when they meet their Maker. Evil for evil, trauma for trauma, never ending with no way out. It is a good thing Jesus forgives, to me it is the only transgression that really riles me, and I do not care if these fellow humans spend eternity in hell. Even a daughter or relative or a parent. I have not the mercy or compassion or do I care if they did not repent that they end up in hell for eternity; to sad too bad they had many an opportunity too! Regardless of what I understand, seven things God hates, well one thing I hate, is child sexual abuses.
I am not called into ritualist or child trafficking; therefore I cannot write prayers to come against The System, Governments, Sects, Occult or Religious systems to bring down or expose their crimes against humanity, crimes against the most innocent persons on the earth. Praise Yahweh He has called others to do so. I will stay in my lane and continue to write this book that you will be able to free your family from the grips of pedophilia and incest.
4. [Cited 20/06/20]
An origin of this spiritual network is from Mother son incest of Queen Semiramis and Tammuz her son that comes down generational lines. Most writers agree that King Nimrod (Genesis 10:8) was married to Queen Semiramis and the child Tammuz was born after his death. Tammuz became defied as the resurrected Nimrod, thus Semiramis had a justification to marry Tammuz her son. In the natural you can think she was just perverted with lust out of control for children!
However, I believe she a goddess was in a human vessel for she was the exceedingly high ranking fallen angel Astarte The Evening Star, and Nimrod was Lucifer The Morning Star inhabited a human vessel. To make it clearer, they were in their human hosts. Just as Jesus Christ The Ancient of Days came into the womb of Mary, recall at twelve He astounded the Teachers with His knowledge of The Word (Luke 2:41-52). The spiritual can only operate if it has legal passage through the natural, the system of laws that were preordained at creation.
The kingdoms of darkness with all their gods and goddesses have operated against the power of God in cities and in the government of this world since the fall of mankind (King of Tyre and Greece Ezekiel 28:11-19; Prince of the Persian kingdom Daniel 10:13). The kingdom of darkness began to be established since the fall of man bringing forth the worship of different gods and goddess for individual nations, tribes and peoples for their individual reign and to deceive mankind.
In the Ancient Babylon period, she is known as Queen Semiramis worshipped as the Moon Goddess and Nimrod was the Sun God of Babylon. To later became a distortion and perversion of the trinity and the truth of The One True Living God with Tammuz. Regardless of her origins or worshipped name in nations she as a spirit being has a desire for sexual intimacy with son and or children. She eats all fruit, has no moral boundaries, nothing is off limits to her in a sexual appetite. She is responsible for birthing the transgression of mother and son and or incest. She was in the vessel of the natural, hence the consequence for breach of law falls on the natural as that is the realm, we exist in today and the realm she wants to have dominion over.
Research shows in Egypt, their names were Seb (Nimrod) Isis (Semiramis), Horus (Tammuz). In India we see the same goddess is called Devaki and Krishna the child. In Rome she is Venus and cupid the child, in Greece she is Aphrodite and Mediatrix the child. In Israel she is Ashtoreth and Baal is the child.
According to Restoring the Bride of Messiah in Asia she and her son were worshiped as Cybel and Deoius, pagan Rome as Fortuna and Jupiter-puer, or Jupiter the boy; in Greece, as Ceres, the great mother with baby at her breast or as Irene, the goddess of peace, with the boy Plutus in her arms. 5. https://aletheia.consultronix.com/7.html [Cited 20/06/20]
She sits on many waters/peoples of the earth, bringing forth the abominations in and of the
earth (Revelation 17:1-5). Also known as Ishtar, Mother of god, Queen of Heaven, fertility goddess, wife and mother of Baal the child. Referred to in The Word as Queen, Mother of Harlots, a prostitute and Priestess (Revelation 17:1-5).

6. [Cited 20/06/20]
The city of Thyatira was previously known as city of Semiramis. The church in Thyatira Jesus mentioned in Revelation 2:18 was still influenced by this female spiritual
stronghold – Jezebel whose city had its origins in worship of these deities. She blends herself into, as does Tammuz into religions to covert worship, to pervert, weaken and take away Truth and Rule of her original Deity Yahweh, our Heavenly Father. As seen in the Catholic church deifying Mary with the various statues and paintings of the virgin Mary with her god-incarnate son Jesus, worship or mother and son.
This is why this ungodly power base brings forth child sexual abuse of Priests molesting children, mainly boys, yet still pedophilia. Come out of Babylon (Jeremiah 50:9-15, 51:6; Revelation 18:4-8) Babylon is not just a denomination or churches with her teachings, it is all her links to iniquities and transgressions like jealousies, dissensions, envy murders, control, compulsion, manipulation, incest, pedophilia, homosexuality, transsexuality her strong grip in a person’s life.

8. [Cited 20/06/20]
Her demands are mother and son worship. When we see mothers idolizing their sons they will be neglecting and undermining their daughters, giving no favor. She even rejects her daughters bringing a stronghold of rejection that will continue throughout many aspects of the females lives. This gives her more grounds in another area of the soul adding soul destruction upon soul destruction to the daughters and sons of Gods creation.
