
20 minute read
Our Warfare
The Word writes that our warfare is not against people, but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places and those spirits who dwell in and over people on the earth (Ephesians 6).
Known to us as The Prince of the Power of the air, he rules over the world, and the systems beliefs and so his kingdom has put into place all as such. We can’t vote them out or kick them out, but we have to keep preaching the Gospel and let The Holy Spirit turn the light switch on in their soul that they may turn to Christ Jesus and be saved, this is our victory. The incest perpetrators and pedophiles and LGBTQ persons are not our enemies, but The Kingdoms or Darkness who are operating in and over them.
As written in The Word:
"The whole world who is under the control of the evil one." 1 John 5:19
Have you ever been kept in the dark so to speak by your friends or family? How much power did that give to them? How then can you make good decisions if you do not know all the facts? I am sure you can relate to this and see being kept in the dark can be used as a weapon, and our ignorance can be used against us.
12. … giving thanks to the Father for having made you fit to share in the inheritance of his people in the light. 13. He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son Colossians 1:12-13 CJB
14. …in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins 15. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation, 16. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. Colossians 1:14-16 NIV
We have two kingdoms, Light and the Darkness, one is full of darkness, and other is full of light. The truth is that in the Dark we cannot see, yet in the Light we can see. The Kingdom of Light gives us recovery of sight from being blind (Psalms 146:8; Luke 4:18), so we can see again when we are transferred from darkness to light.
In our warfare, we have weapons and armor, The Lord is also our rear guard. We are at war, and the kingdom of darkness keeps people from seeing, keeps them blinded, keeps people seeing things for what they really are! That is the Rule of this kingdom or a rule/law of this dominion to keep its citizens in the dark.
The average incest perpetrator and pedophile, not those in Satanic or Illuminati do not know, or the LGBTQ are not unaware of the war going on around them. Their lives are being sucked away from them for they do not know or perceive the realities of the world they are living in. In as much as they know not, they believe one is born gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, pedophile or pederast because these are real desires that comes from the soul.
Regardless of the political correctness in the earth today in 2020 and the militant side of LGBTQ persons and the strategies of incest and pedophilia being incorporated into movies, as Christians we are co mmanded to speak out, to wake them up or they stay in the dark.
They do not understand that it is love for our fellow humans as we wish hell on no one. Also, they do not understand we believe we will be judged or lose rewards if we do not speak out to those in the churches or the LGBTQ church. Also, to unbelievers and those who walk contrary to The Scriptures in The Bible, therefore we take responsibility.
Preaching and or speaking about the Kingdom, Jesus refers to it as the Good News of the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14:15; Isaiah 52:7). Because we fear being one the sons of His kingdom who shall be cast out into the outer darkness, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of the teeth (Matthew 8:11-12) we feel we are to be not just led by The Spirits unction, but compelled to share Christianity and give warning and offer a way out of sins bondage.
Therefore, we believe we are obeying the great commission so as to make disciples (Matthew 28:19) and are being fishers of men (Mark 1:17). Asking to be endued with power from on High (Acts 1:8) to speak forth; to pray, to show signs and wonders and give testimony of our own healing, transformation and how He enabled us to overcome to those especially who are already in the Churches and professing to be Christian.
“Jesus said to them, I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.” Luke 4:43
“For if I preach the gospel, there is no glory, for necessity is laid on me, and it is woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.”
1 Corinthians 9:16
“I am a debtor both to Greeks and to foreigners, both to wise and to foolish, 15. So as far as in me lies, I am eager to preach the gospel to you in Rome also. 16. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation to everyone believing, both to Jew first, and to Greek.” Romans 1:14-16
“For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Ephesians 6:12 Complete Jewish Bible
There are forces at work in this world that we cannot see because they are spiritual. It is a dark world because this world in under the kingdom of darkness. This is why people are in the dark because of the forces, the rulers, authorities governing this darkness/world.
Many of these persons act out in hatred of Christians and at Mardi Gras they display burning of the bible or putting themselves on crosses. Even dressing as Jesus and Nuns and doing these things with sexual actions in gay parades. We understand why, as they are under the sway of the evil one who has taken them captive to do his will (2 Timothy 2:26).
Laws are being pushed to criminalize ministries who offer help to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who truthfully desire freedom from homosexuality, transsexuality and gender non-conformity. Also, to date many laws are being changed globally, and here in Australia they want to bring penalties to Christians and for anyone saying homosexuality is a sin.
LGBTQ persons are already taking people and Christians to court if business owners do not bake a wedding or a celebration cake. Or marry the homosexuals or who refuse to take same-sex weddings or photographs of newborns and their children’s birthday parties. Now the state of Victoria in Australia are trying to pass a bill in the upper house to stop all religions from saying homosexuality is sin or giving counselling either in written teaching or from the pulpit or face to face with those wanting restoration and reconciliation. Hopefully, the moral compass will not change, and we do not see pedophiles with the same rights as the LGBTQ.
The reality of prophecy that these things must come, and Christians will be hated, mocked and be in difficult times (Matthew 24:6-9; 2 Peter 3:3; 2 timothy 3;1) is more evident today than ever before. Do not be alarmed when you see our governments implementing change of laws so faith-based schools cannot teach against homosexual marriage or even to those of the “flock” these things must take place.
When we see them pushing the anti-conversion bill that is, not allowing biblical traditions to be spoken in the home or at Christian schools or Christian online ministries or even to be written about in books we know the end is near.
As sad as it is, the bill is in parliament, their pushing wills to cancel parents’ rights. Their change will ensure the religious and moral education of a child is in conformity with their convictions not our biblical convictions. Therefore, we will not be able to counsel or speak against a five-year-old who believes he is a girl or against a girl who believes she is lesbian, or they will bring a fine with a possibility of a jail sentence. A faith-based school that teaches there are only two genders can also end up before the Human Rights Commission.
Do not be alarmed at the craziness of the Governments unfair legislations towards His sheep, His Converts. Or those who want change from same-sex attractions or gender identity. These will be able to stand as they have searched the scriptures by sitting at the feet of Christ and believe to act out homosexuality is a sin a transgression of His laws. It is these who will keep their garments on that they do not go about naked and be seen exposed (Revelation 16:15). Bottom line, the bills will not pass unless it is their time, unless it is part of Yeshua’s will, purpose and plan.
The day is approaching if you do not clothe your shameful nakedness not only you, but all will not be able to buy gold or silver (Revelation 3:18). Anti-Christ who pretends to be God who is responsible for apostasy will blind all persons especially those who have no love of the Truth or who do not walk in The Light.
Those who do not clothe themselves with fine linen (Revelation 19:8) who do not allow Him to be their refiner and purifier and refine them like gold and silver (Malachi 3:3) they will be part of the great falling away to awake to the shame and everlasting contempt (Daniel 12:2) even cross over and take the mark. That woman who rides the beast has her false gold and silver of heresy and error and she has horded it up.
If we think to date, we are being hindered from seeking counsel and teaching from those He has called, anointed to give keys for overcoming, it is only the birth pangs. Laws one day will be changed to stop ministries and books like this from being sold, taught and given away. Laws will be against all Christian teachings one day that do not conform to their ways of life.
These are signs of His eminent return and that the end of the age is closer. Even more evident is The Antichrist realm as he sits more in the churches than ever before (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). Watering down truth, pretending to be Holy Spirit / God, thus sitting in the temple of God or understand it this way, preaching in the Houses of God as if he is God bringing worship to himself (1 John 2:18; Matthew 24:24).
This is seen not only in the mainstream churches by the way they are all filled with mixture of spirits/Spirits preaching truth and doctrines of darkness and the bizarre false signs and wonders. But also, the LGBTQ churches believe one can be married to the same sex and inherit eternal life. Not to mention be an open gay or lesbian Minister, Reverend, Pastor and Elder.
Apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of destruction - AntiChrist who exalts himself and takes his seat in the houses of God. Do not be deceived this mystery is already at work (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12).
It is not you and me against the world, the fight is Cain and Able, Isaac and Ishmael, Jews and the Muslims, Judaism and Islam. The major fight is within our own Kingdom living. Some of you are adopted, grafted into the rich root, that makes Christians spiritual Israel. The fight is against you, it is our bible story. I have a Jewish heritage, they went to Scotland and Ireland, I am grafted back into the rich root.
The war is against Israel and us as spiritual Israel, and against Jerusalem and the kings and the priests who will obey the commandments. Enmity between the serpent and the woman and his seed and her seed (Genesis 3:15). I do not believe the new world order will be like China’s regime. Besides the dragon already has China and other nations with their multiplicity of gods and goddesses. The works of a global system of government, global economy and religion for a new world order may be more conspiratorial then we realize, a decoy to take eyes off the real battle in our own realm/spiritual dimension. Afterall will it not be aliens who take mankind, it will not be seen as the rapture of the return of Christ will it!
The fight is with the church with the doctrines with truth and lies, light and darkness; she who rides the beast is drenched in the blood of the saints. Others all over the world are not targets as they follow the Dragon’s gods and goddesses. Those who serve no gods are their own gods and goddess’s making their own minds up to what is good and evil. Occult and new age doctrines, disguised as light life and liberty and re-birthing in the next life under the same lie as the garden “you will be as god.”
The battle is ours, with another Christ, an antichrist who seduces Christ sheep to fall away from the faith and they do as they pay attention to the deceitful spirits and doctrines; for, they prove not and test not. Again, not only anti-Christ spirits are in the church but the woman who rides the beast teaches His servants heresy and error in the churches/online/books/denominations (1 Timothy 4:1; Revelation 7:7-14, 2:20).
It is the battle of the ages - truth verses lies and who will you worship, who will you serve. What is sin and who is in charge of your life, did God really say that you can eat unclean foods. Did God really say that you can worship any day you want. Did God really say that you can celebrate any feasts and holy days you like and keep the traditions of man. Didn’t God say where sin abounds grace abounds much more, and you are not under law but grace? No He did not say that. More fool you if you test not and try not and believe every
spirit and run your lives according to what you think is good and evil, what is righteous and what is unrighteous. Yes, law is law, laws are laws for a reason, His Glory is His laws.
Bottom line you and they never knew Him because of heresy and error of the scriptures you and they did not test. In so many ways you, they were workers of lawlessness, without the law; “but did we not prophesy in your name and case out demons in your name and do many mighty works in your name, … sorry I never knew you, depart from me you workers of lawlessness” (Matthew 7:23). Not in obedience to the laws of God –lawlessness. Deceived, unknowingly knowing what laws are still operative, you and others are workers in agreement with the Lawless One. That’s the deception, that one who sits in the temple, that one who gives the false anointing, that one who said he would sit in the temple as if he was God.
This is the reality of the warfare we are in and the old age war of the gods on who is going to be God over all the gods/goddesses. God verses Satan (Genesis 3) and here we still are AND Satan is permitted to wage war against the saints (Revelation 13:7).
We must see and understand the battle plan by knowing we cannot decide for ourselves what is right and wrong and what is good and what is evil apart from His eternal laws. Life must be measured up against the Words of God, against the laws of God, you have got to know them, know if you are not to eat pork, know if you are to keep Saturday sabbath and celebrate feast days and or flat out tithe a first fruit of 10%. This is the fight. You will not have to worry about taking the mark of the beast if you are obeying and knowing His laws. You will be marked with holiness unto the Lord over your forehead and you will discern The Shepherd say, “come follow m. ” do not do that, it is the mark of the beast.
We cannot bow the knee to receive any beginnings of an imprinting of the mark of the beast because we want to do it our way or not study the scriptures with intent on knowing His laws we are to keep, knowing Him and His will for our lives, and be discerning and endued with The Power to carry it out.