Jezebel murders the relationship with mother daughter - Matricide and Infanticide thus the idolatry of son (1 Timothy 1:9, Ephesian 5:5). When there is a divorce you will see the mother keeping the son and the father having the daughter; there is legal door for incest to occur and or reoccur, keeping the cycle going under her sorcery and witchcraft powers.
The idolatry of son and with this incestuous sexual bonding it is and open door for spirits to birth femininity instead of masculinity, then to birth homosexuality. A door to turn the child into a perpetrator and or bringing forth double-mindedness to form transgenderism and bisexuality. A pedophile and or homosexual or transsexual personality is being conceived to later birth into these proclivities. Then she further grips them with her Political Powers and Militant Armies to accept all deviations.
“There are three ways that we believe generational iniquities are passed down: 1) Through learned behavior, 2) through DNA, and 3) through the broken soul. When a generational inheritance produces a broken soul, the person is born with their core (or host) personality and an alternate that we will refer to as the “flipside,” that carries the sin pattern of the generational iniquity. This is not in any way the fault of the person inheriting the broken soul. It is the fault of their ancestors. It is their sin that is passed down.
James 4:8 refers to the “double-minded” using the Greek word dipsuchos. The word dipsuchos is used only twice in the New Testament, and both times are in the book of
James, a book written to Christians. Dipsuchos means both “double-minded” and “doublesouled,” or “split-souled.”
It shows that God’s people can have a condition in which their souls exist in two primary pieces. Those two pieces are the core personality and the flipside personality. This is the case when a broken soul is inherited. The split-soul/double-soul is present at birth. When a flipside is present, there is also an ancestral demon that has the flipside as its rightful territory. Like the demon in Mark Chapter 9 that would not obey the disciples, the ancestral demon will not be cast out on the basis of the believer’s authority alone.” 1. [Cited 1/09/15] http://hopepreserved.org/?page_id=352 https://books.google.com.au/books?id=TZTeDFdMdCcC&pg=PA231&lpg=PA231&dq=TH E+HOMOSEXUAL+SPIRIT+IS+A+COUNTERFEIT+PERSONALITY&source=bl&ots=3Sz3Z6 I_8H&sig=ntJqjxOtai1bRtJ7PXaz9z50cIw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCMQ6AEwAWoVChMIu_ WK9PHUxwIVRuimCh02lQpK#v=onepage&q=THE%20HOMOSEXUAL%20SPIRIT%20IS% 20A%20COUNTERFEIT%20PERSONALITY&f=false “ 7. (Malligan, 2015:62)
In the incestuous stronghold when a son becomes an emotional husband this also conceives confusion of sexuality. Same if mother is widowed, child not only becomes fatherless, but the wrong attachment that eventually births homosexuality and the over exaggerated persona of a gay feminine man. It is a false personality acted out by the unclean control spirit via takeover of the mind; this gives it ability to speak out of the mouth, then the soul of the man intertwines to act the same and the spirit can stop at any time from manifesting its function.
If she does not succeed here or the Curse Keeper deems a different curse structure, the man will treat woman as objects always returning back to mum for the pay off with mum is greater than, and his worth is objectified by mother. The narcissistic personality also has its foundation of sexual or emotional mother and son relationship.
Now you can see the Principality of Jezebel has the power base of incest, mother and son relationship mother and son worship. With her many abominations of sexual perversions her armies have so much territory in the earth, seated in Spiritual Wickedness in High Places and seated on Thrones and Dominions in the air (Ephesians 6:12). She is the goddess of sex, war, justice, and political power who has no issue with putting desire into the minds then bonding them with compulsion to sexually abuse babies, toddlers, children or teenagers in acts of incest and pedophilia.
Jezebel and Antichrist is always married in spiritual realities. The Principality of Antichrist is where Tammuz Rules and has many names and faces. Tammuz is equated to a snake-god Istaran, a deity of the city of Der a Sumerian city in the Middle Babylonian period. 8. [Cited 21/06/20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%C5%A1taran
He was worshipped in the days of Ezekiel as Tammuz (Ezekiel 8:14). By the Geeks he was worshipped as Adonis. Writers refer to him as being the consort (spouse/husband of a reigning monarch) to Queen of Heaven Ishtar not as her son, yet his origins are son of Semirasis/Ishtar then husband. 9. [Cited 21/06/20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumuzid Each nation of peoples have a differing take on Semirasis and Tammuz.
Research writes that Tammuz is the Hebrew name for the Mesopotamian god Dumuzi. Tammuz was associated with vegetation and fertility. He was also believed to be responsible for making the ground fertile, he was seen as a Shepherd god and believed to provide milk to ewes to nourish their lambs. 10. [Cited 21/06/20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumuzid He was worshipped by the Sumerian kings who assumed his identity in sexual ritual acts with the priestess’s of Ishtar in the Temples. 11. [Cited 21/06/20] https://www.compellingtruth.org/tammuz.html