We must stand and fight and lay down our lives. We must continue to stand against the works of darkness who want to shut our mouths. We must stand against not only antichrist infiltrating the church, and the homosexual agenda in the church. Incest and pedophilia and child marriage is their next agenda. Regardless of fulfillment of prophecy we are commanded to speak to our fellow brothers and sisters and warn them as His people perish because of lack of knowledge.
If we do not under the unction of The Spirit of God speak to whomever, we will answer to Jesus for not allowing His Spirit to work through us to open their eyes, to turn them from the power of Satan that they may become rescued from the dominion of darkness.
“To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.”
Acts 26:18 KJ
Satan’s power is to keep people in the dark, his weapon here is darkness, keeping those from seeing sin for what it actually is. People are told they are who they are, and they have freedom to be their own moral agent. Yet evil is more than human, they cause the pedophilia the incestuous acts. He blinds their minds and especially more easily those who God The Spirit is not working in. I cannot wait till this present evil age comes to an end and our human race freed from being vessels of the gods.
As an ex-homosexual now a child of Light, I have had my eyes open from homosexuality that seemed so natural, to the real truth that it has its roots in the kingdom of darkness.
I am convinced woe to me if I were to practice or marry a woman, I would forfeit eternal life and end up in outer darkness.
Satan’s spirits used that to keep me from seeing it as sin and from seeing I was in darkness, in captivity, and we know for many of us it brought forth much destruction to every aspect of our lives. Same for being a pedophile or a pederast or a person who has sexual relations with their bloodlines son/daughter/niece/nephew they are in captivity.
It is all part of the battle going on around us, and they do not realize they are casualties in this war. We as EX are understanding and empathetic to LGBTQ and those in the LGBTQ church even to pedophiles and incest perpetrators. We know and have seen, and we are those in the church who have been treated with such religious indignation. But they have no understanding of the battle that rages against them either. Let alone they are being used by their own religious spirits and are in captivity to error and heresy and selfrighteousness. This behavior only makes them want to stay in the gay community or go to the gay churches or not go to church.
Not to mention their negligence, inept strategies to conform those with same sex attraction or gender beliefs to righteousness in their conversion therapies. Any wonder they had closed them down and rightfully so. Any change has to come with free will and for how ever long it takes one to walk as a king and priest before Christ Jesus it will take. The strength of their attractions differ and as does their up bringing, personalities intelligence and so on.
We know sin makes one spiritually dead and iniquity separates from God, from The Light. Sin can build a huge wall of separation from Gods Light, so they do not see God’s face or His Truth, they do not and or cannot listen. The darkness rule(s) is to kill, steal and destroy lives, if only they knew that; we know they are slaves to sin and slaves of darkness (John 8:34; Romans 6:20). Sin not only has a claim to them but also Satan; both have dominion.
"... and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will." 2 Timothy 2:26
So as many as there are wrong and right ways, we have to witness to reveal truth against something that seems so natural to them including pedophiles and incest perpetrators, the battle has to be fought. We have to continue to pray, speak and continue to write and fight to keep our ministries open. Continue to fight on a Biblical basis for the Word has the final authority. We must overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the words of our testimony (Revelation12:11), we must know the Blood Covenant of The Lamb we are in as it shows us the instructions of righteousness.
Scripture carries Light, and life or death with penalties for sin, for living the ways of the kingdom of darkness. Satan’s kingdom spirits know that if they can trick people and tempt us to sin, they can keep us in the dark and we get Jesus penalty for playing in the dark.
Satan came from a religious realm and is the master of deception. He is giving false doctrine to the gay church, and his kingdom knows they can bring them so close to the Truth but to never be truly born again” (John 3:3-6).
It is written in Matthew 5:44 to love everyone even our enemies, we see Jesus He loved the Pharisees and wept over them. But He did not and was not going to bow down to the religious and legalistic and proud spirits that bound them to doctrines of demons/darkness, or was He going to hold their hands and join in with their sinful ways.